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Kohl'in Al-Deen The Flabby - From The Perfumed Garden-Erotic Poetry

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Divers Cures For A Tiny Willy
From the
The Perfumed Garden Of Sensual Delight
‫رطاخلا ةﻩزن يف رطاعلا ضورلا‬
(The Samarkand Manuscript)
Sheikh Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Umar
Qubla Al -Kuss

C Dean


Divers Cures For A Tiny Willy
From the
The Perfumed Garden Of Sensual Delight
‫رطاخلا ةﻩزن يف رطاعلا ضورلا‬
(The Samarkand Manuscript)
Sheikh Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Umar
Qubla Al -Kuss

C Dean
Gamahucher press West Geelong Geelong Victoria Australia


That a large cock matters all will say nay


All to a large cock will say yay

That a small willy matters all with say not yay


All to a small willy will say nay

A large cock to a woman the greatest pleasure afford

On this point all are in accord

A small willy makes a hot cunt bored

The joy of women centers in the large cock of men

The cunts of women long for a large mans cock toy

That a large cock matters all will say yay


All to a large cock will say not nay








Be it known oh Vizier Muhammad ibn Awina az-

Zuwawi (may Allah grant thee compassion) that a

womans greatest pleasure comes from a prodigious cock well

lodged in the cleft of her perfumed garden and mans

greatest pleasure lies in his member well placed in the

perfumed garden of a womans cunt listen then to this tale

of Kohl’in al-Deen the flabby12 on the divers cures for a

tiny willy

In Burtons translation from a French manuscript (The Perfumed Garden Panther 1976,p. 180) the French
term is El mourekhi ( the flabby one) The one who can never get in it is to soft and which is therefore
content to rub its head against the entrance to the vulva until it ejaculates It gives no pleasure to women but
only inflames her passion without being able to satisfy it and makes her cross and irritable
In Burtons translation from a French manuscript (The Perfumed Garden Pnther1976,p. 180) the French
term is El mourekhi ( the flabby one) The one who can never get in it is to soft and which is therefore

In his book “The delights of the barn yard cock or when the

cocks astray the hens will play” Abu Omar Muhammad

ibn Muhammad al-Deen notes that while in the bath

house Kaukab al-Sabah3 said to her companion al-

Ward fi’l-Akmam 4 that she heard from Shajarat al-

Durr5 that her slave girl al-Warda was told by the

dancing girl Yasmine a humorous tale ribald and rude

every word true that Kohl’in al-Deen the flabby possessed

a tiny willy of four finger breaths length6 erect and next

to some clits7 on the flop it did look silly like some wrinkly

content to rub its head against the entrance to the vulva until it ejaculates It gives no pleasure to women but
only inflames her passion without being able to satisfy it and makes her cross and irritable
Personage in the 963 night of “The Thousand and one nights”
Personage in the 371 night of “The Thousand and one nights”
Personage from the night 963 of “The Thousand and one nights”
This is about 4.5 inch in length erect As a comparison the average Englishman and Americans penis
length is about 5.5 to 6.5 with anything between 5 and 7 inches in length Burton (ibid) measured a negro
from Somalia at 6 inches on the flop Burton goes onto note that these imposing parts do not increase in
proportion to the erection consequently the fuck takes longer which adds greatly to the women’s pleasure
Burton notes that in his time Hindu Moslem men would not take their wife’s to Zanzibar on account of the
huge attraction the women had for the negro men ( ibid, p114) In Burtons translation from a French
manuscript (The Perfumed Garden Panther 1976 ibid, p.80-81) Al-Nafzawi points out that to please a
women the erection must be twelve fingers (9 inches) in length and breath Though there are men with ten
finger length (7.5 inches) and other with eight finger length ( 6 inches) Al- Nafzawi states that men with an
erect cock smaller than this cannt please women On these length Burton notes that Arab men are more
endowed than European men.
In some races the clit can be relatively large In hermaphrodites and those exhibiting trans-sexualization it
can measure 5 cm (about 2 inches) In the average British women it is about 1 cm in length A large clitoris
can create great sexual sensation and for this reason some races perform infibulation or female
circumcision or more commonly complete amputation or whole or part of the clitoris with stitching
together of the labia- a practice performed in the Nilotic Sudan

grub that from an apple quits or a sun shriveled bean the

vine atop Kohl’in al-Deen the flabby his willy a sight to

see was a delight to he of which he did play pull all

through the night plastering it with concoctions creams

and potions hoping to make it mighty taut up right 8

All round his room spread pots pans kettles bowls and cans

full of remedies to remedy his willys sorry plight On tables

shelves stools piled recipe books out of sight from close at

hand or distant far from Isfahan Egypt9 Hind10 China11

In the 1634 Chinese classic of erotica by LiYu “The Carnal Prayer Mat” (Wordsworth classics 1995, p.83
) has this to say on the futility of such methods There is a limit to what those ointments can do for you At
the most they can stretch your endurance a bit but they cannot be expected to stretch or stiffen your
implement If you apply a venal ointment to a naturally powerful instrument it is exactly as though a gifted
and well prepared candidate should take a ginseng stimulant before an examination He will feel doubly
fresh and alert and his dissertation will pour out of its own accord But his kind would have passed the
examination even without the help of the drug On the other hand a lover whose implement is feeble by
nature will no more be fortified by ointments than an ignorant and untalented candidate would be helped by
drugs-even if he consumes whole pounds of them before examination ….Besides you cannot put to much
importance on venial drugs there are all sorts frauds on the market
Curious ingredients are mentioned in the Egyptian magical book “The Leyden Papyrus An Egyptian
Magical book” (Dover Publications 1975 . pp,187.201) For instance this book says Dung of crocodile a
little placenta of she-ass together with sisymbrium seven oipi of antelopes dung the gall of a male goat and
first fruits of oil you heat them with stalks of flax You recite to it seven times for seven days you anoint
your phallus with it you lie with the women you anoint the breast of the women also

In “The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana” (R Burton George Allen Unwin1963, p.288 -289) There are recipes
for enlarging the cock When a man wishes to enlarge his lingam When a man wishes to enlarge his lingam,
he should rub it with the bristles of certain insects that live in trees, and then, after rubbing it for ten nights
with oils, he should again rub it with the bristles as before. By continuing to do this a swelling will be
gradually produced in the lingam, and he should then lie on a cot, and cause his lingam to hang down
through a hole in the cot. After this he should take away all the pain from the swelling by using cool
concoctions. The swelling, which is called "Suka," and is often brought about among the people of the
Dravida country, lasts for life.

Samarkand formulas arcane secrets of the Magi Pharoses

priests shaman Nubian witch some to soothe others to bring

pain Magic broths elixirs that froth Jars bottles full of

worms leeches things that suck bite and crawl marinated

in oils all oozy yuck jars glowing red- like like ruby light

bubbling bubbles pearl-like white in bright bottles

phosphorescent green as centipedes dissolved in the oily

liquidities five sorts of dung12 different shades of brown

of crocodile hyena smuone-goose icheneumon and antelope

If the lingam is rubbed with the following things, viz., the plant physalis flexuosa, the shavara-kandaka
plant, the jalasuka plant, the fruit of the egg plant, the butter of a she buffalo, the hastri-charma plant, and
the juice of the vajra-rasa plant, a swelling lasting for one month will be produced.

By rubbing it with oil boiled in the concoctions of the above things, the same effect will be produced, but
lasting for six months.

The enlargement of the lingam is also effected by rubbing it or moistening it with oil boiled on a moderate
fire along with the seeds of the pomegranet, and the cucumber, the juices of the valuka plant, the hasti-
charma plant, and the egg-plant.

In the 1634 Chinese classic of erotica by LiYu “The Carnal Prayer Mat” (Wordsworth classics 1995,
p.99) there is a formula to enlarge ones small cock First the member is first anesthetized with hashish so
that it can no longer distinguish hot or cold and becomes insensitive to all pain Then it is smoked with an
extract made of the disinfecting blossoms of the hsun plant rinsed in water then rolled for a time between
the fingers massaged and finally stretched. The smoking lends firmness and rinsing strengthens the rolling
and massaging makes it thicker the pulling longer After three days and nights of this treatment good results
may be observed The member is one third longer and thicker than it was The treatment is extremely
popular because it involves no danger or pain whatever
These curious ingredients are mentioned in the Egyptian magical book “The Leyden Papyrus An
Egyptian Magical book” (Dover Publications 1975 . pp,187.201) For instance this book says Dung of
crocodile a little placenta of she-ass together with sisymbrium seven oipi of antelopes dung the gall of a
male goat and first fruits of oil you heat them with stalks of flax You recite to it seven times for seven days
you anoint your phallus with it you lie with the women you anoint the breast of the women also

all did pong the gall of male goat she-ass placenta13 herbs

spices the room did reek to escape all the vermin did seek

Kohl’in al-Deen the flabby did stir and mix the creams

and pastes to his cock did fix as the texts and books did say

with haste

With tepid water rub thy cock prodigiously

The perfumed garden longs for thee

When hot and red anoint the tool with ginger and honey


Rub it well rub rub sedulously

Alas the goo arise his cock did not do Kohl’in al-Deen the

flabby his cock just flaccid and sticky did the flies away

shoo To the next parchment Kohl’in al-Deen the flabby

did see it say

ibid p.207.

To thy cock apply galanga14 musk and sweet lavender

The perfumed garden waits for thee

Mixed to a powder with honey anoint thy member

Vigorously rub a large brawny cock it will engender

Burtons translation from a French manuscript (The Perfumed Garden Panther 1976, p.239) The galanga
is an Indian root There are two kinds the galanga major the galanga minor Latin name: Alpinia galanga
Indian name: Kulanjan Useful in: It is used as an aromatic, a stimulant and carminative similar to ginger. It
has antibacterial properties. The drug is found throughout the Eastern Himalayas and in South West India.
Greater galanga Alpinia galanga, (also Languas galanga[1]) a plant in the ginger family,
is an herb used in cooking, especially in Indonesian cuisine and Thai cuisine. It is one of
four plants known as galangal, and is differentiated from the others with the common
name greater galangal (or simply Thai galangal). The galangals are also called blue
ginger or Thai ginger. n Manipuri, it is known as Kanghu. The rhizome is an
abortifacient. It has carminative, anti-tuberculosis and stimulant property. Ground
rhizome is also used in the treatment of skin infections like eczema, ringworm, etc. The
rhizome has been shown to have antimalarial activity in mice.[2]Under the names
Chewing John, Little John to Chew, and Court Case Root it is used in African-
American folk medicine and hoodoo folk magic.[3][Third-party source needed]Alpinia galanga
rhizome contains the flavonol galangin.[4]A. galanga is called Laos in Indonesian and is
the most common form of galangal used in cooking. It is also known as Langkwas and
galanga root. Lesser galangalAlpinia officinarum, known as lesser galangal, is a plant
in the ginger family. Lesser galangal is native to China, growing mainly on the southeast
coast. It is also grown in India which is the second largest exporter of the rhizome. The
rhizome was widely used in ancient and medieval Europe. The rhizome is smaller than
greater galangal. The skin and the flesh are reddish brown whereas greater galangal has
light yellow or white flesh. It was preferred to greater galangal because of its stronger,
sweeter taste with notes of cinnamon. Alpinia officinarum contains high concentrations of
the flavonol galangin,[1] which has been shown to slow the increase and growth of breast
tumor cells.[2][3]

Alas again Kohl’in al-Deen the flabby his cock large did

not gain only the flies to his cock again came To the text

next he did again seek what it had to say

In water the cock do wash till erect and red

The perfumed garden yearns for thee

In leather soft spread with pitch so hot the cock do bed

The member will large do grow and raise it redy head 15

Burton (ibid p. 242) notes this is a dangerous operation with dire results There is a more dangerous
operation mentioned In the 1634 Chinese classic of erotica by LiYu “The Carnal Prayer Mat”
(Wordsworth classics 1995, p.100) First a young bitch and young male dog must be procured for a time
they are penned up separately then brought together invariably they will mate before the act is completed
they must be separated by force A dogs member is a very hot-blooded affair once it has entered the bitch it
swells and stretches to several times it normal size it is so tightly wedged in that even after the flow he t
cannot pull it out for some time Just before the flow his member must be cut off with a knife then it is
carefully removed from the bitch and cut into four lengthwise strips The patients members now rubbed
with hashish and anesthetized Then four deep lengthwise slits are made and in each slit a strip of the still
swollen dogs member is inserted The four incisions then rubbed with a suitable ointment which soon heals
the wound In making the incisions and applying the grafts care must be taken not to injure the urethra for
the slightest injury can cause inflammation that will inhibit erection further on As long a the urethra is
unharmed there is no ground for concern After a month of bed rest the grafted strips of dogs member will
be merged and blended with the patients member like milk and water The result will be a new and
homogeneous member whose human and animal parts are indistinguishable but in future sexual dealings
the new member will have the nature and power of a hot-blooded dog member and will swell to several
times the thickness of the patients member

Poor Kohl’in al-Deen the flabby no prodigious cock did

gain but only a cock scorched with pain Undaunted to the

books he did go again

To a bottle with oil leeches do put that in water do live

The perfumed garden gapes for thee

To the sun expose to the heat it doth give

On thy cock the fluid do rub till the cock to size is massive

Oh Kohl’in al-Deen the flabby in such a plight became his

cock slimy and smelly but no size did gain To the books
again he did seek out mix that would make his cock large
to gain

In onions and corn boil one ass’s member

The perfumed garden cries out for thee

Feed the dish to fowls when tender

Eating the birds will thy cock to a large size render


Or in oil the ass’s cock macerate

The perfumed garden blooms for thee

With rub thy cock to invigorate

Or drink the potion to insalivate

Poor Kohl’in al-Deen the flabby his guts did turn and
vomit he did as his guts did churn all around his room spew

was strewn But to his texts he did turn for of a huge cock he

did yearn

Rub thy cock with wax and rosin mixed

The perfumed garden pouts for thee

With asphodel 16 tubipore 17 and cobblers glue 18 fixed

Burton (ibid, p.243) The asphodel (daffodil) is a plant with Lilaceous flowers coming from Italy There is
a yellow and white kind Observation in the autograph edition Baureouk signifies also borax and mitre
Asphodel any of various S European liliaceous plants of the genera Asphodelus and Asphodeline, having
clusters of white or yellow flowers also any of various other plants, such as the daffodil also in Classical
Myth & Legend) an unidentified flower of Greek legend, probably a narcissus, said to cover the Elysian
fields [from Latin asphodelus, from Greek asphodelos, of obscure origin] The daffodil bears reference to
the Asphodel, with which blossom of the ancient Greeks this is identical. It further owns the botanical name
of Narcissus (pseudo-narcissus) - by reason of the narcotic properties which the plant possesses, The plant
was said to have narcotic properties In the Middle Ages the roots of the Daffodil were called Cibi regis,
"food for a king,” they are highly stimulating to the kidneys When the flowers of the Daffodil are dried in
the sun, if a decoction of them is made, from fifteen to thirty grains will prove emetic like that of
Ipecacuanha. From five to six ounces of boiling water should be poured on this quantity of the dried
flowers, and should stand for twenty minutes. It will then serve most usefully for relieving the congestive
bronchial catarrh of children, being sweetened, and given one third at a time every ten or fifteen minutes
until it provokes vomiting. It is also beneficial in this way, but when given less often, for epidemic

Thy cock will grow large and be inpricked

Alas Kohl’in al-Deen the flabby was pissed off naught

but naught his cock neither large nor taut the leeches the

dung the dangers fraught all to naught Ah but Kohl’in

al-Deen the flabby had a thought perhaps to the bath

dysentery. The chemical principles of the Daffodil have not been investigated; but a yellow volatile oil of
disagreeable odour, and a brown colouring matter, have been got from the flowers. Arabians commended
this oil to be applied for curing baldness, and for stimulating the sexual organs. Herrick alludes in his
Hesperides to the Daffodil as death:

"When a Daffodil I see

Hanging down its head towards me,
Guess I may what I must be -
First I shall decline my head;
Secondly I shall be dead;
Lastly, safely buried."

Burton (ibid, p.243) notes the tubipore is a calcareous polypus composed of cylindrical tubes and
forming round masses often of great size in the sea Its medical properties are much doubted Observations
in the autograph edition This substance is called in certain texts deurn el akhouine and is according to the
book of the physician Abd er Rezeug the juice of a plant called chiane alias hef el aleum the juice goes also
by the name deun el tzabane We have ascertained that hel el aleum signifies also the sempervisum ( a name
given to a kind of house leel) and the literal translation of deum el tzahane is ‘dragons blood’ This is all the
information we could get Tubipore" was first used in popular English literature: sometime before 1828
Tubipore is any species of tuibpora The Organ pipe coral (Tubipora musica) is an alcyonarian coral
native to the waters of the Indian ocean and the central and western regions of the Pacific ocean It is the
only known species of the genus Tubipora. This species is a soft coral but with a unique, hard skeleton of
calcium carbonate that contains many organ pipe-like tubes.
ibid, p.243 The glue is used by the Mussulman cobblers to glue their leather is made of a single substance
the spleen of cattle or sheep which they call tihal

house to perv on hairless bald cunts would makes his willy

large and taut But first to the texts for recipes for foods to

eat some lusty repast to make his willy hot and all night

last to fuck and of virgins their cherry to pluck For fifty

days and nights first he ate onions without the whites for

the texts said his erection would last thirty nights Then

chick peas he swallowed down as the text did say eighty

virgin to deflower he would do and be gay Then that he

would not suspend his spoof camels milk in honey he drank

again and again The yolk of eggs he ate with no egg white

with asparagus boiled and fried in fat with egg yolks and

spices fine each day he ate oh sublime eggs boiled with

myrrh and cinnamon coarse and pepper hot on this he could

not stop After fifty days surfeited with this bulky lot

nothing but prick and ribs and bulging gut he set out for

the bath house randy and hot To the peep hole of Ali al-

kus Kohl’in al-Deen the flabby seated himself and into


the bath house did look To his sight he did spy Kaukab al-

Sabah and her companion al- Ward fi’l-Akmam and

Shajarat al-Durr and her slave girl al-Warda along with

me plus to his delight ten rose-like cunts of Baghdad all

sweet scented perfumed gardens with no hair in sight bald 19

like some babies bottoms delightful perfumed gardens from

many climes 20 Abyssinian one from the Hejaz Nubian

Slav ebony Negro European sensual Egyptian Chinese

Indian and a ravishing Persian Kohl’in al-Deen the

flabby did gawk and stare his eye did boggle as he perved

from his hidden lair

Moslem women shave the pubic hair not so much for sexual pleasure as for hygiene Crusaders returning
brought the practice with them to Europe where for time it was fashionable among the aristocracy Plucking
the pubic hair is painful but is largely favored by women notable Persian, It is claimed by Nafzawi that
plucking diminishes the libido where shaving with a razor will excite the libido Nafzawi notes that it was
the Quen of Sheba who first used depilatories . She had hairy legs and to please Solomon she removed the
hair by a depilatory created by the jinn after being informed by Solomon to help her remove it
Nafaawi claims that different cunt from different climes or climates had different powers of attraction
The Arabs inherited the “clime theory” from the Greeks where by there where seven climes or climates
outside which was northern countries and the countries south of the equator The seven climes where
regional belts parralle to the equator, There in these seven climes people where characterized by certain
physical characteristics and where subject to specific astral influences environmental determinism's origins
go back to antiquity, where it is first encountered in a fifth-century medical treatise ascribed to Hippocrates:
Airs, Waters, Places.[2] In Roman times it is, for example, found in the work of the Greek geographer
Strabo who wrote that climate influences the psychological disposition of different races. Some in ancient
China advanced a form of environmental determinism as found in the Works of Guan Zhong (Guanzi
管子), perhaps written in the 2nd century BCE. In the chapter "Water and Earth" (Shuidi 水地), we find
statements like "Now the water of [the state of] Qi is forceful, swift and twisting. Therefore its people are
greedy, uncouth, and warlike," and "The water of Chu is gentle, yielding, and pure. Therefore its people are
lighthearted, resolute, and sure of themselves." [3]

The Nubian and Negress spread their legs the coldest of

women long in gaining orgasms delights in bed

“The cunt” plump and round

The perfumed garden sweet for thee

Grand slit long lips hanging down

Odor pleasant warm and dry carmine-red middle none

better can be found

“The crested one” like the hen house cock

The perfumed garden weeps for thee

With a red comb21 well furnished to which all men flock

Which rises at climax time to meet the cock

This is Nafzawis metaphor for the clitoris

The hottest of them all the Slav and European girl did

squat and their cunts reveal

“The snubnose” with ruddy thin lips

The perfumed garden yearns for thee

In which thy tongue slips

Nympha small young tongues within the larger ones

hidden sleeps

“The beautiful” white plump dome vaulted

The perfumed garden smiles at thee

In form firm not deformed

The eyes captivated on it are ensnared

Kohl’in al-Deen the flabby his gut began to churn

As on these cunts he did yearn


The worst of them all the girls from China and India as

their climes change eight times the year round kneeled

down and Kohl’in al-Deen the flabby viewed their mound

“The vast one” cunt surrounded by pubis large and firm

The perfumed garden awaiting thee

Cunt large and firm to take thy sperm

To the cocks head touch it opens its randyness to affirm

“The two lipped” well developed cunt of a woman stout

The perfumed garden grows red for thee

Cunt lips long hanging about

Of her lust there is no doubt

Oh how did Kohl’in al-Deen the flabby guts did churn as

on those cunts his cock did burn


The Hejazi women the coldest and wettest of cunts did

with the Egyptian the most sensual whose cunt exerts the
most powerful pull lay on their sides to which Kohl’in al-
Deen the flabby eyes esspies

“The humpbacked” whose Venus mount is hard and


The perfumed garden grows impatient for thee

Like the camels hump round like a large tent

Betwixt the thighs reaching like a calfs head bent

“The long one” the cunt that from the pubis to anus


The perfumed garden is hungry for thee

Contracting when sitting when lying lengthening it


Like a cucumber twixt the thighs in ecstasy the senses


Kohl’in al-Deen the flabby the more he looked the more he

felt his guts cooked but with his eye he did see

The Persian girl from the Oxus like Indian women cold

layed down to display her mound as the girl from Iraq even

better than those of the fourth clime sat cross legged on the


“The fugitive” a cunt tight and short

The perfumed garden graves for thee

As to a virgins closed and taut

Fearful of the cock which to its door is brought

“The deep one” whose lips are always open to the cocks sight

The perfumed garden hungers for thee

Its bottom is so deep never reaches light

Only the biggest cock can fuck outright


Kohl’in al-Deen the flabby his guts boiling and churning

to all the cunts was yearning

Then Kohl’in al-Deen the flabby his guts boiling and

churning did spy Kaukab al-Sabah and her companion
al- Ward fi’l-Akmam and Shajarat al-Durr and her
slave girl al-Warda along with me

“The flabbiya” crescent moon shaped lips swing and …

Then Kohl’in al-Deen the flabby his guts boiling and

churning his guts full from fifty days stuffing did empty
his bowels he dropped his guts as his eye was bulging on the
cunts a yearning

Be it known oh Vizier Muhammad ibn Awina az-

Zuwawi (may Allah grant thee compassion) be
admonished never indulge in sex after a heavy meal as
thy intestine may rupture or thy heart may fail and
death entail

ISBN 1876347899

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