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Ee 201 - Basic Electrical Engineering

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/ GROUP-B / EVEN / SEM-II / EE 201 / 2018

EE 201
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable
(Multiple Choice Type Questions)
1. Answer any ten from the following, choosing the correct alternative of each question: 10×1=10

i) If all the elements in a particular network are linear, then the Superposition theorem would hold, when the
excitation is
a) AC only b) DC only
c) Either AC or DC d) An Impulse
ii) The unit of magnetic flux density is
a) Weber b) tesla
c) coulomb d) none of these
iii) If the frequency of applied voltage is 5 kHz, calculate the reactance of a 10 µF capacitor
a) 3.18 b) 4.18
c) 2.18 d) 5.18
iv) In a delta connected three phase supply, the phase currents (I ph) and line currents (IL) are related as
a) Iph = IL b) Iph = √3 IL

c) Iph = IL d) Iph = IL

v) The efficiency of a transformer is maximum when,

a) copper losses are zero b) copper losses are 50% of iron losses
c) iron losses are zero d) copper losses are equal to iron losses.
vi) Hysteresis loss of transformers can be reduced by using
a) Laminated core b) Silicon steel
c) oil d) nature of dielectric
vii) Iron loss of a transformers is 100 watts at half load. At full load, the iron loss would be
a) 100 watts b) 50 watts
c) 200 watts d) 400 watts
viii) The critical resistance of the dc generator is the resistance of
a) armature b) field
c) load d) brushes

ix) The series field of a short shunt dc generator is excited by_______ current.
a) shunt b) armature
c) load d) external

x) The dc motor needs to a starter during starting to control

a) Speed b) Current
c) Voltage d) flux

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B.TECH. / GROUP-B / EVEN / SEM-II / EE 201 / 2018

ix) The efficiency of a three phase induction motor is approximately proportional to

a) 1 - s b) s
c) N d) Ns

xii) The speed in which stator magnetic field of a three phase induction motor rotates is called
a) Actual Speed b) Synchronous Speed
c) Sub-synchronous Speed d) Super synchronous Speed

(Short Answer Type Questions)
(Answer any two of the following) 2 × 5 = 10
2. Obtain the maximum power transferred to RL in the circuit shown in Fig. 1 and also the value of R L.

Fig. 1
3. Draw and explain the B-H curves for a magnetic material. Explain the meaning of relative permeability,
coercivity and remanance.
4. Two coils have self inductances L1 and L2 and mutual inductance between them is M. Derive a
mathematical expression for co-efficient of coupling k for these coils.
5. A circuit consists of a coil of resistance 100 Ω and inductance 1 H in series with a 1 µF capacitor. Calculate
resonant frequency, current at resonant frequency, voltage across R, L and C when the supply voltage is 50
6. Derive the relation between phase and line voltages and currents for star connected load across a three
phase balanced system.

(Long Answer Type Questions)
(Answer any two of the following) 2 × 15 = 30
7. a) State and explain Superposition theorem.
b) Find current in 6 Ω resister using Norton’s theorem for the network shown in fig .2.

Fig. 2

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B.TECH. / GROUP-B / EVEN / SEM-II / EE 201 / 2018

c) Find the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit across X-Y terminal of the network shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3 5 + 5 + 5 = 15

8. a) An alternating voltage is represented by v = 62.35 sin 323t, Determine the maximum value, r.m.s value,
average value, frequency and form factor.
b) Derive an expression for the resonant frequency of a parallel circuit, one branch consisting of a oil of
inductance L and a resistance R and other branch of capacitance C.
c) In a circuit the voltage and impedance are given by v = (100 + j 80) v and Z = (10 + j 8) Ω respectively.
Find the active and reactive power of the circuit.
5 + 5 + 5 = 15
9. a) Why is the core of a transformer laminated?
b) Draw the phase diagram of a single phase transformer under leading power factor load.
c) Explain why usually the low voltage winding is excited and the high voltage winding is open circuited
for open circuit test of a transformer?
d) Obtain the equivalent circuit of a 200/400-V, 50Hz, single phase transformer from the following test
data :
O.C. test : 200V,0.7 A,70W – on L.V. side
S.C. test : 15 V,10 A, 85W – on H.V. side
Find the parameters of equivalent circuit.
2 + 4 + 3 + 6 = 15
10. a) Derive the torque equation of DC shunt motor.
b) An 8-pole, 400V shunt motor has 960 wave connected armature conductors. The full load armature
current is 40A & flux per pole is 0.02 Wb. the armature resistance is 0.1Ω and the contact drop is 1V
per brush. Calculate the full load speed of the motor.
c) What is armature reaction and effects of armature reaction?
11. a) What is slip? Deduce a relationship between rotor current frequency and supply frequency in terms of
slip of a three phase induction motor.
b) Describe the starting method of three phase induction motor.
c) A 440 V, 3-phase, 50 Hz, 4-Pole, star connected induction motor takes a line current of 10 A with 0.86
p.f. lagging. Its total stator losses are 5% of the input. Rotor copper losses are 4% of the input to the
rotor, and mechanical losses are 3% of the input of the rotor. Calculate (i) slip and rotor speed, (ii)
torque developed in the rotor.
4+5+6 = 15

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