VIDEOS ’ 4.1 Entropion Repair, Retractor Reinsertion, and Lateral Tarsal Strip
’ 4.2 Spastic Entropion Repair: Quickert Sutures
’ 4.3 Tarsal Fracture Procedure
’ 4.4 Cicatricial Entropion Mucous Membrane Graft
Visit Expert Consult (expertconsult.inkling.com) for videos on topics discussed throughout the text.
114 4 • Diagnosis and Treatment of Entropion
Orbicularis muscle
Box 4.1 Types of Entropion junction
Gray line
Meibomian (Riolan's muscle)
’ Involutional orifice
’ Spastic
’ Cicatricial
’ Marginal Figure 4.2 Normal eyelid margin architecture. Note the position of
the gray line, meibomian glands, and mucocutaneous junction.
4 • Diagnosis and Treatment of Entropion 115
Box 4.2 Eyelid Margin Architecture
Gray line
’ Mucocutaneous junction Meibomian gland orifice
’ Meibomian gland orifices
’ Gray line Mucocutaneous
’ Eyelashes junction
flexibility so that normal movement does not alter the posi- lid-tightening procedure, you notice that the patient’s
tion of the lid margin. There is no pull or cicatricial force eyes (and face) look younger.
turning the eyelid inward or outward.
INVOLUTIONAL ENTROPION Spastic entropion occurs when the eyelids are held in a
Involutional entropion occurs only in the lower lid. Three closed or “guarded” position. The sustained squinting of the
anatomic factors play a role in involutional entropion: lower lid is the initiating force for the entropion. The most
common situation for this reflex blepharospasm is after sur-
’ Laxity of lower eyelid retractors gery, usually an anterior segment trauma repair or an
’ Horizontal lid laxity extensive posterior segment procedure. The spasm or
’ Overriding preseptal orbicularis muscle
squeezing of the lid seems to push the lid margin against the ’ Surgical or accidental trauma
eye. This condition most often occurs in patients who have ’ Recurrent chalazia or blepharitis
predisposing factors to involutional entropion, such as hori- ’ Stevens Johnson syndrome
zontal laxity and lax lower lid retractors. The retractors can- ’ Trachoma
not hold the lid in a normal position against the forceful
overriding orbicularis pushing the lid margin inward. In most patients with cicatricial entropion, the conjunctival
scarring is easy to see and the etiology is obvious (Figure 4.7).
As I said earlier, all instances of upper lid entropion are cicatri-
CICATRICIAL ENTROPION cial. There is no upper lid involutional entropion.
Cicatricial entropion is caused by shortening of the posterior
lamella, which pulls the eyelid margin inward (Figure 4.6).
Cicatricial entropion is common throughout the world,
especially where trachoma is endemic. Cicatricial entropion
is less common than involutional entropion, but it is still
seen in the United States. Any problem that causes scarring Orbicularis
of the conjunctiva may cause a cicatricial entropion
(Box 4.4). Common causes include:
’ Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid
’ Alkali or acid burns
orifice Eyelash
and follicle
Figure 4.7 Mild cicatricial entropion caused by the Stevens Johnson syndrome. (A) Note subtle inversion of eyelid margin. (B) Mild conjunctival
scarring and shortening of the fornix are present. The scarring pulls the lid margin inward, causing the cicatricial entropion.
118 4 • Diagnosis and Treatment of Entropion
Marginal Entropion determine the etiology of the entropion. Ask, Is the entropion
Patients with cicatricial entropion have eyelashes against cicatricial? With your finger, return the inverted lid to its
the eye. The problem is classified as entropion, not trichiasis, normal position. Is there resistance to placing the lid in the
because the eyelid margin is obviously inverted. Most normal position? See if it springs back to the inverted posi-
patients diagnosed with trichiasis have a subtle form of cica- tion when you release it. If cicatricial changes are present, it
tricial entropion known as marginal entropion. Slit lamp is not easy to return the lid to its normal position. After you
examination of these patients shows that the lid margin is release the lid, it returns to the inverted position. Reposition
no longer a flat platform with well-defined right-angled the lid and observe the eyelid margin during the slit lamp
anterior and posterior edges. The posterior angle of the lid examination to see where scar tissue might be causing the
margin has a slightly rolled appearance, with the mucocuta- lid to pull inward. Evaluate the conjunctiva and tarsal plate
neous junction being more anterior than normal. There for signs of shrinkage or scarring. You usually are able to
may be subtle scarring or inflammation of the posterior sur- see some obvious conjunctival scarring that is the cause of
face of the conjunctiva and tarsus. This subtle shortening the entropion (Figure 4.8).
brings the eyelashes against the cornea. The diagnosis and
management of marginal entropion is discussed in the next
chapter. This is an important concept, so do not ignore it.
If Not Cicatricial, the Entropion Must
Be Involutional
CHECKPOINT With involutional entropion, you can return the lid to the
normal position with your finger and it will remain there for
At this point you should: a blink or two. If the entropion does not recur within a few
blinks, ask the patient to squeeze the lids closed for a
• Understand the definition of entropion moment and the entropion often returns. If the history sug-
• Be able to recognize entropion in a patient gests episodic inversion of the eyelid but none is present at
• Know the normal anatomic appearance of the eyelid the time of the examination, ask the patient to squeeze the
margin as seen with the slit lamp (this is very important
lids tightly. Frequently, the entropion will appear
in understanding trichiasis)
(Figure 4.9). Watch the patient blink normally. In some
• Know the anatomic factors responsible for a stable patients, the preseptal orbicularis muscle rolls upward,
starting to push the lid margin inward (so-called overriding
• Understand the anatomic factors responsible for preseptal orbicularis). In some cases, it seems that laying
• Involutional entropion the examination chair downward helps to elicit the entro-
• Cicatricial entropion pion with forced eyelid closure.
There is no clinically reliable diagnostic sign that shows
that the lower lid retractors are lax. Some texts describe a
white line of retractors that is visible through the palpebral
conjunctiva, signifying a disinsertion of the retractors.
History I have never been convinced that this sign is present. Often,
Patients with entropion complain of eye irritation. You may the lower eyelid rides above the lower limbus, suggesting
be able to identify the type of entropion based on the fea- some laxity of the lower eyelid retractors.
tures of the irritation. Intermittent symptoms suggest an invo-
lutional cause. The patient often recognizes that the eyelid is
inverting and causing the symptoms. Your patient may
have discovered that manual eversion of the eyelid tempo-
rarily improves the irritation. Occasionally, a patient comes
to the office with tape on the cheek to prevent the involu-
tional entropion. Constant symptoms of irritation suggest a
cicatricial cause. Manual repositioning of the lid does not offer
any relief because the lid immediately returns to its inverted
position on release. The patient with cicatricial entropion
may identify a specific onset of the entropion after an injury
or infection.
Physical Examination
Is the Entropion Cicatricial?
The goal of the eyelid examination in the patient with entro-
pion is to determine the type of entropion and the most Figure 4.8 Cicatricial entropion. Note conjunctival scarring, caused by
appropriate treatment. First, look to see if the lid margin is a chemical burn in this patient, causing the entropion. Note upper
in the normal position. If the eyelid margin is inverted, the eyelashes turned against the cornea. The lower eyelid is being
manually everted to demonstrate inferior fornix scarring.
patient has entropion. Now ask yourself a few questions to
4 • Diagnosis and Treatment of Entropion 119
Box 4.5 Entropion Evaluation: Ask Yourself These
Figure 4.12 Retractor reinsertion operations. (A) Mark a subciliary incision and inject local anesthetic. (B) Place a 4-0 silk traction suture. Make a skin
incision with a Colorado needle or no. 15 blade. (C) Dissect a skin muscle flap inferiorly. (D) Open the orbital septum to find the preaponeurotic fat.
Use the Westcott scissors to dissect the fat off the anterior surface of the lower lid retractors. (E) Dissect the lower lid retractors off the conjunctiva.
(F) Advance the lower eyelid retractors onto the tarsus. (G) Lateral view of the lower lid retractors reattached. (H) Close the skin with absorbable
sutures. Note that a lateral tarsal strip procedure has been performed.
122 4 • Diagnosis and Treatment of Entropion
Figure 4.13 Retractor reinsertion operation. (A) Five to ten mm of the lower lid retractors has been freed up from the underlying conjunctiva. Note
the preaponeurotic fat anterior to the lower lid retractors. (B) The retractors have been advanced onto the tarsus.
B. Next, free up the posterior aspect of the retractors and the retractors. It is helpful to inject some
from the underlying conjunctiva (see Figure 4.12E). local anesthesia posteriorly to “hydro-dissect” the
C. Start a few millimeters below the inferior edge of the conjunctiva off the lower eyelid retractors.
tarsus. Cutting through the retractors causes some (1). It is not possible or necessary to separate the
bleeding. Dissect a plane between the conjunctiva retractors into the voluntary and involuntary
4 • Diagnosis and Treatment of Entropion 123
Figure 4.14 The Quickert suture repair of entropion. (A) Everting sutures in position, tightening lower lid retractors, lateral view. (B) Everting sutures
in position, front view.
Figure 4.15 Tarsal fracture operation. (A) Pass a traction suture. Evert the eyelid. Make a horizontal incision full thickness through the posterior
surface of the tarsus. The Colorado needle is useful for minimizing bleeding. (B) Pass double-armed 6-0 Vicryl sutures below the inferior margin of
the tarsus to emerge immediately inferior to the eyelashes, lateral view. (C) Pass and tie three or four double-armed sutures. (D) Leave the lid
margin in a slightly everted position, lateral view.
Figure 4.16 Anterior lamellar advancement. (A) Mild cicatricial entropion of upper eyelid. (B) Skin crease incision and dissection to lash roots.
(C) Advancement of anterior lamella using a lamellar pass of a double-armed 6-0 Vicryl suture into the superior third of tarsus, passing out through
the inferior third of the anterior lamella. (D) As the sutures are tied, the eyelid inversion is corrected. A slight overcorrection is recommended.
(E) Usually, three sutures are passed. The skin crease is closed.
4 • Diagnosis and Treatment of Entropion 127
After the scar has been released, mucous membrane is sewn recessed position. In some cases, the eyelid skin is eventu-
over the defect (Figures 4.17 and 4.18). ally pulled inward and a further operation may be
Mucous membrane can be harvested from the side of the necessary.
mouth, buccal mucosa, or labial mucosa of the lower lip. Keep in mind that patients with severe cicatricial entro-
Buccal mucosa wounds can be closed primarily, whereas pion no longer have normal ocular lubrication, Often, the
labial mucosal donor sites must undergo granulation. Using lacrimal ductules are scarred closed. The accessory lacrimal
the operating microscope to sew the graft in place is much glands are destroyed. The damaged eyelids do not have a
easier than using surgical loupes. Stabilizing the graft with normal quick blink and may have lagophthalmos. Some
TISSEEL glue as in pterygium surgery is helpful to maintain patients require stem cell transplantation and corneal
the graft position. A contact lens and eye patch are used transplantation following eyelid reconstruction. Most
postoperatively. patients benefit from these operations, but you should
Anterior lamellar eyelash excision can be used in patients not create high expectations for a normal-appearing or
with moderate degrees of cicatricial entropion of the upper comfortable eye. Lubrication is required forever in most
eyelid if a somewhat ptotic eyelid exists. This procedure is cases.
easier to do and heals more comfortably than the tarsal More advanced forms of cicatricial entropion are diffi-
fracture type of procedure. The patient has to agree to lose cult to treat. Reoperations are often required. Despite
all the eyelashes completely, however. Under local anes- repositioning of the lid margin and eyelashes, many
thesia, you can split the eyelid at the gray line and excise patients still complain of eye irritation because of the poor
the inferior 2 to 3 mm of anterior lamella containing the lubrication. Often, the lacrimal ductules are scarred
eyelash follicles. Suture the remaining anterior lamellar closed. The accessory lacrimal glands are destroyed. The
edge to the tarsus with vertical mattress sutures in a damaged eyelids do not have a normal complete quick
Figure 4.17 Mucous membrane grafting to lengthen the posterior lamella in cicatricial entropion (see Figure 4.18). (A) Cut the scar tissue using a
horizontal incision through the posterior surface of the tarsus to return the eyelid margin to normal position. This creates a posterior lamellar defect.
(B) Repair the posterior lamellar defect using a mucous membrane graft to prevent contracture.
128 4 • Diagnosis and Treatment of Entropion
Figure 4.18 Mucous membrane graft to repair severe cicatricial entropion, caused by trachoma in this patient (see Figure 4.10). (A) Mucous
membrane graft sewn in position, lengthening the posterior lamella. (B) Following healing, the eyelid margin is no longer inverted. A thin line of
the graft is visible.
Figure 4.19 Severe cicatricial entropion due to Stevens Johnson syndrome. (A) This young lady had undergone many eyelid and anterior segment
procedures. Preoperatively, she could see only hand motions and could not open her eyes due to severe photophobia. (B) After right upper and
lower eyelid reconstruction with mucous membrane grafting, stem cell transplantation, and penetrating keratoplasty, she was able to see 20/80
with relatively comfortable eyes. She had not seen the faces of her friends and family for several years. She continues to require frequent lubrication
and immunosuppressive therapy.
blink and may have lagophthalmos. Some patients require complete anatomic and functional rehabilitation to
stem cell transplantation and corneal transplantation fol- patients with moderate or severe cicatricial entropion
lowing eyelid reconstruction. Most patients benefit from (Figure 4.19). Lubrication will be required forever in most
these operations. Do not be overly optimistic and promise cases.
4 • Diagnosis and Treatment of Entropion 129