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Name : Eka Perbangkara Suta

Speech Theme : The Role of Islamic Students in Developing Indonesia

Your excellencies the committees, the honorable judges, dear my friends who
participate in this speech contest, my loving brothers and sisters.

‫السالم عليكم ورحمة هّللا وبركاته‬

First of all, let's thank our God, Allah SWT, who has given us mercies and
blessings. Secondly, shalawat and salaam be given to our prophet Muhammad
SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness, from Jahiliyah to
Islamiyah religion, and his family, friends and followers until the end of the time.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am Eka Perbangkara Suta, standing here before
you all to deliver my speech. I hope you all are feeling as amazing as I am right
now. To be honest, I am a little nervous, but it’s okay because now I am here not
to tell you what I am feeling. Instead, I will tell you about The Role of Islamic
Students in Developing Indonesia.
Happy Audience, what comes to your mind when you hear the word
Islamic school or we can also call it pesantren? Some may think that it is a very
good educational institution, but there are also those who think badly about
pesantren. FYI, I am an Islamic student or santri. Before I became a santri, many
people said that if I went to an Islamic school, I would be malnourished, I would
be outdated, and I would even be exposed to radicalism and be claimed as a
terrorist. But after I became a santri, I thank Allah SWT very much because here
in pesantren, I was learned how to be a good Muslim, learned how to behave
politely, avoid bad things and sins, learned how to treat other people with
kindness, respect, compassion, fairness, and humility, just like the behavior of
Rasulullah and i was learned how to be a future leader of the country. This shows
that the santri are really taught to be agents of change who can bring this country
to its glory based on Islamic values.
Brothers and sisters, we know that the country with the largest Muslim
population is Indonesia. It is said that the Muslim population is about 87 percent
of the total population of Indonesia which is 281 million people. This huge
number should be able to make this country become a great Islamic country. But
unfortunately, we can see the facts that are happening now. On social media, we
often see videos of people wearing inappropriate clothes and dancing
inappropriately. We also often hear the news about some teenagers consuming
drugs. And did you see the news about students in Ponorogo? Yeah, hundreds of
junior and senior high school students in Ponorogo submitted marriage
dispensation. And do you know why? According to CNN Indonesia, most of them
were pregnant before marriage. Teenagers doing free sex is very common right
now. It's ironic and very sad, isn't it? How could something like that happen to our
generation? And as islamic students what can we do to develop this country?
Ladies and gentlemen, here are some ways that we can do as islamic
students. First, implement all the teachings that we have learned in the islamic
schools in every aspect of life. Teach the citizens about islam and show them the
attitude of Rasulullah SAW since he is the best man ever created. Through this
way people understand that Islam is bring happines, peace and mercy and not
violence nor war.
Secondly, after we have understood islam perfectly and we have showed
to the people how islam teaches us to live in the right way, we have to go to the
next level which is leading people to the right way. We have to be the leader in
every aspect of life, especially the leader of this country. Because only through
this way, we can make this beloved nation to be a great islamic civilization.
Happy audience, remember! nothing will change until someone changes
something. As what Allah SWT stated in the Quran:

‫إَّن ٱَهَّلل اَل ُيَغ ِّيُر َم ا ِبَقْو ٍم َح َّتٰى ُيَغِّيُرو۟ا َم ا ِبَأنُفِس ِهْم‬
which means: “Verily, Allah does not change the condition of a people until they
change the condition of themselves” QS. Ar-Ra’du verse 11
Brothers and sisters, without Imam Bondjol, nobody, i really mean nobody
will stand against dutch policies. Without Bung Tomo Indonesia will never get the
spirit and bravery to fight against the dutch, without Jendral Soedirman Indonesia
will never be able to wipe the dutch out of this country and without islamic
students, the islamic youth, Indonesia will never be the Indonesia that we know
today. This country is a responsibility given by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that we
must protect it. Therefore, we as Islamic students play a big role in the success of
this mission. Don't wait for Indonesia because Indonesia is waiting for you. Thank
you very much.

‫والسالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته‬

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