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Annual Examination

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General Instructions
The question paper comprises Six Sections – A, B, C, D, E and F. There are 37
questions in the Question paper. All questions are compulsory.
2. Section A – From questions 1 to 20 are MCQs of 1 mark each.
3. Section B – Question no. 21 to 24 are Very Short Answer Type
Questions,carrying 2 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 40
4. Section C contains Q.25to Q.29 are Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 3
marks each.Answer to each question should not exceed 60 words
5. Section D – Question no. 30 to 33 are long answer type questions, carrying 5
marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 120 words.
6. Section-E - Questions no from 34 to 36 are case based questions with three
sub questions and are of 4 marks each. Answer to each question should not
exceed 100 words.
7. Section F – Question no. 37 is map based, carrying 5 marks with two parts,
37a from History (2 marks) and 37b from Geography (3 marks).
8. There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice
has been provided in few questions. Only one of the choices in such questions
have to be attempted.
9. In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and
question, wherever necessary.
10. Note: CBQ stands for “Competency Based Question”. 50% weightage
allocated for competency-based .

( MCQ- 1×20=20)

1. Identify the Russian leader from the picture given below. 1

a. Lenin
b. Tsar Nicholas
c. Joseph Stalin
d. Alexander Kerenski
2. Identify the correct statement. 1
a. On Sunday 25th February the government suspended the Duma
b. Lenin became the ruler of Russia after February revolution
c. Collectivation program in Russia was started by Kerenskii
d. All the above
3. Why was the article of 48 of the Weimar Republic considered harmful for the 1
a. It gave too much power to the trade unions
b. It gave the President power to impose emergency, suspend fundamental
rights and rule by decree.
c. It provided a complex system of proportional representation.
d. It prevented the Weimar Republic from forming a stable government.
4. The US army dropped the atomic bomb in 1945 on the cities of 1
a. New York and Los Angeles
b. Hiroshima and Nagasaki
c. Beijing and Shanghai
d. Tokyo and Ottawa
5. Assertion (A):- Most of the freshwater lakes are in the Himalayan region 1
Reason. (R):- They are of glacial origin.

a. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
b. Both( A )and( R) are true and R is not the correct explanation of (A).
c. (A) is correct but (R) is wrong
d. (A) is wrong but (R) is correct
6. Match the columns 1

Column A Column B
A. Headwaters of I. Tapi
B. Largest peninsular II. Mahanadi
C. Raises in the Satpura III. Bhagidari
D. Rises in the IV. Dal Lake
highlands of
E. Kashmir V. Godavari

a. A-III, B-V, C- I, D- II, E-IV

b. A-IV, B- V, C-I ,D-II, E-III
c. A-V, B-IV, C-III ,D- II, E-I
d. A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-V, E-I.
7. Which among the following statements is incorrect. 1
a. Literacy is a very important quality of a population
b. Migration is an important determination of population change
c. Tertiary activities include agriculture fishing mining etc.
d. Health is an important component of population composition which affects
the process of development.
8. Assertion (A):- The mountains are the major sources of water and forest wealth 1
Reason. (R):- The coastal region and Island groups provide sites for fishing and port
activities .

a. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
b. Both( A )and( R) are true and R is not the correct explanation of (A).
c. (A) is correct but (R) is wrong
d. (A) is wrong but (R) is correct
9. Study the given picture carefully 1

Which age composition contains senior citizens of India.

a. Adults
b. Children
c. Aged
d. None of the above
10. What is the purpose of implementation of mid day meal 1
a. To tell the importance of food
b. To teach about food
c. To encourage attendance and retention of children.
d. To add to the task of teachers
11. For how many days NREGA provides wage employment in India. 1
a. 120 days
b. 100 days
c. 90 days
d. 60 days
12. Which organisation maintains buffer stock in India. 1
a. Indian food corporation
b. Food corporation
c. Food corporation of India 1
d. None of these
13. Which of the following is an economic activity? 1
a. A teacher teaching his son
b. Recitation among friends
c. Teacher teaching in the classroom
d. All of the above
14. Arrange the following in chronological order: 1
I. Nomination papers are filled by candidates
II. Polling and counting of votes
III. Election campaign is carried out
IV. Voter’ s list is made
V. Election Voter Identity Cards are issued.
VI. Declaration of results

15. Identify the fundamental right with the help of following features. 1
● This right makes other rights effective.
● With this right we can seek remedy
● If any of our rights are violated we can approach court
● Dr. Ambedkar called it the ‘ heart and soul’ of the constitution.
a. Right to Equality
b. Right to Freedom.
c. Right against exploitation
d. Right to Constitutional Remedies

16. Select the demerits of democracy. 1

I. Instability because leaders keep changing
II. Delayed decision because it involves deliberations and negotiations.
III. Absence of corruption
IV. Absence of political competition
a. I,II & IV
b. II, III & IV
c. IV only
d. I, & II only
17. Since 1930, which country holds elections after every six years and which has never 1
been under a military or dictators rule?
a. Nepal
b. Mexico
c. Ghana
d. Zimbabwe

18 In a democratic Government, the decision making power is divided in the: 1

a. Legislature
b. Executive
c. Judiciary
d. All of these

19. Study the given picture carefully 1

This picture is related to which of the following right

a. Right to Freedom
b. Right to Equality
c. Right against Exploitation
d. Right to Constitutional Remedies
20 Which of the following institution can make changes to an existing law of the
country 1
a. The Supreme Court
b. The President
c. The Prime Minister
d. The Parliament

Qn. SECTION -B Marks

No. (2×4=8)
21. What were the demands mentioned in Lenin’s ‘ April Thesis’? 2
22. Explain the main features of Island group of India ? 2
Compare the East flowing and West flowing rivers of peninsular rivers?
23. What legal procedures have to be followed by a police officer if he arrest or detain 2
any citizen?
24. Explain the three different dimensions of food security. 2

25. Highlight the features of Nazi schooling to establish a strong Nazi society 3
How did Hitler abolished democratic rule in Germany?
26. Describe the size and location of India. 3
Write the difference between western coastal plains and eastern coastal plains.

27 What is meant by a secular state? Explain the features of secularism. 3

What are the merits of democracy
28. Write a short note on Co-operatives 3
Explain the steps taken by the government in the field of education.
29. Explain the powers and functions of Prime Minister . 3
What are the challenges to free and fair elections.

30. Write the difference between October Revolution and February Revolution. 5
Explain the status of women in the German Society under Nazism.

31. Explain any five antipoverty measures taken by the government to reduce poverty. 5
What has our government done to provide food security to the poor? Discuss two
schemes launched by the government.
32. Explain the powers and functions of President of India 5
Write a short note on NHRC
33. Explain the three parallel ranges of Himalayas from North to South. 5
Migration is an important determinant of population change. Explain.

34 Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow:

The summer months experience rising temperature and falling air pressure in the
Northern part of the country. Towards the end of the may, an elongated low pressure
area develops in the region extending from the Thar desert in the Northwest to Patna
and chota Nagpur plateau in the east and south east. Circulation of air begins to set in
around this trough.
Striking feature of the hot weather season is the loo. These are strong, gusty,hot, dry
winds blowing during the day over the north and North Western India. Sometimes they
even continue until late in the evening. Direct exposure to these winds may even prove
to be fatal. Dust storms are very common during the month of May in the Northern
India. These storms bring temporary relief as they lower the temperature and may bring
light rain and cool breeze. This is also the season for localized thunderstorms,
associated with violent winds ,torrential downpours often accompanied by hail. In west
Bengal, these storms are known as the Kal Baisakhi.
Towards the close of the summer season, pre monsoon showers are common, especially
in Kerala and Karnataka. They help in the early ripening of mangoes, and are often
referred to as ‘mango showers’.

1. The rising temperature and falling air pressure in summer he seen in which part of the
country ?

2. What is the name given to wind which blows in the Northern plains in summers?
3. Mango showers occur in which group of two States?

35 Read the given passage and answer the questions that follows:

The Constitution begins with a short statement of its basic values. This is called the
Preamble to the constitution. Taking inspiration from American model, most countries in
the contemporary words have chosen to begin their constitutions with a preamble.
The Preamble of the Constitution reads like a poem on democracy. It contains the
philosophy on which the entire constitution has been built. It provides a standard to
examine and evaluate any law and action of the government, to find out whether it is
good or bad. It is a soul of the Indian Constitution.

1. What is the soul of the Indian Constitution?

2. Who inspired different countries of the world to start their constitution with their
3. What are the ideals of the Indian Constitution?

36 Read the source given below and answer the following questions:

On May 5th 1789, Louis XVI called together and assembly of the Estate General to pass
proposals for new taxes. A resplendent hall in Versailles was prepared to host the
delegates. The first and second Estates send 300 representatives each, who were seated in
rows facing each other on two sides, while the 600 numbers of the Third estate had to
stand at the back. The Third Estate was represented by its more prosperous and educated
members. Peasants,artisans and women were denied entry to the assembly. They
grievances and demand were listed in some 40,000 letters which the representatives had
brought with them
Voting in the Estate General in the past had been conducted according to the principal
that each estate had one vote. This time too Louis XVI was determined to continue the
same practice. But member of the Third estate demanded that voting now be conducted
by the assembly as a whole, where each member would have one vote. This was one of
the democratic principles put forward by philosophers like rouser in his book ‘The social
contract.’when the king rejected this proposal, members of the Third Estate walk out of
the assembly in protest.
1. Why was an assembly of the Estates General called by Louis XVI?

2. What was the proportion of the representatives of the First, Second and Third Estate in
the resplendent hall in Versailles ? 1
3. On what principle was the voting in the estates done in the past.

37.1 On the outline map of France Identify and label the place marked as A 5
a) A place where National Anthem of France was sung

B. Identify the Allied power marked on the map.

37.2 On the outline map of India locate and label any three of the following

1. Aravali Range
2. River Tapi
3. Wular lake
4. Standard Meridian of India
5. State having lowest density of population.
6. Western ghat and Eastern ghats

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