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Ref 23 La0.9Ca0.1MnO3

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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 214429 共2007兲

Disorder-induced phase coexistence in bulk doped manganites and its suppression

in nanometer-sized crystals: The case of La0.9Ca0.1MnO3
E. Rozenberg,1,* A. I. Shames,1 M. Auslender,2 G. Jung,1 I. Felner,3 Jaivardhan Sinha,4 S. S. Banerjee,4
D. Mogilyansky,5 E. Sominski,6 A. Gedanken,6 Ya. M. Mukovskii,7 and G. Gorodetsky1
Department of Physics, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel
2Department of Computers and Electrical Engineering, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel
3The Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
4Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, U.P.-208016, India
5Institute of Applied Research, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, P.O. Box 653, 84105 Beer Sheva, Israel
Department of Chemistry and Kanbar Laboratory for Nanomaterials at the Bar-Ilan University Center
for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel
Moscow Steel and Alloys Institute, Leninskii prospekt 4, Moscow 119049, Russia
共Received 10 March 2007; revised manuscript received 2 November 2007; published 26 December 2007兲
X-band electron magnetic resonance together with dc and ac magnetic measurements were employed for
comparative study of magnetic ordering in bulk and nanometer-sized La0.9Ca0.1MnO3 single crystals. A dra-
matic difference between bulk crystal showing mixed magnetic state, constituted by coexisting canted antifer-
romagnetic A-type matrix and nanometer sized ferromagnetic clusters, and the nanocrystalline form of the
same compound, showing mainly ferromagnetic ordering, has been revealed. The complementary study of the
structural state and analysis of the electron paramagnetic resonance data in terms of the proposed theoretical
model have enlightened the reasons for the observed difference in the magnetic order. The results suggest that
the change in magnetic order has an intrinsic nature and is not induced by nonstoichiometry. The cation
composition and the oxygen stoichiometry of bulk and nanosized crystals were determined to be the same
within the experimental accuracy. Nanometer-sized crystals of La0.9Ca0.1MnO3 are characterized by better
chemical and crystalline homogeneity arising both from different fabrication techniques and reduced crystal-
lites size. This effect induces a transition from an inhomogeneous confined state of charge carriers in chemi-
cally disordered bulk crystal to a more mobile one in an impuritylike band in homogeneous nanocrystals,
resulting in the change of magnetic ordering. A realistic model describing size assisted change of magnetic
order in doped manganites has been proposed to interpret the data. The experimental results and their analysis
indicate that a chemical/magnetic disorder has a strong impact on the magnetic state and the phase diagram of
doped manganites.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.214429 PACS number共s兲: 76.50.⫹g, 71.30.⫹h, 75.47.Lx

I. INTRODUCTION approach has been recently shown to be inadequate, and the

combined action of chemical/magnetic disorder5 and multi-
It is generally accepted that existence of a rich variety of band structure6 should be included in the DE models. In this
magnetic, electronic, and structural phases, characteristic for context the recent large scale computational model which
doped mixed valence manganite perovskites R1−xAxMnO3 includes SE interaction and considers competition between
共R = La and rare earths, A = Ca, Sr, Ba, etc.兲, is due to a close FM and charge ordered 共CO兲 nanoscale sized states in doped
interplay between charge, spin and lattice degrees of manganites seems to be more realistic.7
freedom.1 The ferromagnetic 共FM兲 double exchange 共DE兲 Micrometer-scale domains with different electronic den-
Mn3+-O-Mn4+ competes with antiferromagnetic 共AFM兲 su- sity and different magnetic order were observed experimen-
perexchange 共SE兲 interaction Mn3+-O-Mn3+ between the t2g tally in numerous bulk and thin film samples of doped man-
local spins, as well as with the intersite exchange interaction ganites, see, e.g., Refs. 8–10. At the same time, recent
between eg orbitals 共orbital ordering兲, spin-lattice interaction, improvements of experimental techniques allowed for obser-
etc. This leads to the coexistence of spatially inhomogeneous vations of nano-sized insulating and metalliclike domains in
phases with different magnetic/electronic order.1,2 Existing FM-ordered manganite thin film.11 Their existence was asso-
theoretical models predict that spontaneous electronic phase ciated with inherent inhomogeneities such as, e.g., local
separation 共PS兲 arises from a competition between AFM and stress. The progress in the thin film preparation methods al-
FM interactions. Alternatively, PS may be induced by lowed for fabrication of a unique sample of optimally Ca-
quenched disorder and strains. Spontaneous PS appears as doped La0.75Ca0.25MnO3, characterized by an unusual A-site
nanometer-scale inhomogeneities,2 while disorder or strain La-Ca ion ordering.12 The ordering compensates the cation
induced PS shows out on the length scale up to the microme- mismatch stress already within one supercell, i.e., within the
ter range.3,4 Note that doped manganites are characterized by range of ⬃1.55 nm, leading to an enhancement of electronic
a chemical and magnetic disorder associated with the doping homogeneity, suppression of PS-like state, and notable im-
inhomogeneity. Nevertheless, the simplified theoretical mod- provement of the macroscopic magnetic/transport properties.
els of DE in manganites mostly ignore such effects. This These facts direct one to recognize that the structural/

1098-0121/2007/76共21兲/214429共11兲 214429-1 ©2007 The American Physical Society

ROZENBERG et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 214429 共2007兲

chemical and electronic homogeneity on the nanoscale range ordering we have used the electron magnetic resonance
are the necessary prerequisites for understanding the internal 共EMR兲 technique, comprising the electron paramagnetic
regularities governing the properties of doped manganites. resonance 共EPR兲 and the ferromagnetic resonance. High sen-
On the other hand, almost all practical samples contain un- sitive EMR method allows one to detect small changes of the
avoidable structural imperfections, chemical disorder, and magnetic homogeneity induced by the local variations of the
associated strains.13 Thus, a basic question arises about the oxygen stoichiometry and chemical composition.25 Indepen-
extent to which the experimentally observed complex multi- dent ac and dc magnetic data complemented the EMR re-
phase behavior can be described by the simplified DE mod- sults. It was clearly shown that the stoichiometry of low-
els neglecting the chemical and magnetic disorder, as well as doped La1−xCaxMnO3 共x 艋 0.20兲 manganites determines their
the appearance of impurity bands.2–4
magnetic ordering.17,26 Therefore, special attention was paid
Let us consider La0.9Ca0.1MnO3 共LCMO兲 manganite com-
to the chemical composition and stoichiometry of our
pound as an example. The literature data concerning its mag-
netic ordering are strongly contradictive. The neutron dif- samples. We have assured that not only the chemical compo-
fraction and magnetic measurements on bulk crystals of sition, but also the oxygen stoichiometry of the investigated
LCMO reveal modulated canted AFM structure composed of bulk and nanosized LCMO were the same. We believe that
A-type canted AFM matrix and nanometer-scale FM our approach is much more appropriate than the one reported
clusters.14,15 In a marked contrast, low temperature coexist- in Refs. 22 and 23 where only the composition and stoichi-
ence of major FM and minor canted AFM insulating phases ometry of nanomanganites were concerned.
was reported for bulk LCMO crystal in Ref. 16. The neutron To draw conclusions about the magnetic correlations and
and high-resolution x-ray powder diffraction, as well as spin dynamics in the investigated samples the EMR param-
ac/dc magnetic measurements show only the homogeneously eters at the paramagnetic 共PM兲 temperature range were ana-
canted AFM phase in the stoichiometric LCMO ceramic.17 lyzed using the existing models.27–29 This allowed us to evi-
On the other hand, it was suggested in Refs. 18 and 19 that dence a notable difference in the features of Jahn-Teller
the nanosized FM metalliclike clusters are embedded into the transition and in the magnetic ordering in nanosized
FM insulatinglike matrix in LCMO bulk ceramics. It seems, La0.9Ca0.1MnO3 and in its bulk counterpart. We believe that a
therefore, that the basic question whether the extrinsic or higher chemical homogeneity of the nanometer-sized crystals
intrinsic reasons are responsible for appearance of coexisting leads to their basically FM ordering in a marked contrast to
magnetic/electronic phases in LCMO, as well as the question the mixed AFM+ FM order in the bulk crystals. We attribute
on the applicability of the simplified models2–4 may be ad- the difference in the magnetic order to a transition from an
dressed to this very case. inhomogeneous confined state of charge carriers in the
It is well known that finite-size effects induce a plethora chemically/magnetically disordered bulk crystal to a more
of new phenomena in the solid state magnetism.20,21 In par- mobile one within impuritylike band5 in homogeneous nano-
ticular, it is believed that the reduction of the sample size crystals. The change in the electronic states and in the mag-
down to the nanometer size scale is capable of influencing netic ordering seems to be an intrinsic one and not induced
the magnetic ordering in doped manganites via the coupling by differences in the chemical composition or oxygen sto-
between the spin subsystem 共spins of both Mn ions and car- ichiometry between the bulk and nanosized LCMO. This fact
riers兲 and the lattice. Recent experiments showing FM like motivated us to propose a model describing the influence of
ordering in crystalline Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 nanowires22 and the chemical/magnetic disorder suppression associated with
Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3 nanoparticles23 in a marked difference to the size reduction upon magnetic order in doped manganites.
the observations of the AFM charge ordered ground state in The proposed model explains not only our experimental re-
the bulk crystalline form of these manganites, were inter- sults but also those reported previously for Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3
preted as an evidence of the suppression of the AFM/CO and Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3 compounds.22,23 Our results may there-
state in nanosized samples. The actual mechanism of this fore help to fill the gap between the idealized models2–4 and
suppression is currently a subject of a discussion.22,23 Addi- numerous experiments evidencing the phase coexistence in
tionally, a progressive increase of low temperature, low field doped manganites.
magnetization with decreasing mean grain size in LaMnO3
nanoparticles was reported in Ref. 24. These experimental II. EXPERIMENT
findings strongly support a claim that the reduction of sample
size influences magnetic ordering in doped manganites. Bulk LCMO crystals were grown by a radiative heating
In this paper, we report on a comprehensive study of the floating-zone method.30 Nanocrystals were prepared by the
crystalline structure and magnetic ordering in bulk and nano- sonication-assisted coprecipitation and subsequent low tem-
sized La0.9Ca0.1MnO3 manganite single crystals. The studies perature crystallization at 900 K,31 i.e., below the tempera-
were performed in order to obtain additional experimental ture of its structural rhombohedral to orthorhombic
insight into the problem of complex multiphase behavior of transition.32 Such nanocrystals fabrication procedure effec-
LCMO by benefiting from a special advantage of using the tively eliminates twin defects, reduces stoichiometry fluctua-
homogeneous nanometer sized samples as the reference tions, and renders the samples almost free from extended
ones. The notable difference in chemical and structural ho- defects and associated local strains, leaving the crystallite
mogeneity between the bulk and nanometer sized crystals of surface as the only dominant defect. The structure of the
the same La0.9Ca0.1MnO3 composition arises from different nanocrystals was checked using JEM 2010 high resolution
fabrication protocols employed. For probing the magnetic transmission electron microscope 共TEM兲 with the linear


resolution of 1.9 Å. X-ray diffraction 共XRD兲 measurements

were carried out with the Huber Imaging Plate camera in-
stalled on an Ultrax 18-Rigaku X-ray rotating Cu anode
source. The Rietveld refinement of the XRD data was per-
formed using the FULLPROF program.33 The cation composi-
tion of the nano and bulk LCMO was additionally examined
by the electron dispersive x-ray analysis and inductively
coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy techniques
and was found to be La/ Ca/ Mn= 0.9/ 0.1/ 1.0, the same in
the bulk and nanosystem within the experimental accuracies
of 0.01.
The EMR measurements were performed with Bruker
EMX-220 X-band 共␯ = 9.4 GHz兲 spectrometer in the tem-
perature range 5 K 艋 T 艋 600 K using small amounts 共few
mg兲 of fine powdered samples. The bulk crystal was crushed
up to the micron-sized 共5 – 20 ␮m grains兲 powder, while the
nanocrystalline sample was measured in the as fabricated
state. The loose-packed form of the powder samples enables
one to exclude the influence of the skin effect25,34 and to
narrow the signals in the FM state, due to the texture of fine
particles in the external magnetic field. This, in turn, gives FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Observed 共dots兲 and Rietveld fitted
one an opportunity to examine a complex EMR signal in 共lines兲 room temperature x-ray diffraction patterns for crystalline
more details. In the course of the experiments we have ana- La09Ca0.1MnO3 samples: 共a兲 Nanometer-sized 共Rwd = 6.2% 兲 and 共b兲
lyzed the temperature dependences of the following EMR bulk crystals 共Rwd = 9.6% 兲. Insets: The magnified view of the pat-
terns near 共101兲 and 共020兲 reflections.
spectra parameters: the resonance field Hr, peak-to-peak line
width ⌬Hpp and the doubly integrated intensity 共DIN兲, which
is proportional to the EMR susceptibility ␹EMR. The tempera- weak peaks at 2␪ = 25.6° and 54.2° which can be indexed as
ture and the magnetic field 共H兲 dependences of dc magneti- 共111兲 and 共113,331兲 XRD lines. These lines are characteristic
zation M were measured using a SQUID magnetometer in for the Pnma symmetry and are not observed at these angles
the temperature range of 5 – 300 K and under H up to 5 T. ac in close cubic or rhombohedral symmetries. The relationship
susceptibility 共␹兲 measurements were carried out with the between the structural features of nano and bulk crystals and
homebuilt setup at the external Hdc = 5 Oe and the exciting their electronic/magnetic ordering is discussed in detail later.
Hac = 2 Oe. The crystallinity of the nanosample was additionally
checked by the high resolution TEM. As shown in Fig. 2, it
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION is perfect for both individual, Fig. 2共a兲, and agglomerated,
Fig. 2共b兲, nanograins. Extended structural defects 共disloca-
A. Structural state of the nano and bulk LCMO tions, twins, etc.兲 characteristic for the bulk form of manga-
The room temperature XRD spectra for both samples are nite crystals13 were not found in our nanocrystals. The aver-
presented in Fig. 1. The respective x-ray peaks of the nano age size of the nanograins was determined by means of XRD
crystals are broadened compared to the bulk ones, but nev- and TEM techniques and found to be of 24± 4 nm.
ertheless, both spectra show the same single-phase nature of
the samples studied. On the basis of the Rietveld method, B. Magnetic and resonance properties of the nano
both specimens can be structurally described by the ortho- and bulk LCMO
rhombic Pnma space group. The lattice parameters: a
= 5.465 Å, b = 7.739 Å, c = 5.506 Å and a = 5.5932 Å, b The temperature dependences of magnetization M共T兲
= 7.730 Å, c = 5.5276 Å, as well as the unit cell volumes of measured at the low field of 5 Oe after zero-field 共ZFC兲 and
232.9 Å3 and 238.9 Å3 were obtained for the nano and bulk field-cooling 共FC兲 procedures are shown in Figs. 3共a兲 and
crystals, respectively. The nanocrystals’ unit cell turns out to 3共b兲 for bulk and nano LCMO, respectively. In the bulk
be compressed when compared to the bulk one, while the sample FC and ZFC M共T兲 curves split below T ⬃ 130 K go
bulk unit cell volume is very close to that of the stoichio- through a pronounced maximum at T ⬃ 112 K and cease to
metric LCMO ceramics.26 Moreover, the characteristic rela- change significantly below 70 K. In contrast, in the
tions between the lattice parameters in Pnma notation: c 艌 a nanosample ZFC and FC M共T兲 curves are separated already
艌 b / 冑 2 共O* symmetry兲 and a ⬎ c ⬎ b / 冑 2 共O⬘ symmetry兲17,26 at T ⬃ 240 K. The FC magnetization increases down to 5 K,
are fulfilled for the nano and bulk crystals, respectively. As a while ZFC magnetization demonstrates a broad maximum at
result, splitting of 共101兲 and 共020兲 XRD peaks is absent 共re- T ⬃ 90 K. Note that similar long M共T兲 tails have been previ-
duced orthorhombic distortions兲 in the nano LCMO, see in- ously observed in nanopowders of LCMO with average par-
set to Fig. 1共a兲, while such splitting is clearly visible in the ticle size ⬃11 nm.35 The characteristic temperatures of the
bulk LCMO x-ray spectrum, i.e., in the inset to Fig. 1共b兲. bulk crystal, T ⬃ 130 K and T ⬃ 112 K, are marked by clear
The orthorhombicity of the nano LCMO is confirmed by the maxima in the temperature dependence of the real part of ac

ROZENBERG et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 214429 共2007兲

FIG. 3. Temperature dependence of field-cooled and zero-field-

cooled magnetization of 共a兲 bulk and 共b兲 nanosample at H = 5 Oe.
Temperature dependence of the real part of ac susceptibility in 共c兲
bulk crystal and in 共d兲 nanosample.
FIG. 2. HRTEM image of 共a兲 individual and 共b兲 agglomerated
La0.9Ca0.1MnO3 nanograins. The lattice fringes correspond 共a兲 to
the 共200兲 plane and 共b兲 to 共101兲 + 共020兲 planes. Insets: The fast
Fourier transform patterns of these planes.

susceptibility ␹⬘共T兲 shown in Fig. 3共c兲. ␹⬘ of a nanocrystal

exhibits a broad maximum in the vicinity of 90 K and a long
tail extending up to 240 K; see Fig. 3共d兲. The susceptibility
is frequency dependent in the temperature range 5 – 240 K
and 60– 130 K for the nano and bulk samples, respectively.
Note that only the temperature anomalies in ␹⬘共T兲 curves
were used for characterization of the magnetic ordering in
nano and bulk LCMO. For this reason, the arbitrary units are
used in Figs. 3共c兲 and 3共d兲.
The magnetic field dependence of magnetizations M共H兲
measured after ZFC is shown in Fig. 4共a兲. The magnetic
response of both samples at low temperatures 共5 K兲 is FM
like, but their M共H兲 are not saturated at the magnetic field up
to 5 T. Spontaneous magnetization M 0 was found to be
2.44± 0.04 and 2.20± 0.01 ␮B / f.u. for bulk and nano LCMO,
respectively. Such difference between M 0 values seems to
result from low-temperature freezing of the FM clusters mo-
ments in strong field of AFM anisotropy in bulk LCMO and
from the interplay between magnetic disorder at the nanosur-
faces and interparticle interactions, as well as the appearance
of FM ordering in the cores of nanograins, as discussed in FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 共a兲 dc magnetic field dependence of the
detail later. With the increasing temperature the bulk M共H兲 magnetization of the bulk at T = 5 K and of the nanocrystalline
dependence becomes linear and M 0 disappears at Curie tem- sample at 5 and 175 K. 共b兲 Temperature dependence of the coercive
perature 共TC兲, as expected for a PM state. In contrast, the field.


FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 EMR spectra of 共a兲, 共b兲 bulk and 共c兲, 共d兲 nanocrystalline samples recorded at different temperatures above and
below magnetic transition points.

nonlinear, nonhysteretic, and nonsaturated M共H兲 curves are nanosample starts to increase already at T = 250 K and grows
recorded for nanosamples between 150 K and 240 K; see monotonically towards a weak maximum at T ⬃ 20 K.
Fig. 4共a兲. The coercive field HC decreases with increasing Temperature dependences of the resonant linewidth
temperature and vanishes around 150 K in the nanocrystal, 共⌬Hpp兲 are shown in Fig. 7共b兲. The ⌬Hpp共T兲 of the bulk goes
and around 130 K in the bulk—Fig. 4共b兲. through a broad minimum at T = 420 K, well pronounced
The results of the magnetization and susceptibility mea- minimum at T = 175 K, and a subsequent increase until the
surements 共Figs. 3 and 4兲 of the LCMO bulk crystal are EMR signal becomes unobservable around 115 K. In the
consistent with the existing literature data.14,15 The magnetic nanosample the ⌬Hpp共T兲 sharply decreases in the vicinity of
ground state is a modulated canted AFM structure composed 500 K which is close to the temperature of the LCMO Jahn-
of A-type AFM matrix and nanometer-scale FM clusters. Teller 共JT兲 transition; see Ref. 36, and references therein.
There are two subsequent magnetic transitions in the bulk: A The narrowing of the EMR linewidth in the vicinity of JT
FM transition 共long range ordering of the FM clusters兲 at transition was reported, e.g., in Ref. 37. Upon further cooling
TC = 130± 2 K and an AFM transition of the matrix at Néel the ⌬Hpp共T兲 goes through a broad minimum at T ⬃ 250 K
temperature TCA = 112± 1 K. The magnetic ordering in
LCMO nanocrystals is clearly different from the one ob-
served in its bulk counterpart.
The EMR data confirm a marked difference in magnetic
orderings. EMR detects the power P absorbed by the sample
from the transverse magnetic microwave field as a function
of the static field H. The signal-to-noise ratio of the spectra is
improved by recording the derivative dP / dH. EMR spectra
共dP / dH兲 of the bulk show a single resonance line within the
entire temperature range of measurements; see Figs. 5共a兲 and
5共b兲, while a complex line appears in the spectra of the
nanosample between 115 and 240 K; see Fig. 5共d兲. Figure 6
shows that this complex line may be simulated/fitted as being
composed of a broad Gaussian and a narrow Lorentzian line.
The doubly integrated EMR intensity 共DIN兲 of the bulk
sample starts to increase with decreasing temperature at T
⬃ 175 K, reaches a maximum at Tmax = 125 K and practically FIG. 6. 共Color online兲 EMR spectra of nanocrystalline LCMO
vanishes below 90 K; see Fig. 7共a兲. The vanishing of DIN recorded at the temperature interval of two magnetic phase coexist-
reflects directly the zeroing of the resonance signal in bulk ence and its simulation with a broad Gaussian and a narrow Lorent-
LCMO, as shown in Fig. 5共a兲. In contrast, DIN of the zian contribution.

ROZENBERG et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 214429 共2007兲

240 K. The weak Gaussian line can be resolved only at the

temperatures where nonlinear, nonhysteretic, and nonsat-
urated M共H兲 dependences, characteristic for a superparamag-
netic 共SPM兲 system, are observed. The existence of a broad
maximum in ZFC M共T兲 of a nanosample in Fig. 3共b兲 can be
associated with the blocking effects in a SPM system in
which each nanoparticle possesses a spontaneous magnetic
moment. However, the classical blocking temperature is ex-
pected to increase with increasing H, while in our case the
ZFC M共T兲 maximum completely disappears already at ap-
plied fields of a few G. Since the temperature T ⬃ 90 K of the
maximum in ZFC M共T兲 coincides with the maximum in
␹⬘共T兲 and with the temperature of the inflexion point in FC
M共T兲, we associate it with onset of the ferromagnetic order-
ing in the cores of nanocrystals. The internal field resulting
from such ordering decreases Hr in nanocrystals below 75 K;
see Fig. 7共c兲. Note that Ca content x = 0.1± 0.01 in the nano
LCMO is far from the critical concentration 共xcr = 0.125兲
marking the FM order onset in bulk La1−xCaxMnO3.14 It al-
lows us to consider this ordering as inherent and specific for
the nanoform of LCMO, as elaborated further on.
The existence of the SPM phase may be associated with
some high-temperature magnetic ordering in the PM system
of nanocrystals, i.e., with the appearance of spin clusters
having net magnetic moments. An obvious difference be-
tween the nano and bulk sample is a strong influence of
surfaces and interparticle interactions on the system proper-
ties. Random magnetic ordering of the surface Mn spins and
FIG. 7. 共Color online兲 Temperature dependences of the EMR their interactions 共e.g., dipole-dipole like兲 within an en-
parameters for the bulk and nanocrystalline La0.9Ca0.1MnO3 semble of nanocrystals may lead to the appearance of SPM
samples. 共a兲 Doubly integrated intensity of the signal. 共b兲 Line- phase. The broad Gaussian-like EMR signal originating from
width. 共c兲 Resonance fields. that phase contributes about 5–7 % to the total EMR inten-
sity. We attribute the origin of this line rather to spin clusters
and then increases down to the lowest temperatures. Let us randomly distributed along the surface than to a continuous
emphasize that JT-like transition is clearly seen in the ⌬Hpp surface shell. A plausible mechanism for the surface cluster
of nanocrystals, while in the bulk crystal only a broad mini- ordering is the tunneling of carriers through junctions formed
mum at 420 K is observed—Fig. 7共b兲. by the contact points between adjacent nanoparticles. The
Temperature dependences of the resonance fields Hr for influence of the surface tunneling on electrical transport in
all extracted signals are shown in Fig. 7共c兲. In the far PM nano-manganites is actively discussed now; see, e.g., Ref.
region Hr is T-independent and close to 340 mT, correspond- 40. Therefore, it seems reasonable to suggest that the same
ing to the PM g factor of 1.99± 0.01 for both samples. Hr of effect leads to a surface clustering at temperatures below
the bulk decreases sharply below 190 K, while for which thermal fluctuations are unable to destroy local FM
nanosample the Hr of broad Gaussian and main Lorentzian clusters. Electron tunneling between two Mn ions belonging
EMR lines decrease relatively slow below 220 K and 75 K, to different nanocrystal particles,41 similarly to the electron
respectively; see Fig. 7共c兲. Deviation of Hr from its PM hopping between two Mn ions in the bulk lattice, induces
value is caused by anisotropic spin-spin interactions and net FM double exchange correlation. The DE correlation over
magnetization appearing due to long- or short-range FM cor- the grain-surface contact is likely stronger than its bulk coun-
relations when T decreases towards TC. The 175 K minimum terpart due to the dangling of some of the AFM Mn-O-Mn
in ⌬Hpp共T兲 and a decrease of Hr below 190 K can thus be bonds on the surface. As a result, the FM-correlated spin
seen as a hallmark of the formation of short-range FM cor- clusters of low concentration appear at the contacting grains
related clusters in the bulk crystal at T ⬎ TC.38,39 The appear- interfaces. The spatial frustration of the grains in the agglom-
ance of AFM ordering at T ⬍ TCA broadens EMR signal and erate results in the randomization of FM moments and in the
strongly decreases its intensity and Hr. At low temperatures formation the suggested SPM like phase. Upon cooling to-
where the AFM order dominates, the X-band EMR becomes wards TC ⬃ 90 K this effect starts to compete with the FM
unobservable in the bulk LCMO; see Figs. 5 and 7. ordering in the grains cores and, as a result, the SPM like
The existence of the two superimposed EMR signals, as EMR signal becomes unobservable below 115 K.
well as a different behavior of their ⌬Hpp共T兲 and Hr共T兲, see The low-temperature system of FM cores and magneti-
Figs. 6 and 7共c兲, indicate that in the nanocrystals an addi- cally disordered surfaces in nanocrystals is more homoge-
tional magnetic phase coexists with the PM one below neous and less anisotropic than the mixed phase of the


canted AFM matrix and FM clusters coexisting in bulk single

crystals. This leads to higher values of low-temperature,
high-field differential susceptibility and higher coercive
fields in the bulk; see Fig. 4. Frustration of the PM spin
subsystem, due to appearance of SPM-like phase in nano-
crystals below 240 K, is responsible for the frequency de-
pendent susceptibility. The effect is most pronounced near
TC ⬃ 90 K. Increase in the magnetic anisotropy of nanocrys-
tal below 90 K visibly reduces the frequency influence but
does not remove it totally. In contrast, the dominant effect of
the AFM matrix in the bulk at low temperatures induces high
magnetic anisotropy, freezes FM clusters, and fully elimi-
nates the frequency dependence of ␹⬘共T兲 below 60 K, com-
pare Figs. 3共c兲 and 3共d兲. At T ⬎ 60 K the frequency depen-
dence is observed up to the bulk TC, even if a more sensitive
EMR method detects the presence of FM clusters in the PM
matrix up to ⬃190 K.
FIG. 8. 共Color online兲 Inverse DIN normalized to its value at
Let us summarize briefly the experimental data. XRD
300 K as function of temperature for nanometer-sized and bulk
shows phase purity and the same crystallographic Pnma struc-
crystals. The fittings were done with Eqs. 共1兲 and 共2兲 as it is de-
ture for both nanometer-sized and bulk crystalline LCMO. scribed in text. Arrows point out Jahn-Teller transition 共JTT兲.
But the different O* and O⬘ symmetries with reduced and
enhanced orthorhombic distortions are characteristic for
nano and bulk LCMO, respectively. The crystallinity of M关T,Hr共T兲兴
DIN ⬀ ␹⬜关T,Hr共T兲兴 = , Hr共T兲 Ⰷ ⌬Hpp共T兲,
nanosample, checked by high resolution TEM, shows no ex- Hr共T兲
tended structural defects characteristic for the bulk. The 共1兲
same cation composition of both samples was confirmed by
the electron dispersive x-ray analysis and inductively where ␹⬜共T , H兲 is the transverse susceptibility. Equation 共1兲
coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy techniques. shows that DIN is not equivalent to any magnetic suscepti-
The results of ac/dc magnetic and resonance 共EMR兲 mea- bility unless either Hr共T兲 is constant and/or ␹⬜共T , H兲 = ␹共T兲
surements, presented in Figs. 3–7, were interpreted in terms is field independent. In the far PM range these conditions are
of a notable difference between the magnetic ordering in the fulfilled and the DIN may be considered as being equivalent
nano and bulk LCMO. In particular, magnetic ground state of to EPR susceptibility. The temperature dependence of the
the bulk crystal is a modulated canted AFM structure, com- inverse DIN normalized to the value at 300 K is shown in
posed of the A-type AFM matrix and nanometer-scale FM Fig. 8. For the nanocrystals, the dependence is fairly piece-
clusters, consistently with the literature data. In a marked wise linear. We have fitted the linear dependence to the
contrast, more homogeneous FM state together with the sur- Curie-Weiss 共CW兲 law, DIN ⬀␹ = C / 共T − ⌰兲, using two dif-
face magnetic frustration is characteristic for the nanoform of ferent Curie constants and Curie-Weiss temperatures C1, ⌰1
LCMO crystals. An additional SPM like phase is detected at 300 K 艋 T 艋 T0 and C2, ⌰2 at T0 ⬍ T ⬍ 600 K, while pre-
below 240 K, most likely due to the tunneling of carriers serving the ␹ continuity at T = T0. The fit parameters are pre-
through the contacts between surfaces of adjacent nanograins sented in Table I. Remarkably, T0 proves to be close to the
in the agglomerated sample. temperature TO⬘-O* ⬃ 500 K of the structural transition,36
To obtain an additional insight into the nature of the mag- which accompanies cooperative JT effect in the bulk LCMO
netic orderings, we have fitted the EPR data of both nano and ceramics. However, XRD data for the nano LCMO in Fig.
bulk LCMO to the known theoretical models. The results 1共a兲 show the reduced orthorhombicity, which is usually as-
suggest that a difference in magnetic ground states is a direct sociated with the absence of the JT transition.17,26 The spin
consequence of a strong impact of different chemical/ correlations are FM all over the PM range and the large
magnetic disorder in the nano and bulk forms of the LCMO. value of ⌰共T ⬍ T0兲 is apparently due to the appearance of DE
coupling.2,6 Remember that for a given Ca doping level ⌰共x兲
is a sum of SE and DE contributions. Using Eq. 共29兲 from
C. Modeling of the electron paramagnetic resonance
Ref. 5, which was obtained for an ideal DE model,2 we es-
data for nano and bulk LCMO
timate ⌰DE共0.1兲 ⬇ 135W eV−1 K, where W is the eg band-
In general, the EPR line is a single Lorentzian at tempera- width. Taking ⌰SE共0兲 ⬇ ⌰LMO = 46 K,42 one can estimate that
tures above 190 K in the bulk, and above 240 K in the nano- W changes from 1.2 to 0.8 eV upon heating through T0. The
crystals. The Lorentzian signal is characterized by the same estimated values agree with the theoretical evaluation W
temperature independent PM g factor g = 1.99± 0.01 for both ⬃ 1 eV and with the narrowing of the eg bandwidth expected
samples; see Fig. 7共c兲. The g-factor value is typical for Mn4+ from the polaron effect above the JT transition point.2 We
in the 共O2−兲6 octahedron coordination indicating that the ma- conclude that in the nano LCMO only an electronic part of
jority of eg electrons leave Mn3+ ions and become either JT effect shows up, while its structural transition counterpart
itinerant or localized outside the Mn4+ ions. It appears that is blocked.

ROZENBERG et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 214429 共2007兲

TABLE I. The temperatures of magnetic transitions 共TCA is the Néel temperature of the A-type AFM
matrix in bulk兲 and parameters of the DIN−1 fit. The parameters are the following: T0 is the estimated
temperature of cooperative/electron Jahn-Teller transition 共in the bulk crystal it corresponds to an average Ca
content兲; ␴T is the smearing interval of the above transition 共applies to the bulk crystal only兲; ⌰1 and ⌰2 are
the Curie-Weiss temperatures below and above the transition; C2 / C1 is the ratio of the Curie constants above
and below the transition.

Sample temp. 共K兲 T0 共K兲 ␴T 共K兲 ⌰1 共K兲 ⌰2 共K兲 C2 / C1

Nano TC ⬇ 90 463± 6 210± 2 145± 5 1.26± 0.03

Bulk TCA = 112± 1 365± 2 32± 4 137± 2 135± 7 1.24± 0.03
TC = 130± 2

The DIN−1 versus T curve for the bulk, shown in Fig. 8, is dence of the linewidth in the PM range, which was indeed
different from the one recorded with the nanocrystals. Al- observed in the ceramic La1−xCaxMnO3.27 The saturation
though two CW-like regimes are also observed, the deviation value, ⌬H共⬁兲 was estimated27 to be proportional to the
from the piecewise straight line is noticeable and the transi- Dzialoshinsky-Morya interaction44,45 and the crystal field46
tion between two regimes has a smeared steplike form. To strengths squared divided by an effective exchange interac-
explain such a behavior we refer to the evidence nonhomo- tion modulus.
geneous Ca distribution in La1−xCaxMnO3 bulk crystals.43 In our samples, in particular in the nano LCMO, the tem-
Let us assume that the Ca concentration is Gaussian distrib- perature dependence of ⌬Hpp is not fully consistent with the
uted with a mean x and dispersion ␴x. Then, for small constant L concept. To account for the ⌬Hpp at the PM state
enough ␴x, the distribution of the structural transition tem- we assume, on the base of the Hr data from Fig. 7共c兲, that eg
peratures will also be Gaussian with a mean T0 = TO⬘-O*共x兲 electrons, even if localized, do not occupy the manganese
and the dispersion ␴T = 兩dTO⬘-O*共x兲 / dx兩␴x. For the spatially sites. Following this assumption, the kinetic coefficient may
averaged susceptibility, adopting the CW law with different be naturally decomposed into two parts L = LMn4+ + Leg. For
parameters C1, ⌰1 and C2, ⌰2 in the O⬘ and O* phases, the first term, which is due to spin-spin relaxation of Mn4+
respectively, we obtain ions, we still retain the assumption of Ref. 27, viz.

␹共T兲 =
冋 冉 冊册
1 + erf
T0 − T
T − ⌰1
LMn4+共T兲 = ⌬H⬁i . 共4兲

冋 冉 冊册
The second term is due to the spin relaxation of eg electrons
1 T − T0 C2 mediated by various interactions with the lattice imperfec-
+ 1 + erf , 共2兲 tions and can be estimated using DE model with potential
2 ␴T T − ⌰2
disorder5 and a simplest electron-impurity interaction with
where erf共z兲 is the error function. Note that Eq. 共2兲 provides the spin reversal, which is a reason for broadening of the
an excellent fit for the DIN versus T data for the bulk EPR line in semiconductors.28 The result for the PM state is
LCMO, as shown in Fig. 8. The fitting parameters are shown
Leg共T兲 = BTe−EA/kT , 共5兲
in Table I. T0 of the bulk is lower than TO⬘-O* for the corre-
sponding ceramic LCMO36 even taking into account the where B is a constant proportional to the spin-orbit coupling
smearing range ⬃␴T. Let us emphasize that the ratios of the squared divided by the eg band width. The activation energy
Curie constants above and below the electronic/structural EA is the difference between the Fermi energy ␮ and the
transition in the nano and bulk LCMO are practically the eg-band top. Usually EA equals full or half the gap between
same, see Table I. the eg-band and an acceptorlike impurity band, which
The analysis of the PM spin dynamics, closely related to emerges due to crystal imperfections and doping.5 Remark-
the analysis of the DIN in the paramagnetic range, is based ably, Leg is proportional to the conductivity estimated within
on the formula employed previously27 for La1−xCaxMnO3 ce- the same model.29
ramics For the nanocrystals, ⌬Hpp at PM state is an increasing
⌬Hpp共T兲 = L共T兲␹0共T兲/␹共T兲. 共3兲 function of T and shows a jumplike behavior when approach-
ing T0. But contrary to the abrupt change of ␹, the steplike
Here ␹0共T兲 = CT−1 is the Curie susceptibility, C is the highest variation of ⌬Hpp extends over ⬃50 K around T0; cf. Figs. 8
temperature Curie constant, and L共T兲 is a kinetic coefficient. and 9. We have fitted Eqs. 共3兲–共5兲 to the ⌬Hpp data in the
The relation of L共T兲 to a time correlation function of quan- temperature range 300 K 艋 T 艋 460 K ⬍ T0. We could not use
tum torques which cause total spin components to relax was the entire range of the experimental data, up to 600 K, be-
discussed in Ref. 27. It was shown that L共T兲 should saturate cause of very few data points available above T0 and the
very fast at T Ⰷ ⌰ if the manganite can be described as a absence of the formula for L in the transition range. The fit
mixture of rigid Mn3+ and Mn4+ ions. For this case the sus- shown in Fig. 9 yielded EA = 0, indicating the bandlike nature
ceptibility factor in Eq. 共3兲 dominates the temperature depen- of carriers in the nano LCMO. The ⌰1 values obtained from


orthorhombic distortions, which according to the literature

criterion,17,26 are characteristic for stoichiometric low-doped
La1−xCaxMnO3. In the LCMO nanocrystals the orthorhombic
distortions are strongly reduced and structural O*-O⬘ transi-
tion is absent; see Fig. 1. However, we do not consider the
suppression of the lattice transition part of JT effect as an
evidence of nonstoichiometry following the above cited
criterion.17,26 We suggest that the main reason for the sup-
pression of the lattice transition is a high degree of electron
delocalization and virtual absence of long-living JT Mn3+
ions in the nanocrystals. Another reason may be the lattice
compression due to a uniform strain induced by the enhanced
surface effects. Thus the JT effect in the nano LCMO
strongly influences the electron spectrum what manifests it-
self in EPR intensity and linewidth, but induces lattice dis-
tortions, which are insufficient for the structural transition. In
a contrast, EPR probing of bulk LCMO reveals smeared co-
FIG. 9. 共Color online兲 The same as in Fig. 8 for the linewidth
⌬Hpp vs T dependences. Theoretical fits were done with Eqs.
operative JT transition; see Figs. 7共b兲, 8, and 9.
共3兲–共5兲 and 共2兲 as it is described in text. For nano LCMO the fitting These facts strongly support our claim that the Ca-dopant
curve is extended beyond T0. distribution nonuniformity43 smears the structural transition
in the bulk LCMO, manifesting itself in DIN−1 versus T de-
pendence modeled by Eq. 共2兲. The mesoscale chemical dis-
this fit agree excellently with the ones obtained previously order and structural imperfections in the bulk LCMO may
using the temperature evolution of the DIN; see Tables I and lead to a partial depletion and confinement of holes in some
II. regions of the crystal. The bulk is characterized by reduced
At T ⬎ 300 K the ⌬Hpp versus T dependence in the bulk is ⌰DE, as compared to the maximum one attainable for Zener
not monotonous; see Fig. 9. Numerical tests show that the carriers,5,6 large ⌬H⬁i and the Arrenius-type electronic con-
broad minimum of ⌬Hpp at T ⬃ 420 K is due to a peculiar tribution to ⌬Hpp; see Tables I and II. All these features are
form of the susceptibility described by Eq. 共2兲. Therefore, unambiguous signatures of both holes depletion and
Eq. 共3兲 predicts such minimum even without the Leg term. binding.5 The binding results in the formation of FM clusters
However, taking this term into account improves the agree- embedded in AFM correlated matrix, detected in Refs. 14
ment between Eq. 共3兲 and the experimental data. We per- and 15 and in this work. It should be emphasized that such
formed the unconstrained fit of Eqs. 共3兲–共5兲, along with Eq. phase coexistence in the bulk is induced by the chemical and
共2兲, to the data at 210 K 艋 T 艋 540 K assuming that ⌬H⬁i , B, structural disorder and has nothing in common with PS pre-
and EA are temperature independent. This seems quite rea- dicted by the idealized models.2–4 On the contrary, a perfect
sonable for ⌬H⬁i as the variation of exchange 共⌰兲 in bulk chemical homogeneity and crystallinity of the nano LCMO
LCMO is indeed small, see Table I, but the assumption may lead to a predominantly bandlike propagation of eg electrons,
not hold in the case of electronic parameters which can which maximizes the DE and makes the FM ground state
change upon the JT transition. The fit curve and the fit pa- feasible. This scenario is confirmed by the value of ⌰DE
rameters are shown in Fig. 9 and in Table II, respectively. below JT transition, which is typical for the band electrons,5,6
Except for ␴T, the parameters of Eq. 共2兲 obtained from this by nonactivated linearly changing with temperature contribu-
fit agree excellently with those obtained from the fit to the tion to ⌬Hpp 共Ref. 28兲 and by the reduced value of ⌬H⬁i ; see
DIN evolution, compare bulk sample sections in Tables I and Tables I and II. The strong contribution of surface effects
II. The discrepancy in ␴T may be due the some changes of results in the appearance of a SPM like phase in nanocrystals
the parameters B and EA with temperature. far above TC.
The PM value of the g factor in the bulk and nano LCMO
proves that for spatial and temporal scales accessible by EPR
The results obtained in this paper allow us to conclude the technique, the manganese ions are predominantly in the
following. Bulk LCMO demonstrates well pronounced Mn4+ state 共for a direct confirmation of the actual value of

TABLE II. The parameters of fits for the EPR linewidth. Spin dynamics parameters are the following:
⌬H⬁i is a high temperature asymptote of Mn4+ spin-spin relaxation contribution; B is a parameter of inter-
action between eg electrons and impurities with spin reversal and EA is the activation energy as described in
the text.

Sample ⌬H⬁i 共G兲 B 共G K−1兲 EA 共meV兲 ⌰1 共K兲 ⌰2 共K兲 C2 / C1 T0 共K兲 ␴T 共K兲

Nano 1318± 211 1.25± 0.38 0 214± 6 Not involved in this fit
Bulk 1785± 70 148± 6 375± 12 137± 2 141± 14 1.29± 0.05 363± 5 49± 5

ROZENBERG et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 214429 共2007兲

Mn4+ ions’ PM g factor; see, e.g., Ref. 47兲. It means that the electrons and Mn4+ ions are the same in both types of
site occupation picture does not apply to the majority of eg samples. The linearity of the Curie constant in the carrier
electrons. This conclusion agrees well with the idea of a concentration has been theoretically demonstrated in the
bond-centered occupation proposed for La0.86Sr0.14MnO3.48 frame of a DE model.52 Moreover, the closeness of the very
A similar conclusion was drawn from the refinement of the Curie-Weiss temperatures in the bulk, below and above JT
neutron diffraction data for Pr0.6Ca0.4MnO3 single crystal.49 transition, and in the nanosample above JT transition, Table
In addition, the domination of Mn4+ ions in magneto-optical I, also points out to the same general mechanisms as being
activity was reported for La0.925Sr0.075MnO3.50 On the base responsible for the magnetic ordering. These facts are the
of the above findings and our own results,47,51 we suggest clear hallmarks of the same oxygen stoichiometry in addition
that in nano LCMO eg electrons of former Mn3+ ions move to the same cation composition, which allowing us to claim
bandlike and experience strong phonon-polaron effect, which that the observed change in electronic/magnetic ordering is
results in shrinking of the eg band above T0. Therefore, no an inherent property of LCMO. The difference in the mag-
cooperative JT lattice distortion occurs in the nano LCMO netic ground state between the bulk and nanoform of LCMO
due to the pronounced electron itinerancy. In bulk LCMO eg crystals appears as a result of a size reduction down to na-
electrons are also separated from the manganese sites but nometer scale and improved chemical homogeneity and crys-
they are localized in clusters, which involve only few Mn4+ tallinity due to different fabrication method.
ions, due to concurrence of the extrinsic effects, such as dop- To conclude, we propose a realistic model of the
ing inhomogeneity and crystalline defects, and the DE inter- chemical/magnetic disorder suppression associated with the
actions. We suggest that the lifetime of Mn3+ ions in the nano size reduction in doped manganites using the representative
LCMO is set by an intersite tunneling time of a band elec- example of the bulk and nanocrystalline La09Ca0.1MnO3. The
tron, while Mn3+ lifetime in the bulk, although longer than in data presented in this work evidence that structural imperfec-
the nanocase, is still shorter than the characteristic time of an tions and chemical disorder play a dominant role in the co-
EPR experiment. The observation of the cooperative JT dis- existence of different magnetic/electronic phases and are ca-
tortions in the bulk, Fig. 1共b兲, may be seen as resulting from pable of modifying significantly the phase diagram of the
the confinement of eg electrons in clusters containing some mixed valence manganites.
adjacent MnO6 complexes in which intermediate valences of
Mn ions occur.49 As discussed above, the extrinsic imperfec-
tions in the bulk lead to the essential smearing of this JT This research was supported by the Israeli Science Foun-
transition. dation administered by the Israel Academy of Sciences and
The closeness of the ratios of the Curie constants above Humanities 共Grant No. 845/05兲 and by the Israeli-Korean
and below JT transition in the bulk and nano LCMO crystals, bilateral Grant No. 3-2217. S.S.B. acknowledges support by
Table I, shows that the band width in both types of samples Grant No. AOARD-064054. The authors thank Yudith Grin-
changes in the same manner. Namely, the concentration of eg blat for her assistance in HRTEM measurements.

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