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FOUNDATION Class IX (Cell) 27-04-2024

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Name ................................................

Batch.................... Roll No. ...............

27 - 04 -2024
FN24W /B CELL Class IX (Online)

1. Cell theory was proposed by

A) Mathias Schleiden and Theodore Schwann

B) Robert Brown

C) Robert Hooke

4) Nageli and George Palade

2. Which of the following is a non-membrane bound organelle

A) Nucleus B) Lysosome C) Ribosome D) Mitochondria

3. Hyaloplasm includes

A) Cell organelles B) Cell inclusions C) Nucleus D) Both A and B

4. Fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane is proposed by

A) Singes and Nicolson B) Nageli

C) Rudolf Virchiow D) Robert Brown

5. Which of the following is also called as “Power house of the cell ?

A) Chloroplast B) Nucleus C) Mitochondria D) Lysosome

6. Find out the mismatched pair

A) Chloroplast : Photosynthesis

B) Mitochondria : Respiration

C) Lysosome : Hydrolytic enzymes

D) Ribosome : Fat synthesis

7. Find out the incorrect statement with respect to endoplasmic reticulum

A) It serves as a channel for the transport of materials

B) It forms cytoskeleton of cell

C) Cristae form successive layer of nucleus

D) SER does not have ribosomes

8. The cytoplasm of two neighbouring calls is connected through

A) Primary cell wall B) Plasmodesmata C) Secondary cell wall D) Middle lamella

9. Middle lamella is an amorphous layer of cementing material. It is chiefly composed of

A) Cellulose B) Lignin

C) Chitin D) Calcium and magnesium pectate

FN24W /B 2 Brilliant STUDY CENTRE

10. Cellulose, galactose, mannose and calcium carbonate are present in the cell wall of

A) Algae B) Fungi C) Bacteria D) Higher plants

11. _________lies on the surface of plasma membrane

A) Internal proteins B) Lipids

C) Both A and B D) Peripheral proteins

12. Fluid nature of membrane is important for

A) Cell division and growth B) Secretion and endocytosis

C) Formation of intercellular function D) All of these

13. All of the following lack grana, except

A) Amyloplast B) Elaioplast c) Aleuroplast D) Chloroplast

14. Tonoplast encloses

A) Cytoplasm

B) Protoplasm

C) Nucleolus

D) Water, sap, excretory product and other material not useful for cell

15. Which of the following organelle is not present in animal cell ?

A) Chloroplast B) Ribosomes C) Nucleus D) Centrosome

16. Statement I : Ribosomes are site of protein synthesis

Statement II : Some ribosomes are attached to the endoplasmic reticulum

A) Both statements are correct

B) Both statemets are incorrect

C) Statement I is correct, statement II is incorrect

D) Statement I is incorrect, statement II is correct

17. A major site for synthesis of lipid is

A) RER B) SER C) Symplast D) Nucleoplast

18. In plants Golgi body is called

A) Dictyosomes B) Peroxisome C) Ribosome D) Vacuole

19. Which is the site of photorespiration

A) Ribosome B) Vacuole C) Peroxisome D) Lysosome

FN24W /B 3 Brilliant STUDY CENTRE

20. Match the following


a) Mitochondria i) Cisternae

b) Chloroplast ii) Storage battery

c) Ribosome iii) Stroma

d) Golgi bodies iv) G . Palade

A) a - ii, b - iii, c - i, d - iv B) a - ii, b - iii, c - iv, d - i

C) a - iii, b - ii, c- iv, d - i D) a - iii, b - i, c - iv, d - ii

21. Identify the incorrect statement regarding centrosome

A) It is found in animal cells B) Consists of two centrioles

C) Madeup of microtubules D) It inhibits spindle formation

22. Semiautonomous organelles that are present inside plant cell

A) Mitochondria B) Chloroplast C) Ribosome D) Both A and B

23. In which cell organelle fat is being converted into carbohydrates

A) Peroxisome B) Lysosome C) Glyoxysomes D) Ribosome

24. Identify the pigments that present inside the chemoplast

A) Xanthophyll B) Carotene C) Both A and B D) None of these

25. Match the following


a) Endoplasmic reticulum i) G. Palade

b) Plastid ii) Harckel

c) Lysosomes iii) Christian de Duve

d) Ribosomes iv) Porter

A) a-i, b - ii, c -iii, d-iv B) a-iii, b- ii, c- i, d - iv

C) a - iv, b - ii, c - iii, d - i D) a - i, b - iii, c - ii, d - iv

26. ______________ plays a crucial role in detoxification of drugs and poisonous by products

A) Lysosome B) SER C) RER D) Golgi apparatus

27. ATP synthesizing units present in cristae are called

A) Oxysomes B) Peoxisome C) Ribosome D) Glyoxysome

FN24W /B 4 Brilliant STUDY CENTRE

28. ‘Omnis cellula-e-cellula’ is explained by

A) Mathias Schleiden B) Theodore Schwann C) Rudolf Virchow D) Robert Brown

29. Plasmalemma is :

A) Cytoplasm B) Protoplasm C) Plasma membrane D) Cytosol

30. In prokaryotes DNA is present in a region called

A) Nucleolus B) Nucleoid C) Nucleoplasm D) Nucleolemma

31. What is true about ribosome ?

A) These are found only in eukaryotic cells

B) These are composed of one large sub unit only

C) The prokaryotic ribosomes are 80s- where s stands for sedimentation coefficient

D) These are composed of ribonucleic acid and proteins

32. Which structures perform the function of mitochondria in bacteria ?

A) Nucleoid B) Ribosomes C) Cell wall D) Mesosomes

33. Cell respiration is carried out by

A) Ribosome B) Mitochondria C) Chloroplast D) Golgi bodies

34. Digestive enzyme, hydrolases are present in

A) Vacuole B) Lysosomes C) Golgi bodies D) Mitochondria

35. The function of the nucleolus in the cell is

A) Secretory B) Synthesis of DNA C) Synthesis of rRNA D) Transport

36. RER is rough as it contains on its surface

A) Ribosomes B) Lysosomes C) Peroxisome D) Mesosome

37. Fat storing plastids are

A) Amyloplasts B) Aleuroplasts C) Elaioplasts D) All of these

38. Robert Brown discovered

A) Cell wall B) Mitochondria C) Nucleolus D) Nucleus

39. In a plant cell, the vacuole

A) Contains aqueous solution and membrane

B) Occupies 90% of the cell volume

C) It is surrounded by a membrane called tonoplast

D) All of these
FN24W /B 5 Brilliant STUDY CENTRE

40. Subunit of 80s ribosomes are

A) 40 s B) 60 s C) 40 s and 60 s D) None of the above

41. A structure found traversing most of the cells, discovered by poster, claude and futham in 1945 is the

A) Golgi apparatus B) Mitochondria

C) Endoplasmic reticulum D) Lysosomes

42. Which structure occurs both in plants and animals

A) Cell wall B) Mitochondria C) Centriols D) Chloroplast

43. Which of the following is the function of cell wall ?

A) Provides mechanical suuport B) Acts as barrier to pathogens

C) Maintain the shape of plant D) All of the above

44. Which structure is responsible for storing genetic information in eukaryotic cells ?

A) Ribosome B) Mitochondria

C) Nucleus D) Endoplasmic reticulum

45. The powerhouse of cell

A) is bound by a single membrane

B) possess cristal which are extension of its outes membrane

C) are sites of formation of energy currency of the cell

D) is found in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell

46. Plastids in a plant cell

A) were discovered by Haeckel B) are found freely

C) are double membrane bound structures D) all of the above

47. Identify the following figure and select the incorrect statement

A) First observed by George Palade under the electron microscope

B) They are composed of rRNA and proteins

C) Single membrane bound cell organelles

D) They are also known as protein factories

FN24W /B 6 Brilliant STUDY CENTRE

48. Lysosomes contain a rich reservoir of

A) Hydrolases B) Isomerases C) Transferases D) Oxido- reductases

49. The biosynthesis of ribosomal RNA occurs is

A) Ribosomes B) Golgi apparatus C) Microbodies Nucleolus

50. Plant cells normally lack

A) Ribosomes B) Golgi bodies C) Centrioles D) Cell membrane

51. Plasma membrane is made up of

A) Proteins and lipids B) Lipids and water

C) Proteins and cellulose D) Cellulose and lipids

52. In a cell membrane, peripheral proteins

A) Lie on the surface of membrane B) Lie in the matrix of membrane

C) Buried in the membrane D) None of the above

53. 70s ribosomes are found in

A) Eukaryotic cell B) Prokaryotic cell C) Mitochondria D) Both B and C

54. F1 particles are present on

A) Cristae B) Cisternae C) Matrix D) Cytosol

55. Which of the cell organelle lack membrane ?

A) Mesosome B) Mitochondria C) Ribosome D) Lysosome

56. The dark reaction of photosynthesis takes place in

A) Grana B) Matrix C) Stroma D) Cytosol

57. Which of the following structure of a plant cell has the greater volume

A) Vacuole B) Lysosome C) Glyoxysome D) Ribosome

58. Ribosome is made up of

A) rRNA + Protein B) rRNA + mRNA

C) mRNA + protein + DNA D) tRNA + protein + DNA

59. Which of the following incorrect about eukaryotic cell ?

A) Posses cell organelles B) Posses true nucleus

C) Contains 80s ribosome D) Posses mesosomes

60. Which of the following is a single membranous organelle

A) Mitochondria B) Plastids C) Vacuole D) Nucleus

Name ................................................

Batch.................... Roll No. ...............

27 - 04 -2024
FN24W /B CELL - Answer Key Class IX (Online)

1. A 11. D 21. D 31. D 41. C 51. A

2. C 12. D 22. D 32. d 42. B 52. A
3. D 13. D 23. C 33. B 43. D 53. D
4. A 14. D 24. C 34. B 44. C 54. A
5. C 15. A 25. C 35. C 45. C 55. C
6. D 16. A 26. B 36. A 46. D 56. C
7. C 17. B 27. A 37. C 47. C 57. A
8. B 18. A 28. C 38. D 48. A 58. A
9. D 19. C 29. C 39. D 49. D 59. D
10. A 20. B 30. B 40. C 50. C 60. C

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