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Trendline Torys

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/// © Copyright 2019 to present, Joris Duyck (JD) ///
// This script draws trendlines from the pivot points in the price chart.
// The input for the function that draws the trendlines is any calculation or
// (here this is pivot points, but the core of the script can be used in other
implementations too),
// that most of the time and occasionally produces a 'non n/a' value.
// The trendline function then connects the non n/a values and extends the
connections of those points in a trendline.
// There is an option to draw the lines from the wicks or from the 'real bodies' of
the candles.
// The trendlines can either extend infinitely or only run for an adjustable amount
of bars.
// There's an option to display trendline breaks
// And the option to display trendlines in color or monochrome

////// (header with dimensions info)
// [nr_of_sheets, nr_of_rows/records, nr_of_columns,
////// (actual array data)
// SHEET 0
// 0 1 2 3 column_index
// 0 record0_val0, record0_val1, record0_val2, record0_val3, ...,
// 1 record1_val0, record1_val1, record1_val2, record1_val3, ...,
// 2 record2_val0, record2_val1, record2_val2, record2_val3, ...,
// 3 ...
// row_index
// SHEET 1
// 0 1 2 3
// 0 record0_val0, record0_val1, record0_val2, record0_val3, ...,
// 1 record1_val0, record1_val1, record1_val2, record1_val3, ...,
// 2 record2_val0, record2_val1, record2_val2, record2_val3, ...,
// 3 ...
// row_index
// SHEET 2
// 0 1 2 3
// 0 record0_val0, record0_val1, record0_val2,
record0_val3, ...,
// 1 record1_val0, record1_val1, record1_val2,
record1_val3, ...,
// 2 record2_val0, record2_val1, record2_val2,
record2_val3, ...,
// 3 ...
// row_index
// A set of functions are implemented to write info to and retrieve info from the
// Of course the possibilities are not limited to the functions here, these were
written because they were needed for the script!
// A whole list of other functions can be easily written for other manipulation
// LIST OF FUNCTIONS contained in this script:
// - Dataframe initialisation function, builds 3D matrix with dimensional
metadata/size in first 3 values //
// a new df array is built (cfr. the conventions I propose above) containing a
certain nr of sheets, records and columns
// - function to get dimensional info from 3D matrix
// This function returns the nr of sheets, rows and columns in the df
// - function to get a sheet start and end index from 3D matrix
// This is mainly used for 1D to 3D index conversions
// - function to add a record on the top of a sheet, shift the whole list one down
and remove the oldest record
// (2D version of "unshift" + "pop" but with a whole row at once)
// - function to retrieve the values from a record from a certain row/lookback
// The values are returned as an array
// - function to get/retrieve a single value from a certain sheet, row/lookback
period and column
// - function to set a single value in a certain sheet, row/lookback period and
// - function to print the matrix
// This function is mainly used for debugging purposes and displays the array
as a 2D matrix notation
// Enjoy!
// JD.
// #NotTradingAdvice #DYOR
// Disclaimer.

study(title = "Trendlines - JD", shorttitle = "Trendlines", overlay = true)

/////// Input variables ///////

len = input(30, title = "loockback length pivots")
wicks = input(true, title = "Draw lines from wicks (checked) or real
bodies (unchecked)?")
disp_select = input(true, title = "Display only falling 'high' and rising
'low' trendlines?")
do_mono = input(false, title = "checked = monochrome lines, unchecked =
direction colored lines?")
limit_extension = input(2, title = "Limit extensions of the lines? 0 =
infinite, other values x 50 bars", minval = 0)
do_alerts = input(true, title = "show trendline breaks")
limit_trendline_nr = input(false, title = "limit number of trendlines shown (value
in next setting calculates the lookback period)")
trendline_nr = input(5, title = "number of trendlines to show (select
true above to limit)", minval = 1, maxval = 50)
trendline_check_nr = input(1, title = "number of past trendlines to check for
breaks", minval = 1, maxval = 50)
select_breaks = input(true, title = "only display 'long' breaks on trendlines
connecting 'highs' and 'short' for 'lows'")
log_chart = input(false, title = "USING A LOG CHART? MAKE SURE TO CHECK

/////// Initialisations ///////

// Calculating the 'time value' of one bar
bar_time = time - time[1]

// Initialising color scheme

var color color_rising = do_mono ? color.teal : color.lime
var color color_falling = do_mono ? color.teal : color.fuchsia

/////// Function declarations ///////

// Declaration of slope calculation function
f_get_slope(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2) =>
// Calculate slope for line (_x1, _y1) - (_x2, _y2)
_slope =
log_chart ?
((log(_y2) - log(_y1)) / (_x2 - _x1)) :
(( _y2 - _y1 ) / (_x2 - _x1))

// Function to get the trendline price for X bars ago ("0" = current value)
line_get_price(_start_time, _start_price, _slope, _lookback_period, _log_chart) =>
var float current_price = 0.0
elapsed_time = (time - _start_time)
current_price :=
_log_chart ?
(_start_price * exp((elapsed_time - (_lookback_period * bar_time)) * _slope))
(_start_price + (elapsed_time - (_lookback_period * bar_time)) * _slope )

// Function to check for trendline crosses

line_cross(_check_value, _start_time, _start_price, _slope, _log_chart) =>
var float current_value = 0.0
var float previous_value = 0.0
// Get current and previous price for the trendline
current_value := line_get_price(_start_time, _start_price, _slope, 0,
previous_value := line_get_price(_start_time, _start_price, _slope, 1,
// Return 1 for crossover, -1 for crossunder and 0 for no cross detected
// cross =
// crossover( _check_value, current_value) ? 1 :
// crossunder(_check_value, current_value) ? -1 : 0
cross =
// _slope != _slope[1] ? 0:
_check_value[1] < previous_value and _check_value > current_value ? 1 :
_check_value[1] > previous_value and _check_value < current_value ? -1 : 0


// info

// Dataframe initialisation function, builds 3D matrix with dimensional

metadata/size in first 3 values //
// syntax = "f_df_array_new(nr of sheets, nr of records, nr of columns)"
// f_df_array_new(_m, _nr_of_sheets, _nr_of_rows, _nr_of_columns) =>
f_df_array_new(_nr_of_sheets, _nr_of_rows, _nr_of_columns, _fill) =>
_array_size = 3 + _nr_of_sheets * _nr_of_rows * _nr_of_columns
_m = array.new_float(_array_size, _fill)
array.set(_m, 0, _nr_of_sheets), array.set(_m, 1, _nr_of_rows), array.set(_m,
2, _nr_of_columns)

// function to get dimensional info from df matrix

f_df_array_get_size(_m) =>
_nr_of_sheets = int(array.get(_m, 0))
_nr_of_rows = int(array.get(_m, 1))
_nr_of_columns = int(array.get(_m, 2))
[_nr_of_sheets, _nr_of_rows, _nr_of_columns]

// function to get a sheet start and end index from df matrix

f_df_array_get_sheet_index_range(_m, _sheet_index) =>
[_nr_of_sheets, _nr_of_rows, _nr_of_columns] = f_df_array_get_size(_m)
_start_index = 3 + min(_sheet_index, (_nr_of_sheets - 1)) * _nr_of_rows *
_end_index = _start_index + _nr_of_rows * _nr_of_columns - 1
[_start_index, _end_index]

// function to add a record on the top of a sheet and remove the oldest record
("sheet_index" goes from 0 (first) to 1, 2, ...)//
f_df_array_add_new_record(_m, _sheet_index, _record) =>
[_nr_of_sheets, _nr_of_rows, _nr_of_columns] = f_df_array_get_size(_m)
if array.size(_record) == 3
[_sheet_start_index, _sheet_end_index] =
f_df_array_get_sheet_index_range(_m, _sheet_index)
_sheet = array.slice(_m, _sheet_start_index, _sheet_end_index + 1)
for i = (3 - 1) to 0
array.unshift(_sheet, array.get(_record, i))

// function to retrieve the values (packed in an array) from a record from a

certain row/lookback period ("sheet_index" goes from 0 (first) to 1, 2, ...,
"row_index" goes from 0 (latest) to 1, 2, ...(oldest) )//
f_df_array_get_record(_m, _sheet_index, _row_index) =>
[_nr_of_sheets, _nr_of_rows, _nr_of_columns] = f_df_array_get_size(_m)
[_sheet_start_index, _sheet_end_index] = f_df_array_get_sheet_index_range(_m,
min(_nr_of_sheets - 1, _sheet_index))
_start_index = _sheet_start_index + min(_nr_of_rows - 1, _row_index) *
_record_slice = array.slice(_m, _start_index, _start_index +
min(_sheet_end_index + 1, _nr_of_columns))
_record = array.copy(_record_slice)

// function to get/retrieve a single value from a certain sheet, (row/lookback

period, column) ("sheet_index" goes from 0 (first) to 1, 2, ..., "row_index" goes
from 0 (latest) to 1, 2, ...(oldest), "column_index" goes from 0 (first) to 1,
2, ..., )//
f_df_array_get(_m, _sheet_index, _row_index, _column_index) =>
_record = f_df_array_get_record(_m, _sheet_index, _row_index)
_value = array.get(_record, _column_index)

// function to set a single value in a certain sheet, (row/lookback period, column)

("sheet_index" goes from 0 (first) to 1, 2, ..., "row_index" goes from 0 (latest)
to 1, 2, ...(oldest), "column_index" goes from 0 (first) to 1, 2, ..., )//
f_df_array_set(_m, _sheet_index, _row_index, _column_index, _value) =>
[_nr_of_sheets, _nr_of_rows, _nr_of_columns] = f_df_array_get_size(_m)
[_sheet_start_index, _sheet_end_index] = f_df_array_get_sheet_index_range(_m,
_start_index = _sheet_start_index + min(_nr_of_rows - 1, _row_index) *
_record_slice = array.slice(_m, _start_index, _start_index + _nr_of_columns)
array.set(_record_slice, min(_nr_of_columns - 1, _column_index), _value)

// function to print matrix (needs some adjustment )

f_array_print(_m, _nr_of_dimensions, _header) =>
_text = _nr_of_dimensions <= 1 or not _header ? "" : "(" +
tostring(array.get(_m, 0)) + "x" + tostring(array.get(_m, 1)) + (_nr_of_dimensions
<= 2 ? "" : "x" + tostring(array.get(_m, 2))) + ")" + "\n" + "\n"
_text := _text + "[" + (_nr_of_dimensions == 1 or not _header ?
tostring(array.get(_m, 0)) + " " : "")

for i = _nr_of_dimensions to array.size(_m) - 1

_text := _text + (i == _nr_of_dimensions ? "" : ((i - _nr_of_dimensions) %
array.get(_m, 2)) == 0 ? "]" + "\n" + (i >= array.get(_m, 1) * array.get(_m, 2) + 2
? " " : "") + "[" : " ") + tostring(array.get(_m, i), "#")
_text := _text + "]"

/////// Start of main script ///////

////// Initialise the df array containing the trendline values //////
//// set array dimensions ////
nr_of_sheets = 2
nr_of_rows = 42
nr_of_columns = 3
//// sheet names ////
high_pivot_data = 0
low_pivot_data = 1
//// column names ////
pivot_bar_nr = 0
pivot_value = 1
slope_to_previous = 2

//// build dataframe array ////

var float[] trendlines = f_df_array_new(nr_of_sheets, nr_of_rows, nr_of_columns, 0)

/////// Calculate pivot points ///////

high_pivot = pivothigh(wicks ? high : max(open, close), len, len / 2)
low_pivot = pivotlow( wicks ? low : min(open, close), len, len / 2)
/////// Track and store pivot points ///////

// Track and store high pivots //
// If a new trendline is formed, enter the new trendline info in the df array
// high trendline values go in sheet 0
// syntax = "f_df_array_add_new_record(array_id, sheet_index,
float[] high_line = array.new_float(3, 0)
if not na(high_pivot)
array.set(high_line, 0, time[len / 2])
array.set(high_line, 1, high_pivot)
f_df_array_add_new_record(trendlines, high_pivot_data, high_line)

phx1 = int(f_df_array_get(trendlines, high_pivot_data, 1, pivot_bar_nr))

phy1 = f_df_array_get(trendlines, high_pivot_data, 1, pivot_value)
phx2 = int(f_df_array_get(trendlines, high_pivot_data, 0, pivot_bar_nr))
phy2 = f_df_array_get(trendlines, high_pivot_data, 0, pivot_value)
slope_high = f_get_slope(phx1, phy1, phx2, phy2)
f_df_array_set(trendlines, high_pivot_data, 0, slope_to_previous, slope_high)

// Track and store low pivots //
// If a new trendline is formed, enter the new trendline info in the df array
// low trendline values go in sheet 1
// syntax = "f_df_array_add_new_record(array_id, sheet_index,
float[] low_line = array.new_float(3, 0)
if not na(low_pivot)
array.set(low_line, 0, time[len / 2])
array.set(low_line, 1, low_pivot)
f_df_array_add_new_record(trendlines, low_pivot_data, low_line)

plx1 = int(f_df_array_get(trendlines, low_pivot_data, 1, pivot_bar_nr))

ply1 = f_df_array_get(trendlines, low_pivot_data, 1, pivot_value)
plx2 = int(f_df_array_get(trendlines, low_pivot_data, 0, pivot_bar_nr))
ply2 = f_df_array_get(trendlines, low_pivot_data, 0, pivot_value)
slope_low = f_get_slope(plx1, ply1, plx2, ply2)
f_df_array_set(trendlines, low_pivot_data, 0, slope_to_previous, slope_low)

/////// plot trendlines ///////

// Calculate adjusted trendline coördinates to indicate the lookback period //
//{ length of the time period that lines are extended to the bar where the pivot
was detected
lookback_time = bar_time * (len / 2)

// high lines lookback line coördinates

phx2_lb = phx2 + lookback_time
phy2_lb =
log_chart ?
(phy2 * exp(lookback_time * slope_high)) :
(phy2 + lookback_time * slope_high )

// low lines lookback line coördinates

plx2_lb = plx2 + lookback_time
ply2_lb =
log_chart ?
(ply2 * exp(lookback_time * slope_low)) :
(ply2 + lookback_time * slope_low )

// Calculate adjusted trendline coördinates for limited extension values //

//{length of the time period that lines are extended forward
extension_time = limit_extension * bar_time * 100

// high lines extension coördinates

phx2_adj = limit_extension == 0 ? phx2 : phx2 + extension_time
phy2_adj = limit_extension == 0 ? phy2 :
log_chart ?
(phy2 * exp(extension_time * slope_high)) :
(phy2 + extension_time * slope_high )

// low lines extension coördinates

plx2_adj = limit_extension == 0 ? plx2 : plx2 + extension_time
ply2_adj = limit_extension == 0 ? ply2 :
log_chart ?
(ply2 * exp(extension_time * slope_low)) :
(ply2 + extension_time * slope_low )

// plot lines
var line looback_line_high = na, var line trendline_high = na
var line looback_line_low = na, var line trendline_low = na
var bool xtend = limit_extension == 0 ? true : false

// plot high lookback lines //

if not na(high_pivot)
line_color_high = slope_high * time < 0 ? (color_rising) : ((disp_select ? na :
if not na(line_color_high)
looback_line_high :=, phy1, phx2_lb, phy2_lb, xloc.bar_time,
extend = extend.none, color = line_color_high, style = line.style_solid, width = 1)

// plot high trendlines //

if not na(high_pivot)
line_color_high = slope_high * time < 0 ? (color_rising) : ((disp_select ? na :
if not na(line_color_high)
trendline_high :=, phy1, phx2_adj, phy2_adj, xloc.bar_time,
extend = xtend ? extend.right : extend.none, color = line_color_high, style =
line.style_dotted, width = 1)

lookback_period_to_delete_tl_high = (time - f_df_array_get(trendlines,

high_pivot_data, trendline_nr, pivot_bar_nr)) / bar_time
if limit_trendline_nr

// plot low lookback lines //

if not na(low_pivot)
line_color_low = slope_high * time < 0 ? (disp_select ? na : color_rising) :
if not na(line_color_low)
looback_line_low :=, ply1, plx2_lb, ply2_lb, xloc.bar_time,
extend = extend.none, color = line_color_low, style = line.style_solid, width = 1)

// plot low trendlines //

if not na(low_pivot)
line_color_low = slope_high * time < 0 ? (disp_select ? na : color_rising) :
if not na(line_color_low)
trendline_low :=, ply1, plx2_adj, ply2_adj, xloc.bar_time,
extend = xtend ? extend.right : extend.none, color = line_color_low, style =
line.style_dotted, width = 1)

lookback_period_to_delete_tl_low = (time - f_df_array_get(trendlines,

low_pivot_data, trendline_nr, pivot_bar_nr)) / bar_time
if limit_trendline_nr

/////// Check Trendline crosses for last X nr. of trendlines ///////

high_line_values = f_df_array_get_record(trendlines, 0, 0)
cross_high = 0, high_x = 0.0, high_y = 0.0, high_sl = 0.0

low_line_values = f_df_array_get_record(trendlines, 1, 0)
cross_low = 0, low_x = 0.0, low_y = 0.0, low_sl = 0.0

// loop through the high and low trendlines to check for crosses
int[] cross_high_values = array.new_int()
int[] cross_low_values = array.new_int()
for i = 0 to trendline_check_nr

high_x := int(f_df_array_get(trendlines, high_pivot_data, i, pivot_bar_nr)),

high_y := f_df_array_get(trendlines, high_pivot_data, i, pivot_value)
high_sl := f_df_array_get(trendlines, high_pivot_data, i, slope_to_previous)
disp_select and high_sl * time > 0 ? 0 :
line_cross(close, high_x, high_y, high_sl, log_chart))

low_x := int(f_df_array_get(trendlines, low_pivot_data, i, pivot_bar_nr)),

low_y := f_df_array_get(trendlines, low_pivot_data, i, pivot_value)
low_sl := f_df_array_get(trendlines, low_pivot_data, i, slope_to_previous)
disp_select and low_sl * time > 0 ? 0 :
line_cross(close, low_x, low_y, low_sl, log_chart))

long_break = array.includes(cross_high_values, 1)
short_break = array.includes(cross_low_values, 1)

/////// Plot and connect pivot points ///////

color_high = slope_high * time < 0 ? color_rising : (disp_select ? na :
color_low = slope_low * time > 0 ? color_falling : (disp_select ? na :
plot(high_pivot, color = color_high, offset = -len / 2)
plot(low_pivot, color = color_low, offset = -len / 2)
/////// Signal Trendline breaks ///////
plotshape(do_alerts ? (long_break ? close : na) : na, title = "cross_high",
style = shape.triangleup, size = size.small, location =
color = color.lime, transp = 0)
plotshape(do_alerts ? (short_break ? close : na) : na, title = "cross_low",
style = shape.triangledown, size = size.small, location =
color = color.fuchsia, transp = 0)

/////// Color bars on breaks ///////

barcolor(do_alerts ? (long_break ? color.lime : short_break ? color.fuchsia : na) :

/////// Alerts ///////

// for TV free users
alertcondition(long_break or short_break, title = "trendline break", message =
"trendline break: {{close}}")
// for TV PRO users
alertcondition(long_break, title = "trendline break up", message = "trendline
break up: {{close}}")
alertcondition(short_break,title = "trendline break down", message = "trendline
break down: {{close}}")

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