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B20 Locomotion and Movement

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| pi Locomotion and ED muscle 4 Calcium is important in skeletal muscle contraction because it {a) binds to troponin to remove the masking of active sites on actin for myosin (b) activates the myosin ATPase by binding to it (©) detaches the myosin head from the actin filament (d) prevents the formation of bonds between the ‘myosin cross bridges and the actin filament. (NEET 2018) Name the ion responsible for unmasking of active sites for myosin for cross-bridge activity during muscle contraction, (a) Calcium (©) Sodium (b) Magnesium (@) Potassium (NEET-II 2016) Lack of relaxation between successive stimuli in sustained muscle contraction is known as (a) tetanus (b) tonus (©) spasm (@) fatigue. (NEET-1 2016) Sliding filament theory can be best explained as (a) actin and myosin filaments do not shorten but rather slide pass each other (b) when myofilaments slide pass each other, ‘myosin filaments shorten while actin filaments do not shorten (©) when myofilaments slide pass each other actin filaments shorten while myosin filaments do ‘not shorten (4) actin and myosin filaments shorten and slide pass each other. (2015 Cancelled) Stimulation of a muscle fibre by a motor neuron ‘occurs at (a) the neuro-muscular junction (b) the transverse tubules (©) the myofibril (d) the sacroplasmic reticulum. (2014) 2 Movement ‘The H-zone in the skeletal muscle fibre is due to (a) the central gap between actin filaments extending through myosin filaments in the A-band (b) extension of myosin filaments in the central portion of the A-band (©) the absence of myofibrils in the central portion of A-band (@) the central gap between myosin filaments in the A-band. (NET 2013) During muscle contraction in humans, the {a) sarcomere does not shorten (b) A band remains same (©) A,H and I bands shorten (@) actin filaments shorten. (Karnataka NET 2013) ‘The type of muscle present in our (a) heart is involuntary and unstriated smooth muscle (b) intestine fs striated and involuntary (©) thigh is striated and voluntary (@) upper arm is smooth muscle and fusiform in shape. (om) ‘The contractile protein of skeletal muscle involving. ATPase activity is (a) troponin (b) tropomyosin (©) myosin (d) ceactinin. (2006) Which statement is correct for muscle contraction? (a) Length of H-zone decreases. (b) Length of A-band remains constant. (©) Length of F-band increases. (@) Length of two Z-line increases. ‘What is sarcomere? (a) Part between two H-line (b) Part between two A-line (©) Part between two L-band (@) Part between two Z-line (2001) (2001) Scanned with CamScanne ate 12, Which of the following is the contractile protein of a muscle? (a) Tropomyosin (b) Tubulin (©) Myosin (d) Allof these (1998) 13, ‘The functional unit of contractile system in striated muscle is (@) sarcomere (©) cross bridges (b) Z-band (@) myofibril, (1998) 14, When a muscle bends one part upon the other, itis called (a) abductor (©) extremor Skeletal System 15, Match the following columns and select the correct option. Column-1 (A) Floating ribs (i) (b) regulator (d) flexor. (1996) (Column-I Located between second and seventh ribs (B) Acromion (ii) Head of the humerus (C) Scapula (ii). Clavicle (D) Glenoid (iv) Donot connect with cavity the sternum “@ 8 © © @@ W) @ GH ©) @ ’) Gi) ie) Oa) G@ ww @ @ Gv) i) NEET 2020) 16. Select the correct option. (a) ‘There are seven pairs of vertebrosternal, three pairs of vertebrochondral and two pairs of vertebral ribs. (b) 8%, 9® and 10* pairs of ribs articulate directly with the sternum (©) 11° and 12 pairs of ribs are connected to the sternum with the help of hyaline cartilage. (€) Each rib is a flat thin bone and all the ribs are connected dorsally tothe thoracic vertebrae and ventrally to the sternum, (NEET 2019) 17. Out of X” pairs of ribs in humans only ‘Y" pairs are true ribs. Select the option that correctly represents values of X and Y and provides their explanation. (a) X= 12, ¥=5 True ribs are attached dorsally to vertebral column and sternum ‘on the two ends (b) X=24, ¥=2 Thetrueribsaredorsally attached to vertebral column but are free ‘on ventral side WcbG NEET-AIPMT Chaplerwise Topicwise Solutions EIEN (9) X=4, = 12 True ribs are dorsally attached to vertebral column but are free on ventral side (d) X= 12, ¥=7 True ribs are attached dorsally to vertebral column and ventrally to the sternum (NEET 2017) 18. Which of the following is not a function of the skeletal system? (a) Production of body heat (b) Locomotion (©) Production of erythrocytes (@) Storage of minerals 19, Glenoid cavity articulates (a) clavicle with scapula (b) humerus with scapula (©) clavicle with acromion (d) scapula with acromion, (2015 Cancelled) 20, ‘Three ofthe following pairs of the human skeletal parts are correctly matched with their respective inclusive skeletal category and one pairis not matched, Identify the non-matching pair. (2015) Pair of skeletal parts Category (a) Sternum and ribs Axial skeleton (b) Clavicle and glenoid Pelvic girdle cavity (©) Humerus and ulna Appendicular skeleton (d) Malleus and stapes Ear ossicles (2011) 21, Which one of the following is the correct ‘matching of three items and their grouping category? Items Group (@) Mlium, ischium, — Coxal bones of pelvic girdle pubis (b) Actin, myosin, Muscle proteins thodopsin (©) Cytosine, uracil, Pyrimidines thiamine (4) Malleus, incus, Ear ossicles, cochlea’ (2008) 22, Which one of the following items gives its correct total number? (a) Types of diabetes-3 (b) Cervical vertebrae in humans-8 (©) Floating ribs in humans-4 (4) Amino acids found in proteins-16 (2007) 23. In human body, which one of the following is anatomically correct? a) Collar bones - 3 pairs (b) Salivary glands - 1 pair (©) Cranial nerves - 10 pairs (d) Floating ribs - 2 pairs (2007) Scanned with CamScanne u. 27, a1. 32, ‘Locomotion and Movernent An acromion process is characteristically found in the (a) pelvic girdle of mammals (b) pectoral girdle of mammals (©) skull of frog (4) sperm of mammals. (2005) ‘What will happen if ligaments are torn? (a) Bones will move freely at joint and no pai (b) Bone less movable at joint and pain. (©) Bone will become unfixed, (@) Bone will become fixed. (2002) Sternum is connected to ribs by {a) bony matter (b) white fibrous cartilage (©) hyaline cartilage (€) areolar tissue. (2000) Bone related with skull is (a) coracoid (b) arytenoid (©) pterygoid (A) atlas (2000) “Total number of bones in each limb of a man is (a) 24 (b) 30 wou @) 21 (2998) ‘The number of floating ribs in the human body is (a) 3 pairs (b) 2 pairs (©) 6 pairs (@ 5 pairs. (1995) ‘Which of the following components isa part of the pectoral girdle? (a) Sternum (b) Acetabulum (©) Glenoid cavity (d) Tlium (994) “The cervical vertebrae in human is (a) same as in whale (b) more than that in rabbit (©) double than that of horse (d) less than that in giraffe. (2993) Long bones function in (a) support (b) support, erythrocyte and leucocyte synthesis (©) support and erythrocyte synthesis (d) erythrocyte formation. ‘Number of cervical vertebrae in camel is (a) more than that of rabbit (b) less than that of rabbit (©) same as that of whale (4) more than that of horse. A deltoid ridge occurs in (a) radius (©) femur (1993) (1993) (b) ulna (@) humerus. (1990) 213 Joints 35, Match the following joints with the bones involved: (1) Gliding joint (i) Between carpal and metacarpal of thumb (2) Hinge joint (ii) Between atlas and axis, (3) Pivot joint (iii) Between the carpals (4) Saddle joint (iv) Between humerus and ulna. Select the correct option from the following: (a) (1)-(iii), (2)-Giv), (3)-(ii), (4)- i), (3)-Ci), (4)-( (Odisha NEET 2019) ‘The pivot joint between atlas and axis is a type of (a) cartilaginous joint (b) synovial joint (©) saddle joint (@) fibrous joint. (NET 2017) 37. Which of the following joints would allow no movements? (a) Synovial joint (b) Ball and socket joint (©) Fibrous joint (@) Cartilaginous joint (2015) 38. Select the correct matching of the type of the joint with the example in human skeletal system. ‘Typeofjoint Example (a) Cartilaginous ~ Between frontal and joint parietal (b) Pivot joint — Between third and fourth cervical vertebrae ~ Between humerus and pectoral girdle (@) Gliding joint ~ Between carpals (©) Hinge joint (2014) 39. ‘The characteristic and an example of a synovial joint in humans is Characteristics Examples (a) Fluid filed synovial cavity between two bones (b) Lymph filled between Gliding joint two bones, limited between carpals movement (©) Fluid cartilage between two bones, limited movements (@) Fluid filled between two joints, provides cushion Joint between atlas and axis Knee joint Skull bones (NEET 2013) Scanned with CamScanne 214 40. Which one ofthe following isthe correct description of a certain part of a normal human skeleton? {a) Parietal bone and the temporal bone of the skull are joined fibrous joint. (b) First vertebra is axis which articulates with the ‘occipital condyles. (©) The 9* and 10 pairs of ribs are called the floating ribs. (@) Glenoid cavity is a depression to which the thigh bone articulates. (2010) Elbow joint is an example of {a) hinge joint (b) gliding joint (©) ball and socket joint (€) pivot joint al. (2009) Which of the following pairs is correctly matched? (a) Hinge joint ~ Between vertebrae (b) Gliding joint _~ Between zygapophyses of the successive vertebrae (©) Cartilaginous joint ~ Skull bones (@) Fibrous joint ~ Between phalanges (2005) Whats the name of joint between ribs and sternum? (a) Cartilaginous joint (b) Angular joint (0) Gliding joint (a) Fibrous joint (2000) “The joint between atlas and axis is called {a) angular joint (b) hinge joint (©) pivot joint (4) saddle joint. (1999) “The type of joint between the human skull bones is called (a) cartilaginous joint (0) fibrous joint Disorders of Muscular and Skeletal System Which of the following muscular disorders is inherited? (0) hinge joint (d) synovial joint. (1994) WueG NEET-AIPMT Chaptenwise Topicwise Solutions FEE 47. Osteoporosis, an age-related disease of skeletal system, may occur due to (@) immune disorder affecting neuromuscular junction leading to fatigue (b) high concentration of Ca** and Nat (©) decreased level of estrogen (@) accumulation of uric inflammation of joints. acid leading to (NEET-II 2016) Select the correct statement with respect to locomotion in humans. (a) The vertebral column has 10 thoracic vertebrae. (b) The joint between adjacent vertebrae is a fibrous joint. (© A decreased level of progesterone causes osteoporosis in old people. (4) Accumulation of uric acid crystals in joints causes their inflammation. (NEET 2013) 48, 49._ Select the correct statement with respect to disorders ‘of muscles in humans, (@) Failure of neuromuscular transmission in myasthenia gravis can prevent normal swallowing. (b) Accumulation of urea and creatine in the joints causes their inflamm: (©) An overdose of vitamin D causes osteoporosis. (€) Rapid contractions of skeletal muscles cause muscle dystrophy. (Karnataka NEET 2013) Select the correct statement regarding the specific disorder of muscular or skeletal system, (a) Muscular dystrophy ~ Age related shortening of muscles (b) Osteoporosis -~ Decrease in bone mass and higher chances of fractures with advancing age (©) Myasthenia gravis ~ Autoimmune disorder which inhibits sliding of myosin filaments re (8) Gast = ination of Js doe to etn EETON) position of calcium (2012) ‘ANSWER KEY) L@2@s @4@5 @6 M7 % & OX © DW @d H. @ 122 © 1B @ 1 @ 1 @ 16 @ 17 @ 18 @ 1% &) 2 &) 21. (a) 22 (©) 2. @) 2 () 25. () 26. (27 (c) B® () 2. ) 30. ©) 31 (a) 32 (b) 3%.) 34. (A) 35. G@) 36. () 37, ) 3% @) 3% @) 40. (@) 41 (@) 42) 4. (@) 44 ©) 45 © 46 © 47. ©) 4 @ 49 @ 50. Scanned with CamScanne nee aad LCs Locomotion and Movement 1, (a) : Calcium ion plays an important role in skeletal muscle contraction. Muscle contraction is initiated by signal sent by the central nervous system. The neural signal further spreads through the muscle fibre and causes the release of calcium ions. Increase in calcium jon levels lead to the binding of calcium with a subunit of troponin on actin filaments and thereby remove the ‘masking of active sites for myosin, 2 (a): Calcium ion plays an important role in muscle contraction. Calcium ions bind to troponin causing a change in its shape and position. ‘thus, in turn alters shape and position of tropomyosin to which troponin binds. This shift exposes the active sites on F-actin molecules. Myosin cross-bridge are then able to bind to these active sites. 3. (a): Tetanus refers to continued state of contraction of a muscle resulting from the summation of a series of rapid muscular contractions (twitches) that are induced by repeated stimulation of the muscle. 4. (a): During muscle contraction, the laterally projecting heads (cross bridges) of the thick myosin myofilaments come in contact with the thin actin myofilaments and rotate on them. This pulls the thin myofilaments toward the middle of the sarcomere, past the thick myofilaments. The Z lines come closer together and the sarcomere becomes shorter. Length of the A band remains constant. Myofilaments (both actin and myosin) stay the same length. Free ends of actin myofilaments move closer to the centre ofthe sarcomere, bringing Z lines closer together. I bands shorten and Hi zone narrows. A similar action in all the sarcomeres results in shortening of the entire myofibril and thereby of the whole fibre and the whole muscle, 5. (a): A neuron that transmits a stimulus to muscle tissue is called motor neuron. A motor unit consists of a single motor neuron (nerve cell) and the muscle fibres innervates it. The portion of the muscle plasma membrane (sarcolemma) that lies beneath the nerve endings (axon terminals) is called the motor end plate. ‘The axon terminals and the motor end plate together constitute the neuro-muscular junction or neuromotor junction. 6 (a): Each muscle fibre has many parallelly arranged myofibrils. Each myofibril contains many serially arranged units called sarcomere which are the functional units. Each sarcomere has a central ‘A’ band made of thick myosin filaments and two half ‘’ bands made of 215 thin actin filaments on either side of it marked by lines. In a resting state, the edges of thin filaments on either side ofthe thick filaments partially overlap the free ‘ends of the thick filaments leaving the central part ofthe thick filaments. This central part of thick filament, not ‘overlapped by thin filaments is called the ‘H’ zone. 7. (b): According to sliding-filament theory of muscle contraction, the actin and myosin filaments slide past each other with the help of cross-bridge to reduce the length of the sarcomeres. The smallest unit of muscle contraction is a sarcomere (which is delineated by Zines). As a muscle contracts, the Z lines come closer together (shortening sarcomere), the width of the 1 ‘bands decreases, the width of the H zones decreases, but there is no change in the width of the A band. During relaxation, cross-bridges disappear and actin filaments slide back from A-bands, the width of the I bands and H zones increases, but there is still no change in the width ofthe A band. 8. (6): Cardiac muscles are found in the wall of the heart. It is involuntary and slightly striated. Smooth rmusclesare found in gastrointestinal tract. These are non- striated and involuntary. Striated (or skeletal) muscles are found in the limbs and body walls. These muscles are voluntary (under the contro! of animals’ will) and show dark and light bands thus are striated, 9. (6) : Myosin is a contractile protein that interacts with actin to bring about contraction of muscle or cell movement. The type of myosin molecule found in muscle fibres consists ofa tail, by which it aggregates with other myosin molecules to form so-called thick filaments and a globular head, which has sites for the attachment of actin and ATP molecule. Troponin, tropomyosin and «-actinin are the actin in the thin filament 10. (a,b) 11, (@):A_ striated muscle fibre is bounded by sarcolemma. It shows alternating dark and light cross bands, the striations. Dark band is called A band which thas tits middle a light zone termed H zone. Light band is known as I band which is crossed through its centre by a ‘dark membrane called Z line. The part of the muscle fibre between two successive Z lines functions as a contractile unit called sarcomere, 12, (©): Myosin is a contractile protein of muscle Primary myofilaments are made up of this protein. Each myosin filament is a polymerised protein made of many Scanned with CamScanne 216 monomeric proteins called meromyosins. Secondary myofilaments are composed of a protein actin, having with it two regulatory proteins : tropomyosin and troponin, Myosin interacts with actin to bring about contraction of muscle or cell movement. Tubulin is a protein of which the microtubules of cells are formed. 13, (a): The part of the muscle fibre between two successive Z lines functions as a contractile unit called 14, (d); Flexor muscle bends one part of a limb on another at a joint, eg, biceps. It brings the fore arm towards the upper arm, Flexor work antagonistically With extensors, Abductor (elevator) is a type of muscle whose function is to move a limb away from the body. Eg, deltoideus of shoulder. @ (a): Ribs 1-7 are (vertebrosternal ribs), ribs 8-10 are false ribs (vertebrochondral ribs) and ribs 11 and 12 are floating ribs (vertebral ribs) @ 18. (a) (b): Upper rounded end of the humerus (bone ‘of arm) is called head that articulates into the glenoid ‘cavity of the pectoral girdle (shoulder girdle) of scapula ‘or shoulder blade bone. 20. (b): Each pectoral girdle consists of two bones,

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