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Advantages Distavantages of Different Sources of Energy

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Singapore’s Energy Trilemma

As a small country with limited natural resources, Singapore faces an “energy trilemma”. That is,
Singapore needs to strike a balance between energy security, competitive pricing and
environmental sustainability.

Sources of Energy

Source of Energy How it works Advantage Disadvantage

Hydropower When water is released from Low operating Only suitable for
the reservoir, the water falls cost. mountainous areas.
from a great height. The
moving water spins the High construction cost.
(Energy in
gravitational turbine at the bottom of the Causes flooding when
potential store in reservoir. Electrical power is reservoir is built.
water is transferred generated when the turbine Damage to environment
mechanically by a spins. surrounding
force over distance
to kinetic store of

Wind When wind blows at a wind Produces a lot of Large areas of land
turbine, the blades of the energy in windy need to be cleared to
(Energy in kinetic turbine spins/rotates and areas, more than build wind turbines,
store in wind is generates electricity. solar leading to loss of
transferred habitat.
mechanically by a
force over distance Noise pollution.
to kinetic store of
turbine) Only suitable for windy
areas (Singapore has
gentle wind)
Geothermal reservoirs Water is pumped into the Does not depend Environmental pollution
Earth. Heat from inside the on weather. caused by release of
(Energy in internal Earth boils the water, poisonous gases such
store of steam is generating steam. The as hydrogen sulfide.
transferred moving steam spins the
mechanically by a turbine and generates Only suitable for
force over distance electricity. volcanic regions, where
to kinetic store of the surface of the Earth
turbine) is very hot.
Biofuels Animal waste and plant We can grow the Like fossil fuels, the
materials that cannot be plants needed to burning of biofuel
(For cooking, energy eaten (such as animal make biofuel, so it releases air pollutants to
in chemical potential manure) are made into is considered the environment.
store of biofuel is biofuels which can be used renewable.
transferred by as fuel for cooking or petrol
heating to internal for vehicles.
store of cooked food)
Nuclear fuels Nuclear energy is obtained Produces a lot Nuclear waste are
from nuclear reactions in the more energy radioactive and very
atoms. During nuclear compared to other difficult to dispose.
reaction/ fission, a large sources of energy.
amount of heat is released.
This heat is used to boil Does not depend
on weather Risk of accidents and
water and generate steam. pollutions from improper
The steam spins the Produces roughly disposal of waste
turbines. The turbines are 300 times more
connected to generators, energy compared
which generates electricity. to traditional fossil
fuel power plants
Tides Water movement from Produces a lot of High cost
changing high and low tides energy, more than
(Energy in kinetic causes the blades of the solar Affects marine life due
store of moving water turbine to spin/rotate and to alterations of water
is transferred by a generates electricity. currents, noise and
force over distance to emission of
kinetic store of electromagnetic fields

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