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Fundamentals of ICT, ITC. L100

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Circle the letter (a - d) that corresponds to the correct option for the following questions
numbered 1 - 50.

1. When a word processing vrogram user 4. From where can you access the Save
formats a document, what does the user command?
change? a. Home tab
a. the document's appearance b. Insert tab
b. the document's content c. Review tab
c. the document's reliability d. File tab
d. the document's clipboard 5. Which tab on the ribbon will you choose
2. If someone you know is purchasing word if you want to change the page color of a
processing software, what features can document?
she expect to find in the software? a. Home
a. wordwrap, spell checker, clip art b. Insert
b. search and replace, word adjust, c. Layout
collaboration d. Design
c. columns, templates, autowrite 6. Which of the following is in the
d. mail merge, wrapcheck, thesaurus paragraph group?
3. Your friend has been assigned the task a. Strikethrough
of creating visual aids to communicate b. Justify
ideas, messages, and other information c. Bold
to a sales group. What type of software d. Change case
should she use to complete this task? 7. The feature that MS Word 2016 uses to
a. information management software automatically move a text to the next line
b. presentation software when it reaches the right edge of the
c. document management software working area is called
d. computer-aided design software
a.Word loop

--- ----- ------
b.Wrap word a. Pressing the Windows key on the
c.Wrap text keyboard
d.None of the options above b. CTRL+ ESC
8. In Word 2016 the Zoom is placed on c. CTRL+ALT+TAB
a. Review tab d. By clicking on the visual start button
b. Home tab 14. is a software
c. Status bar program that manages the hardware and
d. Quick access bar software resources of a computer and
9. Which of the following is in font chunk? performs basic tasks, such as controlling
a. Superscript and allocating memory, prioritizing the
b. Regular processing of instructions, controlling
c. Align left input and output devices, facilitating
d. watermark networking, and managing files.
10. Background color or effects applied on a a. Windows 10
document is not visible in b. Open source software
a. Web layout view c. Linux
b. Print Layout view d. Operating System (OS)
c. Reading View 15. Icons 011 the desktop can be viewed in all
d. Print Preview the following ways except
11.Which of the following keys delete a. Small
text to the right of the cursor? b. Large
a. Backspace c. Extra Large
b. BlackSpace d. Medium
16. By default, the Windows 10 library
c. Delete
folder contains the following sub-folders
d. Erase
12. Which of the under listed definitions best a. Documents
describes the function of the Start Button b. Pictures
a. It contains all default programs in the c. Music
windows 10 environment. d. Images
b. It opens the list of all the programs 17. In Windows 10 environment, when item
included in the start menu is copied, it is temporary stored in
c. It provides a launch point for all the .
commands and applications on your a. Clipboard
system b. Clipart
d. It opens the computer windows where c. Virtual Memory
you can access everything on the d. Cache Memory
computer. 18. In any window, the maximize
13. All the following provide a way of button, the minimize button and the
launching the start menu except close buttons appear on?

a. Menu bar b. Windows NT
b. Title bar c. Windows NET
c. Tool bar d. Windows AP
d. Status bar 25. Which desktop feature has been included
19. In Windows10, what is the shortcut key in Windows 10 that was omitted from
to take a screenshot of entire display Windows 8?
and save on a Desktop computer? a. Search via the Windows key
a. Ctrl + PrtScn b. Gadgets
b. Shift + PrtScn c. Recycle Bin
c. Windows key + PrtScn d. Start Menu
d. Alt + PrtScn 26. The Cortana is named after a character
20. Which of the following features allow in which of the following video series?
Windows 10 to adopt to different device a. Final Fantasy
types? b. Destiny
a. Unifi c. Halo
b. Flexi d. Fable
c. Hub 27. In Windows 10, what is the shortcut key
d. Continuum to Open programs that are pinned to
21. All the following provides a means of taskbar on a desktop computer?
connecting at broadband speeds except a. Ctrl + [1][2][3][ ]
a. Integrated Services Digital Network b. Alt + [1][2][3][ ]
(ISDN) c. Windows + [1][2][3][ ... ]
b. Satellite d. Shift + [1][2][3][ ... J
c. Cable 28. Windows 10 was launched in which
d. Wireless year?
22. What is the name of the new built-in a. 2015
browser included in Windows 10? b. 2014
a. Super Internet Explorer Pro c. 2013
b. Internet Explorer d. 2016
c. Edge 29. You want to create a Family group in
d. Cortana Windows 10 and add adults and
23. The Windows 10 biometric login feature children. Which of the following must
has been named: you have to create this group?
a. Windows Padlock a. Microsoft account
b. Windows Hello b. Google account
c. Windows Bio c. Cortana properly configured
d. Windows Instant d. One drive account
24. Windows 10 belongs to which family of 30. The Windows 10 Store app is linked to
Windows? which of the following?
a. Windows 7X a. The administrator account

~~--o.-The user's Microsoft account--' 37. Which function in Excel checks
c. The user's library account whether a condition is true or not?
d. The local computer account
a. Condition
31. Which one of the following is not a
Function in MS Excel? b. IF
a. COUNT IF c. Rank
d. Count
c. AVG
d. MIN 38. The greater than sign (» is an
32. How should the following formula be example of operator.
written: Multiply Cell Al by 6, and a. Arithmetic
divide that by 4?
a. =A1I6*4 b. Logical

b. Al *6/4 c. Conditional
c. =Alx6/4
d. Greater
d. =Al *6/4
33. Which of the following is an absolute 39. The feature ofMS
cell reference?
Excel quickly completes a series of
a. %B%1 data.
b. BI
c. $A$l a. Auto complete
d. $l$A b. Auto fill
34. Which of the following formulas will c. Fill handle
Exce! Not be able to calculate? d. Sorting
a. =SUM(B 1:B5)*7
b. =SUM(Bl,B5)-7 40. In Excel, which one of the following
c. =SUM(Sales)*7 denote a range from Cl through CI0.
d. =SUM(BlIB2)/(B1+B3)
35. Which of the following formulas is not a. Cl - CIO
entered correctly? b. CI to CIO
a. Al *B2 c. CI: CIO
b. =B7*Bl d. Cl$ClO
c. =7+14
d. =AIIBSO 41. What is the default PowerPoint
36. A feature that displays only the data in standard layout?
column (s) according to specified
criteria is called ... a. Title and content
a. Filtering b. Title slide
b. Sorting c. Title only
c. Pivot d. Comparison
d. Formula

42. To center the selected text, the c. Font size
shortcut key is . d. Font face

a. CtrI + C 47. Which of the following file format can

b. CtrI + E be added to a PowerPoint show?
c. CtrI + 0
d. CtrI + U a.. jpg
b.. gif
43. Which type of view is not present in c.. wav
MS PowerPoint 2016? d. All of the above options

a. Print Layout 48. Which key on the keyboard can be

b. Slide sorter used to view slide show on a desktop
c. Normal computer?
d. Outline
a. Fl
44. Which feature is not in MS b. F5
PowerPoint 2016? c. F6
d. F7
a. Zoom
b. Watermark 49. Special effects used to introduce items
c. Background color on a slide in a presentation are
d. Slide show called .

45. Which view helps to rearrange the a. Transitions

slides easily and quickly? b. Animations
c. Effects
a. Notes page d. Themes
b. Slide master
c. Slide sorter 50. Which file are contents-readymade
d. Normal view styles that can be used for a
presentation document?
46. Which of the following terms is not
related with font? a. Presentation
b. Templates
a. Font grammar c. Letters
b. Font color d. Magic wands

------------ --_ _---_
.. ...


Write the correct answer in the spaces provided

51. When you move your mouse over a command or a button , gives you a
brief description of the function of each command or button.

52. Menus and toolbars once found in the previous versions ofMS Office have been replaced
by the .

53. Tools for each tab are divided into .

54. .. Opens the computer window, where you can
access everything from the disk drive and other hardware devices

55. You can use the at

the bottom of the screen to enlarge or decrease the view size of your document.

56. The exam scoresheet of a class is shown in Table 1 below. Examine the Exam
Scoresheet in Table 1 and answer the questions that follow. [5 marks]

1 Index Number Name Quiz Exam Total Ratio Rank Grade
2 5181040001 TWUMASI 16 71 86 =E21D2
3 5181040002 ASARE 14 49 63
4 5181040003 BADU 17 49
5 5181040004 AKUA 16 74
6 5181040005 ABOAGYE 15 45
7 5181040006 APPIAH 18 20
8 Average mark
Table 1: Exam Scoresheet
a. Write the formula that was used to find the Total in cell E2. [1 mark]

b. Which function would you type in cell C8 to compute the Average mark from the list of
scores obtained by students in Exam? [1 mark]

6 I P.a g e

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