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1005 Es 201 Part Ii

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tech/Even/2nd Sem/ES-201-Part -II/2014

Basic Electrical and Electronics Engg(Part - II)
Time Alloted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 35

The figure in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their
own words as far as practicable

( Multiple Choice Type Questions )

1. Choose the correct answer for the following: (any five )

i) The decimal equivalent of binary 11.1 is

a) 3.5 b) 3.1 c) 5.1 d) 2.2

ii) Open loop voltage gain of an op-amp is

a) Small b) Large c) can be anything

iii) Which of the following devices has highest input impedance


iv) CMRR of an op-amp

a) much larger than unity b) much smaller than unity

1005 1 [ Turn over ]

CS/ Sem/ES-201-Part -II/2014

c) Unity d) None of these

v) Which of the following feedback topologies offers high input


a) Voltage Series b) Voltage Shunt c) Current Series d) Current


vi) Oscillators use following feedback :

a) Negative b) Positive c) Both Negative and Positive d) None

( Short Answer Type Questions )
Answer any two questions 2X 5=10

2. Draw and explain the working pronciple of CMOS inverter circuit.

3. What is positive feedback?Name the different feedback topologies.
(2 + 3)
4. Identify the circuit and find out the output voltage V0 of the circuit
vin = 5 sin 2000pt m V, R = 100k Ω and C = 1m F. 1+4

Vin R + VO

1005 2 [ Turn over ]

CS/ Sem/ES-201-Part -II/2014

5.a) Perform the following number conversions

i) (ABC)16 = (?)2
ii) (195)8 = (?)2
b) Realize the Boolean expression using minimum number of NAND
Y = (A +B)(A +B)

( Long Answer Type Questions )
Answer any two questions 2X10=20

6. a) In a J-FET for an applied VGS = 0V and VDS = 2.5 V the drain current
appears to be 13.5 mA/ What is the value of IDSS here?If VDS is
increased to 3V and the pinch - off voltage is stated -2V .What is
the value of ID 5
b) What is know as Gain-bandwidth product of an amplifier?State
the Barkhausen Criteria. 5
7. a) What are integrator and differentiator?Describe it with suitable
block diagram.
b) The midrange open-loop gain of a certain op-amp is 120dB.
Negative feedback reduces this gain by 50dB.What is the closed
loop gain?
8. a) Define the truth table of XOR gate.Implement the XOR operation
using the minimum number 2- input NAND gate. 4+1
b) If in an adder 3 input resistances are 2KΩ, 4 KΩ, and 8 KΩ and
the feedback resistance is 10 KΩ. What is the output voltage of
the OP-Amp 5

1005 3 [ Turn over ]

CS/ Sem/ES-201-Part -II/2014

9. Write short notes of any two of the following: 2X5 = 10

b) Feedback Amplifier
c) Universal gates
d) Operational Amplifier

1005 4
1936 4

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