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Geo CBSE Sample Paper

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Class: XII 2023–24

Time allowed: 3 Hours Maximum marks: 70

General Instructions:

1. This question paper contains 30 questions. All questions are compulsory.

2. This question paper is divided into five sections. Sections-A, B, C, D and E.
3. Section A - Question number 1 to 17 are Multiple Choice type questions carrying 1 mark
4. Section B- Question number 18 and 19 are Source based questions carrying 3 marks each.
5. Section C- Question number 20 to 23 are Short Answer type questions carrying 3 marks
each. Answer to these questions shall be written in 80 to 100 words.
6. Section D Question number 24 to 28 are Long Answer type questions carrying 5 marks
each. Answer to these questions shall be written in 120 to 150 words.
7. Section E Question number 29 and 30 are Map based questions.


S. No. Questions Marks

Q.1 There are two statements marked as Assertion(A) and Reason(R). 1
Mark your answer as per the codes provided below.
Assertion: High level of human development group has 53 countries.
Reason: A higher investment in people and good governance has set
this group apart from others.
A. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of
B. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
C. Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.
D. (A) is correct but (R) is incorrect.
Q.2 Consider the following and choose the correct answer with the help 1
of given codes-

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I Period between 1901 to 1. Period of steady growth
II Period between 1921 to 1951 2. Phase of stagnant growth of
III Period between 1951 to 1981 3. High but decreasing growth rate
IV After 1981 till present 4. Period of population

A. 1 2 3 4

B. 2 1 4 3

C. 4 3 2 1

D. 2 1 3 4

Q.3 Maracaibo, Esskhira and Tripoli ports are classified as --- 1

A. Ports of Call
B. Naval Ports
C. Oil Ports
D. Entrepot ports
Q.4 Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer 1
with the help of given Option:
I. The resource intensive approach of modern expensive agriculture has
become unmanageable for marginal and small farmers due to very
meager or no saving to invest in agriculture.
II. Most of such farmers have resorted to availing credit from various
institutions and money lenders but crop failures and low returns from
agriculture have forced them to fall in the trap of indebtedness.
A. Both the statements are true.
B. Only statement I is true.
C. Only statement II is true
D. Both the statements are wrong.
Q.5 Given below is a list of pillars of human development and its
indicators. Which of the following pair is NOT correctly matched? 1

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A. Equity -Making equal access to opportunities available to
B. Sustainability - Continuity in the availability of opportunities
C. Productivity - Resources must be used keeping in mind the
D. Empowerment- To have the power to make choices
Q.6 Which one of the following is the largest linguistic group of India? 1
A. Sino – Tibetan
B. Austric
C. Indo – Aryan
D. Dravidian
Q.7 Which of the followings is not a function of World Trade Organization
(WTO)? 1
A. WTO is the only international organization dealing with the global
rules of trade between nations.
B. WTO resolves disputes between its member nations.
C. WTO covers trade in services, such as telecommunication and
D. WTO provides funding to the global economies.
Q.8 Which of the following is an example of low order service? 1
A. Teacher
B. Gardener
C. Lawyer
D. Musician
Q.9 In which of the following group of countries of the world, HYV of 1
Wheat and Rice were developed?
A. Japan and Australia
B. Mexico and Philippines
C. USA and Japan
D. Mexico and Singapore
Q.10 Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer 1
with the help of given options.
Statement I: In recent years- ropeways, cableways and pipelines were
developed as a means of transport.
Statement II: They were developed to cater to the demands of transporting
specific goods under special circumstances.
A. Only statement I is correct

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B. Only statement II is correct
C. Both the statements are correct, and statement II correctly explains
statement I
D. Both the statements are true but not related with each other
Q.11 Given below are the steps to generate geothermal energy. Arrange
the following in correct sequence: 1

i. It is so hot that when it rises to the earth's surface, it turns into steam.
ii. Groundwater in such areas (where the geothermal gradient is high)
absorbs heat from the rocks and becomes hot.
iii. This steam is used to drive turbines and generate electricity.
iv. Geothermal energy exists because the earth grows progressively
hotter with increasing depth.
A. (iv) - (ii) - (i) - (iii)
B. (ii) - (i) - (iv) - (iii)
C. (i) - (iv) - (iii) - (ii)
D. (iii) - (ii) - (iv) - (i)
Q.12 Which of the following is NOT the benefit of rainwater harvesting?
A. It increases water availability.
B. It checks the declining groundwater table.
C. It improves the quality of ground water through dilution of
contaminants like fluoride and nitrates.
D. Helpful in production of hydroelectricity.
Q.13 Which of the following plan was introduced to improve the conditions 1
of roads in India after independence?
A. Five Year Road Plan
B. Nagpur Plan
C. Ten Years Road Plan
D. Twenty Years Road Plan
Q.14 If you are asked to formulate the National Water Policy, what will be
the utmost important priority for you. 1

A. To provide water for generation of hydroelectricity

B. Availability of water for industries
C. To provide drinking water
D. Availability of water for navigation

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Read the following graph and answer question no 15 to 17.

Q.15 How does the natural increase in population occur, as per the graph?
A. Birth Rate – Death Rate
B. Death Rate + Birth Rate
C. Growth Rate - Birth Rate
D. Birth Rate + Migration
Q.16 What does the transition from high fluctuating stage to low fluctuating 1
stage indicate?
A. Shift from Urban Industrial economy to Rural Agrarian economy
B. Shift from Rural Agrarian economy to Urban Industrial economy
C. Low Birth and Death Rate to High Birth and Death Rate
D. Migration from Urban to Rural areas
Q.17 From the given graph, what condition can you infer about the least 1
developed countries?
A. High Birth Rate and High Death Rate
B. Low Birth rate and Low Death rate
C. High Birth Rate and Low Death Rate
D. Low Birth Rate and High Death Rate
The following questions are for Visually Impaired Candidates only in
lieu of Q. No. 15,16 &17.
Que.15.1 How is natural growth of population calculated?
A. Birth Rate – Death Rate
B. Death Rate + Birth Rate
C. Growth Rate - Birth Rate
D. Birth Rate + Migration

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Que16.1 What does the transition from high fluctuating stage of birth
and death rate to low fluctuating stage indicate?
A. Shift from Urban Industrial economy to Rural Agrarian economy
B. Shift from Rural Agrarian economy to Urban Industrial economy
C. Low Birth and Death Rate to High Birth and Death Rate
D. Migration from Urban to Rural areas

Que.17.1 What conditions of birth rate and death rate are generally
seen in least developed countries?
A. High Birth Rate and High Death Rate
B. Low Birth rate and Low Death rate
C. High Birth Rate and Low Death Rate
D. Low Birth Rate and High Death Rate
Question 18 & 19 are Source based questions.
Q.18 Read the given Passage carefully and answer the questions that 3
Settlements vary in size and type. They range from a hamlet to
metropolitan cities. With size, the economic character and social structure
of settlements changes and so do its ecology and technology. Settlements
could be small and sparsely spaced; they may also be large and closely
spaced. The sparsely located small settlements are called villages,
specializing in agriculture or other primary activities. On the other hand,
there are fewer but larger settlements which are termed as urban
settlements specializing in secondary and tertiary activities. The basic
differences between rural and urban settlements are as follows:
 The rural settlements derive their life support or basic economic needs
from land based primary economic activities, whereas, urban
settlements, depend on processing of raw materials and manufacturing
of finished goods on the one hand and a variety of services on the
 Cities act as nodes of economic growth, provide goods and services
not only to urban dwellers but also to the people of the rural settlements
in their hinterlands in return for food and raw materials. This functional
relationship between the urban and rural settlements takes place
through transport and communication network.
 Rural and urban settlements differ in terms of social relationship,
attitude and outlook. Rural people are less mobile and therefore, social
relations among them are intimate. In urban areas, on the other hand,

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way of life is complex and fast, and social relations are formal.
a. How is rural settlement different from urban settlement?
b. ‘Towns act as nodes of economic growth.’ Justify the statement.
c. Social relationships are more intimate in rural areas in comparison to
urban areas. Give one reason for the same.
Q.19 Observe the given map and answer the following questions: 1+1+1
= 3

a. Name the Railway line and the country where it lies.

b. Name the stations marked as ‘A’ and ‘B’.
c. State two reasons why it is the most important route in Asia?
The following questions are for Visually Impaired Candidates Only In
lieu of Question No. 19
19.1 Name the longest railway line of Asia and the country where it lies.
19.2 Name the capital city and an important agro centre located on this
19.3 Why is it the most important route in Asia? State two reasons.
Question numbers 20 to 23 are Short Answer type questions.
Q.20 A. “The basic goal of development is to create conditions where the
people can live a meaningful life” – What do you mean by meaningful 3
B. How do people’s choices get affected in different aspects of life
due to lack of human development?
Q.21 What are the features of National Youth Policy? 3
Q.22 A. How is ‘Naturalisation of Humans’ different from ‘Humanisation of
Nature’? 3

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B. Evaluate the dualisms that exist in Geography.

Q.23 “Quaternary activities centre around research and development.” 3
Examine the statement.
Question numbers 24 to 28 are Long Answer Type questions.
Q.24 "There is low yield per acre but high yield per person in the interior
parts of semi-arid lands of the mid-latitudes in the world." Support the 5
statement with suitable examples from different parts of the world.

Q.25 Formulate the guidelines to promote sustainability in the Indira 5

Gandhi Canal Command area.

Q.26 A. Land degradation in India is caused by human made processes

that are more harmful than natural processes. Explain the statement 5
with suitable examples.
B. How has noise pollution become a serious problem in recent years
in India? Explain.
Q.27 A. How technological innovations are important aspect of modern 5
manufacturing industries? Explain any five aspects.
B. “High technology, or simply high-tech, is the latest generation of
manufacturing activities”. Justify the statement with suitable
Q.28 A. What are the advantages of sea ports for India? 5
B. Why is seaport termed as gateway of international trade?
Question numbers 29 & 30 are Map based questions having 5 sub-parts each.

Q.29 On the given political map of the World, seven geographical features 5
have been marked as A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Identify any five with the
help of the following information and write their correct names on the
lines drawn near each feature.
a. A major seaport.
b. An international airport.
c. An important Seaway
d. An area of subsistence gathering in South America.
e. An important seaport of Asia.
f. An area of Nomadic Herding

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g. Region of extensive commercial grain agriculture
h. Region of extensive commercial grain agriculture

The following questions are for Visually Impaired Candidates only in

lieu of Question No.29.
Answer any five questions out of the following:
a. Name a major seaport situated at the southernmost tip of Africa.
b. Name an important international airport of Italy.
c. Which river in North America connects the Great Lakes to the Atlantic
d. Name an area of subsistence gathering in South America.
e. Name an important seaport of China.
f. Mention an area of nomadic herding in North Africa.
g. Name the area of extensive commercial grain agriculture in New

Q.30 Locate and label any five of the following geographical features on 5
the Political Outline map of India with appropriate symbols:
a. An important seaport in Andhra Pradesh.
b. An important coal mine in Tamil Nadu.
c. Ratnagiri - iron ore mines.
d. An oil refinery in Gujarat.
e. The state with highest population density.
f. The state leading in the production of jute.

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g. An international airport in Kerala.

The following questions are for visually impaired students in lieu of

Question No.30. Attempt any five.
30.1 Name an important seaport in Andhra Pradesh.
30.2 Name an important coal mine in Tamil Nadu.
30.3 In which state are Ratnagiri iron ore mines located?
30.4 Name an oil refinery in Gujarat.
30.5 Name the state with highest population density.
30.6 Name the state leading in the production of jute.
30.7 Name the international airport in Kerala.

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Time: 3Hrs. Max. Marks 70


i. Question paper is divided into 4 sections A ,B,C&D

ii. In section A question number 1 to 17 are MCQ type questions.

iii. In section B question number 18-23 are SA type questions(80-100 words). Question 18
& 19 are Source based questions.

iv. In section C question number 24 to 28 are Long Answer based questions (120-150

v. In section D question number29&30 are Map based questions having 5 sub parts.

Q.NO. There are 17 questions in this section. All are mandatory. MARKS

1. Which two cities are connected by Channel Tunnel? 1

a. London with Barcelona

b. London with Berlin

c. London with Paris

d. London with Rome

2. Which of the following pairs is matched correctly? 1


a. Tunisia Tripoli

b. Lebanon Esskhira

c. Venezuela Maracaibo

d. Oman Aden

3. Which of the following may be interpreted as a spontaneous effort 1

to achieve a better balance between population and resources?

a. Migration

b. Growth Rate

c. Birth Rate

d. Death Rate

4. Which of the following features is related to the second stage of 1

Demographic Transition Theory?

a. Fertility and Mortality decline considerably

b. Decline in Mortality but fertility remains high

c. Fertility and Mortality are high

d. Fertility declines and Mortality high

5. What is the major export from New Mangalore ports? 1

a. Coal

b. Iron ore

c. Copper

d. Mica

6. Which of the following is a feature of Kandla Port? 1

a. It is the biggest port of the country

b. Its harbour is situated at Zuari estuary

c. It is situated at the head of Gulf of Kachchh

d. It is the oldest port of India

7. Which of the following is incorrectly matched? 1


a. Telangana Singareni

b. Maharashtra Korba

c. Odisha Talcher

d. West Bengal Raniganj

8. Identify the correct order of location from west to east, for the 1
given natural gas reserves of India.

a. Ankaleshwar, Tripura, Jaisalmer, Krishna Godavari basin

b. Jaisalmer, Ankaleshwar, Krishna Godavari basin, Tripura

c. Tripura, Jaisalmer, Krishna Godavari basin, Ankaleshwar

d. Krishna Godavari basin, Ankaleshwar, Tripura, Jaisalmer

9. Which of the following are industrial towns of India? 1

a. Hugli, Salem, Bhilai

b. Jamshedpur, Pushkar, Ujjain

c. Coimbatore, New Delhi, Imphal

d. Chandigarh, Mugalsarai, Shillong

10. Which of the following are the features of Urban Settlements in 1


a. Complex way of life, manufacturing of finished goods, nodes of

economic growth.

b. Intimate social relations, mainly primary economic activities,

people are less mobile.
c. Economy mainly based on primary activities, providing food
and raw materials, and social relations are formal.

d. Provide a variety of services, poor transport networks, social

relations are intimate.

Arrange the following in correct sequence:

11. 1

Following is the sequence of generating geothermal :

(i) It is so hot that when it rises to the earth's surface, it turns into

(ii) Groundwater in such areas (where the geothermal gradient is

high) absorbs heat from the rocks and becomes hot.

(iii) This steam is used to drive turbines and generate electricity.

(iv) Geothermal energy exists, because the earth grows

progressively hotter with increasing depth.

a. (iv) - (ii) - (i) - (iii)

b. (ii) - (i) - (iv) - (iii)
c. (i) - (iv) - (iii) - (ii)
d. (iii) - (ii) - (iv) - (i)

12. Consider the following statements and choose the correct option 1
from the given options
I. The WTO however has been criticized and opposed by

those who are worried about the effects of Free trade and

economic globalization.

II. Free trade does not make

ordinary people‟s lives more



a. Only statement I is correct

b. Both the statements are true and statement II correctly

present the reason for statement I

c. Only Statement II is correct

d. Both the statements I and II are incorrect

13. Assertion: Settlements can be of various types. 1

Reason: Various physical factors affect the growth of settlements.


a. Only assertion is correct

b. Only reason is correct

c. Both statements are correct. Statement II correctly explains

statement I.

d. Both are correct but not related to each other

14. Assertion; Mediterranean regions have been inhabited from early 1
periods in history.

Reason; Plain areas are favorable for the production of crops and
to build roads and industries.

a. Only assertion is correct

b. Only reason is correct

c. Both assertion and reason are correct and reason is the correct
explanation for assertion

d. Both assertion and reason are correct but reason is not the
correct explanation for assertion

Read the following case study and answer question no 15 to 17.

Ralegan Siddhi is a small village in the district of Ahmadnagar,

Maharashtra. It has become an example for watershed
development throughout the country. In 1975, this village was
caught in a web of poverty and illicit liquor trade. The
transformation took place when a retired army personnel settled
down in the village and took up the task of watershed
development. He convinced villagers about the importance of
family planning and voluntary labour; preventing open grazing,
felling trees, and liquor prohibition. Voluntary labour was
necessary to ensure minimum dependence on the government for
financial aid. Even those who were working outside the village
contributed to the development by committing a month's salary
every year. Work began with the percolation tank constructed in
the village. In 1975, the tank could not hold water. The
embankment wall leaked. People voluntarily repaired the
embankment. The seven wells below it swelled with water in
summer for the first time in the living memory of the people. The
people reposed their faith in him and his visions. A youth group
called Tarun Mandal was formed. The group worked to ban the
dowry system, caste discrimination and un touch ability. Liquor
distilling units were removed and prohibition imposed. Open
grazing was completely banned with a new emphasis on
stallfeeding. The cultivation of water intensive crops like
sugarcane was banned. Crops such as pulses, oilseeds and certain
cash crops with low water requirements were encouraged. All
elections to local bodies began to be held on the basis of
consensus. "It made the community leaders complete
representatives of the people." A system of Nyay Panchayats
(informal courts) were also set up. Since then, no case has been
referred to the police. A Rs. 22 lakh school building was
constructed using only the resources of the village. No donations
were taken. Money, if needed, was borrowed and paid back. The
villagers took pride in this selfreliance. A new system of sharing
labour grew out of this infusion of pride and voluntary spirit.
People volunteered to help each other in agricultural operations.
Landless labourers also gained employment.

15. Which of the following methods of water conservation 1

broughtprosperity in Ralegan Siddhi?

(a) Rainwater harvesting

(b) Watershed development

(c) Groundwater recharge

(d) Construction of dams.

16. Which of the following measures were taken to increase 1
democratic participation in the village?

(a) Construction of school

(b) Local body elections

(c) Liquor prohibition

(d) All of the above

17. Which of the following made Ralegan Siddhi independent 1

of government's financial aid?

(a) Prohibition of liquor

(b) Voluntary labour

(c) Local body election

(d) Agriculture


Question numbers 18-23 are SA type questions. Question 18

& 19 are Source based questions.

18. Read the given Passage carefully and answer the questions that 3

Bharmaur tribal area comprises Bharmaur and Holi tehsils of

Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh. It has been a notified tribal
area since 21 November 1975. Bharmaur is inhabited by „Gaddi‟,
a tribal community who have maintained a distinct identity in the
Himalayan region as they practiced transhumance and conversed
through Gaddiali dialect. Bharmaur tribal region has harsh
climate conditions, low resource base and fragile environment.
These factors have influenced the society and Economy of the
region. According to the 2011 census, the total population of
Bharmaur sub-division was 39,113 i.e., 21 persons per sq km. It is
one of the most (economically and socially) backward areas of
Himachal Pradesh. Historically, the Gaddis have experienced
geographical and political isolation and socio-economic
deprivation. The economy is largely based on agriculture and
allied activities such as sheep and goat rearing. The process of
development of the tribal area of Bharmaur started in the 1970s
when Gaddis were included among „scheduled tribes‟. Under the
Fifth Five Year Plan, the tribal sub-plan was introduced in 1974
and Bharmaur was designated as one of the five Integrated Tribal
Development Projects (ITDP) in Himachal Pradesh. This area
development plan was aimed at improving the quality of life of
the Gaddis and narrowing the gap in the level of development
between Bharmaur and other areas of Himachal Pradesh. This
plan laid the highest priority on development of transport and
communications, agriculture and allied activities, and social and
community services.

1) How have the Gaddi Tribal Community maintained a

distinct identity in the Himalayan region?
2) Which factors have influenced the society and Economy
of the region to remain backward?
3) Under the Integrated Tribal Development Project, Which
areas were given the highest priority?

19. Observe the given map and answer the following questions: 3

1) Name the Railway line and name the country where it lies.
2) Name the stations marked as „A‟ and „B‟.
3) State two reasons why it is the most important route in

For Visually Impaired Students in lieu of Q.No. 19

1) Name the longest Railway Line of Asia. In which country

it is located.
2) Name the Capital city and important agro center located
on this line
3) Give two reasons why it is the most important route in

20. What is meant by the density of population? Explain with 3

examples the physical and economic factors which affect
population distribution.

With the help of a neat and labeled diagram, explain the three
stages of the Demographic Transition Theory.

21. Examine the features of cottage manufacturing or household 3


22. How is „Naturalisation of Humans‟ different from „Humanisation 3

of Nature‟?


“The approaches to the study of human geography have been

evolving over a period of time”. How have these schools of
thought changed the approaches of study to human geography?

Elucidate any 3 characteristics of the most effective and

advanced personal communication system in India. 3

Question numbers 24 to 28 are Long Answer based questions.

24. Describe the main characteristics of Intensive Subsistence 5

Agriculture. In which parts of the world this type of agriculture is

25. Discuss the problems of Slums and Urban Waste Disposal in 5

developing countries like India.

26. How have good governance and people-oriented policies with 5

reference to the pillars of human development, increased the
values of freedom and capabilities?

“The ways to measure human development are constantly being

redefined”. Evaluate this statement keeping in mind the
attainments and shortfall in human development.

27. Justify the tremendous growth of the Service Sector in developed 5

and developing countries than the manufacturing sector? Explain
giving suitable examples.

Analyse any five problems faced by Indian farmers in agriculture. 5



On the basis of the main source of moisture for crops, analyse the
types of farming in the Indian scenario.


Question numbers 29 & 30 are Map based questions having 5

sub-parts each.

29. On the given political map of the world, the following seven 5
features are shown. Identify any five of these features and write
their correct names on the lines marked near each feature.

A. A Shipping Canal

B. An International Airport
C. An International Seaport

D. An area of Extensive Commercial Grain farming

E. A Nomadic Herding area

F. Largest Country of South America

A Major Seaport

For Visually Impaired Students in lieu of Q.No. 29

(Attempt Any 5)

A Name the shipping canal between North and South America

B Name the busiest International airport of Germany

C Name the International Trading port of South East Asia.

D Name the area of Extensive Commercial Grain farming in


E Write the name of the Nomadic herding area of North Africa.

F. Name the Largest Country of South America

G Name the important sea port located on the eastern coast of


30. On the given political map of India, locate and label any five of 5
the following with appropriate symbols :
Northern most Seaport on Western coast of India

A copper mine of Rajasthan


A market based oil refinery located in Bihar


D. State with lowest population density

E. Largest coffee producing state

F. An international airport of Kerala

G. A state with highest level of urbanization

For Visually Impaired Students in lieu of Q.No. 30

(Attempt Any 5)

A. Name the Northernmost Seaport on Western coast of India

B. Write the name of oldest copper mine of Rajasthan
C. Name the market based oil refinery located in Bihar
D. Name the State with lowest population density
E. Write the name of Largest coffee producing state of India
F. Name An international airport of Kerala
G. Name A state with highest level of urbanization


Time: 2 Hrs. Max. Marks 35


I. Question paper is divided into 5 sections A ,B,C,D&E

II. In section A question number 1 to 3 are Very Short Answer type questions. Attempt any 3
III. In section B question number 4 is Source based question.
IV. In section C question number 5 & 6 are Short Answer based questions.
V. In section D question number 7 to 9 are Long Answer based questions.
VI. In section E question number 10 is a Map based question.

Attempt all questions 2x3=6

Q.1. Explain the prominent features of Traditional Large Scale industrial regions.
Q.2. Define Tertiary Activities.
Q.3. Differentiate between retail trading and wholesale trading.
Differentiate between departmental stores and chain stores.


Q.4. ‘Manufacturing Industry’ 3x1=3

Manufacturing literally means ‘to make by hand’. However, now it includes goods ’made by machines’. It
is essentially a process which involves transforming raw materials into finished goods of higher value for
sale in local or distant markets. Conceptually, an industry is a geographically located manufacturing unit
maintaining books of accounts and records under a management system. As the term industry is
comprehensive, it is also used as synonymous with ‘manufacturing’. When one uses terms like ‘steel
industry’ and ‘chemical industry’, one thinks of factories and processes. But there are many secondary
activities which are not carried on in factories such as what is now called the ‘entertainment industry’
and ‘Tourism industry’, etc. So for clarity, the longer expression ‘manufacturing industry’ is used.
Attempt all questions

4.1. What do you understand by the term Manufacturing?

4.2. “Manufacturing involves value addition.” Explain with any one suitable example.
4.3. Name two industries which provide services rather than production of goods.


Question no. 5 & 6 2x3=6

Q.5. Road transport plays a vital role in the promotion of trade and tourism in the world.
Support this statement with three suitable arguments.

Q.6. Satellites and computers have brought revolutionary changes in the present life of the people.
Elaborate the statement with three suitable examples.
Evaluate the role and importance of roads in the economic development of India?


Question no. 7 to 9 3x5=15

Q.7. How do Quaternary services differ from Tertiary services? Give three reasons why the service sector
in developing and developed countries is growing faster than the manufacturing sector?

Q.8. How is the use of plastic bags harmful for environmental degradation? Evaluate it by citing
suitable reasons.
The disposal of urban waste has become a serious concern for the local authorities. Analyze the
statement with suitable examples.

Q.9. Attaining Sustainable development in the command area requires major thrust upon the measures to
achieve ecological sustainability. Highlight the measures proposed to promote sustainable development
in the command area of Indira Gandhi Rajasthan Canal.

Q. 10. On the outline map of India indicate and mark the following features (Attempt any 5). 1x5=5
a) Iron ore mines of Chhattisgarh
b) Oil Refinery located in Uttar Pradesh.
c) The largest Lignite coal mines.
d) Easternmost terminal of East-West Corridor
e) Southernmost Metropolitan city connected by Golden Quadrilateral.
f) Oldest Copper mines of Rajasthan

For visually impaired students in lieu of Question no. 10(Attempt any 5). 1x5=5
a) Name an important Iron Ore mine of Chhattisgarh.
b) An important Oil Refinery located in Uttar Pradesh
c) Where is the largest Lignite coal mine, located in India and what is the name of that mine?
d) Write down the name of Easternmost terminal of East-West Corridor
e) Which is the Southernmost Metropolitan city connected by the Golden Quadrilateral?
f) What is the name of the Oldest Copper mines of Rajasthan?
C. B. S. E.




Time: 3hours Max. Marks 70


i. Question paper is divided into 3 Sections – A, B and C.

ii. In Section A, question numbers 1 to15 are Objective type Multiple choice questions carrying 1
mark each. Attempt any 14 questions. Write the correct answer only in your answer sheets.

iii. In Section B, Question numbers 16 and 17 are Short Source Based and Graph Based questions
respectively carrying 3 marks each. Answer any three questions out of 4. Each of these sub-questions
carry 1 mark .

iv. In Section C, Question numbers 18 to 22 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each.
Answers to these questions should not exceed 60-80 words.

v. In Section C, Question numbers 23 to 27 are long answer questions carrying 5 marks each.
Answers to these questions should not exceed 120-150 words.

vi. Question numbers 28 and 29 are related to location and labeling and Identification of
geographical features on maps respectively, carrying 5 marks each.

vii. Outline map of India and World provided to you must be attached with your answer book.

viii. Use of template or stencils for drawing outline maps is allowed.



Q1 Fill in the blanks- 1

________________ and _______________ densities should be found out, in order to
get a better insight into the human-land ratio.

Q2 Arrange the following approaches in a sequence order according to their development 1

1. Spatial organization

2. Regional approach

3. Areal differentiation

4. Humanistic approach

(a) 1 4 2 3
(b) 4 1 3 2
(c) 2 3 1 4
(d) 3 2 4 1

Q3 Panna, Para, Palli, Nagla and Dhani are examples of Which of the following 1
a) Clustered Settlements
b) Semi-Clustered Settlements
c) Dispersed Settlements
d) Hamleted Settlements

Q4 Examine which of the following problems are generally confronted by the villages of 1
South Asia.

a) Lack of facilities due to high density

b) Political instability

c) Occurrence of floods and droughts

d) Fear of wild animals

Q5 Which of the following programs sponsored by central government aims at enabling 1

the rural population to conserve water for drinking, irrigation, fisheries and
a) Arvary Pani Sansad
b) Haryali
c) Neeru-Meeru
d) Narmada bachao

Q6 Population of India according to their Occupation can be categorized into: 1

a) Main workers, Marginal workers, Non workers

b) Marginal workers, Household industrial workers, Non workers

c) Non workers, agricultural labourers, Marginal workers

d) Cultivators, Main workers, Marginal workers

Q7 Fill in the blank- 1

The concept of Human Development was developed by____________________

Q8 Which of the following best describes development? 1

a) An increase in size

b) A constant in size

c) A positive change in quality

d) A simple change in quality

Q9 Which one of the following is not a plantation crop? 1

a) Coffee

b) Sugarcane

c) Rubber

d) Wheat

Q10 Arrange the correct sequence of column II against the column I 1


I. Chikkamagaluru 1. Iron Ore

II. Singhbhum 2. Bauxite

III. Durg 3. Manganese

IV. Koraput 4. Copper

(a) III – 1, IV – 2, I – 3, II – 4

(b) I – 4, II – 3, III – 2, IV – 1

(c) IV – 3, I -4, II – 1, III – 2

(d) II -2, III – 1, IV – 4, I-3

Q11 Which of the following programme has been launched by present Union Government 1
for the cleaning of river Ganga?
a) Ganga Action Plan
b) Namami Gange
c) Ganga Namami Action Plan
d) Ganga Cleaning Mission

Q12 The outsourcing of which of the following activity is not an example of Knowledge 1
Processing Outsourcing (KPO) ?

a) E- Learning

b) Intellectual property

c) Collection of information

d) Legal profession

Q13 Relate the most important factor responsible for high density of population found in 1
Katanga-Zambia Plateau located in Africa:

a) Availability of copper in abundance

b) Availability of forests resources

c) Close social ties

d) Scenic natural beauty

Q14 If a country is having large proportion of young population, it would mean-

a) High Birth rate and the population is youthful.

b) Large working population.

c) High expenditure on healthcare facilities.

d) Heavy pressure on government to arrange basic facilities.

Q15 Age and skill selective migration from rural areas has not affected adversely to which
of the following demographic attribute? 1

a) Downfall recorded in working population in rural areas

b) The whole burden of agricultural work has to be borne by the old population
in rural areas

c) Old people and women are left behind in the place of origin

d) Balance in age and sex composition



Read the Case Study given below and answer the questions that follow:
❈❛􀀀✁ ✥ ✂✉✄ ☎ ✆ ❆ ✝ ♦❧✁ ✟♦✄ ✁❧ ✂♦ ✝✁􀀀✂ ♦✞✁ ✂✠✁ ✡ ❝♦❧ ♦❣☎ ❛☛✄ ✥ ❛☞✁ ❣✉❛ ✞✄
✌✉❍❛ ☛ ✌✁ ❛❧✂ ✠ ✐☛ ✍ ❛✉✞ ❛❧❛

Based on the universal law “Polluter pays”, a silent but strong effort to restore the
ecology and safeguard the human health with people’s participation has taken place in
Daurala near Meerut. These efforts are now bearing fruits after a span of three years
when Meerut based NGO had developed a model for ecological restoration. The recent
meeting of the Daurala Industries officials, NGOs. Government officials and other
stakeholders at Meerut has brought out results which usually come out mainly through
the Court’s decisions.
The powerful logics, authentic studies and the pressure of the NGO has in a way
brought a new lease of life to the twelve thousand residents of this village. It was in the
year 2003, that the pitiable condition of Dauralaites drew the attention of the civil
society. The groundwater of this village with a population of 12,000 persons was
contaminated with heavy metals. The reason was that the untreated wastewater of
Daurala industries was leaching to the groundwater table and was also being used for
irrigation. The activists of the NGO conducted a door to door survey of the health status
of the residents and came out with a report. The group reported that 192 deaths in the
past five years have been recorded in the village due to consumption of contaminated
water. The industry came under pressure due to activism. The organisation, the village
community and people’s representatives sat together to find out sustainable solutions
to this problem. The industrialists showed a keen interest towards checking the
deteriorating ecology. The overhead water tank’s capacity in the village was enhanced
and a 900m extra pipeline was laid to serve potable water to the community. The silted
pond of the village has been cleaned and recharged by desilting it. Large quantity of
silt was removed paving way to pure water so that it percolated deep down the aquifers.
Rainwater harvesting structures have been constructed at different places which has
helped in diluting the contaminants of the groundwater after the monsoons. 1000 trees
have also been planted which have improved the environment.

Answer any three questions

a. What type of pollution is faced by the people of Daurala?

i. Noise pollution

ii. Air pollution

iii. Water pollution

iv. Land pollution

b. Which process led to contamination of ground water?

i. Salinization

ii. Alkalization

iii. Leaching

iv. Over irrigation

c. What was the most important step taken as sustainable solution to the health
problem faced by the villagers?

i. Relocation of industries

ii. Controlled irrigation

iii. Evacuation from the affected area

iv. Enhancement of water storage capacity

d. Which water conservation strategy will help in diluting the contamination of

the ground water?

i. Rain water harvesting

ii. Universal law of ‘Polluter Pays’

iii. Industrial waste treatment plant

iv. Over utilization of ground water.


Study the given graph carefully and answer the following questions:

Answer any three questions-

a. How does the natural increase in population occur, as per the graph?

i. Birth Rate – Death Rate

ii. Death Rate + Birth Rate

iii. Growth Rate- Birth Rate

iv. Birth Rate + Migration

b. What does the transition from high fluctuating stage to low

fluctuating stage indicate?

i. Shift from Urban Industrial economy to Rural Agrarian


ii. Shift from Rural Agrarian economy to Urban Industrial

iii. Low Birth and Death Rate to High Birth and Death Rate

iv. Migration from Urban to Rural areas

c. From the given graph, what condition can you infer about the
developing countries?

i. High Birth Rate and High Death Rate

ii. Low Birth rate and Low Death rate

iii. High Birth Rate and Low Birth Rate

iv. Low Birth Rate and High Death Rate

d. In which stage of Demographic Transition, population explosion

took place :

i. Stage I

ii. Stage II

iii. Stage III

iv. Post Stage III

For Visually Impaired Candidates in lieu of Q No. 17 (Graph Based Question)

Answer any three questions- 1x3=3

a. Why are Fertility and Mortality rates high in the first stage of this theory?
i. People have a lot of buffer stock as food security.
ii. People reproduce more to compensate for the deaths due to
iii. People are highly educated at this stage.
iv. There is technological advancement in all fields.

b. What led to decline in Mortality rate in the second stage of this theory?

i. Due to improvement in Sanitation and Health conditions.

ii. Due to insufficient supply of food grain that led to starvation.

iii. Due to widespread illiteracy all over the world.

iv. Due to unfavorable sex ratio prevailing in developing


c. Why does fertility rate show a declining trend in the third stage?

i. This is because human beings are not able to adjust their


ii. Literacy rates show a downward trend all over the world.

iii. The population becomes urbanized and has high technical


iv. There is acute food shortage in countries with a high Human

Development Index.

d In which stage of Demographic Transition, population explosion took place :

v. Stage I

vi. Stage II

vii. Stage III

viii. Post Stage III


Q18 Justify the high demand of water for irrigation in India. 3


‘Rainwater Harvesting is considered as a low cost and eco-friendly technique of 3
preserving water resources’. Justify.

Q19 What are the basic differences between rural and urban settlements in India? 3

Q20 Explain how Human Geography in the early 20th century has become more integrative 3
and inter- disciplinary in its approach.

Q21 ‘Some countries of the world have a high Human Development Index’. Try to find 3
out reasons for such a scenario.


Explain any three approaches to study Human Development in the world.

Q22 Growth of Service Sector in modern economies plays a vital role. Derive it's 3
implications for such economies.

Q23 What are the Economic consequences of migration in India ? 5

Q24 Critically analyse the Socio economic benefits that are being experienced by the 5
implementation of Integrated Tribal Development Project in Bharmaur district of
Himachal Pradesh.


Critically analyse the measures to promote sustainability in Indira Gandhi Canal
Command Area.

Q25 Substantiate the evidences to prove that Subsistence Agriculture is still practised in 5
different parts of the globe.


Highlight the features of Commercial Livestock Rearing, practised in the developed
and developing countries.

Q26 Analyse the problems associated with Urban Settlements in developing countries. 5

Q27 Classify minerals into two groups on the basis of chemical and physical properties 5

and give one example of minerals of each group. Mention any two features of the
three minerals belts of India


Q28 On the given map of India, locate and label any five of the following: 1x5=5

1. A state with lowest density of population

2. A state with highest level of urbanization

3. Bengaluru – Mega City

4. Mayurbhanj Iron Ore Mines

5. Jamnagar Oil Refinery

6. Katni Bauxite Mines

7. Neyveli Lignite Coal Field

For Visually Impaired Candidates, in lieu of Q. No. 28.

Write the names of any five of the following places in your answer sheet

1. Largest Oil Refinery of India.

2. A state with highest density of population.

3. A major Iron ore mine in Odisha.

4. Single largest Lignite coal reserves In Tamil Nadu.

5. A Bauxite mine in Madhya Pradesh.

6. A state with lowest level of urbanization.

7. A Mega City located in Karnataka.

With the help of the following key, identify the areas marked as A, B, C, D and E on
Q29 the given outline map of World. Write the correct name of the place in the blank 1x5=5
space given on the map.

A Region in Africa practising Nomadic Herding

B A Mega City of Asia

C Region of Europe practising Commercial Grain Farming

D Mega City of South America

E Region of North America practising Subsistence Gathering

For Visually Impaired Candidates, in lieu of Q. No. 29

Write the names of the following places -

1. Name the region of Russia which is known for Nomadic Herding.

2. Name the Mega City located in Argentina.

3. Its a country known for Commercial livestock rearing in North America.

4. Its the largest Mega City of the world.

5. Name the largest region of commercial dairy farming in the world.





Time: 3hours Max.marks 70

General Instructions:

i. There are 30 questions in all.

ii. All questions are compulsory.
iii. Question numbers 1 to 18 are Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) carrying 1 mark
each. Write only the correct answer in you answer sheets.
iv. Question numbers 19 to 22 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each.
Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 80-100 words.
v. Question numbers 23 to 28 are long answer questions carrying 5 marks each.
Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 150 words.
vi. Question numbers 29 and 30 are related to identification or location and labeling of
geographical features on maps, carrying 5 marks each.
vii. Outline map of India and World are provided to you must be attached within your
answer book.
viii. Use of template or stencils for drawing outline maps is allowed.

Q1 Which one of the following is the largest linguistic group of India? 1
a. Sino – Tibetan
b. Indo – Aryan
c. Austric
d. Dravidian
ANS: b) Indo Aryan
C Which one of the following periods had witnessed rapid growth of
a. Before 1921
b. 1921 - 1951
c. 1951 – 1981
d. After 1981
ANS: c) 1951 - 1981

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Q2 Which one of the following is the main reason for male migration in India? 1

a. Education
b. Business
c. Work and employment
d. Marriage
ANS: c) Work and employment.
Q3 Identify the country with the highest sex ratio in the world 1
a. Latvia
b. United Arab Emirates
c. Japan
d. France
ANS: Latvia
Which one of the following figures represents the working age group of the
a. 15 to 65 years
b. 15 to 64 years
c. 15 to 66 years
d. 15 to 59 years
ANS: 15 to 59 years
Q4 Which one of the following group of cities have been arranged in the 1
sequence of their ranks i.e., 1,2,3 and 4 in size ?
a. Greater Mumbai, Bangaluru, Kolkata, Chennai.
b. Delhi, Greater Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata.
c. Kolkata, Greater Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi.
d. Greater Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai.

ANS: d) Greater Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi and Chennai

Palli and nagla belong to which one of the following rural settlements-
a. Clustered

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b. Semi-clustered
c. Hamleted
d. Dispersed or isolated.

ANS: c) Hamleted
Q5 Which one of the following is not a Push factor? 1
a. Water Shortage
b. Medical/Educational facilities
c. Unemployment
d. Epidemics
ANS: Medical/Educational facilities
Q6 Which one of the following best describes Development? 1
a. An increase in size
b. A constant in size
c. A positive change in quality
d. A simple change in quality
ANS: A positive change in quality
Q7 Which one of the following is not a Plantation Crop? 1
a. Coffee
b. Sugarcane
c. Wheat
d. Rubber
ANS: Wheat
Q8 ANS: Kolkhoz 1
Q9 Which one of the following does not follow Monoculture? 1
ANS: Mixed Farming does not follow Monoculture
Plantation Agriculture follows Monoculture
(Anyone of the above option is correct)
Q10 Which one of the following forms of settlement develops along either side 1
of roads, rivers or canals?

Page | 3
a. Circular
b. Linear
c. Cross Shaped
d. Square
ANS: Linear
Q11 Which one of the following types of economic activities dominates in all 1
rural settlements?
a. Primary
b. Tertiary
c. Secondary
d. Quaternary
ANS: Primary
Q12 The first urban settlement to reach a population of one million was: 1
a. Paris
b. New York
c. London
d. Canberra
ANS: London
Q13 Which one of the following is a land locked harbor? 1
a. Vishakhapatnam
b. Mumbai
c. Ennor
d. Haldia
ANS: Vishakhapatnam
Q14 Which one of the following is the longest national highway of India? 1
a. NH-1
b. NH-7
c. NH-6
d. NH-8
Q15 Complete the following table by writing appropriate names in the blank 1

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ANS: Personal and Mass

Q16 Name the Headquarters of Northern Railway Zone of India 1
a. Lucknow
b. Kanpur
c. New Delhi
d. Chandigarh
ANS: New Delhi
Q17 Land degradation in irrigated areas is caused by which of following reason? 1
a. Gully erosion
b. Wind erosion
c. Salinization of soil
d. Siltation of land
ANS: Salinization of soil
Q18 South-West monsoon in India coincides with which cropping season? 1
a. Kharif
b. Rabi
c. Zaid
d. None of the above

ANS: a) Kharif

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Q19 “The chief gateways of the world of international trade are the harbours and 3
ports”. Justify the statement with examples.

1. Ports provide facilities of docking, loading and unloading of
2. Ports provide storage facilities for cargo
3. Labour and managerial services are provided at the ports.
Q20 How is Possibilism different from Environmental Determinism? Explain 3
with suitable Examples.

ANS: Possibilism: With passage of time, humans developed better and

efficient technology. This gave him many choices and possibilities to use
resources offered by the environment. They become free to use natural
resources according to their convenience and necessities. Man has created
health resorts on highlands, huge urban sprawls, fields, orchards and
pastures in the plains, ports on the coasts and satellites in space. This was
termed Possibilism by earlier scholars.
Determinism: In the earlier stages of Human evolution, There was
no technology to modify environment by man. Thus, the human beings
adapted to the dictates of the nature. The naturalised human was afraid of
nature and worshipped the forces of nature such as fire, floods, rains,
Q21 Study the pie-chart given below and answer the questions that follow- 3

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1. Which sector’s share is the maximum in the usage of surface
and ground water?
2. What is the percentage of agricultural sector in the usage of
surface water and Ground water?
3. Why the development of irrigation was assigned a very high
priority in the Five years plans and how?

1. Agricultural sector share is the maximum in the usage of
surface water and groundwater.
2. Surface water- 89% and Groundwater- 92%. India has
traditionally been an agrarian economy with two-third of
its population depends on agriculture.
3. Multipurpose river valley projects were launched to meet
the irrigational needs of the country in five years plans.

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Q22 ‘Development has direct bearings on the deteriorating human conditions’. 3
How poor people are more affected in this process ?
ANS. The development has direct bearing on the deteriorating human
conditions due to environmental degradation and ecological crisis. Air,
soil, water and noise pollution have threatened our existence.
Consequently, the poor are subjected to three interrelated processes of
declining capabilities as given below-
1. Social capabilities due to displacement and weakening social ties.
2. Environmental capabilities due to pollution.
3. Personal capabilities due to increasing incidence of diseases and
This has adverse effects on their quality of life and human
(Any other point highlighting creativity)


Describe the concept of Human Development as defined by United Nations

Development Programme (UNDP)

ANS. As per the World Human Development Report , Human

Development is a process of enlarging the range of people’s choices,
increasing their oppurtunities for education, health care, income and
empowerment and covering the full range of human choices from a
sound environment to economic, social and political freedom.
Thus enlarging the range of people’s choices is the most
significant aspect of human development. It is just opposite the
western or euro-centric view of development. People should be able to
live a long and healthy life. They should be educated and have access
to resources needed for a decent standard of living. These are
necessary and non-negotiable aspects of the human development.

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Q23 The challenge of sustainable development requires integration of quest for 1x5=5
economic development with environmental concerns. Comprehend the
statement in relation to the development of non conventional sources of
energy in India by giving suitable example.

1. The sustainable development is important because it calls for the
protection of resources for future generations.
2. Sustainable energy resources are only the renewable energy
resources like solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and biomass.
3. These energy sources are more equitably distributed and
environmental friendly.
4. Non-conventional energy sources will provide more sustained, eco
friendly cheaper energy after the initial cost is taken care of.
5. Traditional methods of resource use result into generating
enormous quantity of waste as well as create other environmental
problems. Hence, sustainable development calls for the protection
of resources for the future generation. There is an urgent need to
conserve the resources.
(Any other relevant point)

Nuclear energy is replacing the conventional sources in India. Do you think
it as a viable energy source of energy in future keeping in view the
availability of nuclear minerals in India.

ANS: Nuclear energy has emerged as a viable source in recent

times. Important minerals used for the generation of nuclear energy are
Uranium and Thorium. Uranium deposits occur in Dharwar rocks. It is
found in several locations along the Singhbhum copper belt. It is also
found in Udaipur, Alwar and Jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan, Durg

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district of Chhattisgarh, Bhandara district of Maharashtra and Kullu
district of Himachal Pradesh. Thorium is mainly obtained from the
monazite and limonite in the beach sand along the cost of Kerala and
Tamilnadu. World's richest monazite deposits occur in Palakkad and
Kollam districts of Kerala, near Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh and
Mahanadi river delta in Odisha.
Atomic energy commission was established in 1948. The important
nuclear power projects are Tarapur (Maharashtra) Rawatbhata near Kota
(Rajasthan), Kalpakkam (Tamilnadu), Narora ( Uttar Pradesh) Kaiga
(Karnataka) and Kakrapara ( Gujarat)
Collaboration with France, Germany, Russia and U.S.A. in developing the
required technology is a positive step in this direction.
(Any other relevant point )
Q24 Study the map given below and answer the questions that follows-

a. What is the difference between the two areas shown as ‘Under Flow’

Page | 10
‘Under Lift’ system of irrigation.
b. Name the districts that are benefited by the command area of the
canal in
stage I and stage II.

1. The canal has two irrigation system such as Flow system
(underflow) and lift system (underlift). Around 70% land of the
command area is irrigated by flow system and rest 30% Land by
lift system. All the lift channels of Indira Gandhi Canal system
originate at the left Bank of main canal while the canals on the
right Bank of main canal are Flow canals.
2. Stage 1- Ganganagar, Hanumangarh and northern parts of
Bikaner and Jaiselmer district.
Stage 2- Bikaner, Jaisalmer, Barmer, Jodhpur, Nagaur and Churu
Main characteristics of the area are:

For Visually Impaired Candidates only

a) i- The availability of soil moisture for a longer period of time and
various afforestation and pasture development programs under CAD
have resulted in greening the land.
ii- It has also helped in reducing wind erosion and siltation of canal.
iii- Canal irrigation has brought a perceptible transformation in the
agricultural economy of the region because it has led to increase in
cultivated areas and intensity of cropping. The traditional crops –
gram, bajra and jowar – have been replaced by wheat, cotton,
groundnut and rice.
b) Ganganagar, Bikaner, Jaiselmer, Barmer, Churu, Lunkaransar (Any

Q25 How are industries classified on the basis of the raw material used? 5

1. Agro-based industries: These industries process the raw material

Page | 11
from the agricultural field into finished products to be consumed
in the market. Major agro based industries are food processing,
sugar, fruit juices, etc.
2. Mineral based industries: These industries use minerals such as
iron, copper, cement as raw material.
3. Chemical based industries: These industries use natural chemical
minerals such as Petroleum, salts, sulphur, etc.
4. Forest based industries: These industries use material provided by
the forest such as, timber for furniture industry, wood, grass,
bamboo for paper industry, etc.
5. Animal based industries: Raw material in these industries is
obtained from animals. For example, wool for woollen textiles,
ivory from elephant tusks and leather from animal hide.

Explain why high-tech industries in many countries are being attracted to
the peripheral areas of major metropolitan centres?

1. Land is generally cheap in the peripheral areas of the cities and is

available in abundance. Single story buildings can be built.
2. The peripheral areas can be well connected with roadway and
railway network used by high tech industries.
3. Cheap and skilled labour is easily available from the nearby areas.
4. Highly skilled specialists and professionals are available in major
metropolitan centres.
5. The features of high tech industrial landscape are neatly spaced,
low, modern, dispersed office plant-lab buildings for which the
peripheral areas of the cities are most suited.
Q26 “Modern economic development in the world is mainly the result of the 5
development of Quaternary services.” Explain the statement with suitable
ANS: Following are the points which explain the statement:

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a. The economic activities have become specialized and complicated
and has resulted in a new group of activities, like the Quaternary
b. The Quaternary activities are related to knowledge and education,
information, research and development.
c. The people of the Quaternary activities are innovative and
contribute to the research and development.
d. Only a few people are engaged in Quaternary activities in
economically developed countries.
e. It is characterized by the highest income and higher degree of
mobility in the process of career development.
Q27 What are the modes by which cyber space will expand the contemporary 5
economic and social space of humans?

ANS: Cyber Space is very important in today’s life. It enables us to

communicate or access any information without physical movement of
the sender and the receiver. It has brought the world closer to each other.
One can now communicate with any person in any part of the world. It
can be used in an office, sailing boat, flying plane and virtually
Cyber space has expanded the contemporary economic and social space of
humans through e-mail, e-commerce, e-learning and e-governance. It will
be accessible to more and more people cutting across space and time
under these circumstances. These modern communication systems have
made the concept of ‘Global Village’ a reality.
Which are the major regions of the world having a dense network of

ANS: Dense network of airways exists in Eastern USA, Western Europe

and South East Asia. USA alone accounts for 60% of the world airways.
New York, London, Paris, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Rome, Moscow,

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Karachi, New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangkok, Singapore, Tokyo, San Francisco,
Los Angeles and Chicago are the nodal points where air route coverage is
Q28 Land degradation caused by human made processes are more harmful than 5
natural processes in India. Analyse the statement with suitable examples.

Ans. Land Degradation is generally understood either as a temporary for

a permanent decline in productive capacity of the land. The causes
or factor responsible for land degradation in India are given below:
1. Soil erosion.
2. Water logging
3. Salinisation
4. Alkalinisation of land
Land is constantly used without managing its fertility, it is degraded and
its productivity decline. Deforestation, overgrazing, mining and
quarrying too are responsible for land degradation in India. Land
Degradation caused by human processes are more harmful than natural
processes in India. Man-made degraded wasteland such as degraded
shifting cultivation area, degraded land under plantation crops, degraded
forest, mining and industrial waste land are 5.8 % of the total
geographical area. In states like Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Madhya
Pradesh and Odisha deforestation due to mining have caused severe Land
Degradation. In states like Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and
Maharashtra overgrazing is one of the main reasons for the land
How has Noise pollution become hazardous in many big cities of India?
Explain giving suitable examples.
Ans. Noise pollution has become hazardous in many big cities of India
like Delhi , Mumbai due to following factors-
1. With the increase in population, the volume of traffic and
passenger has increased. This has led to more noise

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2. More people have become prosperous in the cities. As a
result of this, number of private vehicles such as cars have
increased significantly. This has led to traffic jams during
peak hours, i.e. in the morning and in the evening when
people go and come from office. This has increased noise
pollution on the roads.
3. Rapid industrialisation in and around the residential
Colony has also increased noise pollution. Small and
cottage industries are set up in the areas near the market.
4. The construction activities have increased to accommodate
the ever increasing population in the big cities. These
activities become hazardous as too much noise is created by
5. Religious activities, social functions, rallies, etc. create
noise pollution particularly in the late hours of the day.
Q29 On the outline map of India mark and indicate the following features (any 1x5=5
a. State having highest urban population

b. Software technology park of Telangana

c. International airport located in Assam
d. Eastern terminal point of Golden quadrilateral
e. Copper mine located in Rajasthan
f. Bauxite mines in Odisha
g. Southern terminal of North-South corridor.
Q30 On the given political map of the world, following five features are shown. 1x5=5
Identify these features with the help of the given key and write them on the
blanks marked A , B , C , D and E
A. A Mega city
B. A major sea-port

Page | 15
C. Grasslands of Africa with extensive commercial grain farming
D. An important Shipping Canal
E. Industrial region of the US.


Page | 16

Page | 17
Time allowed - 3 Hrs. Max. Marks – 70

General Instructions:

● There are 22 general questions.

● Questions No. 1 – 7 are very short-answer questions carrying 1 mark each.
● Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 40 words.
● Questions No. 8 – 13 are short-answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each of
these questions should not exceed 80 – 100 words.
● Questions No. 14 – 20 are long-answer questions carrying 5 marks each. Answer to each of
these questions should not exceed 150 words.
● Questions No. 21 – 22 are related to identification or locating and labelling of geographical
features on maps, carrying 5 marks each.
● Outline maps of the World and India provided to you must be attached within your answer-
● Use of templates or stencils for drawing outline maps is allowed.


Q1 Mention any two sources of water pollution by human beings in India. 1

Name any two water conservation techniques adopted in India.

Q2 What does the proportion of literate population of a country indicate? 1

Q3 Name any two modern towns built by the British in modern style? 1
Which town was developed as centre of modern industries after 1850?

Q4 Identify the Indian seaport which provides port facilities to its landlocked neighbour 1
countries. Name any one such country.

Q5 On the basis of configuration and purpose, compare the two satellite systems in India. 1

Q6 Differentiate between Positive and Negative Growth of population. 1

Differentiate between immigration and emigration.
Q7 Analyse the development of service sector as an outcome of improvement in transport 1
and communication.


Q8 ‘Technology loosens the shackles of environment on human beings’. Justify. 3

Q9 Define outsourcing. Which types of activities are outsourced? 3

Define quinary activities. Describe its features and importance.

Q10 Study the given map carefully and answer the following questions. 1x3

a) Identify the railway line shown in the map.

b) Which two oceans are connected by this railway line.
c) Give any one point of significance of this transport line.
For Visually Impaired Candidates (in place of Q. No. 10)
a) Name the most important rail route of Russia. 1
b) Explain any two points regarding the economic importance of this railway line. 2

Q11 Explain three characteristics of welfare approach of human development. 3

Q12 Explain the reasons for the coming up of slums in developing countries like India with 3
suitable examples.
Explain the causes and consequences of Rural-Urban migration in India with suitable
Q13 Study the given map carefully and answer the questions that follow. 3

a) Name the northernmost, southernmost and westernmost metropolitan cities of the
country and also name the states to which they belong.
For Visually Impaired Candidates (in place of Q. No. 13)
a) Name any three states of India each of which has only one metropolitan city.
Also name those metropolitan cities.


Q14 Give information on the growing importance of the Regional Trade Blocs in International 5
trade with special reference to the European Union (EU) and the Oil Producing and
Exporting Countries (OPEC).

Q15 Compare the features of Subsistence and Plantation agriculture in five points each. 5

Compare the features of Mixed farming and Dairy farming in five points each.

Q16 Analyse the importance and declining popularity of water transport in India in recent 5
The distribution of roads is not uniform in India. Interpret the statement by giving
Q17 Explain the nature of rural settlements. Describe any four problems related to rural 5
settlements of the world.
Explain factors which affect the location of rural settlements in the world.
Q18 “The restoration of ecological balance between water, soil, plants, human and animal 5
population should be a basic consideration in the strategy of development of drought
prone areas in India”. Explain the statement with suitable facts.

Q19 Analyse the factors that favored the concentration of iron and steel industries in the 5
Chhota Nagpur region in India.

Q20 Identify the challenges of the adolescent population before the society. Enlist a few 5
measures to overcome these problems.

Q21 Five Geographical features shown on the given Political outline map of the world as A, 5
B, C, D and E. Identify these features with the help of the key given below and write their
correct names on the blanks marked on the map near them.
A- Area of Mixed farming
B- A major airport of Asia
C- A waterway
D- Industrial region
E- A major sea port of Australia
For Visually Impaired Candidates (in place of Q. No. 21)
A- Name any area of mixed farming in Europe.
B- Name any international airport of China.
C- Name the important waterway of Central America
D- Mention an important industrial region of Eastern USA
E- Name the major seaport of Australia

Q22 Locate and Label any five of the following on the given political outline map of India. 5
a) State having the lowest work participation rate.
b) Major seaport located in Odisha
c) International airport in Punjab
d) Iron ore mine in Karnataka
e) Cotton textile industry in Gujarat
f) State with highest literacy rate
g) Headquarter of North western railway zone
h) Biggest sea port of India

For Visually Impaired Candidates (in place of Q. No. 22) (Attempt any five)
a) Name major seaport of Odisha
b) Name the International airport of Punjab
c) Name any iron ore mine of Karnataka
d) Name the state with highest literacy rate
e) Name the headquarter of North Western railway zone
f) Name the biggest sea port of India
g) Name any centre of Cotton Textile Industry in Gujarat
h) Name the state having lowest work participation rate


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