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Body Cam Narrative, Greene and Lents

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Body Cam, Officer Jimmy Greene:

Officer Jimmy Greene’s bodycam video starts out with him getting out of his police-issue vehicle and
walking toward a crowd of complainants who are speaking with other officers about the incident. A
woman is talking about how her teenage son, an 18-year-old black male (Participant 2), was approached
by a 20-year-old black male (Participant 1) with a gun.
The mother holds that her son, Participant 2, and the other teen, Participant 1, had a beef, and that she
believed Participant 1 was going to shoot her son. She said she knocked on Participant 1’s parents’ door
to see what was going on.
During this time, Leon Seals can be seen in the group. The mother contests that Participant 1 was in and
out of Seals’ house, and that when she had asked Seals what was going on, he told her nothing.
She says Seals told her, “Well, we can box it out.” She asked, “Why are we going to box it out, if there
ain’t nothing wrong? So it’s a problem?”
She says she believes that Participant 1 took the gun back over to Seals house.
In the course of the conversation the mother and Seals are yelling at each other when Seals claims he
doesn’t have anything to do with the people involved in the altercation. The mother tells Seals to shut
up, “This ain’t got nothing to do with you. Don’t make it about you.”
Much of the conversation is unintelligible because of the overlapping yelling.
Officer Greene moves on to talk with some other neighbors, one of which was Participant 2, who was
allegedly threatened with the weapon. He can be heard telling an officer, “He told me he wanted to kill
me.” Officer establishes in this conversation that the altercation is allegedly over a girl. Participant 2 says
the Participant 1 left the situation and was not there anymore. A neighbor tells the officer that
Participant 1 is known for carrying a gun.
Officer gets on the phone with Chief Nick McLendon, who has been called by a neighbor. Greene tells
McLendon that the juveniles are arguing over a girl. He identifies Participant 1 and where he lives.
During the conversation, the chief asks who pulled the gun and they said it wasn’t Leon, it was
Participant 1.
Greene: “Supposedly pulled a gun on one of the kids over here talking to a girl that he likes.”
McLendon: “I told him let the guys do their job.”
Greene: “Somehow Leon got in the mix of it too, so it’s just…”
McLendon: “Oh Lord”
McLendon tells them to do their job, and the officer gives the phone back to the neighbor.
More crowd yelling, Greene and another officer gets in the middle between Seals and a teen and the
rest of the neighbors and they try to deescalate the crowd.
One of the neighbors can be heard saying, “Leave him alone, y’all. Y’all know he just wants an audience.
Leave him alone.”
Another neighbor yells at Seals that a particular officer should have taken him to jail “when he had the
Greene’s camera then also shows Officer Mike George trying to calm the some of the crowd and coaxing
them to step back. Seals and another neighbor can then be seen arguing in front of Greene. Participant
2’s mother is pointing a finger at Seals, saying, “You wrong and you know you wrong,” multiple times.
George can be seen in the background still trying to calm the crowd. and Greene can be heard asking
Seals, “Hey, Leon, can you go inside?” to which Seals replies, “Go inside?” Greene says, “Just go inside,
okay?... yeah, just go inside.”
Seals asks if the officer can get the people off his property and Greene says, “They’re not on your
property, they’re on the street.”
He addresses Seals again: “Just leave, buddy. I know, just leave.”
Again, there’s a lot of yelling and specific conversations can’t be heard until Lents is heard saying, “I ain’t
playing with you. Go home.”
Greene is walking back toward the police vehicles, and there is loud crowd yelling in the background.
Greene gets on his loudspeaker and says, “Everybody disperse. Everybody disperse at this time. Go
home. Leave. Go back home.”
The yelling continues and gets louder as he walks back toward the crowd.
Greene approaches the crowd and says, “Hey, all y’all leave. Let’s leave.”
A neighbor can be seen helping wave people toward their home. You can hear the neighbors trying to
encourage each other away from the scene.
Greene now walks back toward the cars, and the crowd noise continues in the background.
A mother stops Greene and asks what she can do about Participant 1 pulling a gun on her son. “I
couldn’t call because there was so much commotion,” she said. “I know how the little boy is, and I don’t
want nothing to happen to my son and I hate that there’s all this confusion and it’s always a mess right
Since she and her son have been drinking a little, Greene tells gives her a case number and tells her that
her son can come file charges in the morning against Participant 1 for simple assault. The mother says
her son and Participant 1 grew up together and were childhood friends.
Greene said since they are both legally adults, charges can be pressed.
Greene has to stop and tell another group of people to go home, then returns to the mother to tell her
there would be a report done.
Mother says, “If something ever happens to my son, I know they’ve got something to do with it.”
Lents comes in to say he wanted everyone to go home, and that he’d come back with the van if he had
“All this got out of hand, you know what I’m saying,” Greene says.
“I never wanted to cause this kind of confusion, but I know how the animosity is with Leon,” the mother
“Well, everyone’s dispersing, her son is going to come up there tomorrow and press charges,” Greene
said to Lents, adding that everyone had been drinking that night so they were coming in the morning.
Lents walks away from that group toward the vehicles. Greene is seen taking off his gloves and heading
toward the car. Crowd noise has died down.
Greene turns around and can be seen walking back toward the scene, an officer tells him someone said
the one with the red pants was the one with the gun, with the black shirt. Another officer then tells him
“The one in the black shirt with the red pants has the gun, that’s the one that ran. Where’s the gun at?”
Another officer comments about the drinking.
“They all took off and left,” Greene says. “That’s why I explained to them they’re going to have to come
down and file charges on him.”
Some of this conversation is unintelligible.
Officers discuss how Participant 1’s mama was doing all the talking. “All of them have been drinking.”
They go on to talk about a previous run in with the suspect and how he had been pulled over in a vehicle
with a headlight out.
Lents pulls up in his Supervisor vehicle, speaks briefly to the officers, and drives past.
Greene gets back to his vehicle, end of video.
Body cam, Lt. Tyler Lents:

Lt. Lents’ body cam starts where the woman is yelling at Seals that “It’s not about you so don’t make it
about you.”
The “recording” notification starts as he watches the altercation from the back of the crowd. George can
be seen herding Seals back from the crowd, and the crowd noise is primarily neighbors yelling. It isn’t as
easy to hear as Greene’s camera until Lents moves up to the group. He follows George to the road, and
they cross and approach a house. They greet the people outside the home, where there is a woman
standing next to a young man in a black shirt and red pants leaned up against a car. They ask him if he is
Participant 1, and then rustling noise on Lents’ camera makes it hard to hear the discussion.
Participant 1 appears to be saying he’d been accused of having a gun, but again much of his statement is
obscured by rustling noise on Lents’ camera. George is questioning Participant 1 and when the noise on
Lents’ camera stops, he can be heard asking Participant 1 if he owned a gun. He said no sir, and George
asks the mother if she owns a gun. It sounds like she says “they’re locked up.”
Car noise makes it hard to hear again, then radio traffic. Lents is standing there looking down the road
listening to a call to a local restaurant and tells the dispatcher that call will have to wait because, “We’ve
got almost a hundred people out here.”
He walks back toward the crowd. The sound of the yelling gets louder again. Other officers are trying to
deescalate the situation.
This is where the woman can be heard yelling that the officer should have taken Seals to jail when he
had the chance.
Lents’ camera shows the officers standing between Seals and a teen and the rest of the neighbors. Two
of them are keeping Seals and the teen separated from the angry crowd.
Lents approaches and says, “Leon, go home. Go home. Go home.”
Seals responds, “But can you get them away from my house?”
“They’re in a public roadway,” Lents replies.
“I ain’t doing nothing,” Seals responds.
Lents asserts, “I gave you a lawful order, Go in the house! I ain’t playing with you. Go home!”
A neighbor is trying to talk Seals into going home, and he says, “I’m at the MFing house.”
“You enticing all this,” Lents says.
Seals: (Unintelligible) “How am I enticing it? I just came out the house!”
Lents: “You tell him he has to do this shit.”
Teen: “That’s not what happened, that’s not what happened.”
Seals: (Unintelligible) “I ain’t told nobody to do nothing”
Much of this conversation is hard to hear because they’re yelling over each other. Seals’ mother is
standing in between Lents and Seals.
Seals: I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, I ain’t told nobody to do nothing.
Lents: Look, I told you to go home. Get in the house.
Seals’ mother: He’s at home.
Lents: Get in the house.
Seals’ mother: Shit, he at home!
Lents: I told him to get in the house!
Lents walks around Seals’ mother neighbor and addresses Seals.
“You get in the house now! Get in the house, get in the house.”
Seals has his phone out and tells someone off camera what sounds like, “call John.”
Lents: Get in the house!
Seals: Hey, please man, get out of my yard.
Lents: Get in the house! Get in the house!
Seals says something else unintelligible to someone off camera.
Lents: Get in the house! That’s five. Get in the house, that’s six!
Lents is holding his fingers up as he counts the number of times he tells Seals to get in the house.
Lents: Get in the house, that’s seven.
Seals’ mother: (Sounds like) Do you have to follow him?
Seals: He’s fixin to lose his job. He’s fixin to lose his job.
Seals’ mother: Go on Leon. You ain’t got to follow him, you instigate shit. Go on Leon!
Seals, climbing stairs to the deck on his home: The camera got him, the camera got him right here. The
camera got him. I dare you to come on my porch.
Lents: How many times do I have to say go in the house? How many times do I have to tell you to go in
the house? Y’all go in the house!
Seals’ mother is now on the porch with Seals.
Seals’ mother: He’s at home! Come on Leon!
Lents can be seen climbing on to the deck, and Seals and the other male move toward the door. Seals
goes inside and the female stands in front of the storm door as Seals stands just inside, looking through
the glass and using his phone.
Seals’ mother: You see this right here (unintelligible)
Lents: Go your ass in the house
Seals’ mother: this man is a crazy (unintelligible, but might be asshole)
New female voice, Seals’ wife Morgan: Get away from my door! How about that.
Lents: I’m here for a lawful reason. You don’t tell me what to do. Shut your mouth. Shut your mouth.
You go in the house.
Morgan Seals: I don’t gotta go in the house, this is my property.
Lents: Okay, you’re under arrest.

Lents can be seen handcuffing the woman.

Voice off camera (unidentified): You fixin to get fucked up, you fixing to get fucked up baby
Lents: Let him come down here.
Morgan Seals: Cause all them (N words) out there are talking shit, they getting mad, coming up the road
talking to my son crazy… (to Lents) Hey bro, hey bro…
The two are walking away from the Seals home toward police lights in the distance.
Lents: I ain’t bro. Walk.
Morgan Seals: You a little too rough. You a little too rough. Leon, call my mama!
Lents radios to dispatch that he has one female in custody.
Morgan Seals: They come up the road talking to my son crazy and you taking me to jail? You taking me
to jail on my property, all I told him was to back away from my door. Hey bro.
Lents: I ain’t bro.
Morgan Seals: What are you taking me to jail for?
Lents: Failure to follow a lawful order, get in.
Morgan Seals: And now you lying.
Lents puts her in the car and walks away.
Lents, walking back toward the Seals residence: Please, everybody, just go home.
Seals can be seen standing on the porch with the female neighbor. Officer George is also there, standing
on the ground level.
Lents: Didn’t I tell you to go in the house?
Seals’ mother: (Unintelligible) This man’s talking to him (motioning to George)
Lents: I don’t care, you see this? (Unclear what he’s indicating)
Seals’ mother: I see that.
Lents: This means I run this.
Seals’ mother: You told the man to go in the house.
Lents: Come with me, you’re under arrest.

Lents climbs up on the deck as Seals opens the door to go inside. Lents deploys the taser. George is now
on the porch and Seals’ mother is saying something unintelligible.
Lents (on radio): Taser deployed.
George: Get back, ma’am.
George puts the cuffs on Seals, who can be heard saying, “This is crazy.”
Seals’ mother: You didn’t have no business tasing that man.
Lents: Mama, you about to come with me too, shut your mouth. (unintelligible)
George helps Seals to his feet.
Seals: George, I aint done nothing (unintelligible) come in my house.
Lents: I said you were under arrest and you walked away from me.
Seals: Alright, alright, go head. I ain’t did nothing. All these people up here and Leon just walked out of
the house and (unintelligible).
Seals: Y’all just wanna get Leon for no reason.
George leads Seals away. Lents radios that “Leon Seals and his wife are in custody.”
Lents: Time to go to the house.

Seals is walked to the car by George.

Lents and Seals continue to exchange words as George puts him in the vehicle. Lents walks back to
where Greene is talking to Participant 2’s mother.
“We need to talk everybody into going home. I’m about to bring the van down here. All this hoopin and
hollerin and yelling and cussin, there ain’t no point in it.”
Participant 2’s mother: “That was me, I was the one who called because it was my son.”

Greene continues talking to the mother. This is where she said she didn’t want to cause this confusion.
Greene tells Lents everyone’s been drinking and charges will be filed in the morning.

Lents returns to one of the vehicles, opens the door to where Mrs. Seals is. “Yes ma’am, you needed
“I just needed to say my cuffs are a little too tight.”
“Alright ma’am, turn that way and I’ll loosen them.”
She has trouble turning so he instructs her to step out of the vehicle, saying that might make it easier,
and he loosens the cuffs for her.
She and an officer have conversation about how she’s never been arrested before. The police discuss
why charges would be filed on Participant 1 on Monday, because the complainant has been drinking.
Lents calls in Mrs. Seals’ information, then gets in the vehicle and asks the dispatcher if she needs him to
repeat. He tells her that’s the first arrest and the second is Leon Seals.
He pulls away, stopping to ask the other officers if they’re good. They say they’re trying to get everyone
to leave. Lents asks if it’s a party. He says they were trying to deescalate things.
He then tells dispatch he’s transporting to the jail. Shortly afterward, another officer can be heard saying
he’s transporting Seals. A dispatcher asks if medical is needed.
Lents makes a phone call. “Hey, is he saying he’s injured or anything?”
“Alright, I’ll have them meet us there and they can clean him up. I appreciate it. Okay, bye.”
He tells dispatch they can have the ambulance meet them at the station because Seals is bleeding from
his arm.
Mrs. Seals asks Lents’ name and asked why he tased Seals. “Because I told him he was under arrest and
he took off running into the house,” he says.
Lents makes another call saying says he’s got Leon and Morgan Seals “95,” which is ten code for under
Lents: “The call was about some juveniles pulling guns on each other or something. So we went down
there to try to resolve it and get everybody calmed down and some of them were drunk and hoopin and
hollerin, I tried to get leon to go back inside. His mama got to him, I guess that’s his mama, and pushed
him inside.”
Morgan says that the woman is his mother.
“So that is his mama that got him to go inside… His wife came up yelling, I told her to go inside and she
said she ain’t going nowhere, so I 95ed her and put her in the car, looked back and Leon’s back outside
after I told him to go inside, hoopin and hollerin, still causing a disturbance. The supposed victim it was
said that they were under the influence so they can’t sign charges right now. I told Leon he was under
arrest and he took off back into the house, so I tased him, and of course it’s all going to be on Facebook
live, so I wanted to give you a heads up before social media gets me.”
Another officer radios Lents to see if he can take a phone call, and he says not yet and returns to his call.
“It was the street beside the houses, something about some juveniles with guns. I was the last one
there, so I never talked in depth to the one who called. Jimmy talked to her, and she’s saying she had
been drinking and her son had been drinking, it was at some kind of party, so anyways, they’re going to
come tomorrow after they sober up and see about pressing charges if they do or don’t want to.
I guess displaying the firearm. Maybe they’ll have a more clear picture of what happened when they
sober up.
Alright then. Aight. Thank you sir. Bye.”

He calls the other officer back.

“Hey, sorry, I was talking to captain. Well, I did it the right way and sent it up to captain but the chief
already knows and that’s on them… So all this was over a girl, oh my god. …
Maybe we need to take the van and arrest the folks that are supplying these kids with alcohol if we can
figure it out. …
Aight, I appreciate it. … Aight. Hopefully not.”
Relaying questions from the other officer, Lents asks Morgan Seals, “How many people were left at your
house? How old are they? The oldest is 17, grandma is here right? Grandma and 3 kids left at the house,
ages 9-17. And the nephew is there, he’s 9. So grandma is watching the kids. …
Oh my goodness, okay. Alright, thank you sir. … Okay, bye.”

Lents makes another call.

“Someone called chief. (Unintelligible.) Chief about this situation and he called Sgt. Greene. So he
already knows about this case.”

On radio: 95 ending. 23-35 mileage 32822.

End of Video.

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