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The major role of all schools and other educational institutions

a) Development of individuals
b) Development of society
c) Development of personality
d) All of above

In laissez-fair supervision, the supervisor?

a) Control the group
b) Avoid the group (Right Answer)
c) Motivate the group
d) Appreciate the group

Hayward researchers and FJ Roethlisberger supervised a group

of in a bank wining room
a) 8 woman
b) 7 woman
c) 6 woman
d) 5 woman (Right Answer)

Selecting one course of action among various alternative is:

a) Planning
b) Organizing
c) Decision making (Right Answer)
d) Coordinating
To make arrangements is a part of
a) Planning
b) Organizing
c) Commanding
d) Coordinating

Respect of opinion is the feature of:

a) Authoritative supervision
b) Democratic supervision
c) Laissez-fair supervision
d) All of above

The ensure regular and timely submission of

periodical returns and reports to the better and systematic
organization of school activities. a) Log book
b) Accession register
c) School calendar (Right Answer)
d) Service register

‘’Boss is right’’ is the feature of:

a) Authoritarian administration (Right Answer)
b) Democratic administration
c) Laissez Faire administration
d) All of these

To bring harmony among all the elements of programmeis

a) Planning
b) Organizing
c) Commanding
d) Coordinating (Right Answer)
The process of making judgment is called:
a) Budgeting
b) Demonstration
c) Documentation
d) Evaluation (Right Answer)

Directing must be consistent with:

a) Organizational polices
b) Procedures
c) Job descriptions
d) All of above (Right Answer)

When a new program is started the management process will

start from the element:
a) Planning (Right Answer)
b) Organizing
c) Leading
d) Controlling

Literal meaning of supervision is:

a) Superior knowledge and power (Right Answer)
b) Superior knowledge and service
c) Superior efforts and service
d) None of above

The financial year begins on

a) 1st March
b) 1st May
c) 1st July (Right Answer)
d) 1st September

Process evaluation is necessary to provide?

a) Feedback
b) Periodic Feedback (Right Answer)
c) No Feedback
d) Positive Feedback

In teaching learning process supervision is usually carried out

a) Principal (Right Answer)
b) Teacher
c) Parents
d) Society

Which concerned with the determination of corporate policy:

a) Organization
b) Administration (Right Answer)
c) Management
d) None of these

‘’Personality is unified and self-consistent; the statement is

a) Individual psychology (Right Answer)
b) Social needs of society
c) Students self-regulations
d) Heirochry of need
‘’Representation (POSDIR)’’ as a stage of management
suggested by
a) Dale (Right Answer)
b) Koontz
c) Newman
d) None of these

Our most important fiction is goal of

a) Loyalty
b) Honesty
c) Superiority (Right Answer)
d) Dignity

Teaching is an art; Supervision is a work

a) Creative (Right Answer)
b) Critical
c) Exulted
d) Lethargic

The level of school administration can best be judged through:

a) Teacher relations
b) Beautiful building
c) Teacher students relations
d) Learning outcomes (Right Answer)

The most influence version of theory put forward by BF

skinner in 1959
a) Behaviorists theory (Right Answer)
b) Effective teaching theory
c) Classroom learning theory
d) None of these

Supervision in its earlier from was merely the inspection of the

work of teachers and the person who was responsible for this
job work known as a) Inspector
b) Health inspector
c) Police inspector
d) School inspector (Right Answer)

The general conclusion from Hawthorne studies was human

relation and social needs of a) Worker (Right Answer)
b) Students
c) Teachers
d) Officers

The function of educational administration and management is

a) Instructional tasks
b) Non instructional tasks
c) Both a and b (Right Answer)
d) None

The first step in the process of administration is:

a) Planning (Right Answer)
b) Organizing
c) Leading
d) Controlling

Who is the father of operational management theory

a) Fredrick tylor

The is a record of events and as such it furnishes

material for a history of the school.
a) Headmasters’ supervision register
b) Order book
c) Visitor&39;s Book
d) Log Book (Right Answer)

Laissez fair supervision is based on;

a) Dictatorship
b) Mutual sharing
c) Non-interference (Right Answer)
d) None of above

The laissez-faire is a type of .

a) Teaching
b) Instruction
c) Education
d) Supervision (Right Answer)
The behaviorist school of thought ran parallel with
psychologist’s movement in psychology is .
a) 17th century
b) 18th century
c) 19th century
d) 20th century (Right Answer)

The basic purpose of supervision is to help

a) Teacher in improving methods
b) Teacher in understanding pupil
c) Children learn more effectively (Right Answer)
d) Teacher in dealing pupils

Supervision should be primarily

a) Private and critical
b) Preventive and corrective
c) Constructive and creative (Right Answer)
d) Construction and

The effective supervision is indicated by:

a) Good relations in teacher and supervisor
b) Helping teacher in their teaching
c) Helping teacher in becoming more self sufficient
d) Criticizing teaching method

To achieve the objective of education which is always helpful

a) Involvement
b) Devotion by the teachers
c) Willingness
d) All of above (Right Answer)

Thinking process comes under domain.

a) Cognitive (Right Answer)
b) Affective
c) psychomotor
d) none of these

which is not type of administration

a) instructional administration (Right Answer)
b) authoritarian administration
c) democratize administration
d) laissez faire administration

Ensuring students understand the consequences of choices and

of their behavior is include in which models suggestion; a)
Maslows hierarchy needs theory (Right Answer)
b) Neend theory of Abraham
c) Behavioral group engagement theory
d) Students self-regulation
Micro planning is done in;
a) Top management
b) Middle management
c) Lower management
d) Middle and lower management (Right Answer)

refers to consistency of the information?

a) Validity
b) Reliability (Right Answer)
c) Internal validity
d) All of above

Major education issues are

a) Process issues
b) Output issues
c) Both A&B (Right Answer)
d) None of these

A supervisor is one who

a) Provides friendly help (Right Answer)
b) Inspects classroom
c) Gives directions
d) Criticizes the teacher method

The element that regulate the management activities is:

a) Planning
b) Organizing (Right Answer)
c) Leading
d) Controlling
Which is not the characteristic of authoritative supervision;
a) Rudeness
b) Suppressing the sub-ordinates
c) Strict discipline
d) Sharing (Right Answer)

Indication of democratic attitude is;

a) Equal Rights
b) Participation
c) Cooperation
d) All of above (Right Answer)
Authoritarian model is more suitable by:
a) Confidence
b) Improvement
c) Discipline (Right Answer)
d) Achievement

All efforts of designated school officials towards providing

leadership in the improvement of instruction. This definition of
supervision is given by
a) Dictionary of education (Right Answer)
b) Advance learning dictionary
c) Oxford dictionary
d) Thesaurus

Authoritative administration is based on

a) Dictatorship (Right Answer)
b) Mutual sharing
c) Non interference
d) None

Who is called father of scientific management theory

a) Fredrick tylor (Right Answer)
b) Henry fayol
c) Terry and franklin
d) Eiton meo

‘’Principle of manager evaluation’’ is principle of

a) Staffing (Right Answer)
b) Directing
c) Organizing
d) None of these

Hawthorne works of western electric company in Chicago from

a) 1921-1935
b) 1924-1935
c) 1924-1932 (Right Answer)
d) 1925-1932

If the supervision is democratic then inspection is

a) Dictatorial
b) Bureaucratic (Right Answer)
c) Aristocratic
d) Judicial

Execution of plans and decisions is the part of:

a) Planning
b) Organizing
c) Commanding (Right Answer)
d) Coordinating

Sense of responsibility is not cared in

a) Instructional administration
b) Authoritarian administration
c) Democratic administration
d) Laissez Faire administration (Right Answer)

Coercive Supervision is a concept.

a) Democratic
b) Authoritative (Right Answer)
c) Cooperative
d) Associative
Henry fayol (Right Answer)
e) Terry and franklin
f) Elton meo

Following are major school management aspects.

a) The resources
b) The outcomes
c) Both A and B (Right Answer)
d) None of these
The main purpose of supervision of teaching should be the:
a) Advancement of learner’s welfare (Right Answer)
b) Proper utilization of school facilities
c) Carrying out of school curriculum
d) Achievement of success in examination

Choosing among alternatives is the stage of decision? a) 1st

b) 2nd
c) 3rd (Right Answer)
d) 4th

Newman and summers presented elements of management of

in which year a) 1980
b) 1981 (Right Answer)
c) 1982
d) None of these

The characteristics of good planner is/are:

a) Optimistic
b) Motivator
c) Producer
d) All of above (Right Answer)
Who observed that, it is the teacher’s duty to ‘improve the
pattern approved by the supervisors
a) Eisbree and McNally (Right Answer)
b) Swearingen
c) Chandrasekaran
d) None of these

According to Gulick and Urwick , elements of administration are

a) 7 (Right Answer)
b) 5
c) 8
d) 9

Arrangement of physical resources is:

a) Instructional tasks
b) Non-instructional tasks (Right Answer)
c) Both a and b
d) None of a and b

Evaluation is defined as?

a) Assessment technique
b) To judge the value of worth (Right Answer)
c) To find the product
d) All of above

Staff development means:

a) Recruiting staff
b) Training staff (Right Answer)
c) Increasing staff
d) Decreasing staff

Waston demonstrated classical conditioning in an experiment

involving young child (Alibert) and a) White snack
b) White rat (Right Answer)
c) Black rat
d) None

Staff leave registers is a type of record.

a) Financial
b) Education
c) Equipment
d) General (Right Answer)

Supervision should be established on maintenance of

satisfactory relationships. a) Personal
b) Brotherly
c) Interpersonal (Right Answer)
d) Exceptional

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