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Permutation and Combinations - Short Notes

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8 Permutations and Combinations

Fundamental Principle of Counting (ii) The number of circular permutation of n different

(Counting without actually counting) things taking r at a time distinguishing clockwise &
If an event can occur in ‘m’ different ways, following which Pr
anticlockwise arrangement is .
another event can occur in ‘n’ different ways, then the total number r
of different ways of Combination
(a) Simultaneous occurrence of both events in a definite order
(a) nCr denotes the number of combinations of n different
is m × n. This can be extended to any number of events n
(known as multiplication principle). n! P
things taken r at a time, and nCr = = r where
(b) Happening of exactly one of the events is m + n (known as r !(n − r )! r !
addition principle). n
r ≤ n ; n ∈ N and r ∈ W. nCr is also denoted by   or
Factorial C(n, r). r 
A Useful Notation : n! = n(n – 1)(n – 2) ...... 3 · 2 · 1; (b) The number of combination of n different things taking r at
 n! = n . (n – 1)! where n ∈ W a time.
 0! = 1! = 1 (i) When p particular things are always to be included
(2n)! = 2n . n! [1. 3. 5. 7 ... (2n – 1)] = n – pCr–p.
Permutation (ii) When p particular things are always to be excluded
= n – pCr.
(a) nPr denotes the number of permutations of n different
things, taken r at a time (n ∈ N, r ∈ W, n ≥ r) (iii) When p particular things are always to be included and
n! q particular things are to be excluded = n – p – qCr – p.
nP = n(n – 1)(n – 2) ... (n – r + 1) =
(n − r )! (c) Given n different objects, the number of ways of selecting
(b) The number of permutations of n things taken all at a time atleast one of them is, nC1 + nC2 + nC3 + ... + nCn = 2n – 1.
when p of them are similar of one type, q of them are similar This can also be stated as the total number of combinations
of second type, r of them are similar of third type and the of n distinct things.
remaining (d) (i) Total number of ways in which it is possible to make
n! a selection by taking some or all out of p + q + r +
n – (p + q + r) are all different is : .
p! q! r ! ... things, where p are alike of one kind, q a like of a
(c) The number of permutation of n different objects taken r second kind, r alike of third kind and so on is given by
at a time, when a particular object is always to be included : (p + 1)(q + 1)(r + 1) ... – 1.
is r! · n–1Cr–1. (ii) The total number of ways of selecting one or more
(d) The number of permutation of n different object taken r at things from p identical of one kind, q identical things
a time, when repetition be allowed any number of times of second kind, r identical things of third kind and n
is n × n × n ... r times = nr. different things is (p + 1)(q + 1)(r + 1) 2n – 1 .
(e) (i) The number of circular permutations of n different
n Divisors
things taken all at a time is ; (n – 1)! = . Let N = pa · qb · rc ... where p, q, r ... are distinct primes and a, b,
If clockwise & anti-clockwise circular permutations c ... are natural numbers then :
(n − 1)! (a) The total numbers of divisors of N including 1 & N is
are considered to be same, then it is .
2 = (a + 1) (b + 1) (c + 1) ....
(b) The sum of these divisors is = (p0 + p1 + p2 + ... + pa) (c) In general, the number of ways of dividing n distinct object
(q0 + q1 + q2 + ... + qb) (r0 + r1 + r2 + ... + rc) ... into l groups containing p objects each, m groups containing
(c) Number of ways in which N can be resolved as a product of n ! (l + m)!
q objects each is equal to .
two factor is = ( p !)l (q !) m l ! m !
1 Here lp + mq = n.
(a + 1) (b + 1) (c + 1) ... if N is not a perfect square
(d) Number of ways in which n distinct things can be distributed
[(a + 1) (b + 1) (c + 1) ... + 1] if N is a perfect square to p persons if there is no restriction to the number of things
received by them = pn.
(d) Number of ways in which a composite number N can
be resolved into two factors which are relatively prime (e) Number of ways in which n identical things may be
(or coprime) to each other is equal to 2n–1 where n is the distributed among p persons if each person may receive
number of different prime factors in N. one, one or more things is; n + p– 1Cn.
Division and Distribution
(a) (i) The number of ways in which (m + n) different things
can be divided into two groups containing m and n Number of ways in which n letters can be placed in n directed
things respectively is : envelopes so that no letter goes into its own envelope is
(m + n)!
(m ≠ n). 1 1 1 1 1
m! n! = n! 1 − + − + − ... + (−1) n 
 1! 2! 3! 4! n !
(ii) If m = n, it means the groups are equal & in this case
(2n)! Important Result
the number of subdivision is ; for in any one
n ! n ! 2!
(a) Number of rectangle of any size in a square of size n × n is
way it is possible to inter change the two groups
n n
without obtaining a new distribution.
∑r 3
and number of square of any size is ∑r 2
(iii) If 2n things are to be divided equally between two r =1 r =1

(2n)! (b) Number of rectangle of any size in a rectangle of size n ×

persons then the number of ways = × 2!.
n ! n ! (2!) np
p (n < p) is (n + 1)(p + 1) and number of squares of any
(b) (i) Number of ways in which (m + n + p) different things 4
can be divided into three groups containing m, n and p n

(m + n + p )!
size is ∑ (n + 1 − r ) (p + 1 – r).
things respectively is , m ≠ n ≠ p. r =1
m! n! p !
(c) If there are n points in a plane of which m (< n) are collinear:
(ii) If m = n = p then the number of groups = . (i) Total number of lines obtained by joining these points
n ! n ! n ! 3!
is nC2 – mC2 + 1.
(iii) If 3n things are to be divided equally among three
people then the number of ways in which it can be (ii) Total number of different triangle nC3 – mC3.
(3n)! (d) Maximum number of point of intersection of n circles is
done is .
(n !)3 nP and n lines is nC .
2 2

16 JEE (XI) Module-2 PW

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