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Technology in Society 68 (2022) 101857

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Evaluating the Potential and Challenges of IoT in Education and Other

Sectors during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Bangladesh
Nahida Sultana a, *, Marzia Tamanna b
Department of Business Administration (MIS), Bangladesh University, Bangladesh
Department of MIS, East West University, Bangladesh


Keywords: The Internet of Things (IoT) adoption affects different sectors immensely, especially during Covid-19. This study
IoT mainly examines the benefits and challenges experienced in Bangladesh’s education, and corporate and service
Bangladesh sectors while using IoT services during COVID-19. Data collection was performed using a convenient random
sampling method and distributing questions online. Two hundred sixty completed responses were analyzed,
Internet of things
where 40% of responses were from the education sector, and 60% were from the corporate and service sector.
The research method was quantitative and empirical. The study reveals that people find saving time the most
potential in education sector, whereas, in the corporate and service sector, the topmost benefit of using IoT
services is that it helps strictly maintain physical distance. Conversely, the most significant challenges people
face in both sectors are that the IoT increases social distance and reduces individual communication. Never­
theless, people in both sectors have a positive attitude towards using IoT in the future. The findings have
practical implications for business professionals, academic scholars, and other associated parties keen to identify
IoT impact during the pandemic.

1. Introduction learning in several disciplines and any level of education. They itemized
some challenges of using higher education in using IoT, including cloud
The Internet of Things (IoT) is now a new paradigm move in IT. The computing, instructional technologies, mobility applications, and pri­
term “IoT,” which is elaborated as “internet of things,” has been formed vacy and security issues [4]. According to Zhiqiang and Junming [5];
with two words – ‘internet’ and ‘things.’ Internet is a universal system of there are three aspects on which the future application of IoT in edu­
computers’ interconnected networks where TCP/IP protocols are used to cation depends on students’ progressive evaluation, integrating current
serve billions of users worldwide [1]. In the information technology teaching platforms, and expanding educational middleware.
world, the internet of things concept is one of the most exciting ones. IoT is restructuring the modern healthcare system with economic,
This concept has attracted massive attraction through the prognosis of technological, and social incorporation. Through assembling the
the international infrastructure of interrelated physical objects, facili­ Internet of things, the healthcare system is evolving from a traditional to
tating anytime, anywhere networking for anything (Kosmatos et al., a more modern customized healthcare system facilitating easy diag­
2011). Internet of things also can be considered a worldwide network nosis, treatment, and patient monitoring [3]. In addition to the appli­
that provides communication or connection between humans to humans cation in health services is also being practiced as wearable
and things to things through unique identification of each object [2]. technologies, remote working, drones, robots, data storage, security
The adoption of the Internet of Things is in many areas. The appli­ devices, collaboration tools, distant banking, and e-commerce. Being a
cation initiates with the automation of home to wearable objects. During developing country, Bangladesh is facing both opportunities and chal­
the pandemic, applications supported by IoT tools are used to minimize lenges in practicing the services of the Internet of Things during the
coronavirus spread by monitoring the patients, analyzing primarily, and pandemic situation. First, the usage of IoT services in different sectors is
following the specified protocols after the recovery of patients [3]. In known – here, the sectors are observed from the education and the
Bangladesh, it is also practiced everywhere during COVID-19 [4]. stated corporate sector. Then, the benefits and limitations experienced in the
that IoT stands to transform how universities work and improve student sectors while using the services of IoT are examined. After that, people’s

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (N. Sultana), (M. Tamanna).
Received 27 July 2021; Received in revised form 20 December 2021; Accepted 30 December 2021
Available online 6 January 2022
0160-791X/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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