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Prelims 2024 - Timeline of Indiahhhn History

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PRELIMS 2024 || Timeline of Indian history

Notebook: 2021 Z PT PRINTED

Created: 06-10-2021 10:47 Updated: 14-06-2024 12:07

Year Date Event

700 Birth of Sushruta, ancient Indian physician and surgeon known today as the “Father of Surgery” and
BCE “Father of Plastic Surgery” for inventing and developing surgical procedures. He goes on to write the
Sushruta Samhita, an ancient Sanskrit text on medicine and surgery.

The Upanishads, a sacred text of Hinduism, are written.

700 Kingdom of Kosala was established. Kosala belonged to the Northern Black Polished Ware culture (c.
BCE 700-300 BCE).

Pradyota dynasty was founded succeeding the Barhadratha (rawani) dynasty ending their 1200 year
682 rule. Pradyota is the founder of the dynasty and ruler of Avanti & Magadha. Pradyota was son of
BCE Pulika (Punika), who is said to have killed Ripunjaya of Brihadratha dynasty at Rajagriha, to make
his son the king. Pradyota dynasty was Second dynasty who ruled Magadha

6th century BCE

Year Date Event

600 Sixteen Maha Janapadas ("Great Realms" or "Great Kingdoms") emerge.

Vedic period ends.

The capital of the Early Pandyan Kingdom was initially Korkai, all around 600 BCE, and was later
moved to Koodal (now Madurai) during the reign of Nedunjeliyan I.

Mahavira of the 24th Tirthankara is born. This turns out to become the most famous wave of Jainism.

563 Siddhārtha Gautama, Buddha-to-be, is born in Lumbini into a leading royal family in the republic of
BCE the Shakyas, which is now part of Nepal.

The Haryanka dynasty was founded succeeding the Pradyota dynasty & Barhadratha dynasty.
Initially, the capital was Rajagriha . Later, it was shifted to Pataliputra , near the present-day Patna in
545 India during the reign of Udayin. Thus Bimbisara is considered as the main founder of the dynasty.
BCE they belong to mahabharat Era Lineage.
According to the Buddhist text, the Mahavamsa, Bimbisara was appointed king by his father,
Bhattiya, at the age of fifteen. The Haryanka dynasty was third dynasty who ruled Magadha.

The Vanga-based Prince Vijaya (c. 543 BCE) married a daughter of the Pandyan king of Madurai, to
BCE whom he was sending rich presents every year. Sinhala chronicle Mahawamsa mentions this
event[citation needed]

538 Cyrus the Great, founder of the Persian Achaemenid Empire reached up to northwestern parts of the
BCE Indian subcontinent, today's Afghanistan, which later proved to be his nemesis and caused his death.

Nirvana of Mahavira,

BCE Kuru Kingdom was de-established.

5th century BCE

Year Date Event

Proposed Mahaparinirvana date of Gautama Buddha at Kushinagar.

The Shaishunaga dynasty was founded succeeding Nagadashaka of the Haryanka dynasty. According
BCE to texts, Shishunaga (who founded Shaishunaga dynasty) was amatya (minister) in Haryanka
kingdom, who revolted and became the king.

4th century BCE

Year Date Event

400 Siddharta Gautama 'Buddha' of the Shakya polity in S. Nepal, founds Buddhism (older date: 563–483

350 Panini, a resident of Gandhara, describes the grammar and morphology of Sanskrit in the text
BCE Ashtadhyayi. Panini's standardized Sanskrit is known as Classical Sanskrit.

345 Nanda Dynasty or Nanda Empire was established succeeding the Shaishunaga dynasty. They appear to
BCE have ruled during c. 345–321 BCE, although some theories date the start of their rule to 5th century

333 Persian rule in the northwest ends after Darius 3 is defeated by Alexander the Great, who establishes the
BCE Macedonian Empire after inheriting the Persian Achaemenid Empire.

The chroniclers of Alexander the Great, who invaded north-western India during 327–325 BCE,
327 characterise Nanda empire as a militarily powerful and prosperous empire. The prospect of a war
BCE against Nanda Empire led to a mutiny among the soldiers of Alexander, who had to retreat from India
without waging a war against him.

326 Ambhi king of Takshila surrenders to Alexander.

Porus who ruled parts of the Punjab, fought Alexander at the Battle of the Hydaspes River.

321 Mauryan Empire is founded by Chandragupta Maurya in Magadha after he defeats the Nanda dynasty
BCE and Macedonian Seleucid Empire. Mauryan capital city is Pataliputra (Modern Patna in Bihar)

Chandragupta Maurya defeats Seleucus Nicator of the Seleucid Empire.

Seleucus gives up his territories in the subcontinent (Afghanistan/Baluchistan) to Chandragupta in

exchange for 500 elephants. Seleucus offers his daughter in marriage to Chandragupta to seal their

3rd century BCE

Year Date Event

BCE Ashoka the Great regarded as the greatest ancient Indian emperor, grandson of Chandragupta Maurya,
ascends as emperor of the Mauryan Empire.

Ashoka conquers and unifies most of South Asia, along with most of Afghanistan and Balochistan.

265 Kalinga War takes place between Ashoka and the kingdom of Kalinga.
After conquering Kalinga, Ashoka reportedly regrets what he has done, leading him to adopt
Buddhism, which then becomes the quasi-official state religion of the Mauryan Empire.

Conquest of Kalinga

260 Ashoka inscribes the Edicts of Ashoka, written down using Brahmi script. The Edicts describe his
BCE Buddhist religious views and his commitment to the welfare of his subjects.

Ashoka dies and is succeeded by Kunala.

Simuka declares independence from Mauryan rule and establishes the Satavahana Empire.

2nd century BCE

Year Date Event

200 Kuninda Kingdom is established.

Tholkappiyam describes the grammar and morphology of Tamil; it is the oldest existing Tamil
grammar (dates vary between 200 BCE and 100 CE). (to 100 BC)

The Mauryan Empire, declines

1st century BCE

Year Date Event

Birth of Charaka, ancient Indian physician who writes the Charaka Samhita, an ancient text that
describes theories on human body, etiology, symptomology and therapeutics for a wide range of
diseases and is based on the Agnivesha Samhitā.

65 BCE The Pandyan king sends ambassadors to the Greek and Roman lands.

58 BCE Beginning of Vikram Era

1st century

Year Date Event

35 Western Satraps formed.

52 St. Thomas arrives in Muziris (modern-day North Paravur and Kodungalloor in Kerala State, India).
68 Establishment of the Kushan empire by Kujula Kadphises.

Gautamiputra Satkarni becomes Satavahana emperor and starts Shalivahana era calendar after
defeating Scythian king Maues.

100 or [22]
Sugar was first produced from sugarcane plants in northern India sometime after the first century.

3rd century

Year Date Event

240 Sri-Gupta starts the Gupta Empire in Magadha, with its capital in Pataliputra

4th century

Year Date Event

320 Chandragupta I ascends the Gupta throne.

335 Samudragupta ascends the Gupta throne and expands the empire.

Kadamba Kingdom established by Mayurasharma, Banavasi as its capital and they were the first
kingdom to use Kannada in administration.

375 Vakataka Empire in the Deccan

380 Chandragupta II, Samudragupta's son becomes the Gupta Emperor.

413 Kumaragupta I, Adopted the title of Mahendraditya.

455 Skandagupta, Faced Hunas effectively.

5th century

Year Date Event

Invasions by the Huna.

Pallavas became a major power during the reign of Mahendravarman I (571 – 630 CE)

476 Birth of Aryabhata, ancient Indian mathematician and astronomer who goes on to write the
Āryabhaṭīya, a Sanskrit astronomical treatise and the Arya-siddhanta.

6th century

Year Date Event

528 Confederation of Indian rulers Yashodharman, Narasimhagupta and Adityavardhana defeat the Huna
emperor Mihirakula in the Battle of Sondani
528 - Yashodharman conquers vast territories from the Hunas and Guptas after the Battle of Sondani, and
540 establishes the short-lived Aulikara Empire

554 Collapse of Gupta Empire after the death of Vishnugupta.

Varāhamihira, ancient Indian astrologer, astronomer, and polymath writes the Pañcasiddhāntikā, a
573 treatise on mathematical astronomy and which summarises five earlier astronomical treatises by five

7th century

Year Date Event

606 Harshavardhana crowned Monarch.

Ancient Indian mathematician and astronomer Brahmagupta completes the Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta,

a text on mathematical astronomy explaining the role of zero, rules for manipulating both negative
and positive numbers, a method for computing square roots, methods of solving linear and quadratic
equations, and rules for summing series, Brahmagupta's identity, and Brahmagupta’s theorem.

Badami Chalukya power at its peak. Pulakeshin II pushes north up to the Narmada and defeats the
invading Harshavardhana of Kanauj

Ancient Indian mathematician and astronomer Brahmagupta completes the astronomical treatise
665 Khandakhadyaka covering topics such as the longitudes of the planets, diurnal rotation, lunar and
solar eclipses, risings and settings, the moon's crescent and conjunctions of the planets.

8th century

Year Date Event

700 According to the Qissa-i Sanjan, the immigrants Parsi are granted permission to stay by the local ruler
Jadi Rana

Arab commander of the Umayyad Caliphate, Muhammad Bin Qasim defeats Raja Dahir, king of
Sindh Region in modern-day Pakistan

728 Narasimhavarman II of the Pallava dynasty constructs the Shore Temple of Mahabalipuram

736 Delhi is re-established by Bilan Deo Tomar also known as Anangpal Tomar

Confederacy of Indian kings consisting of Nagabhata I of Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty and Bappa

738 Rawal, ruler of Mewar defeat Arab Umayyad Caliphate invasion attempts in the Battle of Rajasthan
(738 CE)

739 Avanijanashraya Pulakeshin of[23]

the Chalukyas of Navasarika kingdom defeats an invasion attempt by
the Arab Umayyad Caliphate.

753 Establishment of Rashtrakuta Kingdom of Manyakhet by Dantidurga by defeating Chalukyas of


753 Saindhava naval fleet defeats Arab naval fleet sent by the Arab governor of Sindh.
776 Saindhava naval fleet under Agguka I defeats second Arab naval expedition.
788 Birth of Adi Shankaracharya

9th century

Year Date Event

Vikramashila University is established by the Pala emperor Dharmapala in present day Bhagalpur
district in Bihar, in early 9th century

814 Nripatunga Amoghavarsha I becomes Rashtrakuta emperor. Kannada literature flourishes.

836 Gurjara-Pratihara (to 910)

10th century

Year Date Event

935 Chandrapur University established in 935 CE by Srichandra, a ruler of the Chandra dynasty

Rajaraja Chola ascends to the throne of Chola empire. He expands the empire to Sri Lanka and to the
north to include Kalinga kingdom

993 Rajaraja Chola invades Sri Lanka and captures the northern half of Sri Lanka.

11th century

Year Date Event

1000 Invasion of Mahmud of Ghazni

The Brihadisvara Temple, Thanjavur is built by Raja Raja Chola I.
Rajaraja Chola adds the Lakshadweep and Maldives islands to the Chola empire.

Rajendra Chola I became the king of Chola empire after his father Rajaraja Chola. During his reign,
he extended the influences of the already vast Chola empire up to the banks of the river Ganges in the
north and across the ocean. Rajendra's territories extended coastal Burma, the Andaman and Nicobar
Islands, Lakshadweep, Maldives, conquered the kings of Srivijaya (Sumatra, Java and Malay
Peninsula in South East Asia) and Pegu islands with his fleet of ships. He defeated Mahipala, the
Pala king of Bengal and Bihar, and to commemorate his victory he built a new capital called
Gangaikonda Cholapuram. The Cholas became one of the most powerful dynasties in Asia during his
reign. The Tamil Chola armies exacted tribute from Thailand and the Khmer kingdom of Cambodia.
Rajendra Chola I was the first Indian king to take his armies overseas and make conquests of these
territories, even though there is epigraphical evidence of Pallava presence in these very areas.

Mahmud Ghazni defeats the Hindu Shahi king Trilochanapala and annexes Punjab.
He then attempts to invade Kashmir, but is defeated by Samgrāmarāja

1017 26 April Sri Ramanujacharya is born at Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu.

1021 Mahmud of Ghazni again attempts to invade Kashmir, but is defeated by Samgrāmarāja
1025 30 April Last invasion of Mahmud Ghazni, sacked and destroyed temple of Somnath

1027 The Sun Temple of Modhera is completed by Bhima I of the Chaulukya dynasty

1030 30 April Alberuni arrives in India; death of Mahmud of Ghazni

1033 15 June Suhaldev, king of Shravasti defeats and kills Ghazi Saiyyad Salar Masud, nephew of Mahmud of

1035 The Brihadisvara Temple, Gangaikonda Cholapuram is built by Rajendra Chola I.

1058 Sumra Dynasty ends the Arab domination and establishes its own rule over Sindh.

12th century

Year Date Event

1120 Kalyani Chalukyas power at its peak. Vikramaditya VI ushers in Vikrama Chalukya era.

1121 Ajayaraja II, of the Chahamanas of Shakambhari dynasty repulse Ghaznavid invasions.

1134 Life of Basaveshwara, philosopher and social reformer. (to 1196)

Bhāskara II, mathematician and astronomer writes the Siddhānta Shiromani, consisting of three
1150 books Līlāvatī on arithmetic and measurement, Bijaganita on algebra and Gaṇitādhyāya and
Golādhyāya on astronomy.

1157 The Kalachuris of Kalyani under Bijjala II capture Kalyani

1175 Muhammad of Ghor invades India.

Forces of the Chaulukya king Mularaja II led by his regent mother Naikidevi defeat Ghurid invaders
led by Muhammad of Ghor who escapes back to Ghazni, in the Battle of Kasahrada.

1191 First Battle of Tarain between Mohammed Ghori and Prithviraj III. Ghori is defeated by Prithivi Raj
Chauhan III.

1192 Second Battle of Tarain fought between Muhammed Ghori and Prithviraj Chauhan III. Prithviraj
Chauhan III is defeated by Mohammed Ghori.

1193 Muslim general Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khalji destroys the ancient university of Vikramashila

1194 Battle of Chandawar fought between Muhammad of Ghor and Jaichand of Kannauj. Ghori defeated
Jayachandra and killed him.

13th century

Year Date Event

1206 15 March Khukhrain kill Muhammad Ghori during a raid on his camp on the Jhelum River

1206 12 June Qutb-ud-din Aibak establishes slave Dynasty later to be known as Delhi Sultanate

1206 Raja Prithu defeats Muhammad

bin Bakhtiyar Khalji, destroying his army of 12,000 with only
about 100 survivors.
1210 Qutb-ud-din Aibak died while playing polo.

Shams ud-Din Iltutmish;was the third ruler of the Delhi Sultanate, belonging to the Mamluk
dynasty (Slave Dynasty). He introduced IQTA (Tax, revenue) system. Died in 1236

1211- Anangabhima Deva III of the Eastern Ganga dynasty in present-day Odisha defeats invasions by
1215 Ghiyāth ad-Dīn ʿIwaz Khalji the ruler of Bengal.

Genghis Khan invades Punjab in pursuit of the fleeing Khwarezm Shah Jalal ad-Din Mingburnu
and defeats him in the Battle of the Indus.

Raja Prithu repulses invading forces of Ghiyas ud din Balban the ninth sultan of the Mamluk
1226 [28][29]
dynasty of Delhi, in present-day Assam

Narasingha Deva I ruler of the Eastern Ganga dynasty in present-day Odisha launches attacks
1236 against the Turko-Afghan rulers of Mamluk dynasty in Bengal that had captured Bihar and Bengal
and not only[30]
repulses their attacks, but pushes them as far back as Padma River in current-day

1236 Rule of Razia Sultana – Daughter of Iltutmish.

1238 October Sri Madhwacharya born in Pajaka near Udupi, Karnataka

1240 Murder of Razia Sultan by Turkish nobles.(Chalisa)

Narasingha Deva I ruler of the Eastern Ganga dynasty defeats Tughral Tughan Khan of the
1243 Mamluk Sultanate of Delhi in the Battle of Katasin and annexes several districts of Bengal into his

1246–66 Rule of Nasiruddin Mahmud with support of Balban (Wazir and powerful member of Chalisa).
Chalisa- a council of 40 members

1250 The Konark Sun Temple is completed, built by Narasingha Deva I.

The Kamrup kingdom defeats and executes Malik Ikhtiyaruddin Yuzbak, the Mamluk Governor of
1257 Bengal. His domains are split between the Kamrup kingdom and Narasimhadeva I of Eastern
Ganga Empire.

Rule of Balban; Chalisa wiped out.

1267 The Mahanubhava philosophy established by Chakradhar Swami.

1275 Birth of saint Dnyaneshwar.

1290 Murder of Muiz ud din Qaiqabad by Jalaluddin Firuz Khalji, an army commander.

1290–96 Jalal-ud-din Khilji. Founder of Khiliji Dynasty

14th century

Year Date Event

Alauddin Khalji sends Malik Kafur to South. Malik Kafur Lays siege on the Kakatiya Capital Warangal
and Extracts Tribute. The diamond Kohinoor was among the loot collected.

1310 Ala-ud-din Khilji's army under Malik Kafur occupies Devagiri ending the Seuna Yadava Kingdom
1311 Malik Kafur attacks the Hoyasalas. In the aftermath of the destruction Hoyasalas abandon the old
capital Halebidu. He later attacks Madurai. The attacks on Warangal, Halebidu and Madurai is
accompanied by wide scale killing, destruction of temples and repatriation of wealth back to Delhi.

1323 Ulugh Khan (Muhammad bin Tughluq) defeats Prataparudra II ending the Kakatiya dynasty

1333 Prithvi Chand II of the Hindu Katoch kingdom of Kangra defeats the army of Muhammad bin Tughluq
who loses nearly all his 10,000 soldiers and is forced to retreat.

Musunuri Kapaya Nayaka with assistance from the Hoysala ruler Veera Ballala III leads a rebellion
against the Tughluq rule of Delhi Sultanate, driving it out of Warangal region in present-day Telangana.

Vijayanagara Empire established by Harihara I and his brother Bukka Raya I.

Rana of Mewar Hammir Singh defeats and captures Tughlaq dynasty ruler Muhammad bin Tughluq in
the Battle of Singoli.

Birth of great mathematician Madhava of Sangamagrama who goes on to found the Kerala school of
1340 astronomy and mathematics and write the Venvaroha, which describes the methods for the computation
of the true positions of the Moon at intervals of about half an hour for various days in an anomalistic

1343 Veera Ballala III captured and killed in the Battle of Kannanur.

1347 Governor Hasan Gangu revolts against Muhammad bin Tughluq founding the Bahmani Sultanate

1351 Samma Dynasty assumes rule over Sindh

1370 Bukka, the Vijayanagara ruler and his son Kumara Kamapna capture the entire Tamil speaking parts.

1398 Timur plunders Lahore

Shri Guru Ravidas Ji was born in 1398 in Varanasi. He was an Indian mystic poet-sant of the Bhakti
1398 movement during the 15th to 16th century CE. Venerated as a guru in the region of Punjab, Uttar
Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, the devotional songs of Ravidas have had a
lasting impact upon the bhakti movement.

15th century

Year Date Event

1401 Dilawar Khan establishes the Malwa Sultanate in present-day northern India

1407 Zafar Khan: governor of Gujarat, declares himself as Sultan Muzaffar Shah founding the Gujarat
Sultanate/Muzaffarid dynasty

1414 Khizr Khan, deputized by Timur to be the governor of Multan takes over Delhi founding the Sayyid

1424 Deva Raya II succeeded his father Veera Vijaya Bukka Raya as monarch of the Vijayanagara

Rana Kumbha of Mewar and Rao Ranmal Rathore of Marwar defeat and take prisoner Mahmud
Khalji, Sultan of the Malwa Sultanate in the Battle of Sarangpur

1442 Rana Kumbha of Mewar defeats Mahmud Khalji in the Battle of Mandalgarh

1443 Abdur Razzaq visits India

1446 Rana Kumbha of Mewar defeats Mahmud Khalji in the Battle of Banas

Mallikarjuna Raya succeeds his father Deva Raya II

1449 Sankardev, founder of Ekasarana Dharma was born in Nagaon, Assam.

1451 19 April Bahlul Khan Lodhi ascends the throne of the Delhi sultanate starting the Lodhi dynasty

Rana Kumbha of Mewar defeats the combined armies of Shams Khan (sultan of Nagaur) and
1456 Qutbuddin Ahmad Shah II (Sultan of Gujarat) in the Battle of Nagaur and captures Nagaur, Kasili,
Khandela and Shakambhari. Nagaur Sultanate ceases to exist.

1469 15 April Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism is born

1483 Birth of Babur in Andijan, Fergana Valley in Central Asia

1485 Saluva Narasimha Deva Raya drives out Praudha Raya ending the Sangama Dynasty

Advent of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, founder of Gaudiya Vaishnavism and leader of the world's first
civil disobedience movement, in Navadwip, West Bengal

Ahmadnagar declares independence, followed by Bijapur and Berar in the same year thus breaking
up the Bahmani Sultanate.

1492 30 March Satal Rathore of Marwar kills Afghan warlord Gudhla Khan in the Battle of Peepar, to rescue 140
girls abducted by the Afghans. He later succumbs to injuries sustained in the battle.

1498 20 May Vasco de Gama's first voyage from Europe to India and back (to 1499)

16th century

Year Date Event

1503 Kingdom of Cochin is taken over by the Portuguese creating the first European settlement in India.

The Christian-Islamic power struggle in Europe and the Middle East. Spills over into the Indian
1508 3 February
Ocean as Battle of Chaul during the Portuguese-Mamluk War

1509 3 February Battle of Diu marks the beginning of the dominance of the Europeans in the Asian naval theater.

1510 20 May Portuguese India (to 1961)

1518 Kingdom of Mewar under Rana Sanga defeats Lodi Empire under Ibrahim Lodi in the Battle of
Khatoli, gains control over north eastern Rajasthan.

Kingdom of Mewar under Rana Sanga defeats the Malwa Sultanate and the Gujarat Sultanate in
the Battle of Gagron, obtains control of Malwa.

The Kingdom of Mewar under Rana Sanga again defeats Lodi Empire under Ibrahim Lodi in the
Battle of Dholpur, extends control up to Agra.

1520 Vijayanagar Empire under Krishnadevaraya defeats the Sultanate of Bijapur in the Battle of

Rana Sanga leads a coalition of Rajput armies to invade the Gujarat Sultanate, reinstates Raimal as
the Rao of Idar. The Sultan of Gujarat is forced to flee to Muhammadabad.
Death of mystic poet-sant of the Bhakti movement Shri Guru Ravidas.

1522 Portuguese land on the Coromandel Coast

Portuguese explorers established Santhome Church above the Tomb of Saint Thomas the Apostle
in Chennai.

Sultan Ibrahim Lodi, of the Delhi Sultanate, angers local nobles, who respond by inviting Babur,
1526 21 April the Mughal ruler of Kabul, to invade Delhi and Agra. The local population, plus the possession of
artillery, assists Babur in killing the Sultan (whose soldiers desert him) at the Battle of Panipat.

Babur bribes Mewar general Silhadi promising Silhadi a kingdom, if Silhadi betrays Mewar King
1527 17 March
Rana Sanga in Battle of Khanwa, thus leading to the annexation of Mewar.

1530 Astronomer-mathematician Jyeṣṭhadeva of the Kerala school of astronomy and mathematics writes
the Yuktibhāṣā, a major treatise on mathematics and astronomy in Malayalam
28 Babur completes his Baburnama, reflecting on society, politics, economics, history, geography,
March,27 nature, flora and fauna, which to this day is a standard textbook in 25 countries. Babur dies, and is
January succeeded by his son Humayun.

1532 Ahoms under king Suhungmung defeat Turbak Khan of the Bengal Sultanate in Battle of Hatbor.

1539 Battle of Chausa fought between Humayun and Sher Shah Suri in which Humayun defeated.

Guru Angad Dev becomes second guru of Sikhs.

1540 Battle of Kannauj fought between Humayun and Sher Shah Suri and Humayun was completely
September defeated. Humayun lost the Mughal empire to Afghans (Suri Dynasty), and passed 12 years in

9 May Birth of Maharana Pratap Singh of Mewar ( son of Maharana Udai Singh II )

1542 15 October Birth of Akbar at Umerkot.

1545 22 May Death of Sher Shah Suri and succeeded by Islam Shah Suri.

1552 26 March Guru Amar Das becomes third Guru of Sikhs.

1554 Death of Islam Shah Suri.

1555 22 May Humayun regained the throne of Delhi from the hands of weak successors of Sher Shah.

1556 Humayun converts from Sunni Islam to Shia Islam, to gain the alliance of the Shah of Persia.
Humayun dies, and is succeeded by his son Akbar.

7 October Hindu king Hemu defeats Mughal forces in the Battle of Tughlaqabad

Hindu king Hemu establishes 'Hindu Raj' in North India and bestowed with title of
November "Vikramaditya"; Second Battle of Panipat fought between Hemu and Akbar's forces in which
Hemu is killed.

1565 26 January Battle of Talikota results in the rout of Vijayanagara empire.

1568 Paradesi Synagogue, the first Jewish synagogue in India constructed by the Paradesi Jews.

Akbar annexes Gujarat, also shifts the Mughal capital to Fatehpur Sikri where a new township and
1572 citadel containing buildings of a unique all-India character—inspired by the architecture of Bengal,
Gujarat, Malwa, Kashmir as well as the Timurid world—is born.

1574 1
September Guru Ram Das becomes fourth Guru of Sikhs.

Akbar annexes Bengal.

1581 Guru Arjan Dev becomes fifth Guru of Sikhs.
1582 Maharana Pratap defeats Mughal Forces of Akbar in Battle of Dewair in present-day Rajasthan

1586 6 October Akbar annexes Kashmir.

1589 Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple) build in Amritsar by Guru Arjan

1600 East India company is formed in England. Gets exclusive trading rights with India.

17th century

Year Date Event

1602 Dutch came to India at Pulicut (back to 1825).

1605 27 October Akbar dies, and is succeeded by his son Jahangir.

1606 25 May Guru Hargobind is selected to becomes the sixth guru of Sikhs by Guru Arjan

30 May Guru Arjan is tortured and killed under orders of Mughal Emperor Jahangir for refusing to convert
to Islam.

1612 30
British India (to 1947)

24 August East India Company (to 1857 – Indian Rebellion of 1857, Meerut)

1616 Susenghphaa, ruler

of the Ahom kingdom defeats Mughal forces in a land and naval battle at
Bharali, Assam.

1621 Sikhs army led by Guru Hargobind defeat Mughals in the Battle of Rohilla

Jahangir announces "Chain of Justice" outside his palace that anyone can ring the bell and get a
personal hearing with the emperor. Jahangir dies, and is succeeded by his son Shah Jahan.

1630 Birth of Chatrapati Shivaji maharaj.

1634 14 April Sikhs army led by Guru Hargobind defeat Mughals in the Battle of Amritsar (1634)

1634 15 October Sikhs army of 2000 led by Guru Hargobind defeat a Mughal army of 96000 in the Battle of Lahira
and kill the Mughal generals Qumar Beg and Lala Beg.

1635 25 April Sikhs army of 1800 led by Guru Hargobind defeat a Mughal army of 20000 in the Battle of

1644 8 March Guru Har Rai becomes seventh guru of Sikhs

Shivaji takes oath of Independence at Raireshwar.

1640 Rani Karnavati

of the Garhwal Kingdom repels and defeats invasion attempt by Mughal army of
Shah Jahan.
1658 Shah Jahan completes Taj Mahal, Jama Masjid, and Red Fort. Imperial treasuries drained by
architectural and military overexpenditures. Shah Jahan put under house arrest, and is succeeded
by his son Aurangzeb.

1659 Shivaji's ill-equipped and small Maratha army defeat numerically much larger Adilshahi troops at
February the Battle of Pratapgarh marking the first victory of the Maratha Empire. Shivaji personally kills
Adilshahi commander Afzal Khan (general).

Marathas under Shivaji defeat the Adilshahi troops in the Battle of Kolhapur

Maratha army of 600 defeats a much larger army of the Bijapur Sultanate of 10,000 in the Battle of
1660 13 July
Pavan Khind, near the city of Kolhapur.

1661 3 February Marathas under Shivaji defeat Mughal Empire forces in the Battle of Umberkhind.

6 October Guru Har Krishan becomes eight guru of Sikhs.

1664 Marathas under Shivaji defeat Mughal Empire forces in the Battle of Surat.

1665 20 March Guru Tegh Bahadur becomes ninth Guru of Sikhs.

1665 11 June Treaty of Purandar (1665) (or पुरंदर चा तह) was signed on 11 June 1665, between Shivaji and the
Rajput ruler Jai Singh I.

1669 Jats defeats the Mughal Empire in the Battle of Tilpat takes control of Mathura

Marathas under Shivaji capture the fort of Sinhagad (then known as Kondhana) from the Mughals
1670 4 February
in the Battle of Sinhagad.

Ahom kingdom defeats the Mughal Empire in the Battle of Saraighat, takes back control of

1671 Chhatrasal revolts against the Mughal Empire with an army of only 5 horsemen and 25
swordsmen. In ten years he conquers a large tract of land between Chitrakoot, Chhatarpur and
Panna in the east and Gwalior in the west, and from Kalpi in the north to Sagar, Garhakota,
Shahgarh and Damoh in the south.

1672 February Maratha forces under Prataprao Gujar defeat a Mughal army twice its size in the Battle of Salher

Marathas defeat Mughal forces and capture Kolistan in present day Palghar district of Maharashtra
and the southern regions of Gujarat, in Maratha occupation of Kolistan (1672)
Forces led by Shivaji defeat Aurangzeb's troops, and establishes Maratha Empire. Shivaji is
6 June
crowned Chhatrapati.

Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Guru of Sikhs is tortured and executed in Delhi by the order of
24 Aurangzeb for his support for the Kashmiri Hindus to practice their religion and for refusing to
November convert to Islam.
Guru Gobind Singh becomes tenth Guru of Sikhs.

3 April Shivaji dies of fever at Raigad.

20 July Sambhaji becomes 2nd Chhatrapati of the Maratha Empire

Aurangzeb invades the Deccan

1681 31 January
-2 Maratha ruler Sambhaji attacks and sacks the Mughal city Burhanpur
1682 August Ahom kingdom defeats the Mughal Empire in the Battle of Itakhuli, takes back control of Kamrup

1684 Marathas under Sambhaji repel a Mughal attempt to invade Konkan. Mughals are forced into a
slow retreat and suffer great losses.

16 Marathas under Sambhaji defeat the Mughal Army in the Battle of Wai. However, Maratha General
December Hambirrao Mohite is killed.

1688 The Sikandara was plundered by Rajaram Jat. Even the skelaton of Akbar the great,was taken out
and the bones were consumed to flames.

After being ambushed and captured by the Mughals, Sambhaji is tortured and killed for refusing to
1689 11 March convert to Islam.
Rajaram I becomes the third Chhatrapati of the Maratha Empire.

Joint forces of Bhim Chand (Kahlur) of Bilaspur and Guru Gobind Singh defeat Mughal army in
the Battle of Nadaun.

Maratha General Santaji Ghorpade defeats Mughal General Alimardan Khan and captures him.
1692 December Mughal army under Zulfikhar Ali Khan defeated by Santaji and Dhanaji Jadhav and Zulfiquar
Khan is forced to sue King Rajaram for peace

1693 Maratha General Santaji Ghorpade defeats Mughal General Himmat Khan.

1695 Maratha General Santaji Ghorpade defeats and kills Mughal General Kasim Khan.

Sikhs under Guru Gobind Singh defeat Mughal forces in the Battle of Guler (1696)
Danish India (to 1869)

1699 3 October Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th Guru of Sikhs creates Khalsa, the saint-soldier at Anandpur Sahib,

18th century

Year Date Event

Sikhs army of 1000 under Guru Gobind Singh defeats Mughal army numbering 10,000 in the
Battle of Anandpur (1700)
Rajaram I dies. The infant Shivaji II becomes the Chhatrapati of the Maratha Empire, with his
3 March mother Tarabai as the regent. She continues the Maratha battles against the Mughal Empire,
leading the Maratha army herself.

1702 Sikhs army under Guru Gobind Singh defeats Mughal army in the Battle of Nirmohgarh (1702)

13 February Birth of Suraj Mal son of Badan Singh

3 March Death of Aurangzeb the mughal monarch.

1708 7 October Guru Gobind Singh is assassinated by Mughals and the Guru Granth Sahib becomes the eternal
Guru of the Sikhs.

1710 12 May Sikh army under Banda Singh Bahadur defeats Mughal Empire in the Battle of Chappar Chiri and
establishes Sikh rule from Lahore to Delhi.
1717 Meitei king Pamheipa (Gharib Nawaz (Manipur)) introduces Hinduism as the state religion and
changes the name of the kingdom to the Sanskrit Manipur.

1721 March –
Attingal Outbreak takes place

Madras cyclone occurs

1720 Bajirao I appointed by Shahu Maharaj as Peshwa (prime minister) who would later expand the
Maratha empire to cover most of present-day India.

1724 Meitei king Gharib Nawaz of the Ningthouja dynasty invades Burma.

1728 28 February Bajirao I defeats the combined forces of the Mughal Empire and the Nizam of Hyderabad in the
Battle of Palkhed

Maratha Empire under Bajirao defeats Mughal Empire, in response for an appeal for help from
1729 March
Chhatrasal, ruler of Bundelkhand in the Battle of Bundelkhand

1731 Maratha Empire under Bajirao defeats Mughal Empire and Maratha rebel factions in the Battle of

1737 16 March Marathas under Bajirao I defeat the Mughal Empire in the Battle of Delhi (1737)

24 Marathas defeat a combined army of the Mughal Empire, Nizam of Hyderabad, Nawab of Awadh
December and Nawabs of Bhopal in the Battle of Bhopal

17 February Marathas under Bajirao I defeat the Portuguese in the Battle of Vasai, Portuguese army and
– 16 May administration pulled out of Baçaim (Vasai).

1740 May Raghoji I Bhonsle of the Maratha Empire

defeats and kills Dost Ali Khan the Mughal Nawab of
Arcot in the Battle of Damalcherry.

1741 10 August Kingdom of Travancore under Marthanda Varma defeats the Dutch Empire in the Battle of

1753 10 May Jats under Suraj Mal defeat the Mughal Empire in the Capture of Delhi (1753)

Treaty of Mavelikkara signed between the Kingdom of Travancore and the Dutch East India
15 August Company, effectively ending the political and commercial dominance of the Dutch on the Kerala
coast and beginning of the end of Dutch influence in India.

20 January
1754 Bharatpur State defeat the Marathas in Battle of Kumher
– 18 May

1756 Black Hole of Calcutta infamous incident where soldiers of East India Company were held hostage
in tortuous conditions, later served as a precedent for the Battle of Plassey

1757 16 January Maratha Empire defeats Durrani Empire, in the Battle of Narela.

23 June British East India Company defeats the Nawab of Bengal in the Battle of Plassey, marking the
beginning of British conquests in India.

11 August Maratha Empire defeats Rohilla Afghans in the Battle of Delhi (1757), captures Delhi.

1757 12 February Jats defeats Durrani Empire, in the Battle of Bharatpur (1757)

1758 Third Carnatic War

Maratha Empire led by Raghunathrao and Mahadaji Shinde defeats Durrani Empire in the Battle
28 April
of Attock (1758), captures Attock.
8 May Maratha Empire led by Raghunathrao, Malhar Rao Holkar and Tukoji Rao Holkar defeats Durrani
Empire in the Battle of Peshawar (1758), captures Peshawar.

1759 French India (to 1954)

Maratha Empire supported by Sikh Sukerchakia Misl defeats Durrani Empire in the Battle of
Lahore (1759)

Marathas comprehensively defeat the Nizam.

Maratha Empire reaches its zenith.

1760 Battle at Wandewash, British troops beat French

The Marathas are routed in the Third Battle of Panipat on 14 January 1761, by the Afghans led by
January Ahmad Shah Durrani, also known as Ahmad Shah Abdali. The battle is considered one of the
largest battles fought in the 18th century.

Capture of Agra Fort by the Kingdom of Bharatpur led by king Suraj Mal, defeating the armies of
12 June
1761 the Mughal Empire and Rohilla Afghans

August The Sukerchakia Misl of Dal Khalsa (Sikh Empire) defeats the Durrani Empire in the Battle of
Sialkot (1761)

September The Sikh Confederacy defeats the Durrani Empire in the Battle of Gujranwala (1761)

5 February Vadda Ghalughara, the massacre of 30,000 Sikhs, mostly non-combatants, by the army of Ahmad
Shah Durrani
May Sikh Misls under Jassa Singh Ahluwalia defeat the Durrani Empire in the Battle of Harnaulgarh

Maratha Empire led by Madhavrao I defeats the Nizam of Hyderabad in the Battle of
10 August
Rakshasbhuvan and gains territory.
Suraj Mal dies

Sikh Misls under Jassa Singh Ahluwalia defeat the Durrani Empire in the Battle of Sirhind (1764)
26 February
and capture Sirhind
22 October Battle of Buxar (British victory against allied Mughal, Bengal and Oudh forces)

1765 February Kingdom of Bharatpur led by king Jawahar Singh defeats the Mughal Empire in the Battle of
Delhi (1764)

1767 First Anglo-Mysore War begins, in which Hyder Ali of Mysore defeats the armies of the British
East India Company.
Great Bengal famine of 1770, estimated to have caused the deaths of about 10 million people.
Warren Hastings's 1772 report estimated that a third of the population in the affected region
starved to death.[37]
The famine is attributed to failed monsoon and exploitative policies of the East
India Company.

Marathas led by Mahadaji Shinde defeat Rohilla Afghans and re-capture Delhi and parts of North
1771 India, thus reasserting their supremacy in north India. As revenge for the losses in the Battle of
Panipat, the Maratha army devastated Rohilkhand by looting and plundering and also took the
members of royal family as captives.

1772 22 May Ram Mohan Roy Born (to 1833)

1773 Narayanrao Peshwa is murdered by his uncle Raghunathrao's wife in front of Raghunathrao.

Regulating Act of 1773

Warren Hastings appointed as first Governor-General of Bengal

Chief Justice of the Maratha Empire, Ram Shastri passes death sentence against the ruling Peshwa
Raghunathrao for murdering his nephew.

1775 First Anglo-Maratha War

Alliance of Shekhawat chieftains and Kingdom of Jaipur defeat the Mughal Empire supported by
Baloch chieftains in the Battle of Mandan

Maratha sardar Mahadji Shinde routs the East India Company army at the Battle of Wadgaon.
War ends with the restoration of status quo as per Treaty of Salbai.

1780 Second Anglo-Mysore War begins.

1781 Maratha Empire defeats forces of the British East India Company in the Battle of Bhorghat.

1784 Second Anglo-Mysore War ends with the Treaty of Mangalore.

Captivity of Mangalorean Catholics at Seringapatam, suffer extreme hardships, torture, death,

forcibly converted to Sunni Islam. Of the 60,000–80,000 Christians taken captive, only 15,000–
20,000 survive.

1786 District collectors in Bengal were made responsible for settling the revenue and collecting it.

Maratha Empire defeats Tipu Sultan, the king of Mysore in the Maratha–Mysore War, resulting in
1787 the Treaty of Gajendragad. Tipu Sultan is forced to pay 4.8 million rupees as a war cost to the
Marathas, an annual tribute of 1.2 million rupees and return all the territory captured by his father
Hyder Ali

1789 Third Anglo-Mysore War begins.

Tipu Sultan invades Malabar (present day Kerala), destroys a number of temples including the
temples of Bhagamandala, Payyavoor, Ammakoottam Mahadevi temple and Thrikkadamba
Sri.mahavishnu temple. Thousands are killed, women raped and populace forced to convert to

1790 The Marathas under Holkar and General de Boigne defeat the Rajputs of Jaipur and Mughals at
the Battle of Patan, where 3000+ Rajput cavalry is killed and the entire Mughal unit vanquished.
The defeat crushes Rajput hope of independence from external influence

May Kingdom of Travancore defeats the Kingdom of Mysore in the Battle of Nedumkotta

1792 Third Anglo-Mysore War ends.

1793 Birth of Rani Rashmoni, one of the pioneers of the Bengali Renaissance.

1795 11 March Maratha Empire defeats the Nizam of Hyderabad in the Battle of Kharda, Nizam ceded territory.

13 August Death of Ahilyabai Holkar

1796 Ching-Thang Khomba moves Manipur's capital to Kangla

1798 Fourth Anglo-Mysore War begins.

1799 Fourth Anglo-Mysore War ends with the death of Tipu Sultan, the victory of the East India
Company, and the restoration of their ally, the Wodeyar dynasty of Mysore.

Polygar War

1800 13 March Death of Nana Fadnavis

19th century

Year Date Event

Maharaja Ranjit Singh establishes Khalsa rule of Punjab from Lahore. Khalsa army liberates
1801 12 April
Kashmiri Pandits and invades Afghanistan via the Khyber Pass.

1802 The Kingdom of Kottayam defeats the British East India Company in the Battle of

1803 The Second Anglo-Maratha War begins.

1805 The Second Anglo-Maratha War ends.

1806 10 July Vellore Mutiny

Hari Singh Nalwa, commander of the Sikh Khalsa Army of the Sikh Empire defeats the Durrani
Empire in the Battle of Kasur, the first in a series of battles.

1809 25 April The East India Company signs the first Treaty of Amritsar with Ranjit Singh.

1811 The death of Yashwantrao Holkar

Dewan Mokham Chand and Hari Singh Nalwa, commanders of the Sikh Khalsa Army of the Sikh
1813 13 July
Empire defeat the Durrani Empire in the Battle of Attock and capture Attock

1814 "Atmiya Sabha" is established by Raja Ram Mohan Roy.

3 June, 20 The Third Anglo-Maratha War begins.

January Establishment of Hindu College (Presidency College, now Presidency University, Kolkata)

1818 March – 2
Sikh Empire defeats the Durrani Empire and captures Multan after the Siege of Multan (1818).

31 The Third Anglo-Maratha War ends with the defeat of Bajirao II and the end of the Maratha
December Empire, leaving the East India Company with control of almost the whole of India.

1819 3 July Sikh Empire defeats the Durrani Empire in the Battle of Shopian and captures Srinagar and

1820 Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar is born (to 1891).

1823 5 March Anglo-Burmese Wars (to 1826)

Sikh Empire defeats the Emirate of Afghanistan and the Nawab of Amb to annex Peshawar Valley,
14 March
in the Battle of Nowshera

1824 Dayananda Saraswati is born (to 1883)

1825 –
1825 Battle between British East India Company and Bharatpur State

1826 4 January
British rule in Burma (to 1947)

1827 11 April Jyotirao Phule is born (to 1890)

1828 Rani of Jhansi Laxmi bai was born (to 1858)

1829 Kol uprising

1831 6 May Sikh Empire defeats the Mujahideen forces of Syed Ahmad Barelvi in the Battle of Balakot

1834 6 May Sikh Empire defeats the forces of Afghan Durrani Empire in the Battle of Peshawar (1834).
Peshawar becomes part of the Sikh Empire.

1836 Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa is born (to 1886)

Hari Singh Nalwa, commander of the Sikh Khalsa Army defeats the Durrani Empire in the Battle of
1837 Jamrud and extends the frontier of Sikh Empire to beyond the Indus River right up to the mouth of
the Khyber Pass.

1839 First Anglo-Afghan War

1845 13
First Anglo-Sikh Wars (to 1849)

Vasudev Balwant Phadke is born (to 1883)

22 The Sikh Empire under Sher Singh Attariwalla defeats the British East India Company under Sir
November Hugh Gough in the Battle of Ramnagar

13 The Sikh Empire under Sher Singh Attariwalla defeats the British East India Company under Sir
January Hugh Gough in the Battle of Chillianwala

1853 1 April The Post Service started.

1853 16 April The first railway is established between Bombay and Thane.

1855 31 May Rani Rashmoni builds the Dakshineswar Kali Temple.

30 June Santhal rebellion

1856 25 July Hindu Widows' Remarriage Act, 1856

23 July Bal Gangadhar Tilak is born (to 1920)

20 August Narayana Guru is born (to 1928)

1857 British victory in Indian Rebellion of 1857.

10 May Last Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar was deposed by British East India Company and India
transferred to British Crown.

18 July, 24 India's first three universities, the University of Mumbai, the University of Madras and the
January University of Calcutta, are established.

1858 18 June
Rani of Jhansi, Rani Lakshmibai died

British Raj (to 1947)

7 Bipin Chandra Pal is born (to 1932)


1859 18 April Death of Tatya Tope

1861 7 May Rabindranath Tagore is born.

1862 The high courts of Calcutta, Madras, and Bombay are established.

1863 Swami Vivekanand is born (to 1902)

1865 Lala Lajpat Rai is born (to 1928)

1867 31 March "Prarthana Samaj" established earlier known as "Atmiya Sabha", "Tahzeeb-ul-Akhlaq" was started

Mahatma Gandhi is born (to 30 January 1948)

1869 2 October
Thakkar Bapa is born (to 1951)

1873 Jyotirao Phule establishes the Satyashodhak Samaj society.

1875 10 April "Arya Samaj" is established.

Aligarh Muslim University

Deccan Riots

1876 Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born (1876–1948)

1877 1 January The first Delhi Durbar

1883 Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati dies

28 [39]
1885 The Indian National Congress is established

1889 Jawaharlal Nehru is born (to 1964).

1889 Khudiram Bose is born (to 1908).

1891 14 April B. R. Ambedkar is born (to 1956).

1891 31 March Anglo-Manipur War.

1895 11 May jiddu krishnamurti is born (to 17 February 1986).

1897 23 Subhas Chandra Bose is born (to 1945); the first fingerprint bureau of India is established in
January Calcutta.

11 June Ram Prasad Bismil is born

22 June Chapekar brothers assassinate W.C.Rand.

20th century
Year Date Event

1902 Anushilan Samiti, revolutionary association formed.

1903 11 December British Expedition to Tibet

1 January Delhi Durbar Second Time.

1904 5 November University Act

1905 Bharat Sevak Samaj founded by Gopal Krishna Gokhale.

16 October Partition of Bengal (1905)

1906 Jugantar formed.

30 December Muslim League formed in Dacca.

1907 Surat Split

1908 Alipore bomb case

1909 Morley-Minto Reforms

1911 Cancellation of Partition of Bengal

Delhi Durbar Third Time

1911 12 December The British government moves the capital from Calcutta to Delhi.

1912 Delhi conspiracy case

1913 Gadar Party formed.

Rabindranath Tagore won Nobel Prize in Literature

1914 Hindu–German Conspiracy

1915 Ghadar conspiracy

Provisional Government of India formed in Kabul.

Mahatma Gandhi returns to India.

1916 Lucknow Pact

1917 Champaran Satyagraha

Justice Party (India) is founded

1918 Kheda Satyagraha and champaran satyagraha

1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre

Montagu–Chelmsford Reforms

Rowlatt Act is passed


1920 Non-cooperation movement Khilafat Movement

1922 5 February Chauri Chaura incident

1924 The Hindustan Socialist Republican Association is formed.

1925 9 August Kakori conspiracy

1927 20 March Mahad Satyagraha

November Simon Commission

1928 Bardoli Satyagraha

1929 Central Assembly bombed by Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt.

Purna Swaraj resolution.

1930 Salt Satyagraha, the civil disobedience movement, begins with the Dandi march.

The first Round Table Conferences (India)

1931 March Gandhi–Irwin Pact

23 March Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev martyred

The second Round Table Conferences (India)

1932 24
Poona Pact

16 August Communal Award

The third Round Table Conferences (India)

1935 August Government of India Act 1935

1937 1937 Indian provincial elections

1939 The All India Forward Bloc established by Subhas Chandra Bose

1940 23 March Lahore Resolution

8 August August offer 1940

1942 late March Cripps' mission

1. Quit India movement

2. The Indian National Army is established by Subhas Chandra Bose.

1943 Arzi Hukumat-e-Azad Hind, the Provisional Government of Free India is formed by Netaji.

1944 Subhas Chandra Bose calls Mahatma Gandhi the Father of the Nation.

1945 18 August Subhas Chandra Bose death in plane crash at Taiwan.

Wavell Plan, Simla Conference

1946 February Royal Indian Navy Mutiny

March Cabinet Mission

16 August Direct Action Day/Great Calcutta Killings

October– Noakhali riots in which Muslim mobs kill over 5,000 Hindus, hundreds of Hindu women raped
November and thousands of Hindu men and women forcibly converted to Islam.

1947 July Indian Independence Act 1947 by British Raj

Partition of India and Pakistan becomes an independent state on 14 August 1947.

Freedom from British Raj.

Hundreds of thousands die in widespread communal bloodshed after partition, continuing to


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