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Fonseca 07 MGR Remote Estimation of Surficial Seafloor Properties Through Angular Range Analysis PDF

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Mar Geophys Res (2007) 28:119126

DOI 10.1007/s11001-007-9019-4


Remote estimation of surficial seafloor properties

through the application Angular Range Analysis to multibeam
sonar data
Luciano Fonseca Larry Mayer

Received: 27 September 2005 / Accepted: 17 April 2007 / Published online: 19 June 2007
 Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2007

Abstract The variation of the backscatter strength with

the angle of incidence is an intrinsic property of the seafloor, which can be used in methods for acoustic seafloor
characterization. Although multibeam sonars acquire
backscatter over a wide range of incidence angles, the
angular information is normally neglected during standard
backscatter processing and mosaicking. An approach called
Angular Range Analysis has been developed to preserve
the backscatter angular information, and use it for remote
estimation of seafloor properties. Angular Range Analysis
starts with the beam-by-beam time-series of acoustic
backscatter provided by the multibeam sonar and then
corrects the backscatter for seafloor slope, beam pattern,
time varying and angle varying gains, and area of insonification. Subsequently a series of parameters are calculated
from the stacking of consecutive time series over a spatial
scale that approximates half of the swath width. Based on
these calculated parameters and the inversion of an
acoustic backscatter model, we estimate the acoustic
impedance and the roughness of the insonified area on the
seafloor. In the process of this inversion, the behavior of
the model parameters is constrained by established interproperty relationships. The approach has been tested using
a 300 kHz Simrad EM3000 multibeam sonar in Little Bay,
NH. Impedance estimates are compared to in situ measurements of sound speed. The comparison shows a very

L. Fonseca (&)  L. Mayer

Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping,
University of New Hampshire, 24 Colovos Road,
Durham, NH 03824, USA
L. Mayer

good correlation, indicating the potential of this approach

for robust seafloor characterization.
Keywords Angular Range Analysis  Acoustic
backscatter  Multibeam sonar  Remote sensing 
Model inversion

The remote characterization of the seafloor by acoustic
methods has important practical applications in a broad
range of disciplines, including marine geologic, geotechnical, hydrographic, biological, fisheries and environmental
research (Hughes-Clarke et al. 1996). Examples of seafloor
acoustical and physical properties that we would hope to
estimate remotely are the grain size, acoustic impedance
(product of density and sound speed), acoustic attenuation
and the roughness of the near-surface sediments. Unfortunately, these properties are not normally measured directly
by remote sensing methods. Instead, we have to rely on
measurements of other properties (e.g., depth, acoustic
backscatter), and estimate the values of the desired seafloor
properties by means of theoretical or empirical models.
Multibeam sonars provide us with coincident measurements of depth and acoustic backscatter over a large swath
of the seafloor and thus offer a promising tool for seafloor
The acoustic backscatter returned to a multibeam sonar
is the result of a complex interaction of the acoustic
wavefront with an often rough and inhomogeneous
seafloor. The wavefront from a typical multibeam sonar
system usually intersects the seafloor at an angle, and is
subject to scattering, which redistributes the incident
acoustic energy in multiple directions. The nature of the



Observations: acoustic backscatter and depth

The acquisition of reliable observations is the first
requirement of any practical remote seafloor characterization method based on model inversion. Multibeam sonars
have been developed to provide accurate bathymetric data
with well established control and quality assurance procedures and carefully defined error models (Hare et al. 1995).
These error models, however, have not yet been extended
to include acoustic backscatter, where absorption of
acoustic energy in the water column, seafloor slope and
positioning of each acoustic beam on the seafloor, are
among the factors that can affect the quantitative aspects of
acoustic backscatter. So, in order to obtain an accurate
measurement of acoustic backscatter, it is necessary to
radiometrically correct the backscatter intensities registered by the sonar, and to geometrically correct and position each acoustic sample in a projected coordinate system
(Fonseca and Calder 2005). The correction sequence starts
with the original acquisition data, and requires that all
modifications to the data be logged so that they can be
considered for the radiometric corrections. Each raw
backscatter sample must be corrected through the removal
of time varying gains, transmit powers and receiver gains
applied during acquisition, and then by the compensation
for spherical spreading, attenuation in the water column
and actual slope and area of insonification. Additionally,
transmit and receive beam pattern corrections must be
applied to all corrected samples.
In the case of multibeam sonar data where detailed
bathymetry is known, the effective incident angle can be
calculated from the scalar product of the beam vector (from
the footprint on the seafloor to the transducer) and the
normal to the bathymetric surface at the boresight of
the footprint, which is the projection of the principal axis of
the beam on the seafloor. As the backscatter strength is
calculated per unit of area, the actual footprint area of the
incident beam must be taken into account for proper


radiometric reduction. The effective area of insonification

is calculated based on the bathymetric surface, the transmit
and receive beamwidths, the pulse length and range to the
The acoustic backscatter signal sampled at the transducer head is also subject to stochastic fluctuations that
produce a speckle noise in the registered backscatter data.
The removal of the speckle noise through stacking and
through the use of a morphological median filter with a
percentile threshold (Fonseca and Calder 2005) improves
considerably the interpretability of the data, and this aids in
the process of seafloor characterization. The result of the
application of these processing steps is the best estimate for
the actual backscatter strength returning from the seafloor.
With accurate estimates of backscatter strength, the
acoustic backscatter values from different acquisition lines
can be reduced to a near-calibrated scale of scattering
strength (Fig. 1). In the absence of an absolute calibration
of the sonar, these estimated measurements are only relative values, but in certain conditions they can yield reliable
near-absolute results.
High-frequency acoustic backscatter model
Once the above-described corrections have been applied to
the observed backscatter, the next step toward the remote
characterization of the seafloor is the definition of an
acoustic backscatter model. This is an essential tool to link
seafloor properties to angular signatures measured by
multibeam sonars. Usually, high-frequency backscatter
models consider two different processes: interface scattering and volume scattering (Ivakin 1998). The interface
scattering occurs at the water-sediment interface where the

Backscatter Strength (dB)

energy returned to the transducer (the observations) carries

important information about the seafloor morphology and
physical properties, providing valuable data to aid in the
difficult task of seafloor characterization (de Moustier and
Matsumoto 1993; Hughes-Clark et al. 1997). If we can
establish a formal mathematical model that links the seafloor geoacoustic and physical properties to the observations, we can then attempt to invert the model and estimate
the seafloor properties based on the remotely acquired
acoustic backscatter. This paper describes an approach to
analyze acoustic backscatter data that uses the angular
dependence of the acoustic return in combination with an
established seafloor interaction model and known physical
property inter-relationships to predict seafloor properties.

Mar Geophys Res (2007) 28:119126









Grazing Angle (degrees)

Fig. 1 Backscatter angular response of a small patch on the seafloor,

acquired by a Simrad EM3000 multibeam sonar. The gray line shows
the original observation and the black solid line the backscatter
angular response after all the geometric and radiometric corrections
were applied. Note that the seafloor had a considerable slope, so that
the maximum backscatter in the original observation was not at nadir,
but at a grazing angle of 80. The geographical position of this
seafloor patch is shown as a small yellow box at the top of Fig. 4a

Mar Geophys Res (2007) 28:119126

seafloor acts as a reflector and scatterer of the incident

acoustic energy. A portion of the incident acoustic energy
will also be transmitted into the seafloor, although the
amount of penetration into the seafloor will be reduced
with increasing frequency and thus attenuation. This
transmitted energy will be scattered by heterogeneities in
the sediment structure, which are the source of the volume
scatter (Novarini and Caruthers 1998). In this work we
used the effective density fluid model derived from the Biot
theory (Williams 2001), with some modifications for the
calculation to the volume scattering contribution (Fonseca
et al. 2002). The parameters used in this model are the
sound speed ratio (ratio of sediment sound speed to water
sound speed), the density ratio (ratio of sediment density to
water density), the loss parameter (ratio of imaginary wave
number to real wave number for the sediment), the
porosity, the permeability, the tortuosity, the exponent of
bottom relief spectrum, the strength of bottom relief
spectrum, and a volume scattering parameter (Williams
and Jackson 1998; Williams 2001; Fonseca et al. 2002).
While the acoustic backscatter is as a complex function
of the acoustic and physical properties listed above, and
possibly of others like the grain size distribution or even
vertical gradients in density and sound speed (Pouliquen
and Lyons 2002), the three main parameters that control
the model are the acoustic impedance, the seafloor roughness, and the sediment volume heterogeneities (Fonseca
et al. 2002). As a result, the backscatter strength measured
by multibeam sonars is not only controlled by the acoustic
impedance contrast between the water and the sediment,
which is the key for the seafloor characterization, but also
responds to the seafloor roughness and to sediment volume
heterogeneities. The ambiguity between contributions of
roughness, impedance and volume heterogeneities is the
main difficulty in the direct determination of seafloor
properties based on remotely acquired backscatter. The
technique proposed here attempts to address this problem
by separating the returned acoustic backscatter into components due to impedance contrast, roughness and volume
Angular Range Analysis
We call the approach we are taking Angular Range Analysis, as it divides and analyzes the returned acoustic
backscatter into discrete angular regimes. The variation of
backscatter strength as a function of the grazing angle, i.e.,
the angular response curve, represents, for a certain
frequency, an inherent property of the seafloor (Jackson
and Briggs 1992). Although the angular response curve or
angular signature reveals subtle differences in the backscatter response from different seafloor materials, this
information is normally lost during standard backscatter


processing which typically applies an angle varying gain

equalization function to the swath data in order to produce
backscatter mosaics that show a consistent gray level for
the same seafloor type regardless of the angle of insonification. The proposed Angular Range Analysis attempts to
preserve this angular signature and uses the full backscatter
time series during the analysis.
Angular Range Analysis is applied to a seafloor patch,
which is defined as the stack of a number of consecutive
sonar pings (normally between 20 and 30), chosen to
approximate the dimension of the swath width in the alongtrack direction. Each stacked angular response defines two
distinct seafloor patches, one for the port side and another
for the starboard side. The stacking of consecutive pings
reduces the speckle noise common to any acoustic method,
and is the swath-sonar equivalent of the seismic stacking.
The stacking process limits the spatial resolution of the
Angular Range Analysis but is essential to noise reduction
in the acoustic backscatter. It is also important to note that
the backscatter angular response of each ping must be
corrected for radiometric and geometric distortions, as
discussed above, before the stacking. A particularly critical
step is the slope correction, through which all the soundings will be migrated to their true angular position (Fig. 1).
Aspects of the Angular Range Analysis are analogous to
the amplitude versus offset (AVO) analysis, which is normally applied to multichannel seismic reflection data. AVO
analysis has been used successfully in the oil industry for
the exploration and characterization of subsurface reservoirs, and is based on the fundamental observation
that seismic amplitudes vary with the offset between the
seismic source and detector (which translates to different
angles between the sources and the detectors), and that this
variation is due to different acoustic properties in the
subsurface reflectors (Castagna and Backus 1993). In an
analogous way, multibeam sonars acquire acoustic backscatter over a wide range of incidence angles, and the
variation of the backscatter with the angle of incidence is
an intrinsic property of the seafloor. With appropriate
alterations, some ideas from the multichannel seismic
reflection AVO analysis can be applied to the backscatter
angular response acquired by multibeam sonars.
Another idea borrowed from the seismic AVO-analysis
is the partial stacking technique, which is a simple and
practical way of preserving some angular information from
the original observations. The partial stacking technique
separates the backscatter angular response in angular ranges, that is the near, the far and the outer ranges. Thus, the
near soundings, i.e., the soundings with grazing angles
closer to the nadir, will be processed separately from the
far soundings, i.e., the soundings with shallow grazing
angles. Another technique used to preserve part of the
angular signature is to compute the slope and the intercept



Mar Geophys Res (2007) 28:119126

of the angular response curve (Fig. 2). The slope is

strongly influenced by the seafloor roughness, while the
intercept is strongly influenced by the impedance, although
the actual relationship is complex and is described by a
mathematical model for the acoustic backscatter (Jackson
and Ivakin 1998).
The slopes and intercepts extracted from the angular ranges
of the angular response curve (Fig. 2) are treated as feature
vectors, which in this manuscript are called ARA-parameters. The near range includes grazing angles from 90 to
65, the far range from 65 to 35, and the outer range from
35 to 5. The limit between the far and outer ranges is
chosen so as to identify the critical angle, beyond which
penetration of the acoustic field into the seafloor will be
insignificant and volume scatter should be very small. The
limit between the near and the far range is chosen to be
next to a changeover angle, beyond which the scattering is
better explained by perturbation theory, which assumes that
the seafloor roughness will yield only small phase differences to the incident acoustic field (Ishimaru 1978). In the
near range, four ARA-parameters are extracted from the
seafloor patch: the near-mean backscatter, the near-slope,
the near-intercept and the near-angle, which is the average
grazing angle for all the sounding stacked in this range
(Fig. 2). The near-intercept is calculated at 80 in order
to avoid the nadir instability, which is very common in
sonars. In the far range, the ARA-parameters far-mean, farangle, far-slope and the far-intercept at 50 are calculated.


Model inversion
The direct inversion of acoustic backscatter for key physical properties is an ill-posed problem, in the sense that a
solution may not be unique or may not even exit. In order
overcome this limitation, we applied a constrained iterative
inversion of the model, imposing constraints based on well
established inter-relations for sediment physical properties















Backscatter Strength (dB)


In the outer range, only the ARA-parameter outer-mean is

calculated and used for the analysis, as it has a correlation
to the critical angle of reflection defined by the sound speed
ratio between the water and the sediment.
One important ARA-parameter used to characterize the
backscatter angular response is the orthogonal-distance.
According to the backscatter model, this parameter is
correlated to volume heterogeneities, more specifically the
amount of free fluid, normally gas, in the sediment structure (Fonseca et al. 2004). The orthogonal-distance is
extracted from an intercept-slope graph, where all the
coordinate pairs (total-intercept, total-slope) of the survey
are plotted in a Cartesian plane (Fig. 3). The total-slope
and the total-intercept for each seafloor patch are defined as
the slope and the intercept of the line connecting the two
points: (near-angle, near-mean) and (far-angle, far-mean).
The background trend line for the survey is defined
as the linear regression of all coordinate pairs (totalintercept, total-slope), excluding the patches with very high
inverted acoustic impedance. The orthogonal-distance
ARA-parameter is defined as the geometric orthogonaldistance of each coordinate pair to the background trend
line (Fig. 3).

Grazing Angle (degrees)

Fig. 2 Stacked backscatter angular response measured by a Simrad

EM3000 multibeam sonar, with some ARA-parameters. Note the
limits for the near, far and outer ranges. The dashed line at the near
range defines the near-slope and the near intercept (white circle).
Similarly, the dashed line at the far range defines the far-slope and the
white circle the far-intercept. The arrows on the left side of the graph
show the calculated dB levels for the near-mean, far-mean and outermean, and the arrows on the bottom the near-angle and the far-angle


Fig. 3 Interceptslope graph with background trend line (green line).

Each analyzed seafloor patch contributes one point to this graph. The
points are color-coded with the acoustic impedance obtained from the
final model inversion shown in Fig. 4b. Note that the patches with
similar impedance follow a trend in the interceptslope plane. The
ARA-parameter orthogonal-distance (OD) of one particular seafloor
patch is shown in the graph, and the geographical position of this
patch is shown as a small red box at the center of Fig. 4a

Mar Geophys Res (2007) 28:119126

(Hamilton 1974), and building parametric equations with the

angular range parameters (ARA-parameters) extracted from
the backscatter angular response curve. It is important to
stress the distinction between the model parameters and the
ARA-parameters. The model parameters are the parameters
necessary to calculate the forward acoustic backscatter model
(Williams 2001), while the ARA-parameters are the feature
vectors extracted from the ranges of backscatter angular
response. The inversion of the acoustic backscatter model is
regularized by the adjustment of the ARA-parameters and not
by the adjustment of the model parameters. For that, the same
ARA-parameters calculated for the measured backscatter
angular response of the survey patch (patch-ARA-parameters) are also calculated for a modeled backscatter angular
response (model-ARA-parameters).
The inversion of the model is done iteratively by
adjusting the near-slope, the near-intercept, the far-intercept,
the far-slope, and the orthogonal-distance from the model to
the observations, with the model parameters constrained by
equations published by Hamilton (1974). These equations
are based on thousands of direct measurements made in the
laboratory, and are summarized as a series of regression
equations relating grain size to porosity, density and attenuation, and also sound speed in the sediment to density and
porosity. The regression equations and the measurements
themselves give reasonable upper and lower bounds for a
given property when only one of the measured properties is
known. By using these results, the constrained iterative
inversion does not allow the model parameters to assume all
possible values, but rather constrains them within the range
of minimum and maximum values given by the regression
equations and the empirical database.
For the inversion, an initial set of model parameters is
chosen based on the ARA-parameters of the seafloor patch
being analyzed or based on a previous model inversion
from an adjacent patch. First, the roughness parameters of
the model are adjusted iteratively until the near-slope of the
modeled angular response equals the near-slope of the
measured backscatter patch. Then the sound speed ratio
and the density ratio parameters of the model are adjusted
iteratively until the near-intercept of the modeled angular
response equals the near-intercept of the patch. We note
that the model parameters are constrained, so that a change
in the sound speed ratio can yield to changes in density
ratio, loss parameters etc., if the upper or lower bounds
defined by the Hamiltons equations are reached. The farintercept of the model is adjusted to the far-intercept of the
patch by changing the volume parameter, the sound speed
ratio and the density ratio. The maximum volume parameter allowed is proportional to the orthogonal-distance
ARA-parameter for the seafloor patch. The far-slope and
the outer-mean are adjusted by changing the sound speed,
while maintaining the same impedance-ratio. Once the


inversion process adjusts the model-ARA-parameters to the

patch-ARA-parameters, the process is repeated iteratively
until the distance between these two feature vectors is
minimized. Thus, the criteria for convergence are based on
the fit of the patch-ARA-parameters to the model-ARAparameters. As a result, the inversion can yield to an
imperfect curve fitting between the model and the measured
angular response, but on the other hand, converges to a
more robust and feasible estimate of the model parameters.
Once the constrained iterative inversion converges to a
set of model-ARA-parameters, it is assumed that the model
is a good representation of the seafloor patch, such that the
model parameters, which include the sound speed ratio, the
density ratio, and roughness parameters (Williams 2001)
can be used to describe the insonified area. In this fashion,
based on the calculated ARA-parameters and the constrained iterative inversion of the acoustic backscatter
model, it is possible to estimate the acoustic impedance,
the seafloor roughness and volume backscatter of the
insonified area on the seafloor.
Example from Little Bay, New Hampshire
Angular Range Analysis was applied to an acoustic remote
sensing dataset acquired in the summer of 2003 in Little
Bay, NH. The data were collected with a Simrad EM3000
multibeam sonar, which is a shallow water system operating at 300 kHz, forming 127 beams over an angular
sector of 130. The survey mapped water depths from 6 to
24 m, with bottom sediments ranging from gravel to clay.
The analysis started with the backscatter time series stored
in raw Simrad datagrams, which were then corrected for
radiometric and geometric distortions as described earlier.
Radiometric corrections included the removal of the time
varying and angle varying gains applied during acquisition,
calculation of the true grazing angle with respect to a
bathymetric model, correction for the area of insonification
and for received and transmitted beam patterns. Additionally, it was necessary to remove the Lambertian correction
and the near nadir time varying gain compression that are
applied by the manufacturer to the backscatter time series
during acquisition (Hammerstad et al. 1991). The radiometrically and geometrically corrected backscatter was
then compared to the mathematical model.
Based on the calculated ARA-parameters and the constrained iterative inversion of the acoustic backscatter model
we estimated the acoustic impedance and the roughness of
the insonified area on the seafloor (Fig. 4). In Little Bay, the
estimated impedance was compared to in situ measurements
of sound speed. These measurements were conducted
in October 2003 and April 2004 (Kraft et al. 2004) using the
In situ Sound Speed and Attenuation Probe, which inserts
two orthogonal matched pairs of transducer probes operating



Mar Geophys Res (2007) 28:119126

Fig. 4 Results of the model inversion. The inverted parameters are

represented by a color scheme draped over the sun-illuminated
bathymetry. (a) Acoustic backscatter mosaic with low backscatter in
black and high backscatter in white. The circles show the location of the

in situ measurements. (b) Index of impedance (sediment bulk density sound speed ratio), draped over sun-illuminated bathymetry, color
coded with low index in blue and high index in red. (c) Roughness, rms
height in cm, color coded and draped over sun-illuminated bathymetry

at frequencies of 40 and 65 kHz into the seafloor (Mayer

et al. 2002). The comparison between in situ and remotely
estimated measurements showed a very good correlation

(R2 = 0.88; Fig. 5). We also compared the same in situ

measurements of sound speed with the average corrected
backscatter extracted from the mosaic shown in Fig. 4a. The


Impedance Ratio: Angular Range Analysis

Mar Geophys Res (2007) 28:119126









0.98 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.10 1.12 1.14 1.16 1.18 1.20

physical properties (Richardson and Briggs 2004; Hamilton

1974). These predictions can be done based on simple
linear and quadratic regressions, which show a good correlation between the desired seafloor property and the
index of impedance (sediment bulk density sound
velocity ratio). These published regressions can then be
applied directly to the values derived from the Angular
Range Analysis, showed in Fig. 4b. Additionally the seafloor roughness estimates as shown in Fig. 4c, expressed in
terms of rms heights, are important parameters in the
description of seafloor habitats, and consequently helpful in
remote habitat characterization (Cutter Jr et al. 2003;
Yoklavich et al. 1998).

Sound Speed Ratio: . ISSAP Measurements

Fig. 5 Remotely estimated acoustic impedance versus in situ measurements of sound speed. The location of the in situ measurements are
shown in Fig. 4a. Note the very good linear correlations (R2 = 0.88)

Average Backscatter, 10x10m Bin (dB)

average backscatter is calculated in a bin of 10 m 10 m

around the location of the in situ measurement. The results
are shown in Fig. 6. Note that the correlation between the
in situ sound speed measurement and the average backscatter
(R2 = 0.73) is lower than the correlation shown in Fig. 5.
This is expected, as the backscatter is controlled not just by
the impedance contrast, but also by the seafloor roughness
and the volume contribution. In this sense, the Angular
Range Analysis separated the contributions from the
impedance contrast and roughness from the angular response, resulting in the improved correlation shown in Fig. 5.
Robust estimates for acoustic impedance are the key for
remote acoustic seafloor characterization methods, as the
acoustic impedance can be used directly to predict the
sediment mean grain size and porosity, among other

The Angular Range Analysis of multibeam sonar data is a
promising technique for acoustic seafloor characterization.
This technique was successfully applied to the Simrad
EM3000 multibeam sonar data from Little Bay. The remotely
estimated impedance was compared to in situ measurements
of sound speed, indicating a strong correlation between these
two acoustic parameters. Additional field work is required to
include a larger sample of sediment types. The key to the
success of this approach is the collection of radiometrically
calibrated and geometrically corrected acoustic backscatter
data in conjunction with a well-defined model for the interaction of sound with the seafloor. As our understanding of the
interaction of sound with the seafloor improves, the proposed
technique, which is in principle independent of the underlying
model, can easily incorporate new modeling approaches.
Acknowledgement This research was supported by the Office of
Naval Research under the GEOCLUTTER program.





0.98 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.10 1.12 1.14 1.16 1.18 1.20

Sound Speed Ratio: ISSAP Measurements

Fig. 6 Average backscatter versus in situ measurements of sound

speed. The location of the in situ measurements are shown in Fig. 4a.
The average backscatter is calculated in a bin of 10 m 10 m around
the location of the in situ measurement. Note the lower linear
correlations (R2 = 0.73), when compared to Fig. 5

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