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Hackmaster Road To Aster

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Credits Contents
Written by: Dan "Critfumble" Fobes [HMGMA#TX-1-00261-0] Introduction ...................................................................................... 2
Edited by: Brian Jelke, Steve Johansson, Rumors of Beyond .................................................................... 2
Road Encounters ....................................................................... 3
David Kenzer and Don Morgan PALADIN PASS ................................................................................ 4
Art Coordinator: Mark Plemmons Rumarok ........................................................................................... 5
THERIVER ……………………………………………………...26
Cover Artist: Thomas Woods OutsideEncounters ………………………………………….26
Cover Colors: Scott Kester THESEWERS ……………………………………………………26
SewerEncounters ……………………………………………27
Back Cover Illustration: Chris Moreno UpperSewer …………………………………………………29
Interior Illustrations: Chris Moreno OUTSIDE THE TOWN …………………………………………..30
Random Monsters of the Valley …………………………….30
Garweeze Wurld Maps: Jolly Blackburn NOTABLE PERSONALITIES ……………………………………...32
Mundanes …………………………………………………..40
Map Symbols: Rob Lee, Mark Plemmons
ABOUT VALOMA ……………………………………………….40
Behind-the-Scenes: Jennifer Kenzer and Clayton Van Sickle ABOUT THE DOPPELGANGERS ……………………………….....40
The Story …………………………………………………………41
THE HOOK …………………………………………………….41
Hard Eight Enterprises Representative: Jo Jo Zeke Working The Doppelgangers ……………………………….41
Working for Valoma ………………………………………...41
THE LINE ……………………………………………………..42
THE SINKER ……………………………………………………43
Printed in China AFTERMATH …………………………………………………...44

An Adventure Module for GameMasters of HackMaster:The Role-Playing Game 4th Edition

© Copyright 2004 Kenzer and Company. All Rights Reserved.

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This book is protected under international treaties and copyright laws of the PUBLISHER'S NOTE:
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neighboring lands began to grow nervous as rumors of the formation

Introduction of a dark army began to circulate. Now time has grown short for
those in the surrounding nations of Daurkhaud, Krandaneer and
Fangaerie and the time for action is nigh.
VALLEY OF SHROUD [D7.01.G 10] Though this adventure is based in the Valley of Shroud, a north-
western frontier settlement of Fangaerie, it can be placed anywhere
The Sangruss River carved out this once lush and verdant valley that is convenient for the GameMaster (GM). The Player Characters
over long years. Starting from the head of the valley called Paladin (PCs) can begin the adventure in a village that will fit into the current
Pass, where a branch of that river flows, it stretches down past Hero campaign. The fact that they should be of at least 5th level will make
Falls and ends at Misfortune Peak. The valley received its name for them minor celebrities in the area and thus easy to spot.
the perpetual thick fog that sits above the river. For centuries it
remained uninhabited until a group of explorers from the Raagean
Empire came across it. A mighty citadel was soon constructed at the RUMORS OF BEYOND
far end of the valley on Misfortune Peak and was aptly named Aster.
The valley, not being on many trade routes, was considered a back- VILLAGE OR CITY OF GM' S CHOICE
water part of the Empire. Eccentric magic-users, drawn by the out of The PCs, enjoying the success of their last adventure should be
the way location, settled in the valley. One enterprising wizard, basking in their newfound fame. Soon, the free drinks and the
named Hugo Halfeye, tried to attract tourists (and their gold) to the retelling of old stories become boring to these veterans. They will
valley by constructing an elaborate "experimental" park near Hero start to feel the itch, the yearning for a new adrenaline rush and the
Falls. The venture was a failure and the park soon shut down. Aside taste of blood. Their prayers will soon be answered.
from the citadel, only a small hamlet grew up at the mouth of the val-
ley. The name of Rumarok, an early explorer, was eventually given to Table 1: Rumors from the Valley of Shroud can be used to start the
the village. Peace settled on the valley for many years until Hugo rumors flowing about the situation in the valley. All of them are a
Halfeye, driven insane by his failure, came across an ancient stone of mix of truth and falsehood and can be tailored if necessary. PCs
power. Between bouts of lunacy, he convinced himself that this stone should hear one of these rumors every 1d3 days, unless they have
would create the ultimate realm, a Utopia into which people would be some sort of information gathering ability, in which case they can
so thrilled to move that they would pay hard gold for the privilege. learn 1d3 rumors each day. Should the PCs belong to an
He went to the citadel and unleashed the dark power stored in the Adventuring Guild or any other organization listed in the
stone. Unfortunately, it opened a door to a chaotic dimension that HackGuides, then they will begin to notice posts offering a reward to
twisted and warped the landscape. those who would travel to the Valley of Shroud. The actual amount
is not listed, but, true to the rumor, the talk is that it does involve the
The valley is now a shadow of its former self. Dead, twisted trees granting of land in Fangaerie.
stand where once there was forest. Gray, unblinking eyes lurk in the
shallow pools that once teemed with fish. Eventually, word got out Should the adventurers take the bait, they discover that the
about the strange goings on in the valley and teams of adventurers entrance to the valley is ten days travel away by horse. Also, the town
were sent to collect information, but none returned. The lords in of Rumarok is usually displayed on detailed maps of the valley, should


Table I : Rumors from the Valley of Shroud 4) HPs:

Roll Rumor Studded Leather AC: 7 8 9
1 -2 Something odd is happening on the far side of Paladin Pass. 5) HPs:
Adventurers are going there, but none have returned with news
Studded Leather AC: 7 8 9
in over three months.
3-4 The town of Rumarok has stopped its market days celebrations. 6) HPs:
Some say the folks there have been acting pretty weird. Studded Leather AC: 7 8 9
5-6 Dark armies of undead are being formed in the Valley of Shroud, 7) HPs:
and are getting ready to make an assault on the Empire. Studded Leather AC: 7 8 9
7-8 "I heard that the Duke is putting up land and a castle to any 8) HPs:
brave group that travels to the Valley to find out why no one has
ever returned." Studded Leather AC: 7 8 9
9-10 They say a mad wizard has cast an evil spell on the Valley of A small patrol of Orcs out looking for easy prey.
Shroud causing it to be covered by a permanent thick fog.
11 A dark gawd has taken mortal form and is sitting on a throne of Men, Bandit (5)
bone in the citadel called Aster. (HF 1, EP 15, Int Avg, AL CE, AC 8, MV 12", HD 1, HP: 26,
12 Somewhere in the Valley of Shroud stands a tower which was 26, 22, 22, 27, SZ M, #AT 1, D 1d6 (short swords), SA nil,
used to house artifacts of power. SD nil, Lang: Common, Hon: dishonorable, TOP: 11, Crit
BSL: Def AC-3, FF 4, Ref HoB vol 5 p 9)
the party think to seek one out or purchase one. The town is just at 1) HPs:
the head of the valley and marks its entrance. Leather Armor AC: 8 9
The road that they will be traveling on is not as grand as some of 2) HPs:
the former Raagean Empire's larger highways, but it is relatively pass- Leather Armor AC: 8 9
able and easy to traverse. Table 2: Road Encounters describes the ran- 3) HPs:
dom encounters that take place on the road to Shroud (1 on 1d12, Leather Armor AC: 8 9
check every six hours) 4) HPs:
. Table 2: Road Encounters Leather Armor AC: 8 9
Roll (2d6) Encounter 5) HPs:
2 Ogre, Low, Hedge (4) Leather Armor AC: 8 9
3 Orc, Highland (8)
4-5 Men, Bandit (5) A pack of thugs preying on travelers. Two stand out on the road
6-8 Men, Pilgrims (10-20) with another laying down pretending to be dead. When someone
9-10 Men, Soldiers (10) conies to investigate, the other three spring out from behind bushes.
11-12 Hedgehawg,Giant(1) Men, Pilgrims (10-20)
(HF 0, EP 7, Int Avg, AL N, AC 9, MV 12", HD 1/2, HP:
varies, SZ M, #AT 1, D (club 1d6), SA nil, SD nil, Lang:

Common, Hon: Ave, TOP 11, Crit BSL: Def AC -4, FF 3,
Ref HoB vol 5 p 12)
Common, everyday religiously minded pedestrians on the way
Ogre, Low, Hedge (4) back from Rumarok. They mention a black knight who turned them
(HF 2, EP 420, Int Avg, AL LE, AC 4, MV 9", HD 4+2, HP: away. They also mention that something about him wasn't quite right
42, 44, 41, 42, SZ L, #AT 1, D 1-10 (or battle axe 1d8 +7), and they would rather travel back to civilization than to try again,
SA: Nil, SD: Nil, Lang: Ogre, Hon: Ave,TOP: 21x3, 22, Crit devout faith in Thor or no.
BSL: Def AC +4, FF 7, Ref HoB vol 6 p 24) Men, Soldiers (I0)
1). HPs:
(HF 1, EP 15, Int Avg, AL N, AC 7, MV 12", HD 1, HP:
varies, SZ M, #AT 1, D (spears 1d6), SA nil, SD nil, Lang:
2). HPs: Common, Hon: Ave, TOP 11, Crit BSL: Def AC -3, FF 5,
Ref HoB vol 5 p 13)
3). HPs:
A patrol on horseback who will ignore the PCs so long as the party
doesn't rile them up. These soldiers are the vanguard of the patrols on
4). HPs: this side of die valley. They are mainly keeping an eye out for Orcs or
Ogres. They will be gruff with the PCs, but not attack unless provoked.
These Ogres got separated from their tribe a month ago and have Hedgehawg, Giant (I)
taken to robbing passers-by out of boredom.
Orc, Highland (8) (HF 3, EP 270, Int Semi-, AL N, AC 6, MV 3", HD 4, HP 42,
SZ M, #AT 3, D 1-4/1-4/1-6, SA nil, SD quills, Lang: None,
(HF 0, EP 35, Int Avg, AL LE, AC 7, MV 9", HD 1 + 1, HP: Hon: Ave, TOP: 21, Crit BSL: Def AC +1, FF 5, Ref HoB
28, 27x2, 26, 25, 22x3, SZ M, #AT 1, D 1d6 +1 (spiked vol 3 p 123)
clubs), SA nil, SD nil, Lang: Orc, Hon: Ave, TOP: 14x3, HPs:
13x2, 11x3, Crit BSL: Def AC -1, FF 5, Ref HoB vol 6 p 37)
1) HPs: From the road, the PCs see a large hedgehawg attacking an anthill.
Studded Leather AC: 7 8 9
2) HPs:
Studded Leather AC: 7 8 9 For the most part, the PCs should not have any serious trouble
until they reach Paladin Pass. There the real fun begins.
3) HPs:
Studded Leather AC: 7 8 9

However, as you begin your descent towards the
ENTER CLAUDE village, you notice a man standing in the middle
As the PCs enter the pass read the following: of the road. He is dark, menacing and wears
black plate mail armor. In the inky blackness of
his helmet, two orange-red pinpricks of light
After many days journey, the end is finally in mark out his eyes. Suddenly, the air turns
sight. A cool breeze welcomes you as you crest colder and you begin to shiver. Something about
a small hill and are suddenly met with a most this man is not right, not right at all....
fantastic sight. The entire valley is laid out before
you. Down the road, at the bottom of the hill is
the gated village of Rumarok. Beyond that, Claude the Ill-Fated was a paladin in the service of an adventuring
barely visible through the mist, is Hero Falls and group called the Funbunch from Fangaerie. Originally from
Rumarok, he decided to return with his group after he heard the dark
then nothing but a blanket of soft white. At the rumors. Needless to say, their group was decimated and poor Claude
far end, beyond the soft curtain of mist, you can ended up as a Death Knight. His sole purpose now is to prevent
other adventuring groups from reaching the village.
see a small blue mountaintop, which you surmise
to be Misfortune Peak, rising above the clouds.
He coldly regards the PCs as they approach making no moves and
answering to no one. When they are within striking distance, he says
only one thing in an eerie, chilling voice, "Go back!" The village was established after the valley was first explored and
quickly became an outpost. Many more expeditions were launched
Should the PCs disregard this in any way, Claude attacks. from this town over the succeeding years and trade goods began flow-
Claude the Ill-Fated, Death Knight (HF 52, EP 6,000, Int ing back. Soon, Rumarok grew into a trading mecca and expanded
Genius, AL CE, AC 0 [plate mail + 17 Dexterity], MV 12", in size. After the land was cleared, many farms sprung up and pro-
HD 9 (d10), HP 54, SZ M, #AT 1 (+3), D 1d8 +9 vided the village with the food it needed to survive the cold, snowy
winters. Before the citadel at Aster was established, it had become the
(Longsword +2), SA Spells- Fear (5' constant), Detect Magic, foremost civilized area in this remote district. Emissaries from far and
Detect Invisibility, Wall of Ice, Dispel Magic (twice a day), wide came here to experience the valley and the prestige of the village
Power Word Blind, Stun, or Kill (once a day), Symbol of Fear grew steadily as a result.
or Pain (once a day), Fireball (20 HD), SD cannot be turned, After the citadel was established and the valley became more set-
75% magic resistance, Lang: Common, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, tled, Rumarok's importance began to recede. Through the ups and
Gnome, Orc, Hobgoblin, Hon: Great, TOP: N/A, Crit BSL: downs, the town has always maintained a fine way of life for those at
the head of the valley. Its inhabitants became content to serve as a
Def +8, FF N/A, Ref HoB Vol 2 p 53) way station for travelers into and out of die valley on other business.
For a while, it looked like nothing could possibly go wrong....

Plate Mail A C : 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
In battle, Claude begins by matching his tactics to the perceived Here's the important back story you need as the GM to understand
power level of his opponents. For example, if confronted by a group just what is going on in town. Soon after Halfeye opened the gate-
of 1st through 3rd level characters, he will not begin with his Fireball, way to chaos, two forces came to the village. One is a Succubus
considering such a deed dishonorable. He will likely begin by using named Valoma with her two Sedusas. Her goal is to turn the village
Power Word Stun unless the adventurers try to fight dirty, then (if it into a PC deathtrap (a task which she has done well at so far). She
was not used) will probably go to Power Word Blind. He has already bases her operation out of the local brothel called "The Devil's
used his Power Word Kill for the day. Deep down he hates having to Playground".
fight those of his former profession, but nonetheless he fights without The other force is two Doppelgangers and a Doppelmaster. The
mercy. Claude will continue until he is defeated. Before his death, Doppelmaster has taken the form of the mayor's wife and the two
in a final act of repentance, he will write one name in the dirt on the Copy Cats have taken over the mayor and the deputy mayor. All
road: Mascus. three of the real individuals are now residents in the dungeon below
City Hall. The Doppelmaster's goal is somewhat similar to Valoma's,
THE VILLAGE with the exception that he would like to see the entire town mimic-
ked to reflect the Doppel's own universe.
As the PCs approach Rumarok, read the following:
At first, these two forces worked together and turned the town into
a sausage mill for adventurers. They were so successful, in fact, that
the town's economy was entirely run off treasure from looted heroes.
As you near the village, you begin to notice the However, the relationship was not to last given that both sides are
air becoming more humid and cooler. A palisade thoroughly evil and inherently untrusting. They are now at war with
each other for ultimate control over the town. Unfortunately, they
made of tall, sharpened logs surrounds the both know that, should they decide to go after each other in a huge
village. A small river flows through the middle of open battle, the ruse will be made known and they will lose their sole
it and wooden gates sit down in the channel. source of income. So, for the past several months, they have involved
themselves in a cold war. Each side uses pawns against the other in
There are a few wooden watch towers at an effort to quietly dominate.
various points along the wall. The residents of the town have noticed strange things going on
during this period. One at a time, people have gone missing in the
The road you are on leads to the main gate, middle of the night. Most of these have been the overly curious or
have presented some sort of problem to the ruling forces. The sur-
where wood fencing forces travelers into a vivors now live in a constant state of denial. They don't know what
narrow opening. Men with pole arms stand here happened to their neighbors, but are either too afraid or too lazy to
watching you approach. You can see the stone do anything about it (or didn't like their neighbors in the first place).
spires of a large church poking above the log This is where the PCs come in. The particular inn they use or tav-
erns they frequent will decide which side comes into contact with the
wall and hear the sounds of bells tolling in the party and attempts to steer them to fight the other side. In the town
distance. listing below, the letter (V) represents an establishment under the
influence of Valoma and her demons while (D) represents
Doppelganger influence.

The guards at the entrance are only there to ask a few questions and
make sure trouble doesn't get through the door. There is no tariff on
goods or license needed for weapons. However, the guards do ask
that the PCs check in at the City Hall (the guards are currently under
the influence of the mayor and have instructions to direct all new-
comers there). See the section entitled "The Story" toward the end of
this adventure for further information on the reception of the player

I. Front Gate (D) and locked from sundown to sunup. Due to the influence of the
Doppelgangers, these guards can not be bribed or coerced.
Height: 25'
Dimensions: 10'x10' Potential Yield:
Levels: 1 • Slaying 8 soldiers (EPV= 280)
Occupants: • 4 great spears (GPV=4)
Mundanes: 4 soldiers on regular duty
4 soldiers on call
2. Guard Towers (D)
Height: 35'
As you approach, you can see a wooden gate
Dimensions: 10'x10'
ahead. The narrow opening looks like it is made Levels: 3
in such a way as to only let one person in at a Occupants:
time. A couple of bored looking guards lounge Mundanes: 1 soldier on tower duty
about on the other side and rise as you come
Lining the walls of the town, you see wooden
towers 35 feet high and open to the elements
This is the east entrance to the village for all traffic coming in from except for the roof tops which have wooden
or leaving to Paladin Pass. It is merely a wooden gate that can be
swung closed in times of emergency. Two to four soldiers mill about shingles. Blue and white flags flap in the breeze
here with another 4 on call nearby in the post. The guards only ask above the towers and you can make out the
the purpose of the visit and record their names in a log book. silhouette of a guard in each of them.
However, since the Doppelgangers have taken over, the guards have
orders to instruct all visitors to report to City Hall. The gate is closed
There are 23 wooden cowers that serve mainly as lookout posts and 4. City Hall (D)
are used continuously day and night. Each tower holds a lone guard Height: 50' + 5' bell tower
with a longbow and quiver of 12 arrows. These guards have only
their duty, and know nothing of the cold war, Doppelgangers, or Dimensions: 60'x40'
demons. Levels: 4
Potential Yield: Notables: Theron Skragg, Mayor
• Slaying 1 guard (EPV=35) Hibald Plinkins, Deputy Mayor
• 1 long bow (GPV= 75) Wilma Skragg, Mayor's Wife
• 1 shortsword (GPV=10)
Mundanes: 12 soldiers, 4 clerks
Encounters: Doppelmaster, 2 Doppelgangers
3. Stables (D/V)
Height: 10'
Dimensions: 60'x20' You are astonished at the massive black stone
Levels: 1 building before you. It stands higher than any
Occupants: structure in the town and is very imposing. Blue
Notables: Pigeon Surefoot (D), Stablemaster and white banners hang over the massive front
Kip Ulter (V), Mucker door and from several of the windows on the
Encounter: Bolter
side that faces the street. At the pinnacle of the
building, you can make out a bell tower from
A familiar and unpleasant smell alerts you that which a single flag flies. Carved gargoyles hang
you are near stables long before you see the out on every corner gazing at those below.
long one-story building. There are many pens Some of these are carved to act as gutters for
for the animals and a couple of them seem rainwater.
occupied by various horses. A large mound of
straw sits at the far end of the building and a
Doppelmaster (HF 8, EP 1400, Int 16, AL NE, AC 5, MV 9",
young boy seems to be mucking out one of the HD 6, HP 54, SZ M, #AT 1, D 1-12, SA surprise 8 in 10,
empty stalls. SD ESP, Hon: low, TOP: 27, Crit BSL: Def AC +4, FF 6, Ref
HoB vol 2 p 65)
Bolter (HF 7, EP 420, Int 15, AL NE, AC 7, MV 12", HD
6+6, HP 38, SZ L, #AT 1-2, D 1-6/1-6, SA nil, SD shape
changing, Hon: low, TOP: 19, Crit BSL: Def AC +1, FF 11, Doppelganger s (2) (HF 5, EP 270, Int 11, AL NE, AC 5, MV
Ref HoB vol 1 p 87) 9", HD 4, HP 38, 44 SZ M, #AT 1, D 1-12 SA surprise 7 in
HPs: 10, SD ESP, Hon: low, TOP: 19, 22 Crit BSL: Def AC +1,
FF6, Ref HoB vol 2 p 64)
1). HPs:
This is a common stable for all animals entering the village. Pigeon
charges 2 gp a week to rent one of the many stalls. Kip does a good 2). HPs:
job in keeping up the maintenance of the stables and the occupants.
Both he and Pigeon live in the stables in a small office. Pigeon, influ-
enced by the Doppelgangers, has been given a Bolter to sell to an
unlucky adventurer (though he hasn't been told the true nature of the City Hall is the center of the village, both physically and political-
animal, of course). Right now, it is priced at 80 gp and he is willing ly. A large structure, it is built out of black granite hauled from
to deal. Kip, on the other hand, has found himself in the clutches of Paladin Pass. Visitors are welcomed by the mayor's prized collection
Valoma and has been told to keep an eye on both Pigeon and any new of paintings that lines the main foyer. These paintings depict various
visitors. battles, landscapes and portraits of historic events, places and people
Pigeon keeps a lockbox (masterful -60% to open locks checks) in a (a successful Art Appraisal: Subset: Painting skill check reveals them
desk in his office. Inside is 250 gp and pamphlet on horse identifi- to be worth about 500 gp each). The ground floor boasts a large din-
cation. ing room used to entertain important out of town guests and an office
where day to day business is conducted. In the dining room is a com-
Potential Yield: plete crystal table service (about 2,500 gp value if taken out complete
• Slaying Bolter (EPV= 420) and unbroken) with silver utensils (500 gp for the set) and fine linen
• Coinage (GPV= 250) napkins.
• Pamphlet on Horse Identification (GPV= 1) Next to the dining room is the office, which is dominated by a large
mahogany desk (worth 5,000 gp complete and in good condition).
Surrounding the desk are overstuffed leather chairs and an ornate
liquor cabinet. The cabinet holds many exotic and potent types of

liquor from around the Empire (1,500 gp for the collection of area is decorated lightly with gifts given to the mayor from other
liquors). The walls are made of teak wood and there is a box of pipes cities. Lining the room on pedestals are a golden helmet from
on the desk (100 gp). Inside the desk are forms and papers of no Fangaerie (could fetch a price upwards of 5,000 gp from a collector),
interest to anyone other than someone with an obsessive interest in a jeweled dagger from Pars Fell (worth about 1,500 gp), a decorative
the minutiae of village government. urn from Melet (500 gp) and an ornate leather coat from Agarsta
(800 gp). There are also some bookshelves that contain books on
Potential Yield: local history and culture (2 gp each, with some 20 tomes in all).
• Slaying the "Mayor" (EPV= 270)
• Slaying the "Deputy Mayor" (EPV =270) Potential Yield (cont.):
• Slaying the "Mayor's Wife" (EPV=1,400) • Golden Helmet (GPV=5,000)
• Slaying 12 guards (EPV=480) • Jeweled Dagger (GPV= 1,500)
• 8 Paintings (GPV= 4,000) • Urn (GPV=500)
• Crystal Table Service (GPV=2,500) • Leather Coat (GPV=800)
• Silver Utensils (GPV=500)
• Desk (GPV=5,000) The third floor, private and secure, contains the mayor's bedroom
•Various liquors (GPV=1,500) and his personal office and trophy room. Four of the best guards (as
• Box of Pipes (GPV=100) noted in the Mundanes section) are posted here at all times with strict
Various books (GPV=4,080) instructions to let no one but the fake mayor and his fake wife pass.
The master bedroom contains a huge feather bed beneath a canopy of
heavy velvet (if sold as a whole, it is worth about 2,000 gp). Silk
The second floor contains enough bedrooms to house up to twen- sheets and many pillows can be found on the bed (1,500 gp for the
ty visiting dignitaries plus a common area. The bedrooms are mild- set). Underneath the mayor's pillow is a Dagger of Flesh Devouring
ly furnished, yet tasteful. Each room is identical, containing a large +2. There is also a vanity here with a small silver chest (50 gp) sitting
down-filled bed, a wooden writing desk and a vanity. The common on it. The chest is locked with an excellent lock (-20% to open locks

skill). Inside are a pair of silver earrings (50 gp) and a pearl necklace • 1 medium shield (GPV=30)
(400 gp). There is also a large armoire that holds an elaborate ball • hard silver chain (GPV=500)
gown and an ornate dinner jacket. At the bottom of the armoire are • platinum arm band (GPV=2,400)
matching shoes to go with both outfits (the entire set of clothes can • Coinage (GPV=31,097)
be sold for about 1,800 gp).
• Dagger +3* (EPV=500) (GPV=3,000)
Upon entering the trophy room, the first thing to catch attention • Brooch of Shielding* (EPV= 1,500) (GPV=8,000)
is the large, stuffed Umber Hulk against the far wall. The real mayor • Khopesh +4* (EPV= 1,000) (GPV=8,000)
claimed it to be one of his kills from his days as an adventurer, how-
ever, upon inspection by a knowledgeable person it is clearly a fake. • Cube of Opulent Lodging* (Model II) (EPV=3,000)
It is actually made up of pieces from several different animals.
Around the room are also stuffed heads of other game animals and the * NPC equipment
odd Orc. There are two crossed long swords (25 gp each) over the
mantle of a fireplace in the room as well.
5.The Devil's Playground (V)
A secret panel from the trophy room opens into the mayor's private
library. It is activated by pushing in an eye on one of the Orc heads. Height: 30'
The library contains over a hundred books with topics running from Dimensions: 30'x40'
the mundane (A Closer Look at the Sylvan Buttercup) to the more Levels: 2
interesting (My Days with Rot Gut). The books are in no discernable
order and are thrown about the room (someone with the right con-
nections can probably fetch about 3,000 gp for the entire collection Mundanes: 3 prostitutes
of 120 books). A single oil lamp is the only illumination to this 2 bouncers
room. Encounters: Succubus, 2 Sedusas
Below the ground floor is the little-talked-about dungeon and some
storerooms and holding cells. The storerooms hold enough food to
feed the entire household for three months. There are boxes of dried
rations, barrels of fresh water and jars of pickled eggs and fish. Also Clearly the largest building on the block, this
there are two steel cages that are used by the guards loyal to Jor red-and-pink-painted monstrosity definitely
Hammerhand, Captain of the Guard, as holding cells for rowdy visi-
tors. These are all metal cages and locked with an impossible lock (- stands out. A sign over the entrance shows a
80% to open locks skills). From the storerooms a locked (impossible, picture of a female devil enticing some peasants,
-80%) wooden door leads to the dungeon. A 20-foot by 20-foot
room holds the village prisoners, in this case the real mayor, his wife next to the words, "The Devil's Playground".
and the deputy mayor. They haven't been fed in a while and have Lanterns shaded red hang from the front porch
been surviving mostly on drinking the water that seeps through the
and sweet perfumes can be smelled lingering
around the outside. Just in front of the entrance
Potential Yield (cont.):
• Bedroom set (GPV= 2,000) are two large, bullish-looking men.
• Dagger of Flesh Devouring +2 (EPV=500) (GPV=3,000)
• Silver Chest (GPV=50)
• Silver Earrings (GPV=50) Valoma - Succubus (HF 28, EP 5000, Int 14, AL CE, AC 0,
• Pearl Necklace (GPV=400) MV 12"/ 18" fly, HD 6, HP 50, SZ M, #AT 2, D 1-3/1-3
• Fancy Clothes (GPV= 1,800)
(+3 to hit/+6 to damage due to Str), SA Energy Drain, SD +1
• 2 long swords (GPV=50)
or better to hit, Hon: low, TOP: 25, Crit BSL: Def AC +8,
FFN/A, Ref HoB vol5 p 93)
There is a secret room under the floor of the storeroom activated
by pressing a hidden button on the wall. This room is the treasure
vault. There is a grate at the entrance with an impossible (-80%) lock HPs:
on it. The treasury holds: one human-sized-suit of plate mail, one
Longsword +1, one medium shield, a hard silver chain (500 gp), a
platinum arm band (2,400 gp), 12,350 gp, 8910 sp, 7923 hsp and
522 pp. The coins are kept in unlocked iron chests. Valoma's Powers
There is also a small cistern here that leads to the sewers. It is Be sure to read the full descriptions of demons and succubi in the
locked with a superior (-40%) lock. Hacklopedia of Beasts for a full list of Valoma's powers. Valoma has
The "mayor" is always armed with the original's Khopesh +4 and certain at will abilities that may be very important in her defense
carries a Cube of Opulent Lodging (Model II). His "Deputy" always should the player characters decide to attack her. Her primary
has his Dagger +3 and Brooch of Shielding. The Doppelmaster defense is to try to use Charm Person and Suggestion to win attack-
refrains from carrying weapons (if necessary, he will find the closest ers over to her side. If this fails, she may resort to physical combat.
one) in order to not raise suspicion. The two Doppelgangers will Though she can Gate other demons to her side, because she is "lying
defend the master to the last in order to allow him to get away. If it low", she will not use that ability because it would attract unwanted
looks like the Doppels face defeat, the master will retreat back towards demonic attention. If a fight is going poorly, she will use her at will
the citadel, arming himself with whatever he comes across (GM's Teleport Without Error ability to escape. She then rallies her forces
choice) and may encounter the PCs later in the campaign. to hunt down those who attacked her. Note that she takes only half
damage from electrcity, fire and gas and no damage from silver or
other mundane weapons. Valoma can understand any language.
Potential Yield (cont.):
• 1 human-sized suit of plate mail (GPV=2,000)
• 1 Longsword +1 (EPV= 400) (GPV=2,000)


Sedusas (2) (HF 22, EP 1400, Int 11, AL NE, AC 4, MV 12", and was on the verge of failure. The demoness turned that all around
HD 9, HP 62, 55, SZ M, #AT 1, D dagger 1-4, SA spells, and it is now a bustling business.
poison bite, SD immunity to poison, Hon: low, TOP: 31, 28, The windows are all blackened to keep away the voyeurs and two
Crit BSL: Def AC +3, FF 5, Ref HoB vol 7 p 40) bouncers are stationed at the front door. Visitors are welcomed by a
lush red carpet leading into the darkened interior of the building.
Rooms on the first floor are partitioned only by thick velvet curtains.
1). HPs: There are two sitting rooms where the customers sit and wait to be
The three mortal (and unwitting) prostitutes work these rooms and
2). HPs: serve the guests and get them drunk. If the guests are merely pilgrims
or merchants on their way through, they are served cheap (though
effective) grog. However, if the guests are adventurers, they have
instructions to serve them the very best Orluian Mead (laced with a
Sedusa Powers Class R poison). Both rooms are draped in silk and have little furni-
One of Valoma's cohorts has the powers of a second level cleric. ture, save some overstuffed chairs and a mass amount of throw pil-
Typical prepared spells include Befriend, Command, Detect Magic lows. Also, on the first floor, there is an indoor bath. A furnace in
and Sanctuary. The other sedusa has the powers of a 4th level magic the basement warms the waters and a painted landscape of a forest
user. Her spell repertoire includes 1st (5) Spook, Shift Blame, with various mythical beasts running about covers the walls.
Phantasmal Force, Chill Touch and Change Self; 2nd (3) Detect The basement is a very simple affair. It holds a locked storeroom
Invisibility, Know Alignment and Tattoo or Shame. that contains the seemingly endless liquor supply and the furnace.
The furnace heats the upstairs pool and rooms and is fueled by spare
The Devil's Playground was originally an inn and bathhouse called body parts and clothes collected by the demoness and her compan-
the Seven Sisters. When Valoma arrived, it had become run down ions. There is a locked (-40%) grate here leading to the sewers.

The church is an impressive stone edifice built to rival the City
The upper floors are where the work is done. There are three bed- Hall. It can easily hold over 100 worshipers at a time. The interior
rooms, each with a different theme. One Sedusa (Pically) enjoys the is decorated with many symbols of war. Suits of armor (though made
rustic backdrop of a forest glade. Trees are painted on all of the walls for decoration, not use) line the main aisle down to the altar (undam-
and the bed is made to look like a large boulder. The floor is sprin- aged, they can be worth up to 5,000 gp for the set). A large stained
kled with leaves and grass to finish off the look. The other Sedusa glass window depicting Thor dominates the wall over the altar and is
(Krim) has designed her setting to resemble that of a throne room fit up at sunset.
lined with very life-like statues. Upon close inspection, one can see
many bite marks and small chunks missing from these statues. The only other rooms on the ground floor are the sacristy and the
Valoma's bedroom is by far the grandest. Made to remind her of her living quarters. In the living quarters, one can find three beds, a writ-
abode in the Abyss, it is lit with many fires coming from braziers lin- ing desk and a trunk. Father Mascus keeps a solid gold holy symbol
ing the walls. There is no bed per se, but the entire middle of the of Thor hidden in his clothes in the trunk. The desk is littered with
floor is piled with cushions, pillows and streamers of silk. The entire pages of failed sermons that have been ripped to shreds.
room smells vaguely of brimstone and is overly warm. Underneath the church is the crypt. Many of the town's early
Underneath the dozens of pillows in Valoma's room is a secret com- heroes are buried here in their full armor and weapons, most of which
partment in the floor. This contains the treasure she has accumulat- have rusted away. However, one crypt still holds a Dagger +2 and a
ed in her brief visit to this world. It holds a locked (-40%) iron chest. suit of gnome-sized Chain Mail +3.
Inside is 5890 gp, 2106 elp, 5700 sp and 321 pp as well as a large
ruby (500gp) and an amethyst (150 gp). There is also a Javelin of Potential Yield:
Lightning and a Net of Snaring. • Slaying Mascus (EPV= 420)
• Decorative suits of armor (GPV=2,000)
Potential Yield: • Dagger +2 (EPV=200) (GPV=2,000)
• Slaying Valoma (EPV= 5,000) • Chain Mail +3 (EPV=1,500) (GPV=6,000)
• Slaying Pically (EPV= 1,400) • Solid Gold Holy Symbol (GPV=3,000)
• Slaying Krim (EPV= 1,400) • Warhammer +3* (EPV=1,000) (GPV=5,000)
• Coinage (GPV=9,123) • Ring of Invisibility* (EPV=1,500) (GPV=7500)
• Gems (GPV= 650) * NPC equipment
• Javelin of Lightning (EPV=200) (GPV=1,000)
• Net of Snaring (EPV=1,000) (GPV=10,000)
Father Mascus' Journal
6. Church This leather bound book is found under his bed and is written in
the common tongue. The first hundred pages tell of everyday events
Height: 40' at the church and some uneventful pilgrimages. However, later in the
Dimensions: 30'x50' book are some very interesting passages detailing his last journey to
the citadel.
Levels: 3
Quay'Mar, 3rd of Nardur'Kiev
Mundanes: 2 altar boys
Past Hero Falls, I encountered a stranger along my way towards
Encounter: Father Mascus (Were-Badger)
the citadel, a strange little man calling himself Harduk. He
mumbles to himself a lot and keeps telling me that, "things are
gonna change around here". I noticed that he continually plays
This magnificent church is made of gray stone with an odd-looking rock hanging around his neck. He hides this
and boasts statues carved into the walls along when he discovers that I am looking. He is beyond my help, so I
the top. At the very top is a dome coated in hope that my brothers in the Order can cure him when we arrive.
what looks to be silver which reflects the
sunlight. Four pillars mark the entrance, as well Sa'Mar, 8th of Nardur'Kiev
as a heavy oak door. Around the back is a short We arrived this morning at the huge stone gates of the citadel. A
most unpleasant journey is thankfully at an end. That little man
iron-worked fence surrounding a small Harduk (who I suspect stole my coin purse) disappeared as soon
graveyard of about a dozen tombstones. The as we hit the throngs of pilgrims. Well, I figure Thor will be the
graveyard looks like it is tended only a couple of judge of him soon enough and I am anxious to conduct my annu-
times a year, but is not quite overgrown. al prayers upon the Rock of the Hammer.

Tu'Mar, 9th of Nardur'Kiev

Father Mascus as Were-Badger (HF 8, EP 420, Int 10, AL CE, Strange goings on. I awoke in the middle of the night to the
AC 5/6/7, MV 3"/4"/9", HD 6+6, HP 56, SZ M, #AT 3/3/1, sound of a mighty crash of thunder, though no cloud mars the sky.
D 1-3/1-3/1-6, 1d6+3/1-2/1-6 (all attacks at +2 to hit /+5 Others hearing this gathered in the streets to find the cause of the
damage due to Str), SA nil, SD silver or +1 to hit, Hon: low, disturbance when, suddenly, a mighty glow emanated forth from
TOP: 28, Crit BSL: Def AC +4, FF 11, Ref HoB vol 4 p 103) the old temple. There was a mighty rush of wind and lightning
HPs: flashed through the empty sky. People began to panic and rush
gates that were closed for the night. There was a mighty battle as
the guards tried to restore order to no avail. Then, oh Thor my
eyes forgive me, I witnessed something that will haunt my dreams
forever. Men, dressed in black armor and riding skeletal steeds Surprisingly, this is one area that has not been affected by the
burst forth from the temple and began to slay anything that lay strangeness which has taken over the town. The dead still lie peace-
fully in their graves and nothing waits in the grass to kill the adven-
in their path. Luckily, I hid in my room and watched all of this turers. Keen PCs will note some disturbed earth in various places, but
from my upstairs window. After the riders, other things began to searching them will turn up nothing.
spew forth as if from the maw of Hell itself. Quickly, I hid and
waited for these waves of nightmares to pass.
7. Red Room Inn (D)
It is early now and I see the first rays of sunlight, drenched as if
in blood, penetrate my window. I shall begin to make my way Height: 30'
back to Rumarok. Thor save my soul! Dimensions: 20'x 40'
Levels: 2
Run'Mar, 11th of Nardur'Kiev Occupants:
/ have spent many years walking the road between Rumarok and Notables: Biv Darley, Innkeeper
the citadel, and none of it seems familiar anymore. The fog is Farah, Serving Girl
thicker and I can only see a few feet in front of me. I came across Mundanes: 1 errand boy
the bodies of refugees earlier and it looks as though they were Encounter: Giant Tavern Lice
mauled by animals. Strange shadows move in the distance and
the routine noises I have grown accustomed to hearing are now
gone. It is eerily quiet and I can hear only my own breathing. This appears to be a tall, wooden building
Thor, what has happened here? bearing the universal sign for inn. The outside is
a bit worn as the previous white paint seems to
Gart'Mar, 13th of Nardur'Kiev
be peeling and the wood is buckling in places. A
My only guide back home is the road now, as it seems I have lost
all of my old landmarks. I passed Hero Falls easily enough
sign hangs next to the door and reads "Vacancy".
(though there are no lights glowing at the old park), so I can only
hope for my good luck to continue until I reach home.
Giant Tavern Lice (10) (HF 0, EP 1, Int Non-, AL N, AC 3,
Pin'Mar, 14th of Nardur'Kiev MV 6" fly, HD <1, HP 1-3, SZT, #AT 1, D 1d6-3, SA bur-
row, blood drain, SD nil, Hon: N/A, TOP: N/A, Crit BSL:
I was attacked earlier this morning by a badger-like creature. I
Def AC -5, FF N/A, Ref HoB vol 7 p 132)
managed to break its neck, though only after it had bitten my
hand. I do not feel well and am afraid that I have contracted 1) HPs: 2) HPs: 3) HPs:
some disease from this monster. However, I write this in sight of 5) HPs: 6) HPs: 7) HPs:
the town, so I am confident that I shall survive this journey. 9) HPs: 10)HPs:

There is also a loose page folded in the journal. At the top is This is a rustic inn off of the main street in town. The main floor
scrawled "Corruption Ritual" in a slightly different handwriting. boasts a small tavern where breakfast and supper are served. It also
Those who succeed with a general religion skill check know that this has a moderate collection of ales. On the other side of the tavern is
is an evil ritual designed to destroy the soul of a good being and turn the unique common room that which has given the inn its name.
them into a servant of evil. At the bottom is scrawled a quick edito- The walls are painted a deep red giving the room an ominous feel.
rial comment, "It works!" However, there is nothing else wrong with the room. The problem
actually lies in the private rooms. Darley, unfortunately, has a lice
problem and not just ordinary lice, but the big kind. He has tried to
6a. Graveyard have them exterminated several times to no avail, so now he just rents
Height: N/A the room out cheap and hopes the guests survive the night.
Dimensions: 30'x30' There are five bedrooms on the top floor. Each has a small straw
bed, a table, chair and dresser. They also each have a nest of Giant
Levels: 1 Tavern Lice living in the floorboards. At night, they scour the room
Occupants: None in search of food and return by morning. Biv charges 5 sp a night for
the "Red Room" and 1 gp a night in the private rooms.

The graveyard looks like it was well maintained Potential Yield:

• Slaying Giant Tavern Lice (EPV=10)
at one time, but has since become slightly
overgrown. Insects thrive in the pockets of
weeds choking out some of the weathered
headstones. The oldest legible headstone dates
from nearly two hundred years ago.


8. Dragon's Bile Tavern (D) Potential Yield:

Height: 15' • Slaying Tasty Beverage Mimic (EPV= 120)
Dimensions: 20'x30' • Coinage (GPV=14.5)
Levels: 1 • Ring of Cloaking* (EPV=750) (GPV= 1,000)
*NPC Equipment
Notables: Tod Slingin, Bartender
Boris Falstead, Barfly 9. Drek's (V)
Kregor Thurnsdale, Barfly Height: 10'
Neela, Wench Dimensions: 30'x30'
Mundanes: 2 serving wenches Levels: 1
2 bouncers Occupants:
Encounter: Tasty Beverage Mimic Notables: Drek Shornsword, Bartender
Kala Primsole, Wench
Mundanes: 1 serving wench
This one story building bears a sign of a dragon 1 bouncer
heaving up some kind of yellow l i q u i d . From the Encounter: Vengeful Troubadour
smells of stale beer and the sounds of hearty
laughter, it is easy to tell this is a tavern. There
This dreary looking building looks like it hasn't
are some odd things attached to the wall near
the entrance such as a wooden sled and a sign been tended to in some years. A half-collapsed
reading,"Buy Nibblet Brand Corn Dodgers". sign hanging from the door reads "Drek's", with
a smaller sign advertising "Live Music" beneath
it. A dead dawg lies nearby, perfectly suited to
Tasty Beverage Mimic (HF 3, EP 120, Int 5, AL NE, AC 9, the depressing feel of the place.
MV 3"/6" swim, HD 1, HP 23, SZ S, #AT 1, D 1-4, SA spe-
cial, SD mimic drink, Hon: Ave, TOP: N/A, Crit BSL: Def
AC -2, FF N/A, Ref HoB vol 5 p 19) Vengeful Troubadour (HF 7, EP 175, Int 15, AL NE, AC 7,
HPs: MV 12", HD 4, HP 39, SZ M, #AT 1, D short sword 1-6,
SA demoralizing tune, SD immune to fear, high TOP, Hon:
The Bile is the local hotspot Table 3: Random low, TOP: 29, Crit BSL: Def AC +1, FF 5, Ref HoB vol 8 p
when it comes to drinking. Tod Tavern Food 59)
serves up some of the finest ales and HPs:
wines of the valley. He imports Roll Food
some of his liquor from as far away 1 Bear Fat Dumplings
as Fangaerie. The main floor is gar- 2-5 Bread
nished with weird and seemingly 6 Cheese, soft Drek's is a small, squalid little tavern off of the main road. There
out-of-place items on the walls, 7 Cheese, hard seems to be an air of melancholy around the place that suits Drek just
each one with its own story. For 8 Eggs, soft boiled fine. No one is sure if the place had always been this way, or has just
example, one can find the lynchpin 9 Eggs, hard boiled become sad considering the times. Either way, Drek's doesn't get
from the catapult Big Bertha, which 10 Fruit much in the way of business. In fact, Drek had to let a serving girl
saw action during the Orkin and a bouncer go due to the lack of customers.
11 Meat, Steak
Uprisings. Also, there is the stuffed 12 Meat, Sausage The interior is dimly lit and the alcohol (while inexpensive) is
head of Poor Smitty, a Goblin 13 Meat, Dried watered down and not of the best quality. But, true to the sign,
rumored to have been killed by the Drek's does have live music every night from sundown to midnight in
14-15 Stew, Grouse Onion
Mayor. It is tavern custom to rub the form of a Vengeful Troubadour named O'Kilin. Drek keeps a
Smitty's head for good luck before 16-17 Stew, Scratch Root short sword and a box with 5 sp behind the counter.
starting in at a game of darts. Most 18-19 Stew, Beef and veggie
20 Vegetables Drek serves Common and Dead Viking Ale at a reduced rate as
of the locals can be found here at well as Watered and Common wine. Roll on Table 3: Random
night, though, as of late, it hasn't Tavern Food to determine what the meal of the day is.
been as crowded as it used to be.
Tod keeps a locked iron box behind the bar (average lock, trapped Potential Yield:
with a needle that does 1-3 hp damage). The box contains 80 cp, 56
sp and 10 gp. Tod also keeps a special "homemade" brew that he is • Slaying Vengeful Troubadour (EPV=175)
supposed to serve to especially troublesome guests. The brew, of • Shortsword (GPV=10)
course, is actually a Tasty Beverage Mimic given to him by the • Coinage (GPV=.5)
Tod serves all kinds of mead and ale at normal cost. He also serves
Honey Brew and Orluian Brandy at slightly higher prices. Roll on
Table 3: Random Tavern Food to determine what he is serving that
night for dinner.
This is a moderately-sized inn along the main road. It is two sto-
10. Broken Mug Tavern (V) ries high and holds 7 private rooms plus a small common room on
Height: 10' the main floor. Each private room is sparsely decorated with a single
bed, a desk and a small trunk. Trunks with excellent locks can be
Dimensions: 20'x30' rented from Fred for 1 gp a night. Each room has a window with a
Levels: 1 view of the town. The rooms are cheap, but Fred serves no food or
Occupants: beverages, so adventurers will have to go elsewhere to satisfy their
Notables: Breela Farliss, Bartender
Fred rents out the common room at 7 sp per night and a private
Kear'n Longarm, Serving Wench room for 2 gp per night. Fred and his son live in a back room con-
Mundanes: 2 serving wenches taining two beds, a desk and a chest. Connected to the back room is
3 bouncers a storage room with extra blankets, pillows and old furniture.
12. Herb Shop
Height: 10'
This one-story building looks well maintained Dimensions: 20'x20'
and boasts a new coat of tan paint. A sign above Levels: 1
the door depicts a shattered drinking tankard Occupants:
and reads "Broken Mug Tavern". Another sign by Encounters: Black Poppy, Yellow Musk Creeper, Strangle Plant
the entrance says, "Join us for Contest Night -
Every Pin'Mar!".
This small shop smells like flowers from the
front. A sign hanging by the door shows a
This tavern sits by the Back Gate and is a pleasant enough looking
structure. It is freshly painted green with a fancy sign out front. picture of plants and flowers. The shop itself
Inside, it is surprisingly clean and orderly. Breela runs a tight ship and looks worn down, an impression reinforced by
the tavern reflects it. She serves the best brandy in town and has a
house-specialty drink called Krieg's Revenge (1/2 Gutberry wine plus the hole in the roof.
Bitter-Korn whisky, grog and a pinch of dragon pepper). On Pin'Mar
nights she holds a knife-throwing contest followed by a singing con-
test. Winners of each get free drinks for the rest of the evening.
Black Poppies (3) (HF 1, EP 15, Int Non-, AL CE, AC 10, MV
Breela serves many different alcohol varieties at standard prices
(Krieg's Revenge goes for 2 gp a pint). Roll on Table 3: Random 0", HD Id8, HP 3, 4, 2, SZT, #AT 1, D poison (1d100), SA
Tavern Food to find out what she is serving that night for dinner. poison gas cloud, SD nil, Hon: N/A, TOP: N/A, Crit BSL:
In her room (located in the back), Breela keeps a Ring of N/A, FF N/A, Ref HoB vol 1 p 79)
Friendship in her chest with her changes of clothes. She keeps mean- 1) HPs: 2) HPs: 3) HPs:
ing to try this on her secret crush (Dorie Hammerhand), but is too
afraid and shy to try. She also has a long sword over the door of her
room she keeps for emergencies. Yellow Musk Creeper (HF 2, EP 175, Int Low, AL CE, AC 3,
MV 9", HD 3, HP 32, SZ M, #AT 5, D 1-6x4/1-8, SA nil,
Potential Yield: SD nil, Hon: N/A, TOP: 16, Crit BSL: Def AC +1, FF N/A,
• Ring of Friendship (EPV= 1,200) (GPV=3,000) Ref HoB vol 2 p 39)
• 1 longsword (GPV=15) HPs:

I I . Fred's Resting Place (V)

Height: 30' Strangle Plant (Tomato) (HF 16, EP 270, Int 16, AL LE, AC6,
Dimensions: 30'x35' MV 0", HD 5, HP 40, SZ M, #AT 8, D 1 hp per round if
Levels: 2 Str (16) over target, SA strangulation, SD nil, Hon: low,
Occupants: TOP: N/A, Crit BSL: Def AC +3, FF N/A, Ref HoB vol 7 p
Notables: Fred Firelak, Innkeeper 116)
Mundanes: 1 errand boy

Once, this little shop sold everything from magical ingredients to

This two-story structure looks to be an inn. A cooking herbs. However, the owner of the store disappeared one
sign hanging from the roof reading, "Fred's night and the store has been abandoned since the front door is always
Resting Place" also gives that impression. Some locked (superior -40%) and the windows have boards nailed over
them on the inside. Visitors will find that the inside has changed
of the walls show signs of recent repair, as well much since its days as a normal shop. Many holes have been made in
as some fresh paint touch-ups. A wagon wheel the roof, allowing rain and sun to stream into the shop. Plants have
grown out of control everywhere and it looks like a small jungle.
cocked decoratively by the entrance has a small Ruling this world is a Strangle Plant (Tomato) which is sitting on a
"Vacancy" sign attached to it. back shelf. Various objects are placed around its pot as if in offerings.
In Beezle's temporary living quarters behind the counter is a locked
There are 13 cp, 5 sp and 1 gp. Also, a small sapphire, the key to the trunk (masterful -60%, trapped with needle 1-2 points damage, plus
front door and a common gold ring are there as well. The Strangle poison Class D). The trunk contains 430 sp, 120 elp and 550 gp plus
plant has proclaimed itself king or this overgrown store and com- a Short Sword, Troll Slapper). Beezle was brought here by Valoma
mands all of the plants that dwell within it. The plant also does not and is, in actuality, doing her a favor. Beezle won't fight if he can help
like intruders and will demand an offering (should anyone care to use it, instead opting to use Dimension Door and vacating the place.
Speak with Plants on it) or else loose the Black Poppies and Musk
Creepers upon them.
Potential Yield:
The Black Poppies rest on the shelf behind the counter and will
only release their gas if they are disturbed or given the command to • Dagger +1, Cursed (GPV=1,500)
by the Strangle Plant. The Yellow Muck Creeper is crawling up the • Dagger +3, Cursed (GPV=4,000)
back wall and, like the poppies, will attack only if disturbed. • Buckle Knife +1, Cursed (GPV=1,200)
Underneath the counter is a lock box (excellent -20%) holding 150 • Bastard Sword +1, Cursed (GPV=2,000)
sp and 58 gp. • Short Sword +2, Cursed Berserking (GPV=2,800)
• Spear, Cursed Backbiter (GPV=1,800)
Potential Yield: • 8 long swords (GPV=120)
• Slaying Strangle Plant (Tomato) (EPV=270) • 10 short swords (GPV=100)
• Slaying Black Poppies (EPV=45) • 2 bastard swords (GPV=25)
• Slaying Mush Creeper (EPV= 175) • I khopesh (GPV=10)
• Coinage (GPV=1+) • 5 battle-axes (GPV=25)
• Sapphire (20 gp) • 10 footman's maces (GPV=50)
• Gold ring (50 gp) • 4 footman's flails (GPV=32)
• Key to front door • I I spears (GPV=4+)
• I trident (GPV=15)
• 2 warhammers (GPV=4)
I3.Weaponsmith (V) • 3 daggers (GPV=6)
Height: 15' • Short Sword,Troll Slapper (EPV=1,000) (GPV=5,000)
Dimensions: 20'x30' • Coinage (GPV=653)
Levels: 1
Occupants: I4. Blacksmith(V)
Mundanes: 2 guards Height: 10'
Encounters: Arcane Merchant Dimensions: 30'x30'
Levels: 1
This small store boasts a sign with weapons Notables: Doric Hammerhand, Apprentice
painted on it. It looks fairly well kept, though in Iron Duke McKraken, Blacksmith
need of a good paint job. A smaller sign out Encounters: Rottweiler Dawg
front in the ground, written in fancy script, reads
"Daily Specials" in the common tongue.
Easily identifiable as the blacksmith's, you smell
the sharp odor of burnt metal and feel the waves
Arcane Merchant (HF 16, EP 3,000, Int 17, AL LN, AC 5 (3), of heat emanating from the outside forge. A
MV 12", HD 10, HP 52, SZ L, #AT 1, D long sword 1-8, wooden fence surrounds the work area with
SA nil, SD Invisibility, Dimension Door, Hon: low, TOP: 26, one gate. Beyond that is a small shack and a
Crit BSL: Def AC +8, FF 4, Ref HoB Vol 1 p 29) dawg tied in front of the door. It lays in the sun
and pays you no notice.

From the outside, this looks like a hole-in-the-wall. Dirt covers the
windows and the sign is barely legible. However, upon entering, the Rottweiler Dawg (HF 1, EP 65, Int Animal, AL N, AC 7, MV
customer is suddenly surrounded by a host of interesting, exotic and 18", HD 2+3, HP 34, SZ M, #AT 1, D 2-5, SA locking grip,
unusual weapons. A Detect Magic spell reveals that at least half of the SD nil, Hon: N/A, TOP: 17, Crit BSL: Def AC +1, FF 8, Ref
inventory is enchanted. Beezle, the "merchant", has organized the HoB vol 2 p 50)
store according to weapon size and use. His counter displays a host
of daggers, each more stylish than the first. Among those are a
Dagger +1, Cursed, a Dagger +3, Cursed and a Buckle Knife +1,
Cursed. There are stands of swords, axes and maces. Notable among
the swords are a Bastard Sword +1, Cursed and a Short Sword +2,
Cursed Beserking. Along the walls are polearms and lances. One of
which is a Spear, Cursed Backbiter. Beezle encourages any interest-
ed individuals to purchase the magic items at a special discount.

This is a busy blacksmiths with most of the shop exposed to the 16. Tanners
outside. Here, anyone can find either of the smiths working hard Height: 15'
over the forge. They produce things such as iron spikes, horseshoes
and chain. They can also do menial repairs to arms and armor Dimensions: 20'x30'
(though they are not very good at it). The Duke and his apprentice Levels: 1
live in a small shack attached to the forge and spend their time there Occupants:
when not working. The shack has a common lock and holds two Encounters: Wooly Mound
beds, two trunks of clothes and a small bookshelf that belongs to
Dorie. There is a small sack of 180 cp and 99 sp under the bed. They
also keep a Rottweiler Dawg on a rope. This dawg HATES evil crea-
tures and barks ferociously at anyone of that alignment. It is this con- This quiet building looks like it hasn't been used
nection which has probably kept the blacksmiths alive for so long.
in years. The timbers holding the porch are
Potential Yield: leaning and you can hear the structure creak
• Slaying Rottweiler (EPV=65) with every blowing breeze. There is something
• Coinage (GPV=~10) eerie about the place, though exactly what
causes it is impossible to say at the moment.
15. Armorer (D)
Height: 15'
Dimensions: 20'x20' Wooly Mound (HF 7, EP 650, Int 4, AL N, AC 7, MV 9", HD
Levels: 1 6+3, HP 47, SZ L, #AT 1, D 2-16, SA knockdown, disease,
Occupants: SD stench, absorption healing, Hon: Ave, TOP: 24, Crit
Notables: Pendrick Thornmount, Armorer BSL: Def AC +5, FF 8, Ref HoB vol 8 p 96)
Mundanes: 1 assistant HPs:

This shop has a painted picture of a breastplate The first thing people notice about this store is the smell. A rot-
ting, dead smell pervades the senses of anyone who enters. This is
and a helmet hanging above the door. It looks a another establishment whose residents have mysteriously disappeared.
bit run down and washed out. You can hear the Now rotting hides and weathered stretched skins lay about. Actually,
one pile of rotting hides is a Wooly Mound set to pounce on any
ringing of metal from around back. A small path intruders to the store. Scattered about the store are pieces of useless
leads to a forge and a pile of scrap metal. armor and coins. A rusting long sword lies broken on the floor as
well. There is a small living quarters with an empty trunk, as well as
a rumpled bed.

This tiny building houses a dwarf working as the town's armorer. Potential Yield:
The inside of the store is dirty and tracked with mud and rocks. • Slaying the Wooly Mound (EPV=650)
However, the armor hanging up for sale is immaculate. Pendrick
works at a small forge outside around back, taking turns at the
counter with his assistant Teck. His armor is well made and durable
(though also pricey; +20% to prices listed in the PHB). However, 17. Workshop
should some people look at the armor closely, they will find that some Height: 30'
items have been used before. In fact, one suit of plate mail has Dimensions: 30'x30'
"Property of Cedric the Mighty" stamped into the interior of the
breastplate. If questioned, Pendrick insists that he made all of the Levels: 2
armor being sold in the store. He and his assistant live in a small Occupants:
room away from the displays. Under his bed, he keeps a locked iron Encounters: Tin Soldiers (2)
chest (masterful -60%) with 1,400 gp and 210 pp and an elven chain
mail shirt.

Potential Yield: This is a small, two-story shop. A sign in the

• 1 suit of plate mail (human) (GPV=2,000) ground out front depicts gears and cogs. It, too,
• 1 suit of plate mail (dwarf) (GPV=1,500) shows sign of age as it was painted bright blue at
• chainmail (human) (GPV=350)
• chainmail (elf) (GPV=350)
one time and is now a flat gray. Shutters hang
• chainmail (gnome) (GPV=350) from windows, some of which have cracks in
• 2 brigadine (human) (GPV=240) them.
• 2 splint (1 human, 1 dwarf) (GPV=1,200)
• 4 studded leather (GPV=160)
• 5 leather (GPV=25)
• elven chain shirt (GPV=700)
• Coinage (GPV=2450)

Tin Soldiers (2) (HF 9, EP 420, Int Non-, AL N, AC 5, MV only a few books remain. Roll on Table 4: Books
9", HD 5, HP 40, 45, SZ M, #AT 1, D 1-10, SA nil, SD to determine which books (worth 2 gp each)
toxic when melted, painted, spell immunity, Hon: N/A,
TOP: N/A, Crit BSL: Def AC +3, FF N/A, Ref HoB vol 8 p
the PCs find should they search.
1) HPs:
Scroll Devourer (HF 0, EP 7, Int Non-, AL N, AC 2, MV
12"/3", HD .25, HP 1, SZ T, #AT none, D nil, SA surprise,
2) HPs:
paper consumption, SD nil, Hon: N/A, TOP: N/A, Crit
BSL: Def N/A, FF N/A, Ref HoB vol 7 p 33)
The prior home of a clever tinker, this store is empty, as many oth- 1) HPs: 2) HPs: 3) HPs: 4) HPs: 5) HPs: 6) HPs:
ers in town are, the owner now gone. The front door is locked (mas- 7) HPs: 8) HPs: 9) HPs: 10) HPs: 11) HPs: 12) HPs:
terful -60%) and there are no windows. Upon entering, one walks
into chaos. Metal pieces of various sizes are everywhere. It is so messy
and disorganized that it is hard to tell the working items from the Visitors will find racks upon endless racks of ripped up, chewed
broken ones. A water clock (1,000 gp), a music box (250 gp) and paper and their bindings. On the lower floor is a living quarters that
some sort of musical contraption involving bagpipes, a drum and a has been thoroughly ransacked. However, on the upper floor, there is
horn make up the items still in working condition. Also, there are a secret alcove off of the reading area. In this alcove is a locked iron
two tin soldiers standing on the back wall that will attack if disturbed. box (masterful -60%). Inside this box is a book titled, "That Which
Among the other items lying about is a lockpick kit (30 gp) and a file Should Not Be: A Study of the Gate" (written in elvish) which tells
set (15 gp). Further searching will reveal a whetstone (2 cp) and 24 of a stone called the "Gate Maker" that was found in the valley cen-
scattered sp. turies ago. Using its power, it is told that it can open doors into other
The upper level holds a living quarters and a small library. The bed dimensions. The book goes on to say that it will only work 50 paces
is overturned and the trunk contains only clothes. The books in the from where it was found: the citadel of Aster. A name is associated
library are written in the common tongue and mostly concern met- with the study: Samuel Shamham. Little more can be deciphered
allurgy and scientific principles. The tin soldiers, a corrupted recent from reading.
experiment, stand against a wall on the lower floor. For every turn If the characters are not observant, one Scroll Devourer per adven-
the PCs spend searching the workshop, there is a 20% chance that turer will attempt to sneak into their belongings.
these Tin Soldiers come to life and attack.
Potential Yield:
Potential Yield: • Slaying Scroll Devourers (EPV=7-70)
• Slaying the Tin Soldiers (EPV=840)
•Water Clock (GPV=1,000) Table 4: Books
• Music Box (GPV=250) Roll Book Language
• Lockpick kit (GPV=30) 1 Was It the Quasit? - By Soose Common
• File set (GPV=15) 2 Plant Like Me - By Unknown Common
• Whetstone (GPV< 1) 3 101 Things to Do in Farzey - By Fodor Common
• Coinage (GPV=2.4) 4 The History of the Scabbard - By Toronor Common
5 Rocks! - ByThurgar the Short Dwarf
6 Erk! Me Kill! - By Clod Orc
18. Library 7 My Days in the Tower of Sorrow - By Unknown Common
Height: 35' 8 Armor Cleaning Manual - Empire Regs 10-23 Common
9 Secret Maps to Lost Treasure - By Rot Gut Common
Dimensions: 40'x40' 10 Book of Riddles - By Anon Halfling
Levels: 3
Encounters: Scroll Devourer • Books (GPV=1,000)
19. Bowyers/Fletchers
This is a long two-story building. A book carved Height: 15'
Dimensions: 20'x 60'
from wood hangs from a sign over the front
Levels: 1
door. Red paint has faded into pink and most of Occupants:
the windows are broken. Encounters: Straw Mound

This was once the town's great library. It held

records of events from the entire valley and was This building is run down and in poor shape. The
the home of several magical tomes donated by a entire front of the building has boards missing
magic-user's society. Sadly, much of that is gone and seems to be leaning to the left. Straw and
now. After the curator disappeared, the building feathers lie strewn about on the porch.
became infested with scroll devourers and now
At the bottom of the hole are open buckets of human and animal
waste (which accounts for the smell) and a carved cavern which leads
Straw Mound (HF 11, EP 375, Int 6, AL N, AC 5, MV back toward the building. Then there is another door (locked, mas-
6"jump, HD 5, HP 40, SZ M, #AT 1, D 1-6+5, SA terful -60% to open locks skills, with a needle trap (1-2 hp, coated
Suffocation, SD Nil, Hon: Ave, TOP: N/A, Crit BSL: Def with Class E poison)). This leads to a waiting room with an iron door
AC +3, FF N/A, Ref HoB vol 7 p 117) and is barred from the inside. One Skulking Carcass is here at all
HPs: times. Should intruders be knocking at the iron door, another carcass
will go around and through the one-way secret door to surprise the
enemy from the rear.
The iron door opens into a large wooden room with tables and a
This is what is left of the Bowyers. It is a small, narrow shop. The couple of chairs. There are three chests with names scratched into
door is open (and looks as if it has been smashed). Empty shelves that them. The chests belong to the carcasses and all are locked (superior,
once held crossbows and long bows are now coated in dust and mold. -40%). Chest A is trapped with sleeping gas, Chest B is trapped with
There are footprints in the dust, though they look pretty old. The choking gas and Chest C is trapped with stinking gas. All chests are
back door opens into an outdoor archery range. Several targets and empty and are only used by the Carcasses as a joke to each other.
broken arrows lay at the far end of the alley. There are also several Under the chests in a floorboard are the real treasures. Under A is a
moldy bales of hay and a mound of straw by the entrance to the shop sack of 550 gp and a ruby (300 gp). Beneath B reveals 878 elp and
(from the target range). Around the straw mound are broken pieces 120 hsp. Moving Chest C exposes a necklace worth 450 gp and a
of armor, a basinet helmet and an old axe. The Mound attacks any sack of 300 gp.
adventurers exploring it. There is nothing else of interest in either the
store or the target range.
Potential Yield:
• Slaying Skulking Carcasses (EPV= 810)
Potential Yield: • Coinage (GPV= 1,529)
• Slaying Straw Mound (EPV=375) • Gems and jewels (GPV=750)
• Rusty helmet (GPV=1)
• Axe(GPV=1)
21. Butchers (D)
20.Thieves Guild (D) Height: 15'
Dimensions: 20'x30'
Height: 15'
Levels: 1
Dimensions: 20'x40'
Levels: 2
Notables: Jasper Spearson, Butcher
Notables: Sendrick Redrage, Thief
Encounters: Skulking Carcasses (3)
The smell of blood and fresh meat are easy to
sense even outside of this building. A wooden
This is another building that seems to have been carving of a ham hangs over the entrance of the
abandoned for a long time. A faded sign next to shop.
the door announces that this place is a feed
This looks to be an ordinary butcher shop. Upon entry, people
find it to be very well taken care of and clean. There are fresh sausages
hanging over the counter and a wide variety of cuts being dried
Skulking Carcasses (3) (HF 3, EP 270, Int 9, AL NE, AC 6, around the store. Alas, in a back room is a different story. Beyond
MV 12", HD 2+1, HP 31, 33, 25, SZ M, #AT 2, D 1-6/1- the door behind the counter, one finds the slaughter house. The
smell of blood is fresh and assaults the nose of anyone entering.
6, SA stealth, backstab, SD nil, Hon: Ave, TOP: N/A, Crit Numerous carcasses are hanging from hooks. There are cows, pigs,
BSL: Def AC +2 (backstab), FF N/A, Ref HoB vol 7 p 72) goats, humans and demi-humans hanging there, each bleeding into
1) HPs: buckets on the ground as testimony to Jasper's insanity.
2) HPs: 22. General Provisions (V)
Height: 15'
3) HPs: Dimensions: 20'x30'
Levels: 1
This is an unremarkable building along the main road. The win- Occupants:
dows are darkened and the front door is a trap (with an excellent lock, Notables: Hendrick Longarm, Owner
-20% to open locks skills). Should it be opened, a trap door in front
of the entrance opens up and drops the characters 10 feet down into Mundanes: 1 assistant
a cage. The door is spring-loaded so it resets as soon as it is opened.
The main room is empty with the exception of a lot of dust. The real
entrance to the guild is in the rear of the building, near the outhouse. This small store has a sign detailing a dried fish,
Anyone exploring the outhouse will be greeted by the expected
stench. However, should they look closely at the hole, they see a rope an apple and a piece of cheese. It looks like the
ladder going down.

25. Jaded Delights
wood is splintering out front, though the shop is Height: 25'
otherwise in good shape. Dimensions: 20'x 35'
Levels: 2
This is a general store specializing in selling outfitting bundles (see Notables: Thordin Brighteye, Jeweler
page 113 or the HackMaster Player's Handbook for details). These Mundanes: 2 guards
bundles are sold at a slight discount (-10%) though they seem to be
perfectly fine. However, a successful Wisdom check reveals that many
of the packs have property brands and monograms indicating that
they belonged to other adventuring parties. Hendrick will act obliv- An emerald is drawn on the sign to this store.
ious to this fact if it is pointed out. Written by the door in the common tongue and
23. Bakery the dwarven tongue are the words, "Jaded
Height: 15' Delights". This is one of the few buildings in
Dimensions: 20'x25' town made entirely out of stone. Iron bars
Levels: 1 cover all of the windows and the front door
Occupants: looks as though it is made from steel.
Notables: Henry the Baker
Mundanes: 1 assistant
This impressive-looking store is built for security (only the cathe-
dral and City Hall are also built completely of stone). The front door
The smells coming from this store are enough to is constructed of thick steel and has an impossible lock (-80%) on it.
make one's mouth water. Any time of day, one There is a display counter with several gems displayed on crushed vel-
vet (a diamond worth 900 gp, an emerald worth 250 gp, an opal
can detect the odor of baking bread. The front worth 150 gp and a sapphire worth 100 gp). A door in the back leads
of the store is painted a faint yellow and appears to the living quarters and a workroom. The living quarters hold a
simple cot, a desk and chair. The workshop has a worktable with a
to be well kept. A sign out front shows bread grinder and some magnifying glasses (500 gp each). There are also
and grain, appropriately enough. some books where Thordin records his sales and his acquirements.

Potential Yield:
• 6 magnifying glasses (GPV=3,000)
Fresh bread is made daily here and put up for sale. Henry also sells • Gems (GPV=1,400)
discounted, slightly older bread that is good for traveling.
• Dagger +3* (EPV=500) (GPV=3,000)
24. Feet of Clay • Eyes of Minute Seeing* (EPV= 1,000) (GPV=20,000)
Height: 10' * NPC equipment
Dimensions: 20'x30'
Levels: 1 26. Fighter's Guild
Occupants: Height: 35'
Notables: Sid Claybone, Potter Dimensions: 20'x40'
Levels: 3
The sign of this building has pots and urns Encounters: Perpetual Swinging Sword
painted on it. "Feet of Clay" is written below the
picture in the common tongue. This small gray
store has few distinguishable features. This building was made to look like an old
temple. It is made of stucco and brick. The sign
out front displays an emblem of two crossed
Upon entering this shop, one will find many different kinds of pot- swords. It looks like no one has been here for
tery and baked clay. The shelves are lined with pots, urns, plates and several months. Along the front wall some
decorative pieces. The kiln Sid uses is outside behind the store.
Another room off of the display area holds Sid's potting wheel, while graffiti states,"Abandon All Hope", in foreboding
his cot and a trunk of his clothes can be found in a third room. letters of the common tongue.

Perpetual Swinging Sword (Rogue) (HF 4, EP 3270, Int 9, AL Purple curtains hang in the windows and the
CE, AC 3, MV 3", HD 4, HP special, SZ S, #AT 1-2, D 1- building appears to be well maintained.
8+3/1-8+3, SA special, SD special Hon: N/A, TOP: N/A,
Crit BSL: Def AC +5, FF N/A, Ref HoB vol 7 p 125)

The interior smells heavily of incense and perfume. It is dimly lit

This was the local hangout for fighter types. Once owned by Tara and the main room simply has a round table with a group of chairs.
the Red, a feared female berserker, this building has since fallen into A counter along the back wall boasts jars filled with various horrors
ruin. The story goes that two fighters were competing for her love and indescribable things. Large pictures of tarot cards are hung on
and would bring her trophies from the field. One day, one of them the walls around the store and a crystal ball (a ball made of fine crys-
brought in a perpetual swinging sword found deep within the valley. tal, not the magic item; it's worth 500 gp) sits on the table.
Tara loved the gift and eventually fell for the fighter. The spurned
fighter, consumed by jealousy, set the sword to "kill" one night and
let it go about its grim task. The entire guild fell before the magical- Potential Yield:
ly swinging sword, Tara and her lover among them. Now the hall • Crystal Ball (fake)(GPV=500)
stands empty, save the withered bones of the fallen... and the sword,
still waiting for its next target.
The front door is locked (masterful -60%). Once inside, visitors 28. Heralds
will notice a thick layer of dust on everything. Statues of famous past Height: 20'
and present warriors, including Sturm Pyre and Lord Flataroy, flank
the entry hall. Close inspection of these statues reveals chips and deep Dimensions: 20'x30'
scratches in the stone. There is a sitting room where once a fire roared Levels: 1
in the great fireplace that forms the centerpiece here. Several worn, Occupants:
cracked leather chairs are placed in front of the hearth. A headless Notables: Nate Brimgen, Artist
skeleton sits in one still holding on to a silver chalice. An empty
decanter sits nearby on a table. The room is festooned with pictures
of battles and victories over dark armies. A shelf along one wall dis-
plays several different kinds of drinking vessels, each one unique to its Several colorful flags hang outside this store in
long-gone owner. Among them are wooden mugs, drinking horns
and bronze cups. stark contrast to the dismal surroundings of its
Across from the sitting room is the dining room where the last meal neighbors. A sign shows a decorative lion
decayed a long time ago on the table. Two skeletons lay here, one in painted on a shield. The building itself is painted
a chair and the other clutching a mace on the floor. At one end of the
room are a pair of crossed long swords, while the other end sports a in several different colors.
large shield with the guilds crest (a Griffon) in front of two battle
axes. An iron chandelier hangs from the ceiling, its candles long
Inside the shop is a counter displaying several shields with emblems
The upstairs has eight private rooms, each one decorated different- painted on them. Flags and banners of all types hang around the
ly. Three of them hold skeletons still in their beds. The others are store. In the back is a painting room with half-finished works and
empty, armor and weapons absent. plain shields. Nate charges various fees for painting emblems for peo-
A door from the dining room opens to the downstairs. Below the ple. Something small and easy (such as a checkerboard pattern on a
ground floor is a sparring room. Practice weapons and dented armor helmet) costs about 25 gp, while something more elaborate (such as a
Re strewn about the sides of this large chamber. In the middle of the detailed picture on a tower shield) costs about 1,000 gp). Though he
floor lie two skeletons clad in armor and gripping swords. The killing is very expensive, he is a master (110% skill ratings in painting and
sword is lodged in the chest cavity of one of them. Should the sword art appreciation: painting).
be freed, it will resume its deadly task.

Potential Yield: 29. Clothes for the Roads

• Slaying the Rogue Sword (EPV=3,270) Height: 15'
• Silver Chalice (GPV=20) Dimensions: 20'x30'
• Old Mace (GPV=2)
Levels: 1
27. Soothsayer (V) Notables: Pierre Longshanks, Clothier
Height: 15' Mundanes: 2 assistants (seamstresses)
Dimensions: 20'x20'
Levels: 1
Occupants: This building has a large window in the front.
Notables: Old Lady Frieda, Medium Two dummies dressed in fine leather clothes
Mundanes: 1 assistant stand in the window, one male and one female.
A sign depicts a shirt and a pair of pants.
A giant hand painted on the window and the
promise of "FORTUNES TOLD" (written in the
common tongue) welcome visitors to this store.

Inside are racks of shirts, jackets, pants, dresses and cloaks. Fine
32. Stuff'Em! Taxidermy (D)
silk clothes and fur-trimmed coats are also here to outfit the richest Height: 20'
duke or the lowliest merchant. There are two dressing rooms with Dimensions: 25'x30'
three mirrors angled to give a customer three different views at one. Levels: 1
Potential Yield: Notables: Cyrus One-eye, Taxidermist
• Fancy Clothes (GPV=50)
• Traveling Clothers (GPV=25) Encounter: Animal Mimic
• Elegant Clothes (GPV= 150)

This brown building has a sign with "Stuff'Em!

30.Tack and Harness
Taxidermy" written on it in the common tongue.
Height: 15'
Dimensions: 20'x 30'
Two large, rearing mountain lions flank the door
Levels: 1 to this store. They appear to be motionless.
Notables: Will Howard, Owner
Animal Mimic (HF 18, EP 270, Int 9, AL N, AC 6, MV 12",
HD 6, HP 43, SZ M, #AT 1, D 2-12, SA glue, SD camou-
This small store looks fairly well maintained and flage, Hon: Ave, TOP: N/A, Crit BSL: Def AC +4, FF N/A,
RefHoBvol5p 18)
has a sign with a bridle painted on it.

A simple shop devoted to the selling of horse and cart supplies. A standing, stuffed grizzly bear welcomes visitors to the inside of
Will rents out his small back room for 1 gp a week. It contains only this shop. The showroom is entirely filled with all kinds of stuffed
a bed and a trunk. animals, both game and unique. What most do not know, however,
is that an Animal Mimic has taken the form of a stuffed Speckled
Coated Horned Charger. Cyrus is aware of this and, should he find
3 I . Sheriff (D) the customers too nosey or annoying, will lead them to it. There is a
Height: 25' room in the back that serves as a workshop and is filled with sacks of
sawdust and jars of marbles. There are also some half-finished pro-
Dimensions: 20'x 35' jects laying around on the floor. Another room leads to Cyrus' room
Levels: 2 containing a bed and a trunk of clothes.
Potential Y i e l d :
Notables: Harwood Blocker, Sheriff
Mundanes: 5 guards, 1 receptionist • Slaying Animal Mimic (EPV=270)

33.Trader Jacques
This building has a gold star painted over the Height: 30'
door and the word "Sheriff" written in above it. Dimensions: 30'x 40'
Bars cover the windows of this otherwise Levels: 3
mundane building. Occupants:
Notables: Jaques the Trader
Mundanes: 2 guards
This building houses the offices and cells for the lone law-enforce-
ment official in town. A plain hallway opens to the receptionist who
screens visitors. Harwood's office is wood-paneled and decorated This two-story store is made of brick and has a
with various law-enforcement paraphernalia such as leg irons and
manacles. There is also a wall of portraits, all resembling the sheriff. large sign over the front door with "Traders"
The bottom floor holds five 3-foot by 8-foot cells and a guard sta- written in the common tongue on it. The walls
tion. The cells are locked individually (impossible -80%). Each con- were painted green at some point, but like so
tains straw and a bucket.
many of the other buildings in town, have faded
to a light gray.

This large store holds hundreds of items, some useless and some
almost useless. Some are actually fairly useful, but sorting through it
can take hours. Jaques is always willing to make a deal for new goods.

Such things as sacks, boxes, urns and styluses can be found here. storage has enough grain to keep the town going through winter and
Jaques also has a wide selection of rope, partially used rations and can- five empty crates.
dles. Most of these items are worn and in poor condition, though
Jaques sells them cheap. He will also buy anything from adventurers,
though probably for about 20% of their value. 36. Armory (D/V)
Jaques lives in a small room on the top floor. It is locked (excellent
-20%) and contains a bed and a desk and chair. He keeps a trunk Height: 30'
under his bed with 430 cp and 120 sp. Dimensions: 35'x 45'
Levels: 2
Potential Yield: Occupants:
• Coinage (GPV=33) Notables: Jor Hammerhand, Sergeant of the Guard
Darek Firgard, Quartermaster
34. Perfumes (D) Mundanes: 3d6 soldiers here at all times

Height: 20'
Dimensions: 25'x35'
This stone building is long and well maintained
Levels: 1
A large painted sign depicting a military emblem
Notables: Maggie Ferndale, Owner and the words, "We Fear None" written below
it in the common tongue stands by the from
door. Another sign above the door reads
Light, fragrant scents can be smelled from out "Authorized Personnel Only".
side this store. A painted picture of an atomizer
bottle hangs over the front door. Pink curtains
hang in the windows and the building is painted This building houses the guard of the town and their equipment.
Inside is a barracks with 20 beds, each with a trunk full of clothes.
a light blue. There is also an office for Jor and a latrine. The lower level is where
the quartermaster is located along with racks of weapons. The armory
presently consists of: 20 sets of ring mail, 4 sets of chain mail (human-
sized), 1 set of banded mail (elf-sized), 15 medium shields, 4 large
Maggie's fine-smelling shop is decorated with pink and purple silks shields, various helmets, 10 long bows, 120 flight arrows, 50 sheaf
all over. She keeps her bottles of fine perfumes on the counter, but arrows, 10 awl pikes, 15 long swords, 3 bastard swords.
has a special collection of fine musks from rare animals in the back
room. She also sells oils and scented candles. There is also a small armory on the lower level with a forge. There
are three armor repair kits and ten weapon maintenance kits here.
There are no windows and the doors to the armory can be barred in
Potential Yield: case of emergency. The roof is flat allowing archers to be posted on
• Collection of perfumes (GPV=500) it.
Also on the lower level is a small group of cells behind a steel door.
There are six 10-foot by 10-foot cells dug into the rock and locked
35. Storage with an iron grate. Initially intended to hold prisoners of war, these
little-used cells are commanded by the guards loyal to the quarter-
Height: 35' master.
Dimensions: 40'x40'
Levels: 1 Potential Yield:
Occupants: • 4 sets of chain mail (GPV= 1,400)
Mundanes: 4 guards (2 on and 2 off) • 1 set of banded mail (GPV= 900)
• 15 medium shields (GPV=450)
• 4 large shields (GPV=400)
• various helmets (GPV=350)
This unmarked building is fairly large, with • 10 long bows (GPV=750)
narrow windows up towards the top of the • 120 flight arrows (GPV=3)
structure. A guard or two can be seen at all • 50 sheaf arrows (GPV=2.4)
• 10 awl pikes (GPV=50)
hours of the day hanging around the only • 15 long swords (GPV=225)
entrance to this building. • 3 bastard swords (GPV=75)
• Ring of Protection +3* (EPV= 1,000) (GPV=3,000)
* NPC Equipment
This is a large storage building used by the city to store grain and
anything else hauled in to be sold at market. It is 5 sp a night for stor-
age fees to merchants who want to dump their goods here before they 37. Shrine to Benyar
sell them. Security is tight, with no windows and locked doors (mas- Height: 15'
terful -60%) and 2 guards that are always on duty. Currently, the
Dimensions: 15'x20'
Levels: 1

Occupants: peeled away from almost everything. A small

Notables: Karagar, High Priest
clay gnome lies on its side near the front door.

This small building is recessed in between two

Chimney Sneak (HF 3, EP 120, Int Non-, AL N, AC 3, MV
others and is easy to miss. A small sign with 3"/6" burrow backwards, HD 3, HP 30, SZ M, #AT 2, D 1-
Benyar's sigil is planted in the front near the 6/1-6, SA sticky tongue, SD nil, Hon: N/A, TOP: N/A, Crit
door. The building itself is made of stone with a BSL: Def AC +1, FF N/A, Ref HoB vol 2, p 24)
thatched roof and a set of wind chimes tinkles in HPs:
the breeze from nearby.
This house is unlocked and the windows are boarded up from the
inside. A thick layer of dust fills the one room inside. A well-used
fireplace sits at one end and a bed at the other. Inside the fireplace, a
In the race to give the town a patron gawd, Thor unfortunately Chimney Sneak has made its home and laid 3 eggs that are ready to
won out, though this did not keep the order of Benyar from trying. hatch. It will attack the first person who examines the fireplace.
They established this small shrine a hundred years ago and keep a There is nothing of value in this house.
cleric manned here all year. Inside is a small statue, an offering plate
and several burning candles. There are also several benches and a
back room where the self-proclaimed "high priest" lives. He only Potential Yield:
proclaims that when other clerics of Benyar aren't around. • Slaying Chimney Sneak (EPV=120)

38. Your Money or Your Life (D) 40. House

Height: 20' Height: 15'
Dimensions: 30'x35' Dimensions: 15'x20'
Levels: 2 Levels: 1
Occupants: Occupants:
Notables: Erik Swinkler, Moneychanger Encounters: Spider, Huge (3)
Mundanes: 4 guards

This is a small wooden house. The outside looks

A sign with several stacks of coins pictured on it to be in good condition and a welcome mat sits
hangs over the front door of this building. There in front of the entrance.
are bars over the windows and two guards sit
out front.
Spiders, Huge (3) (HF 2, EP 270, Int 1, AL N, AC 6, MV 18",
HD 2+2, HP 27, 30, 28, SZ M, #AT 1, D 1-6, SA poison,
This is the local banking establishment. An officially instituted and SD nil, Hon: N/A, TOP: 13, 14, 15, Crit BSL: Def AC +0,
insured member of the Bankers Alliance, transfers to gold pieces can FFN/A, Ref HoB vol 7 p 97)
be made here at a low, low commission rate of 3%. Also, visitors can 1) HPs:
rent out steel storage units in the basement for locking away their
valuables. Costs run from 5 gp a month (small units - 2 feet by 2 2) HPs:
feet), 10 gp a month (medium units - 4 feet by 3 feet) and 50 gp a 3) HPs:
month (large units - 6 feet by 3 feet). All items are insured up to
100,000 gp (insurance costing extra of course - 10% of the cost of
the item every month). The door to this house is locked with a common lock and the win-
dows are blacked out. Upon entering, the first thing one notices is
the large amount of webbing over the furniture and floor. The sec-
39. House ond thing they notice is the Huge Spider attacking from behind the
door. Another one hides in the chimney and a third lurks on the ceil-
Height: 10' ing. There is nothing of value in this house.
Dimensions: 15'xl5'
Levels: 1 Potential Yield:
• Slaying Giant Spiders (EPV=810)
Encounters: Chimney Sneak

This small wooden house looks unoccupied.

Weeds choke the front door and the paint has


4I. House 43. House

Height: 15' Height: 15'
Dimensions: 20'x20' Dimensions: 10'xl5'
Levels: 1 Levels: 1
Occupants: Occupants:
Notables: Ferd Karlsen, Private Citizen Notables: Crazy Earl

This appears to be another wooden house. The This house is a shambles. A single shudder still
shutters have long since fallen from the windows hangs tenaciously to the window and a crooked
and the building seems to be falling apart. "Bless this Mess" sign sits next to the front door

The door to this house is barred from the inside and the windows The door to this house is not only unlocked but slightly ajar.
are boarded up. Someone listening has a 50% chance of hearing Inside, adventurers will find the place a terrible mess. The bed is
someone rambling inside. Calls from the outside will be ignored. overturned and torn to shreds, the furniture has been reduced to kin-
Should the adventurers break in, Ferd will attack them for 1-6 dling. The remains of a small fire lie in one corner. A trunk also lies
rounds, or until convinced that they are not there to hurt him (or open, with torn clothes protruding from it. There is nothing of value
until he is killed). Inside is one old khopesh, a spear and a chest with in this house. Crazy Earl sits on the floor waiting for some unlucky
5 sp and 30 cp. There are also half full barrels of dried fish and pick- individual to come walking through the door. Earl attacks any
led eggs. intruders.

42. House 44. House

Height: 10' Height: 15'
Dimensions: 15'xl5' Dimensions: 15'x20'
Levels: 1 Levels: 1
Occupants: Occupants:
Encounters: DoppelMeister Encounters: Incoherent Babbler

This looks to be a well-maintained house. A This house has fallen into disrepair. The paint
stone walkway leads to the front door and there has long since peeled and the wood looks
appear to have been some flowerbeds lined with warped and cracked.
blooms that have died recently.

Incoherent Babbler (HF 2, EP 67, Int 5, AL CN, AC 9, MV

DoppelMeister (HF 13, EP 3,000, Int 11, AL N, AC 6, MV 3", 12", HD 15 hp, SZ M, #AT 1, D 1-2, SA babbling, SD cam-
HD 10, HP 65, SZ H, #AT 1, D 2-24, SA surprise 5 in 10, ouflage, Hon: Ave, TOP: 8, Crit BSL: Def AC -4, FF 4, Ref
SD Invisibility, Hon: Ave, TOP: 33, Crit BSL: Def AC +8, HoB vol 1 p 40)
FF7, Ref HoB vol 2 p 66) HPs:
The door to this house is barred, and the windows shuttered save
one. Looking into the house, one can see that all of the furniture has
been moved to the center of the room to build a rudimentary fort.
Should anyone approach the fort, they will be challenged by Mia,
This house is actually a DoppelMeister resting on the foundations now an Incoherent Babbler. A beautiful woman, alas, she spends her
of the previous house. A sign that the Doppelgangers are converting days rocking back and forth inside her fort babbling in her muddled,
the town, it sits patiently waiting for people to enter. The door is complicated and hypnotic voice.
unlocked and looking through the (apparently dirty and clouded)
windows reveals a table with a golden chalice on it in the middle of
the room. The chalice and table, of course, are fake, there to lure in Potential Yield:
the unwary. Bits of crushed armor also lie about the room. The crea- • Slaying Incoherent Babbler (EPV=67)
ture starts to collapse and eat the adventurers as soon as someone
touches either the table or the chalice.

Potential Yield:
• Slaying DoppelMeister (EPV=3,000)


45. House 47. Upper Market

Height: 10' Height: N/A
Dimensions: 20'x20' Dimensions: about 80'x90'
Levels: 1 Levels: 1
Occupants: Occupants: None
Encounters: Cantankerous Babbler

Lines of empty stalls are set up around the

This is yet another broken-down house. The perimeter of this square. Colorful banners are
grass is waist high around the building and some rolled up and stacked among stalls painted in
old, decayed furniture sits out in the front lawn. bright reds, blues and greens. The flagstones
here are cracked and blades of grass are starting
to poke up through them. A round stone
Cantankerous Babbler (HF 1, EP 65, Int 5, AL CN, AC 9, MV marked "Upper Sewer - Do Not Enter" lies in
12", HD 15 hp, SZ M, #AT 1, D 1-2, SA babbling SD nil
Hon: Ave, TOP: 8, Crit BSL: Def AC -4, FF 4, Ref HoB vol
the middle of the square.
1 p 39)

This house is unlocked and contains a simple bed, desk and a rock- This is where local merchants and farmers would congregate once
ing chair. The Babbler sits in the chair waiting for some luckless a year to sell their wares and products. For a month, this square
adventurers to come stumbling inside. He will immediately begin to would be busy with merchants and hawkers. Visitors would come
chastise them and follow them around. There is nothing else of value from many miles to purchase quality merchandise at a fair price. The
in the house. market would almost take on a carnival-like atmosphere. During the
rest of the year, it sits sad and empty. Since the events in the Valley,
the Upper Market has not been used at all.
Potential Yield:
• Cantankerous Babbler (EPV=65) 48. Lower Market
Height: N/A
46. Back Gate Dimensions: 100'x70'
Levels: 1
Height: 15'
Occupants: None
Dimensions: 10'x10'
Levels: 1
Mundanes: 4 soldiers on guard duty
More stalls surround this plaza, though not as
4 soldiers in reserve brightly colored or fancy as those in the Upper
Market. The stalls here are simple and
utilitarian, yet just as empty as those on the
This wooden gate is much like the one at the other side of the river. Dirty straw still lies out
other end of the town. The narrow opening over the stones here and the faint smell of
looks like it is made in such a way as to only let rotting vegetables permeates in the air. In the
one person in at a time. Currently the gate is middle of the square is a raised wooden
closed and a slit 5 feet above the ground is the platform.
only way to communicate to the guards on the
other side.
The Lower Market is where the townspeople gather year-round to
trade on the first of each month. It is not as extravagant as the Upper
Market and not as well maintained. Since the town has changed, by
This is the west entrance to the village for all traffic coming in from order of the "mayor" there have been no market days. The platform
the Valley. It too is merely a wooden gate that, when opened, allows in the middle of the plaza is used as a trading block during market
one person to pass at a time. However, since the strange events have and as a dais for the mayor when he needs it.
occurred in town, the Valley gate is normally closed. Two to four sol-
diers are stationed here with another four on call nearby in the office.
There is a small slit that opens when someone knocks on the gate.
Visitors will be interrogated fully before the gate is even opened and
then questioned again on the other side. One can definitely sense
that the city is not expecting any visitors from the Valley anymore and
would rather not see any for a long time.



Roof Fiend (HF 2, EP 120, Int 6, AL NE, AC 7, MV 9", HD
The brown waters of the river lap at the muddy 2+1, HP 29, SZ S, #AT 1-2, D 1d6-3/1d6-3 or boulder dam-
age, SA hurl debris, SD polymorph into inanimate object,
shore several feet down from the pavement. You Hon: low, TOP: 15, Crit BSL: Def AC +0, FF 6, Ref HoB vol
notice that the riverbanks are beginning to be 7 p 15)
overrun by tall reeds. Frogs leap in and out of HPs:
the water and a foul stink tries to keep you from
getting any closer. This area is home to a Roof Fiend living on an abandoned house
(40) as a weather vane during the day. It comes out at night to harass
pedestrians. Anyone that comes to its attention will be showered with
garbage and insults. This particular roof fiend was actually a pet of
Groin Leeches (4) (HF 0, EP 15, Int Non-, AL NE, AC 8, MV one of the doppelgangers that got loose and was eventually forgotten
3"/6" swim, HD 1-1, HP 25, SZT, #AT 1, D 1-3, SA blood about.
drain, SD nil, Hon: N/A, TOP: N/A, Crit BSL: Def AC -3, Area C
FFN/A, Ref HoB vol 4 p 79)
At night, these streets are the hunting grounds for the skulking car-
1) HPs: casses of the ruined thieves' guild. They will prey on anyone travel-
2) HPs: ing alone or in pairs.
3) HPs:
4) HPs:
An upper branch of the Wandering River flows through town. It First proposed about thirty years ago, the sewer system construc-
sluices through wooden grates at each end of the walls ana goes under tion actually did not begin until a little over ten years later. The
an impressive stone bridge in the center of town. The river is mainly mayor at the time decided to split it into two separate projects. As
used as a sewer and very little survives in the brown water with the the river was deep enough to block any attempt at connecting the
exception of groin leeches. The reeds grow about six feet high and entire town, the lower half of the river (and coincidentally, the half
cluster at many places along the bank. with the mayor's residence) was to be completed first, then soon fol-
lowed by the upper half of the river. Work was slow going. There
OUTSIDE ENCOUNTERS were labor disputes, bad soil and horrible weather slowing the project
down considerably. The upper half, in fact, remains incomplete to
Area A. this day. Drainage tunnels were never dug to the river from the upper
side, which now poses a serious threat as dangerous methane gas now
builds beneath the upper half of the town. Since work stopped on the
Cannibal Street Urchins (16) (HF 3, EP 120, Int 9, AL CE, AC project after the weird events started in the valley, creatures have
5, MV 9", HD 2, HP 22, SZ S, #AT 3, D 1/1/1-4, SA nil, moved into some of the tunnels making it even more dangerous to
SD regeneration, stealth, frail appearance, Hon: low, TOP: work.
11, Crit BSL: Def AC +0, FF 5, Ref HoB vol 8 p 46)
1). HPs: Lower Sewer
2). HPs:
The lower river sewer is older and fully functional. As it has prop-
3). HPs: er drainage and moderate ventilation, methane build up isn't much of
4). HPs: a problem here. There is a 1 in 20 chance each round that an open
5). HPs: flame exposed to the lower sewers causes a methane explosion doing
6). HPs: 2d20 damage to everyone in a 50-foot radius. Once an explosion
7). HPs: occurs, another one will not take place within a 30-foot radius of the
8). HPs: center of it for 1d3 hours. Also, there is a 1 in 10 chance of encoun-
9). HPs: tering a wandering creature every hour. Consult Table 5: Sewer
Encounters to determine the creature that is encountered.
10). HPs:
11). HPs:
12). HPs: Table 5: Sewer Encounters
13). HPs:
Roll Creature
14). HPs:
1 Rats, Sewer (5-500)
15). HPs: 2 Gophers, Sewer (1 -8)
16). HPs: 3 Ochre Jellies (1-3)
4 Leeches, Cistern (1 -4)
In these dark alleys and back streets run a pack of Cannibal Street
5 Rot Grubs (5-20)
Urchins. During the day, they appear as normal children sleeping in
doorways and in empty crates. However, after sunset, this part of 6 Cockroaches, Hair-lipped, Giant (2-20)
town becomes their hunting ground. They attack and eat anything 7 Culvert Fiends (1-6)
they come across. 8 Beetles, Giant Dung (4-20)

6) HPs:
Rats, Sewer (5-500) 8) HPs:
(HF 0, EP 6, Int 1, AL N(E), AC 7, MV 15"/12" swim, HD d4+3 9) HPs:
hp, SZ T, #AT 1, D 1d4-2, SA disease, SD nil, Hon: N/A, TOP: 2, 10) HPs:
Crit BSL: Def AC -4, FF 8, Ref HoB vol 6 p 113)
11) HPs:
Gophers, Sewer (I -8)
12) HPs:
(HF 3, EP 175, Int 5, AL N, AC 6, MV 9", HD 3+2, HP 30 ea.,
SZ M, #AT 3, D 1-4/1-4/1-6, SA 25% chance decapitation, SD 13) HPs:
smell, Hon: Ave, TOP: 15, Crit BSL: Def AC +1, FF 7, Ref HoB vol 14) HPs:
3 p 93) 15) HPs:
1) HPs: 16) HPs:
2) HPs:
17) HPs:
3) HPs: 18) HPs:
4) HPs:
19) HPs:
5) HPs: 20) HPs:
6) HPs:
7) HPs:
Culvert Fiends (I-6)
8) HPs:
(HF 1, EP 35, Int Non-, AL N, AC 6, MV 3", HD 1+2, HP 27
ea., SZ S, #AT 1, D 1-4, SA Blood Drain, SD nil, Hon: N/A, TOP:
Ochre Jellies (I-3) N/A, Crit BSL: Def AC -1, FF N/A, Ref HoB vol 2 p 46)
(HF 7, EP 270, Int 1, AL N, AC 8, MV 1", HD 3+3, HP 38 ea., 1) HPs:
SZ M-L, #AT 1, D 2-16, SA corrodes metal, SD immune to electric- 2) HPs:
ity, Hon: N/A, TOP: N/A, Crit BSL: Def AC +2, FF N/A, Ref HoB
vol 4 p 45) 3) HPs:

1) HPs: 4) HPs:
5) HPs:
2) HPs: 6) HPs:

3) HPs: Beetles, Giant Dung (4-20)

(HF 1, EP 35, Int Non, AL N, AC 4, MV 12", HD 2, HP 30 ea.,
SZ S, #AT 1, D 1-6, SA nil, SD nil, Hon: N/A, TOP: N/A, Crit BSL:
Leeches, Cistern (I-4) Def AC +0, FF N/A, Ref HoB vol 1 p 67)
(HF 1, EP 30, Int Non-, AL N, AC 10, MV 1", HD 1/2, HP 22 1) HPs:
ea., SZ T, #AT 1, D 1-4, SA disease, SD blending, Hon: N/A, TOP: 2) HPs:
N/A, Crit BSL: Def AC -4, FF N/A, Ref HoB vol 4 p 77) 3) HPs:
1) HPs: 4) HPs:
2) HPs: 5) HPs:
3) HPs: 6) HPs:
4) HPs: 7) HPs:
8) HPs:
Rot Grubs (5-20) 9) HPs:
(HF 0, EP 1, Int Non, AL N, AC 9, MV 1", HD 1-2 hp, SZ T, 10) HPs:
#AT 1, D 1, SA burrow to heart, SD nil Hon: N/A, TOP: N/A, Crit 11) HPs:
BSL: Def AC -4, FF N/A, Ref HoB vol 7 p 19)
12) HPs:
Cockroaches, Hair-lipped, Giant (2-20)
13) HPs:
(HF 3, EP 120, Int Non-, AL N, AC 6, MV 6", 6" Fly (D), HD 14) HPs:
2, HP 30 ea., SZ M, #AT 1, D 1-4, SA Cause Disease, SD nil, Hon:
N/A, TOP: N/A, Crit BSL: Def AC +0, FF N/A, Ref HoB vol 2 p 29 15) HPs:
1) HPs: 16) HPs:
2) HPs: 17) HPs:
3) HPs: 18) HPs:
4) HPs: 19) HPs:
5) HPs: 20) HPs:


SI. Lower Sewer Entrance The stench from this corridor alone is enough to make the faint of
heart (Con <10) pass out for a turn, if they fail a System Shock check.
In the murk lies a Latrine Ambusher waiting for anything to come
You see a large grate covering an entrance to a close to it. Should any adventurer be brave (or stupid) enough to go
searching through the waste after defeating it, he will find a large sap-
dark underground passage. Beyond the iron phire (worth 150 gp). Characters mucking about in the filth have a
bars, you can see a stairway carved into the rock base 29% chance of contracting a random disease (see page 22 of the
GMG, and adjust further for exposure conditions according to Table
heading into the earth. A foul stench emanates 10).
from below and a wooden sign hangs within the
entrance. Potential Yield:
• Slaying the Latrine Ambusher (EPV=120)
• Large Sapphire (GPV=150)

The sign says: East Entrance - Lower River Sewers - CAUTION -

NO OPEN FLAMES. The grate is locked with an excellent (-20%)
lock. The dust is thick at the entrance and there does not appear to
S3a. Bank Opening
be any sign of recent activity. The foul smell (as can be surmised by
the sign) is methane gas. The stairs go down 20 feet before leveling This passage slopes upwards and ends in a
out into a flat stretch of corridor. barred cistern, beyond which appears to be the
52. Entry Tunnel thick stone walls of a building.

The passage widens to about 20 feet here and The grate over the cistern has a superior (-40%) lock. Otherwise,
appears to have been lined with rock along the this would make a potentially devious entrance to the local banking
establishment (Building 38).
walls and floor. A single human corpse clad in
rusty armor lies here. Dried blood and S3b. Workshop Opening
scratches on the wall nearby shows evidence of
a struggle. The sloping passage ends in what appears to be
a cistern, beyond which is a dark room that
appears to be filled with various tools.
The body is what is left of an adventurer passing through town who
was hired to clean out the sewers. Unfortunately, he was a little over-
matched by a passing Creeping Horror and fell not 150 feet from the
entrance. His body sports large holes where chunks have been This passage ends at the bottom floor of the workshop (Building
removed for food. His weapons, armor and gear are all ruined by a 17).
combination of the fight and the moisture over the months. He does
have 50 gp and 93 sp in a pouch on his belt. S3c. Devil's Opening
Potential Yield:
• Coinage (GPV=59.3) A decayed body blocks the cistern opening at
the upper end of this passage.
S3. Collection Trough
Rot Grubs, Common (20) (HF 0, EP 1, Int Non, AL N, AC 9,
Three smaller passages converge here and sluice MV 1", HD 1-2 hp, SZT, #AT 1, D 1, SA burrow to heart,
waste towards the river. A thick stream of offal SD nil, Hon: N/A, TOP: N/A, Crit BSL: Def AC -4, FF
runs through this tunnel with passage along the N/A, Ref HoB vol 7 p 19)
wall wide enough for one person to stand on
The body is festering with Rot Grubs, put there to discourage any
either side. unwelcome surprises. Anyone getting past the Grubs must contend
with a grated opening and a superior (-40%) lock. Getting past these
things will grant passage to the cellar of the Devil's Playground
(Building 5).
Latrine Ambusher (HF 2, EP 120, Int 7, AL N, AC 7, MV
6"/12" swim, HD 2, HP 33, SZ M, #AT 3, D 1-4/1-4/1-6,
Potential Yield:
SA surprise, SD nil, Hon: Ave, TOP: 17, Crit BSL: Def AC • Slaying Rot Grubs (EPV=20)
+0, FF6, Ref HoB vol 4 p 75)


54. Murky Pool opening and weeds seem to have begun to grow
into the passage here.
This room is dominated by a large, murky pool
of waste that has collected in the center. A path
Witherweed (HF 10, EP 870, Int Non-, AL N, AC 8, MV Nil,
along the wall is visible, but looks slick. Rays of
HD 6, HP 52, SZ H, #AT 1-10 (per victim), D Nil, SA
light twinkle from a ceiling some 20 feet high. Dexterity drain, SD poisonous smoke Hon: N/A, TOP: N/A,
Crit BSL: Def AC +4, FF N/A, Ref HoB vol 8 p 90)
This is the last stop for all of the waste in the lower portion of the
sewers before being dumped through the exit sluice into the river.
The twinkling lights are from cisterns of other buildings (Dragon Bile The waste runs out here into the flowing river beyond through a
Tavern, Heralds and the Taxidermy). Anyone with rope and a grap- six-foot wide opening. The lack of a grate here lends a clue to the ori-
pling hook might be able to crawl up through these openings. gin of some of the animals wandering in the sewers. However, as of
Anyone searching the pool will come up with random garbage, but fate, Witherweed has started to grow around the opening attacking
might be lucky enough to find a fine ruby ring (worth 200 gp), with anything clumsy enough to disturb it.
a successful check against half his Wisdom.
Potential Yield:
Potential Yield: • Slaying Witherweed (EPV=870)
• Ruby Ring (GPV=200)
Locally known as the "Stinkpit", this project began and ended hor-
55. Creeper Lair ribly. In between it varied between terrible and awful. For some rea-
son, the soil on this side of the river proved to be more sandy than
expected and it became twice as hard to create a sewer system akin to
This very wide corridor begins to climb upwards that of the Lower Half. Rock was hauled from the other project to
shore up the walls in the Upper Sewer. Eventually, workers gave up
on a ramp. It is quite slippery and there are few digging and the project closed down without ever finishing a ventila-
handholds. There are also a lot of claw marks tion system or even an exit for all the waste to go. The result was a
nasty, half-put together sandy monstrosity.
cut into the walls, floor and ceiling. At the far
Because of this, the methane has grown to be a tremendous prob-
end of the tunnel, there is a pile of debris. lem. For every turn of open flame, roll a 1d6, on a 6, there is a
methane explosion doing 4d10 points of damage to everyone in 200
feet and a 50% chance that it will cause a cave-in (in a 30-foot radius)
for a like amount of damage. Once an explosion occurs, another one
Creeping Horror (2) (HF 2, EP 175, Int 5, AL CE, AC 3, MV will not take place within a 100-foot radius of the center of it for 1d2
9", HD 3, HP 34, 29, SZ M, #AT 5, D 1-6x4/1-8, SA nil, hours. There is no limit to the number of cave-ins, however, except
SD nil, Hon: Ave, TOP: 17, 15, Crit BSL: Def AC +2, FF 5, of course for the total area of the place. For wandering monsters, use
Ref HoB Vol 2 p 39) Table 5: Sewer Encounters, with encounters happening on a 1 in 6
chance every hour.
1) HPs: The first thing people notice upon entering the Upper Sewers is the
smell. It is MUCH more potent here and imposes a -2 penalty to
2) HPs: every attack, damage, and Ability check roll, as well as a 10% penal-
ty to each skill check roll, unless they can somehow guard against the
smell. Also, the floor here is less solid, the workers being content to
A couple of Creeping Horrors make their lair here underneath the let the sand sop up whatever garbage falls down into the sewers. It
cistern leading up to the Town Hall. They have made their nest out has turned all of the floors into a sticky, muddy mess with a tenden-
of garbage, scraps of clothes and a couple of unlucky adventurers. cy to coat everything it touches.
Inside the debris can be found a Dagger +2 and a Bowl of Watery
Death. Due to the incline of the ramp here and the slippery nature S7. Upper Sewer Entrance
of the waste, all attacks here are at a -2 unless adventurers have some
means of steady balance. The grate above the nest leads to the cellar
of the Town Hall and is locked with a superior (-40%) lock. Moving the round stone reveals an iron ladder
Potential Yield:
heading down into the darkness. A wooden sign
• Slaying Creeping Horrors (EPV=350) is posted near the top of the ladder. It reads
• Dagger +2 (EPV= 400) (GPV=2,400) "CAUTION- No Open Fires" in the common
• Bowl of Watery Death (EPV= 1,000) (GPV=2,000) tongue.

S6. Exit Sluice

The passage here is covered in graffiti in common and dwarvish, all
basically telling visitors to go away and save themselves. The mud is
The smell of fresh air rushes in through a large tracked with various animal marks and it is hard to separate any of
opening to the river. Tall reeds block most of the

S8. Main Collection Chamber SI0. Construction Room

The high ceiling here is pockmarked with light This room was evidently the last one to be
from.the openings of various cisterns in town. worked on, judging by the various now useless
All of them drop into a large pile of offal in the tools lying about. Rusty pick axes and shovels lay
middle of the room. From the look of some of on the muddy floor and the walls of the passage
the broken, useless weapons and armor, still show signs of digging. The ceiling is also
something else may be lurking in here as well. being braced in this room by a large wooden
beam, about three feet thick and five feet high.

Neo-Otyugh (HF 36, EP 4,000, Int 8, AL N(E), AC 0, MV 6",

HD 11, HP 67, SZ L, #AT 3, D 2-12/2-12/1-3, SA grab, dis- This room is slightly less muddy than the other rooms, however it
ease, SD never surprised, Hon: Ave, TOP: 34, Crit BSL: Def looks as though the wooden beam is rapidly deteriorating in the moist
AC +9, FF 6, Ref HoB vol 6 p 46) air. Two unfinished passages, originally meant to go to the river, lead
HPs: off from this one.

SI0a. Unfinished Passage #I

This is the collection room for the Broken Mug Tavern (Building The passage ends here unfinished. Through the
10), Clothes for the Road (Building 29) and the Library (Building wall you can hear the faint sounds of rushing
18). Anyone with a rope and hook, or a Levitate spell, might be able
to gain access to these buildings. This is also home to a very nasty water.
Neo-Otyugh. How it came to get into the Upper Sewers is a bit of a
mystery. Rumor has it that, while excavating the chamber, workers
opened a hole into a natural cavern. The constant, unsteady nature
of the sewers may have caved it in since then, though and no evidence The workers would probably kick themselves if they knew just how
that it once actually existed has been found. close they came to reaching the river. A good eight more hours of
There are 511 cp, 296 elp, 90 gp and 3 pp collected in the mess in hard digging is all that would be needed to open this tunnel to the
the middle that serves as the Neo-Otyugh's home. If approached, the river.
creature is more likely to attack than talk, as the lack of a continual
food source makes it perpetually hungry. SI0b. Unfinished Passage #2
Potential Yield: This unfinished tunnel stops at a sudden wall of
• Slaying the Neo-Otyugh (EPV=4,000)
• Coinage (GPV=278.5) rock.

S9. Sub-Collection Chamber This was a desperate attempt to reach the river by another means,
when the foreman became convinced that the first passage would not
make it. There was argument about whether someone had copied the
The ceiling in this room is lower due to a small coordinates wrong, but this second passage was also abandoned along
ramp needed to climb to get here. Ten feet up with the rest of the upper sewer project.
are the openings to a couple of other cisterns.
There is a large pile of waste underneath the O UTSIDE THE TOWN
openings. Adventurers should be dissuaded from pressing on into the Valley
without dealing with the residents of the town first. If things really
get desperate, introduce the Stickypaws character and let them in on
the plot in an effort to keep them in town. However, should that fail,
This room opens to the Fighter's Guild and the Perfume Shop. use Table 6: Random Monsters of the Valley. Every eight hours there
Both of these have grates over the cistern with a good lock on each is a 1 in 10 chance of a random encounter
(0% modifier to open locks checks). A thorough search of the offal
in this room reveals a Bolt of Skewering +5. R ANDOM M ONSTERS OF THE V ALLEY
Potential Yield: Mosquitos, Ravenous (25)
• Bolt of Skewering +5 (EPV=100) (GPV=500) (HF 1, EP 1, Int Non-, AL N, AC 8, MV 6", HD 1 HP 25, SZ T,
#AT 1, D 1, SA nil, SD nil, Hon: N/A, TOP: N/A, Crit BSL: Def
AC -2, FF N/A, Ref HoB vol 5 p 46)
1). HPs:
2). HPs:
3). HPs:

4). HPs:
5). HPs: Table 6: Random Monsters of the Valley
6). HPs: Roll Monster
7). HPs: 1-21 Mosquitos, Ravenous (25)
8). HPs: 21-25 Magus Tick
9). HPs: 26-32 Xill Raiders (3)
10). HPs: 33-34 Jabbervock,Vile
11). HPs: 35-40 Phantom, Fog
12). HPs: 4 1 -45 Treant, Undead
13). HPs: 46-65 Pigs, Blood (1-8)
14). HPs: 66-78 Armored Foliage Creepers ( 1 -6)
15). HPs: 79-94 Frogs, Killer (3- 18)
16). HPs: 95-100 Grappling Thrashers (1-6)
17). HPs:
18). HPs:
19). HPs:
20). HPs: Treant, Undead
21). HPs: (HF 23, EP 9,000, Int 12, AL CE, AC 1, MV 6", HD 7, HP 59,
22). HPs: SZ H, #AT 1, D 2-16, SA animate undead plants, SD never sur-
23). HPs: prised, Hon: Ave, TOP: N/A, Crit BSL: Def AC +5, FF N/A, Ref
24). HPs: HoB vol 8 p 18)
25). HPs: HPs:

Magus Tick
(HF 0, EP 0, Int Non-, AL N, AC 3, MV 1", HD 1 hp, SZ T, #AT Pigs, Blood (I-8)
1, D spell drain, SA nil, SD nil, Hon: N/A, TOP: N/A, Crit BSL: Def
AC N/A, FF N/A, Ref HoB vol 6 p 57) (HF 2, EP 120, Int 4, AL N, AC 8, MV 15", HD 3, HP 34 ea.,
HPs: SZ M, #AT 1, D 1-10, SA Nil, SD Nil, Hon: Ave, TOP: 17, Crit
BSL: Def AC +1, FF 4, Ref HoB vol 6 p 71)
1). HPs:
Xill Raiders (3)
(HF 24, EP 1,100, Int 11, AL LE, AC 0, MV 15", HD 5, HP 45 2). HPs:
ea., SZ M, #AT 4, D 1-4/1-4/1-4/1-4, SA +3 to hit, SD paralyzing
venom, Hon: Ave, TOP: 23, Crit BSL: Def AC +6, FF 4, Ref HoB 3). HPs:
vol 8 p 107)
1). HPs: 4). HPs:

2). HPs: 5). HPs:

3). HPs: 6). HPs:

The Xills are part of the Dark Army forming in the Valley. They 7). HPs:
are they same as the Xills listed in the HoB, except that they cannot
Plane Shift out of the Valley and find themselves stuck in the Prime 8). HPs:
Material Plane. (For more about the Dark Army, consult the other
adventures in this series).
Jabbervock,Vile Armored Foliage Creepers (I-6)
(HF 21, EP 6,200, Int 6, AL CE, AC 2, MV 15", HD 10+1, HP
(HF 9, EP 975, Int 2, AL N, AC 3, MV 6", HD 4, HP 35 ea., SZ
74, SZ L, #AT 4, D 2-12/2-12/1-8/3-18+venom, SA venom, fear, SD M, #AT 2-8, D 1-4+4, SA strangulation, SD camouflage, Hon: N/A,
surprised on 1 in 10, Hon: Ave, TOP: 37, Crit BSL: Def AC +8, FF TOP: N/A, Crit BSL: Def AC +2, FF 5, Ref HoB vol 1 p 31)
6, Ref HoB vol 4 p 37)
1). HPs:
2). HPs:

3). HPs:
Phantom, Fog 4). HPs:
(HF 3, EP 4,000, Int Avg, AL NE, AC 0, MV 9", HD 7, HP 54,
SZ L, #AT 1, D 1-10, SA smothering, SD incorporeal, Hon: N/A, 5). HPs:
TOP: N/A, Crit BSL: Def AC +5, FF N/A, Ref HoB vol 6 p 65)
HPs: 6). HPs:


Frogs, Killer (3-I8) Equipment of Note: club, one bottle of 100 year old Orluian Mead
His Story: Biv owns the Red Room Inn and serves as the bartender
(HF 1, EP 35, Int Non, AL N, AC 8, MV 6"/12"swim, HD 1+4,
for the small tavern located inside. He bought the inn about thirty
HP 26 ea., SZ S, #AT 3, D 1d-2/1d4-2/2-5, SA Nil, SD Nil, Hon:
years ago and the stress of inn ownership has worn him down. Where
N/A, TOP: 13, Crit BSL: Def AC +0, FF 9, Ref HoB vol 3 p 39)
once stood a full head of red hair, now only a few gray strands remain.
1) HPs: The infestation of the Giant Tavern Lice has been the last straw. At
some point, he means to sell the inn, but has not found a buyer so far.
2) HPs:
He is still jovial and polite to customers, though the people who know
3) HPs: him well have seen the change.
4) HPs: His Part: Biv is currently under the influence of the Doppelgangers.
He will drop a couple of hints that Fred's Resting Place has been let-
5) HPs: ting all kinds of unsavory characters stay there.
6) HPs:
7) HPs: Boris Falstead, Barfly, 0-level human male (D)
8) HPs: Str 7/61 HP 25
9) HPs: Dex 5/53 +H/+D -1/-2
10) HPs: Con 15/17 AC 11
11) HPs:
Int 7/71
Wis 9/64
12) HPs:
Cha 11/33 Hon Ave
13) HPs: Com 8/94 AL N
14) HPs: Equipment of Note: dagger, smelly clothes, mule
15) HPs: His Story: Boris once was a wealthy merchant who did business up
and down the valley. However, he ended up losing all of his fortune
16) HPs: on a dawgfight at Aster. He now has retreated to Rumarok to live out
17) HPs: the rest of his days at the bar with what money he can beg, borrow,
or steal from others. His best friend is Kregor Thurnsdale and the
18) HPs: two are inseparable, probably because they have led similar lives.
His Part: Boris has been told by Tod to make up stories about
Grappling Thrashers (I-6) Drek's and demon worship. Tod wanted him to hint at it, but given
Boris' already dim wits and frequent alcohol use, he is not very sub-
(HF 12, EP 980, Int 4, AL CN, AC 5, MV 6", HD 5, HP 50 ea., tle. Still, for the service, Tod supplies Boris with free beer.
SZ M, #AT 2, D 1-10/1-10, SA Mind Blast/tree control, SD +2 or
better edged weapons to hit, Hon: Ave, TOP: N/A, Crit BSL: Def AC
+3, FF N/A, Ref HoB vol 3 p 99) Breela Farliss, Bartender, elf female 2nd level
1) HPs: fighter (V)
Str 13/73 HP 25
2) HPs: Dex 12/05 +H/+D + 1/+1
Con 12/80 AC 9 (8 buckler)
3) HPs: Int 8/92
Wis 6/75
4) HPs: Cha 12/98 Hon Great Honor
Com 10/42 AL LG
5) HPs: Equipment of Note: longsword, dagger, buckler, Ring of
Her Story: Breela, the owner of Broken Mug Tavern, was original-
6) HPs: ly from Rumarok. When she was younger, she traveled the valley and
eventually did some adventuring with a small party out of Aster. Not
enjoying the life that much, she returned to her home and opened a
tavern. She enjoys good business and likes it much better than adven-
turing. She has had a crush on Doric the Apprentice Blacksmith since
N OTABLE P ERSONALITIES he was a child, although she is a good 50 years older than him.
Her Part: She has certainly seen some crazy things in the past sev-
Biv Darley, Innkeeper, 0-level human male (D) eral months in town. Probably most disturbing are the disappear-
ances that the fake mayor and his gang refuse to talk about. Also, all
Str 13/66 HP 24 efforts to find out what happened to her latest ale shipment have been
Dex 14/26 +H/+D +1/+1 met by stalling and stonewalling from City Hall.
Con 16/63 AC 8
Int 13/48
Wis 4/63
Cha 13/18 Hon Ave
Com 8/53 AL N

Crazy Earl, human male 4th level fighter has been acting very strangely and was told that something happened
to the mayor. Now Darek doesn't trust Jor and goes out of his way to
Str 5/66 HP 28 avoid him. Darek has built up a small group of guards who have also
Dex 10/35 +H/+D -21-4 noticed the change in their commanding officer. These guards are
Con 9/13 AC 9 loyal to Darek and would probably support him if he turned against
Int 8/05 the new powers in town, once the group gathers the strength they
Wis 13/64
Cha 10/91 Hon Dishonorable
Com 8/99 AL CN
Dorie Hammerhand, Apprentice, 0-level human
Equipment of Note: club male (V)
His Story: Earl has seen too much. He is a veteran adventurer who Str 14/82 HP 24
decided to take a break from the business after experiencing a mental Dex 9/71 +H/+D +1/+2
breakdown. Moving to Rumarok to recoup, he had no idea that Con 16/74 AC 9
adventure would find him again and produce him the final episode
that would drive him into madness. He now lives in his house sub- Int 7/86
sisting on bugs and rainwater. He will attack the first thing he sees. Wis 9/16
His Part: Earl really doesn't have much of a part. He just likes Cha 7/99 Hon Ave
screaming about demons and blobs of gray jelly. Com 15/93 AL LG
Equipment of Note: blacksmithing tools, leather apron
Cyrus One-eye,Taxidermist, gnome male 5th His Story: Dorie was shipped off by his family at the age of 10 and
level berserker (D) grew up under the teaching of the Iron Duke, a distant uncle, ever
since. He has served his master well for over 20 years and is planning
Str 16/04 HP 54 to take over the business from him after he retires. He is a handsome
Dex 8/52 +H/+D +2/+4 man and the heartthrob of many of the town's younger women.
Con 12/63 AC 7 His Part: Dorie spends most of his time at the blacksmith's, but die
few times he has gone out for drinks it is at the Broken Mug. Breela
Int 8/61 has told him of her suspicions that the mayor is now a fake.
Wis 8/82
Cha 9/99 Hon Dishonorable Drek Shornsword, Bartender, human male I st
Com 12/95 AL N level bard (V)
Equipment of Note: battleaxe (in quarters), studded leather
His Story: Cyrus always thought that he would die in battle. He Str 8/73 HP 23
comes from a long line of berserkers and was hoping to continue the Dex 8/61 +H/+D -1/-1
family curse. Alas, it was not meant to be. While on an adventure, Con 11/64 AC 9
Cyrus became convinced that there was a better life for him, a quieter Int 13/76
life. He decided to go into the only other field he knew — taxidermy. Wis 5/84
Though his rage still gets the better of him once in a while, he enjoys
this life much better. Cha 12/74 Hon Dishonorable
His Part: The fake mayor, in return for his support, has given Com 8/41 AL CN
Cyrus an Animal Mimic. He instructs the gnome that unruly cus- Equipment of Note: short sword, out-of-tune lute, coin purse with
tomers and other enemies will "Magically Disappear" should they 20 gp
touch the stuffed animal. His Story: Drek has had a miserable life. He started out as an
adventurer, but ended up the lone survivor on his first campaign.
Darek Firgard, Quartermaster, human male Later, he tried to open a string of insurance stores, but quickly lost his
shirt in the business, not to mention all of his investor's money. Now,
3rd level fighter (V) he is the owner of Drek's, a run-down tavern in an out-of-the-way vil-
lage. Happy in his simple misery, Drek welcomed the addition of the
Str 14/64 HP 46 Vengeful Troubadour O'Kilin.
Dex 9/71 +H/+D + 1/+2 His Part: Drek, in his ever downward-spiraling life, has been told
Con 10/86 AC 5 that the fake mayor has proclaimed all of the taverns, except for the
Int 13/11 Dragon's Bile, off limits to the guard. He suspects that something is
Wis 8/68 going on in City Hall, but is too lazy and depressed to do anything
about it.
Cha 9/08 Hon Ave
Com 9/08 AL NG
Equipment of Note: bastard sword, chain mail, ledger
Erik Swinkler, Moneychanger, half-elf male 2nd
His Story: After a long stint serving at Frandor's Keep, Darek made level thief (D)
his way to the village of Rumarok and was assigned a post. After sev- Str 9/99 HP 28
eral years, he moved into the prestigious position of quartermaster. Dex 14/75 +H/+D 0/-1 (+1/+0 dagger)
He takes his job very seriously and guards all of his items with his life.
Some say that he has spent too much time in the armory, but the Con 7/78 AC 8
Captain would not have it any other way. Int 12/10
His Part: Darek has always been a womanizer and used to spend Wis 15/31
his free time (what little there was) at the local brothel. Since it has Cha 11/52 Hon Ave
changed management, he has noticed that his commanding officer Com 10/90 AL NG

Equipment of Note: short sword, Dagger +1, hidden coin pouch Equipment of Note: dagger hidden in bodice, pouch with tips 20
with 50 pp and a diamond (worth 400 gp) cp, 3 sp, and 1 gp
His Story: Erik was once a successful thief who decided to get out Her Story: Farah, a simple country gal, left her home to come to
of the game early while he could still enjoy life. Upon a recommen- the "big city" and find a job. She found one straight off at the Red
dation from his brother, he opened up a moneychanger's shop in Room Inn. She is very pretty and draws a moderate amount of busi-
Rumarok. He runs an honest business and keeps his retirement ness to the inn's tavern. She is, however, neither wise nor experienced.
money away from the town and prying eyes. Several times she has been swept off her feet by an adventurer passing
His Part: Always keeping an ear out for information, Erik has through town, only to return after finding out that life was much
heard about strange things going on at the brothel. Weird lights at more pleasant in the village.
night and all of the disappearances have him spooked. He doesn't like Her Part: She doesn't know much of what is going on (as usual),
to say too much about what is going on. but goes along with her boss that there are odd things happening with
Fred's Resting Place.
Farah, Serving Girl, 0-level human female (D)
Father Mascus, Priest of Thor, human male 5th
Str 13/60 HP 24
level cleric
Dex 8/93 +H/+D +1/+1
Con 17/74 AC 9 Str 17/71 HP 56
Dex 10/41 +H/+D +2/+5 (+5/+8 warhammer)
Int 13/87
Wis 6/08
Con 16/93 AC 5/6/7
Int 11/70
Cha 4/83 Hon Ave
Wis 14/88
Com 16/18 AL N
Cha 11/14 Hon Dishonorable
Com 9/45 AL CE
Equipment of Note: holy book, Warhammer +3, Ring of called "The Snoring Mule". After the owner died, Fred took over and
Invisibility re-named the business hoping to attract more customers. It didn't
His Story: The local cleric of Thor, Mascus used to be well thought work, but Fred works contently with few worries about the future.
of in the area. He made annual pilgrimages to Aster to pay his His Part: Fred knows that the Red Room Inn is trying to put him
respects at the temple there. He would help adventurers when they out of business by spreading lies about his clientele. He also knows
needed it and he always gave assitance to the poor. However, during that Biv is good friends with the mayor and that the two may be
his last pilgrimage, he was witness to something most terrible at the involved somehow.
citadel. Horrors beyond his imagination haunted his dreams as he
hurried to get back to his beloved church. Unfortunately, he was bit-
ten by a Were-badger on the way and is now cursed with lycanthropy. Harwood Blocker, Sheriff, human male 4th
The disease has affected his mind so that he can't remember as much level fighter (D)
as he used to, though luckily he did keep a journal. Recently, he
helped to corrupt a young paladin, Claude, from an adventuring Str 11/69 HP 53
party that came through not too long ago. The paladin became a Dex 16/22 +H/+D 0/0 (+3/0 crossbow)
Death Knight and Mascus officially became evil. He now worships Con 14/74 AC 4
the ever-present Yi'Gor and keeps a shrine to him in the crypt of the
church. Int 9/13
His Part: Mascus has gone beyond the plans of both sides in town Wis 13/61
and is playing for a whole different team altogether (Yi'Gor). Cha 10/47 Hon Ave
However, he will not reveal the plans of the other evil beings in town. Com 11/55 AL NG
Instead, he will try to lead adventurers to their doom by sending them
to the Herb Shop or the Workshop. There is also a 15% chance that Equipment of Note: heavy crossbow, scimitar, brigandine armor,
they will catch him in one of his "rages". He will lock himself in his jail keys, pouch with 40 gp
quarters during these, but if he is disturbed, he will attack whoever is His Story: Harwood is a huge man with a long handlebar mous-
nearby. tache. He arrived from Krandaneer about five years ago and took
over for the previous sheriff, who disappeared one night in pursuit of
a criminal on the road to Hero Falls. Harwood runs a tight outfit and
Ferd Karlsen, Private Citizen, human male 0 loves to lock people up for apparently no reason. He also keeps
meticulous records of everyone he has put in jail in the hopes of
Str 6/73 HP 21 maybe using it for political leverage the day he decides to run for
Dex 8/73 +H/+D -2/-3 mayor.
Con 9/82 AC 9 His Part: When people first began disappearing, Harwood did his
Int 13/85 best to find out what was behind it all. And then he stumbled upon
Wis 17/51 a bit of the truth - something evil is living in the brothel. The fake
mayor has reigned him in, telling him that he has appealed to higher
Cha 13/58 Hon Avg authorities who are "on their way as we speak". The fake mayor hopes
Com 15/63 AL N to use this excuse to string him along as long as possible, though he
Equipment of Note: club, pouch with 25 cp and 2 sp expects that eventually he will need to make Harwood disappear as
His Story: Ferd has the unfortunate position of being one of the
only people in town who is not affiliated with either evil side and not
being able to do anything about it. He spends his life barricaded in Hendrick Longarm, Owner, 0-level gnomeling
his house until "it passes". He will attack any intruders until he
knows for sure that they are not fighting for either side. Ferd doesn't male (V)
know too much, just that the mayor's office doesn't appear to be nor- Str 12/94 HP 22
mal and that something "hideous" lives in the brothel. If asked, he
would rather not join an adventuring party and is afraid to leave the Dex 9/42 +H/+D 0/+1
confines of his house. Once the evil has been dispelled, he plans to Con 11/28 AC 9
move back to the citadel where it is safer. Int 16/50
His Part: Nothing whatsoever. Luckily no one knows about him Wis 8/94
and everyone has, so far, left his home alone. Ferd used to work at Cha 7/60 Hon Ave
the Bowyers until his boss disappeared. He knows nothing else.
Com 12/52 AL LG
Equipment of Note: club, unfinished map of the Valley, pouch
Fred Firelak, Innkeeper, 0-level human male (V) with dice and 4 sp
Str 13/21 HP 22 His Story: Brother to Kear'n, Hendrick has taken over the provi-
Dex 10/97 +H/+D + 1/+1 (0/0 crossbow) sions store after the former owner, Jonus, disappeared recently. He is
new at running the business as he was only the shop's housekeeper up
Con 3/96 AC 9 until now, and frequently makes mistakes. He doesn't know how to
Int 7/59 go about ordering new merchandise so the store is always low on sup-
Wis 16/15 plies. Whenever he sells an item, roll percentile dice. On 1-25, he
undercharges, on 26-75 he charges properly, on 76-100 he over-
Cha 15/95 Hon Avg charges. He is not aware of these discrepancies.
Com 9/73 AL NG His Part: Hendrick doesn't know too much, but, according to his
Equipment of Note: short sword, light crossbow, pouch of 2 pp, 38 sister, strange things have been going on at City Hall. A friend of a
gp and 90 sp friend has seen bodies being smuggled in the middle of the night to
His Story: Fred runs Fred's Resting Place with his son, Ari. Fred is the butcher shop.
a mild-mannered man running a mediocre business, but happy
nonetheless. He moved with his son from one of the outlying farms
after it burned down one summer and helped run the former inn

Henry the Baker, 0-level human male His Part: The Iron Duke has heard various rumors about the things
going on in town, but doesn't pay too much attention to them. He
Str 11/19 HP 24 enjoys his time at the forge and tries not to go out anymore. He no
Dex 11/46 +H/+D 0/0 longer meets with Jor for drinks, convinced that the dwarf has
Con 8/23 AC 9 become obsessed with a mutinous plot in which the Duke wants no
Int 11/17 part.
Wis 8/42
Cha 12/61 Hon Ave Jacques the Trader, human male 3rd level thief
Com 6/60 AL NG Str 11/83 HP 31
Equipment of Note: club, half-eaten donut, stained recipe cards Dex 13/52 +H/+D 0/0
His Story: Henry's wide girth is a testament to his love of both bak- Con 13/02 AC8
ing and eating. He is up every morning before the sun rises and does- Int 9/66
n't go home until after dark. Over the past few months, he has
learned where not to walk after dark and will tell those who want to Wis 8/62
know what streets to avoid. Cha 12/40 Hon Dishonorable
His Part: No one has really gotten around to telling Henry much. Com 13/02 AL N
The only thing he knows is to keep away from certain alleys at night Equipment of Note: 3 daggers, long sword, pouch with 2 rubies
because there are "some strange kids living in there". (worth 500 gp each)
His Story: Once a swindler in Arz, Jacques took as much as he
Hibald Plinkins, Deputy Mayor, 0-lvl half-elf male could carry and left one step ahead of the law. Finding an opportu-
nity in Rumarok, he sold his trinkets and other ill-gotten goods to
Str 16/06 HP 24 start his business. Due to his checkered past, he asks very little of his
Dex 7/22 +H/+D +2/+4 (+5/+7 dagger) customers and prefers that they do the same.
Con 14/43 AC 11 His Part: Jacques, always on the look out for a good bargain, has
Int 11/25 noticed that many of the houses have become vacant. He doesn't have
an opinion either way about what's going on; he just doesn't break into
Wis 10/14 houses anymore after stumbling upon one with Huge Spiders in it.
Cha 10/30 Hon Dishonorable
Com 12/85 AL NE
Equipment of Note: rags - though he has hidden a Dagger +3 and
Jasper Spearson, Butcher, 0-level human male
a Brooch of Shielding in his room Str 14/80 HP 22
His Story: The son of a rich and powerful duke, Hibald had aspi- Dex 14/01 +H/+D + 1/+2
rations of filling his father's shoes when he was old enough. However, Con 13/54 AC 9
things began to go downhill after his father remarried and willed Int 4/77
everything to his new family. Hibald, sad and ruined, came upon
Rumarok where he decided to make a fresh start. Working alongside Wis 4/11
the former Deputy Mayor, Hibald made a name for himself through Cha 9/91 Hon Dishonorable
treachery and politics. He soon got his predecessor in trouble (he left Com 8/29 AL CE
town) and quickly took over the position, but the fake mayor impris- Equipment of Note: cleaver, bloody clothes, severed thumb
oned Hibald. Now he regrets ever being born and would do anything
to be freed from prison. His Story: Jasper's story is one of a man who loved his job too
much. Once a humble butcher in the town, he delighted in slaugh-
His Part: He has deluded himself into thinking that the mayor is tering animals and preparing the meat to be sold. Maybe it was the
somehow responsible for his imprisonment and that the man in the years of dedicated work, or perhaps the fact that he "accidentally"
cell with him is only the mayor's double. He plans on killing both killed his assistant one day and discovered he enjoyed the experience
mayors as soon as he is freed. immensely, but his mind just snapped like a Mastodon on a rope.
Now he enjoys slaughtering all kinds of things — pigs, cows, cus-
Iron Duke McKraken, Blacksmith, human male tomers....
His Part: Jasper has truly lost it and the fake mayor is taking advan-
4th level fighter tage of it by sending those who oppose him to be slaughtered by the
Str 10/22 HP 43 large man. Many abductions have been made and delivered to Jasper,
Dex 13/72 +H/+D 0/0 who incidentally has no idea what's going on and is not even aware
that he is being set up to dispose of people for the fake mayor.
Con 6/78 AC 9
Int 8/80
Wis 8/01 Jor Hammerhand, Captain of the Guard, dwarf
Cha 7/87 Hon Ave male 6th level fighter (D)
Com 8/40 AL LN Str 13/73 HP 47
Equipment of Note: hammer, blacksmith tools, book on strategy Dex 11/16 +H/+D +1/+1 (0/0 longbow)
His Story: The Iron Duke was an adventurer in his glory days serv- Con 13/63 AC 5
ing alongside seasoned veterans in the Great Orkin Reprisal. Leading
a company, Iron Duke made a name for himself (literally) and became Int 11/06
a minor hero. Afterwards, he found that his age had begun to catch Wis 12/78
up with him and he settled in the town of Rumarok and became a Cha 12/98 Hon Ave
humble blacksmith. He began teaching a young man with promise Com 9/42 AL N
to take over the business after he dies. Tired of the fame, he enjoys
the anonymity of life in the valley.
Equipment of Note: long bow, bardiche, chain mail, Ring of Kear'n Longarm, Serving Wench, 0-level
Protection +3
gnomeling female (V)
His Story: Jor is also a veteran of the Great Orkin Reprisals and
hates Orcs with a white-hot passion. He has spent his entire career Str 10/70 HP 24
traveling from post to post in the service of the army. This is his last Dex 9/83 +H/+D 0/0
assignment before retirement. He enjoys days of drilling the new
recruits and swapping stories with the Iron Duke. Known as a good Con 8/69 AC 9
leader, Jor would not hesitate to defend his men to his last breath. Int 16/12
His Part: Recently, Jor has been troubled by rumors told to him by Wis 10/41
the fake deputy mayor saying that a possible mutiny may be happen- Cha 11/76 Hon Ave
ing. Soldiers who talk about City Hall in any but a respectful tone Com 10/86 AL NG
are to be sent to the Mayor's Office unarmed for "punishment". He
has been told that the new brothel may have something to do with it Equipment of Note: club, pouch with 31 cp
and that his own quartermaster may be behind the mutiny. Her Story: Sister to Hendrick, Kear'n had always wanted to be a
wench. She helped out her mother when she used to work at the
Dragon's Bile and then, when she was old enough, came to work for
Kala Primsole, Wench, elf female 2nd lvl bard (V) Breela at the Broken Mug Tavern. She is of moderate looks, but
Str 11/03 HP 27 enjoys it when the male patrons flirt with her and considers it part of
the job.
Dex 12/13 +H/+D 0/0
Her Part: She agrees with her boss that something is up in City
Con 11/17 AC 9 Hall, but is too timid to do anything about it.
Int 11/87
Wis 10/72 Kip Ulter (V), Mucker, 0-level human male (V)
Cha 7/40 Hon Ave
Str 10/11 HP 20
Com 9/00 AL N
Dex 9/85 +H/+D 0/0
Equipment of Note: 2 daggers, short sword, playing cards, pouch
with 55 gp and 38 sp Con 11/65 AC 9
Her Story: Kala has always seen herself as a hard-luck case. There Int 8/00
was a time she was attracted to Drek, though that has long since Wis 7/13
faded. She longs for the day to be released from her dreadful job. Cha 10/02 Hon Ave
Deep down, she believes herself to be cursed for leaving her family
and joining an adventuring band. After she was almost slaughtered Com 11/25 AL NG
by an Insidious Stalker, she decided to rest a while in Rumarok and Equipment of Note: knife, pitchfork
do some wenching on the side. However, like all of her other deci- His Story: Poor Kip was an orphan living on the streets when
sions, it has been a nightmare. Depressed and miserable, she looks to Pigeon took him under his wing. At first, Kip enjoyed the feeling of
any outsiders to spirit her away from here. being useful and having a job, but after a couple years, he is begin-
Her Part: Too wound up in her own affairs to notice anything too ning to show signs of rebellion and wanting to leave. Kip and Pigeon
troubling outside the door, Kala knows only what Drek tells her do not speak to each other much as a result of a practical joke which
about his suspicions of the Red Room Inn. went awry not too long ago involving a bucket, a door, and some
horse dung.
His Part: Kip has noticed that Pigeon has spent a lot of his time
Karagar, High Priest to Benyar, half-orc 4th talking about the mayor and how wonderful he is. In Kip's normally
level cleric rebellious way, he went about finding things wrong and stumbled
upon Valoma, who has promised him release from his job soon if he
Str 10/31 HP 41 keeps an eye on Pigeon for her.
Dex 11/94 +H/+D 0/0
Con 8/78 AC 9 Kregor Thurnsdale, Barfly, 0-level human male
Int 12/72
Wis 15/50
Str 6/48 HP 24
Cha 12/10 Hon Ave
Dex 10/62 +H/+D -2/-3
Com 11/16 AL NG
Con 12/34 AC 9
Equipment of Note: mace, holy book, holy symbol of Benyar
Int 5/19
His Story: Karagar left his tribe at an early age and tried to spend
his youth on the streets of Fangaerie. Ridiculed and cast out from Wis 9/12
everything he tried to join, Karagar eventually stumbled upon the Cha 6/59 Hon Dishonorable
Church of Benyar and was taken in by a kindly old cleric. Spending Com 9/83 AL N
the next several years, Karagar eventually became ordained and began Equipment of Note: walking stick, leather mug
running small services for half-orcs and half-ogres. He is currently
serving his "mission" assignment in the valley and waits for the day he His Story: Kregor used to be a farmer not too far from town. He
can return to his tribe and "show them the way". hated his life, his wife and his profession. In order to make it more
His Part: Noticing the strange things that have been happening bearable, he would sneak into town once a week to have drinks with
his friend Boris. Then, it became twice a week, then every day, and
lately has gotten Karagar a little curious. He has always had rivals now he never leaves. He and Boris are content to let life slip by them
within the Church of Odin and is afraid that they may be behind the as they sit and drink themselves into an early grave.
disappearances in town.
His Part: Like Boris, he is promised free beer to talk about demons
and prostitutes.


Maggie Ferndale, Owner, 0-lvl human female (D) Her Part: Neela has seen many things in her life, one of which has
been a Sedusa. She knows for a fact that one lives in the brothel and
Str 8/77 HP 26 has a feeling that it may have something to do with the strange events
Dex 11/21 +H/+D -1/-1 in town.
Con 11/74 AC 9
Int 14/87 Old Lady Frieda, Medium, 0-level human
Wis 7/82 female (V)
Cha 10/93 Ron Too Much Honor
Str 8/74 HP 25
Com 10/83 AL LG
Dex 10/09 +H/+D -1/-1
Equipment of Note: dagger, pouch with 41 sp, 12 gp and 1 pp
Con 11/38 AC 9
Her Story: The Ferndales have owned the perfume shop for a cou-
ple of generations and Maggie is the last. She never married and now Int 12/92
she is well into her autumn years. She is an expert on musks, oils and Wis 16/05
scents. Recently, she has read things about a new science called "aro- Cha 13/94 Hon Ave
matology" and has become a whole-hearted supporter. Every cus-
tomer that comes in is given a long-winded dissertation about the Com 10/19 AL CG
benefits of aromatology. Equipment of Note: Crystal Ball (fake), tarot cards, dagger
Her Part: Maggie doesn't spend too much time outside of her store, Her Story: Gifted from an early age (after being kicked in the head
but knows that something happened over at the Herb Shop and she by a mule), Frieda began her career with a traveling carnival that
is afraid that the new brothel has something to do with it. Actually, toured the valley. Her powers to "divine the future" made her famous
she has no proof; she just doesn't like the brothel in general. on the Seer circuit until the day the carnival went out of business.
Following her spirit guide "Ralph's" advice, she set up shop in the vil-
lage fifty years ago and has run her mediocre business ever since.
Nate Brimgen, Artist, 0-level half-elf male Though she does have a slight knack to see into the near future, her
visions have become clouded and disjointed. She speaks in riddles
Str 12/82 HP 25 and nonsense, sometimes driving away customers.
Dex 8/12 +H/+D 0/+1 Her Part: Though she has a limited psychic ability, she doesn't serve
Con 11/95 AC 9 much of a purpose to anyone. However, Valoma has thrown a cou-
Int 10/47 ple of rumors her way about the butcher shop.
Wis 9/84
Cha 9/62 Hon Avg Pendrick Thornmount, Armorer, 0-level dwarf
Com 6/04 AL NG male (D)
Equipment of Note: club, paints, easel
Str 11/97 HP 24
His Story: A half-elf from Farzey, Nate had always loved painting.
When he was a teenager, he attended a tournament and was Dex 13/51 +H/+D 0/0
impressed by all of the different heraldry. While there, painting por- Con 14/04 AC 9
traits for money, he was asked to put together a last minute design for Int 7/85
an entrant posing as a knight. That moment guided his destiny. Ever Wis 6/85
since then, he has put together crests for new adventuring parties and
has made a good deal of money doing so, as his charges climb ever Cha 10/42 Hon Ave
upward to match his increasing skill. Com 6/64 AL CN
His Part: Nate has noticed a decline in customers lately, but does Equipment of Note: blacksmith tools, warhammer, pouch with 52
not know why. He has noticed the lack of new supplies and that the gp and 10 pp
"mayor" has been acting a little strange and seems obsessed with the His Story: Once the armorer for the 155th Stout Cavalry, Pendrick
new brothel. left the service to try to make some coin. He is a perfectionist when
it comes to making armor and he likes taking his time. Simple repair
Neela, Wench, 0-level elf female (D) jobs take twice as long and ordering a suit of armor to be made may
take years. He is also very strict with his assistants and has gone
Str 12/92 HP 24 through many of them as a result.
Dex 14/91 +H/+D 0/+1 His Part: Pendrick never really liked the real mayor, until recently.
Con 14/36 AC 8 Since the change, the new mayor has given him suits of armor to sell.
At first, he thought this was an insult as an armorer; however, he has
Int 12/21 come to profit by the situation and now supports the new mayor
Wis 5/98 completely.
Cha 11/82 Hon Avg
Com 14/31 AL N Pierre Longshanks, Clothier, human male 0
Equipment of Note: knife, Ring of Cloaking
Str 8/57 HP 23
Her Story: Neela is the head wench at the Dragon's Bile. Once the
wife of a farmer, she left after he died and came to town looking for Dex 9/23 +H/+D -1/-1
a job. She started as a dishwasher at the tavern and married the owner Con 7/86 AC 9
eighty years ago. Since then, she has worked her way up to Head Int 9/25
Wench (outliving the competition also helped). She takes no guff Wis 13/61
from any customer and, though her looks are beginning to fade, she
still turns heads. Cha 10/87 Hon Avg
Com 7/96 AL N

Equipment of Note: knife, pincushion, silk clothes Sid Claybone, Potter, 0-level human male
His Story: Pierre always loved fashion from an early age growing up Str 9/83 HP 23
in Arz. He attended the annual fashion shows and worked in many
high-end boutiques. His dream was to be a designer of adventurer Dex 16/88 +H/+D 0/-1
fashion ("an untapped market", he would say). However, his years in Con 5/96 AC 6
the clothing industry have brought him to the town of Rumarok Int 14/54
where he runs his shop. Still blinded by his dream, he will always
make suggestions to customers and even model some of his creations. Wis 7/94
His Part: Pierre is a little too obsessed with his art to notice the Cha 10/57 Hon Ave
events going on around him. Com 9/42 AL NG
Equipment of Note: club, clay, pouch with 12 sp
Pigeon Surefoot (D), Stablemaster, 0-level His Story: Sid's story is rather dull. His father was a potter as was
his father before him. He has inherited the store and loves making
human male (D) clay pots and plates for sale. Sid doesn't think of anything else except
Str 6/50 HP 24 for things that can be made of clay. Sid is a little weird.
Dex 8/88 +H/+D -2/-3 His Part: None really. He hears strange things from the Tanners,
but has never checked it out.
Con 7/96 AC 9
Int 9/74
Wis 6/34 Theron Skragg, Mayor, human male 3rd level
Cha 14/72 Hon Ave cavalier
Com 12/99 AL N Str 15/72 HP 44
Equipment of Note: dagger, jug of Gut Bruiser Dex 15/97 +H/+D + 1/+3 (+5/+7 khopesh)
His Story: Having grown up on a farm in the valley, Pigeon loved Con 15/59 AC 8
horses. He would train them and break in wild mustangs. However, Int 10/31
Pigeon was also a drunk and soon was thrown out by his family. He
made his way to Rumarok and has found himself in charge of the Wis 10/52
local stable. Pigeon is still a drunk and takes out most of his rage on Cha 15/41 Hon Ave
Kip, but he still knows a great deal about horses. Com 13/70 AL N
His Part: Pigeon always liked the mayor and recently the fake Equipment of Note: rags, but has hidden a Khopesh +4 and a
mayor has seemed to appreciate the friendship a little more. The fake Cube of Opulent Lodging (Model II)
mayor now drops off horses to be sold to visitors and has told Pigeon
His Story: Theron was always a favorite in the town. Growing up,
to pocket the money. He also warned him about strange goings on at
he was the town's all-star darts champion, taking his team to district
the brothel. finals. He was very charismatic and pleasant to be around. Then he
became mayor and all changed. Weary of the stresses from the job,
Sendrick Redrage,Thief, half-elf male 4th level Theron retreated into himself and rarely left City Hall. His father set
up an arranged marriage with the daughter of a mayor from another
thief (D) village outside of the valley. Theron was very much unprepared for
Str 11/51 HP 35 what was to come and the Doppelganger that would assume his iden-
tity. Sitting in his own prison for several months has finally shown
Dex 14/80 +H/+D 0/0 Theron what a failure he had become. Should the events warrant, he
Con 8/97 AC 8 would gladly jump at the opportunity to start his life anew as the
Int 11/41 happy, charismatic man he had once been.
Wis 8/07 His Part: The Doppelgangers are plenty pleased to keep the mayor
Cha 5/18 Hon Dishonorable locked away. Should they have to leave, they can release him and let
him take the fall. At one time he was looked upon as "dinner" should
Com 10/28 AL LE prey start to become scarce, though that now seems unlikely.
Equipment of Note: 2 daggers (tipped with Class O poison), heavy
cloak, pouch with 34 sp
His Story: Sendrick was the party thief to an adventuring band sev-
Thordin Brighteye, Jeweler, 0-level dwarf male
eral years ago. Turning on them in the middle of the adventure for Str 12/40 HP 22
an opportunity to make off with some valuable treasure, he ran and Dex 8/77 +H/+D 0/+1 (+3/+4 dagger)
never looked back. After arriving in Rumarok, he was pleasantly sur-
prised to find a small guild run by three thieves. He immediately Con 13/05 AC 9
joined to be amongst his brethren, but soon he began to hate them Int 13/43
more than he hated his adventuring party. He constantly sought the Wis 12/92
opportunity to take the guild's funds and leave, but that day never Cha 10/86 Hon Ave
came, and now he is enslaved to the creatures that have taken over. If
given the chance, he will lie to join an adventuring party and then Com 9/53 AL NG
turn on them when the opportunity is right. Equipment of Note: Dagger +3, Eyes of Minute Seeing
His Part: When the evil took over the brothel, the three other His Story: Thordin came to town several decades ago and figured
thieves went there and never came back. At first, Sendrick was joy- that he would find a good market to sell the gems ana ores collected
ous at the fact that he could run the guild himself, but when the three by his brethren. Thordin loves gems and can talk all day on the sub-
actually did return, they were undead and he found himself their pris- ject. His prices are fair and he has a good eye when it comes to
oner. Obviously, he knows something is wrong at the brothel, but is appraisal.
powerless to do anything about it.

His Part: The fake mayor approached him a month ago and tried
to get him to sell a funny looking rock (actually a Mineral Mimic), MUNDANES
but Thordin refused as he could not identify it and therefore did not
want to sell it. Ever since, he has been on the fake mayor's black list Guards
and will probably be next to visit the "butchers".
(0-level human male) Str 12/37, Dex 14/87, Con 11/53, Int 9/01,
Wis 10/44, Cha 7/08, Com 10/50, AL LN, AC 5, HP 23, #AT 1,
Tod Slingin, Bartender, 0-lvl human male(D) studded leather armor, buckler, long bow, long sword
Str 10/46 HP 23 Wenches
Dex 8/95 +H/+D 0/0
Con 12/12 AC 9 (0-level human female) Str 10/42, Dex 12/78, Con 10/33, Int
8/10, Wis 11/91, Cha 13/15, Com 13/61, AL NG, AC 9, HP 21,
Int 10/52 #AT 1, knife
Wis 8/27
Cha 15/82 Hon Dishonorable
Com 13/94 AL NE (0-level human female) Str 11/06, Dex 10/15, Con 13/42, Int
Equipment of Note: club, pouch with 39 sp and 31 gp 7/12, Wis 10/09, Cha 12/45, Com 15/18, AL N, AC 10, HP 23,
#AT 1, dagger, club
His Story: Brash, pushy and loud are good words to describe the
owner of the Dragon's Bile Tavern. He is a bully at heart and will Bouncers
always take advantage of those weaker than himself. He sees Breela as (0-level human male) Str 16/11, Dex 12/79, Con 15/32, Int
direct competition and has tried everything from sabotage to black- 10/53, Wis 9/07, Cha 10/82, Com 8/13, AL LN, AC 7, HP 23, #AT
mail to ruin her business. He failed every time and is now content to 1, club, leather armor
have a truce between the two taverns (though he will still bad-mouth
the establishment and its owner at every opportunity). Soldiers
His Part: The fake mayor gave him a bottle of very special brew (a (0-level human male) Str 12/33, Dex 9/85, Con 16/38, Int 12/30,
Tasty Beverage Mimic) to give to people he finds threatening to the Wis 7/83, Cha 10/72, Com 12/33, AL LN, AC 5, HP 25, #AT 1,
town. In return, the fake mayor allows his guards to patron his tav- scale mail, buckler, long sword, awl pike
ern exclusively.
(0-level human male/female) Str 11/10, Dex 12/18, Con 10/76,
Will Howard, Owner, 0-level human male Int 9/88, Wis 9/53, Cha 8/46, Com 12/30, AL NG, AC 9, HP 22,
Str 13/20 HP 21 #AT 1, job related instruments
Dex 9/75 +H/+D+1/+1 Boys
Con 9/40 AC 9
(0-level human male) Str 6/55, Dex 12/83, Con 11/13, Int 8/01,
Int 5/41 Wis 5/87, Cha 5/19, Com 11/21, AL NG, AC 9, HP 15, #AT 1
Wis 10/04
Cha 16/93
Com 5/62
Hon Ave
Equipment of Note: dagger, pouch with 89 cp and 3 sp Valoma's story is one of treachery, heartache and just run-of-the-
mill bad luck. Valoma comes from a particularly warm side of the
His Story: Will has led a very boring life, though is very knowl- Abyss. She was Head Succubus for the minions of Dread, Prince of
edgeable when it comes to horses and leatherworking. His saddles are the Undead. Not particularly fond of her job or her boss, she spent
above par and can bring in very handsome prices in the big cities. a lot of time combing the netherworlds for new opportunities. It was
His Part: Will has been ignored by the two major factions and he then that she fell for Prince Murgan, who decided to help her by
has so far not noticed anything strange in town. promising a position on his staff if she would betray her master.
Falling in love with him instantly and the fact that she would do any-
thing for him sealed the deal. However, all of Valoma's good inten-
Wilma Skragg, Mayor's Wife, 0-level human tions were for naught as Murgan betrayed Valoma after Uthbos Evaar
female stumbled across Murgan's plan and threatened to reveal them to
Dread. Valoma thought it best to hide out on the Prime Material
Str 14/73 HP 25 Plane and found the perfect opportunity to flee when a portal
Dex 9/23 +H/+D + 1/+2 appeared leading to Garweeze Wurld. She took two of her Sedusa ser-
Con 11/31 AC 9 vants with her to aid in her plans and keep her entertained. They
Int 15/80 arrived at the Citadel and quickly moved out as she found it to be
chaotic and crowded with all sorts of weird creatures. Eventually, they
Wis 4/72 found the town of Rumarok and decided to make it their base of
Cha 7/30 Hon Ave operations.
Com 15/70 AL NG
Equipment of Note: rags
Her Story: Wilma, the daughter of the mayor of a small village to
the north, was wed to the mayor in an arranged marriage when she As the Doppelgangers' names are unpronounceable, the
was only 16. She doesn't really like her husband, but finds herself DoppelMaster will be referred to as Father and the Doppelgangers as
loyal and willing to do anything to protect him for fear of an Brother and Sister (though the three are not related in reality).
unknown life elsewhere. Father, a lord back in the doppel-verse, was very good at what he did.
Her Part: She is merely a background figure, though she has At the height of his power, he ruled several kingdoms through a hand-
noticed that the creature who has taken her form seems to be in con- ful of intermediaries. Unfortunately, he finally met his downfall at
trol of the other two. the hands of another Master, one much older and more skillful than
he. In order to save his skin (so to speak), he, his steed and two of his
most trusted servants, fled through a mysterious rift which opened they will direct characters to check out the General Provision shop or
suddenly. They found themselves in Garweeze Wurld, delighted in the Weaponsmiths in detail.
their luck. Father immediately began tasking the others to scout the
land and look for a new place where he could begin his rule. This
eventually led them to Rumarok where they arrived posing as very
rich merchants. They easily over took the mayor, his deputy and wife. Like the initial reaction at the (D) taverns, locals regard the PCs
Father, ever skillful in the ways of subterfuge, took the form of the with suspicion and contempt. They will be especially hostile if one of
wife in case Brother (the mayor) had to be betrayed in the future. them mentions that, "The mayor sent me." Otherwise, they will not
Father gave his steed to the local stable keeper with instructions to sell tell the PCs anything (unless they utter Valoma's code words - see
it and then began handing out some of his other belongings in an below). Any shows of violence will bring in the city guard (the ones
effort to turn the town into a doppel-version of his own world. Sister loyal to Darek) and they will be imprisoned in the armory instead of
came across a roaming DoppelMeister one day and brought it to City Hall.
town. At present, Father is trying to open a gate locally so it will be Also, as the characters are exploring, they will begin to notice (with
easier to take over the region, but has been unsuccessful thus far. He successful Intelligence checks) that they are being followed by an
is currently going through every book on the subject he comes across orange and black cat. The cat will flee should the party make a move
and has thought about bringing in some outside help in the form of to get close or draw weapons. It cannot be coaxed or spoken with,
magic-users. though some (with a successful Wisdom check) will note that it
appears to be more intelligent than a normal cat and seems to under-
stand what the party is saying.
Should the PCs ignore the guard's suggestion to visit City Hall first
When the characters first arrive in town, they find that the locals and instead run into one of the shops or taverns influenced by the
do not say much to them. There is an aura of sorrow and paranoia, demon, they will be immediately met by one of the prostitutes bear-
but no one steps up and says what they know. The characters have to ing a sealed message. It is a formal invitation to the brothel. Should
earn their trust one deed at a time. The two antagonists definitely the PCs end up going to the brothel on their own, so much the bet-
have nothing to do with the new arrivals. They spend their time ter. Once there, they will be shown to one of the sitting rooms where
watching and manipulating them from behind the scenes. No
amount of cajoling or threats the characters make will bring out the
bosses until "The Line" (below).


Should the characters follow the instructions of the guards at the
front gate to check in at city hall, they will find a small reception com-
mittee waiting for them. The PCs will be ushered into a first floor
office. One clerk will sit behind a desk and ask the characters (one at
a time) detailed questions such as: where they are going, where they
are from, and what are their professions. If asked, their inquiries are
merely a routine procedure. They will be given recommendations on
where to stay (Red Room Inn) and where to eat (Dragon's Bile
Tavern). Also, they will be told to specifically tell people that, "The
Mayor sent them." (However, ONLY to the places they are directed
to stay or eat at). They will let the other minion townspeople handle
the rest. None of the guards or the clerks will make any mention of
weird things going on in town and, if asked, will flat out deny any


If the characters either head here first or if they come after being
directed by someone, the people inhabiting these places with a (D) or
(V) after them will behave in similar ways. At first, the characters will
be ignored, if not looked down upon. Small talk in the tavern will
center around the harvests and the weather. Most inquiries will result
in simple shrugs or cold stares. They will not break down until the
"code-words" are mentioned or something out of the ordinary hap-
pens (i.e. large amounts of money are flashed, someone loses an eye,
etc). Then the characters will be directed towards one of the monster-
inhabited buildings (for example, the bowyer's or the tannery) to
check them out.
Should the characters survive this first "test", they will be told that
the owners of certain stores mysteriously vanished one night after
going to the brothel. They will be unwilling to reveal any more of the
puzzle "lest foul ears should turn their attention our way." If pushed,

they will be pampered (if there are female PCs, the brothel does have
a male prostitute or two). They will then be met by one of the "I thought maybe it was going to be turned into
Sedusas who will take them into a back room for a little talk. She tells an inn, but you can imagine my surprise and
them that if they want good service in town, to go to specified taverns
first (such as the Broken Mug Tavern or Fred's Resting Place) and to disgust when I found out that it was going to be
tell them that, "I don't trust City Hall." The Sedusa will say little another brothel, bigger than the first one! I tried
more other than the "real" power in the town lies with Valoma.
The characters will be treated as described in the Doppelganger dis-
sending my guards to close the place down, but
cussion until the code phrase is uttered. Then, for those that have some ended up just using the place for their own
direct dealings with Valoma, this is the signal that the PCs can be pleasures. Ever since, I have heard of ugly things
trusted (to a degree). For others who have merely concluded that
something is up with City Hall, this will endear the PCs slightly and that go on inside those doors. There have been
open them up to potentially give more information. They will be strange lights at night and rumors of ...
merely told mat something is odd with the buildings that contain
monsters and they should be checked out. demonic worship are on everyone's lips. I fear
Similar to the Doppelganger situation, the PCs (having survived) something foul has taken over and something
will be told that these shops had owners who had dealings with City must be done about it."
Hall. Then they will be sent to check out places like the Thieves'
Guild and the Armorers.

THE SHOPS AND TAVERNS (D) The "mayor" will offer a grand reward (anything your players will
Much as described above, the PCs will be treated poorly while on believe) and ask for the characters to investigate the brothel thor-
Doppelganger turf. Any fights that break out will be stopped by the oughly. Because the "mayor" has ESP, he can offer the PCs their most
guards loyal to Jor and the perpetrators will be imprisoned in the heartfelt desires and give them motivation enough to follow through,
holding cells beneath City Hall. Also, during this phase, they will even convincing them he can actually deliver (just don't promise arti-
notice (as above) that they are being followed by an orange and black facts or million-gold piece diamonds!).
cat. The cat will not come anywhere close to the PCs and will flee
should they begin to show aggression. However, those studying the Valoma
cat will notice that there appears to be an intelligence to its movement After being convinced that the true nature of the problems are
and behavior. coming from City Hall. The PCs will be invited back to a meeting
with Valoma herself.
By this point, the characters should definitely feel that there is
something going on in town. Even if they visited City Hall and later As you wait in the sitting room, a sudden
received an invitation to visit the brothel, they will be treated the warmth fills the air and you turn instinctively to
same. So long as the wrong code phrase is not said in the wrong the door. Standing there dressed in a sheer
place, both antagonists will believe that the PCs are working for them
until they get this far. By the time they have actually confronted the black dress cut to her upper thighs is Valoma.
other side's minions, it means that the PCs are ready to meet their The firelight dances hypnotically in her eyes and
"bosses" so-to-speak.
you are captivated by her beauty. Her
The Doppelgangers raven-dark hair spills down her back and she
After finding out that perhaps the source of the strangeness in town practically glides across the floor.
is coming from the brothel, the PCs will be summoned to City Hall.
There they will finally meet the "mayor" and are told the following:
"Thank you for coming," she says in a deep,
sultry voice, "I knew you would help us in our
"All has been peaceful here in Rumarok ever darkest hour. My name is Valoma and my sisters
since I can remember. However, one night, not and I come from a land far from here to the
too long ago, the local brothel, the Seven Sisters, west. It was a land of magic and beauty, though
burnt down, killing several workers and patrons now it is gone. An evil wizard and his brothers
inside. At first, I was joyous because I never destroyed my land and my people. I swore on
really liked the idea of that going on in my town my life that I would pursue them to the ends of
and it burning down was a vindication of my the world. Every few years, my sisters and I
beliefs. However, not a week later, I saw that it move from town to town looking for clues to
was being rebuilt. After trying to get some this wizard's whereabouts. Well, after many
details about who bought the place, I found out decades, I have found him here, in this town. He
nothing except a woman named 'Valoma' and calls himself the mayor, though I doubt that the
her two younger sisters had acquired it. people really know who he is. Apparently he has
Polymorphed himself into the former mayor's
likeness, as his brothers have done as well. One


has become the deputy mayor and the other the missions under our belt before coming to this
mayor's wife. These evil beings must be stopped gawd-forsaken town.
before they corrupt another land. I am will give
you your heart's desire to help me vanquish him "Something has happened in this Valley,
and his kin, for I must have justice after all these something very evil. We arrived here about a
years." month ago and it was how you see it now - torn
by forces the locals don't seem to be able to
comprehend. On one hand there is the mayor,
Using ESP, Valoma will offer the PCs their fondest wish. She will though he is not really the mayor and on the
not reveal any more information about her past or the details about
the "wizard" as everything is just a lie. Valoma tells the characters that other is some woman calling herself Valoma,
the real mayor can be found in the bowels of City Hall. He must be though she is no woman. The paladin in our
rescued and the fake mayor killed before the PCs can collect their
reward. If the player characters are still not convinced she attempts party, Claude, fell in love with her in fact. Strange
to use her at will Charm Person power to persuade them. that, a good-hearted being seduced by
something so evil. As we began to uncover the
THE SINKER evil in this town, Claude began acting funny and,
The characters should not need any more prompting to face the as we were about to confront the forces, he
terrible evils that lie behind the brothel and City Hall. However, after betrayed us and killed our magic-user. We
final plans are set into motion, but before they actually set out to slay
the enemy, they may run into one last character, especially if the GM dragged him to the church here and tried to
feels they need some help. make him throw himself upon the mercy of his
Wherever the PCs are getting prepared (as long as it is outside of deity before we went into battle; though we
the brothel and City Hall) the strange orange and Hack cat will make
another appearance. discovered that the church is now a conduit of
whatever is corrupting the valley. Claude was
killed and then reborn into a Death Knight.
You turn and see a familiar creature. The black Willens, our fighter and Frenzy, our ranger, took
and orange cat that had followed you earlier off deeper into the valley to see if they could
now stands in the doorway staring at you. Its tail reverse what happened to Claude. I tried to get
flicks back and forth impatiently as it draws near away, but was caught by Valoma and turned into
and jumps up onto a chair. this creature you see before you now.

You must know that you are heading for a trap.

Stickypaws Some of what you have been told about the
Formerly known as Stickyfingers, the thief-turned-cat is desperate mayor and about the brothel is true. However,
to be turned back to normal. Though he is a thief by profession, he you should know that you will be destroyed
is honorable and does what he promises. However, he is also a bit of
a coward and hates being a cat. After determining that the PCs are upon succeeding in your mission. You must be
the right sort to help him out, he will reveal himself (carefully) and let prepared to face two evils, not one.
them in on what is really happening in town (if they haven't figured
it out already). Assuming the PCs haven't tried to kill it by now,
Stickypaws will introduce himself. If the cat ends up on the business "The mayor is really a Doppelganger, as are his
end of a sword wielded by an overly enthusiastic adventurer, the party wife and deputy. Valoma is a Succubus and her
will have to discover the truth behind the conspiracy the hard way.
Otherwise, he reveals the following: 'sisters' are Sedusas. So prepare thyselves
mighty warriors, the fight that lies ahead of you
will be tough. But I will give you something that
Suddenly, the words, "You are in danger," come will help."
out of the cat's mouth.

Before anyone can respond, he continues, "My Stickypaws will lead them to a spot behind the church where a box
name is...or rather was, Stickypaws. I was a . . . is buried. Inside the box are 5 Potions of Extra-healing and a Stone
of Good Luck. He will not fight with the PCs, but will help them
box-man . . . a thief, part of the adventuring party gather information and serve as a distraction.
called the 'Funbunch from Fangaerie'. We were Though he will not engage in combat directly, he will aid the char-
very good at what we did and had several acters in any other way. After the PCs defeat the evil forces, he will
tell them of a great wizard, Samuel Shamham, who moved into the

deserted "experimental" park near Hero Falls. The wizard is Other Plotlines
Stickypaws' only hope at becoming normal again. He also hopes to
find out what happened to his other two colleagues who took off in The following is a list of some of the other sub-plots that can run
that direction much earlier. Stickypaws will promise the PCs a fan- concurrently with the campaign in town:
tastic reward should they be successful. He will lead them to half of
a treasure map (he only knows that it is located in the citadel) and
swears to give them the other half after he is made normal again. The I. Mutiny of the Armory- Garrison
other half he memorized and can redraw once he gets his fingers back
in his proper form. Quartermaster Darek Firgard against
Stickypaws (cat, small: domestic) (HF 0, EP 7, Int 11, AL NG, Jor Hammerhand
AC 6, MV 9", HD 2-8hp, HP 4, SZ S, #AT 3, D 1-2/1-2/1, Should things start getting out of hand (i.e. PCs being arrested for
SA rear claw rake 1-2 SD speed boost (18") Hon: great, no good reason), Darek will lead his men to take over the armory. Jor
TOP: 2, Crit BSL: Def AC -4, FF 2, Ref HoB vol 1 p 112) will take his followers and try to storm it. Needless to say, this will
HPs: cause much commotion (and possibly a distraction). Neither of the
evil factions will interfere in the battle until one side is victorious.


Should the adventurers decide to leave the town, go back to civi-
lization (to train, heal, etc) and then return: Should Jasper not be discovered until late in the adventure, it might
be a good idea to let him bust into a crowded tavern and cause some
chaos. Or, for those more patient GMs, have the PCs discover the
After about a month, the fog will take over the town, making it murdered bodies and begin an investigation.
difficult to determine time of day. There will also be many
more disappearances (minor NPCs who are not integral to
the storyline). Feel free to also add creatures by rolling on the 3. "You're not the real mayor!"
City/Town Encounter Matrix to reflect the progress of evil. If the jailed mayor, deputy mayor and mayor's wife are discovered
Give the party a feeling that they made a BIG mistake in leav- and freed, the deputy mayor, in a fit of paranoid insanity, will attempt
to convince the PCs that both mayors are fakes and need to be killed.
ing and things have progressively gotten worse because of it. He has convinced himself that the mayor imprisoned with him is
another Doppelganger sent to spy on him and will offer anything the
Should someone decide to use a Detect Evil spell while in the town: PCs ask for help to "off" him.
Anyone who casts a Detect Evil spell will automatically faint for
1d6 hours. After they come to, they will relate to the party 4. Battle of the Inns
that "everything" is evil: the buildings, the people, the very
Both of the inns have had it in with the other since even before the
soil. The two evil forces in town, combined with the plane-
madness began. Now that they have real reasons to distrust each
warping energies that brought so many things here have so other, they are starting to do something about it. Manipulating the
much influence in the area, that it has polluted the environ- tavern crowds, each tries to enlist help to sabotage the other estab-
ment and made it difficult to sort the good guys from the bad lishment. They will especially love for PCs to get in on the act and
guys using a low-level spell. help them out.

A FTERMATH 5. Law and Order

Harwood is having a heck of a time policing the town. He is very
Should the adventurers be successful in destroying the evil forces in desperate to enlist the help of strangers to get his police work done.
town, the rest of the villagers will suddenly awake as if from a dream. Should they offer or agree, the PCs will be made deputies and given
The mayor (should he live) will be extremely grateful to the PCs and errands to run for the sheriff's office. Some of these are menial
will reward them with a tidy sum of up to 10,000 gp (from his mys- ("check the warehouse for a spare set of manacles") to downright out-
teriously bloated treasury) plus a plot of land in town. Where the PCs rageous ("collect the back taxes from the following businesses').
go from here is up to them. They can decide to move further in the
valley and investigate the mystery behind the recent events, or they
could take their money and go elsewhere.
If they decide to keep going into the Valley, Rumarok can serve as
6.The Deal with the Sewers
a reasonable base of operations (unless of course, the adventurers If the adventurers haven't done so already, the mayor will gladly pay
decided to burn some bridges). someone to go back into the sewer tunnels and clear out any danger-
ous creatures so that work may once again resume.



Town of Rumarok
2 2 46 2 2 2 2

24 10
18 26
25 30
2 34 2

6a 6

2 2

2 31

8 28 48 33
2 27

22 21 20 13
37 A 17 16 C 11

5 9 39
18 2
41 43

2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2
sewer entrance


Sewers of Rumarok

8 9

10 7

a b

a b c

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© Copyright 2004 Kenzer and Company. All Rights Reserved. Hackmaster is a registered trademark of Kenzer and Company. The HackMaster logo, The Temple of Existential Evil,
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What's the matter friend? Are you tired of the The only way to find out is to enter this desolate
endless adventures fighting Orc after Orc only to place and explore the town of Rumarok, which sits
be rewarded by a hot bath and a hearty slap on the just at the head of the valley. Like the Valley itself,
back from the local noble? One will find that Rumarok was once a cheery place, though it too
Garweeze Wurld™ is a far more dangerous and seems to have fallen into misfortune. What possi-
rewarding place than that. ble things lie in wait for the careless or the curious
There is a valley few know about and even fewer to come about? There is only one way to find out,
have ever been to. Once, it was a place where the friend. Enter the Valley and walk the Road to Aster.
hermits and powerful magic-users went to be First stop...Rumarok!
alone. It has been said to be a place of wonder and Be sure to check out for a
beauty beyond the imagination. Something has hap- free web enhancement that provides game rules for
pened recently, and it has not been good. Dark this adventure for use with D20 system games.
armies are said to be on the move now from some-
where deep within the valley, perhaps from the
citadel of Aster.

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