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// © nicholas nelo

study("RSI Speedometer ", overlay=false)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------- Required inputs and variables ----------------

offset = input(2, title="offset") //

How many bars to the left to set the right side of the speedometer
radius = input(50, title="radius in bars") //
Radius in bars of the semi circle
y_axis = input(0.00, title="y axis location") //
Where to place the y axis
y_scale = input(100, title="y axis scaling (multiplicative)", minval=1) //
Y axis scaling. 100 by default will size the semicircle to fit with for example RSI
or any other oscillator with a 0..100 range

var float pi = 2 * asin(1)

Required variables needed for calculations

x_axis = array.new_int(radius * 2, 0)
for i = offset to offset + 2 * radius - 1
array.set(x_axis, i - offset, time[i])

one_bar = int(change(time))
right_side = array.get(x_axis, 0)
left_side = array.get(x_axis, 2 * radius - 1)
x_center = array.get(x_axis, radius - 1)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------- Speedometer functions --------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------

// -------------------- Draw Sector Function ---------------------

_sector_num : Which sector of the semi circle we are drawing (out of
_total_sectors : the number of major divisions in the semicircle
_line_limit : Very important!!! Setting this too high so that the total number of
lines of your script exceeds ~50 will cause rendering errors.
I recommend getting the total number of lines as close to 50 as possible. You will
have to track this yourself manually.
The function will allow you to set a max number of lines to use and from there
determine how many segments to use for each sector.
The line limit is your limit for the entire semi circle.
e.g you use 10 other line plots (or other non label speedo functions). In this case
you could set the limit to 40.
_radius : radius in bars
_y_axis & _y_scale : from required inputs, needed to position the segments
_line_color : standard color format #xxxxxxxx or color.xxxxx
_line_width : integer, line width in pixels
f_draw_sector(_sector_num, _total_sectors, _line_limit, _radius, _y_axis, _y_scale,
_line_color, _line_width)=>
_segments_per_sector = floor(_line_limit / _total_sectors)
_total_segments = _segments_per_sector * _total_sectors
_radians_per_segment = pi / _total_segments
_radians_per_sector = pi / _total_sectors
_start_of_sector = _radians_per_sector * (_sector_num -1)
for _i = 0 to _segments_per_sector -1
_segment_line = = array.get(x_axis,
int(round(cos(_start_of_sector + _radians_per_segment * _i) * (_radius - 1) +
radius - 1))),
y1 = _y_axis + sin(_start_of_sector +
_radians_per_segment * _i) * _y_scale,
x2 = array.get(x_axis,
int(round(cos(_start_of_sector + _radians_per_segment * (_i + 1)) * (_radius - 1) +
radius - 1))),
y2 = _y_axis + sin(_start_of_sector +
_radians_per_segment * (_i + 1)) * _y_scale,
xloc = xloc.bar_time,
color = _line_color,
width = _line_width)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

// -------------------- Draw Base Line Function ------------------

_left & _right : should always be the left_side & right_side required variables
other input vars as above

f_draw_base_line(_left, _right, _y_axis, _color, _width)=>

_base_line = = _left,
y1 = _y_axis,
x2 = _right,
y2 = _y_axis,
xloc = xloc.bar_time,
color = _color,
width = _width)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------

// -------------------- Draw Needle Function ---------------------

_val : your metric in a range of 0 .. 100. You will have to perform your own
adjustments/normalization before inputting into the function
other input vars as above
f_draw_needle(_val, _x_center, _radius, _y_axis, _y_scale, _color, _width)=>
_needle = = array.get(x_axis, int(round(cos(pi / 100 * _val) *
(_radius - 1) + radius - 1))),
y1 = _y_axis + sin(pi / 100 * _val) * _y_scale,
x2 = _x_center,
y2 = _y_axis,
xloc = xloc.bar_time,
color = _color,
width = _width)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------

// ----------------------- Draw Tick Function --------------------

Allows you to plot customizable interval ticks along the semicircle
_num : which tick interval to plot out of the number of _divisions
_divisions : number of ticks to determine spacing
_radius_perc : percentage [0..100] of radius to extend tick
_color & _width as above (line styling)

f_draw_tick(_num, _divisions, _radius_perc, _x_center, _radius, _y_axis, _y_scale,

_color, _width)=>
_pos = pi / _divisions * _num
_tick = = array.get(x_axis, int(round(cos(_pos) * (_radius - 1) +
radius - 1))),
y1 = _y_axis + sin(_pos) * _y_scale,
x2 = array.get(x_axis, int(round(cos(_pos) * (_radius - 1) *
(1 - (_radius_perc / 100))+ _radius - 1))),
y2 = _y_axis + sin(_pos) * _y_scale * (1 - (_radius_perc /
xloc = xloc.bar_time,
color = _color,
width = _width)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------

// -------------------- Draw Sector Label ------------------------

// For placing labels in a simliar way to ticks
f_draw_sector_label(_num, _divisions, _radius, _y_axis, _y_scale, _color,
_txtcolor, _text)=>
_pos = pi / _divisions * _num
_x_coord = array.get(x_axis, int(round(cos(_pos) * (_radius - 1)) + _radius -
_y_coord = _y_axis + sin(_pos) * _y_scale
_sector_label = = _x_coord,
y = _y_coord,
xloc = xloc.bar_time,
color = _color,
textcolor = _txtcolor,
style = _pos <= pi / 6 ? label.style_label_right :
_pos < pi / 6 * 2 ? label.style_label_lower_right : _pos <= pi / 6 * 4 ?
label.style_label_down : _pos <= pi / 6 * 5 ? label.style_label_lower_left :
text = _text)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------

// ----------------------- Draw Title Label ----------------------

// Labelling for below the speedometer
f_draw_title_label(_radius_perc, _x_center, _y_axis, _y_scale, _color, _txtcolor,
_title_label = = _x_center,
y = _y_axis - (_radius_perc / 100) * _y_scale,
xloc = xloc.bar_time,
color = _color,
textcolor = _txtcolor,
style= label.style_label_center,
text = _text)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------- End of Speedometer Functions ------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------

// --------------------- Example Usage ---------------------------

// Draw the base line

f_draw_base_line(left_side, right_side, y_axis, color.white, 1)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Plot each sector and it's "glow"
f_draw_sector(1, 5, 20, radius, y_axis, y_scale,, 5)
f_draw_sector(1, 5, 20, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 1)

f_draw_sector(2, 5, 20, radius, y_axis, y_scale,, 5)

f_draw_sector(2, 5, 20, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 1)

f_draw_sector(3, 5, 20, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.gray, 5)

f_draw_sector(3, 5, 20, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 1)

f_draw_sector(4, 5, 20, radius, y_axis, y_scale,, 5)

f_draw_sector(4, 5, 20, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 1)

f_draw_sector(5, 5, 20, radius, y_axis, y_scale,, 5)

f_draw_sector(5, 5, 20, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 1)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------

// ----------------- Add some major and minor ticks --------------

// Major ticks
f_draw_tick(1, 5, 8, x_center, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 3)
f_draw_tick(2, 5, 8, x_center, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 3)
f_draw_tick(3, 5, 8, x_center, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 3)
f_draw_tick(4, 5, 8, x_center, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 3)

// Minor ticks
f_draw_tick(1, 10, 6, x_center, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 1)
f_draw_tick(3, 10, 6, x_center, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 1)
f_draw_tick(5, 10, 6, x_center, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 1)
f_draw_tick(7, 10, 6, x_center, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 1)
f_draw_tick(9, 10, 6, x_center, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 1)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------- Label the Sectors ----------------------

f_draw_sector_label(1, 10, radius, y_axis, y_scale,, color.white, "Strong
f_draw_sector_label(3, 10, radius, y_axis, y_scale,, color.white, "sell")
f_draw_sector_label(5, 10, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.gray, color.white,
f_draw_sector_label(7, 10, radius, y_axis, y_scale,, color.white,
f_draw_sector_label(9, 10, radius, y_axis, y_scale,, color.white,
"Strong buy")
// ---------------------------------------------------------------

// generate some metric RSI for illustration only

src = input(close, title="RSI source")
len = input(14, title="RSI length")

metric = rsi(src, len) // RSI is already 0..100 so no modification needed.

// Draw the needle and title using the metric

f_draw_needle(metric, x_center, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 1)
f_draw_title_label(25, x_center, y_axis, y_scale, color.white,, "RSI ("
+ tostring(len) + "): " + tostring(round(metric * 100) / 100))
// ---------------------------------------------------------------

hline(100), hline(0)

// Add some buffer around the RSI plot to give enough space for the labels to be
hline(y_scale * 1.2, color=#00000000)
hline(y_axis - y_scale * 0.2, color=#00000000)

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