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Internet of things in smart education environment: Supportive framework in

the decision-making process

Article in Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience · May 2018

DOI: 10.1002/cpe.4515


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4 authors, including:

Mohamed Abdel-Basset Mai Mohamed

Zagazig University Zagazig University


Ehab Rushdy
Faculty of Computer and Information


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Received: 15 February 2018 Revised: 9 March 2018 Accepted: 21 March 2018
DOI: 10.1002/cpe.4515


Internet of things in smart education environment: Supportive

framework in the decision-making process

Mohamed Abdel-Basset1 Gunasekaran Manogaran2 Mai Mohamed1 Ehab Rushdy3

1 Faculty of Computers and Informatics,

Department of Operations Research, Zagazig Summary

University, Zagazig, Egypt
2 University of California, Davis, CA, USA
The role of education, which propagates knowledge, becomes increasingly significant in the past
3 Faculty of Computers and Informatics, little years due to the fulminatory expansion in knowledge. Meantime, the model of education pro-
Department of Information Technology, cess is going via a conversion in which the learning of different students need to be completed in
Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt
various ways. Therefore, the smart education environment is encouraged. It incorporates differ-
ent information and communication technologies to activate learning process and adjust to the
Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Department of requirements of different students. The quality of learning process for students can be enhanced
Operations Research, Faculty of Computers through continually monitoring and analyzing the state and activities of different students via
and Informatics, Zagazig University, Zagazig
information sensing devices and information processing platforms for offering feedback about
44519, Egypt.
Email: learning process of different students. The Internet of Things pledges to achieve a great variation
in life, goodness of individual's life, and organizations' productivity. Via a vastly dispensed locally
smart network of intelligent objects, the IoT has the chance to allow expansions and improve-
ments to essential utilities in various fields, while introducing a novel ecosystem for developing
application. Applying the concept of Internet of Things in any education environment will increase
the quality of education process because students will learn rapidly, and teachers will fulfill their
job efficiently. This paper is designed to illustrate the basic concepts, definitions, characteristics,
technology, and challenges of Internet of Things. We also illustrated the role of Internet of Things
in building a smart educational process, and also, in making efficient and effective decisions, which
is vital in our daily life.


decision support system (DSS), international telecommunication union (ITU), internet of

thing (IOT), radio frequency identification development (RFID), smart education process,
smart objects


Kevin Ashton, who is a member of the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) development community, coined the IOT concept in 1999. It has lately
become more practical to the world due to the increasing of mobile devices, entrenched and widespread communication, cloud computing, and
data analytics.1 The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the buzzwords in the Information Technology. The Internet of Things transforms any objects
in real world into intelligent objects. The Internet of Things gives us a control of things, which are around us, and keep us informed of the state of
the objects. It also uses network, sensors, big data, and artificial intelligence technology for delivering perfect systems of services so it considers an
automation and analytics system. Therefore, the IOT provides a greater limpidity, performance, and control of any system. The IOT ecosystem and
business models are as in Figure 1.
In ecosystem and business models, which depend on IOT technology, several devices connected together through a network provider, and by using
the suitable platform, the customers will able to use different and helpful applications.
They also improve collection, automation, operations of data, and much more via using smart devices and robust enabling technology. Internet
of Things can be determined as a set of things connected and working together to solve different problems. These objects (things) be anything
virtual (information world) and physical (physical world)2 as in Figures 2 and 3. Objects are able to identify and integrate into communication layer.

Concurrency Computat Pract Exper. 2018;e4515. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1 of 12

Application customer

Platform provider Application provider

Network provider

Device provider

FIGURE 1 Ecosystem and business models based on IOT

Physical world Information world


Device Gateway

Physical thing Virtual thing

Communication Mapping

Communication via gateway Direct communication

Communication without gateway

FIGURE 2 Physical and virtual things of IOT

The electrical devices, sensors, etc, are examples of physical things. However, the things, which are able to be stored, processed, and accessed, are
virtual things such as multimedia content, twitter accounts, etc. Internet of Things helps in decision-making process through generating, collecting,
and processing required information. Internet of Things connects various smart objects since it enables objects (things) that were not meant to
talk to each other and interact smartly. According to Gartner, the installed base of IOT will increase to 26 billion units by 2020.3 There will be 50 to
100 billion devices attached to the Internet by 20204 according to the European Commission prediction, which appears in Figure 4. The number of
objects that are attached to the Internet overrun the number of people on Earth in 2008.
The IOT interconnects physical and virtual things, which depend on interoperable information and communication technologies for enabling
progressed services in the information society. IOT is defined, according to European research clusters, as a dynamic global network infrastructure
with self-formation capabilities, depend on standard and interoperable communication protocols, where physical and virtual things have identities,
physical attributes and virtual personalities, and use intelligent interfaces, and are seamlessly integrated into the information network, and often
communicate data associated with users and their environments. GSMA indicates the IOT as the “Connected Life” because the modern connectivity
is achieved via smartly connecting devices. This Connected Life has a great impact on our life and work; it also improves healthcare, transportation,
education, and use of energy5 as in Figure 5. The link between billions numbers of devices is a pointer of IOT; this contact is just an enabler. The real

Interne of

FIGURE 3 Internet of Things2

FIGURE 4 The growth rate of IOT devices4

value of IOT is on data, since IOT is considered as a huge producer of data. Clouds consider a business model for Internet of Things and big data.
Therefore, we can say that, IOT is the father, big data is the mother, and cloud is a place. We can classify IOT into three areas as follows:

1) People to people,
2) People to things,
3) Things to things, communicating via internet.

The aim of the IOT is to authorize objects to be linked anytime, anyplace, with anything, and anyone using any network and any service as in
Figure 6.
The Internet of Things is not a new technology, since it is much greater than machine to machine communication, wireless sensor networks, sensor
networks, 2G/3G/4G, GSM, GPRS, RFID, WI-FI, GPS, microcontroller, microprocessor, etc. These are deemed as being the authorizing technologies,
which make “Internet of Things” applications conceivable.
The IOT technologies are classified into three parts as in other works6-8 :

1) Technologies, which allow objects to get contextual information;

2) Technologies, which enable objects to process contextual information; and
3) Technologies to enhance security and privacy.

Forty million people can be

IOT will save one million
fed every year due to fleet Over the next five years
of people lives in sub
telematics preventing food the number of lives saved
Saharan Africa over the
wastage during transport in road accidents in
next five years
developed countries will
increase due to car
emergency services

400 billion $ has In advanced towns,

economized in 2017 from intelligent metering
the annual healthcare will minimize the
invoice emissions of carbon
by 27 million tonnes
which equal to
implanting more than
1.2 billion trees

180 million children in growing states , will

have a chance to remain in school

FIGURE 5 The Connected Life influence in 2017 6

Any Any
place, device
Anywhere The
Any path, Any body

Any- Any
network Any

FIGURE 6 Internet of Things

The IOT is not a singular technology, but it is a blend of various hardware and software technology. The Internet of Things supply solutions depend
on the combination of information technology, which indicates hardware and software used to store, retrieve, and process data and communications
The main features of the Internet of Things are as follows4,8 :

1) Interconnectivity: The international information and communication infrastructure can be interconnected anything with;
2) Things-related services: Such as protection of privacy and semantic uniformity among physical objects and their connected virtual objects;

FIGURE 7 The model of device-to-device communication9

FIGURE 8 The model of device-to-cloud communication9

3) Heterogeneity: IoT devices can connect with other devices via various networks;
4) Dynamically change: The dynamic change of devices state;
5) Enormous scale: The IOT devices are much greater than the number of devices on internet;
6) Safety: We must layout a safety system among the creators and recipients of the IoT such as safety of personal data and physical well-being;
7) Connectivity: Enables accessibility and compatibility of network.

Communications models of Internet of Things are as follows.

1) Device-to-Device:
Exemplify two or more devices, which straight connect and communicate among one another, rather than via middle application server as in
Figure 7. It is usually used in applications, which use little data packets of information for communication among devices with relatively minimum
data rate as in home automation (eg, the status message of door lock or turn on light command) in a home automation script.
2) Device-to-Cloud:
In this model, the IoT device relates directly to an Internet cloud service like an application service supplier to interchange data and control
traffic of message. This method extremely takes benefits of existing communications techniques to make a linkage among the device and the IP
network, which finally connects to the cloud service, as shown in Figure 8.
3) Device-to-Gateway:
In this model, the device-to-application-layer gateway (ALG) model and the IoT device connect via an ALG service as a channel to extent a cloud
service. This means that there is application software operating on a local gateway device, which acts as a contrivance among the device and the
cloud service, as shown in Figure 9.
4) Back-End Data-Sharing Model:
It refers to a communication architecture, which allows users to export and analyze smart object data from a cloud service in combination with
data from other sources as in Figure 10. It also allows the data gathered from single IoT device data streams to be aggregated and analyzed.

The major affronts of IoT involve security, mobility, reliability, scalability, and cost management.10 Most of the popular affronts are listed in other
works.11-13 We can generalize the major affronts of thriving IoT industries in three categories.

1) Technology: The technological affronts of IoT returns to:

- Bad design of IoT systems, which make complicated configurations;

- Restricted directives for maintaining and managing IoT devices;
- Restricted practices for IoT developers;
- A shortage of authentication and authorization standards for IoT devices; and
- Standards for examination and Logging are not determined for IoT ingredients.

The technical affronts of IoT involves security, connectivity, compatibility and longevity, standards, and intelligent analysis and actions.

2) Business: Using IoT for building any business model must achieve all needs for all types of markets and e-commerce.

FIGURE 9 The model of device-to-gateway communication9

FIGURE 10 The model of back-end data sharing9

The IoT classified into three parts according to usage method and client rule:

- Connected devices, which are called “Consumer IOT.”

- Things such as inventory controls, device trackers, and connected medical devices, which are called “Commercial IOT.”
- Things such as electric meters, waste water systems, flow gauges, pipeline monitors, and manufacturing robots, which are called
“industrial IOT.”

3) Society: To understand the IoT from the customers and organizers prospective is not a simple task.

- The constant changing of customer requirements;

- Rapid growth of new devices;
- Inventing process takes a long time and requires expensive resources;
- The rapid expansion of Internet of Things technologies; and
- Minimum understanding or education level of consumers for better practices of IoT devices security.

There are different benefits of IoT applications, which depend on the requirements of users; these applications appear in Figure 11.14
However, this paper talks about the role of IoT specifically in education domain and in efficient making of decisions. Utilizing the gathered data
by IoT devices can help in enhancing students safety and nurture education environment. The IoT devices require huge capital investments, but, in
the future, its benefits can outbalance the drawbacks. It not only supplies a best learning process for students but also minimizes operational costs.
Therefore, utilizing Internet of Things in education is as a modern wave of modification, which has transported modern chances for the enhancement
of education environment.

FIGURE 11 The applications of IOT

The organization of this research is as follows. Section 2 shows a background on using IoT in education domain. The proposed framework for
efficient decision making is presented in section 3. Section 4 presents a framework for applying IOT in smart schools, and Section 5 concludes this


Using Internet of Things in education domain has presented a great function to connect and educate the students. The Internet of Things has a signif-
icant influence on education domain. Using IOT has modified the classical teaching procedure and the infrastructure of educational organizations.15
The IOT is considered in education domain as a tool to improve organizations infrastructure and teach essential basics of computer science.16 Every-
thing can benefit with IOT whether he is a student or teacher, in the classroom, or in campus. The impact of IoT on education domain appeared in
using sensors such as Super Mechanical's Twine7 product.17 The students, teachers, and physical and virtual things can interact effectively and via
efficiently using IOT.18 The IoT is an attractive topic for students to teach them the basic concepts of computer science.19 Due to the significance of
IoT, the open university in the UK presented a course and named it “My Digital Life” that depends on IoT basics for undergraduate students in the
computer science department. The students learned in this course how to deal with IoT for understanding the world and know their role.17 An inter-
active model based on IoT is designed for teaching the English language. This model utilizes voice and visual sensors for correcting the utterance
and the form of English learners' mouth.19 IoT is also utilized for teaching students the basic concepts of programming language.18 The analytical
methods of learning used to gather data and construe students' learning way.20 Utilizing IoT as appliance to enhance education process and making
it easier are presented here. For using and implementing IoT technology in University of Padova, a real attempt was made.20 The main concentration
of their research was to improve a web service model for wireless sensor network. Their work tests the use of cloud computing and IoT in integrating
education resources structures and introduces an integration model. The influence of various technologies containing IoT, cloud computing, data
mining, and triple for modern education was presented in the work of Cheng and Liao.21 A description of educational environment, a differentiation
between intelligent campus and digital campus via using IOT and cloud computing was described in the work of Castellani et al.22 An incorporated
model was designed to improve IoT in an academic system was presented in the work of Chen and Dong.23 The IOT was applied also in education
domain by several researchers as in other works.24-30


Decisions are essential management functions because making the correct decisions is significant, and its impacts stay forever and may extent from
harmless to extensively dangerous. The decision is a choice, which is the basis for further actions. DSS, Decision Support Systems, is the general term
for any shape of computer and data-based aiding software, seeking to make decisions and backing the decision-maker. Data, which came from various
sources, are estimated by computer software models.31 This stream of data always comes from databases and results, eg, in the shape of a report
that is conceived in a user-friendly way. We can define analytics as the integration of figure-based models, lessons learned, forecast models, and
quantitative analysis, which basically utilizes algorithms for supporting decisions. The analytical software is called the real-time analytics according
to IOT.32 The analytics has gone via two major periods. The first period was basically based on unifying internal data and converting them into a

FIGURE 12 The proposed decision-making model based on IOT

structured form. The second period was moved by the raising way of big data. This period is featured by the expansion of new approaches, kinds,
and the implication of data from outer sources.33 To process data to analytics, the business processes and thus decisions of any kind were improved.
This can keep money, energy, and time. Moreover, the extra information you have via IOT can allow you to run your work efficiently. Any algorithm
that is the essence of analytical software should be able to distinctive useful data from harmful data. Then, the valid source of information is the
foundation for making effective decisions nowadays. Then, due to the significance of data and information in making efficient and accurate decision,
we propose a framework for making accurate decision as in Figure 12.
As appears in Figure 12, the IoT regarded as a big sensor, gathering a huge amount of data over time, extending from raw data to information,
knowledge, and decision. The data, which describes the content and context of a file of data, is called metadata such as a photo file's metadata.
The proposed framework is a sensor-driven decision-making framework based on IOT. These sensors such as Wireless Fidelity, Global Positioning
System, or any other sensors are gathering required data. Before storing gathered data, it should be verified first.
This verification executes via crowd-sourcing. The crowd-sourcing means the volunteer process of a set of people to disband some problems
through the internet. It was already identified in the work of Lessl et al.34 In this platform, we assume that there are experts and other verification
tools of gathered data such as records, images, maps, eBooks, etc. In the verification process, we should determine three things for all gathered
data, which are the truth degree, indeterminacy degree, and falsity degree, eg, the experts for a file of data said that these data is 80% true, 10%
indeterminate, and 10% false.
After determining three confirmation degrees through experts, which are specialized in gathered data domain, then:
If truth degree is greater than indeterminate and falsity degree, then these data is valid and store it in cloud.
If indeterminacy and falsity degree is greater that truth degree, then these data are not valid; ignore it, and check the quality of sensors.
After storing verified data in cloud, use analytical tools to process these data for transforming it to structured information. The obtained
information is the basis for making effective decisions.


We are living in the modern era where all the objects that we utilize in our daily lives are becoming smart. The world changes when the things around
you are given data connectivity. Over the past few years, the education state has been dramatically varied by using internet since it enables a fast

FIGURE 13 The major areas for utilizing IOT in smart education environment

communication among students and teachers. Education appears very various today with propagation of open universities and using tablets in the
classroom. The IoT enhances the education itself and fetches precedent value to the physical climate and organization structure of modern schools.
A school provides a maximum level of personalized learning called smart school. The smart school utilizes smart devices for sending data and
receiving instructions.
Advantages of using IOT in schools and learning centers aids to inspire smarter plans of lessons, keep a track of significant resources, enhance
access to information, design secure campuses, and much more. The IOT can be regarded as a new approach for administering the classroom with
developed tools.
The most famous IoT, which has varied the education strip, are as follows:

1) Smart digital boards;

2) Interactive learning;
3) Mobile devices and tablets educational Apps;
4) Electronic books introducing the best way to learn;
5) Other learning sources such as Google Apps, which enable the students and teachers to participate the document online;
6) Evolution of communication;
7) Wireless locks of doors;
8) Anytime and anywhere education;
9) Advanced security measures;
10) Temperature sensors; and
11) Attendance tracking systems.

We should take into our consideration six major regions when utilizing Internet of Things in intelligent learning environments as in Figure 13.

1) Human Centered Design: A general analysis of users' requirements, and their surrounding environment is the major step for building a smart
environment. This step is the basis for improving personal learning environment.
2) Working methods and learning: The hybrid learning environments are created through merging formal time of learning with informal activities
out classroom. Nowadays, the materials for learning process became centered and more personalized, removing the boundaries among learning,
working, and private life.
3) Learning and organization's culture: As each organization has its own culture, different working methods must be considered. Therefore, the
smart learning scenarios depend on culture, feedback, and personal responsibility.
4) Intelligent infrastructure of IT: The root of the smart learning climate is the Smart IT, and it is pointed to as a “digital agent” or “digital assistant.”
It involves particular hardware and software ingredients as well as interfaces, which are the foundation of intelligent exchange of data.
5) Digital and physical devices: All digital (software applications) tools should be smartly integrated with physical devices (tablets, smart pen, smart
TV, etc) to serve learning environment.
6) Workplace architecture: Workplace architecture has an effect on learning culture. Anyone can see the various among working in a plain and old
office, eg, a Google office.

There exist several difficulties in integration of IoT in education environment.

1) Security and privacy challenge: The IOT devices gather and measure data from students and store it at an Internet-based network, and this make
student's security at hazard.
2) Reliability of connected Wi-Fi: There is a persistent requirement for modern technologies for learning, such as wireless networks that make the
bandwidth for multimedia lessons.

FIGURE 14 The proposed framework of smart school based on IOT

3) Management challenge: For innovative implementation of Internet of Things, an educational organization must ensure that IT devices and
methods of teaching in the classroom backing the utilization of IoT.
4) Cost: Using IoT objects in educational organization can be costly, so it is also another challenge.

The IoT will enhance teaching and learning methods in future. The students will learn best, and teachers will be capable of performing their work
efficiently. It can be forecasted that IoT devices will introduce an attractive, soft, enjoyable, and measurable education system, which fulfills the
various requirements of students. The mean number of American students utilizes 1025 hours/year in their classrooms. The allocation of materials,
move, and spent time at the starting and ending of a class are utilized greater than 308 of the 1025 hours. The previous data determines that a
student ordains one out of each 5 minutes in the classroom on work, which can simply be deleted by utilizing network of Internet of Things. Moreover,
teachers would be capable of spending minimum time on easy methods and maximum time working with various students for monitoring their
All these benefits of using IOT motivated us to design the framework of smart school as in Figure 14.
Our proposed framework of smart school contains several smart IOT devices for enhancing learning process. The attendance of student can be
recorded automatically, and time will be saved whether for students or teachers. The classrooms will also be cleaned automatically, and classroom
temperature is under control. To determine cognitive brain activity of students, neuro sensors can be used. Other sensors can be used in the wearable
to inform them to back to classroom in case of existing exams. In addition, another sensor can be used to determine the healthcare of students
because the proper mind exists in the proper body. The smart school should support surely the personalized learning via various smart devices. The
classrooms should be provided with digital boards and display. Moreover, various file and program storage should be available. The smart school
should have Wi-Fi sensors and locks for supporting entrance and exists of classrooms doors. Sensors in parking and driveways should be available.
In addition, sensors for tracking buses and verifying student passengers should exist. Sensors on trash receptacles and robot cleaning must also

exist. Surveillance security cameras and wearables for athletics and attendance tracking should exist. Smart school must also support online testing
feature. The network application analytics for monitoring devices and network behavior must exist.
High performance Wi-Fi and video recorders for lecture capture must be available in the school. Smart school should motivate international col-
laboration and social exchange. Tracking school supplies and inventory must be available via using sensors with auto reorder feature. Beacons for
dealing with emergency cases must be available in smart schools. By applying the previous IOT devices in any school, the quality of learning envi-
ronment will increase. It will also create an innovative climate of school's students. The saving lives rate of school's student will also increase. It will
also minimize the time spent in traditional teaching methods. Better management and greater security will be achieved in educational organization.
The proposed framework is helpful of both students and teachers in all aspects.

1) Connect students all over the world:

Since the students can sit at their seats at home or in their classroom and can communicate with their classmates, bear-leader, and tutors
dispersed across the world through using the latest technologies of IOT.
2) Promote survival and flourish rates:
Using IoT technologies provide several options in environmental and energy preservation, ecosystem organization, transport, and traffic
domains, which help schools to provide preferable learning chances. For example, a school can save energy via utilizing IOT technologies for
supporting monitoring and controlling programs of energy and reinvest the savings in educational process.
3) Provide secure and safe environment of learning for students:
Due to the importance of achieving safety and security of students, the IOT provides sensors, cameras, monitoring, and surveillance devices
of entire school. Then, instant intimation, warnings, and formation actions would be a considerable extension to the security and safety of
educational institutions.
4) Achieve valence for all:
The link between everything in the world offers adjusted learning programs for students. In addition, available devices, tools, and apps create a
convenient learning experience via achieving equality with the rest of the class.
5) Transform learners to creators.

For students, there is nothing preferable than learning the small differences and applications directly via IOT devices. Therefore, the large number
of linked and decision-making devices is the best opportunity for students to understand, build, and control themselves.


The way we live has varied radically by using internet, ie, animated interactions among people at a virtual standard in various contexts passing from
the professional life to social relations. The IoT enables communications between smart things, and thus enabling communications anytime, any-
where, and among anything. For this objective, we show that the Internet of Things should be treated as part of the total internet of the future. There
are different benefits of IoT applications, which depend on the requirements of potential users such as smart cities, smart grid, smart transporta-
tion and mobility, smart homes, smart factory and manufacturing, health, education, and agriculture. However, this paper talks about the role of IoT
specifically in education domain. New and smart ideas to fetch facility and improvement in the students' and teachers' lives have been presented
through using Internet of Things technology in education domain. Moreover, the challenges, which face education field, have been handled via using
IOT, such as minimization of cost, better management, and great security. Because making the correct decisions is significant and its impacts stay
forever and may extent from harmless to extensively dangerous, we have also proposed a framework for making efficient decisions. In the future,
we will apply IOT in various important fields such as healthcare and agriculture through proposing new models. We will also extend this research
idea to involve all educational campuses.
Limitation of Proposed Research: More involvements from more companies will make our research better.


The authors announce that there is no discrepancy of interests concerning the publication of this research.


Mohamed Abdel-Basset

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How to cite this article: Abdel-Basset M, Manogaran G, Mohamed M, Rushdy E. Internet of things in smart education environment:
Supportive framework in the decision-making process. Concurrency Computat Pract Exper. 2018;e4515.

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