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BB + LC + RKE BUY SELL Indicator Revised 3 Final

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indicator(shorttitle="BB", title="Bollinger Bands", overlay=true)

bblength =, minval=1)
maType = input.string("SMA", "Basis MA Type", options = ["SMA", "EMA", "SMMA
(RMA)", "WMA", "VWMA"])
src = input(close, title="Source")
mult = input.float(0.382, minval=0.001, maxval=50, title="StdDev")
offset =, "Offset", minval = -500, maxval = 500, display =

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// © RedKTrader - March 2023


// ******************************
// EVEREX v2.0 adds markers for key patterns based on nPrice:nVol ratios
// starting with EoM and Compression - maybe add "Balanced" and "Mega" ??

// to-do list

// inspecting the effort vs result concept by plotting volume vs. price change
// this is like looking at distance versus fuel consumption - but comparing a
normalized average of each
// to help reveal areas of volume & price action anomalies, contraction & expansion

// This function calcualtes a selectable average type
GetAverage(_data, _len, MAOption) =>
value = switch MAOption
'SMA' => ta.sma(_data, _len)
'EMA' => ta.ema(_data, _len)
'HMA' => ta.hma(_data, _len)
'RMA' => ta.rma(_data, _len)
ta.wma(_data, _len)

// Normalization function - Normalizes values that are not restricted within a zero
to 100 range
// This technique provides a scale that is closer to a "human" estimation of value
in "bands"
// as in: low, below average, average, above average, high, super high
// this also avoids the issue of extreme values when using the stoch() -based
// these values are subjective, and can be changed - but slight changes here won't
lead to major changes in outcome
// since all is relative to the same data series.
Normalize(_Value, _Avg) =>

_X = _Value / _Avg

_Nor =
_X > 1.50 ? 1.00 :
_X > 1.20 ? 0.90 :
_X > 1.00 ? 0.80 :
_X > 0.80 ? 0.70 :
_X > 0.60 ? 0.60 :
_X > 0.40 ? 0.50 :
_X > 0.20 ? 0.25 :

// Inputs
grp_1 = 'Rate of FLow (RoF)'
grp_2 = 'Lookback Parameters'
grp_3 = 'Bias / Sentiment'
grp_4 = 'EVEREX Bands'

length =, minval = 1, inline = 'ROF', group = grp_1)

MA_Type = input.string(defval = 'WMA', title = 'MA type',
options = ['WMA', 'EMA', 'SMA', 'HMA', 'RMA'], inline = 'ROF', group = grp_1)
smooth = = 3, title = 'Smooth', minval = 1, inline = 'ROF',
group = grp_1)

//src = input.source(close, title = "Source (for 2-Bar Shift)", group =


sig_length =, 'Signal Length', minval = 1, inline = 'Signal', group =

S_Type = input.string(defval = 'WMA', title = 'Signal Type',
options = ['WMA', 'EMA', 'SMA', 'HMA', 'RMA'], inline = 'Signal', group = grp_1)

lookback = = 20, title = 'Length', minval = 1, inline =

'Lookback', group = grp_2)
lkbk_Calc = input.string(defval = 'Simple', title = 'Averaging',
options = ['Simple', 'Same as RRoF'], inline='Lookback', group = grp_2 )

showBias = input.bool(defval = false, title = 'Bias Plot ? -- ', inline =

'Bias', group = grp_3)
B_Length = = 30, title = 'Length', minval = 1, inline = 'Bias',
group = grp_3)
B_Type = input.string(defval = 'WMA', title = 'MA type',
options = ['WMA', 'EMA', 'SMA', 'HMA', 'RMA'], inline = 'Bias', group = grp_3)
showEVEREX = input.bool(true, 'Show EVEREX Bands ? -- ', inline = 'EVEREX', group
= grp_4)
// a simple mechanism to control/change the strength band scale for improving
// applies only to the "bands" and the level hlines
bandscale = str.tonumber(input.string("100", title = "Band Scale",
options = ['100', '200', '400'], inline = 'EVEREX', group = grp_4))

DispBias = showBias ? display.pane : display.none

DispBands = showEVEREX ? display.pane : display.none
showhlines = showEVEREX ? display.all : display.none

Disp_vals = display.status_line + display.data_window

// Calculations

// Volume "effort" Calculation -- will revert to no volume acceleration for

instruments with no volume data

v = na(volume) ? 1 : volume // this part ensures we're not

hit with calc issues due to NaN's
NoVol_Flag = na(volume) ? true : false // this is a flag to use later

lkbk_MA_Type = lkbk_Calc == 'Simple' ? 'SMA' : MA_Type

Vola = GetAverage(v, lookback, lkbk_MA_Type)

Vola_n_pre = Normalize(v, Vola) * 100

//Now trap the case of no volume data - ensure final calculation not impacted
Vola_n = NoVol_Flag ? 100 : Vola_n_pre
//plot(Vola_n , "Volume Normalized", color = color.white, display = display.none)

// Price "result" calculation
// we'll consider "result" (strength or weakness) to be the outcome (average) of 6
// Same (in-)Bar strength elements:
// 1 - Bar Closing: the closing within the bar --> this will be a direct +100 / -
100 value
// 2 - Spread to range: the spread to range ratio (that's BoP formula) --> direct
+100 / -100 value
// 3 - Relative Spread: spread relative to average spread during lookback period --
> normalized
// 2-bar strength elements:
// 4 - 2-bar closing: the closing within 2-bar range (that accomodates open gap
// 5 - 2-bar Closing Shift to Range: Change in close relative to the 2-bar range
// 6 - 2-bar Relative Shift: the 2-bar Close (or source price) shift - relative to
the average 2-bar shift during lookback period --> normalized
BarSpread = close - open
BarRange = high - low
R2 = ta.highest(2) - ta.lowest(2)
SrcShift = ta.change(close)
//TR =

sign_shift = math.sign(SrcShift)
sign_spread = math.sign(BarSpread)
// in-bar assessments
// 1. Calculate closing within bar - should be max value at either ends of the bar
barclosing = 2 * (close - low) / BarRange * 100 - 100
//plot(barclosing, "Bar Closing %" , color=color.fuchsia, display = display.none)

// 2. caluclate spread to range ratio

s2r = BarSpread / BarRange * 100
//plot(s2r, "Spread:Range", color = color.lime, display = display.none)

// 3. Calculate relative spread compared to average spread during lookback

BarSpread_abs = math.abs(BarSpread)
BarSpread_avg = GetAverage(BarSpread_abs, lookback, lkbk_MA_Type)
BarSpread_ratio_n = Normalize(BarSpread_abs, BarSpread_avg) * 100 * sign_spread
//plot(BarSpread_ratio_n, "Bar Spread Ratio",,
// 2-bar assessments
// 4. Calculate closing within 2 bar range - should be max value at either ends of
the 2-bar range
barclosing_2 = 2 * (close - ta.lowest(2)) / R2 * 100 - 100
//plot(barclosing_2, "2-Bar Closing %" ,, display = display.none)

// 5. calculate 2-bar shift to range ratio

Shift2Bar_toR2 = SrcShift / R2 * 100
//plot(Shift2Bar_toR2, "2-bar Shift vs 2R", color=color.yellow, display =

// 6. Calculate 2-bar Relative Shift

SrcShift_abs = math.abs(SrcShift)
srcshift_avg = GetAverage(SrcShift_abs, lookback, lkbk_MA_Type)
srcshift_ratio_n = Normalize(SrcShift_abs, srcshift_avg) * 100 * sign_shift
//plot(srcshift_ratio_n, "2-bar Shift vs Avg", color=color.white, display =
// ===============================================================================

// Relative Price Strength combining all strength elements

Pricea_n = (barclosing + s2r + BarSpread_ratio_n + barclosing_2 + Shift2Bar_toR2 +

srcshift_ratio_n) / 6
//plot(Pricea_n, "Price Normalized",, display = display.none)

//Let's take Bar Flow as the combined price strength * the volume:avg ratio
// this works in a similar way to a volume-weighted RSI
bar_flow = Pricea_n * Vola_n / 100
//plot(bar_flow, 'bar_flow',, display = display.none)

// calc avergae relative rate of flow, then smooth the resulting average
// classic formula would be this
//RROF = f_ma(bar_flow, length, MA_Type)
// or we can create a relative index by separating bulls from bears, like in an RSI
- my preferred method
// here we have an added benefit of plotting the (average) bulls vs bears
separately - as an option
bulls = math.max(bar_flow, 0)
bears = -1 * math.min(bar_flow, 0)

bulls_avg = GetAverage(bulls, length, MA_Type)

bears_avg = GetAverage(bears, length, MA_Type)

dx = bulls_avg / bears_avg
RROF = 2 * (100 - 100 / (1 + dx)) - 100
RROF_s = ta.wma(RROF, smooth)

Signal = GetAverage(RROF_s, sig_length, S_Type)

// Calculate Bias / sentiment on longer length

dx_b = GetAverage(bulls, B_Length, B_Type) / GetAverage(bears, B_Length,
RROF_b = 2 * (100 - 100 / (1 + dx_b)) - 100
RROF_bs = ta.wma(RROF_b, smooth)

// Colors & plots

c_zero =, 25)

c_band =, 40)

c_up = color.aqua
c_dn =

c_sup =, 70)

c_sdn =, 70)

up = RROF_s >= 0
s_up = RROF_bs >=0
// ==================================== Plots

// Plot Bias / Sentiment

// =============================================================================
// Plot Price Strength & Relative Volume as stacked "equalizer bands"
// adding visualization option to make the bands joint or separate at the mid-scale
Eq_band_option = input.string("Joint", title = 'Band Option', options = ["Joint",
"Separate"], group = grp_4)

nPrice = math.max(math.min(Pricea_n, 100), -100)

nVol = math.max(math.min(Vola_n, 100), -100)

bar = bar_flow

c_vol_grn =, 75)

c_vol_red =, 75)

cb_vol_grn =, 20)

cb_vol_red =, 20)

c_vol = bar > 0 ? c_vol_grn : c_vol_red

cb_vol = bar > 0 ? cb_vol_grn : cb_vol_red

vc_lo = 0
vc_hi = nVol * bandscale / 100 / 2

c_pri_grn =, 75)

c_pri_red =, 75)

cb_pri_grn =, 20)

cb_pri_red =, 20)

c_pri = bar > 0 ? c_pri_grn : c_pri_red

cb_pri = bar > 0 ? cb_pri_grn : cb_pri_red

pc_lo_base = Eq_band_option == "Joint" ? vc_hi : 0.50 * bandscale

pc_lo = pc_lo_base
pc_hi = pc_lo_base + math.abs(nPrice) * bandscale / 100 / 2

// basic alerts

Alert_up = ta.crossover(RROF_s,0)
Alert_dn = ta.crossunder(RROF_s,0)
Alert_swing = ta.cross(RROF_s,0)
// "." in alert title for the alerts to show in the right order up/down/swing

// v2.0 Adding Markers for Key Patterns

// we can re-utilize the Normailize() function here too - but it's cleaner to have
a separate ratio calc

nPrice_abs = math.abs(nPrice)

//EV_Ratio = 100 * Normalize(nPrice_abs, nVol)

EV_Ratio = 100 * nPrice_abs / nVol

// initial mapping of return ratios (to be revised)

// -------------------------------------------------------
// Case (1): Price > Vol => ratio > 120 = Ease of Move (EoM)
// Case (2): Price close to Vol => ratio between 80 - 120 = Reasonable Balance
// Case (3): Price less than Vol but reasonable => ratio between 80 - 50 = Drift /
"nothing much to see here" bar
// Case (4): Price a lot less than Vol => 50 or less = Compression / Squat
// we're most interested in cases 1 & 4

//plot (EV_Ratio) // for validation only

is_positive = nPrice > 0

is_Compression = EV_Ratio <= 50

is_EoM = EV_Ratio >= 120

//Provide option to show/hide those EVEREX Markers - and an option for Compression
// - some folks would prefer a cross, others may prefer a circle - can adjust based
on feedback
// no option for Ease of Move, guessing the triangle has the right significance

xrf(values, length) =>
r_val = float(na)
if length >= 1
for i = 0 to length by 1
if na(r_val) or not na(values[i])
r_val := values[i]

xsa(src, len, wei) =>

sumf = 0.0
ma = 0.0
out = 0.0
sumf := nz(sumf[1]) - nz(src[len]) + src
ma := na(src[len]) ? na : sumf / len
out := na(out[1]) ? ma : (src * wei + out[1] * (len - wei)) / len

//set up a simple model of Oscilador DuK

fundtrend = (3 * xsa((close - ta.lowest(low, 27)) / (ta.highest(high, 27) -
ta.lowest(low, 27)) * 100, 5, 1) - 2 * xsa(xsa((close - ta.lowest(low, 27)) /
(ta.highest(high, 27) - ta.lowest(low, 27)) * 100, 5, 1), 3, 1) - 50) * 1.032 + 50
//define typical price for banker fund
typ = (2 * close + high + low + open) / 5
//lowest low with mid term fib # 34
lol = ta.lowest(low, 34)
//highest high with mid term fib # 34
hoh = ta.highest(high, 34)
//define banker fund flow bull bear line
bullbearline = ta.ema((typ - lol) / (hoh - lol) * 100, 13)
//define banker entry signal
bankerentry = ta.crossover(fundtrend, bullbearline) and bullbearline < 25

xUp = ta.crossover(fundtrend, 20)

xDown = ta.crossunder(fundtrend, 80)

ma(source, bblength, _type) =>

switch _type
"SMA" => ta.sma(source, bblength)
"EMA" => ta.ema(source, bblength)
"SMMA (RMA)" => ta.rma(source, bblength)
"WMA" => ta.wma(source, bblength)
"VWMA" => ta.vwma(source, bblength)

basis = ma(src, bblength, maType)

dev = mult * ta.stdev(src, bblength)
upper = basis + dev
lower = basis - dev
plot(basis, "Basis", color=#FF6D00, offset = offset)
p1 = plot(upper, "Upper", color=#2962FF, offset = offset)
p2 = plot(lower, "Lower", color=#2962FF, offset = offset)
fill(p1, p2, title = "Background", color=color.rgb(33, 150, 243, 95))

lcbuy = fundtrend > bullbearline and not (fundtrend < xrf(fundtrend * 0.95, 1)) and
(fundtrend[1] <= bullbearline[1] or fundtrend[1] < xrf(fundtrend * 0.95, 1)[1] or
(fundtrend[1] < bullbearline[1] and fundtrend[1] > xrf(fundtrend * 0.95, 1)[1]))
lcsell = fundtrend < bullbearline and not (fundtrend < bullbearline and fundtrend >
xrf(fundtrend * 0.95, 1)) and (fundtrend[1] >= bullbearline[1] or (fundtrend[1] <
bullbearline[1] and fundtrend[1] > xrf(fundtrend * 0.95, 1)[1]))

bbbuy = ta.crossover(close, upper)

bbsell = ta.crossunder(close, lower)

rkefactbuy = true
for i = 1 to 5
if pc_hi[i] >= pc_hi and close[i] < open[i]
rkefactbuy := false

rkefactsell = true
for i = 1 to 5
if pc_hi[i] >= pc_hi and close[i] > open[i]
rkefactsell := false
rkebuy = pc_hi >= 75 and rkefactbuy and close > open
rkesell = pc_hi >= 75 and rkefactsell and close < open

plotshape(lcbuy and rkebuy and not bbbuy, "LC + RKE BUY", shape.labelup,
location.belowbar,, text = "2/3 BUY", textcolor = color.white)
plotshape(lcsell and rkesell and not bbsell, "LC + RKE SELL", shape.labeldown,
location.abovebar, color.fuchsia, text = "2/3 SELL", textcolor = color.white)

plotshape(bbbuy and rkebuy and not lcbuy, "BB + RKE BUY", shape.labelup,
location.belowbar, color.teal, text = "2/3 BUY", textcolor = color.white)
plotshape(bbsell and rkesell and not lcsell, "BB + RKE SELL", shape.labeldown,
location.abovebar,, text = "2/3 SELL", textcolor = color.white)

plotshape(lcbuy and bbbuy and rkebuy, "ALL BUY", shape.labelup, location.belowbar,

color.rgb(0, 255, 8), text = "3/3 BUY", textcolor = color.white)
plotshape(lcsell and bbsell and rkesell, "ALL SELL", shape.labeldown,
location.abovebar, color.rgb(255, 0, 0), text = "3/3 SELL", textcolor =

if lcbuy and rkebuy and not bbbuy

alert("2/3 BUY", alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if lcsell and rkesell and not bbsell
alert("2/3 SELL", alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)

if bbbuy and rkebuy and not lcbuy

alert("2/3 BUY", alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if bbsell and rkesell and not lcsell
alert("2/3 SELL", alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)

if lcbuy and bbbuy and rkebuy

alert("3/3 BUY", alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if lcsell and bbbuy and rkesell
alert("3/3 SELL", alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)

alertcondition(lcbuy and rkebuy and not bbbuy, "LC Buy", "2/3 BUY")
alertcondition(lcsell and rkesell and not bbsell, "LC Sell", "2/3 SELL")
alertcondition(bbbuy and rkebuy and not lcbuy, "BB Buy", "2/3 BUY")
alertcondition(bbsell and rkesell and not lcsell, "BB Sell", "2/3 SELL")
alertcondition(lcbuy and bbbuy and rkebuy, "All Buy", "3/3 BUY")
alertcondition(lcsell and bbbuy and rkesell, "All Sell", "3/3 SELL")

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