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International Roughness Index as Road Performance Indicator: A Literature


Conference Paper in IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science · August 2021
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012016


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3 authors, including:

Christian Mendoza Kristel Lopez

Philippine National Railways Polytechnic University of the Philippines


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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

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International Conference on Contemporary and Sustainable Infrastructure IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 822 (2021) 012016 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012016

International Roughness Index as Road Performance

Indicator: A Literature Review

Orlean G. Dela Cruz 1,2, Christian A. Mendoza 3, Kristel D. Lopez 4

Civil Engineering Department of Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Graduate School of Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Corporate Planning Division, Philippine National Railway
Office of the Assistant to the General Manager, Philippine National Railway

Abstract: Rough pavements have a substantial influence on public approval, safety,

and the economy. It is imperative to understand road surface conditions, particularly in
decision-making processes for road maintenance, asset management, maintenance
planning, and programming. In interpreting road pavement conditions, there are various
methods of determining metrics and parameters. Thus, ride quality is one of the essential
requirements for travelers to check road pavements. Addressing the identified research
gaps is needed: 1) sensitivity of IRI values, 2) inaccuracy between no. of vehicles'
wheels, 3) characteristics of Android-based smartphones used, and 4) age of pavement.
Results show the need for developing an index of roughness, representing urban roads'
unique features and predicting users' road conditions. It is an impressive win for a model
that would cover all the identified gaps—further recommends that future researchers
consider the cause of when, how, and why a pavement deteriorates, given that there are
different pavement situations. Thus, it complements the analysis results significantly
and provides a better picture of the paving conditions.

Keywords: International Roughness Index (IRI), Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), road
pavement road roughness, ride quality

1. Introduction
One of highway engineers' significant distress, way back in the 1920s, was the vibration of vehicles
resulting from the road pavement's unevenness [1] defined this unevenness as "distortion of ride
quality." The IRI or International Roughness Index is a parameter for a pavement's ride quality [2]. It is
a component in analyzing the decline in road conditions and a determinant used to describe the elongated
profile to show and calculate the amount of rising and falling of a lengthwise profile of the total length
examined [2]. The IRI is the universal standard for calculating pavement roughness and has become the
most often used pavement index today [3]. IRI is an empirical determinant of road success that
scientifically describes its extended profile as the road's flatness [4]. Road roughness, in turn, the driving
Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
International Conference on Contemporary and Sustainable Infrastructure IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 822 (2021) 012016 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012016

excitation of the vehicle system, creates vibrations in an automobile impacting ride comfort [5], quality
of transportation [6], reliability of the handling [7], vehicle components' wear and tire degradation, and
fuel economy [8], [9]. Accurate and exact characterization is therefore crucial for roughness on the road.
The conducted studies use various indices, namely Pavement Condition Index (PCI), Road Condition
Index (RCI), and Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD [4], [10], [11]. A study [4] is vital to conduct a
pavement evaluation and provide an interpretation for delivering maintenance policies and plans for
Toll Road. The Bina Marga Design Manual indicates various trigger values such as FWD, IRI, and
Benkelman Beam (BB) values that provide the type of method for pavement handling. Similarly, a
study using a tire model was adopted that ends with greater car mass, directly increasing grip coefficient
[12]. The grip contact analysis uses the created finite model element for examination. A study on using
the Global Positioning System (GPS) also gave light on evaluating pavement conditions, using Charge
Coupled Device (CCD) and available GPS, street shooting for every 20 m observed. The frequency
distress type on the 100 m road versus the IRI value has given the authorities ideas on proper
maintenance implementations [13].
Furthermore, a non-technical approach has been developed just by using the given variables and raw
data available. One best example of this is a Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) that is
very precise in instigating relationships among variables, including IRI. A study conducted revealed that
pavement distress from 3295 highway sections affects IRI increase [14].
Different studies have set distinct definitions or thresholds anchored on evaluating acceptable road
pavement designs based on the International Roughness Index (IRI) results. This section provides the
readers with in-depth information on the differences in thresholds and criteria used in various studies
that considered IRI a treated variable.

2. Methodology
This review aimed to explore the methods of using IRI as a road pavement indicator. Scopus used for
searching for peer-reviewed articles in prominent academic and practitioner journals. The search carried
out using the "Title/Abstract/Keyword" field of the database. The following keywords "international
roughness Index" and road pavement." There are 43 documents identified; by manually reading the
abstracts and some of the entire articles, there are 41 papers included. Using MATLAB software's text
analytics toolbox, the 41 articles were imported and processed to generate word clouds plots. The word
cloud plot created shows the terms most used in the data file in Figure 1. The Latent Dirichlet Allocation
(LDA) algorithm identifies and measures correlations between papers [15], [16]. The number of topics
was still undetermined; perplexity is the most prevalent solution. The perplexity shows the model's
fitness, which depicts a series of documents; in short, better models are less confused [17]. Figure 2
shows the number of topics in terms of perplexity and fitting time.
Proceeding with the LDA with four topics, Figure 3 presents the word cloud plots representing the LDA
topics. Top words in Topic 1 were: condition, index, pavement, surface, and method; topic interpreted
as methods for evaluating the road pavement. Topic 2 contained the following words: quality, show,
model, paper, and level; topic interpreted as the development of road pavement. Topic 3 comprises
words: IRI and road. The topic discussed is International Roughness Index. Included words in Topic 4
were: value, result, pavement, roughness, and study; topic interpreted as evaluation of the road
pavement. Figure 4 shows the topic probability for 41 included papers.

International Conference on Contemporary and Sustainable Infrastructure IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 822 (2021) 012016 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012016

Figure 1. Word cloud showing most Figure 2. Number of topics in terms of

commonly term perplexity and fitting time

Figure 3. Underlying topics among the documents Figure 4. Topic mixtures of 41 included

3. Discussion
3.1 An overview of the International Roughness Index
The IRI is a roughness scale (in m/km) based on the dependence on the roadside's roughness by a
generically manufactured motor vehicle (known as the Golden Car) [18]. The IRI is the virtual
movement of the sprung and non-sprung masses normalized by the profile length [19].
This level of road smoothness (IRI) is one of the available services of a road pavement, which is essential
in riding quality, and acts as a systemic efficiency measure [20], [21]. The result of general conditions
of road pavement is the road surface smoothness. If the road is relatively smooth, then the lower up to
an upper level of road pavement is considered acceptable; otherwise, it is inferior (Iskandar, 2005). IRI
is defined to display the continuum per meter or kilometers per length of the traffic segment measured.
[21]. If the value is 10m/km, the amplitude (up and down) of the road is 10 m in each road length km
[22]. The value of IRI is proportional to the pavement surface. Hence, IRI is a geometric path
characteristic. It is a time-stable index that produces the same values for the same direction [23].
Moreover, IRI is one of the road performance indicators and a well-known road degradation prediction
model [24]. Road pavement conditions based on the IRI values benefit road rehabilitation handling and
maintenance [20], [25].

International Conference on Contemporary and Sustainable Infrastructure IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 822 (2021) 012016 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012016

3.2 Methods on Evaluating Road Pavement

Pavement condition is reduced over time [10] since sometimes it gets damaged and experiences stress-
strain, which resulted in deducing performance and service life of a pavement long before the time it
was designed for [4], [14], [22]. A good pavement design is flat and smooth to provides traffic that can
run safely, smoothly, and comfortably. The road pavement conditions determination based on
International Roughness Index (IRI) values [4], [20] and the use of road roughness is an essential
parameter in defining the performance of road pavements [3]. Hence, discussion on various research
arose and revealed that IRI's use as leading priorities for rehabilitation and maintenance programs is
insufficient to assess only one characteristic without considering the whole picture [21], [26]. In
evaluating pavement conditions, many methods are emerging on how to come up with a redefining
result. However, the researchers are underway looking into gaps of evaluating the pavement conditions
with different approaches and ways it done on past studies.
Calculating and processing the existing road profile by a mathematical algorithm gives the actual IRI
value [27]. This algorithm, recognized as the Quarter-Car Model, simulates a reference vehicle's
response traveling at 80 km/h (50 mi/h) to road roughness. In 2004, a study analyzed the influence of
simulation speed on IRI values' variation [28]. The observed IRI values were more comprehensive at
simulation speed than for the unbelievable simulation speed at a speed of less than 80 km/h. Overall,
IRI fluctuates from 0.4 up to 0.6 m/km. The result confirmed that the most suitable speed for various
pavement types is 80km/h: the quarter-car model's constants and graphical illustrations [29].
Divided by the distance traveling, the cumulative suspension motion from the reference vehicle gives
an average ruggedness index [11], [23], [30]. Arithmetically, the calculations as the following equation
𝐼𝑅𝐼 = ∫𝑉|𝑧 − 𝑧𝑢 |𝑑𝑡 (1)
𝐿 0 𝑠

Where: l is the profile distance, v is the time derived from vertical sprung mass displacement, and time
derivatives from the un-sprung mass is the virtual speed equivalent to 80 km/h [31].
The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) developed a tool
for evaluating pavement conditions termed as Road Condition Index, as shown in equation 2. It uses IRI
values as a factor to examine a specific road section. With this, IRI values obtain obtained have been
correlated by calculations and graphs. An index of description containing the "field condition visually"
was used to interpret the pavement condition [4]. As shown in equation (2) is the calculation for the road
condition index.

𝑅𝐶𝐼 = 10 ∗ 𝐸𝑥𝑝(−0.0501 ∗ 𝐼𝑅𝐼1.220920 ) (2)

On the other hand, researchers introduce a method to define the rigidity and stiffness of the road surface
correlated to service level. The technique was known as the Present Serviceability Index (PSI) [26], as
shown in equation 3. The obtained IRI values are the variable of PSI, and a table of descriptions
determines the level of serviceability of a road section has [4]. Another method was first introduced by
the United Kingdom back in the mid-1980s that evaluates the strength of the structures following values
obtained from measuring the deflection on the pavement; it is called Falling Weight Deflector (FWD)
[10], [32].
Aside from formulas and equations involving IRI, some methods use the emergence of technology to
define road conditions. Roadroid [20], a software application installed on an android-based mobile
phone, was introduced and used to take and record IRI values together with a vehicle of good
performance. The use of IRI values generated from the Roadroid application is an appropriate
maintenance procedure. Similarly, a research study using an Android-Based smartphone was also
conducted through smartphones' built-in sensors [33], as shown in Figure 5. The data produced were
classified and linked to the IRI values so that the assessment of roadside conditions could be clarified.

International Conference on Contemporary and Sustainable Infrastructure IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 822 (2021) 012016 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012016

Meanwhile, published research in 2016 using built-in vibration sensors of mobile phones to collect IRI
value and determine the priority sections for rehabilitation plans [25].
In addition to these studies on Android smartphones' ability to collect IRI values and determine the
road's unevenness, there are limitations upon using this method. First, these studies support short
segments with minor changes in vertical and horizontal alignments. Moreover, if not used consistently
throughout the measurements process, IRI values calculated would be inaccurate. Lastly, incorrect
selection of cutoff frequencies can result in the elimination of the crucial parameters in determining road
roughness [20], [25], [33]. A study conducted on-road unevenness condition or IRI (International
Roughness Index) using a treatment period as a function or primary variable for evaluating road
performance [34]. Functional and structural states determine road performance; hence it can only be
achieved using a model with different factors [35].

Figure 5. Test vehicle and smartphone orientation [33]

The International Roughness Index (IRI) displays the spectrum per meter/kilometer for the calculated
road segment of road height irregularities [21]. Another explanation where IRI is 10 m/km means that
the amplitude of the road surface (up and down) is 10 m per km of road length [4], [14], [22]. The value
of IRI is proportional to the pavement surface. Hence, considering IRI as a path geometric. It is a time-
stable index that produces the same values on the same route [23]. The available roughness measuring
device is the non-contact profile measuring system [36]. These instruments test differences with acoustic
or light spectroscopes in longitudinal road surface profiles. The IRI calculation program Profile View
and Analysis (ProVal) analyzes these profiles.
South Dakota Profiler is one of the most common devices of this kind. This profiler uses two laser
sensors in both wheel paths for measuring the road profile. The average IRI of both rollers is the
estimated IRI. Other methods that can measure and analyze pavement flatness, mentioned in the study
of Suwardo and Sugiharto (2004), are the following: Profilometer/AASHTO Road Test, CHLOE
Profilometer, Straight Edge Rolling, Slope, and Rouge meter [20]. Centered on IRIs mathematical
expression and discrete expressions, the IRI computer method is extracted from the whole-time domain
ignoring the more urgent and easier to identify and understand IRI from the time domain's transition to
the spatial environment [37].
3.3. Characteristics of the Road Pavement
Influenced by technological advancement, a study using Android-based smartphones was conducted in
Wyoming Local Roads [33]. The study aimed to measure local roadway roughness using a low-cost
solution by taking advantage of the valuable sensors equipped on an Android-based smartphone. A total
of 35 examined roadway segments assess if this methodology has a high level of success rate. A survey
using the National Association of Australian State Road Authorities (NAASRA) Rough meter and the
2014 IRI data consolidated a functional evaluation of the road pavement characteristics by integrating
different indices using the IRI variable [10] Similarly, this threshold evaluated road performance based
on IRI and FWD [32]. It is about the condition specified, followed by the conditions stipulated by the
Department of General Highways Ministry of Public Works (DGHMPW) of Indonesia. Table 1 shows
the comparison of the IRI threshold performed by different studies.

International Conference on Contemporary and Sustainable Infrastructure IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 822 (2021) 012016 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012016

With the continuous sought for improvement, a new flavor for the threshold criteria specifically involves
ride quality other than IRI. A study conducted where they have used the Road Quality Index and
different speed as the variable testing their research [38]. As shown in Table 2, the result below consists
of the different speeds, the IRI range, and the specified ride quality description. Similarly, research
published in 2017 has used the road surface irregularities adopted to compare various methods of
evaluating road conditions. This study mentioned two (2) thresholds derived and adopted through
different speeds [39]. Started with 20km/h and having an increment of 20km/h, Table 3 shows the
different ranges of IRI values that pertain to a specific ride quality level divided into five conditions.
Moreover, Table 4 shows four main conditions and had more speed, but the results were seemingly
closed to one another.
Furthermore, the experimental research study was conducted with an increment of ten (10) kph at the
different speed ranges from ten to fifty (10 to 50) km by using the cubic regression [40]. Table 5 shows
the results of the suggested IRI criteria for the ride quality in selected urban areas in the Philippines.

Table 1. Comparison of IRI Threshold performed in the study

IRI (m/km)
Aleadelat et al. Rusmanto et al. Hasanuddin et al.
2018 [33] 2018 [10] 2018 [32]
Excellent < 1.10 - -
Good 1.10 - 1.56 ≤ 3.5 ≤ 4.0
Fair 1.60 – 2.05 3.5 – 5.8 4.1 – 8.0
Poor/ Damaged 2.07 – 2.68 5.8 – 9.0 8.1 – 12
Very Poor/
2.68 < 9.0 < 12 <
Seriously Damaged

Table 2. Critical Value of IRI at Different Speed and Ride Quality [38]
Road IRI critical values for various speed in kph
Condition 120 kph 100 kph 80 kph 70 kph 60 kph
Very Good < 0.95 < 1.14 < 1.43 < 1.63 < 1.90
Good 0.95 – 1.49 1.14 – 1.79 1.43 – 2.24 1.63 – 2.57 1.90 – 2.99
Fair 1.50 – 1.89 1.80 – 2.27 2.25 – 2.84 2.58 – 3.25 3.00 – 3.79
Mediocre 1.90 – 2.70 2.28 – 3.24 2.85 – 4.05 3.26 – 4.63 3.80 – 5.40
Poor 2.70 < 3.24 < 4.05 < 4.63 < 5.40 <

Table 3. IRI Thresholds at speed suggested by Yu et al. [31][33]

Road IRI Thresholds at Different Speeds (m/km)
Condition 120 kph 100 kph 80 kph 60 kph 40 kph 20 kph
Very Good < 0.95 < 1.14 < 1.43 < 1.90 < 2.86 < 5.72
Good 0.95 – 1.49 1.14 – 1.79 1.43 – 2.24 1.90 – 2.99 2.86 – 4.49 5.72 – 8.99
Fair 1.50 – 1.89 1.80 – 2.27 2.25 – 2.84 3.00 – 3.79 4.50 – 5.69 9.00 – 11.39
Mediocre 1.90 – 2.70 2.28 – 3.24 2.85 – 4.05 3.80 – 5.40 5.70 – 8.08 11.40 – 16.16
Poor 2.70 < 3.24 < 4.05 < 5.40 < 8.08 < 16.16 <

Table 4. IRI thresholds at different speed suggested by Cantisani and Loprencipe [31]
Road IRI Thresholds at Different Speeds (m/km)
Condition 90 kph 80 kph 70 kph 60 kph 50 kph 40 kph 30 kph
Very Good < 1.15 < 1.42 < 1.60 < 1.87 < 2.98 < 3.41 < 4.17
Good/Fair 1.5 – 2.31 1.42 – 2.84 1.60 – 3.20 1.87 – 3.73 2.98 – 5.95 3.41 – 6.83 4.17 – 8.34
Mediocre 2.31 – 3.30 2.84 – 4.06 3.20 – 4.58 3.73 – 5.33 5.95 –8.51 6.83 – 9.75 8.34 – 11.92
Poor 3.30 < 4.06 < 4.58 < 5.33 < 8.51 < 9.75 < 11.92 <

International Conference on Contemporary and Sustainable Infrastructure IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 822 (2021) 012016 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012016

Table 5. Suggested IRI Criteria for the Ride Quality at Different Speed [40]
Road IRI critical values for various speed in kph
Condition 50 kph 40 kph 30 kph 20 kph 10 kph
Good ≤ 2.50 ≤ 2.60 ≤ 2.71 ≤ 2.87 ≤ 3.35
Fair 2.51 – 3.45 2.61 – 4.34 2.72 – 4.63 2.88 – 4.86 3.36 – 5.08
Poor 3.46 – 4.78 4.35 – 4.91 4.64 – 5.05 4.87 – 5.20 5.09 – 5.35
Bad 4.79 < 4.92 < 5.06 < 5.21 < 5.36 <

3.4. Development of the Road Pavement Measurement

The Response-Type Road Roughness Meters (RTRRMs) measure vertical movements in the rear axle
[27]. One of the main disadvantages was that the performance (suspension in particular) of the car used
in the measuring procedure significantly affects the RTRRMs. These devices were incapable of
providing time-stable measurements. Therefore, they were not as helpful and not practical for pavement
management purposes [41]. The National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) worked
on these complications [42]. By 1982, the International Road Roughness Experiment (IRRE) was
organized, with the World Bank's support, to conduct a research experiment in Brazil to evaluate various
equipment further and find the suitable standard of roughness measurement [3]. The outcome of all
investigations and efforts led to the establishment of IRI in 1986 [10].
As mentioned in the study, the charge for collecting roughness and roadways' video logs is about $31
per kilometer in Wyoming [36]. Still, many states' Department of Transportations (DOTs) depend on
IRI values to recover and repair road surfaces. With the extensive use of smartphones today, several
studies were made to see the potential of using smartphones in predicting actual IRI values and be an
alternative to those high-cost devices. Besides, discovered potholes and bumps on a roadway surface
using three Android smartphones [43]. Despite the low precision of the GPS receivers and 3D
accelerometers, they saw the possibilities of using smartphones to detect potholes and bumps via basic
The research was conducted in 2013 on IRI measurements via a mobile accelerometer [44]. Mounted
on the control panel of the test automobile, they used two Android smartphones and two vehicles. A
study to assess the road roughness using a tablet with a built-in accelerometer was conducted [45]. The
study did not develop a direct correlation to determine the IRI [33]. On the other hand, the standard
deviation from the driving speed normalized vertical accelerations could suggest the road conditions.
Smartphones also seem to be a promising method for reducing data collection costs, particularly at a
local level [33].
The Roadroid application is a network data that emphasizes the number of vertical shifts in the road
surface per unit of longitudinal road area (mm/km) shows IRI surveys of road flatness size/conditions
[20], [25]. Then, Lars Forsflof developed this application in Sweden with a 2002 and technologically
advanced [20]. The Roadroid application estimates the IRI values to assess the road pavement
conditions and prepare the road handling approach. The latter application, AndroSensor, was used to
document the smartphone's accelerometer data that evaluates pavement roughness using this application
[33]. The study results concerning the difference of predicted and measured IRI were not statistically
significant. To conclude, there is still room for development to these applications to acquire the IRI
directly. More studies are still needed to test different variables, imminent applications, and their effect
on IRI.

4. Research Gaps
The IRI value is one of the technical indicators for evaluating roadway performance [20]. W. R. Hudson
said in 1981 that the roughness of the paving impacts the road serviceability. Knowledge of "road
roughness" has been known as a vital measure of road performance, not just in safety aspect and ride
quality, but also in working conditions of automobiles and pavement deterioration [41].

International Conference on Contemporary and Sustainable Infrastructure IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 822 (2021) 012016 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012016

Table 6. Challenges imposed on IRI.

Challenges References
The sensitivity of IRI values [2], [14], [20]
Inaccuracy between no. of vehicles’ wheels [12], [20], [42], [46]
Repeatability of devices in IRI Collection [14], [35], [41]
Characteristics of Android-based smartphones [13], [20], [25], [33]
Age of pavement [3], [21]

Ever since the development of IRI in the 1980s, different studies have emerged. Upon reviewing some
of these studies, this paper finds the most general applications of IRI: 1) prediction of structural and
functional roadway conditions, 2) road performance, 3) pavement management systems, 4) road
roughness impacts, and 5) pavement deterioration detection. In the present, studies manifest
smartphones and smartphone applications as promising tools for IRI data collection. A low-cost way,
indeed, to measure the IRI value and utilize it for road pavement assessment. Noting that if the matching
position increases, precision improves.
The statistics show that the overall repeatability of the application capture is extreme [47]. The quality
of road pavements may fail as the constant heavy volume of vehicles hampers it. As an example,
structural requires damage seen from road surface conditions. Conferring to Sivilevičius and
Vansauskas (2013), road building harms the atmosphere, congestion, heavy-duty traffic, and motor
vehicle movements. Over time, deformations of the road surface can occur, and other faults may
subsequently weaken the pavement foundation and cause deformations of the road paving, resulting in
roughness. It is crucial to assess the roads' condition to conclude the type of rehabilitation method used
regularly or periodically [22], [32]. These studies proved that the use of IRI data in road infrastructure
management is essential. However, there are still challenges that need addressing: 1) sensitivity of IRI
values, 2) inaccuracy between no. of vehicles' wheels, 3) characteristics of Android-based smartphones
used, and 4) age of pavement. Finding the gaps, discovering everyday challenges, collecting and
examining specific data on pavement conditions can help design proper road maintenance to keep it in
the long run [24].

5. Conclusion
Providing and deriving formulation from defining road and pavement conditions has come in a different
approach. With smartphones' 3D accelerometers, vertical acceleration data were recorded together with
various signal processing data and correlated with the existing IRI. It gave light on the prediction of
reasonable certainty with IRI values. It might be enough to approximate the roughness of acceleration
data, and several problems also must be answered to make the method applicable practically. Results
show the need to create an index of roughness, represent urban roads' specific features, and estimate
users' road conditions. It is an impressive win for a model that could cover all the gaps identified in this
Given that there are different pavement situations, it is essential to know the cause of when, how, and
why a pavement deteriorates. Thus, it complements the analysis results significantly and provides a
better picture of the paving conditions. Also, future studies should observe proper and regular
maintenance efforts of pavements.

We want to express our gratitude to Christian A. Mendoza, Kristel D. Lopez, John Pual J. Pauya, and
Jobelle S. Dajac for their assistance to us - our Engineering Science Department family. Without their
unwavering assistance, we would be unable to conduct our research review.


International Conference on Contemporary and Sustainable Infrastructure IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 822 (2021) 012016 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012016

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