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Reed Vocational Marriage Interview

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Jhun Philip T.


Guide Questions:
1. What are some criteria for choosing a spouse that must be considered?
2. Before the marriage, what are the matters that needed to be discussed by the
3. What is the hardest thing you had to deal within your married life and how
do you deal with it?
4. What effect having children, especially the first child, has on your marriage?
5. How do you deal with conflict in your marriage?
6. What advice would you give to your children/ grandchildren about finding a
mate and marriage?

General Data

No. Couple A Couple B Couple C

1 it must be Pure intentions For me, the #1 overriding Finally, the #5 factor was the spark.
, Matured enough , factor in choosing a life That's the oddball one, because if
faithful , kind , and pure partner (as it is in we could define it, we could
love. virtually everything else I package it. But we can't. It's that
do or think), was indefinable, je ne sais quoi that
integrity. Without that, combusts between two people. In
you need to be constantly the young, it manifests itself as
looking over your "love at first sight" and
shoulder for your entire "infatuation". But for us mature
life, never really knowing folks, it's something deeper and
if you have a partner at more timeless. I really can't put it
all. better than Stephanie did:

2 Before getting married, Friendship. My spouse Getting to know one another. We

you should talk about a and I became friends first dated three years before we got
few things, including and fell in love later. Our married. This gave us the
your financial situation friendship has served as opportunity to get to know each
and your level of the foundation of our other. This is not to say that we
certainty or readiness to relationship. Over the knew everything about one another,
commit to marriage. This years we have had some but it was certainly a good
is because married life is difficult experiences, like beginning and worth the time spent.
not an easy journey; it the passing of two
adds another chapter to children. I feel certain
your life. that our relationship
would not have survived
without the friendship.

3 The most difficult issue Before I got married, I I don’t really recall a “hardest part
they have faced as a ruled an entire apartment of your marriage” however, there
couple is each other I called home and I was are adjustments. To live 24/7 with
differences . You have to the undisputed king. I another person can provide love,
sit down and Discuss it could watch anything on respect, joy, and hardship.
to be a healthy TV, sleep on either side Adaptation is necessary to navigate
relationship. ”If one is on of my bed, eat anything - through the years, months, days,
fire you need to be a pretty much do anything I hours, or even minutes. Remember
water ” wanted. Then came the that you and your spouse were each
wife. She occupied my raised with different parents and
favorite corner of the bed. family dynamics, even cultural
Made me watch romantic differences.
comedies. Fed me
experimental dishes that I
hadn't even heard the
names of. The kingdom
that I once ruled was no
longer under my control.

4 When children are Plan, organize, be strong, Children are an amplifier. Good
involved, marital but flexible. Kids don’t becomes great and poor becomes
happiness suffers come with instructions. painful. Whatever you had before
significantly and children you will have more.
bring stress to the Say goodbye to your old life. Once
relationship. But .They you see the baby, that world goes
are feeling inspired , dark. Money…gone.
Happy and grateful.

5 Couples talk it out to Talk directly. Assuming Give each other space. ...
find a solution. Listen that there is no threat of Don't worry about being right. ...
And always pay attention physical violence, talk Try to become a better listener. ...
when speaking . directly to the person with Be open about your feelings. ...
whom you have the Pause before you speak. ...
problem. ... Build healthy communication skills.
Choose a good time. ... ...
Plan ahead. ... Try to be empathetic. ...
Don't blame or name-call.
Give information. ...
Listen. ...
Show that you are
listening. ...
Talk it all through.

6 Choose someone who My words to give a young You see, if you are honest, you then
will accept you no matter person that could help in are trustworthy and truthful … you
what, and let their love a lasting marriage in ones never break a promise!
lead you. Recognize your future… Please and
value; you are priceless. Thank you are ALWAYS
Marriage is not a simple good words to use.”
process, so be prepared.
: “Always be willing to
make compromises”

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