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SF Reworked Spells Playtest v4 PDF

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Cosmic Magic

A homebrew project by Henro

The future and past of magic often are one and the same; old spells are forgotten, and new
spells are discovered. Sometimes, an arcane word of power will remain buried for millennia
before it is once again uttered by a master wizard. However, there is potential for incredible
innovation even within this field. The seemingly endless sea of what casters have learned
since the beginning of time remains dwarfed by the truly infinite galaxy of what could be.

Pathfinder Second Edition brought with it many innovations and improvements I

greatly appreciate. However, it left a large amount of content behind it – both
Pathfinder 1E and Starfinder. This project aims to reunite any hopeful space-wizards
with their old tools.

This document contains 19 leveled spells and one ritual. When using these spells in a
Starfinder campaign, some of the uncommon spells should become common instead
as a spell like Heat Leech would be more widely used in futuristic setting. Rare spells
like Hologram Memory, or rituals like Terraform, should keep their rarity.

These are not one-to-one conversions. The goal is giving these spells a new life
within Pathfinder second edition, maintaining the “spirit” of the spells rather than
staying absolutely faithful to the source material. Some spells from Starfinder rely on
subsystems that do not exist within Pathfinder 2E, such as radiation, augmentations
or computers. These spells have all been omitted.

Even though the goal of this project is spells that are fully functional within the
second edition ruleset and keep a reasonable level of power compared to other spells
in second edition, I am only a single person. Some errors and imbalances are bound
to slip through the cracks. If you believe a spell is too strong, too weak or doesn’t
work as it should, feel free to provide feedback – if I get enough of it that I think
needs to be acted on I’m likely to update the document accordingly. If you want to
provide feedback or have any other questions about this project, feel free to leave a
comment on reddit or notify me on discord.
With all that out of the way, I hope these spells will come in handy in future games –
whether they’re sci-fi, or even remaining in the fantasy setting.
Cantrip Predict Foe

1st level Ectoplasmic Barrageh, Life Bubbleh

2nd level Embersteph, Hurl Forcedisku

3rd level Heat Leechh, Mind Thrustu, Slice Realityh

4th level Hologram Memory, Rewire Flesh, Viral Destruction

5th level Personal Gravity

6th level Ectoplasmic Eruptionh, Intellect Fortress

7th level Cosmic Eddyh

8th level Crush Skullh

9th level Star Stormh

10th level Gravitational Singularity

1st level Ectoplasmic Barrageh, Life Bubbleh

4th level Viral Destruction

6th level Ectoplasmic Eruptionh

Cantrip Predict Foe

1st level Life Bubbleh

2nd level Hurl Forcedisku

3rd level Mind Thrustu

4th level Hologram Memory

5th level Personal Gravity

6th level Intellect Fortress

10th level Gravitational Singularity

2nd level Embersteph

3rd level Heat Leechh, Slice Realityh

7th level Cosmic Eddyh

9th level Star Stormh
Predict Foe Cantrip 1

Traditions arcane, occult
Cast [one-action] verbal
Range 60 feet; Targets 1 creature
Duration until the start of your next turn

You reach into the target’s mind, extracting a sense of its immediate intentions. Once during
the duration you can use a reaction, which has the concentrate trait, when the target makes
an attack against you or one of your allies to warn that ally of the attack or to predict the
attack against yourself. When you do, you or that ally gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC
against the triggering attack, before the attack roll.

Ectoplasmic Barrage Spell 1

Uncommon Evocation
Traditions arcane, divine
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range 60 feet; Target up to 2 creatures
Saving Throw reflex

You fire bolts of psychic material, called ectoplasm, at the targets. Each target takes 1d8
bludgeoning damage and must attempt a reflex save. Due to the psychic nature of
ectoplasm, incorporeal creatures do not apply their resistances or immunities to damage
from this spell.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.

Success The target takes half damage.
Failure The target takes full damage.
Critical Failure The target takes double damage and falls prone.

Heightened (+1) Increase the damage by 1d8.

Life Bubble Spell 1

Uncommon Abjuration
Traditions arcane, divine, primal
Cast 1 minute (somatic, verbal)
Range 30 feet; Targets up to 5 creatures
Duration 1 hour

You surround the targets with a constant and movable 1-inch shell, providing air and
offering limited protection to hostile environments. The targets can breathe in areas without
air for the duration, and they gain a +2 circumstance bonus to saves against inhaled threats.
You can Dismiss the Spell.

Heightened (4th) The targets also treat environmental heat and cold effects as though they
were one step less severe. (incredible cold and heat becomes extreme, extreme becomes
severe, and so on).
Heightened (7th) The targets are immune to environmental heat and cold effects and is
immune to all inhaled threats from sources of a lower level than the spell.

Emberstep Spell 2

Evocation Fire
Traditions arcane, primal
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Duration 1 minute

Your legs become infused with dangerous matter from the plane of fire. Whenever you make
a move action, you leave a trail of fire in every square you move though other than the one
you end your movement in, which remains until the start of your next turn. Any creature
other than you who enters a square covered in this trail takes 1d4 persistent fire damage.
You can Dismiss the Spell. When you dismiss the spell while you have created a trail of fire
with this spell, it remains for the rest of the duration rather than disappearing at the start of
your next turn.

Heightened (+1) The persistent fire damage increases by 1.

Hurl Forcedisk Spell 2

Evocation Force
Traditions arcane, occult
Cast [one-action] to [three-actions] (somatic, verbal)
Range 30 feet; Targets up to 3 creatures
Saving Throw reflex; Duration until the start of your next turn

You create a spinning disk made of pure, shimmering force and hurl it at the target, dealing
2d6 force damage. For each additional action you use when Casting the Spell, the disk can
ricochet to an additional target after the first, to a maximum of three targets for 3 actions.
Each additional target must be within 30 feet of the last one, and you can’t target the same
creature twice. After the disk hits the last target, it returns to you, allowing you to use it as a
shield. This counts as having used the Raise a Shield action, giving you a +1 circumstance
bonus to AC until the start of your next turn, though you can’t use this shield to shield block.
Each target must attempt a reflex save.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.

Success The creature takes half damage.
Failure The creature takes full damage.
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage.

Heightened (+1) Increase the damage by 1d6.

Heat Leech Spell 3

Uncommon Cold Evocation Fire

Traditions arcane, primal
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Area 30-foot cone
Saving Throw basic fortitude

You drain the heat from all creatures in the area, dealing 5d6 cold damage. If you are
holding a used battery, power cell, or similar object capable of storing energy, you can store
the gathered heat inside of that object. If you cast a spell which deals fire damage while
holding that object within the next minute, the heat is released, and the spell deals an
additional 2d4 fire damage.

Heightened (+1) Increase the cold damage by 2d6 and the additional fire damage by 1d4.
Mind Thrust Spell 3

Uncommon Evocation Mental

Traditions arcane, occult
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature
Saving Throw will

You reach out with your mind and directly damage a creature’s psyche, at the risk of
receiving backlash yourself. The target takes 5d6 mental damage and must attempt a will
save. A creature reduced to 0 hp becomes comatose rather than dying, becoming
permanently unconscious and unable to wake up normally. Each day, it can attempt a new
fortitude save against your spell DC to wake up.

Critical Success The target overpowers you mentally, causing backlash. The target can
choose whether to take no damage, or have both you and the target take half damage.
Regardless of what the target choses, you are sickened 1.
Success The target takes half damage.
Failure The target takes full damage and is sickened 1.
Critical Failure The target takes double damage and is sickened 2.

Heightened (+1) Increase the damage by 2d6.

Slice Reality Spell 3

Traditions arcane, primal
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range 30 feet; Area 15-foot line
Saving Throw basic fortitude

You expose creatures in the area to churning entropy which turns parts of their body sickly
and black, dealing 3d6 negative damage. The spell’s area can originate from any point within
the range. Up to one creature in the area, chosen when you Cast the Spell, is exposed to a
particularly devastating part of the slice. That creature takes an additional 2d6 negative
damage, and is also enfeebled 1 for 10 minutes on a failure.

Heightened (+1) Increase the negative damage by 1d6. The creature chosen by you takes
an additional 1d6 negative damage.
Prescience Spell 3

Divination Prediction
Traditions arcane, occult
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature
Saving Throw will; Duration 1 minute

You peer into the future of multiple realities, collating and perceiving actions the target is
likely to take. Whenever the target takes an action during the duration, you are aware of
whether that action is a melee attack, ranged attack, spell, move action or some other type
of action before the action resolves. When the target takes an action or activity during the
duration, you can use a reaction to twist fate, choosing one of the following effects.

• You trip the target during its movement. If the triggering action is a move action, the
target falls prone at the end of that movement.

• You cause the target to fumble with their weapon. If the triggering action is a
weapon attack, the creature takes a -3 status penalty to its attack roll during that

• You cause the target to overextend their attack. If the triggering action was a melee
attack, that attack triggers reactions as though that action had the manipulate and
move trait, and the target becomes flat-footed until the start of its next turn.

• You interfere with the target’s aim. If the triggering action targets another creature
with an attack, spell, or other effect, the target of that effect becomes concealed
during the action.

You can only choose each effect once during the duration. The target must attempt a will

Critical Success The target is unaffected.

Success You can use a reaction to twist fate against the target 1 time during the duration.
Failure You can use a reaction to twist fate against the target 3 times during the duration.
Critical Failure You can use a reaction to twist fate against the target 5 times during the
duration. You may choose each effect twice during the duration rather than once.

Heightened (7th) You can target up to 10 creatures. Twisting fate is a free action rather
than a reaction.
Hologram Memory Spell 4

Rare Divination
Traditions arcane, occult
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range touch; Targets 1 willing creature or 1 corpse
Duration 1 minute

You reach into the target’s mind, extract a specific memory, and project that memory into a
small hologram that plays in front of you and is visible to all creatures who can see it. The
hologram plays out one minute of consecutive memory from the target’s point of view,
starting at a point in time specified by the caster. The starting point can be any point in time
up to a week in the past if the creature is alive, or up to one week before the creature died if
it is dead. If anyone has previously cast this spell on the target in the last week, the spell
automatically fails.

While the hologram is playing, it uses both visual and auditory components as appropriate,
and can be seen and heard by anyone near the target. While the hologram is playing, you
can dismiss the spell.

Rewire Flesh Spell 4

Uncommon Transmutation
Traditions arcane
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range touch; Targets 1 creature
Saving Throw fortitude

You touch the target to deliver the deadly metalflesh virus, which rewrites the target’s DNA
until many of their biological functions mimic the cold and rigid processes of a robot,
harming the target as their organs transform and rearrange. While a creature suffers from
metalflesh at stage 2 or higher, its body becomes visibly more robotic; its voice is tinny and
halting, its movements are jerky, and its face is unmoving and emotionless. The target must
attempt a fortitude save.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.

Success The target is afflicted with metalflesh at stage 1.
Failure The target is afflicted with metalflesh at stage 2.
Critical Failure The target is afflicted with metalflesh at stage 3.

Metalflesh (disease); Level 7. Maximum Duration 1 minute; Stage 1 2d6 slashing damage
(1 round); Stage 2 3d6 slashing damage, clumsy 1 and a -10 status penalty to all speeds (1
round); Stage 3 3d6 slashing damage, clumsy 2 and a -15 status penalty to all speeds (1
round); Stage 4 3d6 slashing damage, clumsy 2 and immobilized (1 round).
Viral Destruction Spell 4

Traditions arcane, divine
Cast [reaction] verbal; Trigger a creature within range is reduced to 0 hit points
Range 60 feet; Targets the triggering creature

You create a virus in the body of a creature just as it falls unconscious or dies, temporarily
taking control of it. You move the target up to the speed it would normally have while alive,
then the target makes a single strike with its most powerful weapon or unarmed attack, as
determined by the GM, using your spell attack modifier for the attack roll. After this, the
target dies or falls unconscious as normal. The target does not drop any items it was holding
as it was reduced to 0 hit points until the spell ends. If the target reduces a creature to 0 hit
points with its attack, that creature also becomes affected by viral destruction.

Personal Gravity Spell 5

Uncommon Transmutation
Traditions arcane, occult
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range 30 feet
Duration 1 hour

You alter gravity’s effects on you. When you cast this spell, choose a surface within range,
and then choose Normal, High, or Low gravity (Gamemastery Guide, page 136). For the
duration of the spell, you experience that type of gravity relative to the chosen surface. If you
are not standing on the surface you chose when you cast the spell, you fall towards that
surface. At DM discretion, the spell may fail if the surface is too irregular or unstable. You can
dismiss the spell.
Ectoplasmic Eruption Spell 6

Uncommon Evocation
Traditions arcane, divine
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range 120 feet; Area 30-foot burst
Saving Throw reflex

Swirling psychic matter, known as ectoplasm, erupts in the area. Creatures in the area take
8d8 bludgeoning damage, and must attempt a reflex save. Due to the psychic nature of
ectoplasm, incorporeal creatures do not apply their resistances or immunities to damage
from this spell.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.

Success The creature takes half damage.
Failure The creature takes full damage, and becomes covered in ectoplasm for 1 minute.
While it is covered in ectoplasm, it gains weakness 5 to positive damage and can be
damaged by positive damage even if it’s alive.
Critical Failure As success, but the creature takes double damage.

Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d8.

Intellect Fortress Spell 6

Uncommon Abjuration
Traditions arcane, occult
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Area 30-foot emanation
Duration 1 minute

When you or an ally within range is subjected to effects that alter their mental state while
this spell is active, you disrupt it with the power of pure logic. Allied creatures gain resistance
15 to mental damage while in the area, and get a degree of success one better than they roll
on saving throws against emotion and fear effects.
Cosmic Eddy Spell 7

Traditions arcane, primal
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range 120 feet; Area 25-foot burst
Saving Throw reflex; Duration 1 minute

You pull dormant mystical energy from the land and objects around you and use it to create
a swirling eddy that batters your foes and can hinder their movement, dealing 7d8
bludgeoning damage. Each creature in the area must attempt a reflex save. The area is
greater difficult terrain for the duration of the spell.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.

Success The creature takes half damage and is pushed up to 5 feet in the direction of your
Failure The creature takes full damage and is pushed up to 15 feet in the direction of your
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is pushed up to 30 feet in the
direction of your choice.

Heightened (+1) Increase the damage by 1d8.

Crush Skull Spell 8

Death Evocation
Traditions arcane
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range 120 feet; Targets 1 creature
Saving Throw fortitude

You concentrate telekinetic forces around the target’s head, and attempt to crush it. The
target takes 10d12 bludgeoning damage and must attempt a fortitude save. Creatures
without an anatomical head are immune to this spell.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.

Success The target takes half damage and is stupefied 1 for 1 round.
Failure The target takes full damage and is stupefied 2 for 1 minute.
Critical Failure The target must attempt a fortitude save. If it succeeds, it takes double
damage, is stupefied 3 permanently and is also confused during its next turn unless it
critically succeeded. If it fails, it is reduced to 0 hit points and dies.

Heightened (+1) Increase the damage by 2d12.

Star Storm Spell 9

Electricity Evocation Fire

Traditions arcane, primal
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range 90 feet; Area 3 30-foot bursts
Saving Throw basic reflex; Duration sustained up to 1 minute

Stellar plasma rains down in the area, exploding in three brilliant blasts. Each blast of plasma
deals 7d6 electricity and 7d6 fire damage to any creatures within the 30-foot burst. A
creature takes the same amount of damage no matter how many overlapping blasts it's
caught in. The saving throw applies to both the electricity and the fire damage. The next
round, the first time you Sustain the Spell, you can call down two additional blasts of plasma,
and on subsequent rounds, the first time you Sustain this Spell each round, you can call
down a single additional blast of plasma.

Heightened (+1) Increase the electricity damage by 2d6 and the fire damage by 2d6.

Gravitational Singularity Spell 10

Traditions arcane, occult
Cast [three-actions] material, verbal, somatic
Range 90 feet; Area 60-foot burst
Saving Throw reflex; Duration 1 minute

You call into being a tiny particle of mass with infinite density in the center of the area. None
of the area’s four center squares can be occupied by a creature when you Cast the Spell.
Squares in the area are difficult terrain, though creatures moving directly towards the center
of the area ignore this difficult terrain and gain a +15 circumstance bonus to their speeds
during their movement. Unattended objects are automatically pulled into the singularity, and
creatures who enter or start their turn in the area must attempt a reflex save.

A creature near the center of the area may become sucked into the singularity. A creature
sucked into the singularity takes 20d10 bludgeoning damage and becomes immobilized for
the duration, and can’t take any other actions than to Escape the singularity as long as it
remains within it. If a creature escapes, it appears in a square of its choice within 15 feet of
the singularity. At the end of the duration, object inside the singularity is reduced to
nothingness and each creature inside the singularity dies without leaving a body behind.

Critical Success The creature is pulled 10 feet towards the center of the area.
Success The creature is pulled 15 feet towards the center of the area. If it is then within 10
feet of the singularity, it falls prone as it holds onto anything it can find to avoid being
sucked into the singularity.
Failure The creature is pulled 20 feet towards the center of the area. If it is then within 10
feet of the singularity, it is sucked into the singularity.
Critical Failure The creature is pulled 40 feet towards the center of the area. If it is then
within 10 feet of the singularity, it is sucked into the singularity.
Terraform Ritual 8

Uncommon Transmutation
Cast 1 day; Cost Advanced terraforming equipment worth 700 gp; Secondary casters 2
Primary Check Nature (master); Secondary Check Survival, Crafting
Area 2-mile-radius circle centered on you

You alter the area’s terrain and climate to a new terrain and climate type appropriate to the
planet or plane. For example, you might transform a desert into plains, or a hill into a

Critical Success The area’s climate and terrain is altered for at least 1 month. At GM
discretion, if the changes are sustainable, they may persist indefinitely.
Success The area’s climate and terrain is altered for at least 1 week. If the ritual is cast a
second time during the week and succeeds, the changes persist indefinitely if they are
Failure The area’s climate and terrain is altered for at least 1 day, but do not persist for
longer than that.
Critical Failure The area’s climate and terrain is altered is some unpredictable way,
determined by the GM but generally as contradictory to your true desires as possible (for
instance, a desert when you would have preferred an oasis). The changes persist for 1 week,
and may permanently harm the area’s environment at GM discretion.
These custom-created Pathfinder Second Edition spells are adaptions of already existing
Starfinder spells, and were created by Henro. Special thanks to anyone who provided
assistance and feedback during the creation process, and Starfinder players who provided
ideas for good spells to convert.
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