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Master Instruction Booklet

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m e

o r eto

A note from PHOENIX

This Master Instruction Booklet is a compilation of the

Original Game System Instruction Booklet and
addenda rules from the following:

Kellar’s Keep
The Return of the Witch Lord
Against the Ogre Horde
Wizards of Morcar (Zargon)
The Barbarian Quest Pack: The Frozen Horror
The Elf Quest Pack: The Mage in the Mirror
Advanced Quest: The Dark Company
Table Of Contents
A Brief Introduction..................................................................................................................2
What Makes HeroQuest Unique..............................................................................................2
Getting Started...........................................................................................................................3
How Zargon Uses This Book....................................................................................................3
Zargon- Setting Up The Game.................................................................................................4
A Glimpse Into The World of HeroQuest...............................................................................7
To Begin The Quest...................................................................................................................9
On A Hero’s Turn......................................................................................................................9
Hero Movement...........................................................................................................9
The 6 Hero Actions....................................................................................................11
Action 1: Attack.................................................................................................11
Action 2: Cast A Spell.......................................................................................13
Action 3: Search For Treasure..........................................................................14
Action 4: Search For Secret Doors...................................................................16
Action 5: Search For Traps...............................................................................16
Common Kinds of Traps.........................................................................................................17
Action 6: Disarm A Trap...................................................................................22
Zargon, The Evil Sorcerer’s Turn...........................................................................................23
Monster Movement....................................................................................................23
The 2 Monster Actions..............................................................................................23
Action 1: Attack.................................................................................................23
Action 2: Cast A Chaos Spell............................................................................24
Dead Heroes.............................................................................................................................25
Mind Points..............................................................................................................................25
What Happens If You Run Out of Monsters?.......................................................................26
Ending The Quest....................................................................................................................26
What Happens Between Quests?............................................................................................26
Lost Artifacts............................................................................................................................27
Solo Quests...............................................................................................................................28
Unfinished Quests...................................................................................................................28
Advice To Heroes.....................................................................................................................28
Advice To Zargon.....................................................................................................................28
Appendix A: Assembly Instructions....................................................................................A-1
Appendix B: Room Tiles.......................................................................................................B-1
Appendix C: Corridor Tiles..................................................................................................C-1
Appendix D: Furniture Tiles...............................................................................................D-1
Appendix E: Trap & Hazard Tiles........................................................................................E-1
Appendix F: Item & Figure Tiles.........................................................................................F-1
eed well my words, for I am Mentor, Guar-
dian of Loretome. I will tell you of times
past, of darker days when the Empire
was saved against all hope. For I fear the
darkness is about to return...
The sinister forces of Zargon, the
Evil Sorcerer, had swept all before them. At
the sight of the Black Banner and the massed
hordes of Chaos, even the bravest warriors of the Emperor had fled,
the land was laid to waste and all men despaired.
There then came a mighty warrior Prince from the Border
lands - Rogar the Barbarian. He bore a glittering diamond on his
brow—the Star of the West. Hope returned and men flocked to his
standard, leaving their hiding places in the hills and forests. Other
great Heroes joined him: Durgin, the fearless Dwarven warrior from
the World’s Edge Mountains, Ladril the Elven fighter mage from distant
Athelorn, and Telor the Wizard whose sorcery was to save Rogar on
many occasions.
For many years Rogar trained his army, being careful to avoid
open battle with Zargon’s general until all was ready. He ever harried
the Chaos supply lines and wiped out countless Orcs and Goblins.
Then came the day for which Rogar had waited. His army
had grown and was well practiced. Camping in the high passes,
Ladril saw the Black Hosts from afar and bade Durgin blow the call to
arms on his mighty horn. Rogar’s army poured down upon the enemy
from two sides and battle was joined. Many foul creatures and good
men perished that day. Yet, as the light of day faded, it was Darkness
that fled the field. But the victory was not absolute. Zargon and his
general escaped beyond the Sea of Claws, and even now they plot
their revenge. Soon their plots will be ready and the Empire will have
need of a new Rogar. But where are the Heroes to equal him?
You have much to learn if you are to become as great as
Rogar and his companions. I will help all that I can. The book I
protect — Loretome - was written when time began. All that ever was
and all that ever will be is recorded in its countless pages. Through
Loretome I may guide you, but I may not intervene, lest a greater evil
befall the World, and the evil forces of Chaos triumph forever.

the Heroes stand. Divided they fall.
A Brief Introduction
HeroQuest is a fantasy adventure game set The adventure never ends...
deep within a hidden stone labyrinth. Additional Quests, featuring all new
This maze of underground rooms and challenges for the Heroes, are available in
corridors is controlled by the Evil Sorcerer Quest PacksTM (sold separately).
Zargon and his forces of Chaos.

Four valiant Heroes have been summoned

by Mentor, the good and ancient sage, to do Contents:
battle with Chaos. Theirs is the ultimate 113 Plastic Monsters: 16 Orcs, 12 Goblins,
heroic challenge—descend into the 6 Fimir, 4 Chaos Warriors, 1 Chaos
treacherous world of the unknown and Warlock, 1 Gargoyle, 12 Skeletons, 6
restore honor to the Empire. Destroy the Zombies, 6 Mummies, 1 Ogre Lord, 1 Ogre
evil forces of Chaos! Chieftain, 1 Ogre Champion, 8 Ogre
Warriors, 4 Evil Sorcerers, 18 Mercenaries,
Bonded by their loyalty to the Empire, the 36 Mercenary Weapons, 3 Ice Gremlins, 2
brave Heroes unite. Stepping cautiously, Polar Warbears, 2 Yeti, 1 Frozen Horror, 1
they journey deeper and deeper into a dark, Elven Archmage, 2 Elven Warriors, 2 Elven
hidden world... Archers and 3 Giant Wolves.

6 Plastic Heroes: 2 Barbarians, 1 Dwarf, 2

Elves and 1 Wizard
What Makes
15 Pieces of Furniture: 2 tables,
HeroQuest Unique 1 throne, 1 alchemist’s bench,
One Player assumes the role of 3 treasure chests, 1 tomb, 1 sorcerer’s
Zargon, the Evil Sorcerer and con- table, 2 bookcases, 1 rack, 1 fireplace,
troller of the game; the other players 1 weapons rack, 1 cupboard
assume the roles of the Heroes — the Bar-
barian, the Dwarf, the Elf and the Wizard. Miscellaneous Items: Candlesticks,
bottles, scales, skulls and rats.
A game for 2 to 5 players, HeroQuest
is played in 14 sequential game play- 214 Playing Cards: 42 Treasure,
ing sessions called Quests. Each Quest is 27 Artifact, 20 Spell Scrolls, 24 Monster, 23
described in detail in the Quest Book. Mercenary, 3 Air Spell, 3 Fire Spell, 3 Earth
Spell, 3 Water Spell, 3 Darkness Spell, 3
One Quest may take an hour or two Detection Spell, 3 Protection Spell, 8 Elf
to play, with each subsequent Quest Spell, 25 Chaos Spell and 24 Chaos Wizard
increasing in difficulty. Spell

During a Quest, a Hero may acquire 1 Gameboard

valuable treasures. These riches may be 1 Instruction Booklet
used to between Quests to purchase 8 Quest Books
powerful weapons and protective armor 4 Character Cards: 1 Barbarian, 1
from the Armory. Dwarf, 1 Elf and 1 Wizard
1 Information Screen
The Heroes work together to defeat 1 Pad of Character Sheets
Zargon and his forces of Chaos. 6 White Combat Dice
Individual winning is not the goal. United 2 Red Dice

Cardboard Tiles: If less than 5 people are playing, one
4 Two-sided Iron Door 4 Trap Door Tiles person must still assume the role of
4 Two-sided Wooden Door 14 Pit Trap Tiles
4 Short Stairway Tiles 60 Blocked Square Tiles
Zargon. The remaining players are
5 Dbl. Blocked Square Tiles 2 Spiral Stairway Tiles allowed to control more than one Hero.
2 Long Stairway Tiles 1 Weapons Forge Tile Using less than 4 Heroes will make the
1 Cliff Corridor Tile 1 Cloud of Chaos Tile Quests more difficult.
1 Giant Stone Boulder Tile 1 4-part Stone Map Tile
1 Throne Room Tile 4 Coffin Tiles
19 Secret Door Tiles 1 Revolving Room Tile Important: The role of Zargon is a vital
1 Death Mist Tile 1 Cave Entrance Tile one. He serves as the Game Master; he
1 Carpet Room Tile 1 Sun Eye Room Tile
sits behind the Information Screen; he
1 Battle Room Tile 1 Pit Room Tile
15 Chaos Spell tokens 4 Stone Doorways controls the Quest for the other players;
4 Pit of Darkness Tiles 19 Fallen Rubble Tiles he alone knows where the monsters,
1 Ogre Throne 1 Magic Ref. Chart secret doors, treasures and traps are
3 Magical Barriers Tiles 1 Earthquake Tile
1 Lightning Bolt Tile 4 Breached Wall Tiles
located in the labyrinth; he alone has
1 Cloak of Shadows Tile 4 Fireburst Tiles access to the Quest Books.
6 Magical Ice Tiles 1 Living Fog Room
10 Slippery Ice Tiles (4 sizes) 1 Ice Ledge Tile Suggestion: If you are the purchaser
1 Bottomless Chasm Tile 1 Cage Room Tile
1 Crystal Key Tile 2 Ice Vault Tiles (2 sizes) of this game and have gathered your
1 Seat of Power Tile 2 Icy River Tiles (2 sizes) friends together to play, you should play
1 Treasure Room Tile 1 Ice Slide Tile the role of Zargon.
34 Skull Tiles 3 Long Pit Trap Tiles
4 Portcullis Tiles 4 Wolf Tokens
2 Mirror Tiles 4 Weapons Pack Tiles
1 Sky Orb Tile 1 Moonsilver Flask Tile How Zargon Uses
4 Sky Orb Tokens 1 Brass Key Tile
1 Prospector Tile 1 Princess Millandriell Tile This Book
1 Inner Sanctum Room 1 Inner Sanctum Wall
1 Quicksand Room 21 Doors (5 closed/16 open)
As Zargon, you must first read this entire
Master Instruction Booklet to yourself in
For more information about tiles and their order to understand how to run the Quests.
uses, see Appendices B through F in the
back of this book. Once you are ready to begin play, read aloud
to all of the players ‘A Glimpse Into The
World of Hero Quest’ on pages 7 & 8.
Assembly Remember, the Quest Book is for your
Before you play Hero Quest, several
eyes only. However, there are sections of
playing pieces must be assembled.
each Quest that must be read aloud to
Detailed assembly instructions can be
the other players. These paragraphs are
found in Appendix A in the back of this
noted throughout the Quest Book.
To further simplify this Instruction
Booklet, the following symbols will tell
Getting Started you which sections pertain to you as
Zargon. Look for these symbols throughout
Choose Your Role the book for quick reference.
One player must assume the role of
Zargon, the Evil Sorcerer. The other
players must assume the roles of the
Heroes: the Barbarian, the Dwarf, the
Z Zargon
Symbol H Hero
Elf and the Wizard.

Quests. Here's what the various map
Z Setting Up
The Game
Zargon, to set up the game properly, you
symbol colors mean:

Gold: This color is used to highlight

traps that the Heroes can detect by
must do the following eleven steps:
Light Green: This color is used to
1. Open the Quest Book highlight traps and other hazards that
Turn to Quest 1–”The Trial”. This Quest the Heroes can neither see nor detect by
must be played first. Read it silently to searching.
green:: This color is used to
Dark green
Each Quest features 3 different sections: highlight monster symbols. See the
The Parchment Text, the Quest Map and Monster Chart for actual symbols.
the Quest Notes.

Parchment Text Quest Notes

The Parchment Text outlines the Heroes’ Read the Quest Notes thoroughly before
challenge as well as the reward they the start of the Quest. They explain what
will receive if they are successful. This happens in certain rooms and detail the
section is always read aloud to the Hero unique situations the Hero players will
players at the beginning of the game. have to contend with. Read the notes
silently to yourself. Important: You will
Quest Map later disclose the Quest Notes information
The Quest Map shows how the game- to the Heroes as the Quest unfolds and the
board is to be laid out as the game pro- Heroes move into certain rooms and
gresses. The map is marked with symbols corridors.
that show the starting positions of the
monsters (hideous creatures under your 2. Open the gameboard and lay it flat on
control). These symbols are identical to a table. The words HERO QUEST must
those on each of the monster cards and face you.
are identified on the Information Screen.
The maps also show you where to place 3. Character Cards
pieces of furniture, stairs, doors and Spread the 4 Character Cards faceup on the
blocked square tiles. In addition, there playing table. The number of dice and
are symbols for traps, secret doors and starting points are charted on each card.
treasure chests. These symbols are shown
in the Identifications Guide on the card-
board platform.

Important: Do not place anything on the

gameboard at this time. You will reveal
the gameboard layout only when the
Hero figures have moved to a position on
the gameboard that requires you to reveal

The Quest map symbols are color-coded to

help you guide the Heroes through these Character Card

Attack Dice 5. Direct the Hero players to fill in their
They reflect the fighting power of the Character Sheets with the starting Body
Hero’s weapon. During the Quest, the and Mind Points of their characters. If
Hero’s attack strength will continually they wish, they may name their character.
be changed by events (spells, combat, etc.). During the Quest, a Hero’s Body and
Mind Points will be affected by events.
Defend Dice
Points can be gained or lost. Body Points
They reflect the ability of the Hero to dodge
must be charted on the Hero’s Character
or absorb enemy hits. During the Quest, the
Sheet. Any treasure found in the Quest
Hero’s defend strength will continually be
must also be recorded here. Players must
changed by events (spells, combat, etc.).
save their sheets and bring them to each
Body Points game session.
They reflect the Hero’s physical strength.
The Barbarian is the strongest with 8 Charting
points; the Wizard the weakest with 4 Body
points. Points

Mind Points
They reflect the Hero’s wisdom,
6. Place the Information Screen so that
it is between you and the gameboard.
intelligence and resistance to magical
influence. The Wizard has the greatest
7. Place the Quest Book on the table
mental strength with 6 points; the
between you and the Information Screen.
Barbarian the least with 2 points.
8. Separate all of the assembled doors,
4. Tear off 4 Character Sheets from
furniture, the monsters and all of the
the pad (see below). Give each Hero
cardboard tiles into 4 groups or piles.
player a sheet, a pencil, his Hero’s
Character Card and the matching red Note: For a quick identification of the
plastic Hero figure. monsters, refer to the Monster Chart.

9. Study the Quest Map. Place on the

gameboarad only the things that go into
the starting room (usually the room with
the stairway). Note: Do NOT put out any
traps or secret doors. Do NOT reveal
treasure at this time.

Starting room of Quest 1 with the stairway tile

and closed door.

10. Sort the Cards Evil Wizard Spells
The cards are to be sorted into 17 piles: These spells are used by the forces of Chaos.
Treasure Cards, Artifact Cards, Monster They are divided into four groups: High
Cards, Mercenary Cards, Chaos Spell Cards, Mage, Necromancer, Orc Shaman, and
Necromancer Spell Cards, Orc Shaman Storm Master spell groups. Each group
Spell Cards, High Mage Spell Cards, Storm contains 6 individual spells. These spells
Master Spell Cards, Air Spell Cards, Fire can only be used by the most powerful of
Spell Cards, Water Spell Cards, Earth Spell Zargon's forces. Keep these cards behind
Cards, Elf Spell Cards, Spells of Protection, the Information Screen.
Spells of Detection, and Spells of Darkness.
Hero Spell Cards
Treasure Cards There are seven groups of Hero spells—Air,
Shuffle these cards before each draw. Darkness, Detection, Earth, Fire,
Keep them face-down in a pile within easy Protection and Water. Each spell group
reach of all the players. Zargon should contains 3 individual spells. The spell
reshuffle the treasure pack between each groups are divided between the Wizard and
Quest, returning any used Treasure Cards the Elf .
from the previous Quest to the pack.
There is an eighth spell group—Elf Spells.
Artifact Cards Only the Elf can cast these Spells.
These cards are special, as you will
discover in the Quest Notes. Some of these Dividing the Spells
artifacts will be kept from Quest to Quest, Direct the Hero players to divide the Hero
others will need to be marked off of the spells. The Wizard must first choose one of
Hero’s character sheet after use. Some are the seven spell groups. Next, the Elf must
also used as Quest goals and may need to be choose one spell group from the six that
given up. Keep these cards behind the remain or he may choose three of the eight
Information Screen. Some of these cards Elf Spells. Finally, the Wizard will select
are spell scrolls and should be separated two more of the remaining spell groups.
from the other Artifact Cards, so that they
may be shuffled and drawn from at random Note: A spell and its effects are explained
where indicated in the Quest Notes. in detail on its corresponding spell card.

Monsters Cards Suggestions: If this is the players’ first

Spread out the 24 Monster Cards and put Quest, the Wizard should take the Fire
them faceup near the gameboard so that spells, the Elf should take the Earth
the Hero players can easily refer to them. spells and the remaining spells should
All the information on these cards can go to the Wizard.
also be found in the Monster Chart on
the Information Screen. 11. Finally, put 3 White Combat Dice and
the 2 Red Dice near the gameboard where
Chaos Spell Cards the Hero players can easily reach them.
There are 25 Chaos Spells. These spells Keep 3 white combat dice for yourself.
belong to Zargon and are very powerful, as
you will discover in the Quest Notes. Keep
these cards behind the Information Screen.


elcome, my friends, to the world of

HeroQuest—a place unlike any other... To
gain access, you must first become a part
of it. One of you will play the role of
Zargon, the Evil Sorcerer; the rest of you
will play the roles of the brave Heroes. As
Heroes, you will work together to save the
Empire from Zargon's evil forces. Will your
valiant efforts be enough? Time will tell all.
Heroes, you will begin your journey with Quest 1—The Trial
from the Quest Book. Your goal is to seek out and destroy Verag, a
foul Gargoyle who hides in the catacombs. Your very survival
depends on your ability to work well together, for no true Hero
stands alone.
Listen carefully now to these words from Zargon...
"Heroes, your goal has been made clear. I, however, have
my own goal—to destroy you! You will begin this first Quest in the
room with the stairway. I will show you its location by placing the
stairway tile on the gameboard. On each of your turns, you will
discuss with your comrades where to move and what to do. Beware!
Your decisions will affect all players.
You will move square by square along corridors and into
rooms. The distance of your movement will be determined by a roll of
two red dice. Fate, you see, is really nothing more than chance.
Where you move is within your control. What you find along the
way, however, is within mine, for I control the gameboard. Let
caution be your guide. Danger, you will soon discover, lurks in every

As you look down corridors and into rooms, I will reveal to
you many things, including closed doors, pieces of furniture, hideous
monsters, blocked squares, and dangerous traps that you have
sprung. I will place these items on the gameboard for you to see.
Their locations are known to me long before you, for they are shown
to me on my Quest Map—a document never to be seen by your eyes!
To discover that which I already know, you must move cautiously.
Peril lies in each step you take.
As you venture deeper and deeper into the underworld,
you will be confronted by many foul monsters. These creatures will
greatly test your strength and courage. Some of you will battle them
using only your sword and armor. Your success or failure will be
determined by a roll of the combat dice, for these special dice reflect
your attack and defend strength. Others of you will have the mighty
power of magic spells to assist you. You must cast your spells wisely!
While you may use your turn to engage in combat or to
cast a spell, you may instead choose to perform another action.
These include searching for treasure, secret doors, or traps. You may
even try to disarm a discovered, yet unsprung, trap. You must choose
your action carefully, for you may only perform one action on your turn.
Once each of you has completed a turn, only then will I
take my turn. Prepare yourselves! My forces strike in great number. I
control every monster present on the gameboard and may move all of
them on one turn! Heed this warning. I am also armed with the
power of magic. Dare you test your magical strength against mine?
Your journey awaits. Prepare to meet the unknown! Will
you survive the battles against my monster forces, or will your body
and mind be forever weakened? Will you suffer the damage of hidden
traps, or will you be able to locate and disarm them? Will you be
trapped by walls of stone, or will you discover secret doorways? Will
you find fortune through hidden treasures, or will greed and
carelessness be your downfall? We shall see where fate takes you.
Come. Let the Quest begin...”

Z To Begin
The Quest
H On A Hero’s
Zargon, read the Parchment Text section of As a Hero, you may move and then perform
Quest 1 from the Quest Book aloud to the an action, OR you may perform an action
Heroes. It is important that the Heroes and then move. You may not, however,
understand the history before the Quest move part way, perform an action and then
and the goal(s) set before them. finish your movement. You may perform
any one of the following actions.
Important: Only read aloud the Parchment
Text section. The information contained in ATTACK
the Quest Map and the Quest Notes must, CAST A SPELL (Wizard and Elf Only)
for now, be kept secret from the Heroes. SEARCH FOR TREASURE
Order of Play
Play begins with the Hero seated to
Zargon’s left and continues clockwise. DISARM A TRAP
After all Heroes have completed their turns,
it is Zargon’s turn. On his turn, Zargon may These actions are also listed on the back
move all monsters currently on the of each Character Card for easy reference
gameboard. This sequence continues until and are explained in detail on pages 11-22.
the Quest is achieved or until the Heroes
leave the underworld. Hero Movement
The message from Mentor at the beginning
Hint: A good starting setup would be for of each Quest tells where the Heroes start
the Barbarian to sit to Zargon’s left, and end the Quest. As a Hero, you
followed by the Dwarf, the Elf and then, normally begin and end a quest in the room
seated to Zargon’s right, the Wizard. marked with the spiral stairway. The
stairway leads you down, down, down . . .
deep into the evil stronghold of Chaos.
Otherwise you will use an Iron entry or
On Any Player’s Turn Wooden exit door in a Quest. When there
is an Iron entry or Wooden exit door, it is
Whether playing the role of Zargon
indicated on the Quest Map by an arrow
or that of a Hero, a player does one
of the following on his turn: (pointing into the map for the entry door
and out of the map for the exit door.) When
Moves his figure(s) and performs there is an entry door, it is always placed on
an action, the gameboard in its specified location
before each Quest begins. At the start of an
adventure, the Heroes line up outside the
Performs an action and moves door and ask Zargon to open it. To safely
his figure(s) complete a Quest, you must return to the
stairway or exit out of the Wooden exit
door, for it is only there that you are truly
free from harm.

To determine how many square spaces to Iron Entrance Door
move, you must roll 2 Red Dice. Then, This iron door is placed on the
move carefully along the corridors and into edge of the game board in many
rooms square by square. On the gameboard, of the Quests. Heroes line up outside the
the corridors are shown by the areas with door to begin these Quests.
light gray flooring. Corridors may be one or
two squares wide. The rooms are enclosed
by white lines (the walls). You do NOT Wooden Exit Door
have to move the entire distance indicated
In many Quests, this special
by the dice roll. When moving however,
wooden door is used to exit the
you cannot pass over monsters, move
gameboard at the end of a Quest.
through walls or move diagonally. You
MAY pass over other Heroes. You may only
Note: As with regular doors, an exit door is
enter rooms through doors. You may not
not placed on the gameboard by Zargon
share a square with another Hero or with a
until a Hero looks down the appropriate
monster. Exceptions: When on the stairs or
corridor. An exit door is usually opened in
in pit traps, sharing a square is permitted.
the same way as a regular door, unless
Passing Items specified otherwise in the Quest notes.
A Hero can pass a potion, artifact, weapon
or any other item to another Hero only if Portcullis
the 2 Heroes are in adjacent squares and Some of these massive iron
neither Hero is adjacent to a monster. gates open when the Heroes spring a certain
trap, while others are unlocked by a brass
Looking And Opening Doors key or forced up by brute strength. Heroes
As a Hero, while moving, you may “look” and Monsters cannot "see" through a
down a corridor or through an open door. portcullis until it is opened. If the Heroes
Looking gives you the opportunity to see do not have the brass key when trying to
what is directly within your line of sight, open a portcullis, a Hero must roll less than
such as closed doors, blocked square spaces his Body Points on 2 Red Dice to force the
and monsters. Looking is NOT one of the 6 portcullis open. Each Hero may try once
actions. On your turn, you may move per turn until the portcullis opens.
adjacent to a closed door and ask Zargon to
open it. Zargon will open the door by Stone Doorways
removing the closed door piece and Stone Doorways are large slabs
replacing it with an open door piece. of rock which must be pushed out of the
Opening a door is also NOT one of the 6 way using brute force before you can pass.
actions. Both “looking” and “opening To open one of these doors, a character
doors” are simply considered to be must roll a number of combat dice and
additional things you may do on your turn. score two skulls. The number of dice he
throws depends on what character type he
Note: All doors start out closed. Once a is: the Dwarf and the Elf both roll two dice,
door is opened, it can never be closed. the Barbarian rolls three dice. The Wizard
cannot open a Stone Doorway. Once a Stone
Important: Getting caught in a trap, Doorway has been opened it remains open
drinking potions, passing items, and for the rest of the quest.
picking things up also do not count as
actions. They can be done at anytime
during your turn.

Double-Duty Doors more information see Appendices B—F.)
This iron door indicates both Room Tiles
the entrance and exit of the These tiles take up an entire room or may
Quest. It is treated initially like an Iron combine more than one room. Some of
Entrance Door and once opened remains as these tiles are for decorating the board
such and will also be the exit for the Quest. adding to the atmosphere and other rooms
may have natural traps or are natural traps.

Z How Zargon Reacts

To Hero Movement
These rooms have certain purposes in the
Quest maps. (For more information see
Appendix B.)
As Zargon, you must carefully watch a
Hero’s movement. Continually refer to
the Quest Map in the Quest Book.
When a Hero “looks” down a corridor, H The 6 Hero Actions:
place on the gameboard any closed doors, As a Hero, you may do any one of the
blocked square tiles and monsters that are following 6 actions on your turn. (It is
directly within the Hero’s line of sight. (See possible, however, that you may not be
page 14 “SEE” for clear line of sight.) When able to do any.)
a Hero opens a door, place on the game-
board the monsters, treasure chests,
and any other items that belong in that
room. Note: Do not put out any traps
H Action 1–Attack
or secret doors. Do not reveal treasure As a Hero, you may attack any monster
at this time. that you are adjacent to. You are adja-
cent if you are directly to the side,
Blocked Square Tiles front, or rear of another square. You
As Zargon, you must place a blocked may, however, only attack once per
square tile on the gameboard as soon as turn. Your attack strength depends on
it becomes visible to the Hero. These your attack weapons. The stronger the
tiles show where extra walls have been weapon, the greater the number of
built. Neither Heroes nor monsters can Attack Dice used. Some weapons allow
move through blocked squares. you to attack diagonally or from a
Magical Barriers distance. Most weapons, however, do not.
Wall of Ice, Wall of Flame and Wall of Stone
spells allow the caster to build a solid
barrier which will appear on the board as a The Elf is
card piece standing on a plastic base. This considered
adjacent to the
barrier may be placed across two squares on monster in any
the gameboard to form a solid impassable of these four
wall that will remain on the board until it is positions.
destroyed. The wall may resist an attack by
rolling the number of Defend Dice shown
on the specific spell card and counting the Important: You may only attack with one weapon
white shields scored. If the wall takes 1 at a time.
Body Point or more of damage, it is destroy-
At the start of the first Quest, each Hero is
ed and the piece is removed from the board.
armed with a specific weapon. Refer to the
Note: Special Tiles like the Icy River may Hero’s Character Card for his Starting
decrease the Hero's movement rate. (For Weapon and Attack Dice number.

The Barbarian begins with the greatest
starting weapon, the broadsword. Z How A Monster Defends
The Dwarf ’s starting weapon is a short- A defending monster rolls the
sword. He also possesses an inner number of Defend Dice shown in
strength–a special knack for disarming the Monster Chart on the Information
traps. Screen. Each black shield rolled by the
defending monster blocks 1 hit from the
The Elf also starts with a shortsword. attacking Hero.
He is a good fighter and has some
knowledge of the magical arts. The Elf
begins each Quest with 3 magic spells
(one spell group). Black Shield rolled.

The Wizard starts with a small dagger. Many monsters are killed with only
He has great knowledge of magic and is 1 hit. Some monsters, however, re-
a master spellcaster. He begins each quire more than 1 hit. (Refer to the
Quest with 9 magic spells (three spell Monster Chart on the Information
groups). However, he is handicapped by Screen for a monster’s Body Points.)
his inability to wear normal armor or For those monsters requiring more than
use large weapons. 1 hit, monster damage is tracked by the
use of skull tiles. Zargon, for each hit
There is also a female Barbarian and Elf your monster sustains, you must record
that have the exact same stats as their male the hit by placing a skull tile under the
counterparts. Any reference to “Barbarian” monster figure on the gameboard.
or “Elf ” will apply equally to either the
male or female character. Note: Only one
type of any Hero can be in play at any one Skull Tile
Note: If the monster survives the
How A Hero Attacks attack, it cannot attack the Hero back
As a Hero, you must roll the White until Zargon’s next turn. (See How A
Combat Dice to attack. The number Monster Attacks and How a Hero Defends
of dice to roll depends on the weapon on pages 23-24.)
you are using for the attack. (Check
your Character Sheet for your attack
strength.) Failure to roll any skulls
results in a failed attack.
H A Trip To The Armory
As a Hero, you may collect valuable
treasures, such as gold coins, during a
Each Skull rolled is considered a hit,
Quest. Between Quests, you may use
resulting in 1 Body Point of damage
Gold coins to purchase powerful
scored against the monster. If hit, the
weapons and protective armor from the
monster immediately defends by rolling
Armory. (See cardboard platform.)
its Defend Dice. If the monster’s Body
Points reach zero, the monster is
These weapons allow you to increase
considered dead and is removed from
your attack and defend strength and
the gameboard.
may also give you unique combat
Skull rolled.

For instance, daggers and crossbows are A Trip To The Alchemist’s Shop
special weapons due to their ability to Also with these valuable treasures, Between
hit a monster from a distance. Quests, you may use Gold Coins to
purchase powerful potions from the
Some long weapons, like the staff and Alchemist's Shop.
the longsword, allow you to attack
diagonally. The attack is made and These potions allow you to possibly
defended normally increase your attack and defend strength as
well as restore Body and Mind Points. Also
some potions give the Heroes unique
advantages. These potions are invaluable to
the Heroes.

For instance, the Potion of Battle Rage

allows the Barbarian to attack twice, and
the Potion of Restoration restores both a
Body and Mind Point.

The Wizard, with a staff, is in a “safe” Note: For complete information on all of
position. The staff allows him to attack the the potions, please refer to the Alchemist's
monster diagonally. The monster, however, Shop.
cannot attack the Wizard diagonally.

Using diagonal weapons allows more A Look at Mercenaries

than one Hero to attack a monster Adventures may each hire up to four
Blocking a doorway. followers at any time between Quests.
These followers may be from any of the four
types of Mercenaries. To hire a Mercenary,
an adventurer must pay the initial Price to
Hire which appears on the Mercenary Card.
That Mercenary will then stay with and
fight for that Hero until he, the Mercenary,
is killed and as long as he is paid 10 gold
coins at the end of each Quest. If he is not
paid for his services, he will leave and must
be paid his full Price to Hire in order to
return. (For more information see Hiring
Mercenaries on page 27.)
Both the Wizard and the Barbarian may
attack the monster blocking the doorway. Action 2–Cast A Spell
The Wizard, with a staff, may attack
diagonally. The Barbarian, with a
H (Elf and Wizard Only)
broadsword, may attack adjacently. As the Elf or the Wizard, you may cast
a spell instead of attacking. You may
Note: For complete information on all of cast a spell at anything you can “see.”
the weapons and armor, please refer to the
Armory. Important: You may only cast a spell on
your turn.

For the Elf or Wizard to cast a spell, the
target must be visible. Heroes and monsters
H How A Hero Searches
For Treasure
As a Hero, you may search a room
are only visible if an unobstructed straight
for treasure only if the room is
line can be traced from the spell caster to
uninhabited by monsters.
the target.
A Good Rule of Thumb: Draw an invisible As a Hero, you must first verbally
straight line between the center of the declare your search. Do so by saying, “I
square the spell caster is on and the center am searching for treasure.” Searching for
of the square the target is on. If the line treasure means you are looking around,
does not cross a wall, closed door, Hero or opening things, searching for interesting
monster, the target is declared visible, even objects and Gold Coins, regardless of what
if the line just touches a corner or wall edge. square you are on in the room. Do not move
The following diagram shows an example your Hero figure when you search.
of what is visible.
If there is no special treasure called
out to Zargon in the Quest Book, you,
as a Hero, must draw a random card from
the Treasure Card deck and read it aloud.
The card could offer you a variety of things,
including riches and magical potions.
Record any Gold Coins or potions on your
Character Sheet.

These “valuable” Treasure Cards (Gold

Coins and potions) are NOT returned to the
treasure deck until the next Quest.

As the Elf or the Wizard, you may cast Note: To eliminate conflicts among the
a spell on yourself, another Hero, or on Heroes, large Gold Coin treasures found in
a monster. Once a spell is cast, the spell treasure chests should be divided among all
card is discarded for the remainder of surviving Heroes. Later, between Quests,
the Quest. Each spell may be cast only you may use the treasure to purchase
once per Quest. Use them wisely! additional weapons and armor from the
Note: A spell and its effects are explained Armory. (See A Trip To The Armory on
in detail on its corresponding spell card. page 12.)

Be careful! Almost half of the Treasure

Action 3–Search
H For Treasure
Cards contain Wandering Monsters and
Hazards! These “bad” Treasure Cards
ARE returned to the treasure deck and
Treasure is found only in rooms, not in may be re-drawn in the next treasure
corridors. A room may be searched by search.
all 4 Heroes, but each individual Hero
may only search the room once and IMPORTANT! The Treasure Cards must
may do so only on his own turn. be shuffled before a Hero draws one from
Note: Some treasures are protected by a the deck.
trap. See Search For Traps on pages 16-17.

3 adjacent squares are available, place the
Z How Zargon Reacts To A
Hero’s Search For Treasure
remaining monsters as close to the Hero as
As Zargon, if there is a special treasure (as
described in the Quest Notes), you must
read aloud the treasure description once the
treasure has been found. The special
H How Heroes Respond To
Wandering Monsters
treasure is discovered only once by the first As a Hero, you roll combat dice to defend
Hero who searches the room for treasure, against a Wandering Monster's attack. You
even if other Heroes later search that same may then continue with your turn. (See
room. How A Hero Defends on page 24.)

If there is no special treasure in the

searched room, direct the searching Hero
to draw a Treasure Card as described.
H Hazards!
As a Hero, when you draw a Hazard Card
However, if the Hero draws a Wandering from the Treasure Card deck, read the card
Monster or Hazard card, do the following: aloud and follow its directions.

Z Wandering Monsters H Magical Trap!

These monsters pop out of holes and
When a Hero finds a Magical Trap from the
hidden places and wander into rooms.
Treasure Card Deck he sets off a Fireburst
(The monster that appears is listed in the
trap. Place the Fireburst Tile in the center
Quest Notes.)
of the room and refer to Appendix E or the
As Zargon, you must place the monster Magic Reference Chart to check the effects
next to the treasure-searcher and of the trap.
immediately roll Attack Dice. (Refer to
the Monster Chart on the Information
Screen for the correct number of Attack
H Poison!
Dice to use.) On this round, you can only If a Hero finds a Poison Card from the
attack the treasure-searcher. After the Treasure Card Deck he rolls 1 Combat Die.
attack, the Wandering Monster remains on If the Hero rolls a Skull he loses 1 Mind
the gameboard and can be moved like other Point or 1 Body Point.
Note: If the surrounding squares are
occupied and it is not possible to place Some of the special treasures are called
a monster next to the searcher, put the “artifacts.” Each is described in detail on its
monster in the room as close to the corresponding Artifact Card. These items
searcher as possible. Then, on your next include weapons, armor and items that
turn, the monster can move and attack provide additional powers. Finding an
like other monsters. artifact may also be the objective of a
particular Quest. Important! Certain
Note: Several Quests have multiple artifacts may only be used by a specific
wandering monsters. For example, if the Hero. For example, the Wizard's Cloak and
Quest notes say, "Wandering Monsters in the Wizard's Staff may only be used by the
this Quest: 3 Goblins," place 3 Goblins Wizard. If another Hero finds one of these
adjacent to the Hero who initiated the items, he should give it to the Wizard.
wandering monster encounter. If fewer than

Spell Scrolls How a Hero Searches For
These scrolls are used just like the spell Secret Doors
cards in the Game System. However, a spell As a Hero, you can only search for
scroll can be used by ANY Hero (not just secret doors if there are no monsters
the Wizard and Elf) who finds one. Note visible to you.
that spell scrolls can be only used once.
You must first verbally declare your
When a spell scroll is found, the Hero search. Do so by saying, “I am
should record it on his Character Sheet. If a searching for secret doors.” Zargon will
Hero finds an unnamed spell scroll, Zargon then disclose any secret doors located in the
should turn all of the spell scroll cards face room or corridor that you are in by placing
down, mix them up, and let the Hero draw a secret door tile on the game board square
one at random. After the scroll has been where the secret door is located. Do not
used, it must be crossed off the Hero's move your Hero figure when you search.
Character Sheet.

Note: Heroes who have artifacts are allowed

to give them to other Heroes.

Potions Secret Door Tile

As a Hero, you may drink a potion at any
time. The way a potion works and how long The door is not considered OPEN until
its effects last are listed on the potion you move adjacent to it and declare
Treasure Card, in The Alchemist's Shop, that you are opening it. Once the door is
and sometimes in the Quest Book. You may opened, Zargon will place on the game
drink more than one potion at a time. board the items that are beyond the secret
Healing potions are very valuable. If your doorway. Once opened, the door cannot be
Body Points are reduced to zero, you may closed.
drink a healing potion before you die and Note: Most ssecret doors may be found by a
save yourself by restoring 1 or more of your search on either side of the wall in which
Body Points. You may give one of your they are placed, however, always consult the
potions to a fellow Hero, but you may do so Quest Notes, just to be certain.
only on your turn.

Action 5–Search
Action 4–Search for
Secret Doors
H For Traps
There are many kinds of traps—pit traps,
Secret doors are hidden portals that cannot falling block traps, spear traps, swinging axe
be seen when you, as a Hero, “look” into a traps, stalactites and chest/furniture traps.
room or down a corridor. These doors are They can be found in both rooms and
concealed in a variety of ways, including corridors. Only Zargon knows where these
sliding panels and pivoting bricks. You will traps are hidden. If, as a Hero, you move
not discover a secret door unless you search onto a square that contains a trap, you will
for one. automatically spring the trap, possibly
suffering damage.

A treasure chest or piece of furniture may Kinds of Pits
also contain a trap. If you search for
treasure without first searching for traps,
you will spring the trap. Remember, it often Pit Traps
pays to take the time to search. A pit trap is a covered hole in the floor.
If the trap is found during a search,
How A Hero Searches For Traps Zargon will say that the floor looks weak
As a Hero, you can only search for and will point to the square where the trap
traps if there are no monsters visible to is located. Zargon will NOT put a pit trap
you. tile on the gameboard at this time. It has
not yet been sprung. Once a pit trap is
You must verbally declare your search. discovered, a Hero may be able to JUMP
Do so by saying, “I am searching for the trap, or on his next turn, DISARM it.
traps.” Zargon will then tell you which (See Jumping A Trap on page 21 and
squares, if any, have traps. He will NOT, Disarm a Trap on page 22) If a Hero does
however, put any trap tiles out on the board. not search for traps and moves onto a pit
At this time, they are still concealed and trap square, he automatically springs the
unsprung. trap.

Once a trap is discovered, you may be Springing A Pit Trap

able to JUMP the trap, or on your next As a Hero, if you
turn, DISARM it. (See Action-6 Disarm A move onto a pit
Trap on page 22.) trap square, Zargon
Warning: There are some traps in a room will stop you by
that have been placed directly on the other saying, “You have
side of the door. Beware! The first Hero to just stumbled into
enter the room through that door will a pit!”
encounter the trap and suffer damage!
Note: As a Hero, you cannot search for
these traps by looking through the door.
You must be in the room to search for any
traps in it.
Note: Monsters do not spring traps. Zargon will then put a pit trap tile on
that square (under your Hero figure)
and will tell you that you suffered 1 Body
Point of damage in the fall. This ends your
Common Kinds of Traps turn. You must then record your Body
The location of pit traps, falling block traps, Point damage on your Character Sheet.
spear traps and chest/furniture traps are
marked in gold or light green on the Quest
Maps in the Quest Book. All traps marked
in light green are traps and other hazards
that the Heroes can neither see nor detect
by searching.

Do not place any trap tiles out onto the

board. At this time they are concealed and

those wearing platemail armor must roll 3
Long Pit Traps Combat Dice. A Hero takes 1 Body Point of
Long pit traps are like normal pit traps damage for each skull rolled. You must
except they take two spaces on the board then record your Body Point damage on
instead of one. your Character Sheet.
Springing A Long Pit Trap
As a Hero, if you move onto a long pit trap What Happens To A Hero In A Pit?
square, Zargon will stop you by saying, As a Hero, once in a pit, you may
“You have just stumbled into a pit!” search the pit for treasure or secret
doors as if it were a separate room unto
Zargon will then put a long pit trap tile itself.
on that square (under your Hero figure)
and will tell you that you suffered 2 Body When in a pit, you may also attack and
Points of damage in the fall. This ends defend, but you must roll 1 less Combat
your turn. You must then record your Body Die when doing so. (This applies to
Point damage on your Character Sheet. monsters as well.)

For a Hero to climb out of the pit he Note: As a Hero, your minimum attack or
must roll 1 red die. If he rolls a 5 or 6 defend strength is always 1 Combat Die,
he climbs out successfully and may even if the pit penalty would reduce your
continue his move. If any other number is dice to zero.
rolled, the Hero falls back into the pit
losing his turn. Normally, you can move out of a pit on
your next turn.
Note: A Hero does not suffer damage again
when trying to climb out ot the long pit
Note: Once a pit trap is sprung and a pit
tile is placed on the board, the trap cannot
be disarmed or removed. As a Hero, you
Pits of Darkness may, however, attempt to JUMP over it.
The Pit of Darkness Trap works the same (See Jumping A Trap on page 21.)
way as a normal pit trap with the following
exceptions: a character falling into a Pit of
Darkness plunges 30 feet onto hard floor.
Falling Block Traps
Once he falls, a Hero will suffer damage
Heroes beware! Falling Block traps are
depending on how much armor he is
very dangerous. Stepping on once may
trigger the ceiling to collapse. If such a trap
Springing a Pit of Darkness is found during a search, Zargon will say
As a Hero, if you move onto a pit trap that the ceiling looks dangerous and will
square, Zargon will stop you by saying, point to the square where the trap is
“You have just stumbled into a very deep located. Zargon will NOT put a falling
pit!” block trap tile on the gameboard at this
time. It has not yet been sprung. Once an
Zargon will then put a Pit of Darkness unsprung falling block trap is discovered, a
Trap Tile on that square (under your Hero may attempt to JUMP the trap or may
Hero figure). Heroes not wearing any later try to DISARM it on his next turn. If
armor must roll 1 Combat Die to see if any a Hero does not serch for traps and moves
damage is done; those wearing chainmail or onto a falling block trap square, he springs
Borin’s Armor must roll 2 Combat Dice and the trap.

Springing A Falling Block Trap You may then continue with your move.
As a Hero, if you move onto a falling The spear trap is now gone forever and the
block trap square, Zargon will stop you square can be moved onto safely.
by saying, “You’ve just sprung a falling
block trap! The ceiling is caving in! Look
out!” Stalactite Trap
This deadly spear of ice clings to the ceiling
Zargon will then put a falling block of ice caverns. Unless searched for and
trap tile on the square, under your disarmed, the stalactite falls upon the first
Hero figure. Hero to move onto the trap square.

Note: Once a falling block trap has been Springing a Stalactite Trap
sprung and put out on the board, it cannot As a Hero, if you move onto a stalactite
be disarmed or jumped. trap square, Zargon will stop you by
saying, “You have just been struck by a
Zargon will then give you 3 Combat falling stalactite.”
Dice to roll. For each skull rolled, you
suffer 1 Body Point of damage. You may Zargon will tell you that you suffered 1
NOT roll Defend Dice. Body Point of damage. This ends your
turn. You must then record your Body
You must now make a decision. You Point damage on your Character Sheet.
can either move ahead or move back to The stalactite trap is now gone forever and
an empty space. Remember, the trap space the square can be moved onto safely.
is now a permanent block in the game.
Your decision is a critical one. You could
become trapped forever, or you could be cut Swinging Blade Trap
off from the rest of the Heroes. The trap is tripped when a character
lands on a space marked with a solid blade
Move to the space you have decided symbol: a huge blade swings down from the
upon. This ends your turn. roof attacking any character in any one of
the spaces marked with a solid or outlined
Spear Traps blade symbol.
A spear trap is carefully hidden. If found
during a search, Zargon will say that the Springing A Swinging Blade Trap
square looks suspicious and will point to Zargon will then give you 2 Combat
the square where the trap is located. Once a Dice to roll. For each skull rolled, you
spear trap is discovered, a Hero may suffer 1 Body Point of damage. You may
attemept to JUMP the trap or DISARM it. NOT roll Defend Dice. You must then
As a Hero, when you step onto a spear trap record your Body Point damage on your
square, you automatically spring the trap. Character Sheet. The swinging blade trap
This causes a spear to thrust out of the wall, is now gone forever and the square can be
floor or ceiling. moved onto safely.

Springing a Spear Trap Note: A Swinging Blade Trap can only be

As a Hero, when moving onto a spear detected by a search in the room or corridor
trap square, you must roll 1 Combat containing the solid blade symbol.
Die. If you roll a skull, you suffer 1 Body
Point of damage. This ends your turn. If Example: In the diagram on the following
you roll either a black or white shield, you page, the Elf moves five spaces and lands on
have dodged out of the way of the spear. an outlined blade space. He does not set off

the trap, but on his turn, the Barbarian Magical Traps
moves four spaces and lands on the solid Whenever a Hero enters a room described
blade space. The blade swings down in the Quest notes as containing a magical
attacking both the Elf and the Barbarian trap, Zargon must refer to the Magic
with 2 Combat Dice. Reference Chart to see the effect of that
particular trap.

Magical traps cannot be found by searching.

They can only be disarmed with certain
spells specified on the Magical Reference
Chart. Magical traps may only be activated
once. As soon as a magical trap has been
activated, players can move safely through
that room or corridor.

Fireburst Trap
When a Hero enters a room containing a
Fireburst trap, place a Fireburst token in
Note: There are no spear, stalactite or the center of the room. This will remain in
swinging blade trap tiles. place until the beginning of Zargon’s turn,
when it will explode; attacking any figures
in the room with 3 Combat Dice. It may
Wandering Monster Trap only be disarmed with a Tempest spell.
These monsters sneak up or pop out of an
unsuspecting place waiting to ambush the
Heroes. Wandering Monster traps are so Hurricane Trap
well concealed that they are not detected This trap must be set in a corridor. Once a
when a Hero searches for traps. character passes the spot marked “X”, a
hurricane will rush down the end of the
Springing A Wandering Monster Trap corridor marked with the trap symbol. All
Zargon must tell the Hero to stop on figures in this corridor will be forced to
the square. The monster or monsters move back 8 spaces along the corridor or
listed as wandering monsters for that Quest until they hit a wall or set off a trap.
appear on any square or squares adjacent to
the Hero or as close as possible. The
monsters immediately attack and the Hero Teleport Trap
defends. (If the Hero has not already taken Any Hero who steps on a square marked
an action that turn, he may do so after he with symbol “A”, will instantly be
defends.) Otherwise the turn passes to the transported to the square marked with
next player (or to Zargon). Each wandering symbol “B”, elsewhere on the map.
monster trap can be activated only once. Stepping on a symbol “B” square has no
effect. Once a character has been
Note: There are no wandering monster teleported, he is disoriented and his turn
trap tiles and wandering monster traps are ends immediately.
always marked light green on the Quest

Jumping A Trap
As a Hero, if your path is blocked by a trap,
you may attempt to pass by jumping over it.
To jump over a trap, you must do the
You must have at least two squares of
movement remaining, as if you moved
onto the trap square and then onto one
unoccupied ADJACENT square beyond.
You must roll anything but a Skull on 1
Combat Die to jump the trap. If a Skull
is rolled, you spring the trap, suffering the
body damage caused by that particular type
of trap. If there is a corresponding trap tile,
it will then be put on the game board by
Zargon. You are then put on the trap
square. This ends your turn.
Magic Reference Chart
If you avoid rolling a Skull, you can
jump over the trap, expending two
Chest/Furniture Traps moves. If you have any moves remaining
A chest/furniture trap can be a variety of from your dice roll, you may then continue
things, including poisonous gas, poison your move.
needle, explosive latch, or a shooting dart.
Note: Once a falling block trap has been
If the room or corridor that the sprung, it CANNOT be jumped. The path
chest/furniture is located in is being is permanently blocked by a wall of fallen
searched for traps, Zargon will say that the stone. However, once a pit trap has been
chest/furniture looks dangerous and will sprung, the hole in the ground, though
point to the chest/furniture in question. dangerous, CAN be jumped.
Once a chest/furniture trap is discovered, a
Hero may attempt to DISARM it on his More About Jumping Pit Traps:
next turn. There may be as many as 3 possible squares
to jump to on the other sides of a single pit.
Springing A Chest/Furniture Trap However, a pit in the corner of a corridor
As a Hero, if you search a room for has only 1 space open to jump across to.
treasure, before searching the room for
traps, any chest/furniture traps in the room
will be sprung, ending your turn. You then
suffer the consequences described to
Zargon in the Quest Notes.

If you successfully disarm the trap, the

trap is removed and you may continue
with your move. (See Disarm A Trap on
page 22.) You may search the disarmed
chest/furniture for treasure on your next To successfully jump across this pit trap, a
turn. Hero must jump across to square X.

In the previous illustration, if the ‘X’ square have sprung the trap, suffering body
is occupied by a monster, and you are a damage. If you roll either a black or white
Hero without any special armory weapons, shield, the trap is disarmed. A disarmed
you must voluntarily fall into the pit trap is considered “gone” and is not put out
(suffering damage) and do combat with the on the gameboard.
monster (at a disadvantage) from in the pit!
How The Dwarf Disarms A Trap
Jumping Long Pit Traps As the Dwarf, you never need a tool kit to
If a Hero wants to jump over this pit the disarm a trap! Your odds of succeeding are
long way, he must have at least 3 squares of great due to your innate skills. To disarm a
movement left after he moves next to the trap, you must do the following:
pit. The Hero then rolls 1 Combat Die. A
black shield means the Hero has jumped Before you move, you must announce
across safely, using up 3 squares of that you are moving onto the trap
movement. The Hero can continue to move square to attempt to disarm and remove the
if he has more movement left. Any result trap.
other than a black shield means the Hero
falls into the pit, suffering 2 Body Points of Roll 1 Combat Die. If you roll a Black
damage. Shield, you have sprung the trap,
suffering body damage. If you roll anything
A Last Note on Traps except a Black Shield, the trap is disarmed.
As Zargon, you don’t necessarily have to Note: A disarmed trap is considered to be a
follow the exact rules on a trap when regular gameboard square.
creating Quests. For example, traps don’t
necessarily have to be damaging. A pit trap
could lead to another room or a chest could
release a horde of monsters upon a Hero.
Remember that Zargon is the ultimate
authority in the HeroQuest world!

Action 6–Disarm A
H Trap
As a Hero, to disarm an unsprung trap, you
must first know its location, and you must
possess a tool kit (or be the Dwarf). A tool
kit may be purchased between Quests at the
Armory. (See cardboard platform.)

How A Hero* Disarms A Trap

With A Tool Kit (*Does not apply to the Dwarf)
As a Hero, before you move, you must
announce that you are moving onto the
trap square to attempt to disarm and
remove the trap.

You must move onto the trap square and

roll 1 combat die. If you roll a skull, you
The 2 Monster Actions:
Z Zargon, The Evil Z Action 1–Attack
Sorcerer’s Turn A monster may attack any Hero that it is
Zargon, only after ALL 4 Heroes have adjacent to. However, a monster may only
completed a turn is it your turn. You may attack once per turn. A monster's attack
then move every monster currently on the strength is based on its natural abilities and
game board. Like Heroes, monsters may does not depend on a weapon.
move and perform an action, OR may
perform an action and then move. A How a Monster Attacks
monster cannot move part way, perform an An attacking monster rolls the number
action, and then finish its movement. of Attack Dice shown in the Monster
Chart on the Information Screen. Failure to
Each monster may perform one of the roll any skulls results in a failed attack.
following two actions:
Each skull rolled is considered a hit,
ATTACK resulting in 1 Body Point of damage
CAST A CHAOS SPELL scored against the Hero. If hit, the Hero
immediately defends by rolling its Defend
Note: Only certain monsters may cast a Dice. If the Hero's Body Points reach zero,
spell. Refer to the Quest Notes in the Quest the Hero is considered dead. (See Dead
Book for more information. Heroes on page 25.) Important! If the Hero
has 1 Body Point remaining, and takes more
Monsters May Not: than 1 hit of damage, his Body Points are
Search for treasure still only reduced to zero.
Search for secret doors
Move or attack diagonally
Pass over Heroes Skull rolled
Move through walls
Open or close doors Multiple Attacks
Share a square on the game board A Hero rolls defend dice once for each
attacking monster. For example, a Hero
Note: Monsters do not spring hidden traps. attacked by 3 Zombies gets 3 separate
Therefore, they have no need to search for defend rolls. A Hero attacked by a monster
them, or to disarm them. with multiple attacks (such as the Polar
Warbear), however, gets only 1 defend roll
Monster Movement against that monster per turn, no matter
Unlike Heroes, monsters do not move by how many of the monster's attacks are
dice roll. Each monster's maximum directed at the Hero.
movement per turn is listed in the Monster
Chart on the Information Screen, and also Large Monsters
on the Monster Cards. Monsters do not When a monster takes up more than one
have to move the entire distance indicated square (the Giant Wolf for instance). That
on the Monster Chart. monster can attack anyone in any adjacent
square (including diagonally), even if the
monster's figure is facing away from the

Giant Monsters sight. A Chaos Sorcerer who casts a spell
Certain monsters are so large that they take may also move, but may not engage in hand
up the entire corridor (the Ogre for to hand combat in that turn. If a Chaos
instance). No one may pass through the Sorcerer casts a spell and is killed, that spell
same space as these monsters until they stops working at once.
move or are dead.
For example: If the Chaos Sorcerer uses a

H How a Hero Defends spell on a Hero and is killed before that

Hero's turn, the Chaos Sorcerer's spell stops
working at once. The Hero is then free to
A defending Hero usually rolls 2 Defend
move on his next turn.
Dice (less if in a pit or under certain spells,
and more after purchasing armor). Each Some special Sorcerers have their own
white shield rolled by the defending Hero special set of six spells which only he may
blocks 1 hit from the attacking monster. use. For example, only the Necromancer
may use the Necromancer spells and only
the Orc Shaman may use the Orc Shaman
White Shield rolled. spells.

Action 2–Cast A Werewolves

Z Chaos Spell If a Hero is affected by a Werewolf's Curse
spell or injured by the attack of a Werewolf,
As Zargon, you may cast a Chaos Spell
the Hero becomes a Werewolf, cursed to
instead of attacking. You must give your
switch between Hero form and Wolf form.
Chaos Spells to specific monsters as called
At the start of every turn, the Hero must
for in the Quest notes. A monster can only
roll 2 d6 to see if he transforms into a Wolf.
cast a spell on a Hero that it can “see.”
A roll of 2 through 9 means the Hero
Important: You may only cast a spell on
remains in Hero form and under the
your turn. A spell may only be cast once per
control of the player; the Hero may move
Quest. Once a spell is cast, the spell card is
and act normally. A roll of 10 through 12
discarded for the remainder of the Quest.
means the Hero transforms into Wolf form
A spell and its effects are explained in detail and Zargon controls him as a monster for 1
on its corresponding spell card. turn (on Zargon's next turn).

Chaos Sorcerer Spells When a Hero transforms into a Wolf,

There are 3 types of Chaos Sorcerer Spells replace his figure with a Wolf tile. All of his
which use Mind Points to affect their possessions are left in the square in which
targets. Mind Points are a measure of a he transformed. Place a Weapon Pack tile in
character's wisdom and a measure of a the square to represent the Hero's former
character's magical aptitude. They show possessions. The Weapon Pack tile stays on
how well they can use magic and more this space until the Hero returns to pick up
importantly, how well they can resist it. his possessions.
These Chaos Spells have spell tokens which
monsters will use when allocated them in This Wolf is a true monster, with no Hero
the Quest notes. abilities and all the abilities of monsters
(moves on Zargon's turn, attacks as a Giant
Chaos Sorcerers may only cast one spell per Wolf, unaffected by traps or pits, cannot
turn. A spell can be cast at any character to open doors, etc.).
which the Chaos Sorcerer has a clear line of

At the end of Zargon's turn, the Wolf Important! After your Body Points have
transforms back into the Hero and returns reached zero, you can never be saved by a
to the player's control. The Hero figure fellow Hero's spell or potion. It will be too
replaces the Wolf tile. late. You will have died by the time it is
your fellow Hero's turn—the only time
The Hero must roll for this transformation when he can cast a spell or give you a
each turn until he is cured by drinking a potion.
Wolfsbane Potion (or the Potion of
Restoration from the Alchemist's Shop).
H Mind Points
When a Hero reaches zero Mind Points, he
H Dead Heroes is not dead but in “shock”. (A Hero cannot
go below zero Mind Points.) He rolls only 1
As a Hero, you die when your Body red die to move, attacks with only 1 combat
Points are reduced to zero, and you do die, and defends with only 2 combat dice.
not have a Healing Spell or Healing (Armor, weapons and most artifacts do
Potion to save yourself. “not” increase the attack or defend dice
when a Hero is in Shock.) The Hero's attack
What Happens To A Dead Hero? and defend dice can be temporarily
As a Hero, if you die, you are out of the increased by some spells and spell scrolls.
game for the rest of that Quest. You
may, however, rename your Hero and The extra Mind Points gained from certain
play him as a new character in the next artifacts (such as the Talisman of Lore)
Quest. Armor, weapons, and treasures “can” be lost in battle. For example, a
that belonged to you prior to death can Barbarian with the Talisman of Lore (for a
be picked up by any other Hero in the total of 3 Mind Points) goes into shock after
room with you. he accumulates 3 Mind Points of damage.
Warning! If there are no other Heroes in
the room or corridor with you when you Important: It is important to keep track of
die, any monster in the room or corridor Heroes' current Mind Points. Tell the
with you will claim your possessions. It players to use the bottom row of "Body
may not, however, use them. They are Points" boxes on their Character Sheets to
removed from the game. record Mind Point damage.

How A Hero Escapes Death

As a Hero, if your Body Points have
been reduced to zero, there are two
situations where you can save yourself:

1) If you have a Healing Potion in your

possession, you can immediately drink
it. The potion will instantly raise your
Body Points above zero, restoring you
to life.

2) If you are a spellcaster with a Healing

Spell and you have not already performed
an action on your turn, you can be
healed by casting the spell on yourself.

What Happens If You What Happens
Z Run Out Of Monsters? Between Quest?
Some Quests may require more monsters As a Hero, your starting Body and Mind
than are available in the game. This could Points are automatically restored once you
happen if the Heroes fail to kill monsters. have successfully completed the Quest and
Killed monsters may be used again later in have returned safely to the stairway. All
the Quest if the Quest Book calls for their spells are then returned to the Wizard and
placement. However, if all the monsters of a the Elf.
particular type are already on the game
board and you, as Zargon, need to place Finally, you may now visit the Armory and
another one, substitute other monsters of purchase new weapons and armor with the
similar strength. If there are no monsters of Gold Coins you have accumulated. Be
similar strength you may use any monster patient. It may take a few Quests before you
that is of the same color as the one that have enough money to purchase anything.
should have been used. Wizard: Since there are so few things
that you can buy from the Armory, it
Note: If a Quest map calls for a type of would be wise for you to save your money.
Mercenary that is not available because Other powerful magic items will be offered
they've all been hired by Heroes, Zargon for sale in future adventures (in the
should substitute a different type of Quest Packs). You may wish to spend
Mercenary first, but if none are left Zargon your money on those items.
may use another monster altogether.
Important! You keep any treasures found
and take them with you on your next Quest.
Remember, Heroes, to subtract from your
Ending The Quest Character Sheet any Gold Coins spent. Save
As a Hero, you successfully complete a this sheet between Quests and use it again!
Quest only when you have achieved the
Quest goal AND have returned to the Selling Excess Items
safety of the stairway. A Quest may be As the Heroes gain better equipment, they
ended early by the players voluntarily can sell some of their old items to the
returning to the stairway before completing Armory. Only items that are listed for sale
the Quest, or by all 4 Heroes dying in their in the Armory can be sold back to the
attempt to complete the Quest. Armory. The Hero receives Gold Coins
equal to half of the Armory's price when
There is usually a final treasure or a selling items to the Armory. Thus, a Hero
reward associated with successfully com- who sells a long sword (which costs 350
pleting a Quest. Your valiant efforts are Gold Coins) back to the Armory receives
rewarded by splitting the reward amongst 175 Gold Coins. Items sold at the Armory
yourselves. for odd sums (the dagger at 25 Gold Coins,
for example) can be sold back for half price,
After successfully completing the Quest,
rounded down (12 Gold Coins for the
circle the corresponding Quest number on
your Character Sheet. Keep this sheet as a
record of the Quests you have completed.

H Mercenaries H Mercenaries in the Game
Once a Hero has become a Champion and Once a player has hired any Mercenaries, he
his deeds are exalted in taverns and around may take them with him on his next Quest.
camp fires all over the land, he will want a Each player begins the Quest in turn by
band of followers to aid him in even greater placing all his figures on the stairway tile or
feats of heroism. in any adjacent squares and then takes his
turn before the next player sets up.
Such men are found in towns and cities all
around the country. Men willing to follow a Each Mercenary may move and attack
great Champion and fight for him as long as in the same way as the Heroes, using
he will pay for their upkeep. the movement and combat values printed
on the Mercenary Card.
There are four types of Mercenaries. Each
has his own strengths and weaknesses and When defending, Mercenaries count
each has his own price. the White Shields.

Hiring Mercenaries Mercenaries may open closed doors

Prior to any new Quest, a Hero may recruit and jump over pit traps.
up to 4 Mercenaries. The price that the
Hero has to pay for recruiting the Any money given to a Mercenary
Mercenary is listed on the corresponding cannot be retrieved, even after he dies.
Mercenary Card. Once the hero has paid
the fee, the Mercenary will fight for the Mercenaries may not search for
hero until he himself (the Mercenary, that treasure, use any Equipment, Artifacts
is) has been defeated. At the end of each or Treasure Card items. Only scouts may
Quest, the Hero has to pay an additional 10 search for and attempt to disarm traps.
gold in order to keep the Mercenary in his
service. If the Hero does not pay this
additional fee, the Mercenary will leave his
service and will then have to be recruited Z Lost Artifacts
again for the full starting price. It is sometimes required that the Heroes
have a specific artifact in their possession
For each recruited Mercenary the Hero before they continue on to the next Quest.
then takes a Mercenary figure with the Zargon, if a Hero dies while in possession of
appropriate weapon. For each of the types an artifact, and your monsters steal the
represented of the recruited mercenaries, he artifact, you must include the artifact as a
takes a corresponding Mercenary Card, on special treasure early in the next Quest.
which all relevant information for this type
is stated.

A player whose Hero has been killed, may

choose to fight on with his Mercenaries. If
he decides not to, he has to remove the
Mercenaries from the board immediately.

Solo Quests
These Quests are designed for play by a
certain character alone. These Quests can
H Advice to Heroes
Before the Heroes begin these Quests, they
be used as an introduction to Hero Quest
should carefully choose the equipment and
for a new player or as fun Quests to play
the magical items they will take with them.
when only two players are available. Also, if
Remember, the crossbow and staff are the
a new character is to join a party.
two invaluable weapons in any Quest. The
crossbow allows a character to kill a
Playing the Quests as a Series monster without entering a room and
This allows the Heroes to play a pack of running the risk of falling foul of any traps.
Quests consecutively. When playing any The staff allows a character to join in an
Quests as a series the following Rules apply: attack against a foe who might otherwise be
blocked by other attacking characters.
At the start of the first Quest, it is not Players should stick together as one party
uncommon for the Heroes to start with and advance carefully, searching for traps
extra potions or equipment. and trying not to move through any rooms
which they have not checked.
The Heroes must keep the same spells
they choose right at the start of the first
Quest. Z Advice to Zargon
Zargon should try to lure the heroes into
The Heroes may not buy new equip- his traps by making them chase monsters or
ment, potions, or hire Mercenaries charge to the attack. He should make the
between these Quests. best use of the traps and spells now
available to him.
Everything else done in between
Quests is done normally.

Note: This is an optional rule for the Zargon, study this book carefully!
Heroes unless otherwise stated and can be While it is your guide to running these
applied at the start of any new set of Quests.
adventures, it may not answer every
question you have during play. When
Z Unfinished Quests
in doubt, use your experience and
imagination to make the best choice.
Zargon, if a Quest ends with disastrous Remember that you are the ultimate
results (such as death for all 4 Heroes), or authority in your HERO QUEST world!
goes unfinished, you should modify the
Quest before it is replayed. You can do this
by creating a new adventure using the blank
map and symbols at the end of the Quest

Assembly Instructions
1. Carefully twist all the monster figures from The Frozen Horror, Polar Warbear and Yeti
their sprues and put them to one side, then twist These figures simply need the heads fitted into the
off the individual weapon pieces. You may wish to sockets as shown below.
use a hobby knife to remove any excess plastic.

2. The Gargoyle, Ogres, Mercenaries, Frozen

Horror, Polar Warbear, Yeti and Archmage figures
require assembly.

Frozen Horror Polar Warbear Yeti

Attach one of the weapons to each Mercenary figure
as shown below.
Figure B

Figure A

Clip the wings into the hole, as shown in Figure A.
Fit the head onto the neck, as shown in Figure B.



There are four different types of Ogre miniatures, The Archmage
each one is illustrated below. Be sure to match the This figure needs its head fitted into the neck, as
correct arms and heads to each body. shown below.

Ogre Warrior Ogre Champion Ogre Chieftain Ogre Lord

All Ogres assemble as follows:

Take the front half of the Ogre and place the left
and right arms into the shoulder sockets. Next, Archmage
push the back of the Ogre into place, squeezing
firmly. Finally, push the Ogre’s head into its
socket. Repeat the sequence for each Ogre.

3. Twist the door bases from the gray sprue.
Carefully punch the doors from the die-cut sheets
and fit them into the bases as shown.

5. Twist the fireplace from the brown plastic

runner. Detach the matching cardboard piece
from the sheet. Assemble the fireplace by folding
Closed Door the labeled cardboard part and fitting it into the
base as shown.

Iron Door Wooden Door

Portcullis 6. Twist the tomb from the gray plastic runner.

Stone Door
Detach the matching cardboard piece from the
sheet. Assemble the tomb by folding the labeled
4. Carefully twist the following pieces from the cardboard part and pushing it into the underside
brown plastic runner: rack, alchemist’s bench, 2 of the plastic top.
bookcases and the cupboard. Detach the
matching cardboard pieces from the sheet.
Assemble the pieces by folding the labeled
cardboard parts and pushing them into the
underside of the plastic tops as shown.
7. Twist the bottles from the gray plastic runner
and fit them into the right-hand-side hole of the
alchemist’s bench.

8. Twist the scales from the brown plastic runner

and place them on the alchemist’s bench shelf.

9. Twist the sorcerer’s table and the two candles
from the gray plastic runner. Fit the candles into
the holes in the table. Detach the matching
cardboard piece from the sheet. Assemble the
table by folding the cardboard part and pushing it
into the plastic top.
c) The treasure chests: Using your finger for
support, carefully fold the cardboard piece so that
it curves around your finger. Then, insert one pin
into the two chest
halves, trapping
the cardboard
10. Twist the levers from the brown plastic runner piece between them.
and fit them onto the rack, as shown.

13. Carefully punch the remaining cardboard

components from the sheet and twist the weapons
rack from the brown plastic runner.

11. Remove the skulls from the white plastic

runner and the rats from the brown plastic runner.
Fit them into the various holes in the pieces of
furniture as you wish.
14. Carefully push out the Magic Barrier card
12. To assemble the throne, 2 tables and 3 treasure pieces from the card sheet. Take the 3 Magical
chests, twist the plastic pieces shown below Barrier pieces and slot each of them into a plastic
(including the pins) from the brown plastic base as shown here.
runner. Carefully punch the matching cardboard
pieces from the sheet. Fold and assemble as

a) The throne: Insert

two pins into the two
throne halves, trapping
the folded cardboard
piece between them.
The Ogre Throne
assembles in the same
way. 15. This is the Inner Sanctum and Sanctum Wall
The sanctum walls should be erected at the back
of the sanctum, as shown below.

b) The tables: Insert one pin into the two table Sanctum
halves, trapping the folded cardboard pieces
between them.

Room Tiles
The Stairway Revolving Room
As a Hero, you normally begin and end in the The revolving room is used to disorient the
room marked with the stairway (unless otherwise Heroes. You never know which door you’ll be
specified in the the Quest Book). The stairway using to leave this room.
leads you down, down, down . . . deep into the evil
stronghold of Chaos. To safely complete a Quest,
you must return to the stairway, for it is only there
that you are truly free from harm.

Throne Room
The large throne room is used by evil rulers such
Secret Door as the Witch Lord.
A secret door must be searched for, before it can be
found. This door is not considered open, until a
Hero moves adjacent to it and declares as such.

Cloud of Chaos
When surrounded by this mysterious, purple
cloud, Heroes cannot “see” anything.

Carpet Room
A luxuriously carpeted room fit for a Chaos
Trap Doors Sorcerer.
These trap doors are used to link 2 visually
unconnected rooms via an unseen “tunnel”.
When landing on 1 trap door, a Hero moves
instantly to the other trap door.

The 4 coffins may be used as tombs. They may
contain an undead creature and/or a treasure. Sun-Eye Room
They may also have traps on them. A source of Chaos power, ideal for an Apprentice
of Chaos.

The Pit Room Pit of Chaos
Watch your step, or you could fall to oblivion. Watch your step, or you, too, will succumb to the
throes of Chaos.

The Battle Room

Beware your step, for many of the Ogres’ foes have
fallen here.

Surface Tile
For entering and exiting the Ogres’ Fortress.
Cloak of Shadows
This tile is to be used with one of the new Wizard
and Elf Spells. There is no Quest Map icon for
this tile as it is used randomly during game play.

Lightning Bolt and Earthquakes

When a player casts either of these spells, he or
she takes the relevant card piece and places one
end in a square in front of the spell caster and then
lays the piece in a straight line from there.

Breached Wall Tile Scepter Room
Any figure may move through a breached wall. If The Frozen Horror has hidden the Scepter of
a room which has not been explored is breached, Glacial Majestry in this room.
the contents should be laid out at once.

Magic Ice
These tiles are used with the Ice Bridge spell scroll
and the Ice Wall Chaos spell.
Living Fog Room
This room is filled with an eerie, swirling fog.
Monsters seem to appear on all sides of the
Ice Tunnels Heroes, only to disappear into the fog when
A pair of tunnel entrances connect two apparently attacked.
unconnected rooms via an unseen tunnel. Any
Hero or monster landing on one of these entrances
immediately moves to the other entrance. After
moving from one tunnel entrance to the other, the
Hero's or monster's turn is over.

Cage Room
This room serves as a prison for servants who have
displeased the Frozen Horror.

Ice Cave Entrance

This special tile is used as an entrance or exit.

Bottomless Chasm Room

The crevasse that divides this room can be jumped
over as a pit, but any Hero who falls into it is lost

Frozen Crypt Room

Monstrous servants of the Frozen Horror are
encased in thick ice within this room.

Ice Gremlin Treasure Room
Ice Gremlins steal anything they can get their cold
hands on. Their booty is all stored in this room.

The Seat of Power Room

The Frozen Horror rules from this room, devising
evil plans for conquest of the Empire.

Inner Sanctum and Sanctum Wall

This room is the Archmage Sinestra’s center of
power, the room from which she commands her
minions to carry out her evil plans. The walls
should be erected at the back of the sanctum, as
shown below.

Corridor Tiles
Blocked Square
These tiles show where extra walls have been
built. Neither Heroes nor monsters can move
through blocked squares.

Cliff Corridor
The cliff corridor is used as Grin's Crag, a
dangerous walkway near the entrance into Kellar's
Keep. Each square on this tile counts as one

Short Stairway
There are 3 movement squares on the short
stairway. These tiles are used to create the effect of
climbing up or down stairs.

Long Stairway
There are 5 movement squares on the long
stairway. These tiles are used to create the effect of
climbing up or down stairs.

Furniture Tiles
Closed Door Stone Doorways
These are regular closed doors. Stone Doorways are large slabs of rock that must
be pushed out of the way using brute force before
you can pass. To open one of these doors, a Hero
must roll a number of Combat Dice and score 2
Skulls. The number of dice he throws depends on
what character type he is: the Dwarf and the Elf
both roll 2 dice the Barbarian rolls 3 dice. The
Wizard cannot open a Stone Doorway.

Open Door
This is an open door. When a door (of any type) is
opened, use this door to replace the closed door.
Important: Do not use these for Secret Doors, as
they have their own tile. See Appendix: B for
further information.

Note: Once a door has been opened, it cannot be

closed. Portcullis
Some of these massive iron gates open when the
Heroes spring a certain trap, while others are
unlocked by the brass key or forced up by brute
strength. Heroes and monsters cannot “see”
through a portcullis until it is opened.

The Weapons Forge

The forge is a place where Dwarven blacksmiths
once created the finest and sturdiest weapons in
the land.
Iron Entrance Door
This iron door is placed on the edge of the
gameboard in many of the Quests. Heroes line up
outside the door to begin these Quests. In some
Quests, this door also serves as an exit door. Mirrors
These stand-up mirrors are secret portals that lead
to great treasure and hidden rooms. Fit these into
the plastic door stands from the Game System
when they are called for in a Quest.

Wooden Exit Door

In many Quests, this special wooden door is
used to exit the gameboard at the end of the Quest.

Trap & Hazard Tiles
Spear Trap Die to see if they lose any Body Points; those
There is no tile for the spear trap. If a Hero wearing Chainmail or Borin's Armor must roll 2
stumbles onto a square containing a Spear Trap, he Combat Dice; and those wearing plate mail must
will suffer 1 Body Point of damage and his turn roll 3 Combat Dice. A Hero may climb out of a
will end. Pit of Darkness on his next turn if there is a free
space on any one side of the Pit of Darkness. Pits
Pit Trap of Darkness may not be disarmed (once
If a Hero stumbles onto a square containing discovered), but Heroes may jump over them like
a Pit Trap, he will fall, losing 1 Body Point and ordinary pit traps.
ending his turn. Zargon will then place a Pit Trap
Tile underneath the Hero figure.

Swinging Blade Trap

There is no tile for this trap. This trap
is tripped when a character lands on a space
Falling Block Trap marked with a solid blade symbol: a huge blade
If a Hero stumbles onto a square containing swings down from the roof attacking any character
a Falling Block Trap, the ceiling will begin to cave in any one of the spaces marked with an outlined
in. The Hero must roll 3 Combat Dice (unless or solid blade symbol. These characters will be
otherwise noted) and score 1 Body Point of attacked with 2 Combat Dice, which they may
damage for each Skull rolled. Zargon will then defend against normally. A Swinging Blade Trap
placed a Rubble Tile on the gameboard and the can only be detected by a search in the room or
Hero must decide which adjacent square to move corridor containing the solid blade symbol.
to. The new Rubble Tile acts just as a blocked
square tile and cannot be passed through by either Fireburst Trap
Heroes or monsters. These traps cannot be found by searching.
When a Hero enters a room containing a Fireburst
trap, place a Fireburst token in the center of the
room. It will explode at the beginning of Zargon’s
turn, attacking any figures in the room with 3
Giant Stone Boulder Combat Dice. It may only be disarmed with a
The giant stone boulder rolls down a Tempest spell.
corridor, doing great damage to anything in its

Hurricane Trap
Death Mist This trap must be set in a corridor.
This mist is a deadly breath of Chaos which Once a character passes the spot marked “X”, a
will harm all who are not evil. hurricane will rush down the end of the corridor
marked with the trap symbol. All figures in this
corridor will be forced to move back 8 spaces
along the corridor or until they hit a wall or set off
a trap.
Pits of Darkness
The Pit of Darkness Trap works in the same Teleport Trap
way as a normal pit trap with the following Any Hero who steps on a square
exceptions: if a Hero crossing a Pit of Darkness
marked with symbol “A”, will instantly be
space rolls a Skull, he plunges 30 feet onto hard
transported to the square marked with symbol
floor. Once he falls, a Hero will suffer damage
“B”, elsewhere on the map. Pay special attention
depending on how much armor he is wearing.
to the Quest Notes for additional rules. The
Heroes not wearing any armor must roll 1 Combat
Hero’s turn ends immediately.

Wandering Monster Trap Ice Vault
When a Hero moves onto a square with the This frigid room drains heat from Heroes. For
trap symbol shown at left, tell the player that the each turn in which a Hero enters or remains in
Hero must stop on that square. The monster or this room, the Hero rolls 1 Combat Die. He loses
monsters listed as wandering monsters for that 1 Body Point if he rolls a Skull. Monsters are not
Quest appear on any square or squares adjacent to affected by the heat-draining property of this
the Hero or as close as possible. The monsters room.
immediately attack and the Hero defends. Each
wandering monster trap can be activated only
once. Ignore the trap after the first time a Hero
springs it. Wandering monster traps are so well
concealed that they are not detected when a Hero
searches for traps. There are no tiles for
wandering monster traps.

Stalactite Trap
This deadly spear of ice clings to the ceiling
of ice caverns. Unless searched for and disarmed,
the stalactite falls upon the first Hero to move
onto the trap square, causing 1 Body Point of Ice Slide
damage. Any Hero who does step onto this slippery chute
of ice is whisked away in the direction indicated
Slippery Ice by the arrow. The Hero immediately moves to the
Whenever a Hero moves onto a slippery ice last square of the slide. (More than one Hero may
square, the Hero rolls 1 Combat Die. If a White occupy the exit square.) This ends the Hero's
Shield is rolled, the Hero falls and his turn ends turn.
immediately. Any other roll means the Hero can
continue moving (if he has moves left). The Hero The slide is hidden and it cannot be searched for
must roll for each slippery ice square moved onto. as a trap, nor can it be disarmed. When a Hero
A fallen Hero cannot take any actions or defend slips down an ice slide, he rolls 1 Combat Die. He
against attacks until his next turn. Monsters are loses 1 Body Point if he rolls a White Shield.
not affected by slippery ice. A slippery ice square Monsters cannot move onto ice slide squares.
cannot be found by searching, nor can it be Heroes cannot climb up an ice slide in the
disarmed. Once it is placed on the gameboard, it direction opposite to that indicated by the arrow.
can be jumped over as a pit.

Icy River
Each square of these underground streams counts
Ice Ledge as 2 squares for movement purposes. Each time a
This slippery ledge surrounds a deep crevasse in Hero enters an icy river square, he rolls 1 Combat
the icy mountain. The Heroes must walk around Die. He loses 1 Body Point to the cold if he rolls a
the crevasse on the ledge, inches from a fall to the White Shield. Monsters suffer neither movement
death. penalties nor damage from the icy river.

This area contains a bottomless pit filled with
quicksand that threatens to suck in careless or
unlucky Heroes. To reach the other side of the
quicksand pit, a Hero must stand adjacent to it
and try to jump over the quicksand. The Hero
rolls 1 Combat Die in the attempt. If a Black
Shield is rolled, the Hero successfully lands on the
square directly across from the square he left. Any
other result means the Hero lands in the quick-
sand and starts to sink. To avoid a messy death,
tell the Hero to immediately discard any 2 items
(weapons, armor, potions, scrolls, etc.). This ends
the Hero's turn. On the Hero's next turn, the
Hero climbs out of the quicksand onto the square
across from the square he left. This ends the
Hero's turn.

Long Pit Trap

If a Hero wants to jump over this pit the
long way, he must have at least 3 squares of
movement left after he moves next to the pit. The
Hero then rolls 1 Combat Die. A Black Shield
means the Hero has jumped across safely, using up
3 squares of movement. The Hero can continue to
move if he has more movement left. Any result
other than a Black Shield means the Hero falls
into the pit suffering 2 Body Points of damage.
The Hero must roll a 5 or 6 on 1d6 on a
subsequent turn to climb out of the pit. While in
the pit, the Hero rolls 1 less Combat Die when
attacking or defending (but never less than 1 die).

Note: These traps can be jumped the short way,

the same as regular pit traps.

Item & Figure Tiles
Four-part Stone Map Weapon Packs
These pieces fit together to form a stone map. These tiles represent weapons and other items
Finding the map pieces is a major objective in the dropped by the Heroes when they are transformed
Kellar’s Keep Quest Pack. into Wolves.

Wolf Tokens
Crystal Key Tile These represent Heroes in Wolf form.
Use this magical key to open the door to the Seat
of Power Room, where the Frozen Horror awaits.

Sky Orb and Sky Orb Tokens Prospector

This artifact is a mystical crystal orb that protects This tile represents the old Prospector who
the Hero who is carrying it from Mind Point appears in several Quests. The Prospector’s tile is
damage. It can absorb up to 4 Mind Points of given to the Hero who finds him.
damage before it becomes useless. When a Hero
finds the Sky Orb, he takes it and the 4 Sky Orb
tokens. Whenever the Hero suffers Mind Point
damage, he gives up one Sky Orb token for each
Mind Point of damage. (Give up the token with 4
points of light first, then 3 points, etc.) When a Brass Key
Hero has no more tokens, the Sky Orb is useless. This key is used to open a portcullis in several
Quests. The brass key tile is given to the Hero
who finds the key.

Princess Millandriell
This tile represents the kidnapped daughter of
Moonsilver Flask Queen Terrellia. Princess Millandriell’s tile is
The glittering silver liquid in this flask is the only given to the Hero who first finds her.
means of opening a mirror entry into the Realm of
Reflection, where Princess Millandriell is held
captive. Only the Prospector can identify true

Hero Quest and the HeroQuest logo are trademarks of the Milton Bradley Corporation, a subsidiary of Hasbro,
©2008, in association with Games Workshop ©1988-1993. All rights reserved. Use of its theme and images in
this document is not intended as a challenge or threat to their copyright. This document is made available
exclusively for private, in-home use and is not permitted to be altered or sold, in whole or part, for profit.

Portions of this file generated with HeroScribe

Special Thanks to:
Derfel Link for inspiration
Drathe for hi-res scans and excellent editing

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