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SIBAHLE His Heart in A Human Form

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SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.



I took a glance at the time on my wrist watch asI

paced up and down in my living room.The glass of
red wine in my hand.
he's late, he was supposed to be here at 7 but he
called minutes ago saying he's around the corner
but it's been an hour. Which corner is hetalking
talking about? because the one I know doesn't even
take 10 minutes to get inside ourpremises. I've been
calling and calling but his phone goes straight to
voicemail, I swear to God if he's stooding me up for
work on our
most important day I'd totally go crazy.. is work
more important than his Marriage? his wife? I mean
I'm a busy person too, running a successful business
isn't child's play but I makesure that I have time for
him. I make sure that I come home early to cook for
him and give him massages then sex. but he can't do
this small thing for us? to celebrate our 5th year
anniversary? Just this night only to enjoy ourselves
as a marriade couple?

I picked up my phone and called his number, as

expected it goes to voicemail again. I took a deep
breath before leaving a voice message forhim..
Me: Siya baby, where are you? I've been waitingfor
you here. You were supposed to be here anhour
ago.. please call me back when you get this.
I hung up..
Siyabulela Ziqubu, where the hell are you?

I must've have fallen asleep because I was woken

up by the doorbell ringing non-stop. I have fallen
asleep on the couch while waitingfor this husband
of mine. for a moment I thought it was him who's
ringing the bell but I quickly remembered that he
wouldn't knock athis own house.
I got up the couch and head to the door. I expected
to see him on the door holding flowers and wine
asking for forgiveness for stooding me up but
instead I was met with twoPolice men standing on
my doorstep.
Man 1: Mrs Sibahle Ziqubu?
Me: Yes this is she. how can I help you?
For some reason, these men's presence didn't
bring me any peace..
Man 1: I'm detective Majola and this is officer
Nyathi can we get in?
Me: oh sorry.. come in
I moved away from the door..
They got inside and stood next to the door..
Man 1: We are here regarding to your husband,Mr
Siyabulela Ziqubu.
My heart starts to beat fast across my chest..
Me: My husband? Where is he? something
happened to him?
Man 2: Ma'am I think you might want to sit
down for this
Me: Don't fucken tell me to sit down just talk!
Where's Siya?
Man 1: Mrs Sibahle, Your husband was involvedin a
car accident an hour ago..
My heart sank into my stomach..
No, not my husband. they must be mistaken..Siya
can't do me like this.. not now.
Me: is he okay?
Some how my voice came out as a whisper..The
detective shook his head..
Man 1: I'm sorry
Me: No.. No.. No!
Man 1: he didn't make it, he died on the spot.Me:

I'm Sibahle Conway Ziqubu. this is my story.

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


It's been over a year since Siya passed away, the

wound of his passing is still new. I'm still hurting
even today. It's like it all happened yesterday, well.
Yes he wasn't the best husbandor the husband of the
year but I loved him and he loved me back.. he
wasn't perfect but at least he tried to make me happy
even though his career was the most important thing
in his life, I wouldn't say I was happily married
because wasn't, Siya didn't give me enough
attention as his wife, it was work, work and work. I
was so sick of it but there was nothing Icould do.

Over the year, a lot has happened. it turned out

that Siya passing wasn't an accident. he was killed
but made it look like it was an accident, Police was
suspicious that I could be one of thecase he was
working at, it involved some dangerous drug Lord's
and all that. Looks like he was this close to put them
behind bars but they killed him and there's no
evidence that proves that. it shows that those people
are dangerous. I tried to follow through by
investigating his death but after weeks of
investigating, I received a call from an unknown
number warning me to stay away from things that
doesn't concern me. I knew that it was from that
gang so I let things be.
Even though my mother in-law is accusing meof
killing her son, she doesn't really like me much and
this death of Siya. she thinks I killedhim because I
want his millions.. is she crazy? Imean I gave my
Own wine company, I have myown millions in my
bank account. Why would I
kill my husband for money? but then it's okay.

A knock came through from the door, Sinazo.My

P.A peeked through the door.
Sinazo: Siba, Your friend Ziyanda is here.
Me: send her through
She nodded and closed the door..
A minute later, Ziyanda stepped Inside the
office looking so beautiful in the dress she wore.Ziya:
hey babes
Me: hi Ziya.. how are you?
Ziya: I'm fine love, have you had lunch yet?
Me: uhm no but I was about to.
Ziya: great! because we're going to eat out
Me: but Ziya-
Ziya: ha.a Siba, no buts. get your fat ass up that
I rolled my eyes..
Me: Yes mother
I stood up and grabbed my purse, cellphone andcar
keys then we head out.
We passed Sinazo by the lobby..
Me: Sinazo, I'm going out for lunch. I'll be back
Sinazo: Okay
We walked out going to the underground
parking lot.


Nathi: We were able to move the merchandise
before the cops turned that place upside down.
I nodded..
Me: Good. Was the profit reached?
Nathi: Yes and quite frankly we went above justby
I smiled..
Me: that's impressive, I'm glad that the businessis
going well without the police on your back.
Ziqubu costed us alot of things. if he didn't mess
up, we have still be protected but at leastwe have
Nathi: I hope he won't fuck up too!
Me: he knows what will be the consequences be,
he will think twice before double crossing me. Is
the anything else I need to know?
Nathi: No.. not yet
Me: Okay, I'll be at the restaurant the whole day.
there students coming over for a cooking
lessons. don't call me unless it's important.
Nathi: Okay
Me: see you later

I grabbed my car keys and walked out the

warehouse, I got inside my car and drove outthe
gate as it closed behind me.
being a drug Lord is like my second job that I doafter
hours, nobody knew about it except for mybrother
and my two other friends. Everyone thinks I'm living
an honest living, I'm a Chef whoknows a chain of
restaurants and also who have a cooking show.
Cooking is passion. I've always loved cooking since
I was young. It's always been my dream to have my
own restaurant.
The drug business was owned by my father, hewas
the most ruthless and cold-hearted bastardthat didn't
have mercy on anyone. so after he died, he left the
business over to me and Nathi;my big brother. we
both own it but I'm not reallyinvolved into it, Nathi
is the one who looks afterit 24/7 making sure that
everything goes well. no cops are on our tail or
something like that.
Everyone thinks I'm this sweet guy, who's always on
the kitchen cooking. the guy who hasthis love and
passion for being in kitchen but underneath.. I'm this
cold bastard, the drug Lord.the owner of the most
dangerous gang called " The tyrants ", the most
powerful and dangerousgang.

I arrived at my restaurant and parked at my private

parking space avoiding to interact withthe crowd..
you know how people can be whenyou're well
known. they would embush you or
ask so many pictures. so to avoid all that, I hada
private parking space and private exit at the back.

I'm Thandolwethu Don Makhubalo.



being with Ziya around can be very fun at times,she's

such a bunch of fresh air. her bubbly personality
makes me forget about my problems and laugh at
her stupidness. Our lunch together was fun, she was
telling me about her boyfriend. Nathi, she says he's
toxic for her but she loves him like that. like it's
hardto stay away from him.
I was so sad when we had to go our separate ways, I
was no longer in the mood to go back tomy
workplace and I didn't want to go home stare
at those big walls surrounding me.

Me: I'm so sad that you're leavingI

said as I hugged her..
Ziya: Don't worry babes, I'll see you some other
Me: Yeah
Ziya: Yazi you should consider dating again, this
loneliness of yours will lead to depression.
I sighed..
Me: I tried that shit, it doesn't work for meShe
Ziya: Don't worry I'll sort you out, Nathi has this
handsome brother.
Me: Nope.. I'm not interested
Ziya: but-
Me: Drop it
She raised her hands in surrender..
Ziya: Okay then, goodbye
Me: bye
She kissed my cheek then walked to her car..She
hooted at me before driving off.

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.

After that lunch with Ziya, I wasn't in the moodto
go back to work or go to my house so I wentto see
my dad. it's been a while since I last sawmy old
man. maybe a month ago, I think. I misshim.
My dad live outside the city, he built himself an
estate away from everyone. it's where I grew up,it
was just Me, dad and Mom but unfortunately Mom
died when I was 15 years old so Dad just took over
raising me to be this woman i am today.

I'll forever love and appreciate you Mr and Mrs

Conway, if I wasn't for them I don't know what
would've became with my life. the Conway's arenot
my real parents, the adopted wish I was only 3
months old. from the saying; they foundme at the
hospital bathroom with my name and
age. so since they struggled a bit to pronounce"
Sibahle ", they named me Jasmine. the nameDad
still call me even today.. he says I'll alwaysbe his
The security at Dad's house didn't give me any
hassles because they knew me, so I drove inside
and parked the car on the roundabout.. Dad was
already standing by the door waiting for me to
come out. I got out the car and ran tohim and
hugged him.

Me: hey Dad

Dad: hey Jasmine, long time no see.I
Me: I've been busy dad
Dad: busy enough not to even visit your dad?Me:
I'm sorry old man
Dad: You're not too old to get a hidding.
Me: I know
he smiled and kissed my forehead..
Dad: I missed you baby, it gets lonely around
Me: I missed you too Dad, you should come andstay
with me in the city dad.
Dad: No thank you.. Let's go inside.


Dad: so how have you been?

Me: Good
Dad: really? You don't look much convincing.
Me: I'm fine dad, but you know I miss my
husband and it's kinda lonely in my house
without him.
Dad: You miss him don't you?
I sighed..
Me: I do, a lot.
he gave me a sad smile before he took a sip onhis
glass of wine.
Dad: Your wine is good, business doing okay?Me:
Yes.. everything is good.
Dad: I'm so proud of you, I'm sure your mom.I
Me: thank you
he looked at for a while..
Dad: Don't let his death take you down, yes youhave
every right to mourn for your husband butat some
point you have to dust yourself up andmove on.
You're still young, you will find someone else that
you will also love. I'm not saying forget about him
but give love another chance, Siya will always have
a special place inyour heart just like how your mom
is on mine. I
love you Jas, and it's every dad's wish out thereto see
their children happy. give yourself sometime and
heal okay?

After 2 hours of being with dad, I went home. Even

though dad wanted me to sleep over but Iwanted
my space , to think.
But when I got home around 5pm in the
afternoon, there was a car on the drive-way. I
didn't even need to guess who it was. Siya's
annoying brothers.
I parked my car behind theirs and got out. I was
already annoyed with their presence before even
knowing why they are here. I walked inside
the house, they already made themselves
comfortable in my damn house, drinking my

Me: What the fuck are you doing here? Sima:

Whoa tigress.. why are you grumpy?Sakhi:
Maybe she's hungry
They laughed..
I rolled my eyes and went to sit down on the
couch opposite them.
Me: Why are you here?
Sima stopped laughing and looked at me withhard
look on his face, this guy is cold and intense. the
scar on his face doesn't make anything easy.
Sima: You know why we here, deadline is over..
we've given you a month notice and now it's game
I chuckled..
Me: I told you before, I'm doing that shit!
Sakhi: Yes you are.
Sima threw the file on me..
Sima: that's all the information you'll need on him,
we need you to make him fall inlove with you so
that we could catch him.
I laughed.. like literally laughed..
Me: What makes you think a cold hearted bastard will
not see right through me? Let alone falling inlove
with me without knowing who I am?
he leaned over to me and put his forearms onthe
Sima: Listen here Sibahle, I can see that we've been
very lenient with you to a point you thought you can
walk over our heads. You seemto forget that we're
doing this for our brother.
Your late husband, by tradition you're still
Marriade to him. so this is what you're going todo,
you make sure that Don falls for you, falls for you
hard. I don't care if you have to sleep with him to
get what we want. You'll do it.
I leaned over to him..
Me: And if I don't want?
he smirked..
Sima: You say goodbye to daddy dearest.



Me: We're done for the day, just go through all the
recipes I gave you and make sure that you have
ingredients we'll use Tomorrow okay?
They nodded..
Me: Alright, you may go.
they packed their stuff and walked out the
kitchen but Stacey remained behind..
Me: And then? what you waiting for?
She walked towards me and stood between mylegs..
Stacey: I was hoping that we could have somefun
Me: Stacey, don't. I told you what we did was a once
off thing don't expect more.. I don't usuallybed
students so there nothing special about you.
Stacey: but-
Me: Leave
She tried to touch me but I yanked her handsoff
Me: I said Leave Stacey, don't make me call
security for you to escort you out.
Stacey: Fine, you'll never find someone who can
satisfy you like I do.
Me: Don't flatter yourself, I had better. Just fuckoff.
Stacey: You such an asshole!I
Me: I never said I wasn't, close the door on yourway

She clicked her tougue and stormed out.Me:


I packed up my stuff and head to my car on the

parking lot.
I got inside car and drove to my mother's house.

Mom: Lwethu, I'm serious.

Me: Mom can we drop this? I don't want to get
married and I'll never get married. You shouldask
Nathi that he's the older one.
Nathi: No
Mom shook her head looking at us with her
hands on her waist.
Mom: mense, I'm getting old. I want daughter in
-laws and grandchildren.
Me: You should forget about that, because
you're not getting them anytime soon.
Nathi: Just forget about it Mama. this shit is
getting boring now.
Mom: Okay, here's the thing, if you don't have wives
by the end of the year. Mrs September atthe church has
two beautiful daughters that I
would like to have them as my daughter in-laws
She put the discloth on the table and walked
Nathi: What the?
Me: She can't be serious!



Sima and Sakhi are such decament dicks!

They're bastard that I wanna shoot between theeye if
I had a gun. how the hell they expect me to pull this
off? this is a fucken drug Lord for heaven's sake.
they're the most dangerous gang I know. they're just
making me sign a
death mission, if I had a choice I wouldn't do this
but I still need my dad. I love him too muchto get
him killed so I had no choice but to agree.

I'm seated ontop of the bed, a tub of ice creamand

glass of wine next to me while I go throughthis
guy's file.
I really want to give my husband justice but this?I'm
going straight into a lion's dean like this.

his name is Thandolwethu Don Makhubalo, he's30

years old. a celebrity chef with a chain of restaurants
all over the world. he's one of the richest young
black man in South Africa. he hasa brother who's
Siphenathi Makhubalo, 36 yearsold. he's also a
these dudes found even a little information about
him, he's favourite club he likes to go to.he
favourite restaurant to eat at. everything he
likes to do. Maybe this will give me a good start to
stalk him a little so that I could know what helikes to
do at the certain time.
I just hope I'll be able to pull this through or I'll end
up like my husband..

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


Days passed by, I was totally dreading the moment

to start with the mission. the missionto seduce this
son of a bitch. if it was up to mei'd want to shoot
him between the eye at first
glance if I had a gun just get over this and done with.
this man brought alot of pain my heart when he
decided to kill Siya.. Yes I know that my husband
wasn't the best husband in the world but we loved
and respected each other asmuch. but this bastard
decided to kill him.
Even with this anger haboured inside of me, I still
don't think I'll make it out alive in this. this man is
rumoured to be the heartless bastard that doesn't
show mercy to anyone, he doesn't think twice before
hitting a bullet into your skull.And I'm walking
straight into that lion's den withthe hope that he won't
see right through me? hewill let me into his house
without knowing who the hell am I? I don't want to
do this but I don't have a choice in this issue. My
dad's life is totally lying on my hands right now, and
I knowthat Sima and Sakhi ain't bluffing. If they
said they'll kill dad. they will do it and there's nothing
I could do to stop that from happening.
When I went through Don's file it stated that, there's
this club in town he likes to go to on Mondays.. to
relieve stress I think. so I thoughtwhy don't I start
my mission there? to act like it's my " wedding
anniversary " today and I'm drinking my sorrows
away just because my husband isn't here to
celebrate it with me.. brilliant right? I know.

Around 6pm in the afternoon, I got ready and head

to the club. I was a nervous wreck but I had to do
this. otherwise I'll have to say goodbye to dad. Upon
to my arrival at the club, Iparked my car on the
parking lot then head inside the club and sat on the
bar. looks like theDon hasn't arrived because I don't
see him anywhere here. I ordered a drink, sat there
and waited.
30 minutes passed, still there's no sign of Don. Iwas
already fed up of being here so I paid getting ready
to leave when a tall dark skinned man, wearing all
black got inside with other twoguys. I couldn't see
their face because they were facing the other side
but when he turned around facing the light, his face
was more visible. It was him, The man I'm looking
for .
Don Makhubalo.
When I saw his picture on the file Sima gave it to
me, I thought he was an handsome man but now that
I've seen him face-to-face. I think pictures didn't do
him any justice.. he was morehandsome in person.
him and his friends founda place to sit and sat down.
the bar I was seated at was more like in the corner so
he won't see me staring at him, he's face was hard
and cold like a pissed person. his jaws clenchedso
hard like he was going to break his teeth. hiseyes
were roaming around the place while he's
friends were chatting.
some two women, walked to their table and satdown
with them. one of the ladies went to sit onhis lap and
kissed him.. And he kissed her back.I'm totally
watching all this scene as his hands roamed around
the lady's ass, her hands brushing his head as they
kissed. the other ladyis busy intertaining his two
other friends.
they pulled out the kiss as the other woman went
to sit on his lap too and kissed him too.
I couldn't continue to watch because I was already
fed up with this man. if he's like this how the hell
am I going to make him fall inlovewith me?
without any complications because this guy looks
like a jerkass in the making.
I called over the bill from the bartender and paid,
when I was about to go I head a voice talking behind
Voice: Scotch on the rock and a drink for the
beautiful lady.
The bartender nodded and walked away..
I turned around to look at who the hell it was.The
Me: I can buy my own drink, thank you very
Don: so? I'm Just buying you one and you
should thank me.
I chuckled..
Me: For what? Just because you bought me that
cheap drink? for your own information I don't
want it.
Don: Stop being dramatic and sit down.
I bite my tongue, trying to stop myself from telling
him to fuck himself but I couldn't do that.I'm on a
mission here.
I sat down on the chair I was seated on.Don:
Lwethu is the name.
Me: Sibahle
Don: Cute name
Me: Did you stop me from going home so that you
could talk about his cute my name is? I have
important things to do than to sit here anddiscuss my
The corner of his mouth raised into a small
Don: fiesty I like that.
Me: Sure you are


I've been around a lot of time to know that whena
women keeps stealing glances at you in a club
there's something that she wants or she's smitten by
you. from the moment I arrived in this club with my
two guards, i immediately felteyes on me. the club
wasn't that full today and women weren't that many
so I didn't alot for meto notice who's staring.
I had alot of women, stalking me from time to
time. And I thought it was a stalker but when Isaw
Sibahle Conway. The late Siyabulela Ziqubu's
wife.. I didn't think that she might bestalking me
or something like that. Maybe shesaw something
that she liked on me and decided to stare.
She's a very beautiful woman and very interesting
with a sassy attitude. I've seen alotof beautiful
woman before so she wasn't thatbeautiful. We
were still seated on this bar, shewas ordering
drinks after drinks like she's
stressed or something..

Me: what's bothering you?

Siba: Nothing
Me: Really? but you're drinking like a fish
She sighed..
Siba: Okay fine.. I'll tell you.
Me: I'm listening



by the time I'm done " telling him " how I lost my
husband and all that, I was totally crying and all that.
he was so quiet, listening intentively to
every word I said but his face showed
was stoic and emotionless like he isn't thinking or
something. I thought I was going toget a reaction
from him but I guess..

Don: That's bad, You must be very heartbroken..


his words lacked emotion, it's like he was just

saying to make me feel better. he isn't even feeling
guilty for killing my husband. but I showgive myself
some round of applause for my performance, I think
I deserve a role in The riversoapie or something
maybe be Lindiwe Dikana's sister?
this piece of shit didn't even comfort me, he just
stared at me like I'm not crying..
Looks like I'm going to have a hard time to
crack to person up..

To be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


It was already late now, around 8pm but I wasstill

in the damn club with this son of a bitch.
We were still having drinks, I was getting drunk
now. he had a high tolerance in alcohol becausehe's
been drinking and drinking but he's not even slightly
drunk. We weren't talking that much because I've
noticed that he isn't much ofa talker..
Don: What Happened to your husband?
I stopped swirling the drink on my hand and looked
at him, a bit taken back by his question.he knew
exactly what happened to my husbandbut why was
he asking? testing waters maybe ifI knew something
or not?
Me: he was involved in a car accident and diedon
the spot.
he nodded..
Don: So you haven't been with anyone ever
Me: That's kinda personal don't you think?he
Don: it's a pretty simple question to answer
unless you're ashamed to answer it.
I didn't say anything, I just stared at him..
Me: Whom I fuck is none of your business, I have or
haven't been with anyone since my husband died is
not your concern so don't worryabout it.
Don: I'm not worried, I'm trying to help you. Your
problems are too much; You're frustrated.. Youneed
sex, someone to give you good until you forget
about this dead husband of yours. If youwant any of
he pushed his business card to me..Don:
Call me, I'll sort you out.
he winked at me then walked away..
I picked up his card and looked at it, it had all his
information about his workplace and all that.Even his
office number and cell number were here. I took the
car and slipped it inside my bag.
I finished the drink and payed the bill then I
walked out to my car in the parking lot.

As I was about to drive away, my phone rang.It's

Ziyanda.. I answered.

Me: babes
Ziya: hey love.. where you at? I'm at your housebut
the security says You're not here.
Me: Wait for me there, I'm on my way back
Ziya: Okay
I hung up..
I started the car and drove home.


Nathi: Are you sure it's coincidence?
Me: She knows that her husband's death wasn'tjust
an accident, but she doesn't know who killed him.
Nathi: be careful Don, women are dangerous.she
can be plotting against you.
I shook my head..
Me: No.. Sibahle looks like she's too naíve toable
to do such things. but I'll try to keep herclose to
find out her intentions but I think shedoesn't have
Nathi: I don't care about what you think Lwethu,
we're running a business here. a business that can't
be known. we can't have police on our tail.I don't
believe this thing that girl is coincidence..I'm going
to find out, And I find out that she's plotting
something? she's good as dead.
Me: I hope so
Nathi: see you around
he took his gun and walked out.

Nathi's instincts can be right at times, when hesays,

he can't trust someone.. means there's definitely
something up with them but I'm not about Sibahle.
Yesterday she seemed really hurt by that wedding
anniversary thingy, pain was written allover her face.
She was hurt.. she seemed like she didn't know who
I was but that doesn't mean I'll brush Nathi's
suspicions off, I will haveto keep her close and try to
study her intentions.

I got snapped out of my thoughts by my phone

Me: Yes
Voice: Sir, its Joe. there's a lady here at the gate
saying she's Stacey and she wants to see you.
Me: tell her to fuck off
Joe: She says she knew you would say that. soshe's
not going anywhere until you let her in.
I sighed in annoyance..
Me: let her in
I hung up..

Even Stacey is annoying as hell, she might be agood

lay tonight.


20 minutes later, Siba arrived as I was still standing
outside my car waiting for her. she came out the car
and walked towards me. shelooked drunk because
her cheeks were flushedwith a tint of red.

Siba: sorry to keep you waiting.

Me: it's okay
The security opened the gate then we drove inside.
we parked our cars on the drive way thenhead inside
the house.
Me: Where are you coming from?
Siba: at some club
I raised my brow at her..
Me: Club? since when uhamba clubs Siba?
She sighed and threw herself on the couch nextto me
and took off her heels.
Siba: Something I needed to do.
Me: or you went there to look for someone totake
She rolled her eyes..
Siba: You know that's not my style.. Anyway I
was on a mission.
Me: Siba, don't tell me you investigating your
husband's death again
her silence answered my question..Me:
Siba: Don't
Me: Those people are dangerous Sibahle, you
remember what happened the last time you tried
to investigate Siya's death?
Siba: I know.. I know but this time it's differentMe:
different how?
Siba: Sima and Sakhi came here this other day,
they want me to seduce my husband's killer andmake
him fall inlove with me so that I could givethem him
on the silver platter, and they could kill him.
Me: And you agreed? Uphambene Siba? (Areyou
She stood up and went to pour wine for herself..
Siba: I don't have a choice okay? If I don't dothis,
they'll kill my dad. and I can't let that happen..
Dad is all I have!
Me: I'm sorry my friend that you're in this situation
but this is complicated. You're goingstraight into
the lion's den and you going to getyourself killed!


After Ziya left, I was left alone. She was going to
sleep over but her man called her over so shewent to
I cooked dinner for myself, ate then bathed. my
mind was so occupied with thoughts I couldn't even
read, so I just lay on the bed and thoughtwhat was i
going to do next to nail this bastardof a man.
I layed there deep in my thoughts until sleep
consumed me.

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.

I was at work, going through some paper work

when my phone rang in my bag. I didn't check on it
because I knew who was calling.
this guy has no chill, I don't know how his mind
works at times. does he expect me to make Don
falls inlove with me within two days? he'scrazy. it's
been 2 days since I saw Don in that club. I haven't
even called him, I don't have to guts to call him.

I tried to avoid the phone but he was persistentso I

took the phone out of the bag and answered.
Me: Sima
Sima: Sibahle, We're expecting feedback every
week's time so why are you quiet?
Me: A week is too soon, can't you give me some
more time? I'm trying the best I could here. thatman
is stubborn you said it yourself!
Sima: I know what I said, but you're not gettingany
work done. have you seen him?
Me: Yes
Sima: And?
Me: And what? nothing happened.
Sima: Listen here Siba, I'm giving you a month and
A week to get this mission done. a Month and a week
Qha, you mess it up? Daddy is gone..You'll do
whatever it takes to bring that man to us. I don't care
of you sleep with you are we clear?
Me: Crystal
Sima: Good, time is ticking.
he hung up..
I screamed and threw the phone away, luckily it
landed on the couch. I couldn't help but cry, I wish
it i could turn this whole thing off but I can't.
Daddy's life will be in danger.
my phone beeped from the couch, I leaned overto
take it then turned it on..

Me(teary): Oh my God
It's a picture of my dad at mall, he's carrying plastics
of grocery. thanks picture has a caption:tick.. tock..
tick.. tock.
Sima is a fucken cunt.

Now that they're watching my dad's every move,I had

to do something. I took my bag and looked for that
stupid so that I can call this moron. I found the car
and dialled the number on my landline phone. It rang
a couple of
seconds before his deep voice echoed on myear.
Don: Lwethu
I cleared my throat..
Me: It's Sibahle
His line went quiet like he dropped the call.
Don: I knew you'd call but I didn't think it will be
this soon.
I rolled my eyes..
Arrogant bastard.
Me: I believe if you want something you go for it.he
Don: indeed, so what can I do for you Miss Siba?
Me: It's Mrs.. how about we meet up for drinkslater
tomorrow at Pigalle?
Don: See you then.
he hung up..

Wow, I didn't believe that I was really doing this.



I knew she would call eventually but I didn't think it

would be this soon, because judging by her
personality she looked like those woman who didn't
sleep with just anyone. And to her toagree to sleep
with me without hesitation doesn't sit well with me.
there's something thatdoesn't sit well with me about
Siba but I don't want to dwell on it or entertain that
thought. I'll enjoy the pussy and move on with my
I was at the warehouse today with Nathi, because
we had some merchandise we had tosort out. And
also there was another merchandise that our
supplier was going to drop by so we had to be
Nathi do most of the things here but when I hada
chance or I'm free I come here to check ok this but
Nathi is doing a great job.

Me: how far are you with the investigation

regarding Mrs Ziqubu?
Nathi: Nothing yet, there's really not much intoher
either than she was married. what she doesfor a living
and other things but I won't give up.
Me: Okay

An hour later, I went to my other restaurant to

check on how things go.
I arrived there and head straight to Zintle's office
(manager). I opened the door and stepped inside.
the scene I walked into made me wish I knocked,
she was laying ontop of herdesk, with this dude
between her legs.

Man: Who the hell are you to burge in here?

Zintle pushed him off and stood up fixing her
Zintle: Sir i-
Me: Sorry to interrupt but I want restaurant
Zintle: Oh yeah.. let me get them.
She walked away to get them then came backand
handed them to me..
Zintle: Sir, I'm sorry about this it won't happen
Me: Zintle, What you do with your pussy doesn't
concern me. Just don't do it on my desks okay?
Zintle: Yes Sir
Me: thank youI
walked out..



I was so worried about Siba, what she's doing is

dangerous and it will get her killed.
I doubt she even know what kind of people she's
going after, this is just a suicide mission.

She's even stubborn but she doesn't really havea

choice in this case. her dad's life is involved..if she
doesn't do this, what they ask her they're
going to kill him.
Sima and Sakhi are such dicks, can't they do this
themselves instead of putting my friendslife in
danger? who's even this dude, there onewho killed
Siya. who is he? Siba didn't want totell me

Nathi wrapped his arms around my waist and

kissed my neck.
Nathi: Molo baby
Me: hey love
Nathi: what are you thinking about?
Me: Nothing
Nathi: baby
Me: Don't worry about it, do you want
something to eat?
Nathi: Yes
Me: Okay.. go and sit down I'll make you
something to eat.
Nathi: hurry
he kissed my lips then walked away..

To be continued..

Note: I don't post on Sundays unless its

sponsored, so these two inserts were sponsored.
You won't get another insert'll them
tomorrow unless you sponsor.

Sponsoring: R30 Vodacom airtime.

Advertisement: R20 Vodacom airtime.
No: 079 746 0065.
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


I was getting ready to meet up with Siba at Pigalle.

I wasn't really looking forward to this meet up but
I'll never say no to free fuck, a quick and
uncomplicated one. I just got out the
phone with Nathi.. he was his old self as always.
warning me about this woman. I don't think Sibahle
wants something from me, she's just a horny widow
that wants someone to satisfy herneeds and I'm
Siya would turn in his grave just by seeing me
fucking his wife. he would be still alive and around
with his wife if he wasn't greedy and didn't think
twice to double cross me. he had allthe money he
needed but he wasn't satified. then his greediness
got him killed.
I've always loved fucking Marriade women,
women who were not satisfied with their husbands
so they went out to look for something new. what I
liked about them is thatthey didn't get attached. they
were never clingyor complicated because they had
husband's and kids. the sex was simple and easy
but I'm not quite sure about Siba. Yes, she's
married but her husband is dead and I don't want her
toget attached to me.
After I was done getting ready, I took my thingsand
head out. I got inside my car and drove to Pigalle to
get over and done with. Apon my arrival at Pigalle, I
rushed inside avoiding fans of my cooking or
something to crowd my space.. thankfully that the
place wasn't that packed so I head inside, Siba was
seated whereI saw her the first time. At the bar in
the corner,she had a glass of red wine in her hand
and a
little bowl of olives. she wore a long black trench
coat and black heels. I didn't even want to imagine
what she had wore under that coat. Iwalked towards
her and took a seat next to her,she turned to look at
me in the face.
Jesus Christ..
Firstly, She was hot as hell. She was so sexy toa
point i got hard just by staring at her. She had
makeup on her face with her lips coated with a red
blood lipstick. even her hair was nicely styled.. she
was fucking fuckable. I wanted to bend her over on
this bar and hard her hard untilshe begged me to
I must've stared at her so long until she became
uncomfortable because she cleared her throat..
Siba: hey
Me: Evening
We weren't friends or anything, just two people
wanting to fuck each other so we had nothing to
talk about. she held gaze for few minutes asshe
sucked the olive into her mouth. my eyes
immediately trailed down to her cute little mouth as
she sucked the olive, imagining that as if she was
sucking my balls. She was such atemptation for me
to stay here any longer.
Me: Your place or mine?
Siba: Yours
I paid for drinks then we head out with her
following behind me. we got to my car and
opened the door then got inside.
Siba: You're not even a gentleman.She
rolled her eyes..
Me: andiyo ndoda yakho sisi, expect that from
someone you dating.
She looked out the window and mumbled ' jerk '
under her breath. I chuckled then started the carthen
drove to my place..

The drive to my place was quiet, she wasn't talking

nor keeping herself busy. she was just quiet and
starring out the window. And I didn't even tried to
make a conversation because I had nothing to say to
her either than to fuck herthat's all.
We pulled up at my estate as the gates
automatically opened and I drove inside. I
parked my car then we both got out.
Siba: Wow
She looked around the estate quite impressedwith
the house.
Siba: Your house is beautiful.
Me: You didn't come here to compliment the
house right? now come on
I walked towards the door..
Siba: You're so uptight, you need to let lose.I
ignored her and head inside the house.



Me: how about this one?

Nathi: it's good
Me: And this one?
Nathi: Nice

I turned my head to look at him, he's busy saying

" it's good " and " it's nice " but he isn'teven
looking! he just focused on his laptop
Me: Siphenathi!
Nathi: What?
Me: Should I leave?
he stopped typing and looked at me..
Nathi: haybo why?
Me: Nathi, I'm here to see you but wena you're
doing whatever on that laptop like I'm not here.
You're not even paying attention to me!
he placed the laptop on the table and turned hisbody
to face my way.
Nathi: I'm sorry baby, it's just-
Me: I don't want to hear it ndiyahamba . (I'm
I stood up as he stood up too..
Nathi: baby come on, I'm sorry sthandwa samMe:
Why did you call me here Siphenathi if you
going to ignore me?
Nathi: Jonga baby man, I'm working on finding
some valuable information about someone but I'll
stop and focus on you.
Me: valuable information about who?
Nathi: Not important, let's just relax and watch the
movies okay?
Me: sharp
Nathi: Don't be mad mamas, ndakthanda uyeva? (I
love you)
I smiled..
Me: I love you too
Nathi: there we go
he kissed my lips then made me sit on his lapthen
we watched the movie.


Don didn't waste anytime, by the time we entered his

bedroom clothes were already beingplanted on the
I was on a mission here so I had to do my best, Iwore
one of my best black lacey lingerie I got from my
favourite boutique. at Yahlu Glam, thispiece was so
sexy and fitted my body well. As my own person I
didn't care much about how other people find my
body or my appearance. but the look Don had in his
face when he dropped the coat was priceless, it's like
he never saw something so beautiful and sexy. he
looked at me like I was the only sexy woman on

I was ontop of him on the bed, moving up and

down on his long, black and thick length. we
were both naked with our bodies coated in
sweat. I hated myself for enjoying the sex. I
loathed myself but I couldn't help it.
for Christ sake this was my husband's killer, but here
was I. riding his dick and enjoying myself. but what
was i supposed to do? the man was good in the sack,
the way his large manly handsgripped my ass cheeks,
the way his warm tougue swirled around my nipple.
It felt so good.

Don: Shit..
he was totally enjoying himself because he picked
me up from underneath and pumped into me from
under. his pelvic bone hitting mysensitive clit here
and there.
I moaned loudly as he hit the right spot repeatedly,
he rolled me over, he was the one ontop now. he
cupped my face with his large
hands and kissed me so good while giving mehis

I really hated myself for enjoying this, for enjoying

how this man handled me. how he touched and
caressed my body. he surely knewhow to fuck and
how to treat a lady.

The next morning, I woke up before him. it wasstill

dark in the bedroom but with the little lightthat was
provided through the window I could see his
physique next to me. his beautiful bodywith
muscles. he was a gorgeous man and he knew that
but unfortunately he was a bastard.
I slipped off the bed carefully not to wake him up, I
looked for my coat on the floor and wore itas I was
naked underneath it. I put on my heelsthen carefully
tiptoed to the door.
he stirred a little on the bed and went back to
sleep. I looked at him one more time and headout.

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


I was laying on my stomach on the bed crying, Iwas

starring at my wedding ring feeling so
guilty of what I have done. It just feels like I've
betrayed Siyabulela. Like I've slept with his enemy
and enjoyed the sex more that ever, I hate Sima and
Sakhi for making me do this. Yes,I want to give my
husband justice. to fight thosewho killed him but I
have put my life in a firing line here. If Don ever
finds out that I have an agenda it's over for me. he
would kill me in a split of a second without thinking

It's been an hour since I got back, I haven't even

showered. I just got back and cried. I'm still reeking
sex, sweat mixed with Don's cologne. making me
think of what happened yesterday. Itook Siya's
photo frame on the pedestal and stared at it, with the
feeling of guilt brewing in my chest.
Me: I'm sorry baby, I'm sure you must be angryor
disappointed in me but I had no choice. I hadto do
this for you and my dad.. I've already lost
you so I can't lose my dad too. he's all I have in this
world. Please forgive me baby. I love you somuch.

I put the photo back to the pedestal then headto the

bathroom to take a shower, I want the smell of this
man out of me. It just makes meloathe myself even
more than ever, I just hopeI'll never see him again
but then that's impossible.
After I was done getting ready for work, I
received a call from Ziya as I was preparing
breakfast. I wiped my hands with a dish-cloththen

Me: hello
Ziya: hey babes.. how are you doing?
Me: I'm fine, you?
Ziya: Good, I was just checking you up since you
didn't give me any feedback about meeting the dude.
Me: Nothing really happened.
Ziya: really? Darling you can't fool me because I
know you okay? And right now you're hiding
something but if you don't want to tell me it's okay.
Me: Ziya-
she hung up..
Me: dammit!

I didn't have any appetite so I just packed the food

into my lunchbox then packed my thingsand got
ready to go. I grabbed my phone andcar keys and
head out.
When I arrived at work, the client I was supposed
to have a meeting with was already
here so I had no time to sit down, I just went toput
my bags in my office and grabbed my important
documents then head to the boardroom.



I heard Nathi talking and talking but I didn't evenhear

a word he was saying, my mind wasn't in this
meeting we had. It was far away from here.I was
thinking about someone I didn't want to think about.
Sibahle Conway.
When I woke up this morning she was long gone,
After the amazing night we had together Ithought I
would wake with her next to me but
nothing. I was used to girls who stick around after a
one-night stand wanting to know what would
happen between us. what our night meant but Siba
wasn't one of those girls. she really proved that she
was there for sex nothingmuch. this is what I wanted
to most women I had a one-night stand with, to have
sex and leave in the morning no questions asked and
move on with our lives but somehow I didn't likehow
Sibahle left. A part of me hope that she might stay
and you know.. but I guess.

Nathi: Lwethu!
My head snapped in his direction..
Me: what?
Nathi: Where's your mind bawo? I've been
talking and you ain't listening what'up?
Me: Nothing
he stared at me for some time and shook hishead..
Me: What?
Nathi: Nothing, we have delivery of the firearms
today and you have to be there.
Me: I can't, I have a cooking session today forthe
cooking show.
Nathi: That's not my problem, you better be onthat
meeting on time you hear me?
Me: I'll see what I can do.
Nathi: Good
He walked out..

I poured a glass of scotch and downed it on onego, I

had some shit to do but I couldn't focus. but at some
point I have to push her at the backof mind and
focus. Siba means nothing. She's just a good fuck I
had yesterday nothing more,
nothing less.
Get a grip, Thandolwethu.

The cooking sessions took longer than I anticipated

so I didn't make it to the warehousefor the delivery,
I'm sure Nathi would be livid with me but my
career comes first. I don't onlyrun the tyrants, I have
a number of restaurantsall over so I had lot on my
plate. so Nathi's anger wouldn't cut it. he just need
to chill at times.
so I drove home straight, I just wanted a plate of
home cooked meal, a glass of scotch and mybed
nothing more. The security opened the
gates as they saw my car approaching the premises. I
drove inside the parked my car on the roundabout, I
got out the car and walked towards the door. Maria
(the house keeper) opened the door for me with a
smile on her face.Maria is in her mid-fifties, she'd
been working for me for 5 years now and I'm always
impressed with her work.

Maria: Good afternoon Sir, dinner will be readyin

20 minutes. Can you get you something to drink in
the meanwhile?
Me: No.. I'm fine Maria, I'll wait for dinner.
Maria: Okay
She bowed down a little then walked out of
sight. I walked up the stairs to my bedroom.

I threw my bag at the one-seater couch at the

corner then stripped off my clothes and walkedover
to the laundry basket to put them inside but
something caught my eyes, the black laceything
caught my eyes.
It's Siba's lingerie.
I'm sure she left it behind on purpose. I picked itup and
smelled it, it smelled of her perfume andher arousal,
causing my mind to run wild of images of what
happened yesterday.
The images of she kissed me, how her small
feminine hands roamed around my body. howshe
went up and down on my length, smearingher
arousal all over my dick.
Jesus Christ..
Those thoughts were too hot for me to keep on
thinking about them, but it was too late becauseI
already had a erection.


This thing between Siba and Lwethu doesn't

make me rest, I don't believe that it was a
coincidence. As always I never doubted my
instincts, it is always right and this Sibahle
woman doesn't give my peace.
Lwethu and I, worked so hard to put " the tyrants "
where they're today, I'll totally eliminatewhoever
comes to destroy that and if this woman came to
destroy us or something like that, She will have to
die. I won't let anyone destroy our hard work but I'll
dig some little information first because I don't really
trust her.
And to make matters worse, She's Siyabulela
Ziqubu's wife. that bastard double-crossed us but he
met his maker at the end, so if his wife is
doing the same. she will meet her maker too.No
questions asked!

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


The following morning, I went to my Gyna at the

hospital so that she could put me on a birth control. I
didn't want to fall pregnant while I'm on a mission,
an unplanned baby at that with aman I didn't even
love. After that I went to La Parada to meet up with
Ziya. After that dramatic tantrum she gave me this
morning I apologized to her and promised that I'll
tell her
everything that happened when we meet up
again so yeah.

I was so grateful that Sima hasn't called to remind

me that I'm on a mission, he's such a nuisance. A
week will end and he will demand afeedback that I
don't have because it seemed like it's hard to crack
that son a bitch. we slepttogether and I made sure
that he enjoyed it buthe hasn't called yet. I guess
maybe he will before the week ends, because I
didn't want to hear Sima's threats about my father.
I pulled at the parking lot of La Parada and got out
my car. Ziya was already here because she was
working close by here. I locked the car thenhead
inside. I didn't even need to look around for her
because she was seated closely by the entrance with
a glass of Conway vineyards in her hand. I walked
towards her table.
Me: hey friend.
She stood up and hugged me then kissed my
She's such a hugger this one. Ziya:
hey babes.. You look good.
Me: thanks, you look gorgeous too.I
pulled a chair then took seat..
Ziya: I've already ordered a glass of wine for you,I'm
sure it's coming.
Me: thanks.
Ziya: so.. I'm still amazed that you're still alive and
kicking while you're dangerous people likethis.
Me: I'm still a little bit careful.
Ziya: this is dangerous kodwa Siba, you'll get
yourself killed yazi.
I signed..
Me: I know but there's nothing I can do.

A waitress came with my wine and a tray of

finger foods to snack on. we thanked her andshe
walked away.

Ziya: Can't you do something else maybe?Me:

Like what?
Ziya: Tell this man what you're forced to do,
maybe he might help you.
Me: what? Uphambene Ziyanda? Sima will
totally kill my dad and I can't let that happen!
Ziya: Whoa.. there was no need to bite my headoff.
I was just trying to help you that's all.
Me: well I don't need your help.
Ziya: Wow
I sighed..
Me: I'm sorry..
Ziya: it's okay, who are these people nakhona?
Me: it's some dangerous gang, they call
themselves " The tyrants ", the owner is
Thandolwethu makhubalo.

Ziya spat out the wine that was in her mouthand

coughed holding her throat..

Me: Are you okay?

Ziya: Yeah.. Yeah. wait, did you say
Thandolwethu makhubalo?
Me: Yes
Ziya: thixo wam (Jesus) Me:
What? You know them?
Ziya: I don't know them! I only know Thandolwethu.
that's Nathi's brother.
My eyes widen..
Me: Nathi, as in your man?
Ziya: Yes!
Me: oh my word.. do you think?
Ziya: definitely!

If that's the case, that meant Don knows who I am.

he knows that I'm Siyabulela's wife, but whyhe hasn't
said anything? is he also playing this game I was
playing? I was in deep shit, totally indeep shit.

Me: Promise me that you won't mention this to


Ziya didn't hear a word I said, she was deep in

thought.. looked like she was shocked that her
man is involved in illegal and dangerous shit.Me:
She snapped out if it..
Ziya: What?
Me: You won't tell or confront Nathi about this!
Ziya: but-
I looked at her..
Ziya: Fine!
Me: Give me your word Ziya
Ziya: I promise, you have my word.
Me: Thank you
Ziya: yeah sure but I gotta go. She
stood up and walked away..Me:
She was already gone..
Me: Shit.


I couldn't believe that Nathi was involved in illegal

activities. Yes, I suspected at times whenthey was
calls that were taken privately but I never put it to
mind but now it was here infrontof my eyes. I
wanted to confront him so badly but I couldn't do
that, Siba was involved in this. Icouldn't put her life
in danger like that.

I was in denial, I couldn't believe it. I mean these

people are educated and have careers, lot of money
but why would they resort to doing something
illegal and they kill people at that!
Siyabulela was killed by them, because of what?
We don't know. I felt like I didn't know who my
man was, like I didn't know who Nathi was. I
thought I knew him but I didn't.

When I ran out the restaurant, I rushed to his

place.. I wanted so bad to confront him but I kept
on thinking about Sibahle. her father andher life
was on a line here. She was on a mission, and if
Nathi find out that I knew aboutSiba's plan. I don't
know what would happen.
Siphenathi has a temper, he becomes angry toofast,
and he can ruthless when he wants.. I feelsorry for
Siba. If Nathi finds out what she's up to? It's over
for her and I won't be able to protect her because
Nathi doesn't listen to anyone when he's angry
except his brother or his mother. so I won't that Siba
will be careful with this and make sure it worked.


I was so restless the whole day, I was so scaredthat

Ziyanda might be too angry and want to confront
Nathi about what I told her and I get busted. but at
the same time I trust Ziya, I'm sure she won't throw
me under the bus no matter how furious she gets. She
was going to think about what will happen to me if
she decided to confront Nathi.
I've heard alot of stories about how dangerous,how
cold and ruthless Makhubalo brothers are.they
inherited that from their late father who was the
owner of " the tyrants ", long time ago before he
was killed. so imagine what would happen to me if
Don finds out that I had an agenda. an agenda to get
him killed, but I hope
that he will understand that I didn't have a choice
on the matter. My dad's life was on theline. Siya's
brothers were threatening me.

At work I couldn't focus at all, but I managed to get

some work done and went home around 6pm. I just
wanted a glass of wine so that I could think straight
what was i going to do next.
I arrived at home and parked my car on the garage
since I wasn't going anywhere I head
inside the house. I locked the door and turned the
lights on, then threw my bag onthe couch and took
off heels.

I grabbed the bag and heels and head upstairs to my

bedroom. I stripped off my clothes and head for the
shower, after showering I didn't wear anything
either than an underwear and a shirt.. I went
downstairs barefooted with a book
on hand.
I was so lazy to cook so I ordered pizza that
arrived 15 minutes later. I went to sit down onthe
living with my pizza, a glass of wine then abook to

Living alone can be lonely at times, but when I

have my wine and a good book on hand I'm
I was on the five page of the book when my
phone rang, it's Zak, the security.

Me: Zak
Zak: Ma'am, there's a man on the gate and lot ofbody
guards. he's demanding to get in, should Isend him
I sighed..
Me: Let them in Zak
Zak: Alright
I hung up..

What the fuck is Don doing here?

I got up the couch and made my way to the door,

The man was so arrogant he didn't evenknock. he
just burged in.
Me: What the fuck Lwethu, didn't your Mama
taught you how to fucking knock?
Don: she did, but I don't follow rules.
Me: kukwam apha, you will follow every rule I
put okay?
He didn't answer me, his eyes were so focusedon
my bare thighs.
Don: fuck!
to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


I didn't know why I was doing there in the first place, I

had shit to do at my place but here was I.
In Siba's door step. I didn't know what was going on
but I couldn't stay away from her, the memories of
that might we spent together werestill fresh on my
mind. I was replaying them every second. before I
could even register that was going on I was already
in my car on my wayhere.

She wasn't expecting me to be here at that

moment, she was in her relaxing hour with a book
on her hand. she looked so sexy in that shirt that
barely covered her beautiful legs toned legs. I
couldn't help but stare. this was woman was sex on
legs, she was so beautiful without trying. She was
beautiful even when shewas getting ready for bed..
Makeup wasn't on her face. just her natural look; her
weave tied into a bun then a doek wrapped around.
Siya was a lucky bastard.
I was so excited to see her After I couldn't sleep
yesterday thinking of her but she wasn't pleased to
see me, she was more annoyed. some women would
totally do whatever it takesto make sure that I'm on
their door step to see them but not her..
but then, there was no woman like Sibahle
Siba: What do you want?
Me: You
She rolled her eyes at me..
Siba: Of course
She turned around and went to sit down on the
couch. I followed behind her and sat opposite her.
Siba: Can I get you something to drink or eat?Me:
a glass of scotch.
Siba: I don't have that, wine?
Me: it's fine
She placed the book down and went to take a glass
so that she could a pour wine for me. Shehanded the
glass over to me then I thanked her.

We drank the wine in silence, while she continued

to read her book while taking a bites
of her pizza. she carried on with what she was
doing like I'm not here. since I wasn't much of a
talker I didn't mind the silence.
I placed the glass on the armrest of the leathercouch
and looked around the house. She had abeautiful
home no lies, and she had a taste. thehouse was
clean and smelling good. I didn't know if she was
cleaning it herself because I didn't see any house
keeper here.

Siba: Okay
She sat upright and placed the book on thetable
then stared at me in the eye.
Siba: I'm sure you were not here because you're
bored, You wanted something. What is it?
I took a sip on the wine before talking..
Me: You know exactly what I want.
She stared at me for a while with those clear
white eyes..
She was damn beautiful..

She got up from her seat and walked towards me

then straddled my lap, her legs dangling onthe
sides. her arms wrapped around my neck..she
smelled so good. I wrapped my arms around her
small waist then looked at her.
Siba: This is the last time we're doing this,
Me: We'll see about that.
I grabbed the back of her head and brought herface
closer to mine, our foreheads linked against each
other and lips touching..
Me: I'll have you whenever I want, and there's
nothing that will stop me.
She didn't have a comeback on that so I smashed
my lips against hers and kissed her
hard, she kissed me back with the same energy
giving me her tougue. Sibahle was a good kisser.
Shs knew how to kiss a man.

We kissed for a while, with my big hands grabbing

her ass cheeks under the shirt she wore. she was
already breathing heavily, the humidity between us
was getting hot. my veinswere pumping with
Siba grabbed the hem of my hoodie and pulled it
over my head along with my t-shirt. I was left
shirtless, she stopped kissing me and stared atmy
body.. her eyes heavy with Lust and desire. she
looked at me like she wanted to devour me in that
moment. I've always made women feel sexy but no
woman had ever made me feel sexylike that, the look
Siba had in her face as she stared at my body was
satifying. I wanted to take her right there.
her small soft hands roamed around my body,
touching my muscles and tattooes as she kissed
Siba: Let's go to the bedroom.
She breathed on my face as she kissed me, she
wanted me. She was horny and wet for me. I could
feel the wetness of her arousal on my jeans. I got up
the chair with her in my arms as Iwalked to the stair
Siba: We're going to trip and fall.
Me: We won't.

I walked down the hallway with her on my armsas I

looked for her bedroom.
Siba: Third door on your right.
I found her bedroom and stepped inside then
closed the door behind me. I threw her on the bed
and got ontop of her, she took off her shirt
and left only in her underwear.
She was sexy as hell.
I grabbed her leg then pulled her at the edge ofthe
bed and kissed her again. my hands roaming around
her soft skin. I got between herlegs and grabbed her
thong pulling it down revealing her beautiful small
pussy that was glithening from her arousal.
Me: You're wet for me baby?
She nodded breathing heavily, she was so hornyfor
me even her cheek were flushed with a tint of red.
she was weak under my touch. she wasn't that fiesty
woman I saw at the club whosaid whatever came
into her mind first. She wasn't an successful
businesswoman, a millionaire. she was my woman.
I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down along
with my briefs, her eyes fell on my dick and took a
deep breath like it was the first timeseeing a dick.
Me: Like what you see?
She propped herself on the pillow then leanedover
to my dick and kissed the head like it wassome sort
of a greeting.
Jesus, who the fuck was this woman?
She gripped the back of my thighs then trailed kisses
on my dick, from head to the base. it feltso nice to
have those soft warm lips against mycock. she licked
the drool that came out on thehead then widen her
mouth to take me.
I wanted her on the bed and fucked her brains out.
but this was also good. very good than allthe heads
I ever received. she sucked my dick like it was
Something nice, something so
eatable. she enjoyed sucking my dick as she moaned
there and there. my hand had a tight grip on her hair
as I helped her move on a pace Iwanted.
It was such a sight to see this woman suckingme
off, and on top of that she as enjoying it. she sucked
my dick like pro. I was enjoying thisso damn much,
my balls tighten as I felt myselflike I was about to
Me: Lay on your back.
She looked at up at me through her lashes. Shewas
so gorgeous specially with my dick insideher small
mouth. she sucked my dick one moretime then
wiped her mouth with the back of herhand then lay
on the bed with her legs wide open.

I grabbed my dick that was coated in saliva, Igot

between her legs and leaned down to kiss
me. Tasting myself on her mouth.. I brushed mydick
against her slickness on her pussy coating the head of
my dick with the arousal. she cupped her face as she
Siba: Fuck me (whispering)
It was the only time I obeyed a command froma
woman. It was such a sexy command that I didn't
have a single problem in obeying.
Me: With pleasure sweetheart.
I was about to shove my cock inside her whenshe
stopped me.
Siba: Wait..
Disappointment ran through my body, I thoughtshe
was going to stop after realizing that this was a bad
idea but she had other thoughts.
She reached over the drawer of her pedestal and
took out a condom. there were so many condoms
in there, about twenty I think with
some birth control pills and jewellery.
She had men coming over here, that's why shehas
so many condoms. I was one of the lucky bastards
that had a chance to fuck this Queen.

She unwrapped the condom then pulled it downmy

cock then wrapped her legs around my waist pulling
me closer to her body.
Siba: Now do your job!
I didn't know what was more sexy between, thatshe
knows how to put on a condom without a hassle of
the fact that she wasn't afraid to tell me what she
I leaned over to kiss her as I shoved my cock deep
inside her tightness and warmth of her small pussy.
her nails digged through my fleshas she felt me
inside her.
Siba: Fuck!
Slowly, I moved until I was balls deep. my bags
hitting against her ass.
Me: how bad do you want it baby?
Siba: so bad..
I moved in a slow pace to a much faster one asshe
moaned in my face. her warm breathe hitting my
face. her pussy was getting more nice, nicer than
the last time I had her.



I was still angry at Nathi so I didn't sleep over athis

house, I even ignored his calls and made him drove
around 11pm in the night to my apartment. I wasn't
so keen so seeing his handsome face because I knew
I was going to
bust but I tried my level best to calm down. I
thought about Siba, I could afford to get her

Nathi parked his car at the gate, it was in the middle

of the night so they were no other cars in the streets.
so I got out the house and ran to his car then got
inside. he was wearing all black,and had his hoodie
cap on.

Nathi: Kwenzeka nton ngawe baby? ( What's

going on with you?)
I folded my arms against my chest..Me:
Nathi: Don't play dumb with me Ziyanda, Yesterday
be siright but today I don't know. Whyare you
ignoring my calls? did I do something wrong that I
don't know about? If I did, ndixelele
baby so that I can fix it.
Me: Uligintsa Siphenathi? (Are you a gangster?)
Nathi: Uyithathaphi lento uyithethayo? ( Whereyou
did hear that)
Me: don't ask me bullshit Nathi, phendula
umbuzo! (Answer the question)
Nathi: Yes
Me: why didn't you tell me?
Nathi: For what?
Me: Excuse me?
Nathi: Ziya, We're inlove. siyadyola neh? but my
side business got nothing to do with you. whether I
told you or not it wasn't going to change anything.
Me: What if-
Nathi: Nothing is going to happen to you.Me:
You can't promise me that
Nathi: I can



When I woke up the following morning, the sunwas

already up and the blinds were open but Don
wasn't next to me.
Flashbacks of yesterday came flooding in my mind.
It was the best sex I never had. the mansurely knew
his way around the bedroom. Eventhe pain between
my legs agreed with me.
I got off the bed and grabbed his t-shirt on the floor
and pulled it over my head then made my way
The smell of pancakes hit my noise as I was still
decending from the stairs, the smell was
coming from the kitchen. I almost forgot that Don is
a well know celebrity chef and he sure knew his way
around the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and
leaned against the entrance andwatched him, he was
standing over the stove frying something on the pan
while he's wearinghis jeans, nothing on top and
barefooted. he had a beautiful body and skin that is
dripping melanin. he even had tattooes on his arms
and chest.
He was a beautiful man.

Don: Good morning, baby.

Me: Morning

I never liked being called " baby ", but the way
Don says it with his deep baritone voice. does
something in my body.
Me: what's for breakfast?
Don: take a seat, food will ready in a minute.Me:
Yes, Chef Lwethu.
he chuckled..
I flinched in pain when I sat down on the chair, I
completely forgotten about the pain between my
Don looked at me and smirked..
Don: Pain?
I nodded..
he left the pot and walked over to the fridgethen
took out a packed of ice blocks.
Me: What are you going to do with that?
Don: get on the counter and spread your legsMe:
Don: Do what I say, Sibahle.
Me: Fine
I got ontop of the counter and spread my legs, that
felt kinda weird and uncomfortable being this
exposed infront of him.
he put the ice blocks into his mouth then leaneddown
to my coochie then ran the ice around thecoochie
sending a shiver of pleasure down my spine.. I
moaned in that instant.
Don: does that feel good?
Me: Y-Yes..

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.

I left Siba's house around 10am in the morning,after
we were done with breakfast. I didn't knowwhy but I
was enjoying that woman's company.being around
her was so nice, even though we didn't talk much but
her presence was enough for me. It was such a weird
thing for me to enjoy a woman's company because I
usually getbored with women the moment we're
done withfucking but with Siba.. I didn't know.

Since I didn't come with my car, I called

Zakes(my driver) to come and get me. he arrived
10 minutes later than we drove to myhouse.
My phone rang in my pocket, I took it out and
Me: Yes?
Nathi: this is one of the days I won't say
anything just punch you on the Face. where thefuck
are you Lwethu?
Me: I'm on my way back. Nathi: I
didn't ask that asshole!
Me: You don't need to know where I am, I toldyou
I'm on my way back okay? Just chill.
he chuckled..
Nathi: When you don't want to tell me ba uphi, you
know it's a place you're not supposed to beat. Are
you with that bitch?

Nathi was my big brother, my friend but I

couldn't let him speak about Siba like that.
Me: don't call her that!
he laughed..
Nathi: Oh wow. congratulations brother, she
finally won your over.
Me: What the fuck are you talking about Siphenathi?
You know what? Don't answer thatI'm on my way.
Nathi: You better be here in 3 minutes.he
hung up..
Me: Asshole!

We arrived at my house, I head inside and went

straight to my bedroom and took a shower. after I
was done bathing and dressed up. I wentto my study
to get my gun and some other important stuff then
head downstairs again sothat Zakes could take me
to the warehouse before Nathi blew up my phone,
he had no chillat times.


Nathi and I, were cool now since we talked things

through yesterday. I made sure that whatever I say I
don't mention Sibahle because hell would break
lose. he was so persistent in wanting to know where
I got the information from, who told me that he's a
criminal and whatnot but I couldn't tell him. he will
have to forgiveme.

I was at Conway vineyards company with Siba,she

called me over so that we could eat lunchtogether
in her office. food cooked by the one and only chef
Lwethu. I swear to you, she hadhim by the balls
but she doesn't know it yet.

Siba: so I have a plan to check if my mission isa

successful or not.
Me: how are you going to do that?
Siba: I'm going to need your help with that.Me:
Okay, let's hear.
Siba: Okay so.. You're going to organize a datefor
Me: What?
Siba: Whoa.. listen Ziyanda.
Me: Okay fine..
Siba: As I said, You're going to organize me a date
for tonight in one of Lwethu's restaurants.mna I'll
post on my WhatsApp status that I'm going on a
date so that I can see how he will react.
Me: Okay, if he doesn't react kengoku? Siba: I
don't know but it's worth a try right?Me: of
Siba: so you'll help me?
Me: definitely! I even have someone in mind
right now.
She smiled..
Siba: Great! I knew I could trust on you.
Me: Whatever! I hope this plan of yours works.
Siba: I'm crossing fingers too



Ziya indeed found a date for me, it was one of her

colleagues. his name was Zipho, 27 years ofage
working as bank manager. he was good looking
shame and very nice.
We met up at " the eat ", one of Lwethu's
restaurants. It was a high-class restaurant. very
cosy and nice. Zipho and I found a table to sitand
ordered. to say I was enjoying the date I would be
lying. I was so bored, I kept on checking if Lwethu
viewed my status. And he did, but he told himself
that he doesn't care. what was i thinking again?
thinking he was going to jump when he heard that
I'm going ona date. I was so disappointed no lie,
which meant that my plan wasn't working. and
Simawould want feedback at the end of the week
while I don't have anything tangible either than
enjoying sex with him. such a disappointment.

Zipho: Sibahle!
Me: mh?
Disappointment was written all over his face, I'm
sure he noticed that I was bored out of mymind.
Zipho: I was asking if you're enjoying your meal?
Me: Yeah.. Yeah, it's nice.
I stirred my pasta a little so that I could take abite.
Zipho: Ho-
he stopped talking when his phone rang.
Zipho: Excuse me

he stood up and walked little further from me totake

the call but I could hear what he was saying.
Zipho: Zipho here
he answered then listened to the person over the
phone, I watched his facial expression goesfrom
neutral to panic in a split of a second as he looked
around the restaurant.

Two men in black suits, wearing dark

sunglasses walked inside the restaurant andwent
over to talk to other people inside.
Minutes later, people went out one by one untilthe
restaurant was empty. just the both of us and the
two gentlemen.
Zipho got done with the phone and walked
toward me again.
Me: What's going on?
he completely ignored me and took his jacket over
the chair and hurried out without lookingback. I
was left completely stunned. What wasgoing on?
I took some few notes from my purse and paid the
bill then stood up so that I could go becausethis was
totally a waste of time. I was about to go when I
voice I wanted to hear talked behind me.

Don: Sit your ass down.

Me: You don't tell me what to do
he chuckled and went to sit on the chair Ziphowas
seated at.
Me: What are you doing Don? You've ruined my
Don: just be grateful that I saved you from that,you
were totally bored.
I rolled my eyes..
Me: What did you say to him?
Don: i told him I was your husband.
Me: What?

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.

I was shocked by what Lwethu said to Zipho,I'm

sure Zipho thought I was a cheater or something.

Me: Why did you do that?

He shrugged..
Don: I just felt like doing it.
Me: Since you ruined my date I might as well go
Don: haybo why?
Me: What do you mean why? the person I camehere is
gone so there's nothing left for me.
he sighed..
Don: You want me to beg you now so that you
can stay?
Me: I'd love that.
Don: You're such a pain in the ass.
Me: I've been told.
Don: Okay.. Siba, the beautiful lady can you
have dinner with me for the evening?
Me: ha.a, that's a lame beginning. Try again
Don: What?
Me: Yes, Come on Mister. You have 5 minutesor
I'm gone.
Don: Jesus, Okay. Miss Siba, can you make methe
happiest man alive by agreeing to have dinner with
Me: I'd love to Mr Makhubalo.
he smiled..
Don: Great!
I giggled..
Don: You have a cute laughter but you're
I rolled my eyes..
he called over one of his body guard to warm upmy
food and also prepare the same dish for him.the guy
walked to the kitchen then Don returnedhis attention
to me. his brown eyes staring into me.
Don: You're so beautiful.
I tried so hard to avoid the warmth feeling entering
my chest, his eyes were soft, showingthat his words
were genuine. I couldn't be soften by this man, he
was the enemy. he killed
my husband and made it lookes like an accident.I
couldn't forget what brought us together, I couldn't
afford to let his words get to me. but how can I not
when he was this beautiful and charming without
trying? I despised this man, but I didn't despised him
enough not to open
my legs for him and enjoyed what was hanging
between his legs. I loathed myself for enjoying his
I couldn't let his cute smile get to me, his beautiful
words get to me. my dad's life was totally laying on
my hands and I couldn't affordto jeopardize that.

The guy came back with out plates and placed them
on the table with the cutlery, I thanked himand he
walked away.
Me: is it necessary to have so many guards?
Don: When you have enemies and many people
wanting to kill you it's necessary.
My mind immediately trailed to Sima and Sakhiwho
wanted him dead.
Me: Why would they want to kill you?
Don: Siba, I'm in a dangerous line of work. I
made some enemies to be where I am, i had to kill
and break some necks to get what I want. I kill
whoever stands on my way of getting what Iwant.

His words were cold and sent shivers down my

spine, they lacked emotion like he was saying
something normal. It made me thought about my
fate if this man find out what I was there todo. was
he going to kill me or break my neck too? Jesus.

Me: Would you kill me too?

he looked up to me from his plate, he stopped
chewing for few minutes then chew again then
Don: if you ever gave me a reason to kill you I
will, there's nothing I hate more that betrayal.
being lied to, if you gave me those then I'm
definitely put bullet between your eyes.. excuseme.

he got up and walked towards the rest rooms.Jesus

The man was the devil, he was the Lucifer whohad
no mercy has rumours said about him. when he
busted me, he will definitely kill me.
Ziya did tell that this is a suicide mission, but I
couldn't afford to back out now. I was already into
a vibration of my phone from my pocket snapped
me out of my thoughts, I fished it outand viewed
the message from Ziya then read through.

" How did it go? "

" I'll tell you later "

I turned off of my phone then put it back on my

pocket and continued to eat as I waited for this man
who excused himself minutes ago.
Don came back a minute later with his phone inhand
like he just got off the phone call.
Don: I'm sorry to cut our date but something
important came up, can I make it up to you later?
Me: Sure
he leaned down to me and gave a quick kiss onthe
mouth then walked out.


Me: how did it go? did he show up?
I bombarded Siba with questions as she stepped
inside my apartment. I asked her to come here
straight after her date. shs refused to tell me over the
phone so she just came here.for someone who was
supposed to be happy that her plan was coming
together she looked sad or scared I don't know. I
couldn't make our her facial expression.

Me: What's wrong babes?

She just broke down and cried, I rushed to herand
hugged her. I was already panicking because Siba
doesn't usually cry.
Me: Did Lwethu hurt you? I know how heartlessthat
bastard can be.
She shook her head..
Me: then what is it? you're worrying me.
I led her to the chair and we sat down, I listenedto
her cry as I brushed her back until she finished
crying then pulled herself together. shelooked bad,
her makeup was smeared all over her face and her
white eyes were red and puffy.I brought her water so
that she could drink.
Siba: I'm sorry for scaring you.
Me: It's okay babes.

I was just grateful that Nathi wasn't here, hewent

to some meeting I don't know of.

Siba: Don saw the status and crashed the datewith

Me: that's what you wanted mod right? so whyare
you crying?
Siba: I think I've made the biggest of my life by
agreeing to this stupid mission. Yes, I wanted my
husband to get justice but this one will get myself
killed or get my head snapped.
Me: No man Siba, don't talk like that.
Siba: You should've heard the way Don was
talking about killing like it was joke or
something. his words were cold and lacked
emotion, he meant every word he said. he
spoke like he knew that I was after him.
Me: ha.a you're being paranoid ngoku, if Lwethu
knew your plans you wouldn't have made it here.he
would've snapped your head off kula date sodon't
worry babes you still safe.
She sighed..
Siba: What did I get myself into? Me: there's still
chance to get out right? You should just tell Lwethu
the truth maybe he will help you or something.
Siba: I don't know Ziyanda, after today I'm not
sure if I'll ever be comfortable around that man.I
brushed her back..
Me: I'm sorry love.



Nathi was a total nuisance when he wanted, he

totally ruined my date with Siba. we were still
getting along pretty well until she started withher
questions that made me a little suspicious.

I never threatened her or she ever saw me kill

anyone but why would did she ask me if I wouldkill
her? where was that coming from? I had noreason to
kill her, she hasn't betrayed or lied to
me so why would I do that? I wanted to brush those
questions off but my gut said otherwise.there was
more to her questions than what shelet on. I wanted
to stay on that date and try to investigate her but
Nathi with his bad timing, hecalled me over since
there was meeting. Nathi found out that someone
had been stealing for us so I was going to solve that.

After I bid goodbyes to Siba, I drove straight tothe

warehouse. Nathi, TK and Zuko were already there
waiting for me.

Me: Gents
they saluted back, Nathi had already had theguns
out and cleaning them.
Me: Who is this Asshole?
TK: Stefano.
Me: that piece of shit!
Nathi: he was stealing from us for 6 monthsnow,
we lost R200 000 to him.
Me: What? how did I miss that? most of
merchandise was checked by me before it is
Nathi: because you've been swimming in pussythese
days! that bitch is making you slack. ever since she
came into your life you don't take the business
serious Thandolwethu.
Me: Don't blame this on Siba, And she's not a
Nathi: She is, and that will never change.
I moved closer to him and looked at him in theeye.
Me: Listen here Siphenathi, You may be a big
brother to me and my business partner but what I
do with my dick has nothing to do with
you. Siba is sleeping with me. I'm the one who's
fucking her and that means I'm the only one who
has a right to call her names no one else! talk about
her like that, I'll forgot that we come from the same
womb and put this bullet between your eyes
Nathi: Fuck you Don! do you hear me? fuck thisand
fuck you.
he threw the gun down and walk passed me
bumping into my shoulder on purpose.
Me: dammit!
I hated fighting with my brother..

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.

When I left Ziya's apartment, I wasn't feeling well. I

was feeling down and also have a migraine I just
wanted to bath and sleep. I didn'tknow what I was
going to do after I've found outwhat kind of a man
Don is, what was he capableof. he killed people
without feeling any remorse.he told me straight up in
the face that he doesn't do well with betrayal and
being lied at, the exactly things I was doing to him.

to say I was scared would be an understatement, I

was frightened. terrified of the man but I couldn't let
him see that. I couldn'tget myself busted and killed. It
was around 9pmin the evening when I arrived at my
house, I washungry but I had no appetite to eat. I
parked the
car on the garage, unlocked the house and stepped
inside. I didn't even turned on the lightsI just head
straight upstairs to my bedroom.
Arriving to my bedroom I stripped off my
clothes and went to souk myself on a bubblebath
with a glass of red wine next to me.
The bath was so nice, I just needed to stop thinking
about Lwethu for a minute. Just tryingto enjoy own
company without him invading mymind.
Just as I was still in the bathtub, my I heard my
phone ringing in the bedroom. since I was inside the
water I couldn't go out and fetch it soI let it rang

Minutes later, bath water was getting cold so I had

to come out. I stepped out the bath tub andwrapped a
towel around my body. I drained outthe water and
cleaned the bathroom.
After I was done getting ready for bed, I sat ontop
on the bed with a book then checked my phone.
Don was the one who called while I wasat the
bathroom. he called two times and left amessage I
viewed it and read through.

" I'll send my driver there to pick you up, see you
when you get here. "

What? he was crazy if he thought I was going to

sleepover at his house. how was i going to sleep
next to this man the whole entire night without
getting scared of being strangled in themiddle of the
night? I was not going to do that, to hell with him.
I turned my phone off and got Undercovers withmy
book and started to read.
I must've doozed off reading the book because Iwas
woken up by the alarm system under my bed. It
warns me when someone is opening thedoor without
the code or the key, so by the beeping of alarm I
knew someone was trying tobreak in.
Luckily I had a pistol on my pedestal drawers soI
took it out and tiptoed to the staircase. I almost shot
the person standing by the kitchencounter but
stopped myself when I saw who it was.
Don Makhubalo.

Me: Jesus, What the fuck are you doing here?And

how did you get in?
he was just standing tall in my kitchen with his
hands deep in his sweatpants pockets. he looking
straight on the stair case like he knew Iwould show
up. he looked unfazed by the gun in
my hand as he stared at me with a hardenedface.
Don: Izapha, sondela (Come here, come closer)
I've always knew this from the young age that when
your boyfriend said " Izapha " or " sondela". Shit
was about to go down. so i knew better to go closer
to him.
Me: No
Don: don't make me ask you again.
Instead of standing my ground and refused thisman, I
found myself walking down the staircasegoing
toward him as he stood on one place juststarring at
me with his intense gaze that made a sort of
When I reached him but stood a little far from him.
he grabbed my arm and yanked me closerto him
and whispered in my ear.
Don: When I order you to do something, You do
it no questions asked.
Me: inobu phambene ( You must be crazy)he
Don: I'm sure I am.
Me: if you think I'm going to ask how high if youask
me to jump you must be out of your damn mind
Lwethu. I'm not a child, certainly not an object to be
bossed around specially not by you.If you want me to
do something you'll ask me nicely and respectively
not to order me around I'm not your puppet or your
girlfriend! If you fail to do that, get the fuck out.

I didn't know where I got the guts to say this tohim

but those words slipped out of my mouth. Don
needed to be taught respect, how to treat alady. he
wouldn't order me around.. I'm not his side chick.
After I've told him where to get off, he didn't say
anything to me either than stared
at me like he wanted to bend me over the
counter and fucked me then and there. in a blink
of an eye, he scooped me up and threwme over
his shoulder. I screamed at the unexpected act.
Me: What the?
he spanked my ass so hard, I was sure that myass cheek
was red.
Don: You have a running mouth but we will sortthat
out pretty soon.
he took the pistol out of my hands and shovedit on
his waist then walked towards the door.
Me: Where are you going? I can't go wearing
I was wearing my silk sort pyjamas with socks.
Don: You'll be wearing potato rack but still look
beautiful so don't worry you're gorgeous baby.
his words shouldn't have soften me up but they
did, I told you guys this guy was charming
without trying.

he stepped out and locked the door, his car was

parked outside the gate because the gate was closed.
Me: how did you get in?
Don: I have my ways.
I didn't want to question his " ways " so I let himbe.
he walked over to his car and opened the backseat
and put me inside then closed the door. he went to
get on his side then his driverstarted the car and
drove away.

The drive to his house was quiet, his was focused

on his phone doing whatever while I stared out the
window. we arrived at his estate
and his big gates opened as the car approachedthe
premises, they were many men in Black suits
guarding the house with the guns on them.It was like
they were going on a war or something. he parked
the car on the
roundabout and we bofhy got out the car, he took
my hand into his as we walked inside the house.
there was a woman standing by the doorwho
welcomed me in. her name was Maria. shewas a
house keeper.
Don asked Maria to prepare food for us then hetook
me to his bedroom upstairs. When we reached his
bedroom he was already all over me. kissing me and
touching me, I was angry athim and also not in the
mood so I couldn't do it.
Me: Wait..
he stopped kissing me and looked at me, hehad a
hard one. I could feel it through his sweatpants
as he pressed his body againstmine.
Me: I can't do this.
his eyes narrowed in my face like he couldn't
understand what was I talking about.
Me: I'm not in the mood for sex, I'm sorry.he
Don: is this about earlier?
Me: No
Don: Wow.. Okay.
he rubbed his face with his hands then walkedinto
the bathroom to jerk himself off I guess. I felt bad
for doing this to him but I guess he willlearn his
I sat down on the king size bed and looked around,
his bedroom was nice, manly and spacious. it hard
dark colors like his soul. therewas a painting of a
beautiful dark skinned woman on the wall just
above his bed. it was a beautiful painting, I walked
closer to it and
stared at it.

Don: You like it?

Me: It's beautiful.. who is it?
Don: my mother.
Me: She's beautiful and got a cute smile.Like
his, but I couldn't say that to him.
Don: I know.
he walked over to the bed and got Undercovers,I
followed suit and got next to him.
Me: tell me about your family?
Don: What do you wanna know?
Me: Anything
Don: I was raised by both parents, but my fatherdied
when I was 22. Nathi was 28, my mother issuch an
amazing woman who raised us well tobe men we are
Me: I didn't know Nathi was older than you.
Don: You know him?
I nodded..
Me: he's dating my best friend, Ziyanda.
Don: Oh, Ziya.
Me: Yes.. so tell me, out of all careers in theworld
why did you choose being a Chef?
he smiled..
Don: I've always loved to cook since I was young.
When I was young I used to watch my mom every
time when she cooks until I fell inlove with it then
when I turned 13 she teachedme how to cook
porridge, rice, meat and all simple things first then it
moved to other thingsuntil I was a professional in
cooking. then whenI was in Varsity I had a dream of
having my ownrestaurant. I worked towards that
goal with myMom and Nathi supporting me until I
reached it
and above.
Me: that's amazing Lwethu, it's important not togive
up on your dreams, look at you now all successful.
he chuckled..
Don: same goes for you, you're running a multi-
millionaire wine company. that's big.
Me: it's go big or go home.
Don: true that.

Maria knocked on the door, saying that she came to

give us food. Don stood up and walkedtowards the
door and opened. he came back with a tray that had
two plates of food, an two empty glasses and a
bottle of Conway vineyards wine. it had always
brought me pride to see my hard work being sold to
shops, my wine. It reminded me how much I have
succeeded in life. Don handed me a plate of nicely
cooked pasta and poured a glass of winefor me and
did the same for himself.
Me: thank you
Don: it's your turn to tell me about your family.
Me: Uhm.. I don't know my real parents or my real
family. I was adopted by the Conway's when I was
only 3 months old. Apparently my real ' Mom ' left
me at the hospital with only myage and name. so
Mr and Mrs Conway loved me and decided to
adopt me then gave me thebest life ever. I'll forever
appreciate them so much.
Don: I'm sorry baby, so you don't want to know
your real mom?
Me: No.. I'm good without her, I'm already old
Don: how old are you?
Me: 26, you?
Don: 30
I nodded..

Don and I, talked and drank that night. It was

already 3am in the morning when we decided tosleep
but Don had other plans. he was horny again, since I
was also in the mood now. we gotinto it.


When I woke up the following morning, my phone
was ringing non-stop under the pillow being a
nuisance. I fished it out under the pillowand checked
it. It was TK calling. I ignored his calls and turned
my phone off.
I looked besides me, Siba was still sleeping. shewas
so cuddled up closer to me with her head on my
chest, her leg tucked between mine. her lips were
slightly parted as warm breaths escaped there hitting
my shoulders. she was sobeautiful even when she
was sleeping. she fitted perfectly into my bed, she
bought light into my dark bedroom.
she was the light I needed into my dark soul.

I kissed her parted lips before sliding out the bed

carefully not to wake her up. she stirred a little, the
sheets moved away from her revealing
her beautiful firm tits.
I took a one last look on her and walked to the
bathroom to get my day started.
When I was done taking a shower, I walked back
to the bedroom. she was talking over thephone
with someone.
Siba: Okay thank you, bye.
She hung up..
Me: who was that? Siba:
Siba: Are you going to work?
Me: Yes
Siba: Ohw, I thought- never mind.
Me: Okay


I got Sibahle Conway's number from Ziya's phone, I

needed to call her number so that I could easily hack
into her calls and check who was she calling and
what did the talked about. I needed to find out this
bitch's motive, I refused to believe that she was
innocent. my instincts couldn't let me rest my case
about her. Don wasso pussy whipped he couldn't see
through her.

so in the morning I called her and pretended tobe

someone advertising perfume for ladies, I was
lucky because she didn't recognize my voice.
The minute she said ' hello ', I was already
inside her phone's settings. It was going to be easy
to listen through and find out what's goingon with
I couldn't let this bitch play my brother like that,Don
was blinded. he couldn't see a thing but I'llhelp him
realize that this woman will be his downfall.

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


I sat behind the desk in my office, squeeze ballin my

hand. I just got off a phone call with my
dad, he said there is a car that had been following
him for a week now. he was not sure what this
person wanted or something. Sima was breaking his
rules now, he promised me that he won't touch my
dad or make it suspicious that something was going
on but mydad is not stupid, he will eventually find
out what is going on and I don't want that, hell
would break loose if he would find out that I putmy
life in danger in saving him. he would tell meit's his
job to protest me not the other way around.

I had been thinking about Don, our yesterday's

conversation. I got to know him on the person level
but not that Personal because he didn't fully trusted
me but I was getting there. a part of me felt bad for
doing this, the poor man will fall inlove with me
while I was there. Imagine how hurtful be would be
when he finds out. but I
had to remind myself why was I doing this. I was
forced yes, but I was also doing this for myhusband.
he deserves justice.. I jus t wanted toget over and
done with this then moved on withmy life.

My phone rang inside my purse, I put the

squeeze ball aside and took my phone out.
Sima's name flashed through my phone screen,my
anger suddenly came up when I saw his call.

Me: Are you crazy Sima? I told you not to make it

suspicious to my dad that you sent people to follow
him around, now he will investigate and find out
what is happening! I put my life in danger and
helped you to revenge your brother now please don't
provoke me or else I'll sing likea bird to Don.
Sima went quiet over the phone like he wasn'tthere
anymore, then seconds later he spoke.
Sima: First of all. don't you ever, even in your
wildest dreams to threaten me. I'm not your friend
you don't get to talk to me however you want. this
brother of mine you're talking about is also your
husband by tradition or have you forgotten? Don
fucked you to a point you forgotten that you were
once Marriade? Listen here ke nontombi, it's
Thursday today, Tomorrow I'm expecting you to tell
me everything. I need the feedback you work with
okay? and don't you dare get cold feet, you'll getout
of this one Don utters ' I love you ' words toyou
okay? And you better make sure that it's quite
sooner. am I clear?
I sighed..
Me: ndikuvile. (I heard you)
Sima: Good, now I make sure that Daddy
dearest doesn't notice anything again.Me:
You better.
Sima: My brother will be very proud of you if you
make this happen.
Me: fuck off
he laughed..
Sima: Tomorrow at 2pm, I'll be there.I
hung up..
Me: bastard!
Around lunchtime, Ziya came to take me so thatwe
could eat lunch together. She took us to Burger and
lobster since we were craving someburgers and
chips. We arrived at the place and found a table then
Ziya: so how are things between you and
Me: things are coming together, Yesterday nighthe
told me about his family and his dreams man. we
were just on personal level.
Ziya: he's finally opening up to you and he's
slowly trusting you.
Me: Yup
Ziya: but I'm worried what will happen when he
finds out that this is all a game, how is he goingto
react? I'm worried about your life Siba.
I sighed..
Me: I'm scared too Ziya, but I have to do this.
Ziya: You know there's still time right? You can
come clean to Lwethu maybe he might help you.
Me: No ziya, the minute I open my mouth mydad
dies okay? I can't risk it.
Ziya: yho kubi sana. (It's bad)
Me: I know, won't Nathi be mad at you when he
finds out that you also knew about my plans?
She sighed..
Ziya: he will be, Nathi is very short tempered and
he acts without thinking. Who knows whathe will
Me: has he ever hurt you before?
Ziya: No, he hasn't but I have seen him angry.It's
not quite a good sight to see again.
Me: I'm sorry for dragging you into this
Ziya: You're my best friend Siba, and I love you.I'll
support you in everything you do okay?
I smiled..
Me: I love you too, friend.
She smiled..
Me: enough about me, how's your business?Ziya:
The saloon is blooming, I'm thinking of
extending it and make a beauty spa.
Me: what? That's amazing babes. I love the idea.Ziya:
I know right
Me: keep doing there, you'll go far. You have the
capital right?
Ziya: it's not enough at the moment but i-Me:
Ziya: mh?
Me: What am I to you?
Ziya: my best friend, why?
Me: Why didn't you tell me that you're short on
money? I'm your friend Ziya. we help each other
Ziya: I know but-
Me: No buts, I'll sponsor your business.
Ziya: Thank you so much Siba. What did I do to
deserve you?
Me: by being a good friend to me.
She smiled..
Ziya: Thank you
Me: You're welcome

My phone vibrated in my jacket pocket, I fishedit

out and checked the message. Lwethu's name
flashed on the screen, I read through themessage.

" My lady. can I take you out later? "

I stared at my screen not knowing how to answer

him, I didn't know if I should go or not.
Ziya: What is it?
Me: Don is asking me on a date.
She smiled..
Ziya: Oh my word, the dude is falling deeper and
deeper in it.
She said as sang the last part.I
Me: Sudika Ziyanda.
Ziya: Go on a date with him, maybe he wants toask
you to be his girlfriend or something.
Me: Oh my, if he does what am I going to do?She
Ziya: it's all up to you babes.



I was in my office, in my main restaurant with a

glass of scotch in my hand. I was supposed to be
checking the books of the business but I can't seem
to be focused, my mind was miles away thinking
about that beautiful woman whowas in my bed
yesterday. that moment when we talked the whole
night and slept around 4amin the morning. I wasn't
much of talker, talking all the time always annoyed
me. but with Siba itwas different, conversation was
just flowing between the two of us. Nothing was
forced, I even laughed - something I rarely do.
I didn't know what was going on, but I knew thatI
was attracted to the woman. I never fucked a woman
more than once but with Siba I kept on coming for
more. She was so good in a sack, I wasn't having
enough of her. before I knew it I was attached. I
thought she was going to be theone who was going
to be attached but it went the other way around. It
was me. And I didn't know how to control it.
I found myself missing her when she was not
around me.
I was never fascinated by small things in a woman,
either than fucking her and moved onbut with her,
I loved how soft and small her hands are. how
good she smelled, how beautiful she was when she
smiled or laughedlet alone her cute laughter..
I hated how weak she made me, how a pussy I am
because of her. I didn't want to let her into my life,
but yesterday I gave her peek. we talkedabout
personal things and this afternoon I sent her a
message. I wanted to take her on a date. just to spoil
her as my woman you know.
But she didn't replied to my message but I knewher
answer, she will agree.

Siba: You seem far in thoughts.

her sweet cologne filled my whole office, she was
standing by the door with the arms foldedon her
chest. she was so gorgeous. Sibahle Conway was
an angel without wings.
Me: hey, baby.
Siba: can I come in?
Me: You're already inside mos.
She smiled and walked inside, there were chairsin
here but she came to me and sat on my lap. her arms
wrapped around my shoulders, mine wrapped
around her waist.
Siba: You seem busy here.
I had shit to do, but with this woman on my lap.
Work can wait.
Me: What are you doing here baby?
Siba: came to see you.
Me: oh really? You missed me?
Siba: No
Me: Yes you did, remember we don't lie to each
other right?
her face immediately paled at that, like I said
something wrong.
Me: What is it?
She smiled..
Siba: It's nothing.. of courses I missed you.I
Me: I knew it.. on that note, come here.
I grabbed the back of her neck and leaned closer
to her what kissed her soft little mouth.


Siba: Wow.. this is beautiful Lwethu.

Me: do you like?
Siba: like it? hell no. I love it.
She wrapped her arms around my shouldersand
gave me a soft kiss on the mouth.
Me: I'm glad you love it.
Siba: I didn't know you can be romanticI
Me: I have my moments.. let's sit down.

We were at the beach, I asked Maria to make a

picnic set-up for me so that I could take Siba there.
It was so beautiful and I was glad Siba liked it. we
had all sorts of food and wine, we were laying on
the fleece with pillow to put ourheads. We were
watching waves as the sun was about to set.
Siba: here
she had a strawberry dimped into a chocolate.Siba:
Come on Lwethu, open up.
Me: Fine.
I ate the strawberry..
Siba: There, was that hard?
Me: mxm!
She laughed..
Me: You're annoying.
Siba: but you like me like this.
Me: Of course.



Fucken bitch..
I knew she was too good to be true, I wasn't really
shocked by the news because I saw rightthrough
her. so all along she was planning Lwethu's
downfall with that bastard, Sima Ziqubu.

I knew something was up, Don meeting her

wasn't a coincidence. she had a agenda, she
planned this. Don was not going to be happy
about this, I told him. I warned him about this
bitch but he was too blinded to see things.
She deserved to die, I'll happily put the bullet
between her eyes.

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.

When we woke up in the morning, Nathi was in

different mood. he was so angry but not saying
anything.. I could see it through his face, a vein was
evident in his forehead as he clenched his jaws time
to time.
I knew right there that something was up, I knew
that facial expression from Nathi. he's baying for
someone's blood.. for God's sake Ihope it's not
Siba's or mine because I don't know what I'll do
because Nathi can be very unpredictable at times.

I made breakfast for us and gave him, his food then

we sat on the bar stools next to each otherwithout
saying anything. Nathi was never this quiet with me,
he was always talking and
laughing with me but that day, it was different. Iwas
hella scared, I wanted to call Siba but I didn't want
to make it obvious.

Me: enjoying your food?

Nathi: Yes
Me: baby, what's going on?
Nathi: Akhonto (nothing)
Me: it can't be nothing baby, you're so distantand
Nathi: What makes you think ndinomsindo? (I'm
Me: it can see and feel it, talk to me baby.

He stopped eating and turned his chair to lookat me

straight in the eye.
Nathi: I'm going to ask you a question, and
remember that we're in a relationship and wedon't
lie to each other neh? so better think carefully
before you answer because your answer will have
severe consequences okay?
Jesus. I nodded.
Nathi: Did you know that Sibahle Conway was
planning on having Lwethu killed?

God help me!



Me: Lwethu, I have to go man.

Don: No! Come back here.
Me: I can't do that, I have an important meeting
He sighed..
Don: Mxm, why did I let you sleep here kanene?
Me: Awuzazi.
We laughed..
Me: let me go Lwethu, I promise I'll come
straight here later.
Don: Promise?
Me: I promise.
Don: Give me a kiss before you go.

I leaned down at him as he layed on the pillowand

kissed him, he was kissing me so nice andslowly
like he was dreading for me to go. I alsodidn't
wanna leave but I had an important meeting, his
bed was so comfortable, having his body pressed
against mine was amazing
but that wasn't going to pay my bills. his kissesand
comfortable cuddles weren't going to pay my bills
so I had to go.
we pulled out the kiss as I felt Don growing an
erection underneath me. he groaned as I pulledmy
mouth away from his.
Don: is there anything I could do to make you
Me: give that 2 million contract I was going toget
from Mr Goza.
Don: Okay
Me: I'm kidding!
Don: tsek.
I laughed and gave him a soft kiss on the mouth.Me:
see you later.

I grabbed my purse and car keys then head out,

I bumped into Maria on hallway. she greeted and
passed. I head down the staircase to the door then
opened, I stepped outside and walkedto the
roundabout going to my car. Don's guards were all
over the place, armed. even when Sima and Sakhi
wanted to kill Don in his house they wouldn't even
make it to him. they would totally die at the gate.
Shaking off my thoughts, I got inside the car and
drove out the estate going straight to my house.

I pulled up at my house as Zak opened the gatefor

me, I drove inside and parked the car on the
driveway. I grabbed my things and stepped out the
car going straight to the door and unlocked.I went
straight upstairs to my bedroom and opened the
curtains and stripped off my clothesand put them in a
laundry basket along with Don's black hoodie, that
had his name written across the chest of the hoodie. I
tied my weave
into a bun and wore a shower cap then I head tothe

When the clock hit 8:06am, I was already done

showering and getting dressed. I was preparing
myself something to eat then I would go. I made
some cereal and coffee then ate.
After eating i put the utensils in the sink and
grabbed my stuff and head out going straight tomy

The last meeting I had, ended up around 12 noon.

I was so tired and famished like hell. I stepped out
the boardroom as I told Sinazo toorder some lunch
for me since it looked like
Ziya wasn't coming to fetch me. I stepped inside
my office and kicked off my heels as I relaxed on
the chair waiting for my lunch fromSinazo.

The landline phone rang ontop of my desk as Iwas

still relaxing. I reached out to it and answered.

Me: Sibahle Conway, hello?

The person didn't say anything, just sniffed.Me:
hello? Is anyone there?
Ziya: hey Siba, it's me.
Me: hey babes, why are you calling an office
phone and why are you crying. are you okay?
Ziya: look babes I don't wanna be long neh, andI
didn't want to use my phone to call you because I
think Nathi bugged my phone.
Me; bug- why would he do that?
She sighed..
Ziya: because he knows that you're planning on
having Don killed.
Me: No!
Ziya: I'm sorry babes, I just wanted to let you
She hung up..

No, that was not happening. I was a dead meat.



I sat behind the desk on my office with my

cheese supplier opposite me, we were on a meeting
in our of restaurants to discuss how much cheese
and other things I'll need for the month. I trusted
Daniel koyo's food for my restaurant. all his products
were good and freshthat's why I was loyal to him and
buying from him only.

We were still discussing when my office doorflew

open and Nathi burged inside looking so angry as
hell. the throbbing vein evident in his forsi as he
looked at me.

Me: What the fuck are you doing here Nathi?

Nathi: sorry to disturb your meeting but I needto
talk to you, it's urgent.
I knew that Nathi wouldn't made me miss an
important meeting for some meaningless thingthat
he could solve himself, so that meant this
was important. I apologized to Daniel for cutting
our meeting short but luckily the guyunderstood
so he stepped out as Nathi and Iremained in the
Me: Talk
Nathi: You might need to sit down for this.Me:
Siphenathi, just fucking talk.
Nathi: I once told you that I was going to
investigate that bitch right?
I let him be for calling Siba a bitch because I
wanted to hear what he found.
Me: did you find something? Nathi:
something very interesting.Me:
Nathi: it turned out that, you meeting that bitchin
the club wasn't a coincidence as I told you. she's
working with the Ziqubu brothers to evenge her
husband and also make you fall
inlove with her and trust her to a point you'll be
alone with her. Without your guards. and that'swhen
Sima and his brother are going to strikeand kill you
along side with that bitch. I hate tosay this bawo
but I told you!

to be continued..

Another one coming..

SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


Growing up, Lwethu wasn't the violent child orthe

unruly child. I was the one. he was always
on the lane, cleaning after much shit most of the time
because he was always calm and collected and
thought critically before he acts. he doesn't act
irrationally but when he got angry,it becomes a mess.
nobody can stop him expect for our mother. It's took
hours for him tocalm down and be okay. And I was
afraid that he might retaliate and do something that
was going to land him in jail but that bitch deserved
punishment. she deserved to die along with herfriend
Ziyanda. she always preached to me that we shouldn't
lie to one another about things but she defended her
best friend and lied to me. I didn't find out that
information Lwethu was going to die. She was going
to console and comfort me while she knew what
exactly happened to him.
Women are wicked!

Lwethu hadn't said anything, not even a word

since I told him about what I had find out. his glass
of scotch in his hand as he looked deep inthoughts.
his phone ringing non-stop on top ofthe table as "
baby " with a red heart flashed onthe screen.
That bitch really clung her claws on my brother,Don
was inlove with that woman. I saw it through his
eyes how hurt he was about thesenews.

Me: What are we going to do about this?

Don: You're not going to do anything!
Me: What? What do you mean?
Don: You know I once had my suspicious aboutSiba,
when she asked me if I would kill her. I was so lost
that why would she ask me that because I have
never threatened or ill-treated her but I let that slide
since I was starting to likeand trust her. but all along
she was on a
mission, she's here to kill me because I killedthat
bastard. she works with my enemies to bring me

he squeezed the glass on his hand until it brokeand

he bled.
Me: what are you going to do about her?
Don: I'm going to play her at her own game, I'll
pretend like I don't know what she's planning while
I also plan her death on the side. I told herthat o don't
take betrayal and being lied to easily. I kill whoever
does that but she still wentahead and fool me! I'm
going to fucking kill her.
I smiled..
Me: Good!


I was at my house with Ziya, Sima and Sakhi. After

that phone call, I drove straight home andcalled Sima
and Sakhi over then Ziya followed. Iwas so scared, I
was shaking in my boots. I wasscared of what was
going to happen to me if Nathi told Don About my

Don was going to kill me, he was going to fucken

kill me because he warned that day. thathe hates
being betrayed and lied at. he doesn't those things
easy. I was trying to call him, but his phone rang
unanswered, I knew in that moment that Nathi had
already told him but I was surprised that he wasn't
on my door yet.. Iguess it won't hurt to have a little
hope right?
Sima: Siba, sit the fuck down We're trying to
think here!
Me: Me sitting down will solve everything?he
didn't say anything..
Me: Just shut up Sima and let me be, it's allyour
fault that I'm in this mess!
Sima: Of course it is my fault, but you're alreadyin
this mess just deal with it and sit your ass down!
Me: You-
Ziya: Guys!! please, can we all come down andtry
to think of something?
Me: there's nothing to think Ziya, I'm dying today.She
stood up and came to hug me..
Ziya: Don't say that love, we don't know if Nathihas
already told him.
Me: but still- let me call me dad okay? just talkto
him for the last time.
I took my phone and called my dad.
Dad: JasmineI
Me: hey dad.. how are you?
Dad: I'm fine sweetheart, how are you?
Me: I'm good
Dad: Are you okay? You sound like you've been
Me: No.. I'm coming down with fever.
Dad: Oh.. what are you up to there?
Me: Just relaxed watching tv you?
Dad: I'm somewhere
Me: Somewhere where? Dad:
don't question me girly!I
Me: Are you seeing someone old man?
Dad: I'm going to hung up! Me:
Okay fine, I love you Dad.
Dad: I love you too, sweetheart.
Me: bye.
I hung up..
Ziya: don't do this to yourself babes.Me:
I can't help it.


Around 5pm in the afternoon, Ziya, Sima and Sakhi

went home. Sima gave me a small deviceto
somewhere in the house so that he could listen to
my conversation with Don. he even injected a
tracker on my ankle for just in case Don decided to
adubt me or something.
I was laying on the couch watching TV with a
fleece blanket covering me when I heard a knock on
the door, my first instinct went to Don,he was there
to kill me. I rushed over to my drawer and took my
pistol and held it behind meas I walked to the door
and opened.



There she was..

The fucking gorgeous traitor that I wanna strangle to
death so much but I had to held myself from
retaliating because I needed to plan well. I couldn't
believe that I was starting totrust this woman. I liked
her so much, I let her sleep on my bed next to me,
something other woman had never done. I let
cuddled me,
something I used to despised but I did it with her
to make her happy. but all along she was plotting
to have me killed.

I was a fool, she read fooled me. Imagine if I was

really inlove with her how was i going to feel right
now because it hurt while she was notmy girlfriend,
how was it going to if she was mygirlfriend. I was
blinded, too pussy whipped to notice.
I stood on the door and stared straight into her eyes,
fear is evident all over her face but she was trying to
hard to keep a stoic expression. I could see the pistol
behind her, she made her mind that I was there to
kill her but I wasn't in the hurry about that, I was
going to kill her in myown time.

Me: hey, baby.

Siba: hi
I wanted so much to strangle her against thisdoor
and fucked her hard.
Me: Can I come in?
She hesitated for few minutes before she
moved out the way to let me in.
Me: thank you
Siba: Anything to drink?
She had one of her best smile in the one, you
wouldn't know if it was genuine or not. She wasgood
at this acting thing but I wouldn't last longbecause
she's a traitor and I kill traitors..

To be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.

to say I was comfortable having Don around would

be an understatement, I was scared through out the
night. I had to sleep one eye open because I didn't
want him to attack me inhis sleep but that didn't
happen, he slept with me on my bed, had sex with
me and cuddled me like nothing happened.. I'm
was not sure ifNathi did tell Lwethu anything, he
was acting normal like nothing happened. maybe
nathi didn't tell him you know. I layed
uncomfortablenext to him until sleep consumed

When I woke up the next morning, I expected Don

to be gone but he was still here. Laying next to me
as he stared at me with a hardenedface. his eyes
cold like he was starring at his
enemy. he was deep in thought because he didn't
even notice that I was awake, I leaned closer to
him and kissed his lips.

Me: Good morning.

his face shortened as he smiled at me..Don:
Morning baby, slept well?
Me: Very, you?
Don: Your bed is comfortable, and I have you
next to me so why wouldn't I sleep well?
Me: that answers my question.. do you wantsome
Don: the only breakfast I want is this..
he put his warm hand under the shirt I wore my
massaged my tit a little then pinched my nipple.
Me: Ouch!
Don: sorry
he grabbed the back of my hair and brought myface
closer to his as he stared into my eyes, more like
searching for something..
he leaned closer to him and kissed him on the

Around 10am, we woke up and got ready for theday.

I made breakfast for both of us since Lwethu wanted
to taste my food. I was not so good in the kitchen
but my food wasn't bad either so I cooked for us
with him directing me here and there.
I dished up for us and we sat on the bar stoolsin the
kitchen and ate.
Don: You looked nervous last night. What was
I stopped eating and looked at him then clearedmy
Me: Nothing was wrong
Don: is there anyone bothering you?
Me: No
Don: then what is it? You know you can talk tome
Me: I know
he nodded..
Don: Whatever it is, just know that I'll never let
anyone hurt you okay?
I felt tears welling up at the back of my eyes as I
nodded, guilt was burning through my body for
doing this to him. I wanted to tell him so bad what
was bothering me but I couldn't, I couldn'tdo it.
That man killed my husband, he killed the loveof
my life and I should've felt sorry for him. hewas an
enemy to me, nothing else. a pawn in my game.
After we were done eating breakfast, Don and I
drove somewhere since he said he wanted to show
me something. A place actually. me beingme, I was
paranoid. thinking what if he was going to kill me?
what if? so I sent Ziya a message that I go missing, I
was last seen withDon. he parked outside a house,
that was in the middle of nowhere. they were no
other places inthere.. he took my hand as we walked
Me: What are we doing here?
Don: I told you I'm here to show you something,
something you will love.
Me: Really?
Don: Yes.. now come on
We head to the door, he punched in the code than
access was granted. the house was verybeautiful
and old styled, it was clean like something was
coming here regularly to clean
or someone was staying here.
Me: is there someone who's staying here?
Don: No.. Maria comes to clean here one a
I nodded..
Don: this is santuary, whenever stress becomestoo
much for me or even when I'm emotionally unstable
I come here to regroup. there's so much peace here.
Me: I can feel it, and the house is beautiful..
what made you to build a house here, so far
Don: I like my peace, away from everyone. Yousee
mos, even my estate is isolated.
Me: I noticed
Don: Come
he led me upstairs opened the first door wecame
Me: Wow
The room was like a library, it had so many books
that you can name. In every schelf therewas an
authors name with his or hers books. I literally
screamed when I saw ' Penelope sky ' inone of the
Me: how did you know she's my favourite
author? That I love her books?
he smiled..
Don: I just know baby.
Me: thank you for bringing me here.
Don: You're welcome.
Don: reading time?
Me: Of course.

I went over to Penelope's schelf and lookedover

in the Chateau series, I took the Palace;
book five since I have already read book one tofour.
Don: interesting read
Me: Penelope is the best.
he went over to the other schelfs and cameback
with a familiar book.
Me: Pride and Prejudice? I've read this book
many times.
Don: I love it.
Me: let's read



Siphenathi was mad at me, he was breathingfire

and wanted nothing to do with me. he had
been avoiding me since that day he found out that I
knew about Siba's plans. he was mad thatI didn't tell
him about Sibahle's plans.
What did he expected me to do, snitch my friend
out? And got her killed ontop of that? No!I couldn't
do that and Nathi will totally forgive me. I was sorry
that I wasn't ' that ' loyal to him as I was to Siba. but
this woman had always been my bitch since forever,
way before I even met Nathi. so he thought I'd lose
all that because of him? hell no.

so I asked to meet up with him at Pigalle restaurant

since I wanted to talk to him, I thought he wouldn't
agree but suprisingly he when I arrived at
Pigalle he was already there,I forgotten how punctual
he can be.

Me: Nathi
I greeted him as I sat down on the chair
opposite him, he didn't greet me back.
Me: Siphenathi, I understand that you're mad atme-
Nathi: I'm not mad at you Ziya, I just don't
wanna talk to you.
Me: Yet you're here, Listen baby. I'm sorry okay?I'm
sorry that I didn't tell you about Siba's plans
regarding Don but it wasn't my place. even if it was,
I would never snitch on Siba like that I'm sorry but
it is what it is.
Nathi: Wow, so you would rather betray me thanyour
Me: Nathi
Nathi: Answer me!
Me: Unfortunately Yes.
Nathi: Okay let me get this straight, even if we're
married you're going to choose your friend over
your husband? You know what Ziya? This is a
waste of time. it's quite obvious where your
loyalty lies so there's nothing left for us to talk
about, I'm sorry but I can't be in a relationship with
someone who would choose her friend over her
lover. I'm sorry
Me: W-What are you saying Nathi?
Nathi: What we had it's over, I don't want to killyou
so it's better we break up!
Me: Wow
he pushed back the chair and stood up..
Nathi: enjoy the rest of your life, Ziya. he
kissed my forehead and walked out..Me:
Just Wow!


I enjoyed being around Siba, her presence brought

me peace and warmth from inside.. there's this
warm aura around that made me wanna be close to
her or even touch her at times, we were lying
ontop of the bed facing each other while she read
the book for me outloud. she was reading so good
with her beautiful voice to a point of felt sleepy.

Siba: we fell back into our old lives. Laundry,

dishes, cooking, getting coffee at the café downthe
street. But we barely talked to each other.. itseemed
neither one of us was ready to share the details-
She stopped reading and looked at me..
Siba: Sulala baby (don't sleep baby)
I tried to ignore the warmth I got when she called
me ' baby ' but I couldn't. nothing hurt memore than
knowing that she was pretending in all that? the
sweet gestures and what not, she was planning to kill
me. a part of me hoped thatshe might change her
mind you know. but that was not going to happen,
she was an enemy tome, a traitor that played me
very well and madesure that I didn't suspect
anything.. I must giveit to her, she was good at this
acting thing. Shewas fucking good at playing
people's feelings. to even think I was starting to like
her, opening up to her.

Siba: Why are you looking at me like that?

Me: Like what?
Siba: I don't know but you had this look on your
I shrugged..
She placed the book next to her and wrapped her
tiny arms around my waist and pulled my body
closer to hers. her leg over mine.
Siba: I love spending time with you.
Me: really?
She nodded and pecked my lips.
Me: I like being around you too.
She smiled..
She was too beautiful to be involved in thesekind
of things, she was to gorgeous to die.
Me: Do you remember when I told you that I
don't take betrayal and being a lied at well?
her face instantly changed, her face becamepale
in a a split of a second.
Me: mh?
Siba: Yes I do.
Me: And I'm still saying it nangoku, I kill whoever
dares to betray me.
Siba: Why are you telling me this?
Me: I'm telling you so that you could know that
whenever you feel like betraying me you'll
remember my words uyandiva baby?
Siba: Yes.. can I use the bathroom?Me:
She got off the bed and walked to the
fucken traitor!

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


A week went by..

I haven't had from Siba ever since that day I tried to
threatened her, thinking maybe she might be scared
and want to tell me the truth but that never
happened. I guess she was so damn serious that she
wanted me dead, even though we were sleeping
together. When I triedto call her, she didn't answer
her phone.. it rangunanswered. to be quite honest I
missed her, I missed her so much. I even wanted to
go to herhouse but I thought otherwise.. maybe she
didn't wanna see me anyone, she was tired of me
already or her plan was going well to her side so she
didn't need to pretend with me.
In that short period of time knowing her, we'd
never went this far not talking or seeing each other.
It was kinda weird not to see her burst through my
office and demand to have lunch with me..
Yesterday I went to some club with Nathi, thinking
of finding someone to go home with. to release stress
but I couldn't find the oneI wanted or I found interest
in. they were too boring and too dull for me, even
worse they were clingy. they weren't that light
skinned gorgeous woman who I was attracted to,
they weren't Sibahle Conway who satified me the
way I wanted. instead I layed on that bed with a
woman I didn't even know her name wishing that it
was Siba instead. the sex wasn't hot andintense like
it used to be with Siba, she didn't moan my name
like Siba did with her soft voice.
The situation I was in, was fucked up!
I wanted and craved a woman who hated me,who
was an enemy to me. A woman who wanted to
kill her for killing that bastard
husband of hers. I wanted her so bad to a pointi
almost drove to her company but thought otherwise.
I didn't want to seem like I was obsessed or anything
close to that, I didn't wantto her think that I couldn't
live without her or something.

Nathi: Lwethu?
Me: mh?
Nathi: Are you listening?
Me: I'm always listening but that doesn't mean Ipay
he scoffed, annoyance written all over his face..
Nathi: What the hell is wrong with you? Don we're
running a business here and you need tosnap out of
it! that bitch got what she wantedand dropped you
like hot potato. you better suck it up and deal with
it like a man.
I huffed..
Me: I must deal with it? did you deal with Ziya?
For the first time he arrived, he broke the eye
contact and looked away..
Me: what did you do?
Nathi: Nothing
Me: Nathi
Nathi: Fine.. I broke up with her
Me: why?
Nathi: I couldn't trust her anyone, she proved itto
me that her loyalty lies with Sibahle no matter
Me: but you love this woman, I'm sure you canlook
past what she'd done.
Nathi: No
Me: What about your love for her?
Nathi: it will vanish has time goes by.. once
trust is broken it takes time to to trust againMe: I
get you
Nathi: so when are we killing the bitch?
My heart just tighten at the thought of killing her,the
thought of not going to see her ever again broke my
Me: I don't know!
his eyes narrowed at my face as anger flashed
through his eyes..
Nathi: Don, what the hell happened to you? Listen
since you don't want to kill the girl we'regoing on
plan B.
Me: Okay?
Nathi: We're going to kidnap her, torture her a
little until she breaks and tell us everything weneed
to know then we'll let her go.
I raised my brow..
Me: Just like that? not so long ago you were
baying for her blood.
Nathi: I changed my mind, so are you game?I ran
my hand down my face sighing..
Me: Let's do it



For the past few days I thought Nathi was goingto

cool down then call me when he had thoughtthings
through but none of that happened. he had been
quiet, it was really over. things were over between
us and I was still so hurt. I loved Nathi, he was my
man, I loved him so much butthen.
It had been 2 days since I last saw Siba, so thatday I
thought I should go and see her. I bought Lunch and
drove to her workplace. When I arrived there, the
receptionist let me through then her P.A led me to
her office then I knocked.
But no one answered so I let myself inside, Sibawas
seated on her chair behind the desk, she had her
back on the door. she was starring at something in
her iPad but looked deep in thoughts.. she didn't
even heard me getting inside. I tiptoed behind her so
that I could closeher eyes with hands like we used to
do in highschool when we sneaked up on each other
but something caught my eye in her iPad.
She was starring at a picture of Lwethu, lookedlike
he was in bed sleeping because white sheets were
noticable on the picture.
Me: Siba
She jumped up and the iPad slipped through herhands
and fell down.
Siba: Shit, don't ever sneak up on me like that
Me: I didn't sneak up on you, I knocked but noone
answered so I let myself inside.
She sighed and cleared her throat..Me:
what were you looking in there?Siba:
uhm.. some emails..
Me: really? I didn't know Thandolwethu
makhubalo was an email.
She moved her eyes away from me as she
stared aside..
I sat down on the chair and looked at her
straight in the eye..
Me: Siba, you aren't falling for this guy, are you?
her eyes widen..
Siba: What? No!
Me: then why you were starring at his picture?
Siba: uhm..



Truth be told, I didn't know why I was looking at

Don's picture. I just found myself doing it. I found
myself missing him after I ghosted him for a week, I
even ignored Sima because I didn'twant to talk to
anyone. I just wanted to be alonewith my thoughts,
thought exactly what was i wanted to do about that
predicament I was in.
I needed to be away from Don before he saw
right through me that something was going on, Ididn't
want to be damn attached to him but it was already
too late. I knew I was attached to him when I found
myself missing him.. missingto have him between
the sheets, missing his deep voice calling me ' baby '.
I found myself missing his kisses and hugs.
That was bad, I was already into deep. And Sima
wasn't going to be happy about it. he wasexpecting
feedback from that Friday but I ghosted everyone
and disappeared. Sima knewexactly where I was but
he didn't want to find me, I guess giving me more
time to pull myselftogether.

After that interrogation/ Lunch with Ziya, I went

home. I couldn't wait for her to leave because she
was asking me questions that made me a little
Was I falling for Don? No. definitely not.
I couldn't do that, I couldn't betray my husbandlike
that. fall inlove with his killer? Sima would
definitely retaliate! I wasn't inlove with Lwethuand
I was never be!
After I got at home, I took a warm bath and wore
my pyjamas then took out the gabarge binoutside
since it was full. as I was about to headback to the
house.. someone sneaked up behind me and closed
my mouth and nose witha wet cloth.

Voice: don't scream, I'll slit your throat if you do

I nodded repeatedly.. how the fuck did he got
Voice; we're going to walk nice and slowly tothat
car outside the gate without causing unnecessary
attention okay? Now let's go!
Oh. My. God.

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


We made it safely to the car without alerting one

my securities. I couldn't see the person'sface
because they wrapped a cloth around myface, I
couldn't even recognize the voice. theyopened the
car door and pushed me inside.

Voice: Everything is clear?

Then another one answered..
Voice: Yes
Voice: Do it
It became quiet then a needle pierced my necklike
they're drugging me or something, I tried tofight the
man who's holding me but he was surely stronger.
the drug kicked in within a matter of a minute then
it went blank..

My head felt heavy, I couldn't move it around and it

was so hard to open my eyes like the drug they
injected me with was still in my system.. I tried to
blink repeatedly until my eyesopened, I was tied in a
chair with thick ropes. I didn't recognize the place I
was in, I was in a bigbuilding that had windows, such
a cosy place tokeep an adubted person in it. What if I
jumped over the windows? Fools.
Voice: You wouldn't do that, You are too muchof a
coward to do that so forget it.

I knew exactly where that voice belonged to, it

would've knew even when I was in deep sleep. I
haven't heard it in a week.. I turned my head around
to look at him.
Me: Lwethu? What am I doing here? Am I tied
into this chair? What's going on?
Don: You're seriously don't know what's goingon?
really Siba? You can do better than that.
Me: Wh-
Then it suddenly hit me..
Oh my God.. this wasn't happening to me, butthe
look on Don's face told me that my assumptions
were true just by looking at himface. it was so
cold and distant. his face washard, anger mixed
with pain.. he wasn't the
Lwethu I knew. he wasn't the same Lwethu I slept
with, it wasn't the Lwethu who cooked forme. the
same Lwethu who smiled and laughedwith me. the
Lwethu who used to call me ' baby' . I knew this was
the Don everyone talked about. the Don, Ziyanda
warned me about. I knew in that moment that it was
over for me, I was doomed.

Me: I'm sorry, baby.

he didn't react to the word ' baby ' like he usedto
whenever I called him by it.
Don: You thought I'd never find out didn't you?
You thought you were going to fool me aroundtill
forever? but guess what? someone bustedyou.
someone saw right through you when I was
fucking blinded!
Me(teary): I'm sorry Lwethu
he chuckled and shook his head looking at me
with disgust, a look he never looked at me with.I
was hurt.
Don: You really good at this game huh? You played
your cards right hay shame I must give itto you but
I'm sorry to disappoint you mntase, You did that on
a wrong person. What did I tell you last week?

I didn't say anything I just kept quiet..

Don: Am I speaking alone now? ndithetha
ndedwa Sibahle?
I cleared my throat before talking..
Me: You said, You hate betrayal and being liedat.
Don: What do I do to people who does that?
Me: You kill them
he smiled..
Don: Exactly sthandwa, And that is about to beyour
Me: Can I atleast defend myself?
Don: I don't wanna hear a fucken thing from
your mouth, You're traitor and I kill traitors!

he stood up from the chair he was seated on and

walked out without throwing a glance onme.
When the door closed behind him, I brokedown
and cried.
I didn't know what to do, I was stuck in here with
the most dangerous man who hated beingbetrayed
and lied at. I knew what was i getting myself into, I
thought I was going to accomplishthe mission but
Don was already two steps ahead of me.


It wasn't like Siba not to show up at work, and not

even let her P.A know that she won't be coming for
work. I was going to have lunch withher as always
with Sinazo told me that she didn't come to work and
she didn't say anything.her phone rang unanswered..
I was starting to get worried about her so i drove to
her place, security opened the gate forme as I drove
inside and parked behind one of her cars that was
on the driveway. I was aboutto head Inside when I
saw Zak; Siba's head of security.

Me: Zak
Zak: Miss Z, how are you doing?
Me: I'm doing good, you?
Zak: I'm fine, didn't you by any chance heard
from Miss Siba?
Me: haybo, isn't she not here?
Zak: No.. Yesterday I was off duty, Jakes and logan
were there only ones here. they say that the front
door has been open from last night. Atfirst they
thought it was a mistake made by Siba but when
they looked all over her house forher - she wasn't
here but all her belongings arehere.
Me: What? Please say you joking!
Zak: I'm afraid not, even now my team and I are
trying our best to find her and looked through the
CCTV footage but looked like it was wiped out.
Me: Thixo wam!
This wasn't happening! Lwethu couldn't find outthe
truth. Damn you Nathi.

Me: Look Zak, keep on looking neh? I'll do the

same on my side.
Zak: Alright.. keep me posted.
Me: Sharp

I ran back to my car and drove straight to

Nathi's house.

I pulled up at Nathi's house as I head Inside, Iwas

so livid and sad at the same time. how could
Nathi do this? knowing exactly how ruthless his
brother can be when provoked? how could he do
this? to get Siba killed!
I reached his doorstep and banged the doorwith
my fist. I was about to bang a third time
when the door opened.
Nathi: What do you want?
He had one of the most bored facial expressionon
his face..
Me: Why did you let your stupid brother to
kidnap Siba?
Nathi: he did? oh my that's great news!
Me: Stop with that bullshit Siphenathi!
he became serious in a slipt of a second..
Nathi: Listen here Ziya, Lwethu did good by
kidnapping that bitch. she betrayed and lied tohim.
I hope he does kill her because she deserves it,
now disappear and never come back here again!

he closed the door on my face..

I just felt like crying in that moment..



I was seated behind my desk on my office witha

glass of scotch in my hand. Nathi sat opposite me
with his feet ontop of the desk whilst smoking a
cigar. Siba was locked up down in the basement, as
we stayed up here planning what are we going to do
next with her.Nathi mentioned to me that Ziya was
at his house, wanting to know where Siba might be.
as always Nathi was agressive, he kicked her out.

The more I sat down and thought about what

Siba done to me, it was the more I noticed that she
really fooled me. I was an idiot in her eyes. She was
so determined that she was going to make me fall
inlove with her. I was going to be abigger fool on
Earth, being played by a woman like this. A part of
me wanted to strangle the shit out of her. put a bullet
between her eyes but when I saw those tears coming
out of thosebeautiful pure white eyes something in
me moved.
I was touched, I wanted to hold her and let herknow
that I'll never let anyone hurt her. even Nathi. I was
the only one who had a right to killor hurt her
because she betrayed me. she played me. And she
lied to me!
I didn't even want to imagine our amazing nights
together. when we layed together in bedcuddled up.
I didn't want to think of those because they hurt
Nathi: What are we going to do with her?
because I can see right through you that youdon't
wanna kill this woman.
Me: Im-
Nathi: Lwethu just admit it, this woman is donewith
her mission. You're already fallen in love with her.
Me: No I'm not.
Nathi: I'm not going to open a debate with you
about that but Siba has to be taught a lessonbut
first she needs to tell us everything then we'll see
what we will do with her okay?
I nodded..
Me: Okay

Was I really inlove with the woman?

To be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


Don didn't come back to see me again, he sentsome

guy to give me food and something to drink then
left. I didn't have any apetite to eat, Iwanted to go
home and be comfortable in my bed but I knew
that wasn't going to happen soon. I still didn't
know what was going to happen to me since I was
locked up here like some thief or something, I was
so uncomfortable in the chair I was tied in.
I wondered if Sima and Sakhi were looking forme,
I wondered if they knew that Don took me
so that they could come and get me out of here.Oh
my God.. Ziya. she must be worried sick about me,
not reaching me over the phone.

Don was an heartless bastard, who can be ruthless

when provoked. I didn't know what wasmy fate. I
didn't know if he was going to kill meor bury me
alive, I was scared but didn't show. I didn't even the
time, I'm sure it was around Midnight or something
I wasn't sure.

I must've fallen asleep whilst thinking of ways of

how to get the hell out of here, but I had slim
chances because firstly; I was tied up in a chair with
think ropes. Secondly I didn't find a sharp object in
here that I would try to cut the ropes with and
windows has burglar so I was doomed.there was no
other way to go, I was stuck in there.
Cold water mixed with ice blocks was thrownon
my face, plashing all over my body causingme to
scream in agony. the water was so coldand I wasn't
wearing anything warm, just my satin pyjamas
that all.
Nathi: Wake up! cimba kuphi apha?
he put the bucket down and came over and crotched
infront of me looking at me in the eye.It was only
then I noticed that he looked a bit like Lwethu, they
had same eyes, nose, lips andears. Nathi was a little
lighter while Don was dark skinned, dripping in
Nathi: Why are you so stupid? huh? You're fucking
naíve! didn't you notice that Sima and his brother
were playing you? that you were justa pawn in their
game. they used you for their own selfish reasons
and you're left alone to take a fall for their sins.
I didn't say anything, I just stared at him in theeyes.
Wondering why is he telling me all this instead of
killing me like he promised?
Me: Why are you telling me all this? Are you going
to kill me or what? Just do it and get overand done
I didn't need their mercy anymore, asking for
forgiveness was going to be waste of time
because they were going to kill me whether I
begged or not..
Nathi: And I'm going to enjoy killing you!
Me: Where's Lwethu?
Nathi: Fucking some bitches.
his answer wasn't supposed to hurt me considering
the situation I was in but I was hurt.he didn't waste
time huh? Move to another woman the minute he
adubted me? wow.
Nathi: this is what's going to happen. You're
going to tell us everything, I mean everything that
Sima and his brother were planning aboutus okay?
Me: And what if I don't do that?
Nathi: I'm going to chop your head off and sendit
over to your dad's door step. how about that?

That thought alone sent cold shivers down myspine,

imagining my father's face after seeing my lifeless
body on his door step. It was such adisturbing and
traumatic thought. I felt tears burning behind my
Me: Fine
I said quickly..
Nathi: What was that?
Me: I said fine!
he smiled..
Nathi: Great! I think I'm going to enjoy this. I'll
wait for Lwethu to arrive here then we'll
long I'll send someone over to bring you breakfast
okay Mrs Ziqubu?
he winked at me and head out whistling..
fucking heartless



I couldn't rest not knowing where Siba was, since

Nathi didn't want to tell me where Siba was, my
only hope was Lwethu. I wasn't sure how he was
going to react but I had to try my luck. this was my
best friend's life we're talkingabout.
I wanted to contact those bastards who put Siba
into that madness and let them know thattheir plan
had backfired. Siba was kidnapped now but I didn't
have their contacts.
The following morning, I drove to Lwethu's house
outside the city, Lwethu was living isolated from
everyone else so the drive to his estate was kinda far
but I drove. Upon my arrival at his big, beautiful
estate his many bodyguards didn't wanna let me in.
they said they were taking instructions from their
boss, who isLwethu. That they shouldn't let me in or
else I'llbe shot if I force my way through.

I was defeated, these men truly made sure thatI

couldn't find Siba. they didn't want to let her know!
knowing the situation, Nathi was the mastermind
off all this.
that fucking piece of shit!
As livid as I was, I head back to my car and drove
away defeated. not knowing what to doanymore.



I was dreading to go to the basement, I wasn't ready to

face Siba. seeing her crying. An enemycrying for
mercy on me was one of the things Ienjoyed but now
it was Siba, I wasn't looking forward to it. I was totally

I arrived at the warehouse then went down to the

basement where Nathi was already there, talking
to Siba who wasn't even replying. I
opened the door and stepped inside, Siba looked
up at me.. her eyes flashed with hope.Maybe she
thought I was going to help her orsomething, not
knowing that her hope will vanished in a minute.
Nathi: The guest of honor is here.

Nathi can be stupid when he wanted. I walked

toward them and stood next to Nathi looking
down at Siba.
Me: has our little bird started to sing yet?
Nathi: No! we were waiting for you actually.
Me: Alright, I'm here now so?
Nathi looked at Siba with a smile..
Nathi: let's start Mrs Ziqubu, can we?

Siba stared at me, I couldn't stare long at her so

I looked away. She cleared her throat before

Siba: You were right, I was a fool in their game. Iwas

a pawn but I didn't do this by choice.
Nathi: Yeah right..
Me: Don't disturb her
She glanced over at me before talking again..
Siba: I was threatened, Sima and Sakhi threatened
to kill my dad if I don't participate intheir plan of
making Lwethu to fall inlove with me, so I had to
choice but to do it because mydad is the only
person I have.
Me: What?

This woman played me, she lied to me but some

point I believed her. something in me toldme that
she was telling the truth.
to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


I didn't know what to believe anymore, this woman

had lied to me ever since I'd met her. She played me
but at some point I felt sorry forher; how the Ziqubu
brothers played her, she was a pawn in their game.
They didn't just wantjustice for their brother.. they
were after me andNathi for their own reasons but
they used Siba who was naíve enough to help them.
Well, she was threatened.. so she says.
After she told us exactly what happened and how it
happened, Nathi and I, decided that it's no use to
keep her here. She didn't help us thatmuch either
than telling us all their plans whichare a train-smash
already because we knew what the planned for us.
Siba should've just toldme that she was sent to me,
that someone wasthreatening to kill her father if she
doesn't agreeto this thing. I would've protected her
and her father you know, as I said before I'll never
let anyone hurt her. so I'll have to make sure that
Sima doesn't touch even a strand of hair in Siba's
dad. I didn't know why I felt obligated to help her,
she wasn't my problem or anything that had to do
with me because she betrayed me but deep down
inside me I couldn't let her suffer or live in fear.
Nathi wasn't really happy about letting Siba go, he
thought that we were going to torture or hurther a
little for the fact that she betrayed me but
I made a promise to myself that I'll never hurt
women. so letting Siba go and stay the hell away
from her was the best choice I had to do. since I
didn't trust anyone to drop her off at herhouse, I
drove her home. She was so quiet on the drive like
she was deep in thoughts, I was so grateful for her
silence because I didn't wantto talk to her. I wanted
to drop her off so that I could never saw her again. I
was going to do mylevel best to stay away from her
for my own good.

Siba: Don
Maybe I spoke too soon..
Me: Can we not talk to each other?
Siba: I Just-
Me: Sibahle Conway!
She sighed..
Siba: sorry
I put the radio on, dismissing any conversationthat
she was going to bring up..
We pulled up at her street as we drove to herhouse. I
parked outside the gate.
Me: Good-bye
She went quiet for a while, whilst playing withher
Siba: I know that you don't wanna see me againand
you want nothing to do with me. but just know that
I'm truly sorry baby. I'm sorry for breaking your
trust, lying to you and betrayed you - I did what I
thought it was best for me andmy dad, but at the
same time I was ruining a beautiful thing we had. I
hope that one day, some day. You'll forgive me.
Good-bye baby.
She gave me a soft kiss on the mouth and
opened the door then she stepped out. She
walked inside her yard without looking back,
knowing that I was probably seeing her for the last
time, hurt so much. Its like I was losing something
closer to my heart. She was gone, what we had was
gone. I was going to miss her.I knew that for sure..



I couldn't believe that Siba was back, I immediately

drove straight to her house when she told me that
she was back. I was so happyand thanked God that
she brought her back safe. I didn't want to ask her
questions throughthe phone so I drove to her house.
I wanted herto tell me everything that happened,
how did Don let her go just like that because that
wasn'this style.. Specially with Nathi around.
That piece of shit!
I pulled up at Siba's place and parked my car onthe
driveway then head inside. The main door was open,
so I stepped Inside.. the girl was seated on the couch
wearing track pants. she was so natural, no makeup
and no weaves.. justher natural look. She had a glass
of wine in her hand while she looked deep in
thoughts, she didn't when hear me got inside.



It was over..
They set me free, even though I thought they were
going to kill me after I told them the truth.I had
already accepted my fate but somehow
plans changed, they weren't going to kill me
anymore and Nathi wasn't happy, I saw it on hisface..
Yes, I was happy that they released me and they
didn't kill me but I wasn't entirely happy knowing
that what Don and I, had come to an end. I didn't
blame him for that, it was all my fault. he didn't
trust me anymore and he wanted nothing to do with
I was hurt, no lies. My heart was bleeding but at
some point I had to let him go, he wasn't mine in the
first place. but nonetheless, I'll miss him. so much at
that. hopefully one day, he'll forgiveme.

After he dropped me off at my house, I cried myself

to sleep then I woke up and took a bathbefore
letting my P.A and Ziya know that I was back, and
Ziya was in her way here. speaking ofZiya, I got
startled by her as she snatched the glass of wine in
my hand, I was so deep in my
thoughts to even notice that I wasn't alone inthe
Ziya put the glass down on the table as she walked
towards me and hugged me. Ziya's hugswere always
warm, exactly what I needed.. I couldn't help but
broke down and cried.
Ziya: aww sthandwa.. I'm sorry
I didn't know why I was crying, but I was cryingfor
everything. I was crying for to be back at home, I
was crying because I missed my comfortable bed,
I was crying because Don wanted nothing to so
with me. I was a crying mess nje.
I hate my life!

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


A week past by..

I Haven't seen nor heard from Don, he was so
scared. At times I thought he was going to call..ask
me to come over at his house or somethinglike he
used to but nothing. he really wanted nothing to do
with me. why wouldn't he? I brokehis trust
remember? I betrayed and lied to him, but the
attraction between the two of us was real. The spark
was there between us was real, Iregret hurting him
like that but I was doing whatI thought was best;
protecting my father at that.but I completely
understood him, he was agree
at me but maybe at some point he will be alrightand
come back to me.
I'd been avoiding Sima for a week now, I wantedto
tell him that Don busted me but I was scared..I didn't
know how he was going to behave. was he going to
go ahead and kill my dad? or he was going to hurt
him or do something else? I didn't know and that's
what stressed me the most. At at some point I
couldn't hide from him forever, he was going to find

I was at my dad's house, visit for a week but I was

leaving tonight. It was nice to have around.Cooking
dinner together, having our coffee dates and our
swimming and reading time like the old times.. I
wanted to spend lot of time with me, making up for
all the time I was busy with work and neglected and
my old man was happy to have me around, I think
he missed mebut he wouldn't that. but unfortunately
I was
leaving today but I wanted to pass by Don's house
to talk to him since he was a little closeby.
Dad wasn't at home when I felt so see Don, he went
to meet up with some old friend in town so he said..
I think he's seeing someone but I'mnot sure. I would
be glad if he is because I thinkhe's lonely and
deserves to give love another chance, Yes, Mom
will always had a special place in his heart but he
deserves to be happy too. so I got ready and left for
his house.

When I pulled up at his estate, his guards didn'tgive

me hard time since they knew me or maybe their
boss told them to let me in. I drovemy car inside
and parked it on the roundaboutthen head out
walking towards the door.
Maria opened the door for me with a warm
smile on her face.
Maria: Good afternoon Miss, here to see Mr
Me: Yes.. is he here?
Maria: Yes, I'll call him down. Can I get you
something to drink in the meantime?
Me: No thank you , I'm good.
Maria: Alright
She bowed didn't little then walked upstairs to call
Don. She came down seconds later and toldme he's
coming then she head to the kitchen, I guess.

Minutes later, Don came down the stairs in his

casual wear. black jeans and a black hoodie with
white kicks, he Looked like he's in his early20s. we
made eye contact as he descended down stairs, kept
his stoic expression as always.. this man had
mastered in hiding his
emotions from being evident in his face. he hadthe
best poker face.

Don: What are you doing here?

he was so cold toward me but with what I did tohim I
couldn't complain..
Me: Err..
Don: Sibahle, I've got lot of shit to do. say
whatever you came here to say and leave.
Me: baby listen-
Don: don't call me that!
Me: I'm sorry, I know that I've hurt you and you
don't forgive easily but please Thandolwethu.I'm
begging you to forgive me, I miss you.
His eyes shortened a little at my confession, I
really did missed him..
Don: I really want to forgive you, trust me. but
every time I think about how you fooled me
makes me angry all over again. All the passionate
moments we shared were all lies.
Me: It wasn't! what we felt, the connection between
us, the spark. It wasn't a lie. it was real.
Don: but it doesn't seem like it!he
raised his voice a little..
Don: You slept with me! Laughed with me, dined
with me whilst you know that you were planning
my death. You wanted me dead Sibahle. What
makes you think I'll ever trust youagain? Let alone -
letting you come back into my life. Siba, let's not
waste each other's time and make this conversation
go further. there's nothing to talk about, what we
had ended the day I find out your agenda and we
will never bethe same again.
Tears burned at the back of my eyes..Me:
don't say that..
Don: Just get out Siba, don't ever come backhere.
he turned around and walked up the stairs..Me:
he ignored me and continued to walk up without
looking back.



I didn't want to admit it that I missed her too, it was

so good to see her.. she looked so gorgeous like the
last time I saw her. It's been aweek since I last time
saw her, I missed her so much! I wanted to call her
just to hear her sweetvoice that used to moan my
name when we fucked on my bed. when she was
beneath me
holding me like I was her safe place.

I never met a woman who distracted my feelings

like this, she evoked emotions in me that I thought
they never existed. I did something I thought I'll
never do in my whole entire life.. The last time she
was here, she lefther black short - sleeve t-shirt that I
cuddled to sleep every night so that I could smell
her. I want to forgive her so that we could go back
towhat we were but I can't. my ego was bruised,
Siba hurt me so much. I can't just forgive her just
like that.. she had to work for my forgiveness.

After she left that afternoon, Nathi came over tovisit

so he said, but I knew better that he was here for
Maria's cooking skills and her deliciousmeals. but I
didn't mind as long he didn't get on
my nerves. I was laying ontop of my bed, with my
headsets on. listening to this other song.. Siba sent
me on Whatsapp to listen, she sent itawhile ago
when things were good between us.It was Tsoul -
best of me.
I was still listening to it when my bedroom door
opened, I already knew who it was because Maria
or anyone else just open my bedroom while I'm
inside so it was Nathi. I took off my earphones and
looked at him..

Me: What do you want?

Nathi and I, haven't talked since that day we
released Siba..
he sat down on the couch next to the bed and
looked at me.
Nathi: You look heartbroken.
Of course, I was heartbroken. but I wouldn't say
that to him.
Me: I'm fine
Nathi: What's going on with you? I last saw youlast
Me: I have been busy.
he nodded..
Nathi: Sibahle?
Me: What about her?
Nathi: When last did you see her?
Me: A week ago
Nathi: That's why you're like this? You miss her
don't you?
I didn't answer him..
Nathi: tell me Don.. do you love this woman?Me:
No I don't.
Nathi: Yes, you do.
Me: You're talking bullshit now.
Nathi: Let me draw a picture for you, You're theDon
wena. Whoever betrays you - you don't think twice
to put bullet between their eyes. Youdon't sleep with
the same person for more than3 days, girls don't
sleep at your bed. they don't wear your clothes, You
don't send your bodyguards to watch over their
family or them or am I lying?
As much I didn't want to admit it, he was right. Iwas
doing all these things for Siba and I didn't know
Nathi: Don, You know that I'll never hurt a
woman you're inlove with. If you love this
woman I'll go and apologize to her.
Me: I don't know man
Nathi: better make up your mind bawo, Siba is a
beautiful woman. She will meet someone who will
love her and wena what are you going to do?
If you love this woman, go get her before it's toolate.
nam I'll try and talk to Ziya because I still love her
even though she betrayed me.



After I came back from Don's house, I drove straight

to my dad's house to take my luggage. Ibit goodbyes
to dad then I drove to my house.
I was so hurt by my conversation with Don, howit
occurred. I knew Lwethu was stubborn but not this
hotheaded! I thought at some point he had alesy
forgave but I raised my hopes for nothing. the man
still wanted nothing to do withme. he doesn't want to
associate himself with me ever again and that caused
a stung on my
heart. Don was the only one I wanted, he was the
one who could handle me and treated me like a
woman that I am.

I arrived at my house late, around 7 in the evening.

I drove inside my yard and parked thecar inside the
garage since I wasn't going anywhere at night. I
got inside the house through the entrance at the
garage that went through the kitchen.

I was about to took off my shoes before

switching the lights on when I felt it. the
atmosphere was different, which means someone
was in the house and whoever waswatching me.

Me: Who are you?

Voice: Switch the lights on.
I knew the voice the voice exactly.. it was Sakhi
Ziqubu. What the fuck did he wanted.
Me: how the fuck did you get in?
Sakhi: I said switch the fucken lights on!
I moved to where the main switch was and switched
it on. he was seated on the couch witha gun laying on
the table in front of him. he hada bottle of wine in
his hand, drinking from the bottle.
Sakhi: hi gorgeous, long time no see.
I was scared like hell, but I couldn't show fear. I
didn't want to him to see that I was scared. I went
over to the couch and sat down.
Me: ufuna nton? (What do you want)
Sakhi: I'm here for the feedback, you've been
avoiding us for a week now. thetha sisi.
I had no choice but to spill the beans now..
Me: Don busted me, he knows the truth.
Sakhi: You're lying! he fucked you so good to a
point he changed your mind about our plans and I
won't let that happen.
Me: It's the truth! What do you want me to say?
he slapped me hard across the face causing myhand
to snap aside with his hand..
Sakhi: You're going to tell me everything!
Me: I don't have anything to say, I don't have any
he looked at me for a while, his eyes roaming allover
my body like he was fucking me with his eyes.
I knew exactly what he was thinking so I had to do
something. Luckily that my phone was in myhand so
I dialled the first number I came across.he saw the
phone lighting up on my hand.
Sakhi: You bitch!
he slapped me hard on the face, I screamed thistime.
he grabbed me and threw me on the othercouch as I
fight him off. I punched him hard on the phone and
he groaned.
Sakhi: You're going to regret this!
Me: Leave me alone!
Sakhi: I want to taste what Don and my brotherwere
This wasn't happening to me!
he got ontop of me and grabbed my skirt
pushing it up to my waist revealing my white
Sakhi: fuck!
I was already crying now, I couldn't be a rape
he unbuckled his belt and shoved his pantsdown
his feet.
Me(crying): Please don't do this!
he was about to open my legs forcefully when agun
shot went off, Sakhi fell down next to the couch as
his blood splashed all over me. I was trying to make
sense of things when I saw Donstanding over me. he
pulled me into his arms..
Don: I'm sorry, baby.

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


Apart of me didn't want to answer Siba's callbut

something deep inside me said I should pick up!
What she was in danger? Like my gut
was trying to tell me something.. my baby was
really in danger, big danger at that. I think she
called me by mistake.

I didn't know what was I going to do if I didn't

make it on time. That bastard was going to.. Ijust
don't wanna talk or think about it. I'm gladthat I
shot him dead or else I was going to domore
damage to him to a point he chooses death
himself! fucking rapist.
Sibahle was still shaken after ordeal, I made some
hot chocolate for her and Marshmallowsso that she
could calm down while laying ontopof the bed. I
asked one of guys to come here and clean this up.
she will wake up tomorrow will all this gone.

Me: how are you feeling, baby?

She shrugged..
Siba: I'm fine, I guess.
Me: I'm sorry that I came to late.
She shook her head..
Siba: You came on time, thank you so much.
Me: I told you before that I'll never let anyone
hurt you.
She bite her lower lip, her eyes glithening with
Siba: I can't believe I was almost a rape victim.
I scooted closer and pulled her closer to mychest
then hugged..
Me: Thank God that you ain't baby, do you need
therapy or something?
Siba: No.. I'll be fine. I just need few days thenI'll
bounce back.
Me: Will you be alright all alone here?
Siba: I will be but can you please stay with me
Me: Of course baby. You don't need to ask.She
gave me a weak smile..
Siba: Thank you, I know that you said we
shouldn't talk about it again but I'm sorry
Me: Can we focus on you tonight? She
nodded but clearly dissapointed.Me:
would you like something to eat?
Siba: I'm not really hungry, but I would like
Me: Okay
I stood up and went to prepare something toeat
for her...


I haven't seen Siba in a week, she was at her father's

house outside the city. so u couldn't visit her, we
were only commnicating through the phone. She
was supposed to call me today and tell me if she
arrived safely at her house butshe wasn't.

I was seated on the floor at my house, watchingtv

whilst eating popcorns. It was lazy night for me. I
wasn't sleepy so I decided to stay up late.I was still
watching when a knock came throughthe door, it was
so late for visiters so who mightthat be. I got up from
the floor and head to the door, I opened the door. I
was shocked to see who was standing there. The
mighty himself.
Me: Siphenathi?


I couldn't believe that Sakhi was going to do that to

me, I was his brother's wife for heaven'ssake. he
shouldn't be having such thoughts about me, I was
so grateful for Don being therefor me, rescuing me
even though I had hurt hisfeelings and bruised his
ego. I don't know if it wasn't for him what would
have happened to me.

I was still very much shaken about the ordeal, I

didn't want to be left alone. so Lwethu cooked pasta
for us. we dished up and ate in bed whiletalking
about silly things. he didn't want us to talk about
how I betrayed him. I tried to apologise again but he
brushed me off, I was so
disappointed honestly but also grateful that he was
there for me through it all. I wanted to call Ziya and
let her know what happened but since it was already
late I assumed that she must be sleeping so I'll call
her in the morning.

We finished eating, Don went to wash the dishes

downstairs then came back to bed. he pulled his t-
shirt over his head, followed by hispants. I couldn't
help but stare at his hard bodyphysique. his body
was well built and beautifulwith all the muscles and
all that. his skin so dark and beautiful, dipped in
melanin it blendedso well with my light one.

Don: You starring.

Me: I love your body, more specially your skin
colour. It blends well with mine.
he just stared at me like I didn't say anything..
Don was one of those guys who didn't knowhow
you take a compliment.
Don: I know what you're trying to do and it won't
I giggled..
Me: I'm not trying anything Thandolwethu!
Don: Alright, Scoot over
he got Undercovers with me and pulled me closer
to him. our faces were so close to eachother. we
were literally breathing into each other's face.
his face features were so relaxed, he didn't havethat
cold face he had earlier on when I was at his house.
he was now calm and collected.. likethe Lwethu I
Me: I like having you around, I feel safe around
Like my words touched him, the corner of his
lips rose into a little cute smile.. his eyes fellinto
my lips before he looked into my eyes again.
Don: You're fucking gorgeous, baby.
I knew that I was gorgeous, I didn't need anyoneto
tell me that. but when it was coming from him it had
that thing. made me believe every word he said..
because I knew he was the man of his word, but that
day he couldn't kill me evenafter he promise to.
Me: Thank you, You're beautiful too.
his fingers caressed my thigh all the way to waist. his
touch was soft but it evoked feelings deep inside me.
his fingers went to my coochie and tapped my clit
few times with his forefinger.I was already breathing
heavily.. he grabbed theback of my head and brought
me closer then kissed me. kissed me like it was the
last time
he was kissing me. his lips moving softly
against mine. It was amazing!

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


When I woke up the next morning, I was layingon

top of Lwethu. his arms were wrapped around my
waist like he was caging me from going anywhere.
I was so comfortable and hisbody was so warm, I
snuggled closer and heldhim tight.

Don: You finally awake.

I looked up at me, looked like he was awake for
some time now. Just starring at me.
Me: Good morning, baby.
I gave him a soft kiss on the mouth, not givingfuck
about morning breath.
Don: Molo baby, sleep well? no nightmares?I
shook my head..
Me: I slept like a baby.
Don: I'm glad, breakfast?
Me: nope! It's turn, You're going to eat my food.he
Don: Alright Miss, the kitchen is yours.
I kissed him one more time before getting off the
bed, Don spanked my ass as I walked off. Igave
him my middle finger - he laughed. I walked
inside the bathroom and washed my face on the
sink and applied my face cream
then brushed my teeth.
When I head back to the bedroom, Don was
leaning against the headboard while tapping athis
phone. I walked past him going out and made my
way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for this man
and I. When I got downstairs, my living was
squicky clean. Like someone didn't just die here
last night.

I finished making breakfast and called Lwethuto

come down to eat, it was nothing fancy like
Lwethu's food but it was eatable you know. hecame
down the stairs wearing my white robe with my
sleepers. I giggled looking at him..

Don: What?
I pointed at his feet, he was wearing pink
he shrugged his shoulders..
Don: I can't wait to taste this.
he sat down on the bar stool in the kitchen thenI put
the plate infront of him. he took the cutleryand got
ready to eat. he ate the eggs first, thena bacon.
Me: And?
Don: The eggs are too salty and the bacon isn't
crunchy, I'm sorry I can't eat this.
Oh, I was disappointed..
Me: Can I make you something else then?
he looked at me and burst out laughing.. I wasnow
Don: it's a prank baby, the food is delicious. You
should've seen your face.
Me: Fuck off!
I playfully hit him on the chest and laughed. he
took my hand and kissed it.
Don: it's good to see you laughing, I didn't like
what I saw yesterday.
I nodded..
Don: And I forgive you.I
Me: Thank you.. Thank you!
I rushed over his side and hugged him, pushinghis
plate down and it fell down..
Me: Oops!
Don: It's your fault.
We laughed..


Ziya was so sad and livid when I told her what

happened to me yesterday and how Don savedme,
she was totally grateful to him as I was too.We were
at her workplace when I told her this, Icame to do
my hair and nails with some moneyLwethu gave me
to spoil myself. when I asked him why is he giving
me money he just said ' forbeing so damn gorgeous
without trying ', And boy.. didn't I Melt at that?

Ziya: babes, Are you sure that you don't love this
guy? I mean the way you guys behave it'slike
you're girlfriend and boyfriend.
I sighed..
Me: I don't know Ziya, I totally don't. I don't
know if it's love what I'm feeling for Lwethu orit's
what but I feel something for him.
Ziya: You love him babes and he loves you too.but I
don't know why he's taking his sweet time.
Me: Maybe he doesn't feel the same way.
I said shrugging..
A part of me was sad about this, that he might not
have any feelings towards me or somethinglike that
but his actions says something else.
Ziya: Nonsense! Lwethu loves you and he knows
it too, we're just going to wait and seeokay?
Me: Alright!



After I left Siba's house, I drove straight to my

house to take a shower and get ready for
was a long drive so I was definitely going to be late.
As I was still driving, my phone beepedin my car as
I fished it out and viewed the
photos Siba sent. It was photos of her, she hadher -
hair done, also her nails. she looked hella gorgeous..
but her caption made me crack up ina smile, it said:

" ubene nemini efana nam "

I didn't know what was going on with me but I

couldn't stay away from the woman anymore, it was
like the more I tried to distance myself - it was the
more I was being sucked in. I even gaveher R5000 in
this morning to spoil herself up. this woman is a
millionaire, she doesn't need my lousy R5000 but
she appreciated it, took it and used it to get herself
beautiful. She was a such a sweetheart.

I pulled up at my house and drove inside the estate. I

parked the car and head out. I greeted
my bodyguards then head inside. I was greeted by
Maria, who told me that breakfast was ready but I
had already eaten.
Me: call the guards inside so that they can eat it.
Maria: Yes, sir.
She bowed down a little then walked away. I
walked up the stairs to take a shower.



I was standing by the window on warehouse. I was

looking over the city.. cars driving up and down. I'd
been trying to call Ziya for few times now but she
doesn't take my calls. Last night when I was at her
apartment she threw me out and said I should never
set my foot at her house
again. I was quite disappointed, but what did I
expect? That she was going to welcome me with
open arms after the way I treated her?

I had a meeting with one of the suppliers today with

Don but he was late. I called at his house and Maria
told me that he left in the middle of the night and
never came back. I didn't ask further questions
because I knew where he was.
At Sibahle Conway's house.
Thandolwethu loved this woman, but he was still in
very much in denial. he knew that he feltsomething
for her but not sure what it is. frommy own
thinking, I think he loved her the first time he saw
but he didn't aknowledge it. Don knows that I
wouldn't hurt the woman he loves,that's why I
needed him to tell me so that I could go and
apologize to Sibahle.
The office door burst opened as Don stepped
inside while tapping at his phone. he was smiling,
there was only one person who couldmake him
smile like that.
Sibahle Conway.
Me: What got you so smiling?
Don: bawo, I think I'm inlove with this woman.

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


Don stepped inside the office and closed thedoor

behind him, he walked over to the chair
and sat down.
Me: You're only realizing that now?
Don: Yeah, I knew that I felt something for herbut
I didn't know what it is.
Me: so what are you going to do? Court her?
Don: isenziwa lonto? (does everyone still do
I shrugged..
Don: You seem down, what's up?
Me: Nothing
Don: SiphenathiI
Me: Ziya doesn't take my calls, she's completely
avoiding me.
Don: I don't blame her you know, you were alsolike
this on her.
Me: Now I understand how she felt. do you
think she will forgive me?
Don: I'm not a relationship expert neh? but far as I
know Ziya loves you. she was your woman,you
know which buttons to press to soften herup.. try
Me: Ziyanda can be closed off when she wants,nam
ndisuke ndingayazi ba mandithini.
Don: all I'm saying is that, you the one who
knows her; inside out. deal with her.
Me: Alright.
Don: has Crocs arrived yet?
Me: he's 20 minutes late
Don: he better be here, I have lot of shit to dothat
waiting here for him.

After the meeting, Don left immediately since he
was rushing off to one of is restaurants.. apparently
there was a crisis so he needed to be there. Me, on
the other side. I had lot of shit to do, workload! but I
couldn't focus, I needed totalk to Ziya so I drove to
her place..

Upon my arrival there, she was also arriving. I

parked my car behind hers and stepped insidethe
yard and walked over to her. She was standing
next to her car, talking to someone over the phone
without realizing that I'm here.
Ziya: No buts, Siba. we're doing it okay?
I couldn't hear what Siba was saying over the
phone, Ziya nodded..
Ziya: Alright then, see you tomorrow.
She hung up..
She turned around and got startled by me
standing infront of her..
Ziya: Jesus, Nathi. You scared me.
Me: I'm sorry
Ziya: It's okay. What are you doing here? Me:
isn't it obvious? I'm here to talk to you?Ziya:
About what?
Me: Ziya come on, don't be like this.
She folded her arms to her chest and looked
Me: Ziya, I know that I'm not your favourite
person at the moment but we need to talk. I know
that our last encounter wasn't so nice, Iwas dick to
Ziya: Yeah, a big dick.
Me: I guess I deserve that. but I'm sorry okay? I
know I wasn't supposed to react like that but asyou
know that I don't like betrayal. so when I
find out that you knew about Sibahle's agenda I was
angry. but do you blame me? how were yougoing to
react after you have found out that your brother's
girlfriend or something is planning on killing your
brother and I knew but I didn't do anything. how
would you feel?
She answer me, she just looked aside.. her sassy
attitude disappearing as minutes passes..
Me: thought as much, but asikho lapho. I just
wanted to let you know that I'm sorry and I wantyou
back, I miss you.. I miss us!
I moved closer to her and wrapped my arms
around her waist and pulled her more closer,her,
not removing my hands or pushing me backwards
was a good move. she was slowlysoftening..
Me: do you forgive me? huh? I
said pecking her lips slowly..
Me: Answer me baby, do you forgive me?
She nodded..
Me: Talk Ziya.
Ziya: Yes.. I forgive you.
Me: Thank you, baby.
I grabbed the back of her head and kissed her..



As much as I wanted Siba to be mine officially, but I

wasn't sure if she felt the same way about me. if she
felt what I felt? love me like I love her.I wanted to
be sure first.
I always knew that I felt something for Siba, butI
wasn't sure what it is. I thought I was just sexual
attracted to her. Like I just wanted to
fuck her but I was wrong. It was more than that.I
fucking loved the woman, I was inlove with her,but I
wasn't sure if she loved me too you know. but I
needed to find out.

Yesterday, one of my guys has sent Sakhi's body

over to Sima. I asked him to drop the bodyas his
doorstep.. I wanted him to see his rapist of a brother
dead because he tried to mess withmy woman but he
got himself killed. And today Iwas going to kill
Sima, I couldn't let Siba live herlife looking over her
shoulders because of thosebastards. who wanted
nothing but to make her a pawn in their game. I was
going to solve this once and for all.
After the crisis I was called over for at one of my
restaurants, I drove straight to Sima's house.I didn't
go with my bodyguards. I wanted to do this by
myself.. I arrived at his house and head inside the
yard, his guards didn't deny me
excess upon seeing who I was.
Such pussies..
I walked towards the door and knocked, the door
was opened by a woman who looked like she was
in her early 20s. she looked to see suprises
there, I was quite famous.
She let me inside, Sima was seated one of the
coaches with a cigar in his hand. not knowing itwas
his last day smoking it.

Me: Am I disturbing?
he stilled at the sound of my voice then slowly
turned his head to look at me..
Sima: Don
Me: in the flesh


Lwethu was supposed to fetch me tonight, since I

was going to sleep over at his house. Myovernight
bag was already packed and ready ontop of the bed
as I sat on the bed with a glassof water in my hand. I
was feeling very nauseated so I had a glass of cold
water to make me feel a little bit better.

I didn't know if it was something I ate or whatbut I

wasn't feeling really good. I wanted to throw up
but scared.. I was never a fan of throwing up
because I'd always thought that Imight puke my
intestines by mistake.. stupidright? I know.
but it was my fear. I also tried calling Lwethubut
his phone was off. going to voicemail
Everytime I tried to call him so I gave up.
I went to the bathroom to wash my face, brushed
my teeth and layed in bed as my headwas going
around like I was dizzy. I didn't wantto get
Undercovers since Lwethu might arrive any time
soon so I just layed on top of the covers.

I felt the urge to puke as I jolted off the bed andran

to the bathroom, I kneed infront of the toiletand
puked as I held my weave back.. After puking I
washed my mouth again and sat downon the cold
floor as I was feeling very hot..
Jesus. What was happening to me?

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


I didn't want to make death an easier way out dfor

Sima, shooting him sounded so much easyfor him so
I decided that we should fight. fight to death.. he
deserved that for what he put Sibathrough. Nathi and
I, were a team. he was the best sniper while I was
the best fighter. I preferred to use my hands most of
the time to men who betrayed me and Sima deserved
At first he didn't want to fight me, but he was also
afraid to look pathetic infront of his guardsso he
forced himself to fight me even though heknew that I
was going to kick his ass.
And I did.
It felt so good to break his jaw, rearranging his
face to a point he wasn't even recognizablethen
I left him there. next time he will thinktwice
before coming my way again.

After I was done with Sima, I drove straight to

Siba's house since I was supposed to fetch heran
hour ago but I lost track of time at Sima's.. and my
baby was going to be mad for sure, punctuality was
everything to Sibahle.
I pulled up at her house and parked the car on the
driveway then head towards the door and opened
it. She was laying on the couch with a glass of
water on the table.

Me: hey baby, are you okay?

She sat up straight and took a sip on her water..
Siba: I'm fine, just feel a little nauseated. wherehave
you been? Kudala ndilinde Thandolwethu.
Me: I lost a track of time, baby. I'm sorry.
Siba: it's Okay
My baby didn't look really good, I put my handon
her forehead to test her temperature. She wasn't
Me: Do you need something? should I make you
some tea?
Siba: I'm craving ice cream.
Me: ice cream? kodwa uyagula? hay siba. (but
you're sick? No Siba)
Siba: but-
Me: No
She sighed..
Siba: Fine, bring me tea then.
Me: Coming right up!
I gave her a kiss on the mouth then stood up
making my way to the kitchen. I washed my
hands in the sink first before starting to make this
woman some tea and also something to eat for both
of us. As I was still making food, Pasta. her
favourite. my phone rang in the backpocket of my
jeans, I wiped m hands with a dish
-cloth and fished it out. It was Nathi calling.

Me: sure, bawo.

Nathi: awe, where are you?
Me: I'm at Siba's.
Nathi: Good. I've talked to Ziya, she forgave me.Me:
That's good.
Nathi: so I wanted to invite you and Sibahle for
dinner tomorrow at my house. 7pm?
Me: I'll take to her about it.
Nathi: Okay, bye.
Me: Sharp
I hung up..
Siba: What's taking you so long?
She yelled from the living room..
Me: funda ulinda Sibahle. (have some patience)
I heard her laughing all the way from the living

After we had dinner at her house, we drove to my

house in the middle of the night. Siba slept
throughout the drive since she was feeling a lotbetter
and she was sleepy. I had a radio on to keep me
company while I drove.. during dinner, Itold her
about Nathi's dinner invitation and suprisingly she
agreed to go so I passed on themessage to Nathi that
we were going to be
there tomorrow. I was happy that my brother was
accepting the woman I love after what shehad done
to us. which means that my happiness meant
everything to him, he would rather see me happy
with the woman who betrayed me than seeing me
miserable, and I loved and appreciated him for that.

I woke Siba up as we pulled up at my place, I

parked the car on the roundabout and got out going
to Siba's side. she was still half asleep soI picked her
up and walked to the house with her in my arms.
She was so small in my arms with her petite size.
She wasn't even heavy.
Maria opened the door for us and we stepped inside.. I
greeted her then I head upstairs to mybedroom.

I put Siba ontop of the bed and took off her

clothes, leaving her only in her black thong. My
woman was the sexiest thing alive, the black thong
and bra she wore blended well with her light
skinned that had little freckles here and there. she
was fucking gorgeous.
I put her Undercovers and covered her with
blankets then kissed her forehead before
heading to shower so that I could sleep..

When I woke up the next morning, Siba wasn'tnext

to me in bed. the sheets on her side werecold which
meant that it's been a while she's been out of bed. I
sat up straight and ran my hand all over my face,
wiping the sleep off my eyes as I took my phone
from the pedestal andchecked my emails.
The bedroom door opened, as Siba stepped
inside with a tray in her hands that had twocups
of coffee and 4 blueberry muffins..
Siba: rise and shine, baby.
I couldn't stop the smile from appearing in myface,
she looked so cute in my shirt..
Me: Good morning, sweetheart.
Siba: how did you sleep?
Me: I've slept well, you?
Siba: good
I took the tray from her so that she could climbon
the bed and sat right. I placed the tray on mylap and
took the hot cup into my hands and took a drink..
Me: Thank you
Siba: You're welcome. do you have any plans
Me: Just paperwork that need to be signed whyask?
Siba: I just wanted us to spend some qualitytime
you know.
Me: What do you want us to do?
Siba: uhm let me think..



Lwethu and I, spent the entire day together. wewent

to all my favourite places, went to bookshops to
buy new books. accompanied him to his barber to a
new hair cut that suited him like hell. we went for a
massage, tried outsome new restaurants for lunch..
it was amazing.
but later on, we head back home. going to get
ready for the dinner at Nathi's house. I wasn't
sure why Nathi invited us there, Ziya told me that
they're back together, I wasn't sure how Nathi wasn't
going to behave. he never liked mefor what I did to
his brother, he always insultedso I wasn't sure if he
wasn't going to insult me in that dinner.

Lwethu and I, showered and got dressed. I was

doing my makeup in the bathroom while Lwethuwas
in the bedroom.. doing whatever.

Lwethu: Can you hurry up sisi? we're late.

Me: Almost done.
Lwethu: why are you even applying that thing?You
don't even need it. You're gorgeous baby.
Me: Thank you sweetheart, but I like makeup.
Lwethu: Yho, I give up!
I giggled..
I was done applying the make-up, I put my
lipgloss then wore my sunglasses. I walked tothe
bedroom, Lwethu looked up at me and whispered
under his breath..
Lwethu: Damn.. awufuni sisheke baby? (don'tyou
want us to stay behind)
I giggled..
Me: hay man Lwethu, let's go.
Lwethu: You're fucking beautiful, all this waitingwas
worth it.
I moved closer to him and kissed his lips..Me:
Thank you, you look good too.
he grabbed his car keys and his phone then took
my hand as we head out the bedroom walking
towards the stairs..

We arrived at Nathi's house as he welcomed usfrom
the door and led us inside. he greeted hisbrother and
greeted me then we head to the dining area where
Ziya was seated at with a glass of red wine in her
Me: hey babes
She looked up at me and smiled, she jumped off her
chair and hurried to hug me.. I giggled asI hugged
her back.
Ziya: oh my God, You look hella sexy bitch!
Me: I know right?
Ziya: Like damn!

Lwethu and Nathi had already disappeared fromthe

house, Ziya and I talked briefly before Nathi and
Lwethu came back then we took our seats.Nathi
went all out here, there were all kinds of
food and desert. I was already salvating.. Lwethu
leaned over to my ear and whispered.
Lwethu: Subawa, baby.
I burst out laughing as I didn't expect him to saythat..
Ziya: ha.a, ningakulinge nizo kwenza lonto apha.
baqande baby. (No, you can't do that here. Stopthem
Nathi: uthethile baby Owens. (The lady has
We erupted in laugher..

The dinner was going well, chats were flowingand

also laughs here and there but none of usaddressed
the elephant in the room; why we were there. we
were done eating, just drinkingwine and chatting
until Nathi cleared his throatgetting our attention.
Nathi: Siba, nawe mninawa. I know you must be
asking yourselves ba kutheni ndinibize apha tonight.
honestly it's not much of a big deal, I just wanted to
talk to you Sibahle.

he turned his to me and looked at me in the eyeas he

was about to say whatever he wanted tosay..
Nathi: I know that out first encounter wasn't sonice,
we were under different circumstances than where
we are now. it was the time we I'vefound out that
you came into my brother's lifeto kill him. from the
the first time Lwethu told me about you I knew
something was off aboutyou, for the fact that you
were Siyabulela Ziqubu's wife said something else.
I tried to warn Lwethu about you but he was so
smittento even notice but it doesn't matter
anymore. you've learnt your lesson right? And I'm
When I started to notice that my brother was
inlove with you, I knew I had to make peace
between us since you were going to be in our lives
for a long time. I couldn't fight with my brothers
girlfriend, I couldn't stand in his way of finding true
love. I'm sorry Sibahle, for everything I've done to
you. but you should know something that I'll always
protect Lwethuno matter what. I choose to make
peace with you since he's inlove with you but I
haven't forgotten what you've done. but in all of that,



It was so nice to have all my favourite humans in

under one roof, my man. my best friend andbrother
in-law.. Siba forgave Nathi, and
everyone was happy. It was so nice to be underone
room. talk and laugh like nobody's business.. we
were seated in the living room now, next to the fire
place while Nathi told us embarrassing stories about
Lwethu when he was young, Siba was so interested
in his childhood..
These two loved each other, but I didn't know why
they weren't confessing their love for eachbecause
they are destined to be together..

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.

Suprisingly, dinner went well at Nathi's place. there
wasn't any bad vibes between us or anything like
that.. it was just good. We came back home around
10pm in the evening, we were both tipsy and in the
mood. Worst of it all Iwas horny but I was
embarrassed to tell Lwethuthat so I kept quite. On
our drive back home, henoticed that I was fidgeting
on the chair I was seated still so he decided to ask.

Lwethu: Everything alright, sweetheart?Me:

Lwethu: Alright
he held the steering wheel with his one handwhile
the other one went between my thighs..
Lwethu: Open up!
I slowly widen my legs apart as his hand went
down to my underwear. my underwear was
heavy and wet from my arousal. When he felt the
wetness coming from my coochie he staredat me
with his intense gaze as my nipples hardened under
the fabric of my dress..
Lwethu: Why ain't you saying anything? baby this is
you dick okay? You feel like talking it, youdo. I
won't stop you understand?
I nodded..
Lwethu: Can you wait till we get home? I don't
wanna cause any accident.
Me: Okay
he stole a kiss on my mouth then drove the cara
little fast, his hand stayed between my thighsas he
massaged my clit a little bit. trying to ease up the
throbbing sensation that was troubling me.

When we got to the bedroom, clothes were already

off our bodies as we layed in bed in a missionary
style making our sweet perfect love making. Our
bodies covered in sweat as he thrust into me on a
faster pace, causing the bedto move. The headboard
hitting against the wall.My legs were wrapped
around his waist, his face buried deep in my neck as
he groaned enjoying me.
Sex with Lwethu was always good, we had that
chemistry. the spark and that intense feeling
between us. It was amazing..

Lwethu: fuck yes!

he pushed my legs into my chest as he rammedinto
me hard, his balls tapping my ass slightly..
Me: Shit!
It felt so hard to a point I felt tears burning at the
back of my eyes. Lwethu cupped my face ashe gave
me a mind blowing kiss that made me lose all my
senses of thinking.
Lwethu: I love you, sweetheart.
My body stilled beneath him, his words froze me
into place.. I didn't expect those words fromhim. It
took me a minute to recover and let his 3words sunk
Me: I love you too, baby.


I jolted off the bed and ran to the bathroom as Ifelt

the urge to puke. I got to the bathroom andkneed
infront of the toilet seat and throw up everything I
ate yesterday. I hate this, I fucking
hated it. I thought it stopped since I hadn't throw up
since that day I wasn't feeling well butthis was
becoming a regular thing now and I had to see a
doctor, this was not on. Lwethu handed me a glass
of water to rinse up my mouth and drank a little
then I stood up.
Lwethu: Come here
I moved closer to him and hugged him as I cried,I
hated being sick.
Lwethu: What's wrong baby? is it something youate?
Me: I don't know, maybe.
Lwethu: We have to see a doctor.
Me: Yeah
Lwethu: Go and brush your teeth while I ask
Maria to prepare us something to eat okay?
I nodded..
he grabbed the back of my head and kissed my
forehead and nose then made his way out. I went
over to the sink so that I could brush myteeth and
wash my face.

I layed down on the couch next to the bed, as

Lwethu made the bed and opened the
eyes followed him every time he moved as his
words echoed in my ears. he told me, he loved me.
I honestly didn't expect that. I didn't even know that
he felt something for me like I did with him.. he
was inlove with me and I wasinlove with him too.

Me: baby?
Lwethu: Yes?
Me: were you serious about what you said last
Lwethu: More than serious..
he sat down on the bed as he stared at me..
Lwethu: I really do love you, Siba. I think I loved
you the first time I saw you at that bar but I wasin
denial. I did lot of shit for you that I would'vedone
for some other woman, I had sex with youmore that
3 times. something I never done withother girls
before, you slept in bedroom and cuddled me to
sleep every night; again something I've never done
to any of the womenI slept with in the past but with
you, I did that in a split of a second.. even though
you betrayed me and broke my trust, my feelings
were still intact. I still wanted to fuck you even
though you were a fucking traitor. and there you are
baby, I was serious when I said I love you. And I'm
repeating it now. I love you, sweetheart.
Fucking hormones, I was already crying. Why
didn't I notice all these things in the last few
Me: And I love you too, baby.
Lwethu: I know.
he came over to me and leaned down so that hecould
kiss me in the mouth..
Me: so we're dating now?
Lwethu: we've been dating long ago, qha we'reonly
making things official now.
I giggled..
Me: I get you!



She felt the same way about me..

She was fucking inlove with me like I was withher,
I'd always been waiting for this moment.
Now it was here but I didn't know how to feel
about it. I didn't know whether I should be
happy or not.

Siba and I, got ready since I was taking her to the

doctor. this thing of her puking was surely becoming
a regular thing, and my baby hated it.since she wasn't
going to work today, she didn'tput on any makeup,
no weave or whatever. Shewas so natural with her
long relaxed her pushedback. she was fucking
gorgeous.. we left the estate around 9am in the
morning, going to mydoctor in town.
Siba: do you think something is wrong with me?I
Me: I don't know sweetheart, we'll hear from the
She sighed..
Siba: alright
She pushed back her chair as she layed downwith
her eyes closed.
We arrived at the hospital and head Inside, Dr
Zitsho was already waiting for us in his office..

Me: Awe!
Dr: sure bawo, Molo sisi.
Me: hello.
I fist-bumped with him then we took our seats.Dr:
so what brings you here today?
Siba: I've been feeling sick in these past few
days, nauseated and fatigued. I don't know
what's going on.
Dr: Nauseated, you say. Are you on birth control?
Siba: Yes
Dr: When last did you take your shot?
Siba seemed to be thinking far, then something
clicked into her mind as her eyes widen and agasp
escaped her mouth..
Siba: oh my God!
Dr: Sis, we can't be too sure. take this and go pee
on it in the bathroom.. the 3rd door on yourright.
Siba took the red cup and stood up walking
I didn't understand what was going to I asked
Me: What's going on man? Dr:
You'll find out in a minute.


how the hell did I missed my shot? I thought I was
careful but I was wrong, and now there wasa big
possiblity that I was pregnant! While I knew nothing
about babies, I'm sure that same goes for Don.
What if he doesn't want babies? We never really
talked about kids? Even in our silly conversations
and comments we never mentioned kids.. what was I
going to do? I got to the bathroom as I peed on the
small cup andwashed my hands then head back to
the office..



Siba came back with the cup covered with a

tissue paper, she looked so nervous as she
handed Dr Zitsho the cup. he put it down andtook
his things to make the test.

After he was done, he told us to wait some few

minutes as this thing of his took it own time.. Iwas
also getting nervous, for what? I didn't know.

Dr: right, all done. we have your test here Miss

Conway. Congratulations you're 16 weeks
Siba: What?
I froze in place, not reacting to what the doctorjust
Siba was pregnant.
She had a baby growing inside her, my baby.I
was going to be a dad.
I was going to be someone's father..Shit
was real..

to be continued..

Note: I'm busy with exams at the moment andI'll

be bit scarce but please bare with me.
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


Lwethu stared at me, he wasn't really looking at me

but he was deep in thoughts. we were in the car, no
one is driving. we're both shocked to the core. I
couldn't believe that I was pregnant; Yes,
I loved kids and wanted one some day but not now.
this wasn't a right time for babies but my little one
was here. and I was already inlove withhim or her
inside me.

Me: Ain't you going to say anything at all?

Lwethu: This is real right? there's a baby
growing inside you?
I nodded..
Me: Are you not happy? don't you want this
Lwethu: It's that I don't want the baby, it's just..I'm
I stared at him, not believing this. the mighty Don
wasn't scared of anything but he's scaredof being a
father? Wow.
Lwethu: I'm happy baby, trust me. Yes, I never
wanted kids but he or she is here now and it's
real. I'm just scared that I'll not be a good fatherto the
baby. I don't know shit about babies andin 8 months
time I'll be a dad. it's scary.
Terror was written all over his face..
I cupped his face with my both hands and kissed
him on the mouth. he kissed me back ashe started to
calm down a bit.
Me: baby, both of us are new to this. we both know
nothing about babies but you have your mom and I
have my dad. we'll seek help and advices from
them and take it from there. Yes,kids weren't part
of the plan but he or she is here. I'm pregnant and
we will do our level bestto the best parents to our
baby okay?
he looked down and nodded. he sniffed a littleas he
squeezed my thigh.
Wait.. was he crying? Me:
baby are you crying?
He shook his head and cleared his throat..
Lwethu: No
Me: Look at me
I had every strength to grab his chin and force him
to look at me but I wanted him to raise hishead up
on his own free will. he slowly lookedup at me, his
eyes glossy with tears. this was such a rare sight - I
have never saw him cry.
Don was a hardcore who hardly showed
Lwethu: I love you so much sweetheart, thankyou
for giving this special unexpected gift.
I smiled..
Me: I love you too, baby. if it wasn't for you we
wouldn't have this gift.
Lwethu: Literally!
we laughed..
Lwethu: so when are we telling our families? I
can't wait to tell my mom!
Me: Whoa fondini, firstly your mom doesn't
know me. you haven't introduced me yet andthat
same goes for me.
Lwethu: Shit
Me: Yeah shit.
Lwethu: You know what? I'll firstly tell my mom
about you as you do the same to your dad thenwe'll
invite them for dinner so other time to break the
news to them, how about that? this must be a
suprise baby. don't ever tell Ziyanda.
Me: Err.. that will be hard but I'll try. tomorrow I'llgo
and see my dad.
Lwethu: Great! now let's go and feed, baby
Me: baby coming?
Lwethu: Yeah, we don't have names for now sohe
or she will be called baby coming.
I giggled..
Me: Alright, taka baby coming.he
Lwethu: I love the sound of that.



Siphenathi and I, were going on a date this evening.

we had been busy these days so we needed a time
together. to dine and chat a little.
we were going to Pigalle restaurant, his other
favourite place either than his brother's restaurant. so
after work, we both got ready anddrove to the
restaurant. Nathi wasn't that romantic you know, but
he was romantic when
needed to. he didn't show his affectionate side all
the time. Just there and there.

When we arrived at the restaurant, he opened the

car door for me and I stepped out. he heldmy hand
as we head inside.
Me: this place is lovely.
Nathi: I know right? Just like you.I
Me: You're so lovey dovey tonight, what's
he shrugged..
Nathi: Nothing, I just felt like spoiling you a little.
You deserve that.
Me: Alright.
he pulled out the chair for me as I sat down.


in 8 months time I was going to be a dad, in few

years someone was going to call me daddy. I
couldn't believe it. with the kind of line job I do at
times, I didn't want children. I didn't want to put
them in danger like that but Siba was pregnant now.
she was going to have my baby and I knew that I
had to protect her with everything in me.

I wasn't the one who showed emotions, they were

always kept on lockdown but when it sunkthat Siba
was pregnant, that I was going to be adad I couldn't
help but shed some few tears. emotions
overwhelmed me at that moment, it was priceless.
Siba thought I wasn't happy or I
didn't want the baby but I was happy and shocked
at the same time. I never knew how toshow
emotions so that's why she couldn't readme - my
When we arrived at home that day, after the
doctor's check up. we made love.. we made love
all night but also careful that we couldn'thurt the

It had been 3 days since we found out that we're

pregnant and I was going to see my mother in town
and let her know about this. I'msure she was going
to happy because it's beenway too long since she
preached about me getting a girlfriend or a wife.
finally now I had someone I love with my whole
heart, she was going to be happy. I left Siba at home
since shehad morning sickness and she was lazy
gettingout of bed. so she was going to work from
home. I arrived at home and parked the car on
the driveway as I head inside, Mom was
watering her garden as I walked towards her.

Me: Mama
She stopped watering her flowers but she didn'tlook
at me.
Ma: nyana wolahleko (Prodigal son)
I chuckled.. I'd forgotten how dramatic she
could be.
Me: Come on Mama.
She put the watering pot down and turned tolook
at me..
Ma: Look at you! You're gaining weight. whatare
you eating?
Me: I eat what everybody eat; food.
She smiled..
Ma: or there's someone special that we don't
know about?
I smiled and looked at away.. she gasped and
started to ululate.
Me: Mama!
She just ignored at me and carried on making
Jesus Christ, I haven't told her anything. how isshe
going to behave when I tell her about the

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.

Mom stopped being her dramatic self then we head
inside the house, she made tea for the both of us like
the old time where we used to situnder the tree and
drink tea with Nathi while having biscuits.

Mom: so what brings you here today? because

you've been scarce shame mntanam wogqithwa
ngu Siphenathi.
Me: I know Mama, work can be hectic at timesbut
I'll sure that I visit you when I get time.
She nodded and took a sip on her tea.
Mom: so are you not going to tell me about this
woman? she's surely feeding you because you
gained a few kilos.
I chuckled..
Mom: Come on, tell Mama.
Me: Okay, Yes. I have someone.. her name is
Sibahle Conway and she's my girlfriend.She
smiled and nodded..
Mom: tell me about her, what she's like, is she
Me: beautiful is an understatement Mama, she'sso
gorgeous. she's independent, she has sassyattitude.
she doesn't take shit from anyone including me. she's
beautiful inside out man.
Mom: Looks like you have found your one, and
judging by how you described her; she's a badass
and I like her already. when am I meeting her?
Me: uhm.. how about next week?
She smiled and clapped her hands in
Mom: I'm so happy, I've been waiting for this
moment. at some point I thought you were into men
since you never introduced a woman to me,
not that I would've have a problem with that butyou
know I mean right?
I nodded..
Mom: I've met Siphenathi's girlfriend, such a
beautiful and wonderful woman Ziyanda is. I'msure
Sibahle is also like that.
Me: You'll like her don't worry.
Mom: I hope so, I'm so happy. I can't to tell
Me: Yho hayke.
She laughed..

My phone rang in my pocket as I was still

having tea with Mom, I fished it out of my
pocket. It was Siba.
Me: sweetheart
Siba: hey baby, Are you still at your mom's?
Me: Yes, is everything okay?
Siba: Yes, everything is fine. I was just going tosay
bring pizza on your way back.
I chuckled..
Me: Alright, I'll bring it.
Siba: You're star, I love you bye.
Me: I love you too, sweetheart.
She hung up.
I looked up at Mom who was smiling at me..Me:
Mom: You're so inlove with this woman, I can't
wait to meet her.
I smiled..
I'd spent few hours with Mom then I drove back
home with Siba's pizza. I didn't want to forget it
because she was totally going to go ballistic onme.
on my way home I was on a phonecall withSiba, she
was asking me about how it went withmy mother
and how did she react. she laughedso loud when I
told her about my mother's dramatic reaction.

I pulled up at home and parked the car on the

roundabout as I head Inside. Siba was laying onthe
carpet; reading a book. with a packet of chips next
to her.
Me: Molweni endlini.
She looked up at me and smiled..
Siba: baby
She stood up and came over to me and kissedme on
the mouth.
Siba: I missed you.
A warm feeling warmed my chest, it was such arare
feelings. it wasn't sexual or anything.. it was just
love I had for this gorgeous woman standing infront
of me.
Me: I missed you too, sweetheart.
I crotched down to her tummy and kissed it, greeting
the mini us in there. her eyes softenedwith affection
as she saw me doing that. I was already inlove and
attached to this baby, being afather to this unborn
baby, I was slowly but surely getting used to it.
Me: I bought your pizza.
Siba: Thank you
She pecked my lips again and walked to the
kitchen with the box of pizza in her hands.

Siba: baby?
She yelled from the kitchen..
Me: Yes?
Siba: Nathi called, I forgot to tell you.
Me: When?
Siba: About an hour ago.
Me: Okay
Nathi doesn't just call, which meant it was
important to I went straight to my office so thatI
could call him.



Lwethu had already told her mom about me, I also

had to tell my dad about Lwethu. he was going to ask
how we met; how am I going to say?
am i supposed to tell him that Lwethu is the man
that killed my late husband? or should I hide that
away from him? I didn't like lying to mydad but this
one wasn't meant to be told. so tomorrow I was
going to drive down to my father's house to tell him
these news.

After dinner, Lwethu and I took a shower

together and brushed our teeth then got
Undercovers. I was reading a book while he
worked on his IPad. his other hand brushingover
my tummy.
this thing of being dad, was slowly getting tohim.
he was getting used to it. looked like he was
already attached to the baby.
Lwethu: I have to book you a best gynaecologist I
know in town.
I nodded..
Me: There are few that I know, but I'll check.
Lwethu: Okay
I was getting sleep now, so I closed the book and put
it on the pedestal. Lwethu was still busywith work.
Me: I'm sleeping now.
Lwethu: Alright, Good night sweetheart.
Me: Goodnight baby.
I turned around to give him my back, I turned offthe
light on my side then drifted off to sleep.


The following morning, I woke up and got readyfor

the day. Maria prepare breakfast for us andwe are. I
was going to pass by at work before Iwent over to
dad's house, to check how things are going on my
Lwethu dropped me off at work, we kissed andbid
goodbyes then drove off.

Around 3pm in the afternoon, I got done with work

and asked Sinazo to cancel the rest of mymeetings
as I was going to see my dad. I didn't want to tell
him that I was coming to I decided to surprise him.
I bought myself something to eat before I took the
trip to my dad's estate.
I was nervous on the way, I didn't know how mydad
was going to react because I'd never introduced a
man home so it was my first timebut I had hope for
the best.

to be continued..

I know it's small, but I have complications with

Chrome I don't know what's going on.
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


I arrived at my dad's estate an hour later. his guard

opened the gate for me as I drove insideand parked
my car, I'm sure his guards had already notified him
that I was there because when I got out the car he
was already standingoutside the door waiting for me
with a smile onhis face.. I missed my dad. I walked
over to himand gave him a hug.
Me: hey father
He kissed me on my forehead..
Dad: hey, sweetheart. long time no see.
Me: I've been busy you know.
Dad: Yeah right
I laughed..
he wrapped his arm around my shouldering aswe
head Inside.
Dad: You're lucky because Dora had prepared
Me: Nice, I missed Dora's cooking.
Dad led me to the dinning table then we took aseat.
Me: so how are you?
Dad: I'm fine baby girl, how are you? Me:
I'm good, just missing you that's all.he
Dad: I missed you too, sweetheart. how's that
friend of yours? what's her name again?
Me: Ziya?
Dad: Yes, how is she? It's been a while I lastsaw
Me: She's good, even her business is bloomingnow.
Dad: I'm so proud of you girls.
Me: Thank you, dad.

Dora brought dinner to the table, drinks as wellbut I

couldn't drink wine.. so juice for me.
Dad: detoxing?
he nodded at my glass of juice.
Me: about that, I came here to talk to you about
Dad: Okay?
I took a deep breath and rubbed my hands
Dad: Come on, you can talk to me about
anything right?I
Me: A month ago, I meet someone.
Dad: A man?
I nodded..
Dad: Go ahead.
Me: I meet this man and I fell inlove with him.
Dad smiled and brushed his hand over mine..
Dad: That's good news baby, why were you scared to
tell me? Love is a beautiful thing and everyone
deserves to experience it. You're still young to give
up on love. how did you meet him?
Here it goes..
Me: You remember when I told you that I was
going to investigate Siya's death?
He nodded listening intentively to wherever Ihad
to say..
Me: Sima and Sakhi, Siya's brothers. came overto
my house this other day and threatened meinto
helping them to avenge their brothers death.
Dad: What?
His face became hard in a split of a second, hewas
so Angry..
Me: Dad. Dad.. let me finish.They said that I should
go to the man who killed Siya and get close to him
so that he could fall inlove with me.
Dad was breathing fire, he was livid but he held
himself since he wanted me to finish telling himthis..
Dad: please tell me you didn't agree.
Me: I wanted to but they said they were going tokill
you if I don't agree, I couldn't let you die dad.You're
all that I have.. so I had no choice but toagree.
Instead of being softened by my words he
looked more angry.
Dad: Are you crazy Jasmine? You are fucking out of
your damn mind? What if this dude killedyou huh?
What was I going to do? Jasmine I'm your father for
heaven's sake. I'm the one who should be taking
risks for you, I'm the one who should be dying for
you because you're my babygirl! My only child.

Tears burned at the back of my eyes, I had never

seen my dad this angry. he was totallybreathing
Me: Dad-
Dad: Shut up! shut the fuck up! what were you
thinking? When did you start being stupid? Whatif
that man killed you?
Me: it doesn't matter anymore because we fell I
inlove with each other!
He stopped shouting immediately.. Dad:
What? repeat what you just said.
Me: I couldn't go on with the mission, we fell
inlove with it each other.
Dad: Jesus
He ran his hand all over his face and sighed likehe
was defeated..
Dad: We're going to talk about this tomorrow,
You're sleeping here tonight.
he pushed the chair back and stood up then
walked away..
Me: but Dad-
Dad: my word is final, early in the morning I
want you here.
Me: Wow
I watched him as he walked up the stairs..
Even though I had no appetite for food but I had
to eat since I wasn't alone now. there was
someone growing inside me. I dished up for
myself and ate.

The next morning I was woken up by Lwethu's

phone call. I sat up straight before answeringthe
Me: baby
Lwethu: Uphi? (Where are you)
Alright, no ' hello sweetheart' or something? Me:
I'm at my dad's house.
Lwethu: And you didn't have the decency to let me
know? I called you several times yesterday you
didn't pick up your phone. what the fuck is
wrong with you, Sibahle?
Me: baby-
Lwethu: I was worried sick about you, I couldn't
sleep yesterday because you weren't picking upyour
phone. Siba don't be reckless.. it's no longer about
you only, there's a baby in the picture!
Me: I'm sorry okay? I should've called you but it
slipped my mind since I was stressed about mydad.
things didn't go as planned.
Lwethu: What Happened?I
Me: I told him everything, he asked how we metand
I had no choice but to tell him.
Lwethu: I'm sorry baby, should I come there totalk
to him?
Me: No.. I'll try to talk to him you know, maybeat
some point he will understand.
Lwethu: I hope so.
Me: I'm sorry for not getting back at you last
Lwethu: I'm glad that you're okay, I was so
worried. don't ever do it again okay?
Me: I won't
Lwethu: Okay, I love you both of you.
Me: The feeling is mutual baby.
He laughed..
Lwethu: see you later
Me: bye
I hung up..

Dad: can I come in?

I looked up at him, he was standing at the at thedoor.
Me: hey dad, how long have you been standing
Dad: long enough, was that him?I
he stepped inside and came over to the bed, hesat
down at the edge of the bed and looked at me.
Dad: I'm sorry about my outburst from yesterday,
I was angry that you didn't come tome and told me
that someone was giving youtrouble. that's what
fathers are for right?
Me: I know and I'm sorry.
Dad: Last night I thought things through, tryingto
keep an open mind to your situation and try to
understand from your perceptive. I'm a parent and
it's every parent's dream to see theirchildren happy,
to see their children getting married to a man who is
worthy of her - a man who will love and protect you
with everything he
has. Jasmine you're young, Your husband diedbut
that doesn't you shout give up on love, there's
someone out there who will love and appreciate
you. And if this man is the one thenyou have all my
blessings baby, I love to see you happy you know.
Me: Thank you so much dad, I truly appreciatethis.
I love you so much.
Dad: Come here
I moved closer to him and hugged him..
Dad: I love you too, baby girl. Your mother mustbe
proud of you.
Me: I know right?
He smiled..
Dad: so when am I meeting my son in-law?Me:
how about next week?
Dad: Great! Let's go, Dora has already prepared
Me: okay, I'm right behind you.



Siba was reckless when upset, she tended to forget

somethings. Last night I was so worried about her
when she didn't call, because as far as I knew she
was supposed to be coming backlater on but she
never showed up, I thought something had happened
to her but the trackingdevice on her ankle told me
exactly where she was but still she should've let me

After that conversation I had with her this morning,

I woke up and got ready for work. I was thinking of
quitting the business and focus
on my legit ones.. being in this kind of business
while you have a kid can be dangerous as Fuck.When
some people wanna get to you, they takeyour family
or your children to make you surrender because they
know you'll do whereverit takes for your child. I
knew that Nathi wasn't going to be happy about this
but he had no choice but to accept because I was
leaving whether he liked it or not. I arrived at the
warehouse and head to Nathi's office, I knockedtwice
then he let me in.
Me: bawo
Nathi: Awe
We fist-bumped, then sat down..
Nathi: I thought you aren't coming today.
Me: I wasn't but I needed to talk to you about
Nathi: Okay?
Me: I'm quitting the business.
Nathi: Which one? This one or yours?
Me: This one
Nathi: Why?
Me: I can't tell you the reason but I'm quitting.
Nathi: Don, You know things ain't being done like
that. You don't quit whenever you feel like it.
Me: I know that but I have to.
Nathi: Tell me one reasonable - reason why
you're quitting.
Me: Siba is pregnant, I have a kid on the way. You
know the dangers of this lifestyle so I can'tput my
kid through that.
Nathi's face softened like he wasn't angry
minutes ago..
Nathi: Siba is pregnant? You're going to be a
I nodded with a prideful smile on my face. I
couldn't wait to meet that little us.
Nathi came over to me and hugged me..
Nathi: Congratulations brother, for a minute I
thought you were a blank shooter.
We laughed..
Me: Fuck off!
Nathi: I'm so happy for you bawo, you're going to
be a great dad to that kid. I can't believe I'm going
to be an uncle.
Me: Yeah, a corrupt uncle who's going to
corrupt my kid. anyway you can't tell anyone
about this even Ziya okay?
he stretched his head..
Nathi: This is going to be a little hard.. I can't
promise that I won't blurt it out when she's
hitting all-
Me: Too much info, just call the meeting I'll
break the news myself to the crew.He
Nathi: this is not going to end well bawo but
Me: Thank you

before I drove straight home, I passed by the mall

to buy something nice for Siba when I came a cross
a baby shop. where they sell all baby clothes. I
decided to go inside.. my eyes fell into this little
yellow cute baby romper by the door, it was so
small and cute - I took it andstared at it.
Voice: first time dad?
Said a man's voice behind me, I turned around.It
was this famous lawyer - Qamata Bruno Dala.
Me: Yeah, it feels so weird but good at the sametime.
Bruno: I was like that at my first child, it took
awhile for me to get used to the drill but on the
second pregnancy it was okay.
Me: is it true that pregnant woman cries alot?he
Bruno: You have no idea! Hlobanisa was cryingat
every little thing, noba akakwazi unxiba isihlangu
uyakhala but it's all worth it at the end.
Me: Jesus Christ, I'm in the shit.L
He laughed..
Bruno: so much shit, let me leave man. I'll see
you around.
Me: Sharp.
he walked away going to his heavily pregnantwife
who was standing with a little girl.
I payed for the romper then head home.

When I arrived at home, Siba was cooking in the

kitchen while sipping juice in a wine's glass. shame,
she missed her wine.
Me: Molo baby.
She looked up and me and smiled..
Siba: hey love, uvelaphi? (Where you coming
Me: I went to see Nathi, I bought you something.
Siba: Okay, let me see.
I went to the shopping bags and took the cute
romper and show it to her.
Siba(teary): oh my God baby, it's so cute

Here it goes Ladies and gentlemen, exactly

what Bruno told me about!

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


After dinner, Siba and I went to bed early since we

had nothing to do. we were laying in bed as Iwas
rubbing her feet while she was reading a book. these
are one of the moments I liked
when we're together, just laying in bed and
talking.. I think it's quite better than sex you

Siba: baby?
Me: mh?
Siba: What are we going to name our baby? we
don't have names yet.
Me: I haven't given it much thought yazi baby, but
we still have more time to think about themand
besides we don't the gender yet. let's just wait to
know the gender first then we'll take it from there.
She nodded..
Siba: Okay
Me: I'm quitting my second job.
She removed the book from her face so thatshe
could look at me..
Siba: really? why?
Me: I have a kid on the way, being in that business
while you're pregnant is very dangerous. one wrong
move, they're targeting you or the baby so I can't put
my family throughthat.
She looked at me with the eyes laced with love,I
loved it when she looked at me like this. like Iwas
the only man for her - the only man she ever loved.
Siba: I love you baby, do you know that?
That warm feeling entered my chest again, it felt
so good to be loved by this woman and I loved
her back.
Me: I love you too, so much. I will do anythingfor
you and the little one here.
I said placing my hand on her stomach, she wasn't
showing yet but in my mind she was already big. I
never thought that I love someone
else more than me but hopefully when my child get
here I'll love her or him more than their mom.
She placed her book on the pedestal next to the bed
and crawled to me then layed on top of me and gave
a soft kiss on the mouth.
Siba: My dad can't meet you.I
Me: my mom too, she was so happy to hear that I
have someone I love imagine when shehears that
she's going to be a grandma.
Siba: I can't even imagine.I
pecked her lips.
She ran her fingers on my chest to my torso, Iknew
exactly what she was trying to do so I lether be.
Siba: how about we play? I'm so bored.
I couldn't help the grin from appearing in my lips.
Me: Miss Conway, You're so naughty!
She smiled and winked at me..
Siba: You know me.
I chuckled shooking my head before cuppingher
face and kissed her.

The following morning I was woken up by Nathi's

call, I gently put Siba on her side of thebed and got
out of bed to take the phone call.

Me: bawo
Nathi: sho mninawa, ugrand? (Are you good)
Me: zonke zihamba ngo line. (everything is
Nathi: Sharp, I called meeting with the crew,
tomorrow evening at the warehouse.
Me: Sure
Nathi: bring your gun over, You know these kindof
meeting don't likely go well.
I sighed..
Me: Can't they just accept that I'm quitting.
Nathi: You know that things from the underground
don't work like that, those peoplehave minds of
their own.
Me: fucked up minds, you say.
Nathi: Yeah, how's Sibahle and my niece in
I chuckled..
Me: Siba is fine, and who said my child is a she?
It could be a he.
Nathi: I could feel it in my veins.
Me: Yeah right.
Nathi: Anyway, mninawa I wanted to talk to you
about something.
Me: I'm listening.
Nathi: I was thinking of proposing to Ziya after you
have announced the news about your child.I don't
want to steal your shine.
Me: Really?
Nathi: Yes.. I've been thinking about it lately.
Me: That's good news bro and I'm happy for youbut
you won't be stealing my shine, You know mom is
going to be happy about the both of us.
Nathi: I know that but your day is supposed to be
special because we're going to have a little
Makhubalo running around here.
I smiled..
Me: alright I get your point, Ziya will surely agreeto
marry you. the woman loves you.
Nathi: I know, I will see you tomorrow man.
Me: Sho
I hung up.

When I turned around, Siba was awake. her hand

rubbing her tummy while the other onerubbed be the
sleep off her eyes. I crawled toher and kissed her.
Me: Morning, baby momma.
She smiled..
Siba: Morning baby daddy, talking business this
Me: You know me, what do you to have for
Siba: Just fruit salad with youghurt, I don't have
much appetite.
Me: coming right up.



I haven't been to work for a week now, Yes. I

was pregnant but I couldn't let my company sunk
down. so I decided that I was going tocheck in
Lwethu was sulking all morning since I was going
back to work and going back to my housesince the
drive from here to the city was far.
And besides I was too young to cohabit even
though I liked sleeping and waking up next to my
Lwethu: baby, are you sure about this?I
rolled my eyes..
Me: I have been staying at my house since I was21,
so don't worry about me I'm a big girl.
he sighed..
Lwethu: sweetheart, don't forget that I'm quitting
the business. most people won't be happy about
this, one wrong move they're afteryou and I won't
bbr there to protect you.
I stopped packing and went to sit on his lapthen
kissed him..
Me: I'll be fine.
Lwethu: Promise me that you will call every night
before you sleep and every morning whenyou wake
Me: I promise you.
Lwethu: I love you baby, I'll totally go crazy if
anything happens to you and baby coming.
Me: I know, and that's why I love you too.

When I arrived at Conway vineryards, Sinazo

was the first one to gush over me.
Sinazo: Oh my God, Siba. You're so beautiful and
you're glowing girl. is the any special Mr wedon't
know about?
I giggled..
Me: Stop it Sinazo.
Sinazo: it's okay if you don't wanna share the
news, Ziya is already at you office.
Me: Okay.
I walked to the elevator and head up to my
office. Ziya was seated on my chair when I
stepped inside the room.
Me: feeling the power seat?
She looked up at me and screamed running
towards me.
Ziya: Oh my gosh, look at you! a round of
applause Ladies and gentlemen for Don. he
knows how to take care of a woman.
I laughed..
Ziya: Come on, tell me everything. it's been a while
girl, the way uglowa ngakhona. One wouldswear
you're pregnant.
I giggled.. if you only knew.

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


I was laying on the bed, as I watched Nathi getting

dressed.. he said he was going to meeting which he
didn't say it is about what. helooked so good I
almost didn't believe him thathe was going to this
so-called meeting. he looked at me through the
mirror as we locked eyes..

Nathi(smiling): Why are you looking at me like

I shrugged..
Me: Nothing.. I'm just admiring what's mine.
Nathi: I'm yours, huh?
Me: Awuyazi? (don't you know)
I got off the bed and head to him and huggedhim
from and kissed his neck.
Me: I love you, baby.
Nathi: I love you too, mntuwam.I
smiled at him..
When he dumped me for being loyal to Siba I
never thought that we might be back to eachother.
I thought he never loved me anymore.
Nathi: baby, what are your thoughts about
Marriage? do you want family in the future?
Me: honestly, at first I never wanted kids because I
thought every man will be like my dad.Run away
from your responsibility so I wouldn't want to put my
kids through that but as years passed by I started to
see that not every man is
like my dad. he was just a bastard who had no
backbone. so to answer your question; Yes I
would like to have a family and kids in the future.
he turned around and wrapped his own arms
around my waist then kissed me.
Nathi: I hear you, and I gotta go now. I'll be back
before you know it okay?
I nodded.
Me: bring me something on your way back.he
kissed me again before inserting his gun
behind his waist then grabbed his car keys andhead
out the house. I walked to the door and locked
behind him then went to get Undercovers and
watched TV.


Lwethu called me an hour ago before my dad

called, saying that he was off to the meeting that
was going to held in their unknown place.honestly
I was worried about him, I didn't knowanything
about gangsterism but all I knew is that they
dangerous so I had to be worried about him and
kept him on my prayers.
It was around 9pm in the evening, I just got offa
phone call with my dad. I thought I was goingto
sleep after but I wasn't sleepy.. I tried watching TV
or reading a book but nothing helped. I guessed I
was insomnia.

so since I wasn't sleepy or anything, I decided toput

on some music and cleaned around the house. it was
a little bit dusty, it hadn't been here in a week so
that's why. As I was still
cleaning around I came across a box that I put under
the table. It had my late husband's photosand his
other things, I had them removed from my sight
because I didn't want to look at them and
remembered what I went through when he died. I
brought his picture to my lips and kissedit.
Me: I'm sorry.
I was inlove with his enemy, his killer. I was
supposed to avenged or find Justice for him but
instead I found love. A man who loved me with
everything in him and I loved him back, I wouldn't
trade him for anything. I put the pictureback inside
the box then shoved the box again under the table.
After cleaning, I didn't do much of a job becauseI
was getting tired easily but I have tried. I went to
take a fleece from the bedroom and my bookthen sat
on the couch infront of the tv and continued to read
where I stopped the other



Nathi and I, arrived the same time at the warehouse.

other cars were already here, waiting for us. I got
out of the car as we head inside and got escorted by
the securities. we took the elevator to the top floor
where all our meetings are held at, it was beautiful
room thathad a big glass window that had a great
view ofthe city.

Nathi: I have a bad feeling about this.

he said as we walked through the passage.
Me: We're already here, we can't turn back's
now or never.
I sighed..
Nathi: I'm just concerned that's all, because
Ludwe won't take this well.

Ludwe dandala was another ruthless motherfucker

that was baying for my blood buthe couldn't kill me.
Nathi: Just be careful.
The doors slide open as we stepped inside theroom,
all the men in the crew was already waiting with
the glasses of scotch in their hands.
Me: Gentlemen.
Ludwe: it's quite rude to keep us waiting,
punctuality is important for a man like you.
Nathi: Just shut the fuck up Ludwe!
he raised his hands in surrender then sat down.we all
sat around the big couch that accommodated all of
us. to be honest I was nervous about what was I
going to do. Siba andbaby coming's lives were lying
on my hands now. that's why I prayed that everyone
agrees that I was leaving.. it's not like I was leaving
with something that belonged to them right? but you
never know when it came to these men.

Me: Gentlemen, thank you all for being here

today. I know some of you have shit to do but
you're here.
Blade: Just get to the fucking point, Don.I
stared at him in the eye..
Me: Don't ever fucking interrupt me when I
speak, do you understand?
His eyes narrowed in annoyance before he
answered me.
Blade: I understand.
Me: Good, as I was saying.. not to waste anytime
making my speech long. I'm resigning from the
business, letting my brother; Nathitake over and
continue to sail this ship.
The room fell into deep silence, tension arises
around us. they weren't happy about this and I knew
it too but I wanted someone to speak up.
Me: Nath is very capable on doing this thing
that's why I'm letting him do this.
They were still quiet and I was running out of
patience now, I was about to say somethingelse
when Ludwe spoke up.
Ludwe: Give me one reasonable - reason you're
quitting. If not, all the men in the ring.

I took a deep breath, I knew Ludwe was going to be

difficult about this. I couldn't let them know
that I had a kid on the way. that was bringing
danger to my Siba and baby coming. so I guessall
the men in the ring - where everyone fight todeath.
Ludwe wanted me in a ring and I was going to do
whatever it took to protect my littlefamily.
Nathi stared at me with sympathy written all over
his face, he was begging me with his eyesnot to do
this. but I made up my mind.
Me: We're going to the ring.
Ludwe couldn't stop the smirk on his face..
Ludwe: I'm going to enjoy killing you.

to be continued..

" Please don't do this.." I begged this piece of shit

ontop of me, I was laying in the floor; in the
pool of my own blood. those sick bastards hadtheir
way with me. they rearranged my face.. they beat
me black and blue. but I was gratefulfor one thing
that they didn't took advantage ofme and violate
It's been 2 days since I've been here, praying that
Ludwe will come and rescue me to this hellhole.
" Please don't do this to me.." I was a hardcore
woman, never cried easily but right now? my lifewas
at here and I'll do anything to get out - evenif I
begged this sick bastard. he slapped me hard across
the face as my face turned with hisbig palm. " I like
it when they beg.." his grin so wide in his face that
was full of scars.
he was sick.
Tears burned at the back of my eyes and I triedto
wiggle myself off him. he forcefully pread mylegs
apart and positioned himself between as
he was buck naked. my eye glanced down at hisdick
that was so small and covered in pubic hair.. it was a
disgusting little thing and it was a disappointment
compared to Ludwe's.

he ripped my underwear apart and his hand touched

my sex. " so beautiful and small.." I was crying mess
as I watched this man violate me, he was breaking
me. " Please don't do this to me.. I'm begging you" I
tried to scream but noone was going to hear me and
he knew it too that's why he was so relaxed in trying
to rape me. " Ludwe dandala will kill you for
touching his woman.." I was taking my chances here
butat the mentioning of Ludwe's name, the guy
stilled.. like he was frozen in place. " If you let me
go, I won't tell Ludwe that you tried to rape me and I
will tell him not to kill you. please just don't do this
to me.." being raped was my biggest fear of them all.
Zola did enough of that
and I couldn't let this ugly do this. he looked at me,
considering my words. he was about to talkwhen a
voice I longed to hear.
" Let her go, if you know what's good for you.."My
savior was here.

Title: ALL OF ME (book one)

Prize: R50
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I'll appreciate the support so much.
Lots of love
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


I knew choosing to fight Ludwe was a bad idea,a

very bad idea but I promised myself that I'll never let
anything happen to them. I'll literally do anything to
protect both of them. If I had toldthem my reasons of
quitting they were going togo After Siba and that's
the last thing I needed in my life, was to lose them. I
was nervous about this fight, I wasn't scared of
Ludwe. I wasscared of not making it out alive. I was
scared that if I die - Siba would raise our child alone.
would never get a chance to meet my child, holdhim
or her in my arms or give them a kiss for the first
time but there was nothing I could do. Idid what any
man would do for their family.
Ludwe and I, weren't going to fight the same day.
we were going to do it the following day soI had a
chance to talk to Siba, I would be lucky ifI made it
out alive because I knew how rough and intense ring
fights were. it's where blood isshed, it's where you
fight fof death and your skull crusher. for the fact
that Ludwe is mostly known as a skull crusher made
me cringe in a way. but I was a man who would do
anything forhis family.

On our way home I drove with Nathi, Jake was

going to come and fetch my car later on. on myway
home, Nathi was so quiet.. just focused onthe road.
Nathi: Lwethu, don't do this bawo.I
Me: Not now, Nathi please.
Nathi: No! do you want Siba to raise your kid
alone? do you want your kid to grow up withouta
Me: I'm doing what I'm supposed to do Nathi, I'm
protecting them here. If I told those shitheads what
made me quit in the business they were going to
take Siba to have some kindof leverage on me. I
don't want my child to growaround that trauma.
Nathi: I'm sure there's something we can do, You
know how those rings fights can be. I don'twant to
lose you like that.
He said his sentence in a whisper like he didn'twant
anyone to hear us, his voice was laced with
emotion like he wanted to cry. It was the first time
I saw Nathi emotional.. it made me
feel like shit but I had to do this.
Me: I'm sorry Mkhuluwa, but this is my fight.
And I'm going to fight for my family okay?
he took a deep breathe, pulling himself together
before he got overwhelmed by emotions again..
Nathi: I just don't wanna lose you
Me: I can't promise you that but I'll fight
knowing that there are people who expectingme
to come back home.
he nodded..
Nathi: I love you, mninawa.I
Me: I love you too, Mkhuluwa.

Nathi dropped me off at Siba's house. the lights in her

house were still on which meant she was still awake.
I walked to the door and ring the bell.
Seconds later, the door opened as Siba appeared
wearing a thick white robe. her eyes were half
closed showing how sleepy she was..which meant
she doozed off in a couch.
Me: sweetheart
Siba: hey, baby. what are you doing here at this
Me: do you have someone inside?
Siba: What? No!
Me: Then let me in, wandibuza ndingaphandle
ingathi ufihla indoda apha.
She giggled as she moved aside, giving me space to
get in and closed the door behind her.
Siba: there's no one here.
She wrapped her arms around my neck as I
wrapped mine on her waist. she gave me a softkiss
on the mouth.
Siba: What's wrong?
Me: What makes you think something is wrong?
Siba: Thandolwethu, I know you don't forget
that. Now talk!
I sighed and squeezed her butt a little..Me:
Can we sit down at least?
She looked at me with confusion written all overher
face but she sat down anyway. I sat next toher and
too her warm hands into mine before I said anything
to her.
Me: That meeting didn't go well.
Siba: What Happened?
Me: they weren't happy about my decision
specially Ludwe. he asked me why I was
squitting, I couldn't tell them so he suggestedthat
we fight in the ring.
Siba: ring? fight as in fight with fists and kicks?
that's lame nje.
She laughed but her laughter died down when
she saw the facial expression I had on my face..Siba:
It's not funny right?
Me: Sibahle, be serious. This is not the fight you
think it is. Men fight in that ring to death.. it's were
people are being killed.
Amusement disappeared in her eyes as theyfilled
with terror in a split of a second..
Me: I promised myself that I'll do anything to
protect you and baby coming, and I will do
exactly that.
Siba: Don't tell me you agreed to be in that
stupid fight!
I couldn't tell her the truth, it was going to breakher
apart and caused her the stress she didn't need at the
Me: No, we agreed on something else.
Relief reflected in her eyes but terror was stillthere.


Nathi wasn't alright, ever since he came back from

this so-called meeting he wasn't okay andit was
bothering me. I wasn't used to him beinglike this so
I had to find out what's happening.
he was in the shower, so I stripped off my clothes
and got in the shower behind and hugged his lower
back. he was facing the otherside, his hands on the
wall as he faced down..
Me: What's going on baby? You haven't been
yourself since you came back, talk to me.
I kissed the back of his neck as my hand
brushed over his tight muscled chest..
Nathi: Nothing is wrong I'm fine.
Me: Don't give me that bullshit Siphenathi, I'myour
woman and you're supposed to tell me everything
that's bothering you. but if you don'ttrust me it's fine,
I won't drag it out of you.
I removed my arms from him as I was about tohead
out the shower, he held my hands and pulled my
back inside.
Nathi: Fine, I'll tell you.
Me: I'm listening.
Nathi: The meeting we went to yesterday, it was the
underground meeting. Lwethu was going to tell the
crew that he's leaving the business.
Me: That's good news nje, don't tell me you're
sulking because of that.
he shook his head..
Nathi: No.. it's not that, the men in the
underground weren't happy about Lwethu's
decision so they asked him to them them why
he was quitting - Lwethu couldn't tell them the
reason behind his quitting because they wouldgo
after Siba so Lwethu had no choice but to agree to
a ring fight.
Me: Ring fight? What's happening there?
Nathi: Men fight to death in there, blood is shed.It's
just intense and Lwethu is fighting tomorrow.
Me: Oh my God.. uSiba!
Nathi: I know
Me: Did Lwethu told her about this?He
Nathi: I don't know, but knowing how Lwethu ishe
won't tell Siba.
Me: Jesus, this is a mess.


Sinazo: Siba, Mr Nathi Makhubalo is here to seeyou.

Sinazo spoke through the intercom as I was
seated behind my desk in my office gettingsome
paperwork done.
Me: Let him in.
This was a first, Nathi had never visited me at
work or at any place before.. I wonder what
brought him here.
Seconds later, there was a faint knock on thedoor.
Me: Come in
The door opened as Nathi stepped inside in jeans
and a hoodie. his kind of work didn't haveany
dressing code but today it looked like he
didn't go.
Nathi: Good morning, boss lady.
I smiled as I stood up to hug him..
Me: Morning Nathi, What a pleasure to have you
around here today.
Nathi: I just came to check how are you doing?This
place is big and beautiful.
Me: Thank you so much, You may take a seat.he
took a seat apposite me..
Me: Anything to drink?
Nathi: I'm fine
he said with a faint smile, he looked so sad and
exhausted like he hasn't slept in days.
Me: Cut the crap Nathi, I know you didn't come
here to check on me. What's going on?
He sighed and rubbed his hands together.. Nathi:
Lwethu is about to do something stupid
and it will get him killed.
The beating pace of my heart escalated a bit..Me:
What are you talking about?
Nathi: Didn't he tell you that the meeting didn'tend
Me: Yes he did, he said the men weren't happy but
they have reached the agreement on how tosolve this
without getting involved in a ring fight.
Nathi looked at me with sadness all over his
Nathi: he lied to you Siba, he's going to fight himin
that ring. he's going to fight to death in there.
My heart sank all the way to my stomach, as Ifelt
tears burning at the back of my eyes..
Me(whispering): What?
This wasn't Happening!
to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


Nathi was so sure what Lwethu didn't tell Siba

about the ring fight because he knew that she was
going to convince him otherwise and not let him do
that. Nathi couldn't sleep last night, he was so
bothered and scared for his brother..Nathi loved his
brother even though at times hewould be annoyed
with him but he had his bestinterests at heart.
so that morning Nathi went to Siba's companyto
talk to her - maybe she might be able to convince
Lwethu not to do this. he was totally
walking into the lion's den he was going to get
killed in there.

I was so scared for my best friend, if Lwethu doesn't

make it she would raise their child alone.she would be
losing her second love. And this time she will give
up on love love for real, because all of her lovers
would be dying. I was at work that morning, but I
couldn't focus on anything. I was worried about Siba
and Lwethu.
I was checking the spa's books when my phonerang
in my purse. I fished it out and answered.
Me: Siba
Siba: Are you busy?
Me: No.. why?
Siba: Please come to my house and hurry I needyour
help with something.
Me: I'm on my way.
I hung up..
I grabbed my purse and car keys then head out.



I was restless the whole day, I tried to work but Iwas

failing dismally. I was worried about Lwethu.. he was
going to walk into a lion's den this evening and I
wasn't Alright with that.
Lwethu is my brother and I loved him like hell,
even though he was annoying at times but he my
sibling. My mother's lastborn and I couldn't let
anything happen to him but he told me straight up in
my face that this was his fight, hecouldn't let me get
involve because he was fighting for his family.
Lwethu was a good fighter, he knew how to usehis
fists and kicks. growing up he was most involved in
a street fight, fighting was always his thing but I
couldn't shake off the worry.
Ludwe was a skull crusher.. he crushed people's
skulls with Gus boots and I couldn't lose my brother
like that so that's why I went toSiba; trying to get her
to talk to Lwethu since hewasn't taking a my calls or
texts. I knew he needed space to think things
through before evening but I needed to talk to him
before evening arrived.

Siba promised to talk to Lwethu, but I wasn't sure if

she was going to get through him because he
looked like he had made up his mind that he was
going to fight Ludwe finish and klaar.. novodo
saying was going to Changehis mind about it.
Lwethu was fucking stubborn at times!


When the clock 9pm in the evening I was already at

the warehouse were the ring was. I ignored Nathi
and Siba's calls the whole day because I knew they
were going to try and change my mind but I had to
do this because we weren't going to have any peace
anymore. Ludwe was going to come after them that's
whyI needed to kill him as soon as possible. The
place was full as all the men and women involved in
the warehouse were here to watch us fight, they
were already chatting and screaming as Ludwe
walked down the stairs going inside the ring. he was
in black jeans andt-shirt with sneakers. he looked at
me across
the crowd and smirked at me then winked.Sick
Nathi came to my side as I was starring at Ludwe
in the ring. he squeezed my shoulder..
Nathi: Come back to us.
Me: You know I can't promise that, but I'll try my
he nodded..
Me: If I don't make it out alive, Look after Siba
and my child for me-
Nathi: Don't say such things Lwethu, Just go.Me:
I just-
tears burned at the back of my eyes as I staredat
Siba's picture on my phone.
The bell achoed all around the room as it indicated
that time was up, I was needed insidethe ring. I gave
Nathi my phone and pulled my t-
shirt over my head and walked down the stairsto the

I stood infront of Ludwe as we stood inside thering

facing each other in the eye.
Ludwe: if I make it out alive, I'm going to fuck
your woman then slit her throat.
My heart sank all the way to my stomach, but Ikept
my stoic expression like his words didn't have any
effect on me.
Ludwe: Any last words?
Me: Rest in hell.
I threw a punch on his face so hard as he
stumbled back.
Ludwe(smiling): Is that you got? You punch likea
I held my fists close to my face ready to givehim
another blow as I walked around him..
he came closer to me and punch me twice onthe
face as I fell down on my ass. The fuckerhad hard
blows, I got to my feet and punchedhim on the
stomach twice as he bent down inpain but I
brought him up with a kick on the chest as he fell
The crowd made noise as he fell down. I walked
towards him and kicked him multiple times in the
gut as he was down. he grabbed my leg as Iwas
about to kick him again and pulled me closer to him
as I fell down on my back - he regained strength and
got ontop of me and punched me several times on
my face.
my face was already bloody now, my left eye was
slowly closing as it swelled up.. I tried to wiggle
my face off him but he was strong ontop of me.
Come on, Don.. You can do this.
I turned him around and he was under me withme
on top of him. I pinned his hands down withmy
knees as I punched him hard on the face.. giving
him all my hard blows. I was so angry, allthe anger I
had inside of me for him came out as I punched
I punched him for being such a pain the ass.
I punched him for trying to make Siba a single
parent and a single woman.
I punched him for trying to make my child grow
without a father.
I punched for making me be scared of dying,
something I was never scared of but since mychild
was involved I was hella scared.

We were both bloody and swollen now as we

didn't stop punching and kicking each other. Iwas
already feeling myself getting weak andweaker.
Ludwe: I told you I was going to kill you!
he threw a hard blow on my temple as I felt myself
falling down on the floor, he came overand stand
over me.. looking down at me with asmile on his
bloody face..
Ludwe: I'm going to crush your skull right, anylast
words you want me to pass over to MissConway?
Me: You won't get rid of me that easily.he
smiled and put his boot on my head.
I was already accepted my death, as I people's
voices and chants sounds faint like they were far
away.. he was about to stumb his feet on hishead
when gun shots went off.

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


I closed my eyes and aimed straight into that man

standing over Lwethu, I didn't care where Ishot him
I just wanted to do it and get over anddone with.
Screams and chants went loud, people went crazy
because they couldn't see who was shot the guy. I
was standing over the roof as I shot down at him. I
had to do anything to help Lwethu with Ziya's help.
It was lucky that Ziya knew where the warehouse
was so we drove here. What was happening here
was sick, who fights to death? this place was full of
sick bastards. Then man's bodyguards went to him
and take him away as Ziya and Nathi ran to thering
to check on Lwethu who was unconsciousand
bloody as hell on the floor. I put the gun behind my
waist then jumped down on the flooras I ran down
the stairs to the ring.
Everything was happening so fast, the andrelinawas
pumping in my blood.
Me(crying): Oh my God baby!
I touched Lwethu's bloody face on the dustyfloor
as he layed down.
Nathi: We need to rush him to the hospital, his
pulse is very faint.
Ziya: Let's try to pick him up.
Nathi: Siba, go and get the car ready.
I was frozen in place as I stared at Lwethu onthe
Nathi: Sibahle! Snap out of it!
I got up from the floor and ran outside to Nathi's car
and started the Engine. they came out the warehouse
minutes later carrying Lwethu, I opened the car back
seat so that theycould put Lwethu inside.

Nathi got in the backseat with his brother asZiya

got in the passenger seat with me. I
started the car as we drove to the hospital.
We arrived at Melomed hospital as we took
Lwethu inside, Doctors and nurses came withthe
stretcher and layed him ontop of it. I was going to
follow them when the doctor stoppedme.
Doc: Miss, You can't go in there. stay here.Me:
Doc: No
That ran away with him as Ziya walked up to meand
hugged me..
Ziya: I'm sorry babes
I broke down on her chest as I cried my heart out. I
was so hurt , I was this close to losing thelove of my
life.. this was going to be my secondtime losing the
person I love, first it was Siya now it was going to
be Lwethu. did I had bad luck or something?
I cried till I struggled to breath, like air wasn't
getting enough on my lungs.
Ziya: Siba, breathe.
Nathi looked up at us and hurried to me.
Nathi: What's wrong?
Ziya: She's having a panic attack. Nathi:
Shit.. Come on Sibahle breathe!I tried but
I was totally failing..
Nathi: breathe Siba, think of the baby please!
Ziya: the baby?
Oh my God my baby, I totally forgotten about
I tried to gasped for air but nothing was happening. I
was becoming dizzy and dizzy now.
Ziya: Sibahle!
Then lights went out on me..



Alot was happening in a short period of time, there

wasn't a chance to gather your thoughts around and
make sense of things. Lwethu wasshort and Siba
was also admitted inside after he panic attack.. alot
was happening really.

I never really asked Nathi what he meant whenhe

said " think of the baby " to Siba. it meant one thing;
that Siba was pregnant but she didn'ttell me. I'm her
best friend for goodness's sakebut I wasn't going to
dwell on that because we had more important things
to worry about like
Lwethu and Siba's wellness.

Nathi had called his mother and Siba's father atthe

hospital, he told them what happened to them and
they were here within an hour. Nathi'smother was the
first one to arrive then Siba's father arrived after. I
haven't seen Mr Conway inmonths now, The old
man was aging like a finewine. you wouldn't say
that he was in his 50s. he was a good looking white
man. Nathi told them what happened and Nathi's
mom was already crying for her son and Daughter in-
law. I
was cooped up with Nathi in one of the benches,he
hugged me tight as he layed his head on tits
I was rubbing his back all this time - trying to be
comforting on him, he was broken by this. waytoo
hurt for his brother and Siba, so was I.


We were still waiting for the doctor's feedback

about both of them. it's been 3 hours since we've
been here but no feedback had been given to us.. I
was slowly but surely running outof patience.

My mother and Siba's father were here, I didn't

know that Siba's father was a white man but his
surname was so telling. he didn't look that old, it's
like he was in his late 40s or something - he was still
fresh. as the cry baby my mother was,she was
already crying and praying for their safety.
After a while, the doctor walked towards us
holding a clip board to his chest.
Doc: Miss Sibahle Conway.
MrCon: She's my daughter. how is she?
Doc: Nothing was critical with her, just panic
attack due to the lot of stress and panic shewas
under. she's fine now and awake but I would
advise for her to stay away from stressors. It's
not good for a woman in her position.
MrCon: Woman in her position? What do you
mean by that?
The doctor smiled..
Doc: Miss Conway is A Month and 2 weeks
Mom&Mr Con: What?
They were so shocked!

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


When I woke up I was laying on the hospital bed,I

didn't know how I ended up here because I couldn't
remember what happened. I rememberwhen I was
struggling to breath like I was having a panic attack
and that was that.

Doc: Welcome back Miss Conway, I'm glad

you're awake.. how are you feeling?
Me: I don't feel pain or anything so I guess I'm
okay.. how's my baby?
Doc: Your baby is growing well and healthy no
complications but I'll suggest that you stay away
from stress. try to eat healthy as possibleand exercise
a little okay? early pregnancy canbe likely to occur
Me: I understand, uhm doc can I ask you
Doc: Sure
Me: My boyfriend was admitted here Last night,
Thandolwethu makhubalo. how is he?
Doc: I'm not on that side but I'll ask around foryou.
Me: Thank you
Doc: You're welcome, do you have a gyna sothat
I could send this prescription to?
Me: I will give you her email.
Doc: That would be helpful, try to rest okay?I
She took her clipboard and walked out closing the
door behind her. I layed back on the pillow as my
hands went to tummy.
I was grateful that my baby was well and healthy
throughout the whole ordeal that happened last
night.. she hanged on with me ina process of saving

Me: hey sweetheart, it's mommy here. I'm sure that

you don't recognize my voice but you can feel my
touch. It's my first time doing this because it's
always dad why spoke to you but today it's momma.
there's nothing much to say Ijust wanted to tell you
that I'm grateful that youstayed with me throughout
what happened lastnight, I just want you to keep
doing so because momma and papa loves you so
much and we can't wait to meet you, we can't wait to
watch you grow up and be an amazing kid to have.
I sighed with tears burning in my eyes..
Me: Now we'll just pray and hope that daddy
makes it out alive and come to be with us
together so we can be a happy family.

I wiped my tears with the back of my head asthey

kept on streaming down.
Dad: Can I come in?
I looked up at his, he was standing by the door..Me:
Yes.. come on in.
he stepped inside with his hands deep in hisjean
pockets. he looked quite young for someone his
age. he took a seat on the chairnext to the bed..
Dad: how are you feeling?I
Me: I'm okay, just worried about Lwethu.
He nodded..
Dad: He's a man he will pull through, why didn'tyou
tell Dad that you're pregnant?
My eyes widen.. how the hell did he know?
Dad: The doctor told us, she thought we knewor
Me: We were just waiting for the right time to tell
you guys, the dinner I invited you in we weregoing
to break the news to everyone.
he sighed..
Me: I know you must be disappointed dad, I'm
sorry. a baby wasn't part of the plan but I fell
he leaned closer to me and held my hands..
Dad: Jasmine. You're 27 years of age, You run a
successful company and you're independent. you
have accomplished everything every parentwant
their child to accomplish and I'm proud of
you. being disappointed in you is the last thing on
my mind right now. I'm just stressed that youmade a
grandpa when I'm this young.
I giggled..
Me: You consider 57 as young? come on Dad!We
Dad: I'm kidding but in honest speaking I'm proud
of the woman you turned to be, I'm surethat your
mom is too. I'm proud to be your father and I'm
happy that in months or years tocome someone is
going to call me Grandpa.
Me: Thank you so much for being such a good
parent to me, both Mama and You raised me well
and you continued in being the best fatherto me
even after mom was gone. I love you somuch dad.
he looked at me as his eyes watered a little, hestood
up and came over to hug me..
Dad: I love you too, sweetheart.
he grabbed the back of my head as he kissedmy

Around 12 midday, the doctor discharged me. I

drove home with Dad and Ziya, I was seated at the
backseat with her as Dad was driving..
Me: Ziya
She looked up from her phone..
Ziya: mh?
Me: I'm sorry for not telling you that I'm pregnant, I
was just waiting for the right time tobreak the news
to everyone.
Ziya: but Nathi knew.I
Me: I guess Lwethu told him.
Ziya: it's that why he's quitting the business
I nodded..
Ziya: I'll forgive you because you know I can't
stay mad at your cute face.
Me: Yeah right!
We dropped Ziya off at Nathi's place as we head to
my house. when we arrived at home, I took a shower
and wore warm clothes then head downstairs to
prepare something for dad and I as he was
freshening up upstairs in one ofthe guest rooms.



I went home alone to freshen up and eat since I

was going to see Lwethu again in the afternoon.Ziya
stayed behind because she was going to leave with
Siba and her father. my mother wenthome since she
was too sad for company, and she was going to see
Lwethu Tomorrow.

When I arrived at home, Ziya hadn't arrived yetso I

took a shower then went back to the kitchen to
prepare myself something to eat.
I sat down on the bar stool as I ate and also
getting lost in my thoughts.
I almost lost Lwethu last night, I was still shaken
by that thought.. Lwethu is the only brother I had,
I loved him even though he was
annoying times but he was the only sibling I had.If it
wasn't for Siba and Ziya for thinking fast wewould
talking something else now. I'll never forever
grateful for what they did, I was ashamed to admit
that I was wrong about Siba.
so fucking wrong about her.

Ziya: baby?
I snapped out of my thoughts at the sound ofher
Ziya: Are you okay?I
Ziya: such a stupid question to ask.. come here.
She opened her thick arms for a hug as she walked
towards me. I scooted closer to her aswe hugged
each other tight.
Ziya: I'll always be here for you okay? I love you.
Me: I love you too, baby.


After the nap we took, we woke up around 5pmin

the evening and freshened up. we had something to
eat then we went to fetch Siba ather house. we
parked outside the gate as I called her to come out.
She came out wearing black leggings with a white
baggy shirt and sneakers. she had a blackleather bag
in her hands.. she got inside the car,her perfume
immediately lingered all over the car..
Siba: Molweni.
Me: hi babes
Nathi: Sibahle.
Me: What's in the bag?
Siba: Lwethu's clothes and toiletries, pyjamasand
his favourite meals.
Me: Yazi that motherfucker is so lucky to haveyou,
I hope he appreciates that.
Nathi: he's damn lucky.
Siba smiled..
Siba: Let's go guys.
Shame man, she was so eager..

We arrived at hospital then we head inside, Nathi

talked to her receptionist then she calledLwethu's
doctor. we sat on the benches as wewait for the
doctor who arrived minutes later with the clipboard
on her chest..
Doc: Ladies and gentleman.we
greeted back..
Doc: I'm doctor Mzinga, can we go and talk tomy
Nathi: Sure, after you.
we all head to the doctors office and took seats.
Doc: Mr Makhubalo's case is still bit tricky, the man
has many broke bones and ribcages. Alsohis jaw.
his body succumbed to lot of pain. his condition is
very critical and he needs to be watched 24/7
because he gets seizure every now and then but
we'll try to figure out on how to help in.
Siba: is he going to be alright?
her voice was so down, laced with pain.
Doc: I can't promise anything Miss but we'll allthe
best we could to help him but I suggest youguys to
prepare yourselves for anything..
Siba(teary): oh my God!

This was bad, very bad..

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


We were seated on the benches outside Lwethu's

ward, waiting for Siba to come out so that we can go
inside too. after the doctor's feedback Sibahle asked
to see him; she was barely okay.. so we were. I
couldn't believe that the situation was this bad, but
what am I saying?these people fought for like an hour
if not two. I was worried and sad at the same time,
hoping and praying that Lwethu makes it out there
- Siba and his unborn kid needed him and hehad
to come back.
Mom got inside and came straight to us and greeted.
sadness written all over her face. Shetook a seat next to
Mom: How's Lwethu? did doctors said anything?
I sighed before saying anything because I knewthat
she won't take these well. I told her what the doc
said, I told her word to word as his words repeat in
my mind like a broken record..
Mom(teary): Umntanam, Siphenathi!
Ziya scotted closer to her and side-hugged heras a
comforting gesture..
Me: Lwethu is a fighter, Mama. he will be fine.
I barely believed those words as they came outof my
mouth.. my brothers situation was criticaland we
hope for his wellness.
Mom: We have to pray.
She extended her hands to Ziya and I so that wecould
hold hands and pray.
Mom: Mighty God..

Minutes later, Siba came out looking so distraughted

and her eyes were blood-shed red.looked like she was
even crying inside that ward
- Lwethu had to wake up this was not on.
Mom: Molo sisi.
She greeted Siba who didn't even notice Momhere.
she looked up at Mom with her eyes widen.. she
cleared her throat..
Siba: Molo Mama , unjani? ( hello Ma, how are
Mom: ndiyaphila sisi, unjani wena? (I'm good
thanks, how are you?)
Mom opened her arms to hug Siba, her eyes
softened at my mother's gesture. they hugged.
Siba: I'm getting there.
Mom rubbed her back..
Mom: You're more beautiful than how Lwethu
discribed you, it's nice to meet you my love.
Siba smiled for the first time since we arrived
Siba: Thank you, it's nice to meet you too.
Lwethu speaks highly of you.
Mom: He does?
Siba nodded..
Siba: he loves you.
Ma: I can't even be happy enough that I'm goingto be
a Grandma, thank you so much kids.

When Mother was done talking to Lwethu I went

in after her. he was laying on the hospitalbed, pipes
and drips connected to him as he layed there
shirtless. he wasn't the Lwethu I know, The Don.
his face was pale.. he was Thandolwethu who was
fighting for his life.
I walked towards the bed and sat down on the chair
next to the bed. seeing him like this brought tears to
my eyes, it hurt so much to seehim in this kind of
position. I held his cold handand kissed it.
Me: bawo..
I swallowed the lump that was forming on my
throat as I continued to speak to him..
Me: It's not nice to see you in this position, it hurt so
much that there was nothing for me to do so that I
can help you at that time. You said it was your fight
and you didn't need me to fight your battles. And
right now we need you to fight,fight for survival. you
need wake up. not for us but for your first kid. do
you want him or her to grow up without you? don't
you want to see heror him takes their first step? first
day at school?
first crush? Come on dude. I miss you, we all's
not the same without you.. I used to hate it when you
annoyed me but right now I'll give
whatever it takes for you to annoy me again.(sighs)
please wake up mninawa, pleasefight to come back
to us yandiva?

I expected something, even a hand squeeze tolet me

know that he heard me but nothing happened. I
sighed before kissing his hand onemore time then
stood up and walked out the ward.



It was so hard for me to watch Lwethu in that state,

it broke my heart into million pieces.. I hated
Ludwe with everything in me. I wished that he died,
Lwethu's situation was critical. the
doctor told us to be prepared for anything.. thatpart
only shattered my heart; I couldn't imagine the pain
of losing Lwethu. My second chance atlove, was I
had bad luck or something that almost every guy I
fell inlove with will die?
Thandolwethu had to fight, we had a child on the
way that would need his or her both parents.Lwethu
has to wake up so that he could see hischild grow up
in front of his eyes. I was prayingand asking God not
to give up on him. he had tocome back to us so that
we could be a family again.
His mother is a wonderful soul, but so saddened by
what was happening with her last born. She was kind
woman that I got along withat first glance.. Lwethu
was right that his mother was going to like me -
made me wish that he was amoungst us, celebrating
our pregnancy together.
When I arrived at my house, Dad was cooking inthe
kitchen. I didn't have any appetite to eat buthis food
smelled so delicious. he was going to stay with me
for a week just to look after me! I told him that I
don't need a babysitter but he wouldn't budge.
Me: hi Dad.
I threw myself on the couch as I took off my
Dad: hey sweetheart, how is he?
he came over to the lounge and took a seatnext
to me..
I felt tears burning in my eyes as I faced down..Me:
it's bad, daddy.
Dad: Oh, my baby.
he wrapped his arms around me..
Me(crying): The doctor said his situation is
critical, we should expect anything.. what does
that mean dad? is he going to die?
Dad: I'm sorry, sweetheart

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.



I hadn't been to work for a week now and I knewfor

sure that work had piled up. Alot of paperwork to do
when I come back.. I had beenvisiting Lwethu at the
hospital almost everydaybecause I wanted to be the
first person he saw
when he wakes up. the doctors had been keeping an
close eye to him, monitoring him every hour so that
his situation doesn't becomemore complicated than
it already was.
It was a cold morning when Ziya came to seeme,
I was getting ready to leave for hospital since I
had an appointment with my gyna. I wished that
Lwethu was there, taking me on these
appointments and see his child grow inside me
but he was laying on that hospital bed fighting for
his life.
Dad left the day before yesterday because
apparently he had ' things ' to solve. good riddance,
don't get me wrong I love my dad andI enjoy his
company but at times I need my space and he wasn't
giving me any of that. Ziyastepped inside my living
room wearing a thick black coat that covered her
from the cold weather that was brewing outside.
Ziya: hey babes
Me: hi love, how are you doing?
She moved over to me and we hugged..
Ziya: I'm doing good, how are you and the baby?
Me: I'm okay and also baby coming is good. I'mon
my way to the gynaecologist now for an
Ziya looked at me with pity written all over her
face, she knew much I wished that Lwethu wasthere
with me.. holding my hand through it all..
Ziya: I'm sorry
Me: Can we not talk about it? If you don't mind.
As an understanding person she was, she didn'tpester
Ziya: Of course, let's go I'm coming with you.
Me: really?
Ziya: Yes, Come on.
Me: Okay
I grabbed my purse and inserted my phone inside
as we walked out the door. I locked thedoor
behind us then we head to her car..

We arrived at Dr Nzingo's practice as we head

inside. the receptionist led us to her office aswe
found her seated behind her desk.
Doc: Ladies, Good morning.
Me: Morning doc
Ziya: Morning
We took our seats..
Doc: Its your appointment today right?Me:
She nodded, I handed over my card as she examined
it for few seconds then told me to layon the bed and
lift my top up.
Doc: This is going to be a little cold okay?I
She squinched a cold gel on my tummy then rana
vibrating device all over my stomach..
A loud studding sound dragged me out of my
thoughts.. it was my baby heartbeat!
Doc: Would you look at that!
The heartbeat was so strong, the sound only brought
tears to my eyes.. I looked over at Ziyawho was
starring at the screen with a smile onher face..
Doc: Would you like to know the gender?
Me: No.. I want it to be a surprise.
Doc: There's your baby, he or she is healthy and
developing well.
I looked over at the screen where she pointed, I
couldn't see anything clear but I was just happy that
baby coming was healthy and growing..
Me: Can you by any chance you make scans forme?
Doc: Of course.
She wiped the gel off my tummy then I fixed mytop
and wore my jacket. Dr Nzingo wrote something in
my card then walked out the office..
Ziya: That heartbeat is hella strong, baby
coming is already a happy child.
I smiled..
Me: I know right?
Ziya: I still can't believe that in few months
you're going to be a mother.
Me: better believe it ke nono.
We laughed..
Nzingo came back and gave me the scans andalso
prescripted some pills for me so that I could but
them at the chemist before we head
to my Company to check on how things are


Around 6 in the afternoon it was visiting hoursat the

hospital so I drove there to see Lwethu. Iwas still
excited about hearing my baby's heartbeat, I wished
Lwethu was awake so that Icould tell him all about
I arrived at Melomed hospital and parked my car as I
head to the reception. I was about to talk to the lady
receptionist when I bumped intosomeone as their
coffee and muffins fell down..
Me: Oh my God, I'm so sorry!
I said trying to pick them up.. but she stoppedme..
Lady: It's okay, don't worry about these things.
The lady had a sweet and Amazing voice, I looked
up at her as I was met with a familiar face but I
couldn't remember where I saw her..
Lady: Sibahle Conway?
Me: sorry do I know you?
She giggled, she was so beautiful and heavily
Lady: I can you don't remember me, I'm
Liyahluma Same but now known as Hlobanisa.
Oh shoot, She was that lady I met at Durban
when I went on a vacation with Siya.
Me: Oh my word, I couldn't recognize you!
Hloba: I figured, You're more beautiful than Ilast
saw you, Are you pregnant?
Me: how did you know?
Hloba: Ndiyayazi lo khom - khom kaloku sisi, nam
I thought I was glowing kanti sekunjalo. ( Iknow
that glow)
We laughed..
Me: Sudika, Yes I'm pregnant. 2 months.
Hloba: Oh wow, You still have a long way to go
vha? I'm already fed up mna.
Me: First pregnancy?
Hloba: it's my second child, my first born is here.she
isn't feeling well.
Me: Oh, Girl I would love to sit and chat but I
gotta to neh. I'm sorry about your coffee.
Hloba: Don't worry about it, take my number sothat
we could meet when you're free.
Me: Okay
She handed me her card as we bid good-byesthen I
walked to Lwethu's ward..

When I reached his ward, it was a chaos.. therewere so

much doctors in his ward busy with
him as machines were peeping non-stop.Doctor:
Hurry up! We're loosing him!
No.. No.. No, what was happening!



I was in a place that looked like a forest, but a with a

beautiful lake and flowers.. the peace in that place
was so overwhelming and welcoming.I didn't know
how I ended up here, because I remember myself
fighting with Ludwe in that ring.
Was I dead?
Where was Siba?
The place was so quiet with birds chirping all
around the bushes.. I looked around, trying to
locate a person here.
Me: hello? anybody here?
My deep voice echoed all around the place..Me:
Voice: You're making noise, Young Man.
A voice came behind me, it was little loud and
sweet.. I turned around as I saw this beautifulwhite
woman seated on the grass whilst knotting what
looked like a blanket..
Me: Who are you and what am I doing here?
She was a brunette with blond long hair, green
almond shaped eyes and perky nose.. she looked
like she was in her early 50s.
Woman: Take a seat.
I obeyed and took a seat next to her, her aurawas
so calm and demanding respect..
Woman: I'm Marriana Conway, Jasmine's
I frowned, Siba told me that her mother passedaway
when she 15 but now I'm seeing her.. ohshit, am I
She chuckled..
Woman: No.. You're not dead yet, I borrowed you
from the outside world so that I can talk toyou.
Me: Talk to me about what?
Woman: You being here caused so much painfor
those who loves you, they're crying for youto wake
up. specially my daughter. You don'tbelong here,
You belong with Jasmine and Avery.
Me: Who's Avery?
She smiled..
Woman: My granddaughter, I see you love my
daughter so much and she loves you too. soain't
you fighting to go back to her?
Me: I'm fighting
Woman: Not hard enough, You don't belong here.
there's so much for you to live for. your family
needs you more than anything. You haveto go back
to them as soon as possible!
Me: How do I do that?
Woman: Fight! tell Jasmine and Avery that I love
them so much. And I give you my blessings to marry
my daughter.
Me: I'm not-
Woman: to the love of my life, Robert Conway. tell
him I love him so much and tell him to forgive
himself that he couldn't help me, it wasbeyond his
help and he should give that womana chance.. it's his
second chance on love.
Me: I don't-
Woman: Go well and send my love to my child.
She blew something on my eyes as it was lightsoff
for me..

" Hurry up! we're losing him! "

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


When Siba called me saying that Lwethu woke up I

couldn't believe it, I was shocked and happyat the
same time it was about time for him to wake up so
that he could be with his family. It
was around 9pm in the evening when Siba called,
Ziya and I were already in bed but when we heard
the news we woke up and drove to mymother's place
to fetch her. she was crying andpraying all the way
to the hospital, thanking Godfor bringing Lwethu
back to us.
We arrived at the hospital as we parked the carand
head inside, Siba was seated in one of thebenches
tapping on her phone. she looked up as she heard us
Siba: Molweni
She hugged us all as we sat down again..
Mom: How is he?
Siba: he has woken up but still heavily sedated,but
in a hour or few minutes he might wake up.
Mom: Thank God!
Ziya: how long have you been here?
Siba: it's been 3 hours now.
Ziya: have you eaten?
She nodded..
Siba: Yes, I can't starve my baby like that.
My mind had been occupied with Lwethu's
situation I hadn't been paying attention to myniece
of nephew..
Me: How is the baby?
Siba: the baby is growing well and healthy.
Ziya: we went to do ultrasound today, the babyhas
a strong heartbeat.
My mother smiled as she rubbed Siba's hand.
Mom: That's wonderful, she's a real Makhubalothat
Siba giggled..

Minutes later, The doc called us inside. My mother

and I went first, leaving Ziya and Sibahle
seated on the benches..



Nathi and his mother went inside Lwethu's wardas

Siba and I remained behind. she was so
overwhelmed by the news because she was quiet and
looked like she was deep in thoughts.I was glad that
Lwethu woke up, because Siba wasn't going to be
alright if he didn't make it. she was totally going to
go crazy because it would be the second time she
loses somethingshe loved. Firstly it was Siyabulela
now it was going to be Lwethu? my friend was
going to lose it.
Siba: I thought I lost him, like how I lost Siya.
Me: but you didn't.
Siba: When I arrived here earlier, 5 doctors wereon
his ward. working on him.. it was the most terrifying
scene I've ever watched, the doctors were running
around shouting " We're losing him " , I couldn't
imagine my life without Lwethu.but now he's awake,
back to us as his family.
Ziya: And that's good right?
I couldn't imagine how traumatic it was for her to
hear the doctors shouting " We're losing him "while
you're waiting for him to come back, Sibawas a
strong woman.


It was hours later since they shouted we're losing
him, I was totally terrified no lies. I couldn't imagine
the pain of losing Lwethu, he was the love of my life
and the father of my kid -I couldn't imagine my life
without him, it was totally going to be bizarre..
his mother and Nathi were so happy to hear that he
was awake, I wanted to give them spacewith Lwethu
before I went inside because I knew if I went with
them he was totally going toignore them and focus
on me.

Minutes later, Nathi and his mother got out theward

as I stood up on my chair going to the ward. my
knees were weak as I walked like I was going to
When I stepped on his ward, I stopped by the
door as I watched him. he was laying on the bed
facing up.. he looked like he was deep in thoughts.
he lost weight and his face was a little pale, he
wasn't the Lwethu I know. tears burned in my eyes
as I looked at him, I couldn't believe I was starring at
him, I almost lost him.

Me: baby
his head snapped to my direction, he stared atme
for a minute as his own eyes filled with tears. It
was like he was feeling exactly what Iwas feeling..
Lwethu: Sweetheart, Come here.
his voice was deep and raspy as he blinked his
I couldn't believe that I was finally going to hug
Lwethu: Come here, baby.
to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


I wiped the tears streaming down my face as I

walked towards the bed, he sat up straight and
extended his arm to pull me to him making me fall
on the bed.
Lwethu: You're walking to slow.
He wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped
mine around his neck as we hugged. Itwas an
emotional and intimate moment for both of us, we
were overwhelmed by emotions.
Lwethu: I'm sorry, baby.
Me: Sssh.. don't say anything.
we pulled out the hug as he scooted over making
space for me to sit. I lay next to him with my head
on his chest as I listened to his heartbeat - beating
fast against my ear.. I thanked God all the way for
giving me a chanceto hug him one more time, to lay
with him like this and chat with him like we used to.
the littlethings that we take for granted are the ones
youmiss the most when your significant other is no
longer there.
Lwethu: baby?Me:
Lwethu: ndicela uxolo, I'm so sorry for causingyou
so much pain and heartache. the stress I know
exactly that you don't need. I know what Idid was
taking a risk that was going to end mylife but I
couldn't sit still and watch Ludwe
terrorise me. I'll rather die than to let anything
happen to you and our baby.
Me: You're not God you know just right? You can't
stop certain things from happening. if something
were meant to happen it will happenwhether you're
there to protect me or not. Yes, Iappreciate the
security you're providing for us and I love you for
that but at times you should let things be.
He sighed..
Lwethu: I couldn't tell Ludwe what made me quit
because he was going to go after me, telling him
wasn't the best situation so I had nochoice but to do
what I had to do for you. I know that Ludwe isn't
dead yet, he's out there waiting for us to put our
guards down so that hecan attack but I can't let that
happen. I'll be waiting for him and this time I will
make sure that I kill him.
Me: I know
He put his large hand on my stomach as he gave me
gentle rubs all around my little swollentummy.
Lwethu: how's my baby?
Me: She's good, we went to a doctor's
appointment today. And the heartbeat! she's
surely going to be a happy child.
he closed his eyes for few seconds before he
opened them again.
Lwethu: I wish I was there for you and Avery.
Me: Avery? Is that name you got for her?
He shook his head..
Lwethu: No.. Your mother did.
My fingers stilled at Lwethu's chest as I was about
to touch him, I stared at him as his wordsslowly sunk
Me: My mother?
I asked him as I felt my eyes slightly watered in
tears. My mother hadn't visited me by the dream in
he nodded..
Me: how was she like?
Lwethu: beautiful, gracefully aged with beautiful
eyes. she introduced herself as Marriana Conway.
It was truly her..
Me: Did she said anything else?
Lwethu: Yes.. many things that I won't repeat but
she name our daughter, gave me blessings to marry
you then said your father should give some lady a
chance, saying it's his second chance in love and he
should forgive himself fornot saving her it was
beyond him.
I giggled..
Me: Oh my God, everything you say sounds like my
mom. so my dad is seeing someone?
Lwethu: I guess.
I was glad to know that my mom was watching over
us and she approved my relationship withLwethu.
Me: I love you, baby.
He gave me a soft kiss on the mouth..
Lwethu: I love you too, sweetheart.

We stayed with Lwethu until we had to go home,

visiting hours were over.. I was sad to leave himthere
but he had to rest and so I was.
When I arrived at home, I took a shower, had
something to eat then got Undercovers and called
my dad. I told him everything that Lwethutold me
about Mom, didn't he cried? Yes he did.It Looked
like Mom hadn't visited him in a while.
After talking with my dad, I took some files that
Sinazo sent me and got to work.. I wasn't even
sleepy so I managed to get some of the work done.


The next morning I woke up, and got ready for

work. things were little bit tense at my companyso I
had to be there. I dressed up and ate breakfast then
drove to Conway vineyards.
Arriving there I parked my car on the underground
parking lot and head inside, Sinazowas talking over
the phone so I waited for her tofinish.
Sinazo: Good morning.
Me: Morning Sinazo, I'm back to work so let'sget
Sinazo: Yes, boss lady.



I was grateful to be alive, being able to see Sibaand

bond with my baby again. Dying wasn't partof the
plan, causing Siba was mostly not part ofthe plan.
my death would've hurt her more than anything and I
couldn't put her through that after she lost that
fucker Siyabulela Ziqubu. It was totally going to
destroy her. I hated seeingmy girl cry, I might be
into kinky shit but seeingmy girl cry wasn't part of

I almost made my little unborn Avery fatherless,she

was going to grow up without a father. my
dad might have passed away while I was at the
reasonable age but I still need him.
The following morning, I woke up and slowly made
my way to the bathroom to wash my face,brush my
teeth and try to bath. It was so hard as hell, and I
didn't want anyone to bath me so I had no choice but
suck it up and take the pain as the man I was then
got done. my body wasn't really healed, I was still
living in painkillers to go through pain.

I made my way back to the bed and sat up straight

while looking out the window. breakfastwas served,
drank pills then relaxed.. I was already missing Siba
but I had no phone to call her.

Around 10, Nathi came over to see me. he had

flowers with him.
Me: Really dude, flowers?
Nathi: They're not from me, Siba sent them. Me:
Why flowers? She knows I hate flowers.
Nathi: hay andiyazi bawo, I'm just a
are you feeling?
Me: I'm still in pain but I'll be fine.
I took the flowers from him, as I was about to put
them aside. something inside caught my attention, I
took it out.. it was the baby scan. It was written "
our bundle of joy " at the back. I couldn't see
anything clear but I was happy thatmy baby was
Tears blurred my vision as I stared at the scan. Ilived
for this.. to be Avery's dad.

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


Being in hospital sucked, laying in bed wholeday

till night was no longer doing it for me.
Watching TV and sitting in one wasn't my style but I
had nothing to do even I was bored as hell.I couldn't
wait to be discharged so that I could get the hell out
of there. Nathi left an hour ago since there was a
merchandise coming in he had to sort it out.. even
Mom came to see me, we chatted for few minutes
before she also left.
Siba hadn't called me the whole day, I assumedthat
she was busy since Nathi told me that shewent to
work today. I wasn't totally comfortablewith her
going alone to work while Ludwe was looming in
the streets, her safety was a priority
to me - I reached out my phone from the pedestal
and turned it on; I had many missedcalls from my
P.A and some work emails I ignored them all as I
dialled Jake's number.

Jake: Don, what's up?

Me: hey man, can you do me a favour?
Jake: I'm listening.
Me: Can you send some security to my womanat
Conway vineryards? I want to watch her butbe
discreet so that she doesn't suspect anything.
Jake: should they follow her everywhere she
Me: Yes
Jake: Consider that done.
Me: Sharp.
I hung up..

Around 1pm, Lunch was served. I ate and drankmy

pills. the doctor came to do his thing as I was busy
replying to emails in my phone.
Doc: Mr Makhubalo, You're doing very good with
your healing process, if you keep up like this you'll
be out of here in no time.
Me: I'm glad to hear that, Doc.
Doc: tomorrow I'll some test to check if thereisn't
any complications that resurface in thefuture
before I let you go.
I nodded..
Doc: do get some rest okay?
Me: Will do.
She took her things and head out. I was happy
to know that few days or weeks I'll be out of
here. this place wasn't not doing it for me

Siba: Can I come in?

She was standing by the door holding a leatherbag
with a takeaway package from my restaurant. I
automatically smiled when I saw her, I had been
missing her the whole day.
Me: Yes, Get in.
She stepped Inside wearing so formal, she had the
elegance of a queen, confidence ozzed withevery
step she took.. she was a badass.
She put the things down and cupped my face inher
small hands as she gave me a soft kiss on the mouth
that was filled with so much love andlonging.
Me: hi, sweetheart. You look gorgeous.
She smiled..
Siba: hi baby, thank you. how have you been?Me:
Good, but I missed you.
Siba: I missed you too, I bought you some change
of clothes, boxers and some pyjamas.Your
toiletries are still okay?
I nodded..
Me: Thank you baby.
She took off her heels as she got ontop of thebed
and layed besides me.
Me: How was your day?
She sighed..
Siba: it was fine, just lot of work.
Me: it's because of the days you've been absent?She
Siba: Yeah, and now the work has pilled up.
Me: You'll patch up eventually. The doctor said I'm
doing fine in healing process and I might beout of
here in no time.
Siba: That's fantastic news baby, When you're out
of here you're moving in with me so that I could
take care of you.
Me: No thanks, I'll pass.
Siba: I don't remember asking you, I was tellingyou.
Me: Mxm.
She gave me a soft peck on the lips..
Siba: I love you.
Me: I hate you kemnake.
Siba: don't worry, I'll love both of us in your
I chuckled and hit her forehead playfully..
Me: You're annoying.
Siba: I know
My hand went to her stomach and raised her
blouse a little so that I could rub her belly.
Me: how's my baby?
Siba: She's fine.
Me: I can't thank you enough for this.
Siba: If it wasn't for you, this wouldn't have
Me: You're right.



after seeing Lwethu from the hospital, I drove

straight to the warehouse.. I needed Jake and his
tracking computer skills to track where
Ludwe might be. we can't be really relaxed
Knowing that the dude was alive and he was our
there. I was seated behind the desk in the office that
used to Lwethu with a glass of scotch in my hand. a
faint knock came from thedoor.
Me: It's Open
Jake stepped inside with his hands in his
Jake: You called for me?
Me: Yes.. take a seat.
He sat down, I poured a glass of scotch for himthen
gave to him.
Me: I need your help with something.
Jake: okay?
Me: I'll need your computer skills on this, I wantyou
to track Ludwe dandala's whereabouts forme. I'll
pay you.
Jake: Where do you need this information?Me:
in a week.
Jake: Okay.

SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.




Lwethu was getting discharged today, it's beena

while since he had been at that hospital andhe was
getting tired of being there.. but I mean
who wouldn't? not all people likes hospitals anyway.
Yesterday I'd asked Nathi to go and fetch Lwethu's
clothes at his place since he was going to stay with
me at my house until hefeels better. I want to take
care of him because i was certainly sure that he was
going to do thesame to me if I was in his situation.
I'm going tofetch him around 12 midday, so I woke
up and clean the house, changed the bedding and
otherthings then cooked. I knew Lwethu wouldn't
mind any of this but I wanted to make it for him,so
he could be comfortable.
I was excited to have him around because I missed
him, I missed sleeping next to him in cold days.
When I was done cooking, I went to take a shower.
I got dressed and tied my hair then grabbed my car
keys.. I head downstairs and took some youghurt to
eat on the way thenI head out.
Arriving to the hospital, I parked the car and
head inside. Nathi and his mother were there
standing outside his ward.
Me: Molweni, where's he?
Ma: hi sisi, he's getting ready inside.
Me: Okay.
I got inside the ward and closed the door behindme.
Lwethu: I said I don't want anyone in the room!
He yelled from the bathroom..
Me: It's me
I walked to the bathroom and stepped inside..
Lwethu: What are you doing here?
Me: What kind of a question is that? Have you
forgotten that you're being discharged today.
He scoffed..
Lwethu: I'm not talking about that, I mean whatare
you doing in the bathroom? Can't you see I'm busy.
Me: hehake Thandolwethu, we used to shower
together nje. yinton ngoku? (What's up)
I could see that he was struggling to bath himself,
was he ashamed of that? He was suchan handsome
I walked over to him and grabbed the face clothand
rubbed the bar soup on it then washed his upper
Me: Why didn't you tell me that you're strugglingto
bath yourself?
He didn't say anything, just staring at me..Me:
I'm talking to you, Lwethu Makhubalo.
He sighed and ran his hand over his uncombedhair..
Lwethu: I just.. I didn't want you to see me like
that, I hate not being able to do things for
Me: What are partners for? huh? I'm here for that
mos, to take care of you when you can't sothat you
can do the same to me. You're not weak
Thandolwethu.. You just injured. this toxic
masculinity is getting into your head and making
you look stupid.
Lwethu: You made your point Sibahle.
Me: sungafunu lungiswa Lwethu. (You don'twant to
be corrected)
Lwethu: I'm sorry ke.
I finished bathing him and dried him, I helped him
lotioning his lower body as he lotioned hisupper
body. I helped him wear his clothes andshoes then
we were done.
Me: Was that hard?
Lwethu: Khayeke Joe.
I raised my brow at how he called me..Me:
ndingu Joe?
He laughed..
Lwethu: I'm joking, baby. why are you uptight
Me: Mxm.
We packed all of his things and put them in hisbag,
then we head to his mother and Nathi outside the
door. Lwethu hugged his mother and Nathi then we
head to the reception to signhis discharging forms
and also took his prescription for medication.

We arrived at my house, Ziya and my dad's car

were already parked on the driveway. I parked
behind them then we all head out..
I opened the door as we stepped inside.
Ziya: Welcome home, Don.
Lwethu: hey Ziya.
He sat down on the chair as I head upstairs toput
his things on the bedroom. I took his sleepers then
head back downstairs..



It was so good to be out of that hospital, I was even

planning on escaping if that doctor wasn'tplanning
on letting me go.. I was starting to think that she
had a crush on me or she loved having me around I
wouldn't know either way itwas so good to be home
with my family.

We were all seated around the table, as food was

placed on the table. however cooked here
went all out to welcome me. I was sure it was Siba.
she was upstairs when a tall white man appeared
from the kitchen wearing an apron. hewas Siba's dad
but he looked young.. he was surely aging well.
Man: Good day everyone.
He placed a bottle of wine in the table and
stared at me.
Me: Mr Conway.
I forced myself to stand up to shake his hand. he
stared at my hand taking his time in shakingit while
he stared at me. if it was another man I wouldn't
have done this, but this was my futurefather in-law
so he deserved some little respect and patience from
me. he finally shook my headwith a firm grib.
Man: You must be Jasmine's boyfriend.his
voice was deep like mine..
Me: I'm not her boyfriend, I'm her man. nice to
meet you Mr Conway.
the side of his mouth rose into a little smile..
Man: Good answer.
he let go of my hand and sat down..
Siba came down the stairs with my sleepers onher
hands. she crotched down to take off my shoes and
let me wore the sleepers..
Me: You didn't have to do that, baby.
Siba: I want to.
Ma: Let her be, son.
She smiled at me.. she was happy that I found
someone like Siba. she was a rare gem.

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


The welcoming dinner for Lwethu last night went

well, my dad go along very well with Lwethu..
everyone got along with everyone itwas nice. We
talked about lot of things; Morespecifically about
my pregnancy and baby names. Nathi, Ziya and
Lwethu's mother wenthome around 11pm in the
middle of the night,my dad slept over at my
The next morning I woke up and prepared
breakfast for us and put dad's on the warmer then
took mine and Lwethu's back upstairs. hewas in the
bathroom when I stepped inside thebedroom.
Me: Baby?
Lwethu: Coming
I placed the tray on the night stand and made the
bed, he came out the bathroom limping andcame
over to give me a kiss on the mouth.
Lwethu: Good morning, sweetheart.
He bend down a little to kiss my belly and
brushed his cold hand over the fabric of my
Me: Morning, baby.
he sat down on the couch and took his plate. Lwethu:
This looks delicious, thank you baby
He took a bite on his phone as he was typing onhis
I also down and ate my food. After eating i drank
my vitamins and some pills to help withthe puking
as Lwethu also took his pills.
Me: Let's go and shower.
he stood up as I held his hand..
Lwethu: I'm not a child, Siba.
Me: Did you hear me say that? because I wasjust
helping you.
He sighed, having no come back on that
because he knew it was going to be an
I took off his t-shirt and his briefs then took offmy
own clothes and got inside the shower.

When we head downstairs, Dad was already awake

seated on the couch with a beer on handwatching a
soccer match on the tv.
Me: Morning Dad.
I kissed his cheek..
Dad: Morning sweetie.. morning Lwethu. Lwethu
greeted back and went to take a seat on
the living room.
Me: Are you guys going to be okay alone?
Dad gave me a bored look..
Dad: how old are we? 10?
Lwethu chuckled..
Lwethu: We're going to be okay, baby. come
give me a kiss.
I went over to him and kissed him before I
grabbed my things and bid them goodbyes. Igot
inside my car and drove to my workplace.

I was seated behind my desk signing some

paperwork when Sinazo spoke through the
Sinazo: Boss lady, Ziyanda is here to see you.
I glanced at my watch in the wrist it was already1pm
at lunchtime I didn't realize.
Me: Let her in.
I was so focused on work I almost forgotten about
lunch. minutes later, the door opened as Ziyanda
stepped Inside looking so beautiful in her sundress
and sandles. she looked so casualfor a work day. she
had two takeaways packages in her hands.
Ziya: best friend.
Me: hey love
I stood up and walked over my desk to hug her.Me:
You look good.. let's sit over there.
Ziya: Thanks, You look good too. I bought us
Me: You're such a sweetheart, I didn't even
notice that it was lunchtime.
Ziya: You work too much, how are you doing?
Me: I'm good actually, You?
Ziya: I'm fine, my business is booming I'm
Me: As you should, You worked so hard to
accomplish all that.
Ziya: Yeah.. there's something I wanted to talkto
you about..
Me: I'm listening..



I was at the warehouse trying to get some workdone,

since Don wasn't there anymore the work was alot
than when we used to work together..
splitting the jobs in half but now I was all aloneand
I had make this right.
I was with Jake in my office as he was trying tohack
where Ludwe might be but with no luck. the bastard
really went hide and made sure thatnobody finds him
but that won't be for long. we can't just sit still and
wait for him to strike; we had to hit him at his own
Jake: I can't hack his gadgets because they'reall
off, I tried to find his old address or something
that might link me to him but nothing.. whoever
he used to hide his identifywas a fucking genius.
Me: Are you telling me that you can't find him?
Jake: Unfortunately
I sighed and rubbed my temple.
Jake: but I won't give up, I will keep on trying
maybe there might be a loophole you know.
Me: Fuck Jake:
I'm sorryThis
was bad.



Being with Siba's dad the whole day wasn't so bad.

he wasn't a man of many words so we didn't have to
talk all the time either than watching the game
together.. having commentsabout it here and there.
Siba sent a text to ask if we were still okay. she
really treated us like kids.

MrCon: so you dreamt about my wife?

Me: Yes
He sighed with his eyes closed..
MrCon: How was she?
Me: She was alright, beautiful. I'm sure you
must be missing her.
MrCon: so much, everyday.. it took me so much time
to learn to live without her, let alone finding other
women attractive..
I couldn't imagine how I'd feel if I would lose
Me: according from what she said, she wants you
to move on and be happy. You still have somuch to
live for, and she wants you to give thiswoman
you're involved with a chance; it mightbe your
second chance at love.
MrCon: the idea of falling inlove with another
woman makes me feel like I'm betraying
Marriana. like I'm trying to erase her or
Me: No, You're not. she's giving you a chance tobe
happy again; grab it with both hands and appreciate
it. that's what she wants for you. To be happy.

to be continued..

A little something for insomniacs like me.

SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


Being at home 24/7 and being taken care of

wasn't of my favourite things. I liked to do
things for myself without bothering anyone, or
something like that.. I knew that Siba liked to take
care of me; doing things for me but I wasn't really
that comfortable with it but sinceshe does it with
love I let her be.
Yesterday, her father left around 6pm in the
afternoon. We spend the whole day together until
he had to leave. It was nice to have him around,
having someone to talk to while Siba was at work..
he told me hilarious stories aboutSibahle when she
was young.

We were laying in bed when Siba jolted off the bed

and ran to the bathroom.. morning sicknessI guess. I
slowly got off the bed and took the bottle of water
from the night stand then walked to the bathroom.
My body was slowly but surely healing, I was able
to move around without help and walk a distance.
when I stepped inside the bathroom she was kneeling
down next to the toilet seat puking. I held her
braids up as she continued to throw up all thefood
she ate the previous night. I gave her thewater
she's done and stood up, her eyes wereglossy like
she was crying..
Siba: I hate this (crying) Me:
Uxolo, baby (I'm sorry)
I pulled her closer to me and hugged her..
Siba: Why did you make me pregnant? I hate this
puking shit, it's like I'm going to throw up my
I wanted to laugh but I couldn't when she was like
Me: It will pass, baby. When our baby is here itwill
be all worth it right?
She nodded..
Her face was so pink as her eyes filled with
Siba: Yes
Me: I love you
Siba: I love you too, baby.
I grabbed the back of her head and pulled her face
closer to mine so that I could kiss her, immediately
when my lips smashed into hers - she melted on my
kiss as she wrapped her arms around my waist. The
kiss was so passionate; full of tongue and that
intense feeling between us. It had been a while since
wemade love, and the effects were evident because
just a little kiss from her I was hard upas hell.

I layed her down on the bed careful not to hurt

myself, she layed down; her braids all over the
Siba: Are you sure about this? That you won't hurt
Me: No
She was breathing heavily as she stared at me,her
eyes heavy with lust and desire. She wantedme the
same way I wanted her. I hovered over her as the
matress dipped on weight. I pulled the pyjama top
off her revealing her beautiful twin babies. they
were so beautiful and firm with perky nipples.. I
leaned down to kiss her asI pulled her thong down
her legs and opened them.
Siba: Can we do the role play later? Just fuckme!
I chuckled and kissed her knee, she was soeager
and horny.
Me: okay
I pushed my briefs down my legs and shovedthem
aside, I got between her legs and held them
against my arms as I shoved my manhood all the
way deep in her cunt. her
hands immediately gripped my wrists as she moaned
loud. I clenched my jaw as her wetnessand tightness
coated my dick.. it had been a while since I had a
feeling like this, it was amazing and hot.

Morning was always the best way to start yourday,

after our round of making love we layed onthe bed..
with Siba's head on my chest as she rubbed my abs.
we couldn't continue with the sex long because my
body was starting to complain. I was starting to feel
pain so we hadto stop - this thing was surely
affecting my sex life. And I couldn't dissapoint
Siba; I read somewhere that pregnant like sex too
much, itwas part of their cravings.
Siba: I went over to your restaurant izolo, to
check on how things are going.
Me: Really?
She nodded..
Siba: You're injured so I can't let your businesslike
that while I can take care of it myself.
I didn't know what to say to her, I never had a
woman who had my back like this..
Me: Thank you, baby.
She smiled and kissed my chest..
Siba: I got you
I was about to say something when my phone
beeped on the nightstand. I reached out for itthen
viewed the message.
It was Nathi.
I replied to his text and put my phone away..
Me: Nathi and Ziya are coming.
Siba: We should wake up then.



Siphenathi and I, drove to Siba's house since hesaid

he wanted to talk to him about something.he invited
me along; And since I missed Siba I agreed to go.
We pulled up at Siba's house and got out the car.
we walked toward the door and rang thebell.

Nathi and Lwethu were talking at his study as Siba

and I were seated on the Living room; I had
a glass of wine in hand as she was drinking a
orange juice.
Siba: so how's your business going?
She was so beautiful and glowing, pregnancy suited
her so well. She was seated on the couchwith her legs
folded underneath her ass.
Me: the business is going well, I bought the
building that I'm going to use for beauty andspa
and we're ready to work.
She smiled..
Siba: I'm so proud of you
I was too, with everything I have accomplished
without even having wasn't for me.
Me: Thank you
Nathi and Lwethu came down the stairs laughing.
Lwethu went to sit ontop of Siba onthe couch.
Siba: hehake Thandolwethu, khasuke uyasinda.(Get
off, You're heavy)
We laughed..
He ignored her as he kissed her neck
Siba: ha.a man Lwethu.
She said giggling..
Lwethu: khayeke kaloku.
Nathi: Ola ha.a man, yinton ngoku?
We laughed.. they're so inlove with each otherand
its adorable.

We head back home around 2pm in the afternoon,

Nathi passed by the pizza place to buy pizza for me
since I was craving it. we were
playing music on our way home. Nathi took my
hand as he was driving and kissed it.
Nathi: I love you
I smiled.. feeling the warm feeling on my chest.Me:
I love you too.

We parked the car on the driveway and we head

inside. I head straight to the kitchen to get myself a
glass of water as Nathi head to the living room.
When I head back to the living room,
Nathi was pacing you and down looking all
sorts of nervous all of the sudden..
Me: And then?
He stopped pacing and came to stand in front of me.
he took a deep breath before he took outsomething
from his pocket and handed it over to me.
Me: What's this?
Nathi: Open it
It was a small black box, I opened it and gaspedwhen I
saw what it was.
Me: baby..
I was lost for words..
Nathi: You know I suck at these romantic things,I've
been wanting to give you this the whole night last
night but I couldn't. I was nervud but now it was
now or never. Ziyanda Mzingeli, will you be my

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.

Ziyanda called me in the middle of the night crying
and screaming saying that Nathi proposed to her; it
came as a shocker honestly because Siphenathi didn't
strike as a guy who would settle down but what am I
saying? When you find the right woman everything is
possible..I was happy for them truth be told, they
deserved this especially Ziya after what she'd been
through in her life. from being disowned
by her parents to everything else but in all that she
made something out of herself when odds were
against her - she didn't throw pity party forherself; I
was proud of my best friend. before we concluded
our call I told her that tomorrow we should meet up
so that we could celebrate their engagement. After
the phone call I woke Lwethu up who was deep
asleep next to me I shook him.
Me: baby?
He didn't answer..
Me: Vuka baby.. I have news.
He stirred a little and groaned as he sat up straight
rubbing the sleep off his eyes.. such agorgeous man.
Lwethu: is everything okay? is the baby fine?I
Lwethu: Why are you looking at me like that?
Me(smiling): You're beautiful man.
He chuckled and leaned closer to plant a kisson
my mouth.
Lwethu: Have you seen yourself? what's the
Me: Ziya and Nathi are engaged did you know
The corner of his mouth rose into a smile..
Lwethu: I know, Nathi told me before he did it.
I'm happy for them.
Me: Me too, she deserves this. I hope your
brother will continue to treat her good.
Lwethu: Nathi loves her and she loves him tooso I
have no doubt that they will treat each other good.
Me: I hope so..
He reached his phone from the pedestal andtyped
a quick message then put it back. he pulled me
closer to him by the arm.
Lwethu: Let's sleep
Me: Tomorrow we're going to celebrate their
He nodded...
Lwethu: I love you, baby.
I snuggled closer to his hard, warm chest andenjoyed
being loved by this man next to me.
Me: I love you too, baby.
He kissed my hairline as we let sleep succumbus.

The next day I woke up and made breakfast forus as

Lwethu was taking a bath. I was glad thathe was
healing; he was able to do things for himself like
bathing himself, and walking a distance without
needing help. but tomorrow we were going to his
doctor for a check up..
After I was done preparing breakfast and dished up I
head back upstairs to make the bedand cleaned
Lwethu: baby haven't you seen my brown boots? Me:
Check in the closet I think I saw them there. He
walked to the closet..
Me: I'm going to shower, Your food is in the
kitchen counter
He didn't say anything back so I assumed thathe
heard me so I stripped off my clothes and head for
the shower.

When I got downstairs, Lwethu was standing onthe

sink washing dishes and other utensils I used to
make breakfast.
Me: baby, You didn't have to do that. Lwethu: I
wanted to so don't worry about it.
I walked up to him and hugged him from behindand
kissed his neck. he wore black T-shirt and Black
jeans; showing his muscled up body. If his career
would blow up he would qualify as anunderwear
model in billboards.
Me: Still nothing on Ludwe?
His body stilled and tensed under my touch like
I'd said something that made him angry or
Lwethu: Nathi is working on that but we haven't
found him.
I sighed..
Me: I hope you do find him. Lwethu:
We will, I promise you that.



Marriage wasn't part of my life, I never imagined

myself being someone's husband or anything close
to that. I was a big commitment I'd always ran away
from until I met a woman whochanged the view of
my life a little. A woman I
loved with all my heart; she loved me for me notmy
money.. I was a luckiest bastard alive.
I was afraid of asking her to marry me, I wasn'ta
romantic guy at all Lwethu advised me that I should
be a little romantic or something like that but I
couldn't wait another day while the ring was in my
pocket so I just did it and she was happy. That's all
I wanted.

Since I didn't make anything romantic for her I

decided to make breakfast in bed for her and allthe
nice things.
Me: Good morning, Sthandwa Sam.
She was already awake, seated up against the
headboard while admiring her ring. She loved it.She
looked up at me happy and suprised at the same
Ziya: is this you?
Me: Yes, why do you ask?
Ziya: Firstly you never made breakfast in bed forme.
Wow.. was I that bad?
Me: I'll do better this time around, go and brushyour
teeth then come eat.
She gave me a soft kiss on the mouth beforeshe
strode to the bathroom.


We were at Four seasons restaurant which wasowned

by Lwethu. It was the classiest and mostexpensive
places I ever been at. We were seated opposite
Lwethu and Siba.. Lwethu and I,had our glasses of
smooth scotch on the rocks in hand as the girls had
wine and Juice for Sibahle.
Lwethu: Congratulations man, Took you long
I smirked at his tease and looked over at Ziya and
Siba whom were still gushing over her ring.It
bought such a warm feeling on my chest to see her
this happy.
Me: Thanks man.
Lwethu: I'm sure Mom is happy, she's been
pestering us about having wives and kids.
Me: She's over the moon.
Lwethu: I figured
he took a sip on his drink as he eyes kept on going
to Siba every now and then but she didn'tnotice
because she was deep in the conversation with
Ziya. He was hopelessly inlove with her and it was
nice to watch.
Lwethu: any news on Ludwe?
Me: Jake and I are still working on that.
Lwethu: I need to find this dude, I can't relax
knowing that he's out there baying for my blood.
Me: He won't hide forever.
He sighed..
Lwethu: I'm grateful to whomever shot him that
Me: Well.. You have to thank Siba for that.
His head snapped to my direction quickly..
Lwethu: What do you mean?
Me: Siba was the one who shot him that night.
Lwethu: What the?

to be continued..

Note: Please bare with me guys, I'm having

troubles with my phone and now I'm using a
friends phone to post. I'm sorry for
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


What Nathi revealed to me shocked me to the core,

I couldn't believe what was my ears hearing. Why
wasn't I told about this? Why Sibadidn't tell me? I
honestly couldn't believe it.
Instead of being grateful that she saved my ass,I was
livid! how dare she put herself and our baby's life in
danger like that? Did she knew what was going to
happen to her if the guards of that place found her
there. No women is allowed in those premises but
her stupid self went there. I was so angry at her; I
was so livid,
rage was pulsating in my veins. I couldn't sat there
and pretend that something wasn't wrongI wanted to
go so luckily Nathi understood whatwas going on
then she talked to Ziya to let Sibago. a nice
celebration turned into a war zone II.

The drive to the house was so quiet and awkward, I

wasn't so angry to a point i didn't want to talk to her
because I was just going to snap and say things that
I don't mean. thankfully she took the hint and sat
quiet on theseat.. I wanted to calm the fuck down
first before I addressed the matter.

Siba: baby, what's going on?

I didn't answer her, I kept quiet..
Siba: Lwethu?
Me: Just shut the fuck up!
She flinched at my outburst but didn't say anything
because she knew I was angry and notin the mood to
have any small talk.
We pulled up at the house and got out, I walkedfirst
inside the house and went over to the cellarto pour a
glass of whiskey for myself before taking a seat on
the couch waiting for this goddammit woman to get
her ass inside the house.. she walked inside and
placed her purseon the entry table before she turned
around andstared at me..

Siba: What's going on? And don't tell me to shutthe

fuck up.
I took a sip on my glass as I stared at her. I'd had
seen Siba hold a gun but I didn't think shewas
brave enough to pull the trigger.. she wasbadass. as
much as I was angry about it, I alsorespected her -
she was for keeps.
Me: Why didn't you tell me that it was you who
shot Ludwe?
Her eyes widened as she heard my words. she
expected me to find out.. so she was willing to hide
it from me.
Siba: uh.. What?
Me: You're too smart to play dumb like that!
Why did you hide this from me?
I wasn't shouting at her, but my words were stern
enough to make her squirm in her chair..
Siba: I thought-
Me: Do you realize what you have done? why did
you put yourself in fucking danger like that?did you
forget that it's no longer about you, there's a baby
involve. It's quiet clear that your
life isn't that worthy but please think of my child!She
looked down at her hands in guilt..
Siba: I'm sorry.. I was trying to save you okay? I
couldn't let you die knowing exactly that there was
something I could do that help. Yes, my decision
was stupid but it saved your ass in theend you
should get grateful instead of scoulding me like a
child who stole a candy in the candy shop.
I chuckled..
Me: do you even hear yourself? Yes, You were
trying to save me but what if you died there?
You saving would have been in vain because Iwas
going to die too. I can't live without you, can't you
understand that?
Siba: But-
Me: I'm not done talking! Well I'm grateful thatyou
saved me, but seriously your saving didn't help
because once Ludwe knows that it's you who shot
him and saved me.. he's going to runafter you and
kill you. Instead of solving a problem you created
more of them!
Siba: I'm sorry (crying)
I dragged my hand down my face and signed..
Siba(crying): I was doing what's best for my child, I
didn't want her to grow fatherless.. I'm sorry if I
caused too much problems over your shoulders but I
was doing something any mother would do for their
kids. I couldn't let Avery grow up without her father,
again I'm sorry but we live in fear because of that
piece ofshit! I'm sorry but not that sorry.
She grabbed her purse and walked upstairs..Me:
She ignored and continued walking up..Me:


I didn't know what was going on, I'd never seen

Lwethu that angry before.. I was even more
worried about Siba. I tried calling her after theyleft
but her phone rang unanswered. We also left the
restaurant after them and head to our house.
Me: What made Lwethu that angry?
Nathi: he found out that it was Siba who shot
Me: He didn't know?
He shook his head..
Me: Why didn't Siba told him? Nathi:
how am I supposed to know?
Me: Sundiphoxa kaloku, can't we go and checkon
Nathi: No.. let's let them sort our their issues.they
will call if they're good.
Me: Yes, but did you see Lwethu? What if-
Nathi: No baby, Yes Lwethu is rough around the
edges but he's not a woman beater!
Me: I didn't say that I just-
Nathi: Let's just leave it before we fight.Me:
I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you.
Nathi: It's okay, they will sort out whatever it isthat
is wrong and let us know okay?
I nodded but I was still worried..
Me: Okay
he grabbed the back of my head and kissed meon the


Lwethu was totally exaggerating honestly, but at the

same time I understood where he was coming from.
he was worries about the enemy lurking around
trying to find a time where we letour guards down
and strike. Yes, I was also worried and scared but I
was doing what I thought was best.. I couldn't let
my child grow without her father in her life. but
then seemed like Lwethu couldn't understand that
and he was angry at me.

Last night I couldn't sleep, since he was angry at me

- he didn't sleep in our bed. he slept on the guest
room right opposite our bedroom. It was the longest
night I ever had.. I wasn't usedto sleeping without
him anymore and now I wasalone the whole night
whilst he was around in
the house.
The next morning I woke with morning sickness.I
wasn't this used to this thing I think I'll never get
used to it anytime soon. after throwing up I brushed
my teeth and washed my face then head to the guest
room.. his door was open but I didn't just enter; I
Me: baby?
Lwethu: What? What do you want?
I blinked away my tears and tried to ignore the
disappointment on my chest. I thought he would be
already over it by now but I guess hisanger last
Me: Can we talk?
I didn't want to seen vanuerable to him but my
voice came out shaking..
Lwethu: No
Me: Please.. I just wanna explain.
I didn't know what was i going through explainbut I
needed that talk to him, I wasn't used to this
coldness of him. I wanted my old Lwethunot this
cold and ruthless one..
Lwethu: I slept alone here because I wanted
space, I wanted to get away from you and notsee
you so please continue to give me that I'lltalk to
you when I'm ready.
This time I couldn't hold my tears..
Me: Okay, I love you.
Lwethu: Sho bawo.

To be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.

When I arrived at home after my afternoon walkto

train my legs and bones, I was immediately
welcomed by a smell of dinner. it was a delicious
smell that made my stomach to grumble in that
second.. I closed the door behind me as I was about
to take off my hoodieSiba emerged from the kitchen
with a dish-clothin hand, she looked so beautiful in
that dress she wore - she was so gorgeous I couldn't
helpbut stare. no matter how angry I was at her, I
could never deny the fact that I was the luckiest
bastard in the country to have Sibahle Conway as a
woman and the mother of my child. we stared at
each other across the room as either one of us said
anything to one another. I was still mad at her but
not too much.
Siba: baby..
Me: hi
Siba: ndicela sithethe. ( Can we please talk)
Teeks's first time was playing around the housesoftly
as the smell the of dinner lingered around.. the
house was warmly, it had that homely feeling into it.
Me: Okay
We sat down on the couch in the living, she sat
besides me and held my hands into my her lap.her
baby bump was little visible against the fabric the
she wore making her tiny waist to bea little thick.
Siba: before we talk, can we not shout at each
Me: Alright..
She took a deep breath before she started
Siba: baby.. I know and understand that you're pretty
upset about what Nathi told you and I'm sorry that I
hide it away from you. but I'm not sorry that I shot
that bastard, he deserved it andI was saving your ass.
Yes, I know that I put us in danger but I wasn't
going to let you die - my child wasn't going to grow
up without her fatherin her life. I completely
understand that you were doing this for us, but what
if that didn't work? What if he killed you but still
went after me. who was going to protect me when
you're dead.
As much as I didn't want to admit, she was quite
right about everything she said. she madea good
point but still..
Me: I hear you and I understand everything youjust
said. You know that I don't like being lied at,kept in
the dark since I don't do that to you but you hide this
away from me. we're partners we
supposed to tell each other everything but it's okay
I forgive you because I know you won't doit again.
I'm sorry that I was being an ass this morning, I
didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Siba: I don't like it when we fight, And we please
communicate? whether we're not in speaking terms
or what not but please let's communicate.I don't like
being pushed away.. I'm not saying give me affection
but be transparent.
Me: I understand and I'm so sorry again. I'll do
better next time.. so we're good now? no more
sleeping in the guest rooms?
She giggled..
Siba: You're the one who choose to sleep in theguest
room but yes we're good.
I smiled as I grabbed the back of her head andkissed
her on the mouth, tasting the orange juice she just
Siba: I love you
Me: I love you, baby.


After showering, Siba and I we head dinner in

infront of a fire place since it was a bit cold that
evening. we talked about alot of things.. like when
are we going for baby shopping and what not, it was
nice to sit down with her like this andwatching her
talk. the things you used to take for granted are the
things you enjoy when you found the right person to
do them with.. Siba was a blessing in my life, she
gave me something and a happiness I never knew I
Me: Tomorrow I'm going back to work.
Siba: Are you sure? can't we hear from the
doctor first?
Me: No.. I'm going back, my business will
collapse mos xa kunje.
Siba: It won't, I'm here for that mos.
Me: You have your own business Siba, I don't
want to burden you.
Siba: but-
Me: Let's just leave it alone.
She sighed in defeat knowing that I wasn't going
to change my mind about my decision..



Ziya: so everything is good between the two of

Me: Yes we're okay, just a little argument.
She nodded..
Ziya: I was totally worried about you, Lwethu
was so upset when he left.
Me: Yeah.. he can be a little dramatic but wesort
out our issues.
Ziya: I'm happy then but nawe siba why didn'tyou
tell him?
Me: I knew he was going to behave like this..
Lwethu likes to exaggerate things and make abig
I said as I stirred the pasta on my plate. wewere
at Four seasons for lunch.
Ziya: He should be grateful that you saved hisass
instead of being agressive with you.
Me: in honestly speaking I kinda understand
where's coming from. Ziya this is his first childand
he didn't want to lose that so he choose tosacrifice
Ziya: It's still the same thing, whether he's a firsttime
dad or what. if he died there it wasn't goingto make a
difference because he was still not going to see his
She was being way too sensitive now and I hadto
stop her..
Me: Ziyanda
Ziya: What? he should be grateful instead of
being an ass.
Me: Ziyanda!! I understand that you're angry that he
didn't say ' thank you Siba for saving me'it's okay I
didn't need his gratitude anyway because I did that
out of love. there's one thingthat I won't accept is
you speaking that way about him. he's my man, I'm
the only one who has the right to call him names not
you - you don't hear me saying things like that about please, let's respect each other's partners.
are you staying or going because my
lunch is already over.
She didn't say anything, she just stared.Me:
I guess you're staying then.
I pushed the chair back with the back of my knees
and stood up. I put few notes of cash onthe table
and walked out , my heels tapping loudly on the
wooden floor.

Before I head home that afternoon, I passed bythe

shop that sell baby clothes. I just wanted tocheck
around some things and make a list for the time I'm
going to do baby shopping.
I was at the romper aile when a woman's voice
spoke behind me catching my attention..
Voice: We meet again.
I turned around and immediately recognizedher..
Me(smiling): I remember you this time around.
She giggled and she side-hugged me becauseher
stomach was too big like she was pregnantwith
twins or something..
Hloba: I'm glad you do, how's pregnancy?
Me: Good actually, but I hate the sickness andthe
fatigue sometimes how's yours?
She sighed..
Hloba: Jesus.. I want to give birth already, I'mtired
of annoying my husband.
We laughed..
Me: I'm sure Qamata will understand since he'sthe
who knock you up.
Hloba: He will have to suck it up neh?
Me: unfortunately for him.
Hloba(laughing): Sudika!

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.



My assistant spoke though the intercom as I

Gail: Sir, Your brother is here to see you.
Me: let him in
Gail: Alright
Seconds later, the door opened as Nathi stepped
inside and closed the door behind him.I didn't look
up at him because I was occupied with the bunch of
paperwork I had at the officesince the business
picked up since I came backand I wanted to be on a
lane with everything.
Nathi: sho bawo.
Me: Mkhuluwa. this is a nice surprise, what
brings you here?
He walked over to my desk and took a seat onthe
chair opposite mine..
Nathi: I was in the neighborhood so I thought I
should stop by. Wanna get some beer?
Me: I would love that but as you can see that I'm
occupied and I'm trying to set things back to normal.
He nodded..
Nathi: I understand.
Me: still no news on Ludwe?
He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck..Me:
What is it?
Nathi: that bastard sent a message yesterdaybut
when we were trying to hack it back we couldn't.
it was a bummer.
Me: What the fuck is the Jake's job? he's totally
slacking on this one. we used to hack dangerous
people and get through but he can't do that to
Ludwe? Sometimes is definitely wrong here!
He stared at me like he was considering my
words. something was surely not getting
together here.. And I can feel it.
Nathi: I'll try and do something about it
Me: No. don't do anything without me, Later on
we're heading to the warehouse Jake will
definitely tell us where the hell Ludwe is.he
Nathi: Okay, I'll see you later then.
He turned around and walked out closing thedoor
behind him..
I took my phone out of my pocket and calledone
of my guards at my estate.
Vuyo: Sir?
Me: Vuyo, I need one of my powerful weaponsbe
delivered at where I'm currently staying.
Vuyo: Roger thatI
hung up..
Jake was definitely shitting with me!

Around lunchtime, I received a call from Siba.

with a smile on my face I answered the call.
Me: baby momma.
I could feel her beautiful smile over the phone..
Siba: baby daddy, how are you?
Me: I'm Okay baby, how are you and Avery?
hasn't she given you any trouble?
She sighed..
Siba: besides the weird cravings I keep on
getting I'm doing fine.
Me: That's good, I miss you
Siba: I miss you too, I called to ask you if youcan
bring me some pizza? I'm pretty.


( chapter 47)
Siba: I'm pretty occupied in here, I have a
meeting with the boardroom in 20 minutes.
Me: I'm sorry baby, I won't be able to come
myself I'm busy too but I'll send my assistant.
Siba: I wanted to see you but it's fineMe:
You'll see me later.
Siba: Okay, love you.
Me: love you too
I hung up and went back to work..



Siba called me around lunchtime and asked me

to bring her food, she was only 5 months pregnant
but she was eating like hell. she was getting big and
cute, she even struggled to walkhere and there but
she didn't want to take a maternity leave.. in the
saying that her businessis everything to her she
doesn't trust anyone with it.

I left my salon and head to a pizza place down the

road to buy pizza for Siba and some drinks then
drove to her workplace. Nathi called me asI was
about to park the car on the parking lot.
Me: baby?
Nathi: sthandwa, the cake tasting is what time
tomorrow kanene?
Me: Around 1 babes, at all good bakery.
Nathi: Alright, bye.
Me: bye
I hung up and got out the car walking to the



Running a successful company wasn't a child play

especially for a pregnant woman like me but I had
to get the job done even though it wasstruggle
because I was 5 months pregnant nowand gaining lot
of weight, I was more thicker than usual specially on
my thighs. I didn't like it but Lwethu does, he always
told me how beautiful I was and all that.. such a
privilege tohave a baby daddy like that who doesn't
toy with your feelings and insecurities.
It was about 7pm in the afternoon, I was about
to go home and I was alone in the building.
Everyone had gone home and hours ago, I was left
behind because of a deadline I had to reach.I was
about to turn off my computer when the security
alarm system lit up, which meant that someone had
excess in the building right now..fear started
creeping on me as I walked towards the computer to
check the cameras onthe first floor. there were about
5 men in Black
suits and sunglasses walking towards my office,I
picked up my phone and dialled Lwethu.
Lwethu: When are you coming home?
Me: Listen I don't have much time neh, there are
about 5 men in Black suits in my building and I
think I'm about to be kidnapped.. do whatever you
have to do to save me. I love you.
I hung up as the elevator pinged and the doors
opened as the men with guns stepped in.
Me: didn't your mama teached you how to

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


The feeling I had remind me when I got a call from

my mother saying that my father was gunned down
at his workplace. I was still in college that time
doing my last year in Culinary school, I was feeling
all sorts of emotions.. I feltmy heart was stamped
into pieces by a hammercausing the blood to ooze
It was exactly how I felt now after Siba's call,
but this time it was different I was mixed with fear
of losing both of them - I knew at some point that
Ludwe will strike and he find us whenwe let our
guards down.. fucking piece of shit.

After Siba dropped the call on me, I called Nathiand

we drove to the warehouse to collect everyfucking
firearm we can find and some of our men to help us
look for Siba. luckily that I had injected a tracker
device in her ankle for thingslike this. I tried to hard
to stay calm and collected but I was failing dismally
in this situation, my woman and our child were in
hands of a dangerous man who wouldn't hesitate to
hurt them; I wouldn't be able to live with myself if
something happened to them..
I'm sure my baby was scared as hell wherever she is
but trying to stay calm just for our Avery.
Nathi: bawo, sukhala man we're going to find
Me: I can't help it man, she's fucking pregnantshe
won't be able to fight for herself!
He moved around the desk and hugged me..
Nathi: I'm sorry about this but we're going tofind
them sooner or later!
Me: I'm going to kill that bastard!
Nathi: You and me, both.
Jake came into the room as we were packingthe
weapons and others were busy with their laptops
trying to locate the device on Siba's ankle.. I
fucking hate waiting - waiting for whatever but
there was nothing I could do without knowing
where she was.
Jake: What's going on?
I walked up to him and pinned him against thewall
as I threw a punch on him..
Jake: What the-
Me: Where the fuck is Sibahle?
Jake: I-I don't know-
Me: Don't fucking deny it! You think I don't know
that you're working with Ludwe? Now where thefuck
is my woman?
My hand went to his neck and chocked him.. I was
so angry, I wanted to snap his neck at thatmoment
but I still wanted some answers fromhim..
Jake: Listen-
Me: No! You listen, I'm going to snap your neck
right now if you don't tell me where the fuck Siba
is or I should just cut your balls and feed them to
you how about that?
He didn't say anything but the fear in his eyeswas
Me: I asked you a question!
Jake: I-I..
Me: I guess I'll cut your balls then, Nathi passthat
knife here..
Jake: Okay.. Okay.. I'll tell you.



Panicking in such situations weren't going to help

me, I had to stay calm for my baby and beable to
think critically on how to escape.. my dad always
told me I should not depend on anyone with
anything especially my life - I wasn't going to wait
for Lwethu to rescue I wasgoing to find a way out
of here. I was in a car, blindfolded and my hands
binded together on my lap. they didn't inject me
with a drug since
they saw that I was pregnant and the drug wasgoing
to be a dangerous to my baby.. at least these
bastards had little hearts.
There were about four of us in the car, these men
wore suits and sunglasses with bald headslike in a
movie my dad liked to watch called the" Assassin's
Me: Where you guys talking me?
I couldn't see their faces because of the blindfold
but I could hear them talk a language Icouldn't
understand.. They didn't answer me.

I sat there as I tried to wiggle my wrists out of the

binds but with no success, then I thought ofan idea
but it was too dangerous for a woman in my situation
- being pregnant I mean becauseI had to jump out of
the car but it was all about survival right?
I moved my binded hands closer to the handle
of the car door and tried to feel I could openwith
my hands..
The door was locked, I heard one of the man
laughing in the front seat.
Man: Child safety works huh?
I wanted to cry at that Moment.. tears were
burning at the back of my eyes but I refused tocry -
to show weakness infront of an enemy.

The car came into halt, as the doors openedand

the men got out..
Man1: Come on, sweetheart. Me:
Don't fucking call me that!he
Man1: What would you like to be called? Baby?
bunny? Sweetpie?
They all cracked up in laughter.. they were
fucking sick bastards.
They pulled me out of the car as they led the
way.. one of them grabbed my butt
Me: Motherfucker!
They pushed me forward to walk fast. I heard doors
open as we head inside. One of the man took off my
blindfold, I looked around this building - it looked
like a warehouse but this onehad firearms all over, all
kinds of guns were there around the place it looked
like it was where they sold.

Voice: My.. my.. my. What do we have here?

Sibahle Conway. The Millionaire, The bosslady
who shots people.
Another deep voice came behind me as I turnedaround
and came face-to-face with a bullky dark
skinned man who was wearing jeans and
Me: A badass you mean..
He gave a devilish and conniving little smile.. he
looked and cruel and intimidating.
Man: Yes.. A badass. but that's about to change,You're
going to be my bitch right?
A cold shiver went down my spine at his words,
there were something about his cold eyes thatmade
me shiver even though I was trying to show a brave
Me: in your fucking dreams!
Man: Fiesty.. I like. I think I'm going to enjoy
breaking you, but first things first we have toget
rid of that.
He eyed my stomach..
Was he saying what I thought he was saying..
Me: No
Man: Yes.. I'm Ludwe Dandala by the way, niceto
meet you.
he kissed my cheek and walked away..
Ludwe: Take her to the basement!
The men grabbed me as they pulled me up thestairs
as I tried to fight them off..
Me(crying): Noooooooo

To be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.

It was unlike Siba not to pick up her phone,
specially at this time because she's always insomnia
because of the pregnant.. I wanted toask her about
something regarding to businessbut her phone rang
answered which was strange. but I didn't dwell on it
that much because she must've been sleeping or
something like that so I let it be.

It was around 12 midnight, I was at home.. donewith

dinner and ate but Nathi wasn't at home - his phone
was off even Lwethu's.. I couldn't shake off the
feeling that something was wrong,I didn't know what
it was or something like thatbut something was
definitely wrong and the feeling was constant. I
reached out for my phone on the pedestal and tried to
call Nathi again but still nothing, it was off. I got off
from the bed and kneeled next to it and prayed for his
safety, pray for the bad feeling I had in my heart.
After praying I got into bed and tried to sleep but I
couldn't because I wasn't used to sleepingwithout
Nathi next to me or around the house.

I must've fallen asleep whilst waiting because Iwas

woken up by my phone ringing loudly on the
nightstand. I took it and answered.
Me: hello?
Nathi: baby, are you still good?
Me: Yes I'm fine. Where are you?
Nathi: There's something that Lwethu and I, arebusy
with okay? please turn on the security andmake sure
all doors and windows are closed and secure.
Me: Nathi, what's going on?
Nathi: Just do as I say, Ziyanda.
Me: No! I want to know what's going on?
He sighed..
Nathi: I didn't want to tell you this but Ludwe
took Siba.
My heart fell into the pit of my stomach as my
heart beat so much fast..
Me(teary): No
Nathi: I'm sorry
Me: please tell me she's okay wherever she is.
Nathi: We don't know that yet baby.. look
sthandwa Sam I have to go neh, I love you so
Me: I love you and please don't die on me.
Nathi: I won't.
He dropped the call as I lay my head on the
pillow and cried..
I knew something was definitely wrong!


I was in the cold basement, laying on a single bed

that had a little bit of smell.. I was totally
uncomfortable, thirty and have hungry. I just wanted
something to eat just for the sake of mychild, I could
survive the hunger but she won't. those bastards had
no heart.
This place was secured, there wasn't even a way
of escaping because the windows were very small
and high on the windows. The doorwas a steel and
it opened with a face recognizer.. which was a
bummer because I couldn't even try to escape. I
had hoped and prayed that Lwethu will find me
before these men kill my child; Ludwe was a cruel,
ruthlesspiece of shit. Didn't he even had a small
concience? A heart? I was tired of crying, I had no
tears left to cry and crying wasn't to help mewith
anything at all either than to annoy these men there.

The door beeped indicating that someone was

coming inside. The door opened as Ludwe got
inside; that evil smile on his face as he had a tray
of food in his hands.
Ludwe: Boss lady, still okay?
I didn't say anything I just stared at him..
Ludwe: Okay. Silent treatment, I guess. anyway I
brought you some food since the baby might be
hungry.. so here.
He placed the tray on my lap, the food smelledso
Me: how am I going to eat with my hands
Ludwe: Oh yeah, don't try anything stupid okay?You
won't like the consequences.
I cut off the binds with a knife letting my handsfree,
I rubbed my wrists together as they were pink from
the tightness of the robe.
Ludwe: Eat, I'll be back for that procedure.
He winked and walked out, I no longer had noappetite
but I had to eat for the sake of Avery.

I woke up tied to the bed, as the monitor and other

hospital things were on the room. there was a even
a drip on my arm - I was binded I couldn't move. It
took me few minutes to figureout what was going to
They were going to kill my baby.
There was 3 men in the room, including Ludwe and
the doctor. there was nothing I could do to save my
child either than crying for help..
Me(crying): Gentleman, please don't do this!
Ludwe smirked and came closer to the bed..
Ludwe: Ahh the badass is awake and crying.what
a sight!
Me: Ludwe, I'm begging you. Please don't kill my
child.. she's innocent from all this please.
My please and cries fell into dead ears, Ludwe
wasn't even touched.
Doc: Everything is ready..
Me(crying): Noooo please!!!
The doctor grabbed my legs and separated them
apart as I tried to close them not lettinghim do this

Ludwe was about to say something when gunshots

achoed all around the building makingall the men to
jump up and took out the owns.. hope filled my heart
that it's Lwethu, he was
there to rescue me..
Ludwe smiled..
Ludwe: Just the man I wanted, looked like
boyfie came for you.. so romantic!
He was so disgusting!

The gunshots camrme closer and closer as thedoctor

held my legs tight and inserted his fingeron my
coochie. I never felt so violated and dirty.It was like
I had rights at all as the mother of the baby.
The door burst opened as Lwethu ran inside theroom
with Nathi behind him, he was so coveredin blood
and he looked so angry I almost didn'trecognize
him. he wasn't no longer my Lwethu who was kind
and Loving.. he was showing thewrath of the Don
everyone knew him about.
he was about to charge to Lwethu but halted on
his steps as he noticed me binded on the bed, knives
and scissors next to me and the doctorshand between
my legs.. his eyes coated with tears in a split of a
second as it also dawned tohim what was going to
happen to me. he walked to Ludwe and punched him
so hard on the face as Ludwe's bodyguards held him
Ludwe: You're going to regret that! Do your job
Me: Please! Lwethu!
Lwethu tried to wiggle himself off the grib of 3
men holding him. his eyes so full of tears..
Lwethu: Motherfucker! Let her go.
Ludwe: Not yet, we're going to take that thingout
of her stomach first before we let her go.
Lwethu: Nooo!
His deep voice achoed all around the room..
Ludwe: Yes
He didn't care about his pride anymore, if
someone had seen him cry or beg..
Lwethu(crying): Come on man, please don't dothis.
it's me who you want, leave her alone I'mbegging
I was already sobbing too, we were about tolose
our little girl.

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


Nathi hadn't gotten back to me with feedback,

about Siba's kidnapping.. did they find her or
not? I was losing my mind in this damn house. I
couldn't sleep anymore and it was already 3amin the
morning, I was worried sick about my best friend - I
wondered if she and baby Avery are okay wherever
they are; I prayed and askedto God to keep them
safe until Nathi and Lwethu find them and I know
that Lwethu will..he loved Siba too much to let her
die in the hands of that cruel man.
I hated Ludwe dandala!
With all my heart for doing this to pregnant woman
who's not supposed to be stressing andanything close
to that.

I made sure that all doors and windows are closed

as Nathi said I should, I was scared toonow
wondering if Ludwe and his men come here what
am going to do? but security was installed so they
would have hard time getting
inside the premises..
I hoped that all of them were safe and okay, I hoped
that Lwethu and Nathi saved them - I couldn't lose
my best friend. I could live withouther, but I didn't
want to live without her.. she was the sister I never



All the energy and the oxygen drained out of mybody

system when I saw the position the love ofmy life
was in, our little bundle of joy we made together was
about to be taken out of her safe place until she was
ready to be with us.. in which was her mother's
womb. I lost all the senses of thinking, all I thought
about was the
safety of my first child; my first born. I had to fight
for both of them, Siba had hope in me for saving
them and taking them out of this predicament but we
were kinda outnumbered because we were at
Ludwe's territory. It is always said that it's
dangerous to attack an enemy at his territory because
he has the upperhand but in this case we had no
choice becausemy family's lives were at the expense.

I was held by 3 men, stopping me from reachingthat

doctor and snap his head off.. I was so angry, so livid
- rage pumping in my blood veins like they were
about to burst. tears flooding myeyes and making
my version blurry. hearing mybaby cry and beg
Ludwe not to kill our child waskilling me inside, I
wanted to jump into him andstab him in the neck to
death - but I was held, and held tight with no
movement so I had no choice but to beg this son of a
Me: Ludwe, don't do this bawo.. this is unborn baby,
she's innocent she doesn't know anything!heck she
doesn't even know her own name yet.
Ludwe: Shut the fuck up! This cunt you call a
woman should've thought about that before sheshot
Me: She was trying to save me! she didn't want our
daughter to grow up without both of her parents. she
wanted our daughter to experiencethe love of both
parents.. how would you feel if someone did this to
your woman or sister?

Like my words didn't affect him or anything. hejust

plainly ignored me and nodded for the doctor to

Ludwe: You-
He was about to say something when his phonerang
inside his pocket, he walked further away from us to
answer it.
I couldn't see Nathi anywhere here, and I knewin
that moment that he went to do something.
Ludwe: baby?
he said as he talked over the phone, I tried to wiggle
myself off the grip of these men but theyheld me tight
- I wanted to ran to Siba and comfort her, she was a
crying mess and I was.
Me: I love you
I said to Siba as we were starring at each otherin
Siba: I love you too, baby.

Ludwe: What?
I watched Ludwe's face going to Soft..
confused.. angry.. scared. all these emotions were on
his face the entire time. I just wanted tohold my

Ludwe removed the phone from his ear and putit on

his chest as I heard a woman's voice overthe phone..
sound like she was crying.
Voice: Please let them go baby, this man here isgoing
to kill me. please I'm begging you!
He closed his eyes shut like her words stabbedhim
straight to the heart..

Hope made it way to my heart as my instinct told

me that Nathi had something to do withthis.

To be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


Ludwe closed his eyes tight as he breathed heavily

like he was debating with himself of how to let us
go and protect whoever that woman talking over
the phone was. Ludwe putthe phone on loud-
speaker as Nathi's voice achoed over the speaker.
Nathi: Ludwe, I think we're going to do this my way
alright? I'm here holding hostage your pregnant
girlfriend and her gay friend. I want you to release
Siba and Lwethu as soon as possible before I blew
their brains out; You have3 minutes to do that if
don't? They're dead.
Then he dropped the call..
Ludwe: Fuuuuuuuuck!!!!
He kicked off the chairs and turned tables upside
down as he breathed heavily.. he was upset like I
was, I was sure that he knew how Ifelt at this very
right moment..
Me: I'm sure you know how am I feeling right now,
let us to Ludwe.. You don't have to keep ushere.
He stared at me for a while as he absorbed mywords
then picked up his phone from the floor..
Ludwe: Let them go!
With that said he walked out banging the door
behind him..

The men let go of me as I ran into Siba. she

hugged me tight as she cried on my chest -
wetting my shirt in the process..
Me: I'm sorry (crying)
Siba: It's okay.. it's not your fault.
Me: I-
Siba: Ssshh.. don't say anything okay? Our babyis
fine and we're fine that's all that matters.
Me: I'm so happy that you're okay.
I grabbed the back of her head and turned her head
to look at me straight in the eye. She wasso
beautiful even in such predicament we werein.
Me: I love you so damn much, baby.
Siba: I love you too.
I brought her face closer to mine as we seal it with
an intimate and passionate kiss between two lovers
who loved each other like hell.

The car pulled up at the gate of our house, I didn't

thought that I'd ever come back here again. I told
myself that I'm going there to die or
something. Like Siba was thinking the same thing;
she was looking around her yard as we walked up
to the front door. My baby was littletraumatized
because she was crying, she criedalot on the way
coming here and holding her stomach like she
couldn't believe that our babywas still there.. I
couldn't believe it too.
We got out the car and head inside the house. I
grabbed her by the arm and backed her against the
door as I kissed her hard on the mouth withmy other
hand on her swollen stomach..
Siba: Make Love to me
A breath was knocked out of my ribcages with her
choice of words..
Me: Your wish my command my baby.
We continued to kiss as we walked to the living
room on the couches..
I was supper grateful to God for giving me such
wonderful gifts.

When I woke up the next morning, I did

everything I couldn't give her yesterday. Nathi
hadn't called back after I left him several missed
calls.. I wasn't sure what was going onbut it was
I didn't know what happened with Ludwe and I
didn't care; That piece of shit, instilled some
paranoia, fear and anxiety of fearing that Siba
might be taken away from me and I'd never seeher
I woke up and made breakfast for her in bed, run a
hot bath bubbles as she was still sleepingon the

After I was done preparing the breakfast as I

took it out my phone from the pocket and called
But it went to voicemail again..
I didn't know what to do now, but I was going totalk
to him later on.



Ziyanda ran to me as Lwethu and I got insidethe

restaurant holding hands..
Ziya: Oh my word..I can't believe you are here!!
She hugged me tight like she couldn't believe that I
was there and I survived. I was so happyto be back
and healthy with my baby - it was allbecause of her
fiànce; Siphenathi Makhubalo.
Me: I'm here babes, safe and sound.
Ziya: oh my God, I've never been so scared inmy
I was so scared too, especially when they weregoing
to take my baby out of me before time and was
going to kill her. I was so traumatizedby that,
Nightmares were keeping me up at night because of
that fucking stinky place..
Ziya: I love you
Me: I love you too babes.
We went to sit down on the table, I walked overto
Nathi and hugged him..
Me: Thank you so much.
Nathi: Don't sweat it, that's what family is for
Us: Of course.
We sat around the table and ordered drinks as I
sticked with my juice and pizza.
Lwethu: Wedding preparations still going?
Nathi: Yes.. we couldn't postpone.
Me: It's okay, at least after this disaster there's
something amazing to look forward to.
Ziya stuck on my side, clingy as ever since she
almost lost me forever in the hands of that manbut
funny enough I didn't even hate him..
Me: What's going to happen with Ludwe now?
They shrugged..
Me: Don't you think you guys can burry the
hatchet now? This has been long over due!
Lwethu: No
Me: baby..
Lwethu: Sibahle, When I say no it's a no nothing
else. I'm not going to burry any shit with that
piece of shit because we almost lost our Avery
Because of him.. now you're telling me about
burrying a hatchet? Hell fucking no!
Me: I didn't-
Lwethu: ndicela siyeke before sixabane . (Let's
leave it before we fight)
Me: I understand, I didn't mean to upset you.
he kissed the back of my hand and smiled atme.
Lwethu: It's okayI
so loved him..

to be continued...
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.

Nathi and I, met up with the wedding planner atfour

seasons restaurant. we were going to discuss final
touch-ups of things like, dresses, attires for men and
catering since we were going to have a tradition
wedding. I was so excited for my wedding even
though my parentswere not going to be there on my
big day but my aunt and uncle from my mother's
side were going to be there for me throughout
everything.And also Lwethu and Siba would be
there so I was grateful to be honest.

After the met up with the wedding planner, Nathi

drove straight to the warehouse as I droveto Siba's
house to see how she and baby Avery are holding up
after the traumatizing experiencethey both been
through. She wasn't back at
work yet; since she was already showing and her
stomach was a little bit bigger. The whole ideal
made Siba not to enjoy her pregnancy thatmuch
because wherever she went - she had tolook over
her shoulder because that bastard Ludwe was
lurking all over the place..
I got to Siba's house and rang the bell as she
opened the door looking all sorts of cute withthat
nude tracksuit she was wearing - her facefree from
Me: hi babe
I hugged her..
Siba: hey sis. You look good
Me(smiling): Thanks, You glowing too.
She opened the door wider for me so that I could get
in. Lwethu was seated on the dinner table as papers
were scattered all over the table.
Me: Hi Lwethu.
he looked up at me and smiled..
Lwethu: hey Zee, You good?
Me: I'm fine. You?
Lwethu: Getting there, wedding fittings are
tomorrow right?
Me: Yes.. at 4.
He looked over at Siba..
Lwethu: You'll be there, baby?
Siba: of course.. can't miss it for the world.He
collected his papers and stood up..
Lwethu: I'll give you ladies some space, nice tosee
you Zee.
Me: You too.
He walked upstairs..
Siba: You have a good timing, we have pasta onthe
pantry. Should I dish up for you?
Me: Yes please



I was laying on the bed when Siba got inside theroom

holding two cups of hot chocolate and
marshmallows. It was around 6 in the afternoon;
Ziyanda just left.. they had been taking and talking
forever with loud laughs in between..
Siba: brought us something..
I sat up straight as she handed the cup of hot
chocolate to me.
Me: Thank you baby
She got under the covers with me as we lay side
-by-side in bed. I was so grateful to be able to
lay next to her like this, enjoying the warmthness
and the quietness of our bedroom;when Ludwe got
her I thought I was going to lose her - I thought we
were going to lose our little Avery whom we looked
forward to meet every single day. The who ideal
with Ludwe made me love and appreciate Sibahle
Conway more.. it made me thank God for giving me
such a strong woman by my side.

I moved my hand to her stomach and brushed alittle..

I was about to restrain my hand when Avery kicked.
Siba jumped off in bed kicking mycup away in the
Siba: Oh my God, did you felt that?
I nodded with a happy smile on my face.. myday
was keeping getting better and better..
Me: She felt her dad's touch.
Siba(teary): oh my word, I can't believe this!
I moved closer to her and wrapped my arms
around her waist as I pulled her closer to me and
kissed her on the mouth.
Me: I love you, baby.
Siba: I love you too, sweetheart.



I hadn't been to work since that accident, I had

someone holding the fort for me until I give birth
and ready to be at work again. since I wasdoing
anything at the moment either than eating, doing
yoga and sleeping.. Also reading.It was daily
routine for me.
The next morning I woke up and decided to make
breakfast for Lwethu since he was the one taking
care of me after Ludwe decided to take me without
my permission. but funny enough, I wasn't mad at
the dude; I just wantedpeace. A peaceful and
amazing invironment mydaughter to be welcomed in
- I didn't want her toarrive while her Father and uncle
are in the middle of war with a dangerous man alive
but there was nothing I can do.. these men were both

As I was still cooking in the kitchen I received acall

from an unknown number..
Me: hello?
Caller: hey.. am I speaking to Sibahle Conway?Me:
Yes.. this is she. who am I speaking to?
Caller: I'm Yanelisa Xaluva, Ludwe's woman.can
we meet tomorrow? I wanna talk to you.
Me: What makes you think I'll agree to meet upwith
Caller: because I believe we want the same thing; our
babies be born in peace. Are you keen?
Me: I'm not sure
Caller: Call me on this number if you somehow
changed your mind.. bye.
She hung up..

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.

That woman's phone call left me in thoughts the
whole entire day, I was debating myself whether to
go meet her and hear what she hadto say or should I
just leave it alone.. but I wascurious and obviously I
wanted Lwethu and Ludwe to burry the hatchet. I
didn't want my child to be born between the choas,
where theywill be time we had to run or fight
because the enemy is there to fight or attack us; I
can't havemy child to be exposed to that kind of life
but both these men are stubborn as hell.
That day, Lwethu and I went shopping for baby
things and groceries. I was few months away from
giving birth so we had to be ready with everything -
I couldn't wait for my baby to arrivebut I was scared
at the same time.. I was heardscary stories about
giving birth that made me chickened out but there
was nothing I could do.I was doing this whether I
liked it or not, I had no choice in the matter.
We passed by the chemist before heading home to
buy my vitamins since mine had ran out. on our way
home I decided to break the ice.

Me: baby
Lwethu: mh?
He turned his head to look at me, his aviator
sunglasses seated on the bridge of his nose ashis
head moved side-ways to the beat of Teek'sfirst time.
Me: I wanted to talk to you about something..
Lwethu: is there something wrong?
I squeezed his hand as it was intertwined withmine
on his lap..
Me: No.. nothing is wrong.
Lwethu: Okay.. talk then.
Me: This morning I received a call from a
woman called Yanelisa.. she's Ludwe's womanand
she want us to meet and discuss something..

I expected him to be shocked or even be angryor

shout.. I thought he was going to react harshly but
funny enough he was pretty calm. he glanced at me
then turned back to the road..

Lwethu: Do you wanna meet up with her?

Me: I don't know..
Lwethu: Cool.. then I'll make it easy for you,
awuyi apho. (You ain't going)
Me: What?
Lwethu: I didn't stutter right?
Me: Yes but-
Lwethu: Then my message was quite clear.. you
ain't meeting with that woman.
Me: You can't tell what to do!
Lwethu: Of course I can't tell you.. but can't yousee
that that this is a trap?
Me: What if she just wanna talk? trying to find
solutions to this predicament?
Lwethu: I'm pretty sure you can do this ' talk 'over
the phone right? There's no need for any meet-up
Me: Lwethu, nothing is going to happen to me, I'll
even go with Sizwe if that's what you want.. IJust
want to hear what the woman has to say nothing
He sighed..
Lwethu: I don't want to seem like I'm controllingyou
or whatever, but baby your safety is my priority! It's
my job to make sure that you and Avery are safe but
right now? You're going
straight into the Lions den.
Me: Just trust me okay?
Lwethu: Whatever you say, baby.

We drove home in silence as I was thinking about

this Yanelisa woman. what did she want?Was she
trying to set me up? But she begged Ludwe to let us
go that night when he kidnapped me..
Once I got settled at home, I picked up my
phone and called the woman..
Yanelisa: I guess you made you choiceShe
had a nice beautiful voice..
Me: Let's meet tomorrow at Four seasons
restaurant around 12 midday. how about that?
Yanelisa: uhm..
Me: is there a problem?
Yanelisa: 12 is fine, see you then.
She hung up ..

I hoped I was making a right decision..


Around 12:03, the next morning I was already atFour

seasons. It was a beautiful weather so I wore a
sundress with sandles; some Jean jacket just in case
the weather changes..
When I walked through the door I immediately
recognized Yanelisa because she told me what she
was wearing so it was kinda easy to identifyher - she
also wore a dress as her baby bump was visible
under the fabric.
Me: Hi. Yanelisa right?
She looked up at me and smiled warmly.. Yanelisa:
Yes.. that's me, You must be Sibahle?Me: Yes
I opened the chair as I took a seat opposite her..
Yanelisa: Thank you for agreeing to meet me.
I nodded..
She was beautiful no lies, with a beautiful coffee-
coloured skin. braids tied neatly ontop ofher head. I
almost didn't believe that she was Ludwe's woman.
Yane: firstly I would to apologise for what my
man put you through.
Me: You don't have to apologise, it was Ludwewho
wronged me not you.
She didn't look like a threat, so there was no need
for me to take out the pistol I had on mypurse..

Me: Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude or

anything but why am I here?
Yane: Listen, I'm not a fan of Ludwe's gangsterism
and what not. It's who he is, I can'tchange him but
there's only one thing that I won't accept from him is
how he threatened you;how he threatened to take the
baby out of your stomach.. I won't apologise for him
because I wasn't there and I didn't tell him to go and
do this but can we work together to make these men
stop this? this is obviously not worth of us losing our
kids right? I, personally I don't want my child to be
born like this.. when they're father's are butting heads
like high-school kids.
Me: I hear you loud and clear, but the question
is; how are we going to do that?



It was around 3pm in the afternoon when Sibacame

back from wherever she went. I guess she went to
meet up with Ludwe's woman.. I had already
cooked food and cleaned around the house giving
her some time to relax and beherself she'd been
through enough already.
She stepped inside the house looking so beautiful in
that short dress she wore, she hadthat pregnancy
glow that made her light skinned so fair and
beautiful.. with those widecurves I loved to caress
during love - making.
Sometimes I couldn't believe my luck, I couldn't
believe that this beautiful, sexy and hot-shot
millionaire woman was mine and she was aboutto be
the mother of my child.
I was a lucky bastard!
She took off her shoes by the door and madeher
way to me with a cute smile on her face..

Siba: I missed you!

She threw her arms around me as she huggedme
and kissed me on the mouth..
Me(smiling): I missed you too, baby. how was
lunch with Mrs. Dandala?
She shrugged.. Siba:
Nothing much
Me: so you ain't going to tell me anything?
Siba: Nope.. did you cook something?
Change of subject.. I see but I let it be.

Me: I made chicken marsala.

Siba: Yum.. can't wait to dig in.
Me: I'll dish you for you.
I took her hand as we headed to the kitchen..
Me: Nathi called, tomorrow is the attire fittingand
the cake tasting.
She nodded..
Siba: What time?
Me: Around 1
Siba: Alright.
She jumped on top of the counter and sat.Siba:
on second thoughts..
She grabbed me by the t-shirt and pulled me
closer to her chest..
Siba: how about we forget food and you makelove
to me on this counter?
I smiled widely like a kid given a candy.. this
was music to my ears.
Me: Oh yeah?
Siba: Yeah.
She grabbed the back of my heard as she
kissed me hard on the mouth..
Me: I love you
Siba: I love you too, sweetheart.

She was the one for me..

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


I was at home, after a long day at the restaurant.Siba

was upstairs sooking herself in a hot bath to relax her
body when my phone rang on top ofthe table. I
reached out for it and answered.
Me: Yeah?
Voice: I'm surprised you answered

It was Ludwe. It's been weeks since Siba met up

with Ludwe's woman and now he had beencalling
and calling me wanting us to meet andtalk. I'd been
ignoring his calls; not wanting totalk to him but he
wasn't having none if it.
Me: What the fuck do you want?

I fucking hated the guy, I wanted nothing to dowith

him. not after what he had done to Siba.. traumatizing
her like that - she had nightmaresbecause of the shit he
put her through.

Ludwe: I just want us to talk you know, I won't

wait your time. You don't have to talk to me..
You can listen to whatever the fuck I want tosay
then leave.
Me: No
Ludwe: bawo-
Me: Don't ever fucking call me again, there's
nothing for us to talk about so do me a favorlose
my number!
I hung up..
I gulped down the remains of scotch in my glass and
stood up. when I turned around Siba was behind me
looking at me with disappointedeyes.. but I couldn't
care less!

Siba: Are you ever going to let this go?

Me: No
She sighed..
Siba: baby, I have forgiven the guy. Yes, I don't like
him and won't ever like him but can we dropthis?
You don't have to be friends with him, I just want
peace alright?
Me: I don't want to talk about this ever again, I
won't be burrying at fucking hatchet with that
motherfucker do you understand me? Suka endleni
ndifunu gqitha. ( Move out of the way, Iwanna
She sighed in defeat knowing that I won't be
changing my mind any time soon so she
changed the subject.

Siba: I'm about to make dinner, what would youlike

to eat?
Me: Anything is fine.
Siba: I'll make noodles then.I
smiled at her tease.
Me: I'll eat that as well, as long it is made by you.
Siba: Right
Me: I'm going to make few calls, call me when
dinner is ready.
Siba: Okay
I kissed her softly on the mouth before walking
upstairs to the study.

Nathi answered the phone on a second thirdring.
Nathi: Mninawa.
Me: Sure mkhuluwa, Are you good?
Nathi: I'm nervous and excited at the same time
bawo, can you believe I'm marrying the love of my
life the day after tomorrow?
I chuckled..
Me: I know right? It's been a long road for youand
Nathi: indeed, I'm glad she stood by my sideand
handled my bullshit well.
Me: She's the one for you.
Nathi: Enough about you.. how are you and
Miss Siba?
Me: We're fine, so is the baby. but Ludwe has
been a nuisance.
His hostility was felt over the phone at the
mention of our biggest enemy.
Nathi: What did that fucker want?
Me: Want us to burry the hatchet, but it's
fucking too late for that!
Nathi: What does Siba think about all this?
Me: She's fine with it, she forgave the guy and
moved on with it but I can't. all those memoriesof
what Ludwe put Siba through keep flashing on my
mind like a torch light.. I don't think I'll ever stop
hating that guy.
Nathi: That's understandable, What he did to Siba
is unforgettable. what are you going to donow? do
what Siba wants you to do?
Me: Fuck no!
Nathi: Don't you think Siba is right? I'm sure you
don't want to bring enemies around your child
when she's born. why don't you just burry the
hatchet and stay the fuck away from him.. justfor
the sake of Avery.
Me: No
Nathi: Lwethu-
Me: Hay Siphenathi. I won't do something I don't
wanna do!
He sighed..
Nathi: Fine
Me: You already ruined my mood, ftsek bye bye.He
Nathi: Sure bawo.
He hung up..


We were standing infront of the mirror as I was

combing my hair while Nathi was fixing his shirtfor
the 3rd time now. it was his wedding day and he
was hella nervous but excited at the same time.

Me: The collar is fine bawo.

he chuckled..
Nathi: Am I making it obvious that I'm scared?
Me: Yes.. it's written all over your face. don't worry
Zee loves you too much to run away okay?I'm proud
of you Mkhuluwa and I know I don't say this much
often but I love you.
His eyes softened at my words, he hung intothem
and absorbed them like a sponge.

Nathi: Thank you bawo.

I moved closer to him and embraced him as I

brushed his back..

Mom: my boys!
She walked into the room as she was wearing her
traditional attire looking so beautiful like a real
Us: Mama
She hugged us both with tears in her eyes.
Mom: I'm so proud of you guys, I'm so proud tocall
you my sons. I've been waiting for this moment in a
long time and now it finally
happened.. Siphenathi you found a real womanin
Ziyanda and nawe Thandolwethu you found agem in
Sibahle I hope you do right by her.

I nodded.

Nathi: enkosi, Mama.

She kissed us both in the forehead before
existing the door.



Ziyanda and Siphenathi's traditional wedding was

so beautiful and amazing. from the decorand theme
to catering and the service.. not to
mention the attires. My best friend was so beautiful
in her dress and so is Nathi, not to saya word about
his best man who was also my man.
He was a hot shit in that venue.
The wedding was wonderful and there was vibes,
people were singing and enjoying themselves as
Nathi and Zee were dancing tomaskandi music
that was played by Ziya's Uncle.

We were all seated on, family and friends were

going to go up stage and say few words to them.
Lwethu's mom was the one on stage, talking to them
- she said the most beautiful words to them that
touched everyone in the room.. she was proud
mother and mother inlaw.She even gave Zee a new
marriage name that she was going to called by. It
was such a
beautiful name; she wasn't Ziyanda Mzingeli
She was Hlalanathi Makhubalo.

The MC continued to do his job calling people into

say few words until it was Lwethu and mine'sturn to
be on stage as close friends and family of the bride
and groom. Lwethu and I, walked across the stage
with our hands intertwined aspeople watched us
passed but ladies mostly starring at my man because
he looked so hot.
I couldn't blame them, I was also drooling overhim
even though he was already mine.

MC: now we're going to welcome the hot-shot

couple that almost stole everyone's attention. give
round of applause for Sibahle Conway and
Thandolwethu Makhubalo.
He handed me the mic.
Me: Thank you so much for the warm welcome
everyone, the MC has already introduced us. I'mthe
best friend of the bride and the sister in lawof the
groom. before I say anything further I justwant to
compliment how beautiful they are; indlela
abafanelene ngayo guys. I came here with alot to
say but now I'm kinda don't know what to say to
them, these two has always loved and supported
each other and I want them to continue do that.
They're each other's safe place, Zee my friend I just
to say congratulations for bagging that man as your
husband. A man who treats you right and respect
you. A man who loves you wholeheartedly. . I want
you to keep the same respect to him, love him just
the way he loves you I promise you - you'll grow
old together. don't take each other for granted. Nawe
Nathi, do the same to your wife. I love you guys so
much and I want only the best for you and I praythat
your marriage last longer till cheating do you apart.
As the person who was married before, awukho lula
umtshato but I trust you guys that you'll do whatever
it takes to make sure that your marriage and love
doesn't fall apart. As I said earlier that I won't say
much I just wanted to say those small words..
ndinithanda ukufa.

I handed the mic to Lwethu as I walked over to them

and hugged them both. Zee looked at me with teary
eyes as she mouthed; ' I love you too.'
I smiled and winked at her..

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


All of this felt surreal, I couldn't believe that I was

married to the love of my life. I couldn't believe that
I was going to spend the rest of mylife with him by
my side.
I wasn't Ziyanda anymore, I was Hlalanathi
Makhubalo. Didn't the surname suit me? Of
course it did. all of this felt like a dream that Iwas
going to wake up from.

Not so long ago I was a child who was disobedient,

a troubled child whom her parentscouldn't deal with
anymore and decided to kickher out of her home to
fend for herself. A woman who came from the
Eastern cape in the
dusty place called Marcelle. but now I was a
business woman, a happily married woman whowas
so much inlove with her husband. I was soproud of
myself to be honest.. I earned this, I deserved all this
happiness I was experiencing in my life in the

Our traditional was so amazing and beautiful,

everybody enjoyed themselves in there. Also we
enjoyed ourselves then we head to bask ourselves in
the sun at the beach in Dubai.
Yes, baby. we were on our honeymoon. Sibaand
Lwethu gifted us with this getaway for 3weeks
and it's been 4 days since we arrivedhere and we
already done so much.

I was laying on the bed with my back against the

headboard admiring my ring. it's been in myfinger
for a while but I couldn't get enough of it,
it was so beautiful I couldn't just ignore it.
The door burst opened as Nathi stepped inside
shirtless with a towel around his waist as he had a
tray of food in his hands. with a beautifulsmile on
his face he acknowledged me.

Nathi: Morning, Wifey.

Me(smiling): Good morning, husband.

He placed the tray on the pedestal before crawling

on the bed coming closer to me thenplanted a soft
kiss on my lips.
Nathi: I love you so much, do you know that?Me:
Oh yes.. I love you too.

He kissed again but much deeper and hard onthis

time. I cupped his face with my hands as I
kissed him back with the same energy he

Nathi: How about we skip breakfast?

Me: Fine with me

He cupped the back of my head as his arm

circulate around my waist before pulling me
closer to his hard body.



Doc: I'm glad you followed the rule I told you, toeat
healthy and exercise. Your baby is healthy and
developing well.. soon enough he or she
will here. do you want to know the gender?

I looked at Lwethu next to me who had his eyes

fixated on the baby scan he had in his hands. our
little bundle of joy was growing and becoming a
person. she already developed arms and little legs..
even with little cute eyes. Icouldn't wait for her to

Me: No.. we already know the gender.

Doc: Really? okay.

She wrote something on my file before handingit to


Doc: Your next appointment is 3 weeks from

Me: Alright. Baby let's go

We stood up and shook hands with the doctor.

Lwethu took my hand and led us outside the room.
when I closed the door behind me he pinned me
against the wall and kissed me hard,a kiss that left
me breathless.

Me: What was that for?

Lwethu: for gifting me with a perfect baby.

Like a butter on a hot pan I melted at his words.he

was such a romantic man when he wanted.

Me: I love you

Lwethu: I love you so much more baby.
He kissed my forehead before taking my hand
again as we head out the hospital.


We started at the chemist to buy my medicationand

some few baby things to add to those we had at the
house before we head to Lwethu's restaurant; Four
We found a table and ordered our lunch, I was
having a pasta with a glass of cranberry juice as
Lwethu was having a steak with chips.

Lwethu: Are you going to finish that?

He nodded to my plate, I stared down at it slightly

offended by his words. did he thought Ieat too
Me: What do you mean?

He shrugged..

Lwethu: I'm just saying baby, no hard feelings.Me:


I was already emotional, tears burned at theback

of my eyes.

Lwethu: haybo baby, uxolo I didn't mean it likethat

okay? I just-

He stopped talking as his eyes glanced over my

shoulder. his body was obviously tense as he
clenched his jaw. When I turned my head back
to see what he was looking at; I saw Ludwe and
Yanelisa walking toward us as Ludwe held
Yanelisa's hand.

Lwethu: here goes nothing..



This dude was starting to annoy the shit out ofme,

he was okay when he annoyed me over thephone
because I can hung up on him wheneverI wanted but
now he was there face-to-face. hewalked toward our
table holding his pregnant woman's hand.
Siba: Please be nice, baby.
Me: Why?
Siba: because I say so, promise me.

I stared away from her, not wanting right

promise her something I wouldn't do.

Siba: Thandolwethu, promise me!

Me: Fine, I promise.

She sighed in relief as Ludwe and his woman

reached our table.

Ludwe: Molweni, sicela uhlala nani. (May we sit

with you?)
Me: Fuck no
Siba stared at me with obvious disappointmentin her
eyes but I couldn't care less because I fucking hated
the guy.

Siba: Lwethu.
Me: What? he can't sit with us. Ludwe:
It's okay if you don't want to.Me: Damn
right we don't.
Siba: Of course you can sit, don't mind him he'sa
little bit grumpy.

Ludwe chuckled even though it wasn't funny.. he

opened a chair for his woman then she sat down
then he also sat down next to me - I didn'twant to
next to him so I scotted my chair closerto Siba's.
Siba rolled her eyes..

Siba: Stop this childish behavior Thandolwethu.

Yanelisa giggled as she stared at Siba

deciplining me.

Ludwe: bawo I understand that you don't wantme

near you or your family but listen to whatever I
have to say because it's for the bothof you especially
wena Sibahle.

Siba: we're listening

I glanced at her as she stuck her tongue out onme..

she was so annoying but so gorgeous at
the same time.
Now we had to listen to whatever this shitheadhad
to say..

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


Lwethu was acting super childish right now andit

was annoying me. I didn't know him this petty,Yes I
know that ludwe did us wrong and I'll never forget
what he did to me but for my own piece of mind I
forgave the guy. Why can't he?
It's not like he is going to be friends with him or
see him all the time he should just forgive and let
go of the past so that we could all move on.

Ludwe: First of all I would like to apologise to

Sibahle. I know that my lousy apology won't erase
the trauma I put you through but ndicela uxolo
kakhulu. I know what I did was wrong andimagining
someone else doing it to Yanelisa caused a
cringefest to me that's when I knew the damage I
caused to you and Don. I don't blame Don for
treating me this way because healmost lost you
because of me; I'm so sorry nyani, I loathe myself
for what I did and it's okayif you don't forgive me..
just know that I'm sorry.

Lwethu didn't say anything to Ludwe. he just

stared at him with an hardened expression on his
face like he wanted to snap his head apartfrom his
body. I put my hand in his thigh trying
to keep him calm because knowing Lwethu; he
might burst just in seconds.. he's thinking time

Me: Mna from my side, I forgave you before you

even thought of apologizing. I'm not the one to keep
grudges and I like peace but that doesn't mean I like
you. I don't and I'll never will for whatyou put me
through, you traumatized me so much to a point I
even have nightmares. on theother side I don't blame
Lwethu for behaving like this because akukho
mnandi kuye seeing crying and having a panic
attacks in a middle ofthe night. but akhonto Ludwe
Dandala, I forgavefor my own peace and sanity.

He shut his eyes tight like my words hit himhard

on the heart.
Ludwe: I'm so sorry
Me: It's okay, don't worry.

He moved his eyes from me and stared at

Thandolwethu who was already starring back.the
starring content went on for a few minutesbefore
Lwethu said something to Ludwe.

Lwethu: We forgive you.

Ludwe: Thank you so much, I truly appreciatethis.

He took his woman's hand and stood up and

walked away. I held Lwethu's hand and
squeezed it.

Me: I love you.

Lwethu: I love you too, baby.

He leaned closer to me and planted a soft kisson

my lips not carrying about anyone looking.


A month has passed, I was getting bigger and

uncomfortable. Most of my clothes didn't fit I had
to buy some new clothes and some maternity
dresses since they were the only things I wore. I was
2 months away from birth; Icouldn't wait to meet my

I was seated infront of the mirror fixing my hairand

makeup. we were going to dinner at Hlalanathi's
house, apparently she had an announcement to
make - everyone else didn't
know that it was, it was just me and her who
knew so it was more exciting like that.
Lwethu came out the bathroom with a towel
wrapped around his waist. his body was so wetand
hot I couldn't help but stare.. I was totally drooling.

Lwethu: see what you like?

he had a stupid grin on his face. I stood up frommy

chair and walked toward him as he watchesme with
intense eyes. I liked it when he looked at me like
that; he looked at me like I was the sexiest woman
he ever saw; he made me confident even thought I
was a little bit uncomfortable with my weight at the

I stood in front of him and ran my hands all over

you upper body.

Lwethu: baby, we are going to be late.

Me: I won't be long.

I dropped down to my knees and undo the towel as it

fell down on the floor. when it registered to his mind
what was going to happened he took a deep breath as
his hand went to my undone hair.

Lwethu: Fuck baby..


We arrived at their house as we walked to thedoor

and rang the bell, seconds later the door opened as
hlalanathi appeared.
Hlala: Avery's parents.
Me: hey love
Lwethu: Mrs Makhubalo.

She hugged the both of us and kissed our


Hlala: Come in and thank you for coming.

Lwethu: We wouldn't miss it for the world.

She smiled as Lwethu walked passed us to the


Hlala: You're so beautiful, I like your dress. You

need to hit me up with your designer.
Me: Thank you, don't worry I'll plug you up.

We walked to the dining room where almost

everyone was there. Lwethu's mother was therealso..
I walked to her and greeted her.

Ma: Molo sisi, You're so beautiful. how's my

grandchild in there?
Me: She's good, just making me comfortable
these days.
Ma: You're almost due that's why.
Me: Ewe Ma. Unjani kodwa? (Yes Ma. how are

We continued to talk until Hlala called us for

attention as we all sat around the table.
Hlala: Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you so
much for being here when I'm about to announce
some good news for my husband.

Nathi stared at her a little confused.

Nathi: Are you going to propose to me baby?

Laughter filled the room as Hlala rolled her eyes.

Hlala: No baby

She walked to the chest of drawers and came back

with an envelope then handed it to Nathi who took
it hesistantly.

Nathi: bawo yinton le? is she divorcing me?

Lwethu(laughing): Vula bawo man.

Nathi opened the envelope and read the papersthen.

his facial expression went from being confused.
shock. happy. with a balled fist against his mouth
he exclaimed.

Nathi: is this thing legit? You're not playing withme?

Hlala shook her hand with tears in her eyes..

Nathi sprang from you chair walking to Hlala. he

spooned her and swirled around with her in his arms.

Ma: kwenzeka ntoni bethuna? (What's going

Nathi: We're going to have a baby!!



2 more months to go.

Our little princess would be here with us.
I was so fucking excited I couldn't wait, being a
father was scary but also exciting at the same time.
I was looking forward to everything that concerned
my baby. the nappy changing, the bottle making in
the middle of the night and thecries at 3am.. the
deprived of sleep I was looking forward to
everything man.
That morning I was at home, with some guys from
Sokutu graphics and designs. they were there to design
and make Avery's crib. we wereready with everything.
Clothes, baby food, babytoiletries and nappies, toys
were also there. wecouldn't wait.

We used one of the guest rooms in my housenot

in Siba's house since we were going to move back
here. It was going to be our housenow.

Me: how's is it going Gentlemen?

Guy: so far so good, in 2 days everything will be
Me: Sure case.

Siba: am I not going to trip and fall?
Me: No I'm watching you nje, don't you trust me?
Siba: I do baby, but I'm blindfolded. what's this
suprise again?
Me: If I tell you it won't be a suprise anymore.

She groaned as she kept walking to the room

where I made Avery's crib.

Siba: Fine.

We stopped infront of the door as I opened thedoor

and we head inside.

Siba: Baby what's going on?

Me: You'll see.

I untied the blindfold and removed it from her


Me: Ta-da!

She blinked and looked around the room, whenshe

realized what I'd made a soft gasp escapedher mouth as
she turned to me with tears in hereyes.

Siba: baby
Me: do you like it?
Siba: like it? I fucking love it!! Thank you so
much baby.
She moved to me and hugged me so tightly.

Me: I love you sthandwa Sam.

Siba: I love you too baby, Also Avery.

My hand moved to her tummy as my baby

kicked to my touch.

Siba: She can feel her dad's touch.Me:

Yes she can.

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.

We were a little family.

My husband, I and our unborn baby. we were alittle
family of 3 and I was satified with what I had.
It had been such a long journey for Siphenathiand
I, from since we started dating to breakingup -
going back together and to get married at last. our
love and trust for each other hung onand pulled
through I was so happy.

When the test said I was pregnant I couldn't believe

it, I wanted to make sure and be sure soI went to a
doctor and got tested.. the results came as they were
in the pregnancy test; I waspregnant. I knew Nathi
was going to be happy about the news but I didn't
expect this kind of happiness. he was over the moon
and already
speaking about baby clothes and all that. his
excitement was funny but also loving because he
was looking forward to being a father, that only
made me love fluant more for this man - hewas the
love of my life, my soulmate.

Siba and I, were at Four seasons to get some lunch

and catch up. she was heavily pregnantand close to
giving birth. The pregnancy suitedher so well
because the girl was damn glowingand she gained a
little bit of weight that madeher curves to be a little
I was having burger and chips whilst Siba was
having a pasta. she was telling me about a the baby
crib that Lwethu surprised her with.

Siba: it is beautiful sis, makes me wanna givebirth

to Avery in this moment.
Me: It's so beautiful and so girly, people who
made this are so creative.
Siba: I know right? You should use this kind of
design for your baby.
Me: I sure will.
Siba: so-

She stopped talking when a pregnant lady came

toward our table.

Lady: Ladies
Siba: hey love
Me: hi

Siba stood up and hugged her. I didn't knowwho

the lady was so I waited for Siba to introduce
Lady: Can I seat?
Siba: Sure.. Oh uhm.. Hlala babes, this is
Yanelisa. Yanelisa this is Hlanathi; my best
Me: Nice to meet you love.
Yanelisa: Nice to meet you too, You're so
Me: Thanks you too.

I stared at Siba with a raised brow.

Siba: Ludwe and Lwethu made peace.Me:

Oh I was starting to wonder.
Yanelisa: Let me call a waiter.


Nathi: I can't believe we're about to be Dads.

I chuckled as I took a sip on my scotch. we were

seated at Nathi's office at the warehouse.

Me: better believe it. Nathi: not so long ago we

were just drug lords you didn't care about anything
besides money.
Me: Until Siba and Zee came along.
Nathi: They changed our lives for the better, thisis
what mom and dad wanted; for us to find right
woman to build family with.

At times I couldn't believe it either that this was

our lives now, just yesterday I was a drug lord who
ran a big candigate empire of drugs and awhole
king pin of THE TYRANTS. but I met a woman;
who came into my life in disguise, shewas sent to
dig up some information about meor made me fall
in love with her so her brother in-laws can kill me.
And she succeeded in her mission but in between
the lines she fell for metoo - that was the beginning
of our beautiful love story that had couple of ups
and downs along the way.. but the most important
part shegave me something that I'll forever
appreciate her for; she gave me something I never
thoughtI'd have.
My unborn baby Avery.
A precious cargo of mine, my pride and joy.

Nathi: bawo?
Me: mh?
Nathi: Where did you disappeared to?
Me: I'm just thinking.. I'm thinking of marrying

Nathi was about to take a drink on his glass but


Nathi: What?

I nodded.
He stared at me for a while before he smiled atme.

Nathi: That's the best decision you'll ever make, I'm

proud of you Mninawa.. Sibahle is so worthy of the
Makhubalo surname.
Me: ndiyabulela Mkhuluwa.


After the lunch Hlala, Lisa and I had we went our

separate ways. It was nice to be with themjust for a
little while because Hlala and I, won'tbe spending
enough time together because I was close to giving
birth and I'd be taking careof a baby. she was
married now and also pregnant so our lives are
kinda busy.

I can't believe we far we came, not so long we

were just best friends who used to be at each others
faces all the time. eating lunch togethereveryday
and doing lot of things together but now? we were
both involved with brothers;
about to have kids with brothers, life is
unpredictable to be honest.
I'm so grateful to have a man like Lwethu in mylife,
such a supportive and secured man like him.. a man
who would do anything just to see me happy.
I'm a lucky bitch.

When I arrived at home, Lwethu wasn't back from

wherever he went so it was a perfect moment to
suprise him with what I had in mind.
I cooked dinner for us and set a romantic setup
before heading to shower and dressed myself up in a
sexy red gatter - lingerie that pushed myboobs up. I
did my makeup and hair then sprayed some
perfume. I applied some red blood lipstick then I
was good to go.
Lwethu was going to lose his mind honestly.

A month later.

Each day passes, I was gaining more weights and I

was becoming so uncomfortable with myself.
Lwethu tried everything to make me feelbetter but it
wasn't helping much. I was eating alot, always tired
and emotional. And I was so lazy.. but luckily
enough I had a very patient andLoving man who
didn't mind doing everything for me; he didn't mind
my mood swings and tantrums - he was always
understanding and supportive.

I was seated on the couch infront of the TV

reading a book as Lwethu was in the kitchen
preparing lunch. he didn't go to work; he workedfrom
home since I was due to birth any day so he didn't
want to be away from me.

Lwethu: baby?

He yelled from the kitchen..

Me: Yes?
Lwethu: Can you come and taste this? andifunu
yenza muncu. (I don't want to make it salty)
Me: Okay

I placed the book next to me as I stand up. I was

about to walk when something caught myeye; it
was wet where I was seated. even the dress I wore
was wet from behind.
My heart started to beat fast as I realized whatwas
going on.

Me: Thandolwethu
Lwethu: baby?
Me: I think my water broke

A sound of something came from the kitchenas

Lwethu come running to the living room.

Lwethu: What?
Me(panicking): I said I think my water broke! Goto
Avery's bedroom and grab her bag and driveme to
the hospital.
Lwethu: uh.. are you feeling pain?
Me: Lwethu man!
Lwethu: Shit.. Okay
He ran up the stairs to get the bags.Shit
was about to get real.

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


When we reached the hospital, Siba was alreadyin so

much pain; she was screaming and cursing..
something I never saw her done but the pain of
giving birth made her more Savage. Ihad already
called my mom and her dad, Nathi and Ziya. my
baby was in so much pain it broke
my heart, she was drenched in sweat and tearsall
over her pretty face.
Our little Avery would be here in few hours time.we
were going to welcome her with warms hands. I
couldn't wait to hold her in my arms, hold my first
born child.. she was totally going to a daddy's girl.

When we arrived at the hospital, Siba wasn't taken

in immediately because the Doc that Avery is still
very far to be ready; we had to waitanother 9 hours
for her to be ready. Siba almostcollapsed when she
heard those news but the doctor gave her an
injection - something that was going to make her
sleep to pass time whilewe wait so she dozed off on
the bed.
Mom, Siba's sad, Nathi, Ziya and I sat on the
benches waiting impatiently for the time to go
quickly.. I was getting nervous as each minute
and every hour passes; I was excited and
anxious at the same time.

Mom held my hand and squeezed it.

Mom: She's going to be okay.
Me: I know
She gave me a weak smile.
Mom: I can't wait to meet my Granddaughter.she
will be so beautiful like her mother.
MrCon: I know right.

He said with a little smile on his face, I even

forgotten that he was even there. he's beenquiet..
worried about his daughter like we allwere.


I was woken up by a loud scream from Siba's

room as I jolted off the chair and ran to the warm.
I fell asleep on the chair as I waited tothe time.
Siba was seated up straight on the bed, with tears
streaming down her face - I walked towards her and
kissed her on the mouth beforehugging her.

Me: I'm sorry

Siba: I don't think I can do this mna Lwethu.. it
hurts! (crying)
I pulled out the hug before cupping her red tears
stained face and peck her lips multiple times before I
talked to her.
Me: baby listen, I know you're super scared rightnow
and it's normal baby. You have every fucking right
to be scared because you're aboutto push a whole
human being out of you but remember baby; this is
our child. the most precious thing we created
together, our bundle of joy.. please sthandwa sam
hang in there - do it for our little one okay? I love
you so much. I'llbe there with you every step of the
way, Alright?

She nodded.

Siba: I love you too.

I kissed her again before the doctor entered theroom
with her blue scubs on and her surgical mask on her
Doc: Let me check how far are we.

She did her thing as I continued to stare at Siba.

Doc: Alright, You're to push miss Conway.

Siba: What?
The doc nodded.. Siba(panicking):
Oh my God! Me: remember what I
said right?
She took a deep breath before nodding.Doc:
Let's do this.

Nurses and the doctor immediately surroundedthe

bed Siba was laying on as they did their business. I
was standing next to the bed wearing my own
scrubs and a surgical mask asI held Siba's hand.
Doc: Alright Miss, I'll need you to push okay?
Siba nodded.
Doc: Push!

Sibahle pushed as she screamed.. her screamsbouncing

off the walls of the room.
Doc: Again!
She pushed again.
Doc: Come on I already see the head.

Jesus Christ.. this was happening.

Doc: Come on, Push! Do it she's close!

Siba continued to push as I closed her eyes realtight -
not believing this was happening.
Doc: Nurse!!

I expected an ear bursting scream from thebaby but

nothing she was quiet.
I started to panick.

Me: Doctor, What's going on?

The doctor ignored me as she tried to hit our baby
Avery on the thighs trying to make her crybut she
was silent.
This cannot be happening!

Me: Doctor what the fuck is going on?

Siba was unconscious at that moment. She wasdozed
I took the baby from the doctor's arms as I triedto
make her cry.

Me: Avery baby come on!

Still nothing.
Me: Hay hay Mamqocwa Come on, vuka nontombi
ndim tatakho. suyenza lento baby girl.( Teary)

I tried to gentle shook her and even hit her feetbut


Me: Hay maqocwa, butsolo nentonga!

Doc: Sir-
Me: Shut up!

I put my mouth over her nose and I blew someair

even on her ears.. I didn't know what was Idoing -
I was doing whatever it took to see mychild cry.
After few seconds, a loud cry achoed all aroundthe
room as I also burst into a sob in relief. I thought I
already losed her before I even got touch her




When I woke up, I heard voices like people were
whispering trying not to wake me up. I was so tired
even my body hurt but I wanted to meet my baby, I
didn't did the skin to skin thingy because I passed
out before time.
I couldn't believe that I was someone's mother.

When I opened my eyes, the room was

decorated with balloons hashes written:
My Dad was there, Lwethu's mother, Nathi and

Me: Molweni

They turned to look my way as my dad sprangout

of his chair toward me. he held my handsand
kissed them.
Dad: hey sweetheart, how are your feeling?Me:
I'm good.
He chuckled..
Dad: You must be excited to meet your little
cutie.. there she is.

Lwethu walked toward the bed holding Avery

who was wrapped in a cute pink blanket.
Lwethu: Look at our baby.
He handed her over to me as I held her.She
was so tiny.
So perfect.
So beautiful.

Me: She's perfect Baby! (crying)

Lwethu: I know right.
Me: What are we going to name her besides
He smiled.
Lwethu: ngu Sibabalwe Avery Makhubalo.
Me: I love it, Sibabalwe. so amazing.

I looked at her, holding her small delicate handas I

studied her features.

Hlala: Oh my word!

When I looked beside me, Lwethu was on his

knee next to the bed holding a beautiful diamond
ring in his hand.

Oh. My. God.

Lwethu: Sthandwa Sam, can you make me the
happiest man alive by marrying me?

Tears cascade down my cheeks as I looked atthis

amazing man infront of me.

Me: Of course I will marry you!

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


I knew she was going to say yes to my

angagement but that didn't stop me from being
happy, excited that I was going to get married to the
love of my life.. and we already had a perfect baby
The family were happy for us, Siba loved the ring
so much and it suited her beautiful. It wasan
amazing day for us, every thing was going well
and still going to go well.

The family left, wanting to give us space as a little

family to bond together. Siba was told to breastfeed
Avery and make her burp then she was taken away..
it was kinda hard to see her leave because I was
already attached to her butit was going to be a matter
of few days before they got discharged because they
were no complications with baby Avery; she was
healthyand well developed.
I was laying next to Siba on the small hospital bed as
she had her head on my chest. She wasadmiring her
ring as I stared at her; believing that I had the most
beautiful and sexiest woman in my life as my fiánce
and the motherof my child.
Am I not blessed though? I'm God's favourite

Me: Do you like it?

Siba: like it? hell no I love it! it's so beautiful and it
suits me.. Thank you for seeing me worthy of being
your wife.
Me: Are you kidding me? I'm the lucky one here, to
have such a beautiful and the sexiest woman as my
wife who has a nice ass as an nectarine.

She giggled as she swatted my hand.

Siba: Don't be like that!
Me: What? Am I not allowed to compliment my
wife's ass?
Siba: You are but-
Me: let's just leave it because izoba yi Debate.

She turned around and faced me as she put herhands

on my chest.

Siba: I can't believe this is us, right now.

Me: Me too, not so long ago my came into mylife
in a mission but you end up falling for myass.
Siba(laughing): I know right? but you fell for myass
Me: And I'm glad that things worked out like
that for the both of us. I love you so much.
Siba: I love you too, baby.
Me: Give me a kiss.

She leaned closer and I grabbed the back of herhead

and kissed her soft mouth with so much love,
enthusiasm, passion and intensity. she was the only
person who evoked my feelings and emotions just
by a kiss.
I was so dangerously inlove with this woman.


A week has passed.

Siba and Avery were getting discharged today.

everything was set in Avery's crib and also in
our bedroom so that Siba could be comfortable..her
body hasn't fully healed you know.

We cleaned the whole entire house with a help of

Maria of course, I prepared food then head toshower
before going to the hospital to fetch them.
After getting ready, I took the car as I drove tothe
hospital in high spirits.. I didn't know thatbeing a
father felt this good, I was proud man.
Upon arriving at Melo Med, I went to her ward
where I found her fixing her hair.

Me: hey baby.

I walked over to her and kissed her on the
Siba: hi love, you look good.
Me: Thank you baby, You're so gorgeous too..
ready to go?
Siba: Yeah I missed my bed.
Me: You don't miss me?
She smiled..
Siba: You know you the first person I think
about in the morning After Avery.
I rolled my eyes..
Me: haska!
She laughed as she took her bag and we headto be
ward where babies are kept.

Arriving at home, Avery was asleep all the drive

home without waking up. I parked the car on the
driveway as I got out the car first to open the door
for Siba.

Siba: Thank you baby

She walked to the house as I left to carry thebags
to the house.

Siba: I think I'm going to take a nap baby I'm

Me: Okay, I'll look after Avery.
Siba: Thank you

We walked upstairs as I set the bags down andtook

Avery from Siba. She took off her clothes and wore
her pyjamas then got undercovers.
I sat down on the one-seater couch with my cute
daughter on my chest sleeping peaceful. Ikissed her
forehead before I got busy on my phone.


Fatherhood wasn't easy, but I loved every bits ofit. I

was used to wake up at 2am to make bottlefor her or
change her nappy. the cries in the middle of the
night and what not.
Avery was such a crier, she spent every minuteand
every second crying which was kinda annoying at
times but I loved her to bits.

As she grew up she was slowly becoming clearwho

she looked like. she have Siba's complexion; her
nose, lips. She have my eyes, ears and feet.
She was a cute little girl.
Siba had already started planning our wedding, she
found the most high recommended wedding planner
to assist her as she wanted todo some things herself.
She wanted an outdoorwedding so finding a
beautiful value was kindahard but she got what she
The date of the wedding hadn't already been set
because we're still doing preparations for the

I was seated in the living room with Nathi as wewere

watching soccer highlights. Siba came down the
stairs with Avery in her arms who wasin a new
yellow onesie and some hat.

Siba: baby, can you hold her? I want to preparelunch.

Me: Okay
Nathi: let me hold her
I passed Avery to her uncle who watched herwith a
smile on his face.

Nathi: We're going to chase alot of boys here,

she's such a cute kid.
Me: I know and I'm not looking forward to thatat
least I still have more years to relax beforethat

I stared at Avery who was staring back at mewith

those beautiful clear eyes like mine.
She was my pride and joy.

to be continued..
SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.


It was Siba and Lwethu's wedding day, such a

beautiful Saturday morning with a beautiful weather.
everyone going up and down at Siba'shome as they try
to get ready for the big day. welast saw Nathi and
Lwethu the day before yesterday; since they were
having a party at Lwethu's house to celebrate his last
days as a single man.

I was so happy for Siba honestly; she deserved

everything that came her way ever since she lost
Siyabulela a year ago. Lwethu was the second man
she loved after Siya.
The following morning we woke up to get readyas
Siba bathed Avery and and fed her, she wasso

Siba: I can't believe it's my wedding day today.Me:

You better believe it ke babes.
Siba: I'm getting married for the second timebut
it feels like a first.
Me: Just because Lwethu is the one for you,you
guys are meant for each other.
She smiled as her eyes filled with tears.
Siba: I'm so blessed.
Me: And I'm proud of you.
She hugged me.
Siba: Thank you, I love you so much.
Me: I love you too, love.

We got ready and wore our dresses and got ourhair

and makeup done. Siba was so gorgeous Icouldn't
stop staring at her. Lwethu was surelygoing to cry
when he lay his eyes on her.
She had few words with her father, as they hugged
before we got inside the car and droveto the botanic
gardens where the wedding wasgoing to be held at.
On the way to the venue, I had Avery on my arms.
She was so quiet and cute like she understood that it
was her parents special dayand she didn't want to
ruin it for them by crying.
Siba and Lwethu made such a beautiful baby, I
hoped that mine looked like me or her dad because
Nathi was hell of a man.

Siba and Lwethu's wedding was so beautiful,

Lwethu cried when he saw Siba and he closed itby
saying most emotional vows as hell that made
almost everyone to cry. we were all seated around
the big table and chairs as Averywas on Nathi's arms
as we watched Siba and Lwethu dancing slowly on
the dance floor.

Nathi intertwined our hands together under thetable

as he looked at me and smiled.
Nathi: I love you so much.
Me: I love you too sthandwa Sam.

Sometimes I couldn't believe that this man wasmy

soulmate, the love of my life.


We stared into each other's eyes as we moved

together on the dance floor. everyone around usdidn't
exist in that moment; it was about us and our love for
each other.

I loved this woman so much, sometimes it scarces

me.. overwhelms me. I was the luckiestbastard alive
to be given a chance to love and respect her. to be
her husband and the father ofher children.
Our wedding was so beautiful and peaceful. we
didn't invite lot of people; just people we knew,
colleagues and some distant relatives.
Siba: ndakthanda bawo. (I love you)
Me: ndakthanda nam bawokazi. (I love you too)

She leaned closer to me as I kissed her on the


Siba: I miss my baby.

Me: Look at her, she's so comfortable on her
uncle's arms.. she's not even crying.
Siba: such a sweetheart that one.
Me: Thank you for giving me such a gift baby, I
appreciate you and Sibabalwe so much.
Siba: we love and appreciate you too, baby.

I glanced at Avery and Siba who were almost

looking alike.
They were my angels.
My pride and joys.
My hearts in a human form.

to be continued...

SIBAHLE: his heart in a human form.




We'd been married for 5 years.

Happily married to be exact with the love of mylife
and our kids.. we had over ups and downs, fights
and forgiveness like any other couple butwe stuck
together and loved each other more.

It was just me, Avery and Siba. Then our secondchild

came; Sibalwethu Makhubalo who's a boy and now
my wife was pregnant with our last born who's a girl.
Our family was complete, 3 kids were enough for the
both of us; we were happy and satisfied with our

Siba and I, been through alot together. From

being targeted and tormented by the Ziqubu
brothers to being Ludwe's victims - I fought
Ludwe trying to protect my family but I endedup
in a coma for few days. My wife got kidnapped
and Ludwe tried to eliminate our baby Avery, but
with God's grace and Nathi's
help we survived that hurricane even though it left
my baby drowning in nightmares every night.but my
woman is strong, yi bokodo leyana - nothing could
ever bring her down.. whatever she faces she always
bounces back and that's what I love about her. I have
a strong and independent woman by my side.

I was at my office at Four seasons when I

received a call from my wife.. with a smile onmy
face I answered.

Me: Mrs Makhubalo.

Siba: hey husband, are you busy?
Me: No. Why?
Siba: You know that it is my turn to fetch kids from
school today but I have an important meeting with
the board which I can't postpone..
can you fetch them for me?
Me: of course, baby. they're my kids too.. but
baby you know that you're not supposed to be
working hard at the time like this. You're due
anytime now.

She sighed.

Siba: We talked about this. Me:

Alright I'll fetch the kids. Siba:
enkos baby, I love you. Me: I
love you too, sweetheart.

She hung up.

I packed up my things before driving straight tothe
kid's school.

Siba: Dad, can we get ice cream?

Me: No
Avery: Why? it's Wednesday today and they
gave away free ice creams on this day.
Me: ndithe hayi Avery, uyamazi unjani uMamenu.(I
said no, you know how your mother can be)
Siba: but we won't tell her.
Me: You guys won't take no for an answer,
would you?
Siba&Avery: Nooo!
Me: Alright, just one ice cream each.
Them: Yesss!

I chuckled as I shook my head. they were suchcute

manipulators, every Wednesday I had to
deal with this ice cream thingy.. they choose to
pester me because they don't stand a chance with
their mother - she can be strict to them at times but I
can't. how can you say no to such cute kids?

On our way home, we passed by the ice cream

parlour and bought them these ice creams before
heading home.
As I was still driving home, I received a call from

Me: Makoti wasekhaya.

Hlala: Lwethu, Siba is giving birth.. she's on herway
to the hospital as we speak hurry there!

I didn't say okay, I just dropped the call as I made a

U-turn and drove to the hospital in high

Me: Where's she?

Ma: she's in ward D, down the hallway.
Me: Okay

I ran down the hallway as I arrived there. My

wife was already layed on that table like bed;
ready to bring our last born on Earth.
I held her hands as I kissed her sweaty

Me: I'm here baby.

She nodded as the doctor told her to push.

Doc: Push!
She pushed hard on one go as our little baby got
out. a piercing scream achoed all around the

Siba: Oh my God!

With tears in my eyes I stared at Siba. my heart

swelling with all the love I had for this woman. She
gave me something I never thought I'd have;Children.
Not just one, but three of them.

Me: ndiyabulela sthandwa Sam. (Thank you my


She nodded as her eyes filled with fatigue.

Me: What are we going name her?

Siba: Phelokazi Pearl Makhubalo.
Me: I love them.
This was us and our little family. we were happyand
fullfilled with my wife;
beautiful kids.

My hearts in a human form.

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