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Arin's Speech

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Honorable the committee of the competition

Respectable the juries of the competition

My loving audience.
Ladies and gentlemen
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Ladies and gentlemen,

First of all, to begin my speech in this livable opportunity, let praise and worship to Allah who
gives us strength, health and blessing and also have made young men and women as State
Second, I would like to invite you to always damp our lip by submitting blessing and peace of
Allah be upon the great prophet Muhammad SAW, his family and his followers till the end of the
day. Let say Allahumma Sholli‘ala Sayyidina Muhammad.

Ladies and gentlemen,

How are you, audience? Hopefully, all we are usually blessed by Allah in our body and soul.
In this occasion I would like to deliver a speech, in titled “Young Generation as Hungering
Before continuing my speech, I have a question for you, who knows Ashabul Kahfi? Anyone
knows them?
Well, Ashabul Khahfi is a group of young men which chased after by a cruel and infidel King
to be forced to enter his religion. But then, all of the young men do not want to. They were
heading towards to Allah and did not want to be forced to become infidel. Finally, they were all
hunted. They even run away to a mouth of a cave. They come into him. Finally, they were saved
by Allah from the chase of the infidel King’s infantry. Because of fatigue, they even also fell
dead asleep. Amazingly, they had fallen asleep during more or less 300 years. So, they had lived
for hundreds of years. Subhanallah! What a Great of Allah.

Ladies and gentlemen,

From the brief story above, we can infer that Ashabul Kahfi have a firm belief in Allah.
Therefore, in my opinion, our country will be a strong and glorious if the young generation has a
very firm belief in Allah, too.
Almost people say that young generation is a nation hope. Young men or women are as a
router walk of leadership estafette of the future. Young men or women also have a role as the
State backbone. But, right now, we still have a big question. Can we, as a young generation,
fulfill our parents’ hope and expectation? Are we able to be a reliable young man or woman for
the future? Do we have abilities to replace our leaders?
What preparations do we have? It’s not enough being a lazy person, just playing play station
and forgetting the times of praying and studying.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Actually, there is a lot of things we should do to be a reliable young man or woman of the
future? What are they? Do you know what they are?
The way of being a reliable young man or young girl is as what Iman Syafi’i said some
hundreds years ago, he said:

It means “The life of young man or woman should be supplied with both knowledge and God-
fearing. If both of them are not belonged by him/her, his/her life will be meaningless.”

Based on the explanation above, we can conclude that there are two ways of being a reliable
young man or woman.
First, it is by improving our knowledge. Search knowledge anywhere and study anytime.
Don’t spend your time by playing and playing only. Prepare your life for the future. I’m exactly
sure if we spend our time by studying and studying, not only at school but also at home, we will
be reliable young men or women in the future. In other hand, if we are now inappreciative for
our time, we only spend all our time by doing useless activities, for example, playing play station
and watching TV for every time and we are also very lazy to study and do the homeworks given
by our teachers. I am sure, later, we will not be a useful person for our society, so we will be a
scum of the society. Na’udzubillah!!
Second, we should be diligent doing prayers and other religion services. Some scientists say
that a person in which his/her brain is merely supplied science only without executing religious
services to Allah, especially doing 5 times daily players, he/she will feel very deep emptiness in
his/her life. He/She also will be far and far from Allah SWT.
In conclusion, let’s be diligent in preparing our future, by spending our life time to do
meaningful activities. For example, studying and reading books. Besides, we should always do
some prayers and other religion services. Later, I believe we will be reliable generation expected
by Islamic community and others. Amin. Ya Robbal Alamin.

A proverb says “ The tomorrow young man or woman will be a leader”.

Ladies and gentlemen

Not much that I can say today, just a few of words above that I can deliver to you at this
moment, thanks a lot for your attention and I also ask forgiveness for my mistakes, and the last I
Wasalamualaikum wr. wb.

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