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1. Which of the following is described as a 9. During typing lesson , computer users are
processed data? supposed to used
A. Date a. 5 fingers
B. Information b. 6 fingers
C. ICT tool c. 8 fingers
D. Technology d. 10 fingers
2. Which of the following is not used to address 10. In the absence of a mouse, which of the
large audience? following devices could be used to perform its
A. Wrist Watch functions?
B. Microphone a. Scanner
C. Projector b. Webcam
D. PA system c. Keyboard
3. The devices used to communicate information d. Microphones
are called …………… 11. The first key on the computer keyboard is
A. Technologies a. Caps locks
B. ICT tools b. Delete
C. ICT c. Enter
D. Communication d. Esc
4. The application of science and engineering to 12. The flat pane screen is also known as
invent machines is termed …………. a. LCD
A. Information b. VCD
B. Communication c. CRT
C. Technology d. OCR
D. ICT tools 13. A raw material is processed into information is
5. One of the following devices produces hard called
copy information? a. Data
A. Monitor b. Raw information
B. Speaker c. Information technology
C. Projector d. Information processing
D. Printer
6. The device that converts computer output into 14. Which of the following key is not a function
displayed images is the key on the keyboard
a. Hard disk a. F1
b. Monitor b. F2
c. Printer c. F9
d. Processor d. F13
7. Processed or transformed facts which are
meaning to the user is called 15. Data and information can be put into any of
a. Data these form except
b. Information a. Sound
c. Input b. Picture
d. Output c. Knowledge
8. The total number of keys on a standard d. Text
QWERTY is keyboard is 16. The computer hardware is divided
a. 96 into_____main group
b. 108 a. 5
c. 104 b. 4
d. 116 c. 3
d. 2 – 0242830522 whatsapp:

17. The can be _____ buttons on a mouse
a. 2
b. 6
c. 5
d. 4
18. The world wide web is another name for the (A) To access an e-mail account
internet, the largest network in the world (B) (B) To copy an e-mail account
a. True (C) To create an e-mail account
b. False (D) (D) To edit an e-mail account
19. If you have connected to the internet, you are :
a. Online 27. After checking your mails and read all received e-
b. Outline mails, one has to ……………… the account
c. Offline before leaving the computer
d. All the above (A) Sign In
20. The protocol for downloading files carries the (B) Sign up
(C) Sign Out
(D) e-mail
b. FTP
28. ……………… is the process of typing your entire
c. ISP
d. URL e-mail message in capital letters
21. The first browser was called (A)Spam
a. Internet Explorer (B) Shouting
b. FTp (C) Flame
c. Morozillafirefox (D) Flame war
d. All the above 29. An unwanted and unasked for e-mail, often an
22. Which of the following is an example of e- advertisement that is sent through the internet to
mail service many people is called
a. (A) Spam
b. (B) Flame
c. Bob Smith (C) Netiquette
d. (D) Flame War
23. LAN simply means ………………. 30. E-mail connotes a way of composing an
a. Local Authority Network electronically account that enables a user to
b. Line Area Network communicate over the internet by sending, storing
c. Local Area Network
and ……………… messages.
d. Line Authority Network
(A) Texting
24. Transferring files from a local computer to the
(B) Burning
internet is known as ……….
a. Downloading (C) Receiving
b. Downlinking (D) Writing
c. Uplinking
d. Uploading
25. The button which is used to cancel the loading
31. Which icon on the desktop stores deleted file?
of a wed page in a web browser is called
a. My Document
b. My Folder
a. Reloading button
c. My Computer
b. Stop button
d. Recycle Bin
c. Back button
d. Forward button
32. To ‘restore’ a window means
26. To sign up an e-mail account means
a. Return it to its original size
b. Drop it onto the taskbar – 0242830522 whatsapp:
c. Copy it and paste it b. Expand it to fill the desktop
d. Expand it to fill the desktop c. Fill it to capacity
d. Fill it to the taskbar
33. The small window that pops up with
instructions or command for an end user to 40. The band across the top of a window on a
perform a specific task is known as computer screen that displays the name of the
a. Menu box document and application is known as
b. Control box a. Task bar
c. Dialogue box b. Title bar
d. Notification area c. Control bar
d. Desktop bar
34. The icon on the desktop that represents the
program which is used to access the internet is
known as
a. Internet verifier 41. What is used to organize files and document
b. Internet explorer on the computer?
c. Internet searcher a. Folder
d. My computer b. System tray
c. Control box
35. What name is given to the small pictures on d. Dialogue box
the computer screen that represent files,
folders or programs? 42. What other name can be given to the monitor?
a. Taskbar a. Display unit
b. Desktop b. Micro processor
c. Start menu c. CPU
d. Icons d. Screen

36. A folder which is kept in another folder is HEALTH AND SAFETY IN USING I.C.T.
known as TOOLS
a. Super folder
b. Junk folder 43. An example of ICT tool is
c. Sub-folder a. Mobile phone
d. Second folder b. Pen
c. Chalk
37. Which bar on the computer displays the name d. System tray
of the running application and the name of the
document or file in an application window? 44. Why is the calculator considered as an ICT
a. Taskbar tool? Because ……
b. Control box a. It stores information
c. Window title b. It is used to access information
d. Dialogue box c. It is used to display information
d. It process data to produce information.
38. The icon on the desktop that allows end users
to have access to all disk drives in the 45. Which ICT tool is used to talk to a large
computer system is known as number of audience?
a. My drives a. Mobile phone
b. Recycle bin b. P. A. system
c. My computer c. Computer
d. My document d. Television

39. To ‘maximize’ a window means to 46. Which health hazard is associated with
a. Return it to its original size prolong use of mobile phone? – 0242830522 whatsapp:

a. Wrist pain c. Antivirus
b. Waist pain d. Antibodies
c. Headache
d. Cancer 53. On which year was the first real copyright act
47. Which health hazard may come as a result of a. 1710
long exposure of television? b. 1810
a. Back pain c. 1910
b. Hand pain d. 2010
c. Headache
d. Hearing impairment 54. One source of computer virus is
a. Internet
b. Monitor
c. System unit
d. Keyboard

48. A long term exposure to the public address

system can affect the
a. Mind 55. One effect of virus on the computer is
b. Ear a. It corrupt the files on the computer
c. Eye b. It makes the computer completely hot
d. Waist c. It makes the computer fast
d. It makes the computer boot faster
49. What ICT tool can affect your vision when
exposed to for a long period of time? INTRODUCTION TO ICT
a. Television 56. In the classification of computers, personal
b. Radio computer such as notebooks and personal
c. Mobile phone digital assistances (PDA) are examples of
d. P.A. system a. Super computers
b. Mainframe computers
ETHIC OF USING I.C.T. TOOLS c. Micro computers
50. Copyright was mainly designed to …….. d. Mini computers
a. Protect the works of people
b. Control the works of people 57. The internal permanent store of memory which
c. Promote the work of people can be read but cannot normally be changed is
d. Provide criminal sanctions the
a. ALU
51. A computer virus is …… b. CAD
a. A software used in banking c. RAM
b. A software that runs media files d. ROM
c. A harmful software that has the ability to
infect a computer and cause damage to the 58. The external hardware devices connected to
information stored on the computer. the system unit are known as
d. A hardware unit a. Connections
b. Cables
52. The software which is designed to detect or c. Peripherals
find and remove viruses from computer is d. Wires
known as ….
a. Antigens 59. Which device is termed as the brain of the
b. Antibiotics computer? – 0242830522 whatsapp:

a. The processor
b. The hard disk 61. What does ROM stands for?
c. The control unit a. Read only memory
d. The memory b. Random only memory
c. Read off memory
60. What computer device is used to produce hard d. Random off memory
copies of information?
a. Monitor
b. Speaker
c. Projector
d. Printer






Study the diagrams below and answer the questions that follow them. – 0242830522 whatsapp:

1) a)What is the name of the diagram above?
............................................................................... (1 mark)
b) Write names of the parts labelled A-E
(1 mark each)

c) Which alignment button is active on the diagram above?

………………………………………………………………..(2 marks).

d)What is the name of the above image?

……………………………………………. (1 marks)
c) Write down the names labeled A-D.
D..……………………………………………….... (1 mark each). – 0242830522 whatsapp:


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