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Q1 - WLP - Mapeh 6

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336 Manuel L. Quezon St. Bagumbayan, Taguig City Tel.
No. 985-60-71

•Charity •Wisdom •Obedience


School Year 2024 - 2025

Quarter First Week 1 Grade Level 6

Day July 29- August 2 Subject MAPEH - Music
MELCS The learners will be able to demonstrate understanding of basic elements and concepts through performing, creating, and responding, aimed toward the
development of appreciation of music and arts, and acquisition of basic knowledge and skills.
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom – Based Activities Home – Based
● Subject ● Self-introduction (students and subject Teacher)
● The learners should Orientation ● Subject introduction
be able to identify MUSIC
what a note and a rest Lesson 1 ● Subject expectation
are. P: 4 - 13 Discussion:
● The learners should NOTES AND RESTS The Teacher will have a short introduction of the lesson for tomorrow: Begin
be able to distinguish Topics: by introducing the concept of rhythm and its significance in music. How is
different types of rhythm connected to man’s life?
● Kinds of Notes
notes and rests, Activity:
including up to the ● Kinds of Rests Direct students to observe the picture on page 4 of their textbook, prompting
sixteenth note and them to interpret how rhythm is depicted visually.
rest. ● Dotted Notes
and Rests
● Kodaly
Tuesday MUSIC Preliminary Activities:
Lesson 1
● Greetings
P: 4 - 13
● Motivation
● Kinds of Notes
● Kinds of Rests The Teacher will discuss the following:
1. Notes
● Dotted 2. Kinds of notes (whole note, half note, quarter note, eighth note,
sixteenth note).
Notes and 3. Rest
Rests 4. Kinds of rests (whole rest, half rest, quarter rest, eighth rest, sixteenth
● Kodaly Activity:
Method The Teacher will ask the students to read page 4-8 (10 minutes). Afterwards,
the Teacher will show a video showing how notes and rests work together in
a song. Afterwards, the Teacher will ask the students the following
1. What is a note and rest?
2. Give the different kinds of rest and notes including their beats.
Wednesday MUSIC Preliminary Activities:
Lesson 1
● The learners should ● Greetings
P: 4 - 13
be able to count NOTES AND RESTS ● Prayer
dotted notes and rests Topics:
accurately. ● Motivation
● Kinds of Notes
● The learners should
be able to determine ● Kinds of Rests Review: Begin by reviewing previously learned concepts about notes and
the number of beats rests.
each note or rest ● Dotted
contributes to a Discussion:
Notes and
rhythmic pattern.
Rests The Teacher will show the students how to count the beats of both dotted and
● Kodäly Method non-dotted notes using rhythmic examples by showing them a video.

Video: The quarter note,
half note, and the whole The Teacher will engage the students in a practical activity where they count
note. - the beats of dotted and non-dotted notes from the video. The Teacher will provide rhythmic patterns for them to analyze and practice counting aloud.
The quarter, the eighth
and the sixteenth note-
Dotted notes and rests-
Thursday MUSIC Preliminary Activities:
Lesson 1
● Greetings
P: 4 - 13
● Motivation
● Kinds of Notes
● Review
● Kinds of Rests
The Teacher will explain the Kodály method briefly, emphasizing its role in
● Dotted music education and developing musical literacy through singing and rhythmic
Notes and activities.
● Kodäly Method

● Rhythmic Practice: Lead the students in clapping or tapping the

rhythm of the song from the videos using their understanding of notes,
rests, and beats.
● Short Quiz: Draw a line from each image to each names.

References: Sing, sketch,

stretch and stay healthy.
Video: Lubi-lubi song –
Notes and rest, quarter
and eight notes activity:
Eight and sixteenth

Friday Read the text on

Music for Life
and summarize
the text into 3 to
5 sentences.
Note: Bring
short bond
paper, pencil
and crayons on
336 Manuel L. Quezon St. Bagumbayan, Taguig City Tel.
No. 985-60-71

•Charity •Wisdom •Obedience


School Year 2024 - 2025

Quarter First Week 2 Grade Level 6

Day August 5 - 9 Subject MAPEH - Arts
MELCS The learners will be able to demonstrate understanding of basic elements and concepts through performing, creating, and responding, aimed toward the
development of appreciation of music and arts, and acquisition of basic knowledge and skills.
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom – Based Activities Home – Based
Monday ARTS Preliminary Activities:
● The learners should be
Lesson 1 ● Greetings
able to create a personal or Digital Designing
class logo. P: 178 - 184 ● Prayer

● Create a visual Topics: Motivation:

The Teacher will show a variety of logos from different
representation of a ● Logos famous brands in the Philippines and the students will guess
product, brand, or what brand is the logo.
trademark. ● Basic Design Tips Review:
in Creating a Logo The Teacher will test the students prior knowledge or
perception about arts, logos and digital.
● How to Use Inkscape Discussion:
● The Teacher will discuss modern technology and ask
their ideas about the logos they’ve seen before the
● What the logo represents and its purpose.
● Rules and principles of logo id

The Teacher will discuss how technology has changed the

way we create and perceive art. Highlight the role of digital
References: Sing, sketch, stretch,
and stay healthy 2nd Edition. tools in modern design. Show various logos from well-known
brands. Discuss the elements that make these logos effective
(e.g., simplicity, color choice, memorability).

Group Activity:

● The Teacher will group the students into four. Each

group will be needing a piece of bond paper, a pencil
and color materials are optional. The group will talk
about the log they want to represent their group. The
group will sketch their desired logo. They can think
about symbols, colors, and fonts that represent their
class, personality or interests.

Tuesday ARTS Preliminary Activities:
Lesson 1 ● Greetings
Digital Designing
P: 178 - 184 ● Prayer
Topics: ● Motivation
● Logos Review:
● The Teacher will have a recap about logos.
● Basic Design Tips ● What the logo represents and its purpose.
in Creating a Logo ● Rules and principles of logo design.
How to Use Inkscape Discussion:
● The Teacher will discuss how to make a logo using
Inkscape. Show them basic tools and features, such as
how to draw shapes, use colors, and add text.

Group Activity:

● This activity is a continuation of yesterday’s activity

(sketching personal/class logo). The students will use
Inkscape to create their personal logos based on their
sketches. The Teacher will provide guidance and
support as they work on their designs.
References: Sing, sketch, stretch,
and stay healthy 2nd Edition
Wednesday ARTS Preliminary Activities:
● The learners should be
Lesson 1 ● Greetings
able to analyze Digital Designing
advertisements based P: 178 - 184 ● Prayer
on their visual element Topics: ● Motivation
● The students should be ● Logos Review:
able to analyze ● The Teacher will have a recap about logos.
advertisements based ● Basic Design Tips ● What the logo represents and its purpose.
on a given set of ● Rules and principles of logo design.
in Creating a Logo
questions. Discussion:
● How to Use Inkscape ● The Teacher will distribute a printed ad to the class
Analyze the visual and will ask the students to share their
thoughts/ideas/observations on the appearance of the
element of a print
printed ad.
advertisement. ● The Teacher will discuss the visual elements of an


● The Teacher will show the students another (3) printed

advertisement and the students will analyze them
based on their visual element. page. 182
Thursday ARTS Preliminary Activities:
● The learners should be
Lesson 1 ● Greetings
able to understand the Digital Designing
use of logos. P: 178 - 184 ● Prayer
● The learners should be Topics: ● Motivation
able to know the ● Logos Review: The Teacher will have a recap about print
importance of digital advertisement and its visual element.
designing. ● Basic Design Tips Discussion:
● The Teacher will discuss the text from “Art for Life”
in Creating a Logo
on page 184.
How to Use Inkscape
● Analyze the visual Activity:
element of a print
adverstisement. ● Short Quiz:
Friday Answer activity 3:
Advertisements on
page 182.


336 Manuel L. Quezon St. Bagumbayan, Taguig City Tel.
No. 985-60-71

•Charity •Wisdom •Obedience


School Year 2024 - 2025

Quarter First Week 3 Grade Level 6

Day August 12 – August 16 Subject MAPEH – P.E.
MELCS The learners will be able to assess regular participation in physical activities based on the Philippines physical activity pyramid. Participates and assesses
performance in physical activities.
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom – Based Activities Home – Based
Monday PHYSICAL EDUCATION Preliminary Activities:
● The learners should be
Lesson 1 ● Greetings
able to explain the Physical Education and
meaning of physical Physical Fitness ● Prayer
education and physical P:238 - 242 Motivation/Exercise:
fitness. The Teacher will begin with a 5-minute warm-up session.
● The learners should be Include light cardio exercises such as jumping jacks, high
knees, and arm circles to prepare the students for physical
able to identify the four activity.
objectives of physical Review:
education. ● The Teacher will ask the students about their prior
knowledge on the benefits of exercises.
● The Teacher will introduce physical education and its
1. Physical development
2. Emotional Development
3. Mental Development
4. Social Development
● Physical Fitness


Spend 5 minutes having students reflect on what they learned

about physical education. Ask them to share one thing they
will do to stay physically active.

Tuesday PHYSICAL EDUCATION Preliminary Activities:

● The learners should be
Lesson 1 ● Greetings
able to perform physical Physical Education and
activities. Physical Fitness ● Prayer
The Teacher will begin with a 5-minute warm-up session.
Include light cardio exercises such as jumping jacks, high
knees, and arm circles to prepare the students for physical
● The Teacher will ask the students about their prior
knowledge on the benefits of exercises.
● Physical Fitness (health-related components)
1. Cardio respiratory
2. Muscular strength
3. Muscular endurance
4. Flexibility
5. Body composition
10-Minute Physical Activity Plan
1. Warm-Up (1 minute)

● Jumping Jacks: 1 minute

o This will increase your heart rate and get your
body ready for the workout.

2. Cardio-Respiratory (2 minutes)

● High Knees: 1 minute

o Stand in place and lift your knees as high as
possible, alternating legs quickly.
● Butt Kicks: 1 minute
o Stand in place and kick your heels up towards
your butt, alternating legs quickly.

3. Muscular Strength (2 minutes)

● Push-Ups: 1 minute
o Perform as many push-ups as you can in 1
minute. Modify by doing them on your knees
if needed.
● Bodyweight Squats: 1 minute
o Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, lower
into a squat, then stand back up. Repeat for 1

4. Muscular Endurance (2 minutes)

● Plank: 1 minute
o Hold a plank position, keeping your body
straight from head to heels. Engage your core.
● Lunges: 1 minute
o Alternate stepping forward into a lunge
position, then back to standing. Repeat with
the other leg.

5. Flexibility (2 minutes)

● Standing Hamstring Stretch: 1 minute

Stand with feet together, bend forward at the
hips, and try to touch your toes. Hold for 30
seconds, then slowly stand back up.
● Shoulder Stretch: 1 minute
o Bring one arm across your chest and hold it
with your opposite hand, stretching the
shoulder. Hold for 30 seconds on each side.

6. Cool Down (1 minute)

● Deep Breathing and Stretching: 1 minute

o Stand tall, take deep breaths, and stretch your
arms overhead. Gently stretch your neck by
tilting your head side to side.

Closing: Let the students drink their water. Afterwards, ask

what is the most difficult and easiest exercise for them. Ask
why. Repeat the benefits and importance of physical fitness
and education.
Wednesday PHYSICAL EDUCATION Preliminary Activities:
● Differentiate between the
Lesson 1 ● Greetings
two components of Physical Education and
physical fitness Physical Fitness ● Prayer
Plan activity that will best P:238 - 242 ● Motivation
demonstrate a physical
fitness competent Review:
● The Teacher will ask the students about the
importance and benefits of physical fitness.
● The Teacher will discuss the skill-related
1. Agility
2. Balance
3. Coordination
4. Power
5. Reaction time
6. Speed

Objective: To improve agility, balance, coordination, power,

reaction time, and speed through a series of fun and engaging

Materials Needed:

● Open space (preferably outdoors or a gymnasium)

● Cones or markers (optional for marking stations)

Activity Stations:

1. Agility Ladder (1 minute):

o Set up an agility ladder on the ground (you can
use tape if ladders are not available).
o Students step through the ladder using various
patterns (e.g., side-to-side, in-out, hopscotch).
o Focus on quick feet movement and agility.
2. Balance Beam Walk (1 minute):
o Use a designated line or a narrow beam (e.g., a
long strip of tape or a low balance beam).
o Students walk across the beam or line while
maintaining balance and coordination.
o Encourage them to walk forwards, backwards,
and sideways.
3. Coordination Challenge (1 minute):
o Set up a series of cones or markers in a zigzag
o Students weave through the cones, focusing on
quick changes in direction and maintaining
4. Power Jumps (1 minute):
o Designate a spot for vertical jumps.
o Students perform continuous vertical jumps as
high as possible, focusing on explosive power
and height.
5. Reaction Time Drill (1 minute):
o Use a partner or a coach for this station.
o Students stand facing each other at a short
o On a signal, one student tries to tag the other,
who must react quickly to dodge or evade the
6. Speed Sprint (2 minutes):
o Set up a short sprinting distance (about 20
o Students sprint from start to finish as quickly
as possible, focusing on speed and
7. Skill Challenge (2 minutes):
o Choose a specific skill related to agility,
balance, coordination, power, reaction time, or
o Students practice the skill individually or in
pairs, with guidance and feedback from the
teacher or instructor.

Cool Down (1 minute):

● Finish with a brief cool-down and stretching session to

relax muscles and prevent injury.

Closing: Let the students drink their water and ask what's the
most difficult and easiest part of the exercise for them and

Thursday PHYSICAL EDUCATION Preliminary Activities:

● Differentiate between the
Lesson 1 ● Greetings
two components of Physical Education and
physical fitness Physical Fitness ● Prayer
Plan activity that will best P:238 - 242 ● Motivation
demonstrate a physical
fitness competent ● The Teacher will ask the students to list all the
physical fitness exercises and skill related
The Teacher will discuss the difference of the two physical
components (health and skill-related components).
The Teacher will divide the class to form multiple groups.
Each group will represent a skill-related component. See
instructions on “What Will You Do” on page 241.
References: Sing, sketch,
stretch, and stay healthy 2nd

Friday Answer PE for life on

page 242

Prepared by:

Camille D. Figueroa
(Printed Name & Signature of Teacher)

Noted by:
(Printed Name & Signature of Coordinator)

Approved by:

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