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Wild Magic Spells V 1.2

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Reckless Dweomer

Evocation cantrip
Casting time: 1 action
Range: special
Components: V,S
Duration: Special

This is a Wild Magic Spell, which can only be chosen or cast by a spell caster of the Wild Magic arcane
tradition or sorcerer Wild Magic bloodline.
This spell is the wild mage's ultimate last-resort spell. When cast, the mage attempts a rapid weaving of the
pattern which releases a sudden flood of wild magical energy in the hope of seizing and shaping that energy
into a desired spell effect. Which... is HIGHLY unlikely, but something almost always occurs in the process.

Before casting the spell, the mage announces the spell effect they are trying to create. The mage must be able
to cast the spell (i.e., have it in their spell book or be part of their known spells), be high enough to cast it, but
does not have the spell slots for the spell. After announcing the spell (along with the target and any other
conditions required by the spell), the wild mage casts reckless dweomer. A burst of magical energy is
released, which the wild mage tries to manipulate into the desired form. The actual effect of the spell is rolled
randomly on Wild Surge Results. Because the release of energy is planned by the mage. If the result indicates
success, the mage has shaped the magical energy into the desired effect. If not, then the wild surge is
released - The result may be beneficial to the mage (cure wounds on themselves) or it may be completely
disastrous (The mage explodes); this is the risk the mage takes in casting reckless dweomer. The higher spell
slot level the spell being attempted, the more likely the resulting failure; Modify the results by reducing the
resulting roll by (5 times the spell slot level used).

You should use the following Wild Surge result table.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 1 or higher when you generate a wild surge
you may add (5 times the spell slot level used) to the wild surge result.

WILD Surge Results

(d100) Result
1 You explode, dealing (your level)d6 damage to every thing within 30ft of you (You immediately go
to 0 HP), death saves are at disadvantage)
2 You instead create an explosion around yourself It functions like fireball except you’re a target too
and damage is 4d4 piercing and 4d4 slashing damage*
3 You cast Fireball 3rd level spell slot centered on you (you save at disadvantage)
4 Caster loses (their level)d4 maximum hit points until long rest
5 All of your spell slots are instantly spent for the day
6 half of total party wealth vanishes for 1d12 days
7 Magic User loses the ability to cast or even use magical items for 2d4 days)
8 Heat Metal is cast upon your metal objects - last for (your level) rounds.
9 You cast Full Polymorph on yourself and turn into a random creature (or your DMs choosing).
The spell automatically remains Concentrated for the duration. It cannot be made permanent*
10 If your spell does damage, it will do the minimum. If the original spell has a saving throw, target
automatically succeeds. Your spell’s duration will be minimum
11 You are transported to the Astral Plane until the end of your next turn, after which time you return
to the space you previously occupied or the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied.
12 Roll on the table twice (no advantage possible on next roll)
13 Anti-Magic field centered on caster (wastes spell) for 1 round; dispels all magic centered on
caster, including own spells
14 You take 2d8 radiant damage and the ally closest to you regains hit points equal to the damage
you took.
15 Your spell fails, but the spell slot is not expended (if this applies); if it does not save vs your own
DC or become blinded and Deafened lasting until they successfully save at the beginning of each
of their turns.
16 Original spell targets caster instead.
17 Everyone in 30 ft hit with Inflict Wounds of the same spell slot level as the intended spell instead*
18 Caster held (as if failing against Hold Person spell), no spell is cast
19 You become allergic to magic items until dispel magic or lesser restore is cast upon you. Every
time you have a magic item on you, you itch everywhere and sneeze a lot. (Concentration every
time you cast a spell or lose spell.)
20 For the next minute, MUST move their maximum allowable walking distance away from their
current possition EACH TURN. If they would hit a wall, they take 1d6 bludgeoning damage and
stop. DC 10 Dex save to not fall prone. The path must be as straight as is possible (They cannot
move back and forth between two squares).
21 Target's clothes itch (-4 to initiative)
22 You are encumbered. You can only move half of your total speed for 1 minute.
23 You panic and try to flee! You must run away from your target
24 You are enraged! The next time your spell fails or your attack misses during the same encounter,
you must take a bonus action to attack the closest target to you.
25 The caster’s biological sex is changed
26 You are the target of a Charm Person spell. Failure = charmed by enemy creature.
27 You are the target of Bestow Curse spell.
28 Caster smells like a skunk for spell duration (stinking cloud)
29 You have become mute for the next minute.
30 You feel horribly dizzy; must roll concentrate to cast; roll Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.
Lasts 2 rounds.
31 Instead of words, colorful bubbles come out of your mouth when you try to speak for 1 round
32 Your hair falls out (But regrows after the next long rest)
33 roll a d10 your age changes (even increases, odd decreases)
34 Roll a d10 Your height changes by a number of inches equal to the roll (Even you grow, odd you
35 A bright light flashes. (wisdom save or become blinded for 1d6 turns.)
36 Original spell targets ally of the DM’s choosing
37 Spell target changes biological sex.
38 Target must save or become petrified
39 You suffer the same effect as your target
40 You cast Detect Thoughts on the target you chose. If you didn’t target a creature, you instead
take 1d6 psychic damage
41 For the next minute any flammable object you touch that isn't being worn or carried by a creature
catches fire.
42 You instead cast Goodberry
43 Grass grows on the ground in a 60-foot radius centered on the target. If grass is already there, it
grows to ten times its normal size and remains overgrown for 1 minute
44 A cloud of 600 oversized butterflies fills a 30-foot-radius centered on the target. The area
becomes heavily obscured. The butterflies remain for 10 minutes
45 Heavy rain falls in a 60-foot radius centered on the target. The area becomes lightly obscured.
The rain falls until the start of your next turn.
46 An animal appears in the unoccupied space nearest the target at the start of each of their rounds.
The animal isn’t under your control and acts as it normally would. Roll a d100 to determine which
animal appears. On a 01–25, a rhinoceros appears; on a 26–50, an elephant appears; and on a
51–100, a rat appears
47 Your spell turns into a burst of flowers. This does nothing.
48 A burst of colorful shimmering light extends from you in a 30-foot radius. You and each creature
in the area that can see must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become blinded
for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
effect on itself on a success.
49 Hold Person cast on everyone in 60 ft radius
50 You sound off a magical alarm, can be heard clearly for 60 ft., heard faintly another 60 ft.
51 You are immune to being intoxicated for 5d6 days
52 Leaves grow from the target. If you chose a point in space as the target, leaves sprout from the
creature nearest to that point. Unless they are picked off, the leaves turn brown and fall off after
24 hours.
53 Caster's limbs are invisible
54 All cloth on target crumbles to dust
55 All doors, windows, chests, and anything locked within 60 ft. of you instantly unlocks
56 The target’s skin turns bright blue for 1d10 days. If you chose a point in space, the creature
nearest to that point is affected.
57 Everyone randomly switches places with each other
58 Sparkling motes dance about the caster's head until dawn
59 The caster glows with a bright light (Creatures ending their turn within 5ft of you is blinded until
the end of its next turn.
60 You feel energetic and antsy (+4 to initiative)
61 You grow an eye in the middle of your forehead. For the next minute you can see as if with True
Seeing, but Charisma skills are disadvantages.
62 You shrink 1 size for 1 minute.
63 A Modron chosen and controlled by the DM appears in an unoccupied space.
64 You grow 1 size for 1 minute.
65 5d20 gold pieces materialize on your person
66 Random item/treasure created on target's person.
67 A stream of 1d4 × 10 gems, each worth 1 gp, shoots from your finger's tip in a line 30 feet long
and 5 feet wide. Each gem deals 1 bludgeoning damage, and the total damage of the gems is
divided equally among all creatures in the line.
68 You cast Bless on yourself instead (no concentration; lasts 1 minute).
69 You cast Sanctuary on yourself without spending a spell slot (last 1 minute).
70 The next creature to die will automatically be brought back to full hit points and lose all status
71 Target gains the benefits of Mirror Image.
72 You teleport to random place up to 60 ft away from your current position.
73 Target becomes prone. If there is not a target, the caster is immediately prone.
74 Target becomes in encumbered for 1 minute. Its movement is cut in half.
75 You create a temporary double of target instead; lasts until next round. Double will follow and
mimic same action. (if no target, you are the target).
76 You instead cast Sleep, centered on you.
77 A small black rain cloud forms over the target for 10 minute {Recharge 1,2} a bolt of lightning
strikes 2d4 Lightning damage.
78 Target must make a Wisdom save or fall madly in love with the caster. Creatures get a new save
every minute.
79 All creatures with 30ft of caster make a Constitution Save or start to hiccup for 1 hour.
80 Each creature with 30 ft of you takes 1d6 necrotic damage. You regain HP equal to the sum of
necrotic damage dealt
81 Everyone in 30 ft hit with Cure Wounds spell of the same slot.
82 1d4 local guardsmen emerge from nowhere and fight by your side for up to 5 turns.
83 Caster is transported to the Astral Plane until the end of their next turn, reappearing in the same
square or the nearest adjance one.
84 Your AC goes up by 2 for 1 minute, and become immune to Magic Missile.
85 Your maximum HP goes up by 1d10 for 1 minute.
86 All non-magical plant life within 10 feet withers. You regain one level 1d4 spell slots.
87 Your maximum HP goes up by 1d10 for 1 minute.
88 You cast True Polymorph on yourself and turn into a creature of your choosing. The spell
automatically acts as Concentrated. You keep this form until someone dispels its magic. You gain
the form’s stats and abilities.
89 You Polymorph randomly at the end of each round for 1 minute.
90 A random creature within 60 feet of you becomes poisoned for d4 hours.
91 A spectral shield hovers near you for the next minute, granting you a +2 bonus to AC and
immunity to Magic Missile.
92 All magic weapons within 60’ of the caster disappear for 1d4 rounds
93 You regain your caster level of spell slots.
94 Everyone in 20ft radius of you is Hasted for 1 minue.
95 If you die within the next minute, you immediately come back to life as if by Reincarnate spell
96 All creatures within 60’ Alter Self and appear as the caster.
97 Stack of books appear, throughout 30ft radius to the target (or caster if no target is present) they
open and begin to read themselves outloud, and loudly - verbal communication impossible (Treat
as if deafened condition) and the area is considered difficult terrain where the books are. This
lasts 1 minute. At the end of which the scroll remains offering this service again for a monthly
payment of 2 silver pieces.
98 The spell effect does go off, but if your spell does damage, it will do the minimum. If the original
spell has a saving throw, target automatically succeeds. Your spell’s duration will be minimum.
99 Your spell effect is normal.
100 Your spell creates the desired effect; and Choose one - Ythe spell slot is not expended (if this
applies); target automatically fails; Spell effectiveness (range, duration, area of effect, damage,
etc.) is doubled; pell’s duration will be maximum without concentration.

1st Level Spells

Caster's Guess
1st level divination
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 900 feet
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous

The spell provides a caster with an instant and highly accurate estimate of the number of persons
or objects in a group. The spell's area of effect is one group of a general class of objects. All
objects of the group must be within spell range and the group as a whole must be visible to the
caster. The caster need not see every individual in the group, merely the general limits of the
group's size and area. For example, a caster on a hill could look down on a forest and estimate
the number of trees in all or part of it. He could not get an estimate of the number of goblins
within the forest, however, since the group as a whole (the goblins) is concealed from sight.
The estimate generated is accurate to the largest factor of ten (rounded up). For
example, if Caster's guess were cast on a group of 439 horsemen, the estimate would be 400. If
there were 2,670 horsemen, the spell would estimate 3,000. If there were 37 horsemen, the
answer would be 40. Clearly, using the spell on small groups (especially those with fewer than
10 members) is pointless. Caster's guess can be used to quickly estimate the size of treasure
hoards and army units. It is particularly popular with moneylenders and generals.

1st level divination
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a small hand lens)
Duration: 1 round

Patternweave allows the caster to make sense of apparent chaos within a 10-foot square. The
caster can see such things as pottery shards reformed into a whole pot, shreds of paper formed
into a page, scattered parts as a working machine, or specific trails appearing out of overlapping
After casting the spell, the mage studies seemingly random elements--broken bits of
glass, shreds of paper, intermingled trails, etc. The items to be studied must be tangible--
coded flashing lights, garbled speech, or thoughts of any kind cannot be studied. The
wizard must study the random elements for one round, after which the DM secretly makes
an Intelligence saving throw for the caster. If the saving throw is failed, the spell fails.
However, if the saving throw is successful, the caster sees in his mind the pattern these
objects form. If the items studied are truly random, no information is gained.
After the caster has visualized the pattern, he can attempt to reassemble the parts into
their original form. This requires another Intelligence saving throw to determine whether the
mage remembers sufficient details to accomplish the task. The amount of time required and
the quality of restoration vary according to the complexity of the pattern.
Reassembling a shredded map may be easy; reassembling a broken clock is significantly
more difficult; rebuilding a shattered mosaic is extremely difficult. In any case, the caster
can make only a reasonable copy of the item. The caster can use this spell to restore
works of art, but they will be worth only a small percentage of their original value.

2nd Level Spells

Chaos Shield
2nd level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 reaction
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute

This spell imbues the wild mage with special protection against the effects of wild
surges. It protects only against wild surges caused by the caster's own spells, not from the
effects of another mage's wild surges. The spell must be cast before the results of the wild surge
is known.
When a wild surge affects a caster protected by chaos shield, he is allowed a Wisdom
saving throw. If the saving throw is successful, the effect of the surge on the caster is
negated. If the saving throw is failed, the caster is affected normally by the surge. The
spell does not protect against wild surges that might be caused by its own casting.
The chaos shield protects only the caster and does not negate the effects of a wild
surge for other characters who might be in the area of effect. The caster cannot
voluntarily cancel the protection once he has learned the nature of a wild surge; the chaos
shield protects from both good and harmful effects. Thus, if a wild surge resulted in a
heal spell for all characters within 10 feet of the caster, the protected caster might not
benefit, while all others in the radius would be healed.
The spell remains in effect until it negates a wild surge or the spell duration
Baneful Deflector
2nd level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a small prism, which the spell consumes)
Duration: 1 minute

This spell partially surrounds the recipient in a shimmering, hemispherical field of

force. The field is transparent and moves with the subject, forming a shell about one foot
away from his body. The shell serves as a shield against all forms of individually targeted
missile attacks (including magic missiles and other spells). The caster designates the
position of the shell (protecting the front, rear, side, or top of the recipient). The spell
does not protect against area effect spells or other attacks that strike several creatures at
Whenever an individual missile attack is directed at a protected creature, the baneful
deflector activates. Instead of striking the target creature, the missile's target is determined
randomly among all creatures within a 15-foot hemisphere of the protected creature, including
the protected creature. The missile then changes course toward its new target with normal
chances to hit. If the new target is beyond the range of the missile, no target is hit. If the
protected creature is struck, the spell immediately fails. If several people are protected by
baneful deflector, a missile will change course several times before reaching its target.

Nonsensical Nullifier
2nd level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (an egg, which the spell consumes)
Duration: Concentration, 1 minute

This spell scrambles the aura of the affected creature, giving random results to know
alignment, detect evil, and detect lie spells cast on that creature.
When a protected creature is the focus of one of these divinations, the information
gained is randomly determined. Thus, if know alignment is used against a chaotic evil
creature protected by the nonsensical nullifier, the response could be any alignment
combination. If two characters both use the same divination on the same target, two
random results are generated.
A new random result is generated each round; thus, continued observation of a
protected creature usually results in different answers. The table below should be used to
determine the random alignment.

D10 Roll Alignment

1 Lawful Good
2 Lawful Neutral
3 Lawful Evil
4 Neutral Good
5 Neutral
6 Neutral Evil
7 Chaotic Good
8 Chaotic Evil
9 Chaotic Neutral
10 No alignment

3rd Level Spells

Alternate Reality
3rd level alteration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a small, unmarked die)
Duration: Instantaneous

With this spell, the caster creates a small variation in probabilities. This variation lasts
only a moment, but creates alternate results for one recent event. When the spell is cast,
any one event attempted by the recipient during the previous round is recalculated,
essentially allowing (or forcing) the creature to make new die rolls.
Only events that begin and end in a single round can be affected. Only one die roll
can be rerolled. If the creature touched is a willing recipient, the player can choose which
roll (the original or the new roll) affects him, more than likely picking the most
successful. If the creature is unwilling, he must redo the action. The second result,
whatever its outcome, cannot be changed.
Typical uses of this spell include allowing a fighter to reroll an attack, forcing an
opponent to reroll a saving throw, or allowing a wizard to reroll the damage caused by a

3rd level alteration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet
Components: V, S, M (a small paintbrush and a pot of pitch)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

This spell allows a wizard to control natural fires by manipulating randomness and
adjusting probabilities to cause them to spread and take shape in any direction he desires.
Once cast, the wizard points at any fire within range. He can then cause that fire to move
in any direction desired within spell range, as long as the flames contact a solid surface
(the fire may not be raised in the air).
The caster must maintain concentration or the spell fails. The flames can be spread at
the rate of 50 square feet per turn. Thus, if a caster affects a campfire, he could create a
flaming line 1 foot wide and 50 feet long or fill a 5' 0 10' square in a single round.
The flames are not limited by a lack of burnable material and can be directed to
spread over water, snow, ice, and other nonflammable surfaces. The surface is not
harmed, but objects and creatures caught in the flames suffer damage as if they had
stepped into the original fire source. Thus, a character caught in flames created from a
candle will suffer only minor damage, while a character caught in a blaze that originated
from a huge bonfire will be severely burned.

Fool's Speech
3rd level alteration (ritual)
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a small whistle made of bone)
Duration: 8 hours

With this spell, the wizard empowers himself and others within 10 feet of his choosing with the
ability to speak a secret language incomprehensible to others. Creatures designated to
speak the language must be touching each other when the spell is cast.
Once cast, the characters can choose to speak normally or in their secret tongue. They
can speak and understand this mysterious language fluently.
Fool's speech is not recognizable as any known language, nor does it remotely sound
like any language. A comprehend languages or tongues spell will not translate it. It can
be understood by a character wearing a helm of comprehending languages and reading
magic, although the normal percentage chances apply.

4th Level Spells

There/Not There
4th level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet
Components: V, S, M (a small piece of cat fur sealed inside a small box)
Duration: 1 hour

This peculiar wild magic creates a random fluctuation in the probabilities of existence. The spell
can be cast only upon nonliving objects and can affect only materials within a 10'x10'x10' cube.
Objects in the area of effect either remain normal and visible or they disappear (50%
chance). The state of existence for any object is determined randomly and changes with
each viewing and viewer. Thus, a single object could appear and disappear several times
during the course of the spell. Furthermore, it might be "there" for one onlooker, but "not
there" for another.
For example, a wild mage would cast this spell on a doorway. The DM rolls percentile
dice and determines the door is "there" for the wizard. The caster's companion also looks at
the door. The DM rolls and determines that the door is "not there" for the companion.
The pair studies the door for several minutes, during which time the door does not change
(this counts as a single viewing for each character).
The caster and his companion then close their eyes. When they look at the door
again, new checks for each character reveal the door is "not there" for both characters.
The pair steps through the open archway and turns around to look at the door once again.
This time it is "not there" for the caster, but "there" for his companion. This random
changing continues throughout the duration of the spell.
Objects that are "there" are normal in all respects. Doors can be opened, chests can be
picked up and carried, and rocks can be used as barricades. Objects that are "not there"
are gone, although their absence does not cause ceilings to collapse or other damage. A
caster could walk through a "not there" wall without difficulty.
When two parties perceive a there/not there object differently, the object functions
for each party according to its own perceptions. For example, a caster hides behind a
rock that he sees as "there." His enemy, a fighter, perceives the rock as "not there" and
fires arrows at the caster. The caster would perceive the arrows as bouncing off the
rock, while the fighter would perceive the arrows as missing their target or falling short.
The fighter would be subject to a check before firing each arrow to determine whether
his perception changes (assume that the fighter must look away from the rock every time he
nocks an arrow; each time he takes aim, this counts as a new viewing).
After the spell is cast, any objects removed from the area of effect retain their
uncertain existence for the duration of the spell. Thus, a pair of heroes could pick up a
treasure chest, carry it down the hall, set it down, and discover it had vanished while their
backs were turned. Worse still, one might see the chest and the other not!

Arcane Unluck
4th level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a piece of a broken mirror)
Duration: 1 minute

With this spell, the wild mage creates a negative pattern in the random forces
surrounding one creature. The creature is allowed a Wisdom saving throw; if successful, the
spell fails. If the saving throw is failed, random chance falls into an unlucky pattern. Any
action involving random chance (i.e., any time a die roll affects the character) performed
by the victim causes disadvantage on all rolls for the duration of the spell.
A luckstone or similar magical device will negate unluck. Doing so, however,
prevents the magical item from functioning for the duration of the spell.

5th Level Spells

Wild Vortex
5th level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a silk streamer and a handful of straw)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

A wild vortex is a swirling mass of magical energy, barely controllable by the caster. On the
round of casting, a small sparkle of lights fills the air at the desired position. On the second
round, a 5’-wide, 7'-tall, multicolored tornado appears. From this moment on, the caster must
maintain concentration in order for the wild vortex to remain.
Each round as a bonus action, the caster can move the wild vortex up to 60 feet.
However, control of direction is not perfect. The caster has complete control over distance, but
can only suggest the desired direction. The caster has a 50% chance of moving the vortex in the
direction he desires; if the die roll indicates failure, the wild vortex moves according to the
scatter diagram for grenade-like missiles. Thus, the vortex usually moves in the general direction
desired, but on occasion, it may move to either side or directly toward the caster.
The wild vortex cannot pass through objects larger than its area of effect (it could move
through a sapling but not an ancient oak tree) and will be redirected by these, rebounding
along the general line of movement. For example, if cast in a narrow hallway, the vortex
might ricochet down the hall, bouncing from side to side.
The wild vortex is composed of raw magical energy. Nonmagical creatures struck by the
wild vortex suffers 8d4 points of force damage. Magical creatures and spellcasters suffer 8d6
points of force damage. Creatures struck are allowed a Dexterity saving throw to suffer only half
Each time a creature is struck, there is a 5% chance that the wild vortex will explode in a
wild surge. If the vortex causes a wild surge, the spell ends immediately.
At Higher Levels. When you east this spel1 using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the
damage increases by 1d4 for nonmagical creatures or 1d6 for magical creatures and spellcasters
for each slot level above 5th.

5th level alteration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: S, M (a small, carved oar decorated with aquamarines worth 500 gp, which the
spell consumes)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

By means of this spell, the wild mage is able to shape and direct the patterns of water
currents, allowing him to mold liquids into a variety of forms. The spell affects a quantity
of liquid no larger than the a cube up to 120 feet on a side. If cast onto a larger body, such as an
ocean or large lake, the spell affects only the water within the area of effect.
After casting waveform, the mage can form the water into any desired shape. The
spell does not bind the liquid together in any fashion; it is still limited by its fluid
properties and gravity. Thus, a mage could not use waveform to create a humanoid
creature with arms and legs and direct it to walk across land. He could, however, create a
roughly human shape with flowing arms that rises out of the water, crashes forward in a
huge splash, then rises and repeats the process. Other possible shapes include gigantic
waves, geysers, whirlpools, and troughs.
The shape takes one round to form, after which it can be maintained by concentration.
The shape can be directed to move in any direction at the rate of 90 feet per round. If the
waveform moves into or through a body of water, the form loses no intensity. However, if
the wave is moved over dry ground, it loses one die of damage for every 10 feet crossed.
If propelled against a target, the waveform causes 8d4 points of bludgeoning damage to creatures
in its path. The waveform can be directed against creatures on the surface or underwater. Those
struck are allowed a Dexterity saving throw; success indicates half damage. If the victims are in
or on a body of water, the shape will sweep them along.
Creatures of small size are carried with the form, moving at its speed. Medium and large
size creatures are swept along at half the water's speed. Creatures larger than this resist
the movement. Those caught in the current can make a Strength check each round to
swim free of the current.
Boats and ships are particularly vulnerable to the waveform. The ship suffers damage as
described above if it overcomes its damage threshold.
Alternatively, this spell can be cast directly at a single water-based creature--a water
weird, water elemental, or other creature from the elemental plane of water. In this case,
the spell causes 8d6 points of bludgeoning damage; Dexterity save for half damage. The effect
is instantaneous and the spell ends immediately after the attack is made.
At Higher Levels. When you east this spel1 using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the
cube increases by 10 feet on a side and the damage increases by 1d6 for water-based creatures or
1d4 for all other creatures for each slot level above 5th.

6th Level Spells

6th level alteration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a small sponge)
Duration: Special

This spell cloaks the caster in a whirling band of scintillating colors, completely
concealing him. The caster is able to see normally within and outside the shield.
The wildshield protects the caster from the effects of spells and magical items. The
shield can completely absorb 2d6 spell levels (i.e., if the roll of 2d6 results in 10, the
shield could absorb ten 1st-level spells, two 5th-level spells, or any similar combination),
thereby negating their effects on the caster. Both area effect spells and those individually
targeted at the wild mage can be absorbed. In the case of area spells, the wildshield
protects only the mage. All others in the area of effect suffer normal effects from the
Wildshield also protects against wild surges, whether caused by the caster's magic or
by an outside source. Each wild surge is considered equal to 1d6 spell levels. The spell remains
in effect until it is either canceled by the caster or it reaches its spell level capacity. If the
capacity is met exactly, the wildshield simply ceases to function. However, if the wildshield is
struck by more spell levels than it can absorb, it explodes in a wild surge. The spell that
triggered the surge is completely negated, its energy instead transformed into a wild surge.
Since the shield no longer functions, the formerly protected caster is subject to full effects of this
wild surge.
6th level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet
Components: V, S, M (a small glass tube, which the spell consumes)
Duration: 1 minute

This spell is used primarily against hostile spellcasters. It distorts all attempts at spellcasting,
converting spell energy into wild surges. The victim of a wildstrike is allowed a Wisdom saving
throw; if successful, the spell has no effect. If the saving throw is failed, the target is enclosed
within a field of wild magic. If the victim casts spells or uses a charge from a magical item, a
wild surge is automatically created. When determining the effects of this surge, the true level of
the wild mage who cast the wildstrike is subtracted from the die roll, making the effects of the
wild surge more likely to affect the victim.

7th Level Spells

Caster's Surge Selector

7th level alteration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a brass spinner)
Duration: Special

By casting this spell, the wild mage gains greater control over wild surges. When the
caster's spell creates a wild surge, two separate results are determined. The caster can then
choose which of the two results will take effect. This spell can be used in conjunction with
reckless dweomer.
The spell's duration is a fixed number of surges or 12 hours, whichever comes first.
The wild mage is able to shape two wild surges. At the end of 12 hours, the spell expires,
regardless of the number of surges remaining.
At Higher Levels. When you east this spel1 using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, the
number of wild surges to shape increases by 1 for each slot level above 7th.

Spell Shape
7th level alteration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a diamond worth 2,000 gp, which the spell consumes)
Duration: 1 minute

This spell gives the wild mage the ability to seize magical energy directed at him and
reshape it as he desires. While it is in effect, the spell gives no visible sign of its
existence. It offers no protection against area effect spells.
If a wild mage is the target of a spell or magical item, this spell automatically allows
him a Wisdom saving throw. If the saving throw is failed, the opponent's spell has normal
effects. If the saving throw is successful, the spell shape absorbs the magical energy of the
opponent's spell. The wild mage can then choose to let the energy dissipate or as a reaction, he
can instantly use it to cast a spell back at the opposing caster. The return spell must be of an
equal or lesser spell level than the original one and must be currently prepared or known by the
caster. The act of returning the spell does not cost the wild mage any of his spell slots. Spell
energy cannot be saved; if not used immediately, it dissipates.
For example, Hamos, a wild mage, is protected by a spell shape and is struck by a
finger of death (a 7th-level spell). He succeeds at his saving throw and is now able to cast
a spell of 7th level or lower. Hamos currently has cone of cold prepared. Since it is only
a 5th-level spell, he chooses to cast it back at his enemy. He makes his wild surge check (and
doesn't get a wild surge) and the cone of cold is sent hurtling back at his foe. Hamos still has his
original 5th level slots. The remaining two spell levels are lost, since they were not used in the
same round.
If a wild mage is struck by two spells at once, he may choose which spell to shape.
He suffers all effects of the remaining spell.

8th Level Spells

Caster's Random Dispatcher

8th level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet
Component: V
Duration: Instantaneous

With the utterance of a few words, this spell can hurl a creature to a random plane and
leave him there. The target, if unwilling, is allowed a Wisdom saving throw. If successful, the
spell fails. If unsuccessful, the victim and all items carried by him are sent to a random
plane. To determine the plane, roll on the table below.

1D100 Roll Plane

01-03 Abyss
04-06 Acheron
07-12 Alternate Prime Material Plane
13-17 Arcadia
18-23 Astral Plane
24-27 Beastlands (Happy Hunting Grounds)
28-30 Concordant Opposition
31-35 Elemental Plane (Roll 1d4: 1: Air, 2: Fire, 3: Earth, 4: Water)
36-38 Elysium
39-44 Ethereal Plane
45-47 Gehenna
48-50 Gladsheim
51-53 Hades
54-58 Limbo
59-61 Negative Material Plane
62-64 Negative Quasi-Plane (Roll 1d4: 1: Vacuum, 2: Ash, 3: Dust, 4: Salt)
65-67 Nine Hells
68-70 Nirvana
71-73 Olympus
74-76 Pandemonium
77-79 Para-Elemental Plane (Roll 1d4: 1: Smoke, 2: Magma, 3: Ooze, 4: Ice)
80-82 Positive Material Plane
83-85 Positive Quasi-Plane (Roll 1d4: 1: Lightning, 2: Radiance, 3: Minerals, 4: Steam)
86-91 Prime Material Plane*
92-94 Seven Heavens
95-97 Tarterus
98-100 Twin Paradises
* Characters sent to the Prime Material plane are teleported elsewhere in the same world.

The caster has no control over the destination of the target. The conditions at the
destination may kill the target (for example, arriving in the elemental plane of fire) or
merely make life difficult. This determination is left to the DM.

8th level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a multi-colored painted sheet of hammered silver worth 2,000 gp)
Duration: 1 hour

This powerful spell creates a disruption in magical forces similar to the conditions
found in wild magic regions (areas where the effects of magic have been permanently
altered). This spell has only a temporary effect, although the effects of wildzone could
possibly be rendered permanent.
The spell creates a wild magic region centered on the caster. The area of effect cannot
be shaped in any way; it is always a square 300 feet long on each side (90,000 square
Within the wildzone, wild magic reigns. Any spell cast in the area of effect is
automatically treated as a wild surge. Effects from magical items that expend charges are also
treated as wild surges when used in the area. Other magical items function normally.
Spells cast into the wildzone from outside the area of effect function normally, but
spells cannot be cast out of the area of effect without triggering a wild surge.
9th Level Spells

9th level abjuration
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 hour

This spell requires immense magical effort to cast, relegating it to the highest spell
level. Stabilize negates the effects of wild magic regions, allowing the caster and all
creatures in a 30-foot radius to cast spells and use magical items normally. The spell is
centered on the caster and follows his movements.
The caster's own spells never cause wild surges when cast within the duration of a
stabilize spell, nor do the effects of wild surges extend into the protected area. Furthermore, the
wild mage's spells function at his true level with no level variation. The spell affects wildstrike,
wildzone, and wildwind.

9th level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Component: V
Duration: Special

By means of this spell, the wild mage is able to channel raw magical energy through
himself, shaping it into any form or effect he desires. The energy is similar in many ways
to a wish spell, but has unique differences.
Wildfire allows the caster to create the effect of any wizard/sorcerer spell of 8th level or
lower. He need only have general knowledge of the spell and its effects; the spell does not need
to be known or in his own spellbooks. Any normal saving throws vs. the spell effects are made
at a disadvantage.
Wildfire can also be used in the creation of magical items. The energy created by the
spell may be used to generate effects that are not created by known spells.
Wildfire can also be used to create items out of nothing. The magical energy can be
shaped and hardened to form solid objects. These objects have a greenish, glowing tinge
and radiate magic. These objects are stronger than steel yet possess almost no weight.
They are immune to fire, cold, electricity, and all forms of magical attack except dispel
magic and wish spells. Even if they are subjected to these spells, a Wisdom saving throw is
When creating objects, the caster is limited only by his own skill and the dimensions
of the object. Items larger than a 10-foot-radius sphere cannot be fashioned. Creating the
object requires only one round, regardless of size. Thus, a wizard could make an impenetrable
dome or a small boat with this spell.
Objects made of wildfire are neither stable nor permanent. Since the object is made of
magic separated from the magical continuum, the material gradually deteriorates until the
magical bonds become too weak to hold the wildfire in the chosen form. This decay takes
1d6+4 hours.

9th level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 300 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 10 minutes

This spell is similar in effect to wildstrike and wildzone. When cast, a wall of faint,
multi-colored lights springs into existence at the point indicated by the caster. These
lights form a line 150 feet long. After the first round of the spell, the wizard can move the
wall of lights. Each round, the caster can move the wall in the same direction or as much
as 45 degrees to either side. Once the wall is set in motion, it cannot be stopped unless the
spell is cancelled or dispelled. The lights can move 60 feet per round.
The wildwind has two significant effects. First, all creatures struck by the magical
lights suffer 14d6 points of force damage. Second, any spellcaster struck while attempting to
cast a spell automatically triggers a wild surge. Magical items that expend charges that touch
the wall of lights automatically release one charge, also resulting in a wild surge.

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