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Journal of

Marine Science
and Engineering

Validation and Application of a New Software Tool
Implementing the PISA Design Methodology
Ronald Brinkgreve 1,2, *, Diego Lisi 2 , Miquel Lahoz 2 and Stavros Panagoulias 3
1 CiTG, Geo-Engineering Section, Delft University of Technology, 2628 CN Delft, The Netherlands
2 Plaxis–A Bentley Systems company, 2628 XK Delft, The Netherlands; (D.L.); (M.L.)
3 Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, 2595 BN Den Haag, The Netherlands;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +31-15-278-4011

Received: 15 May 2020; Accepted: 16 June 2020; Published: 21 June 2020 

Abstract: The PISA (Pile Soil Analysis) research project has resulted in a new methodology for the
design of offshore wind turbine monopile foundations. A new software tool called PLAXIS Monopile
Designer (MoDeTo) has been developed that automates the PISA design methodology. It facilitates
the calibration of the so-called soil reaction curves by automated three-dimensional finite element
calculations and it allows for a quick design of monopiles using the calibrated soil reaction curves in
a one-dimensional finite element model based on Timoshenko beam theory. The monopile design
approach has been validated for sand- and clay-type soils which are common in North Sea soil
deposits. The paper presents a validation exercise based on the PISA research project proposal of a
rule-based parametric model—General Dunkirk Sand Model (GDSM)—for Dunkirk sand as well as
an application of the tool for a project involving an offshore wind turbine on a monopile foundation in
sandy layered soil in which the PISA design is compared to the conventional API design. The paper
concludes with a discussion of the results and the differences between the various methods.

Keywords: PISA methodology; monopile; offshore wind; validation; software; PLAXIS

1. Introduction
In the last decade, offshore wind has proven to become a viable option in the transition from fossil
to renewable energy sources. Given the relatively shallow depth of the southern part of the North Sea,
monopiles are the most favorable and cost-effective type of wind turbine foundations, and the further
evolution beyond XL monopiles will extend their applicability to larger wind turbines and potentially
deeper water depths in the future.
The PISA (Pile Soil Analysis) joint industry research project [1–3] has led to an innovative design
methodology for monopiles. In contrast to conventional design methods, it takes account of the
positive effects of large diameter piles when subjected to bending moment and lateral loading at the top.
Within the PISA method distinction is made between numerical-based design (NBD) and rule-based design
(RBD). In the former, three-dimensional (3D) finite element calculations are performed to calibrate soil
reactions within a given design space or calibration space (range of lengths, diameters, and other design
parameters). The calibrated soil reactions, representing particular soil types or ground profiles, are
then used alongside a one-dimensional (1D) Timoshenko beam model with Winkler spring supports,
to perform site-specific design optimizations. Alternatively, the PISA method allows for the RBD, in
which pre-calibrated soil reactions for different soil types are used; the latter is mostly used in concept
design studies.

J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 457; doi:10.3390/jmse8060457

J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 457 2 of 17

In collaboration with the University of Oxford, the PISA design methodology was implemented in
a validated software tool called PLAXIS Monopile Designer or Monopile Design Tool (MoDeTo) [4–6].
This tool automates the creation and calculation of 3D finite element models and the process of
calibrating soil reaction curves, and it facilitates the quick design optimization by means of a 1D finite
element beam model using the calibrated soil reaction curves.
Meanwhile, the PISA research group has worked on a dedicated soil model for Dunkirk sand,
the General Dunkirk Sand Model (GDSM) [7]. This 1D model, consisting of a set of rule-based
parameterized soil reaction curves, validated for various relative densities, is supposed to form a good
representation of sandy soil layers in the southern part of the North-Sea. The GDSM is used in the
first part of this paper to validate the monopile designer for sandy soils. The second part of this paper
describes a practical application involving a wind turbine on a monopile foundation in a sandy layered
seabed. The paper ends with a discussion of the results and conclusions.

2. Method
According to the PISA design methodology, soil reaction curves are defined as four-parameter
conic functions in which the parameters are depth-dependent. There are four types of soil reactions:
(1) lateral stress along the shaft, (2) bending moment along the shaft as a result of opposite shear stress
in the front and rear side of the pile, (3) shear stress at the base, and (4) bending moment as a result of
normal stress distribution at the base. Hence a total of 16 depth-dependent parameters are defined in
terms of depth variation functions (dvf’s). In the NBD, the determination and calibration of the dvf’s
is based on a series of 3D finite element calculations and the requirement that the area between the
load-displacement curve from the 3D finite element models and the curve from the corresponding 1D
Timoshenko beam model with soil reactions, is minimized using a two-step optimization procedure
(first-stage calibration + correction). The optimization is based on normalized soil reaction curves. For
details on the optimization method and corresponding accuracy metric η, reference is made to Byrne et
al. 2019 [8]. The finite element models shall cover a range of monopile dimensions with variations in
height above mudline where the load is applied (h), embedment depth (L), outer diameter (Dout ), and
wall thickness (t). This so-called calibration space or design space is used to provide some flexibility in
optimizing the final design while ensuring the validity of the calibrated soil reactions, as long as the
final design is within this space.

3. Validation of Monopile Designer for Dunkirk Sand

In the first part of this contribution we consider the validation of the monopile designer based on
the Sand modelling framework as described in Burd et al. [7], for which sandy soils with a relative density
(Dr ) in the range 45% ≤ Dr ≤ 90% were considered. Burd et al. describe the General Dunkirk Sand Model
(GDSM) as a collection of soil reactions in which the coefficients in the dvf’s have been expressed in
terms of Dr . The GDSM has been validated for monopiles with an L/D ratio in the range 2–6 and a h/D
ratio in the range 5–15.
For our validation of the monopile designer we consider Dunkirk sand with a relative density of
75%. As a reference, we use the soil reactions based on the GDSM for Dr = 75%, backed by the original
3D finite element calculations used for the calibration/validation of the GDSM with the Critical State
constitutive model for sand by Taborda et al. [9]. The soil profile as defined in the monopile designer is
listed in Table 1. For the Numerical Based Design (NBD), this soil profile was translated into a single
soil layer when generating the PLAXIS 3D finite element models, using the Hardening Soil small-strain
(HSsmall) model by Benz [10] with drained (effective) parameters as listed in Table 2. Parameter
values are mostly based on correlations by Brinkgreve et al. [11], considering Dr = 75%. The HSsmall
parameter set was tested under drained triaxial compression test conditions at initial isotropic stresses
of 50, 100, 150, and 400 kN/m2 , and the stress–strain behavior was compared with triaxial test data
on Dunkirk sand with an initial void ratio of e0 ≈ 0.64 (Dr ≈ 75%) from the PISA project, digitized
from [9]. A dilatancy cut-off was imposed at a maximum void ratio of 0.72, equivalent to a volumetric
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 457 3 of 17

strain (expansion) of nearly 5%, to account for Critical State. Results of the triaxial test simulations
(HSsmall ###) in comparison with digitized lab test data (DTXC-###-64) are shown in Figure 1, where
### indicates the corresponding initial isotropic stress in kN/m2 . Although HSsmall does not capture
the softening behavior, the overall stress and strain response is quite accurate for these test conditions.
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, x 4 of 17

Figure 1.
Figure 1. Triaxial test results
Triaxial test results for
for HSsmall
HSsmall model
model in
in comparison
comparison with
with PISA
PISA (Pile
(Pile Soil
Soil Analysis)
Analysis) data,
digitized from
digitized from [9].

Table 1. Soil profile, as defined in the monopile designer, representing Dunkirk sand with Dr = 75%.

Top (m) Bottom (m) γ0 (kN/m3 ) G0,mid (MN/m2 ) ϕ0 (◦ ) Ψ (◦ ) K0 (-)

0 −90 10.09 205.3 39 9 0.37
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 457 4 of 17

Table 2. Parameters of the Hardening Soil small-strain (HSsmall) model, representing Dunkirk sand
with Dr = 75%.

Parameter Symbol Value Unit

Effective unit weight γ0 10.09 kN/m3
Reference secant stiffness in triaxial compression E50 ref 45,000 kN/m2
Reference tangent stiffness in primary oedometric loading Eoed ref 45,000 kN/m2
Reference triaxial unloading/reloading stiffness Eur ref 135,000 kN/m2
Stress-dependency of stiffness m 0.5 -
Effective cohesion c0 0.1 kN/m2
Effective friction angle ϕ0 39 ◦

Dilatancy angle Ψ 9.0 ◦

Strain at which G has reduced to 70% γ0.7 0.000125 -

Reference small-strain shear modulus G0 ref 194,000 kN/m2
Reference stress pref 100 kN/m2
Unloading/reloading Poisson’s ratio νur 0.2 -
K0 stress ratio in normally consolidated condition K0 nc 0.3707 -
Friction ratio Rf 0.906 -
Tensile strength σt 0.0 kN/m2

An important parameter is the small-strain shear modulus G0 . In the HSsmall model, this parameter
is stress-dependent and hence depth-dependent. With a reference value G0 ref = 194,000 kN/m2 for
a reference confining pressure of 100 kN/m2 this will give the G0 -profile as depicted in Figure 2.
The G0 -profile is plotted over digitized data from [9]. It can be concluded that the modelled G0 -profiles
J. quite
Mar. similar.
Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, x 5 of 17

Figure 2.
Figure 2. G
-profile from
from the
the HSsmall
HSsmall model,
model, in
in comparison
comparison with
with [9].

To assure sufficient data, far into the nonlinear range of soil reactions, a lateral prescribed
displacement vmax is applied at the top of the pile (z = h) such that at mudline level (z = 0) a lateral
displacement around 0.2 times the pile diameter is obtained in the last calculation phase.

Table 3. Calibration space for validation case.

Model h (m) L (m) Dout (m) h/D (-) L/D (-) t (m) vmax (m)
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 457 5 of 17

To calibrate the soil reaction curves, a calibration space with nine models was defined, with design
parameter combinations as listed in Table 3. This calibration space was chosen after a preliminary
analysis in which the h/D-range and L/D-range were investigated. It is narrower than what was
considered for the GDSM development. Our observation is that using a narrow h/D and L/D range in
the calibration space produces more accurate soil reaction curves. In practice, designers generally have
a good feel for appropriate monopile dimensions, so ranges can be narrow.

Table 3. Calibration space for validation case.

Model h (m) L (m) Dout (m) h/D (-) L/D (-) t (m) vmax (m)
1 50 20 10.0 5.0 2.0 0.091 9.9
2 75 20 10.0 7.5 2.0 0.091 14.0
3 100 40 10.0 10.0 4.0 0.091 7.8
4 75 40 10.0 7.5 4.0 0.091 10.8
5 25 10 5.0 5.0 2.0 0.045 5.1
6 25 20 5.0 5.0 4.0 0.045 4.3
7 50 20 5.0 10.0 4.0 0.045 6.1
8 75 15 7.5 10.0 2.0 0.068 7.5
9 37.5 30 7.5 5.0 4.0 0.068 6.0

To assure sufficient data, far into the nonlinear range of soil reactions, a lateral prescribed
displacement vmax is applied at the top of the pile (z = h) such that at mudline level (z = 0) a lateral
displacement around 0.2 times the pile diameter is obtained in the last calculation phase.
The finite element models generated by the monopile designer are optimized in terms of element
mesh and calculation steps such that an accurate solution is obtained within an acceptable calculation
time. For details on the choices made in the automated model generation, the reference is made to the
PLAXIS MoDeTo manual [4]. Only one symmetric half of the 3D geometry is modelled. The mesh
consists of quadratic 10-node tetrahedral soil elements and six-node MITC6 shell elements for the steel
pile wall. Steel properties are defined by linear elastic behavior with Young’s modulus E = 200·106
kN/m2 and Poisson’s ratio ν = 0.3. Between the pile wall and the soil and at the pile base, 12-node
interface elements are used to model soil-structure interaction and to ‘collect’ the soil reactions. In
absence of softening and Critical State behavior, the wall friction angle in the interface elements is
assumed 29◦ and the dilatancy angle 0◦ . One of the used finite element models is shown in Figure 3.
Each model calculation consists of four calculation phases; each calculation is performed according
to small-deformation theory and in all calculations the soil behavior is assumed drained: (Phase 1)
setting up the initial stress state; (Phase 2) activating the monopile; (Phase 3) applying prescribed
displacement for small displacement solution (0.001·vmax ); (Phase 4) applying prescribed displacement
for large displacement solution (vmax ). It is the idea that Phase 3 provides accurate data to calibrate the
small-strain response, which is needed for any Fatigue Limit State (FLS) design criterion, while Phase
4 provides data to calibrate the large strain response and bearing capacity, which is needed for any
Ultimate Limit State (ULS) design criterion.
(Phase 1) setting up the initial stress state; (Phase 2) activating the monopile; (Phase 3) applying
prescribed displacement for small displacement solution (0.001·vmax); (Phase 4) applying prescribed
displacement for large displacement solution (vmax). It is the idea that Phase 3 provides accurate data
to calibrate the small-strain response, which is needed for any Fatigue Limit State (FLS) design
J.criterion, while
Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020,Phase
8, 457 4 provides data to calibrate the large strain response and bearing capacity,
6 of 17
which is needed for any Ultimate Limit State (ULS) design criterion.

Figure 3. Finite element mesh of Model 1.

Figure 3. Finite element mesh of Model 1.
4. Validation Results
4. Validation Results
Figure 4 shows load-displacement curves (lateral reaction force due to prescribed displacement
versus lateral
Figure displacement
4 shows at mudlinecurves
load-displacement level to a maximum
(lateral reactionofforce
duefrom two of thedisplacement
to prescribed Models 1–9
(Model 1 and 3);
versus lateral a complete at
displacement overview
to is shown in Appendix
a maximum A, with
of 0.1·D) from twoanofindication
the Models of the
(Model 1metric
and 3);η afor each 3Doverview
complete model and ofthe corresponding
results is shown in 1DAppendix
model; both for small
A, with (FLS) andof
an indication large
metric η for Each graph
each 3D shows
model and(1)
thethe curves from the
corresponding 1D3D finiteboth
model; element calculations
for small (3Dlarge
(FLS) and FE),
(2) the 1D
(ULS) calculations Each
displacements. from graph
the monopile designer
shows (1) with the
the curves fromcalibrated soil reactions
the 3D finite element based on the(3D
calculations 3D
finite element
FE), (2) the 1Dmodels (1D Calibrated),
calculations and (3) the
from the monopile 1D calculations
designer from the monopile
with the calibrated designer
soil reactions basedwithon
soil reactions
the 3D according
finite element to the(1D
models GDSM as a reference
Calibrated), and (3) solution (1D GDSM).
the 1D calculations Moreover,
from the results
the monopile designerfor
with soil1 also include
reactions a comparison
according with digitized
to the GDSM data from
as a reference the original
solution (1D GDSM). GDSM calculation
Moreover, the for the
same case (Model
for Model 1  C1) by
1 also include the PISA research
a comparison team [7], data
with digitized whichfrom
validates the GDSM
the original GDSM implementation
calculation forin
the monopile
same case designer.
(Model 1 ≅ C1) by the PISA research team [7], which validates the GDSM
We can discover
implementation in thesome trendsdesigner.
monopile in the curves.

1. Overall, the small displacement solutions of the calibrated 1D models (1D Calibrated) are similar
as the corresponding 3D finite element solutions (3D FE), whereas they are conservative compared
to the GDSM solutions (1D GDSM).
2. For large displacements, the 1D Calibrated solutions are more ‘curved’ than the corresponding
3D FE solutions. In most cases, this results in a higher load in the mid displacement range, but
also a ‘bearing capacity’ at maximum displacement that is closer to the corresponding 3D FE
solution (some are even lower).
3. For large displacements, the 3D FE solutions overall show a lower stiffness and bearing capacity
compared to the GDSM solutions, but the corresponding 1D Calibrated solutions are generally
closer to GDSM solutions.
4. Following points 2 and 3 (for large displacements), distinction can be made between the lower
and higher L/D ratios: for the higher L/D ratios (L/D = 4; Models 3, 4, 6, 7, and 9), the 1D Calibrated
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 457 7 of 17

solutions tend to be stiffer than the 3D FE solutions and show a better correspondence to the
GDSM solutions than for the lower L/D ratios (L/D = 2; Models 1, 2, 5, and 8). A further nuance
for the low L/D ratios can be seen in that the 1D Calibrated solutions tend to be better (at least in
terms of bearing capacity) for larger diameter piles (Models 1 and 2).
5. No clear trend can be observed with respect to the h/D ratio.

J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, x 7 of 17

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Load-displacementcurves for
curves Model
for 1 (a,b)
Model Model
1 (a,b) 3 (c,d) as
and Model listedasinlisted
3 (c,d) Tablein3.Table
Results from
3. Results
the other models are available in Appendix A.
from the other models are available in Appendix A.

We can discover
A further analysissome trendsthat
revealed in the
the curves.
calibration of soil reaction curves, based on a simple two-step
parameterization (first-stage calibration + correction), may not be accurate enough and may require a
1. Overall, the small displacement solutions of the calibrated 1D models (1D Calibrated) are similar
moreasrefined parameter optimization.
the corresponding To improve
3D finite element this, the(3D
solutions so-called second-stage
FE), whereas they optimization might
are conservative
be implemented
compared to inthethe calibration
GDSM procedure
solutions [7,8]. This improvement could reduce the curvature of
(1D GDSM).
2. For large displacements, the 1D Calibratedmatch
the 1D Calibrated curves, such that they better the 3D
solutions areFE curves,
more although
‘curved’ thanthey will be generally
the corresponding
on the conservative side compared to the GDSM solutions (just like the 3D FE solutions),
3D FE solutions. In most cases, this results in a higher load in the mid displacement range, at least
also aconsolidated stress states.
‘bearing capacity’ at maximum displacement that is closer to the corresponding 3D FE
solution (some are even lower).
5. Application Case: 11 MW Wind Turbine in the North Sea
3. For large displacements, the 3D FE solutions overall show a lower stiffness and bearing capacity
In this section
compared weGDSM
to the describe a realistic
solutions, butcase involving a 11 MW
the corresponding wind turbine
1D Calibrated at a particular
solutions site in
are generally
the North
closer Sea, dominated
to GDSM by sandy layered soil, for which the ground conditions apply as listed in
4. 4 and shown in Figure
points 2 and 35.(for large displacements), distinction can be made between the lower
and higher L/D ratios: for the higher L/D ratios (L/D = 4; Models 3, 4, 6, 7, and 9), the 1D
Calibrated solutions tend to be stiffer than the 3D FE solutions and show a better correspondence
to the GDSM solutions than for the lower L/D ratios (L/D = 2; Models 1, 2, 5, and 8). A further
nuance for the low L/D ratios can be seen in that the 1D Calibrated solutions tend to be better (at
least in terms of bearing capacity) for larger diameter piles (Models 1 and 2).
5. No clear trend can be observed with respect to the h/D ratio.
A further analysis revealed that the calibration of soil reaction curves, based on a simple two-
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 457 8 of 17

Table 4. Soil strata and corresponding relative density (DR ) and over-consolidation ratio (OCR) at the
project site.

Top (m) Bottom (m) DR (%) OCR (-)

0 −2 82 1.0
−2 −3.9 65 10.0
−3.9 −6.5 62 10.0
−6.5 −9.6 61 10.0
−9.6 −13.2 59 8.0
−13.2 −17.3 64 6.1
−17.3 −20.7 65 5.1
−20.7 −23.8 57 4.4
−23.8 −25.8 68 4.1
−25.8 −30.0 73 3.7
−30.0 −31.0 72 3.5
−31.0 −32.5 61 3.3
−32.5 −60.0 70 3.2
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, x 9 of 17

Figure 5. Shear wave velocity (vs) profile at project site.

Figure 5. Shear wave velocity (vs ) profile at project site.

The ground conditions in Table Table 5. Soil

4 and data of
Figure the application
5 were translatedcase.
into distinct soil layers with varying
properties, as Top
in Table 5. (m) γ’ (kN/m3) G0 (MN/m2) φ’ (°) Ψ (°) K0 (-)
To calibrate the
0 soil reactions
−2 for this case,7.9 a calibration space with
51.89 41eight models
11 was defined with
design parameter−2 combinations−3.9as listed in Table
9.1 6. Once the
50.08 parameter
39 combinations
9 1.6are defined, the
Generate the−6.5
whole process to−3.9 models, to Calculate
9.6 the models,
52.44 and to39 Parameterize
9 the1.6soil reactions, is
fully automated,−6.5but it takes−9.6
several hours9.9 to complete66.19
this step. An39 example
9 of a calculated finite
element model −9.6is shown in−13.2
Figure 6. The results of the
10.0 calibration
87.50 38can be8 visualized
1.4 in terms of
load-displacement−13.2curves, pile
−17.3deflection curves,
10.2 soil reaction
122.01 curves
39 (the four
9 components)
1.2 for all
−17.3 −20.7 10.4 150.85 39 9 1.0
−20.7 −23.8 10.1 161.33 38 8 1.0
−23.8 −25.8 10.6 185.13 40 10 0.9
−25.8 −30.0 10.9 196.30 40 10 0.8
−30.0 −31.0 11.0 212.42 40 10 0.8
−31.0 −32.5 10.6 196.46 39 9 0.8
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 457 9 of 17

individual models as well as the calibrated dvf’s of the parameters of the soil reaction curves (not
presented herein).

Table 5. Soil data of the application case.

Top (m) Bottom (m) γ0 (kN/m3 ) G0 (MN/m2 ) ϕ0 (◦ ) Ψ (◦ ) K0 (-)

0 −2 7.9 51.89 41 11 0.3
−2 −3.9 9.1 50.08 39 9 1.6
−3.9 −6.5 9.6 52.44 39 9 1.6
−6.5 −9.6 9.9 66.19 39 9 1.6
−9.6 −13.2 10.0 87.50 38 8 1.4
−13.2 −17.3 10.2 122.01 39 9 1.2
−17.3 −20.7 10.4 150.85 39 9 1.0
−20.7 −23.8 10.1 161.33 38 8 1.0
−23.8 −25.8 10.6 185.13 40 10 0.9
−25.8 −30.0 10.9 196.30 40 10 0.8
−30.0 −31.0 11.0 212.42 40 10 0.8
−31.0 −32.5 10.6 196.46 39 9 0.8
−32.5 −60.0 11.0 299.31 40 10 0.8

Table 6. Calibration space for the application case.

Model h (m) L (m) Dout (m) t (m) vmax, z = h (m)

1 30 24 6.0 0.08 4.5
2 72 24 6.0 0.08 9.0
3 30 12 6.0 0.08 6.0
4 72 12 6.0 0.08 13.0
5 63 36 9.0 0.08 8.5
6 90 36 9.0 0.08 12.0
7 63 18 9.0 0.08 12.0
8 90 18 9.0 0.08 16.5
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, x 10 of 17

Figure 6. Deformed mesh of Model 5.

Figure 6. Deformed mesh of Model 5.

6. Design Optimization
The calibrated soil reactions were used in the 1D calculation to design the monopile. The loading
conditions (except the vertical component, which is absent here), are in line with Panagoulias et al.
[12]; however, note that the site conditions are different here in the sense that the soil is less competent
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 457 10 of 17

6. Design Optimization
The calibrated soil reactions were used in the 1D calculation to design the monopile. The loading
conditions (except the vertical component, which is absent here), are in line with Panagoulias et al. [12];
however, note that the site conditions are different here in the sense that the soil is less competent (on
average, lower G0 , smaller ϕ0 , smaller OCR). The loading involves a static lateral load H = 15 MN
acting at a height h = 35 m, resulting in a bending moment M = 525 MNm at mudline level.
In principle, the following design criteria are applicable:

• Serviceability Limit State (SLS) criterion: under a lateral load H acting at height h, the average
rotation at mudline must be less than 0.25◦ .
• Ultimate Limit State (ULS) criterion: considering a global safety factor of 1.5 according to the
Working Stress Design approach, the working load shall be increased by this factor to obtain the
design load, and the resulting lateral displacement at mudline must be less than 0.1 times the
monopile diameter.

For the design process an initial embedment depth L = 30 m was assumed, with the idea to
optimize the design parameter L, while the height above mudline h, the diameter D and the wall
thickness t were preselected and assumed constant (h = 35 m, D = 8.0 m, and t = 0.08 m).
The design was optimized by subsequently changing the embedment depth L (in steps of 1 m)
until both SLS and ULS design criteria were just satisfied. This process is rather quick, since it requires
only a few seconds to run the 1D analysis and to inspect the results for a given combination of design
parameters against the design criteria. In this way, an optimized embedment depth L = 38 m (L/D =
4.75) was found, based on the SLS design criterion, whereas the ULS criterion lead to an embedment
depth of L = 21 m, which is not decisive here. Based on the 1D design model with L = 38 m, a 3D
design verification finite element model was generated and calculated, which proved that the results
are indeed within the design criteria. In fact, using more 3D FE calculations, the embedment depth
could be further reduced to L = 33 m to just meet the SLS design criterion.
Two issues shall be noticed here:

1. There is a significant difference between the embedment depth resulting from the SLS design
criterion and the ULS design criterion.
2. The L/D ratio (4.75) exceeds the range that was considered in the calibration space [2–4], so the 1D
results may be unreliable.

In addition to the PISA design method, the design was also performed according to the ‘p-y
approach’ [13] to enable a comparison with the conventional API design method. This method is also
available in the monopile designer. It resulted in an embedment depth of L = 27 m based on the SLS
criterion. However, the reliability of the API design is also debated here, since the pile’s load-deflection
behavior is much stiffer than what is obtained from the 3D FE calculation, while the latter is supposed
to be the better representation of the real situation. More details on this issue will be provided in
Section 7.

7. Discussion of Results
In addition to the design optimization, more insight was obtained in the influence of the embedment
depth L by performing various calculations and comparing the results from different design methods
in view of the SLS and ULS design criteria. Figure 7a shows the results for the ULS conditions (bearing
capacity defined as the design load giving a displacement of 0.1 D at mudline; design capacity is
22.5 MN) and Figure 7b shows the results for the SLS conditions (rotation θ at mudline for the working
load; design threshold is initially θ = 0.25◦ ).
In addition to the design optimization, more insight was obtained in the influence of the
embedment depth L by performing various calculations and comparing the results from different
design methods in view of the SLS and ULS design criteria. Figure 7a shows the results for the ULS
conditions (bearing capacity defined as the design load giving a displacement of 0.1 D at mudline;
J. design
Mar. Sci. capacity
Eng. 2020, 8,
is457 11 ofθ17at
22.5 MN) and Figure 7b shows the results for the SLS conditions (rotation
mudline for the working load; design threshold is initially θ = 0.25°).

(a) (b)

Figure7.7. Embedded
Figure Embedded length
analysis. (a)
(a) Bearing
Bearing capacity
capacity asas aafunction
depthL L
considering UltimateLimit
rotationasasa afunction
L Lconsidering

determinedby bydifferent
that the design curve becomes rather horizontal around the initial allowablerotation
the design curve becomes rather horizontal around the initial allowable rotationrequirement
0.25 ◦ . This leads to the conclusion that beyond a certain embedded pile length, the rotation becomes
0.25°. This leads to the conclusion that beyond a certain embedded pile length, the rotation becomes
independentfrom fromthetheembedment
embedmentdepth. depth.Given
formedby bythe
force heighthhabove
forceatatheight abovemudline,
mudline,the thepile
dominatedby bythe
soilstiffness theupper
stiffnessininthe upperpart
rotation anymore. This is an undesirable
rotation anymore. This is an undesirable situation. situation.
1.1. Increasingthe
Increasing thepile
2.2. Relax the rotation requirement.
Relax the rotation requirement.

The first option will most likely lead to a reduction of the pile length. This was verified for a pile
diameter of 8.5 m and, indeed, the embedment depth becomes less sensitive for this larger pile diameter.
However, a larger pile diameter may have disadvantages as well (more steel and pile weight above
the mudline; stiffer pile, attracting more stress in the pile; possibly less favorable fatigue conditions;
reduced drivability of the pile), so this solution may not be preferred.
The second option is already adopted in recent designs of support structures, for which designers,
project owners, and wind turbine suppliers agree on relaxing the SLS threshold requirement without
jeopardizing the project’s viability.
In our application case, we consider a relaxation of the SLS design criterion to allow a maximum
rotation of 0.50◦ to avoid the rather horizontal part of the curve. From Figure 7b) we can deduct a
required embedment depth L = 24 m (L/D = 3) based on the 1D Calibrated solutions, which is within
the calibration space. This also happens to be more in line with the solutions from the ULS design
requirement. The corresponding 3D finite element model gives very similar results and the same
optimized embedment depth. Hence, there is consistency between the 1D Calibrated and the 3D FE
solutions, while it is also good to note that the 1D Calibrated solutions are still a bit on the conservative
side with respect to the 3D FE solutions.
A further comparison is made with the GDSM solutions. In contrast to the validation case in
Section 4, both for the ULS conditions as well as for the SLS conditions, the GDSM model gives rather
conservative solutions here, which leads to an overestimation of the embedment depth. This can be
explained by the fact that the GDSM has been primarily calibrated for normally consolidated soil.
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 457 12 of 17

However, the soil in this application is over-consolidated and, hence, stiffer. The over-consolidation
and stiffness are taken into account in the 1D Calibrated soil reactions based on the 3D FE calculations,
which explains why the 1D Calibrated solution predicts less rotation than the GDSM solution.
A comparison with the API design method shows a slightly lower ULS bearing capacity but a
significantly smaller SLS rotation compared to the 3D FE and 1D Calibrated methods. The slightly
lower bearing capacity can be explained by the fact that high friction angles, as present here, are cut-off
at 40◦ in the API method, whereas the high friction angles are taken into account in the other methods.
The significantly smaller rotation under SLS conditions (as already mentioned at the end of Section 6)
indicates a much higher stiffness in the mid-range of displacements, which can be seen from Figure 8b.
This figure shows the load-deflection curves for the different design methods, considering a pile with
the designed embedment depth of L = 24 m (based on the 1D Calibrated results for the updated
rotation requirement θ = 0.50◦ ). Why the API design method is so much stiffer in the mid-range cannot
really be explained from a physical point of view. It is far from the 3D FE results, while the latter are
supposed to be most representative of this specific situation.
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, x 13 of 17

(a) (b)
Figure 8.
Figure 8. Load-deflection
Load-deflection behavior
behavior for
for LL =
= 24
24 m for different
m for different design
design methods;
methods; (a)
(a) Fatigue
Fatigue Limit
Limit State
(FLS); (b) ULS.
(FLS); (b) Ultimate Limit State (ULS).

8. Conclusions
From the same Figure 8b, it can also be seen that the 1D Calibrated results and the 3D FE
results match very well, whereas the overall load-deflection behavior of the GDSM model is less stiff,
This paper presents a validation and application of the PLAXIS Monopile Designer (MoDeTo)
which confirms the earlier remark that this model has not been calibrated for over-consolidated soil.
based on the PISA design method for typical sandy soil as present in the North Sea. After a detailed
Nonetheless, the GDSM model could still be used as a first approximation in a concept design study
analysis of the results and a comparison between different design methods, the following conclusions
when detailed soil data is absent, whereas it is beneficial to use the PISA numerical based design
can be summarized:
method (i.c, calibration of 1D model based on 3D FE models) in the final design when more soil data
• available.
is Results from the monopile designer, both from 3D finite element calculations as well as from 1D
Although soilFLS
werein line with previous
formulated for thisresults
case,from the PISA
the small research team.
displacement diagram in
• Although the response from the 1D Calibrated soil reactions is more
Figure 8a is still interesting to show. In contrast to the right-hand diagram, the 1D GDSM solution or less similar as the
and the 1D from
API the 3D finite
solution element
is softer than the (FE) calculations,
1D Calibrated andthey
3D FEcould befor
results closer
the so-called
The latter optimization
can be explained by thewould be the
fact that used to p-y
API calibrate
curvesthe aresoil reactions.
linear between zero and a substantial
• For normally consolidated sandy soils, as considered
fraction of the maximum displacement, while the other solutions involve truein the validation case,small-strain
the results stiffness.
from the
This would make soil
thereactions are method
API design in line with (although
unreliable a bit
for FLS conservative compared to) the results
from the General Dunkirk Sand Model (GDSM). For over-consolidated sandy soils, as
8. Conclusions
considered in the application case, the GDSM is more conservative, but could still serve for
This design
paper purposes.
presents Nevertheless,
a validation the PISA of
and application numerical
the PLAXISbased design and
Monopile use of (MoDeTo)
Designer calibrated
soil reactions has the advantage of providing a site-specific calibrated response.
based on the PISA design method for typical sandy soil as present in the North Sea. After a detailed
• According
analysis to theand
of the results PISA approach, in
a comparison sandy soils,
between the design
different SLS design criterion
methods, is often decisive
the following as it
leads to
can be summarized:the largest embedment depth.
• The curve describing the pile rotation as a function of the embedment depth can become rather
horizontal near the SLS design criterion. This means, a small reduction in pile rotation requires
a significant increase in embedment depth to fulfill the SLS design criterion (if it can be fulfilled
at all), which is undesirable. Very competent soil conditions, as considered in [12], seem to be
less ‘sensitive’ with respect to the SLS design criterion, although in those cases the SLS criterion
still prevails.
• To avoid the undesirable situation as mentioned above, it might be considered to allow for a
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 457 13 of 17

• Results from the monopile designer, both from 3D finite element calculations as well as from 1D
Calibrated soil reactions, are in line with previous results from the PISA research team.
• Although the response from the 1D Calibrated soil reactions is more or less similar as the response
from the 3D finite element (FE) calculations, they could be closer if the so-called second-stage
optimization would be used to calibrate the soil reactions.
• For normally consolidated sandy soils, as considered in the validation case, the results from the
calibrated soil reactions are in line with (although a bit conservative compared to) the results
from the General Dunkirk Sand Model (GDSM). For over-consolidated sandy soils, as considered
in the application case, the GDSM is more conservative, but could still serve for concept design
purposes. Nevertheless, the PISA numerical based design and use of calibrated soil reactions has
the advantage of providing a site-specific calibrated response.
• According to the PISA approach, in sandy soils, the SLS design criterion is often decisive as it
leads to the largest embedment depth.
• The curve describing the pile rotation as a function of the embedment depth can become rather
horizontal near the SLS design criterion. This means, a small reduction in pile rotation requires a
significant increase in embedment depth to fulfill the SLS design criterion (if it can be fulfilled
at all), which is undesirable. Very competent soil conditions, as considered in [12], seem to be
less ‘sensitive’ with respect to the SLS design criterion, although in those cases the SLS criterion
still prevails.
• To avoid the undesirable situation as mentioned above, it might be considered to allow for a more
relaxed (increased) rotation requirement, since otherwise it may make the monopile unnecessarily
expensive. A larger rotation of, for example, 0.50◦ would seem tolerable, provided the ULS
criterion is fulfilled. This would also bring the embedment depth L based on SLS design closer to
L based on ULS design.
• Given that the API design method does not explicitly consider the (very) high soil stiffness at
small deformations, care must be taken when using this method for FLS design.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, R.B.; methodology, R.B.; software, D.L. and M.L.; validation, R.B., D.L.
and M.L.; formal analysis, D.L. and M.L.; investigation, all authors; resources, S.P.; data curation, D.L. and S.P.;
writing—original draft preparation, R.B.; writing—review and editing, all authors; visualization, D.L. and R.B.;
supervision, R.B.; All authors have read and agree to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A
Overview of results for small (FLS) and large (ULS) displacements of the calibration Models 1–9
as listed in Table 3 for the validation case. At the end, a table is given with the accuracy metric η for the
difference between the 3D FE results and the corresponding 1D Calibrated results; both for small and
large displacements.

Table A1. Accuracy metric η for difference between 3D FE and 1D Calibrated results.

Model η (-) (FLS) η (-) (ULS)

1 0.963 0.950
2 0.952 0.958
3 0.923 0.835
4 0.931 0.823
5 0.958 0.956
6 0.971 0.891
7 0.983 0.897
8 0.971 0.952
9 0.954 0.835
Appendix A
Overview of results for small (FLS) and large (ULS) displacements of the calibration Models 1–
9 as listed in Table 3 for the validation case. At the end, a table is given with the accuracy metric η for
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020,
the difference 8, 457 the 3D FE results and the corresponding 1D Calibrated results; both for14
between of 17
and large displacements.

Figure A1. Cont.

J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 457 15 of 17

J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, x 15 of 17

Figure A1. Cont.

J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 457 16 of 17
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, x 16 of 17

Figure A1. Load-displacement curves for Models 1–9 as listed in Table 3.

Figure A1. Load-displacement curves for Models 1–9 as listed in Table 3.

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