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A Model For Predicting The Deterioration of The International Roughness Index

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A model for predicting the deterioration of the international roughness index

Article  in  International Journal of Pavement Engineering · August 2020

DOI: 10.1080/10298436.2020.1804062


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Amnon Ravina Eyal Oged

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International Journal of Pavement Engineering

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A model for predicting the deterioration of the

international roughness index

Arieh Sidess , Amnon Ravina & Eyal Oged

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deterioration of the international roughness index, International Journal of Pavement Engineering

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A model for predicting the deterioration of the international roughness index

Arieh Sidessa, Amnon Ravinab and Eyal Ogedb
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion, Haifa, Israel; bGeokom Consultant Ltd, Tirat Carmel, Israel


Road pavements continuously deteriorate mainly due to the combined influence of traffic load and Received 28 January 2020
environmental conditions. The pavement ability to satisfy the road user demands along its designed Accepted 27 July 2020
time of service expresses its performance level. The prediction of performance deterioration curves is a
basic part of any Pavement Management System (PMS). Road roughness is an important parameter in Pavement management
determining the performance of pavements. The International Roughness Index (IRI) is the universal system; roughness;
standard for measuring the pavement roughness and it has become the most widely employed international roughness
pavement index. This paper presents the development of a model for predicting the deterioration of index; pavement
the IRI and calibrating its parameters based on the pavement structural factors such as structural performance; deterioration
number, asphalt layer thickness, subgrade strength, and environmental conditions. The approach model; climate zone
adopted for the IRI deterioration model development was based on the combination of the empirical-
mechanistic approach and the regressive empirical approach. The predicted results were compared
with the measurements of road sections located in various climate zones, which are embedded in the
PMS of Netivei Israel (NETI), National Company for Transport Infrastructures. The comparison shows a
very good correlation, and most of the predicted results are within the measurement and
interpretation error range.

Introduction Neural Network (ANN) and probabilistic including the Mar-

One of the most profound challenges facing pavement man- kov chains and the Bayesian models (Ortiz-Garcia et al. 2006,
agers and engineers in the world is maintaining a high level Abaza 2016, 2018, Hassan et al. 2017, Perez-Acebo et al.
of servicing the road networks. This can be achieved by apply- 2019). The deterministic models are the most common and
ing periodical preventive maintenance activities to the pave- are divided into several categories according to their develop-
ments in order to reduce the rate of deterioration. This ment principle (Huang 1993), Mechanistic, Empirical and
challenge requires the existence of a Pavement Management Empirical-Mechanistic Models.
System (PMS), which includes a ‘set of tools or methods that The mechanistic models are based on the principle of mech-
assist decision-makers in finding optimum strategies for pro- anics. These models predict the pavement parameter values
viding and maintaining pavement in a serviceable condition such as deflections, stresses and strains, based on material
over a given period of time’ (Haas et al. 1994). properties and environmental conditions. Due to the complex-
Road pavements deteriorate due to the combined effects of ity of the pavement deterioration process, this approach is, at
traffic cyclic loading, environment, pavement structure, pave- present, unfeasible.
ment surface type, subgrade type, construction quality, main- The empirical models are developed from measured/
tenance and rehabilitation (M&R) treatments, maintenance observed data. The dependent variable or condition can be
level and so forth (Huang 1993). The pavement’s ability to related, by regression analyses, to one or more independent
endure these conditions and to satisfy the road users’ demands variables such as the age of the pavement, loadings applied,
along its service lifetime defined as its performance level. pavement layer thickness, etc (George, 2000, Al-Suleimen and
The models for predicting pavement performance or shiyab 2003, Albuquerque and Nunez 2011, Jaafar et al. 2016,
deterioration curves are one of the most critical and important Alaswadko et al. 2019, Perez-Acebo et al. 2020). The
foundations of the PMS. These models are basically a math- implementation of these empirical models is limited by the
ematical description of the expected values that a pavement span of the database that was used in their development. This
attribute will take during a specified analysis period (Hudson kind of regression equations is valid only under certain con-
et al. 1979). There is a great variety of model classifications. Lyt- ditions and should not be applied when the actual conditions
ton (1987), Huang (1993) and Hass et al. (1994) classified are different.
models into deterministic and probabilistic. AASHTO (2012) The Empirical-Mechanistic models are based on the combi-
pavement management guide indicated that models are nation of the mechanistic and empirical models. These models
classified as: deterministic, probabilistic, Bayesian and subjec- set the regressive relations of the mechanical response calcu-
tive (or expert-based). Uddin (2006) classified the models in lated according to the mechanistic approach, and the pavement
the following groups: regression analysis techniques, Artificial structural or functional damage parameters measured

CONTACT Arieh Sidess

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according to the empirical approach (for example predicting regions and were based on a limited number of data without a
the rutting, roughness and fatigue area in the Mechanistic- wide range of IRI and PCI. Unlike the above mention models,
Empirical Pavement Design Guide – MEPDG, (NCHRP Elhadidy et al. (2019) developed a sigmoidal relationship
2004, AASHTO 2008, 2015)). between IRI and PCI with accuracy indicated by R2 of 0.995
The roughness of the road is assessed in terms of the longi- and Se/Sy of 0.071. The model was based on the comprehensive
tudinal profile. The American Society of Testing and Material LTPP database for flexible pavements. A total of 1208 sections
(ASTM) defines a longitudinal profile as the perpendicular with 10,868 data points were used for the model development.
deviations of the pavement surface from an established parallel IRI predictive models using ANN’s can be found in Liu et al.
to the lane direction, usually the wheel tracks (ASTM 1989). (2003), Choi et al. (2004), Jaafar et al. (2016) Mazari and Rodri-
Pavements roughness is measured by many devices and each guez (2016) and Abdelaziz et al. (2020). Choi et al. (2004)
one can provide different units like International Roughness developed IRI-ANN model based on Structural Number (SN)
Index (IRI, m/km or inch/mile), Quarter car Index (QI) or of the pavement, asphalt content, percent of passing sieve
roughness metre counts (counts/km). Due to the several tech- #200, ESAL and top layer thickness. Jaafar et al. (2016) pro-
niques employed for roughness measurement, and in order to posed IRI-ANN model based on the initial IRI, ESAL, SN,
avoid the dependency on the longitudinal profile measurement pavement age and Construction Number (CN). Abdelaziz
device, the World Bank conducted in 1982 the International et al. (2020) presented ANN model as a function of the same
roughness experiments in Brazil. These experiments intro- variables they used for their MLR model. The e neurons
duced the model of the IRI (Sayers et al. 1986). IRI represents (input), one output layer including one neuron (output) and
the accumulated suspension of the vehicle, divided by the dis- three hidden layers with ten neurons each. This model yielded
tance travelled during the same period, following the algorithm better accuracy than their MLR model with R 2 of 0.75.
proposed by Sayers (1995). Since IRI has become the most The most advanced models for predicting the IRI based on
common international roughness standard. the mechanistic-empirical approach are those of the Mechanis-
Over the years, several IRI prediction models were pre- tic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide – MEPDG (NCHRP
sented, mostly based on the empirical approach and the empiri- 2001a, 2001b, NCHRP 1-37A 2004, AASHTO 2008, 2015).
cal-mechanistic approach. Some other models are based on the This model predicts the IRI, for different kinds of flexible pave-
ANN approach. Recently, there is a shift from empirical mod- ments, based on distresses like rutting depth and transverse
elling to mechanistic-empirical modelling, especially in North cracking and other relevant parameters such as annual precipi-
America (Rethenford and McDonald 2012). The first models tation, plasticity index of soil and percentage of the sub-grade
used and implemented in the empirical approach for predicting material passing 0.02 mm sieve. Uzan et al. (2014) and Uzan
the IRI, are the models developed by the World Bank and (2018) have developed and implemented the MEPDG models
known as Highway Development and Management system-3 to predict IRI for the conditions of Israel. The models were
(HDM-III) (Paterson 1987, 1989, Martin 1994, Han 2000), implemented by adopting local climate data for various zones
HDM-4 (Odoki and Kerali 2000, Li et al. 2004, Morosiuk in Israel (climate data of 10 meteorological stations) in order
et al. 2004), or roughness progression models. George (2000) to calculate the hourly temperature through the depth of the
developed IRI predictive models for newly constructed and asphalt layer and executing modifications in the prediction
rehabilitated pavement, for the Mississippi Department of model owing to local calibration. Moreover, the traffic volume
Transportation (MDOT). The model considered the effect of was expressed by ESAL of 130 kN (the allowable SAL in Israel)
pavement age, cumulative 18 kips Equivalent Single Axle compared to ESAL of 80 kN in the MEPDG (NCHRP 1-37A,
Load (ESAL) and Modified Structural Number (MSN). Poor 2004, AASHTO 2008, 2015).
and fair coefficient of determination (R2) was found for For several years Netivei Israel (NETI), National Company
newly constructed and rehabilitated pavement respectively for Transport Infrastructures, operates a PMS as an evaluation
(R2 of 0.35 and 0.48 respectively). Abdelaziz et al. (2020) devel- tool for pavement M&R strategies. The PMS is based on the
oped regression model predicting IRI as a function of pavement predicted values of pavement attributes, subjected to predeter-
age, alligator fatigue cracks, transverse cracks, rut depth and mined criteria and constraints. Within this system, there are
standard deviation of the total pavement rut depth. A total embedded models for predicting two elements of pavements
number of 506 Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) sec- deterioration: a model for predicting the deterioration of the
tions with 2439 observations were used for the model develop- Pavement Condition Index (PCI) and a model for predicting
ment. The model yielded fairly accurate predictions with R 2 the IRI deterioration. The NETI-IRI subjective deterioration
value of 0.57 and Se/Sy of 0.684 (Se = standard deviation of prediction model expresses the annual change rate of this
the error, Sy = standard deviation of the measured values index – ΔIRI/year, depending on the traffic classification
about the mean value). Other Multiple Linear Regression (light, medium and heavy), the effective structural number of
(MLR) can be found in Al-Suleimen and Shiyab (2003), Albu- the pavement at a certain age – SNeff and the California Bearing
querque and Nunez (2011), Jaafar et al. (2016), Alaswadko et al. Ratio of the subgrade (CBRs). The ΔIRI/year is directly pro-
(2019) and Perez-Acebo et al. (2020). portional to the traffic volume and inversely proportional to
Other studies like Dewan and Smith (2002), Park et al. the SNeff and CBRs. Although the trend influenced by these fac-
(2007) and Arhin et al. (2015) explored the IRI and Pavement tors is logical, the annual change rate – ΔIRI/year was applied
Condition Index (PCI) relationship. Generally, the accuracy of as a constant and was determined based on engineering experi-
these models is mostly poor to fair. The relationships that have ence without any calibration to the conditions of the country.
good statistics were generally confined to specific geographical The main drawback of this model is that it does not take into

consideration any important distress that directly affect the one value at 30°C with a built in temperature shifting func-
pavement roughness. The current practice and literature tion, or as a 6 parameters describing the relaxation mod-
studies show that the distress parameters such as fatigue crack- ulus and the temperature shifting function, (6) Compute
ing, rutting, and transverse cracking (including the reflection of and accumulate fatigue cracking, rutting and IRI using
transverse cracks in existing HMA pavements) directly affect Equations (1)–(2). These parameters are computed every
the IRI value (AASHTO 2008, 2015, Uzan, 2018). The impact hour and the mean in every month is presented.
of each distress in terms of extent and severity needs to be con- (b) Adjusting of the IRI deterioration curves that were devel-
sidered to develop a model. Furthermore, the classification of oped in stage (a) by regressive equations.
the traffic in the NETI-IRI model does not enable obtaining (c) Development of the models for predicting the coefficients
different deterioration values for different traffic volumes of the regressive equations that were adjusted in stage (b),
within each classification. depending on various factors related to the pavement and
The fact that a large number of survey cycles were applied to the subgrade layers.
measure IRI in the entire road network across the country and (d) Calculation of the IRI deterioration curves pursuant to
considering that the deterioration IRI curves exist in the stages (a) – (c) for the pavement sections included in
NETI – PMS were not calibrated, enhances the requirement NETI–IRI, and applying a comparison between the calcu-
to update and to calibrate the IRI deterioration models based lated results and the measured data collected on the same
on the aforesaid measurements. sections.
This paper presents a study designated for developing a (e) Calibration of the models if necessary, according to the
model for predicting the deterioration of the IRI of the pave- matched results obtained in stage (d).
ments, calibrating its parameters based on the pavement struc-
ture such as the structural number of the pavement, the Figures 1 and 2 present examples of the calculated IRI
thickness of the asphalt layer, subgrade strength and environ- deterioration curve according to the aforementioned approach.
mental conditions. Figure 1 presents the IRI deterioration curve for a pavement
structural number at the time of construction (SN) of 3.5, sub-
grade modulus (Es) of 56 MPa and asphalt layer thickness (TA)
The proposed model for IRI deterioration of 120 mm. Figure 2 presents the IRI deterioration curve for a
The approach adopted in this study for developing the deterio- pavement structural number at the time of construction (SN) of
ration of the International Roughness Index (IRI) was based on 5.0, subgrade modulus (Es) of 142 MPa and asphalt layer thick-
the combination of the empirical-mechanistic and the regres- ness (TA) of 180 mm. In both examples above, the pavement
sive empirical approach. Combination of these two approaches serves 20 million ESAL of 130 kN for a design period of 20
is reflected in the following stages: years (1 million per year).
According to the deterioration curves presented in Figures 1
(a) Calculation of the deterioration curves of the IRI by the and 2, the recommended deterioration model for the IRI is
empirical – mechanistic approach. These curves were cal- expressed in the following equation:
culated based on the models presented by Uzan et al.
(2014) and Uzan (2018), for various pavements and var- IRI(t) = IRI0 + K†(Wt )g (3)
ious environmental conditions. Uzan calibrated the pre-
where IRI(t) – IRI at time – t (months, years, and so forth),
dicted IRI model of MEPDG for the condition in Israel
using the following equation: m/km; IRI0 – initial IRI after construction or rehabilitation,
m/km; Wt – cumulative number of 130 kN ESAL applications
IRI = 1.1043 + 0.0176(RD) + 0.0104(FC) applied until time t; K, γ – regression coefficients dependent on
parameters that characterise the pavement and environmental
+ 0.0829(SF) (1)
SF = age†[0.000577(PI + 1) The IRI of a pavement after construction or rehabilitation –
IRI0 is set to 1.10 m/km (Uzan et al. 2014). Thus Equation (3)
+ 0.007947(0.0394†Rain + 1) + 0.000636] (2) may be expressed as follows:
where IRI – in m/km; RD – average rut depth, mm.; FC –
IRI(t) = 1.10 + K†(Wt )g (4)
mean fatigue cracking, percentage of total lane area; SF –
site factor; age – pavement age, years; PI – plasticity The coefficients K and γ may be calculated by optimisation
index of the soil, %; Rain – average annual precipitation of the IRI deterioration curves (Equation (4)), dependent on the
or rainfall, mm. parameters that characterise the pavement and environmental
The process of the analysis is as follows (Uzan et al. variables as follows:
2014, Uzan 2018): (1) Project information, (2) Read num-
ber of ESAL in the first year, growth, design period and K, g = f (Es , SN, TA , R) (5)
truck speed, (3) Read two climate files generated using
MEPDG program *.icm and thermal.tmp files, (4) Read where ES – is the subgrade modulus; SN – is the structural num-
pavement structure. Up to 4 asphalt concrete layers can ber of the pavement at the time of construction; TA – is the
be entered, one base, one subbase, one fill and subgrade asphalt layer thickness and R – is a coefficient depending on
layers, (5) The modulus of the asphalt can be entered as the unique environmental variables of each zone, such as air

Figure 1. Example 1 of IRI deterioration curve (Uzan et al. 2014).

Figure 2. Example 2 of IRI deterioration curve (Uzan et al. 2014).

temperature, precipitation, air wind speed, sunshine percen- (a) The elastic modulus of the subgrade – Es is within the
tage, relative humidity, etc. range of 42–142 MPa.
(b) The initial pavement structural number at the time of con-
struction – SN is within the range of 2.5-6.0. The SN for
each pavement structure was calculated pursuant to the
Calibration of the IRI deterioration model
AASHTO equation (AASHTO 1993). Since the resilient
modulus of the local Hot Mixes Asphalt (HMA) yields
To calibrate the coefficients of the IRI deterioration model layer coefficient value of 0.37, this value was adopted
expressed in equations 3-5, the predicted IRI values were calcu- instead of 0.44 (AASHTO 1993). It should be noted that
lated versus service time for various pavement structures. The it is possible to use various combinations of the pavement
calculation was carried out according to the models presented layer thicknesses to reach identical SN values.
by Uzan et al. (2014) and Uzan (2018). The pavement par- (c) The asphalt layer thickness – TA is within the range of 90–
ameters that were taken into account were those presented in 250 mm.
Equation (5). The range of values used for calculating each of (d) Predicting the hourly temperature distribution through the
the aforementioned variables is as follows: depth of the asphalt layer is based on the climate

conditions in various zones in Israel. Uzan et al. (2014) and Station corresponding to the area between latitude lines
Uzan (2018) prepared files that summarise the climate 32.466 and 29.490). The Mean Annual Air Temperature
conditions of several meteorological stations in different (MAAT) in the northern, central and southern zones are
regions of the country. Analysis of the data has shown 20.1, 20.9 and 21.0°C respectively. The Mean Annual Pre-
that the differences in the average annual air temperature cipitation (MAP) in the northern, central and southern
between the various stations are not very large. In terms zones are 470 mm. (185 in.), 442 mm. (176 in.) and
of the average annual rainfall, the differences between 153 mm. (61 in.) respectively.
the Northern, Central and the Southern zones are signifi-
cantly large. Analysis of the meteorological conditions in Figures 3 and 4 show the optimisation of Equation (4), used
various zones in Israel have led to the conclusion that to predict the IRI deterioration curves presented in Figures 1
the climate conditions in the country may be represented and 2 respectively. The optimisation process leads to the values
by three meteorological stations, one in the Northern of the regression coefficients K and γ as follows:
zone of the country (Tavor – Kaduri Station, correspond- For Figure 3:
ing to the area between latitude lines 33.333 and 32.466), a
second in the Central zone (Beit Dagan Station corre-
sponding to the area between latitude lines 32.466 and K = 1.1517 x 10−3
31.444) and the third in the Southern zone (Beer Sheva g = 0.45306

Figure 3. Calibration of the IRI deterioration curve presented in Figure 1.

Figure 4. Calibration of the IRI deterioration curve presented in Figure 2.


For Figure 4: (c) The measured IRI values that were used for comparison
were the average values obtained from the measured
K = 2.8893 x 10−4 units of 100 m length – IRI100. The standard deviation
g = 0.48260 along each segment is smaller than 0.4 m/km, generally
between 0.2 and 0.3 m/km.
The calculation of the coefficients K and γ for various pave-
(d) The subgrade modulus – Es in each segment was deter-
ment structures and subgrade characteristics as specified in (a)–
mined based on surface deflection basins measured by
(c) enables the development of an optimal prediction model of
FWD and according to the AASHTO (1993) method.
these coefficients as expressed in the following equations:
The representative value of the Es for the entire section is
K = C0 †(Es )CE †(SN)CS †(TA )CT (6) the value suiting the 30th percentile of all the values of
the segments included in the section. This percentile is a
g = D0 + DE †(Es ) + DS †(SN) + DT †(TA ) (7) typical practice implemented by NETI.
where Es is the subgrade modulus in MPa; SN – is the structural (e) The pavement structural number – SN in each measuring
number of the pavement at the time of construction; TA – is the segment was determined to be the minimum value
asphalt thickness in mm; C0, CE, CS, CT, D0, DE, DS, DT – the obtained by calculation according to the AASHTO
coefficients obtained from the optimisation process for the (1993) method or the YONAPAVE (Hoffman 2003)
three climate regions. method. The representative value of SN for the entire sec-
Table 1 presents the coefficients obtained from the optimis- tion is the value suiting the 30th percentile of all the values
ation process for the three-country regions. of the segments included in the section.
(f) The asphalt layer thickness – TA for each measuring seg-
ment was determined according to the Ground Penetrat-
Implementation of the IRI deterioration model ing Radar (GPR) measurements. The representative
value of TA for the entire section is the value suiting the
As stated, equations 4 through 7 enable the prediction of the 30th percentile of all the values of the segments included
IRI deterioration depending on the number of loading cycles in the section.
of 130 kN ESAL for various structural numbers of the pave- (g) The traffic volume for all the road sections was taken into
ment, subgrade modulus, and asphalt layer thickness, as well account since the 1st year of IRI measurements (during
as for environmental conditions of various climatic zones. that year the PCI was 100). This parameter was based on
Adjustment of the aforesaid model was performed by compar- the Annual Average of Daily Traffic (AADT), distribution
ing the predicted results with the measured results of various of traffic to trucks and buses and to the axial load distri-
sections existing in NETI – PMS database. The representing bution. The axial loads were converted to 130 kN ESAL
measurement unit in NETI-PMS database is a 100-metre applications, using the axial equivalency factors of
long segment of road\lane (segment). Surveys are conducted AASHTO (1993) for flexible pavement.
annually during the spring season. Survey results (e.g. IRI,
PCI, etc.) are calculated and reported for each segment. The The IRI deterioration model as presented in equations 3
comparison process of selected sections was based on the fol- through 7 refers to the initial value of 1.10 m/km, the accep-
lowing stages and principles: tance threshold value of newly constructed or rehabilitated
pavements. The roughness values measured during the first
(a) The sections for the comparison were selected by the fol- measuring year for NETI-PMS were applied to the road sec-
lowing criteria: (i) Newly paved or rehabilitated road sec- tions with a traffic loading history and roughness values higher
tions, (ii) PCI score of all the segments in each section, than 1.10 m/km. Therefore, the model should be adjusted also
in the first survey year, was equal to 100, and (iii) no reha- for pavements having a service history life. The principle of the
bilitation was performed in the section since the first sur- deterioration adjustment model is based on calculating the
vey year. number of 130 kN ESAL which caused the increase of the IRI
(b) The length of each section was determined according to from 1.10 m/km (the moment of constructing the pavement)
the accumulated length of sequential segments that met up to the IRI value that was measured in the first year of the
the above conditions. The minimum length of the sections measurements. This ESAL is added to the annual ESAL of
used for comparison was 700 metres. each section for predicting the IRI. The principle of the IRI
deterioration adjustment model is expressed in the following
Table 1. Coefficient values of the deterioration model for various climate zones. equations:
Meteorological Station
(Equations (6, 7)) Southern Zone Central Zone Northern Zone
IRIini = 1.10 + K†(W0 )g (8)
C0 9.6826 × 10−2 3.61497 × 10−2 7.10620 × 10−2
CE −0.6800 −0.6800 −0.6800 where IRIini – IRI of the section at the time (tini) when the first
CS −2.6800 −2.6800 −2.6800 measurement for the NETI-PMS initiated; W0 – Cumulative
CT 0.5500 0.5500 0.5500
D0 0.30670 0.37740 0.33286
number of 130 kN ESAL applications leading to the increase
DE 2.5620 × 10−4 2.2610 × 10−4 2.42236 × 10−4 of the IRI from 1.10 m/km up to IRIini; K, γ – regression coeffi-
DS 3.6296 × 10−2 3.5135 × 10−2 3.56297 × 10−2 cients dependent on parameters that characterise the pavement
DT −5.6480 × 10−4 −5.8160 × 10−4 −5.76480 × 10−4
and environmental variables.

According to Equation (8), W0 may be extracted as follows: Validation of the proposed IRI model
Figures 5–10 present examples of the IRI predicted results
 1 (Equations (6)–(10)) compared with measured results for var-
IRIini − 1.10 g
W0 = (9) ious road sections located in different climate zones (Northern,
K Central, and Southern). Each figure is accompanied by the fol-
lowing details: climate zone, station, road number and section
According to Equation (9) the IRI deterioration model for length, the pavement characterisation as the structural number,
pavements with a traffic loading history may be expressed as the subgrade modulus and the asphalt layer thickness. It should
follows: be noted that usually, IRI values increases with time. Some
periods of the provided figures do not demonstrate that. The
IRI(t ≥ tini ) = 1.10 + K†(W0 + Wt )g (10) minor variations in the IRI measurements shown in these
figures is due to measurement precision and accuracy. Figures
where Wt – cumulative number of 130 kN ESAL applications 11–13 present the results of the matching between the predicted
applied until time t. IRI compared to the measured results of NETI – PMS for each

Figure 5. Measured vs. predicted IRI – road 91 in northern zone.

Figure 6. Measured vs. predicted IRI – road 98 in northern zone.


Figure 7. Measured vs. predicted IRI – road 44 in central zone.

Figure 8. Measured vs. predicted IRI – road 446 in central zone.

Figure 9. Measured vs. predicted IRI – road 25 in southern zone.


Figure 10. Measured vs. predicted IRI – road 60 in southern zone.

Figure 11. Measured vs. predicted IRI for various road sections – northern zone.

Figure 12. Measured vs. predicted IRI for various road sections – central zone.

Figure 13. Measured vs. predicted IRI for various road sections – southern zone.

road section located within the various climate zones. The com- enabling the assessment of the pavement performance at the
parison related to 73, 55 and 37 road sections in the northern, end of the warranty period of new & rehabilitated pavements.
central and southern zone of the country respectively. The total
length of the analysed sections was 133.3, 107.5 and 47.0 km. in
the northern, central and southern zone respectively. The devi- Disclosure statement
ation from the IRIs’ line of equality is drawn in these figures by No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
the lines of 10% deviations. These figures show that there is a
very good match between the predicted and measured results
of IRI in all the various climate zones (R 2>0.9, Se/Sy<0.35 and Funding
low RSME) and confirms the prediction ability of the model. The research work was funded byNETI through the department of
The vast majority of the predicted results are placed in the research and development and the office of the NETI chief scientist.
vicinity of the line of equality or within a maximal deviation
of 10% from it. This deviation is not significant, given the
nature of the measurement errors. References
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