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PISA Design Model For Monopiles For Offshore Wind Turbines Application To A Marine Sand

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Burd, H. J. et al. (2020). Géotechnique 70, No. 11, 1048–1066 [


PISA design model for monopiles for offshore wind turbines:

application to a marine sand

This paper describes a one-dimensional (1D) computational model for the analysis and design of
laterally loaded monopile foundations for offshore wind turbine applications. The model represents the
monopile as an embedded beam and specially formulated functions, referred to as soil reaction curves,
are employed to represent the various components of soil reaction that are assumed to act on the pile.
This design model was an outcome of a recently completed joint industry research project – known as
PISA – on the development of new procedures for the design of monopile foundations for offshore wind
applications. The overall framework of the model, and an application to a stiff glacial clay till soil, is
described in a companion paper by Byrne and co-workers; the current paper describes an alternative
formulation that has been developed for soil reaction curves that are applicable to monopiles installed
at offshore homogeneous sand sites, for drained loading. The 1D model is calibrated using data from
a set of three-dimensional finite-element analyses, conducted over a calibration space comprising
pile geometries, loading configurations and soil relative densities that span typical design values.
The performance of the model is demonstrated by the analysis of example design cases. The current
form of the model is applicable to homogeneous soil and monotonic loading, although extensions to
soil layering and cyclic loading are possible.

KEYWORDS: design; limit state design/analysis; numerical modelling; offshore engineering; piles & piling;
soil/structure interaction

INTRODUCTION based on data from field tests reported some decades ago
Monopiles are typically the preferred foundation option for (e.g. Matlock, 1970; Cox et al., 1974); early p–y curve
offshore wind turbine support structures in shallow coastal specifications were proposed by Matlock (1970) (for clays)
waters. Current design procedures for monopile foundations and Reese et al. (1974) (for sands). Although the method has
routinely employ a simplified analysis procedure, known as evolved in the intervening years (e.g. Doherty & Gavin,
the ‘p–y’ method, in which the foundation is modelled as an 2011), current standard forms of the p–y method as specified
embedded beam, with the lateral load–displacement inter- in design guidance documents (e.g. API, 2010; DNV GL,
action between the soil and pile represented by non-linear 2016) remain broadly unchanged from this early work.
functions known as ‘p–y curves’. Certain questions exist, however, on the extent to which
The p–y method was originally devised for the design of standard forms of the method are applicable to offshore wind
the long, relatively flexible, piles that are typically employed turbine monopiles, which typically employ relatively large
in offshore oil and gas structures. The method was initially diameters, D, and low values of L/D (where L is embedded
length) and are therefore relatively stiff. Evidence high-
lighting the shortcomings of the conventional p–y method
Manuscript received 24 October 2018; revised manuscript accepted for monopile design applications has been observed in
6 December 2019. Published online ahead of print 12 February laboratory tests (e.g. Choo & Kim, 2015; Klinkvort et al.,
2020. 2016) and at field scale (Kallehave et al., 2015; Li et al., 2017;
Discussion on this paper closes on 1 March 2021, for further details Hu & Yang, 2018).
see p. ii. This paper describes a new analysis procedure, referred to
Published with permission by the ICE under the CC-BY 4.0 license.
as the ‘PISA design model’, for monotonic lateral and
 Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, moment loading of monopiles. This design model is an
Oxford, UK. outcome of a research project – known as PISA – that
† Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial included field testing (Burd et al., 2019; Byrne et al., 2019b;
College London, London, UK. McAdam et al., 2019; Zdravković et al., 2019a) at two
‡ Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, onshore sites (stiff clay at Cowden, dense sand at Dunkirk)
Cambridge, UK; formerly Department of Engineering Science, and three-dimensional (3D) finite-element modelling
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. (Taborda et al., 2019; Zdravković et al., 2019b). The PISA
§ Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands; formerly design model retains the underlying simplicity of the p–y
School of Civil Engineering, University College Dublin, Dublin,
method (in which the pile is modelled as an embedded
∥ Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland; formerly School of Civil beam), but additional soil reaction components are incor-
Engineering, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. porated to improve the model’s performance. The model is
¶ ISISE, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Coimbra, calibrated with a set of 3D finite-element calibration
Coimbra, Portugal; formerly Department of Civil and Environmental analyses; it therefore benefits from the realism that is
Engineering, Imperial College London, London, UK. potentially achievable with 3D finite-element modelling,


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while also being rapid to compute. The PISA design model H
supports a wide range of practical design calculations; it is
applicable to: (a) the determination of small displacement
foundation stiffness (relevant to the development of dynamic
models for the overall structure); (b) the analysis of service-
ability limit states (i.e. relating to the displacements that
occur under normal working conditions); and (c) analysis of
ultimate limit states (to check for overall stability). Transition piece h
This paper describes the development and implementation and tower
of the PISA design model for monopiles installed in
homogeneous sand for drained monotonic loading. In a
companion paper, Byrne et al. (2020), the overall frame-
work of the PISA design model is described, together with a
calibration process for piles embedded in glacial clay till. The Seabed level
approaches employed for the clay and sand PISA design (ground level)
model formulations differ only in the manner in which the
soil reaction components are incorporated and the way in
which the model is calibrated. The particular aspects of the
model that relate to the sand implementation are referred to
Embedded L
in the current paper as the ‘sand modelling framework’. monopile
To develop the PISA design model in a form that is
applicable to sands within a practical range of densities, a
set of four hypothetical representative offshore homogeneous
sand sites is established, each with a specific relative
density (DR of 45%, 60%, 75% and 90%). The geotechnical D
conditions at these sites, and the modelling employed in the
3D calibration analyses, are based on the prior geotechnical
characterisation of the Dunkirk site (Zdravković et al., Fig. 1. Geometry for the monopile design problem. The monopile
2019a) and the finite-element analyses that were shown in consists of a circular tube with outer diameter, D, wall thickness, t, and
the paper by Taborda et al. (2019) to provide a close embedded length, L. The height, h, of the load application is referred
representation of the PISA test piles at Dunkirk. The PISA to as load eccentricity
design model calibration process therefore has a link, albeit
an indirect one, with observations on the performance of the
PISA test piles. Independent PISA design model calibrations approach as L reduces or D is increased (e.g. see Gupta &
are described for each representative site, and an optimisation Basu (2018)). A four-component model of this sort has
process is employed to define a general model – referred to previously been employed for the design of drilled shafts for
as the ‘general Dunkirk sand model’ (GDSM) – that is onshore applications (e.g. Lam, 2013) and has been described
applicable to soils with an arbitrary value of relative density in the context of the PISA research by Byrne et al. (2015),
in the range 45%  DR  90%. The predictive capabilities of Byrne et al. (2017) and Burd et al. (2017). As discussed in the
the GDSM are demonstrated by conducting analyses for paper by Byrne et al. (2020), vertical loads are assumed to
monopile configurations within the calibration space, but have an insignificant influence on the performance of the
that differ from the calibration cases. monopile; they are therefore excluded from the model.
The soil reactions are applied to the embedded beam using
a generalised form of the Winkler assumption, in which the
THE PISA DESIGN MODEL force and moment reactions are assumed to be related only to
Model overview the local pile displacement and rotation. Functions employed
The PISA design model provides a one-dimensional (1D) in the model to relate the soil reactions and the local pile
representation of a monopile foundation subject to the displacements (and rotations) are termed ‘soil reaction
application of a lateral load, H, applied at a distance h curves’. Although the Winkler approach neglects the coup-
above seabed level (referred to in this paper as ‘ground level’) ling that inevitably occurs within the soil, it provides a
as illustrated in Fig. 1. The monopile is represented convenient basis for design calculations, as demonstrated by
as an embedded beam with moment MG and lateral force the widespread use of the p–y method. A fundamental
HG applied to the pile at ground level, Fig. 2. Four feature of the approach, however, is that soil reaction curves
components of soil reaction are assumed to act on the determined on the basis of the Winkler assumption are
monopile. Consistent with the standard p–y method, a unlikely to be unique. Appropriate soil reaction curves may
distributed lateral load, p (units of force/length) acts on the depend, for example, on the relative magnitude of the
pile. Additionally, a distributed moment, m (units of translational and rotational movements of the pile. It is
force  length/length) is applied; this distributed moment considered necessary, therefore, to calibrate the soil reaction
arises as a consequence of the vertical tractions that are curves using pile deformation modes that are representative
induced on the pile perimeter when relative vertical displace- of those that are likely to be experienced by actual wind
ments occur at the soil–pile interface – for example, due to turbine monopile foundations. The PISA design model is
local rotation of the pile cross-section. A lateral force HB and therefore calibrated within a design space that is carefully
a moment MB acting on the base of the pile are also included. selected to represent realistic loading conditions.
The monopile is represented by Timoshenko beam theory; The PISA design model reduces to the standard p–y
this allows the shear strains in the pile to be incorporated in approach when m, HB and MB are set to zero (and
the analysis in an approximate way. Since the influence of the appropriate choices are made on the relationship between
shear strains on the overall pile deformation is likely to the distributed lateral load, p, and the local lateral pile
increase as L/D is reduced, the use of Timoshenko theory displacement, v). Experience has shown, however, that the m,
provides a means of maintaining the robustness of the HB and MB components become increasingly significant as

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Ground level HG


lateral load Distributed
lateral load
centre of
rotation L Distributed
Vertical shear
D tractions at soil– Timoshenko
pile interface beam
force HB(vB) elements

Base moment
Horizontal force and
moment at pile base

(a) (b)

Fig. 2. PISA design model: (a) idealisation of the soil reaction components acting on the pile; (b) 1D finite-element implementation of the model
showing the soil reactions acting on the pile. Note that the reactions are depicted in (a) as acting in the expected direction. In (b) the reactions are
shown in directions that are consistent with the coordinate directions shown ( p and HB reacting positive v and vB; m and MB reacting positive
(clockwise) ψ and ψB)

L/D is reduced (Byrne et al., 2015, 2020). The distributed Table 1. Dimensionless forms for the soil reaction curves
moment component, for example, depends on pile diameter,
increasing as the pile diameter is increased. Similarly, the Normalised variable Dimensionless form
force and moment reactions HB and MB at the base of the p
pile become more significant as the pile diameter is increased. Distributed lateral load, pˉ
σ′vi D
The four-component model in Fig. 2(b) therefore provides
a rational way of addressing a shortcoming of the p–y vG0
Lateral displacement, vˉ
method, often referred to as the ‘diameter effect’, in which Dσ′vi
the standard p–y curves (e.g. API, 2010; DNV GL, 2016) m
are typically found to become increasingly unreliable as ˉ
Distributed moment, m
the pile diameter is increased, or the length is reduced
(e.g. Alderlieste et al., 2011; Doherty & Gavin, 2011). ψG0
Pile cross-section rotation, ψˉ

Soil reaction curves for the sand modelling framework Base horizontal load, H
σ′vi D2
The soil reaction curves employed in the PISA design
model are based on the use of dimensionless forms of the ˉB MB
Base moment, M
relevant soil reaction and displacement/rotation variables. σ′vi D3
This provides a convenient means of developing standard
forms that, for numerical implementation, can be scaled to
represent the soil reactions acting on the pile at an arbitrary
depth. These dimensionless forms are specified in Table 1, wind turbine structure) to the large displacement response
where σvi′ is the local value of initial vertical effective stress in (required for the calculation of the ultimate limit state).
the soil, G0 is the local value of soil small-strain shear The current implementation of the PISA design model
modulus, and v and ψ are the local pile lateral displacement employs the four-parameter conic function
and cross-section rotation, respectively.
The soil reactions are implemented in the model using an yˉ xˉ 2 yˉ ˉ
xk yˉ
appropriately calibrated algebraic function. The function n  þð1  nÞ  1 ¼0 ð1Þ
yˉ u xˉ u yˉ u yˉ u yˉ u
selected for this purpose is, to an extent, arbitrary, provided
that it is capable of providing a realistic representation of the where xˉ signifies a normalised displacement or rotation
soil reactions for behaviour ranging from small displace- variable and yˉ signifies the corresponding normalised
ments (needed, e.g. to predict the natural frequencies of a soil reaction component, formulated in terms of the

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dimensionless forms in Table 1. The function is illustrated in the local pile cross-section rotation, ψ
Fig. 3. The normalised soil reactions can be determined     
 vG0  ψG0
explicitly from the normalised displacements by mðv; ψ Þ ¼ σ vi D2 pˉ mˉ ð6Þ
Dσ vi  σ vi
yˉ ¼ yˉ u pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; xˉ  xˉ u yˉ ¼ yˉ u ; xˉ . xˉ u ð2Þ This coupling has certain implications for the numerical
b þ b2  4ac implementation of the model (described in the Appendix).
a ¼ 1  2n ð3Þ 1D finite-element formulation for the sand
modelling framework
  The PISA design model employs the 1D representation
xˉ ˉ
xk finite-element framework illustrated in Fig. 2(b). The pile is
b ¼ 2n  ð1  nÞ 1 þ ð4Þ
xˉ u yˉ u represented by a line mesh of two-noded Timoshenko beam
elements, employing the formulation in Astley (1992). The
xk xˉ 2 calculations described in this paper were all conducted with a
c¼ ð 1  nÞ  n 2 ð5Þ shear factor κ ¼ 0·5. In the current form of the model,
yˉ u xˉ u consistent with the shell element formulation employed in
the 3D finite-element calibration calculations, the structural
Each of the parameters ðk; yˉ u ; xˉ u ; nÞ has a straight- properties (area and second moment of area) are specified
forward interpretation. The parameter k specifies the initial for the beam elements using the thin-walled approximation.
slope; yˉ u is the ultimate value of the normalised soil reaction; Soil finite elements, with the same displacement and
and xˉ u is the normalised displacement (or rotation) at rotation interpolation functions that are used for the beam
which this ultimate value of soil reaction is reached. The elements, are connected to the beam elements along the
parameter n (0  n  1) determines the shape of the curve; embedded length of the pile. A virtual work statement of
for the extreme values n ¼ 0 and n ¼ 1, the function the problem, and an outline of the development of the
reduces to the bilinear forms illustrated in Fig. 3(b). As finite-element equations in Galerkin form, is provided in the
discussed in the paper by Byrne et al. (2020), no particular paper by Byrne et al. (2020). Consistent with the approach
importance is attached to the specific form that is chosen for adopted for the clay framework described in the paper by
the parametric curve, and other similar parametric functions Byrne et al. (2020), four Gauss points per element are
would be possible. adopted for both the beam and soil elements to determine the
For the distributed lateral load, and the base horizontal stiffness matrices and internal force vectors. Further specific
load and moment components, dimensional forms of the implementation details for the sand modelling framework are
soil reaction curves, and their derivatives, for numerical given in the Appendix.
implementation of the model, are determined in a straight-
forward way using local values of G0 and σvi ′ , on the basis of
the dimensionless forms in Table 1. The particular normal- REPRESENTATIVE OFFSHORE SAND SITES
isation adopted for the distributed moment, however, means In connection with the PISA research, a series of pile tests
that a different treatment is required in this case. During (McAdam et al., 2019) was conducted at an onshore site in
the initial model development process, data from the 3D Dunkirk in northern France; at this site the soil consists
calibration calculations suggested that the distributed principally of a dense Flandrian sand with a surface layer
moment, m, appeared to scale with the current value of the (about 3 m thick) of dense, hydraulically placed sand with
local distributed lateral load, p. Since the vertical tractions the same geological origin as the deeper Flandrian deposit
induced on the pile perimeter arise as a consequence of (Chow, 1997). This site was carefully characterised during the
friction at the soil–pile interface, it seems plausible that the field testing programme (Zdravković et al., 2019a); it was
magnitude of the distributed moment correlates with the convenient, therefore, to adopt the soil conditions at this site
local normal tractions; in turn, these tractions are closely as the basis of the representative offshore sites developed to
related to the local distributed lateral load. It was therefore calibrate the PISA model for sand.
decided to adopt a dimensionless form for the distributed A detailed finite-element study (Taborda et al., 2019) was
moment, m, ˉ by normalising the distributed moment by the undertaken during the PISA project to support the Dunkirk
local value of the distributed load, as indicated in Table 1. pile tests. The constitutive model employed for these ana-
The use of this form for m ˉ implies that the distributed lyses, described in the paper by Taborda et al. (2014), is an
moment is a function of both the local displacement, v, and evolution of the bounding surface model originally proposed

y y

yu yu
Slope k

Initial slope k

xu x xu x
(a) (b)

Fig. 3. Conic function adopted for the parametric soil reaction curves: (a) conic form; (b) bilinear form

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by Manzari & Dafalias (1997). A detailed procedure to the relationship proposed by Hardin & Black (1968)
calibrate this constitutive model for the soil conditions at the sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Dunkirk test site, described in the paper by Taborda et al. B p′ref p′
(2019), was conducted. The constitutive model and associ- G0 ¼ ð7Þ
03 þ 07e20 p′ref
ated parameters (see Table 3 later) that were developed to
model the Dunkirk test piles are adopted for the representa- where B, determined from the site investigation data
tive offshore site calibration calculations employed in the (Zdravković et al., 2019a) and the calibration process
current work. described in the paper by Taborda et al. (2019), is specified
The ground conditions at Dunkirk have certain features ′ ¼ 101·3 kPa.
in Table 3 and pref
not present at typical offshore sites. These are: (a) a very
dense, hydraulically placed surface layer; (b) the surface soil
layers are partially saturated, as a consequence of the water 3D FINITE-ELEMENT CALIBRATION
table being observed to be 5·4 m below the ground surface; CALCULATIONS
and (c) the superficial layers are possibly lightly cemented. Specification of the finite-element calculations
Adjustments to the Dunkirk soil conditions were therefore The 3D finite-element calibration calculations have
required to develop plausible representative offshore ground been conducted for a calibration space consisting of mono-
models; these adjustments involved (a) excluding the surface pile dimensions and load eccentricities, h, in the range
layer of hydraulic fill from the model, and (b) employing a 5 m  D  10 m, 2  L/D  6, 5  h/D  15 for each repre-
hydrostatic pore pressure distribution. Other aspects of the sentative site. These dimensions were selected to span a
representative offshore ground models were taken directly realistic design range for current and future monopiles, on
from the data in the paper by Taborda et al. (2019) on the the basis of advice received from the project partners (listed
naturally occurring Flandrian sand at Dunkirk. The con- in the Acknowledgements). The configurations employed in
stitutive model and calibration data developed to support the this set of pile calibration analyses, selected to provide
Dunkirk field tests (Taborda et al., 2019) were employed appropriate coverage of the selected calibration space, are
directly to characterise the representative ground models for listed in Table 4. The analyses were conducted using the
the current study; the only parameter requiring adjustment is finite-element software ICFEP (Potts & Zdravković, 1999,
the relative density. 2001). In total, 38 calibration analyses were conducted
The relative density for the natural Flandrian sand at (see Table 8 later).
Dunkirk was estimated as DR ¼ 75%; corresponding to an Procedures to calibrate the model were initially developed
initial void ratio, e0, of 0·629. This relative density was on the basis of the DR ¼ 75% representative site. This initial
adopted for one of the representative offshore ground models calibration exercise was conducted for all of the calibration
for the current study. Three additional representative ground piles in Table 4. It is noted that piles C3 and C7 (incorporated
models were developed, with DR ¼ 45%, 60% and 90%; see in the pile calibration set to check whether the inferred soil
Table 2. The initial stresses were determined by adopting reaction curves are influenced by pile wall thickness) are
hydrostatic pore pressure conditions with a submerged unit similar to C1 and C6, respectively, except for differences in
weight of γ′ ¼ 10·09 kN/m3 and K0 = 0·4 (both values wall thickness. Results from the DR ¼ 75% calibration
correspond to data for the Dunkirk site). Variations in the indicated that the influence of wall thickness on the soil
submerged unit weight of the sand due to different values reaction curves is negligible; piles C3 and C7 were therefore
of relative density were not considered, as the effect of excluded from the calibration sets employed for the other
varying this parameter is regarded as minimal with respect to representative sites.
other aspects of sand behaviour. The small-strain shear Results from the DR ¼ 75% calibration are employed later
modulus, G0, is obtained from the local values of mean in the paper to illustrate the various stages in the calibration
effective stress p′ and initial void ratio e0 (from Table 2) using process.

Table 2. Initial values of void ratio, e0, and relative density for the Modelling procedures
representative offshore sites The 3D finite-element calculations employed a critical state
constitutive model, based on the state parameter framework
Relative density, DR: % Initial void ratio, e0
for sands (Taborda et al., 2014), to represent the soil at the
45 0·741 representative sites. The state parameter framework employed
60 0·685 in the model ensures that the influence of soil void ratio, and
75 0·629 mean effective stress, on the mechanical behaviour of soil is
90 0·573 accounted for in a consistent way – that is without the need to
adjust the model parameters for soils with different relative

Table 3. Constitutive parameters for the sand constitutive model (Taborda et al., 2014) employed in the 3D finite-element calibration analyses

Component Parameters

Critical state line ′ ¼ 101·3 kPa; eCS,ref ¼ 0·910; λ ¼ 0·135; ξ ¼ 0·179

Strength Mcc ¼ 128; Mec ¼ 092
Model surfaces kcb ¼ 270; kcd ¼ 088; m ¼ 0065; pYS ′ ¼ 1·0 kPa; A0 ¼ 1·30
Hardening modulus h0 ¼ 0·4; α ¼ 1·0; γ ¼ 0·0; β ¼ 0·0; μ ¼ 1·0
Non-linear elasticity – small-strain stiffness B ¼ 875·0; ν ¼ 0·17
Non-linear elasticity – shear stiffness degradation a1 ¼ 0·40; γ1 ¼ 1·031  103; κ ¼ 2·0
Fabric tensor H0 ¼ 0·0; ζ ¼ 0·0

These parameters are identical to those that were determined, as described in the paper by Taborda et al. (2019), to conduct 3D finite-element
analysis of the PISA test piles at Dunkirk.

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Table 4. Pile geometry and loading eccentricities employed in the 3D finite-element calibration analyses

Pile reference D: m h: m h/D L: m L/D t: mm D/t

C1 10 50 5 20 2 91 110
C2 10 150 15 20 2 91 110
C3 10 50 5 20 2 125 80
C4 10 50 5 60 6 91 110
C5 10 150 15 60 6 91 110
C6 5 25 5 10 2 45 110
C7 5 25 5 10 2 83 60
C8 5 25 5 30 6 45 110
C9 5 75 15 30 6 45 110
C10 7·5 37·5 5 15 2 68 110
C11 7·5 37·5 5 45 6 68 110

densities. The constitutive parameters employed in the No attempt is made to model the stress and state changes
analyses (determined as described in the paper by Taborda that occur in the soil due to the pile installation process.
et al. (2019)) are listed in Table 3. It is noted that these Instead, the monopile is modelled as ‘wished in place’; it is
constitutive parameters were developed for monotonic loading incorporated in the finite-element mesh at the start of
and have not been calibrated for cyclic loads. the analysis in a fully plugged configuration. A similar
A typical mesh employed for the calibration analyses (for wished-in-place procedure was employed in the 3D
pile C4) is shown in Fig. 4. By exploiting symmetry in the finite-element models that were developed to analyse the
geometry and in the applied load, only half of the problem is Dunkirk PISA test piles (Taborda et al., 2019).
discretised. The soil domain is represented with 10 530 The interface between the exterior of the embedded
20-noded hexahedral displacement-based solid elements. monopile and the soil is represented by an elasto-plastic
A refined mesh is employed for the soil in the region below Mohr–Coulomb model. The elastic part of the interface
the base of the pile to ensure that the computed base model is defined by a shear and a normal stiffness, both set
reactions are reliable. The embedded pile is discretised with to 1·0  105 kN/m3, and the plastic part by zero cohesion
360 eight-noded shell elements (Schroeder et al., 2007) (c′ ¼ 0) and an angle of shearing resistance (32°) that is equal
arranged in 30 rings of elements; distributed load and to the triaxial compression critical state friction angle. The
moment soil reactions curves could therefore be extracted monopile is modelled as an elastic material with properties
from the calibration analyses at 30 discrete depths. The representative of steel; Young’s modulus, E = 200 GPa and
above-ground extension is modelled with 240 shell elements. Poisson’s ratio, ν = 0·3. The pile wall thickness is specified as
The interface between the soil and the pile exterior is an additional model parameter.
modelled with 360 16-noded zero-thickness interface Loading is applied to the top of the pile in a displacement-
elements (Day & Potts, 1994). Fully rough boundary controlled manner, by prescribing increments of uniform
conditions are prescribed to the base of the mesh and a horizontal displacements in the y-direction around the
zero normal displacement boundary condition was pre- half-perimeter of the pile. The resulting load is obtained as
scribed to the vertical cylindrical boundary (at a radial a reaction to these prescribed displacements; its magnitude is
distance of 100 m from the pile central axis). one half of the total lateral load, H, acting on the pile.

h (50 m)

L (60 m)

100 m

200 m

Fig. 4. Finite-element mesh for pile C4

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NUMERICAL SOIL REACTION CURVES obtained for other calibration piles (data not presented here).
Numerical representations of the soil reaction curves These checks confirm that the procedures used to determine
(referred to as ‘numerical soil reaction curves’) for the the numerical soil reaction curves are robust. They also
distributed lateral load and moment components were indicate a likely upper bound on the accuracy of the PISA
determined from the 3D finite-element analyses by extracting modelling approach.
the nodal forces acting at the soil–pile interface, and the Separate 1D (numerical) calculations have been conducted
stresses in the interface elements between the pile exterior to investigate the significance of individual soil reaction
and the soil. The force and moment reactions at the pile base components. Example results for piles C1 and C4 for
were determined by integrating the stresses in the layer of soil DR ¼ 75%, for cases where soil reaction components are
elements immediately below the pile base, and incorporating selectively excluded from the model, are also shown in Fig. 5.
the reactions computed from the nodal forces at the base of In case P, only the distributed lateral load terms are included;
the shell elements representing the pile. Local lateral in case PM, only the distributed lateral load and distributed
displacements and cross-section rotations of the pile were moment terms are included. It is clear from Fig. 5(b) that the
determined from the computed displacements of the relevant lateral distributed load is the dominant soil–pile interaction
shell element nodes by averaging over the cross-section (for mechanism for the relatively long pile, C4 (i.e. the case P data
displacement) and by least-squares fitting on the vertical match closely the 1D (numerical) results). For the shorter pile
displacements (for rotation). (C1) Fig. 5(a), however, the case P data differ significantly
Checks were conducted to confirm that the computed nodal from the 1D (numerical) model, indicating that, in this case,
forces acting on the monopile boundary were in equilibrium neglecting the three other soil reaction components causes a
with the externally applied lateral load (within an acceptable significant loss of fidelity. The case PM data provide an
tolerance). If boundary checks were satisfactory, then the data improved fit for pile C1, indicating the importance of the
were further processed to develop the soil reaction curves, as distributed moment in this case. These results confirm the
described below. Alternatively, if this boundary equilibrium pattern observed in the paper by Byrne et al. (2020) for a stiff
check indicated the presence of unacceptable equilibrium glacial clay till, that for relatively long piles a p–y type
errors, then the 3D analyses were repeated using a tighter method (distributed lateral load only) is capable of providing
calculation tolerance. For the calibration calculations (listed in a robust model of the load–displacement behaviour, but that
Table 8 later) a maximum equilibrium error of 1·81% was additional soil reaction components need to be included for
achieved; this level of equilibrium error is considered to be well piles with relatively low values of L/D.
within the bounds of acceptability. Quantitative comparisons between the performance of the
Check calculations were conducted using a form of the 1D 1D and 3D models employ the ‘accuracy metric’, η
model, referred to as ‘1D (numerical)’, that is based directly Aref  Adiff
on the numerical soil reaction curves. In this approach, η¼ ð8Þ
dimensionless forms of the numerical soil reaction curves are
determined using the normalisations in Table 1. Normalised where the meaning of Aref and Adiff are illustrated in Fig. 6.
numerical soil reaction curves at the depth location of each A ‘ratio metric’, defined by
Gauss point in the 1D model are computed by interpolation;
the corresponding dimensional forms are then determined ρ¼ ð9Þ
on the basis of the local values of σvi ′ and G, and the H3D
dimensionless form definitions in Table 1. The H–vG is also employed, where H1D and H3D are values of lateral
performance (where vG is ground-level pile displacement) force, computed from the 1D and 3D models, respectively, at
computed using the 1D (numerical) model for piles C1 particular values of vG, as shown on Fig. 6. The accuracy
(L/D = 2) and C4 (L/D = 6) for DR ¼ 75% is shown in Fig. 5. metric, η, evaluates the precision of the overall fit (and is
The 1D (numerical) model is seen to provide a close fit to the expected to be close to 1), while the ratio metric, ρ, indicates
3D finite-element calibration data. A similarly close match is whether the model under-predicts (,1) or over-predicts (.1)

35 250
3D finite-element
1D (numerical)
Case P
Case PM
Lateral load, H: MN

Lateral load, H: MN

20 150



50 D/10

0 0
0 0·2 0·4 0·6 0·8 1·0 1·2 0 0·2 0·4 0·6 0·8 1·0 1·2
Ground-level displacement, vG: m Ground-level displacement, vG: m
(a) (b)

Fig. 5. Performance of the 1D (numerical) model, DR = 75%: (a) pile C1 (L/D = 2) and (b) pile C4 (L/D = 6). Additional data are shown for case
P (distributed lateral load terms only in the 1D model) and case PM (distributed lateral load and distributed moment terms only in the 1D model)

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Aref Aref
H 3D finite-element model H
Adiff Adiff 3D finite-element model
H3D 1D model

1D model H3D


vG vG
D/10 D/10 000
(a) (b)

Fig. 6. Accuracy and ratio metrics: (a) ultimate response (ηult), (b) small displacement response (ηsd)

the 3D finite-element model at a specified value of Stage 1

ground-level pile displacement. Initial model Fit parametric function to
Accuracy metric values have been computed for the 1D calibration the numerical soil reaction
(numerical) model for ‘ultimate displacements’ ηult determined
for 0 , vG , D/10 and ‘small displacements’, ηsd, determined
for 0 , vG , D/10 000 for all of the piles in the calibration set Stage 2
for all relative densities. For DR ¼ 75%, the accuracy metrics Improvement of the
Optimise the 1D model, for each
are in the range from 0·92 to 0·98 for ηult and from 0·89 to 0·98 model for the
calibration relative
calibration relative density, by
for ηsd. Values of the ratio metric evaluated at vG ¼ D/10 and densities
adjusting the depth variation
vG ¼ D/10 000 for DR ¼ 75%, are in the range from 0·93 to 1·07
and from 0·88 to 1·08, respectively. These results indicate a
close match between the 1D (numerical) model and the 3D Stage 3a
calibration data. Similarly close agreement was obtained for Select and optimise the relative
density functions for the m, HB
the other relative density cases. and MB components

Formulation of the
Selection and calibration of the parametric soil reaction curves Select and optimise the relative
For a practical design tool, general forms of the soil density functions for the p
reaction curves are required that are applicable to pile
configurations not included in the calibration set. The
current form of the PISA design model employs the Stage 3c
four-parameter form in equation (1) to represent the soil Final optimisation on relative
reaction curves. Soil reaction curves based on this function density functions
are referred to as ‘parametric soil reaction curves’.
Values of the parameters required to fit the parametric soil Fig. 7. Calibration and optimisation process for the GDSM
reaction curves to the numerical data for each particular
relative density are determined by way of a two-stage process,
conducted over the full set of piles in each calibration set.
A final, third, stage is employed to determine the calibration load numerical soil reaction curves at selected depths, z, are
parameters for the GDSM. These calibration procedures are shown in Fig. 8(a). At shallow depths, (i.e. z/D ¼ 0·23 and
described below and summarised in Fig. 7. 1·08) where the displacements are relatively large, a peak,
The conic function employed to represent the soil reactions followed by post-peak softening, is apparent in the numerical
is intended for x;ˉ yˉ  0 only (i.e. in the positive quadrant). curves. This behaviour is likely to be associated with the
Depending on the direction of the applied load and the dilation characteristics of the soil as represented in the cali-
adopted sign convention, values of x; ˉ yˉ extracted from the bration analyses, and was typically observed in the distributed
calibration analyses may be negative. Also, for the distributed lateral load numerical data. Since softening cannot be
load and moment components, the direction of x; ˉ yˉ may vary represented with the selected conic function, a simplified
with position along the pile. The process of fitting the conic representation is adopted. At greater depths (e.g. z/D ¼ 2·33
function to the numerical data is conducted by first mapping and 5·97 in Fig. 8(a)) the soil reaction curve does not reach a
all of the numerical data into the positive quadrant. In the peak. The following calibration process is adopted.
subsequent implementation in the 1D finite-element model,
the soil reaction curves for the full range of xˉ (positive and (a) The value of the ultimate normalised lateral load, pˉ u , is
negative) are specified on the basis that the response in the taken as the value of the numerical soil reaction curve at
third quadrant (x; ˉ yˉ , 0) is identical to that in the first large displacement (i.e. the final increment of the
quadrant, but with appropriate sign changes. analysis). For softening behaviour, this value of pˉ u is
initially reached earlier in the analysis; in this case the
ultimate normalised displacement vˉ pu is selected as the
First-stage calibration value at the first increment of the numerical soil reaction
Distributed lateral load soil reaction curves. Example data, curve at which pˉ u is exceeded. Otherwise vˉ pu is taken as
for pile C4; DR ¼ 75%, on the normalised distributed lateral the value at the final analysis increment.

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30 0·5


Normalised distributed moment, m̄

Normalised distributed load, p̄



z/D = 0·23
z/D = 1·08
5 z/D = 2·33

z/D = 5·97
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 20 40 60 80 100
Normalised displacement, v̄ Normalised rotation, ψ̄
(a) (b)

Fig. 8. Normalised numerical soil reaction curves extracted from the analysis of pile C4, DR = 75%: (a) distributed lateral load; (b) distributed
moment. The data plotted are absolute values. Solid lines indicate numerical soil reaction curves; dashed lines indicate the parametric soil reaction
curves determined from the depth variation functions obtained at stage 1. For pile C4, L/D = 6. The plotted data therefore correspond to
z/L = 0·038, 0·18, 0·39, 1·0

(b) The initial stiffness kp is determined by proportional calibration space, soil failure will not be approached near the
least-squares fitting the linear expression pˉ ¼ kp vˉ to the pile base in any design calculations. A further aspect of
numerical soil reaction curve for 0 , pˉ , 01. the data relates to the actual physics of the problem being
(c) The curvature parameter, np, is determined by represented by an imperfect (Winkler) model. It is assumed
minimising the proportional least-square error between in the current model, for example, that the lateral distributed
the numerical data and the conic function, for the full load depends only on the lateral displacement, but there is
range of the data. likely also to be a dependency on local rotation. Additionally,
the data are normalised with respect to the local soil stiffness
Distributed lateral load parameters determined for all of the and strength; the actual lateral distributed load as deter-
piles in the calibration set, for DR ¼ 75%, are plotted in mined from the finite-element analysis doubtless depends on
Fig. 9. To develop functions (referred to as ‘depth variation non-local spatial stiffness/strength variations. Moreover, the
functions’) to represent the dependency of the parameters spatial coupling within the soil is ignored. The influences of
on depth, z, it is convenient to employ normalised depth these various approximations will be likely to vary with the
parameters that collapse the data (as far as possible) onto a dimensions of the pile and the loading eccentricity. These
single variable. Adopting a normalised depth z/D for kp and factors combine to generate the significant scatter observed
np, and an alternative normalised depth z/L for vˉ pu and pˉ u , in Fig. 9 data.
appeared to provide the best approach; the parameters Linear depth variation functions determined by least-
are plotted with respect to these normalised depth variables squares fitting to these data are also indicated in Fig. 9.
in Fig. 9 for all of the piles in the calibration set for Although more complex depth variation functions could be
DR ¼ 75%. employed, the overall pile behaviour can be captured
The data in Fig. 9 exhibit a certain amount of variability remarkably well using just a simple linear fit, as discussed in
and scatter along the pile. Some of these patterns can be the paper by Burd et al. (2017) and further demonstrated
related directly to physical aspects of the problem. For later in this paper. This is in spite of the significant variability
example, the cluster of points in Fig. 9(a) with relatively high in the individual soil reaction curve parameters. Also shown in
values of kp close to z/D ¼ 2 all relate to the short monopiles Fig. 9, for comparison purposes, are the depth variation
L/D ¼ 2 employed in the calibration set. It appears that these functions determined using the final GDSM calibration.
short, relatively stiff, monopiles attract a larger lateral soil
stiffness near their base than the more flexible L/D ¼ 6 piles.
The apparent discontinuity in the kp data close to z/D ¼ 2·6 is
associated with the behaviour of the L/D ¼ 6 piles near the Distributed moment curves. An example set of numerical
pivot point (where the direction of the lateral displacements distributed moment soil reaction curves, for pile C4;
changes sign with increasing depth). A similar influence of DR ¼ 75%, is shown in Fig. 8(b). The response typically
the pivot point (the location of the pivot tends to increase in tends to a limiting value after a sharp initial rise. At shallow
depth as displacements increase) is seen in the data in depths a peak is observed in the response. A bilinear form
Fig. 9(c). Other features of Fig. 9 relate to the calibration of the parametric curve (nm = 0) was selected in this case;
process. For example, the soil near the base of the L/D ¼ 6 only two parameters therefore require calibration, as follows.
piles was not taken to failure in the calibration analyses (since
the lateral displacements induced near the base of the piles (a) A high value of initial stiffness is chosen, arbitrarily, as
were relatively small). As a consequence, the pˉ u data in km = 20.
Fig. 9(c) for relatively large depths seem unrealistically low. (b) The ultimate normalised moment, m ˉ u , is selected as the
This is actually of little consequence for the PISA design mean of the values that satisfy m ˉ . 09m ˉ final at each soil
model, since the model provided is only used within the reaction depth, where m ˉ final is the value of distributed

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C1 C2
15 C3 C4
C5 C6 300
C7 C8
C9 C10
C11 First stage
kp v̄u


0 0
0 2 4 6 0 0·2 0·4 0·6 0·8 1·0
Normalised depth, z/D Normalised depth, z/L
(a) (b)

50 1·0



p̄u np 0·8



0 0·6
0 0·2 0·4 0·6 0·8 1·0 0 2 4 6
Normalised depth, z/L Normalised depth, z/D
(c) (d)

Fig. 9. Depth variations of the normalised distributed load soil reaction curve parameters for DR = 75%. The markers indicate data determined
from stage 1 for all of the calibration piles; also shown are regression lines that are fitted to these data. For comparison purposes, depth variation
functions corresponding to the GDSM are also indicated: (a) initial stiffness parameter, kp; (b) ultimate displacement parameter,ˉvu ; (c) ultimate
response parameter, ˉpu ; (d) curvature parameter, np

moment at a given depth at the last computed shown in Fig. 10(b). Soil reaction curve parameters are
increment. determined as follows.

Base horizontal load curves. The base horizontal load (a) The initial stiffness, kM, is calculated using proportional
numerical soil reaction curves extracted from all of the least-squares regression for 0 , ψˉ M , 005.
calibration analysis for DR ¼ 75% are shown in Fig. 10(a). (b) A value of ultimate rotation parameter is selected,
Soil reaction curve parameters are determined as follows. arbitrarily, at ψˉ Mu ¼ 50. This value exceeds the
computed normalised rotations and allows
(a) The initial stiffness kH is selected by proportional reasonable values of the curvature parameter to be
least-squares fitting the expression H ˉ B ¼ kH vˉ H to the selected.
numerical data for 0 , H ˉ B , 001. (c) The curvature parameter, nH, and the ultimate
(b) A displacement vˉ HðHmaxÞ is established at which the response parameter, M ˉ Bu , are selected by
peak value of H ˉ B is first reached. The normalised minimising the proportional least-square
ultimate response parameter, H ˉ Bu , is calculated as the error between the numerical data and the conic
average of the normalised base horizontal force values function.
for vˉ H . vˉ HðHmaxÞ.
(c) The ultimate displacement vˉ Hu is selected as the first It is seen from the above that threshold values for the
normalised displacement at which the normalised distributed lateral load (ˉp , 01), base horizontal force
numerical soil reaction is equal to H ˉ Bu. (Hˉ B , 001) and base moment (M ˉ B , 005) were adopted
(d ) The curvature parameter, nH, is determined by to determine the relevant initial stiffness parameters. These
minimising the proportional least-square error between threshold values are essentially arbitrary and were selected
the numerical data and the conic function. for the current work, on the basis of experimentation, to
ensure a satisfactory match between the finite-element
Base moment curves. The base moment reaction curves calibrations and the calibrated 1D model, for small
extracted from the calibration analyses for DR ¼ 75% are displacements.

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0·7 0·35

0·6 0·30
Normalised base horizontal force, H̄

Normalised base moment, M̄

0·5 0·25

0·4 0·20

0·3 0·15

0·2 0·10

0·1 Numerical 0·05

First stage
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 20 40 60 80 100
Normalised displacement, v̄ Normalised rotation, ψ¯
(a) (b)

Fig. 10. Normalised (a) base horizontal force and (b) base moment for all of the calibration piles for DR = 75%, with piles of L/D = 6 plotted in
black and L/D = 2 plotted in grey. Solid lines indicate numerical soil reaction curves; dashed lines indicate the parametric soil reaction curves
determined from stage 1

Second-stage optimisation assigning at least some of the relative density parameters to

To improve the fit between the 1D model and the 3D be constant.
finite-element calibration data, adjustments are made to the The relative density function forms were chosen in two
depth variation function parameters to minimise the cost stages. Initially (stage 3a) the m, HB and MB components
function, kp2 ¼ 0·9178 were considered. (The relative density functions for the
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi distributed lateral load – the dominant reaction component
u N u N
uX  2 u X 2 in terms of overall pile response – were determined in a
C¼ t 1  ηult;i þ t 1  ηsd;i ð10Þ subsequent process.) Depth variation parameters, from
i¼1 i¼1 stage 2, for m, HB and MB were inspected. Some of the
depth variation parameters – for example, the parameter nM
where ηult,i and ηsd,i are the ultimate and small displacement plotted in Fig. 11(a) – indicated a dependency on relative
accuracy metrics, respectively, for pile Ci, i ¼ 1:N and the density; linear relative density functions were assigned to
summation is taken over the piles in the calibration set these parameters. In other cases – for example, the parameter
(N ¼ 11 for DR ¼ 75% and N ¼ 9 for the other relative density kM plotted in Fig. 11(b) – where no obvious trend was
cases). This process was conducted, separately, for each apparent, constant relative density functions were assigned.
relative density using optimisation routines implemented in An initial set of calibrated relative density functions for the
Matlab. m, HB and MB components, based on these chosen relative
The parameters from the first-stage calibration were used density function forms, was then determined by least-squares
as initial values for this optimisation process. All parameters fitting to the stage 2 data.
were allowed to vary by up to ± 50% of their initial value, In a subsequent stage (stage 3b) choices were made on the
subject to an upper limit of 1·0 on the curvature parameters, relative density forms for the distributed lateral load. This
and the need for the soil reaction curve parameters to be was done by re-determining the individual depth variation
non-negative at all pile locations. parameters for the distributed lateral load only, for each
The form of the depth variation functions developed reference relative density, by minimising the cost function in
during this process is indicated in Table 5. These functions equation (10). These computations employed the relative
require the specification of a total of 22 parameters; density functions from stage 3a to define the model
parameter values determined for DR ¼ 75% at the end of parameters for m, HB and MB. It was discovered that this
this second stage (stage 2) are listed in Table 5. Values process reduced the scatter in the distributed lateral load
calculated at the ground surface and at the base of a pile of depth variation parameters and therefore facilitated the
length L/D ¼ 2 and L/D ¼ 6, for DR ¼ 75%, are also selection of appropriate relative density function forms for
tabulated. this component. Distributed lateral load parameters which,
at this stage, exhibited a consistent dependency on relative
density (e.g. the parameter np), Fig. 12(a), had a linear
Third stage optimisation; relative density functions function of relative density assigned to them. The one
The GDSM employs simple functions – linear and parameter that did not exhibit an obvious trend (kp2 shown
constant – to represent the dependency of each depth in Fig. 12(b)) was assigned to be a constant.
variation parameter on relative density; these are referred The system of relative density functions developed in
to as ‘relative density functions’. If linear functions were to be this way is specified by a set of 39 parameters. A final
adopted for all of the (22) model parameters, then a total of optimisation (stage 3c) was conducted over all of these
44 relative density parameters would require calibration. It is parameters to minimise the cost function in equation (10).
desirable, therefore, to reduce the calibration space by The relative density functions employing this final set

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Table 5. General forms of depth variation functions employed in the sand modelling framework, calibrated within the parameter space set out in
Table 4

Soil reaction Soil reaction parameter Depth variation Depth variation Value Value at Value at
component functions parameters for at base of base of
DR = 75% surface L/D = 2 L/D = 6
pile pile

Distributed Ultimate displacement, vˉ pu vˉ pu vˉ pu ¼ 6478 64·78 64·78 64·78

lateral load, p z z
Initial stiffness, kp kp1 þ kp2 kp ¼ 864  081 8·64 7·02 3·78
Curvature, np np np ¼ 0·966 0·966 0·966 0·966
z z
Ultimate reaction, pˉ u pˉ u1 þ pˉ u2 pˉ u ¼ 2086  583 20·86 15·03 15·03
Distributed Ultimate rotation, ψˉ mu ψˉ mu n/a n/a n/a n/a
moment, m
Initial stiffness, km km km ¼ 18·1 18·1 18·1 18·1

Curvature, nm nm nm ¼ 0·0 0·0 0·0 0·0

z z
Ultimate moment, m m ˉ u1 þ m
ˉ u2 m ˉ u ¼ 023  005 0·23 0·18 0·18
Base horizontal Ultimate displacement, vˉ Hu vˉ Hu1 þ vˉ Hu2 vˉ Hu ¼ 213  031 n/a 1·51 0·27
force, HB D D
Initial stiffness, kH kH1 þ kH2 kH ¼ 328  037 n/a 2·54 1·06
Curvature, nH nH1 þ nH2 nH ¼ 083  0058 n/a 0·714 0·482
ˉ Bu
Ultimate reaction, H H ˉ Bu1 þ H ˉ Bu2 L H ˉ Bu ¼ 063  007 L n/a 0·49 0·21
Base moment, Ultimate rotation, ψˉ Mu ψˉ Mu ψˉ Mu ¼ 494 n/a 49·4 49·4
Initial stiffness, kM kM kM ¼ 0·30 n/a 0·30 0·30

Curvature, nM nM nM ¼ 0·86 n/a 0·86 0·86

ˉ Bu
Ultimate reaction, M M ˉ Bu2 L
ˉ Bu1 þ M ˉ Bu
M ¼ 039  005
n/a 0·29 0·09

Depth variation parameters for DR ¼ 75% determined from the stage 2 optimisation, with values for selected cases also listed.

1·0 1·00 0
0·6 0·4
nM kM np kp2 –1·0
0·2 –1·5

0 0 0·85 –2·0
45 55 65 75 85 45 55 65 75 85 45 55 65 75 85 45 55 65 75 85
DR: % DR: % DR: % DR : %
(a) (b) (a) (b)

Fig. 11. Example data for the variation of soil reaction curve Fig. 12. Example data for the variation of soil reaction curve
parameters with relative density. (a) Indicates data on nM and (b) parameters with relative density. (a) Indicates data on np and (b)
indicates data on kM, both determined at the end of stage 2. For indicates data on kp2, both sets determined at stage 3b. For
comparison purposes, the relative density functions corresponding to comparison purposes the relative density functions corresponding to
the GDSM are also indicated the GDSM are also indicated

of GDSM parameters are specified in Table 6. Note that which the soil reaction curves are determined by the GDSM)
the fitting process across the relative densities leads is employed with DR ¼ 75%, for piles C1 and C4, to investigate
to marginal differences between the evaluation of the the sensitivity of the results to the size of the embedded pile
functions in Table 6 (stage 3c) and the results shown in and soil elements employed in the model. Calculations were
Table 5 (stage 2). conducted for embedded element lengths of between 0·1 m
and 10 m for C1 (L ¼ 20 m) and between 0·5 m and 20 m for
C4 DR ¼ 75%. Computed values of the lateral loads ηsd and
Convergence study Hsd at vG ¼ D/10 and vG ¼ D/10 000, respectively, are listed in
An indicative convergence study has been conducted in Table 7; this table also lists errors in the computed lateral load
which the 1D (GDSM) model (i.e. a form of the 1D model in relative to the finest mesh used in each case.

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Table 6. Relative density functions for the GDSM, calibrated for 2  (L/D)  6; 5  (h/D)  15; 45%  DR  90%

Soil reaction component Soil reaction parameter Relative density functions

Distributed lateral load, p Ultimate displacement, vˉ pu vˉ pu ¼ 1461  9211DR

Initial stiffness, kp kp1 ¼ 8·731  0·6982DR
kp2 ¼ 0·9178
Curvature, np np ¼ 0·917 þ 0·06193DR
Ultimate reaction, pˉ u pˉ u1 ¼ 03667 þ 2589DR
pˉ u2 ¼ 03375  8900DR
Distributed moment, m Ultimate rotation, ψˉ mu Given by m ˉ u =km
Initial stiffness, km km ¼ 17·00
Curvature, nm nm ¼ 0·0
Ultimate moment, m ˉu m ˉ u1 ¼ 02605
m ˉ u2 ¼ 01989 þ 02019DR
Base horizontal force, HB Ultimate displacement, vˉ Hu vˉ Hu1 ¼ 05150 þ 2883DR
vˉ Hu2 ¼ 01695  07018DR
Initial stiffness, kH kH1 ¼ 6·505  2·985DR
kH2 ¼ 0·007969  0·4299DR
Curvature, nH nH1 ¼ 0·09978 þ 0·7974DR
nH2 ¼ 0·004994  0·07005DR
ˉ Bu
Ultimate reaction, H H ˉ Bu1 ¼ 009952 þ 07996DR
H ˉ Bu2 ¼ 003988  01606DR
Base moment, MB Ultimate rotation, ψˉ Mu ψˉ Mu ¼ 4489
Initial stiffness, kM kM ¼ 0·3515
Curvature, nM nM ¼ 0·300 þ 0·4986DR
Ultimate reaction, M ˉ Bu M ˉ Bu1 ¼ 009981 þ 03710DR
M ˉ Bu2 ¼ 001998  009041DR

Note: In these relative density functions, the value of DR is expressed as a decimal (i.e. DR ¼ 0·75 for sand with 75% relative density). The
relative density functions relate to the depth variation function forms specified in Table 5. The relative density functions are specified in the
table to a precision of four significant figures; parameters with this precision were adopted in the 1D model computations described in the
current paper. This relatively precise form of the data, selected to be suitable for numerical computations, should not be interpreted as being
indicative of the perceived accuracy of these expressions. For a general consideration of the trends and characteristics of the soil reaction curves,
employing the data at a lower level of precision (e.g. two significant figures) might be more appropriate.

Table 7. Convergence study results for piles C1 and C4; DR = 75%

Number of Embedded element Hult: MN Errorult: % Hsd: MN Errorsd: %

embedded size: m
200 0·1 25·5510 0·0000 0·5384 0·0000
40 0·5 25·5507 0·0012 0·5385 0·0054
20 1 25·5491 0·0077 0·5386 0·0209
10 2 25·5529 0·0074 0·5388 0·0739
4 5 25·6273 0·2986 0·5410 0·4812
2 10 25·6202 0·2707 0·5487 1·8962
120 0·5 174·3406 0·0000 0·7556 0·0000
60 1 174·3434 0·0016 0·7557 0·0119
24 2·5 174·3623 0·0124 0·7562 0·0902
12 5 174·4155 0·0429 0·7583 0·3591
6 10 174·7061 0·2096 0·7666 1·4576
4 15 174·8272 0·2791 0·7873 4·1995
3 20 175·2942 0·5470 0·8153 7·9028

The results indicate that Hult is remarkably tolerant of ANALYSIS OF THE CALIBRATION CASES USING
employing a relatively coarse mesh for both piles. In all cases, THE GDSM
even for the coarsest meshes, the error is less than 1%. The The H–vG performances of piles C1 (D = 10 m, L = 20 m)
small displacement response appears more sensitive to and C4 (D = 10 m, L = 60 m) computed using the 1D
element size, however. In this case, for both piles, embedded (GDSM) model for DR ¼ 75% are shown in Fig. 13. A
element lengths of 5 m or less are required to achieve an error close fit is obtained between the 1D model and the
of less than 1%. calibration data. The numerical soil reaction curves, together
The process conducted to calibrate the GDSM employed a with the parametric curves determined using the GDSM, for
standard embedded element length of 2·5 m. This conver- the distributed lateral load, are plotted in Fig. 14(a) (for the
gence study suggests that modelling errors associated with full range of displacements) and in Fig. 14(b) (for small
mesh discretisation effects in the model calibration process displacements). It is clear that differences exist between
are likely to be negligible. the two sets of data. Although the GDSM soil reaction

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3D finite-element 0·6


Lateral load, H: MN
Lateral load, H: MN


10 0·2

0 0
0 0·25 0·50 0·75 1·00 0 0·0005 0·0010
Ground-level displacement, vG: m Ground-level displacement, vG: m
(a) (b)

200 0·8

150 Lateral load, H: MN 0·6

Lateral load, H: MN

100 0·4

50 0·2

0 0
0 0·25 0·50 0·75 1·0 0 0·0005 0·0010
Ground-level displacement, vG: m Ground-level displacement, vG: m

(c) (d)

Fig. 13. Comparisons between the 3D finite-element calibration analyses and the 1D (GDSM) model, DR = 75%: (a), (b) show data for pile C1
(D = 10 m, L = 20 m); (c), (d) show data for pile C4 (D = 10 m, L = 60 m)

30 8

Normalised distributed load, p̄

Normalised distributed load, p̄


15 4

z/D = 0·23 3
z/D = 1·08 2
5 z/D = 2·33
z/D = 5·97
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 1 2 3 4 5
Normalised displacement, v̄ Normalised displacement, v̄
(a) (b)

Fig. 14. Normalised numerical distributed soil reaction curves for pile C4; DR = 75% (shown as solid lines) compared with soil reaction curves
determined from the GDSM (shown as dashed lines): (a) overall response; (b) small displacement

curves are tailored to provide a representation of the 3D depart from the 3D calibration data for individual piles at a
finite-element data across the complete set of calibration local level. Experience from the use of the 1D model
analyses, they can exhibit a tendency, apparent in Fig. 14, to indicates, however, that it is able to reproduce the overall

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Table 8. Accuracy and ratio metrics determined for the 1D (GDSM) calibration piles. Values of relative density have been
model for all calibration piles chosen that fall within the calibration space but not at the
original calibration densities.
Relative Pile ρsd ρult ηsd ηult The load–displacement responses computed for pile D2t
density reference using the 1D (GDSM) model and, separately, with corres-
DR ¼ 45% C1 0·96 1·09 0·96 0·93 ponding 3D finite-element models, are shown in Fig. 15, for
C2 0·93 1·09 0·93 0·93 relative densities 55% and 85%. A close match is observed
C4 1·03 1·04 0·97 0·95 between the two data sets. Fig. 15 also shows excellent
C5 0·99 1·03 0·99 0·96 agreement of the bending moments induced in the embedded
C6 1·02 0·98 0·98 0·98 portions of the piles, determined for DR ¼ 85% (where Hult is
C8 1·09 1·00 0·91 0·98
C9 1·05 0·99 0·94 0·99
the lateral load determined from the 3D finite-element
C10 0·98 1·05 0·98 0·96 analysis at vG ¼ 0·1D) and also for H ¼ 0·5Hult.
C11 1·05 1·03 0·95 0·96 Values of accuracy and ratio metrics for a set of 13 design
DR ¼ 60% C1 0·94 1·08 0·95 0·96 example cases are listed in Table 10. These data, which
C2 0·92 1·07 0·92 0·96 indicate a close match between the 1D (GDSM) model and
C4 1·01 1·03 0·99 0·97 corresponding 3D finite-element results, support the assump-
C5 0·98 1·02 0·98 0·98 tion implicit in the PISA methodology, that the 1D model
C6 1·00 0·93 0·99 0·91 provides an efficient means of interpolating the overall pile
C8 1·07 0·98 0·92 0·99 response computed using the 3D calibration calculations
C9 1·04 0·96 0·95 0·98
to other pile geometries and relative densities within the
C10 0·96 1·02 0·97 0·98
C11 1·04 1·01 0·96 0·98 calibration space.
DR ¼ 75% C1 0·93 1·02 0·94 0·97
C2 0·91 1·02 0·91 0·96
C3 0·94 1·02 0·95 0·96
C5 0·97 0·99 0·97 0·99 The PISA design model provides a rapid means of
C6 0·99 0·92 0·99 0·90 conducting design calculations for monopile foundations
C7 1·00 0·89 0·98 0·88 for offshore wind turbines. This paper demonstrates an
C8 1·07 0·95 0·92 0·98 application of the model to homogeneous marine sand
C9 1·03 0·94 0·96 0·97 sites, complementing the modelling approach described in
C10 0·95 0·98 0·96 0·94 the paper by Byrne et al. (2020) for glacial clay till soils. The
C11 1·03 0·98 0·97 0·99
DR ¼ 90% C1 0·91 1·04 0·92 0·98
model is capable of delivering predictions of performance
C2 0·89 1·04 0·89 0·99 that closely match the results obtained from equivalent 3D
C4 0·99 1·02 0·99 0·95 finite-element models.
C5 0·95 1·01 0·95 0·97 The paper describes a calibration process based on the soil
C6 0·97 0·94 0·98 0·95 conditions at the PISA sand site in Dunkirk. This calibration
C8 1·05 1·00 0·94 0·97 is considered to provide a realistic model for monopiles
C9 1·02 0·99 0·97 0·98 installed at offshore sand sites where the characteristics of the
C10 0·93 1·00 0·95 0·99 sand are similar to the Flandrian sand encountered at
C11 1·01 1·01 0·98 0·96 Dunkirk and where the monopile dimensions fall within
Average 0·99 1·00 0·96 0·96
the calibration space. In other cases, application of the model
CoV 5·14% 4·52%
may require a separate calibration exercise. The model
has been demonstrated for monopiles with uniform wall
thickness. However, the model can be applied straight-
forwardly, to piles with variations in wall thickness along
behaviour of the calibration piles to a high accuracy, their embedded length, by the specification of appropriate
although at a local level, significant differences can exist structural properties for the beam elements in the 1D model.
between the calibration data and the parametric soil reaction The normalisations employed in the model do not explicitly
curves. include the load eccentricity, h, although the optimised
Table 8 provides the performance metrics for the appli- calibration parameters are likely to depend on the range of
cation of the GDSM to the full range of calibration piles, h/D employed in the calibration process. It therefore follows
showing an excellent fit of the model to the data. that the model should not be used for values of h/D
(or indeed any other pile parameters) that fall outside the
calibration space.
DESIGN EXAMPLES The PISA design model is shown to reproduce the overall
To demonstrate the predictive capability of the 1D behaviour of the calibration piles, even though at a local level
(GDSM) model, various design examples have been con- significant differences can exist between the numerical soil
sidered. The geometries of these example cases, specified in reaction curves and the calibrated model. This apparently
Table 9, are selected to fall within the calibration space but to well-conditioned aspect of the model is considered to be
differ from the geometric conditions employed for the due to the overall pile performance being obtained by

Table 9. Pile geometries and load eccentricity for the design example piles

Pile reference D: m h: m h/D L: m h/L L/D t: mm D/t

D1 7·5 37·5 5 22·5 1·67 3 68 110

D2 8·75 87·5 10 35 2·5 4 91 96
D2t 8·75 87·5 10 35 2·5 4 150 58

Downloaded by [] on [20/01/21]. Published with permission by the ICE under the CC-BY license
Bending moment, M: MNm
40 0·5
0 2000 4000
Lateral load, H: MN

Lateral load, H: MN

20 0·25

Depth, z: m


0 0
0 0·4375 0·8750 0 0·0004375 0·000875
Ground-level displacement, vG: m Ground-level displacement, vG: m –35

60 0·5 Bending moment, M: MNm

0 3000 6000
Lateral load, H: MN

Lateral load, H: MN

40 –5

30 0·25

Depth, z: m

0 0
0 0·8750 0 0·0004375 0·000875
Ground-level displacement, vG: m Ground-level displacement, vG: m –35
(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 15. Comparison between computed responses determined from the 1D (GDSM) model and equivalent 3D finite-element analyses for pile D2t
for DR = 55% (row 1) and DR = 85% (row 2), with (a) showing the ultimate response, (b) the small displacement response and (c) the bending
moment profile with depth. The solid line represents the 3D finite-element results and the dashed line the 1D parametric model results

Table 10. Accuracy and ratio metrics determined for the design to be enhanced by the use of a further optimisation process
examples stage 2. Although the stage 2 process (and to an extent the
stage 3 process) improves the overall performance of the
Relative Pile ρsd ρult ηsd ηult model, it does not necessarily lead to an improved represen-
density reference tation of the actual physics of the local soil–pile interaction.
DR ¼ 45% D1 0·97 1·04 0·97 0·96 Instead, the stage 2 and stage 3 optimisation should be
D2 1·03 1·06 0·97 0·94 understood as a pragmatic expedient to calibrate an
D2t 1·07 1·06 0·93 0·94 imperfect model (Winkler) to provide high-fidelity predic-
DR ¼ 60% D1 0·95 0·99 0·96 0·99 tions of behaviour within a predefined calibration space. It is
D2 1·02 1·01 0·98 0·98 also necessary to recognise that any modelling errors inherent
DR ¼ 75% D1 1·03 0·93 0·96 0·95
D2 1·01 0·96 0·99 0·98
in the 3D finite-element calibration analyses will be inherited
DR ¼ 90% D1 0·92 0·96 0·93 0·97 by the design model.
D2 0·99 1·00 0·99 0·96 The current form of the PISA design model is restricted
D2t 1·02 0·99 0·98 0·96 to monotonic loading. Extensions to cyclic loading are
DR ¼ 55% D2t 1·05 1·04 0·94 0·96 feasible – for example by the development of cycle-by-cycle
DR ¼ 70% D2t 1·04 0·97 0·95 0·98 soil reaction curves, or the implementation of approaches in
DR ¼ 85% D2t 1·02 0·97 0·97 0·98 which the (monotonic) soil reaction curves are modified to
Average 1·01 1·00 0·96 0·97 reflect the influence of previous load cycling. The model
CoV 4·13% 4·15% is demonstrated for homogeneous soil deposits only, whereas
offshore sites usually consist of layered profiles, often
involving interbedded clays and sands. This can be addressed
integrating the soil reaction curves along the entire length of using the PISA design model by assigning clay soil reaction
the foundation. Provided that significant systematic errors curves (Byrne et al., 2020) to the clay layers and employing
are absent, this averaging process appears to have the the current model for the sand layers; Byrne et al. (2019a)
consequence that the model is remarkably tolerant of describe an initial evaluation of this approach.
imperfect fitting of the data at a local level.
The approximate nature of the Winkler modelling
approach adopted in the PISA design model has a number ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
of implications. First, as is indicated by the considerable The PISA Phase 1 project was funded by the UK
scatter in the data in Fig. 9, the model is unable to represent Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and
the pile–soil interaction at all points along the pile in a the PISA industry partners under the umbrella of the
high-fidelity manner. The stage 1 calibration process is offshore wind accelerator (OWA) programme, which was
modestly successful at representing the overall monopile designed and is led by the Carbon Trust. The authors
performance, but the performance of the model was found acknowledge the provision of financial and technical support

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Le ð Z2
k¼ BT DB dz ð15Þ

1 2 where D is an appropriate constitutive matrix. The tangent

constitutive matrix, Dt, for the soil element is
z 23
dp dp
@p 6 dv dψ 7
6 7
Fig. 16. Illustration of a soil finite element within the PISA design Dt ¼ ¼ 6 7 ð16Þ
model implementation @v 4 dm dm 5
dv dψ

by the following project partners: Ørsted Wind Power where p ¼ ð p m ÞT is the local distributed load/moment vector.
The terms in the first row of Dt are determined from the normalised
(formerly: DONG Energy), Alstom Wind, E.ON, EDF, soil reaction curve for pˉ in a straightforward way as
Equinor (formerly: Statoil), innogy, SPR, Statkraft, SSE,
Vattenfall and Van Oord. Development of the specific dp dˉp dp
¼ G0 ; ¼0 ð17Þ
GDSM aspects of the PISA design model were conducted dv dˉv dψ
as part of the PISA Phase 2 project, which was supported by
As a consequence of the normalisation adopted for the distributed
the Scottish Government and all partners from the PISA moment (see equation (6)), the second row of Dt matrix contains two
project except Statkraft. non-zero terms which are evaluated as
dm dˉp dm jpjDG0 dmˉ
¼ mDG 0 sgnðpÞ ; ¼ ð18Þ
dv dˉv dψ σ vi dψˉ
where sgn(p) represents the signum function.
The dependence of distributed moment on the distributed lateral
soil reaction in the sand modelling framework requires some special
consideration for the numerical implementation of the PISA design NOTATION
model. The finite-element formulation adopted for the model D constitutive matrix
employs soil finite elements that have compatible displacements Dt tangent constitutive matrix
with the finite elements used to model the pile (see Byrne et al. D pile diameter
(2020) for further details). A soil finite element of length Le DR soil relative density
connected to nodes 1 and 2 with depth coordinates Z1 and Z2, e0 initial soil void ratio
respectively, is illustrated in Fig. 16. G0 small-strain soil shear modulus
The lateral displacement within this soil element is defined by the H lateral load applied to pile
interpolation H1D lateral load applied to pile, computed with the 1D model
H3D lateral load applied to pile, computed with the 3D model
v ¼ N1 V1  N2 Ψ1 þ ðN2 þ N4 Þγ0 þ N3 V2  N4 Ψ2 ð11Þ HB horizontal force at pile base
HG lateral load applied to pile at ground level
where V1, V2 are the values of lateral displacement and Ψ1, Ψ2 are Hsd lateral load applied to pile at a ground-level displacement
the pile cross-section rotation at nodes 1 and 2, respectively. The of vG ¼ D/10 000
functions Ni are the conventional set of Hermite cubic interpolation Hult lateral load applied to pile at a ground-level displacement
polynomials, given by of vG ¼ D/10
h load eccentricity
N1 ¼ 1  3α2 þ 2α3 ð12Þ k initial stiffness of parametric soil reaction curve
k soil finite-element stiffness matrix
L pile embedded length
N2 ¼ αLe ð1  2α þ α2 Þ Le length of soil finite element
MB moment at pile base
N3 ¼ 3α2  2α3 MG moment applied to pile at ground level
m distributed moment acting on monopile
Ni conventional set of Hermite cubic interpolation
N4 ¼ αLe ðα þ α2 Þ polynomials
n curvature parameter for parametric soil reaction curve
where α ¼ (z  Z1)/Le and z is a general depth coordinate of a point p distributed lateral load applied to pile
within the element. The shear strain, γ0, is assumed constant within p local distributed load/moment vector
each beam element; since the soil and beam elements share the same su undrained shear strength of soil
interpolation, the shear strain γ0 in the beam elements also appears t pile wall thickness
as a degree of freedom for the soil elements in equation (11). The U vector containing element displacement degrees of
local displacement v and rotation ψ within each soil element is given freedom
by V1, V2 lateral displacement values
v lateral pile displacement
v ¼ BU ð13Þ v local displacement/rotation vector
where v ¼ ð v ψ Þ is the local displacement/rotation vector, U ¼ vB lateral pile displacement at pile base
ð V1 Ψ1 γ0 V2 Ψ2 ÞT is a vector containing the element vG ground-level lateral pile displacement
displacement degrees of freedom and xˉ u ultimate displacement for parametric soil reaction curve
yˉ u ultimate load for parametric soil reaction curve
" # Z1, Z2 depth coordinates of nodes 1 and 2
N1 N2 ðN 2 þ N 4 Þ N3 N4 z depth coordinate along the pile
B¼ ð14Þ
N′1 N′2 ðN′2 þ N′4  1Þ N′3 N′4 α normalised depth coordinate
η accuracy metric
where Ni′ denotes a shape function derivative with respect to z. The ηsd small displacement accuracy metric (ground-level pile
stiffness matrix k for the soil elements is determined from displacements up to D/10 000)

Downloaded by [] on [20/01/21]. Published with permission by the ICE under the CC-BY license
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