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ISSN (Online) 2581-9429

International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

Volume 2, Issue 1, May 2022

Impact Factor: 6.252

College Bus Tracking System

Ashish Sonar, Sanket Patil, Sushil Urkude, Swapnil Sandhan
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
MET’s Institute of Engineering, Nashik, India

Abstract: The modern world is driven by technological change day by day. Especially appropriate
technological changes improve modern business strategies. Various technologies have been developed in the
world to make people's lives easier and better day by day. Android is the latest and fastest technology
available to all users or users in today's market. A significant increase in user acceptance has been seen in
the last few years. The project is based on the latest GPS technology that allows the college management
team the best way to monitor college bus activity and schedule and provide real-time bus location for students
using the bus service. This paper proposes an Android mobile app that provides information about buses, bus
numbers and bus routes / bus-stops online. The proposed system is fully integrated with online bus tracking
systems using an android app. They can also view bus details as a bus schedule and arrive at the bus on time.
It is a real-time system as the current bus location is constantly updated with latitude and longitude is
obtained by the user at his request with the help of Google Map API.

Keywords: Bus Tracking, Mobile GPS, Google Maps, Android Studio

The mobile phone industry is one of the fastest and most flexible business sectors today. The need for effective and instant
communication remains a constant need. Cell phones are now equipped with navigation systems such as GPS or Global
Position Satellite to help travelers, tourists and sailors get the most accurate view of their current location.
In today's world, time is essence to students. Being a high-tech product, mobile phones are widely and increasingly used
famous. The vehicle tracking system is widely used for vehicle tracking application. Due to traffic congestion and road work,
most buses are delayed. People have to wait for their bus at the bus stop for a long time without knowing when the bus will
arrive. Thus, the timing of the bus arrival cannot be guaranteed.
GPS means it is handled to track real-time bus location and send information to the server which is why it was previously
used by the app to support their travel locations and features. The main purpose of this app is to track the bus location and
transfer it to users through the Android app on Google Maps. Therefore, this helps the user to prepare and save his/her time
properly in the morning and catch the college bus on time.


A vehicle tracking system is very useful for tracking the movement of a vehicle from any location at any time. These are
some of the technical literatures in engineering and technology where people have tried to implement similar kind of Systems
which are mentioned below with their shortcomings with respect to our application.
[1] Sridevi, K., Jeevitha, A., Kavitha, K., Sathya, K. and Narmada, K., 2017. Smart bus tracking and management system
using IoT. Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) Volume, 1.
In this paper the Bus tracking application is used that tracks a bus and gathers the distance to each station along its route.
Based on IoT this project is implemented as Android application. It uses RTC to show where buses are on a map and provide
students and staffs the updated information at different time interval. Simple mode of communication is the key feature of
the proposed system.
[2] Jemilda, G., Krishnan, R.B., Johnson, B. and Sangeeth, G.L., 2015. Mobile application for college bus tracking.
International journal of computer science and mobile computing, 4(3), pp.500-507.
This paper proposes an Android mobile phone application that gives information about buses, bus numbers as well as bus
routes both online and offline. It uses GPS and Client-Server Technology to give the precise location of the bus as well as
the estimate remaining time for the bus to reach the destination. In this system Two Android applications are designed one
for the driver to update the location to the server and one for the user.
Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-3387 26
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

Volume 2, Issue 1, May 2022

Impact Factor: 6.252
[3] Gull, H., Aljohar, D., Alutaibi, R., Alqahtani, D., Alarfaj, M. and Alqahtani, R., 2021, June. Smart School Bus Tracking:
Requirements and Design of an IoT based School Bus Tracking System. In 2021 5th International Conference on Trends in
Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI) (pp. 388-394). IEEE. 2 This paper proposes a system that will track the vehicle location
using driver’s mobile phone. It introduces a tracking website and an android application for the school admin, drivers of the
bus and the parents. Also provide the admin with the charge of adding new bus driver and new student to the driver list. The
application will also generate a fixed QR code for each student that will be placed on a card that contain the student personal
[4] Raj, J.T. and Sankar, J., 2017, December. IoT based smart school bus monitoring and notification system. In 2017 IEEE
Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC) (pp. 89-92). IEEE.
In the proposed system RFID and GPS technologies are connected to a remote server over WIFI using an ESP8266
microcontroller to give the real time information about various parameters of the vehicle like the location, the route, the
speed, the list of passengers, the commitments of drivers to the schedule. An Ublox 6M GPS module is used to find the
geographic coordinates also the MFRC522 RFID reader identifies each student as they board. This system uses ESP8266
microcontroller to upload the information, which can be accessed by the parents through a mobile application and this helps
them track their wards effectively.

Android is a free operating system, with open-source mobile devices. It is an open-source development platform for
creating mobile apps. Devices, especially mobile phones, run the Android operating system and apps are designed for it.
Specifically, Android is made up of a few essential and dependable components, which include the following:
 Linux operating system kernel that provides low-level interface with hardware, memory management, and process
 Libraries have open-source software development tools, including SQLite, Web Kit, OpenGL and media manager.
 Software development kit used to create applications, including tools, plug-ins, and documents.
 An application framework that anonymously exposes system services in the application layer, including window
manager and location manager, content providers, telephony and sensors.


The proposed system provides a direct bus destination students from their respective areas. In line with this, it and
provides the following features:
 Information such as bus number, driver's contact number, bus Route, Stops etc.
 Authentication of Administrator, Driver, Registered College Students.
 Both Student and Driver has facility to inform admin about any Emergency.
 Student can also give feedback about Bus and Bus Driver and all the stuff related to Bus.

Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-3387 27
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

Volume 2, Issue 1, May 2022

Impact Factor: 6.252
5.1 System Architecture

Figure 1: System Architecture Design

5.2 Module Description
There are three modules in our application:
1. Admin
2. Driver
3. Student

A. Admin
Admin can login to the Account after authentication and authorization. Admin has the option to Add or Remove the route
details. Admin can add new route details and can select a route from the route list and display the corresponding stops.
Admin has also option of driver registration in which he updates Driver name, Drivers Contact number etc. Below fig shows
flow of admin module.

Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-3387 28
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

Volume 2, Issue 1, May 2022

Impact Factor: 6.252
When Admin enters into the admin module, following screen will be provided for him to enter the login credentials.

B. Driver
This module is for uploading the location of bus. The authorized bus driver has to login to the driver module using the
credentials provided by admin. After login he have to select the bus number from dropdown menu. After selecting bus
number, he has to start the location uploading before start of driving. The current location of the bus will be updated from
organizational mobile to the firebase database every moment in the form of latitude and longitude.
Below fig shows flow of Driver module.

When Driver enters into the Driver module, following screen will be provided for him to enter the login credentials

Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-3387 29
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

Volume 2, Issue 1, May 2022

Impact Factor: 6.252
C. Student
This Module is for student. Student has to sign up first in the system and after using credentials he login to the system.
He/she get access of all the buses details of their college through their cell phones
When student sign in into the system the home-activity has the option of bus routes where route list is fetched from
database for student to select and track the location current location of bus. Student has also the option of feedback related
to bus and bus driver. Below fig shows flow of Student module.


This project has a wide range. The use of the video camera in this system will take this system to the next level in the
security sector. This will help beware of modern-day crimes that are witnessed by ordinary people on a daily basis. This
will prove to be a major achievement in reducing crime; with the use of moving sensors the speed of the bus can be calculated.
Also, by using RFID tags we can use the E-bus ticketing system and the eco-friendly E-bus system as there is no need to
produce paper tickets for buses. Also, in application can be useful in medical field for tracking the Ambulance Bus and to
manage the drivers. In case of any emergency fire outbreak after advancing the project, we can track the firetruck to give
emergency call and rescue the mission

This proposed work is successfully designed, implemented and tested. Our system reduces the waiting time of remote
users for bus. With the mobile application we can track the location of bus at any point of time. All the current information
is stored to the cloud and it is retrieved to remote users via mobile application. This system is more user friendly for users
Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-3387 30
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

Volume 2, Issue 1, May 2022

Impact Factor: 6.252
to get information visually shown on Google Map. User can freely get this mobile application for real-time tracking of bus
which provide interactive interface environment. So, by using this application remote user can just wait or they may
reschedule their journey according to the availability of bus. So, this, paper presents a system which provides high practical
value in the modern fast era.

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Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-3387 31

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