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Series authors:

Malcolm Mann
Steve Taylore-Knowies

Workbook with key

Macmfflan Education
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ISBN 978-0-230-43385-4 (with Answer key)

978-0-230-43386-1 (without Answer kev)

Text, design and ifiustration © Macmfflan Publishers Limited 2013

Series authors: Malcolm Mann & Steve Taylore-Knowles
The authors have asserted their rights to be identified as the authos of this work in
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O Relationships page 4

Travelling 12

O Technology 20

O Money 28

O Leisure 36

O Nature 44

Revisioni 52

Sport 58

O Communication 66

O Work 74

Health 82

Learning 90

The Law 98

Revision2 106

Speaking 112

Answerkey 120

SpeakinqAnswerkey 136

Audioscripts 138

! Reading 1: cbuIary
1 Match each word or phrase 1-8 with a meaning a—h.
1 approach a experience
2 key b usual, normal
3 criticism c ask, require
4 face d responsible
5 typical e disapproval
6 to blame f arise, appear
7 demand g contact
8 come up h important

2 Write a word or phrase from the box in each gap to complete the sentencess,

perfectly balanced • anger. saying. rough patch . hurtful • annoy • in common . argument

1 His comments about my clothes were really

2 Don't expect everything to be even in a good relationship.
3 One worth remembering is: 'you can lead a horse to watm but vou can't
make it drink'
4 We soon found out that we don't have a lot
5 They seem to be going through a at the moment.
-6 They had a terrible and aren't speaking to each other.
7 He has some habits that really me'
8 He shouted at her in and later regretted it

Choose the word or phrase (a, b or c) that is closest in meaning to the key phrase.
1 take it out on
a get angry with b have an argument c become jealous
2 take a deep breath
a be upset b pause c lose control
3 sort things out
a solve a problem b make arrangements c divide into groups

W Use of English: exam practice
Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use orily one word in each gap.
Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Big Brothers and Big Sisters

Big Brothers and Big Sisters is an organisation (1) supports children and
teenagers aged from seven to seventeen. Children, and especially teenagers, need to have
honest and caring relationships (2) adults who can guide and help
(3) Sorne children do not have strong role modeis in (4)
families, or for other reasons are not able to spend quality time with responsible adults.
Because of this, social workers sometimes recomrnend children go (5)
Big Brothers and Big Sisters. (6) child who comes to the organisation is
matched (7) a 'big brother' or 'big sister'. This person (8) take
an active interest in the child's ¡¡fe (9) a long time. They spend time together,
(10) fun and sometimes doing exciting things. Most importantly, the big
brother or big sister will listen (11) the child or teenager and try to help him
or her grow into a happy young adult. Big Brothers and Big Sisters (12)
established more than 100 years ago in New York and now has organisations throughout
the world. It has made a big difference to a lot of young people!

14 Reading: exam practce
You are going to read a magazine article about friendship. Seven sentences have been removed
from the article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (1-7). There is one
extra sentence which you do not need to use.
A They spent all their weekends together, and several evenings a week too.
B There is much !ess time each day and each week to 'feed' the friendship, to prevent it from dying.
C For one production, she and another woman cal!ed Carol had to work very c!osely together on
the script.
D It's actua!!y very diflicult to sustain this number of friends into adulthood.
E Because of this, I'm now much more careful about the friends 1 choose.
F They enjoy each other's company while they're working together, but they don't really socia!ise
outside of the working environment.
G Real friends are actua!!y incredib!y hard to find.
H For this way of viewing friendship to be successfu!, it requires both people in the re!ationship to
feel the same way about the other person.

A friend in need . 01 9

It's fairly easy to define what a relative is. It's a person you're biologically related to, or who has
married someone you are biologically related to, or has been adopted, for example, by someone
you're biologically related to. In short, it's someone in your family. It's not quite so easyto define
what a friend is.

Qn an obvious leve¡, our friends are people who are not family members whose company we enjoy.
However, what about two people who work closely together in an office? 1 Are theyfriends,
orjust colleagues? And consider two people who were best friends at school, but haven't been in
contact with each other for over 20 years. Are they still friends? Or should we say they used to be
friends but aren't anymore?

'So what?, you might say.'Perhaps friendship is trickyto define, but that doesn't matter. lfyou think
you're friends with someone then you are, but if you don't then you're not.' In many cases, that might
be a good general rule, but there are potential problems with it. 2 There are countless examples
of relationships where that doesn't happen.

Take Jane, for example. Shejoined an amateur dramatics club, which puts on plays two or three
times ayear. 3 They met severa¡ times a week, and frequently called each other on the phone.
As Jane says, '1 enjoyed working with Carol, and we got on well together. It was really difficult when
we'd finished the play, though. Carol still wanted to meet up and chat regu$arly. 1 ddn't, mainly
because ljust didn't have time. l've gota family and a busy social ¡¡fe, and 1 wasn't looking for any more
close friends. How do you tell someone who thinks they're your close friend that really they're not?'

A further problem is the ¡ssue of'fair-weatherfriendsThese are people who you consider tobe your
friends, but prove thernselves not to be when things get tough. Jake, for example, thought that
Dave was a really close friend. 4 They both shared an interest in movies, and had the same sense
of humour.'Everything was great,'says Jake,'until my mother became iii. It was a troubling time for
me, and 1 gota bit depressed. 1 needed Dave to give me sorne support, but he wasn't interested. He
just disappeared.' What Jake needed, and what Dave was not, was the kind of friend referred to in
the saying 'a friend in need isa friend indeedThe idea behind this is that if you are stilI the friend of
someone when they are'in need when they need something such as help from you, then you are a
real friend.You're not a 'fair-weatherfriend'. 5 Most adults say that they only have two or three
real friends - people they can totally rely on in difficult times. At school, children and teenagers
often have one or two'best friends but they also have a wide circle of other friends -20 or 30 is
not uncomrnon. 6 The rnain reasons for this are time and shared experience. Children see their
friends every day (during term time) and have plenty of opportunity to 'feed'the friendship - in class,
during the breaks, after school. Also, of course, ah the rnembers of the group uve close together, and
have a shared interest (the school and what happens there). With adults, this is rarely possible. 7
And, of course, people move apart geographically when they grow up, and lose the sense of a shared
interest when they start working in different fields, or spending their time in different ways. Very few
of our friends from sdhool remain real, close friends 20 years Iater.

!J Vocabulary
1 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 Ibis book is so bored / boring that every time 1 start reading it, 1 fail asleep!
2 My mum thinks classical music is very relaxed / relaxing, but 1 can't stand it!
3 Monica was very frightened / frightening by the horror movie she saw last night.
4 All my friends are excited / exciting about the party this weekend.
5 1 find football tired / tiring. 1 prefer indoor sports like table tennis.
6 My little brother can be a bit annoyed / annoying sometimes - particularly when he won't be quiet!
7 I'm not very interested / interesting in science, but 1 love rnaths.

2 Use a form of the words in brackets in each gap to complete the sentences.

1 You shouldn't have spoken so (rude) to the shop assistant.

2 Many teenagers pa), a lot of attention to their (appear).
3 The new boy in my class looks rather shy and speaks (nervous).
4 We've got sorne (relate) staying for the weekend.
5 Margo (friend) me on the first day 1 went to my new school.
6 Your (jealous) is making it hard for us to rernain friends.

3 Match each word or phrase 1-7 with a phrasal verb a-g.

1 raise a let down
2 get older b split up
3 belike c growup
4 take care of d take after
5 tolerate e bring up
6 end a relationship f put up with
7 disappoint g lookafter

4 Write a word from the box in each gap to complete the sentences.

selfish • nervous • honest. polite . alone • kind . funny. lonely

1 1 was so the first time 1 went out with Kyhie, my hands were shaking!
2 Sue thought the film was very and laughed out loud the whole time.
3 1 rather hike beirig ; 1 enjoy the peace and quiet.
4 Children tend to be They don't really want to share their things.
5 It's not to interrupt when someone else is talking.
6 Since Pat moved away from her friends, she's been feeling rather
7 John is a very person who always helps people in need.
8 Bob borrowed my favourite CD without asking me and then denied it. He's not very

: Reading 2: vocabulary
1. Match each word 1-6 with a meaning a-f.
1 childish a very painful and upsetting
2 miserable b tolerable
3 sympathetic c immature
4 traumatic d without thinking first
5 bearable e unhappy
6 impulsive f understanding

Tq Use of English: exam pía ctice

Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

One thing adults, and especially parents, don't always understand is that friendships are
a (1) partofteenagers' Iives.As young people (2) and become
more independent, the more they (3) to spend time out with friends. One
(4) problem is when parents decide to move to a new area because of work.
This can be a very upsetting (5) for teenagers. They are bound to feel
(6) and this is likely to make them (7) , too. It may take some time
for them to develop new relationships, so parents should be patient. They should also try
to be (8) about how much time teenagers spend with theirfriends. It's natural
for teenagers to wantto be out when they can. ¡f they hear only (9) of their
behaviour, it is likely to lead to a lot of (10) Encourage teenagers to develop
friendships with people they have something in (11) with. And remember that
(12) is the best policy when it comes to taiking to teens on any subjectatall,
including their friendships.

1 A key B right C rough D sympathetic

2 A bring up B takeup C growup D lookup
3 A claim B act C demand D order
4 A official B kind C honest D typical
5 A experiment B experience C exercise D encounter
6 A harab1e B hurtful C tempted D lonely
7 A incompatible B miserable C jealous D embarrassed
8 A relaxed B scared C bored D annoyed
9 A anger B saying C objection D criticism
10 A actions B arguments C approaches D effects
11 A common B face C balance D match
12 A honesty B attraction C jealousy D obedience

! Grammar 2
1 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.
1 1 have ¡ had been to Spain several times, so 1 know a few words of Spanish.
2 As soon as she has / had got her results, Gwen phoned her mother.
3 We have / had already finished doing the preparations when Dan arrived, late as usual.
4 Nick has / had only just left home when we got to the train station.
5 Andrea still hasn't / hadn't written me a letter and it's been six months!
6 Kristina and John have / had never travelled abroad before last summer.
7 You have / had been a great help to me lately. Thanks!
8 Once I've / I'd finished my homework, I'll help you with yours.

2 Use a form of the words in brackets in each gap to complete the sentences.
1 Gary's one of the best players this year. He (be) on the football team since he was very young.
2 1 (just / move) here when 1 met Susie.
3 (you / ever / have) an argument that ended a friendship?
4 1 (have) an argument with my best friend Mary when you saw me crying this mornmg.
5 Marcos and 1 T (just / break up)

6 Luke (only / play) in a couple of games before he was made team captain.

q Use of English: exam practice

1 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of sorne of the lines to form a word that fits
in the gap in the same Iine.Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Many young people are tempted by the idea of a career in (1) ACT

It certainly looks like very (2) work, but it's not for everyone. The EXCITE
rewards can be huge, but it can also be difficult to make a living. In order to be
successful as an actor, you must be (3) and willing to learn new TALENT
skills. It helps to be (4) , but there's no need to be a super model! ATRAC
Many people who are not traditionally attractive have had success. An
(5) face is what people want to see. Sometimes it also helps to look INTEREST
a little (6) from the rest. It means that people who see you perform DIFFER
will remember who you are. A (7) from a well-known acting QUAUFY
school can be useful, but not ah (8) is learned at school. Experience KNOW
really counts! Taking part in performances is often more important than exam
results. Beyond that, you have to be able to put up with (9) hours of TIRE
rehearsals and some (10) along the way. Ifyou can do all that, you DISAPPOINT
just might become a star!
2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words,
including the word given. Write the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

1 Getting over a break-up can take sorne time.
It can take sorne time a break-up.
2 Ed and Stacey got rnarried in September.
Ed and Stacey September.
3 Marie started acting six years ago.
Marie six years.
4 James Dean grew up in Indiana with his aunt and uncle.
James Dean bis aunt and uncle in Indiana.
5 1 have tolerated your behavidur for too long!
your behaviour for too long!
6 1 solved the problem quickly with Jack's help.
Jack helped the problem quickly.
7 1 tried talking to her a few days ago.
1 talking to her.
8 1 saw Steve right after he took bis exams.
Steve bis exams when 1 saw him.

1' Listening: exam practice

CD Track 1 You will hear people talking in five different situations. For questions 1-5,
choose the best answer (A, B or C).
'1 You hear this man talking about bis friend. 4 You hear this wornan talking about her
What did they argue about? son. How has their relationship changed
A money recently?
B asecret A They are closer now.
C another friend B They argue more now.
2 You hear this woman talking on the radio. C They comrnunicate less now.
What do 2s :,he say about having a twin 5 You hear these two people talking. What is
sister? their relationship?
A It has nt r been a problem. A relatives
B It has ac antages. B colleagues
C It can soinetirnes be embarrassing. C acquaintances
3 You hear this man talking on the phone.
Who is he talking to?
A bis brother
B bis boss at work
C bis mother
Reading 1: vocabulary
1Use a word from the box in each gap to complete the sentences.
freedom . crackling . swears • checked • secluded

1 She warmed her hands by the fire

2 The farmhouse is very and you won't be disturbed.
3 Being out in the countryside on horseback gaye me a real sense of
4 A red and white cloth covered the kitchen tabie.
5 Ihe woman she had nothing to do with the robbery.

2 Use a word or phrase from the boxes in each gap to complete the sentences.
get bored • excitement • ultimate

1 Ifyou are looking for a holiday with a bit more than usual, then cali us at Zenith Travel and we
will make sure you find the holiday experience where you won't for a second.

adventure • saddle • streams. itching to • trails • tracked

2 1 was go on sorne kind of so 1 got in the and went on a riding
trip down one of the Wild West - we aiso deer in the woods and went fly fishing
in the

valley. porch • cabin

3 We stayed in a iovely log with a small front where we'd sit to admire the view of
the below.

sheer. keep you busy. enjoy you rself

4 You'llreally on the farm and you'li be impressed by the beauty of the scenery;
but they will so you'll be tired at the end of each day.

Grammar 1
1 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.
1 Piease will you turn the music down while 1 drive / am driving?
2 1 was packing / packed my suitcases when 1 suddenly remembered 1 had left my passport in my friend's room.
3 1 am hot because 1 sat / have been sitting on a crowded bus for the last two hours.
4 Sarah oniy carne back from Germany last week and she already plans / is already planning her next trip.
5 When 1 met Mex, 1 was staying / have been staying on a campsite for a few days.
6 When the bus arrived, 1 realised that the taxi driver has been lying / had been lying to us.

2 Use a verb from the box in the correct form in each gap to complete the sentences.

go • drive • travel • do • look • stay

1 What worried me most was the fact that we a car which was not suitable for those roads.
2 We in the Cariton Hotel - come and see us ifyou get the chance.
3 We for four days when Paul feli iii.
4 Martin and 1 at brochures and we think we've decided where we want to go this year.
5 What yesterday evening at around 8 o'clock? 1 phoned to talk about the school trip but there
was no answer.
6 The bus was going through a tunnel when suddenly the lights out.

3 Use the verbs given to complete the dialogue. Use present (simple or continuous), present perfect
(simple or continuous) and past (simple or continuous) tenses.

Interviewer: 1 have with me in the studio Laura Macdonald. Laura, you (1) (travel) around the
world in rather an unusual way for the last six months, haven't you?
Laura: That's right. 1(2) (try) to get around the world for free for the last six months, and
I'm about halfway there. 1(3) (rest) for the last few days, but 1(4)
(leave) again tornorrow.
Interviewer: So you (5) (do) it for free. How does that work?
Laura: Well, about a year ago 1(6) (sit) at home and my husband and 1(7)
(watch) a documentary about going round the world. 1(8) (want) to do that, but 1
couldn't afford it. Then 1(9) (have) the idea that you could do it for free, and that's
whatl (10) (do) now.
Interviewer: What inspired you to try such a thing?
Laura: It's only the actual travel that 1(11) (try) to get for free. 1 have sorne rnoney to
pay for food and accomrnodation, but 1(12) (pay) for a single ticket so far. 1
(13) (rely) on people's generosity and you'd be surprised to Iearn how much people
help. I've had lifts in cars, on bicycles, and even in a private plane!
Interviewer: That's arnazing. Now, teli us about the time you (14) (travel) through China and
you had an accident.
Laura: Well, it's a long story. First of all,

4 There are six mistakes with tenses in the following text. Find the mistakes and rewrite them correctly.

fm af school, we wirD going on a sunIfflir trip

to a campsife b ihe rea ever 'ear. One

jear, hoever, 1 remember bein9 more efec fhan usual. 1 thin it was because m best

frienas, Zbanni and Michelle, vere promising that the'j voukl meet me there. On fhe morning

of the dal wi had bien leaving, 1 looed forward fo the trip - and seeing m friends of course -

hen Toanni carne round and told me that there had been a change of plan and the couldn't

come. he is calling rn mobile for das, but 1 had changed m phone and 1 had forgotten to

teU her the nev number. 1 was miserable for fhe wh0lt wee - and al, because 1 was maing a

stupid mistae.

1 Ama~
2 Readin: exam practice
You are going toread an article from the travel section of a
> newspaper. For questions 1-8, choose the answer
(A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
1 When the writer advises people not to go on holiday, she
A is being dishonest.
B isjustjoking.
C really means it.
D is being unkind.
2 According to the writer, airports are
A expensive.
B difficult to get to.
C badly organised.
D difficult to find.
3 The writer uses the phrase 'a short hop' (une 23) to describe
A a journey that isn't very long.
B tropical tourist resorts.
C how many hours a journey takes.
D the possibility of airport delays.
4 The writer thinks that a two-week holiday
A is a good opportunity to go to mus eums.
B can help you learn a new language.
C isn't long enough to learn about a country.
D gives people a chance to meet other tourists.
5 The word 'they' (une 51) refers to
A package holidays.
B tourists.
C1ocal communities.
ti' holiday companies.
6 The writer says that mass tourism
A benefits local people.
B is a good way to travel cheaply.
C has few benefits.
D is a way of stealing tourists' money.
7 The writer says that most people
A would prefer longer holidays.
B are unable to go on long holidays.
C spend months in another country.
D learn about a country before visiting it.
8 On the whole, the writer believes that people should
A never travel abroad.
B only travel if they have to.
C take holidays in their own country.
D avoid mass tourism.


Don't go on Holiday!

Dawn Lanare takes a good look atsome of the of a country's culture when we spend rnost
reasons not to travel this summer. of our time in a resort, sitting on a beach with
hundreds of other taurists.
Yes, l'm being completely serious. Travel
oí_ can broaden the mmd butthat's not likely on
a two-week holiday. Let me te¡¡ you why.
Another white he we tell ourselves is that at
least we're helping the local econorny by going
on holiday. The bitter truth is that you probably
It's surnmertime again and you're planning
aren't. lfyou're on a package holiday, then very
to pack your bags and take aif for a package
little of your money goes to local people. Most
holiday for twa weeks in the sun. It's a chance
of the prafits will gota the companies that run
to relax, recharge your batteries and enjoy
the resorts and they are, as you've probably 51
yourself. But if youre honest with yourself,
guessed, usually foreign-owned campanies.
is it really such a good idea? Think about ah
Mosttourists will spend very little money in
the holidays you've had in the past few years.
the local comrnunity as their package holiday
What were they really like?
covers al¡ their meals. So the anly money that
For a start, there is the stress of travelling. The goes straight into the local econorny is what
actual getting to and returning from our chosen you spend buying souvenirs or traditional
destination is usually stressful and tiring. craftworks from local people.
Airports are always in the middle of nowhere
Now 1 don't want to make you al¡ feel tao
and take hours to get to. It's also expensive
downhearted butthere's no getting away
to get to them, tao. Then there's the fact that
from facts. In short, mass tau rism is of very
you have to be at the airport at least an hour
little value to local cornmunities and their
befare your departure, which adds more hours
environments. Package halidays are sold to
to afl the travel. Let's not forget, either, that
us as a wonderful opportunity to see the world
23 even a short hop to the nearest sunny resort
cheaply, butwe are being cheated. We spend
is going to take at least a cau pIe of hours and,
twa weeks away from home in a resort where
during the main holiday season, delays and
we will hardly get a chance to see what ¡¡fe in
strikes can mean getting stuck at the airport.
the country we are visiting is like and where our
All too often, by the time you get to your holiday
presence is more hikely ta do harm than good.
dstination, you'hl be tao tired and miserable to
enjoy your first day there. lt's not that l'm completely against al¡ travel,
not at alI. What l'm against is the form of rnass
One of the reasons we convince ourselves
taurisrn that has developed in the 21st century.
that going abroad is a good idea is because
1 think we should go back ta the days when
we want to learn something about the place
travel was a leisurely pursuit, when people
we're going to visit. We might go sightseeing
would spend rnonths getting to know a place,
around museurns and archaeolagical sites and
learning the language and soaking up the
we hope we will absorb sorne of the culture
culture. Unfortunately, this form of travel isn't
of the place while we're there. But we're just
possible for most of us as we anly get a cauple
foohing ourselves. It sirnply isn't possible to
of weeks aif in the summer. But if you ever da
learn anything meaningful about a culture in
get the chance to really spend time in another
just t*o weeks. We rnight learn a few words of
country, then you should jump at it.
the language and try sorne new food but we're
not even so much as scratching the surface

J Vocabulary
1 Choose the correct word or phrase.
> 1 Which of these is not related to trains?
1— a platform b ticket inspector c runway d carriage
2 Which of these is not related to boats?
a sail b rails c voyage d cabin
3 'Which of these is not related to air travel?
a land b departure !ounge c flight d ferry
2 Write one word in each gap to complete the sentences.
1 1,11 cail you when 1 get from my holiday.
2 11ie one thing 1 hate about flying is the mornent when the plane takes
3 You'll need to speed ifyou want to get to London before dark.
4 Of course, we all wanted to go to the station to see my brother
5 Our flight was at seven o'clock but we had to check at five.
6 S!ow - you're going much too fast!
3 Use a word from the box in each gap to complete the phrases.
trip • inhabitants • hotel • time • broaden • business
1 togoona(n) trip 4 to go on a school
2 the of a place 5 afive-star
3 to the mmd 6 to take off work

Use of ErigIish: exam practice

Read the text below and decide which answer (A, 8, C or D) best fits each gap.

British. Hotídayinakers
The traditional British holiday at borne is not dead. In fact, it could be making a comebk.
Because of worries about trave!ling abroad, many British peop!e have decided to inwigate
(1) - a lot closer to borne. Popular (2) - such as Brighton in the south and Scarbonxigh or
Blackpoo! in the north have never really !ost their (3) However, sorne seask kins. which
until recently have strugg!ed, are attracting more ho!idayrnakers.
Once they get there, ho!idaymakers need to be able to get around. While the car ís~ weferred,
the majority of tourists wil try at least one other (4) - of transport during thi.b
Trains, for instance. Although few people would choose to start their two-week bv taking
the (5) - train, a large number of them will enjoy the luxury of a restored woo&n ...ariage on
one of the many historical (6) - in operation around the country. And for thase ~do make
it to the sea, many are tempted by a (7) - ride to nearby islands or a short (8) _a pleasure
boat. We may not be tempted by the prospect of a three-week (9) - to exotic =d (10)_
countries, but our love of the sea is clearly not !ost.
However, a quick !ook inside the (11) - lounges of our major airports will en@&= that we
are still queuing up in our thousands to (12)_ in for a flight in search of the ww~ the
British Isles cannot guarantee - sunshine.
1 A reports B arrivais C cultures D resorts
2 A destinations B directions C venues D excursions
3 A popularity B farne C growth D inhabitants
4 A way B method C means D sort
5 A direct B express C rapid D delayed
6 A platforrns B runways C rails D railways
7 A transport B ferry C sail D ship
8 A run B package C cruise D ticket
9 A voyage B sail C flight D travel
10 A distant B away C further D long
11 A departure B going C exit D holiday
12 A book B register C check Dgo

Ç Reading 2: vocobulary
1 Choose the correct word or Orase to complete the sentences.
1 Everyyear, thousands of tourists to the Mediterranean in search of sandy beaches.
a fiock b vow c appeal
2 There is nothing like the feeling of skiing down the of a rnountain.
a glaciers b cable cars c siopes
3 You can find out about all sorts of hohidays ifyou visit your agent.
a secret b journey c travel
4 After the exams, why not yourselfto a weekend break?
a spend b treat c handie
5 We drove through sorne scenery on the way to Vienna.
a spectacular b luxurious c cornfortable
6 Qn sorne holidays, there's so rnuch to see that you really need to have a(n) guide to show
you around.
a relaxed b experienced c wandering

2 CIose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 Ibis region / neighbourhood is world-farnous for its glaciers.
2 You are possible! bound to meet sorne interesting people on your travels.
3 Many of the souvenirs that tourists bring home from here are srnall anirnais carved / constructed out
4 Going / Getting away from it all has never been easier with our new range of package hohidays to suit
every budget!
5 Being pulled across the ice on a dog rink / sled is a very unusual experience.
6 Ibis festival / culture is heid every year in June.

! Grammar 2
1 Use a word from the box in each gap to complete the sentences.
so • such • tao. enough . used • would

1 When 1 was younger, my parents often take me away with them when they were travelling on
2 Sorne people find that it's just hot to do anything in the middle of the day.
3 This tour of Africa is expensive that onlyvery rich people can afford togo on it.
4 It was a frightening experience that 1 vowed 1 would never do it again.
5 My parents had toid me that they didn't have money for a summer holiday that year.
61 to go to sleep irnagining what it would be like to uve in the exotic places 1 read about.

If a sentence is correct, put a tick (s/). If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly.

1 1 love being on holiday but 1 am not used to have so much free time.
2 The tickets were expensive enough so 1 couldn't go.
3 It was so along and tiring journey that l was asleep when we arrived.
4 When we were there on holiday, 1 thought New Zealand was too interesting.
5 1 will never get used to flying, however many times 1 do it.
6 When 1 was very young, we would live in Portugal.
7 It used to be much harder for people to have foreign holidays.
8 My sister is not enough oid, so she'll have to wait until next year.

!'4 Use of English: exam practice

1 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitais at the end of sorne of the unes to forma word that fits
in the gap in the sarne une. Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

WhiIe this year's school holidays are still quite fresh in the memory, it is perhaps the best time to
begin making (1) for next year. Askyourself how it wentthis year. Perhaps you on ¡y PREPARE
went as far as the (2) video shop to renta film. Ifthis sounds tike you, now isthe NEAR
time to consider your (3) for next year and there isa huge choice of organisations OPT
(4) forteenagers'tastes. Firstly, think about where you want togo. The flrst step in CATER
any holiday is deciding ana (5) Do you want to travel abroad? LOCATE
If so, it is usually cheaperto go on a (6) holiday.Then again, perhaps you are the PACK
kind of person who needs to be active on holiday. lfyou're the (7) type who likes DOOR
nothing more than a wide range of new and exciting (8) to try out, an adventure ACTIVE
holiday could bejust the challenge you need. Aboye alt, make sure you don't turn next year's
holiday into a struggle for (9) Having a good time can sometimes be an SURVIVE
(10) in itself. ACHIEVE

2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word
given. Write the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
1 1 started going abroad when 1 was ten.
1 Iwas ten.
2 The holiday was so expensive that we could only afford one week.
It was that we could only afford one week.
3 After Peter's visits, we would all say goodbye to him at the station.
After Peter's visits, we would all at the station.
4 Hilda was too young to travel on her own.
Hilda was to travel on her own.
5 Years ago, a lot of people spent their holidays with relatives.
Years ago, a lot of people their holidays with relatives.
6 1 was promised the best holiday 1 had ever had but it turned out to be a disaster.
1 was promised but it turned out to be a disaster.
7 One place that is becoming increasingly popular with teenagers is Canada.
Canada is an among teenagers.
8 Because we were so compatible, the trip was a great success.
Because we well, the trip was a great success.

q Listening: exam practice

CD Track 2 You will hear an interview with a tour guide. For questions 1-5, complete the sentences.

The !ity of Perth was founded in (1)

Unhike Sydney, the first people to live in Perth weren't (2)
Many people (3) in the coastal areas near the city.
The West Australian Art Gahiery is a good place for exhibitions of (4)
The local cricket team, Australian rules footbahl and (5) teams are all popular.


1l!'J Reading 1: vocabulary

1 Use a word or phrase from the box in each gap to complete the text.
apps • downoad . gadgets. mobile device. handy. notify

A smartphone isa (1) that is much more than just a phone. It has a whole,
variety of functions, depending on what kind of (2) you want to
(3) on to it. Por instance, my smartphone is very (4)
when 1 want to find a location I'm looking for. 1 just use the GPS. Another thing it can do is
(5) me when 1 have a meeting or appointment coming up. It's definitely
the most useful of all the (6) 1 have.

2 For each word or phrase, write a word or phrase with asimilar meaning. Sorne letters have been
given to help you.
1 a program that aliows you to speak to it y r t
2 watch, check mon
3 a program that helps you find pages on the internet s e
4 feel proud of t p
5 software that guesses the words you write p t
6 developing, happening now unf

0 9 Grammar 1
1Ifa sentence refers to the future, put a tick (V).
1 My computer science class is in an hour.
2 Industrial technology is really very exciting!
3 Scientists are developing new technologies every day.
4 Our school is hosting a technology fair next month.
5 Do you think you might get an implant one day?
6 That might be your mobile phone over there.
7 Many machines will use sensors to recognise people.
8 The cash is going to be transferred automatically from your bank account.

2 Choose the correct ph rase to complete the sentences.
1 In the year 2010, 3 In fifty years' time,
automatic payment systems instead of cash. with robots.
a we'll be using a we are all living
b we'reusing b we'll all have been living
C weuse c we're all going to be living
2 By this time next year, our school 4 By the end of today, scientists
iris sensors in the library! even more advances in technology.
a will have installed a will have been making
b will have been installing b will have made
c will instail c will make

3 Complete the sentences using will, shall, be going to, present continuous or present simple. If more than
one choice is correct, write al¡ choices.
1 Pretty soon (al! computers / be) wireless.
2 When 1 go to university, (II study) computer technology.
3 (1 / help) you choose a new laptop? 1 know all about them.
4 (Chris / really / go) to the technology fair again this year?
5 Why (you / taik) to your science teacher tomorrow about your idea?
6 One day, (people / communicate) without using mobile phones.

4 Imagine it is Sunday evening. Read these pages from Francesca's diary. November
Write five sentences about things Francesca is doing this week.
Monday 12
Call cornpufr hop
2 9t0gfffl
3 prn ¿dnn&r ifh Mrin
Tuesday 13
4 am nieefng vith Tim about fhe-
5 office ompufr
Write five sentences about things Francesca will be doing at particular
Wednesday 14
times this week.
am vor on
6 I2pm unch vifh f\dran
go to g
Thursday 15
8 2.prn f\ghf to ?aris (Hote pendid)
9 pm mee4íng at FraneTech

Friday 16
Write five sentences about things Francesca will have done by the end Uam ¶ghf bac to London
of this week.
Saturday 17
12 go to q'rn
13 dinne-r ith 'drian (boo at harie')

14 Sunclay 18
!1 Reading: exam practice
You are going to read an article about social networking. Seven sentences have been
removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A—H the one which fits each gap
(1 —7).There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

A Wc can now be onhine anytime and F They started out being mainly a way for
anywhere and it seems that's what many people to keep in touch with friends and
people want. socialise while sitting at their computers.

B It's likely that social networking will G And they do have massive numbers
grow in other areas of our lives too. of foliowers who hang onto their
every word.
C But this won't stop people from using
the sites. H One intriguing trend is that people are
instantly blogging about important
D Not many sensible people use them. events in the world.

E It seems safe to say that they will

continue to grow.

A NewTrend Unfo1ds
Social networking and microblogging sites such as Facebook and Twitter rnight not have been
around for very long but they've managed to have a huge impactan how we lead our ¡¡ves.
They've also become a majar influence an the world of business, politics and journalism, too.

Why have these sites had such an impact? [J But in recent years they have taken on a life
of their own and it's now quite rare to find anyone who isn't involved in a networking site of
some kind. The other strange thing is that people may have many thousands more friends and
contacts in the virtual world than they do IRL (in real ¡¡fe).

Those who are critica¡ of social networking say that people are becoming too involved in the
internet. Sorne bosses have banned the sites on workplace computers because workers are
spending tao much time chatting or tweeting anIme. 17 That's because mast will just carry
on an their own personal smartphones or tablet pcs instead.There's nota lot employers can do
about that. In fact, it's the rise in the use of portable smartphones and tablets that ¡sane of the
driving forces behind the demand for social networking. [1
Another criticism is that social networking is affecting our culture, making us more obsessed
with celebrities and destroying anyforrn of private life we once had. It's certainlytrue that a lot of
celebrities use Twitter as a form of publicity and to keep up their public profile. f[j There's also
no doubt that sorne people using sites likeTwitter give out too much information about their daily
lives. Especially annoying are those people who can't seem to help tweeting every boring detail of
everything they do.

But social networking sites are simply a tool and it's up to users to shape the way they are used. And
quite a lot of what is happening on social networking and microblogging sites is both interestina
and exciting. 5 . From picturesfrorn warzones to posting election results, microbloggers often
gett1ere much fasterthan professional journalists.This is why many media and news sites now use
a lot of content from so-called 'citizenjournalists

So what does the future hold for networking and microblogging sites? J But considering how
much they have developed in such a short space of time, it isn't easy to predict exactly how they
will develop in the future. One thing that seerns sure is that they will spread even deeper into our
culture. More and more businesses are using them to help promote their products and politicians to
keep their face and ideas in voters'minds. 17 1 Whetherthis will be a good or bad thing depends
on how we use it.
3 1,1Vocobulary
o 1 Match to make ph rases. THE TROUBLE WITH COMPUTERS
1 light a oven
u 2 alarm b cooker 1 didn't think my brand new laptop could (1)
3 electric c bulb already, but it seemed like it had. The first time 1 tried to
4 microwave d cleaner connect to the internet 1 got (2) The
5 vacuum e clock
second time 1 tried, 1 couldn't (3) at alI.
2 Use a phrasal verb from the box in the The modem wasn't working. 1 called the technical support
correct form in each gap to complete number and-explained my situation. They told me they
the text.
would (4) the problem. Then 1
Pbreakdown -come upwith . cutoff
(5) an idea. 1 checked to see ifthe
getthrough . lookinto. putin
phone une was properly plugged into the laptop, and once
1(6) the une, 1 had no problem at ah.

3 Useaformofthewordsinbrackets -
in each gap to complete the sentences.
1 What was Alfred Nobel's greatest (achieve)?
2 I'd like to invent something that is (benefit) to people in developing countries, like a
water purification system perhaps.
3 You'revery (create).You should be an artist!
4 Recent (develop) in medicine are helping people live longer and healthier lives.
5 Leonardo da Vinci was an artist and also a brilliant (invent).
6 For every problem, there is usually a (solve).

4 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 Who discovered / invented America, Christopher Columbus or LeifEricson?
2 Thomas Edison discovered / invented the electric light bulb in 1879.
3 Claudia spends a lot of time in the library doing investigation / research for her school projects.
4 The police conducted a thorough investigation / research after the theft.
5 The great thing about laptops is that they are mobile / portable.
6 My father keeps all his gardening tools / appliances in the garage.

713 Reading 2: vocabulory

1 Use a word or phrase from the box in each gap to complete the sentences.
figured out . gradually. brainwave • debt • sealed . emigrate

1 When you owe money to people or banks, you are in

2 Ifyou have a really wonderful new idea, it's called a
3 When people leave their own country and move to another they
4 Ifyou have the solution to a problem, you have found the solution.
5 When something is closed so tightly that no air gets in or out, it is
6 Ifyou do something slowly or step by step, you do it
Use of English: exam practice
Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

When we hear the name Nobel, we immediately think of the Nobel Prizes.
But Alfred Nobel, the (1) of the awards, was also a great
scientist and inventor.
Born in 1833 in Sweden, Nobel studied first in Russia and then
(2) to the US, where he studied mechanical
(3) Afterwards, he returned to Sweden to work with
his father. Gradually, they made (4) in explosives. Nobel
(5) out how to work safely with nitroglycerine, a very
dangerous and explosive (6) His invention later became
known (7) dynamite. Nobel continued throughout bis life
to (8) improvements in the fleid of explosives.
He eventually owned (9) explosives factories around the
world and became very wealthy.
Alfred Nobel was a man of great (10) When he died he
left a wonderful gift to the world: the Nobel Prizes. Each year these prizes are
(11) to scientists, inventors and other creative people for
their great (12) to the world.

1 A holder B creator C discoverer D receiver

2 A transferred B visited C joined D emigrated
3 A developing B producing C engineering D creating
4 A directions B advances C motions D movements
5 A figured B solved C granted. D introduced
6 A shape B form C body D substance
A by B with Cas D for
8 A do B have C make D take
9 A numerous B numerate C numerical D numbered
10 A advantage B achievement C situation D incident
11 A awarded B designed C suggested D implanted
12 A involvement B contribution C manufacturing D development
"q Grammar 2
1 Use a, an or the in each gap to complete the text. If no article is required, use a dash (-).
Michael's father is (1) president of (2) large computer science research company. He started
(3) company twenty-five years ago when he had just finished (4) college. His company develops
(5) technology for (6) defence industry and even for (7) government! They also investigate
new ways to use new technology in everyday ¡¡fe. That sounds like (8) perfect job for me! id be (9)
great researcher and Ilovetoworkwith (10) computers.

2 There are eight mistakes with articies

in the text on the right. Find the mistakes.
3 Choose the correct word or phrase to As the teenagers are particularly open to a new
complete the sentences. technology, companies that target this market are
being advised to use the internet not oniy as a way
1 1,11 repair my laptop as soon as 1 will know ¡ know
to communicate their message to teens, but also
what's wrong with it!
to hear back from them. For an instance, a recnt
2 Can 1 have your oid mobile phone after you consumer survey of teenagers'online behaviour
bought ¡ buy a new one? conducted by the global research firm Jupiter MMXI
3 Be sure to turn off your computer before you emphasises how the teenagers are'spreading the
are leavel leaving. word Almost a forty per cent said that they shared
an information they had found on the net severa¡
4 1,11 see you later tonight when the science
times a week. Indeed, the primary reason most
club meeting ends / will end.
teenagers log on isto communicate with the people
5 1,11 cali you while I'll go / I'm going borne on the bus. of their age group.Throughout the Europe, chat
6 Sarah wants to be a computer prograrnmer and email services feature among the most popular
when she will grow / grows up. online destinations.
7 Moily's going to lend me her new CD after she
will listen / has listened to it.

-T ,4 Use of English: exam practice

1 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitais at the end of some of the lines to forma word that
fits in the gap in the same Iine.Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

1 sometimes wish 1 were a great (1) like Edison or Marconi. My name INVENT
would go down in history for having (2) something totaily new. You can DISCOVER
really change people's ¡¡ves if you come up with something (3) Perhaps REVOLUTION
1 would also be famous for being extremely (4) with technology. 1 would CREATE
be the most famous and respected (5) in the world! What a great brain 1 SCIENCE
would have! 1 wouldn'tjust restrict myself to science, though. Whatabout maths? 1 would find
(6) to the most difficult mathematical equations. 1 would be responsible for SOLVE
new (7) that would change the way people work and play. Doing something PRODUCE
important like that would be (8) to people the whole world over, rich or poor. BENEFIT
Everyone would know about my latesttechnological (9) and would thank DE VE LO P
me for the many great (10) of my ¡¡fe! Yes, thatwould suit me fine! ACH lEVE
2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar mea ning to the first sentence, using
the word given. Do not change the word given.You must use between two and five words,
¡ncluding the word given. Write the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
1 Ifyour computer stops working properly, you should cali a technician.
Ifyour computer , you should cali a technician.
2 1 don't understand this physics homework.
1 can't do this physics homework.
3 We often don't think about how much technology helps us in our daily lives.
We how much technology heips our daily lives.
4 You shouldn't turn off your computer until you have closed all the programs.
Close all the programs your computer.
5 She'll return on Monday and she'll contact you right away.
She'll contact you back on Monday.
6 1,11 be working in the laboratory until seven, so call me before then.
Cali me - in the iaboratory.
7 Have you discovered who invented safety pins?
Have you of safety pins was?
8 It wouid be great if someone discovered a way to travel through time!
Someone should a way to travei through time!

@ Listening: exam practice

CD Track 3 You will hear five different people talking about problems with technology.
For questions 1-5, choose from the Iist (A-F) the problem each speaker had. Use the letters only
once. There is one extra Ietterwhich you do not need to use.
A 1 didn't read the instructions. Speaker 1
B 1 bought one that was poor quality. Speaker 2
C 1 was embarrassed to use it. Speaker 3
D 1 lost an important part. Speaker 4
E 1 found it too complicated. Speaker 5
F 1 got the wrong advice.


7 Reading 1: vocabulary
1 Use a word from the box in each gap to complete 2 Match ph rases from exercise 1 to these
the phrases. definitions.
invest • for • fortune • business • poverty • welI 1 a to try to achieve something
b to be rich 1
1 to be off
2 to uve in c to become rich
3 to make a d tobepoor
4 to money e to start a company
5 togo it
f to put your money into a business
6 togointo in order to make more
3 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.
1 You have to have dedication / company if you want to succeed in business.
2 When James was ready to buy the bike, he took all his fortune / savings out of the bank.
3 Her business didn't make any money because she didn't have enough clients / entrepreneurs.
4 They didn't seil many games because they weren't badly off 1 cheap enough.
5 His father does / makes about €200,000 a year.
6 You need a lot of skil!s and abi!ities to run / hoid a business successfully.
7 You will never seil anything unless there is a partner / market for it.
8 By becoming a millionaire at 19 years oid, he achieved / succeeded what thousands of teenagers would
like to do.

! Grammar 1
1 Match to make sentences.
1 Ifyou learn to manage money when you a 1 would put my money in the bank where it is safe.
are young, b you promise to pay me back next month.
2 If 1 were you, c it's a habit that stays with you for life.
d try not to go out so much at weekends.
3 1,11 take an extra €20 in case
e 1 see something 1 want to buy.
4 Ifyou're finding it hard to get by,
f would you buy a new CD player?
5 Ifyou had enough money,
6 I'll give you this €100 as long as

2 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences. 4
1 You'il never be rich you start saving money now.
a provided b unless c as long as c
2 Ifyou me the iist, 1,11 pick up your shopping for you.
a gaye b will give c give
3 If 1 knew where the money was, 1 teil you.
a will b would c can
4 Take an extra €5 case it has gone up in price.
athe bif c in
5 111 pay for your ticket this week, as long you pay for me next time.
a as b time c that
6 If you need more money, me and 1,11 send sorne.
a will call b to cali c cali

3 Ifa sentence is correct, put a tick (v). If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly.

1 If you do not have any money, life is difficult.
2 If you go to the office, the bank manager will speak to you.
3 If you will have financial problerns, get some advice.
4 If 1 were you, 1 don't buy that car.
5 If 1 can buy anything 1 want, 1 wouid buy a house in the country.
6 If 1 need money, 1 ask my parents.
7 1 can't afford to go to the cinema tonight except Mum gives me sorne money.
8 Heien took her purse in case that the bank was closed.
9 111 buy it for you as long you promise to use it.
10 You can't buy a motorbike uniess you are over 17.

Use of English: exam practice

Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
Writçyour answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
There are a number of things any young entrepreneur should consider before setting (1)
a business. The first, naturally, is where you are going to get the capital. (2) you are
lucky enough to have (3) into sorne money early in ¡¡fe, that means you are going to
have to (4) it, probablv from a bank. You will have (5) chance of
getting a loan frorn a bank (6) you don't have a well-organised business plan. Provided
(7) you can show you have a rnarket for your new business, though, you stand a good
chance of getting a bank to invest (8) - it In the beginning, things might be difficult but
(9) to be patient. Rorne wasn't built in a day. You might have to do (10)
sorne luxuries in ¡¡fe until you build up the business. It's also a good idea to put sorne money aside in
(11) of an ernergency. Many businesses have (12) down because the
people running them didn't plan ahead for rough patches.

!' Reading: exam practice
You are going to read a magazine article about what young people think about the world and their
futures. For questions 1-15, choose from the people (A-E). The people may be chosen more than once.

Which person
thinks many young people exaggerate how hard life is?
says young people sometimes act before they think? 2
knows what they want to do and how to achieve it?
believes young people should pay more attention to politics? 4
would like today's young people to manage the world better than other generations?
believes the world's wealth isn't handled correctly? 6
thinks young people are obsessed with wealth?
resents the fact that young people today have fewer chances than in the past? 8-
says that the world can only be changed by making an effort? 9 *
prefers the modern world to other eras? io -
thinks the older generation are scared of original ideas? 11
believes young people don't realise how hard it is to be successful? 12
says getting a good education means accepting you will have to borrow lots of money? 13
thinks the government doesn't do enough to help the poor? 14
believes the world is improving at a steady pace? i

O Bethany Wilkins
It seems to me that the people who have been left in charge of our economies have
no idea how to solve the problems the world has. 1 really don't understand how
so much money can be wasted. Even in the developed world there's a massive
difference between the richest and the poorest. This tells me that the world's
resources are being very poorly managed. 1 think the problem is that politicians
are stuck in their ways and are afraid to try anything new in case itfrightens voters.
Sometimes, 1 think that older people have too much experience of the world and that
doesn't help them to come up with fresh ideas. Young people can be impulsive but 1
think they are much more creative thinkers.

J Josh Haines
Sometimes 1 feel very angry and bitter about the world my generation is going to
inherit. There are so few real opportunities for young people these days. Most of the
available jobs are poorly paid and there's a lot of competition for decent jobs. If you
want to get a good job through a higher education, you have to be prepared to get into
a lot of debt that will take years to repay. But 1 try not to feel too down because 1 think
that if you have the will to succeed then you will find a way. 1 hope my generation do a
better job of making the world a decent place for the future.
® Daniel Pierce
Alot of young people 1 know are always talking about how awful everything in the world is. 1 really
don't understand whatthey mean, especially for us in the developed world. Provided that you're
not one of the small number of people who are extremely poor, then you probably have a very
decent life. 1 think people just like to complain. They notice negative things but don't notice the
positive ones. The world is definitely becoming a better place - it's happening slowly but surely.
Pm certainly glad 1 ¡¡ve in the modern world we have now and wouldn't want to ¡¡ve in any past
age. u think that life will get even better in the future, too, thanks to technology.

4 Lucy Craig
T4ie government should definitely do more to heíp those atthe bottom of the ladder in society.
There is no doubt that there is too much inequality. But 1 think that my future is mainly in my
own hands. I'm determined to do well in my life and l've got many plans and ambitions for the
future. A lot of my peer group expectthings to be handed to them on a plate. They think the world
owes them a living. 1 think it's up to everyone to be responsible for their own lives. It's up to us
to change the world and thatwon't happen ifwe're sitting at home playing on a games console,
waiting for opportunity to knock on our door. It won't.
4 Ainsley Dawson
Most people my age don't care about what's happening around them. As long as they're OK
then they're not interested in anything else. 1 think we should be interested in politics and what's
happening in the world. It's our duty as citizens of the world. Basically, my generation is too
spoilt and has had ¡t too easy to care. They think poverty is something that happens to people in
faraway places and that they have an easy life to look forward to. They're only interested in being
rich or famous and think that money is the solution to everything. They also wantto have plenty of
money without really working for it. 1 think many of them are naive and irresponsible.

4 !J Vocabulary
1 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
1 Can 1 lend / borrow your pen, please?
2 1,11 lend / borrow you the money, as long as you pay me back tomorrow.
3 The tourist company / industry is very important for Greece.
4 Many people lost their jobs in the economic / economical crisis.
5 It's often more economic / economical to buy one large packet than No srnall packets.

2 Use a word or phrase from the box in each gap to complete the senterices.
checkout • refund . cheques. bargains. discount
cashpoint change. receipt. creditcard • currency

1 'Do you know there's a 50% on all women's clothes at Stephanie's Store
this week?'
'50%? Quick! Where's my ? We're going right now to pick up sorne

2 'Can lpayinany 1 want to - for example, dollars?'

'No, Madam. I'm sorrybut can only be accepted in euros.'
3 'Oh, no! We can't go to the 1 don't think we've got enough monev for all
this shopping!'
'Don't worry. There's a over there. I'll go and get sorne rnoneywhile you
wait in the queue.'
4 'Did you go back to the shop and get a for that CD that you bought which
didn't play?'
'No. 1 couldn't find the 1 looked everywhere. 1 think 1 was so busy
checking the that 1 forgot to pick it up.'

3 Use one word in each gap to complete the seritences.

1 I've been saving all winter and now I'm going to take a long holiday.
2 1 don't think 1 like that dress 1 bought. 1 think I'll take it to the shop and
see if they'll change it for me.
3 Sorne people in this country have so little rnoney that they struggle to get
4 When her aunt died, she carne a fortune and never had to work another
day in her life.
5 After leaving school, he set his own business writing cornputer
6 When my grandparents were younger, they often had to do fresh fruit
because there was none in the shops.

(4 Use of English: exam practice
Read the text below. Use the word given in capitais at the end of sorne of the unes to form a word that
fits in the gap in the same une. Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Traditionally, banks have aimed their (1) at those with plenty of money. ADVERTISE

(2) however, banks today are trying to attract younger and younger INCREASE

(3) - people like you! The idea behind it is that if they can get you young CONSUME

enough, they will be able to depend on your (4) for the rest of your ¡¡fe. And LOYAL

there is so much (5) between the different banks that they will try almost COMPETE

anything to get their hands on your (6) So be prepared for their free offers. SAVE

They will tempt you with anythirig from holidays to (7) items of clothing. FASHION

One high street bank is even offering a (8) stereo system to alt first-time STYLE

customers. That's not a bad return on your (9) 'And there's another good INVEST

reason to put your money in the bank - free (10) advice. You never know FINANCE

when you might need that!

f7 Reading 2: vocobulary
1 Use a word from the box in each gap to complete the sentences.
hygiene . demands • see • influence • possess . well-being

1 1 was quite shocked when 1 found out that a very small number of people in the country the
great majority of the wealth.
2 Once you understand the purpose of advertising, you begin to through the tricks they use to
persuade you to buy things.
3 Anywhere where food is being prepared, such as a restaurant, good is extremely important.
4 As the hotel manager, you'll be responsible for the day-to-day running of the hotel and the
of the guests.
5 1 fal1y decided that 1 had had enough of the of such a difficult career and 1 left myjob.
6 It might not always seem fair, but it's a fact of life that rich people have more than the rest of us.

2 Choose the correct word to complete the text.

lfthey were leftto thernselves, advertising (1) agencies! offices would be tempted to make
claims for products that weren't true. In order to protect (2) grown-ups / consumers, rnost
countries control advertising in sorne way. Usually, there are (3) influences / regulations
about what you can and can't say about a product, and the authorities have the powerto
impose a (4) ban / stop on certain advertisernents. For exarnple, you might be able to irnply
that a certain product increases your social (5) leve¡ / status, but you can't say that it will give
you a healthier (6) living 1 lifestyle without sorne kind of proof.

9 Grammar 2
1 Use a word from the box in each gap to complete the sentences.
a • sorne • rnuch • many • few • little

1 Only a of my friends get more pocket money than 1 do.

2 He went to the bank manager to get advice about his business.
3 1 have got very money left after the weekend.
4 David didn't have money so he went to the library instead of the CD shop.
5 Ihave little money. Shall we go for a cup of coifee?
6 Idon'thave friends who earn their own money.

2 Ifa sentence is correct, put a tick (y'). If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly.

1 1 feel that 1 am lucky because 1 have few friends who would lend me money if 1 needed it.
2 There are not many furnitures in my room because 1 can't afford to buy things 1 like.

3 1 went shopping this morning and bought a new trouser.

4 You need to buy a wood to fix that table.

5 1 haven't read the news for ages,so ifyou're passing the newsagent's, can you get me a paper?

6 1 wonder if you could give me sorne advices about what MP3 player to buy?

T§ Use of English: exam practice

1 Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.


In the past, the children of the household had very (1) choice in the way their bedrooms
were decorated.The fact that famities had many (2) children than they do now was an
important consideration.This meant that there was not (3) money available to pay for more
than the basics - paint or wallpaper. Add to this the fact that children of differing ages - and tastes - had to
share a room and it is easy to see why, when it (4) to decorating, not much thought was put
into the job. Times change, however, and now the amount spent on home decorating and DIY is
(5) at over€8 billion a year. Fa milles have acquired greater spending power and children
have more of a voice; in other words, parents have to take notice (6) what they want.What
has become very clear is that most teenagers are aware of the latest (7) and they really do
have a very good idea of the way they want their personal space decorated. It is then up to their parents to
help them achieve the look they want. Money is still going to be a consideration -(8) ,of
course, you have recently come into a fortune. But there isa wide range of materlals to choose from and it
realty does pay to (9) around.There are (10) available throughout the year,
so it can be done quite (11) Parents may argue that their child's choices are not appropriate,
but it is the teenager who has to ¡¡ve with it, not them. After alt, if the teenager (12) for a
colour or a material that the parent considers impractical, this can always be discussed!

1 A little B few C poor D sorne
2 A extra B more C lots D of 4
3 A any B much C more D sorne >'
4 A went B said C became D carne c
5 A claimed B estimated C guessed D considered
6 A of B to C about D from
7 A rnodels B news C sales D trends
8 A and B but C unless D if
9 A buy B study C seil D shop
10 A purchases B incomes C rnarkets D bargains
11 A economicaiiy B financialiy C commerciaiiy D profitably
12 A chooses B goes C thinks D decides

2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
Write the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
1 There aren't many notes ieft in my waliet. only
There notes left in my waliet.
2 Paul started work at six o'clock this morning and he still hasn't come home. working
Paul six o'clock this morning and he stili hasn't come home.
3 Did you manage to persuade George to lend you some money? succeed
Did you George to lend you sorne money?
4 Unless we leave soon, we won't get to the bank before it closes. if
We won't get to the bank before it closes leave soon.
5 Could you lend me sorne money? borrow
Could you?
6 I'll take the job provided that the salary's high enough. long
I'll take the job the salary's high enough.
7 How did they find the money to buy such an expensive car? up
How did they the money to buy such an expensive car?
8 I've got little money to spend on luxuries at the moment. a
1 of money to spend on luxuries at the moment.

4 Listening: exam practice
IP CD Track 4 You will hear an interview with a financia¡ expert. For questions 1-5, choose the best
answer (A, B or C).
1 Most of the people who see Tessa have a problern with
A borrowing too much. B understanding their bank account. C paying their household bilis.
2 Using a credit card often rnakes people
A buy things they don't want. B spend more than they should. C ignore the prices of things.
3 The first thing people with large credit card bilis shouid do is
A cail their bank manager. B get advice from an expert. C contact their credit card company.
4 Tessa advises people with financiai probiems to
A destroy their credit cards. B use their credit cards carefuiiy. C iock their credit cards away.
5 Sorne of the people that see Tessa
A think she's wrong about credit cards. B realise that they don't want a credit card.
C make the same mistakes again later.

-7- Reading 1: vocabulory

1 Match each word 1-8 with a meaning a-h.
1 addiction a absolutely necessary
2 negotiation b a set of rules or advice
3 essential c mad,crazy
4 antidote d forming a close relationship
5 guidelines e strong desire / need for something
6 bonding f get in the way of
7 hamper g solution, alternative
8 berserk h discussion to reach an agreement

2 Use a word from the box in the correct form in each gap to complete the sentences.
nag • exasperate. spend . miss. keep

1 He most of his time last weekend playing with his smartphone.

2 1 can't stand it! She's always me about something.
3 I'm afraid you out on a great party last week when you were away.
4 The online news site me up to date with current affairs.
5 She is the most person I've ever met!

!n Grammar 1
1 Choose the correct word or ph rase to complete the sentences.
1 You ought / should to come to the concert tonight. It's going to be fabulous!
2 Please must / may 1 come with you to the game this Saturday?
3 Ryan could / should have had a party if he had asked bis parents.
4 Nicole couldn't / shouldn't go out in the evening until she was fifteen.
5 Do you have to / must play your music so loud? It's driving me crazy!
6 Jerry must / ought to have joined the drama club. He would have enjoyed it.

2 Decide what the function of the modal is in the sentences. Write A for ability, O for obligation,
C for criticism, AD for advice and P for permission.
1 You shouldn't read so much in the dark. You'll hurt your eyes.
2 Larry has to go on a family picnic this Saturday.
3 If 1 do my homework first, can 1 go with my friends to the cinema on Thursday?
4 You ought to have phoned when you realised you were going to be late.
5 When 1 was young 1 could speak Italian rather well.
6 Can you help me figure out how to set up this exercise equipment?

3 Use a word or phrase from the box in each gap to complete the sentences.
should have • don't have to • can't • mustn't • should • had to

1 Beth queue up for hours to buy tickets for Saturday's concert.

2 My little brother understand why he's not ailowed to play on his own outside
after dark.
3 We got seats in the front row. 1 can't see the stage from here.
4 You play your music so loud! It disturbs the neighbours.
5 You come to Grandma's with us, but she'd reaily be happy if you did.
6 Do you think 1 dye my hair before the ball next week?

1~1 Use of English: exam practice

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given.You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Write
the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
1 There was no reason for Mary to storm off iike she did.
Mary storm off iike that.
2 Our headteacher gaye us permission to have a school ball!
Our headteacher a school ball!
3 Chiidren under sixteen are not aiiowed in the nightclub.
You the nightclub ifyou're under sixteen.
4 Be more carefui next time and you won't get hurt again.
You more carefui ifyou don't want to get hurt next time.
5 1 an absolutely incapabie of speaking French without an accent.
1 simply French without an accent.
6 It isn't necessary to ask Jacob to the party, but 1 think he'd iike to come.
You - - - Jacob to the party, but 1 think he'd iike to come.
7 1 wish 1 could go to a fashion show in Paris!
I'd iove go to a fashion show in Paris!
8 Why didn't you teil Rod what time we were meeting?
You Rod what time we were meeting.

1 Reading: exam practice
You are going to read an article about teenagers and free time. Seven sentences have been
removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (1-7).
There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

A When they can afford the trip, they love to travel to other cities to show their support at
away garnes.
B In fact, alrnost all of their time away from school is spent doing homework and taking lessons.
C Away from the books, they try to make sure they take time out for a little fun and entertainment.
D While sorne might want to get away from all the activity, he says it suits him perfecth
E It's a time to recharge the batteries and think things through.
F It might not sound very organised, but they wou!dn't have it any other way.
G It's tough to keep up with it al!, and the pressure is beginning to show.
H Most days, you'lI find him working on his website or chatting to friends onhine.

Andi Phillips interviewed a number of teenagers to

find out just what they're up to when they're out having
School's over, the homework's done and you've
fin ished any household chores you have to do. What
do you do when it's entirely up to you? How do you
ful your free time? It seems that teenagers have a
thousand and one things that they like to do, from
hobbies to sports, from reading to playing music. The
young people 1 spoke to alt had interesting things to
teli me about what today's teens like to do.
Jemma and Julie are twins, both 16 last month.
They're good students at school and spend a lot of
time studying. 1 That usually means that a free
afternoon or evening for these giris is spent at the
cinema with friends. 'l'm crazy about action movies,'
says Jemma. 'They're just so exciting!' Julie agrees
and explains that going to the cinema is almost an
addiction for them. 'If 1 don't see at least one movie at
the weekend, 1 really feel I've missed something great.'
Charlie is 15 years oid and has his own ideas on how to spend his leisure time.
At the weekend. though, he abandons the world of technology in favour of
his other hobby - bowling! Charlies favourite way to unwind is to bowi for a few
hours at the local bowling alley. We've got a fice league going, and it's great
fun. Bowling iets you escape from the pressures of schooi and just enjoy yourself
for a while. Its great!

Sean is 17 and his cousin Roger is 16. They both believe there's only one proper
leisure activity - sport! in particular, football. Sean and Roger are both players
and fans. They play for the school team and attend as many of their local team's
games as they can. 13 Faces painted in team colours, Sean and Roger are
sure to be the ones jurnping up and down in front of the camera when their team
scores. There's nothing more exciting than sport,' says Sean. Roger adds that
being a player goes hand in hand with being a fan of a professional team. 1 can't
imagine being one and not the other.'

Valerie and Sue are both 17 and are not very specific about what they do in
their free time, probably because they don't actually have any hobbies! They go
window shopping, maybe sit for a drink or a quick bite to eat somewhere, and in
general, just hang out'. It's hard to say exactiy what we do when we hang
out, but it's important that we get together whenever we can. We're such good
friends that we have loads of fun even if we're just sitting in a fast-food restaurant

Fifteen-year-old Monica and her brother Freddy, 14, say that they don't have
much leisure time at ah. 5 It rnight sound sad but in my free time 1 usuahly do
something like practise the piano. 1 don't mmd because I'm getting really good.
One day i'll be glad 1 put in the time to learn. Freddy agrees and adds, You don't
have to be foohing around or getting into trouble to have fun. I'm taking karate
lessons on Saturdays with two of my schooimates and we have a great time!'

Sirnon is 15 and comes from a very large farnily. With six brothers and sisters and
24 cousins, there are an awful lot of people around the house to spend time with.
1 [d say rnost of my leisure time is spent with my family, just doing different
things together. There are so many of us coming and going from each others
houses al¡ the time, it's hike we're always having a party, Simon says. Sure, my
friends come round and we hang out sometimes, but usuahly l'm doing something
with someone from my farnily. We're ah really close to each other.'

Judith admits she's a bit of a loner, and says she likes to have sorne time to
herself everyday. E77 1 see my friends often enough, she says. but 1 really
need time alone although it's not always easy to find the time to get away.' When
no-one's around Judith hikes to read or listen to music. She finds being alone very
relaxing. When asked if she gets lonely, she's very quick to point out that being
alone is not the same at al¡ as being lonely.
1 Use a word from the box in each gap to complete the sentences.
cast • audience • spectator. lifeguard . host • crowd

1 I'm not much of an athiete, but 1 love to watch sports. I'm a great
2 After the performance, the director heid a party for the to thank thern for their
hard work.
3 Myfavourite talkshow_ - is Mario on Mario Live. He's the greatest!
4 Michael gota summer job as a at the beach.
5 When our team won the championship, the went absolutely wild!
6 Have you ever been part of a uve TV ? It's really exciting.

2 Choose the correct word or ph rase to complete the sentences.

1 In-line skating really carne across / caught on a few years back.
2 Why don't you come across / come round to my place for lunch on Saturday?
3 Here, ffick through / take up this magazine for a minute and tell me ifyou like it.
4 Mara wouid really like to take up / take to yoga this year.
5 I've tried yoga before, but 1 didn't take up / take to it right away.
6 111 meet you at 5.30 if 1 can come across / get away from work early.

3 Use a form of the words in brackets in each gap to complete the sentences.
1 Thre is always a lot of (active) in the park on Sunday.
2 1 found the piayvery (amuse). Did you enjoyit?
3 Ihe audience showed their (appreciate) with loud applause.
4 (attend) wás at an all time high at last night's match.
5 1 find painting with watercolours more (enjoy) than oils.
6 Ihe (enter) to the theatre was hidden by the large crowd.
7 My favourite form of (entertain) is listening to music.
8 There's so much (excite) about next weekends bail.

4 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.

1 How did you manage getting Ib gefree tickets to the ball?
2 Julie finaily succeeded in persuading / to persuade her parents to let her have flying lessons.
3 Jane was able to organise / of organising another very popular programme of social events
this year.
4 I've arranged to meet / meeting Jerry after chess club tonight.
5 My brother really enjoys to play / playing squash.
6 My parents never allowed me wearing /to weaiimake-up before 1 was fifteen.
7 Does your mum let you to go / go out on week nights?

Readin 2: v.c.bul.ry

1Use a word from the box to replace the word or phrase in boid.
no)Íon . reasocbIe . twit • obsjdtles • current s cat5ie

1 An athiete has to overcome many difficulties before he can succeed

2 Ifyou turn your neck around like this, you can almost see the sea from this window.
3 1 think the prices at that new sports shop are not too expensive.
4 The idea that we all have loads of free time is just ridiculous'
5 The ski lift runs on a thik steel wire all the way up the mountain..
6 You don't even have to swim in the water park. The wat& iElow just pulls you along!

- Grammar 2
1 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
1 That was the more! most exciting ride 1 have ever been on!
2 Mix Master is definitely better than! from any other DJ on the radio today.
3 We have the bigger! higgest football stadium in the area.
4 I've never seen a worse ! wor&t movie than this one!
5 It was nowhere near as izood / better as the book.
6 She acted more dramatically! dramatic than she has in any of her other films.

Use a form of the words in brackets in each gap to complete the sentences.
1 That was the (expensive) holiday we have ever been on.
2 My second year of secondary school was much (good) than the first year.
3 1 didn't like maths much, but physics was my (less) favourite subject!
4 This book is (long) than the others in the series but much
(interesting). 1 love the piot!
5 It was a lot (difficult) to get my mum to let me wear make-up than 1 had thought.
6 Celebrity Surprise is by far the (funny) programmé I've seen this year.

3 Ust the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the questions.
1 (you / see) the newest kung fu movie yet? 1 hear it's excellent.
2 (you / be) busy yesterday afternoon, because 1 didn't see you after school?
3 What (Sam / do) with the CDs 1 lent him? He can't find them now!
4 Who (decorate) the hall for the dance? It looks great.
5 Why (you / not! cail) me yesterday? 1 wanted to taik to you.
6 Who (Sean! invite) to the dance next week? Has he decided yet?

4 Circle the correct word or phrase to complete the text.

1 have to teli you about the (1) more I&ios'I,: fantastic holiday (2)'fha / than I've ever been on. It was a
combination of camping and a canoe tñp. (3) Have/ Did you ever done anything like that befare?
1 hadn't! It was more frightening (4) as /than Vd irnagined it would be.The rapids feel (5) much / many
more dangerous when you're actually on the river (6) from /than they seem on the river bank. And the
waterfalls had really (7) steep /áteepy drops! Although it was a bit scary, 1 have to say that it was totaily
exhilarating!The camping part ws also great fun, but not as exciting (8)as)than the canoe trip. It was
definitely the (9) most of /'Pius't..reIaxing part of the whole trip. (1 0)dlIost /The most of the people on the
trip said they're going again rrt year. 1 know 1am! And who (11) you Ido you thinkl want to come with
me? You! Would (12) you Ido you like to?

T4 Use of English: exam practice

1 Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. r.

The Circus
Everybody loves the circus. For almost 300 years, across Europe, Russia and Amer-:c-r-.
'children of ah ages'have been (1) by the animais and acrobats of the circus.
The first circus was founded in England in 1769 by Phihip Astley, who performed horse-riding
stunts for a smahh (2) He then travelled throughout Europe and estabhished
circuses in many other countries.The circuses usuahhy took place in outdoor areas in a cirche
or a ring surrounded by (3) The performers (4) their
audiences with exciting acrobatic acts and horse-riding (5) as
we know them today are (6) displays - sometimes with severa' - of
wild animais and remarkable acrobatics.The facilities consist of tents with sho ..
place at the same time, the (7) both amusing and (8) their
audiences. Sorne of the most (9) circuses in history which continueto
be extremely (10) today include the American Barnum & Bailey Ringhing
Brothers Circus, which (11) itself 'The Greatest Show on Earth the Canadian
Cirque du Soleil, the Moscow Circus and Bihly Smart's Circus of London. Mihlions of people
(12) them around the world each year.

1 A appealed B enjoyed C laughed D entertained

2 A viewer B guest C cast D audience
3 A crowds B hosts C characters D spectators
4 A informed B thrilled C concerned D kicked
5 A performances B plays C stages D theatres
6 A infinite B eternal C massive D awful
7 A guests B performers C athietes D producers
8 A acting B talking C frightening D showing
9 A known B infamous C notorious D famous
10 A popular B accepted C common D regular
11 A says B calls C names D telis
12 A go B stay C attend D take

2 Read the text below and thinkof the word which best fits each gap. Use oniy one word in
each gap. Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Ainerícat Couitty Fafrs

Each summer, counties al! (1) the United States hold county fairs. The
fairs have been taking place for more (2) 150 years, and serve as a good
way to bring (3) people of the county together for a little food and fun.
Typically, a county fair has a variety (4) activities and events. Central to
every fair, however, (5) the animal shows. Participants from tots to teens
have the opportunity to prepare, then present, their animal for show. The shows are judged
(6) experts, and one animal in every category wins a prize, usua!!y a b!ue
ribbon. The animals must (7) well fed, in good health and well groomed.
Often the horses have bows and ribbons tied in their hair, and the rabbits wear fancy co!lars.
The chi!dren take great pride in caring for their animals, and (8) forward
to the fair every year.

Besides animals, there are also displays of handmade arts and crafts. Ihese too are judged in
competition with each (9) Looking at the handmade quilts and sweaters,
one imagines what !ife was (10) a hundred years ago. The county fair
competitions prode a good way (11) preserving old art forms for new
generations. County bí fairs usually last (12) about a week, and are often he!d
in July. Visitors like to make the trip to see the animals and crafts. Kids love the excitement
too. All in ah, a trip to the local county fair makes for a very pleasant summer's day.

ffl Listening: exam practice

CD Track .5 You will hear people taiking in five different situations. For questions 1-5,
choose the best answer (A, B or C).
1 You hear this boy taiking on the phone. What is he going to do this weekend?
A play football B play pool C go bowling
2 You hear this woman talking about a night out. What did she dishike?
A the acting B the theatre C the costumes
3 You hear this man on the phone. What does he do?
A buy extra tickets for another date B change the date of his tickets
C change the seats on the tickets
4 You hear this woman taiking. What did she think of the film?
A She thought it was too unrealistic. B She thought it was too romantic.
C She thought it was too complicated.
5 You hear this giri describing a video game. What did she particularly like about it?
A the graphics B the action C the music


7 Reading 1: vocabulary
1 Use a word from the box to complete the phrases.
population e trickle . developing.Iitter. extinct • processes • bank • conservation

1 a bottle 5 the world's

2a of water 6 industrial
3 the world 7 to become
4 water 8 to drop

2 Choose the correct word or phrase.

1 Which of the foliowing does not refer to rubbish in the street?
a litter b pickup c drop d leak
2 Which of the following does not refer to what people might do to protect the environment?
a protest b demonstrate c waste d take action
3 Which of the foliowing does not refer to water?
a species b dams c reservoirs d sinks
4 Which of the following does not refer to animals?
a extinct b evaporation c endangered d wildlife

3 Use a word from the box in each gap to complete the sentences.

protesting. pollution. leaking e dam . evaporation . drought

1 pipes are responsible for the loss of thousands of tonnes of water every day.
2 Ihere are plans to build a to stop the flow of the river and collect water in a reservoir.
3 from factories is one of the biggest problems facing our rivers and seas.
4 The recent in our country meant that there was not enough water and we all had to be
very careful how much we used.
5 We should start against the trees being cut down in the nearby forest.
6 is when water disappears into the atmosphere.

Grammar 1
1 Use the correct passive tense to rewrite these sentences.
1 The coid weather has killed alrnost all the birds on the island.

2 We are encouraging people not to drop litter.

3 The local people have prevented the governrnent from building a new reservoir.

4 Yesterday, they announced sorne drarnatic news about the environrnent.

2 Use the prompts to write sentences in the passive.

1 the problern of noise po!lution/ studyl governrnent scientists at the mornent
2 people / need / educate / about the benefits of recyc!ing
3 a lot of water / can / save / turning the tap off when you are brushing your teeth
4 a dernonstration / heid / outside parliarnent yesterday to protest about air pollution
5 a documentary on endangered species / show / on TV at eight o'clock tonight
6 it / announce / a new kind of environmentally friendly petrol / produce / next year

3 Use a word from the box in each gap to complete the sentences.
being . been • be • are • was • have

1 After !ast month's fire, huge areas of forest been destroyed.

2 Many o!d cars, fridges and cookers sirnply dumped at the side of the road every year.
3 The situation regarding the polluted lake is investigated by scientists.
4 The results of the study of insects will released next rnonth.
5 Governrnent officials have criticised for their plans to build the airport in an area of
natural beauty.
6 A new law introduced yesterday banning the use of a range of chernicals in industry.

4 Use a form of the verb in brackets in each gap to complete the text.
Although over the last 20 years a great deal (1) (achieve) in the protection
and conservation of the environment, there is still an awful lot (2) (do).
According to sorne scientists, we (3) (manage) to reduce the amount of
damage we are doing to the atmosphere, and the hole in the ozone ayer ¡5 starting to close.
Thanks to dedicated individuals, species of plant and animal ¡¡fe which (4)
(threaten) with extinction have now (5) (save). On the other hand, every day
many species become extinct. Laws and regulations exist to stop factories poltuting rivers
and seas but this (6) (remain) a major problern. And the use of cars rneans
that we are still making our cities and towns unbearable to ¡¡ve in, despite the fact that
progress (7) (make) with public transport systems. So, while sorne problems
(8) (solve) already, we cannot afford to stop making an effort.

1 Reading: exam practice
You are going to read an article from a website which is dedicated to ways of deating with
waste. For questions 1-8, choose the answer (A, 8, C or D) which you think fits best according to
the text.
1 Ihe writer suggests that getting rid of oid clothes can
A benefit you and other people.
B oniy be done through recycling bins.
C cause a problem with rubbish.
D save you time.
2 What does the writer say about buying clothes second-hand?
A It is expensive and you can end up being a fashion victim.
B All of today's top stars do it.
C You save money, look different and it helps with recycling.
D It is a fashionabie thing to do but ordinary peopie can't afford it.
3 Ihe Mailing Preference Service
A keeps you informed about environmental issues. 7

B collects paper from your borne to be recycled.

C provides your details to advertisers.
D helps you to reduce the amount of rubbish you throw away.


Come on, admit it. We've ah got clothes in our wardrobe that we haveni wom for years
and we know we'hl never wear again. Taking your oid clothes to the local charity shop or
recyching bin is a great way of getting rid of a load of rubbish and creating extra space
at the same time! And it's ah for a good cause. Charities such as The Salvation Army,
Oxfam, TRAID and Scope are big coilectors of oid clothes, either through charity shops
and recyching banks or for sorting and selling on, often abroad.

Buying second-hand clothes is now definiteiy in vogue too, with dedicated foliowers
of fashion such as Kyiie and Geri Hahhiwehl leading the way. Vintage boutiques offer
ranges of designer classics, but can be a bit on the expensive side, so why not raid your
local charity shop to pick up a real bargain? You can create your own distinct look and
feel good about your recycling effort.

Hate junk mail? Around one mihlion tonnes ofjunk mail and magazines get binned
each year! But it's easy to cut down on the rubbish in your bin by registening with the
Mailing Preference Service. Send them your detaiis and theyhl make sure that you don't
receive piles of unwanted offers and advertisements through your ietterbox.

4 Many of the things we throw in our dustbins 7 What point does the writer make in the last
A come from the local supermarket. paragraph?
B can cause the bin to break. A Nobody tries to reduce the amount of rubbish
C are made of recycled material. they produce.
D can easily be recycled. B There are many ways to reduce the amount of
5 What does the figure of £34 million represent? rubbish we produce.
A The cost of recycling all the drinks cans C Ifwe follow this advice, we will have no
in the UK. rubbish at ah.
B The amount spent on soft drinks each year in D Our bornes are too dirty because of all
the UK.
the rubbish.
C The annual cost of the aluminium used to
make drinks cans. 8 This text is written for people who
D The amount spent by supermarkets on A are interested in producing less rubbish.
recycling schemes. B want to work in recycling.
6 The phrase 'time and time again' (line 23) C can't afford to buy new products.
suggests that D are thinking of donating to charity.
A aluminium maybe recycled more than once.
B time is running out for the environment.
C a buge number of cans are made every year.
D the cans we use now will last forever.

A massive 60% of the contents of your dustbin can be recycled. So why not give your
bin a break and drop off your paper, card, glass bottles, jars and cans at the recycling
banks located at most supermarkets? By doing this, you'll reduce your household
waste by nearly one third!

Did you know that if you're reatly clever, there's £34 million worth of empty aluminium
drink cans ¡n the UK just waiting to be collected and recycled? The reason is that
aluminium is really valuable and the sort that's made into the billions of drinks cans we
23 see on our supermarket shelves can be recycled and used time and time again to make
new drinks cans.
We produce over 26 million tonnes of household rubbish in the UK every year,
so there's plenty of scope for us to Rethink Rubbish in the home! By thinking about
the types of goods we buy, how we use them and where we dispose of them, we can
dramatically reduce the amount of rubbish our homes produce. Whilst we can't get rid
of rubbish altogether, there are hundreds of ways in which we can cut down on what we
throw away. So, whetherwe're recycling, finding new uses for 'junk' or simply reducing
what we create in the first place, with a little effort, we can ah make our homes cleaner
and greener!

. Vocabulary
1 Complete each phrasal verb.
1 to die (= to become extinct) 4 to run of something

2 to go (= to stop being fresh) 5 to throw something

3 to cut atree

2 Use the correct preposition in each gap to complete the phrases.

1 to refer something

2 to accuse somebody something

3 to depend somebody something

4 to take care something

5 to inform people something

3 Use a word from the box in each gap to complete the phrases.
effect • reserve . species . warming . fuels • system

1 sewerage 4 global

2 endangered 5 nature

3 greenhouse 6 fossil

4 Choose the correct word or ph rase to complete the sentences.

1 After seven years in the city, he had had enough of rural / urban life.
2 One modern problem facing many of us is that of fog/ smog.
3 Companies are being forced to bring out / take out green products if they want to keep their
customers satisfied.

4 We are rapidly going out of! running out of fossil fuels.

5 There are very few poisonous / poisoned snakes in the wild in this country.
6 Industrial! Occupational pollution is reaching dramatic levels in certain parts of the world.

4 Use of English: exam practice

Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

For ah the talk of what humankind has done to cause destruction to the planet, we should
not forget that nature itself is a (1) force, capable of doing damage on a huge scale.
The greenhouse (2) and the hole in the ozone ]ayer are indeed made worse by the
(3) society we uve in. However, we must remember that there are certain (4) —
of plant and animal which, quite naturally, (5) off gases that are very harmful to the
atmosphere. And only 50 years ago in London, hundreds of people died from the (6)
which hung over the River Thames. What is interesting here is that, yes, smoke and gases
from industry, vehicles and fossil (7) were ingredients in this deadly mixture. The other
vital ingredient, though, was the completely natural fog, and who would have thought that
could be (8) __2

In the early days of the industrial revolution, poets, painters and philosophers described
how the polluted (9) skies made them think of the end of the world. Well, towards the
end of the nineteenth century, the volcanic eruption of Krakatoa nearly made it happen!
Thousands of tons of dust and ash were thrown into the air and, for years afterwards, there
were red sunsets caused by the light filtering through this natural pollution. Remembering
scientists' pettheory about the dinosaurs (10) out because of a huge volcanic eruption,
we were lucky that humankind (11) this time.
So, next time you look out from your garden or balcony and see a beautiful red sunset,
think of the possibilities. It could be the result of our activities poisoning the air we breathe,
or it might just be (12) turning on the radio to check there haven't been any major
eruptions lately!

lAheavy B muscular C powerful D natural

2Aeffect B phenomenon C syndrome D situation
3 A commercialised B industrialised C atmospheric D natural
4Araces B brands C wildlife D species
5Atake B give C throw D run
6Asmog B pollutant C sewerage D oxygen
7Aflames B fumes C fires D fuels
8 A poisoned B harmful C environmental D chemical
9Aurban B rural C busy D global
10 A killing B dying C fading D going
11 A managed B survived C protected D saved
12 A while B valuable C worth D good

Reading 2: vocobulory
1 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
1 Ihe buzzing of the kept me awake all night and 1 got bitten too.
a ladybirds b mosquitos c grasshoppers d beetles
2 You should put sorne on your plants to help them grow
a acid b fungus c fertiliser d trail
3 Bees are insects that live in
a colonies b trails c obstacles d eggs
4 Iheir first job is to a source of food to ensure survival.
a trail b rnagnify c locate d found

2 Use a word from the box in each gap to complete the sentences.
critica¡ . intriguing . nomadic • sole • infertile • select • tends . forage

1 They are a tribe and move from place to place.

2 This plant to grow better in a sunny spot.
3 You can which meal you want from the menu.
4 My cat's interest in hife is finding a fice warm place to curi up and sleep.
5 Ihe first few minutes of the turtle's life are If it doesn't get to the sea quickhy it will be eaten.
6 The foxes often in our dustbin for scraps of food.
7 Ifthe species becomes and can't produce young, it wihl die out.
8 Animal behaviour is a very fleid of study.
! Grammar 2
1 Ifa sentence is correct, puta tick (V). If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly.
1 1 am looking forward to doing environmental studies at school next vear.
2 1 wanted to write about zebras for the school project but my teacher wouldn't let meto do it.
3 We stopped to take photographs of the beautiful mountain scenery.
4 This factory stopped to operate years ago because it was causing too much pollution.
5 It is important turning off the tap when you are brushing your teeth because it wastes water.
6 It is my ambition becoming a vet.
7 1 would rather going to a natural history museum than a zoo.
8 You would better hurry up or we'll miss the bus to the waterfalls.
9 1 would rather they didn't do experiments on animais.
10 1 prefer to living in the country rather than in the City.

2 Finish these sentences using ideas of your own about nature and the environment.
1 It is very important for people
2 We need to stop
3 1 would rather
4 People should not
5 The government should make industries
6 Parents should not let their children
7 All students should be made
8 We can help the environment by

q Use of English: exam practice

1 Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in
each gap. Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Ornithology, or the study of birds, attracts people from ah kinds of background. It also
attracts a certain amount of ridicule. 'What can be (1) exciting about going
out in afl weathers looking at birds?' people tend (2) say to me. Well, birds
(3) fascinated me since 1 was young and 1 would much (4)
go out in the rain with my waterproofs and binoculars than sit at home watching television.
For those who are stihl sceptical, (5) sale solution is to get a book on
birds, have a quick look, and get out there. Seeing birds in (6) natural
environment is so (7) more enjoyable if you know what you are looking
at. You don't have to be an expert in order to get pleasure (8) identifying
species. Try to avoid making too much noise or the birds wihl (9) disturbed
and fly away and you won't succeed (10) seeing anything.
Oh, and you (11) bettertake a waterproof jacket — just in case the weather
turns bad. Don't worry, though. ht'lI soon clear (12) and you'hh be able to get
on with the fascinatirig hobby of bird-watching.

2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given.You must use between two and five words, including the word
given.Writethe missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

1 Ihe local environmental organisation has very little money left.

The local environmental organisation money.
2 1 suggest reading this article before you do your geography homework.
Yo thisarticle before you do your geography homework.
3 Why isn't the government informing people about this problem?

about this problem by the government?

rever manage to convince him that bird-watching is an interesting hobby.
You'll never him that bird-watching is an interesting hobby.
5 Thev began this wildlife charity in 1970.
Ibis wildlife charity in 1970.
6 Ihese animals need us if they are going to survive.
Ihese animals their survival.
Ihev have said that the company broke several environmental laws.
Ihe company several environmental laws.
$ Ifwe fail to look after the environment, it could end in disaster.
Ifwe do not the environment, it could end in disaster.

i Listening: exam practice

CO CD Track 6 You will hear an interview with a scientist. For questions 1-5, complete the sentences.
obert Jackson works with (1) to develop environmental programmes.
Sixne pollution was caused by (2) which no longer exist.
&irning (3) in this arca has added to global warming.
The create (4) after the soil and water have been cleaned.
arca should recover from the problem (5)

Revision O
9 Reading: exam practice
You are going to read a magazine article about different ways of learning. For questions 1-15, choose from
the sections (A-F). When more than one answer is required, these can be given in any order. The sections
may be chosen more than once.
Which section or sections mention(s)
learning by doing? 1
creative thinkers? 2_ 3__
learning through shapes and images? 4_ 5- ____
learning best with others? 6-
analytical thinkers? 7— 8-
needing to move around? 9—
group discussions? lo— 11_____
working with puzzles? 12 - 13_
working best alone? 14 -
helping others with problems? 15_

Not everyone Iearns in the same way! Jeff rey
Harder describes seven different learning styles, or
'inteItigences' Does one describe your way of learning?

Verbal or linguistic intelligence, also known as'word smart

describes a way of learning best through books and words.
People with this kind of learning style prefer to learn by reading
and writing.They enjoy and are good at both reading and
writing stories, poetry, word games and anything else related
to words in print. When they take part in discussions with
other people, verbal learners tend to think in words instead of
pictures and often make notes.

People with mathematical or logical intelligence favour

numbers overwords.They are'maths smart'and like patterns
and logic more than words on a page.They excel at puzzles
and analysing problems, finding solutions and conducting
experiments.Theythink in numbers and images and lookfor
visual patterns in colour and shapes too. People with this kind
of learning style are very systematic and logical thinkers.They
are excellent organisers and great at winning arguments!

® People with visual-spatial intelligence learn through images.The expression,'a picture paints
a thousand words' has real meaning to them because they learn best through shapes, pictures
and designs that can be seen.Visual learners often like to draw or paint something in orderto
understand it. They also like puzzles and maps and anything else they can learn from'seeing
They are creative learners and often seek careers in fields such as architecture or graphic design.

dj Intrapersonal learners are people who can look inside themselves to analyse their thoughts,
feelings and beliefs.They enjoy thinking and learning by themselves, and often dislike having
to learn in groups with others. Intrapersonal learners are very creative people, strong willed and
self-confident.They take time for self-reflection and search for understanding independently.
Other people often turn to them for advice and guidance because they can easily analyse and
understand personal feelings.

Interpersonal learners are just the opposite.They prefer to work with other people, faceto face.
They like the dynamics of being on a team rather than working by themselves.They are'people
smart'and have a great variety of social skills which they use to communicate effectively
and interact with others.They are great at taking part in animated discussions. People with
interpersonal intelligence have a lot of friends and show genuine understanding for other
people.You'll alwaysfind them in a group!

O Kinaesthetic learners are'body smart which means they learn best by using their body todo
something.They don't like to sit still and read about new ideas.They learn best by getting up
and doing it themselves. Kinaesthetic learners are very aware of their body's abilities and enjoy
physical movement.They learn something by watching someone else do it first, then trying it
themselves, like riding a bike or repairing something. Body smart people excel at sports and
other activities that keep them moving and doing.They easily become bored when forced to sit
still for long periods of time.

I§ Use of English: exam practice
1 Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

The concept of exotic holidays is not new. (1) and other travel packages to
tropical locations have long been popular and are more (2) now than ever.
Ihe wealthy have gone on trips to exotic places since the nineteenth centur}; but now ordinary
people have enough money for this kind of holiday. (3) are increasingly
interested in doing something different and want more exciting (4)
A number of tour companies have responded with a new (5) of options,
including African safaris.

Going on safari is a totally (6) form of holiday. (7) by a

safari guide, groups travel into the African wilderness to experience close up the
(8) of the wild. Being so close to the animals is a once- in -a-lifetime
experience. (9) species, which are (10) seen outside the
zoo, provide a great (11) On safari, you see the animais m their natural
environment, behaving as they do normally. Safaris aren't for everyone, however - especially
those who are easily (12)

1 A Decks B Cabins C Traffic D Cruises

2 A sensitive B affordable C logical D effective
3 A Guides B Speçtators C Guests D Holidaymakers
4 A journey B trip C travel D movement
5 A collection B mixture C range D combination
6 A unique B sole C singular D lone
7 A Accepted B Delayed C Accompanied D Developed
8 A scare B thrill C trauma D fright
9 A Environmental B Obsolete C Extinct D Endangered
10 A gradually B rarely C only D frequently
11 A event B attraction C show D irivitation
12 A tempted B disgusted C frightened D horrified
2 Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Schoots al¡ (1) the world are becoming actively involved in
environmentally friendly programmes and projects. Many (2) the projects
concern recycling paper and other waste regularly. This helps to conserve and protect our
natural resources. The project leaders encourage their students (3) adopt
these habits (4) home and in their communities, spreading awareness of
the need to recycle.
Other schools (5) gone beyond these traditional measures and are
developing more ambitious eco projects. These take many forms and try to raise students'
awareness of environmental ¡ssues in novel ways. For (6) , recreational
areas constructed entirely (7) of recycled resources are becoming
increasingly common. Other projects involve ecological art programmes,
(8) which students make works of art such (9) sculptures
from previously used materials. These are not only beautifut, but also make a statement
about how much of whatwe consume could actually be used again.
Alt in al¡, young people today are more aware (10) everofthe world's
dwindling natural resources. They are conscious that they are growing up in a world where
environmental problems can no longer be ignored. With the help of their schools, many of
them are working together in (11) to find bright new solutions
(12) oId problems.

3 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitais at the end of sorne of the Iines to forma word
that fits in the gap in the same Iine.Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

One of the things that can be very (1) when using the internet is TIRE

people's bad (2) Because people are often anonyrnous on the BEHAVE

internet and dont use their real narne, they can be very rude and (3) KIND

in a way that they never would be if they were face to face with a person in real life.
But if you want to know how to deal with these issues and avoid conflict, there are
sorne (4) available on the net. Following 'Netiquette' rules, as GUIDE
they are called, can help make (5) to how everyone uses the net. IMPROVE

The best way to keep net (6) friendly is to be polite. Don't use RELATION

Caps Locks. It's the sarne as shouting. Don't insult people. Don't deliberately try to
start arguments. People who do this are called trolls and they can be very
(7) in the way they get everyone arguing on the net. The only way to CREATE

get rid of a troll is to ignore them. Trolls don't like (8) as one of their ISOLATE

characteristics is that they wantto have the (9) to annoy everyone. FREE

Don't let them. The best way to make using the fletan enjoyable experience is to
remernber that (10) and politeness go a long way to rnaking any HONEST

comrnunity a nice place to be.

4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word
given.Write the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
1 Paris is a fice city but it's so expensive.
Paris is fice, but it's city.
2 Please don't use more water than vou really, need.
Please try more water than you really need.
3 I'm sure Jane will manage to convince the city council to build a new park.
I'm sure Jane wffl the city coundil to build a new park.
4 Sorry, but 1 couldn't get concert tickets at such short notice.
Sorry, but 1 concert tickets at such short notice.
5 'Bringing your own tents on the camping trip isn't necessary,' said Monique.
Monique toid us we our own tents on the camping trip.
6 John advised me to take my studies more seriously.
John said, 'If 1 take my studies more seriously:
7 Ihis trigonometry problem is really hard for me to solve.
1 can't seem to this trigonornetry problem..
8 1 think Professor Jones started teaching here 100 years ago!
1 think Professor Jones 100 years!

@ Listening: exam practice

IP CD Track 7 You will hear people taiking in five different situations. For questions 1-5,
choose the best answer (A, B or C).
1 You hear this man taiking. What does he regret? 4 You hear this teenage giri taiking. Who does she
A not doing something sooner blame for the problem?
B not earning more money A her friend
C not foliowing his original plan B her mother
2 You hear this woman ta1kng. Why did she give C herself
her hobby up? 5 You hear this man taiking about insects. What
A She had no free time. does he admire most about them?
B She couldn't afford it. A the way they work together
C She found it too difficult. B their ability to survive
3 You hear this man taiking on the radio. C the variety of species
What does he say about modern technology?
A It is a waste of time.
B It stops people communicating.
C It makes people lazy.
Writing: exam practice
1 You must answer this question.
You are planning tojoin a group of students who are touring Italy this summer. Giovanni, the student who will lead the
tour, has written to you with information about the places you will visit and howyour time will be spent. Below is part
of his email. Read the email on which you have made notes. Using the notesyou have made, write an email to Giovanni
requesting further information.

_Write— ^- --send

Sent: l4th March
Subject: how mcny s±vdenfs?frorn whre?
Italy trip

Ori tours like this, all the students really enioy getting to know each
other (which is good because we spend a lot of time together!). We visit a
di-F-Ferent site every day in a number of different Italian cities.
how much?
During the tour we'
- 11 stay in fairly comfortable youth hostels, which
nclude one meal a day in the price. Local restaurants serve famous Itahian
(dishes, so I'm sure you'll find something you like to eat every day!
whih mezL
Bring clothes for the Italian summer and don't forget that when we go to
places like the Sistine Chapel you must be dressed appropriately

Please do write back to me if you have any other questions. See you soon!
whót does that mein?

Write an email in 120-150 words.You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate spelling and
punctuation in a style appropriate for the situation.

Write an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 120-180 words in an
appropriate style.

2 Your school magazine is producing a special issue 4 You have recen tly had a class discussion on the
about the local theatre. The editor has askedyou importance of friendship. Nowyour English
to write a review of a play yo u have seen there teacher has askedyou to write an essay, giving your
recen tly, mentioning the story, characters and opinions on the foliowing statement:
costumes and whetheryou recommend the play to Friends are more important to young people
the magazine's readers. than relatives.
Write your review to appear in the magazine. Write your essay.

3 A magazine foryoung people is sponsoring a short

story competition. The competition rules say that
the story must begin with the foliowing words:
1 suddenly realised where 1 could get the money.
Write your story.

f"j Reading 1: vocobulory

1 Use a word from the box in each gap to complete the sentences.
agility . freestyle. balance • stamina • stunt • teamwork

1 A cross-country runner must have a great deal of in order to finish the race without
becoming exhausted.
2 Gymnasts need an excellent sense of when jumping and landing on the beam.
3 The key to success is - everyone working together.
4 Dancers have tremendous and are able to move their bodies very easily in many ways.
Most of us can't do that!
5 figure skating has always been my favorite winter sport.
6 That was an incredible 'How did she do that?

2 Use a word or phrase from the

box in the correct form in FO1Z. N€ THF1LL OF IT!
each gap to complete the text. In the last few years, extreme sports have real ¡y (1)
devote More and more people are out for a thrill and want to try skateboarding
take off and (2) instead of more trad itional (3)
activities. Although plenty of fans are (4) to their
event favourite oId sports such as football or swimming, (5)
skyd ivi ng like BMX races draw massive crowds of spectators!
New (6) of sports seem to be appearing al¡ the time as
people push themselves to the limft and go for the biggest thrill!

-9 Grammar 1
1 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.
1 Olympic® athletes must feel / have felt very proud when they are awarded their medais and hear their
national anthem played!
2 Today can't be / be being the first time you've played volleybail. You're playing so well.
3 It can't be / have been a very good match since haif the crowd left the stadium before it even finished.
4 Ihe gymnasts must be / have been exhausted after they finished the competition.
5 It couldn't be / have been Shareen you saw at the game last night. She's in hospital!
6 You must like ¡ be liking bicycle races a lot, since you're always talking about them.

2 Use a form of the words in brackets in each gap to complete the sentences.
1 Tristan (ought / bring) a spare tennis racket with him, so you'll probabiy be able to play.
2 Tony and Kathy (could / play) golf at the moment, or they might have gone shopping.
3 Dana (should / remember) to cali Liz to teil her we postponed the match, so 1 don't
think Liz will turn up.
4 My dad (could / go) to get his bike repaired, but I'm not sure.
5 Last year's team (must / be) a lot better than this year's. They won all their games.
6 The other competitors didn't arrive on time. They (might / delay) by the bad weather.

3 Ifa sentence is correct, puta tick (V).

1 Ihe other team should be arriving soon.
2 Dean won first place in the competition again this year! He can't be very happy!
3 Ifwe just practise a little harder, we might stand a chance for the semi-finais.
4 You want to go skydiving? You ought to be mad!
5 My coach toid me that 1 can't have missed another practice or I'm off the team.
6 Your tennis game is really much better. You must have practised a lot since last time we played.

IM Use of English: exam practice

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
Write the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
1 1 imagine you were extremely happy to be chosen team leader.
You extrernely happy to be chosen team leader.
2 li's not possible that James signed up for the bungee jurnping event!
James up for the bungee jumping event!
3 Perhaps Nick has forgotten that practice was cancelled.
Nick that practice was cancelled.
4 1 don't think Gloria was very happy after she lost the match.
Gloria very happy after she iost the match.
5 It's possible that Sarah is running a marathon right now!
Sarah a marathon right now!
6 It is possible that Rolf carne last, but 1 really can't remember!
Rolf but 1 really can't remember!
7 1 imagine you're getting a little nervous.
You a little nervous.
8 You won't have problems finding the gym as it's the only big building in the arca.
You the gym as it's the only big building in the arca.
111 Reading: exam pía ctice
You are going to read a magazine article about whether sport is good for you. Seven sentences
have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each
gap (1 -7).There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
A The sport that causes the most is football.

B Thankfully, this isn't a mainstream sport and only a relatively small number of people do it.
C A lucky few sustain only minor injuries.
D I've looked into injury, deaths and long-term conditions that can be caused by sports.
E The most severe are multiple fractures and head injuries.
F Far more worrying is the effects of doing no exercise at ah.
G But there's definitely a case for arguing that sport and exercise can be bad for you too.
H For people who do recreational sports, these types of long-term injuries are far less likely.

¡S Sport r

good for you? s

Stelia iones investigates the dark side of sport and exercise for readers.

The accepted wisdom is that we citizens of the rnodern world don't get
enough exercise. We lead largely sedentary lives where we sit down at
work and rarely waik anywhere.That's why health authorities and the
sports and lifestyle gurus al¡ insist we need to get up, get out, get moving
and do sorne sport or exercise. But is there any chance that the couch
potatoes arnong usare better off than we imagined? Could it be that it's
the healthier lifestyle?

Well, that might be pushing ita bit. 1 Sorne of you must be a bit
sceptical about these claims, so let's have a closer look atthem.Then we
can decide if the benefits outweigh the damage exercise can do, or not.
've done sorne research on behalf of our readers to investigate how sport
can be bad for you. 2
The statistics on injury are quite an eye-opener. In Britain, over
13 million people a year receive sorne kind of injury from doing sport or
exercise. 3 Butjust about any sport or exercise can lead to injury. Most
injuries tend to be rnuscle strains and sprains from over-exertion or poor
preparation.While, on the whole, most sports injuries tend to be quite
minor, a significant number can be quite serious. 4 These are often caused by
such sports as diving, cycling or skiing. Also, over 11 per cent of traumatic spinal
injuries, which can lead to paralysis, are the result of a sports injury.

Apart from one-off injuries from sport, there is also the chance that sports
enthusiasts will end up with a long-term condition.These are mainly likely to affect
professional sports people. Because they play sport at such a high level, they are
the ones liable to get a repetitive strain injury (RSI) or do permanent damage to
knees or shoulders. 5 Though people who do endurance sports such as
long-distance running or cycling as a hobby are also at risk.

Bad as any kind of injury is, the worst case scenario is, of course, death.The most
dangerous sport in this respect is base jumping. ] Of the more popular sports
that can be deadly, cycling and swimming are the ones most likely to lead to a
fatality.This al¡ makes sport sound pretty scary. But the truth is that the risk of dying
from any sport, apart from base jurnping, is very low indeed.

Looking at ah the data from the comfort of my couch, 1 have cometo the conclusion
that doing a sport or exercise can sometimes be a little dangerous. Accidents can
happen and people often sprain a wrist or ankle. But the risk of serious injury or
death is too small to even think about. 7 This can lead to obesity, heart disease
and other serious diseases such as diabetes. Being too much of a coach potato is
unheahthy.We ah need todo sorne exercise to be fit and feel good.The key word is
moderatio n.

V Vocabulary
1 Use a word from the box in each gap to complete the text.

coaches • favourites • opponents • referee • team

It was the day of the final! Last year's winning (1) were hungry for another
victory, but so were their (2) In fact, having done so well during the season, they
were this year's (3) to win. The two sides took to the fleid with their
(4) shouting last-minute directions from the sidelines. Ihe captains shook hands
in the middle of the pitch. Ihe (5) blew the whistle and the game was underway!

2 Choose the correct phrasal verbs to complete the sentences.

1 Our giris are down by two points, but there's still time to drop out / catch up in the second half.
2 We were a little nervous about taking on / giving up last year's champions.
3 As soon as Jerry and 1 started playing volleybail, the whole gang caught up / joined in.
4 Unfortunately, Eva got the flu and had to put off/ drop out of the competition at the
last moment.
5 You must keep one thing in mmd while you're training: never give up / catch up.
6 Don't take on / put off going to the doctor about that ankle. It might be broken.

3 Use a form of the words in brackets in each gap to complete the sentences.

1 Last week's (lost) was a great shock to all of us as we'd expected to win.
2 Howard's (perform) at yesterday's game was superb and helped us win by
five points.
3 Luckily for us, the star player's (injure) isn't serious and he'll only miss a
couple of games.
4 Ihe Jackson brothers are extremely (compete) both on and off the
playing field.
5 There's no practice tonight! Save your (strong) for tomorrow's game.
6 Hosting the youth basketball games took a lot of (prepare) from students
and teachers.

4 Use go, do orplay in the correct form in each gap to complete the sentences.

1 Hey, do you want skateboarding this weekend?

2 1 used karate when 1 was younger. 1 really liked it.
3 Has Mary horse-riding again? She seems to just love it!
4 Why don't we squash after lunch?
5 Last summer, my friends and 1 windsurfing every chance we got.
6 1 think Jeff skiing in the mountains with his family next weekend.
7 You water polo, don't you? I'd love to learn. Can you teach me?
8 It helps to have long legs ifyou want the high jump.

5 Reading 2: vocabulary
1 Match each word 1-5 with its meaning a-e.
1 rumours a supported
2 mood b gossip
3 resentment c focused
4 reassured d atmosphere, feeling
5 single-minded e dislike

q Use of English: exam practice

Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

One of the rnost punishing forms of athletic sport islong-distance

running. To be a top marathon runner requires years of
(1) anda lotof(2) Asinrnost
athletic sports, marathon runners are (3) They do
the sport because they are (4) to it, notto get rich.
As it's such a (5) sport, even people who do it as a
hobby need to get into a (6) of running at Ieast
20 km a day in the run-up to a major race if they are going to have
any (7) of doing well in K. Those marathon runners
who want a chance of running in the Olympics® are likely to
(8) someone who can help them gain an edge
over their competitors. A good (9) can make ah
the difference.
When actually participating in an event, it is vital that long-distance
runners (10) themselves if they wantto avoid
(11) But for sorne runners, all the hard work will
(12) off when they cross the finishing hine ahead of
the rest of the pack.

1 A teaching B learning C training D testing

2 A practices B sacrifices C suggestions D resentments
3 A athietes B volunteers C champions D amateurs
4 A keen B determined C devoted D focused
5 A asking B begging C requesting D demanding
6 A routine B tradition C custom D design
7 A beliefs B prospects C events D actions
8 A focus B earn C take on D aim
9 A rival B coach C referee D leader
10 A pace B speed C race D compete
11 A loss B beating C defeat D ruin
12 A give B take C run D pay
-9 Grammar 2
1 Use at, on orín to complete the text.
Far East Studio offers the latest in high intensity martial arts fitness classes. For a serious
workout or basic self-defence lessons, we've got what you're looking for. Beginner's classes start
(1) 7am(2) Mondays and Thursdays (3) the small
gym. Intermediate groups meet (4) the large gym (5) the same time
(6) the same days. If you prefer courses (7) the afternoon and
evening, check out our kickboxing programme for aH levels beginning (8) noon and
3pm every day. Advanced courses are held (9) Wednesdays and Fridays
(10) 9am, 11.30am and 4pm (11) the large gym. Our spacious facilities
are located (12) our brand new building (13) the comer of Central St
and Greensway Gate (14) the town centre. Far East Studio ¡5 closed only
(15) Christmas and Easter and (16) the first week of August.

2 Complete each indirect question so that it means the same as the direct question aboye it.
1 'What time does the game start?'
2 'How much are the tickets?'
'Do you know
3 'Where is seat 43Z?'
'Could you teli me
4 'How can 1 meet the team afterwards?'
1 wonder ifyou might know
5 'Has my friend Barry arrived yet?'
'Do you think you could

Use of English: exam practice

1 Read the text below. Use the word given at the end of sorne of the lines to form a word thatflts in the gap
in the sarne line.Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

The Olympic GamesTM are the most important sports (1) in the world, COMPETE
with millions of people around the world tuning in to watch them. For spectators, they're
every four years but the (2) begin preparing years in advance, in order to PARTICIPATE
give their best (3) on the day, to try to win a gold medal and perhaps set PERFORM
a world record. The (4) as to who has actually won must be made with DECIDE
great (5) , otherwise the wrong person might be declared the winner. PRECISE
In the past, mechanical stopwatches were used byjudges for (6) TIME
the athletes, but on many occasions people called their (7) into ACCURATE
question. In recent years, more modern technology, such as computer timing
systems and digital (8) , has been introduced. PHOTOGRAPH
(9) , this technology aliows the judges to give results with much FORTUNE
greater (10) CERTAIN

2 Complete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word
given. Write the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
1 Jacob asked a spectator who was winning.
'Would you winning?' Jacob asked a spectator.
2 Susan asked Liz to referee the match.
'Do referee the match for us?' said Susan to Liz.
3 What time does the game start?
1 me what time the game starts.
4 What time did they get to the stadium?
Could you teil me what time the stadium?
5 Why weren't the giris allowed to play in the match?
Why were the giris in the match?
6 The International Olympic Committee is also called the IOC.
'IOC' 'International Olympic Committee
7 Are professional athietes allowed to participate in the Olympics®?
Do you know if professional athietes in the Olympics?
8 This time next week, we'll be at the Gup Final.
In we'll be at the Cup Final.

11Listening: exam practice

CD Track 8 You will hear five different people taiking about sport at school. For questions 1-5, choose
from the list (A-F) what they didn't like about doing sport at school. Use the Ietters only once. There is one
extra letter which you do not need to use.

A You had to do it. Speaker 1

B It was very competitive. Speaker 2
C Not many sports were available. Speaker 3
D The conditions were often unpleasant. Speaker 4
E It was dangerous. Speaker 5
F There were no school teams.


7 Reading 1: vocabulary
1 Match the adjectives to the nouns to make collocations.
1 Hollywood a qualities
2 text b responsibility
3 visual c second
4 current d person
5 split e images
6 likeable f affairs
7 overail g blockbuster
8 vital h messaging

2 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.

1 In many areas of communications, it is important to be able to work to bulletins / deadlines.
2 The producer of the war film called in a(n) explosives / media expert to deal with the special effects.
3 It is the camera operator's job to produce ¡shoot the scenes, but the editor will decide which ones to use.
4 You have to have a vital / likeable personality if you want television viewers to watch you.
5 Ifyou don't contribute / communicate any ideas to this report, we'll never get it finished.
6 Newsreaders normally follow a print / script but the audience is not always aware of it.

-9 Grammar 1
1 Rewrite the sentences using reported speech.
1 '1 am tired of watching television.'
He said
2 '1 am trying to listen to the news.'
She said
3 Ve sent a text message to RacheU
They said
4 'You've used up all the credit on my mobile!'
She said
5 '1 have been trying to phone him for hours'
She said
6 '1 was surfing the net yesterday morning.'
He said

2 Write a word or short phrase in each gap to complete the sentences.
1 '1 love it here in France

He said he loved it in France.
2 '1 can't make it today so it'!1 have to be tomorrow.'
She said she couldn't make it so it would have to be
3 1 sent you an email yesterday.'
He said he had sent me an email
4 1 am starting my media course next month.'
She said she was starting media course
5 'This laptop is mine. My dad gaye it to me.'
He said that the laptop was 1 and that his dad had given it to
6 'We can't take it because it's not ours.'
Tbey said that they couldn't take it because it wasn't

3 Use the prompts to write sentences in reported speech.

1 Paul ¡tel!! me / last week! he / will be going! on holiday! next day
2 last Saturday! Marsha! say! she ¡ have to work all day! day before
3 David! tehi! Matt! last month! he ¡ hope to vis it him! fo!lowing week
4 Qn Sunday afternoon! Debbie say! study! al! morning
5 when! 1! see ¡ Tina! last week she! say! she! leave for London! that evening
6 John¡te!!! me ¡ yesterday! you! are! il!

Use of English: exam practice

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
Write the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
1 'I'm not sure 1'11 be able to contact you next week.', said Paul. not
Paul said he be able to contact me the foliowing week.
2 Martin's text message read: 'Sorry. Couldn't find the house.' had
Martin sent a text message to say that he find the house.
3 'There has been an explosion,' the newsreader said. that
The newsreader an explosion.
4 'Three years ago 1 was in the same hotel: Kevin toid me. before
Kevin told me that three in the same hotel.
5 'Do you know who wrote the original story?' he asked. had
He asked me if the original story.
6 The message on bis answering machine said: '1 am not free right now - please leave your name
and number.' moment
His answering machine message said he was not but 1 could leave my
name and number.
7 'I'hl contact you tomorrow,' he said. following
He said he day.
8 'You must hang up the phone immediately!' she said. to
She said hang up the phone immediately.
8 WI Reading: exam practice

You are going to read a magazine article about young people and their relationship to new forms of
communication and the technology that enables it. For question 1-15, choose from the people (A-D).
When more than one answer is required, these can be given in any order. The people may be chosen more
than once.

Which person
claims older people don't understand modern methods of communication? 1 2
points out that social networking isn't as expensive as other methods of communication? 3
has been warned about their online behaviour? 4
believes a gadget they own is a necessity? 5
thinks social networking is easy enough for anyone to use? 6
changed to a different method of communication when the benefits were pointed out? 7
thinks people shouldn't believe everything they read online? 8
acknowledges that aggressive online behaviour is wrong? 9
denies that young people are demanding? 10
uses social networking to maintain contct with family members who live in another country? 11
enjoys teasing people online? 12
doesn't think new methods of communication harm personal relationships? 13
says people communicate differently now? 14 15

A James
1 don't think having a smartphone isa luxury, although my dad would definitely
disagree.The last time we discussed it, hetoid me my generation justthinks it's
entitied to get everything it wants. But that's not true.There's no point in denying
that it's important for young people to keep up with new technology or risk
failing behind in the modern world. l'm not saying that my smartphone isn't a
status symbol, as that's part of its appeal. Or that 1 don't use it for my social ¡¡fe.
That would just be silly.The point is that without it, Vd be left out of everything
my peers do. Constant communication and social networking are now a part
of everyday tife for people of my generation.This might be difficult for other
generations to grasp but it's true.The way people interact with each other is
different nowadays.

1 first got into social networking in order to keep in touch with relatives abroad.
1 used to just email them but then my cousin suggested Ijoined Facebook so
thatwe could al¡ keep in touch atthe same time. Now it's ah 1 use, for friends, for
family, and l'm in quite a few Facebook groups that are related to the hobbies
1 do, as well. It's so much better than using email, as far as l'm concerned. 1 can
put pictures on my wall that alt my friends can see. 1 can update my status so
that everyone knows what l'm doing and it's completely user-friendly. Even my
grandad posts messages on my walt. 1 think it's a brihhiant way of communicating
with people and it's a lot cheaper than calling them on the phone.
E Duncan
1 use Internet forums, chatrooms and social networking as a form of entertainment as much
as anything else. It's a great way to meet Ioads of people and get involved in discussions.
Sometimes, 1 can't resist making fun of sorne people who use forurns because they take
everything so seriously and they also fail for anything anyone telis them. It's quite easy
to get them annoyed and it's very funriy too. 1 got toid off by my parents about doing it,
though.They said that 1 was a troil, which is sorneone who deliberately starts arguments
on the Internet for fun.They had a point, butto be honest, 1 think sorne people get too
involved in forurns. It's only the internet. Of course, 1 realise that sornetirnes it can get out
of hand and that Iots of people have been victirns of cyber-bullying. 1 would never get
involved in anything like that.

D Moya
1 really get annoyed when 1 hear people say that texting and social networking are
destroying personal contact between people. Sorne people seem to think that only
face-to-face contact is real human contact but 1 disagree strongly. Communication on the
net, or by texting, or whatever otherforrn, 15 still contact. Both ways are great.There are
times when 1 can't see my friends, so 1 text them, and then we'll meet up at sorne point.
Modern technology has made it possible for meto maintain contact with thousands of
people if 1 want to. No other generation has ever had such an opportunity before. 1 think
people of my parents'ageflnd it difficultto comprehend that you can have lots of different
kinds of relationships at the same time. Vm not close friends with ah my virtual friends.
But so what? lt's still great having so many contacts.
8 ,j Vocabulary

1. Choose the correct word or phrase.

1 Which of these people would you not expect to find working at a TV station?
a presenter b newsreader c editor d viewer

2 Which of these is not shown on TV?

a reality TV b taik show c chat room d documentary

3 Which of these is not a means of communication?

a email b text message c studio d correspondence

2 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.

1 1 wish you would turn / close that television off.
2 There's a good programme on at nine. Can 1 put / turn over?

3 1 have to bring / hang up now. Someone's waiting for the phone.

4 As the journalist turned / took down notes, the politician looked uncomfortable.
5 You should bring / turn up this problem at the next meeting.

6 I'm getting / putting you through to Mr Graham, our sales manager.

3 There are twelve words which can be replaced by a form of get in the foliowing text. Underline them and
write the correct form of get aboye the words.
About a year ago, i decided it was time to buy a new television. My oid one (which was almost an antique) had

become damaged when we moved house and 1 could oniy receive two or three channeis clearly. But where was

1 going to find a new one? i took a bus into town and went straight to the electrical shop. When i arrived there,

however, 1 had a shock.There were so manyto choose from that i was Iost inside the shop and 1 didn't know which

one to buy.They had become much more complicated over the years.They had also grown bigger, which ieft me

with another problem - how on earth was 1 going to take it home?

Use of English: exam practice

Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

While the television set is ¡ncreasingly becoming the focal point of our living rooms, it would be easyto
(1) that ¡ts older relative, the radio is stiil there. But in the rush to turn (2)
theTV and feast our eyes on al¡ those fantastic visual (3) , we are missing out on a valuable
(4) of communication.
The radio has al¡ the talk(5) ,comedies, dramas and news (6) that the
television has, and more besides. Late night shows have (7) presenters to keep you awake
or send you to sleep, depending on your needs.
Hard-hitting reporters (8) the hot items of the day with poiiticians and experts in
specialised areas. Arid behind the (9) there are researchers and editors making sure you get
the (10) up-to-date information.
With the new generation of digital radio entering our homes via satellite, radio is sure to (11)
to our ¡¡ves weli into the future.The radio of tomorrow will guarantee perfect (12) and more
choice of programme.

1 A insist B notice C suggest D forget
2 A on Bup Coff Ddown 8
3 A pictures B images C appearances D looks
4Away B direction C means D approach
5 A events B discussions C performances D shows
6 A bulletins B episodes C documentaries D breaks
7 A personal B likeable C likely D presentable
8 A converse B correspond C discuss D enthuse
9 A scenes B shots C films D camera
10 A soonest B latest C greatest D biggest
11 A give B contribute C donate D lend
12 A reception B receipt C recipe D recital

Reading 2: vocabulary
1 Use a word from the box in each gap to complete the sentences.

proportion. pioneer e merge • exceed e slump . deleted • instant • emalis

1 Don't ever open ifyou don't know who they're from.

2 The of people who don't have a mobile is very small nowadays.
3 Steve Jobs was a of the digital age.
4 Smartphones are useful because they several gadgets together in one.
5 1 accidentally your number so can you give it to me again, please?
6 Ifyou the free call time, it can be quite expensive.
7 There's been no in the sale of digital gadgets this year.
8 1 use Facebook for messaging all the time.

2 For each word or phrase, write a word or Orase with a similar meaning. Sorne Ietters have been given to
help you.
1 talking to workmates on ele ctronic equipment y c
2 people who pay to access a service s
3 online forums used to keep in touch with people s n s
4 old-fashioned o
5 removed slowly p o
6 discounts or bargains u o
7 siitable a

8 la Gramrnar 2
Commun icat ion

1 Match the phrases to make sentences.

1 Anne is going to register for the computer course despite a of the fact that her parents don't like it.
2 He kept chatting onhine even though b the fact that it is very expensive.
3 John does not have virus protection on his c he had school the next morning.
computer although d he knows it is very risky.
4 She continues to spend hours on the internet in spite

2 Ifa sentence is correct, puta tick (s/). If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly.

1 He claimed that to be an expert on computers but he nearly destroyed mine.
2 Despite of the cost, 1 really want to get a laptop.
3 He managed to instali the program in spite of the difficulty.
4 Ihe thief denied to steal my mobile.
5 1 refuse to write another email until he answers my last one.
6 They toid to me that the computer would cost a fortune to fix.
7 Ben suggested going to the internet café.
8 We agreed paying half each for the phone bili.

3 Use a word from the box in each gap to complete the phrases.
deny . ask • claim • agree • suggest • refuse • te¡¡

1 / to do something
2 / doing something
3 / someone to do something
4 that something is true

Use of English: exam practice

1 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitais at the end of sorne of the lines to forma word that
fits in the gap in the same Iine.Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.


You don't really need any formal (1) to write a film, television or radio script QUALIFY
as it's the quality of the script that counts, not what you have studied. However, you do need
good (2) skills and it will also certainly be useful if you have a vivid COM MU N ICATE
(3) This will help you to come up with a plot. Once you have done that, IMAGINE
your job is to make what happens as real and (4) as possible. To do that, you BELIEVE
will need to watch people very (5) to see how they act. Ask yourself how CLOSE
they demonstrate their emotions when they are sad, angry, surprised or (6) E NT H U SE
Notice where they put their hands when they are deep in (7) Pay attention DISCUSS
to how different people express themselves in an (8) Focus on the different ARGUE
ways people start and finish a (9) These are the kinds of areas you need to CONVERSE
be looking at because the difference between fascinated viewers and bored viewers rests on
(10) hikethese. OBSERVE

2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word 8
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word
given. Write the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

1 My phone doesn't have a camera on it, even though it's quite new.
In my phone's quite new, it doesn't have a camera on it.
2 Tony said that he wouldn't send the email for me.
Tony the email for me.
3 'Why don't you give Madison a cali?' Alice said.
Alice Madison a cali.
4 Despite the fact that 1 don't make many calis, my phone bili is aiways quite high.
In spite many calis, my phone bili is always quite high.
5 Did you believe Jenny's claim that she is a spy?
Did you believe Jenny when a spy?
6 Are you trying to say that you didn't steal her mobile phone?
Are you trying her phone?
7 'Sit down, John!' bis teacher said.
John's teacher sit down.
8 Despite having to spend so much time on the phone, 1 like my new job.
1 like my new job, spend so much time on the phone.

!1Listening: exam practice

CD Track 9 You will hear part of an interview about a new newspaper. For questions 1-5, choose the
best answer (A, B or C).
1 Susan says The Daily Post is similar to a tabloid 4 What does Susan say about Yhe Tuesday
newspaper because it Magazine?
A has lots of stories about celebrities. A It should have fewer advertisements.
B has millions of readers. B It should have more pages.
C is quite small. C It should be cheaper.
2 Susan says Yhe Daily Post is different to many 5 What might happen soon, according to Susan?
newspapers because it is A 7h Daily Post will drop its price.
A only for younger readers. B Ihe Daily Post will seil fewer copies.
B also for younger readers. C Yhe Daily Post will face strong competition.
C not for younger readers.
3 What does Susan say about Yhe Daily Post and
A The paper isn't interested in politics.
B The paper supports a political party.
C The paper doesn't support a political party.


': Reading 1: vocabulory

1 Match each word or phrase 1-7 with a meaning a-g.
1 typical a possible
2 cash flow b experienced
3 mature c collecting
4 potential d finances
5 handie e deal with
6 undertaking f starting to do
7 gathering g average

2 Use a word from the box in the correct form in each gap to complete the sentences.

franchise .earn .position. hire • errand .Iike-minded • income. straightforward

1 Carlo alot ofmoneylast summer as a golf caddy.

2 1 got tired of being a waiter so the restaurant offered me a new dishwasher!
3 My mum asked me to run a few for her on my way to work today.
4 Nick and 1 are very and both want to start a garden-care business together.
5 Mary thought the job of manager's assistant would be pretty but it turned out to be
really complicated.
6 1 don't think they'll me at the newsagent's unless 1 cut my hair shorter.
7 1 took a part-time job because 1 wanted a little of my own.
8 Have you ever worked for a big ? J hear the benefits are really great!

!. Grammar 1
1 Ifa sentence is correct, put a tick (..').
1 Margaret Davis who lives next door to my mother works with my brother at the supermarket.
2 Mr Thomas is the manager of Buba's Burgers which opened last month in the town centre.
3 I'd like to be hired as waitress, which is fairly well-paid work.
4 Ihe woman who hired Steve told him he had a bright future with Donut Queen.
5 Ms Andu, who called you about the job, is a very nice person.
6 The position, that is advertised in the paper, requires more experience than 1 have.

2 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.
1 'Ihat modern building over there is the one my mum works.
a which b where c that
2 Monica, is my new boss, is very easy to work with.
a whose b that c who
3 Ihe biggest reason 1 didn't take the job is the low pay.
a which b why c when
4 Ihis is the employees' lounge, you can keep your things while you're working.
a where b which c that
5 I'd rather take the assistant manager's position, offers much better pay.
a that b which c who
6 Myco-worker, name is Salvatore, comes from Italy.
a that b who's c whose

3 Write a-fin each gap to complete the sentences.

1 Kristina, , was offered her job back today! a where they both went to learn about
2 1 work fora reaily small internet company, career opportunities
b that hires teenagers for part-time positions
3 Tom works for a computer company
c which makes me feel like I'm part of a family
4 Mindy, :, wants to be one too when she's older. d why he left his job so suddenly
5 Isaac met Alex at a job fair e who quit her j ob last weekend
6 Did Jack give you any reason f whose mother is a iawyer

4 Combine the two sentences to form one sentence containing a relative clause.
Carlos is very hard-working. (He works for a large multinational company.)
(-arlos, who wor.s for a large multinational companyy, is very hard- wortin9.

1 Jean and Toby are coming to dinner tonight. (They are colleagues of mine.)

2 That office is the biggest in the building. (It is Mr Phillipson's.)

3 Dave wasn't offered the job. (It's a shame.)

4 My new assistant seems very efficient. (His name is Gareth.)

5 The oid factory is for sale. (Bob used to work there.)

6 Tracy didn't cometo work today. (Elaine toid me she's leaving the company.)
T4 Reading: exam practice
You are going to read an article about teens at work. Seven sentences have been removed from
the article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (1 -7).There is one extra
sentence which you do not need to use.
A Other people have seen me on the street and that's how 1 got more work.
B When 1 show them to people 1 can see that they feel like they've made a discoverv or something,
and that's kind of exciting.
C It was the best solut ion for me at this time.
D 1 understand them and they trust me.
E It gives me something really enjoyable to do with my free time and 1 get to meet lots of people.
F Well, when it rains 1 guess it's a little boring, because there aren't many people around.
G Luckily, my studies prepared me for this perfectly.
H 'fhat's where 1 come in.

Have you ever thought about taking on part-time work for a little
pocket money and sorne good experience? Allison Seeley takes a
peek at eight working teenagers to find out who's doing what on
the job!

Patty is 16 and started working as a volunteer in her local hospital last year.
Although she's not paid, she says there are a lot of benefits to her work.
She had thought about studying to be a doctor when she was younger,
and now is really sure about it. '1 see the doctors in action every day, and 1
dream about living a lite like theirs,' says Patty.

Mara has been in the school swimming team for years, so when a part-time
job opened up at the pool, she was interested. Now she works part-time
teaching children how to swim. 'Since l'm in the pool al¡ the time anyway,
1 might as well get paid a bit too,' she laughs. '1 can remember being afraid
of the water when 1 was little, so 1 really enjoy helping kids become good
swimmers. 1 That's what makes it ah worthwhile, really.'

On Saturday and Sunday afternoon, you'll find Mike in the park. Don't look
for him on the playing field, however; Mike's in a kiosk, working. Mike's
parents have run the kiosk in the park for many years now, so it was only
natural for Mike to join them. 'While Pm still a student,' he explains, 'it's
a perfect part-time job. My friends stop by and chat, 1 can watch all the
games and 1 get to enjoy the sunny weather. 2 Then 1 get a little time to
read or play video games or something. 1 don't really mmd.'

1 have the funniest job in the world,' says Josie, asan enormous Saint Bernard pu lis her along
the street. 'I'm a dog waiker! It happened quite by accident really. A neighbour asked meto
waik her dog when she was suffering from a coid, then it just became a habit! 3
1 love animais so it's Iots of tun. 1 can hardly believe 1 get paid for waiking other people's dogs,
but it really does help them out.'

Sarah used to babysit often, but then she specialised in caring for young babies. 'Most mums
won't leave their newborn baby with a babysitter, but they still need help with them. 4 I've
learned ah about caring for infants through books, classes and on-the-job training, so 1 feel
very comfortable and confident with them,' she says. She helps take care of three infants right
now, visiting their houses for an hour or so whenever the mums need her assistance.

Roy got a job at a nearby car wash to help earn money for college next year. He works at the
weekend, drying the cars as they emerge from the car wash. 'It may not be the most exciting
job in the world,' he admits, 'but the money is good and the hours are right. 5 I've saved
quite a bit of money already and l'm looking forward to going away to university next year.'

Scott's a bit of a bookworm, so a part-time job at the public library was ideal for him. 1 lave
books of ah kinds, especiahly the older editions and rare books. 17Scott works almost
every day after school for a few hours, so it doesn't interfere with his schoolwork or time with
his friends. 'It's perfect really,' he says, 'and 1 get a lot of time toread the books that 1 like.'

1 love having a job,' beams Molly from behind the ice-cream counter, struggling with a scoop
of frozen strawberry ice cream.' 7 'Mohty likes herjob because it's a happy environment
where peophe come for fun. 'People go out for ice cream when they're feehing good about
something orjust need a break, so most of my customers are friendhy and smihing. 1 like that.'
9 J Vocabulary.
1 Match each word or phrase in 1-12 with a meaning in a-l.
1 being unemployed a forever, for a long time
2 being self-employed b travelling to and from work every day
3 permanent c refusing to work in order to bring about change
4 temporary d working more hours than the standard working day or week
e the amount of money you make in ayear, usuallypaid every month
5 being on commission
f getting paid for every sale you make
6 royalties
g not having a j ob
7 salary
h travelling for a few days to do work in another place, then returning l
8 wage 1 providing a service or running your own company
9 commuting J the amount of money you earn per hour or week
10 going on a business trip k the money an author or songwriter, etc, earns
11 doing overtime 1. short term
12 being on strike

2 Use a phrasal verb from the box in the correct form in each gap to complete the sentences.
fiEl in • take en • take up • take over . put En

11 for a raise last month and 1 actually got it! Let's go out and celebrate!
2 Make sure you the application form correctly, or it will make abad impression.
3 When Maggie became manager, she a lot more responsibility
4 I've heard that a much larger company might our firm.
5 Answering the phones at work a lot of my time. Sometimes it's all 1 can do!

3 Use a form of the words in brackets in each gap to complete the sentences.
1 Frankly, you are by far the best (apply) for the job; I'd like to make you an offer.
2 Ms Snyder is busy right now, but you can speak to her personal (assist) ifyou like.
3 The (manage) director of our company has a great deal.ofresponsibility.
4 When you first start your job, there will be a three-week (train) period so you can learn
exactly what you need to do.
5 Last month, Thomas was promoted to (supervise). Now he's our boss!
6 Business is going so well that we hired seven new (employ) in our department last month.
7 John's father was a railway (work) for many years. He helped lay the tracks for the new
inter-city train system.

4 Use have, take, make or do in the correct form in each gap to complete the sentences.
11 an appointment with the careers adviser at school yesterday.
2 My brother got a job research for a pharmaceutical company.
3 If 1 the chance to be anything in the world, I'd be an astronaut.
4 My mum says that the housework is like having a full-time job!
5 1,11 wait until I'm at university before a decision about what career to follow.
6 Jeffdidn't reallylike his summer job, but he the best of it and had sorne fun.
7 Last week you wanted to be a teacher, now you want to be a doctor! Would you up your mmd!
8 You've been working so hard lately, why don't you a break?
9 When you're lifting heavy boxes in the office, care not to hurt your back.

Reading 2: vocobulory
1 Match each word or phrase 1-6 with a meaning a—f.
1 earn a end result
2 share b something taken for granted
3 co-exist c receive money for work
4 outcome d give or provide
5 contribute e divide! split
6 agiven f happen orbe at the same time

2 Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

In recent years, job markets have becorne so competitive that choosing the right
(1) path has become crucial for many young people. The goal of most
young people is to find a (2) that offers sorne decent benefits. The most
basic,ofthese isa good (3) but also includes such things as paid holiday
leave, health insurance and a (4) fund. But often the reality is sornewhat
different. Many young people are having to work for a low (5) of pay,
with no extra payment for (6) and with the threat that they could be
(7) redundant at any time. It's no wonder that there is low morale among
many (8) these days.

This has lead a growing number of young people to show (9) and start
up their own businesses offering a whole range of (10) to people who uve
in their (11) cornmunities. It requires a lot of (12) and
sorne luck but it can pay off in the end.

lAjob B career C vocation D occupation

2 A station B Spot C position D location

3 A salary B earnings C return D compensation

4 A wealth B benefit C fortune D pension

5Afigure B charge C rate D cost

6 A functions B work C occasions D overtime

7Ataken B forced C made D done

8 A assistants B employees C bosses D labours

9 A operation B adventure C concern D enterprise

10 A services B proposais C suggestions D projects

11 A close B nearby C local D residential

12 A exercise B strain C force D effort

9 ! Grammar 2
1 Use a word or phrase from the box in the correct form in each gap to complete the text.

cut • do . makeup
dye. massage • Iift ZIINA'S NEWAGIE BODY SPA
Cometo Zina's and have your spirits (1) by the soothing
services we provide. For total relaxation, have your body (2)
byJorgen, our expert Swedish masseur.Then have your hair (3)
and (4) for an exciting new look! Don't stop there! Zina's isa
fui¡ service salon where you can have a manicure (5) and your
face (6) intime for lunch with your friends!

2 Use a word from each box in the correct form to teil a new neighbour what services are available in
your neighbourhood.
films • dresses • eyes • shirts • car • hair cut. develop. make • check • clean . repair

In our neighbourhood, you can have your

1 at the optician's on Maple Street.
2 by the tailor next to the bank.
3 at the photo shop by the fast-food restaurant.
4 at the hairdressing salon on Main Street.
5 at the cleaners next to the post office.
6 at the garage on the comer of Pine Street.

3 Use the causative to complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.
1 Mr Fergus, the farmer, removed a cherry tree from our garden.
2 They paid three stone workers to rebuild their garden wall.
3 Mark and Julie went to a professional photographer for their wedding pictures.
Mark and Julie
4 1 asked them to renew my subscription to Nirvana magazine last week.
5 It is very expensive to repair a Rolls-Royce.
6 A thief stole my sister's camera yesterday.
My sister

4 Use the words in brackets in the correct form in each gap to complete the sentences. Add any other
necessary words.
1 Margot wants to (portrait / paint) by a well-known local artist.
2 1 was thinking about (hair / dye) a different colour. What do you think?
3 We (TV / repair) last week and it's still not working properly.
4 Gloria (braces / remove) tomorrow. 1 hope her teeth look fantastic!
5 Audrey (hours / reduce) at work recently so she can study more.
6 Did you (hat / design) for you?

IM Use of English: exam practice 9
1Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each
Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Last summer, when 1 was looking (1) a part-time job, 1 found two interesting
adverts in the paper. The first job was at the library, (2) 1 thought sounded a little
boring. Ihe second ad was for a nearby animal hospital. How hard could that be? 1 like animais, so 1
(3) up my mmd to apply (4) the position of 'animal caretaker, not
really knowing what the job involved. 1(5) an appointment for an interview right away.
When 1 arrived, 1 fihled (6) the application forrn with the secretary, then waited to be
called in by the office manager, Mrs Kaneen, (7) was doing the interviews. When she
asked me if 1 (8) any experience with anirnals, 1 said yes. She srniled, toid me
(9) much the pay was, which sounded great, sol decided to (10) the
job. Mrs Kaneen toid me to start right away (11) cleaning out the dog kennels. When 1
finished,Iwas to act as the vet's assistant during sorne operations. That's when 1 realised that 1 had taken
(12) far more than 1 could rnanage!

2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word
given.Write the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
1 1 want you to try as hard as you canto finish the project on time. best
1 want you to to finish the project on time.
2 That man's sister made a fortune on the stock exchange. is
That made a fortune on the stock exchange.
3 Myjob doesn't leave me enough free time. takes
Myjob of my time.
4 Did you hear that Ted was fired last week? sack
Did you hear that Ted last week?
5 Ifthat tooth is really bothering you, rnaybe a dentist should take it out. have
You should ifit's really bothering you.
6 My farnily's comp any is being purchased by a large international firm. over
A large international firrn my family's company.
7 1 didn't have anything to do with the strike last month. take
1 didn't last month's strike.
8 Did many people apply for the job? lot
Were for the job?

13 Ustening: exam practice

CD Track 10 You will hear an interview with a writer. For questions 1-5, complete the sentences.
Craig Danton wrote his first novel at (1)
Craig says his first novel didn't have a good piot or well-developed (2)
Craig got seventeen (3) from publishers.
Craig says an unpublished writer has to have (4) in order to find a publisher. o
Craig's success in a (5) led to him getting his second novel published.

Reading 1: vocabulary
1Use a word from the boxes in each gap to complete the sentences.
agony. hysterical . panic. emergencies

1 Ihe one thing you should never do in is to Ihe last

thing someone in needs is to be assisted by someone who is

inadequate . assessment . clutching. hesitate

2 She was lying on the ground her ankle. Even though myknowledge of first aid
was , 1 didn't to make an

bleeding . cope with • ran out • unconscious

3' into the street and found the boy lying in the road. He was
also from his nose. 1 really didn't know how to the situation.

broken bones • suppress • goes beyond . cuts and bruises

4 The training course -- - what you learn in basic medical training such as how to deal
with minor You have to learn to your fears and be prepared
to treat and other more serious injuries.

2 Match each word or phrase 1-5 with a meaning a-e.

1 fractures - a the worst news
2 beaming b memory loss
3 sobering c shining brightly
4 kilier blow d broken bones
5 amnesia e serious - makes you think

Grammar 1
1Tick (i.') the boxes next to the correct
1 If 1 had known about the new restaurant, 2 Ifyou were right, he would be answering the phone.
1 wouldn't have ordered the takeaway. You were wrong.
FI 1 knew about the restaurant. You are wrong.
1 didit know about the restaurant. fl He isn't answering the phone.
1 ordered a takeaway. He wffl answer the phone.
1 didn't order a takeaway.

3 Had you toid me in advance, 1 would have been 4 Had it not been for Damian, we wouldn't be
happy to come. here now.
You didn't teil me. Damian does something.
You toid me. Damian did something.
1 wasn't happy to come. We aren't here now.
1 didn't come. We are here now.

2 Match to make sentences.

1 Had you decided sooner, a you'd be in hospital now.
2 If it hadn't been for Eileen's first aid skills, b 1 would have advised him to stay in bed.
3 If you were eighteen, c you wouldn't be feeiing sick now.
4 Were 1 his doctor, d you could have joined the gym for halfprice.
5 If he were realiy ill, e he wouldn't have gone to the cinema last night.
6 If you hadn't been so greedy at the restaurant, f you would have been allowed to give blood yesterday.

3 Use a word from the box in each gap to complete the text. Use sorne of the words more than once.
F ¡ e had • have • been • would • were e be e getting

(1) we known, back in the oid days, a little bit more about metais, we could (2) avoided
quite a few health problems. Firstly, ifwe (3) known that iead, the metal used for most of our water
pipes, was poisonous, surely we would have (4) able to find an alternative, rather than slowiy poisoning
generations of people. (5) we had known more about ¡ron, on the other hand, we (6) have
realised that it is a metal which was actually helping our health. Many cooking utensils and pans used to be made of
¡ron and, just by using them in food preparation, we were adding tiny amounts of ¡ron to our diet. (7)
we to stffl use ¡ron pots and pans today, it would (8) beneficial. (9) we hadn't discovered
aluminium and stainless steel, most of us would still be (10) our daily requirement of ¡ron, without the
need to take it in tabiet form.

Use of English: exam practice

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do
not change the word given. You rnust use between two and five words, induding the word given. Write the
missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
1 It was thanks to my doctor that 1 made such a quick recovery. would
If it hadn't been not have recovered so quickly.
2 Thank goodness you knew first aid; he nearly died! known
If you he might have died.
3 You were ill because you ate so much! have
You would you hadn't eaten so much!
4 1 didn't realise how important it was; otherwise 1 would have taken the tablets. realised
1 would have taken the tablets, so important.
5 You should speak to him - he'll listen to you. to
Wefe he would listen.
6 1 can't play football with you because 1 have this awful cold. able
If 1 didn't have this awful coid, to play football with you.
7 It's possible that you would have avoided the illness ifyou had stayed at home. might
You ill if you had stayed at home.
8 1 had to go to the doctor because my symptoms were veryworrying. had
1 to go to the doctor ifmy symptoms hadn't
been so worrying.
Y§ Reading: exam practice
You are going to read a magazine article about dieting. For questions 1-8, choose the
answer (A, B, C or D) which you thinkfits best according to the text.
1 How do the weight-gain diets of sports players and patients differ?
A Sports players, unhike patients, focus on their own personal weight leveis.
gY Sports players, unhike patients, are interested in increasing their strength.
C Patients try to increase muscle and body fat, rather than just muscle.
D Patients try to get back weight they have lost rather than put on extra weight.
2 The phrase 'In effect' (une 22) suggests that
j De Niro's diet was particularly effective and successful.
B although De Niro may not have described it as a diet, it was.
C De Niro made a very great effort to reduce the weight he had gained.
D changing your eating patterns does not always lead to effective weight loss.
3 According to the writer, a lot of people wrongly believe that
A you shouldn't aim to reduce your body fat in a weight-loss diet.
B the only effect of eating less isa decrease in the amount of body fat.
4ó successful weight loss comes through losing muscle, water and fat.
D ifyou eat less, your body may actually lose muscle rather than fat.
4 Sorne dieters do pushups, according to the writer, to ensure that
A they have enough protein in their bodies.
B their muscles aren't restricted in any way.
C they don't lose muscle instead of fat.
4) they are able to lift heavy weights.
5 Ihe 'most sensible weight-loss diet' (lines 42-43) involves
A eating srnaller amounts of normal food, and choosing healthier alternatives.
(j adapting portions so that the diet is more balanced than normal.
C replacing all fatty foods with their non-fat alternatives.
D increasing the size of sorne portions, and decreasing others.
6 What does the writer mean by 'obtain satiation' (hine 57)?
A stop you eating unhealthy and fatty food
stop you losing your appetite for vegetables
C rnake you feel like you have eaten enough
D make you only want to eat healthy vegetables
7 How does Weight Watchers differ from Overeaters Anonymous?
Weight Watchers is more worried about advertising.
B Weight Watchers is a business that tries to rnake a profit.
C Overeaters Anonymous is less successful at making rnoney.
D Overeaters Anonymous isn't interested in helping individuals.
8 According to the writer, what is the Atkins Diet a good example of?
A a diet that was in fashion but isn't anyrnore
B a diet that was prornoted by celebrities
C a diet that all scientists agree is very good
diet that sorne doctors do not recommend

(1.3- 0 1 N G 0 A D 1 ET?
Dora Stephenson asks what people really mean when they say they're'going on a dief

lf someone tells you they're going on a diet, others (for example, full-fat rnilk ¡s replaced
the chances are you'll imagine they're trying to with skimmed milk, or sugar is replaced with
lose weight. In fact, weight-loss diets are only artificial sweetener).
one type of dieting. Sorne sports players, for
Although sorne overweight people are
example, rnight go on a weight-gain diet, with
overweight because of their metabolisrn,
the aim of increasing their body mass and, by
others are overweight sirnply because
extension, their strength. Patients who have
they eat too rnuch. For this reason, sorne
lost weight through illness may also embark
diets focus on the psychological aspect of
on a weight-gain diet. Their aim differs from
weight loss, with the aim of reducing the
the athlete in thatthey're attemptingto return
desire to overeat. Sorne foods, for example
to their previous levels of muscle and body
high-fibre vegetables, have been shown to
fat, rather than aiming to increase their normal
effectively 'obtain satiation', or, in other 57
personal levels. Actors may also decide to go
words, to create afeeling of fullness and loss
on a weight-gain diet to play a particular role.
of appetite. Drinking water and exercising
Robert De Niro, for example, is well known
are also effective in red ucing the appetite.
for greatly increasing his weight to play
For sorne diets, doctors prescribe drugs such
certain characters -he gained more than
as ephedrine to help suppress the appetite.
27 kilograrns to play the older La Motta in the
Sorne dieters join a weight-loss group ¡n their
film Raging Buí!.
atternpt to lose weight. Sorne of these groups,
At the end of filming, De Niro presumably such as Overeaters Anonyrnous, are non-
changed his eating patterns to reduce his prof it organisations. Others, such as Weight
22 weight. In effect, he went on a weight-loss Watchers, are cornrnercial concerns. Groups
diet. Weight-loss diets generally lirnit the differ in their aims - sorne offer special menus,
amount of certain foods, or food in general, sorne provide their own brand of prepared
in order to reduce body mass. Despite what food, and others focus rnainly on providing
many people think, this reduction is not just emotional support and giving practical
a reduction in fat, however. Weight loss is inforrnation.
usually a combination of a loss in muscle,
Of course, there are also a large number of
water and fat. Indeed, sorne dieters lose
narned weight-loss diets to choose frorn. The
weight without losing rnuch fat at al]. An
weight-loss diet book is a rnultirnillion pound
overweight person dieting should aim to lose
industry in its own right. These diets tend to
fat rather than muscle. Sorne dieters therefore
go ¡n and out of fashion, and are frequently
have to restrict their muscle loss by doing
prornoted by celebrities, their creators, or
pushups, lifting weights and making sure they
both. Many of these diets - the Atkins Diet
get enough protein (which is required to
being a prime example - are controversial,
build muscle).
in thatthe medical and scientific community
Protei n ¡si ust one of the essential nutrients becornes divided over how effective and
our bodies need. We also need fats, vitamins, healthy the diet actual ¡y is. Before starting
rninerals and water. A diet that doesn't one of these diets, the golden rule istofind
provide these nutritional requirernents can out as much about it as possible. The Internet
be damaging to our physical well-being. In is a valuable source of information, and
42 general, then, the most sensible weight-loss your local GP can also advise you whether a
diet is an adapted standard balanced diet— particular diet is suitable for your needs.
adapted in the sense that the size of portions
is reduced, and sorne foods are substituted for
'J Vocabulary
1 Use a word in each gap to complete the phrasal verbs. 1 1
1 come (= regain consciousness)
2 cheer (= become happier)
3 come with (= fail iii with)
4 break (= appear suddenly in large numbers, of a disease)
5 pass (= faint)
6 get (= recover from)

2 Use a phrasal verb from exercise 1 in the correct form in each gap to complete the sentences.
1 Ihe heat was too much for him and he ; he only when we carried him
outside into the fresh air.
2 Ihis illness first in China but it soon spread to the West. 2
3 Carol has the flu and she has to stay at home, so 1 sent her some fiowers to
4 It's a simple operation and 1 am confident that you will soon it
3 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the text.
When 1 feil and cut my hand badly on some broken glass, 1 knew that it would need treatment. Ihere was a 4
health (1) surgery / clinic in town so 1 covered my hand to stop the bleeding and headed there. 1 was seen
straight away by a doctor, who cleaned it up to prevent (2) infection / prescription and toid me that 1
should see my own doctor in a few days. 1 hadn't been for a(n) (3) operation / check-up for years, so the doctor
had a good look at me. Fortunately, he didn't find anything else wrong, so he gaye me some
(4) tablets / injections and toid me to take one if the pain was bad. He also toid me that 1 had to keep the hand Re
clean in case of (5) treatment / germs.

4 Ifa sentence is correct, puta tick(V). If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly.

1 Almost any doctor you see will advise you give up smoking.

2 It's not like me be ili - I'm usually so healthy.

3 It's not worth take vitamins; just eat healthy food.

4 I'm a member of a gym but 1 don't always feel like going.

5 If you carry on working so hard, you're bound get iii.

6 You cannot force children eat vegetables.

7 My brother makes me go running with him - even in the ram!

8 My grandmother says there's no point to go to the doctor's.

Reading 2: vocabulory
1 Choose the correct word or ph rase.
1 Which of these is not a doctor? 3 Which of these does not refer to an injury?
a surgeon a fracture
b specialist b sprain
cGP c break
d ward d doubts
2 Which of these is not done by a doctor? 4 Which of these is not something wrong with you?
a looking at X-rays a grin
b spraining an anide b infection
c taking your temperature c pain
d treating a patient d sore throat

2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 Being a doctor is very commanding / demanding and requires a lot of variety / commitment.
2 A new health exercise ¡ scheme is being introduced which has been injected / designed by experts.
3 There are many different aspects / cures of alternative medicine but, for me, the most
fascinating / shattered of all is aromatherapy.
4 Committing / Treating older people takes patience because they need a different kind of care / feeling.

.§ Use of English: exam practice

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitais at the end of some of the Unes to form a word that fits in
the gap in the same une. Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Being a doctor involves doing a huge (1) VARY
of different things.You may be involved in the
(2) of colds, or dealing with serious TREAT
injuries and diseases, or the giving of (3) INJECT
Even though many doctors try to stay emotionaily
detached from their patients, it's hard to remain
(4) when you know that the patient INVOLVE
is counting on you to enable them to make a fuli
(5) Beca use of this, there isa lot RECOVER
of pressure. Ifyou are a (6) oran SURGERY
anaesthetist, you have to deal with even greater
(7) because it really can be a matter of RESPONSIBLE
¡¡fe and death when you are performing an
(8) Having said al¡ that, doctors do get OPERATE
a huge amount ofjob (9) knowing that SATISFY
they are helping their patients recover. Also, the range
of(1 O) involved in a doctors daily ¡¡fe ACTIVE
means that they rarely have time to feel bored.

f Grammar 2
1 Rewrite the sentences correctly using the words in brackets.
1 Could you make an appointment to see the doctor on Tuesday? (me)
2 Why don't you lend your book on health foods? (him)
3 The doctor wrote a prescription. (me)
4 They toid that 1 might have to have a small operation. (me)
5 1 cancelled my meeting with Helen in order go to the clinic. (to)
6 You should eat healthily so as avoid future problems. (to)

2 Ifa sentence is correct, put a tick (V). If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly.

1 She showed the test results me.
2 In order join the gym, you have to have this form signed by a doctor.
3 They gaye to the young mother an information sheet on childhood illnesses.
4 You need to go out more in order to get sorne exercise.
5 Show to me exactly where you feel the pain.
6 1 gaye up junk food so to try to lose sorne weight.

T4 Use of English: exam practice

1 Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in
each gap. Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Nature is something that we ah too often take for (1) Yet, in order
(2) to become iii, we need to have regular contact with it - we need it
(3) a regular basis. Imagine being kept in a room with no dayhight and
no greenery. Sounds (4) torture, doesn't it? Wehl, in fact it is. Just as
animais suifer when they are kept in cages, we humans soon (5) iii in
our own'cages'.
What exactly we get from nature is not clear, so there may be severa¡ reasons why a waik
in the countryside makes us (6) welI. First of ah, the oxygen from trees
and plants gives (7) a lift as this oxygen fihis the Iungs, then the blood,
and then goes straightto the brain, (8) us that familiar feehing of well-
being. More difficult (9) explain is how the sense of smell works to make
us happier. lf something has a nice smehl, hike fiowers or grass, (10) is
hikelythat, apart from just being pleasant, ¡t ¡s (11) us sorne good as
well. It is possible in many cases that the scents and aromas in nature remind us
(12) our childhood - a time when ah of us were younger, and most of us
were fitter and healthier!

2 Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.


Millions of people (1) from headaches. It's a fact. What millions of people do not know
is what causes them. Headaches are (2) with all kinds of health problems as well as your
being under a lot of (3) Certain (4) like coifee can react badly with
the chemical balance in our bodies and give us a headache as well.
Ihe best thing to do if your head hurts is to (5) an aspirin, right? Wrong! You could
be doing the worst thing possible because you are not (6) with the problem - only
(7) the symptoms. And those people who think that painkillers can't do you any
(8) are also wrong. Medical science has proved that, ifwe keep taking the tablets,
they will soon (9) as a 'trigger' and, instead of curing your headache, they will
(10) you worse.
So what do you do (11) your head starts to throb? Breathe deeply. It may be that you are
not getting enough oxygen. Ihen, you could try massaging the side of your head with your fingers. And
close your eyes. Often your eyes are very tired, and the best (12) for tiredness is sleep.

lAdie B pain C ache D suifer

2 A produced B caused C associated D based
3 A stress B worry C fear D anxiety
4 A materials B substances C vitamins D drugs
5 A take B drink C eat D put
6 A solving B removing C dealing D treating
7 A re-living B reducing C resolving D relieving
8 A badness B harm C negativity D illness
9 A perform B act C look D treat
10 A make B do C create D diagnose
11 A should B were Cif D whether
12 A prescription B check-up C cure D clinic

U Listening: exam practice

IP CDTrack 11 You will hear people talking in five different situations. For questions 1-5, choose the
best answer (A, B or C).

1 You hear a man talking. Why did he choose to 4 You hear a teenage girl talking about going to the
become a nurse? dentist. How did she feel at the dentist's?
A His mother used to be a nurse. A confident
B A nurse helped him in hospital. B uncomfortable
C He watched a programme on TV. C frightened
2 You hear a doctor talking. How does she feel 5 You hear a vet talking to a boy. Why has the boy
about her work? brought his rabbit to the vet?
A She would like more time with each patient. A It isn't eating properly.
B She would like less paperwork. B There's a problem with its eyes.
C She would like better equipment. C It doesn't have enough energy.
3 You hear a father talking to his daughter. Why is
he talking to her?
A to refuse permission
B to give a warning
C to make a suggestion

"J Reading 1: vocabulary

1Use a word from the box in each gap to complete the sentences.
playground . break. undergraduate . extracurricular • report. scholarship

1 1 wish 1 had more time for activities like music and sports.
2 Sebastian was awarded a so bis parents didn't have to pay any school fees.
3 All the kids look forward to time, when they can meet their friends and
relax for a bit in between classes.
4 We're going to get our end-of-term next week.
5 As soon as the beil rings, the fills with running and shouting children.
6 Being an is both fun and challenging, especially in the first year.

2 Match each word or phrase 1-6 with a meaning a-f.

1 be posted abroad - a worry a lot
2 excel b behave in a way designed to attract attention
3 distraction - c something that draws your attention away from what you are doing
4 agonise d do extremely well at something
5 fend for e be sent to do a job in a foreign country
6 show off f look after, take care of

Use a word from the box to replace each word or phrase in boid.
recollections • traumatic • aid • debate. bright. blossom

1 From an early age, Ruby appeared to be a very inteffigent giri

2 My first memories of school are very happy ones indeed
3 We can argue about the subject for hours, but we'll still disagree
4 Mara struggled a bit in school, but I'm sure she'll develop at college
5 Good organisational skills are the best support to learning
6 Very few kids find living away from borne upsetting

! Gramrnar 1
1 Use a form of the words in brackets in each gap to complete the sentences.
1 Ifyou (study) more, you'd have a good chance of getting a scholarship.
2 Suppose you (be) accepted at both universities, which one wou!d you choose?
3 I'd rather you (not do) disturb me when I'm studying.
4 It's high time 1 (pass) this exam!
5 Ifonly Sam (not show off) so much!

2 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.

1 1 wish 1 have / had tried harder to do well in maths.
2 How 1 wish you wouldn't / won't make such a noise all the time!
3 J wi sh we could / would take the exam next week instead of tomorrow.
4 Sasha wishes she hadn't failed / didn't fail her French exam this year.
5 Adam really wishes he wouldn't / didn't have to do the summer course.

Use of English: exam practice

Complete the secorid sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word
given. Write the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
1 1 have too much work to do so 1 can't go out with you tonight.
If so much work, 1 could go out with you tonight.
2 P!ease don't copy my answers!
1 copy my answers!
3 Daria needs to get a scholarship in order to go to that college.
Daria could go to that college a scholarship.
4 1 don't like living so far from school.
1 wish school.
5 1 regret not buying that book you recommended.
If that book you recommended.
6 You don't pay enough attention in c!ass.
1 attention in class.
7 You'd better start revising for the exam!
It's revising for the exam.
8 Maybe my dream will come true and I'l1 go to Cambridge!
What true and 1 went to Cambridge!
11 ¶' Reading: exam practice
You are going to read an article about modern education. For questions 1-8, choose the
answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

The Changing Face of Education

Despite a rapidly changing world where technology and globalisation have had an
impact on almost every possible comer of our ¡¡ves, methods of education in the modern
world haven't really been affected very much. In fact, the way young people learn in
schools and colleges is remarkably similar to when free, compulsory education for al¡,
was first introduced. But what if getting an education doesn'tjust mean getting up
and going to a school or college building and sitting in a classroom reading books and
listen ing to a teacher?
Although lessons are still held in classrooms, computers and technology have already
started to play a major role in modern education.This role can only grow as the power of
computer memory increases while the cost of computers drop. Computers can replace
books, assist teaching, be used in testing and provide teachers with a plentiful supply of
teaching resources.Though they are already an essential part of education, the day that
they become the core tool for receiving an education cannot be very far away. How long
before they replace classrooms?
Possibly not that long at al¡ ifcolleges and universities are anything togo by. Many
universities now offer online degree courses that are completed only over the internet.
This means that it doesn't matter where you are in the world, you can still have access to
a university education without moving to the country the university is in. What would
happen if schools offered the same learning opportunities too? Perhaps one of the main

1 In the first paragraph the writer says that education 5 One advantage of the increasing use of technology
A hasn't altered a great deal in recent decades. in learning is that
B has been deeply affected by technology and A people of all ages will have greater access to
globalisation. education.
C is exactly the same as when free education B young people won't have to choose between
became available. work or study.
D no longer requires attending a school or college. C people would worry less about passing exams.
D older people will use the internet a lot more.
2 The writer believes that computers and technology
in education will 6 The word 'it' in line 30 refers to
A only increase when computers get cheaper. A people's age.
B one day become essential. B family.
C drastically change all aspects of learning. C education.
D give teachers a lot of extra work. D giving up work.
3 The writer points out that onhine courses 7 The writer believes some teachers may find it
A are now the main way to get a degree. particularly difficult to
B need only a few les sons at the university. A get better training in the future.
C are the same all over the world. B see anything positive in new teaching methods.
D make it easier to get a university education. C accept that they won't come into personal
contact with students.
4 The writer thinks online learning will
D admit that technology is changing the world.
A never be available in schools.
B become more widespread in schools 8 Overall the writer is
eventually. A critical of current teaching methods.
C only ever be available for children in B sorry that old teaching methods will die out.
isolated arcas. C angry about how slowly education is changing.
D affect how children are looked after. D enthusiastic about the use of technology in

reasons why this type of learning hasn't taken off at school level, except in ¡solated areas, is
because parents want their children to be looked after while they are at work. As the world of
work changes, it might not be long before it stops being necessary for children physically to
go to school.
Another benefit of getting away from traditional teaching methods and using technology
more and more as an educational tool is that it means that education in the future won'tjust
be something that is mainly associated with the young.There will be much more opportunity
for Iifelong learning. Imagine if, at any time of your ¡¡fe, you could just find the course you
want to do on the Internet and do it whenever it suited you. You wouldn't have to worry about
giving up work or moving away from your family in order to study. Having so much greater
choice over how people study will make it much more attractive to them, whatever their age.
At the moment, one of the main stumbling blocks to change is the teachers who have been
trained to teach using traditional methods. Sorne of them may find it hard to adapt to the
kind of teaching where they need to give up books and the blackboard and embrace tablet
computers, smartphones and social media as positive teaching tools. Even harder will be
giving up on classrooms entirely and having little to no face-to-face contact with pupils or
students. However, it's doubtful that any resistance to new ways of learning will last very long
because there'sjust no getting away from the fact that the world is changing, technology is
becoming more and more central to our daily ¡¡ves both at home and at work. So, why would
education be the only part of our ¡¡ves that looks backwards to earlier times? In the end it
won't. Education and learning methods will have to change in order to reflect the world and
the ¡¡ves we lead.

11 R,j Vocabulary
1 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
1 My aerobics instructor / professor is really great this term.
2 When you are at university, you will have several course tutors / trainers.
3 Dr Mathews is one of the most distinguished teachers / professors at the university today.
4 Simon works as an German teacher / professor at the local secondary school.
5 Alice is going to be a carpenter's pupil /apprentice for the next three years.
6 Joey Cicero is the new football coach / teacher at my school.
7 Julie will be a trainee / training nurse until her graduation next spring.

2 Use a word or phrase from the box in each gap to complete the sentences.
certificate • skill • licence • exam result .degree

1 Melanie's doing a in ancient Greek at the University of Warwick at the

2 Being able to use a computer s an extremely useful
3 I'm going to buy a second-hand car as soon as 1 get my driving
4 When Dawn finally got her she framed it and hung it on the wall.
5 Our French teacher's going to give us our tomorrow. 1 hope I've done well!

@ Use of English: exam practice

1 Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

Top Marks
Becky Davidson isn't one of those students who gets (1) about
exams. While many of her fellow students are having (2) about
whether they will (3) or, worst of al!, (4) their
exams, Becky is relishing the chance to realise her (5) 'A lot
of peoplejust go to (6) because of exam (7)
whereas 1 feel that a little pressure will help (8) me and give me
energyshe says.'For me, the key is not to (9) Remember that
whatyou're up (10) is really just yourself. So tryto enjoy it by
being better than you ever were before' Becky's advice is in many ways just good
common (11) and a useful (12) for anyone
who wants to do well in their exams.

1 A shaky B bashful C anxious D awkward
2 A ordeais B misery C distress D nightmares
3 A pass B take C give Dsit
4 A ornit B fail C negiect D fiop
5 A capacity B potential C possibility D gift
6 A parts B chunks C fragments D pieces
7 A stress B burden C tenses D emphasis
8 A arouse B persuade C motivate D disturb
9 A fear B panic C alarm D scare
10 A beside B opposed C facing D against
11 A reason B sense C feeling D judgernent
12 A action B routine C strategy D procedure

Reading 2: vocabulory
1 Use a word from the box in the correct form in each gap to complete the text.
satisfaction • fulfil • arm • traumatise • minute. highlight

Sorne peopie wonder why, at the age of 32, 1 decided to go to university and get a degree.
It wasn't a last (1) decision but something I'd thought about for a good few
years. 1 knew that 1 wouid feel much more (2) if 1 went to study the subject 1
loved. It wasn't aiways easy. 1 felt seif-conscious about being so rnuch older than most students.
But(3) with my books and lecture notes 1 soon managed to fit in. 1 wasn't as
(4) by the experience as 1 had expected. Of the many (5)
of my university life, the day 1 graduated was the best. 1 can't describe the sense of
(6) 1 got from graduating at 35 years oid!

2 Match each word or phrasel —6 with a meaning a—fi

1 unscrupulous a oid exarn papers
2 manageabie b easy to deai with
3 effectively c inciude
4 arnileoff d from faraway
5 past papers e dishonest ¡ without principies
6 factor in f in an efficient way
11 !n Grammar 2
1 Find two unnecessary words in the sentences.
1 Ihe group of giris who were sitting in the back of the library giggled quietly.
2 Many of the students who are graduating this year will go on to college.
3 Of all the students who are applying for a scholarship, you deserve to get it.
4 Ihe books which are lying on the desk belong to Carol.

2 Use a word from the box in the correct form in each gap to complete the sentences.
open • realise . study. do . complete . try • pay

1 all through the night, 1 felt tired but confident for the next day's exam.
2 Students their third year at university often have to write a long essay.
3 unsuccessfully to figure out the homework on my own, 1 called a friend for help.
4 Imagine my shock on my bag and discovering it was someone else's!
5 a deposit already, 1 decided to attend the summer course after al!.
6 from an ear!y age that 1 on!y wanted to be a surgeon, 1 made sure 1 a!ways did well at
sciences at schoo!.
7 all my homework, 1 went out with friends to see a movie.

3 Use one word to replace the words in boid in the

1 I've made a lot of good friends since 1 came to this school
2 Because they heard the bel!, the students ran out into the playground
3 After 1 had sat at the computer for hours, 1 needed to take a waik
4 Despite the fact that 1 was told the exam was impossib!e, 1 passed first time.
5 Because 1 have done a lot of research on this at university, 1 think I'rn a good candidate for the job.

1Use of English: exam practice


1 Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap.. Use only one word in each gap.
Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.


Ihere has (1) much debate about the expression 'learning difficulty' in recent years.
Whi!e it is agreed (2) sorne children and adults (3) find it more difficult
to learn (4) others, one wonders whether sorne individuals actually (5)
difficulty!earning, or if they just learn differently.
Research (6) shown, however, that the rninds (7) dyslexics do in fact
operate in a different way (8) those of non-dyslexic people. They show increased activity
(9) response to certain things where non-dys!exic people don't, especial!y when deahing
(10) graphics and design, (11) is why dyslexics often excel at the arts.
Perhaps the difference then is (12) important than the difficulty!

2 Read the text below. Use the word given at the end of sorne of the unes to form a word that
fits in the gap in the same Iine.Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS. 11
The professors, lecturers and other (1) like me, ACADEMY
who work at our universities, are responsible for overseeing the
(2) of the brightest people in the country. When 1 EDUCATE
carne to the (3) that 1 wanted a university career, 1 DECIDE
felt it would be an opportunity to demonstrate my
many (4) and 1 wanted to help pass on ABILITY
(5) to other generations too. It's not as highly KNOW
paid as somejobs but after much (6) 1 realised REFLECT
that money, though a (7) necessity for everyone, PRACTICE
was not the most importantthing in my ¡¡fe. 1 get great personal
satisfaction from ensuring that under my (8) INSTRUCT
hundreds of young people every year acquire the
(9) they need to start them out in life with a QUALIFY
realistic chance of being (10) in their own SUCCEED
chosen careers.

1§ Listening: exam practice

CD Track 12 You will hear five different people talking about taking a driving test.
For questions 1-5, choose frorn the Iist (A-F) the problem each person faced. Use the Ietters
only once. There is one extra Ietter which you do not need to use.

A getting confused about something Speaker 1

B hitting something Speaker 2
C using equipment Speaker 3
D not arriving on time Speaker 4
E having to deal with an emergency Speaker 5
F understanding someone

The Law

7 Reading 1: vocabulary
1. Use a preposition in each gap to complete the phrases.
1 have a negative irnpact 6 to be taken court
2 a direct link 7 to stop someone doing something
3 a rise 8 to focus
4 a cause concern 9 to concentrate
5 to come out top 10 to lead

2 Use a phrase from exercise 1 in the correct form in each gap to complete the sentences.
1 There has been the number ofyoung people committing crimes over the last six rnonths.
2 We all know that smaller crirnes often bigger ones.
3 Ihe police arrested him and he
4 Ifa friend of yours is about to break the law, you should try to it
5 Ihe problem of crime is
6 Television violence young children.

3 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.

1 He stole sorne money but he gaye it back because he couldn't stand the feehing of guilt / justice.
2 The police reflected / re-enacted the crime to try to understand how it was done.
3 Ifyou ever think about doing something ¡Ilegal, just think about the repercussions / coincidences.
4 Cases of violence should be punished / reported to the police.
5 He said he had stolen / robbed the bank because he was desperate for money.

1, Grammar 1
1 Match to make sentences.
1 Hardly had he put the phone down a wouhd 1 protect a friend who had committed a crime.
2 No sooner had 1 stepped out of the door b but he had also stolen someone's credit card.
3 At no time in my hife c when he heard the sound of police sirens.
4 Under no circumstances d that the police were watching me.
5 Not only had he been shophifting e than 1 felt a hand on my shoulder.
6 Little did 1 realise f have 1 ever taken something that didn't belong to me.

Use have, do or be in the correct form in each gap to complete the sentences. Use the words more
than once.
1 Little you realise how serious this is.
2 Scarcely 1 finished locking the shop when someone bit me from behind.
3 Not only criminais steal property, but they also cause a lot of damage.
4 Not until we got home we find out what had happened.
5 Under no circumstances you ailowed to leave the building.
6 Most days, no sooner 1 got to my office than the phone starts to ring.
7 They cannot find the criminal, nor they able to say what time it happened.
8 At no time 1 ever suggested that you took my bag!

3 Use a word or phrase from the box in each gap to complete the text.
have l ever • did 1 realise • sooner had • did • nor • only . was • when • not' hardly

No (1) 1 left the house than 1 got a strange feeling that it was not going to be a normal day.
Little (2) that it was going to lead to my arrest! As usual, 1 got off the bus a few streets from
my office. Now, at no time in the past (3) walked the rest of the way to work past the shops,
but that day 1 decided to vary my route. (4) had 1 turned the comer into the main shopping
street (5) 1 noticed someone running towards me. 1 neither noticed the bag under bis arm,
(6) did 1 realise that it was the same as mine. (7) until he carne right up
to me and 1 saw the expression on his face (8) 1 understand that he had committed a crime.
(9) after 1 had been pushed to the ground by two policemen (10) 1 able to
fully understand the situation. AH 1 kept thinking was that my boss was never going to believe me!

Use of ngsh: exam practice

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
Write the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
1 1 got a rnessage telling me he had been arrested as soon as 1 got borne. when
Hardly 1 got a rnessage telling me he had been arrested.
2 This is the best time to join the police force. been
Never time to join the police force.
3 1 wouldn't steal money, no matter what happened. would
Under steal rnoney.
4 You have absolutely no idea how serious this could have been. realise
Little how serious this could have been.
5 Straight after the news was my favourite crime series. finished
No sooner my favourite crime series carne on.
6 I've never witnessed a crime, time
At ever witnessed a crime.
7 It's hardly ever necessary to put young offenders in prison. is
Rarely to put young offenders in prison.
8 We will not let you leave until we have finished our enquiries. allowed
Only after we have finished our enquiries leave.

1-1 Reading: exam practice
You are going to read part of an interview where different people give their views on crime and
the Iaw. For questions 1-15, choose from the people (A-E). The people may be chosen more
than once.

Which person
does ajob for free? 1
mentions the heartache of losing items you're emotionaily attached to? 2
helps people to reject a life of crime? 3
was embarrassed about going to court? 4
took on their job in order to contribute to society more? 5
works with a large number of different organisations? 6__
doesn't think that crime has increased recently? 7
hadn't been aware how much a particular crime can affect people? 8- _
was angry about an intrusion into their personal life? 9
believes there are times when prison is unavoidable for sorne crimes? 10
wishes they could meet more ordinary people while working? 11
mentions the satisfaction they get from the work they do? 12
didn't believe that it was fair to be prosecuted for something? 13
would like to spend less time working at their desk? 14-
mentions that a criminal had been caught many times before? 15-
1 JOhfl - policeofficer
I've been in the service for nearly 30 years. Lots of people think that crime is rnuch worse
nowadays than it was in the past. lt's nota ctual ¡y true. What has changed is the types of
crime. Now, it's antisocial behaviour that's on the rise, while serious violent crime is down.
Police work itself has changed a lot too. We don't have as much cortactwktthe local
community and 1 think that is one of the reasons people don't have as rnuch faith in the
force as they used to. But governrnent cuts mean we don't have the time to go out on the
beat. Another problem is that 1 spend more time writing up reports than 1 do on actual
police work. It can be very frustrating.

WI Alison —magistrate
In Engtand and Wales magistrates deal with about 95% of al¡ criminal cases. Scotland
has a slightly different legal system to the rest of the UK, though. Anyone can volunteer
to becorne a magistrate, but you do have to be able to show that you are of good
character and have sound judgement. We don't get paid for doing it either, but we do
get our expenses paid. l decided to becorne a magistrate to give something back to the
community. 1 have to deal with a lot of different cases and sorne of them can be quite
disturbing. 1 recently imprisoned a man who'd robbed and beaten an elderly couple.
Although l try to avoid giving harsh sentences, sornetirnes it really is the only option,
especiallywhen violence is involved.

c Cindy —Crime victim

lt's very upsetting when you walk into your horne after it's been burgled. First of al¡, there's
the rness. Everything is pulled out of drawers and cupboards and thrown on the floor.
Then there's the distress when you find out what precious iterns have been taken. lt's the
sentimental value of personal items that's important, not their price tag. But perhaps
worst of afl is the anger you feel at having your horne invaded by a stranger. 1 was lucky
that the person who burgied my house was caught and 1 got most of my stolen property
back. Most burglars are never caught.The man who burgied my house was a repeat
offender and he'd only just got out of prison a couple of days before he burgied my home.

D Dylan —Juvenileoffender
1 was caught, along with a couple of friends, doing graifiti on the side of a building. We
were charged with criminal darnage and 1 gota fine frorn the youth court. It was an awful
experience going to court. 1 felt really ashamed. Mainly because my parents were really
upset about it. At first, 1 was angry about being taken to court because 1 didn't think that
what we had done was criminal. It was art. But my dad took meto meet sorne people who
had had their property damaged by graifiti and 1 realised that it can upset people and
it costs them money to clean it up. 1 still think graifiti is art but 1 only do it now when 1
have perrnission.

Mark - Probation Officer

1 have various duties to perforrn as a probation officer including supervising people who
have been let out of prison early on parole. lt's rny job to try and help them fit back into
the community, find work and become useful, Iaw-abiding citizens. 1 work with a lot of
different people such as the police, social services and rnany charities. 1 have a very heavy
workload as 1 have to deal with thousands of cases and each one is different.The work is
very rewarding when you see sorneone turn their life around and you know you helped
them do it. But it can be depressing sometimes, too, especialhy if someone reoffends and
you have to send them back to prison.
!j Vocabulary
2. Match the people to the definitions.
1 the accused a the person who announces the verdict and passes sentence
2 thejudge b a person who gives advice about the law
3 thejury c the twelve people who decide if someone is guilty or not guilty
4 a solicitor d a criminal, someone who commits a crime
5 a witness e the defendant, the person who has been taken to court
6 an offender f a prisoner, someone serving a prison sentence
7 a convict g someone who sees a crime being committed

2 Use a word from exercise 1 in the correct form in each gap to complete the sentences.

1 Young are often given fines instead of being sent to prison.

2 The asked the ifthey had reached their verdict.
3 1 wanted to seil my house, so first 1 contacted my
4 There were fears that a vital would not appear in court because he had been threatened.
5 Two policemen led the into the courtroom and some of the members of the public began
shouting at him.

3 Use a phrasal verla from the box in the correct form in each gap to complete the sentences.
beat up • let off • get away with • go off • make off • break in

1 Ihe judge decided that, because of the circumstances, he would him

with a warning.
2 So far, no-one has claimed responsibility for the bomb that in the city centre
last night.
3 Make sure you have a good lock on the back door so that it's difficult for thieves to
4 The bank robbers with over € 15,000 in cash.
5 'You'll never this!' the man shouted as the thief ran away.
6 The two men were sentenced to six months in prison because they had an
innocent young man.

4 Ifa sentence is correct, puta tick (v). If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly.

1 When the young giri was accused to steal, she started to cry.

2 When they had collected enough evidence, the police finally charged the man of fraud.

3 Tim refused helping Stacey steal the sweets and ran home to tell his parents what she was planning to do.

4 Alan Hailiwell, 27, was convicted for blackmail today at Manchester Crown Court.

5 Although the evidence was quite strong, the accused continued to deny having been involved in the crime.

6 Ray blamed his younger brother that he broke the window, but it wasn't really his fault.

fl Reading 2: vocobulary
1 Use a word from the box in each gap to complete the sentences.
theft • sentenced .goods. majority . fraction . slogans

1 It's my job to come up with imaginative advertising

2 Organised criminal gangs are behind the trade in pirated

3 He was charged with after he took money from the shop tul.

4 He was to six months in prison for his part in the robbery.

5 The vast of people are law-abiding citizens.

6 You can buy copies of designer bags at a of the price.

2 Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

An honest conman
Tom Keating was an art (1) with a difference.Tom hated the snobbery of
art dealers and galiery owners so he decided to embarrass them by creating hundreds
of (2) famous paintings. In contrast (3) other
(4) painters,Tom left behind, in each of his paintings, a clue so that art
restorers or real experts would know the work wasn't (5) But no-one
ever spotted the clues and he didn't (6) caught. Eventually, the large
numbers of one particular painting on the art market (7) the suspicions
of a dealer and Tom confessed to his (8) acts. If he hadn't admitted to the
(9) he may never have been found out. Although whatTom did was
(10) ,he was never taken to court or(1 1) guilty of a
crime.The fact that he carne forward and confessed to the crime played a role in that. In the
end honesty is always the best (12)

1 A mimic B forger C copier D imitator

2 A false B sham C fake D hoax
3 A with Bfrom Cby Dfor
4 A invalid B unreliable C lying D dishonest
5 A real B genuine C true D actual
6 A feel Bbe Cget Dhave
7 A started B aroused C provoked D stirred
8 A impure B soiled C dirty D immoral
9 A fraud B trick C he D practice
10 A banned B disallowed C ¡Ilegal D disqualified
11 A had B taken C found D chaimed
12 A action B pohicy C rule D procedure

Grammar 2
1 Match the statements to the question tags.
1 You haven't seen my keys anywhere, a haven'tyou?
2 You won't get into any trouble, b haveyou?
c isn'the?
3 You study law,
d willyou?
4 You've got an uncie who's a policeman,
e wasn't he?
5 He was in hiding for years, f do you?
6 He used to be in prison, g don'tyou?
7 You don't want a police record, h didn'the?
8 He's the actor from that oid detective series,

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use between two and
five words, including the word given.
1 Everybody knows that he is a thief.
He athief.
2 They say the escaped criminal is carrying a gun.
The escaped criminal a gun.
3 Sorne people have said that it is a waste of money providing sports facilities in prisons.
It providing sports facilities in prisons is a waste
of money.
4 The police think the escaped man is hiding in the oid farmhouse.
The escaped man hiding in the old farmhouse.
5 Promise me you will not do it again.
You will you?
6 Piease teil me 1 don't look iike the killer!

W§ Use of English: exam practice

1 Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each
gap. Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Everyyear, statistics are released which show (1) has been happening in the country
in terms of crime. But we should be suspicious (2) these statistics. They don't always
teli us very much. Ifthey have (3) prepared by the government, they will tend
(4) emphasise the positive. In contrast, certain newspapers will (5)
on the negative: the victims of crime, the violence, the dramatic rise.
Sorne statistics are interesting, however. It appears known, for exarnple, that only 40% of ah
robberies (6) ever solved, cornpared to 90% of rnurders. That rneans that,
(7) you be unfortunate enough to be robbed, the chances (8)
ever recovering your property are smahl. Of course, it also means that one (9)
ten kiliers is waiking the streets right now. But take courage frorn the thought that,
(10) you are rnurdered, the police (11) probably catch him
(or her)!
And, as ifyou couldn't guess, rnost crimes involving vehicles and rnobile phones are committed
by people under 25. Finaily, what is (12) most useless statistic of al!? The fewest
violent crimes - in fact, crimes of any kind - are comrnitted by people in which age group? The

2 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitais at the end of sorne of the unes to form a
word that fits in the gap in the same Iine.Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

If you are considering becoming a (1) or thinking of LAW
joining the police service, a knowledge of criminology is very useful.
It includes learning how (2) is collected and how EVIDENT
(3) are conducted, but it also involves learning TRY
about the psychology of crime, how (4) think. CRIME
This is very important in understariding why someone becomes an
(5) and what makes them do what they do. 0FF EN C E
Someone might commit (6) for example, for a THIEF
number of reasons, ranging from poverty to seeking attention.
Knowing what motivates a (7) ora ROB
(8) might help in the prevention of crime and a MURDER
reduction in (9) on the streets. The next time you VIOLENT
hear about a crime on TV or in the newspapers, look at the
(10) and ask yourself what led this person to a ¡¡fe ACCUSE
of crime.

IM Listening: exam practice

Ip CDTrack 13 You will hear a news report about a crime. For questions 1-5, complete
the sentences.

Joseph and Mary Carter uve in a (1) house in Leeds.

The crime was initially discovered at around (2) in the rnorning.
The windows and doors had been instahled (3) before.
Items such as the (4) in the living room were not stolen.
The police hope that the Carters' (5) might be able to provide sorne
useful information.

Revision Ø
Redng: exam practice
You are going to read an extract from a novel. For questions 1-8, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which
you think fits best according to the text.

It was getting dark, and for the first time that day Gavin's thoughts turned to the people he'd had to
leave behind. He pictured Lucy crying as she read his note, but he knew that she would understand.
More than that, he knew that once she had recovered from the shock of his absence from her life,
she would approve of his actions, would realise that he had had no choice, had had to escape.
Gavin then thought of Nathan, and wished he hadn't changed his mmd at the last minute and stayed
behind. Gavin ran through in his mmd their final whispered conversation. Was there sornething 6
else he could have said to persuade him? No, Nathan had made his decision and was firrn. Gavin
respected that, of course, but longed for Nathan to be with him. Together, they would have been
able to share all the difficu!ties, give each other support and keep each other company. Now, Gavin
had no-one to taik to and no-one to rely on except hirnself. That made everything doub!y hard, but lo
Gavin was sure of one thing - he didn't regret for a second his !eaving.
Gavin thought a!so of the guards, and a srnile spread across his face as he thought of thern
discovering that he was rnissing. He cou!d see the panic on their faces, the !ights corning on al! over
the building, the shouting, the checking that no-one e!se was rnissing too. Gavin hoped that no-one
would be punished for his actions, but he knew the chances were that both Lucy and Nathan would
suffer to sorne extent because of it. He prayed for thern to be strong. He also prayed that Lucy had
destroyed the note as soon as she'd finished reading it - as his p.s. at the bottom had requested. She
was a smart and practical gir!, so he had little doubt that she would do as he asked.
For the hundredth time that day, Gavin checked his money - $87 in notes and $2.50 in coins - and
did the mental calculations he had been doing for severa! weeks. $7 for food for six days is $42. $40
for bus tickets. That !eft $7.50 for emergencies - and !uxuries. In six days, he'd be in Memphis. Quite
how Gavin was going to find Paul when he got there was sornething he hadn't worked out yet, but
sure!y it wou!dn't be impossible. Not knowing Paul's surname certainly made things harder, but
Gavin had a strong fee!ing that !uck would be on his side - for once. It had to be, otherwise he'd be 24
out of rnoney and out of options. 'Don't think about that now Gavin said to himse!f. 'Worry about
the things you can control, and worry later about things that are going to happen !ater'
Gavin looked at his watch and saw that it was just coming up to the hour. c[Ie local news'll be on in
a minute: he thought. 'Let's see ifl'm being missed yet He got out his prize possession - a pocket-
size battery-operated radio - and turned it on. A fire at a factory. Unemployment on the increase
again. Ihe opening of the new Museum of Science. Nothing about a teenage boy on the run. Gavin
was astonished to feel a little disappointed. He realised part of him was actual!y looking forward to
being famous, to being important, to being a hot topic of conversation on the lips of the residents
of Carresville. He wasn't over!y concerned that his photo would be on TV and on posters for miles
around; the last photo the guards had taken of him was when he was thirteen. He'd changed a lot in
the last two years and was fairly confident no-one would instant!y recognise him. In fact, whenever
he looked at that photo on his Centre ID Card, he didn't even recognise himself. Who was that
innocent young boy !ooking back at him? Certain!y not the Gavin of today.
1 Gavin believed that Lucy would
A understand exactlywhere he had gone.
B be too shocked by the news to think clearly.
C be very upset by the news of his departure.
D be glad that he was no longer around.
2 In their 'final whispered conversation' (une 6), Gavin
A was unable to convince Nathan to stick to the original plan.
B changed bis mmd and told Nathan he couldn't come with him.
C was persuaded by Nathan that it was safer for Gavin to go alone.
D did not try at all to persuade Nathan to change his mmd.
3 What does the word 'That' inline 10 refer to?
A Gavin's longing for Nathan to be with him
B Gavin not having spoken to anyone
C Gavin's ability to rely on himself
D Gavin's being completely on bis own
4 How did Gavin think the guards would react?
A He didn't expect tbem to punish Nathan and Lucy for bis actions.
B He expected them to make life difficult for the friends he'd left behind.
C He tbought they would realise Nathan and Lucy had helped him.
D He believed they would do nothing when they realised he was alone.
5 How certain was Gavin that Lucy had destroyed bis note?
A He was absolutely certain.
B He was almost certain.
C He was not very certain at alI.
D He was almost certain she hadn't.
6 What does the phrase 'for once' (line 24) suggest?
A that Gavin knew he only needed to be lucky once in his life
B that it was the first strong feeling he had had for a long time
C that he rarely had strong feelings about how lucky he was
D that Gavin believed that lucky things rarely happened to him
7 What was Gavin surprised about when he listened to the news?
A that there was no mention of bis escape
B that he wished that he had been mentioned
C that he had been expecting to hear about himself
D that the news stories he heard had disappointed him
8 How did Gavin feel about bis photo being shown on TV?
A He wasn't worried because he knew it wasn't actually him in the photo.
B He was extremely worried about it because people might recognise him.
C He wasn't very worried because it would be difficult to identify him from it.
D He was a little worried because the photo would also be on lots of posters.

TI Use of English: exam practce
1. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

There are two things in the past decade that have had a huge effect on our social ¡¡ves and what
our culture (1) for and they are both (2) to each other.The first
is the rise in social networking (3) such sites as Facebook, and the second is the
way smartphones have (4) off in recent years. The (5) majority
of people now use one or the other, or both. It used to be (6) that intimacy was
the result of close personal relationships. But not anymore, now that social networking has taken
(7) much of our social ¡¡ves. It's hard not to get involved in social networking
when it's so easy to (8) up an account. You provide the site (9)
a few details, click on a button and in a (10) second you're in the network. lt's
hardly surprising, considering how popular they now are that these sites have realty
(11) off for their owners, who have made very large (12)
from them.

1 A looks B represents C sounds D stands

2 A joined B conneded C associated D combined
3 A along B via C into D inside
4 A taken B given C let D set
5 A big B huge C vast D immense
6 A repeated B said C spoken D explained
7 A under B round C over D down
8 A lay B establish C begin D set
9 A with B to C for D by
10 A divided B split C haif D fraction
11 A returned B brought C paid D rewarded
12 A treasures B riches C possessions D fortunes

2 Read the text below and think of the word which fits best in each gap. Use only one word in
each gap. Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.


When we hear people say that it must (1) been hard living in the past,
it's easy not to think too much about it. But for children (2) lived in the
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, life vas very unpleasant. For one thing, there were
few schools, and (3) that existed didn't offer much for the over-twelves.
Por the lucky ones, someone they knew would give (4) a job and they could
learn a trade. If they were fortunate enough (5) have learned basic reading
and writing skills, this could be in a large office. If not, however, it was usually in industry,
(6) conditions were dreadful. Children (7) frequently
injured by factory machinery or in mining accidents. The money was terrible, the hours were
long, and if they (8) a mistake, they (9) the sack.
Andiet us not forget that, when people had their chimneys (10) , they sent
young children up to do it, in (11) of the fact that it was extremely dirty and
unhealthy. Working part-time in the local shop doesn't sound so bad after all,
(12) it?

3 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitais at the end of sorne of the unes to form a
word that fits in the gap in the same une. Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Whena(1) is caught and the judge or the magistrate has to CRIME
choose a (2) one of the options ¡s sometirnes community PUNISH
A lot depends on the seriousness of the (3) cornmitted, of OFFEND
course, but, in general, community service is thought by many experts to be
better than prison, which is not always (4) BENEFIT
There have been (5) cases of community service where COUNT
the offender does sorne work, such as painting over graffiti or clearing up
rubbish, which ¡s(6) to the community but one scherne HELP
seems to be an (7) on that - the work to be done by IMPROVE
the offender is the (8) of the victim, and they meet in DECIDE
person to talk about it. In experirnents, both sides seem to benefit frorn this
arrangernent. If, say, a robber has a (9) with his victims, then DISCUSS
it is not only(1O) for the criminal, but it can also take away a EDUCATE
lot of the victim's fear.

4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words,
including the word given. Write the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
1 Phil said that he hadn't reported me to the manager.
Phil to the manager.
2 You absolutely must not get on the wrong side of the police in this town.
Under no on the wrong side of the police in this town.
3 Mrs Simmonds prefers it if nobody talks in class.
Mrs Simmonds in class.
4 The doctor is going to take out Jake's tonsils tomorrow.
Jake is going to tomorrow.
5 Do you think you could pass that dictionary to me?
Please dictionary?
6 He said, 'Are you coming to football training tonight?'
He asked to football training that night.
7 He kept taiking despite the fact that he knew 1 was studying.
He kept taiking he knew 1 was studying.
8 He said he would not cooperate with the police.
He with the police.
Listening: exam practice
IP CD Track 14 You will hear part of an interview with a Iinguist. For questions 1-5, choose
the best answer (A, B or C).
1 What does Carolbiame sorne journalists for?
A not reporting important scientific discoveries
B misrepresenting what scientists have said
C not knowing any foreign languages
2 Carol says that it's obvious that
A our DNA telis us which language to speak.
B Japanese people have problerns learning English.
C where we uve affects the language we speak.
3 According to Carol, the 'language gene' is
A also found in apes and other anirnais.
B what enables hurnans to use language.
C definitelyjust one gene in our bodies.
4 Carol uses the example of making a question to show that
A there are sorne things that no languages do.
B Chinese and English are very different languages.
C English is easier to learn than Chinese.
5 Which statement sums up Carol's view of language?
A It's the regional differences that make humans special.
B Human languages have more similarities than differences.
C It would be better ifwe all learned one universal language.

19 Writing: exam practice

1 You must answer this question.
You recently attended a course of lessons in a small language school in England. Now thatyou have
returned, you have decided to write to the school, thanking them and making a few comments and
suggestions. Read the original advertisement for the course and the notes you have made on it. Then
write a letter to the language school owner giving your opinions and making your suggestions.

raUj did!
We are offering courses for students of
£ctnt idea - had to 6pea! English at all leveis.
. accommodatjon with local families
KA ,op en,,,. ,%tr.c.apc. Sh oUla / Voula be 900d.
• smahl classes
• extensive use of video
• qualified teachers
• frequenttrips 4—___
• all rnaterials provided

Write a Ietter in 120-150 words.You must use grammatically correct sentences with appropriate
spelling and punctuation in a style appropriate for the situation. Do not write any addresses.

Write an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part.Write your answer in 120-180 words in
an appropriate style for the situation.

2 You have had a discussion in class Qn the subject of health. Now, your teacher has asked you to write
an essay giving your opinions on the following sta temen t:
Sport and exercise give you more than just a healthy body.
Write your essay.

3 You recently saw this advertisement in yourschool magazine and have decided to apply.

The charity Action Now needs your skiIls - whatever
they are. Come and volunteer for sorne of the work
we do. You could be working with disabled people,
children with iearning difficulties oryoung offenders.
Whatever you do, you can make a difference to peop!e's
¡¡ves and gain valuable experience. Send a Ietter of
application, telling us what you think you would be
good at and why.

Write your Ietter of application to Action Now. Do not write any addresses.

4 An international student magazine is running a series of articles called 'Crime and Punishment
around the WorId You have been asked to write an article Qn the situation in your country, including
details about the police and the law, and saying what happens to offenders.

Write your article.


O Reiationships
1 Make questions from the jumbled
1 stil are education in you full-time both?

2 the what future for are plans your?

3 spare you what like do your time kind doing things in of?

4 you how there been long living have?

5 leave want do what school you to when you do?

6 you English how studying have long been?

Complete the dialogue using the words in the box.

there • like • where • do • it • from • what • both • year • great
another • sure • know • one . definftely . decided

Interlocutor: (1) are you from?

Candidate A: I'm from Stockholm. I've lived (2) all my hife.
Interlocutor: Do you (3) living there?
Candidate A: Yes, 1(4) It's an exciting city.
Interlocutor: And (5) about you? Where are you from?
Candidate B: I'm (6) Malmo. It's a big city in southern Sweden.
Interlocutor: What's (7) like living there?
Candidate B: It's (8) Malmo is a very beautiful city.
Interlocutor: Are you (9) stihl at school?
Candidate A: I'm in my final (10) at high school.
Candidate B: I've stihl got (11) two years to go before 1 finish school.
Interlocutor: Do you (12) what you want todo when youleave school?
Candidate A: I'm not(13) Ihaven't(14) yet.But
(15) of my ambitions is to travel.
Candidate B: 1(16) want to help people. So, I'm thinking of training to be a nurse.
Ø Travelling
1 Each of the words in bold ¡sin the wrong sentence. Write the correct word on the une.
1 You might bored an experienced guide to show you around
2 Qn holiday, you can get nerves from your daily routine
3 You could get away if you just do the same things every day.
4 Ifthe beaches are very crowded it could get on your need
5 Doing watersports is exciting although just lying on a beach is duil
6 1 like sightseeing, whereas 1 would prefer to do more exciting activities

2 Choose the correct word to complete the monologue.

In the (1) first / begin picture 1 can see sorne people enjoying themselves
doing watersports. In the (2) another / other one the person is hiking in the
countryside. (3) Two / Both pictures show people doing healthy activities.
(4) Another / Other sirnilarity is that they both show outdoor activities. One
key (5) differ / difference is that watersports can be expensive to do
(6) because / whereas waiking in the countryside doesn't cost a lot of money.
Another (7) way 1 one in which they (8) differ / different is that watersports
can be dangerous sornetimes too. (9) In / On the whole, waiking is quite safe,
unless you get lost. Myself, 1 think 1 would go (10) on / to a hiking holiday
as it's a really good way to enjoy the countryside. As (11) long ¡ far as l'm
concerned, Id like to spend more time appreciating the natural world. 1 think a
hiking holiday is the perfect way to get (12) out / away from our daily routines
in towns and cities.

O Technology
1 Complete the dialogue using the words in the box.
sum • fine . completely. would • about • what • agree • sure. point • like • say

Becky: So, what equipment shail we get for the youth club? (1)
you like me to begin?
Gavin: Yes, that would be (2)
Becky: OK. (3) do you think about getting the fridge? It would
be useful because the one we have is quite oid now.
Gavin: I'm not (4) that's a good idea. The oid one is fine. I'd
(5) to suggest the games console since 1 think everyone
would enjoy using it.
Becky: You have a (6) , but 1 think people play games enough
when they're at home. How (7) getting a video camera?
It would be usefui as we could video the activities we do at the youth club.
Gavin: 1(8) to a certain extent but I'm not sure ifeveryone
would be interested. I'd (9) that a DVD piayer would be
more useful. We could show films and documentaries.
Becky: 1(10) agree. That's a very good idea. Perhaps we could
get the fiat screen TV as well. It would be much better for showing films.
Gavin: Absoiutely. So do we agree on our choices then?
Becky: Yes. To (11) up, we've chosen the TV and DVD player
so that we can show films and documentaries at the club.
2 Match the questions 1-5 with their answers (a-e).
1 How do you think the world wffl change in the future?
2 What technological advances do you think you wffl see in your lifetime? -
3 Do you think we rely too much on technology? -
4 Do you think technology has made your life easier? -
5 Ifyou were an inventor, what would you invent? -
a 1 suppose we do really. 1 don't think we would know how to survive without it.
b To be honest, 1 haven't thought about it much but 1 think the world will be a very different place.
c Well, 1 think 1 would want to make a car that could fly and travel on water.
d 1 think the main one will be with computers. 1 think they'll be capable of doing almost everything soon.
e That's an interesting question. Yes, to sorne extent, but 1 suppose in sorne ways it makes my life more

1 Make questions from the jumbled words.Then match them with their responses (a-e).
1 things internet what the do on buy kind people of?
2 feel how shops about small do in shopping you?
3 of what supermarkets shopping are large advantages at the?
4 anything have market at you street bought ever a?
5 shopping what the of are disadvantages internet the on?
a Ihere are lots but mainly the fact that they have such a wide variety of goods.
b One problem is that you can't see the things you want before you buy them.
c You can buy almost anything at aH online these days from food to musical instruments.
d Yes, 1 have. 1 go to one on Sundays to get CDs and DVDs.
e To be honest, 1 don't use them very much because they're often more expensive than large shops.

2 Complete the monologue using the words and phrases in the box.
while • as • as for • both • the second • on the other • in the first • another point . on the one
(1) pictures show different ways of
shopping. (2) picture people are
shopping at a mali. Ihis is the modern way to shop
nowadays. (3) picture shows
a high street with lots of small shops. Ihis isn't
(4) popular a way to shop as malls
are nowadays. (5) which way 1
prefer to shop, it depends on what 1 want to buy.
(6) hand, malis are more convenient
because you can find everything in one place.
(7) hand, small high street shops
have more character. (8) Id like
to make is that small shops are often more helpful
and give a better service, (9) malis
can be a bit unfriendly.
Q Leisure
1 Choose the correct word to complete the dialogue.
Simon: Right. I'd (1) teil / say that the tent is definitely one of the most useful things that we need.
Lily: Absolutely, and would you agree that the hunting knife would probably be (2) extreme / extremely
useful too?
Simon: Definitely. Ihe Sun cream (3) might / must be useful, as well, because we'U be outdoors a lot.
Lilv: 1(4) part / partly agree with you but I'm not certain we'll really need it. It'll probably ram.
Simon: (5) How / What do you think about the mobile phone? 1 think it could be a good idea in case of
an emergency.
Lily: You're right about that. But I'm not (6) certain / definite we'd need the laptop.
Simon: Me neither. It wouldn't be very useful at all. 1 think the barbecue could (7) be / being very useful,
though. It's perfect for cooking when camping.
Lily: 1 agree to a certain (8) extend / extent, but it'.s quite big. Perhaps it would be better just to take a
frying pan for quick, easy meals.
Simon: 1 see what you mean. But barbecues are fun. I'd (9) put / suggest that we get rid of the umbrella,
though. It's too big and 1 don't think we'il need it.
Lily: 1 agree with you about that. It isn't something we need. So which do you think we
(10) shall / should choose to leave behind?
Simon: (11) Let's / Let leave the umbrella and the laptop behind.
Lily: 1 agree we can do (12) with / without them.

2 Match the questions 1-5 with their answers (a-e).

1 Why does camping appeal to so many people? -
2 Would you enjoy going camping with your friends? -
3 Is camping suitable for famiies and older people?
4 What are the disadvantages of going camping?
5 Is camping bad for the environment?
a 1 don't see why it shouldn't be. As long as you're well organised, anyone can enjoy it.
b Ifyou ask me, there's no reason why it should be, as long as people respect the environment when they
go camping.
c Personally, I'd love to. 1 think it's a great way to go on holiday.
d Well, it can be a bit miserable to do if the weather is really bad.
e To my mmd, it's because it's a chance to do something different and it's cheap too.

1 Each of the words in boid is in the wrong sentence.Write the correct word on the
1 It seems to I'm that deforestation is leading to mass extinction of species
2 As far as me concerned, we need to find alternative sources of energy.
3 In my mmd, air pollution is a very serious threat to our health
4 Ifyou view me, not enough is being done to protect marine life.
5 To my opinion, people are not doing enough to recycle their waste
6 In my ask, everyone should use public transport much more than they do

2 Complete the monologue using the words in the box.
it • no • to e of e similarity . my • in • result • if • concerned • shows • say

(1) begin with, the first picture is a view

(2) a City that has very bad air pollution.
(3) my opinion this is the (4) of
too much traffic as well as industries pollutíng the atmosphere. The
second picture (5) the countryside covered in Iitter.
Id (6) this is because of people not having any
respect for the environment. In fact, this is one (7)
between the pictures. (8) you ask me, both air
pollution and Iitter in the countryside are problems caused by people
being selfish. As far as I'm (9) , the key difference
between the pictures is how serious each form of pollution is. To
(10) mmd, although Iitter is a serious problem, it's not
as big a threat as air pollution. (11) seems to me that
air pollution is worse because it's a threat to everyone's health. There's
(12) doubt that everyone needs clean air to breathe.

Ø sport
1 Complete the sentences using the words in the box.
r ambitions • enjoy. used • much • favourite

1 One of my sports is tennis.

21 to like tennis but now 1 don't.
3 1 don't have free time but when 1 do, 1 like playing basketball.
4 One of my is to win a swimming trophy.
51 watching lots of sports at the weekend.

2 Match the questions 1-5 with their answers (a-e).

1 What do you think of extreme sports?
2 Do you prefer team or individual sports?
3 What do you like doing in your free time?
4 Have you tried any unusual sports?
5 What are the sports facilities in your area like?
a 1 enjoy doing all sorts of activities,
including sport
b On the whole, they could be better because 1
think they're too expensive.
c As far as I'm concerned, they're not for me, as
they're too dangerous.
d 1 prefer sports where people work together
as a team.
e No, but I'd love to try bicycle polo one day.

1 Complete the dialogue using the words in the box.
about • suggest • afraid • would • say . example . true • sure • be • ask. partly. my

Leah: To begin, I'd like to (1) the TV and DVD player. 1 think they're very useful for
learning English because the students (2) enjoy watching films or documentaries.
Paul: 1 (3) agree with you as students definitely enjoy watching films and programmes but
1 don't think they really learn much. How (4) the books? 1 think they're much better
to learn English with and students always need to practise their grammar.
Leah: I'm (5) 1 have to disagree. We use books all the time and they're a very old-fashioned
way to learn English nowadays. I'd (6) that the CD player and CDs are better because
listening is one of the hardest parts of learning English. It would (7) good practice.
Paul: I'm not (8) 1 agree. To (9) mmd, they're also a bit old-fashioned. If
you (10) me, a computer is better because you can use it in so many different ways.
You can watch videos or play, interactive games on the internet, for (11)
Leah: That's (12) 1 completely agree that it isa good choice.

2 Make questions from the jumbled words.

1 people have do a young the on good media influence? 5 the to in would media career you a like have?
2 with do keep the you news to try up to date? 6 we shown do are should programmes you certain
3 in images are the violent shown too media many? control time think what?
4 the is what get the do news best to think way you?

1 Each of the words in boid is in the wrong sentence. Write the correct word on the une.
1 On the picture, there's a nurse talking to a patient
2 Another way difference is that media jobs are much better paid
3 In the one hand, a career in nursing is very rewardirig
4 The first prefer I'd like to make is that both jobs can be stressful
5 Another key in which they differ is that nurses have to wear a uniform
6 As for which 1 would point, 1 think a media career would be fascinating

2 Complete the monologue using the words in the box.

of • whereas . similarity. shows • both • go . although . one • another. definitely. with • seems • make • like

To begin (1) , the first picture is (2) a very fice modern office fui¡ of modern
furniture. It's light and spacious and it looks (3) a pleasant place to work.The other picture
(4) a tour guide taking people round the sights in a city. 1 can't quite (5) out where
they are though. (6) of the main differences between the two jobs is that a tour guide often works
outdoors (7) office workers are indoors all day. (8) point Vd like to make is that tour
guides get to meet lots of different people every day. One (9) between the jobs, though, is that they
(10) have long working hours. (11) l think working in an office might be better paid,
l think l would (12) for working as tour guide as it (13) a more exciting job. 1 would
(14) enjoy going to museums and gahleries as part ofa job, too.
1 Choose the correct word to complete the dialogue.
Tma Wou1youÇVke 1 antmeto\eri
Mark: That (2) could / would be fine.
Tina: Well, I'd like to (3) say / add that 1 don't think doing sport is unhealthy even if people do get injured (
Mark: 1(4) would / completely agree with you. There are definitely more advantages than disadvantages to
sport. (5) What / Think about watching too much TV? That's very unhealthy.
Tina: 1 agree to a (6) certain / total extent. But 1 think it's something parents complain about rather than
being a real problem. Everyone needs to relax. Listening to very loud music is (7) much / more worse.
Mark: In a (8) part / way, you're right. (9) But / So don't you think eating sugary fatty foods is worse?
(10) Lots / Many of teenagers have weight problems nowadays.
Tina: You (11) make / have a point, although 1 think everyone knows it's unhealthy. I'd (12) suggest / ask it's
more important to taik about the dangers of air pollution in the city.
Mark: I'm (13) afraid / sure 1 have to disagree because not everyone lives in a big city. 1 think unhealthy eating
affects everyone.
Tina: You're (14) true / right 1 suppose. Let's choose that for our cover, then.

2 Match the questions 1-5 with their answers (a-e).

1 Do people worry too much about their health these days?
2 Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?
3 Do you think teenagers learn enough about how to stay healthy?
4 What advice would you give someone who wanted to improve their diet?
5 Do you think people were healthier in the past?
a As far as I'm concerned, they don't know enough and that's bad, because it's important.
b 1 would explain how much better they would feel if they cut out fatty foods.
c 1 think it would be better if 1 exercised more.
d I'm sure they were because people used to waik a lot more and eat more fresh foods.
e 1 don't think so because most people don't seem to think about it at all.

.1J Learning
1 Match the beginnings of the sentences 1-5 with their endings (a-e).
1 This is a picture
2 Another way in which they differ
3 I'm not absolutely sure,
4 1 can't quite make
5 As for which 1 would
a is that they're enjoying the lesson in the first picture but not in the second.
b prefer, 1 think it's better to learn by actually doing things.
c out what kind of lesson it is.
d of a driving lesson.
e but it looks like a group of soldiers with some kind of map.
Z Complete the monologue using the words in the box.
other • much • teil • such • suppose • worth . although . ask. quite
personaily . first. though. have • sometimes • seem • hand

As far as 1 can (1) both pictures are showing different

kinds of ways to lea rn.The (2) one shows children in an art
lesson.They (3) to be very involved in what they're doing.
In the (4) one, they are in a dassroom and writing down
information from the board. One point (5) mentioning is
that in this pcture they don't'look as (6) they are enjoying it
very much. 1(7) - it's not (8) as interesting
as doing something with your hands. On the other (9) , if
the teacher is good it doesn't make (10) of a difference.
(11) 1 thinkthat botín types of learning are valuable.
(12) it's better to Iearn by doing things with your hands
(13) as in an art Iesson;atothertimesyou need to use your
mmd more. Ifyou were to (14) me which 1 prefer, Vd
(1 5) to say the art Iesson because l'm a creative person,
(16) 1 think traditional learning is important too.

(D The Law
1 Choose the correct word to complete the dialogue.
Dave: Is it (1) good / OK if 1 start?
Bella: 1 don't (2) mmd / think at ah.
Dave: Let me (3) ask / see. 1 think it would be a good idea if the article mentioned that
you (4) had! should always lock your door.
Bella: I'd agree (5) with / for that. But what about (6) recommend / recommending
that you should have bars on the window?
Dave: I'm not (7) agree / sure about that. Who wants to uve as though they're in a prison?
Bella: (8) Good / True point. One possibility is having a 'beware of the dog' sign to put
off burglars.
Dave: You have (9) one ¡ a point, although it might not work if you. don't actually have a dog.
Bella: That's true. (10) How / What do you think about neighbourhood watch schemes,
where people patrol the streets?
Dave: I'm (11)certain / afraid 1 think it's a terrible idea. People shouldn't take the law
into their own hands.
Bella: (12) Another / Further idea is warning people about looking after their bags or BEWARE

wallets as there are a lot of pickpockets about.

Dave: (13) Possibly/ Absolutely. 1 thinkthat's an excellent idea. OF THE DOG

Bella: So, which two do you think we (14) would / should choose, then?
Dave: Let's (15) bel go for taiking about keeping doors locked and watching your
personal property.

2 Make questions from the jumbled

1 reasons what people main commit are the crimes?
2 to what be like do in it's prison think you?
3 punishment prison for do right most you crimes believe the is?
4 a area do your serious in you crime problem have with?
5 of can crime any you prevent other to think ways?

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