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Deck of Many Things Rework

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Deck of Many Things Rework

By Henrio, Cherrycoke and Tador

Deck of Many Things Item 22

Rare Artifact Magical Transmutation

Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk -

These 22 cards of heavy vellum, usually stored in a box or a pouch, bear images or glyphs
depicting symbols of magical power. Looking at a card without activating it shows the card
face but has no magical effect. Once the deck is face down, the cards randomize themselves
—if you look at the top card multiple times, you may find it changes. Any card removed from
the deck goes missing after a few seconds, reappearing in the deck.

Activate [one-action] envision, Interact ; Effect You declare how many cards you will draw
facedown from the deck, then draw your first card. The card takes effect immediately. Any
further cards must be drawn within the next hour, and any card you don’t voluntarily draw
flits off the deck and affects you anyway. You can never activate the same deck of many
things again. Once a card is drawn, it produces its effect immediately and then disappears
back into the deck, which immediately shuffles itself. (The Dullard and Jester are exceptions,
as described in their entries below.) The effects of each card are as follows.

 Balance Your perspective completely shifts, putting you in opposition to your closest
allies. You either become a personal nemesis of the rest of the party, or become loyal
to an organization opposing them.
 Comet If you alone defeat the next medium or harder hostile enemy or enemies you
encounter, you gain a single wish, with the effects of a successful wish ritual.
 Donjon You're imprisoned by a 10th-level imprisonment ritual. This uses the prison
option, typically sequestering you in a distant part of the world. You also lose all your
items. Cease drawing cards.
 Dullard (curse) Immediately gain a cursed item chosen by the GM (the GM can
choose to give you a random cursed item). The item fuses with you, and the curse
can only be removed by a deity or the Fates card. You can then draw an additional
card, and the Dullard card then disappears forever.
 Euryale (curse) A medusa's image curses you with a permanent –1 status penalty to
all saving throws. This can be removed by only a deity or the Fates card.
 The Fates The Fates respin the fabric of reality to save you from any situation you
choose. This can reverse even a past event, and you can make the decision instantly
even if the event would slay you. This intervention saves only you, not anyone else
affected by the event. There's no limit on how long you can wait before using this
 Flames A fiend becomes filled with anger, jealousy, envy, or some other reason to
despise you. Its hatred for you doesn't cease until either it or you is dead. It attacks
you or otherwise attempts to foil you within 1d20 days. The GM determines the
specifics of the fiend.
 Fool The deck either disappears from you forever, or you must draw two more cards.
 Gem Gain treasure, gems and currency worth 15000 gp in total.
 Jester The card opens a rift in space-time, sucking in every creature within a 100-feet
radius. Flip a coin. On heads, travel 3d100 years into the future. On tails, travel 3d100
years into the past. All characters drawn into the vortex immediately level up, and
then the Jester card then disappears forever.
 Key Gain a magic weapon of 12th level or higher. The item is always at least one level
higher than you. The GM determines the item and what runes it has, if any.
 Knight An entourage of 1d6 knights, 1d8 courtiers and 1d12 servants arrive and
swear unfailing loyalty to you.
 Moon Roll 1d4 to determine how many wishes the card grants you, which also affects
the phase of the moon depicted on the card (1: crescent moon; 2: half moon; 3:
gibbous moon; 4: full moon). These wishes each take one action to speak and have
the effect of a wish spell.
 Rogue One NPC ally becomes filled with hatred and immediately turns against you
forever. The NPC might keep this hatred secret until an opportune moment.
 Ruin A nearby settlement with at least 10000 inhabitants suffers a terrible
catastrophe in the near future and is obliterated. Before the catastrophe occurs, a dire
omen informs the inhabitants as well as those nearby that you were responsible for
this event.
 Skull You must immediately battle a lesser death. If slain in the battle, you can never
be revived, except by a deity.
 Star Gain an ability boost you must use immediately on one ability score of your
 Sun Gain a class feat equal to your level or lower, and a beneficial permanent magic
item of your level or lower. You choose both the feat and magic item from any
common options you qualify for.
 Talons Flip a coin. On heads, all your magic items disappear permanently, except for
the deck and any artifact of higher level than the deck. On tails, you lose all your
nonmagical possessions, including any wealth and property.
 Throne You gain a permanent +4 status bonus to Diplomacy checks, and you now
own a small castle in any open area you wish. You must choose its location within 1
 Vizier Upon request, you can learn the solution to any one problem or the correct
answer to any one question, unless that information is obscured by a deity. This
doesn't necessarily give you the means to act on that solution. You have 1 year to
take the vizier's advice or lose its benefits.
 The Void Your mind becomes trapped forever. This card is fickle, but it often throws
the psyche into a prison in an object on a distant plane or planet. Wish or similarly
powerful magic can reveal your psyche's location, but it doesn't bring you back. Your
comatose body continues to function. Cease drawing cards.
This Pathfinder Second Edition content was created by Henro, Cherrycoke and Tador.
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