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Analyze and Illustrate Project Planning

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Analyze and Illustrate Project planning and designing process

Table of Contents
Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2Objectives of the study .............................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Methodology ............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.4 Limitations ................................................................................................................................................ 4
2.1 An Overview of Project Planning and designing: ...................................................................................... 4
2.2.1Project designing process ................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Project Management in Bangladesh: ........................................................................................................ 6
3.1.2 Constitutional Role: ........................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.3 Project Planning Tools ........................................................................................................................ 6
3.1.4 Outcome on plannig prcoess and desinging ...................................................................................... 7
4.1 why needed project planning and designing ............................................................................................ 8
5.1 Planning and designing a mega project in Bangladesh............................................................................. 9
5.1.2 MEGA Projects ................................................................................................................................. 10
Main Bridge Completed: 81% ................................................................................................................... 11
5.1.3 Structure of Ministry of Planning: ....................................................................................................... 11
6.1 Steps in creating an effective project plan .............................................................................................. 13
6.1.2 key components of a project planning and designing Equation ...................................................... 13
7.1 Measures to Overcome........................................................................................................................... 15
8.1 Conclusion............................................................................................................................................... 16
References .................................................................................................................................................... 17

ADP Annual Development Programme

FY Fiscal year

IMED Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation division

GOB Government of Bangladesh

PC Planning Commission

NEC National economic council

ECNEC Executive committee of the national economic council WBS

Evaluate Work Breakdown Structure

IMED Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division
EIA An Environmental Impact Assessment
FD Finance Division
FID Financial Institutions Division
IRD Internal Resources Division
SPI Equation for Schedule Performance Index CPI
Equation for Cost Performance Index

The success of any project hinges on meticulous planning and thoughtful design. This assignment
delves into the crucial aspects of project planning and designing, aiming to provide a
comprehensive understanding of their significance and the strategies involved. The assignment
begins by elucidating the fundamental concepts of project planning, highlighting its role in

defining project scope, objectives, and deliverables. It explores various methodologies and tools
employed in project planning, emphasizing the importance of accurate resource allocation, risk
assessment, and timeline creation. Strategies for fostering creativity and innovation within the
design process are discussed, with an emphasis on user-centric approaches that prioritize
functionality, aesthetics, and usability. Furthermore, the assignment explores the iterative nature of
both planning and design, underscoring the need for continuous refinement and adaptation as
projects evolve. Collaboration and communication among multidisciplinary teams are highlighted
as pivotal for successful project outcomes, and strategies for fostering effective teamwork are
examined. In conclusion, this assignment aims to equip students with a holistic perspective on
project planning and designing. By delving into the intricacies of these phases, students can
develop the skills necessary to navigate the challenges of real-world projects and contribute to the
creation of well-executed, innovative, and successful endeavors. Anning and designing are crucial
initial phases that lay the groundwork for a project's success.

1.1 Introduction
Project planning and designing constitute the foundational phases of any successful endeavor, be
it a construction project, a software development venture, or even a creative artistic endeavor.
These preliminary stages are pivotal in setting the course for the entire project's lifecycle, guiding
its execution, and ultimately determining its outcomes. In the realm of project management,
planning and designing serve as the compass and map that guide teams through the intricate
landscape of tasks, resources, timelines, and potential obstacles. In this assignment, we delve into
the multifaceted world of project planning and designing, aiming to dissect and illuminate the key
elements, methodologies, and considerations that underpin these processes. We will explore the
systematic approaches and strategic thinking required to transform an abstract concept into a
welldefined roadmap for accomplishment. By analyzing real-world examples and established
frameworks, we will uncover how organizations and individuals navigate the intricate interplay
between envisioning a project's goals and meticulously plotting the course to achieve them.
Throughout this exploration, we will emphasize the significance of aligning project objectives with
overarching business or creative goals, understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholders,
allocating resources judiciously, and accounting for uncertainties that can potentially disrupt the
project's trajectory. Furthermore, we will discuss the iterative nature of project planning and
designing, acknowledging the dynamic nature of projects and the need for continuous adaptation
to changing circumstances. In the subsequent sections, we will traverse the stages of project
planning and designing, from defining the project scope and objectives to developing
comprehensive work breakdown structures, scheduling activities, and assessing risks. We will also
delve into the creative aspects of designing, where aesthetics, functionality, and user experience
converge to shape the final product or outcome. By the end of this analysis, you will have gained

insights into the intricate dance between meticulous planning and innovative design, essential
elements for turning aspirations into reality within the complex landscape of project management.

1.2Objectives of the study

• Define the project scope that identifying the goals of the project, the deliverables, and the
constraints (e.g., budget, time, resources).
• Create a work breakdown structure (WBS)that is a hierarchical decomposition of the
project into smaller, more manageable tasks.
• Estimate the time and resources required for each task and help you create a project
schedule and budget.
• Identify and mitigate risks which includes identifying potential problems that could occur
during the project and developing plans to prevent or minimize their impact.
• Communicate the project plan to all stakeholders which will help ensure that everyone is
on the same page and that the project can be executed smoothly.
• Monitor and control the project, tracking progress, identifying, and addressing problems,
and adjusting the plan as needed.

1.3 Methodology
To prepare this assignment, I mainly used secondary sources of data. Like- Journals, Websites,
Published Books & related articles.

1.4 Limitations
When I prepare this assignment I faced some complications, such as limited time, technical
problem and practical problem depending on secondary sources, lack of information etc. but this
limitation does not affect in my assignment.

2.1 An Overview of Project Planning and designing:

Defining a Project
The term "project" originates from the Latin word "premiere," meaning to throw forth or imagine.
A project refers to an activity aimed at creating a unique product or service. Routine activities do
not qualify as projects. A project is temporary, distinct, and progressive, undertaken to produce a
tangible or intangible result—such as a unique product, service, benefit, or competitive advantage.

It involves a series of interconnected tasks planned for execution over a specific timeframe,
adhering to requirements and constraints like cost, quality, and performance.
Project Management
Project management involves initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and concluding team
efforts to achieve specific goals and meet success criteria within a defined time frame. It is a
structured approach to managing projects effectively. Project management can be described as a
process aimed at achieving project objectives within allocated time and cost, at the desired
performance level, using available resources efficiently. (Aminu zaman, 1992).

2.2.1Project designing process

Understanding Project Planning

Project planning is a crucial step in project management. It entails creating necessary
documentation to ensure the successful completion of a project. This documentation covers actions
needed to define, prepare, integrate, and coordinate various plans. The project plan outlines how
the project will be executed, monitored, controlled, and finalized.

Role of Project Planning

Project planning is an integral aspect of project management, involving the use of tools like Gantt
charts to plan and report project progress. It is a discipline that outlines how a project will be
accomplished within a specified timeframe, often with distinct stages and allocated resources.
Project Designing Definition
Project designing refers to the systematic process of conceptualizing, planning, and outlining the
structure, components, and elements of a project to achieve specific goals and objectives. It
involves translating the project's scope and requirements into a detailed blueprint that guides its
implementation. Project designing encompasses the identification of key tasks, resources,
timelines, and deliverables necessary to transform a concept or idea into a tangible outcome.

3.1 Project Management in Bangladesh:

Bangladesh, one of the world's least developed nations, heavily relies on foreign aid for its survival.
Government machinery oversees most development programs and projects through the Annual
Development Program (ADP). This powerful tool has been in use since the period of Pakistan.

In 1956, a Provincial Planning Board was established, later renamed as the East Pakistan Planning
Department. It played a role in formulating investment programs and negotiating for resources.
The Planning Commission emerged from the Planning Cell established by the Bangladesh
Government in exile during the 1971 war of independence. The Planning Commission now serves
as Bangladesh's central planning agency.

3.1.2 Constitutional Role:

According to Article 15 of the constitution, "planned economic growth" is a constitutional
obligation for the Government of Bangladesh. The state is responsible for achieving constant
growth in productive forces and improving citizens' material and cultural standards of living. This
includes providing necessities such as food, clothing, shelter, education, and medical care.

3.1.3 Project Planning Tools

Effective project planning tools are essential for keeping project requirements and deadlines
organized. Here are some widely used tools:

Gantt Chart

Gantt charts are industry-standard tools that visualize task timelines and dependencies. They
efficiently display project phases, tasks, and resource allocation.
Critical Path Method (CPM)

CPM is vital for monitoring project progress and schedule adherence. It identifies the critical path
by determining the longest sequence of dependent tasks.
PERT Chart (Program Evaluation and Review Technique)

PERT simplifies planning for complex projects by analyzing tasks and estimating their completion
times. It aids in comprehensive project scheduling. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
The WBS divides project tasks into manageable sections, enhancing team organization. It creates
a hierarchical structure of project deliverables.
Project documentation, including scope, schedule, and risk analysis, is created throughout the
project lifecycle. These documents aid in understanding and managing project risks effectively.
These tools collectively streamline project management, ensuring efficient planning, execution,
and risk mitigation.

3.1.4 Outcome on plannig prcoess and desinging

4.1 why needed project planning and designing
Project planning and designing are crucial stages in the successful execution of any project,
whether it is a software development project, a construction project, a marketing campaign, or any
other endeavor. Let us break down the key points of why project planning and designing are
essential, along with examples for each point:
1. Clarity of Goals and Objectives: Effective project planning defines the project's purpose,
goals, and objectives. It provides a clear roadmap for what needs to be achieved.
Example: In a software development project, the goal might be to create a mobile app that
simplifies task management for busy professionals.
2. Resource Allocation: Planning ensures that the right resources (human, financial,
technological) are allocated appropriately to meet project requirements.
Example: In a construction project, resource allocation involves determining the number of
workers, equipment, and materials needed for each phase of building a new office complex.
3. Time Management: A well-thought-out plan sets deadlines and milestones, helping manage
time effectively and avoid delays.
Example: In event management, creating a timeline for tasks like venue booking, vendor selection,
and marketing ensures everything is ready for the grand opening.
4. Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Project planning identifies potential risks and establishes
strategies to mitigate them, reducing the chances of unexpected setbacks.

Example: Launching a new product involves risk assessment for factors such as market
competition, changing consumer preferences, and supply chain disruptions.
5. Stakeholder Engagement: Planning ensures that stakeholders' expectations are considered
and that communication strategies are in place.
Example: A city infrastructure project involving road improvements needs to consider the concerns
of residents, local businesses, and commuters to minimize disruptions.
In summary, project planning and designing are essential because they provide a structured
approach for achieving project goals, managing resources, mitigating risks, and ensuring
successful project execution. Examples across various domains illustrate how these principles are
applied in practice to achieve successful outcomes.

5.1 Planning and designing a mega project in Bangladesh

The Padma Bridge project in Bangladesh
The Padma Bridge project in Bangladesh serves as a remarkable example of meticulous project
planning and innovative design in the realm of infrastructure development. This mega project
involves the construction of a multi-purpose road-rail bridge over the Padma River, connecting the
southern districts of Bangladesh with the capital city, Dhaka. The project planning and designing
process for the Padma Bridge can be outlined as follows:
Project Initiation and Feasibility Study:

• The need for improved connectivity between southern regions and Dhaka was identified.
• A comprehensive feasibility study was conducted, assessing technical, economic, social,
and environmental factors to determine project viability.
Project Scope Definition:

• The scope was defined, specifying the bridge's length, width, purpose (road and rail), and
key design considerations.
Stakeholder Engagement:

• Engagement with stakeholders, including government agencies, local communities, and

international partners, to understand their needs and expectations.
Design and Engineering:

• Detailed engineering designs were created, incorporating structural engineering, hydraulic
studies, and geotechnical assessments.
• Design optimization was considered to ensure structural integrity, durability, and
Environmental Impact Assessment:

• An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was conducted to identify potential ecological

and social impacts and develop mitigation measures.
Resource Allocation and Budgeting:

• Resource allocation, including funding, manpower, and construction materials, was

carefully planned, and budgeted to ensure efficient execution.
Risk Assessment and Mitigation:

• Comprehensive risk assessments were performed to identify potential challenges such as

river dynamics, soil conditions, and adverse weather events.
• Mitigation strategies were developed to manage and minimize these risks.

Construction and Quality Control:

• Construction commenced according to the project schedule, with regular quality control
measures to ensure adherence to design standards.
Monitoring and Reporting:

The Padma Bridge project exemplifies the complexity of project planning and designing,
showcasing how a combination of meticulous planning, stakeholder engagement, innovative
design, and adaptive management can contribute to the successful execution of a mega
infrastructure project.

5.1.2 MEGA Projects

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Construction of 6.15 km. long Padma Multipurpose Bridge at Mawa-Kanjira: The Padma Bridge
is a multipurpose road-rail bridge across the Padma River under construction in Bangladesh.
Padma Bridge is the most challenging construction project in the history of Bangladesh. The
twolevel steel truss bridge will carry a four-lane highway on the upper level and a single-track
railway on a lower level. With 150 m span, 6150 m total length and 18.10 m width it is going to
be the largest bridge in the Padma-Brahmaputra-Meghna River basins of country in terms of both
span and the total length. Ministry/Division/Agency: Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges,
Bridges Division, Bangladesh Bridge Authority
Project Progress: 71%

Main Bridge Completed: 81%

Construction of about 26 km. long Dhaka Elevated Expressway
Construction of Dhaka-Chittagong expressway and upgradation of Dhaka-Chittagong highway to
4-6 lane.
Completion of the following high Priority Mega Projects:
Deep Sea Port Project; MRT-6 project; LNG terminal project; Para Port Project; Roper Nuclear
Power Plant Project; Rampal Coal Power Project; Malabari Coal Power Project, Khan Jahan Ali
Airport Project
Delta plan
The government has cleared the Delta Plan 2100 as a long-term strategy to prevent floods and soil
erosion, manage rivers and wastes, and supply water throughout the century. The government is
calling ‘hotspots’ the places that have been prioritized in the plan, The six hotspots are the coastal
areas, Varendra or Barend and drought-prone areas, Haor or back swamps and flood-prone areas,
hilly areas, river and estuaries region and urban areas.

5.1.3 Structure of Ministry of Planning:

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Ministry of Planning

Planning Division Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation

Division (IMED)

Administration Statistics NEC, ECNEC

Figure 3: Structure of Ministry of Planning

5.1.4 Nexus among All Institution in Project Planning:


Finance Division

Planning Commission
Ministries/ Divisions Economic Relation Division

IMED Internal Resources Division

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BIDS Planning and Development Academy
Figure 2: Institutional linkage of Planning Commission

6.1 Steps in creating an effective project plan

Step 1: Define Clear Project Goals

Begin by working with stakeholders to establish precise project objectives, deadlines, and criteria
for success. Understand how success will be measured upon completion.
Step 2: Identify Implementation Approach

Determine project deliverables, the timeline for completion, and the necessary resources. Consider
the project's uniqueness and potential risks it might encounter.
Step 3: Efficiently Plan Project Tasks

Break the project into smaller tasks, estimating the time and resources required for each. Establish
task dependencies to create a logical workflow.
Step 4: Utilize Project Management Software

Implement your plan using user-friendly project management software. Keep stakeholders
informed about task assignments, deadlines, and overall progress.
Step 5: Allocate Resources
Identify and allocate essential resources, including budget, tools, and team members needed for
successful execution.
Step 6: Define Roles and Responsibilities
Clearly define roles for project participants, such as project managers, stakeholders, business
experts, and the project team. This ensures everyone knows their responsibilities.
Step 7: Establish Communication Channels

Hold a kickoff meeting to discuss project vision, role assignments, budget, reporting methods, and
real-time communication strategies. This promotes collaboration and understanding. Each step
contributes to a well-structured and comprehensive project plan, leading to smoother project
execution and successful outcomes.

6.1.2 key components of a project planning and designing Equation

Review Project Objectives and Scope

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Evaluate the clarity of project objectives using the SMART criteria:
Specificity: Are the objectives well-defined?
Measurability: Can progress be quantified?
Achievability: Are the objectives realistic and attainable?
Relevance: Are the objectives aligned with the project's purpose?
Time-bound: Are there clear deadlines for achieving objectives?
Cost and Budget Analysis:

Evaluate Cost Performance using Earned Value Management: Cost

Performance Index (CPI) = Earned Value (EV) / Actual Cost (AC)
Calculate Cost Variance to assess budget adherence:
Cost Variance (CV) = Earned Value (EV) - Actual Cost (AC)
6.1.3 Designing Equation

Designing equations related to project planning involves creating formulas that quantify various
aspects of the planning process. Here are some equations you can consider for your analysis of
project planning and design:

Equation for Critical Path Calculation

Critical Path Duration = Sum of durations of tasks in the Critical Path

This equation identifies the longest path through the project network diagram, determining the
shortest project duration.
Equation for Earned Value Analysis

Earned Value (EV) = % Complete * Total Planned Value (PV)

This equation measures project progress by comparing the percentage of completed work against
the planned value.
Equation for Cost Performance Index (CPI)

CPI = Earned Value (EV) / Actual Cost (AC)

This equation assesses cost efficiency by comparing the value of work completed to the actual cost

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Equation for Schedule Performance Index (SPI)

SPI = Earned Value (EV) / Planned Value (PV)

This equation evaluates schedule efficiency by comparing the value of work completed to the
planned value.

7.1 Measures to Overcome

Political Stability

In a country facing political instability, projects can be planned with input from all major political
parties to ensure consensus. For instance, a development project could involve representatives
from different parties in its planning committee to ensure cooperation.
Implementing transparent procurement processes and adopting a zero-tolerance policy for
corruption can curb unethical practices. For instance, using an online bidding system for contracts
and establishing an independent anti-corruption body can help maintain integrity.
Focus on Outcome rather than Output

Instead of merely completing infrastructure projects, focus on the actual impact on people's lives.
For example, a road construction project should consider how it improves connectivity for
communities, leading to increased economic activities and access to services.
Fiscal Year Change

Shifting the fiscal year to start after the rainy season, such as October, can ensure that construction
projects are not hindered by adverse weather conditions. This can lead to more efficient project

Changing Tender System

Moving from a politically influenced tender system to a merit-based system can ensure fair
competition and reduce the negative impact of political interference. Implementing an independent
oversight body can ensure transparency.
Importance of Research and Intelligence

Governments can utilize research findings from NGOs and other organizations to improve project
planning. For instance, if research identifies gaps in community participation, the government can
take corrective actions to involve citizens in decision-making. Remember, the examples provided
are illustrative, and actual implementation would require careful consideration of the specific
context and circumstances of each project and the environment it operates in.

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8.1 Conclusion
In conclusion, project planning and designing are the cornerstones of successful project execution,
providing the blueprint and direction for achieving project goals. The intricate interplay between
meticulous planning, innovative design, and effective execution plays a pivotal role in realizing
the desired outcomes. Through a systematic approach that encompasses defining clear objectives,
allocating resources judiciously, managing risks proactively, and fostering stakeholder
engagement, projects can navigate complexities and challenges effectively. As the global landscape
continues to evolve, the significance of project planning and designing remains constant. Whether
in the context of small-scale initiatives or large-scale ventures, these processes provide the strategic
framework to navigate uncertainties and dynamic conditions, ensuring that objectives are met,
resources are optimized, and stakeholders are satisfied. In the dynamic world of project
management, equipping individuals with a holistic perspective on project planning and designing
is essential. This understanding empowers them to tackle real-world challenges, contribute to
innovative solutions, and play a pivotal role in driving successful endeavors across various

16 | P a g e
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Cohn, M. (2005). Agile Estimating and Planning. upper sadda river ,NJ: Pearson Education.
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Islam, S. N. (January ,2012). Padma Bridge in Bangladesh -An Opportunity and Challenges for Char-Land
Livelihoods Sustainability: A Case Study on Char-Janajat in the Ganges Active Delta. 7-12.

Sutherland, J. (2014). The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time. New York,NY: Currency.

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