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Modeling The Acoustic Noise From A Wave Energy Converter Farm and Its Impact On Marine Mammals at The PacWave South Site, Offshore Newport Oregon

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Renewable Energy 209 (2023) 677–688

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Modeling the acoustic noise from a wave energy converter farm and its
impact on marine mammals at the PacWave South site, offshore
Newport Oregon
Jennifer L. Harding a, *, Leiph A. Preston a, Erick Johnson b, Jesse D. Roberts a, Craig A. Jones c,
Kaus Raghukumar c, Erin Hafla b
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA
Integral Consulting, Santa Cruz, CA, USA


Keywords: Marine hydrokinetic devices, such as wave energy converters (WECs), can unlock untapped energy from the
Hydroacoustic modeling ocean’s currents and waves. Acoustic impact assessments are required to ensure that the noise these devices
Marine mammal impact generate will not negatively impact marine life, and accurate modeling of noise provides an a priori means to
Wave energy converters
viably perform this assessment. We present a case study of the PacWave South site, a WEC testing site off the
Acoustic impact metrics
coast of Newport, Oregon, demonstrating the use of ParAcousti, an open-source hydroacoustic propagator tool, to
Effective signal level
model noise from an array of 28 WECs in a 3-dimensional (3-D) realistic marine environment. Sound pressure
levels are computed from the modeled 3-D grid of pressure over time, which we use to predict marine mammal
acoustic impact metrics (AIMs). We combine two AIMs, signal to noise ratio and sensation level, into a new
metric, the effective signal level (ESL), which is a function of propagated sound, background noise levels, and
hearing thresholds for marine species and is evaluated across 1/3 octave frequency intervals. The ESL model can
be used to predict and quantify the potential impact of an anthropogenic signal on the health and behavior of a
marine mammal species throughout the 3-D simulation area.

1. Introduction Noise levels in the ocean are a growing concern, and anthropogenic
noise sources, such as shipping traffic, have been found to negatively
Marine Hydrokinetic devices (MHKs) are a promising source of impact marine life [8]. Moreover, the ocean acts as a waveguide [9,10]
renewable energy, converting ocean wave and current kinetics into causing sound to travel great distances and expanding the area of impact
electricity via wave energy converters (WECs) and current energy con­ for anthropogenic sound sources. While the noise produced by MHK
verters (CECs), respectively. The estimated marine energy resource in devices is less than that of shipping traffic by tens of dB and seismic
the United States that can be extracted by these technologies is 2300 airguns by ~100 dB (e.g. Ref. [10], for instance, there is a lack of direct
TWh/yr, which is 57% of the total generated electricity in the United observations of MHK noise and MHK array noise. It is therefore imper­
States in 2019 [1]. Much of this untapped resource is from waves, ative to investigate MHK devices as a source of hydroacoustic noise and
especially on the western United States coast, which account for 1400 determine potential resulting impacts on local marine life by considering
TWh/yr alone [1]. Significant permitting hurdles for the installation of the devices’ unique acoustic signatures, site-specific marine environ­
MHK devices exist, including the evaluation of the impact these devices mental properties such as bathymetry and sound speed (e.g. Ref. [9],
have on the surrounding marine life [2,3]. One such impact is the me­ and the presence of marine species endemic to an area (e.g., Ref. [11].
chanical noise that MHK devices produce, where the frequency content To predict how MHK noise propagates in marine environments, short
and amplitude of the acoustic noise varies both with the specific type of device installation and observation, we rely on predictions made from
and model of the device [4,5] and with environmental factors like sig­ hydroacoustic modeling. Modeling the acoustic noise produced by MHK
nificant wave height [6,7]. devices allows for the determination of potential marine life impact

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J.L. Harding).
Received 6 December 2022; Received in revised form 10 March 2023; Accepted 4 April 2023
Available online 7 April 2023
0960-1481/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
J.L. Harding et al. Renewable Energy 209 (2023) 677–688

We simulate the acoustic noise from an array of WEC – modeled after

real WEC noise measurements – at the PacWave South site, a future WEC
test site off the coast of Newport, Oregon (Fig. 1). Using the PacWave
South site as a case study, we demonstrate how ParAcousti can be used
to model the 3D sound pressure level (SPL) as well as marine mammal
acoustic impact metrics (AIMs). The methodologies here can be applied
to other potential MHK installation locations, device technologies, array
sizes, and environmental conditions to be incorporated into acoustic
impact assessments. While we present our modeling results of the Pac­
Wave site, the goal of this case study is largely to demonstrate meth­
odologies and not to make any specific determinations of marine
mammal behavioral impacts nor mitigation recommendations.
Sections 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 provide background of hydroacoustic
modeling, the PacWave site, and marine mammal acoustic impact
metrics. We detail our methods for hydroacoustic modeling and
computation of impact metrics for marine mammals in Section 2. Sec­
tion 3 presents results from our hydroacoustic modeling of the PacWave
site with examples of computation of marine mammal impact metrics.
We summarize and make concluding remarks in Section 4.

1.1. Hydroacoustic modeling

There are a variety of methods to model noise propagation that range

in complexity and accuracy, from 1-D transmission loss calculations and
2-D parabolic equation approximations to 3-D finite element acoustic
modeling software with near-field nonlinear capabilities [13] and ref­
erences therein). While 1-D methods are simple and quick to execute,
they are less accurate because they don’t consider factors like bathym­
etry and ocean properties like sound speed and bottom attenuation,
broadband sound, nor noise sources that vary over time and/or space.
On the other end of the spectrum, 3-D finite element, nonlinear acoustic
propagation software is the most accurate tool available but is compu­
tationally intensive and requires time and expertise to perform.
ParAcousti is an open-source software that was specifically devel­
oped for MHK acoustic impact assessment applications [12,14] and is
Fig. 1. This map of the PacWave South case study area shows the bathymetry,
more accurate than widely-used 1-D and 2-D methods while less
with contours every 20 m (black lines), the ParAcousti simulation area (maroon computationally expensive and more user-friendly than its nonlinear
box), and the simulated WEC locations (red and yellow heptagrams). Inset finite element counterparts (e.g., COMSOL Multiphysics). ParAcousti
shows the location of the PacWave South site offshore Newport, OR can model full waveforms in 3-D and can accurately propagate MHK
(maroon star). noise signals in marine environments with complex bathymetry and
realistic properties of the seabed, water column, and air-surface inter­
before device installation, thereby reducing the regulatory barriers. face. This hydroacoustic software suite solves the linearized 3-D
Here we simulate and model the acoustic noise in a complex, 3-D marine velocity-pressure set of coupled first-order partial differential equa­
environment using the open-source software package ParAcousti [12]. tions in the time domain with fourth-order spatial and second-order
ParAcousti is a sophisticated time-domain modeling tool, that uses the temporal accuracy. Any number of sources with broadband fre­
linearized velocity-pressure equations to propagate noise sources in a quencies can be modeled within the 3-D simulation domain, and com­
complex, 3-D domain with varying sound speed, density, and seafloor plex sources can be built using combinations of simple physical sources,
bathymetry. such as isotropic explosions/implosions or monopole-type forces. Sound
pressures, particle velocities, and particle accelerations can be recorded

Table 1
Descriptions of the inputs to and outputs of ParAcousti.
ParAcousti Definitions Definition Details This Case Study

3-D gridded simulation Sound speed model See Fig. 4a

domain (netCDF format) Density model See Fig. 4b
Source parameters Source type (force, moment) Force in Z
Source time function (STF) See Fig. 3a
Source location(s) See Fig. 4c
Algorithm parameters and Required: grid size, time step, simulation time, boundary 0.7 m grid size, 0.2 ms time step, simulation time of 7 s, absorbing boundary
options conditions, domain decomposition for parallelization, number condition, 336 partitions and cores (~10 h wall time and ~147 days of CPU time at
of processors 93% efficiency on 2.1 GHz Intel Broadwell E5-2695 v4 processors)
Optional: attenuation, finite difference operator coefficients No attenuation, 4th order Taylor series coefficients
Receiver parameters Receiver type(s) (pressure, particle velocity, particle Pressure
Receiver location(s) Grid: 50 × 50 m in North and East and 5 m in depth grid
Output options Receiver time series, 3-D wavefield, and/or 2-d wavefield time Receiver times series

J.L. Harding et al. Renewable Energy 209 (2023) 677–688

1.3. Marine mammal impact metrics

The greatest perceived risk of WECs to marine life is physical

entanglement and collision [24]. Electromagnetic fields generated by
WEC devices may also impact marine life (e.g. Refs. [5,25], and refer­
ences therein). In addition to these risks, there are potential health and
behavioral impacts that the hydroacoustic noise produced by WEC de­
vices could have on marine species. [26] concludes that WEC noise is
unlikely to affect marine mammals in any capacity, as their WEC noise
measurements were only 1–2 dB above the ambient ocean noise. These
results, however, are only applicable to the specific location, size and
geometry of the WEC devices, and ocean conditions, all of which need to
be considered in order to make any conclusions on the potential impact
to surrounding marine life for any future WEC installation. Indeed,
recent observational studies have concluded that WEC noise could affect
marine life behavior [6]. Since presently reported sound levels produced
by non-commercial scale WECs (overall maximum of 160 dB re 1 μPa
SPL) [6,7,26,27] are well below levels that could harm marine mammal
hearing in a temporary or permanent way (overall lowest amongst
marine mammal species of 212 dB re 1 μPa peak SPL) [28,29], we focus
on the use of marine mammal AIMs for assessing potential behavioral
effects. The specific behavioral changes, such as avoidance, for different
marine mammal species in relation to different sound levels, however,
has not been well quantified [28,30]. With more observational behav­
ioral response studies, sound levels and AIMs can be directly linked to a
behavior severity index as is laid out by [11].
Sound is critical to marine life in several ways, including for survival,
reproduction, and foraging [31]. The anthropogenic masking of bio­
Fig. 2. This diagram represents a cube of ParAcousti simulation domain and logical and natural sound in the ocean is a growing threat to marine
shows the inputs required to run the hydroacoustic propagation software. mammals by shrinking communication space, affecting foraging ability,
Shown here is a single point absorbing wave energy converter (WEC) producing reducing ability to detect predators, and even impairing navigation
noise defined by a source time function (STF) and sitting in a marine envi­
ronment with spatially varying sound speed, density, and bathymetry. A user-
defined 3-D grid of receivers (magenta triangles) records the propagating
sound waves (red lines) as pressure over the simulation time (magenta
time series).

at any set of points within the 3-D domain. See section 2.1 for more
details on ParAcousti and its implementation.
Other studies have predicted sound levels due to anthropogenic noise
sources in the ocean [14–18], but many don’t consider the 3-D
complexity of the marine environment, multiple sources (i.e., a WEC
array), nor physically model sound as propagating acoustic waves as we
show here.

1.2. PACWAVE site

The PacWave test site is a United States Department of Energy-

funded, open-ocean wave energy test sites offshore Newport, Oregon
run by the University of Oregon (Fig. 1) and is a major facility for wave
energy technological research and development. The PacWave South
site will be a grid-connected WEC test facility, fully operational in 2023.
Because the PacWave South area is well-studied and characterized, it is a
good location for a case study demonstrating the application of ParA­
cousti to a potential WEC installation site. Wave energy resources here
have been simulated and hindcasted for 32 years between 1979 and
2010, as per the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) re­
quirements [19,20] and the offshore Oregon region has the largest wave
heights of the Pacific coast, reaching heights as great as 5 m in the
wintertime and 2.3 m in the summertime [20,21]. The PacWave South
area also has bathymetric data available [22] (Fig. 1), ocean tempera­
ture, salinity, and density predictions from an ocean model, and ambient
noise observations [23]. Fig. 3. a) The source time function (STF) emitted by each WEC during the
simulation. b) SPL levels from a receiver pressure time series 1 m away from a
simulation using a single source, where the black line is the fast Fourier
transform of the pressure time series and the blue line is the 1/3 octave SPL
level of the pressure time series.

J.L. Harding et al. Renewable Energy 209 (2023) 677–688

Fig. 4. Cross-sections through the sound speed (a) and density (b) models along the green line in the simulation map in c) show the spatially variable ocean pa­
rameters. Sound speed in a) is contoured every 1 m/s, density in b) is contoured every 0.25 kg/m3, and bathymetry is contoured every 5 m (black lines in (c)), with
WEC locations in all panels shown as red and yellow heptagrams. We choose a sandy seafloor with a sound speed of 1700 m/s and density of 1880 kg/m3, shown as a
sand color in a) and b). Cyan triangle shows the projected location in a), b), and c) of the receiver for the pressure time series in d).

Fig. 5. Background noise observations off the coast of Newport, OR from

Ref. [23] that are used in the SNR calculations. Each 1/3 oct. band background
noise SPL is plotted as a circle for the mean (black), 1 percentile quietest
conditions (blue), and 99th percentile loudest conditions (red).

[32]. Quantifying how an anthropogenic sound source will affect marine

life is nontrivial, and requires accurate knowledge of the anthropogenic
source, ambient ocean noise, the hearing and perception ability of ma­
rine species, and observational data on species’ behavioral response to Fig. 6. Hearing thresholds for each marine mammal hearing group [11] at the
sound stimuli. Because the hearing abilities and behavior responses of 1/3 oct. SPL bands considered in this case study (circles).
marine mammals have been better studied than that of other marine life,
like fish, we hereon focus on marine mammal impact [11]. have made detection threshold [11,33]. Each of these metrics are considered for
significant efforts to establish a framework for assessing marine each 1/3 octave (oct.) band across the frequency range of the anthro­
mammal behavioral response to anthropogenic noise sources, which we pogenic source, reflecting how mammals hear and perceive sound.
follow here. From this framework, will consider two AIMSs: (1) These two AIMs can then be used to predict how marine mammal
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), the anthropogenic acoustic signal level behavior might be impacted by an anthropogenic noise source.
relative to the ambient ocean noise levels, and (2) Sensation Level (SnL),
the anthropogenic acoustic signal relative to a species’ auditory

J.L. Harding et al. Renewable Energy 209 (2023) 677–688

choose a source time function (STF) to be a force in the z (vertical) di­

rection with the broadband frequencies reflecting those recorded by
Ref. [7] (Fig. 3a). To reduce the computation time, we limit the band­
width of the WEC noise source signal to 20–198 Hz. Since the modeled
WEC source function is generated from the translator moving vertically
past the stator, which sits near the seafloor atop a concrete block, we
place each WEC source location at 4 m above the seafloor and choose
source that has a 1 s periodicity, with the overall 1/3 oct. levels over the
entire time series matching the 1/3 oct. SPL levels reported in Ref. [7]
(Fig. 3b). The total time length for the STF function should be long
enough for the noise to reach the simulation domain edges and re­
flections to be incorporated, here conservatively chosen to be 7 s so our
constant-noise source can reach steady-state everywhere in the simula­
tion domain to later compute SPL.
To define the grid size at which sound speed and density will be
defined, we need to consider the highest frequency, f, contained in our
STF and the minimum sound speed, c, in our sound speed model. To
accurately model the highest frequencies, the grid size, dx, should be
defined as dx = min (c)/(10 max (f)) [12], which in our case is 0.7 m
using a minimum sound speed of 1487.5 m/s and maximum frequency
of 198 Hz. The time step size, dt, the depends on the grid size and the
maximum sound speed in the model, defined by dt = dx/(2.04 max (c))
[12], equal to 0.2 ms for our case study. The STF must be discretized
with this time step, and the pressure time series we output will be
recorded at integer multiples of this time step (every time step for this
We use the predicted density, salinity, and temperature from the
Fig. 7. Diagram describing the marine mammal AIMS SnL, SNR, and ESL and Delft3D PacWave ocean model [34], which uses boundary conditions
their calculation. from the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) global operational
model [35]. We obtain values for density at every grid node by inter­
polating the density predictions of the PacWave South area in the water
Table 2 column. We take the temperature and salinity predictions and use the
Description of the functional hearing species groups; See Ref. [11] for a complete Mackenzie equation to compute the sound speed [36], which we inter­
description of genera or species that are included in each hearing group. polate onto each grid node. Below the seafloor, we chose a density of
Marine Mammal Hearing Group Description 1880 kg/m3 and a sound speed of 1700 m/s to represent sand, which
LF Low-frequency cetaceans
largely covers the seafloor here [37], using bathymetry from a digital
HF Mid-frequency cetaceans elevation model [38]. Ten grid cells around the simulation domain edges
VHF Very high-frequency cetaceans are devoted to absorbing boundary conditions. Fig. 4 shows a
PW Phocids in water cross-section through our simulation domain of the density and sound
OW Otariids in water
speed models.
SI Sirenians
We output pressure time series on a grid of 50 × 50 m in the North
and East directions and 5 m in depth (see Fig. 4d for a pressure time
2. Methods series example). SPL is then calculated for every receiver location as
defined by Equation (1) where PRMS is the root mean square pressure in
2.1. Modeling sound pressure level with ParAcousti Pascals (Pa) from the steady state portion of the pressure time series,
here from 2 s to 7 s, the end of the time series, and a reference pressure of
ParAcousti solves the linear set of velocity-pressure partial differ­ 1e-6 Pa.
ential equations in the time domain using finite difference discretization ( )
in a 3-D simulation domain [12,14]. An advantage of time-domain SPL = 20 log − 6
modeling is that any number and/or combination of different noise
sources can be modeled simultaneously in a single model run. Inputs to The broadband SPL of the pressure time series 1 m away from a
ParAcousti are outlined in Table 1 and Fig. 2 and include values for single WEC in our simulation is 155.61 dB re 1 μPa. Since the signal is
sound speed and density at every grid node in the simulation domain, a periodic, the sound exposure level (SEL) may also be a useful metric,
function that defines the acoustic source(s) as a combination of mono­ which is defined as the cumulative sum of squared pressures for a 1 s
pole or dipole force(s) and/or moments, the location(s) of noise source equivalent duration in relation to a reference pressure [11,39]. Since our
(s), and algorithmic parameters such as boundary condition options (i.e. signal has a 1 s periodicity, the SPL and SEL of our 1 m source level are
damping sound reflections at domain edges). Output options include nearly the same, with a broadband SEL of 155.62 dB re 1 μPa2-s.
pressure, particle velocity, or particle acceleration time series at each
user-defined receiver location and instantaneous snapshots of 2-D or 3-D
time slices of the wavefield. 2.2. Computing marine mammal acoustic impact metrics
We model a 28-WEC array ~11 km off the Oregon coast (Fig. 1) in a
6 × 6 km box in the North and East directions, and 85.4 m in depth, We compute 3-D models of two marine mammal AIMs, Signal-to-
where each WEC independently emits the same broadband signal and is Noise Ratio (SNR) and Sensation Level (SnL) using our 3-D simulation
stationary in space. We model our WEC noise source function after of the acoustic wavefield. SNR describes the signal level (received level)
measurements made by Ref. [7] of the noise signature from a linear above background levels while SnL describes the signal (received level)
point-source WEC under 1.5 m significant wave height conditions. We relative to a species’ hearing threshold, which is akin to a detection

J.L. Harding et al. Renewable Energy 209 (2023) 677–688

Fig. 8. Top panels a) and b) show 2-D cross-sections through the 3-D SPL model for a N–S line (red line in Fig. 4c) and an E-W line (green line in Fig. 4c). Middle
panels show the depth-averaged and maximum SPL in the water column and bottom panels show the 1/3 oct. band depth-averaged SPL for the above SPL

threshold, as described in Fig. 7. Since SNR and SnL are frequency- 3. Results and discussion
dependent, we first filter our pressure traces into 1/3 oct. bands,
compute 3-D SPL for each 1/3 oct. band, and compute SNR and SnL for 3.1. 3D sound pressure level
each band. To compute SNR, we use the observed background noise
measurements from Ref. [23] of the central Oregon coastal area as our The predicted 3-D SPL shows the highest SPLs nearest and above
noise level (Fig. 5), which we then subtract from our 1/3 oct. SPL models each WEC location, reaching 156 dB, and decreasing rapidly in the
to obtain a mean, 1 percentile (P1), and 99th percentile (P99) 3-D SNR lateral directions once outside of the array to ~100 dB–200 m away at
model for each frequency band. To compute SnL, we subtract the near-WEC depths and at ~400 m away at shallower ocean depths. At
hearing thresholds reported in Ref. [11] (Fig. 6) from our 1/3 oct. SPL distances greater than ~200 m outside the WEC array, SPLs decay more
models to obtain 3-D SnL models for each species group at each fre­ slowly to, on average, 92 dB–2.3 km away near the edge of the simu­
quency band. Table 2 shows the species groups considered here, which lation domain. Fig. 8 shows two SPL cross-sections along with the depth-
have been grouped based on common hearing ability after [11]. While averaged and maximum SPL in the water column and depth-averaged 1/
all species groups may not be commonly present at the PacWave site 3 oct. SPL for each cross-section. The depth-averaged SPL is defined as
area, we have included them all for demonstrative purposes. the SPL computed using the arithmetic mean of the root-mean-squared
We introduce a new AIM that combines SNR and SnL into an effective pressure (Prms) in the water column, and the maximum SPL is the SPL
signal level (ESL) to determine if a signal has the potential to be detected computed using the maximum Prms in the water column, noting that as
and is frequency-, location-, and species-dependent. ESL, as outlined in the water column increases and decreases in thickness there are more or
Fig. 7, is set equal to the lesser of the two AIMS SNR and SnL for each 1/3 fewer receivers, respectively.
oct. band. That is, the ESL is equal to SnL if the hearing threshold is The SPL results demonstrate how a particular WEC array geometry in
higher than the background noise level (i.e. the background noise is not a realistic marine environment, where the density and sound speed of
detectable) and equal to the SNR if the background noise level exceeds the water and the bathymetry spatially vary, produces a unique 3-D
the hearing threshold (i.e. the background noise level is detectable). If acoustic environment. An example of bathymetry causing a local
the ESL is greater than zero, then a particular species group at a certain sound heterogeneity can be observed in the SPL model cross-section in
location in a specific 1/3 oct. frequency band can detect the signal. If the Fig. 8b,d where a small canyon likely causes a focusing of sound and a
ESL is less than zero, then the species group cannot detect the signal at local increase of SPL by several dB ~1 km east of the array towards the
the frequency and location. shoreline. This SPL model also shows how the WEC noise quickly

J.L. Harding et al. Renewable Energy 209 (2023) 677–688

3.2. Marine mammal acoustic impact metrics

From the computed 3-D SPL fields we compute 3-D SNR for each 1/3
oct. frequency band and three background noise percentiles as well as 3-
D SnL for each 1/3 oct. frequency band and species group. Fig. 9 shows
an E-W cross-section through the 3-D SNR field at the 100 Hz-centered
frequency band, which is calculated by subtracting the mean, P99, and
P1 background noise level values from the 100 Hz 1/3. oct. SPL. The
depth-averaged SNR plot in Fig. 9d shows that the mean SNR falls below
zero ~1.5 km from the edge of the WEC area. For the P1 background
noise case, representing the quietest conditions, the SNR does not fall
below zero anywhere in the simulation domain, whereas the P99 SNR
representing the loudest background conditions, falls below zero ~100
m outside the WEC array. Fig. 10 shows the same E-W cross-section
through the 3-D SnL field at 100 Hz for each species group, which are
calculated by subtracting each species group’s hearing threshold at 100
Hz from the 100 Hz 1/3 oct. SPL. The LF and PW groups are sensitive to
the 100 Hz signal throughout the cross-section, whereas the HF, VHF,
and SI groups have a depth-averaged SnL below zero for the whole cross-
section area.
Plan view maps of the depth-averaged SNR and SnL around the WEC
array visualize what can be heard by marine species within different 1/3
oct. frequency bands. Fig. 11 shows the depth-averaged SNR in the water
column for the entire simulation domain for three background noise
states at the 100 Hz 1/3 oct. frequency band. For mean background
noise conditions, the 100 Hz depth-averaged SNR drops below zero ~1
km outside of the WEC array. For the P1 quietest background noise
conditions, however, our simulation domain is not large enough to
capture where the 100 Hz depth-averaged SNR drops below zero and is
~10 dB along the edges of the simulation domain. For the P99 loudest
background noise conditions, the 100 Hz depth-averaged SNR is only
above zero ~100 m around each individual WEC. Using maximum SPL
values in the water column (e.g., red line in Fig. 8c and d) to calculate
SNR maps is also possible, which generally increases SNR values by 1–2
dB away from the WEC array, increasing the estimate of maximum
distance at which the signal is above background noise by ~500 m for
the mean background noise case.
The depth-averaged SnL in the 100 Hz 1/3 oct. frequency band for
each species group is shown in Fig. 12. These maps exemplify how the
differing hearing thresholds for each species at the same 1/3 oct. hearing
band affect the resultant SnL. The LF group, for instance, has a lower
hearing threshold and higher 100 Hz depth-averaged SnL values than
Fig. 9. E-W cross-sections through the 1/3 oct. 100 Hz band 3-D SNR fields the SI group, which has a higher hearing threshold and overall lower
using the mean (a), 1 percentile (P1) quietest (b), and 99th percentile (P99) 100 Hz depth-averaged SnL values. The LF and PW groups are the only
noisiest (c) background noise measurements from Ref. [23]. The two species groups for which the 100 Hz depth-averaged SnL does not
depth-averaged SNR for each cross-section in the water column for the above fall below zero within the simulation domain. For the rest of the species
cross-sections are shown in (d). groups, the 100 Hz depth-averaged SnL falls below zero within ~100 m
from each individual WEC. Maps of the depth-average SnL for the LF
decreases away from individual WECs, with maximum and mean SPL species group across the nine 1/3 oct. frequency bands modeled are
sharing similar values at the domain extents, ~93 and ~92 dB, shown in Fig. 13, which demonstrate how the WEC noise source levels
respectively. and LF hearing thresholds vary across frequency bands and contribute to
The variation in the peak SPL nearest each WEC is a result of the unique depth-averaged SnL maps.
receiver grid locations not directly overlapping with the WEC array The ESL is computed by choosing the lesser of the SNR and the SnL
spacing. In Fig. 8c, the depth-averaged and maximum SPL in the water AIMs at each 1/3 oct. band for each species group and background noise
column near the leftmost (southmost) WEC is much higher than the combination and provides one metric that predicts whether a species can
other WECs because there is a receiver much closer (1 m distance) to this detect the WEC array signal in the 3-D simulation domain. All species
WEC than the others. While every WEC is producing the same 1 m level groups are found to have a positive ESL and detect the WEC signal within
of sound of 156 dB, the SPL decreases quicky enough from each indi­ 40 m distance directly above a WEC device. Fig. 14 shows an example
vidual WEC that the 50 m receiver spacing doesn’t capture these sharp calculation of the maximum ESL in the water column for the LF group at
changes nor the true SPL peaks nearest every WEC. This is a potential the 50 Hz band and P1 quietest background noise conditions. Given that
pitfall where true peaks could be missed during modeled or real data the hearing threshold does not change in space and that we are using the
collection. Potential ways to overcome this pitfall include increasing the same background noise levels throughout the simulation area, the ESL is
receiver grid spacing close to the source(s) or adding additional re­ always equal to either the SNR or the SnL in the entire domain for this
ceivers at 1 m distances from the source(s). case study. If, however, the background noise levels varied in space,
then the ESL would potentially be equal to the SNR in certain parts of the
simulation domain and SnL in other parts.

J.L. Harding et al. Renewable Energy 209 (2023) 677–688

Fig. 10. E-W cross-sections through the 100 Hz 1/3 oct. band SnL fields for each species group (a–g) and the depth-averaged SnL in the water column for those model
cross-sections (h).

Fig. 11. Maps of depth-averaged SNR in the water column in the 100 Hz 1/3 oct. frequency band for mean background noise conditions (left), 1 percentile (P1)
quietest background noise conditions (middle), and 99th percentile (P99) loudest background noise conditions.

The ESL models complement and contextualize the SPL results by certain background noise conditions, and therefore where in space a
showing where in the simulation domain the WEC array signal is marine mammal has the potential to respond to, or change behavior due
detectable to a certain species group in a given frequency band with to, the WEC array noise. 2-D ESL maps can be produced by using the

J.L. Harding et al. Renewable Energy 209 (2023) 677–688

Fig. 12. Maps of depth-averaged SnL in the water

column in the 100 Hz 1/3 oct. frequency band for the
six marine mammal hearing groups considered in this
study (see Table 2). LF-low frequency cetaceans; HF-
high-frequency cetaceans; VHF-very high-frequency
cetaceans; PW-phocids in water; SI-sirenians; OW-
otariids in water. Color bar reflects the overall mini­
mum and maximum depth-averaged SNR and SnL for
all results (i.e. combinations of species groups, back­
ground noise levels, and frequency bands).

depth-averaged SPL, signifying the noise level a marine mammal might background noise conditions. Through modeling, such as shown here,
hear, or by using the maximum SPL, which might be useful for assessing the ESL near each WEC can be computed for each 1/3 oct. frequency
the loudest signal a marine mammal could experience and potentially band, and if just one of the ESL values across the full hearing range of the
respond to. The ESL can then be further evaluated and compared to species is above zero, then the signal is potentially detectable and the
observations of marine mammal behavior in different sound conditions devices could be avoided. If every ESL value across the full hearing range
to link ESL predictions to behavioral risks, such as is presented in for a species is less than zero, then the WEC device sound is undetect­
Ref. [11]. able, and with the loss of one sensory input there is a greater potential
For many combinations of species groups, frequency bands, and for physical interaction. Fig. 15 shows an example of the ESL computed
background noise levels, our simulation domain fully captures the areas from a value of SPL at ~30 m depth above the southmost WEC source in
where the ESL is greater than zero, and therefore, where the WEC array the N–S cross-section shown in Fig. 8a for all frequency bands modeled
signal in the water column is detectable and where it is not. Some here and for two species groups at different background noise levels.
combinations of species groups, frequency bands, and background noise Despite not including higher frequencies in this study, the WEC noise at
levels, however, yield ESL models that don’t fall below zero within the this depth can be detected by all species groups considered, even the
simulation domain, and thus our present simulation doesn’t provide VHF group with poorer hearing ability at lower frequencies. At shal­
spatial limits on where a species can detect the signal. For example, the lower depths where the SPL above each WEC source is smaller, however,
low-frequency cetacean (LF) group can hear the WEC array noise on the ESL for the VHF group is not positive at any of the 1/3 oct. bands
average in the water column, throughout the entire simulation area for modeled in this case study, but would likely be positive if higher fre­
1/3 oct. frequency bands above 25 Hz and in P1 quietest background quencies were included in the WEC source.
noise conditions. For mean and loudest background noise conditions at A limitation of this case study in replicating a realistic scenario stems
frequency bands above 25 Hz, the ESL is equal to the SNR, which falls from the source time function we use, which is associated with a
below zero within the simulation area. For the quietest background particular significant wave height (1.5 m), does not incorporate varia­
noise conditions, however, both the SNR and SnL fields above 25 Hz, and tions in operational conditions or signal phase across the WEC array, and
thus the ESL models, maintain positive values at the edges of the is capped at 198 Hz to manage the number of grid cells and reduce the
simulation area. necessary computational resources. The sound that each WEC emits will
Since the required domain size may not be known a priori and larger vary with significant wave height, has higher frequency content up­
simulation domains that fully capture the positive ESL area may be wards of 1 kHz, and realistically, will have variability in phase compared
computationally infeasible for other studies, there are simple techniques to other WECs. Moreover, changes in weather can affect significant wave
to potentially address these shortcomings. One such technique is to height as well as background noise levels, especially at higher fre­
linearly extrapolate the SPL model out to sufficient distances that cap­ quencies, which has not been considered in this case study. Further
ture the full positive ESL area, since the SPL has a fairly linear decay modeling needs to be conducted to better quantify these effects on the
away from the WEC array at distances greater than ~500 m (see Fig. 8c soundscape. Other limitations include the stationary nature of the WECs
and d). Another option is to port the pressure time series or SPL values in space, and future modeling efforts can incorporate the spatial motion
from the edges of the simulation domain into another modeling tool to of the acoustic noise source specific to the WECs device type.
simulate pressures or SPLs out to the desired distance from the WEC
array. 4. Conclusions
An important consideration in acoustic impact assessments is the
potential physical harm to marine mammals from interaction with a We presented a case study demonstrating the use of the ParAcousti to
WEC. For this reason, it is important to determine whether the WEC model the broadband acoustic noise generated by an array of 28 WECs at
signal can be detected on the whole for each marine mammal in various the PacWave south site off the coast of Newport, Oregon. Our simulation

J.L. Harding et al. Renewable Energy 209 (2023) 677–688

Fig. 13. Maps of depth-averaged SnL in the water column for the LF species group (phocids in water) across the nine 1/3 oct. frequency bands modeled in this study.
Color bar reflects the overall minimum and maximum depth-averaged SNR and SnL for all results (i.e. combinations of species groups, background noise levels, and
frequency bands).

domain utilized realistic sound speed, density, and bathymetry, all of marine species in a 3-D model space, depth-averaged map, or maximum
which affect how sound propagates through a marine environment and map. These values can then be referenced to observations of marine
impact the modeled acoustic environment. From the grid of simulated mammal behavior in response to an ESL, and can be contextualized
pressure over time, we computed 3-D broadband SPL, as well as 1/3 oct. within the marine environment’s importance to marine mammals (e.g.
SPL. Using these 1/3 oct. SPL fields, we computed two marine mammal feeding ground, breeding ground) to assess the signal’s risk to a marine
AIMs, SNR and SnL, to quantify how the simulated soundscape could mammal species. Moreover, the ESL can be used to determine whether a
affect different marine species. We also introduced a new AIM called the marine mammal species is able to detect a signal at all, which controls
ESL, which combines the SNR and SnL into one metric of species-specific whether an avoidance behavior is possible and the risk due to physical
perception potential that considers the background noise level, fre­ interaction with the device.
quency band, and a species’ hearing ability.
The SPL is highest above each WEC and rapidly decays laterally by
55 dB in ~200 m. At distances greater than 200 m away from the Declaration of competing interest
outermost WECs, SPL decays more slowly by 10 dB over ~1.5 km. We
found that all species groups can hear the simulated WEC noise within The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
40 m distance above an individual WEC, where the LF group experiences interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the loudest signal with an ESL reaching ~80 dB during quietest back­ the work reported in this paper.
ground noise conditions.
Following the methodology presented here, ParAcousti can be used Data availability
in acoustic impact assessments to quantify the signal detected by a
Data will be made available on request.

J.L. Harding et al. Renewable Energy 209 (2023) 677–688

Fig. 14. An example calculation of the depth-

averaged ESL in the water column. The scenario
considered here is for the 50 Hz 1/3 oct. frequency
band, 1 percentile (P1) quietest background noise
conditions, and the LF (low-frequency cetaceans)
marine mammal hearing group. The received level
(RL) is the depth-averaged SPL in the 50 Hz frequency
band. The depth-averaged SNR is then RL subtracted
by the P1 background noise level (NL) at the 50 Hz
frequency band. Depth-averaged SnL is the RL sub­
tracted by the hearing threshold (TH) at the 50 Hz
frequency band for the LF group. Since the TH is less
than the NL, meaning the LF group can detect the NL,
the SnL is then greater than the SNR, and the depth-
averaged ESL is therefore equal to the depth-
averaged SNR.

Fig. 15. a) The SNR at 30 m depth above the

southwestern most WEC noise source across
the nine 1/3 oct. bands for three background
noise levels: the mean, the 1 percentile (P1)
quietest conditions, and the 99 percentile
(P99) loudest conditions. b) the SnL at 30 m
depth above the southwestern most WEC
noise source across the nine 1/3 oct. bands
for the six species hearing groups. c) An
example of calculating the ESL (thick gray
line) at this point in the simulation area for
mean background noise conditions (SNR as
black dashed line) and the PW group (SnL as
green dashed line). d) An example of calcu­
lating the ESL (thick gray line) at this point
in the simulation area for P99 background
noise levels (SNR as red dashed line) and the
HF group (SnL as light green dashed line).
For c) and d), the ESL value is equal to the
lesser of the two maximum AIMs at each 1/3
oct. band from a) and b). Whether SNR or
SnL is smaller can vary across the spectrum
depending on the background noise level
and the hearing threshold at each 1/3 oct.
frequency band, as is shown in c).

Acknowledgements do so, for United States Government purposes. The DOE will provide
public access to these results of federally sponsored research in accor­
The authors would like to thank Brandon Southall for his input and dance with the DOE Public Access Plan
guidance. This research was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s nloads/doe-public-access-plan.
Water Power Technologies Office. This paper describes objective tech­
nical results and analysis. Any subjective views or opinions that might be References
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