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Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) : A Bird's-Eye View

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Mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide (MEPDG): A bird's-eye view

Article  in  Journal of Modern Transportation · June 2013

DOI: 10.1007/BF03325749


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Yanjun Qiu
Southwest Jiaotong University


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Journal of Modern Transportation
Volume 19, June 2, January 2011, Page 114-133
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Mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide (MEPDG):

a bird’s-eye view
Qiang LI1*, Danny X. XIAO2, Kelvin C. P. WANG2, Kevin D. HALL2, Yanjun QIU3

1. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19711, USA
2. Department of Civil Engineering, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA
3. School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China

Abstract: Past editions of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Guide
for Design of Pavement Structures have served well for several decades; nevertheless, many serious limitations exist
for their continued use as the nation’s primary pavement design procedures. Researchers are now incorporating the lat-
est advances in pavement design into the new Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG), developed
under the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) 1-37A project and adopted and published by
AASHTO. The MEPDG procedure offers several dramatic improvements over the current pavement design guide and
presents a new paradigm in the way pavement design is performed. However, MEPDG is substantially more complex
than the AASHTO Design Guide by considering the input parameters that influence pavement performance, including
traffic, climate, pavement structure and material properties, and applying the principles of engineering mechanics to
predict critical pavement responses. It requires significantly more input from the designer. Some of the required data
are either not tracked previously or are stored in locations not familiar to designers, and many data sets need to be pre-
processed for use in the MEPDG. As a result, tremendous research work has been conducted and still more challenges
need to be tackled both in federal and state levels for the full implementation of MEPDG. This paper, for the first time,
provides a comprehensive bird’s eye view for the MEPDG procedure, including the evolvement of the design method-
ology, an overview of the design philosophy and its components, the research conducted during the development, im-
provement, and implementation phases, and the challenges remained and future developments directions. It is antici-
pated that the efforts in this paper aid in enhancing the mechanistic-empirical based pavement design for future con-
tinuous improvement to keep up with changes in trucking, materials, construction, design concepts, computers, and so on.
Key words: design of pavement structures; mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide (MEPDG); local calibration;
implementation challenges
© 2011 JMT. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction crete mixture, two unbound base, and under slightly

over 1 million axle load applications [1].
It is until now, a half century after the Road Test, that
T he American Association of State Highway Offi-
cials (AASHO) Road Test was a milestone for en-
gineers to understand how pavements perform, based on
pavement design is updating from empirical method to
mechanistic-empirical method. Developed under the Na-
which the current American Association of State High- tional Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP),
way and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) pavement the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide
design procedures were developed. However, these de- (MEPDG) presents a new paradigm for pavement design
sign procedures are insufficient for the traffic, materials and analysis. The Guide considers input parameters that
and construction techniques today since the empirical influence pavement performance, including traffic, cli-
equations in nature were derived from the Road Test in mate, and pavement structure and material properties, and
a single geographic location, one type of subgrade, one applies the principles of engineering mechanics to predict
hot mix asphalt mixture and one Portland cement con- critical pavement responses [1]. Incorporating hundreds
of new variables, new parameters to characterize materi-
als and the complexity of the implementation, MEPDG
presents many research tasks and challenges for the
Received May 4, 2011; revision accepted Jun. 7, 2011
pavement community.
Corresponding author. Tel.:+1-302-831-7002
Since the AASHTO Joint Task Force on Pavement
E-mail: (Q. LI)
doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-087X.2011.02.007 (JTFOP) initiated the MEPDG development efforts,
Journal of Modern Transportation 2011 19(2): 114-133 115

numerous research projects related to MEPDG have (1) Today’s traffic loads are much higher than they
been conducted. Although a wide range of topics have were six decades ago;
been investigated and findings have been disseminated (2) Rehabilitated pavements were not monitored;
by reports, papers and presentations, there is no paper (3) Only one climatic condition and one subgrade
comprehensive study cataloging these research type were included in the road test;
achievements. This paper is intends to fill this gap. The (4) Only one hot-mix asphalt and one PCC mixture
outline of the paper comes as follows. First, the history were studied;
of pavement design methods is reviewed, followed by a (5) Test pavements did not include drainage;
brief introduction of MEPDG and its components. Sec- (6) Only 2 years of monitoring were conducted,
ond, the art-of-state research conducted during the de- rather than the entire pavement life of every section
velopment, improvement, and implementation phases of (some sections did, however, fail within 2 years).
MEPDG are explored and analyzed. Finally challenges
and future developments are presented. 2.2. The mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide
2. Evolvement of pavement design in U.S.
2.2.1. National cooperative highway research program
The empirical based and the mechanistic-empirical (NCHRP) project 1-26
based pavement structural design approaches are the two
principal methods widely studied and used in the United Right after the development of the 1986 AASHTO De-
States today. sign Guide, the need to develop mechanistic pavement
analysis and design procedures suitable for use in future
2.1. Empirical method: AASHTO pavement design versions of the AASHTO guide was initiated by AASHTO.
method NCHRP Project 1-26, Calibrated Mechanistic Structural
Analysis Procedures for Pavements, aimed at providing the
Many pavement design procedures adopt an empiri- basic framework for future development of a mechanistic-
cal approach. The relationships among design inputs, empirical (M-E) pavement design method [4].
such as loads, materials, layer configurations and envi- In pavement design, the responses can be the stresses,
ronment, and pavement failure were obtained through strains and deflections within a pavement structure, and
engineering experience, experimental observations, or a the physical causes are the loads (both environmental and
combination of both. traffic) and material properties of the pavement structure.
The American Association of State Highway and The relationships among these phenomena and their
Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Guide for Design physical causes are typically described using
of Pavement Structures [2] is the primary document mathematical models. Along with this mechanistic
used to design new and rehabilitated highway pave- approach, empirical models are used when defining the
ments in the United States today. The Federal Highway relationships among the calculated stresses, strains and
Administration’s (FHWA) 1995-1997 National Pave- deflections, and pavement failure. As a result, the number
ment Design Review found that more than 80% of states of loading cycles to failure can be derived. This approach
use the 1972, 1986, or 1993 AASHTO Guides [3]. All is called a mechanistic empirical based design method.
versions of the AASHTO design guide are based on em- Since NCHRP 1-26 was completed, several typical
pirical models drawn from field performance data meas- mechanistic-empirical based design approaches were
ured at the AASHO road test in the late 1950s located at developed, including the 2002 AASHTO Mechanistic-
just northwest of Ottawa, Illinois, about 80 miles south- Empirical Design Guide (MEPDG) [1], the Washington
west of Chicago, along with some theoretical support for State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Pave-
layer coefficients and drainage factors. The overall ser- ment Guide [5], and the MnPAVE computer program
viceability of the pavement is quantified by the present adopted in Minnesota Department of Transportation
serviceability index (PSI), a composite performance (MN/DOT) [6].
measure combining cracking, patching, rutting, and
other distresses. Roughness is the dominant factor gov- 2.2.2. The long term pavement performance (LTPP)
erning PSI and is therefore the principal component of program
pavement performance measure.
The various versions of the AASHTO guide have Supported by the Congress, the LTPP program
served the industry well, but have deficiencies due to started in 1987, as part of the Strategic Highway Re-
some of the limitations of the AASHO Road Test [1]: search Program (SHRP). Over a span of 20 years, the
LTPP program has monitored the performance of nearly
116 Qiang LI et al. / Mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide (MEPDG): a bird’s-eye view

2 500 in-service pavement test sections throughout the 2.2.3. The mechanistic-empirical pavement design
United States and Canada representing the wide range of guide (MEPDG)
climatic and soil conditions on the continent. With
pavement performance over time, researchers are gain- The Mechanistic-Empirical Design Guide for New and
ing insight into how and why they perform as they do, Rehabilitated Pavement Structures [1], known as MEPDG,
which provides valuable lessons on how to build better, was released in 2004 under the NCHRP Project 1-37A.
longer lasting, more cost effective pavements. MEPDG provides significant potential benefits over the
An original LTPP objective was to acquire data for use 1993 AASHTO Guide. This approach provides more real-
in evaluating existing design methods and in developing istic characterization of in-service pavements and provides
new ones. The Development of MEPDG required detailed uniform guidelines for designing the in-common features
information about pavements located across the country of flexible, rigid, and composite pavements. It also offers
and representing a wide range of loading, climate, and sub- procedures for evaluating existing pavements and recom-
grade conditions with varying structural compositions. The mendations for rehabilitation treatments, drainage, and
LTPP database provided such long-term performance data foundation improvements. Most importantly, its computa-
for hundreds of asphalt, concrete, and rehabilitated pave- tional software: (1) implements an integrated analysis ap-
ment sections that were used in the national calibration. In proach for predicting pavement condition over time (in-
fact, the MEPDG could not have been completed without cluding fatigue, rutting, and thermal cracking in asphalt
the type and national extent of data provided by the LTPP pavements, and cracking and faulting in concrete pave-
studies [7]. All of the traffic loading defaults provided in ments) that accounts for the interaction of traffic, climate,
the MEPDG, for example, were derived from the LTPP and pavement structure; (2) allows consideration of special
traffic database using weigh-in-motion (WIM) sites across loadings with multiple tires or axles; and (3) provides a
the United States and Canada, and all of the distress and means for evaluating design variability and reliability.
smoothness models in the MEPDG were calibrated using MEPDG allows pavement designers to make better in-
LTPP data. In addition, LTPP data is invaluable to each formed decisions and take cost-effective advantage of new
State highway agency for its own local validation and cali- materials and features. The software can also serve as a fo-
bration purposes. The distribution of the LTPP pavement rensic tool for analyzing the condition of existing pave-
test sections is shown in Fig. 1 [7]. ments and pinpointing deficiencies in past designs.

Fig. 1 Distribution of LTPP pavement test sections

Journal of Modern Transportation 2011 19(2): 114-133 117

3. MEPDG: an overview 3.2. Hierarchical design inputs

3.1. MEPDG design approach The hierarchical approach to design inputs is a fea-
ture of MEPDG not found in existing design procedure
The design approach provided in MEPDG consists of [1], which provides the designer with flexibility in ob-
three major stages, shown in Fig. 2 [1]. Stage 1 of this taining the design inputs for a design project based on
procedure is to develop input values. In this stage, poten- the criticality of the project and the available resources.
tial strategies are identified and foundation analysis is The hierarchical approach is employed with regard to
conducted. In addition, pavement materials inputs, traffic traffic, materials, and environmental inputs.
characterization data, and hourly climatic data (tempera- Level 1 inputs provide for the highest level of accu-
ture, precipitation, solar radiation, cloud cover, and wind racy and would have the lowest level of uncertainty or
speed) from weather stations are developed. Stage 2 con- error. Level 1 inputs would typically be used for design-
sists of the structural/performance analysis. The analysis ing heavily trafficked pavements or wherever there are
approach begins with the selection of an initial trial de- dire safety or economic consequences of early failure.
sign. The trial section is analyzed incrementally over time Level 1 material input require laboratory or field testing,
using the pavement response and distress models, and the such as the dynamic modulus testing of hot-mix asphalt
outputs of the analysis are accumulated damage amount concrete, site-specific axle load spectra data collections,
of distress and smoothness over time. A pavement struc- or nondestructive deflection testing.
tural design is therefore obtained through an iterative Level 2 inputs provide an intermediate level of
process in which predicted performance is compared accuracy. Level 2 inputs typically would be user-
against the design criteria for the multiple predicted dis- selected, possibly from an agency database, could be
tresses until all design criteria are satisfied to the specified derived from a limited testing program, or could be
reliability level. Stage 3 of the process includes the evalua- estimated through correlations.
tion of the structurally viable alternatives, such as an en-
gineering analysis and life cycle cost analysis.

Fig. 2 The three-stage scheme of the MEPDG process [1]

118 Qiang LI et al. / Mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide (MEPDG): a bird’s-eye view

Level 3 inputs provide the lowest level of accuracy. erties [1]. The pavement response model material in-
This level might be used for design where there are puts relate to the moduli and Poisson's ratio used to
minimal consequences of early failure, such as lower characterize layer behavior within the specific model.
volume roads. Inputs typically would be user-selected Material parameters associated with pavement distress
values or typical averages for the region. National de- criteria normally are linked to some measure of mate-
fault values are provided in the MEPDG software and rial strength (shear strength, compressive strength,
could be used as level 3 inputs. modulus of rupture) or to some manifestation of the ac-
tual distress effect (repeated load permanent deforma-
3.3. Environmental effects tion, fatigue failure of PCC materials). The “other”
category of materials properties constitutes those asso-
The MEPDG approach fully considers the changes of ciated with special properties required for the design
temperature and moisture profiles in the pavement solution. Examples of this category are the thermal ex-
structure and subgrade over the design life of a pansion and contraction coefficients of both PCC and
pavement through the incorporation of the Enhanced asphalt mixtures.
Integrated Climate Model (EICM) into the MEPDG
design software. The EICM is a one-dimensional 3.6. Subgrade/foundation design inputs
coupled heat and moisture flow program that simulates
changes in the behavior and characteristics of pavement Different means for subgrade or foundation charac-
and subgrade materials in conjunction with climatic terization alternatives exist, including [1]:
conditions [1].
z Laboratory testing of undisturbed or reconstituted
In addition, the MEPDG software provides an avail-
field samples recovered from the subsurface explo-
able database from more than 800 weather stations from
ration process;
the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) throughout
z Nondestructive testing of existing pavements with
the United States, which allows the user to select a given
similar subgrade materials;
station or to generate virtual weather stations for a pro-
z Intrusive testing such as the Dynamic Cone Pene-
ject site under design.
trometer (DCP);
z Reliance on an agency’s experience with the sub-
3.4. Traffic characterization
grade type.
Instead of using Equivalent Single Axle Load (ESAL) Laboratory testing and Nondestructive Deflection
as in the 1993 AASHTO Guide [2] to characterize traf- Testing (NDT) are recommended as the primary charac-
fic throughout the pavement design life, MEPDG re- terization methods. An agency’s experience can and
quires the full axle-load spectrum traffic inputs for esti- should supplement these two methods.
mating the magnitude, configuration and frequency of
traffic loading to accurately determine the axle loads 3.7. Pavement performance
that will be applied on the pavement in each time incre-
ment of the damage accumulation process. The typical Pavement performance is primarily concerned with
traffic data required for the MEPDG are categorized as functional and structural performance. The structural
follows [1]: performance of a pavement relates to its physical
condition (such as fatigue cracking and rutting for
z Truck traffic volume: in the base year and the es-
flexible pavements, and joint faulting, and slab cracking
timated growth rate in the design life;
for rigid jointed pavements). Several of these key
z Truck traffic volume adjustment factors: hourly
distress types can be predicted directly using
and monthly;
mechanistic concepts and are considered in the design
z Axle load distribution factors: load spectra and
vehicle class distribution;
Ride quality is the dominant characteristic of func-
z General traffic inputs, such as axle configuration,
tional performance, as measured by the International
wheelbase, and axles per truck.
Roughness Index (IRI). In MEPDG, IRI is estimated in-
crementally over the entire design period by incorporat-
3.5. Material characterization
ing distresses such as cracking, rutting, faulting, and
punchouts as the major factors influencing the loss of
The material parameters needed for the design proc-
smoothness of a pavement. The general hypothesis of
ess are classified into three major groups: (1) pavement
the smoothness models is that the various distresses re-
response model material inputs, (2) material-related
sulting in significant changes in smoothness are repre-
pavement distress criteria, and (3) other material prop-
Journal of Modern Transportation 2011 19(2): 114-133 119

sented by separate components within the MEPDG over the entire design period. This approach attempts to
models, as shown in Eq. (1) [1]. simulate how pavement damage occurs in nature, in-
crementally load by load over continuous time periods.
S (t )=S0 + (a1 S D (t )1 + L + an S D (t )n ) + b j S j + c j M j , (1) This approach allows the use of elastic moduli within a
given time period that are representative of that time in-
where S(t) denotes pavement smoothness at a specific crement. This procedure also allows for the aging of
time, t (IRI, in/mi); S0 initial smoothness immediately paving materials.
after construction (IRI, in/mi); SD(t) (i=1 to n) change of
smoothness due to the ith distress at a given time t in the 3.9. Design reliability
analysis period; a(i=1, …, n), bj and cj are regression
constants; Sj change in smoothness due to site factors Within the context of the MEPDG, reliability of a
(subgrade and age); Mj change in smoothness due to given design is the probability that the performance of the
maintenance activities. pavement predicted for that design will be satisfactory
over the time period under consideration. Design reliabil-
3.8. Structural modeling ity, R, is defined as the probability P, that each of the key
distress types and smoothness will be less than a selected
Proper structural modeling is the heart of a mechanis- critical level over the design period [1].
tic-based design procedure. The structural models used
for flexible pavements include the multilayer elastic R=P(performance over design period <
program JULEA for linear elastic analysis [1], and the critical level).
2-D finite element program DSC2D [8] for finite ele-
ment analysis (FEA), if the user opts to use the Level 1 Several design features other than thickness (which is
hierarchical inputs to characterize the non-linear moduli defined in the current 1993 AASHTO Guide) could be
response of any unbound layer materials. considered to improve the reliability estimate of the de-
The structural model for rigid pavement analysis is a sign. The prediction is based on mean or average values
2-D finite element program, ISLAB2000 [9]. This FEA- for all inputs, as illustrated in Fig. 3 [1].
based structural model was used as a basis for Assuming that distress and IRI are approximately
developing rapid solution neural networks (NN). These normally distributed, the standard deviation for each dis-
NN provide accurate and virtually instantaneous tress type was determined from the model prediction er-
solutions for critical responses and were developed so ror (standard error of the estimate) from calibration re-
that the large numbers of computations needed could be sults used for each key distress. Given the mean and
accomplished rapidly. standard deviation of a normal distribution, the estimate
This MEPDG procedure is the first to include the ca- cracking at the desired reliability level can be calculated
pability to accumulate damage on a monthly basis as follows (cracking as an example) [1]:

Fig. 3 Design reliability concept for smoothness (IRI) in MEPDG [1]

120 Qiang LI et al. / Mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide (MEPDG): a bird’s-eye view

CRACK_P=CRACK_mean+STDmeas×Zp, (3) Several states have undertaken research activities

designed to facilitate implementation of the MEPDG.
where CRACK_P denotes cracking at the reliability Interestingly, most states are pursuing similar activities
level p; CRACK_mean is the predicted cracking using in these efforts: (1) estimation of the sensitivity of
the deterministic model with mean inputs (correspond- pavement responses to changes in design inputs; (2)
ing to 50 percent reliabality); STDmeas is the standard evaluation of materials and traffic inputs; (3) establishment
deviation of cracking from national calibration; and Zp of allowable/acceptable pavement performance criteria;
denotes the standardized normal deviate corresponding and (4) calibration of the MEPDG to local materials,
to reliability level p. climate, and traffic conditions. Use the state of Arkansas
as an example, the studies been and being conducted are
4. State-of-the-art research and implement- shown in Table 2.
ation practices of MEPDG In the following sessions, each category of the studies
is explored.
In order to implement the MEPDG procedure for
state highway agencies, the NCHRP 1-37A report iden- 4.1. Sensitivity analysis
tifies several challenges and issues as follows which
need to be tackled in advance [1]: MEPDG requires over 100 inputs to model traffic,
environmental, materials, and pavement performance to
z Data for design inputs, how the agency will collect provide estimates of pavement distress over the design
the inputs, and establishing a database for inputs; life of the pavement. Many designers may lack specific
z Performance and reliability design criteria; knowledge of the data required. Sensitivity study is
z Existing and new testing equipment required; beneficial to assess the relative sensitivity of the models
z Computer hardware and software requirements; used in MEPDG to inputs relating. This sensitivity
z Local calibration and validation of distress models; analysis may aid designers in focusing on those inputs
z Establishing a database of projects; having the most effect on desired pavement performance.
z Training requirements for staff doing pavement design; This task is performed by running the same problem
During the past 10 years, several NCHRP projects several times while changing the value of a variable and
supporting the implementation and adoption of MEPDG evaluating the results to determine if that variable has a
have been conducted in the United States as summarized significant, moderate, or minor effect on predicted pave-
in Table 1. ment performance.

Table 1 NCHRP projects supporting implementation and adoption of MEPDG

Project number Project title Status

NCHRP 01-37 Development of the 2002 guide for the design of new and rehabilitated pavement structures Completed

NCHRP 01-39 Traffic data collection, analysis, and forecasting for mechanistic pavement design Completed

NCHRP 01-40A Independent review of the recommended mechanistic-empirical design guide and software Completed

NCHRP 01-40B User manual and local calibration guide for the M-E pavement design guide and software Completed

Technical assistance to NCHRP project 1-40A: versions 0.9 and 1.0 of the M-E pavement design
NCHRP 01-40D Completed

NCHRP 01-41 Models for predicting reflection cracking of hot-mix asphalt overlays Completed

NCHRP 01-42A Models for predicting top-down cracking of hot-mix asphalt layers Completed

NCHRP 01-47 Sensitivity evaluation of MEPDG performance prediction Active

NCHRP 01-48 Incorporating pavement preservation into the MEPDG Active

NCHRP 01-50 Quantifying the Influence of geosynthetics on pavement performance Pending

Experimental plan for calibration and validation of HMA performance models

NCHRP 09-30 Completed
for mix and structural design
Journal of Modern Transportation 2011 19(2): 114-133 121

Table 2 Research projects related to the MEPDG sponsored by AHTD

Project number Project Title Status

MBTC-2027 Investigation of the effect of fines on base course performance Completed

MBTC-2032 Development of testing protocol and correlations for resilient modulus of subgrade soils Completed

TRC-0302 AASHTO 2002 pavement design guide design input evaluation study Completed

TRC-0304 Dynamic modulus and static creep behavior of hot-mix asphalt concrete Completed

TRC-0402 Projected traffic loading for mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide Completed

TRC-0602 Development of a master plan for calibration and implementation of the M-E pavement design guide Active

TRC-0702 Database support for the new mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide Completed

TRC-0708 PCC materials input values for mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide Completed

TRC-0902 Validation of the enhanced integrated climate model for pavement design in arkansas Active

TRC-1003 Local calibration of the MEPDG Active

TRC-1203 Data Preparation for Implementing DARWin-ME Pending

There are two types of sensitivity analyses: (1) sensitiv- include (1) to develop a dynamic modulus database and
ity of predicted performance to design inputs; and (2) sensi- determine the data variability for |E*| input Level 1 in
tivity of predicted performance to calibration coefficients. MEPDG; (2) to evaluate a predictive equation for |E*|
The first sensitivity analysis is used to recommend the in- input Levels 2 and 3 in MEPDG; and (3) to identify the
put level (e.g., Level 1, 2 or 3) for each design input for fu- appropriate |E*| input level for initial implementation of
ture calibration and implementation. The second sensitivity MEPDG [16-18].
analysis is used to identify the most significant coefficients In Arkansas, the testing program for the dynamic
among all calibration coefficients so that the data require- modulus included 21 HMA mixtures based on four aggre-
ments and amount of efforts for local calibration can be re- gate sources, three aggregate sizes, and two binder grades
duced. [19]. The dynamic modulus test was performed in the labo-
Various agencies or institutes have conducted similar rese ratory in accordance with AASHTO TP-62, Standard Test
arch, such as the University of Arkansas [10], Iowa State Uni Method for Determining Dynamic Modulus of Hot-Mix
versity [11], University of Kentucky [12], the University of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures, at five temperatures, including
California, Davis [13], New Jersey Department of Transportat -10, 4.4, 21.1, 37.8, and 54.4 ℃ (14, 40, 70, 100, and 130 °F),
ion [14], and Texas Transportation Institute [15]. and six frequencies, including 25, 10, 5, 1, 0.5, 0.1 Hz. Three
Based on the sensitivity analyses, it is suggested that replicates for each HMA mixture were prepared at optimum
the following input parameters be determined or analyzed binder content. After the mixtures were compacted to 150
further at state level if the MEPDG is implemented in the mm diameter and 170 mm height at two air void levels, the
future: (1) climate data; (2) traffic loading spectra data; (3) test specimens, 100 mm diameter and 150 mm height, were
HMA inputs: dynamic modulus, indirect tensile strength cored and cut from the compacted samples. It was found that
and creep compliance; (4) PCC inputs: coefficient of the predicted dynamic modulus values in MEPDG agreed
thermal expansion, modulus of rupture, compressive quite well with the laboratory measured ones.
strength, and Poisson’s ratio; (5) base input: resilient
modulus; and (6) subgrade input: resilient modulus. 4.2.2. Coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) for Port-
land cement concrete
4.2. Material characterization
Among these parameters such as gradation, elastic
4.2.1. Dynamic modulus E* for asphalt mixture modulus and compressive strength, coefficient of
thermal expansion (CTE) was found to be very
The dynamic modulus of HMA is the most significant for rigid pavement distresses. However, CTE
significant input used in the structural design of asphalt has not been included as a variable in material
pavements. The main objectives of E* characterization specifications or in most laboratories.
122 Qiang LI et al. / Mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide (MEPDG): a bird’s-eye view

Project TRC-0708 sponsored by the Arkansas against conventional engineering wisdom. In the
Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD) was NCHRP 1-37A report [1], it is suggested that “the
supported to address this problem [20]. Twelve common EICM has been validated only on a limited basis, and
PCC pavement mixtures in Arkansas using four types of further comparison of outputs with actual field condi-
aggregates (limestone, syenite, sandstone and gravel) tions has been recommended”.
and three different cement proportions were tested. Li and Wang [28] conducted a comparison analysis to
Analysis of variance and sensitivity analyses were evaluate the accuracy of the MEPDG generated VWS data
performed to evaluate the influence of mixture by comparing the climatic data from corresponding auto-
properties on the CTE and the effect on pavement mated weather stations (AWS) in the Long-Term Pave-
performance predictions of using Level 1- and 3-CTE ment Performance (LTPP) database. It is observed that
inputs. It was found that the type of coarse aggregate in most VWS climatic data estimate the actual weather data
the PCC mixture significantly influenced the CTE. But reasonably well. However, in some cases significant differ-
cement content and concrete age were not significant. In ences are observed. It is recommended in this research:
addition to findings about CTE, this study documented
z Using as many applicable nearby weather stations
the procedure of laboratory testing on PCC materials for
as possible for estimating the climatic parameters
MEPDG. The results set up a reference for rigid
provides more accurate results than using the clos-
pavement design in Arkansas. In this study, the rupture
est weather station.
modulus, compressive modulus, and Poison ratio were
z Elevation differences (between the project site and
also tested for the mixtures. Similar study has been
the nearby weather stations) significantly affect
conducted by several other agencies [21-23].
the accuracy of the MEPDG generated virtual cli-
matic data.
4.2.3. Resilient modulus
z The distance between the project site and the con-
tributing weather stations does not significantly in-
Realizing the important role of resilient modulus in
fluence the MEPDG generated virtual climatic pa-
MEPDG, AHTD supported two research projects ad-
dressing the resilient modulus of subgrade soils [24- 25]
z Variations of climate data are observed to have
and unbound base [26]. Ten sites were selected such that
significant influence on asphalt concrete (AC) rut-
a wide variety of subgrade soils typically encountered in
ting, while much less influence is observed for the
Arkansas are represented. Resilient modulus was meas-
total rutting. IRI is the least influenced parameter
ured using different methods including laboratory triax-
for both flexible and rigid pavement.
ial test, falling weight deflectometer (FWD), standard
penetration test and spectral analysis of surface waves Johanneck and Khazanorich [29] details the effort
(SASW). In another study on unbound base, five quar- required to compare performance predictions for
ries were selected to represent the main geologic materi- composite pavement consisting of asphalt cement over
als (limestone, dolomite, sandstone, syenite, novaculite) Portland cement concrete (PCC) for 610 locations across
for crushed stone aggregate produced in Arkansas. In- the United States. Although in general the results agree
dex testing, triaxial tests, shear strength, hydraulic con- with the anticipated trends of environmental effects on
ductivity were measured. These two studies established pavement performance, the prediction of performance
a reliable reference for Arkansas to implement MEPDG. according to the predicted transverse cracking in the
PCC layer was found to contain inconsistencies. These
4.3. Climatic impacts inconsistencies are attributed to the quality of the
climatic data. The paper concludes that the MEPDG
The enhanced integrated climatic model (EICM) is climatic database should be cleansed of incomplete or
fully incorporated in the MEPDG software that allows questionable climatic data files to ensure reliable
users to select adjacent weather stations to generate a performance prediction.
virtual weather station (VWS), and therefore very lim- Breakah et al. [30] presents a case study to show the
ited research efforts have been devoted to verify the ef- importance of using accurate climatic data by develop-
fectiveness of the VWS data generated using the ing climatic files for each county in the state of Iowa
MEPDG software. Zaghloul et al [27] found that using and studying the difference between the files available
different weather stations to generate VWSs in MEPDG within MEPDG that are based upon 9 years of historical
would result in significant differences in pavement per- regionally averaged data and the created files that con-
formances, even though the two pavement sections un- sist of site-specific data for 34 years of the historical re-
der study were designed with the same structures and to cord. This case study has illustrated the critical role that
be built about 15 miles (24 km) apart. The observation is accurate climatic data have in the MEPDG and thus it is
Journal of Modern Transportation 2011 19(2): 114-133 123

very likely that forecasting climatic data for use in de- windows-based database interface, PrepME [37], was devel-
veloping pavement designs for future designs will be oped at the University of Arkansas with the functionalities
very important to developing appropriate designs. It is customized to the implementation of MEPDG. Particularly
recommended to use more comprehensive climatic data the interface for Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) based traffic load-
and need to be continuously updated for use in the ing spectrum analysis has attracted extensive attention from
mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide. It is also AASHTO, FHWA, and various state DOTs. It can automati-
recommended to develop forecast files that cover the cally pre-process based on clearly defined rules, efficiently
project duration and run these used files to simulate the import the raw traffic data, and generate the required traffic
project performance during the expected project life. inputs for the MEPDG software. The traffic data check inter-
face is shown in Fig. 4. This research has been implemented
4.4. Traffic load spectra characterization as a pooled-fund study [38].
Level 1 traffic WIM data are available. In such case,
This axle load spectra approach is widely viewed as a Levels 2 or 3 (regional and state-wide average) traffic
quantum leap forward in pavement design technology inputs can be considered for design by combining exist-
[10-11]. However, there is no doubt that the load spectra ing site-specific data from WIM systems located on sites
approach is much more complex than the existing ESAL that exhibit similar traffic characteristics. The sites with
based approach and several challenges exist [31]. First, similar traffic patterns can be classified as a truck load-
for a long time there has been a gap between traffic and ing group. How to qualify these similarities and how to
pavement engineers in understanding the needs for develop loading groups for pavement design is a chal-
traffic data in pavement design. Pavement and traffic lenge and becoming a recent interest in the US as more
engineers need to share their knowledge and experience state agencies started various efforts to implement
together when using MEPDG. Secondly, the proposed MEPDG with WIM data.
Truck Traffic Classification (TTC) system to describe Ideally, Level 1 traffic inputs for MEPDG can be
the distribution of trucks traveling on the roadway is obtained from a WIM system operating continuously at the
new to both traffic and pavement engineers. The third design site over extended periods of time. In practice,
challenge is that the traffic data collected from the however, when new pavements are designed, no prior Level
automated traffic collection sites often have errors, 1 traffic WIM data are available. In such case, Levels 2 or 3
especially the data collected from the WIM sites [32-33]. (regional and state-wide average) traffic inputs can be
It consumes large amount of resources, such as labor, considered for design by combining existing site-specific
time, and money to process the data by using currently data from WIM systems located on sites that exhibit similar
available methods to process the data check [34]. Fourth, traffic characteristics. The Traffic Monitoring Guide (TMG)
the sizes of the raw traffic data files are huge. For [39] recommends a combination of statistical cluster analysis
example, the size of truck weight data collected in (objectively) and analyst knowledge or expertise (subjectively)
Arkansas can be 200 MB to 300 MB in text file format to create factor groups of sites with similar truck traffic
per month. With several years of monitoring data, the patterns. Truck weight road groups are then developed based
processing of the raw data becomes tedious and time on a combination of known geographic, industrial,
consuming. It is impractical to manually process those agricultural, and commercial patterns, along with knowledge
data files even with computer assistance. In addition, of the trucking patterns that occur on specific roads.
there will be 10 s of thousands of traffic data sets needed Papagiannakis et al. [40] are among the first to adopt
to be prepared to characterize traffic loading for a clustering techniques to establish similarities in vehicle
particular design in MEPDG. This process needs to be classification and axle load distributions between traffic data
automated with software. collection sites using the long-term pavement performance
Several existing software programs have the functional- database, so as to estimate traffic input for MEPDG with
ities to process data and generate reports. For example, Tra- limited site-specific traffic data. Various State Department of
fload, a computer program developed under NCHRP Project Transportation (DOTs) deployed clustering algorithms to
1-39 [35] for generating traffic inputs for MEPDG, still can- develop traffic inputs in different regions to support the
not fulfill many of the requirements for MEPDG [32,36]. mechanistic-empirical based pavement design [41-44].
Several research projects develop Excel® spreadsheets to Wang and Li [31] analyzed the WIM data collected in
reduce raw vehicle classification data and weight data, and to the state of Arkansas using cluster analysis methodologies
generate volume adjustment factors and axle load spectra for to identify groups of WIM sites with similar traffic char-
MEPDG [32, 36]. However, the updating procedure needs to acteristics. Combining with the loading clusters, Long-
be repeated manually if new traffic monitoring data are Term Transportation Planning factors currently adopted
available. In addition, the traffic data check process is based in Arkansas are adopted as the influencing criteria to de-
on subjective judgment of the histograms of the raw data. A velop the truck loading groups. The most significant in-
124 Qiang LI et al. / Mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide (MEPDG): a bird’s-eye view

fluencing criteria are identified using the Fisher’s exact truck loading groups will simplify the understanding and
test. Consequently, truck loading groups and their applicability of the traffic patterns and ultimately ease the
categorical logit models are developed for potential preparation of the traffic load spectra inputs based on
pavement design when no actual WIM station exists at WIM data for the MEPDG procedure.
the design site. The developed method for determining

(a) Vehicle classification data

(b) Weight data

Fig. 4 Traffic data quality check in PrepME [37]
Journal of Modern Transportation 2011 19(2): 114-133 125

4.5. Design studies and design handbook bration task [45]. Calibration projects are completed or
undergoing in many states such as Wisconsin [46],
Most highway agencies use AASHTO methods for Montana [47], Florida [48], North Carolina [49], Texas
the design of pavement structure and are lack of the de- [50], Minnesota [51], Washington [52], Ohio [53], and
sign experience with MEPDG. Comparative studies are Arkansas [54]. Improvement of MEPDG predictions
necessary to be conducted between the MEPDG and the were reported by most of these researches. Some chal-
current AHTD pavement design procedures based on the lenges and issues observed during local calibration will
1993 AASHTO Guide. The experimental plan for this be discussed later in this paper.
study includes:
4.7. Low volume roads
z Comparison of the designs for typical low, me-
dium, and high volume roadways;
The three million miles of low volume roads (LVRs)
z Comparison of the designs for different reliability
under the control of over 35 000 local government
levels; and
agencies in the United States constitute 70 percent of
z Comparison of the designs using the MEPDG
roadway mileage but carry only 15 percent of all traffic
based on low, medium, and high design perform-
[55]. A survey conducted at the University of Arkansas
ance criteria to those using the AASHTO design
[56] revealed that 37 of the 48 states, including the State
of Arkansas, in the continental United States design
The results of these studies are used to determine if their LVRs using the AASHTO design method. The
the MEPDG under-designs, over-designs, or adequately LVR procedure used by AASHTO [2] is essentially the
designs pavements. In addition, the NCHRP 1-37A re- same as the corresponding procedure for high volume
ports [1], which are the technical support for MEPDG, pavements. For low-volume roads, design charts for
has a length of more than 2000 pages, and therefore, it is flexible pavements are similar to those for highway
not the practical handy resources for daily pavement de- pavement design, but the input requirements have been
sign. The development of a much more concise MEPDG simplified and methods are provided to estimate some
based design handbook will be a great benefit to the de- input values required for design to allow local agencies
signers. the option of using “standard” inputs for design. As a
result, local low-volume roads were typically
4.6. Local calibration constructed using a standard section, such as a double
surface treatment over a specified thickness of granular
The currently available MEPDG was calibrated using base material. However, as the LVRs began to
national wide data from the Long-Term Pavement Per- deteriorate, it was apparent that these ‘standard’ sections
formance (LTPP) program. Because of the difference were often inadequately designed [56].
between national condition and local condition such as Even though significant research towards the imple-
climate, material properties, traffic patterns, construc- mentation of the MEPDG has been conducted, all the ef-
tion and management techniques, MEPDG needs to be forts are being focused on high-volume roads, not low
validated and calibrated for local conditions. volume roads. Li and Xiao [57] developed a comprehen-
The goal of local calibration is to eliminate bias between sive low-volume Roads design catalog suitable for the
national models and local conditions, o reduce the stan- State of Arkansas. This study documents the result of an
dard error associated with the prediction equations, and exhaustive literature review of the Arkansas’s research
to considers the difference of materials, construction projects on the implementation of MEPDG and applies
specifications, policies on pavement preservation and the results to the LVRs design in Arkansas. The catalog
maintenance across the nation. Therefore, local calibra- offers a simplified and practical approach to low-volume
tion is usually conducted after the completion of traffic design by providing a variety of acceptable design alter-
and material characterization, and serves as a cumula- natives for a comprehensive combination of site condi-
tive effort of all implementation projects for a state tions (traffic, location, subgrade, and aggregate type).
highway agency. Upon the completion of local calibra-
tion, MEPDG would be used for routine design by local 4.8. FHWA design guide implementation team (DGIT)
The procedure of local calibration includes experi- Because FHWA considers implementation of MEP
mental design, data collection, MEPDG modeling, DG a critical element with highest priority in improvin
eliminate bias, reduce standard error, and validation. A g the National Highway System, a Design Guide Imple
national guideline developed by NCHRP Project 1-40 B mentation Team (DGIT) (
is also available for local agencies to conduct the cali-
126 Qiang LI et al. / Mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide (MEPDG): a bird’s-eye view

emen/dgit/) has been organized to immediately begin the linking MEPDG inputs (for HMA analysis) to known
process of informing, educating, and assisting FHWA’s fi field performance as measured on LTPP test sections.
eld offices, State highway agencies, industry and other
s about MEPDG. Since it was launched, it has offered 5. Challenges and future research
numerous workshops, technical support all around the
nation. 5.1. Sensitivity analysis

4.9. LTPP efforts Although studies have been conducted to relate pre-
dicted performance to differences in input parameter
The LTPP database was critical to the development values, these studies have not addressed this relationship
of the MEPDG, as it is the only source of comprehen- in a systematic manner to identify the relative influence
sive pavement data representing a wide range of loading, of input parameter values on predicted performance.
climate, and subgrade conditions with varying structural Moreover, these studies have not considered the com-
compositions across the country. bined effects of variations in two or more input parame-
The LTPP database is also serving as a critical tool ter values on predicted performance in a comprehensive
in implementing MEPDG. Local validation and cali- manner [60].
bration will rely heavily on the LTPP database as many Research is needed to determine the degree of sensi-
agencies do not otherwise have the data necessary to tivity of the performance predicted by the MEPDG to
complete this endeavor LTPP sites provide typical val- input parameter values. This information will help iden-
ues for many of the MEPDG inputs, and will play in tify, for specific climatic region and traffic conditions,
evaluating, calibrating, and validating the MEPDG on the input parameters that appear to substantially influ-
a local level. ence predicted performance. In this manner, users can
Recently, LTPP has devoted extensive efforts to ex- focus efforts on those input parameters that will greatly
plore the traffic data for MEPDG traffic inputs, which influence the pavement design.
are accessible in the LTPP Traffic Analysis Software Currently the NCHRP 01-47 project [60] is in pro-
(LTAS) data tables [58] containing monitored traffic gress to determine the sensitivity of the performance
data aggregated at the daily, monthly and annual levels predicted by the MEPDG to variability of input parame-
customized for MEPDG implementation usage. ter values. A summary of the input parameters and the
It is not practical to perform MEPDG Level 1 labo- degree of sensitivity of predicted performance to varia-
ratory |E*| tests on material samples from LTPP test tions in values of each parameter and combination of pa-
sections due to a lack of materials, budget limitations, rameters will be prepared.
and the absence of an accepted test method for field
samples obtained from relatively thin pavement struc- 5.2. Climate impacts
tures. However, the LTPP database contains data that
could be used to estimate the |E*| master curve and as- 5.2.1. Enhancement of EICM models
sociated shift factors. A recent research project [59],
LTPP Computed Parameter: Dynamic Modulus The EICM is envisioned for use in predicting the en-
(FHWA-HRT-10-035), has achieved these goals. The vironmental effects on pavements in MEPDG. The
primary objective was to develop estimates of the dy- pavement temperature determination element of the
namic modulus of HMA layers on LTPP test sections software was originally developed at the University of
following the models used in the MEPDG. As part of Illinois as the climatic-material-structural (CMS) model.
this project, existing models used to estimate |E*| val- It is a heat transfer model that computes pavement tem-
ues were evaluated, and additional models were devel- peratures based on a Fourier heat-transfer equation for
oped based on the use of artificial neural networks transient heat flow [61]. The dependability and precision
(ANNs). The models utilize readily available mixture of the CMS model is a function of the quality of input
and binder information to estimate dynamic modulus. values, including boundary conditions, climatic data,
In the most recent LTPP standard data release 25.0 re- and materials’ properties for the specific pavement
leased in January 2011, the research results were in- structure. After being incorporated in MEPDG Version
corporated and seven new tables were added to the 0.7, the EICM has undergone some modification until it
testing module (TST) of the LTPP database. These ta- reached the most current version. This was done under
bles include the inputs used in the predictions, |E*| es- NCHRP Project 9-23 [62], of which the main aim of the
timates at five temperatures and six frequencies, sig- project was to calibrate the model in order to adjust the
moidal functions (size and shape of the master curve), prediction of the moisture content and was based on a
and shift factors. These data will provide a means of suction model.
Journal of Modern Transportation 2011 19(2): 114-133 127

However, it is also important to understand that will not create a significant challenge to pavement de-
almost all of the level 2 and level 3 correlations pre- sign, but that the average temperatures and range in
sented in the current revision of the MEPDG have temperatures by 2100 would clearly make today’s
been developed from very limited site correlation pavement design approach ineffective.
studies of soil properties. For example, much of the Recognizing that no comprehensive study has been
correlations used in the EICM for soil-water charac- conducted to quantify the impacts of climate change on
teristic curve (SWCC) and Ksat were obtained from pavement performance and design, and that most ma-
approximately only 30 field sites from NCHRP 9-23. jorities of research projects were conducted based on
Clearly developing and utilizing enhanced models an average change of the climatic factors, without con-
and correlations from the 31 000 soils in the national sidering the uncertainty of the change, to explore the
soil properties database developed based on the impacts of potential climate change and its uncertainty
NCHRP 9-23A [63] project is an enhancement possi- on pavement performance deterioration and therefore
bility that deserves consideration. pavement design deserves future research. Three im-
In addition, the equilibrium moisture condition in the portant questions need to be answered: (1) How does
EICM is based on a suction model that depends on the pavement performance deteriorate differently with
water table depth and on a soil-water characteristic climate change and its uncertainty? (2) What’s the risk
curve (SWCC) model that is functionally dependent on if climate change and its uncertainty are not considered
simple soil properties. As pointed in the NCHRP 9-23A in pavement design? and (3) How do pavement design-
report, the enhancement of the EICM moisture content ers respond and incorporate this change into pavement
predictive models is a must: design process?
z Refinement of resilient modulus, moisture model
5.3. Traffic data quality check
to account for soil type distribution;
z Refinement of SWCC models to account for hys-
Several publications have reported that traffic data
teresis due to wetting/drying cycles;
collected from automated traffic collection sites often
z Recalibration of resilient modulus/R value rela-
have errors, particularly WIM sites using temperature-
tionship with a better database.
dependent piezoelectric sensors [68-69]. The State of
Washington reported that only 11 of 52 WIM sites pro-
5.2.2. Climate change
vided data suitable for the development of traffic inputs
for the MEPDG [70]. Tram and Hall [6] found that only
Current highways are designed based on typical
23 sites out of 55 WIM stations provided suitable classi-
historic climatic patterns, reflecting local climate and
fication data and only 10 stations provided good weight
incorporating assumptions about a reasonable range
data for the development of statewide axle load spectra
of temperatures and precipitation levels. Given an-
for Arkansas. Therefore, it is important to collect high-
ticipated climate changes and the inherent uncertainty
quality WIM data and conduct quality check of WIM
associated with such changes, a pavement could be
traffic data as well
subjected to very different climatic conditions over
Over the past several years, LTPP has been working
the design life and might be inadequate to withstand
to enhance its software used to process traffic data
future climate forces that impose stresses beyond en-
from the LTPP test sites. The LTPP Traffic Analysis
vironmental factors currently considered in the design
Software (LTAS) [33] uses a 12-step Quality Control
(QC) checks to review the data before it is loaded into
While much effort has been devoted to understand-
the LTPP pavement performance database. In Traffic
ing the contribution of road transportation to emissions
Monitoring Guide [39], two basic steps are recom-
of greenhouse gases and mitigating the emission
mended to evaluate recorded vehicle weight data. The
through transportation mode shift, engineers, however,
logic underlying of the the process is based on the ex-
have given little thought to whether current design
pectation of finding consistent peaks in the Gross Ve-
standards are sufficient to accommodate climate
hicle Weight (GVW) distribution at each site. However,
change [64]. Meyer [65] suggests that transportation
this technique was originally developed by the Minne-
infrastructure can be affected significantly by changing
sota DOT in early 1990 and was later adopted by the
environmental conditions. TRB Special Report 290 [66]
LTPP program [71]. Whether this technique is still
recommends that the development of appropriate de-
valid 20 years later is unknown. Therefore, it is rec-
sign standards to accommodate climate change is one
ommended that the procedure be evaluated, calibrated,
of the most important possible adaptation strategies.
and validated.
As noted in the Cambridge Systematics’ Gulf Coast
study [67], the likely temperature change up to 2050
128 Qiang LI et al. / Mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide (MEPDG): a bird’s-eye view

5.4. Local calibration and implementation the area that had undergone distress, whereas North
Carolina DOT used a rating of 0 to 10 based on the se-
5.4.1. Data contingency and quality verity of cracking. Therefore, parameters in PMS have
to be converted to the parameters and units used in
The first and most reported challenge for local cali- MEPDG before the data can be used for local calibration
bration is the small sample sizes of pavement sections [49]. Differences between state PMS and LTPP have
available for the calibration and validation due to con- also been observed in Arizona [73] and Nebraska [74].
straints in time and budget. In a traditional calibration It should also be noted that local calibration is an itera-
and validation approach using split-sample testing, a tive process. Periodic recalibration (i.e. every five years)
portion of the data (half or more) is used for calibrating is suggested whenever new mechanistic models and trans-
a model while the remaining data is reserved to validate fer functions are adopted in the design software. Recali-
the model accuracy. If the sample size of the dataset for bration would have better quality when new calibration
one distress type is small, a half of that dataset is even data are available. The design software has to keep pace
smaller, which produces inaccurate calibration coeffi- with the improvement of materials and construction tech-
cients and less reliable prediction accuracy. nologies. Therefore, a well designed database support is
Von Quintus et al. [45] proposed to employ the necessary to manage the data for local calibration and
Monte Carlo simulation using jackknifing for the cali- simplify the calibration process. The database should be
bration and validation of the pavement performance seamlessly connected with local PMS.
models in the MEPDG. Jackknifing approach uses one
database for both calibration and validation. In this ap- 5.4.2. Semi-rigid base models
proach, the goodness-of-fit statistics are determined
based on predictions from data that are independent of Accurate characterization of the fatigue behavior of
the calibration data, which indicates the accuracy of fu- chemically stabilized mixtures (CSM) is a very complex
ture predictions. The purpose of the simulation is to ex- technical issue. The situation is further complicated by
tend the calibrated models beyond constraints imposed the fact that fatigue cracking in the material layer is not
by limited performance data. directly observed in the pavement surface. Therefore, at
In most cases local calibration has to rely on avail- present, the CSM fatigue cracking and subsequent re-
able data from state highway agencies’ pavement man- flective cracking model has not been field calibrated. In
agement system (PMS). However, some issues have the MEPDG software, the compressive strength
been reported: (modulus of rupture), elastic modulus, and density are
(1) Missing data in the database. Engineers may be en- required inputs to the MEPDG for any cementitious or
counter that one project does not have aggregate grada- pozzolonic stabilized material. However, any changes
tion data, another project may not have asphalt binder made to the default values are not saved by the MEPDG
grade, and another project may miss subgrade soil type. software. The values entered always divert back to the
Default values or engineering judgment have to be ap- default values when the software is run. As a result,
plied at some point to fully model an existing project in Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) [45]
MEPDG. According to NCHRP Project 9-30 [72], which recommended that the input parameters for the CAM
suggested that all sensitive input parameters identified in materials should not be changed for analyzing semi-
the sensitivity analyses should be available at Level 1 for rigid pavements. Instead, the regional calibration re-
all test sections, sections with missing data may have to finement factors were used to reflect different quality
be excluded for calibration or forensic studies and labora- CAM materials for the semi-rigid pavement structures
tory testing being conducted to recover missing data. For used in Montana.
example, trenching is to measure rutting within each layer, In addition, because calibration-validation data is non-
and coring is to determine the direction and/or depth of existent; no special reliability solution is available [1].
crack propagation. The reliability data that is used is simply the standard de-
(2) Local performance evaluation may be inconsistent viation (variance) associated with normal HMA fatigue
between MEPDG and state practices. MEPDG was de- cracking. Very few of the test sections included in the
veloped and calibrated using LTPP database. All per- MNDOT calibration refinement study [45] had any ap-
formance parameters such as alligator cracking, trans- preciable fatigue cracking to accurately calibrate this pre-
verse cracking, rutting and IRI are based on LTPP’s diction model, as also reported in the LTPP database.
guidelines and specifications. However, state highway Another set of vital information in the CSM fatigue
agencies may have used different taxonomy and specifi- subsystem is to identify [1], whether or not, a crack re-
cation on pavement performance. For example, alligator lief layer is present, separating the HMA layer from the
cracking in LTPP was obtained by directly measuring CSM layer. If no layer is present (crack relief), then the
Journal of Modern Transportation 2011 19(2): 114-133 129

fatigue cracking predicted in the CSM layer is used di- 5.6. Reliability
rectly in the HMA reflected crack subsystem. If a crack
relief is present, then it is assumed that no CSM fatigue Reliability was first introduced to pavement design in
cracking will be reflected through the HMA layer. For AASHTO 1986 Guide, which added two new variables
either scenario, it should be recognized that the fatigue into the design equation: standard deviate ZR and stan-
damage in the CSM layer would yield a reduced CSM dard error S0. This concept was continuously adopted in
moduli for the next analysis period. This reduced CSM AASHTO 1993 Guide and MEPDG. In general, it is a
moduli, will increase the Ei/Ei+1 modular ratio in the congregated reliability that contains all sources of uncer-
HMA layer and subsequently increase the tensile tainty. The assumption is that the difference between
stresses and strains to cause a greater level of HMA fa- predicted and measured pavement performance come
tigue cracking. Unfortunately these attributes haven’t from all uncertainties. Therefore, the current reliability
been fully understood. model cannot consider any specific uncertainty from in-
In addition, unbound crack relief layers have been dividual parameters. For example, inputs in Level 1 use
successfully used in many parts of the world. However, the same reliability model with them in Level 3, al-
the key to success is 100 percent associated with the de- though the hierarchal input assumes that Level 1 would
signer’s ability to keep all moisture from being have lower level of uncertainty than Level 3 [1]. In addi-
“pended” in the crack relief layer. If poor drainage oc- tion, the current MEPDG applies the same reliability
curs the crack relief layer quickly becomes saturated, ef- model, nationally calibrated from LTPP database, on all
fective soil stress go to zero due to saturation and shear states. Apparently the difference of construction tech-
failures will be widespread in the system. How to simu- niques, specifications and quality control from state to
late and model this interaction is a challenge. state is not considered by this method.
There are three barriers towards a comprehensive re-
5.5. Mechanistic models liability model. One is that MEPDG has hundreds of
variables. The second is that MEPDG is not an explicit
Mechanistic models are the backbone of MEPDG. mathematic equation but a combination of mechanistic
Currently only linear models are calibrated for general models and transfer functions. The third is that MEPDG
applications. Users of MEPDG should be aware of the takes a lot of computing time and resource, especially
limitation of MEPDG in the perspective of mechanistic for flexible pavement design. It is due to the extensive
simplification and the research needs for better mecha- computing time that Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS), by
nistic models. For example, asphalt concrete is a vis- far the most accurate probability technique available,
coelastic material. Simplification is made mainly owe could not be applied on MEPDG.
to the time-dependent property of a viscoelastic mate- Retherford and McDonald [80] evaluated the suit-
rial is always very challenging and also that flexible ability some other reliability techniques such as the
pavement is a layered structure which further compli- mean value first-order second moment (MVFOSM),
cates the modeling work [75]. Researchers are building first-order reliability methods (FORMs), Rosenblueth,
models to better consider the influence of viscosity, and advanced mean value (AMV) for mechanistical
plasticity and other nonlinear properties on pavement empirical pavement design. The research concluded
structures [75-77]. that these methods, in particular the AMV method, can
For traffic, the state of practice is to model loading as be used efficiently to perform component and system
static forces. Tire-pavement contact area is simplified as reliability analysis. It was also noted that probabilistic
uniform distributed stress on a circular area. It was found methods should be included in MEPDG in a manner
that using uniform contact stresses could underestimate accessible to practicing engineers without backgrounds
pavement damage than using 3-D tire contact stress [78]. in probabilistic methods and allow the MEPDG to as-
The implementation of dynamic and moving loading on sure reliability while still requiring only deterministic
pavement structural analysis is also necessary. Moreover, inputs to the analysis.
how to model the interface between different layers is an-
other challenge. Only full friction or no friction is avail- 5.7. Incorporating pavement preservation
able in current models. The application of tack coat and
prime coat, which are intended to increase interface bond- Pavement preservation provides a means for main-
ing, is not considered. Researchers are making progress taining and improving the functional condition of an ex-
on this issue, such as the fracture-based elastoplastic con- isting highway system and slowing deterioration. Al-
stitutive relationship developed by Ozer, Al-Qadi and though pavement preservation is not expected to sub-
Leng [79]; but more efforts are desirable to adopt such re- sstantially increase structural capacity, it generally leads
search into practical applications. to improved pavement performance and longer service
130 Qiang LI et al. / Mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide (MEPDG): a bird’s-eye view

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(Editor: Yao ZHOU)

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