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Power Legion Rules Updated Oct 2014

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EDITED BY Mark Ryan and terrence miltner.
CHISENA, DIEGO RICCITELLI, diego at La Tana, tim brown, Jeremy Bernhardt,
mark kitching, mark gacy, THE SONG OF BLADES YAHOO! and FACEBOOK GROUPs.


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character profile
Every hero or villain is described by a
Introduction name, a point cost, four attributes
To play, you need miniatures, (M.A.S.K. or Mind, Agility, Strength,
polyhedral dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, Knockout), and a few Traits. Here’s
d20), scenery, and three measuring an example:
sticks labeled Short (S), Medium (M)
and Long (L). These are used for all Arachnoid (614 points)
ranges and measurements. Use the d8 d10 d10 d10
following lengths: Traits: Acrobat, Danger Sense, Clinging d12,
Entangle d12, Swinglines d10
Short 75mm
Name The character’s name, with
Medium 120mm the point cost in parentheses. The
cost is a measure of his power level.
Long 180mm In a typical game, a player has 2500
points to build a team. Playing at
The game is designed for two players, higher totals is possible.
each running his own team of villains Mind (M) is used for mental
or heroes. Using a third player as an powers, intelligence, senses, and
impartial judge and scenario designer magic. A high Mind makes you a
is advisable but not essential. Playing better tactician, lets you see through
with more participants arranged in two illusions, spot hidden enemies, and
sides or alternating around the table resist mind control.
with random die rolls or a card draw is
also possible. Agility (A) is a measure of the
character’s speed, dexterity and
Abilities are graded by die
fighting skill in melee and ranged
type. The higher the NUMBER combat. Agile heroes have better
of sides on a die, the more
powerful an ability. chances of landing a blow or
dodging one.

d4 d6 d8 d10 d12 d20

Strength (S) measures the hero’s maximum allowed in the game,
physical power and ability to deal the resistance die is lowered by 1
damage in hand-to-hand. instead.
Example: a hero with d20 Strength
Knockout (K)measures the hits a robot with d10 Knockout. He
punishment the character can take gets a +1 bonus because the attack is
before being knocked out. a power blow. Since his Strength
cannot go beyond d20, the robot’s
Traits are powers, skills, or Knockout is lowered to d8.
weaknesses. Most come in levels, No die can rise above d20 or be
graded by die type. The higher the lowered below d4.
die, the better. The die is used to
calculate range, damage, area Here are some examples and
affected, etc.

Tricks are special stunts that the

character can perform with a power.
Typically, a Trick works at one lower Silver Paladin (962 points)
die type than the power used. See the
d6 d10 d8 d10
power descriptions for examples. Shield/Device d12, Armor d4 (Kevlar
costume), Acrobat, Weapon Master d12,
an Ace is a card which allows a Tactics d12, Leadership d20, Danger
Sense, Ranged Damage/Device (thrown
character to perform a special move shield, d8)
once per game. Ace cards are at the
end of the book. Each character may
have only one Ace card.

The dice system

Supers are created by spending
points from a budget. Abilities are
graded by a die type. The higher the
die, the more powerful the ability. If
an action has a modifier, it is
always a shift of die type.
Example: if you shoot at a target in
cover (-1 modifier) and your Agility is d8,
you perform the attack at d6. This is
written as -1 on Agility.
If modifiers raise a die above d20, the

General power level
d4 Normal human weaponS
d6 Trained human, soldier, athlete
d4 Knife, short sword, club, sai
d8 Peak of human training, ninja,
d6 Sword, spear, bow, pistol
special forces, secret agent, street
d8 Rifle, laser pistol, grenade
level hero
d10 Laser rifle, tripod mounted MG
d10 Superhuman: a human
d12 Light spaceship gun
modified by radiation, magic,
d20 Ultimate destruction device
mutation, super-serum, experiment
d12 Monster, peak of superhuman
mind level
d20 Godlike or cosmic entity d4 Normal human
d6 Bright individual, detective
d8 Genius, maximum human I.Q.
d10 Superhuman intelligence
d12 Super-scientist
d20 Planet-wide A.I., cosmic mind

Agent Silk Spider

653 points
d6 d8 d6 d8
Stealth d10,
Marksman d10,
Ranged damage
d6/Device (pistol),
Blast d6 (stun
Night Vision,
Entangle d6,
1 x Gadget d8,

Agility level rabbit. If your hero can bend steel with his
bare hands, shrug off bullets, read minds,
d4 Normal human
and fly; he is in this category. His abilities are
d6 Athlete
clearly beyond the possibilities of the
d8 Olympic athlete
strongest athlete.
d10 Powered human
d12 Uncanny agility COSMIC beings
d20 Faster than light These are gods, extra-dimensional entities,
supreme sorcerers, ultra powerful beings
Strength level that fly at the speed of light, walk through
the core of stars, or perceive the sound of a
d4 Lifting up to 200 lbs
leaf falling on the other side of a planet.
d6 Lifting up to 400 lbs
These characters often have powers at d12
d8 Lifting up to 1000 lbs
or d20.
d10 Lifting up to 4 tons
d12 Lifting up to 20 tons
d20 Lifting 100+ tons
Darkflare - 800 points
armor level
d4 d12 d8 d12
d4 Chainmail, leather Force Field d12,
Ranged Damage d12
d6 Plate, Kevlar vest (Cosmic Energy),
d8 Combat Dress Flight d20
d10 Tank armor
d12 Power armor
d20 Spaceship

STREET heroes
A street hero is an athletic vigilante
with excellent training, a detective
with gadgets or minor psi, a well
trained ninja, a weapon expert, or a
mutant with minor powers.

SUPER humans
Superhumans are mutants, or
enhanced humans/aliens who
received their powers through
exposure to radiations, super-
soldier formulas, or freak accidents
like being bitten by a radioactive
Design Philosophy Basic Rules
Power Legion is designed to re-fight
battles from superhero media on a INitiative
tabletop. It focuses on recreating At the beginning of the game, both
supers and telling a story, not teams roll a Contest using their
exploiting the point system to create best Mind, Agility, Leadership, or
unbeatable characters who “break” the Tactics die. The winning team acts
game. If you like that type of first, or opts to pass the initiative to
powergaming, this is not the game for their opponent. From that moment
you. on, initiative alternates from one
team to the other when a player has
Fate Points activated all his figures, chooses to
Fate is a measure of a team’s hidden pass, or a character rolls a turn-over.
resources, morale, and experience.
Every team has 1 Fate per 500 points Activation
in the team, e.g. a 2500 points team When it’s your turn to act, choose a
has 5 Fate. Round fractions up. Use character and either:
glass beads as counters. Fate 1) Perform a single action with that
belongs to the team, not to individual character; or,
characters. Unspent Fate remains 2) Roll his Mind or Agility die on the
with the team even if most models Multiple Actions Table below. If the
are knocked out. You may spend Fate character has the Tactics or Superspeed
in the following ways: Traits, you may use that die-type
1) Spend 1 Fate, and 1 fate only, to instead.
boost one die type before rolling it,
e.g. turn a d6 into a d8 or a d12 Multiple Actions Table
into a d20;
2) Spend 1 Fate to perform 1 Trick TURN-OVER! Perform no
associated with one of your Traits; actions; initiative goes
or, to the opponent.
3) Spend 1 Fate to reroll a failed KO
roll: the result of the reroll stands.
2,3 Perform a single action.
Used points are subtracted from the
player’s Fate total. A player who runs 4,5 Perform two actions.
out cannot use Fate until his next
game. Fate replenishes between 6+ Perform three actions.
The team winning a scenario
increases its Fate total by 1.

Banked actions
A character who is not
engaged in melee or
incapacitated (KO’d, Knocked
Down, Entangled, Stunned, or
Mind-Controlled) may opt to
bank a single action instead
of using it in the current
turn. Represent the banked
action with a glass bead next
to the figure. At any moment
during the opponent’s turn,
that character may spend the
bead to perform
an action at -1 die-
NightWatch (772 pts)
type. A character
M A S K may never bank
d8 d8 d8 d10 more than one
Swinglines d4, Night Vision,
Immune to Flare, Gadget
action (exception:
d8x4, Martial Arts d12, see the Superspeed
Stealth d10 Trait).
If you do not use
your banked
action, you lose it at the
beginning of your next turn.
Example: Silk Spider knows that
Cobra-7 is hiding behind a
Turn-over corner. She cannot trace a LoS at him,
When all of your characters have so she banks an action. As soon as
acted, or when you roll a turn-over, Cobra-7 pops out, she uses the banked
your turn ends immediately and action to shoot him. Since banked
the initiative goes to your actions are at -1, she uses Agility d6 (not
opponent. If you roll a turn-over, her normal d8) to attack.
characters on your side who did not A character with multiple actions may
act yet do not activate this turn. perform actions in his turn AND bank
During your opponent’s turn, the an action. Banking an action is always
only actions that your team may the last thing that he does in his turn.
perform are Banked and Free Example: Agent Silk Spider has three
actions (see below). actions. She uses one to move, one to

shoot down a thug, and then banks her Movement
third unused action.
Spells may not be cast with banked A character may perform a Medium
actions; however, a wizard may cast movement for every action he
a spell and hold it or delay it. See the spends moving. This means moving
Magic Trait for details (p. 37). the figure any distance desired up to
1 Medium stick away or 1 Short if
what can I do in a turn? swimming or wading through low
A character may perform any activity water or swamp. Certain Traits let
for which he has actions. Most you move longer distances. For
activities require one action. More example, Long Move lets you use the
complex ones require two (e.g. power Long stick for ground movement;
blows, aimed shots, magic spells). Amphibious lets you move through
Some actions are performed for free water at your normal ground speed
under certain circumstances (e.g. (a character with Amphibious and
dropping an item, Free Hacks). Long Move moves 1 X Long in water
and on the ground).
Sample activities All movement is performed in a
straight line along the stick. To go
Move once 1 action
around corners or avoid enemies,
Attack 1 action
you must use more than one action.
Power blow 2 actions
Friends do not block your movement
Aimed shot 2 actions
unless they are Entangled. If
Cast a spell 2 actions
movement brings you within 1x Short
Use a Trait 1 action
from any enemy, you may:
Smash something 1 action
1) Try to move past the foe;
Pick up and throw 1 action
2) Stop 1 Short away from the foe;
Free Hack 0 actions
3) Move into melee with the foe; or,
Drop something 0 actions
4) Slam into the foe.

To avoid
Blue Square
M S and charge
Blue Circle,
Red Star

must keep
S more than 1
Short away

from Blue
To charge Blue Circle, Red Star Square at all
must use two movement actions. times.

Contest - the universal Agility. If you miss, you continue
mechanic your movement past the enemy. If
A Contest is any situation in which a you win, perform a Strength Contest
hero uses a power or an attribute to with the foe. If you win the Strength
attack, destroy, stop, dispel, deflect, Contest, you knock him down. If he
absorb, alter, or otherwise affect wins, you are knocked down. In
another character or piece of addition, if he has Armor, he
scenery. A Contest is like a round of performs a Free Hack at you using
combat between two characters. his Armor die as a Strength vs. your
Both contestants roll their die and Knockout. Slamming into an
compare results. ALWAYS REROLL armored foe can be painful!
TIES. The winner determines the If you slam into a foe who uses a
outcome of the Contest. If one power banked action to teleport or turn
is trying to bypass a defense, and it
insubstantial, continue your
wins, the defense is bypassed. If a
movement until you slam into a
power is trying to negate another
solid object or another character;
power and it wins, the other power is
or, make a Knockdown test vs. d6 at
negated. If you are trying to destroy,
the end of the move, whichever
lift, repair something, the action is
successful. happens first.
Sometimes, Contests are rolled You may not voluntarily slam into
between an attribute or Trait and engaged opponents, unless all
a difficulty die. Example: to calm a friends in contact with that opponent
panicking crowd you must make a are knocked down.
Mind roll vs. a difficulty die of d6.
In some cases, a Contest has two Jumping
degrees of success: Players may not pre-measure jump
Minor (win by 1 to 3 points) and distances. All characters may jump
Major (win by 4 or more points). 1x Short. Any longer or taller jump
requires a Contest of Strength vs.
Moving past a foe: If a foe blocks difficulty d8 for Medium and d12 for
your way, you may perform an Long distance. Jumping longer
Agility Contest. If you win, you go distances require the Superleap
past the foe and complete your Trait. If the roll fails, the character
movement. If you lose, you stop in manages to jump 1xMedium if he
contact with the foe and he may was attempting to jump Long, and
perform a Free Hack at you. 1xShort if he was attempting to
Slamming into a foe: If you choose jump Medium.
to slam into a foe, perform an Limping characters must test vs.
Agility Contest to hit. The foe may difficulty d6 to jump 1 Short. If they
use his Martial Arts die instead of fail, they do not move.

Blaster (474 pts)
d4 d6 d4 d6
Ranged Damage d10, Marksman d8,
Armor d12 (energy attacks only).

melee and ranged

Climbing Combat always happens between two
Characters can climb 1 x Short by characters. Melee is simultaneous:
spending two actions. They fight at -1 both fighters can affect each other. In
while climbing. If they take any Ranged Combat, a character shoots,
damage, they fall. Characters with the the target tries to dodge; thus, only
Clinging Trait can move over vertical the shooter may affect the target.
surfaces with no chance of falling, Melee is resolved with an Agility
and do not suffer the -1 modifier Contest to determine who hits
when fighting. Climbing speed is whom, followed by a Damage vs.
determined by the Clinging die: Knockout Contest to determine the
d4-d6 1 S per turn
d8 1 S per action melee attacks
d10 1 M per action The acting character spends an action
d12 1 L per action to perform an attack. Roll a Contest
d20 2 M per action between his Agility vs. the target’s
Agility. The highest result wins and
If a climber suffers knockback, or the may cause damage (perform a
building is hit by a Shockwave (see damage roll). If you have Martial Arts
p.21) , roll a Contest between the best or Weapon Master, you may use that
of Clinging, Strength, or Agility, vs. the instead of Agility in the Contest.
attack’s damage die. If the character
wins, he clings to the wall. If he fails, ranged attacks
he falls. A falling character with The acting character spends an action
Swinglines may attempt an Agility or to shoot. Roll a Contest of Agility vs.
Swinglines roll vs. a Difficulty of d6 to the target’s Agility. The shooter is at -1
stop his own fall or the fall of any if the target is behind a cover or
friend within 1 x Long. Climbers may outside of the attack’s base range. The
use Stealth.
performs multiple attacks in
the same turn, the modifier
applies only to the first attack.
Danger Sense or Radar Sense
negate surprise. Telepathy
negates surprise unless the
attacker is Artificial, since a
telepath can sense living
ambushers, but mindless
robots can still surprise as
they have no mind for
telepaths to sense.

Power Blows
Commander A Power Blow is a melee
Velkna (688 pts) attack that costs two actions
to perform and is at +1 to
d8 d8 d10 d10
Leadership d8 damage.
Martial Arts d10 Boulderman (d12 Strength) has
Flight d10 a normal punching damage of
Ranged Damage d10.
d12. When he spends two
actions to deliver his mighty
attacker is at +1 if performing a Sunday Punch, his damage increases
surprise attack (see below) or by +1 to d20.
shooting at a large target (e.g., giant
Dodging a MELEE attack
monster, truck or building). If the A character engaged in melee may
shooter wins, he hits the target and declare that he is dodging, and add
performs a damage roll. If the target +1 to his Agility until the end of the
wins, the attack has been dodged and turn. This bonus applies to all melee
no damage is dealt. The shooter may attacks that the character receives
use Marksman instead of Agility. The until the end of the turn. If he does
target defends at +1 if he has the so, his rolls are purely defensive and
Acrobat Trait. will not cause damage to foes. A
surprise attack may not be
Surprise attacks
A surprise attack has a +1 modifier to dodged.
Agility. This modifier applies when the
attacker tries to hit a foe who did not
have a line of sight (LoS) on him at the
beginning of the turn. If the attacker

Moving Away From a melee Knockout. Alpha rolls a 4, Beta a 3, so
If you move away from a melee, foes Alpha inflicts Minor Damage. From the
in base-to-base contact with you get list of effects, he chooses to apply a
a free action to attack you. This is Recoil. Beta is pushed away.
called a Free Hack. You roll your die, Later, Alpha hits again and rolls
that is purely defensive. You will not damage. Alpha rolls an 8 and Beta a 4.
inflict any damage if you win. Beating by 4 or more means Major
Characters with Slippery do not Damage! Beta’s K becomes d6 and
suffer Free Hacks. Characters with Alpha picks a Major Damage effect this
Superspeed, Superleap, Flying, time.
Teleport count as Slippery if using
their powers to evade a melee. Damage is divided into Minor and
If you evade multiple opponents, Major effects. The various
each gets a Free Hack. The opponent conditions that may apply to a
decides in which order the Free character as a result of damage are
Hacks are performed. The effect of a cumulative.
Free Hack may make the others A character both Stunned and
impossible. For example, if it knocks Knocked Down may spend two
you away from the melee before the actions to recover: one to stand up
others attack. and one to recover from the stun. If
only one action is available, the
the Damage roll
character may cancel only one of the
If your attack hits, roll to damage the
two conditions.
target. Make a Contest between the
Certain effects apply only to certain
attack die vs. the target’s
characters or situations.
Knockout die. Use Strength for
For example, you may disarm only an
melee attacks (punches, kicks, elbow
opponent who is holding a weapon,
strikes, head-butts, wrestling moves).
and you may not knock down a foe
Use the Trait die if you are using a
who is already on the ground.
power or a weapon to attack. For
Certain Traits cause only specific
example, if you attack with Ranged
Damage, use the Ranged Damage die.
For example, the Mind-Controlled
If an attack wins, apply a Minor
condition is caused only by Telepathy.
Damage effect to the target. If it
wins by 4 or more, permanently Marking conditions
reduce the target’s Knockout by 1 Lasting conditions formatted as
shift and apply a Major Damage cards may be downloaded from our
effect. site. Slide them under the hero’s
Example: Alpha hits Beta with his fists. profile.
He has 1d10 Strength. Beta has d8

Minor Damage
Recoil Knock back distance
The target must move 1 Short away
from the attacker. If the Recoil is caused
Damage Distance
by a melee attack, the attacker receives
one free action to remain in base d4 one base
contact with the recoiling target, if d6 1 Short
desired. This is called “following up”. A d8 1 Medium
Knocked Down or Entangled character d10 1 Long
MAY NOT follow up a recoiling d12 2 Long
opponent. The exact direction of the d20 Tabletop
Recoil is chosen by the attacker. If the
character has no space to recoil One base: the character is
because scenery is in the way, the moved away by one base width.
character is Knocked Down or Slammed Tabletop: the character is sent
into scenery. An already Knocked Down flying across the tabletop until
character may not suffer a Recoil. he smashes into a solid object,
A character who has his back to a wall another figure, or off the table.
or window when he suffers a Recoil
effect must make a Breakthru roll vs. Hits from bullets (Ranged
that obstacle (see p.14). Damage/Device) and from the
If a Recoil is caused by a ranged attack, Lethal HTH Attack Trait (claws,
and there is scenery providing cover blades) cause KB as one die less.
within one move of the character, the Example: damage from a d6
recoiling character will move behind the shotgun causes a one base KB, as if
object. it were a d4 attack.
If a Recoil brings a character in contact The exact direction of the KB is
with a foe, that foe may immediately decided by the player causing it;
perform a Free Hack on the recoiling but, the Knock Back cannot bring
character. the target closer to the attacker.
A character pushed off the
Knock back (KB) tabletop re-enters play after one
The blow knocks the target off his feet. This full turn, at the point of exit.
effect may not be applied unless the if a character is Knocked Back
damage of the attack is the same as or against another character, treat
better than the target’s Knockout. The as an attempt to slam through a
distance traveled depends on the damage, foe at -1 on the damage dice.
as seen in the Knockback Distance table: Effects are chosen by the
opponent. Ignore other modifiers.

Breakthru: A character knocked into Slurred Speech
a solid obstacle receives an attack Pain slurs your speech. You may not
using the object’s material strength cast spells or use Leadership (unless
die vs. the best of his Knockout, you have the Telepathy Trait) until
Strength or Armor. If the character you spend two actions to recover.
wins, he breaks the object and is sent
flying through it. If the object wins, Direct Hit
the character is knocked down in You must make a Knockout roll vs.
contact with the object. Use the same the damage that hit you. If you fail,
rules when a character intentionally you are KO’d. This effect may be
tries to slam through objects. chosen only if the damage is equal
to or better than the target’s
Distracted Knockout attribute.
This condition is caused by Example: You hit a target with
certain Traits or Ace cards. a Knockout of d10. Your
If Distracted, you may not attack does d8 damage.
use Telepathy or Magic; You may not apply a
spot a hidden foe (see Direct Hit effect on that
Stealth); use complex target.
machinery; or
perform aimed shots
until you spend one action Reeling
to recover. You are reeling from
wounds. Any melee
Stunned attacks you perform
If Stunned, you cannot perform
Tricks, use Fate to boost dice,
katafrakt (760 points)
bank actions or cast spells until
you spend one action to
d8 d8 D10 D12
recover. Traits: Armor d10, Ranged Damage
d10/Device, Immune to Flare, Night
Knock down (KD) Vision, Combat Computer, Damaging
If knocked down, until you spend Aura d10 (Electricity, once per game).
one action to stand up, all melee
attacks against you are at +1 to hit.
are at -1 on Agility until you use two
Ranged attacks receive no bonus.
actions to recover. Ranged attacks
Blurry Vision are unaffected.
Pain blurs your vision. You suffer a -1
to Agility on all ranged attacks until
An Exhausted character may not use
you use two actions to recover.
Fate. To recover from exhaustion,
you must spend two full turns Major Damage
inactive without being attacked. Effects
Mental attacks count as an attack
for purposes of this rule.
You are collapsing. At the beginning
GRAB of any of your turns, make a
You disarm the target by taking Knockout roll vs. d4 or be KO. This
away a Device or weapon from condition applies until Staggering is
their hands. If the target has removed by Healing or
more than one, you choose Regeneration. If you receive
the one you grab. You can another stagger effect,
use the Device at -1 die increase the stagger die by
shift. In a campaign, you one die type.
retain possession of the For example, a first wound
Device. The opponent gives you a d4 stagger, a
must try to recover it. second increases that to a d6,
You may not continue a third to a d8, and so on.
to use it. You may try
to destroy a grabbed
If Blinded, you may not
Device by
perform any action requiring
performing a Break
LoS. You are hit at +2 in
test (if the Device is
melee and ranged combat
unless you have Danger
Disarm Sense or Radar Sense. You
You disarm the cannot use any “Vision” Trait. You
opponent. His weapon can only move in a random
flies from his hands, direction unless you have Radar
falling up to 1xL away. Sense. You must use two actions to
You determine where it recover from blindness. This
lands, but it may not be result may be caused by Ranged
closer than 1 base to any Damage, Lethal HTH attack, or by
figure. Flare.

Cyberia (520 points) If you are Limping, your ground
M A S K speed is reduced from Long to
d10 d10 d10 d10 Medium or from Medium to Short.
Ranged Damage d8/Device, Movement may not fall below Short.
Armor d10. A Limping character may not jump

are Knocked Down and Stunned
when revived. You must spend
your next actions to stand up and
remove the Stunned condition.
You can be revived only once per
game. If KO’d again, you remain
out of action for the scenario.

If Entangled, you cannot move,
can attack only with mental
powers, and have -2 on all Agility
rolls. You may use Magic at -1, but
no magic effect that requires LoS
as those spells require pointing at
the target. You can Teleport out of
more than 1 Short. Healing or the Entangle or walk out with the
Regeneration cancel the condition. Immaterial Trait; or, you can attempt
to break the Entangle. Each attempt
Slowed requires one action and the use of
You have a -1 to your activation die Strength, Telekinesis or an energy
until the condition is removed by blast power. Roll a Contest vs. the
Regeneration or Healing. Activation Entangle die to break free. You are
die will never fall below d4. immune to your own Entangle.
Multiple characters with the same
You cannot move or attack. You are
hit at +1 by any attack until you
spend 2 actions to remove the
condition. Regeneration and Healing
do NOT help against Transfix.
Transfix is caused only by specific

Knock Out ROLL (KO)

You must make a KO roll vs. the
damage of the attack that hit you. If
you fail, you are Knocked Out. If
KO’d, you are out of the game until
you Regenerate or are healed. You

Entangle (e.g. a team of aliens reactions
armed with web guns) are immune Reactions are special actions that
to each other’s Entangle. A flying may be attempted in an opponent’s
character who becomes Entangled turn by characters with a Banked
falls down but takes no damage action. This allows for heroic acts like
from the fall. taking a bullet aimed at a friend, or
using a Ranged power to deflect an
You can be Poisoned by
venomous attacks, gas, or Reaction:
the like. If Poisoned, you Ranged
are KO’d whenever you Defense
roll a 1 or 2 on your You may use a
Activation roll. The Trait that opposes
condition can be removed another power to
by a Gadget (e.g., “I have “parry” a ranged
an antidote in my utility attack. You cannot
belt!”), Healing, or attempt this if the attack
Regeneration. has a surprise bonus or
comes from an Invisible
Mind-Controlled foe (unless you have See
Invisible, Danger Sense
This effect may be caused or Radar Sense). Use
by Telepathy. The target your Banked action to
is controlled by the roll a power Contest. If
telepath, who must use you win, your power
one action per turn to counts as Armor against that
maintain attack. The defense burns your next
concentration, and may use of that power.
not use other mental Example: Mr. Dynamo is hit with an
powers while he does so. The arrow by Yellow Archer. Before the
controlled victim may try to break Archer rolls for damage, he uses his
control every time the controller electrical blast (d10, which becomes d8
since it is used in a reaction) to fry the
takes any damage, rerolling his Mind
arrow in flight. Yellow Archer rolls a
or Strong Will die vs. the controller’s
total of 6 (using his d8 Marksman Trait).
Telepathy die. A controlled model
Mr. Dynamo rolls a 8. The arrow is hit
acts on the controller’s turn but no
by the bolt. The arrow strikes but its
Fate may be spent on his actions. damage roll is reduced by 4 (as if Mr.
When the mind control is broken, Dynamo had Armor d8 against this
the victim is Distracted (see p.14).
attack). On his next turn, Mr. Dynamo
may not use his electrical blast. Team actions
Supers need to act together for
Reaction: Body Block
maximum efficiency. Team actions
You step in the way of a ranged attack
require a single activation roll for all
aimed at a friend or civilian within
the models involved. Use the worst
one movement stick. Announce this
activation die in the group of
before dice are rolled for the attack.
participants. All models in the team
Move your character between the
action receive the same number of
attack and the target. The attack
actions which may be spent to
automatically hits you.
complete the team action. Any
leftover actions may be used as the
Area Effects players choose. To take part in a
team action, all models must be:
Some effects have an area, either
1) part of the same team;
centered on the character (e.g. a hero
2) not Loners or Normals;
who radiates flames) or on spot of
3) in LoS or Telepathic contact of at
the tabletop (e.g. a grenade tossed in
least another member of the team;
the street and hitting everyone in its
blast). In the first case, the blast
4) not Staggering, Stunned, Exhausted,
radius is measured from a center
Distracted, or KO’d.
point of the character’s base. In the
Fate may not be spent to boost a
second case, the blast radius is
team activation roll. You are not
measured from a spot chosen by the
forced to include ALL of your
player. All models and scenics caught
characters in the team action. Use
in the blast are automatically hit. Roll
any you choose, as long as they
to damage each target separately. For
comply with all of the above. Here
details, see the Blast Trait.
are four different team actions. You
can use them as examples to come
up with more.

Team action:
Concentrated Blast
The team concentrate their ranged
attacks against a target’s armor.
This team action requires an Aimed
Shot (two actions) from each
participant. The target’s Armor die
is reduced by 1 per every two
attackers in the team action. The
reduction applies for the specific
concentrated blast only. It is resolved Team action: Dive-bomb
as a single attack, using the best A flying character picks up a friend
Agility/Marksman die and the best (1 action) and drops him against a
damage die in the group of shooters. ground target (a free action). The
Example: target has Armor d8. A team of 6 character can be dropped at any
attackers perform a concentrated blast, so point along the flyer’s movement
target’s Armor becomes (d8-3)= d4. path. If the flyer suffers KB or KD
The same technique can be performed while carrying the “bomb”, he
in melee by characters with the Lethal must make a Knockout
Hand-to-Hand Weapon or roll vs. the
Weapon Master Traits. damage. Failure
means that he
Team action: immediately
Human Fastball
drops the
A character with d10 or
character. The
better Strength picks up
bomb hits at +1
an adjacent friend (first
damage. If the attack
action) and throws him
misses, the dive-
at a distant opponent
bombing character
(second action). The
takes falling damage.
attack hits with the
thrower’s Agility, at -1 if TEAM ACTION:
the target is beyond Armor Bounce
3xL. Damage is equal A super with a ranged
to the thrown attack (an energy blast or
character’s Strength a thrown weapon) uses the
at +1 (with a maximum hard skin of a friend as a
Strength equal to the bounce point for his attack to
thrower’s). If the attack hit another target in a
misses, the thrown character surprising way. Armor Bounce
continues to move until it crashes into can be attempted only with the
an obstacle, another figure, or moves assistance of a friend with an
off the table. Apply the same rules Armor die equal or higher than
used for knockback. the ranged attack (e.g., Captain
A human Fastball can be attempted Alaska may bounce his d6 icicles
using Telekinesis instead of Strength. The against a friend with Armor d6 or
characters need only be within LoS and in better.) A Bounce hits at -1 shift to
range of the Telekinesis power. Agility but allows the shooter to draw
a LoS from the armored friend, thus
potentially going around corners.

Tricks of THe Trade rolling a Contest of Agility or Martial
Arts against each target separately. If
the Sweep both attacks are successful, both
This can be attempted by a character Normals take damage at +1. If only
with d10 or better Strength. The one is hit, the attack fails to damage
super picks up a long object (e.g. a either Normal.
lamp-post) and uses it to sweep an
area with a mighty swing. Use the Bell clap
scenic item’s actual size to determine The attacker slaps both ears of an
the reach of the Sweep. Any model or opponent simultaneously with the
object in the swept area is attacked. palms of his hands. You need to hit
A Sweep hits with a +1 to the with an Agility roll, which requires
attacker’s Agility and Strength. A spending two actions and having
Sweep takes two actions to perform both hands free. The Damage roll is
on the first turn (one action to pick at +2. Bell Clap can cause only Recoil,
up the object and one to swing it). Stun, Distract or Knock Down.
The Sweep only costs one
action on successive Thunder Clap
turns, as the object is Characters with d12
already in the or d20 Strength may
super’s hands. If perform Thunder
an object hits a Clap. The character
target with a claps his hands creating
Strength or Armor a deafening sound
score higher than its burst. This is an
material die, the object is area attack,
destroyed at the end of centered on the
the attack. character and has
Example: Iron Human picks up a radius of 1 Short.
a large tree (material d8) and Any model in the area
uses it to swing at Armadon must test KO vs. the
(Armor d10). After the first swing, clapper’s Strength or be
the tree breaks and may not be Stunned.
used for further attacks.
Twin-head Clonk Characters with d12 or d20 Strength
The character attacks two adjacent may perform Shockwave. By hitting
Normals simultaneously, grabbing the ground, the character creates an
their heads and slamming them area attack centered on himself with
together. Spend one action to attack, a die equal to S -1 and a radius of 1 x

L at Strength d12 and 2 x L at
Strength d20. All non-flying models in Example: Brickbreaker (Str d12) picks
the area are affected. Any model up a car (Weight d10) and throws it at
beaten by the attack must win a a foe. If the attack hits, it will roll d10
Contest of Agility vs. the attacker’s for damage.
Strength -1 or be Knocked Down.
Once an area has been hit by a Throwing large things
shockwave, the ground becomes so Objects larger than a car count as
broken that characters may no longer area attacks when thrown. Use the
use this Trick in that area. shape and size of the object to
determine who might be hit. Roll an
Throwing Stuff attack using the thrower’s Agility vs.
A super may pick up objects and use a difficulty of d6. If the thrower
them as improvised projectiles. The wins, the object is placed exactly
super must be adjacent to the object where he wants it, and each
to be thrown and spend one action. potential target touched by the
To hit, roll a Contest of Agility, like any object must make a Contest of
ranged attack. If the attack misses, Agility vs. the higher of the thrower’s
the thrown object flies 1 x Short over Strength or the object’s weight in
the target’s head or comes crashing order to jump to safety. A target
right in front of him (target’s choice). with Acrobat, Flying, Teleport or
Maximum range depends on the Superleap may use those dice, if
thrower’s Strength and the object’s better than his Agility, to dodge the
weight: area attack. Targets winning the
Contest move out of the way the
Str better than weight: 1 x L minimum distance to avoid the
falling object — place the model just
Str equal to weight: 1 x M
outside the blast area. Targets
Str lower than weight: 1 x S losing the Contest are hit and take
A super with a Strength two
shifts lower than an object may
weight of common objects
not lift it.
Thrown weapon, knife, book, ball, brick none
For example, a character with d8
Chair, rifle, garbage bin d4
Str may not lift an object with
Small table, bicycle d6
d12 weight.
Large table, motorcycle d8
The damage inflicted by a
Safe, car, small helicopter d10
thrown object is the LOWER of
Tank, truck, small building d12
the thrower’s Strength or the
Battleship, large building d20
object’s weight.

If a character’s Strength
Material Strength of common objects
Paper wall, glass window none and Armor are both 2 or
Door, reinforced window d4 more die shifts higher
Heavy Door, bulletproof glass, car d6 than the material
Reinforced Door, wood wall d8 Strength of the obstacle,
Steel Door, brick wall, steel grates d10 the character may
Bank Vault, Battleship armor, Tank d12 destroy the object
Spaceship Armor d20 automatically and
continue moving through
the object as if it were
If the thrower loses the Contest vs. not there. When a wall is completely
the d6 difficulty, the opponent destroyed, there is a 1 in 4 chance
decides whether the object lands in per destroyed wall that the building
front of the first potential target or will collapse (a 1 in 6 chance for
flies over the targets’ heads and is especially sturdy buildings, such as
placed right behind them. Note that military installations or supervillain
the object may still hit other targets bases).
and inflict damage!
Captain Atlantis (500 pts)
bursting through doors, M A S K
windows, walls d8 d8 d10 d10
Obstacles have a material Strength Shield d10, Armor d6, Superswimming d10

die representing how hard it is to

destroy them. Winning a Strength
Contest against that die will allow
the character to move through
the object, creating an
appropriate pile of rubble,
loose bricks, glass shards, etc.,
on the opposite side.
Beating an object by 1 to 3
means carving a man-sized hole
in it. Beating it by 4 or more
means destroying the
obstacle/tearing down a wall.
Use your dramatic sense! At a
minimum, the breach should be
as wide as the character. You
could use human-shaped black
paper silhouettes to mark
damaged walls.
Destroying devices,
gadgets, weapons
Hitting a device or gadget in the winning an Agility Contest against a
hands of a character requires an difficulty of d4. When all major light
Aimed Shot. If the object is breakable, sources are gone, all ranged attacks
roll a Contest between the attack’s have a maximum range of 1 x Long
damage die and the Trait die of the and are at -1 shift to hit.
device. If a super is trying to break
the object by hand, use his Strength. Bombs, Traps, Security
If the super is using any damaging Devices
power, such as an energy blast or Whenever a character wants to
damaging aura, use the power’s lockpick a door, defuse a bomb or
damage die. If the damage wins, the deactivate a security device, he must
object is destroyed. A gadget may not win a Contest of Mind vs. the device's
be targeted until the user spends one rating. A base/hideout will have
action pulling it out of his utility belt devices with the same die level as the
or pouch. An unbreakable object may best Mind or Gadget Trait in the
not be destroyed but may be taken group. If the device wins, it goes off.
away from a character’s hands with Traps or bombs attack the character.
the Disarm combat effect. If this An alarm will alert guards. If the
never happens to your hero in the scenario doesn't have other rules, the
comics, do not design the power effect will be that no intruder may
with the Device Trait. use Stealth or get a
surprise bonus, and
Fighting underwater in addition 1d6
When a character is underwater, his minions (Normals with
movement becomes 1 x Short and he guns) will arrive on the
is at -1 to Agility and to all damage rolls. scene at the end of turn 2.
KB is reduced by one shift, e.g. an attack
with a Strength of d10 causes KB as if it Falling Damage
were d8. Throwing is reduced by 1 shift. Use the distance on the Knockback
At the end of the second turn spent in distance table on p.54. The die type is
water, the character becomes the damage caused by a fall of that
Staggering. This represents drowning. height (1d4 for falling less than 1
Characters with Amphibious or Short, d6 for 1 Short, etc). You resist
Superswimming are immune to all of falling damage with Knockout, Armor
the above. or Agility. The Breakfall trick negates
all damage.
light and darkness Falling makes you prone and Stunned
At night, most streets have sufficient if you make the roll. It causes Limping
light. Ranged combat is unaffected. on a Minor Damage. It causes KO on
However, a character may hit a a Major Damage.
source of light with any ranged attack
Traits moment on, you may use that Trick
without spending Fate. Its effects
The following pages list Traits. Most
and rules remain unchanged.
have a die. The die is used in power
To add a permanent Trick at
Contests, for damage rolls, and to
character creation, increase the point
calculate range (see the Range of
cost of the Trait by 20%, rounding
Powers table below) and point cost
fractions up. This may be useful to
(see the point system at the end of
design experienced characters for
the book). The maximum die level
pickup games instead of waiting for
allowed on any Trait is a d20.
them to grow during a campaign.
Inventing new Tricks is easy. Give
Range of Powers your opponent the benefit of vetoing
Unless its description says
otherwise, a Trait’s basic range is Acrobat
based on its die as follows: You have +1 die shift to Agility when:
Die Range • Defending from ranged attacks;
d4 1xLong • Dodging in melee;
d6 2xLong • Leaping;
d8 3xLong • Testing to avoid falling damage.
d10 4xLong In addition, if you have Agility d8 or
d12 5xLong lower, you can “bend” one of your
d20 6xLong movement sticks (use a length of
thread) to move around an obstacle,
Any use of the Trait beyond basic opponent or corner. If you have
range is at -1 die shift. Agility d10 or better, you can bend
TWO sticks per turn.
Tricks Amphibious
Creative uses of powers are called You can breathe under water. Your
Tricks. Each power has a few dice rolls and movement are not
suggested Tricks, but you may invent affected by fighting in water.
more. To use a Trick, you must spend
a Fate point. If a roll is required for a Artificial
Trick, use the Trait’s die at -1. Artificial figures include non-living
In campaigns, Tricks may become creatures such as elementals,
permanent. If the Trick die roll has automatons, golems, and robots.
been successful, you may spend 2 They are immune to Poison and all
Fate to make it permanent. Write it powers that affect the Mind
on the character’s profile. From that attribute.

Armor Backstab
You are protected by a suit of high- You have +1 to hit when performing a
tech armor, hard skin or scales. Free Hack.
Armor has a static value equal to half
the die, e.g. Armor d10 has a static Berserk fury
value of 5, Armor d12 has a value of Once per game, ignore a Stunned or
6, etc. Add this number to your KO result and gain +1 to hit and
Knockout roll when resisting damage.
Example: You have a Knockout d6 and
Armor d10. You roll d6+5.
Limited version, Specific
Resistance: You may have Armor
against specific attacks. Examples: an
insulation suit gives d6 Armor only
against electrical attacks; an NBC suit
gives d6 Armor only against
radiation. In each case, the cost of damage on all your melee attacks for
each die is reduced. The character the next turn. This Trait may be used
has no Armor against other attack only if the character has been hit.
types. You always pay for a minimum
cost of d4.
You perform an area attack - this is
Incomplete Armor: Armor does not
like the Ranged Damage Trait, but it
cover all of your body and an
explodes over a circular area and hits
opponent can ignore it by performing
anyone in it. The size of the affected
an aimed shot. Reduce cost by 1 die
area depends on your die, as seen in
the area effect radius table.
Armor Piercing
Nominate the exact point where you
This Trait is applied to another attack want your attack to land, and make an
power to make it Armor Piercing. This Agility roll vs. a Difficulty of d6. If you lose,
reduces the target’s Armor value by the opponent may reposition that
one die type.
Example: Black Badger has Armor
piercing claws. He strikes a foe with Area Effect Radius
Armor d6 (3 points). That foe counts as Trait die Radius
having Armor d4 (2 points). d4-d6 Short
Armor Piercing gives no advantage d8-d10 Medium
against unarmored targets. It also d12-d20 Long
works against objects such as bank
safes or armored vehicles.

point by up to 1 x Short. Roll damage
separately against all characters and you have +1 to hit on all attacks vs.
scenery in the area. Measure from the that character until he is KO’d. If you
center of the blast any Recoil or KB fail, you can try again on the same or
caused. on a different target by spending
another action. Once you receive
Boost your +1, you cannot use the power
Increase an attribute or Trait die by +1 again until that target is KO’d.
once per game. The Boost lasts until the
end of the current turn. Boost can be Confidence Focus
used during an opponent’s turn, too. Your abilities are at full power only if
Using Boost does not cost an action. you believe in yourself. If you suffer
KD or KB, all your rolls in that game
Clinging are at -1 until you knock out a foe
You can scale vertical walls and ceilings built on at least as many points as
like a spider. The higher your Clinging yourself.
die, the faster you climb. See the
movement section for details. Damaging Aura
Your body attacks any opponent in
Combat Computer contact with a damage die equal to
Spend one action, choose a foe and roll its Trait die. Perform an attack at the
a Mind Contest against him. If you win, end of any turn against all models in

base to base contact with you, have it rebuilt (beginning of next
including allies. The attack uses the game). All powers linked to the
Damaging Aura die vs. the target’s device have reduced cost. To count
Agility to hit, and the Damaging Aura as a device, at least two of the
die vs. the target’s Knockout to following statements must be true:
damage. The Aura also counts as 1)when you suffers KD or KB, you
immunity against attacks of the same drop the device;
energy type, e.g. a character with d10 2)The device can be targeted and
Damaging Aura (fire) has a static destroyed by an aimed shot. The
Armor value of 10 (not 5) against all device resists breakage with its die;
fire attacks. 3)Once it is in your hands, the device
can be taken away from you with a
device Grab/Disarm effect.
You have an item (weapon, jewel,
If you choose a combination of 1 and
magical broomstick, high-tech shield,
3, your device is unbreakable. The
pair of x-ray glasses, utility belt, or
Device Trait is a sub-set of the
anything else) that gives you powers.
Limited power Trait. It should be
The device may have one or more
applied to all attack types built as
Traits linked to it. If the device is taken
weapons, unless these weapons are
from you or destroyed, you cannot
built in (like in a robot).
use its powers until you recover it or
You may also buy an Attribute with
the Device limitation. Your attribute
becomes d4 if the Device is broken or
Example: Muscleman has a girdle of
strength. He buys Strength d12/Device,
paying the points for Strength d10. If
his girdle is destroyed during the game,
his Strength becomes d4.
If a Device which increases your
Knockout is stolen, any damage you
have suffered causes a new Knockout
roll on your basic Knockout score of
Any ability on the device stops
Captain Volt (754 pts) working if the device is taken
M A S K away or destroyed.
d6 d6 d6 d8 Example: if your Flight cape is
Electricity d10, Marksman d10,
destroyed and you are airborne, you
Leadership d10, Tactics d8, Energy Fist,
Power Suppression (Electricity) d10. fall.
Difficult Target
No shooter may perform an aimed Energy Fist
shot at you unless you are Stunned, You can power-up one melee attack
Entangled, Mind Controlled or by accessing a mystical inner force.
Transfixed. You must spend one action to
concentrate, then make a Mind roll
Easy Target as if dicing for Activation. Use the
Ranged attacks hit you at +1.
number of actions rolled as +1 shifts
on your next melee damage roll.
You create and control electricity. You
automatically have Damaging Aura
Entangle represents any attack type
and Ranged Damage at your
that binds opponents or pins them
Electricity die. You are completely
to the ground: e.g., webbing, lassos,
immune to electrical attacks. If you
glue-shooting weapons. It works as a
ever roll a 1 on a damage roll with
ranged attack, hitting with Agility or
your Electricity die, you run out of
Marksman. On a Minor Damage
energy and may not use the power
until you touch a source of electricity
(live wire, generator, car battery, or
any computer or lab equipment) and
use it to recharge. Being hit by an
electrical attack of d8 or better also
recharges you.
Trick: Electrical Teleport. You may
teleport along power lines.
Trick: Fry Gadgets. By hitting a foe in
melee, you may attack all of his
Gadgets with your Damaging Aura.
Make a separate Contest against each
gadget's die with your Electricity die.
If you win, that gadget is destroyed.
Note that this does not work on all
Devices, only on the Gadget rule.
Trick: Electrical Healing. By
touching a friend and rewiring his
bio-electricity, you may heal the
Stunned or Knocked out condition.
Treat as Healing using your Electricity
die at -1.

result, the target is Slowed. On a the end of the scenario, any
Major Damage, the target is character coming into contact with
Entangled. If you roll a 1 on your the burning scenic item will be
Agility roll, your Entangle power runs subject to an automatic damage roll.
out of “ammo” until you spend one Trick: Fire Absorption. You can
action to “reload”. absorb fire from any flaming object.
Roll a Contest between your Fire
Fire Generation Generation die and the fire's die. If
You can create and control fire. This you win, you turn that fire off.
gives you the eqivalent of the Traits Trick: Smokescreen. As Trait of the
Damaging Aura, Ranged Damage and same name.
Armor vs. Bullets. They all use your Trick: Fire Wall. You can create a
Fire Generation die. In addition, you wall of fire, 1 x Short thick. The
are totally immune to fire damage. maximum total length of the wall is
Your touch can set things on fire. Roll 1 x Short per die, e.g. 1 x Short at d4,
a Contest between your Fire 2 x Short at d6, etc. The wall does
Generation die and the material not block LoS but gives a -1 to all
strength of any flammable object. If ranged attacks going through it, and
you win, the object or scenic item -2 to damage to any bullets and ice-
catches fire. From that moment until based attacks going through it. In
addition, no Ice Wall may be created
within 1 x Short of the fire wall
unless the ice generating character
or device wins a Contest against the
fire wall die. Any character coming in
contact with the fire wall is subject to
a damage roll (fire generation die vs.
Knockout die).
Trick: Nova Blast. You may perform
this Trick only if your Fire Generation
die is d12 or d20. Spend 3 actions to
immolate yourself. You are
automatically knocked out. All
characters and scenic items in play
receive a damage roll with your
Flame Generation die +1. This
damage ignores all armor and
automatically destroys any frozen
ground or ice walls created by Ice
Generation. This Trick may not be
learned permanently. Pay 1 Fate Flying Kick
every time you use it. You can deliver a nasty flying kick as
a free action at the end of any
Fire Into Melee movement which brings you into
You may perform a ranged attack contact with a foe. Use Agility or
against a foe in melee with a friend Martial Arts to hit. You suffer a KD if
with no chance of hitting your friend. you roll a 1. If the kick hits, damage
is Strength +1.
By spending one action, you create a
blinding flash of light centered on You can surround your body with a
yourself. All characters within 1xL Forcefield. It takes one action to do
radius are attacked. Roll separately so. The Forcefield is stationary, and it
for each a Contest between your goes down immediately if you attack,
Flare die and their Mind or Knockout move, or take a KD, KB, KO or Recoil
die. On a Minor Damage, the target is effect. Perform a Contest vs. the
Stunned or Distracted. On a Major damage of any attack hitting you. If
Damage, he is Blinded. the Forcefield wins, the attack is
You can fly. Movement per action is If the damage equals or beats the
as per Trait range table. You can Forcefield, the extra damage affects
avoid all obstacles and opponents by you, and in addition to any other
flying over them. At the end of any
move, you may land or remain
airborne (place a coin under
the model’s base if
airborne). You also take no
damage from falls.
Trick: Aerial
Acrobat. You may
bend 1 movement
stick as if you had
Acrobat Trait by
making an Agility or
Flight roll vs. a
difficulty of d6. If you
fail, you just move straight
effects, the Forcefield collapses and contact with you. You may extend
you must roll Knockout vs. the the Forcefield so that it protects
damage die or be Stunned. more figures, but each additional
Example: The Unwatchable Woman figure you protect weakens the
creates a d12 Forcefield. Doctor Gloom Forcefield by 1 die shift.
shoots a particle beam at her (d10 Trick: Disarming Bubble. You build
damage). Gloom rolls a 6, UW rolls an a small forcefield around a weapon
8, so the Forcefield deflects the blast. in the hands of a foe to prevent him
Later in the game, Gloom fires again. from using it. You must perform an
This time he wins with a 10 vs. UW’s 7. 3 Aimed Shot to hit the hand. If you
points of damage go through hit, the target cannot access
(causing a minor effect to UW). the weapon until he breaks
Since the Forcefield the Forcefield. The target
collapsed, UW must also may NOT use the
make a KO roll vs. d10 weapon inside the
(the power of Gloom’s forcefield to
attack) to avoid being break the
Stunned by the forcefield.
feedback. Trick: Force
The Forcefield works Blast. You use
both ways. The user the Forcefield
must take it down (a to attack,
free action) before shooting force
moving or bubbles at an
performing any opponent. Use
attack. it as kinetic
Use a clear plastic Ranged Damage at
dome to represent a -1.
Forcefield on the
tabletop. Gadget
Trick: Usable on You have up to 5 gadgets
Friends. You can use the Forcefield in an utility belt or hidden on your
on to protect a friend within the costume. A Gadget can duplicate
Trait’s range. You may have only ONE any one power in the game FOR
Forcefield at any time, so if you ONE USE ONLY, using the Gadget
protect a friend you cannot protect die as the Trait die. It takes one
yourself. action to ready a Gadget and one to
Trick: Force Bubble. You may extend use it. You may have up to 5
the Forcefield to protect up to 3 gadgets, and each may have a
human-sized models in base-to-base different die type.

Example: You may have three Gadgets, Forcefields will still stop you, but
one at d4, one at d6 and another at d8. other obstacles and terrain features
You may decide what Trait the including closed doors will not. You
Gadget duplicates in the moment can hover (Flying 1xM move). In
you ready it. Thus, you always have gaseous form, you are immune to all
the right tool at the right moment, to combat results except KB. Any KB
exploit an opponent’s specific disperses you for 1 full turn (mark
Vulnerability. the place where the miniature was
A Gadget may also be used dispersed, and when you come back
defensively as a free action. For into play, you appear in a spot of
example, if a foe attacks you with your choice within 1xShort distance
Flare, you could use a Gadget and from the token). While in gaseous
say “Luckily I’m wearing my flare- form, you can cause only Recoil or
resistant lenses today!” and use a Distract effects in melee. If your body
Gadget as Immune to Flare. The is composed of noxious fumes, add
Gadget still works for one use only the Poison Trait. The power will
(in the previous example, the anti- affect all models in base contact.
flare lenses overload and need to be
changed). Gloating
Anything that fits with If you spend 1 turn gloating
your character’s (doing nothing else)
published history should adjacent to a KD or KO foe,
be allowed. For example, your team gains 1 Fate.
you could justify Armor Come up with an
against a single attack appropriate soliloquy! You
as a ceramic and steel gain no Fate by gloating
bulletproof plate in your over Normals. You may
costume, or even with gain a maximum of 1 Fate
the old Bible-in-the- per game. A team may have
pocket or badge-on-the- only one character with
lapel that stops a bullet. Gloating.
Gadget may not be
taken with Device,
You can heal others by
Magic, or Healing
touch. Using healing
requires two actions and
Gaseous Body
being adjacent to the friend
You can turn your body you want to heal. Roll your
into gas, moving Healing die on the Multiple
through any opening. Actions table. Every “action”

you get allows you to heal one
condition (Stunned, Poisoned, Short radius if your Ice Generation is
Limping, etc) or one level of Knockout d4 or d6, Medium if it is d8 or d10, or
loss. A Major Damage effect requires Long if it is d12 or d20. Multiple
two Healing actions. Each character applications of ice have no
may be healed only once per game. cumulative effect: an area is either
frozen or not. Any body of water in
Ice Generation
the affected area (rivers, lakes, pools)
You can create ice out of thin air. If
will freeze solid. Any affected terrain
you use this to attack, treat an ice
becomes slippery, requiring an
blast as a Ranged Damage, with the
Agility Contest vs. Difficulty d6 to
following changes: you may cause
avoid falling (count as a Knocked
Slowed or Disarmed as a Minor
Down result) for any character
Damage, and Entangled as a Major
performing more than 1 x Short
Damage effect. Refer to the Entangle
movement per turn over the frozen
Trait for further details.
surface. Characters with Ice
Trick: Freeze Ground. Treat it as an
Generation are immune to the
area attack on the ground, that hits
effects of frozen ground and do not
automatically. Size of the area is 1 x
test to fall.
Magnatron (1612 pts) Trick: Ice Wall. You create an Ice
Wall, up to 1 x Medium away from
d12 d8 d10 d12
Reinforced Armor d20, Marksman d12, Ranged you. The wall is 1 x Short thick and
Damage d12, Gadget d12 x 4, Mastermind d12. tall, and it may have a total length of
1 X Short per die (e.g. if your power
is d4= 1 Short, if it is d6= 2 Short,
etc). Material strength of the wall is
your Ice Generation die -1, with a
maximum of d10. When you create
the wall, you can decide that it is
transparent (counts as cover but
does not block LoS) or opaque.
Trick: Ice Armor. Spend one action
to cover your body with an extra
layer of Ice. This counts as Armor
against fire-based attacks and as
Armor -2 against physical attacks.
The Ice Armor dissipates as soon as
you move or take damage.
Trick: Ice Slide. You move at 1 x
Long per action creating an ice slide
in the air and riding on it. The slide
may be attacked by enemies (it has a the Strength or power that caused
material strength die equal to your the Recoil or KB. If you win, the KB
Ice Generation die). If the slide is or Recoil effects are ignored.
destroyed, you fall. Immovable does not help against
KD and KO.
You may turn insubstantial by Immune to Flare
spending one action. In Immaterial You are immune to the Flare Trait.
form, you can move through
obstacles without any movement Intimidation
reduction. When Immaterial, you You strike fear into the hearts of
have Slippery vs. other non- your enemies. Intimidation may be
Immaterial foes, and do not stop performed in two ways:
when you come into contact with a 1) by spending an action doing so;
foe unless that foe is Immaterial. 2) as a free action, if you knock out
Immaterial models cannot affect the the first enemy you attack in that
physical world. They cannot perform game.
melee or ranged attacks of any kind. To intimidate someone, make a
They are immune to all physical Contest between your Intimidation
attacks unless performed by other die and the best of your target’s
Whipmaster (402 pts)
Immaterials. Treat combat between
two immaterials as combat d4 d6 d6 d6
between physical models. Armor d8, Entangle d10, Lethal HTH Attack d8.
Immaterials can be hit normally by
Telepathy and attacks performed
with Magic. Immaterials do not block
LoS. Ranged attacks can be fired
through Immaterial characters at
any target behind them. It takes one
action to return to solid form.
Trick: Phase Attack. While
immaterial, you perform a melee
attacks against a solid target,
ignoring their Armor. The attack
cannot cause KB.

You can resists all KB and Recoil
effect rolling your Immovable die vs.

Mind, Strong Will or Intimidation die. This does not apply if you are
If you lose, you may no longer try to Invisible, Hidden, Knocked Down,
intimidate that character. If you win, KO’d, or Entangled. Exception:
place an Intimidation counter on the Leaders with Telepathy continue to
character. You may spend the give their bonus even if Entangled,
counter at any moment, including Hidden, or Invisible.
during that character’s turn, to have Models with Loner do not benefit
him reroll a die and abide by the from leaders. The effects of multiple
result of the reroll. Each character may leaders are not cumulative.
only have one Intimidation counter on
himself. When intimidating Normals, Lethal hth attack
roll one Contest between your You have a sword, knife, claws, or
Intimidation die and the best Mind, similar edged weapon. Damage is
Strong Will or Intimidation die in the the Trait’s die. This Trait may not be
group of Normals. If you win, you better than your Strength +1 die
intimidate ALL the Normals. shift. This attack may not cause a
KD result but it may cause
Invisibility Staggering as a Minor Damage.
You can turn invisible. No ranged This represents a bleeding wound.
attacks are possible against an This Trait causes KB as it were one
invisible character unless the shooter die less. If the Trait is a weapon that
has Radar Sense or See Invisible. may be broken or grabbed, reduce
Area effects hit normally. Melee its cost with Device. Apply the Armor
attacks against an invisible character Piercing Trait to represent ultrasharp
are at -2. You gain Slippery against a claws or a magic sword. The attack
foe who can’t see you. hits with Agility or Weapon Master,
An Invisible character always attacks your choice.
with a +1 surprise bonus. It takes one
action to turn invisible. You may turn Limited Power
visible as a free action. You become One or more powers of yours will not
visible if you suffer any damage other work under certain circumstances.
than a Recoil. An Invisible Leader may Assign this to a Trait to limit its
not use Leadership unless using usability. The limited Trait costs as if
Telepathy to do so. its die type were 1 lower. If the
limiting situation applies, the Trait
Leadership cannot be used at all.
You are a leader. Every turn, a friend Examples: an energy blast that can be
within the Trait’s range (use the used only against robots; a magic staff
Range table) may reroll his Activation that works only against men and not
die as long as they have a LoS to you. against women; a weapon that works

only underwater. If you are limiting a Trait with a fixed
To get the cost break, the limitation cost, reduce its cost by 25%.
should apply in most games. If a Example: Immaterial costs 150 points.
player comes up with a limitation Immaterial that works only once per
that doesn’t really limit the power, game costs 113 points. Round
he does not receive a point break. fractions down.
Typical Limitations:
• Works only once per game Loner
• Works only through a Device You may not take the Leadership
that can be grabbed or Trait nor enjoy its benefits. You may
destroyed (see the Device not be part of Team actions. Your
Trait) Fate Points are your own and are
• Works only vs. Artificial targets not shared by the group. You start
• Works only vs. Living targets the game with a share of Fate points
(does not affect Artificial (in a team with 5 Fate and 5
targets or inanimate objects) characters, you get 1 Fate). Round
• Works only vs. Males or fractions down. If there are more
Females characters than Fate, you get no
• Works only at night Fate. Your Fate cannot be used by
• Does not work vs. a specific friends, not even if you are KO’d.
color (e.g., yellow) Your Fate never goes into the Team
• Works only vs. Normals pool.
• Does not work vs. wood,
metal, water etc. Long Move
• Works only underwater Use the L measuring stick when
• Works only on four-legged moving on the ground. Superspeed
animals and Flying have this already built
Limitations reflect how things work in into their cost.
the comics. We could do a long and
exhaustive list of Limitations but it’s You can reroll a single die roll per
much better if you design your own game. You must use the result of
based on your knowledge of the comic the reroll.
book characters. To be fair, let your
opponent veto a limitation that does Magic
not really disadvantage you. By casting an appropriate spell, you
If you are limiting a Trait that has a may duplicate any other Trait in the
d4 die, just halve its final cost. game using your Magic die. The
Example: d4 ranged damage that intention to use Magic must be
works only against women costs announced at activation. Magic
15x4=60/2= 30 points. always requires two actions to be

used. This represents the time and (which use the Mind attribute).
concentration required for the
incantation. You cannot cast spells Martial Arts
with banked actions. If you do not You are a martial arts master. In
have enough actions, you can try again melee, use your Martial Arts die if
later. You may opt to delay a spell: better than your Agility. When an
spend two actions for it, and hold it to opposing character moves into
cast it at a later turn; however, if you contact, rather than attack, you may
suffer any combat effect while holding attempt to Throw them. State that you
the spell, the spell is lost. are trying to Throw him before rolling
You may also have other magic powers the to hit die; if you win, you may
bought as Traits or through a Device automatically score a Knockdown or a
like a cape, an item or jewelry or a staff. Knockback of 1 Medium. If you lose,
These represent magic items or spells you have opened your guard and
that you know so well to use them with your opponent’s damage roll is at +1.
a single action.
Mass Control
Example: Doctor Weird, supreme wizard,
You may increase or decrease your
has Magic d20 and can duplicate any
mass. By increasing your mass, you
other power at d20, but he needs to
gain the following modifiers:
spend 2 actions to do so. Anyway, he also
wears a magic cape of levitation, giving
Increased Mass Effect
him Flight d8 (device). He doesn’t need 2
d4 d4 Immovable, +1 Strength
actions to use the cape.
d6 d4 Immovable, +2 Strength
Magic is fickle. If you roll a 1 on your
d8 d6 Immovable, +2 Strength
activation roll, you cannot cast any
d10 As d8 + 1d4 Armor
spells until you spend a full turn
d12 As d10 +3 Strength
recuperating. While recuperating, you
d20 As d12, + d6 Armor.
must do nothing. If you are affected by
any combat result or move, the turn
If you decrease your mass, use the
doesn’t count as recuperating.
following modifiers:
Magic is tiring. You become Exhausted
if you lose a power Contest using
Decreased Mass Effect
d4 running speed increases by 1
step (maximum of L).
You may use your Marksman die d6 walk on liquids at Medium speed
instead of Agility when rolling to hit d8 1 x Short Flying movement.
with any ranged attack, including d10 Armor d4 vs. Kinetic damage
thrown weapons and improvised d12 Gaseous Body
weapons, but not with mental powers d20 Immaterial.

It takes 1 action to alter your mass by One at A Time
one step. Modifiers do not stack. You may use only one of your
Example: a character at increased powers per turn, regardless of how
mass d6 wanting to reach decreased many actions you have available.
mass d4 must spend three actions (one This Trait may be taken only by a
to go from d6 to d4, one from d4 to character with at least two Traits
normal, and another to go from with an associated die type, and
normal to -d4). there may not be more than one die
In any case, the maximum increase shift difference between each
or decrease that you can reach is purchased Trait.
equal to your Mass Control die. Example: you may take One at a Time
if you have Flying d10 and Ranged
Mastermind Damage d8. You may not take it if you
Roll your Mastermind die before the have Flying d6 and Ranged Damage d10.
game and keep it covered with a Each Trait is purchased as if it were 1
paper cup, or take a picture of it with die lower (e.g., pay the points for a
a cell phone. During the game, you d8 when buying a d10). You may
may use this pre-rolled die instead of choose to apply this limitation only
rolling any die. You must announce to a subset of powers: you are not
you are going to use the pre-rolled forced to apply it to ALL of your
die before seeing your opponent’s powers.
roll. Show the result to your
opponent when you use it. You may Poison
use the result only once per game. You can deliver poison through
contact (bite, touch, claw) or through
Night Vision a ranged attack (poisoned dart,
You suffer no modifiers in darkness, sleep gas gun) or area attack (gas
but resist Flare at -1. grenade). Whenever your attack
scores any Major Damage, you may
Normal choose to give your target the
A Normal is automatically KO’d if Poisoned condition. Artificial targets
beaten in combat. Most criminal are immune. A target with a Gadget
henchmen, policemen, civilians and may burn it as a free action to have
bystanders will have this rule. Normals nose plugs, antidote shot, or similar
should have no die beyond d8. When item that will keep him safe from your
more than 50% of their team members poison for the remainder of the game.
are KO’d, Entangled or otherwise out of Purchase the Poison Trait once per
the game, each Normal should make a type of poisonous attack (melee,
Mind roll vs. a Difficulty of d8. Those ranged, etc.) you want. If the Poison is
losing the roll flee or surrender and are delivered through a Device (e.g. a dart
removed from the game.
gun), do NOT apply the Device cost break
to Poison.
artificial darkness created by a Trait).
Power Absorption Radar Sense negates Invisibility and
This works like Power Suppression, below. Stealth. Attacks on you never enjoy a
The Trait is not only suppressed, it is stolen surprise bonus. If you make an
– the character negating the power gains it Aimed Shot, ignore any cover
until the target recovers it. If the target is modifier.
KO’d, the model keeps the stolen power
Ranged Damage
until the end of the game. The maximum
You can project a ranged attack. This
die that you can steal is equal to your
can be a bolt of lightning, a flame jet,
Power Absorption die.
a spray of corrosive chemicals, bursts
Example: Rascal (Power Absorption d10)
from a rifle, etc. The details are up to
touches a foe with Ranged Damage d12.
you when you create the character.
Rascal wins the Contest and steals the power,
Use Agility or Marksman to hit. Use
and now has Ranged Attack d10 (since his die
the Ranged Damage die as damage.
is d10, he can absorb up to d10).
The following types are available:
Power Suppression
You may negate one of your target’s Traits. electrical (lightning bolts, bio-

You must be adjacent to the target and electrical discharge)
spend 1 action to use Power Suppression. • energy (laser)
Roll a Contest between your Power • fire (flames, magma, microwaves)
Suppression die and the target’s Trait die.• kinetic (thrown weapons, guns,
If his Trait has no associated die, use his telekinetic pellets)
Knockout die instead. If you win, the • magic
target’s power is temporarily negated. The • magnetic
target can spend 2 actions to remove • sonic
The energy types affect play only if
the Suppression effect. If you win by 4 or
the opponent has any Vulnerabilities,
more, the target cannot use the power for
the remainder of the game. Magic and immunities or Armor against a specific
Traits on a Device may not be energy type. If the target does not
suppressed. Suppressed powers return have any of these, all attacks are the
between games. You may same.
Suppression on a KO’d foe. To design a Ranged Damage coming
from a weapon or magic item, add
Special limitation: reduce the cost if you
the Device Trait.
suppress only one specific Trait or energy
type. Trick: Bouncing. You may bounce
your attack on a target that takes at
Radar Sense least Minor Damage so that you may
You can see your surroundings even if roll to hit another target within 1xL at
blinded or in pitch darkness (including

-1. You may repeat this, performing Sealed Armor
multiple bounces, until you miss, but You can breathe underwater (this is
each bounce is at a further -1 to hit. not the same as Amphibious), are
immune to gas attacks, and resist
Regeneration sonic attacks at +1.
When you are KO’d, leave the figure
on the table. At the beginning of your Shield
turn, continue to roll for activation You may deflect incoming ranged
using your Regeneration die. You attacks. Use the Shield die vs. the
may use the actions generated from damage of the incoming attack. If the
this roll only to recover from being Shield wins, the attack bounces off
KO, stand up, or heal damage effects harmlessly. However, if the Shield die
that you have accumulated. You also rolls a 1, the blow hits with +1 on
recover the Knockout lost due to damage. Shield does not work
Major Damage effects. Regeneration against melee, Magic, Telepathy, or
does not remove effects caused by Area attacks.
mental powers. “Shield” is just a convenient name -- a
After you spend one action to stand character catching bullets in mid-flight
up, you will have to activate the thanks to his super reflexes or
character normally. When you are deflecting them with magnetic
down, any foe adjacent to you may bracelets can still have this ability. If
spend 1 action to deliver a coup de you literally wield a shield which can
grace to prevent Regeneration. be taken from you or destroyed, take
If you get KO’d a second time in Shield with the Device Trait.
the game, Regeneration does not
Short Move
work and you remain out of
Use the Short stick for your ground
Reinforced Armor
Your Armor is immune to the Armor
You can move out of melee without
Piercing Trait.
suffering Free Hacks from your foes.
Retain the Initiative
Once per game, you may ignore a
You may make only one movement
per turn, regardless of how many
See Invisible actions you have available.
You can see Invisible characters. They
get no bonus against you and you
You generate a smokescreen, a
can target them with ranged attacks.
sphere 1 x Medium in radius, around
you. Any ranged attack (including
yours) through the smoke is at -1. The
smokescreen is stationary, and Stretching
remains in place if you move away You can extend your body 1 x Short
from it. It is dispersed if any flying per level. Strength is at -1 if
character, or a large thrown stretching beyond half range. You
object/character move through it. become Exhausted if stretching
beyond the Trait’s range (see the
Sonic attack Range table). Stretching allows you
You can emit a sonic blast. This works to fight in melee at the distance
like Ranged damage, ignores Armor. shown. Recoil, knockback and
Targets in Sealed Armor resist at +1 to movement are calculated from your
Knockout. A Sonic Attack can only base.
cause Distract or Stun as a Minor In addition, you can use a bendy
Damage or a KD or KO roll for a Major stick for all your moves (see
Damage. Major Damage from a Sonic Acrobat). You do no take damage
Attack does NOT inflict a Knockout from falls.
loss. Trick: Entangle at -1.
Trick: Breakfall. Prevent any falling
Stealth damage to a character within
If adjacent to any terrain, you can Stretching distance.
spend one action to hide. While Trick: Invulnerability to kinetic
hidden, you may not be targeted by attacks. Treat as Armor equal to the
ranged attacks unless the shooter first Stretching die +1 until the end of
spots you by wining a Contest of Mind your next turn). You may not move
vs. your Stealth die. Distracted while this Trick is “on”.
opponents may not try to spot you
until they spend one action to recover Strong Will
from distraction. Telepathy, Magic, You may use the Strong Will die
melee and ranged attacks performed instead of your Mind die to resist
from 1 x Medium or closer mental attacks and Intimidation.
automatically ignore Stealth. Radar
Sense and X-Ray Vision also allow the Swinglines
shooter to ignore Stealth. You use Swinglines (webbing, steel
An undetected model with Stealth has cables, etc.) to propel yourself.
a +1 surprise modifier on his first hit Swinglines require one action to use
roll, but reveals his position when he and require something to attach the
performs an attack, unless that attack swingline to (e.g. a building or tree).
is Telepathy. Once your position has If no tall scenery is in range, swinging
been revealed, you may move to a is impossible. The maximum move
different position and go into hiding distance of a swing is the height of
again. the scenic item, rounded up to the
nearest Medium stick, or 2xL,
whichever is less. At any point of the
swing, you may perform a Slam
Use the range table to determine
maneuver, but your movement stops
your movement speed per action,
in contact with your target if you lose
e.g. with d20 you move 6 x Long
the roll. If you win, you Slam the
sticks per movement action.
opponent and may continue your
Trick: Clinging. You move so fast
swinging movement.
that you can run (but not stop) on
Trick: Breakfall. Prevent any falling
vertical surfaces.
damage on yourself or a friend within
Trick: Water walk. You move so fast
1 x Long.
that you can move on liquids without
Superleap sinking. You may NOT remain
Superleap allows you to perform a stationary on a liquid.
flying movement like the Flying Trait. Trick: Vibrating. If you have
You always land at the end of the Superspeed at d12 or d20, you can
movement. You may use the leap to use this Trick to move through solid
conduct a Slam attack on a foe (see objects as if you had the Immaterial
Slamming, p.9). Use the range table Trait. You may not stop inside objects,
(p.24) to determine how far you can and you may not perform other Tricks
leap. associated with Immaterial.

Superspeed Superswimming
You may use your Superspeed die for You move very fast in water: use the
Activation rolls. If you do so, double range table to determine your swimming
the number of actions rolled. If you speed. This Trait includes Amphibious.
roll 1 action, you can perform 2; if
you roll 2, you may perform up to 4;
You may use your Tactics die for
if you roll 3, you may perform up to 6
Activation rolls. You may use the best
actions. If you roll a turn-over, you
Tactics die in your team as your
still get to perform no actions and
Initiative roll at the beginning of a game.
lose Initiative. You are allowed to
double the actions ONLY if you roll Telekinesis
the Superspeed die, even if it is You can lift, push and throw objects
worse than your Mind, Agility or or opponents as if you were using
Tactics die. Strength, but at a distance.
Based on your Superspeed die, you Telekinesis attacks use Mind instead
may also bank multiple actions. of Agility to hit. Use the Telekinesis
die for damage and as Strength to lift
d4/d6 bank only 1 action and throw. You may not use
d8/d10/d12 bank 1 or 2 actions Telekinesis if you are Distracted. Use
d20 bank up to 3 actions the “Works only on Metals” limitation
to create a super with magnetic
powers. foe’s hands. If successful, the object
Trick: Squeeze at -1. Target’s Armor is teleports into your hands - a Grab
at -1 against this attack. effect.
Trick: levitation. Gain Flying at -1 until
the end of the turn. Toughness
Reroll your first failed KO roll in a
Telepathy game. The result of the reroll stands.
You can mentally assault an opponent.
Use a Mind vs. Mind Contest to Vulnerability
determine whether the power hits. Use A character with a vulnerability to an
the Telepathy die to determine attack type is attacked at +2 to hit
maximum range (as per the range table). and damage by that attack form.
To inflict damage, roll a Contest between Examples are Vulnerabilities to fire,
the Telepathy die and the target’s Strong cold, radiation, magic, sound, etc.
Will or Mind. On a Minor Damage effect,
the target is Distracted. On a Major Weapon Master
Damage, he is Transfixed or Mind- You are a master in the use of a
controlled. Telepathy does not inflict any weapon such as a sword, shield,
other effects. A Major Damage effect hammer, knife or any other melee
does not cause any Knockout loss. weapon. The weapon is purchased
Telepathy does NOT require LoS and separately with the Lethal HTH Attack
does not work on Artificial targets. Trait. You may use your Weapon
Master die instead of your Agility
Teleport when roling to hit with that weapon
You can Teleport yourself and any in melee.
carried objects from one place to Trick: Throw the weapon. Use it as
another by spending one action. If you a Ranged Damage Trait at -1, hitting
Teleport away from a melee, you gain with Agility. After throwing it, the
Slippery for the duration of that weapon gets stuck in the target (if
Teleport action. If you teleport INTO a you caused Major Damage) or falls
melee and then attack in the same within 1 x M of the target (if you
turn, you get an ambush bonus missed or caused Minor Damage).
providing that the target could not Use a counter to mark the weapon’s
trace a LoS on you before you position on the tabletop. You must
teleported. recover it before you can use it again.
Trick: Teleporting an adjacent,
willing friend. The passenger must weather control
make a Knockout roll vs. d8 or be You can control weather, creating
Stunned. rain, fog and wind out of nowhere.
Trick: Snatch Teleport. Use Teleport -1 The area affected is a circle around
instead of Agility to hit an object in the you, with a diameter of 1 x Short per

die (1 x S at d4, 2 x S at d6, etc). There
are three main effects that you can
create, and many Tricks. You may also to hit. Use the Area Effect Table to
enter a Contest against a foe’s Weather determine the radius of the affected
Control to dispel any changes in area.
weather he made. All weather changes Trick: Lightning. You may have lightning
and natural phenomena disappear if strike a foe. Treat as a Ranged Damage
you are mind-controlled or KO’d. (Electricity) hitting with Agility and using
Rain: rain makes things slippery (all your Weather Control die at -1 for
characters climbing without the Clinging damage.
Trait must roll versus your Weather
X-ray Vision
Control die or fall when you first cause Using X-Ray Vision, you may draw a
rain) and limits visibility (-1 to all rolls to LoS to any target, disregarding cover
spot hidden characters, -1 on ranged and concealment offered by scenery
attacks). and negating the Stealth Trait. You can
Fog: a thick fog rises and limits line of sight also see Invisible characters unless
to 1 x Medium. Ranged attacks are at -1. they perform the X-Ray Invisibility
Wind: determine in which direction Trick. Being able to trace a LoS does
the wind is blowing (from one side of not ensure that shooting is possible:
the table to another) when you create physical attacks may still be stopped
it. Any character moving in that by hard cover such as walls and rocks.
direction must roll a Contest of
Strength vs. your Weather Control or ACes
lose one category of movement (from Aces are special moves printed on
Long to Medium, Medium to Short, cards. Each character has one. An
Short to none). Roll once per turn as Ace can be used only once per
long as the wind still blows. game. Keep it under the character's
Trick: Flight. Use wind to lift yourself profile, face down, and reveal it at
and/or a friend adjacent to you. the best opportunity. Unless the
Movement is as per the range table card says otherwise, use of an Ace
using Weather Control power at -2. does not require the expenditure of
Trick: Tornado. Use wind to generate an action. Use of an Ace costs 1 Fate.
a tornado in the area around you. Any Distracted and Stunned characters
model adjacent to you is immune to may not use Aces. You may not have
the tornado, all others must test more than 1 copy of each Ace on
Strength vs. your Weather Control die - your team. In a campaign, choose
1. Models failing their roll are sucked your Aces before the first game and
in (knocked down adjacent to you) or add one to your team for every
thrown by the tornado (knocked back battle you win. You may still assign
1 x Medium in any direction outside of only one Ace per character, but your
the affected radius), as you prefer. Any options increase.
ranged attack through the tornado is at -1
Setup: The tabletop should be
arranged to represent solitary
Scenario: Super- confinement cells. There is one cell
villain Jailbreak
per character to be rescued, plus half
Villains are breaking into a prison as many, rounded down, containing
to get their partners in crime out of jail! other, Normal inmates. The Normals
The player with the villain team can be freed as well. When they are
should divide his team in two squads freed, roll 1d6. On a 1-4, they side
as evenly as possible. The first squad with their rescuer. On a 5 or 6, they
represents the villains that are raiding side with the opponent.
the prison, the other squad
represents the inmates who must Inmates
break out. The villains score 1 Fate M d4, A d4, S d6, K d4
per every villain they manage to Stealth d4, Normal.
break out of jail. The heroes score 1
point for every villain who stays in The hero player runs as many prison
prison, plus 1 more Fate if they knock guards as there are villains.
out all the members of the raiding
team. Guards
M d4, A d6, S d6, K d4
Normal, Ranged attack: Electric
Ranged Damage d6/Device, d4
Armor (body armor).

Villains of the raiding squad are

deployed within 1 x S of an entry
point on one side of the table. There
is a breach in the wall, large enough
to allow for the passage of two
persons. If the villains have no
powers that could have caused this
breach, they used explosives. The
rubble caused by the breach is an
unlimited pile of bricks that may be
The Mace (584 points)
d4 d8 d10 d10
Armor d8, Toughness, Lethal HTH Attack d12/Device,
Weapon Master d12

thrown for d4 damage.
Starting from turn 2, the hero team
arrives. Any teleporting hero has been Setup
cued in by the guards and can The tabletop should show the crater
teleport to any part of the prison floor of a meteorite (a hole in the ground,
corridors. Other heroes will have to roughly 1 Medium across), a barn or
get in by the breech in the wall. large shack. You may also add a well,
The cell doors have a security lock haystacks, piles of corncobs, agricultural
that can be opened in 2 actions with a tools, a car, a tractor, or anything else
Mind roll vs. a difficulty of d10. They that looks right on a farm. The
are heavy metal doors, requiring a meteorite is not in the crater. The
Strength check vs. d10 and Armor d8 country folk took it and brought it
to be destroyed. A destroyed door can inside the barn, hoping they could
be used as an heavy improvised d10 make a buck selling it on eBay.
missile by a user with a Strength of Unfortunately, the farm workers and
d10 or more. their animals have been turned into
All inmates are handcuffed or angry mutoids who will defend the
otherwise restrained with a high tech meteorite at any cost. In addition, the
power dampener. A villain wanting to mind of anyone touching the
help them must roll Mind vs. d8 or meteorite, or using psionic powers in
Strength vs. d10 to deactivate or this scenario, will be attacked by the
destroy the power dampener. meteorite’s Mind Control power.
Characters whose powers depend on The number of Mutoids present is
gadgets or devices have been equal to half the total characters
stripped of all powers. Their gadgets playing the scenario. You can use any
can be recovered by breaking in into suitable human or farm animal figure.
the armory vault. The armory vault is Feel free to add two-headed cows if
locked. Opening the lock is a d12 you have them.
Mind task. The vault doors have a
material strength of d12 and Armor Mutoids: M d4 A d4 S d8 K d8
d8. Ranged Damage d6 (eye blast)

Scenario: When You Wish Animal Mutoids: M d4 A d6 S d8 K d8

Upon A Star Long Move.

A mysterious meteorite has fallen next The two players should scatter the
to a barn. Two teams of supers try to Mutoids in any agreeable manner,
recover it and fight for its possession. alternating deploying them one at a
But what effects will its strange glow time until all have been placed on the
have on people and farm animals? tabletop. No Mutoid should be more
than 1 x Long away from the barn.

The meteorite cannot move, but it full cover. If a character is hidden, the
hosts a malignant alien entity. player just places a marker there and
reveals who the hidden character is
Meteorite entity: M d12, A 0, S 0, K d20. after the opponent has deployed his
Mind Control d12, Explosive. figures. The other team must be
deployed anywhere along the table
Any successful KO result destroys the edges. They can be deployed on
meteorite, causing a d20 explosion different table edges if the player
that hits anyone within 3 x L. When prefers. When all figures have been
this happens, any surviving Mutoids deployed, randomly place 1d10
and mutated animals will revert to civilians on the tabletop by dropping
their original shapes. Mutant animals an appropriate number of card
will disperse. Mutoids will side with counters on the table, from a height
the heroes. Treat them as Normals of 2 feet or so. Place a civilian figure
with all stats at d4. where a counter falls. Civilians will try
The meteorite entity and the Mutoids to move off the table, performing one
are controlled by an impartial third Medium move after both teams have
player if possible, or by the opponent acted. However, roll 1d6 every turn,
of the acting player (thus, players and on a 1 a civilian in LoS of a hero
alternate in controlling the monsters). or villain (roll a die if both conditions
The team carrying the meteorite out of the apply) will move towards the closest
tabletop wins the game and scores 2 Fate. hero or be stationary and use his
action to snap a picture of the closest
Scenario: Showdown In villain on his mobile phone.
Town The hero team must knock out the
villains but also prevent the civilians
Two teams meet in town for the ultimate from being hurt. The villains may NOT
slugfest. A few civilians are caught in the purposely attack the civilians. Civilians
crossfire. may be hit by area attacks and stray
Players set up a table representing an shots. When a ranged attack on a hero
urban landscape — a crossroad with misses, extend the attack’s LoS. If it
parked cars, a parking lot, a mall, goes through any civilian, roll an attack
stores, or any other scenery you have at -2 against that civilian (Agility d4).
available. Make sure you have plenty The heroes win and score 3 Fate
of cover, heights to be climbed, and points if they knock out at least half
heavy objects to be thrown. One the villains and save the civilians.
team, chosen at random, is deployed They score only 2 Fate if any civilian is
anywhere on the table. Models may knocked out. The villains win and score
be hidden if deployed in contact with 2 Fate by knocking out all heroes.
scenic items large enough to provide
Pistol/small firearm: Ranged
This is standard equipment rated in
Damage d6/Device, can be grabbed
game terms and given a point cost.
and destroyed, 60 pts.
Items are designed as Traits with the
Device rule. For example, a firearm is
Assault Rifle/large firearm: Ranged
bought as Ranged Damage/Device
Damage d8/Device, can be grabbed
(can be destroyed or grabbed); a car
and destroyed, 90 pts
is a combination of Armor and
Superspeed. Use some common
Fragmentation Grenade: Blast d8,
sense: there’s no need to obsess
Limited: once per game. 120 pts. Pay
over minutiae. Objects and weapons
160 pts for unlimited grenades.
are just there to be grabbed,
destroyed and used as improvised
Kevlar Vest Armor d6, Limited: vs.
missiles by the supers!
bullets only, 40 pts.

Large Knife: d6 Lethal Hand to NBC suit: Sealed Armor, Device (can
Hand attack/Device, can be be torn, does not work if damaged). 24
grabbed and destroyed. 32 pts. pts.

Bow: d6 Ranged Damage/Device, Exoskeleton: treat as d10 Strength

can be grabbed and destroyed. bought with Device; if destroyed,
Even if the bow is destroyed, Strength becomes d4. 80 pts.
arrows can be used as d4 Lethal
HTH attacks in melee at -1 to hit. Plate Mail armor: d6 Armor, Short
60 pts. Move, 45 pts.

Crossbow: d6 Ranged Motorbike: d6 Superspeed, carries

Damage/Device, Armor Piercing, two, Device, may be destroyed, does
Limitation: must be reloaded (1 not allow extra actions, 120 pts.
action) between shots. Can be
grabbed and destroyed. 60 pts.

Armored Car: Armor d8, d6

Superspeed, carries five, Device,
may be destroyed, does not allow
extra actions, ranged attacks from
car windows are at -1 to hit.

Rosters Mafia Don (349 pts)
Here are some common figures to M A S K
d6 d4 d4 d6
help you stage your first battles.
Normal, Mastermind d8, Leadership d8,
They also show how you can easily
Marksman d6, Pistol (ranged damage d6:
mix and bend the rules to represent limited, device, can be grabbed and
nearly anything in game terms. destroyed), Kevlar Vest (Armor d6,
Limited: vs. bullets only).
Beat Cop (178 pts)
M A S K Giant Alligator (313 pts)
d4 d4 d6 d4 M A S K
Normal, Marksman d6, Pistol (ranged d4 d4 d8 d8
damage d6, device, can be grabbed and Amphibious, Armor d4, bite (Lethal HTH
destroyed) If mounted: add Long move attack d8), Short Move.
+40 pts; If on a motorbike: add
Superspeed d6, device 120 pts. Gorilla (324 pts)
Street Thug (108 pts) d4 d6 d8 d8
M A S K Berserk Fury, Clinging d4.
d4 d4 d6 d4
Normal, large knife (Lethal attack d6, Large Cat (400 pts)
device, can be grabbed and destroyed). M A S K
d4 d8 d8 d8
Bruiser (89 pts) Stealth d8, Lethal HTH attack d8,
M A S K Superleap d4, Clinging d4 (Limited: works
d6 d4 d6 d6 only on trees), Night Vision.

Thug Leader (223 pts) Agent of Superscientific Organization

M A S K (432 pts)
d6 d4 d4 d6 M A S K
Normal, Stealth d6, Martial Arts d6, d6 d8 d6 d6
Leadership d6. Stealth d6, Armor d6, Ranged Damage
d8/Device, can be grabbed and
Gangster (158 pts) destroyed), Flare d4, (flare grenades). Add
M A S K Leadership d8 for an officer (+88 pts) and
d4 d4 d4 d6 Mind d8, Gadget d10 for a scientist (+100
Normal, Stealth d6, Ranged Damage pts).
d6/Device (pistol).

Zombie (312 pts)
M A S K Primitive Savages (116 pts)
d4 d4 d6 d4 M A S K
Poison d4, Regeneration (limited: cannot d4 d4 d6 d6
regenerate effects inflicted by aimed Normal, Lethal HTH Attack d4.
shots), Short Move.
WWII Nazi Soldier (230 pts)
Alien Invader (131 pts) M A S K
M A S K d4 d4 d4 d4
d6 d4 d4 d4 Normal, Lethal HTH Attack d4, Marksman
Normal, Ranged Damage d6/Device d6, Ranged Damage d8/Device (rifle).
(space blaster, can be grabbed and
destroyed). WW2 Nazi SuperSoldier (532 pts)
Killer Robot (344 pts) d4 d8 d10 d10
M A S K Lethal HTH Attack d4, Marksman d10,
d6 d4 d10 d8 Ranged Damage d8/Device (rifle), Armor d6.
Artificial, Armor d6.
Main Battle Tank (761 pts)
Killer Robot with Energy Rifle (520 pts) M A S K
M A S K d4 d4 d10 d12
d6 d6 d10 d10 Armor d12, Short Move, Artificial, Ranged
Artificial, Armor d8, Ranged Damage Damage d10, Blast d10.
d10/Device (may be grabbed and

Space Viking (388 pts)

d4 d6 d8 d8
Armor d6, Lethal HTH attack d6, Berserk

Underground Savages (64 pts)

d4 d4 d8 d6
Normal, Vulnerability: Flare.

T-Rex from Dinosaur Island (486 pts)

d4 d6 d10 d12
Lethal HTH attack d10, Armor d6,
Immovable d10, Long Move, Easy Target.

Point System Multiply it by the die type.
Budget: Each player has a point budget to Some Traits are applied to another Trait to
build his team. Some use fewer more reduce its cost. Pay as if the Trait were
powerful individuals, while others prefer a purchased at one die type lower.
larger number of average-powered Example: I want d10 laser pistol, so I buy
characters. Players should agree on a Ranged Damage d10 and add the Device
budget before designing their forces. The Trait. Device reduces the cost of Ranged
game can be played at any point level, but Attack by 1 die, so I pay for d8, not d10.
we suggest three tiers: Street (up to 3000 When creating Normals, no Normal may
pts), Super (up to 5000 pts) and Cosmic have a die better than d8. Halve the final
(5001+ pts). Choose characters who make cost of Attributes, rounding down fractions.
sense at that power level — do not send Example: I create a cop with a pistol and the
cops and martial artists against cosmic following attributes:
entities. Many super-teams mix heroes
from all categories, and that is fine. If you Attributes M A S K
prefer some balance, you may rule that no Die Type d4 d6 d4 d4
Street character may have a die better than Cost 20 60 40 32
d10, no Super may have a die better than
d12, and all Cosmic characters must have at Total attribute cost is 152, which gets halved
least one die at d20. to (152/2)= 76 pts. The pistol is bought as a
Creating Characters: A character has d6 Ranged attack with the Device Trait, so I
Attributes (M.A.S.K.) and Traits. The cost of a pay as if it were a d4. Ranged attack has a
character is the sum of the costs of his base cost of 15, so the final cost for the
Attributes and Traits. Attributes have a base weapon is (15x4)=60 pts. Cost for the
cost. Multiply it by the highest number on the character is (76+60)=136 pts.
desired die type to calculate the attribute cost.
Example: Mind has a base cost of 5. For a List of Traits Cost
Mind attribute of d8, pay (5x8)=40 points. Acrobat 50
Amphibious 20
Attribute Base Cost Artificial 50
Mind 5 Armor 10 x die type
Agility 10 Armor Piercing 55
Strength 10 Backstab 20
Knockout 8 Berserk Fury 80
Blast 20x die type
Boost 20
Traits with no die have a flat cost. Example:
Clinging 5 x die type
Combat Computer costs a flat 20 points.
Combat Computer 20
A few Traits have negative cost. They reduce
Confidence Focus -30
your character’s overall cost. No character
Damaging Aura 18 x die type
may take more than 3 Traits with a negative
Danger Sense 50
cost. No character should cost less than 50
Device Reduces cost
pts after all calculations.
Difficult Target 25
Traits with a die type have a base cost.

Easy Target -20 Short Move -15
Electricity 20 x die type Slippery 15
Energy Fist 40 Slow -60
Entangle 7 x die type Smokescreen 20
Fire Generation 20 x die type Sonic Attack 15 x die type
Fire into Melee 80 points Stealth 4 x die type
Flare 10 x die type Stretching 9 x die type
Flight 8 x die type Strong Will 3 x die type
Flying Kick 50 Superleap 5 x die type
Force Field 12 x die type Superspeed 40 x die type
Gadget 9 x x die type Superswimming 5 x die type
Gaseous Body 100 Swinglines 5 x die type
Gloating 30 Tactics 4 x die type
Healing 10 x die type Telekinesis 15 x die type
Ice Generation 25 x die type Telepathy 10 x die type
Immaterial 150 Teleport 10 x die type
Immune to Flare 20 Toughness 60
Immovable 5 x die type Vulnerability -30
Intimidation 3 x die type Weapon Master 7 x die type
Invisibility 150 Weather Control 12 x die type
Leadership 11 x die type X-Ray Vision 5 x die type
Lethal HTH Attack 8 x die type
Limited Power Reduces cost
Loner -10
List of Aces
Long Move 40 Indomitable
Luck 90 Mind Game
Magic 50 x die type Misfire
Marksman 7 x die type Mystic Energies Fluctuate
Martial Arts 7 x die type Rapid Fire
Mass Control 10 x die type Revenge
Mastermind 5 x die type Sunday Punch
Night Vision 40 Surprise Strike
Normal 1/2 cost attributes
Hazard Vault Training
One at a Time Reduces cost
Poison 10 x die type Aces are free, but you may not give more
Power Absorption 20 x die type than 1 to each character. You may not have
Power Suppression 11 x die type multiple copies of any Ace on your team.
Radar Sense 70
Ranged Damage 15 x die type Fate Points
Regeneration 15 x die type Your team has 1 Fate per 500 points of
Reinforced Armor 16 x Armor die type characters.
Retain The Initiative 60
Sealed Armor 30
See Invisible 30
Shield 9 x die type
quick reference Sheet
Common Modifiers If modifiers bring a die above d20, apply a -1
shift to the opponent’s die in the Contest. For
Activation example, d20 with a +1 modifier vs. d8
Slowed: -1 on activation die becomes d20 vs. d6.

Melee Initiative
Power blow: +1 to damage, two actions Both teams roll their best Mind, Agility,
Surprise attack: +1 to hit Leadership or Tactics die. Winner decides who
Dodging: +1 to Agility, may not attack goes first in the game. Initiative is rolled only
Attacking Knocked Down or Transfixed on the first turn.
foe: +1 to hit
Attacking Blinded foe: +2 to hit activation Procedure
Reeling: -1 to hit Perform a single action without rolling, or roll
Attacking with a banked action: -1 to hit Mind, Agility, Tactics or Superspeed die on the
Multiple Actions Table.
Ranged Attacks
Beyond base range: -1 to hit Multiple Actions Table - roll
Blurry vision: -1 to hit best of mind, agility or
Target behind cover: -1 to hit tactics die
Using somebody else’s Device: -1 to hit
Attacking a Transfixed foe: +1 to hit 1: TURN-OVER! perform no actions.
Attacking Blinded foe: +2 to hit Initiative goes to the opponent.
Attacking with a banked action: -1 to hit 2, 3: Perform a single action.
Using Magic while Entangled: -1 to hit 4,5: Perform two actions.
6+: Perform three actions.
Minor Damage Statuses
Reeling: -1 to hit in melee Melee procedure
Stunned: no Tricks, no Fate to boost dice, Acting character spends 1 or 2 actions to
no banking actions or magic. attack. Both combatants roll an Agility
Contest. Winner hits and rolls damage.
Major Damage Statuses
Staggering: make a K roll vs. d4 at the Ranged attack procedure
start of every turn until you collapse Shooter spends 1 or 2 actions to attack. Roll
Blinded: no action requiring LoS, no an Agility Contest. If shooter wins the Contest,
Vision Trait, move in random direction he hits and rolls damage.
Limping: movement reduced by 1 step
Slowed: -1 to activation rolls Damage Procedure
Transfixed: hit at +1 by all attacks Roll Contest between attack’s Strength or Trait
Mind Controlled: character is now die and target’s Knockout die. If the attack
controlled by opponent wins, attacker chooses a Minor Damge effect
Entangled: cannot move, attack, is hit at and applies it to the target. If the attack wins
+2, uses Magic at -1 by 4+, target loses 1 die from K and suffers a
Poisoned: you are KO if you roll a 1 or 2 Major Damage effect. If target has Armor, add
on an activation roll. half the Armor die to the Knockout roll, e.g.
Armor d10 adds +5 to the Knockout die result.

All modifiers are die

shifts. A -1 means that a
d20 becomes a d12, a d12
becomes a d10, and so on.
No modifier may bring a die Permission granted to reproduce this page for personal use
only. Copyright Ganesha Games/Andrea Sfiligoi, 2014.
beyond d20 or below d4.
weight of common objects
Thrown weapon, knife, book, ball, brick none a few han r
Chair, rifle, garbage bin d4 ch a r t s f o
Small table, bicycle d6 ranges an
bre a k in g
Large table, motorcycle d8
Safe, car, small helicopter d10
Tank, truck, small building d12
Battleship, large building d20
Die Range
d4 1xLong
d6 2xLong
d8 3xLong
d10 4xLong
d12 5xLong
Material Strength of common objects d20 6xLong
Paper wall, glass window none
Area Effect Radius
Door, reinforced window d4
Heavy Door, bulletproof glass, car d6 Trait die Radius
Reinforced Door, wood wall d8 d4-d6 Short
Steel Door, brick wall, steel grates d10 d8-d10 Medium
Bank Vault, Battleship armor, Tank d12
d12-d20 Long
Spaceship Armor d20

range and damage of Thrown Superspeed Banking Actions

d4/d6 bank only 1 action
d8/d10/d12 bank 1 or 2 actions
Strength better than weight: 1xL
d20 bank up to 3 actions
Strength equal to weight: 1xM
Strenght lower than weight: 1xS
Strength 2 shifts lower than weight: may distance
not lift or throw. Damage is the LOWER d4 one base
of Strength or weight. d6 1 Short
d8 1 Medium
d10 1 Long
d12 2 Long
d20 Tabletop

To destroy something, roll a Contest between

damage and the object’s material strength die

Permission granted to reproduce this page for personal use only. Copyright Ganesha Games/Andrea Sfiligoi, 2014.
Ace card! Ace card!
Bedazzle Breather

Engage the closest foe in a You immediately heal

Mind vs. Mind Contest. If one condition caused by
you win, that opponent is a combat effect. This
Distracted. If you lose, does not let you recover
nothing happens. any Knockout loss.

Ace card! Ace card!

Bulletproof Costume Clothesline

Play this when a foe

Play whenever a ranged
(including a flying foe)
attack hits you, before
moves past you. You may
rolling for damage. You
perform a Free Hack at
gain Armor d8 against
the foe once he is within
that attack only.
1 x Short. If you win the
damage roll, that
character suffers KD.

Permission granted to reproduce this page for personal use only. Copyright Andrea Sfiligoi, 2014.
Ace card! Ace card!
Confidence Evasion

Your next die roll is at +1.

However, if it fails, all Gain the Slippery Trait
rolls of the same type until the end of the
(activation, melee, turn.
ranged combat, attribute
rolls, etc.) will be at -1 for
the remainder of the

Ace card! Ace card!

Gizmo haymaker

Play this as a d8 Gadget. Your next Melee attack

The Gadget works only has +1 to hit (Agility,
once. Weapon Master or
Martial Arts) and +1 to

Permission granted to reproduce this page for personal use only. Copyright Andrea Sfiligoi, 2014.
Ace card! Ace card!
Hazard Vault Training Indomitable

Play to switch Aces between You may reroll a Mind or

two characters in your team Strong Will die, at +1, to
other than the character resist a mental power or an
who uses Hazard Vault Intimidation attempt.
Training. You are not forced
to use their Ace. Just pay the
Fate to use Hazard Vault
Training, and switch the
cards without revealing
them to your opponent.

Ace card! Ace card!

Mind game Misfire

Roll a Mind or Tactics Play when an opponent

Contest with the closest uses a power from a
foe. If you win, you get a +1 Gadget or Device. The
on your next attack. If you power fizzles or misfires.
lose, nothing happens. This card prevents only a
single use of a Trait.

Permission granted to reproduce this page for personal use only. Copyright Andrea Sfiligoi, 2014.
Ace card! Ace card!
Mystic Energies Rapid Fire

Play this Ace after performing

You may give a -1 or +1 die
a ranged attack. You may
shift to all characters,
immediately perform another
friends or foes, who use
ranged attack at the same or
the Magic Trait. The
different target.
modifier lasts for the
duration of your turn plus
your opponent's next turn.

Ace card! Ace card!

Revenge Sunday Punch

Play this Ace after a foe

knocks out a friend. Gain +1 You may reroll a melee
to hit and damage on your damage roll. You must use
next attack against that foe. the result of the reroll.

Permission granted to reproduce this page for personal use only. Copyright Andrea Sfiligoi, 2014.
Ace card! Ace card!
Surprise Strike Create your own ace

You may perform a Free

Hack with a +1 to hit and
damage against an
adjacent foe. This is a free
action. It enjoys no hit or
damage bonus if the target
has Danger Sense.

Ace card! Ace card!

create your own ace Title

Text of card here

Miniatures Rules

Permission granted to reproduce this page for personal use only. Copyright Andrea Sfiligoi, 2014.
Ace card! Ace card!

Super-Powered Super-Powered
Miniatures Rules Miniatures Rules

Ace card! Ace card!

Super-Powered Super-Powered
Miniatures Rules Miniatures Rules

Permission granted to reproduce this page for personal use only. Copyright Andrea Sfiligoi, 2014.

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