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Paul Mclily, Bac (I-A, II) .

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Paul McLily, 4U, yy!

1. Impact of mass-media upon topic could be the Modern the general public: Television song:

A very suggestive introduction to this Talkings refrain to a very well-known TV makes it, TV even breaks it; TV makes you

superstar Whatever you are. Out of all mass-media, I think that television has the greatest impact on the general public. Watching TV has become a hobby for a lot of people and some have become kind of addicted to watching TV. Nowadays people have little free time and when they do have it, they prefer to spend it in front of the TV set, watching their favorite programs. Since television offers a great variety of programs ranging from music or sports to, say, religious matters, people can find almost everything they need on that small screen. Like other mass-media, television influences people in many ways: beginning with the way we dress, our moral and political beliefs, up to religious principles. Willy-nilly, I have to admit that I am influenced by the programs I watch on TV, too. Finally, it crosses my mind that we have to carefully select what programs we watch, keeping in mind the words of the Latin poet Horace, Est modus in rebus, that is, There is measure in everything because, as the famous Jim Morrison of The Doors once said, Whoever controls the media, controls the mind. 2. Advantages and disadvantages brought about a revolution in of mobile phones would agree that this has Technology has undoubtedly communication. Most people

been a positive development. Recently however, there has been concern over the negative effect of modern methods of communication and especially of mobile phones. A considerable number of people are against mobile phones. These people claim that these phones are an invasion of privacy, and that their users are inconsiderate. As far as school is concerned, there is no need for this at all, they say. School is a place of learning, and talking to their friends or sending text messages is something that students should do in their own time. Furthermore, they cannot use the excuse that they need them for emergencies, since in a real emergency, they can use the school phone. But how many of these people have stopped to think of the benefits that mobile phones have brought us? All in all, it would seem that there is a lot to be said in defense of mobile phones. They are indispensable in business and great fun for young people as long as they are properly used in schools so as not to be against any school laws.

To conclude, I would go back in time to the Latin poet Horace who once said, Est modus in rebus, that is, There is measure in everything. 3. Is education important? well-paid job is essential, Many people today believe that getting a

while finishing school or university is not. I strongly disagree with this view for a number of reasons. First of all, education is the key to development. Doctors, scientists and teachers use their education to advance society. Without them, there would be no cures for diseases and no progress in technology. What is more, a good education can help to achieve economic success. Business would not be successful without educated people to run them. Success and financial reward go hand in hand. As a result, highly trained people are often also well-paid people. Of course, there are people who argue that an education is not necessary in order to make lots of money. It is true that some highly paid jobs do not require a high level of education, but they are rare. What is more, a good education offers more rewards than just the ability to make money. All in all, I believe that although money is important in life, it should not be given more emphasis than education. After all, with education comes knowledge and without this individuals and societies cannot advance. As a conclusion, I would like to remind those who disagree with my point of view, The Lazy Students Logic The more you study, the more you know. The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. So, why should I study? Tell me now. 4. Environment protection the key-words to one of that of man destroying his natural surroundings. The problems are manifold and complex. There is, first of all, the nightmare of pollution, which takes various forms: pollution of the air, of rivers and seas and of the soil water. Then there is the terror of the destruction of the land and townscape by deforestation, heaps of litter, defective town planning, etc. Less spectacular, though equally disconcerting are the problems concerning the artificial food we eat, the synthetic clothes we wear, the speed of circulation and in general our whole life-style, which tends to become, or has already become mechanical and artificial instead of organic and natural. Here are a few factors that are responsible for water and air pollution: sewage water, oil, detergents, litter, smoke and gases exhaled by smokestacks of big factories and private houses, and by the exhaust-pipes of cars, radioisotopes, released into the air by nuclear experiments, etc. Surely, man faces no more urgent problem than the need to save his environment. Many people are beginning to realize and deal with the critical problem of survival. We can only hope that enough time is left for them to do their work. Ecology, environment, pollution: these are the most challenging problems of our time

5. Cigarette smoking/Drug use among young people today

Increased cigarette smoking/drug use

is a problem that must be tackled by society if it is to be prevented from causing more damage than it already has. Many smokers/users describe two phases of tobacco/marijuana intoxication: initial stimulation, which includes giddiness and euphoria, followed by sedation and pleasant tranquility. Many smokers/users report increased appetite, heightened sensory awareness, and general feelings of pleasure. The effects of long-term cigarette smoking/marijuana use on the intellect have not been established, and there is no evidence that tobacco/marijuana causes brain damage. Smoking/Smoking marijuana can damage the lungs, however, and long-term use may increase the risk of lung cancer. Moreover, cigarette/marijuana smoking may also cause heart problems and may also alter the blood circulatory system. Although cigarette smoking/marijuana is not physically addicting and no physical withdrawal symptoms occur when use is discontinued, psychological dependence develops in most of long-term regular users. If something is not done soon, an alarming increase in the number of young cigarette smokers/drug users is inevitable, which will undoubtedly have a harmful effect upon society as a whole. 6. From books to films good novel doesnt always Many good films start life as a novel. But a

make a good film. Indeed, in the past, the novel used to be perhaps the only effective way of reaching a mass audience with a particular story. This is not the case today however; one of the 20th centurys most important contributions to mankind must surely be the visual entertainment industry. By this I mean specifically TV, film and video technology. These devices have undoubtedly given rise to a whole new range of exciting, creative expression and have also made story-telling completely accessible. So, today, instead of reading a book that might take a couple of days, many people head for the cinema, get the video or watch it on TV where they get a chance to see classic and modern day stories really brought to life. Currently making this transition from paper to the silver screen is a new film version of Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck. The film faithfully reproduces the spirit and emotions of this great novel and the actor who plays Lennie the giant, invests his character with all the innocent dignity he has in the book. Likewise, George, played by another great actor, is equally capable appearing genuinely caring and thoughtful in his role. The film is also beautifully shot with golden sunlight often bathing the dry Californian fields. The images I had dreamed up from the book were more or less put before my eyes. A good story is a good story in whatever medium , but, sometimes the transition from book to film can ruin the original if it is not made with the right heart. This film is almost as convincing as the book, I believe, and that adds up to the best of both worlds. 7. The Internet Electronic devices, multiThere is a big influence of technique in our daily life.

media and computers are things we have to deal with everyday. Especially the Internet is becoming more and more important for nearly everybody as it is one of the newest and most forward-looking media and surely the medium of the future.

The Internet can be used at home, for personal usage, or at work, for professional usage. As far as I am concerned, I generally use the Internet t home to get information about all kinds of topics. In this respect, it has frequently been described as the greatest homework helper ever invented. Its a classroom complete with teachers in your home and there are many educational and tutor websites aimed at both children and parents. Another usage at hand would be e-mail I keep in contact with so many people that Id never phone or actually write to. I do instant messaging with a group of friends we all try to go online at the same time and have a chat. And then its music. I download stacks onto CDs. Most of its free. If you have to pay for an album, its still cheaper than in the shops. There are of course, many other usages of the Internet, like, for example, reading the newspapers, advertising, buying products online, and so on. The Internet has been influencing our lives for some time and will continue to do so in the future. What will happen, for example, if you are ill and cannot leave the house? No problem! You can do everything on the Internet without leaving the house. You can do the shopping, meet friends and so on. In conclusion, being rather an optimistic person, I strongly believe that the Internet will never replace the real world my friends, my Mom, my Dad. 8. Choosing a career terrible career advisers? I have often asked myself, Why do parents make

I think partly because, especially in the past, they wanted their children to follow their careers. But people change. Society changes too. Todays teenagers are ambitious. They are optimistic about their prospects, but their career ideas are rather vague. Although 80% of them have no intention in following in their parents footsteps, 70% still turn to their parents for advice. They look at their working future in a different way to their parents. A job for life is not in their vocabulary; neither is a dead-end but secure job that is boring but pays the bills. Almost half the boys expect that their hobbies would lead them into the right sort of job, while most girls seem determined to avoid traditionally female careers such as nursing. In the past, this might have counted as bad news. But the world has changed. The global economy is not kind to yesterdays diligent and dependable worker. The future belongs to quick-thinking people who are resourceful, ambitious and can take the initiative. Many young people are very aware of the pitfalls of the flexible workplace; they understand that redundancy , downsizing and freelancing are all part of modern working life. To conclude, I believe that it is most important to learn how to be independent, resourceful and resilient. We should have the courage to follow our dreams, however odd hey might sound right now. In a world that offers economic security to almost no one, imagination is a terrible thing to waste. 9. Being famous words of the well-known When speaking about fame, I always remember the

film director Fred Allen who used to say that, A celebrity is someone who works hard all his life to become known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized. Money, parties and glamour or, in one word, fame. This is what any ordinary person wishes for. Why? Because of the advantages that come with fame.

I think that the most important advantage about being famous is being rich. Nowadays, being a famous person seems to be the most profitable job. Maybe this is the reason why most people want it. They believe that with money comes happiness and that, in my opinion, is something wrong. When someone is famous, he automatically becomes a model, an example for others to follow. Of course, this is not always a good example. I believe that people could use their fame to help others Princess Diana is an example in the case. On the other hand, famous people have a lot of time for themselves. They attend to high class parties, they eat the finest food, they wear the most exquisite clothes and every designer begs them to be in their show. What more could anyone wish for? When being important you have a lot more opportunities. You meet valuable people, you travel all around the world, and you have access to a lot of cultural events. And then, there is also all the publicity around you. If you ask a child what he wants to become when he grows up, hell say, Oh, thats easy I want to be famous. This is what children believe to be the very best thing in the world. So, all in all, being a famous person has a lot of advantages but, what do I always say to myself? Thank God Im not famous. 10. Global warming comprehensive study into Recently a group of scientists published the first

the effect of higher temperatures on the natural world. The scientists involved in the research were shocked by what they found. The head of the research team described the results of the research as terrifying. The loss represents more than 10% of all plants and animals and a large part of this is already irreversible because of the extra global warming gases that are already in the atmosphere. But the scientists say that immediate action to control greenhouse gases now could save many more plants and animals from extinction. The research showed that species living in mountainous areas had a better chance of survival because they could move uphill to get cooler. One third of the species that were studied would be in trouble. Many species are already certain to become extinct because it takes at least 25 years for the greenhouse effect to have its full effect on the planet. The continuing production of more greenhouse gases, particularly by the United States and European nations, is making matters worse. The research says that, if mankind continues to burn oil, coal and gas at the current rate, up to one third of all life forms will become extinct by 2050. In conclusion, I would say that the words of the ancient Latin writer Plautus are now more than suggestive: Homo homini lupus, that is, Man is a wolf to man. 11. Generation gap teenager. Being a teenThe worst thing about being a teenager is the word

ager doesnt feel any different to being a normal person. The word teenager prevents some people from treating adolescents as young adults; in their eyes we become a kind of subspecies. They will claim that discos are a load of teenage nonsense but, given the chance, you can see overweight middle-aged people jerking violently around to the latest hits as they say. If, in the eyes of adults, teenage culture is such a contemptible thing,

why do they throw themselves into it with so much enthusiasm and a lot less style? I may be cynical, but I think it is partly due to jealousy. Some adults patronize teenagers because they are envious of their youth and because the respect they dont get from their peers they demand from their juniors. It always seems like sour grapes to me, when I say something predictable like I wont get married, and adults smile knowingly and say equally as predictably youll soon change. It doesnt matter whether they believe Ill change or not. What they dont like is that Im indirectly criticizing their way of life. Also Im enjoying a freedom of opinion and expression which they never had. What their youll soon change actually means is: shut up you stupid girl/boy, you dont know what youre talking about. We know best. I would like the word teenager to be banned, but I suppose that will never happen. As a conclusion, I would say together with The Cid in Corneilles well-known tragedy, La valeur nattend point le nombre des annes, that is, Worthy people do not wait for the number of years. 12. Shopping on the Internet queuing for hours used Making a long trip to the supermarket and

to be the normal weekly routine for a lot of shoppers. But since the 1990s, there is a better way to get your groceries. Supermarket shopping on the Internet has boomed almost all over the world. The major supermarkets have their own websites, and if you order online with them, for an extra sum the supermarkets will do your shopping for you and deliver it to your door. If you shop with them regularly, theyll remember your favorite items so you can order them next time without searching for them! These days thousands of people regularly do their supermarket shopping in this way. In contrast, in many rural areas there has been a return to the traditional outdoor market. Farmers markets, where farmers sell their products directly to the customer, had practically died out in many countries because of the attraction of the large supermarkets, but they have been resurrected recently, both to help farmers make more profits, and to provide customers with real food again, such as fresh meat, eggs, vegetables and preservers. Organic food has become very popular, and some producers run a box service, where they deliver a weekly box of fruit and vegetables to your door. Customers cant select the food they just receive whatever is in the season but it is guaranteed to be fresh and free from chemicals, and now you can often order these online too! 13. Violence at sports events short madness, I would Keeping in mind the proverb Anger is a

say that sports violence can be define as behavior which causes harm, occurs outside of the rules of sport, and is unrelated to the competitive objectives of the sport. An increase in both frequency and seriousness of acts of violence has been well documented. Violence is most prevalent in team contact sports, such as hockey, football, and rugby. While most occurrences of violence emanate from players, others, including coaches, parents, fans, and the media, also contribute to what has been described as an epidemic of violence in sports today. Considerable research has been done on spectator violence. A central issue is whether fans incite player violence or reflect it. The evidence is conclusive. Spectators do take cues from players, coaches, cheerleaders, and one another. Spectators often derive a sense of social identity and self-esteem from a team.

Emulation of favorite players is an element of this identification. Group solidarity with players and coaches leads to a view of opposing teams as enemies and fosters hostility towards the outgroup and, by extension, its supporters, geographical locale, ethnic group, and perceived social class. Mass media also contribute to the acceptability of sports. The media occupies a paradoxical position. On the one hand it affords ample exposure to sports-related violence via television, magazines, newspapers, and radio, thus providing numerous examples to children who may imitate such behavior. It glamorizes players, often the most controversial and aggressive ones. Its commentary is laced with descriptions suggestive of combat, linking excitement to violent action. On the other hand, the exposure given to sports violence by the media has stimulated increased efforts to control and prevent such behavior. 14. Culture shock that human beings pass Psychologists tell us that there are four basic stages

through when they enter and live in a new culture. This process of cultural adjustment, which helps us to deal with culture shock, is the way our brain and our personality reacts to the strange new things we encounter when we move from one culture to another. The honeymoon stage is the period of time when we first arrive and in which everything about the new culture is strange and exciting. We feel we are involved in some kind of great adventure we are thrilled to be in the new environment, seeing new sights, hearing new sounds and language, eating new kinds of food. The second stage of culture shock can be more difficult and could well be illustrated by the Latin phrase Et in Arcadia ego, that is, I was in Arcadia that describes the regret of lost happiness. After settling down into our new life, we may begin to miss our homeland and our family, friends and pets and all the little everyday problems seem to be much bigger. This is the rejection stage, when you can reject the new culture and sometimes develop unhealthy habits. As a result, you can get sick or develop skin infections, which then make you feel even more scared and helpless. The third stage of culture shock is called the adjustment stage. You begin to realize that you are becoming stronger by learning to take care of yourself in the new place. Things are still difficult, but you are now a survivor! The fourth stage can be called at ease at last. Now you feel quite comfortable in your new surroundings. You can cope with most problems that occur and you can say together with the Latin poet Aristofanus, Ubi bene, ibi patria, that is, Where is well is my country. 15. Dangers on the Internet protect our computers, While most of us are aware of the need to

it seems were more lax when it comes to looking out for ourselves, at least according to a recent web awareness survey. Web safety specialists say better personal awareness is needed and this is due in part to the rise of Social Networking sites like Bebo, My Space and Facebook, which allow us to connect with people around the world with similar interests and professional backgrounds. A friend of mine learned the hard way. He joined a free online networking group in the hope of making some professional contacts to help him find a new job. After a month, one of his online contacts invited him to take out a subscription to a club that promised access to a network of job recruiters. It turned out to be a waste of money.

This brings us to other potential pitfalls. Are the people you meet online who they really claim to be? Can you be sure the person youre chatting with is in fact a high school student like you and not someone merely masquerading as a student to win your trust? Another friend of mine quickly realized that it was unwise of him to post his phone number and email address in the public forum of an online academic discussion group. He was soon bombarded with unwanted emails and nuisance phone calls. It is astonishing how many highly educated people do this without considering the consequences that anyone in the world could use the information to make (unwanted) contact. 16. Pollution: noise pollution that is a growing We show an amazing tolerance for a form of

problem: noise. Airplane traffic is increasing by five percent a year. Urban noise is doubling every ten years. By air, land and sea, we are facing an onslaught of noise that is threatening our ability to live in this world. We have granted ourselves the right to make noise. But what about our responsibilities? Have we developed a sense of acoustic responsibility? The evidence suggests that we have not. Many people seem to believe they have an unlimited right to make noise with cars and motorbikes, and with loud music at home and in the street. In some countries measures have been taken to force people to make less noise. In Britain, for example, a law has been passed preventing people from disturbing their neighbors with music at night. It is widely accepted that we should deal with our rubbish in a responsible way. Noise is in reality a particularly insidious form of rubbish. It destroys community life, pursues us into our homes, keeps us from sleeping and is the cause of many stress-related illnesses, as well as hearing loss. Our acoustic environment belongs to all of us. Everyone has the right to use it, but no one has the right to abuse it. Lets start using it responsibly. In conclusion, I think that the words of the Latin poet Horace sums it up: Est modus in rebus, that is, There is measure in everything. 17. Reality television/ programming which, it is Favorite TV program or humorous situations, Reality television is a genre of television claimed, presents unscripted dramatic

actual events, and features ordinary people rather than professional actors. It could be described as a form of artificial or heightened documentary. Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, the current explosion of popularity dates from around 2000. Critics say that the term reality television is somewhat of a misnomer and that such shows frequently portray a modified form of reality, with participants put in exotic locations or abnormal situations, sometimes coached to act in certain ways by off-screen handlers, and with events on screen manipulating through editing and other post-production techniques. Part of reality televisions appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary situations. Reality television also has the potential to turn its participants into national celebrities, outwardly in talent and performance programs such as Pop Idol, though frequently Survivor and Big Brother participants also reach some degree of celebrity.

Some commentators have said that the name reality television is an inaccurate description for several styles of program included in the genre. In competition-based programs such as Big Brother, and other special-livingenvironment shows, the producers design the format of the show and control the day-to-day activities and the environment, creating a completely fabricated world in which the competition plays out. Producers specifically select the participants, and use carefully designed scenarios, challenges, events, and settings to encourage particular behaviors and conflicts. 18. Favorite sport/Hobby/ the world. According to Spare time/Keep fit people ski regularly or Skiing is one of the most popular sports in recent estimates, about one hundred million

occasionally, and winter has become a favorite season for holidays worldwide. Sliding across the snow on skis is also one of the most ancient methods of transport known to man. It has been demonstrated that men were already travelling across the snow bi means of primitive skis before the invention of the wheel. In the Asiatic region of Altai and in Scandinavia, for example, remains of skis have been found which date back to 4,000 BC. Further evidence is supplied by ancient cave paintings which depict primitive people skiing. Nowadays, skiing, apart from being a very popular sport, has become a big industry and a notable feature of leisure culture. Ski resorts and all the activity that they generate are the main source of wealth for communities in many mountain regions, which were previously remote and inaccessible. And far from its once elitist image, skiing is now enjoyed by an increasingly broader spectrum of society, from middle class families to famous stars and rich bankers. Skiing in expensive gear or in ordinary, inexpensive costumes, everybody wants to keep in shape practicing one of the most complex sports ever. All in all, Juvenals words Mens sana in corpora sano, that is, A sound mind in a sound body seem to be very challenging. 19. Person/Personality thinker, a craftsperson, a you admire most teacher? Is he or she a What is an artist? technician, Is the artist a maker, a a

a manipulator of emotions,

worldly, extroverted, confident, sophisticated personality, or lonely, introverted , filled with self-doubt and scorn? These questions were asked by writers and artists in the Renaissance, and it is to them that we owe concepts of the artist and architect, as well as the inclusion of these arts in the fine or liberal as opposed to the mechanical arts. Not only theory but also the works of the artists themselves produced these ideas. In the contrasts between two of the greatest figures of Italian Renaissance art, we find two very different images of the artist. Both Leonardo and Michelangelo were Florentines, near contemporaries, and undeniable geniuses. Leonardo was splendidly handsome; Michelangelo was at times obsessed with his ugliness. When Leonardo offered his services to the duke of Milan, he gave primacy to his qualifications as a military and hydraulic engineer, architect, and sculptor, mentioning painting last. When Pope Julius II commanded Michelangelo to paint the frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (in the Vatican Palace), he replied that he was not a painter but a

sculptor. Nevertheless, he fulfilled the commission and later became noted for his genius not only in painting and sculpture, but also in architecture. Both individuals seem to have possessed enormous ego and incredible versatility. In both we find characteristics that have contributed to our idea of the Renaissance man a person of broad learning and skill. 20. Advertising intrusive new selling Nineties marketers have come up with clever and

techniques. Recent highlights include these innovations: Gordons gin experimented with filling British movie theaters with the scent of juniper berries; Calvin Klein stuck CK be perfume strips on the backs of Ticketmaster concert envelopes, and in some Scandinavian countries you can get free long-distance calls with ads cutting into your telephone conversations. And theres plenty more: sticker ads on pieces of fruit promoting ABC sitcoms, Levis ads in public washrooms, corporate logos on boxes of Girl Guide cookies, ads for pop albums on takeout food containers, and ads for Batman movies projected on sidewalks or into the night sky. Pepsis continuing threat to project its logo onto the moons surface has not yet materialized, but Mattel did paint an entire street in Salford, England, pink houses, porches, trees, road, sidewalk, dogs and cars were all accessories in the televised celebrations of Barbie Pink Month. With this wave of brand mania has come a new breed of businessman. One who will proudly inform you that Brand X is not a product, but a way of life, an attitude, a set of values, a look, an idea. And it sounds really great much better than that Brand X is a screwdriver, or a hamburger chain, or a pair of jeans, or even a very successful line of running shoes. Nike was announced in the late eighties to be a sports company, its mission being not to sell shoes but to enhance peoples lives through sports and fitness and to keep the magic of sports alive. In conclusion, when talking about advertising, I think that the words of a famous Advertising Executive are very illustrative: Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark: you know what youre doing, but no one else does. 21. Qualities that help teenagers the tremendous physical to be admired at high school adolescence. Changes to ones voice The high school years coincide with and social changes of

and body and shape that cause powerful feelings of selfconsciousness and self-doubt. In order to cope with these anxieties, teens are quick to form sub-cultures that assure them they are not alone. These little groups then adopt behavior, speech patterns and tastes in clothes and music that they use as criteria by which to judge who is in and who is out. These cliques are both the cause and the cure of teenage insecurity. Any high school will contain numerous sub-cultures, such as jocks, Goths, metal-heads, preppies or skaters. The names might vary but everyone in the school will know who belongs where. Each group will have an Alpha male (a boy who is the undisputed leader), and perhaps an Alpha female too. In the world of the high school there will be those who are widely hated, and most kids will learn it is best not to stick out. Athletic skill gives prestige to male

students, the library club does not. Conventional physical beauty and a good fashion sense are prize qualities for females. Girls are allowed by their peers to get good marks, but being an intelligent boy can be a disadvantage. A strong anti-intellectual current exists in most high schools. 22. Parental involvement during elementary grades, parental the high school years school activities is easy. It seems that when children are in involvement in their day to day

Attending meetings and school plays and helping with homework assignments keep parents connected to school life and help them keep a close watch on their childrens progress. But for most parents, as their children progress through school, the monitoring of their schoolwork and activities gets a bit more complicated. When the kids reach high school, they have several different teachers and the academic demands become more advanced. There are also fewer activities that draw parents into school life at this level. Teens become seemingly more independent, translated they dont need (or want) their parents as much, they become mobile, and all of a sudden it becomes more difficult to keep up with what is going on in their lives, both academically and socially. Adolescents are unique creatures: what works for one may not work for another. One teen may be a very successful student despite having little, if any, parental guidance. Another might have parents doing all the right things and still venture into areas that are detrimental to their success. But the one common characteristic teachers have observed among most successful high school students is that of continued parental involvement during the high school years. Consequently, parental involvement in teen education is directly related to increased achievement. Frequent communication with teachers, monitoring of schoolwork, responding to requests from the school for interaction, and taking an active part in a teens preparation for the transition to life after high school are integral components of what parental involvement should include at the high school level. 23. Television/Computer recent study, adults who Its official: TV makes kids fat. According to a

had been avid TV watchers as children were more likely to be overweight , to smoke and to have high cholesterol. Children should watch no more than two hours of TV a day to protect their future health, the study warned, adding that parents should lead by example and turn the TV off. But agreeing and doing are two different things. TV is a great help to many parents, taking away some of the daily pressure of entertaining children. Even if the benefits are often all too short-term, with kids ending up bored, listless, uncommunicative and grumpy after just a few hours of television viewing, todays busy urban lifestyles often allow for few alternatives. Except, that is, for computers. Computers dont replace the need for children to get out of the house and take good exercise, but they do offer a lean forward experience that is much to be preferred over TVs passive, lean back mode of viewing.

The body language says it all. At a computer, children can get a reaction. They can be mentally active and emotionally responsive when engaging with quality computer software or emailing friends. Good computer content can enable children to engage actively, to be creative and to grow intellectually. Of course children need to be physically active and everyday they should be outside playing, cycling, and running about at some point. But there are times when it is necessary to be indoors and if there is a computer to hand, well lets see children use it to best effect. With a little help from parents or grandparents the computer becomes a really valuable tool. 24. Cell phones and health pocket change these days. It Cell phones are almost as common as seems nearly everyone, including an increasing number of children, carries a cell phone wherever they go. Cell phones are now so popular and convenient that they are surpassing landlines as the primary form of telecommunication for many people. Wireless cell phones transmit signals via radio frequency, the same kind of lowfrequency radiation used in microwave ovens and AM/FM radios. Scientists have known for years that large doses of high-frequency radiation the kind used in Xrays causes cancer, but less is understood about the risks of low-frequency radiation. Studies on the health risks of cell-phone use have produced mixed results, but scientists and medical experts warn that people should not assume no risk exists. Cell phones have been widely available for only the past ten years or so, but tumors may take twice that long to develop. Because cell phones havent been around very long, scientists havent been able to assess the effects of long-term cell-phone use, or to study the effects of low-frequency radiation on growing children. Most studies have focused on people who have been using cell phones for three to five years, but some studies have indicated that using a cell phone an hour a day for ten years or more can significantly increase the risk of developing a rare brain tumor. As a conclusion, the words of the Latin poet Horace prove once more to be true: Est modus in rebus, that is, There is measure in everything. 25. Healthy eating/ how very hard it is to lose Fast food/ enjoyable eating is and how Losing weight from eating. Its normal We all know how easy it is to put on weight and it. Its no wonder really when we consider how stressful it can be mentally and physically to refrain

to resist the feeling of being deprived, so many of us continue to gain weight gradually seeming to hardly notice it. Furthermore, many scientific studies show that diets do not work as a way to permanently lose weight. The human body does not easily lose weight when dieting because it seeks to save itself from famine by slowing metabolism and making it hard to burn fat. In other words, the human body cannot tell the difference between starving yourself and dieting. A huge problem for the body in this modern world is the popularity (and addictiveness) of sugary soda drinks, snack foods and fast foods. Fast food is a deceptive way to eat. Apart from the obvious lack of nutritional value, these

foods are high in calories and yet fool the stomach into still feeling hungry because the calorie content is far higher than the bulk of the food would suggest. Consequently, if you eat fast food you will be ingesting far more calories than you need and if you live a largely sedentary lifestyle these additional calories will be converted to fat in the body. All in all, the phrase You are what you eat proves to be true. 26. Adolescence changes in addition to the Adolescence is filled with intellectual and emotional

major biological and physical ones. It is a time of discovery of self and ones relationship to the world around himself or herself. Abstract thinking ability takes place during adolescence. In early adolescence thinking is still concrete. By the end of this period, individuals are able to fully comprehend abstract concepts. They think of good arguments for their positions. As they begin to think abstractly, adolescents are more likely to question things that were unquestionable before. For example, an adolescent who has been attending religious services may begin questioning religious beliefs. Challenging the status quo is a normal part of adolescence even though it may appear rebellious. For positive development, parents and adults who work with adolescents should allow them some freedom to explore their beliefs. Their questioning nature makes parenting and working with them a challenge. That is why parents and teachers should keep a balance between their support and love and the boundaries and limits that they set with them. Experimenting with risk behaviors is also a normal part of adolescence. Some of it is to be expected. However, experimentation can lead to habit-forming risk behaviors if they are not limited. 27. How youth use music in the first place the De la musique avant toute chose, Music

famous French poet Baudelaire once said. And he seems to have been right since, on average, American and European youth listen to music and watch music videos four to five hours a day, which is more than they spend with their friends outside of school or watching television. Music matters to adolescents, and they cannot be understood without a serious consideration of how it fits into their lives. Music alerts and intensifies their moods, furnishes much of their slang, dominates their conversations and provides the ambiance at their social gatherings. Music styles define the crowds and cliques they run in. Music personalities provide models for how they act and dress. Adolescents also use music to gain information about the adult world, to withdraw from social contact (such as using a Walkman as a barrier, not unlike an adult hiding behind a newspaper at the breakfast table), to facilitate friendships and social settings, or to help them create a personal identity. Many scholars have viewed television as the central media influence on adolescents, but adolescents devote more time and intensity to music. They use music most to control mood and enhance emotional states. Music can make a good mood better and sometimes it allows them to escape or work through a bad one. But it can also be used to enhance bad moods, which has led them to believe music lyrics about suicide and violence against women have occasionally led troubled youth to commit suicide or violent crimes.

But, all in all, together with Bob Dylan, I would say, Dont think twice, its all right. 28. Phobias A phobia may be caused by a traumatic experience, especially one which happened in early childhood. Someone who was locked in a dark cupboard as a punishment, for example, may be very afraid of the dark in later life, although this irrational fear has its roots in an experience which might now be forgotten. The subconscious mind remembers these experiences, and the fear remains deep in the subconscious. Perhaps someone who has a phobia about water slipped and fell in the bath as a young child, and nearly drowned. Even if the original reason has not been forgotten, it is hard to overcome this kind of fear. The absolute panic and terror that some people feel when they are on top of a high building might be caused by having fallen as a child, or having been dropped, or simply having been frightened of heights at that age but not having been allowed to admit it perhaps the parents of the person in question didnt take him seriously as a child. With the help of a psychiatrist it might be possible to remember the childhood events which caused the trauma, and if the patient can discuss the fear, it may be reduced. Many people suffer from a mild form of claustrophobia, and this may have its roots in having been shut in a small space as a young child. To conclude, as far as phobia is concerned, I think that the famous poet T. S. Eliot best illustrates the fact that it is possible to be frightened of anything in his book of verse, The Waste Land: I will show you fear in a handful of dust. 29. Aggression primitive societies, where Anger is a short madness says the proverb. In

may still settle their problems by physical fights, aggression seems a natural part of mans behavior, and perhaps it is such a basic instinct that we shouldnt try to get rid of it, even in our civilized societies. The frustrations of modern city life, with traffic jams, appointments that must be kept, and competitive attitudes at work, can often make us aggressive, and many psychologists believe it is unhealthy for us to suppress these feelings of aggression. Although it wouldnt be civilized for people to hit each other as a result of their aggressive feelings, there are other ways of expressing those feelings, such as losing your temper and shouting. This verbal expression of anger need not harm other people, if it is not abusive. Games of squash or tennis, fencing, wrestling or karate matches, jazz dancing, simple jogging or cycling are other popular ways of enabling people to let off steam but they are not as spontaneous of course. If aggression is expressed it can pass quickly, and we can get over the feeling, but if the aggression is suppressed it may fester inside us, and erupt at other times, unexpectedly or with dangerous results for ourselves and other people. 30. Stress Everyone is under some pressure in the workplace. Some external pressures can be a positive factor, helping us to be more productive. Some people actually thrive under short-term added pressure, and our bodies are designed to meet these short-term demands. Hormones including adrenaline are released to prepare us for a fight or flight response to demanding situations. However,

excessive and prolonged stress can take its toll, producing a range of physical and emotional health problems which have come to be grouped as work-related stress. While stress can be triggered by sudden, unexpected pressures, it is often the result of a combination of stressful factors which accumulate over time. Some people can become so used to the symptoms of excessive stress that it goes unnoticed to their detriment. Most work-related stress is related to management of work, relationships at work, organizational set-up and whether you feel you have power and control in your work. It is impossible to escape pressure at work altogether, so it is important to learn how to manage stress. There are a number of ways in which you can reduce the negative impact of stress, most of which involve taking a good look at how you function within your work setting and beyond. 31. Bad behavior in schools overindulgent parents Bad behavior in schools is being fuelled by

who dont know how to say no to their children, according to new research. Teachers are dealing with a small but significant number of pupils who throw tantrums in class if they dont get their own way, turn up exhausted because they stay up late and have increasingly belligerent parents who take their childs side. These parents, themselves under social pressure und often unable to deal with their own childrens behavior, could be highly confrontational, sometimes resorting to violence in protecting their childrens interests. Teachers described highly permissive parents who admitted to indulging their children, often for the sake of peace or simply because they had run out of alternative incentives or sanctions. Studies show that parents are under increasing pressure because of the commercialization of childhood. Some parents are struggling to cope with their children. Parents seem to be trying to cope by indulging their children, and perhaps more accurately overindulging their youngsters. Not surprisingly, interviews with 200 teachers, and hundreds of pupils and parents revealed families struggling to control their children. 32. Global warming is vast and the urgency Global warming is already under way. The evidence

of taking action becomes clear with every new scientific study. Some of the most obvious signs are visible in the Arctic, where rising temperatures and melting ice are dramatically changing the regions unique landscapes and wildlife as well as peoples lives and livelihoods. Across the globe, other early warning signs include malting glaciers, shifting ranges of plants and animals, and the earlier onset of spring. Global warming is caused by emission of carbon dioxides and other heattrapping gases that are emitted primarily by the burning of fossil fuels and the clearing of forests. These gases remain in our atmosphere for decades or even centuries. The profound rising temperatures have had in the Arctic provides a window into a future we may all experience. With continued warming, we can expect more extreme heat and drought, rising sea levels, and higher-intensity tropical storms. At risk are our coastal property and resources, the livability of our cities in summer, and the productivity of our farms, forests, and fisheries.

We cant avoid all the consequences of global warming, but committing ourselves to action today can help ensure our children and grandchildren inherit a healthy world full of opportunity. We have the technology and ingenuity to reduce the threat of global warming today. Using energy more efficiently and moving to renewable energy (wind, solar, geothermal, and bioenergy) would significantly reduce our emissions of heat-trapping gases. 33. Being a religious person devout who believes A religious person is someone who is

strongly in a certain religion, and also worships regularly in a church. He tries to live according to the rules of the religion such as the Ten Commandments in the case of the Christian religion. A person like this believes that we are often tempted to do wrong, and we must fight against this temptation. We should also pray for forgiveness if we do commit a sin. Most religious people feel it is their duty to spread their faith, and missionaries try to convert people to their religion. Some people seem overproud of their religion, and are convinced that they are a good people. Since a true belief in a religion includes the belief that we are not perfect a humble attitude, asking for the forgiveness of God these people are called religiose (over-religious). Other people dont believe in any particular organized religion, but try to live their lives in a generous and helpful way, with what might be called a humanitarian attitude. Some of these people may disagree with the organized religions in principle: they have an irreligious attitude. If they or anyone else uses language or takes actions which could be considered blasphemous or sacrilegious, they express an anti-religious attitude. An atheist doesnt believe in religion or God at all whereas an agnostic is one who expresses his uncertainty about the existence of God or not. 34. Creativity Sometimes, as we go about our daily routines of creating, managing others who create, or just plain keeping the doors open and the lights on, its easy to forget why we do what were doing. With all the pressure to be responsible, practical, and task-oriented in other words, to act grown-up we can lose track of what fiddling with a piece of string ( or a molecular string) is all about and why we were attracted to it in the first place: because, at its simplest and purest manifestation, creativity is fun. Perhaps we discovered this when, as children, we first decided to make a page in a coloring book look, not like the tree it was supposed to be, but like abstract art. Wasnt it fun to ignore the printed lines? Wasnt it a delight to find out what would happen if we held not one, but four crayons, in one hand? Who could resist the allure of actually creating something new, instead of copying something old? Throughout the voluminous scientific study of creativity, two questions constantly arise: Where does creativity come from? and Why are many people less creative than a few stars? These questions are distressing, dogmatic, and dangerous. Distressing because they usually assume theres a physiological source for creativity. Dogmatic since they assume that most people are uncreative. And dangerous, because they perpetuate the myth that we, the uncreative mass of humanity, are not responsible for our plight.

35. Fast food & of national and ethnic eating habits of fast food undermines

We are what we eat, and when diet changes, notions identity are affected. Critics claim that the spread

indigenous cuisines by forcing a homogenization of world dietary preferences. Close study of cultural trends at the local level, however, shows that the globalization of fast food can influence public conduct. Fast-food chains have introduced practices that changed some consumer behaviors and preferences. For example, in Japan, where using ones hands to eat prepared foods was considered a gross breach of etiquette, the popularization of hamburgers has had such a dramatic impact on popular etiquette that it is now common to see Tokyo commuters eating in public without chopsticks or spoons. The introduction of fast food has been particularly influential on children, especially since so many advertisements are designed to appeal to them. Largely as a consequence of such advertising, American-style birthday parties have spread to many parts of the world. These and other symbolic effects make fast food a powerful force for dietary and social change, because a meal at these restaurants will introduce practices that younger consumers may not experience a home most notably, the chance to choose ones own food. The concept of personal choice is symbolic of Western consumer culture. 36. Gossip If we talk about other people and exchange bits of news about them, we could be said to be gossiping. The word also implies that we talk about trivial things, and that we say things behind peoples backs usually critical things which we wouldnt say to their faces. Perhaps its human nature to be interested in other people, and if that interest is genuine, and we discuss them, it may not be harmful. On the other hand, people who gossip a lot may be showing that they have little of real value in their lives, and few interests. Gossiping often involves finding fault with other people, and making complaints about them. Perhaps people do this when they have a very strict idea about how people should behave, or perhaps some people simply like criticizing others. It may be human nature to be interested in the world around us, and people who live in very small communities might feel they have very little to discuss except the other people in those communities. If they have known each others families for generations, this may make them feel they have the right to be critical, and to gossip. 37. Career decision-making unique sculpting of natural College and career-decision making is a

talent, family legacy, luck and mystery. When it comes to helping their children with college and career decisionmaking, the first rule for parents is self-awareness. They have to be aware of how their life-style and values expose their children to particular professional activities. For example, if the mother is a nurse, her children will likely have exposure to medically related vocational opportunities. Similarly, if the father coaches basketball at a middle school, his children will undoubtedly end up with more gym time and a greater opportunity to have basketball or coaching in their future.

Its also important to be aware of their attitude toward their own profession and others. Children are, obviously, more likely to follow in their parents footsteps if parents are happy with their college and career decisions rather than miserable about their life choices. In the end, the parents role as advisor, supporter and financier should progressively shrink while the childs self-determination grows. If possible, they should step back and embrace the excitement, mystery and opportunity this whole process offers, they should take time to sit down and communicate with their children about the various visions of the future, sometimes even including friends or other family members. The message for children is that life planning is an ongoing process involving self-awareness, exploration, communication, increasing responsibilities and exciting opportunities, one of which is the opportunity to regularly talk about and plan for the future. 38. What it takes to be original dislike of original, creative In our new society there is a growing people. The manipulated do not understand them; the manipulators fear them. The tidy committee men regard them with horror, knowing that no pigeonholes can be found for them. We could do with a few original, creative men in our political life if only to create some enthusiasm, release some energy but where are they? We are asked to choose between various shades of the negative. The engine is falling to pieces while the joint owners of the car argue whether the footbrake or the handbrake should be applied. Notice how the cold, colorless men, without ideas and with no other passion but a craving for success, get on in this society, capturing one plum after another and taking the juice and taste out of them. Sometimes you might think that the machines we worship make all the chief appointments, promoting the human beings who seem closest to them. Between midnight and dawn, when sleep will not come and all the old wounds begin to ache, I often have a nightmare vision of a future world in which there are billions of people, all numbered and registered, with not a gleam of genius anywhere, not an original mind, a rich personality, on the whole packed globe. The twin ideals of our time, organization and quantity, will have won for ever. 39. Personality testing because, with so many Personality testing is nowadays very popular

applicants for each job, employers want a quick and cheap method of cutting down on the number of people they have to interview for each job. In most cases, employers simply want to know basically what type of person you are. And a refusal to complete one of these tests when you next apply for a job is unlikely to be seen as a positive sign by the employer. Personality testing has become such a big business that there are now more than 50,000 different tests. Personality tests are based on the psychologists belief that people do not change in the way they behave. That is to say that people, no matter if the time or the place changes, will always do things in the same manner. Another thing these tests assume is that people who are organized in their private lives will be organized in their workplace. Clearly, this may not be the case, but that person whose test results say that they are hardworking and honest will appear very attractive to the employer.

40. Equality of opportunity? fundamental that government

Liberalism based on equality takes as

treats its citizens as equals, and insists on moral neutrality, only to the degree that equality requires it. It has, of course, an economic as well as a social dimension. It insists on an economic system in which no citizen has less than equal share of the communitys resources. But, of course, in the real world people do not start their lives on equal terms; some begin with marked advantages of family wealth or of formal and informal education. Others suffer because their race is despised. Quite apart from these plain inequities, people differ greatly, through no choice of their own, in the various capacities that the market tends to reward. So, some people who are perfectly willing, even anxious, to make exactly the same choices about work and consumption and savings the other people make, end up with fewer resources, and no plausible theory of equality can accept that as fair. This is the defect of the ideal fraudulently called equality of opportunity: fraudulent because in a market economy people do not have equal opportunity who are less able to produce what others want.

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