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Basic Electronics Engineering 4

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Total No. of Questions: 6 Total No.

of Printed Pages:3

Enrollment No......................................

Faculty of Engineering / Science

End Sem Examination Dec-2023
EN3ES16 / BC3ES08 Basic Electronics Engineering
Programme: B.Tech./ Branch/Specialisation: All
Duration: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 60
Note: All questions are compulsory. Internal choices, if any, are indicated. Answers of
Q.1 (MCQs) should be written in full instead of only a, b, c or d. Assume suitable data if
necessary. Notations and symbols have their usual meaning.
Q.1 i. At room temperature, the energy gap (EG) between conduction and 1
valence bands of semiconductor is approximately equal to-
(a) 0 ev (b) 0.5 ev (c) 1 ev (d) 1.5 ev
ii. Reverse saturation current IO is of the order of (for Silicon and 1
Germanium respectively)-
(a) nA, nA (b) nA, µA (c) µA, µA (d) µA, nA
iii. For amplification purpose, a transistor is used in- 1
(a) Forward active mode (b) Saturation mode
(c) Cut-off mode (d) All of these
iv. Which type of transistor is known as NORMALLY-OFF transistor? 1
(a) Depletion-Type MOSFET in depletion mode
(b) Depletion-Type MOSFET in enhancement mode
(c) Enhancement-Type MOSFET
(d) None of these
v. Sampling theorem states- 1
(a) fs ≥ 2fm (b) fs ≤ 2fm (c) fs < 2fm (d) fs > 2fm
vi. Condition for modulation (fc=Carrier signal frequency, fm=Message 1
signal frequency)-
(a) No any condition (b) fc ≤ fm
(c) fc > fm (d) fc = fm
vii. 1’s complement can be easily obtained by using- 1
(a) Multiplexer (b) Subtractor
(c) Comparator (d) Adder
viii. The decimal number 10 is represented in its BCD form as- 1
(a) 10100000 (b) 01010111 (c) 00010000 (d) 00101011

[2] [3]
ix. Which of the following device is used to measure power in A.C. 1 OR iii. Explain ‘Need for Modulation’ and give advantages of modulation. 7
(a) Wattmeter (b) Voltmeter (c) Ohmmeter (d) Ammeter Q.5 i. Define minterms and maxterms with example. 4
x. Which of the following determines light intensity in a CRT? 1 ii. Explain half adder and full adder in detail. 6
(a) Fluorecent screen (b) Current OR iii. Simplify the expression Y = ∑m (3,4,5,7,9,13,14,15) using the K-map 6
(c) Momentum of electrons (d) Voltage method.

Q.2 i. Define barrier potential. 2 Q.6 i. Give difference between accuracy and precision. 2
ii. What is effect of temperature on conductivity of intrinsic and extrinsic 3 ii. Explain types of multimeter. 3
semiconductor? Explain. iii. Draw block diagram of CRO and explain the functioning of each 5
iii. Draw and explain the circuit required to produce the output given in 5 block.
Fig. (b) When input is waveform given in Fig. (a). OR iv. Explain measurement of voltage, frequency and phase angle using 5
CRO with the help of diagram.


Input Waveform Output Waveform

Fig. (a) Fig. (b)
OR iv. Draw and explain the circuit required to produce the output given in 5
Fig. (b) When input is waveform given in Fig. (a).

Input Waveform Output Waveform

Fig. (a) Fig. (b)

Q.3 i. What is Early-Effect? 2

ii. Explain transistor biasing modes with circuit diagram for NPN 3
iii. Explain input and output characteristics of common base transistor. 5
OR iv. Explain construction and working of Enhancement-Type MOSFET 5

Q.4 i. Explain amplitude modulation with the help of diagram. 3

ii. Draw block diagram of communication system and explain the 7
functioning of each block.
Q.5 i. Minterms- 2 Marks, 4
Scheme of Marking Maxterms- 2 Marks
EN3ES16 Basic Electronics Engineering ii. Half adder- 3 Marks 6
Full adder- 3 Marks
Q.1 i) c) 1 ev 1 OR iii. Y = A’CD+ABC+AC’D+A’BC’- 6 Marks 6
ii) b) nA, µA 1
iii) a) Forward active mode 1 Q.6 i. Difference between Accuracy and Precision-2 Marks 2
iv) c) Enhancement-Type MOSFET 1 ii. Analog- 1.5 Marks, 3
v) 1 Digital- 1.5 Marks
a) fs≥2fm
vi) 1 iii. Block diagram of CRO- 2 Marks, 5
c) fc>fm
explanation of the functioning of each block-3 Marks
vii) b) Subtractor 1 OR iv. measurement of voltage- 2 Marks, 5
viii) c) 00010000 1 frequency- 1.5 Marks,
ix) a) Wattmeter 1 phase angle- 1.5 Marks
x) c) Momentum of electrons 1
Q.2 i. Definition 2
ii. Intrinsic Semicondutor- 1.5 Marks, 3
Extrinsic Semicondutor- 1.5 Marks
iii. Circuit Diagram- 2 Marks, 5
Explanation- 3 Marks
OR iv. Circuit Diagram- 2 Marks, 5
Explanation- 3 Marks

Q.3 i. Early-Effect-2 Marks 2

ii. 1 Mark for each mode 3
iii. Input Characteristics- 2.5 Marks, 5
Output Characteristics- 2.5 Marks
OR iv. Construction- 2 Marks, 5
working of Enhancement-Type MOSFET- 3 Marks

Q.4 i. Explanation of amplitude modulation- 2 Marks, 3

Diagram- 1 Mark
ii. Block diagram of communication system- 2 Marks, 7
explanation of the functioning of each block-5 Marks
OR iii. ‘Need for Modulation’- 5 Marks, 7
Advantages- 2 Marks


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