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Challenges and Opportunities of Underwater Cognitive Acoustic Networks

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Received 15 June 2013; revised 7 January 2014; accepted 21 February 2014. Date of publication 10 March 2014;
date of current version 30 July 2014.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TETC.2014.2310457

Challenges and Opportunities of Underwater

Cognitive Acoustic Networks
YU LUO, (Student Member, IEEE), LINA PU, (Student Member, IEEE),
MICHAEL ZUBA, (Student Member, IEEE), ZHENG PENG, (Member, IEEE),
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269 USA
This work was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Grants 1018422, 1127084,
1205665, 1128581, 1208499, and 1331851.

ABSTRACT In oceans, both the natural acoustic systems (such as marine mammals) and artificial acoustic
systems [like underwater acoustic networks (UANs) and sonar users] use acoustic signal for communication,
echolocation, sensing, and detection. This makes the channel spectrum heavily shared by various underwater
acoustic systems. Nevertheless, the precious spectrum resource is still underutilized temporally and spatially
in underwater environments. To efficiently utilize the spectrum while avoiding harmful interference with
other acoustic systems, a smart UAN should be aware of the surrounding environment and reconfigure
their operation parameters. Unfortunately, existing UAN designs have mainly focused on the single network
scenario, and very few studies have considered the presence of nearby acoustic activities. In this paper, we
advocate cognitive acoustic as a promising technique to develop an environment-friendly UAN with high
spectrum utilization. However, underwater cognitive acoustic networks (UCANs) also pose grand challenges
due to the unique features of underwater channel and acoustic systems. In this paper, we comprehensively
investigate these unique characteristics and their impact on the UCAN design. Finally, possible solutions to
tackle such challenges are advocated.

INDEX TERMS Underwater acoustic networks, cognitive acoustic, environment-friendly communications,

efficient spectrum utilization.

I. INTRODUCTION and detection. Examples include not only the ‘‘artificial

During the past decade, underwater acoustic networks acoustic systems’’, like UANs and sonar users, but also the
(UANs) have attracted significant interests from both ‘‘natural acoustic systems’’, such as marine mammals.
academia and industry due to a wide range of applica- The spectrum is a scarce resource heavily shared by under-
tions including underwater environment monitoring, off- water acoustic systems. Due to the frequency-dependent
shore structural health monitoring (SHM), target tracking and attenuation, the available communication frequencies in
oceanography data collection [1]–[3]. Various applications water are severely limited, usually from tens of hertz to
coexisting in oceans leads to multiple underwater networks hundreds of kilohertz. The majority of ‘‘artificial acoustic
sharing channel resources with each other. systems’’ and ‘‘natural acoustic systems’’ utilize the fre-
To date, most research efforts on UANs have been focused quency band from 1 kHz to 100 kHz, making the acoustic
on the single network scenario where all users are in the same channel crowded. Nevertheless, this precious resource is still
acoustic network, tackling challenges from high channel error underutilized. For instance, the mobility and idle listening of
rates, long propagation delay and mobility [4], [5]. However, acoustic systems may cause the spectrum to be underutilized
the underwater acoustic environment is complex in oceans, temporally, and the directional transmission and reception of
where multiple acoustic systems might exist in the same acoustic systems may potentially cause the spectrum to be
area using sounds for communication, echolocation, sensing underutilized spatially.

2014 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only.
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198 See for more information. VOLUME 2, NO. 2, JUNE 2014
Luo et al.: Challenges and Opportunities of UCANs IN COMPUTING

In order to use the underwater spectrum more efficiently The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
where multiple acoustic systems coexist, a smart UAN should In Section II, we investigate the acoustic spectrum usage in
be aware of the surrounding environment and dynamically oceans, which helps CA users to be aware of the potential
reconfigure their operation parameters (e.g. frequency band, channel competitors. Then we introduce the motivation on
modulation scheme, and transmission power). Unfortunately, developing cognitive acoustic in Section III. The framework
few studies have considered the presence of nearby acoustic of UCAN is discussed in Section IV. We present the unique
activities and the coexisting problem in the UAN design. features of the underwater channel and acoustic modems in
Here, we advocate cognitive acoustic (CA) as a promis- Section V and their impacts on the UCAN design are analyzed
ing technique to develop an environment-friendly UAN with in Section VI. The development of cognitive technique in
high spectrum utilization. Through sensing the surrounding the radio network and underwater acoustic network is briefly
spectrum usage, CA users in underwater cognitive acoustic introduced in Section VII. Finally, Section VIII concludes this
network (UCAN) are able to intelligently detect whether paper.
any portion of the spectrum is occupied, and change their
frequency, power or even other operation parameters to tem- II. ACOUSTIC SPECTRUM USAGE IN OCEANS
porarily use the idle frequencies without interfering with In this section, we investigate the spectrum usage of various
other networks. By exploiting the sensing ability and recon- underwater acoustic systems in oceans. Then, by analyzing
figurability, the CA users can capture and follow the real-time features of these systems, we unveil that the underwater spec-
spectrum variation in oceans. All these capabilities provide trum resource is heavily shared, and meanwhile it remains
CA users with abilities to efficiently, comprehensively and underutilized.
friendly utilize the spectrum.
Although there exist some recently developed dynamic A. UNDERWATER ACOUSTIC ‘‘SYSTEMS’’
spectrum management protocols for underwater cognitive Imagine an underwater world with various acoustic
networks, the UCAN design is still an underexplored area. ‘‘systems’’ including both ‘‘artificial acoustic systems’’ and
To make CA technique practical, it faces grand challenges ‘‘natural acoustic systems’’, as illustrated in Fig. 1. A sensor
posed by the unique features of underwater channel and network equipped with acoustic modems is employed in the
acoustic modems. Some of these features, like the long prop- oil drilling installation system to acquire real-time deflection
agation delay, have been extensively studied in the literature. data. In the same area, a bottom mounted data collection
Other characteristics that are still overlooked can be itemized system might be deployed to inspect the health of subsea
as follows: oil pipelines, transmiting data to autonomous underwater
• The narrowband response of acoustic transducer results vehicles (AUVs). An ad hoc underwater acoustic network
in limited frequency bandwidth for underwater commu- works close to the sea surface, to monitor and detect oil
nications. The transmission opportunities of CA users spill events. At the same time, the ships traveling around
are therefore considerably constrained by this hardware use sonar for navigation. Besides these aforementioned arti-
limitation. ficial systems, marine mammals, e.g. dolphins and whales,
• The long preamble embedded by acoustic modems in are playing in the neighborhood and using sound signal to
each packet considerably increases the overhead of communicate with each other or search for food through
short packet transmissions for message exchanging in echolocation.
UCANs. Taking a closer look at the spectrum usages of these sys-
• The severe busy terminal problem of acoustic modems tems we can reveal the fact that the underwater spectrum
causes impulsive and unpredictable delays for packet recource is heavily shared. Marine mammals use sound for
transmissions, which would futile the scheduling of orientation, communication and foraging. To name a few,
medium access protocols. toothed whales communicate on frequencies around 10 kHz;
• The highly dynamic underwater channel challenges the the echolocation signal of killer whales has majority power
parameter reconfiguration. In fast-varying underwater on the 12-25 kHz frequency band; the whistle signal (for
environments, the transmission power adaptation and communication) and click signal (for echolocation) sent by
dynamic channel allocation may not follow the environ- bottlenose dolphin range from 200 Hz to 24 kHz and from
ment variation causing unexpected interferences. 200 Hz to 150 kHz, respectively. The sea lions can hear the
The major contribution of this paper involves three parts. sound with frequency up to 70 kHz, and generally vocalize
Firstly, we investigate the spectrum usage of acoustic systems within a range of 100 Hz to 10 kHz [6].
in oceans and reveal the opportunities of UCANs in devel- In addition, a mass of marine organisms may also occupy
oping environment-friendly and spectrum-efficient networks. frequencies by creating noise. Take the snapping shrimp as an
Secondly, we discuss the unique features of underwater chan- example. These invertebrates usually gather in warm shallow
nel and acoustic systems. Finally, we analyze the grand chal- water area. The snapping of their huge asymmetrical pincers
lenges faced in the UCAN design and advocate some simple creates torrents of cavitation bubbles, the implosion of which
solutions. The ultimate objective of this work is to encourage generates intense broadband
√ noises with high amplitude up
research efforts to tackle practical issues in the UCAN study. to 60-90 dB re µPa/ Hz spectrum density on the frequency

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IN COMPUTING Luo et al.: Challenges and Opportunities of UCANs

FIGURE 1. An underwater world with various acoustic systems. N1: AUV based subsea data collection system; N2: Offshore oil
drilling deflection monitoring system; N3: Acoustic ad hoc network for surface monitoring; N4: Marine mammal acoustic networks;
N5: Ship navigation and science bathymetry sonar systems; N6: Offshore structural health monitoring system.

band 1-10 kHz. The highest source level of the bubble noise monitoring, target tracking and oceanography data collec-
can even reach 190 dB re 1 µPa [7]. tion. Due to the severely frequency-dependent attenuation
The frequency usage of ‘‘artificial acoustic systems’’ is of the acoustic signal on high frequencies [8], and the size
considerably overlapped with marine mammals as displayed constraint of acoustic transducer which prevents the system
in Fig. 2. Sonar systems are widely used on ships, remotely from using ultra low frequencies, UANs usually operate on
operated vehicles (ROV) and unmanned underwater vehi- mid-frequencies from 1 kHz to 40 kHz. The source level of
cles (UUV) for applications like detection, navigation and these UANs varys around 185 dB re 1 µPa depending on the
bathymetry. The working frequency of sonar systems varies communication range.
from hundreds of hertz to hundreds of kilohertz depending on The overlapped spectrum usage of representative underwa-
the specific requirement in the application. For instance, the ter acoustic systems summarized in Fig. 2 indicates the fact
frequency band of continuous wave (CW) beacon is usually that the underwater spectrum, especially on mid-frequencies,
8-16 kHz for navigation and ranges from 10 kHz to several is heavily shared by various acoustic users. In the practical
hundreds of kHz for bathymetry (e.g. Simrad EM120 uses UAN design, the activities of other acoustic systems should
12 kHz signal and EM300 operates arround 32 kHz). The be considered carefully to avoid interferences with each other.
fishery sonar, which is widely used to find and harvest fish,
usually works on frequencies from 20 kHz to 200 kHz. These B. UNDERUTILIZED ACOUSTIC SPECTRUM IN OCEANS
sonar systems have high source levels from 185 to 200 dB re Although the underwater acoustic spectrum is heavily shared
1 µPa. Hence, the aforementioned artificial signals can cause by various acoustic systems in oceans, it is actually underuti-
interference to other faraway acoustic systems. lized from both temporal and spatial perspectives.


In an interested area of oceans, some frequency bands might
be only temporally utilized but vacant most of the time. We
call these frequencies as temporally underutilized acoustic
spectrum. Temporal underutilization of acoustic spectrum
might be caused by the mobility and low duty cycle of acous-
tic systems.
Mobility: When frequencies are occupied by marine mam-
mals, sonars on ships or AUVs, the usage of these frequencies
in a target region might be neither long nor continuous -
they will be released with the movement of mobile sys-
tems. In other words, acoustic frequencies are used when
FIGURE 2. The spectrum usages of underwater acoustic
mobile systems come, and become idle when they move
away. In oceans, if we allocate any exclusive frequencies
(frequencies that can be only used by specific users in a
Furthermore, underwater acoustic networks enable a certain region) to mobile systems, the spectrum might be
widespread range of applications, including environment temporally underutilized.

200 VOLUME 2, NO. 2, JUNE 2014

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Low duty cycle: Generally speaking, neither ‘‘natural’’ nor nonlinear sound propagation, while Fig. 4 shows the sea
‘‘artificial’’ acoustic systems would stay active all the time. test result of the sound profile and sound rays in the Arctic
The spectrum will be vacant when the users are idle causing region [11].
temporal spectrum underutilization. The low duty cycle is
the nature of both ‘‘natural’’ and ‘‘artificial’’ systems, since
neither one can stay active all the time. In applications such
as environment monitoring, offshore structure flaw detection
and data collection, users only need to periodically wake up
and suspend in the rest of time to save the energy. Meanwhile,
the activity of artifical acoustic users are constrained by the
limited power supply in oceans. Taking the UANs as an
example, users in UANs are usually powered by batteries, for
which replacement or recharging is difficult. Suppose under-
water users are equipped with Teledyne Benthos ATM-885
modems [9] for communications. The battery pack capacity
of ATM-885 is 300 Watt-hours. The power consumption of
FIGURE 4. Test result of nonlinear sound propagation in the
this modem in sleep mode (switched on but is inactive) and in Arctic region (Urick, 1979 [10]). Sound velocity profile (right)
full power transmission mode are 16.8 mW and 20 W, respec- and corresponding sound rays (left).
tively. If a user sends one packet of 400 Bytes per hour and
sleeps in rest of the time, then the energy consumption rate is The curved propagation of acoustic rays in Fig. 4 leads to
as low as 0.72 Watt-hours/day. That is, the network can stay shadow zones and convergence zones in underwater commu-
for 416 days in this low traffic mode. By contrast, the network nications. In shadow zones where few sound rays can reach,
can only work for 15 hours if users keep transmitting all the the signal strength is very weak. No users would be deployed
time. The duty cycle of acoustic systems varies depending in these regions for reliable communication. As depicted in
on applications but is usually very low under fairly general Fig. 4, when deploying an UAN, the intended receiver (e.g.
conditions. The low duty cycle feature essentially leads to the P2, Fig. 5) should be located in the convergence zones of the
temporally underutilized underwater spectrum. sender (e.g. P1, Fig. 5). Given a single UAN, the spectrum
resource in shadow zones of this network is vacant, which we
2) SPATIAL UNDERUTILIZATION call spatially underutilized spectrum.
In oceans, acoustic frequencies might be fully utilized in some Directional Communication: In conventional underwater
crowded areas, but vacant in other regions. We call these fre- medium access control (MAC) protocol design, we usually
quencies as spatially underutilized acoustic spectrum. Both assume omnidirectional transmissions and receptions [4].
the nonlinear sound propagation and directional communi- With this assumption, the transmission range and interference
cation of acoustic systems lead to a spatially underutilized area of these users can be modeled as circles. However, both
acoustic spectrum. the transmission and reception of acoustic systems, such as
Nonlinear Sound Propagation: Unlike radio signals, marine mammals and sonar, are highly directional in the real
which propagate straight in air, the actual propagation path world. For instance, the 3 dB beamwidth of echolocation
of acoustic signals in water is modeled as a curve, especially signals from bottlenose dolphins and beluga is only 10−11.7◦
in long range communication over 2 km. This nonlinear and 6.5◦ , respectively [6]; the 3 dB beamwidth of most sonar
propagation feature originates from the fact that sound speed systems is about 10 − 30◦ when working on frequency band
is not constant but varies with the water pressure, salinity between 10 kHz and 30 kHz. In this situation, the acoustic
and temperature. The acoustic signal always bends toward spectrum might be spatially underutilized if we keep the
the medium with slower sound speed according to the law omnidirectional transmission and reception assumption. Next
of Snell-Descartes. Fig. 3 demonstrates a schematic plot of we use an example to explain this problem in detail.
Denote two pairs of users, {P1 , P2 } and {S1 , S2 }, from
two different networks, where P1 and S1 are senders, and
P2 and S2 are the corresponding receivers. The transmission
ranges of P1 and S1 are Rp and Rs , respectively. Suppose the
sensing and receiving of {S1 and S2 } are omnidirectional,
but the 3 dB beamwidths of P1 and P2 for transmission
and reception are φ1 and φ2 , respectively. As depicted in
Fig. 5(a), the two pairs of users will not interfere with each
other because of the directional transmission and reception.
However, if we take the transmission of P1 as omnidirectional
FIGURE 3. Schematic plot of nonlinear sound propagation.
Sound velocity profile (left) and the corresponding sound by mistake as shown in Fig. 5(b), S2 has to stop work-
ray (right). ing when P1 is transmitting to avoid interference from P1 ,
VOLUME 2, NO. 2, JUNE 2014 201
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FIGURE 5. Interference area of primary users in different situations. (a). φ1 , φ2 6= 360◦ (directional transmission and
reception); (b). φ2 6 = 360◦ (directional reception at P2 ); (c). φ1 6= 360◦ (directional transmission at P1 ); (d). φ1 = φ2 = 360◦
(omnidirectional transmission and reception).

which resulted in spectrum underutilization. Similarly, when users only when the sensing frequencies are idle. In this way,
we consider the reception of S2 as omnidirectional in CA users can stop using frequencies which are occupied by
Fig. 5(c), spectrum underutilization also occurs on S1 when marine mammals and search for new idle frequencies for
trying to abstain interference to P2 . communications. When marine organisms release the spec-
trum with their movement, a smart sensing strategy allow CA
III. WHY COGNITIVE ACOUSTIC users to reuse these idle frequencies again.
In the previous section, we studied the spectrum usage in
oceans. Although the spectrum resource is heavily shared by B. ACHIEVING HIGH SPECTRUM UTILIZATION
various acoustic systems, it is still underutilized temporally In oceans, the precious spectrum resource is temporally and
and spatially. To promote the environment-friendly commu- spatially underutilized. How to efficiently utilize vacant fre-
nications and efficient spectrum utilization, we advocate the quencies for high speed communications becomes a key prob-
cognitive acoustic (CA) as a promising solution. CA is an lem in the UAN design.
intelligent acoustic communication system, which senses the In conventional UANs, techniques such as cooperative
surrounding spectrum environment and adapts its operation communication [13] and multiple-input and multiple-output
parameters to the incoming acoustic stimulation in real-time. (MIMO) [14], [15], are advocated to increase the spectrum
With this capability, CA users are able to detect idle frequency utilization of the communication system in terms of spectrum
bands and utilize them for communications without interfer- efficiency, which is expressed in bits/sec/Hz. The total fre-
ing with other systems. quency bands utilized for communications, however, is fixed
with these techniques, even if more idle frequencies exist.
A. MAKING COMMUNICATIONS Moreover, when signals are polluted by other acoustic
ENVIRONMENT-FRIENDLY sources on certain frequencies, conventional UANs resort to
Marine mammals use sound for communications and ori- advanced signal processing algorithms [16] to address this
entations, and are therefore susceptible to the interference interference. Though signal processing method offers a viable
of man-made signals generated by UANs, sonar users, ship solution to mitigate the interference on UAN communica-
transportation and oil drilling systems. In recent years, the tions, it might not always be the best choice. For instance,
increased concern on the effect of anthropogenic signals on when some frequencies of an UAN are jammed by surround-
marine mammals has manifested itself [6], [12]. ing acoustic systems, other frequencies may still be available
Operation frequencies of UANs are heavily overlapped for interference-free communications. In this scenario, spec-
with plural marine animals, as depicted in Fig. 2. The trans- trum efficient communications would be achieved if the UAN
mission of users in UANs thus may considerably affect the is able to jump to idle frequencies smartly.
activity of these ocean creatures. Nevertheless, the negative The CA technique has come to prominence as a strategy
effects of UANs on ‘‘natural systems’’ has not been ade- for fully utilizing the spectrum resource. By intelligently
quately addressed yet. Users in conventional UANs work with sensing surrounding environments, CA users can efficiently
predetermined operation parameters (e.g. frequency band ‘‘monitor’’ the spectrum usage in real-time. Based on this
and modulation schemes) without any adaptation. The sur- real-time information, CA users are able to detect and utilize
rounding ‘‘natural systems’’ would be severely interfered and consecutive or even discrete idle frequencies from the whole
harmed if they use the same frequencies for communications spectrum to increase the communication bandwidth. In this
or orientations. From the aspect of marine mammals, this kind way, the UCAN can adapt to the underwater environment
of UAN is ‘‘selfish’’ and ‘‘aggressive’’. quickly for environment-frendly, spectrum efficient, and high
The CA technique can help UANs to fulfil environment- speed reliable communications.
friendly communications by actively avoiding interference
with marine mammals. For instance, before sending and IV. COGNITIVE ACOUSTIC NETWORK FRAMEWORK
receiving, each user in an UAN first sense the surrounding The framework of UCANs involves three main compo-
spectrum. The sending and receiving are performed by CA nents, namely, the spectrum sensing, the dynamic power

202 VOLUME 2, NO. 2, JUNE 2014

Luo et al.: Challenges and Opportunities of UCANs IN COMPUTING

control and the spectrum management, as shown in Fig. 6. insure that the total interference to primary receivers is lower
Cognitive acoustic starts from the spectrum sensing proce- than the interference temperature constraint1 [24].
dure. A sensing strategy schedules when and which frequency
bands to sense. After the sensing process, CA users are aware C. SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT
of the spectrum usage of surrounding environments. Based Spectrum management is a MAC layer scheduling algorithm
on the sensing results, CA users identify whether the target including three parts, the spectrum sensing strategy, spectrum
frequency band is busy or not and distinguish primary users decision and spectrum sharing [25]. Spectrum sensing strat-
(PUs) from secondary users (SUs) in the spectrum decision egy is to schedule when and which frequency band to sense by
algorithm. After getting the information about real-time spec- CA users. Based on the spectrum sensing strategy, CA users
trum usage, a spectrum sharing approach collaborated with are arranged to sense different frequencies to increase the
a power control mechanism customize the transmission of spectrum access opportunity or to improve sensing accuracy.
UCAN nodes to efficiently share the idle spectrum while Spectrum decision is to identify whether the sensed spectrum
avoiding harmful interference to PUs. is idle or not. The decision is made based on the sensing
outcome of single user (local sensing) or by a combination
of sensing results on multiple users (collaborative sensing).
A channel allocation program may be performed in this
stage to allocate vacant frequencies to different CA users for
channel capacity maximization. Spectrum sharing is a design
to help CA users to share idle frequencies. The collision
probability, end-to-end delay and throughput of UCANs are
considered in the spectrum sharing design.


To make cognitive techniques into reality in underwater envi-
FIGURE 6. Cognitive acoustic cycle.
ronments, the spectrum management faces grand challenges
posed by unique features of underwater channel and acoustic
modems. Some of these features, like frequency-dependent
A. SPECTRUM SENSING attenuation and long propagation delays, have been exten-
Spectrum sensing plays a crucial role in detecting the pres- sively studied in conventional UAN design [26], [27]. Other
ence of PUs and identifying the idle frequency bands for CA characteristics, such as the narrow-band response of acous-
users. It can be performed in frequency, time, space or code tic transducers, the long preamble of acoustic modems,
domains [17]. Typical sensing methods mainly fall into the the busy terminal problem and the fast varying acoustic
following four categories. channnel are still overlooked [28]. In this section, we provide
Energy detection based sensing approaches calculate the some insight analysis on these unique features in the real
cumulative receiving power within a fixed time period on system.
the target spectrum [18]. Power spectrum estimation based
sensing approaches estimate the power spectrum density A. NARROW-BAND RESPONSE OF
(PSD) with various algorithms (e.g. periodogram, windowing ACOUSTIC TRANSDUCERS
and multitaper) in time-frequency domain. Waveform-based Narrow-band response of acoustic transducers is one of the
sensing approaches detect the presence of PUs by match- most important reasons accounted for the limited bandwidth
ing the received signal with a preknown signal pattern (e.g. of existing acoustic modems. Acoustic transducers are usu-
preamble, pilot signal) [19]. Cyclostationarity-based sensing ally designed to operate around their resonant frequency to
approaches detect the presence of PUs by calculating the achieve the best output performance in terms of piezoelec-
spectral correlation function (SCF) of the received signal tric transfer efficiency. The frequency response of the trans-
[20], [21]. ducer drops quickly when working far beyond the resonant
B. DYNAMIC POWER CONTROL People use the quality factor - Q, to present the relative
In overlay based networks, where CA users can only utilize bandwidth of transducers. The Q factor is defined as the
frequencies that are not occupied by PUs, dynamic power ratio of the resonant frequency to the 3 dB bandwidth of
control is a critical part to improve the channel capacity and the transducer. A typical value of Q ranges from 2 to 10
energy efficiency by assigning appropriate power on different for general underwater transducers [29]. That is the 3 dB
frequencies. Dynamic power control is also crucial for under-
1 Interference-temperature is a metric recommended in [23] to quantify and
lay based networks [22], where CA users are allowed to utilize
manage the sources of interference in radio environments. The interference-
the frequencies that PUs are already using. In this situation, temperature constraint is the maximum acceptable interference-temperature
CA users need to control their transmission power carefully to at the receiver on a specific frequency band.

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IN COMPUTING Luo et al.: Challenges and Opportunities of UCANs

TABLE 1. Preamble length and packet (400 bytes) duration time in different acoustic modems.

bandwidth of acoustic transducers is only 1/10 to 1/2 of the • The low data rate of the acoustic modem is the pri-
resonant frequency. mary reason for the long preamble problem of acoustic
In underwater acoustic communications, the resonant fre- modems. The synchronization sequence is one major
quency of transducers usually lies in the middle frequency part of preamble for packet reception. To achieve a
range from 1 kHz to 40 kHz to mitigate the severe attenu- good synchronization performance, a sequence of hun-
ation on high frequency bands. The low resonant frequency dreds of known bits, such as pseudo-random noise (PN)
leads to a narrow-band response of acoustic transducers. sequence, is usually applied in communication systems.
Given a transducer with 20 kHz resonant frequency, its In radio networks, the high data rate insures a short
3 dB bandwidth is only 2 kHz for Q=10 and 10 kHz for transmission time of the PN sequence. However, the low
Q=2. For this reason, most existing acoustic modems, like data rate of acoustic modems (Table 1) greatly increases
Teledyne Benthos, operate with 4-5 kHz bandwidth. The the transmission time of the same sequence. Taking
three viable frequency bands of different series of Tele- 512-bit PN signal as an example, it only takes 22.6 µs
dyne Benthos modems [30] are 9-14 kHz, 16-21 kHz and in IEEE 802.22 standard with 22.69 Mbps bit rate, but
22-27 kHz. EvoLogics [31] has developed a new technology extends to 0.64 s in acoustic modems with 800 bps data
called the Sweep Spread Carrier (S2C) to mimic dolphin rate.
chirping sound pattern. With a continuous change of fre- • The long multipath of the underwater channel is
quencies, the EvoLogics modems spread the signal energy another fact that contributes to the long preamble in
over a broad frequency bandwidth. The frequency band acoustic modems. The preamble is usually constituted
options are 7-17 kHz, 13-24 kHz, 18-34 kHz, 38-64 kHz and of several blocks, with each block serving for different
48-78 kHz. Even with the advanced S2C technology, the functionalities. To overcome the inter-block interference
frequency band of EvoLogics modems is still quite limited for in severe multipath environments, a guard time for PSK
UCANs. and FSK based modems, or a CP signal for OFDM based
modems is inserted between blocks. The length of guard
time or CP sequence depends on the multipath effects.
B. LONG PREAMBLE OF ACOUSTIC MODEMS The radio channel has very short multipath owning to
In acoustic modems, a preamble is designed as a prefixing of the high propagation speed of electromagnetic signal
each packet for the purpose of automatic gain control (AGC), in air. The guard time or the CP thus is as short as
burst data sequence detection, synchronization and channel tens of microseconds (e.g. 4.7/16.7/53.3 µs in 3GPP
response estimation. LTE standard on different channel conditions). On the
In radio communications, the duration of a preamble signal contrary, the multipath is tens of millisecond or even
is very short, normally within several hundreds of microsec- longer in underwater communications, depending on the
onds. For instance, the preamble in IEEE 802.20 mobile network deployment and channel condition. The length
broadband wireless access (MBWA) standard is constituted of of the required guard time or CP signal in such long mul-
8 symbols with 104 µs for each symbol, i.e. total 832 µs [32]. tipath environment is therefore considerably increased
In IEEE 802.22 cognitive wireless regional area networks by almost 1000 times than that of in radio networks.
(WRANs) standard, the overall length of preamble segments, The long preamble of acoustic modems will bring on sub-
namely, superfame preamble, frame preamble and coexis- stantial overhead for message exchanging in collaborative
tence beacon protocol preamble, is less than 1 ms [33]. On the spectrum sensing and spectrum management of UCANs.
contrary, the preamble used in underwater acoustic modems
is up to one second, three orders of magnitude longer than that C. BUSY TERMINAL PROBLEM OF ACOUSTIC MODEMS
of in radio communications, as listed in Table 1. Existing acoustic modems, such as Teledyne Benthos
The long preamble of acoustic modems is essentially modem [30], WHOI Micro-Modem [34] and LinkQuest
resulted from two folds, the low data rate of acoustic modem modem [35], have good support on point-to-point commu-
and the long multipath feature of underwater channel. nications on the physical layer, but are less concerned with

204 VOLUME 2, NO. 2, JUNE 2014

Luo et al.: Challenges and Opportunities of UCANs IN COMPUTING

the demand of upper layers protocols. In current modem

design, the packet reception cannot be interrupted once get-
ting started, even if this packet is not addressed to it. If the
modem is busy at the packet scheduled transmission time, the
outgoing packet will be delayed until the false overhearing
finishes. We call this phenomenon as busy terminal prob-
lem [28], [36]. The busy terminal problem become a grand
challenge to UANs especially in high traffic load situation
when the overhearing is significant. There are two factors
together accounted for the busy terminal problem.
(a) Half-duplex mode of acoustic modem. Most of exist-
ing acoustic modems can only work in the half-duplex mode.
That is the transmission and reception cannot be done simul-
taneous on a single modem. In the half-duplex mode, the FIGURE 7. The random delay before data transmission caused by
busy terminal problem.
busy terminal problem can be avoided only if the receiving
action of the modem can be freely interrupted at any required
time. However, due to the hardware pipelining typical to
systems, the dynamic underwater channel affects acoustic
receivers [37], modems cannot stop while they are still work-
communications through rapidly time-varying multipath.
ing on the spuriously packet reception which has not been
The multipath response in deep sound channel (DSC) is
mainly caused by the nonlinear sound propagation [10], [29].
(b) Non-independent coding for MAC header. The
Variations of temperature, water pressure and salinity with
source and destination addresses are often carried on MAC
depth lead to a dynamic multipath response in DSC by affect-
headers. In existing modems, the MAC header and the
ing the propagation velocity of acoustic signals. In shallow
data frame are coded together as a whole for uniform
water, the multipath is governed by the sound reflection from
error-correction coding and modulation. The busy terminal
the surface and bottom. Due to the random fluctuation of
problem can be mitigated by exploit independent coding on
surface waves, the underwater multipath response presents
headers. However, challenges still occurs in the following two
rapid time-variations. In Fig. 8, we show the strength of the
• In modulation schemes like OFDM, the information is
multipath response in an Atlantic sea experiment at different
carried on frequency. The receiver has to receive a full time. We can observe apparent changes of the multipath
block before demodulation, unlike the bit-by-bit demod- response within a very short period. Fig. 9 illustrates the SNR
ulation in FSK and PSK based modulation schemes. variation among continuous data blocks in the same sea test.
In this case, a user can not decode the MAC header From these two figures we can see, both the multipath and
immediately to decide either receiving the whole packet the received SNR are highly dynamic. Especially the received
or ignoring the remaining segments until the whole block SNR fluctuates 5 dB or even more between two neighboring
is received. blocks (270 ms) in the experiment.
• When packet chain or superframe structure (e.g. frame
structure in IEEE 802.22 [33]) is used for data trans-
mission, different packets (frames) in the packet chain
(superframe) might be addressed to different users.
Receivers in this case had to keep receiving and decoding
the MAC headers of every packet (frame) to make sure
they will not miss any packet.
The busy terminal problem of acoustic modems has been
identified sea experiments [38]. Fig. 7 shows the time dif-
ference between the actual transmission time on acous-
tic modems and the scheduled sending time by the MAC
protocol. When the modem was busy with overhearing at the FIGURE 8. The fast multipath variation (Color represents the
packet scheduled transmission time, the sending was post- strength of the multipath signal.)
poned considerably. Up to 1.8 seconds delays were observed
with Benthos modems. These delays are impulsive and unpre- Moreover, the data transmission rate of acoustic modems
dictable, which makes the medium access management futile. and the sound propagation speed in water are very slow,
usually three and five orders of magnitude lower than radios
D. FAST-VARYING CHANNEL in air. These two factors lead to a long packet transmission
The high dynamic of underwater channel has been and a large propagation delay. In this situation, the channel
observed in sea experiments [39]. For communication response would change considerably between two continues

VOLUME 2, NO. 2, JUNE 2014 205

IN COMPUTING Luo et al.: Challenges and Opportunities of UCANs

central frequency. In this situation, acoustic

modems usually send the baseband signal directly,
like OFDM signals, without high-frequency carri-
ers. The mixer and local oscillator thus are not used
in such systems. Moreover, some primary receivers,
like marine mammals, are quiet when they are
listening. Apparently, there is no way to detect their
presence with leakage power detection.
(b) Even if signal leakage exists in some underwater
acoustic receivers, the severe attenuation on acous-
tic channel imposes great threats to the long-range
FIGURE 9. The SNR variation among continuous data blocks
(270 ms interval between neighboring blocks).
detection. To solve this problem, special sensors
are suggested to be densely deployed to locate the
primary receivers [40]. However, the extra cost on
these sensors challenge the application of local leak-
packet transmissions, which challenges the dynamic power
age power approach in UCANs.
control in UCANs.
Another approach proposed in [41] transforms the pri-
E. LONG PROPAGATION DELAY mary receiver detection to detecting the primary transmitters’
Due to the heavy attenuation of radio signal in water, it cannot activity. The channel is identified to be available, if no PUs’
propagate far to support long distance communications in transmission activity is detected within a distance of Rp + Rs ,
UANs. Optical waves are only suitable for very short distance where, Rp and Rs is the transmission range of PUs and CA
communications because of the significant scattering. Alter- users, respectively. This approach, however, false alarms CA
natively, acoustic signals becomes a viable solution for under- users when the primary receivers are out of the interference
water wireless communications. However, acoustic signals range.
propagate at a speed about 1.5 × 103 m/s in water, five orders To summarize, how to accurately sense the presence of
of magnitude lower than the light speed in terrestrial radio net- primary receivers is still an open issue in the spectrum sensing
works. Meanwhile, the distance between neighboring users design for UCANs due to the unique features of the underwa-
could be up to several kilo meters in sparse UANs. The low ter system and acoustic channel.
sound speed and long communication distance lead to the
long propagation delay. This problem has been extensively B. CHALLENGES ON DYNAMIC POWER CONTROL
studied in conventional UAN designs, and therefore we will The rapid variations of underwater channel and long packet
not discuss it here in detail. duration time pose grand difficulties to dynamic power
control in UCANs.
VI. CHALLENGES ON UCAN DESIGN Dynamic power control approaches proposed for CR net-
In the previous section, we have investigated the unique works are usually based on the instantaneous channel state
characteristics of underwater channel and acoustic modems. information (CSI) [24], in which channel is assumed to be sta-
In this section, we discuss how each feature challenges the ble within several continuous packet transmissions. In CRs,
UCAN design. the assumption is reasonable, since the variation of the chan-
nel response in radio communications is relatively slow when
A. CHALLENGES ON SPECTRUM SENSING compared with the short packet duration time. However, this
In UCANs, the spectrum sensing design faces difficulties on assumption fails in UCANs. As shown in Fig. 9, the received
detecting the presence of primary receivers, especially when signal strength fluctuated rapidly in oceans. Moreover, the
they are in the receiving mode. limited data transmission rate in underwater communications
To detect the presence of primary receivers in CR networks, results in the long packet duration time, as listed in Table 1.
authors in [40] proposed to utilize the local oscillator leakage The channel state between two consecutive packet transmis-
power that all RF receivers emit. However, this approach can sion time may change significantly, when taking into account
not be applied to UCANs mainly because of two reasons. the rapid variations of underwater channels. Instantaneous
CSI based power control approaches in UCANs will need fre-
(a) The proposed method requires primary receivers to quent channel measurement and lead to substantial overhead.
use the superheterodyne architecture, which might Although the instantaneous CSI in underwater channel
has not been used in most of underwater com- is highly dynamic, its statistical characteristics (e.g. mean,
munication systems. Since acoustic systems usu- variation and probability distribution2 ) are stable or change
ally operate in low frequencies (1 kHz - 40 kHz)
when compared with hundreds of MHz or GHz 2 Rayleigh distribution [42], K-distribution [43] and Rice distribution [44],
in radios, the bandwidth of baseband signal in have been suggested to model the probability distribution function (PDF) of
underwater communications is comparable to its the underwater channel response.

206 VOLUME 2, NO. 2, JUNE 2014

Luo et al.: Challenges and Opportunities of UCANs IN COMPUTING

slowly [45]. In UCANs, we can utilize these slow-varying usage information might mislead the spectrum decision on
features to design the dynamic power control scheme, but CA users. Next, we use a simple example to illustrate the false
their performance in terms of channel capacity will be slightly alarm and miss detection events in UCANs.
degraded than instantaneous CSI based approaches. How to Let {Pa , Pb } and {Sa , Sb } denote a pair of PUs and CA
design an efficient dynamic power control method in the users, respectively. Suppose all four nodes can hear each
fast-varying underwater environment is a great challenge in other. The packet sent from Pa to Pb on frequency B0 is
UCANs. denoted as D1 . Then we have:
• After a long propagation delay, if D1 is detected by Sa
C. CHALLENGES ON SPECTRUM SENSING STRATEGY during its sensing periods, Sa marks frequency B0 as
Spectrum sensing strategy in UCANs faces the high overhead busy, and will not use it for data transmission. The false
issue, which is caused by the long propagation delay and the alarm occurs as B0 is released after D1 ’s reception. This
long preamble in acoustic modems. false alarm results in Sa wasting the idle frequency B0 if
In order to sense the presence of primary users reliably it has data to send in the current time period, as shown
against severe shadowing and fading effects, it is suggested in Fig. 10(a).
to share local sensing results among multiple secondary • During one sensing period on Sa , if the packet D1 is
users for collaborative sensing. For instance, in parallel still on the way because of the long propagation delay,
fusion based collaborative sensing, the local sensing out- Sa considers B0 as idle falsely. In this case Sa misses
comes from multiple users are transmitted to a fusion center detecting the transmission of P1 on frequency B0 . If Sa
(FC) for cooperative detection [46]. In game theory based takes B0 for D2 ’s transmission, a conflict is caused to the
collaborative sensing schemes, users need to interact with primary user Pb , as shown in Fig. 10(b).
each other through control packets to decide their sensing
behaviors [47]. In the aforementioned collaborative sens-
Pa D1 Pa D1
ing approaches, additional traffic are generated for message Interference
exchanging in collaboration introducing heavy overhead to Pb D1 Pb D1
t D2 t
UCANs. Sensing Period Channel Waste Sensing Period

Sa Sa D2
Most of existing collaborative sensing strategies focus on D1 D1
improving the detection probability in terms of collaborative (a) (b)

gain [46]–[48]. However, the time and energy consumption

FIGURE 10. False alarms and miss detection events caused by
on the control packet transmission is still overlooked. The the long propagation delay in UCANs: (a) false alarm; (b) miss
long preamble induced by acoustic modems is in the order detection.
of second, which largely increases the transmission time
and collision probability of control packets. Furthermore, the Mitigating the long propagation delay effect to correctly
propagation delay, which can be ignored in CR networks, also identify the current spectrum usage of PUs based on the
leads to high latency for the collaborative sensing in UCANs. delayed sensing results in UCANs is still an open issue.
The sensing schemes requiring multiple iterative negotiation 2) Natural signal identification is another challenges faced
among users [47], can not to be applied to UCANs directly. in the spectrum decision in UCANs. In the underwater
When evaluating a spectrum sensing strategy in UCANs, world, the acoustic users not only include ‘‘artificial sys-
we have to assess its performance from practical perspective. tems’’ but also involve ‘‘natural acoustic systems’’. How to
Not only the collaborative gain but also the energy efficiency identify signals from marine animals to achieve environment-
and spectrum utilization of the whole network need to be friendly communications challenges the spectrum decision in
considered. We advocate the receiver initiated handshaking UCANs.
approach [49] to reduce the overhead on message exchanging. Different man-made communication signals usually
However, the dynamic data polling problem in the receiver exhibit cyclostationary at different cyclic frequencies,
initiated protocols is still an open issue. depending on the symbol rate, coding scheme and guard
periods of the signal [20]. From Fig. 11 we observe that
D. CHALLENGES ON SPECTRUM DECISION both 4FSK and 4PSK signals from artificial communication
1) The long propagation delay is one of the most critical chal- systems exhibit strong cyclostationary property. By recogniz-
lenges to the spectrum decision in UCANs. In CR networks, ing the cyclostationary pattern during spectrum sensing, the
the false alarm and miss detection of PUs is mainly caused received signal can be classified accordingly.
by the imperfect spectrum sensing on CR users. In UCANs, However, besides the man-made signal identification,
however, besides the imperfect spectrum sensing, the long one primary objective of UCANs is to communicate in a
propagation delay may also lead to false alarm or miss detec- environment-friendly way to avoid interference to marine
tion of PUs. Due to the low propagation speed of sound organism. We would like to ask whether signals from ‘‘natural
in water, signals from PUs travel long time before being acoustic system’’ could be classified with cyclostationary.
sensed by CA users. Therefore, the spectrum sensing results Unlike artificial signals which have strict format in transmis-
of CA users are always out-of-date. This delayed spectrum sion rates, modulation schemes and guard periods, signals

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IN COMPUTING Luo et al.: Challenges and Opportunities of UCANs

FIGURE 11. Cyclic cross periodograms of different acoustic signals in oceans. Ambient noise does not exhibit cyclostationary, as it has no peaks when
α 6 = 0. 4FSK and 4PSK signals show distinguish peak patterns at different α. (a) Ambient noise. (b) 4FSK. (c) 4PSK.

of marine organism appear more diverse. Distinguishing the presents the 3 dB bandwidth of acoustic communications
‘‘natural’’ signal from ‘‘artificial’’ signal is still an unexplored on various distance considering the ambient noise and
research area in the UCAN design. frequency-dependent attenuation in water. However, the con-
straint of narrow-band response of acoustic transducer is still
The busy terminal problem of acoustic modems makes the
prearranged transmission pattern futile in spectrum sharing
scheme by randomly delaying pre-scheduled data transmis-
sions as shown in Fig. 7.
In CR networks, the busy terminal phenomenon is negli-
gible owning to the short packet duration time. The time that
users spent on overhearing a packet not addressed to them is
within milliseconds. In UCANs, however, the busy terminal
problem is significantly aggravated by the long preamble and
the low data transmission rate. CA users may waste up to
several seconds for one false overhearing. The prescheduled
transmission might be considerably delayed due to the false FIGURE 12. SNR degradation in acoustic communications with
overhearing, which potentially fails the collision avoidance respect to frequency and distance. The 3 dB frequency bands
are highlighted in bold.
mechanism in spectrum sharing.
In order to mitigate the busy terminal problem, one As we discussed in Section V-A, the response bandwidth
straightforward approach is to use full-duplex modems [31]. of acoustic transducers is narrow, ranging from several kilo-
When the outgoing packet can be sent out freely even if hertz to tens of kilohertz. It is interesting to ask whether the
another receiving action is performed at the same time, the operation frequency of single transducer could cover the mid-
busy terminal phenomenon will not happen. Another simple frequency band from 1 kHz to 40 kHz, and how many trans-
solution to mitigate the impact of busy terminal problem on ducers are required if not. The following simple calculation
UCAN is to use independent coding of MAC header which may answer this questions.
contains the destination address. In this way, the CA user can Denote fHi , fLi , fCi and Bi as the lower 3 dB cutoff fre-
stop the packet overhearing timely as soon as the MAC header quency, upper 3 dB cutoff frequency, central frequency and
is decoded, rather than listening to the whole packet. With this the bandwidth of transducer i respectively, where
approach, the users’ reception might still be false triggered
by the signal from unintended transmitter, but the duration of fCi
Bi = , Q ∈ [2, 10]. (1)
overhearing can be significantly reduced especially for long Q
data packets. Substitute fCi = 21 (fHi + fLi ) and Bi = fHi − fLi into (1), then we
fHi = f . (2)
The bandwidth limitation caused by the severe frequency- 2Q − 1 L
dependent attenuation of acoustic signals has drawn signif- When Q = 2, transducers have the largest bandwidth. Making
icant attention from underwater research community. Fig. 12 fL1 = 1 kHz and fHi = fLi+1 to have the minimum overlap

208 VOLUME 2, NO. 2, JUNE 2014

Luo et al.: Challenges and Opportunities of UCANs IN COMPUTING

between the operation frequencies of transducers, we have to share the frequency band with the licensed users, namely,
fHi = ( 35 )i . i = log 5 40 ≈ 7.22 when fHi = 40 kHz. Television users in UHF/VHF TV bands between 54 and
Accordingly, at least 8 transducers are required to cover the 862 MHz [56]. The research community advocates to reuse
whole mid-frequency band from 1 kHz to 40 kHz, as shown the frequency band 2.36-2.4 GHz in the U.S. for medical
in Fig. 13. body area networks (MBANs) with the principal incumbent -
aeronautical mobile telemetry (AMT) [57].
Based on the pioneering works in CRs, some research
efforts have been presented in the literature to introduce the
cognitive technique into UANs [58]–[65]. The underwater
channel features, such as the limited available bandwidth of
acoustic channel and the long propagation delay, have been
discussed in these research.
However, the development of CA is still in its infancy.
Only preliminary achievements are available for the UCAN
design. In [60] and [61], a software-defined underwater
acoustic modem design is discussed. By employing the field-
programmable gate array (FPGA), the acoustic modems are
able to reconfigure their operating frequency band and trans-
FIGURE 13. The group of transducers needed to cover the mission power, which provides a possibility of applying
mid-frequency band. cognitive technique to UANs. The underwater spectrum man-
agement is explored in [62]. The authors illustrated how
Unlike CR users, which can operate on a wide frequency various dynamic spectrum access models can be applied to
band [50], the usable frequency band for CA users with sin- different spectrum sharing scenarios. In [63], the authors
gle transducer is very narrow. The narrow-band response of proposed the spectrum signaling protocol to inform neigh-
acoustic transducers can be solved by using plural transducers boring nodes of the channel allocation. A spectrum allocation
on each acoustic modem to expand the operation frequency approach is proposed in [64] to improve the channel capac-
for CA users. However, both the cost and the size of acoustic ity among users. The authors in [65] analyzed the channel
modems will be considerably increased. Another viable strat- capacity gain via spectrum sparing in UCANs, in which the
egy is to carefully allocate frequency bands to different UANs depth of network deployment, the communication distance
to reduce unnecessary spectrum waste in the spectrum sharing and the ambient noise from shipping and waves are taken into
among networks. This spectrum arrangement depends on the account.
specific application, power constraint, channel quality and Despite of the aforementioned innovative accomplish-
transducer response limitation. Designing a spectrum sharing ments, the CA technique is still in its early stage. As we
scheme with efficient spectrum utilization under the afore- have discussed in this work, the practical issues, like narrow-
mentioned constraints has not been addressed yet in UCANs. band response of acoustic transducers, the long preamble of
To summarize, besides the great opportunities of cogni- acoustic modems and the fast varying underwater channel, are
tive techniques in underwater networks, the UCAN design still challenging the UCAN design.
faces grand challenges due to the unique features of under-
water channel, acoustic modems and unexplored ocean
environments. VIII. CONCLUSION
Cognitive acoustic (CA) is a promising technique to develop
VII. RELATED WORK environment-friendly and spectrum efficient underwater
The term of cognitive radio was first proposed by Joseph acoustic networks. In this paper, we first dissect the spec-
Mitola in 1999 [51], which was built on the software-defined trum usage in oceans, results of which demonstrate that the
radio, for a better utilization of the crowded wireless spec- precious spectrum resource is underutilized temporally and
trum. With intelligent learning abilities, CR communication spatially. The potentials of underwater cognitive acoustic net-
systems are capable of automatically reconfiguring parame- works (UCANs) in improving the environment-friendliness
ters (e.g. transmit power, modulation schemes and frequency) and spectrum utilization is then described. In addition, we
adapting to the communication environment. investigate unique features of underwater channels and acous-
There have been substantial achievements in CRs tic modems. The significant affects of these characteristics
[52]–[55], including the spectrum sensing, dynamic power on the UCAN design are further analyzed. The unsolved
control, spectrum decision and spectrum sharing issues. To issues and challenges identified in this paper may be used as
date, several important progresses have been achieved to a starting point of future research on UCANs. The ultimate
facilitate the applications of cognitive technique in real sys- objective of this paper is to call for research efforts on tack-
tems. IEEE 802.22 standard for cognitive wireless regional ling unique underwater challenges to achieve efficient and
area networks (WRANs) helps the CR (or unlicensed) users environment-friendly spectrum utilization in UCANs.

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[23] F. C. Commission et al., ‘‘Spectrum policy task force,’’ Dept. Comput. Sci., Comput. Sci. Eng., Univ. Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA, Tech. Rep.
FCC, Washington, DC, USA, Tech Rep. 02-135, 2002. UbiNet-TR13-10, 2013.

210 VOLUME 2, NO. 2, JUNE 2014

Luo et al.: Challenges and Opportunities of UCANs IN COMPUTING

[50] H. Rahul, N. Kushman, D. Katabi, C. Sodini, and F. Edalat, ‘‘Learning LINA PU received the B.S. degree in electrical
to share: Narrowband-friendly wideband networks,’’ ACM SIGCOMM engineering from the Northwestern Polytechnical
Comput. Commun. Rev., vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 147–158, 2008. University, Xi’an, China, in 2009. She is currently
[51] J. Mitola and G. Q. Maguire, ‘‘Cognitive radio: Making software radios pursuing the Ph.D. degree in computer science
more personal,’’ Personal Commun., vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 13–18, Aug. 1999. and engineering with the University of Connecti-
[52] S. Haykin, ‘‘Cognitive radio: Brain-empowered wireless communica- cut, Storrs, CT, USA. Her research interests lie
tions,’’ IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 201–220, Feb. 2005. in medium access protocols design, performance
[53] A. Ghasemi and E. S. Sousa, ‘‘Spectrum sensing in cognitive radio net-
evaluation, and experimental study for underwa-
works: Requirements, challenges and design trade-offs,’’ IEEE Commun.
ter acoustic networks, with recent focus on the
Mag., vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 32–39, Apr. 2008.
[54] N. Baldo, A. Asterjadhi, and M. Zorzi, ‘‘Dynamic spectrum access using a practical issues and unique features of underwater
network coded cognitive control channel,’’ IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., acoustic networks.
vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 2575–2587, Aug. 2010.
[55] I. F. Akyildiz, W.-Y. Lee, M. C. Vuran, and S. Mohanty, ‘‘NeXt MICHAEL ZUBA received the B.S. and M.S.
generation/dynamic spectrum access/cognitive radio wireless networks: degrees in computer science and engineering from
A survey,’’ Comput. Netw., vol. 50, no. 13, pp. 2127–2159, 2006. the University of Connecticut, where he is cur-
[56] F. C. Commission et al., ‘‘Unlicensed operations in the tv broadcast bands, rently pursuing the Ph.D. degree. His research
second memorandum opinion and order,’’ FCC, Washington, DC, USA,
interests are in underwater communication and
Tech. Rep. 10-174, Sep. 2010.
[57] F. C. Commission et al., ‘‘Amendment of the commission’s rules to provide
networking, sustainable system development, and
spectrum for the operation of medical body area networks, notice of real-system creation. He is the recipient of an NSF
proposed rulemaking,’’ FCC, Washington, DC, USA, Tech. Rep. 08-59, EAPSI Fellowship and the Department of Educa-
2009. tion GAANN Fellowship in advanced computing.
[58] E. Jones, ‘‘The application of software radio techniques to underwater He is also a two time participant in the Office of
acoustic communications,’’ in Proc. OCEANS Eur., Jun. 2007, pp. 1–6. Naval Research’s NREIP program.
[59] W. Yonggang, T. Jiansheng, P. Yue, and H. Li, ‘‘Underwater communica-
tion goes cognitive,’’ in Proc. OCEANS, Sep. 2008, pp. 1–4.
ZHENG PENG received the dual bachelor’s
[60] N. Nowsheen, C. Benson, and M. Frater, ‘‘A high data-rate, software-
degree in computer science and control theory
defined underwater acoustic modem,’’ in Proc. OCEANS, Sep. 2010,
pp. 1–5. from Zhejiang University, China, in 2002, the
[61] E. M. Sözer and M. Stojanovic, ‘‘Reconfigurable acoustic modem for M.Sc. degree in computer science from the Uni-
underwater sensor networks,’’ in Proc. 1st ACM Int. Workshop Underwater versity of Electrical Science and Technology of
Netw., 2006, pp. 101–104. China in 2005, and the Ph.D. degree in computer
[62] H.-P. Tan, W. K. Seah, and L. Doyle, ‘‘Exploring cognitive techniques science from the University of Connecticut, where
for bandwidth management in integrated underwater acoustic systems,’’ in he is currently an Assistant Research Professor. His
Proc. OCEANS, Apr. 2008, pp. 1–7. research interests are in underwater wireless net-
[63] D. Torres, Z. Charbiwala, J. Friedman, and M. Srivastava, ‘‘Spec- working with emphasis on the design, evaluation,
trum signaling for cognitive underwater acoustic channel allocation,’’ in and implementation of network protocols and systems.
Proc. INFOCOM IEEE Conf. Comput. Commun. Workshops, Mar. 2010,
pp. 1–6.
[64] N. Baldo, P. Casari, and M. Zorzi, ‘‘Cognitive spectrum access for under- JUN-HONG CUI received the Ph.D. degree in
water acoustic communications,’’ in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun., computer science from the University of Califor-
May 2008, pp. 518–523. nia, Los Angeles (UCLA), in 2003. She is cur-
[65] A. Bicen, A. Sahin, and O. B. Akan, ‘‘Spectrum-aware underwater net- rently a Full Professor with the Computer Science
works: Cognitive acoustic communications,’’ Veh. Technol. Mag., vol. 7, and Engineering Department, University of Con-
no. 2, pp. 34–40, 2012. necticut (UConn). She also served as the Assistant
Dean for Graduate Studies and Diversity with the
School of Engineering, UConn, from 2009 to 2012.
Her research interests cover the design, modeling,
and performance evaluation of networks and dis-
tributed systems. Her current research mainly focuses on algorithm, pro-
tocol, and system design and development in underwater sensor networks
(UWSN), autonomous underwater vehicle networks, and distributed cyber-
aquatic systems. She has also been conducting active research on smart health
and smart transportation systems. She leads the Ubiquitous Networking
Laboratory and the UWSN Laboratory at UConn. More recently, she has
been leading the efforts to launch an NSF Industry/University Cooperative
Research Center on Smart Ocean Technologies in collaboration with the
YU LUO received the B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees University of Washington. She is actively involved in the community as an
in electrical engineering from the Northwestern Organizer, a TPC Member, and a Reviewer for numerous conferences and
Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China, in 2009 journals. She served as an Associate Editor for Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks
and 2012, respectively. He is currently pursuing from 2007 to 2013. She co-founded the first ACM International Workshop on
the Ph.D. degree and a Research Assistant with UnderWater Networks (WUWNet’06), which now has become a standalone
the Underwater Sensor Network Laboratory, Uni- conference. She has been serving as the WUWNet Steering Committee Chair.
versity of Connecticut. His major research focuses She received the NSF CAREER Award in 2007, the ONR Young Investigator
on the cognitive acoustic networks and underwater Award in 2008, the United Technologies Corporation Professorship in Engi-
acoustic network cross-layer design. He is a Stu- neering Innovation Award at UConn in 2008, and the UCLA Engineering
dent Member of the IEEE Computer Society. Distinguished Young Alumnus Award in 2010.

VOLUME 2, NO. 2, JUNE 2014 211

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