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Callihan Indictment WM

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Case: 25CI1:24-cr-00466-DHG Document #: 1 Filed: 06/28/2024 Page 1 of 3

INDICTMENT Capital Murder §97-3-19(2)(£) CIRCUIT COURT NO.~W '-/0& (r)JI&

Kidnapping §97-3-53- 2 Counts
Sexual Battery, §97-03-95( 1)(d)- 3 Counts
Possession Stolen Vehicle, §97-17-70( 4)

THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI J :: ~ 2 3 ~ :~~; Circuit Court i

FIRST DISTRICT, HINDS COUNTY Z/'.G( \'J.'-.LL'.C:, c:~cu:~-cL=:·KJune Term, A.D., 2d24
BY ~st Judicial Districk
of Hinds County I

The Grand Jurors of the State of Mississippi, taken from the body of good ahd lawful
persons of the First Judicial District of Hinds County, in the State of Mississippi, elected,

impanelled, sworn and charged to inquire in and for said District, County and State aforesaid, in
the name and by the authority of the State of Mississippi, upon their oath present: That i


Daniel Wayne Callihan


while acting alone and/or in concert with and/or aiding, assisting or encouragin~

another or others; to-wit, Victoria Cox
In said District, County and State


on and about the 13th day of June, 2024, in the county aforesaid and within the jurisdic~on of this

Court, the said defendant being a male human being above the age of eighteen (18) ears, did,
while acting alone and/or in concert with and/or aiding, assisting or encouraging Vi toria Cox

and/or others known and unknown to the grand jury, willfully, unlawfully, and felonio sly kill, a
human being, Erin Nicole Brunett, a four (4) year old female child, whose date of birth ·s October

28,2019, without the authority oflaw by any means or in any manner, done with or with ut design

to effect death of Erin Nicole Brunett, while in the commission of the crime of feloni us abuse
and/or battery of a Erin Nicole Brunett as prohibited by Mississippi Code Annotated §9 -5-39(2),
all occurring within the jurisdiction of this court and in violation of Section 97- -19(2)(f)
Mississippi Code Annotated ( 1972, as amended); and,


based upon a series of acts connected together and constituting parts of a common sdheme and
plan, said Daniel Wayne Callihan being a male human being above the age eighteen (!18) years,
did, while acting alone and/or in concert with and/or aiding, assisting or encouraging Vi¢toria Cox
and/or others known and unknown to the grand jury, on and about the 13th day of Jun~, 2024, in
the county aforesaid and within the jurisdiction of this Court, willfully, unlawfully, ffloniously
and without lawful authority forcibly seized, inveigled, kidnapped and/or confined Erin Nicole
Brunett, a four (4) year old female child, whose date of birth is October 28, 2019, agai~st her will
and/or against the will of her parents, guardian(s) or persons having lawful custody bf her, by
forcibly confining her at or near 3980 Boozier Drive, Jackson, Mississippi, all occurring within
2 tfl

Lf~(/1 tOll(£;
Case: 25CI1:24-cr-00466-DHG Document #: 1 Filed: 06/28/2024 Page 2 of 3


the jurisdiction of this court, in violation of Mississippi Code Annotated Section 97-3-513( 1972, as
amended); and,

based upon a series of acts connected together and constituting parts of a common s heme and
plan, said Daniel Wayne Callihan being a male human being above the age eighteen 18) years,
did, while acting alone and/or in concert with and/or aiding, assisting or encouraging Vi toria Cox
and/or others known and unknown to the grand jury, on and about the 13th day of Jun , 2024, in
the county aforesaid and within the jurisdiction of this Court, willfully, unlawfully, loniously
and without lawful authority forcibly seized, inveigled, kidnapped and/or confined J. . a six (6)
year old female child, whose date of birth is October 5, 2017, against her will and/or gainst the
will of her parents, guardian(s) or persons having lawful custody of her, by forcibly co fining her
at or near 3980 Boozier Drive, Jackson, Mississippi, all occurring within the jurisdictlon of this

court, in violation of Mississippi Code Annotated Section 97-3-53(1972, as amended); !lnd,


based upon a series of acts connected together and constituting parts of a comm n scheme

and plan, said Daniel Wayne Callihan being a male human being above the age eighteen 18) years,
did, while acting alone and/or in concert with and/or aiding, assisting or encouraging Vi toria Cox
and/or others known and unknown to the grand jury, on and about the 13th day of Jun , 2024, in
the county aforesaid and within the jurisdiction of this Court, willfully, unlawfully, and tl loniously
engage in sexual penetration, as defined by Mississippi Code Annotated §97-3-97, with1 J.B. a six

(6) year old female child, whose date of birth is October 5, 2017, by aiding, assisting, en~ouraging
and/or participating in the act of Victoria Cox engaging in cunnilingus with six year old J.B., at a
time when said Daniel Wayne Callihan and Victoria Cox were each more than twenty~four (24)

months older than J .8 ., all occurring within the jurisdiction of this court and in violation pf Section

§97-03-95( I )(d), Mississippi Code Annotated ( 1972, as amended); and,



based upon a series of acts connected together and constituting parts of a commqn scheme
and plan, said Daniel Wayne Callihan being a male human being above the age eighteen (118) years,
did, while acting alone and/or in concert with and/or aiding, assisting or encouraging Vi~toria Cox
and/or others known and unknown to the grand jury, on and about the 13th day of June\, 2024, in
the county aforesaid and within the jurisdiction of this Court, willfully, unlawfully, and f1loniously
engage in sexual penetration, as defined by Mississippi Code Annotated §97-3-97, with1J.B. a six
(6) year old female child, whose date of birth is October 5, 2017, by penetrating J.B.~s vaginal
and/or anal opening with any part ofhis, Daniel Wayne Callihan's body at a time when siid Daniel
Wayne Callihan was more than twenty-four (24) months older than J.B., all occurring Within the
jurisdiction of this court and in violation of Section §97-03-95( l )(d), Mississippi Code Annotated
( 1972, as amended); and,
Case: 25CI1:24-cr-00466-DHG Document #: 1 Filed: 06/28/2024 Page 3 of 3


based upon a series of acts connected together and constituting parts of a commoh scheme
and plan, said Daniel Wayne Callihan being a male human being above the age eighteen ds) years,
did, while acting alone and/or in concert with and/or aiding, assisting or encouraging Vic~oria Cox
and/or others known and unknown to the grand jury, on and about the 13th day of June 1 2024, in
the county aforesaid and within the jurisdiction of this Court, willfully, unlawfully, and fe~·oniously
engage in sexual penetration, as defined by Mississippi Code Annotated §97-3-97, with .B. a six
(6) year old female child, whose date of birth is October 5, 2017, by engaging in fellatio ith J.B.,
at a time when said Daniel Wayne Callihan was more than twenty-four (24) months qlder than
J.B., all occurring within the jurisdiction of this court and in violation of Section §97-03+95( 1)(d),
Mississippi Code Annotated ( 1972, as amended); and,


based upon a series of acts connected together and constituting parts of a commop scheme
and plan, said Daniel Wayne Callihan being a male human being above the age eighteen ( ~ 8) years,

did, while acting alone and/or in concert with and/or aiding, assisting or encouraging Vic~oria Cox
and/or others known and unknown to the grand jury, on and about the 13th day of Junej 2024, in

the county aforesaid and within the jurisdiction of this Court, willfully, unlawttt!ly, and
feloniously, intentionally possessed, received, retained or disposed of stolen property, ~ black in
color 2012 Chrysler 200, YIN Number 1C3CCBABXCN138446, a motor vehicle, th~ property

of another, that had been stolen from Tangipahoa Parish, Louisianna, having a propertt value of
more than $1,000.00 but less than S5,000.00, knowing that said motor vehicle had bee~ stolen or

having reasonable grounds to believe it had been stolen, all occurring within the juris~iction of
this court and in violation of Section §97-17-70(4), Mississippi Code Annotated (1972, as


All of the above, Count I, Count II, Count III, Count IV, Count V, Count VI and Count ~II being

contrary to the form of the statute in such cases made and provided, and against the peace and

dignity of the State of Mississippi.

Endorsed: A True Bill

vj(jQc (J{j::::J
Fore man of the Grand 1ury

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