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6 More General Topics

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Discipline is becoming increasing in today's schools. ==>

Discipline has become a more and more serious problem nowadays in modern schools. Some people
believe that parents should discipline their own children, while others believe that the government
should do it. The following essay will discuss both views as well as give the writer's own opinion

On the one hand, it is undeniable that parents play an important role in shaping their children's
attitudes. Firstly, they live together with their children, older people can closely observe young people
about their bad behaviors. Secondly, when parents get more active in their children's activities, they
better understand their children's conduct. For example, my mother, who is familiar with my
personality, helped in guiding me in the correct direction as I am prepared to participate in some bad
habits. As a result, parents should quickly identify and stop their children’s misconducts and
misbehaviors before they start.

On the other hand, government involvement in young people’s discipline is the optimal solution for
modern life now as young people will be the future of the country or nation. On the macroscopic point
of view, state or government leaders should pay much more attention to educating young people to
become good citizens for the prosperity of the country by launching youth awareness campaigns about
discipline not only at home and at school, but also in the community and society. However, educating
young people and helping them become good future citizens are the duty of not only parents and
families, but also the governments. Therefore, I think that both parents and governments must be
responsible for educating young people and help them to form their discipline.

In conclusion, parental involvement and the government's discipline awareness campaign work together
to help build good habits among young people. Therefore, it is clear that the participation of both
families and governments helps young people become active, independent and disciplined people.

Noun+ed= tính từ và đuôi -ed có nghĩa là có: disciplined people: Những người có kỷ luật

A blue eyed girl: cô gái có cặp mắt xanh

Television is now considered important in modern life =

Television now is considered to be an indispensable part in our modern life. However, s ome people
argue that television should be used primarily to provide education and information for viewers, while
others think that it should be used for recreation. The following essay will discuss both views as well as
give the writer's own opinion.

To involve in something; tham gia vao cais gif, to be involved in something: dinhs liu vao cai gif.
On the one hand, we need to accept that TV is a virtual platform that gives new information about
something while we are sitting around. This technological device has allowed everyone to learn new
thing and enrich their knowledge. Therefore, television is not only a mass medium, but it has also
become a means of education. In many countries, for example Australia, television, along with radio, is a
good way of remote education. In some cases, television may be a better means than radio because
they have both voice and images, so learners understand the lesson more quickly and easily. Moreover,
television has become an indispensable part in our modern life. We can sit at home and we can know
many things happening now around us, in our country and even in the world.

be involved to learn about their interests, manners, historical events, and current world events. For
example, the Disney Channel is famous for many meaningful animated films produced by Disney and
Pixar Animation. With strict control in terms of content and quality, Disney always provides additional
programs useful and humane. This is not only a TV channel for children to learn and play effectively, but
also attracts parents by its youthful and healthy appearance. Furthermore, TV advertising has a
significant impact on each individual's thinking because they are primarily related to everyday habits.  As
a result, the small media is increasing the educational aspect by efficiently publishing a variety of social
content programs.

On the other hand, the importance of television in entertainment cannot be indisputable. Watching
movies, concerts, sports events and listening to music can help us relax as well as get rid of distress and
pressure of the hard daily life. For example, a survey conducted recently showed that 70% of people
globally prefer to watch television for entertainment after a busy day. Moreover, today's smart TVs are
capable of recording our favorite programs so that we can enjoy them later in our leisure time; it also
offers thousands of games to play, so watching TV is also an option to relax after a tiring day at work.
Therefore, television plays an important part in our life because it is a means of both education and
entertainment; it is also a mass medium. We cannot say that television should focus only on providing
information and education or on entertainment.

In conclusion, television is still an important part of our life. I believe that television serves both
educational and entertainment purposes. What you think it serves will depend on what you use the TV
for. Therefore, it is impossible for us to confine television contents.

So the TV will not be restricted in any fixed type of contents.

Up-to-date equipment and machines have brought about great positive changes to people’s life and
work. However, some people believe that such a technology help people have much more free time and
some others think that these machines make people much busier and busier. The following essay will
discuss both views as well as give the writer's own opinion.
While some people claim that contemporary technology is making individuals more productive and
providing them more free time, others believe it makes them busy. The following essay will discuss both
views as well as give the writer's own opinion.

There is no denying/ denial=== It cannot be denied that ….=== None can deny== It is impossible to deny

Modern technology enables/makes it possible for to/ creates favorable conditions for us to

On the one hand, it is impossible to deny that modern technology has greatly helped us in our work as
well as in our daily life. Firstly, technology allows us to save time as well as increase efficiency and
productivity. Large tasks can be completed in less time. Everything is automated nowadays, and this
technology saves a lot of time doing things that humans cannot achieve. For example, if you do not have
time to go shopping, you can buy clothes online and have them delivered to your home. For example,
dish- washing machines and washing machines, electric rice cookers can free housewives from the
kitchen sinks and cooking. As a result, women now have more free time to go out to work, to take part
in social activities, to go to school to enrich their knowledge and more importantly, they have more time
to relax with other family members. Secondly, modern technology creates favorable conditions for us to
do everything with the press of a single button. With the help of technology, you can wash piles of dirty
dishes or clothes or you can clean your lovely house with a press of a button. Then you can have more
free time.

may phone, email, order online, and do much more with the touch of a button. Technology has enabled
us to develop more effective communication methods. You no longer need to write letters to your loved
ones if you miss them. You only need to make one phone call to reach them.

On the other hand, technology causes some problems for us. People nowadays are so addicted to
technology, such as smart phones connected to the Internet, that they forget to take care of  their own
health, to take care of their family members and even to work. They are always looking at the mobile
phones as if they were so busy all the time. As a matter of fact, they are always doing something
nonsense, wasting too much time and energy. This has brought about a variety of negative
consequences for their health. They suffer from eyesight problems, obesity, sleeplessness, and other
problems. Some individuals cannot sleep unless they use their phones. Some students are unable to
concentrate on their schoolwork because they frequently check their phones. In these cases, modern
technology really makes people much busier. Therefore, we have to get rid of negative influences
caused by modern technology and at the same time we must develop the strengths and advantages that
modern technology has brought a bout to us.

In conclusion, it is undeniable that the benefits that technology brings about and our society cannot
develop without such up-to-date technology, but we must recognize their positive as well as negative
influences so that we can get rid of the bad ones in order to develop our society.

Problems and solutions

Food is wasted= wasted food, the food is thrown away thrown away food.

Nowadays, a large percentage of food purchased from stores and restaurants is thrown away
irresponsibly. The following essay will discuss the reasons why people waste food in this way as well as
give solutions to reduce the amount of food thrown away

Food has become a serious problem to our modern world and millions of people are starving, but a large
amount of food has been wasted because of many reasons and in various ways. The following essay will
discuss the reasons why people waste food in this way as well as give solutions to reduce the amount of
wasted food.

I will start by outlining a few of the reasons why, I believe, people waste food. Firstly, typical shoppers
do not carefully consider their purchases before making a decision. Therefore, their shopping carts
frequently are full of items they are unlikely necessary. In addition, thanks to the development of
agricultural technologies, farming is becoming easier and easier, which boosts productivity and increases
yield. As a result, the price of food in supermarkets and restaurants has dropped significantly, allowing
consumers to buy food in bulk without worries. Secondly, in some countries with backward farming
methods, they really lose or waste a lot of food when harvesting crops and storing food. According to a
recent scientific report about 10% of food is lost during harvesting as well as another 10% is lost in
storing. Sometimes, we cannot recognize this way of losing food, but the considerable amount of
wasted food is lost in this way.

Several effective measures can be taken to decrease this situation. The first solution is for restaurants to
make their customers think twice about what food they will order. This can be done by severely
punishing diners who order too much but cannot finish it. For example, I recently saw a few buffet
restaurants that have posted a notice that if you waste food, you will have to pay 50,000 VND for 1
ounce of meat. I think it is also a good way for customers not to waste food. Another possible solution is
that people should form a habit of making a list of ingredients and foods that they really need before
going shopping. This will help consumers make informed decisions about what foods to buy and help
avoid a lot of food waste. Secondly, developed countries must transfer underdeveloped countries new
technology in harvesting and storing food so that no more food is wasted.

In conclusion, food products are not well planned to buy and old technology and methods in harvesting
and storing food are the two main reasons contributing to the amount of wasted food today.
Fortunately, there are quite a few different effective solutions to solve this problem, but people's
awareness is still the most important.

Some people argue that raising the cost of fuel for cars and other vehicles is the greatest method to
solve the world's environmental problems. To some extent, I agree with the statement, but to some
extent, I do not. The following essay will discuss the problem.
On the one hand, increasing fuel costs to solve the world's environmental problems is a good idea.
When vehicles operate, they emit not only dust but also CO2, which has an impact on human breathing.
This can be solved by increasing the price of fuel, which will discourage people from driving and
therefore reduce carbon dioxide emissions. For example, gas prices have lately risen as a result of the
war between Ukraine and Russia. When the cost of gas increases like that, the percentage of individuals
who buy gasoline falls, though not much.

On the other hand, I do not think raising fuel prices is the best solution because it can easily lead to
social conflict. There are a few more efficient solutions to raising fuel costs. Firstly, the government can
make some regulations limiting the use of private vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, and so on, and
encourage people to use public transportation. This will reduce traffic jams on numerous roads,
decreasing pollution produced by emissions. Secondly, the government should promote more eco-
friendly cycling in major cities.

In conclusion, I believe that raising the price of commuting fuel can help to solve the world's pollution
problem, but it is not the best solution. Some of the solutions I mentioned above, especially eco-friendly
cycling, should be pushed going forward.

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