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Commission'S Regulations and Rules of Procedure: Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission

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Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission


(Corrected upto November 2000)

REGULATIONS Part No. I. II. III.-A III. IV. Preliminary Composition, Conditions of Services, etc. of the Commission and its staff Matters in respect of Recruitment Matters in respect of which it shall not be necessary for the Commission to be consulted Savings in respect of certain persons RULLES OF PROCEDURE 1. 2. 3. Title Definitions Procedures in regard to recruitments A) Direct Recruitment B) Recruitment by Transfer /Promotion 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Disciplinary Action cases, Rules etc., Departmental tests Meetings Allocations of Business among Members General Annual Report Regulation of mattes not included Annexure (Rule-17) 47 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 52 53 47 47 Page No. 2 2 12 13 19

Public Service Commission Regulations


Order : In exercise of the powers conferred by the Article 318 and the proviso to clause (3) of Article 320 of the Constitution of India and in suppression of the Regulations and Orders specified in the table below, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following Regulations:

Madras Public Service Commission Regulations, 1950, published with notification of the composite Madras Government in the Public (Services) Department No. 36, dated the 26-12-1950 at pages 403-407 of the fort St. George Gazette, dated the 13th March, 1951 as subsequently amended. Ad-hoc Regulations issued in G.O.Ms.No.776, dated the 2nd June, 1954 of the Andhra Government in Home (Services-A) Department, 2010, dated the 15th October, 1954 of the Andhra Government Home (Services-A) Department and 58, dated the 24th November, 1956 and 1034, dated the 24th June, 1957 of the Andhra Pradesh Government in the General Administration (Services-A) Department. The Hyderabad Public Service Commission (Conditions of Service) Regulations, 1952, published with notification of the erstwhile Government of Hyderabad No. 55/GAD-S RC/5/49 , dated the 22nd February, 1952. The Hyderabad Public Service Commission (Consultation) Regulations, 1952, published with notification of the erstwhile Government of Hyderabad No. 56/GAD-SRC/5/49, dated the 22nd February, 1952, as subsequently amended. The Ad-hoc Regulations issued in G.O.Ms.No.1363, General Administration (Services-A) dated the 26th November, 1963, published at page 4373 of of part I of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette. dated the 12th December, 1963.


Regulation 1: These Regulations may be called the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Regulations, 1963 Regulation 2: In these Regulations unless the context otherwise requires : (a) (b) (c) Commission means the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission; Constitution means the Constitution of India; 'Member means the member of the Commission and includes the Chairman thereof.

Regulation 3 : The Commission shall consist of the Chairman and such other Members not exceeding (nine) in number. (G.O.Ms.No. 371, G.A. (SPF-B), Dept., Dt. 22-7-94) Regulation 4 : (I) There shall be paid to the Chairman a salary Calculated at the rate of * Twenty six thousand (Inclusive of pension, if any) per mensem and to each of the other Members a salary calculated at the rate of * Twenty two thousand four hundred (inclusive of pension, if any) per mensem. (G.O.Ms.No. 72, G.A. (SPF-B), Dept. Dt. 25-2-99) (2) (i) A (2) (i) A Person who at the date of his appointment to the Commission is holding a post under the Government of India or the Government of a State, or the Government Aided Educational Institutions shall, on appointment as Chairman or other member, receive the salary which he would have drawn under the relevant rules had he continued to hold that post or the salary mentioned in clause (I) whichever is higher. (ii) If a person, on ceasing to hold office as : (a) The Chairman of any other state Public Service Commission; or (b) A member other than the Chairman of the Union or of this or any other state 2

Public Service Commission, is appointed as the Chairman of the Commission, he shall be eligible only for the salary mentioned in clause (I). (3) A member, who is appointed under clause (I-A) of Art. 316 of the Constitution

to perform the duties of the Chairman shall be paid a charge allowance calculated at the rate of rupees five hundred per mensem in addition to his salary. (4) The Chairman and Members of the Commission, as the case may be, shall be and shall be deemed always to have been entitled to the benefits of City Compensatory Allowance and House Rent Allowance sanctioned to Central Government employees if the person appointed as such was in the service of the Central Government prior to his appointment as Chairman or Member as the case may be or to such benefit sanctioned to the State Government employees if the person appointed as such was either in the service of the State Government or has been a non-official. (5) The Chairman and the Members of the Commission, as the case may be, shall be entitled to the benefits of Leave Travel Concession as admissible to All India Service Officers. (Sub. by G.O.Ms.No. 82, G.A. (Ser-A), Dt. 17-2-1989) (6) The Chairman and the Members of the Commission, as the case may be, who, prior to the date of their appointment as Chairman or Members were in the service of State or Central Government shall be and shall be deemed always to have been entitled to the benefits of liberalised leave rules as envisaged in G.O.Ms.No. 415, Finance and Planning (FW.FR-I) Dept. dated 30th November, 1977. (G.O.Ms.No. 71, G.A. (Ser-A), Dept., Dt. 4-2-1984) Regulation 5 : A Member may be granted leave as follows : (a) (i) Leave on leave salary equivalent to full pay upto 30 days

spent on duty as a Member for a calendar" year in the advance in two instalments of 15 days on the first January and July of every year subject to a maximum of four months at anyone time and subject to maximum leave salary of Rs. 26,000/(Inclusive of pension, if, any) per mensem in the case of Chairman and Rs. 22,400/(Inclusive of pension, if, any) per mensem in the case of other Members. (ii) The leave at the credit of the employee afforded under clause (i) above shall be reduced by 1/lOth of the period of extraordinary leave only availed of during the previous half-year, subject to maximum of 15 days. (iii) Where the Chairman or any Member is appointed on or after 1st January, 1978, earned leave shall be credited to his leave account at the rate of 2 3

1/ 2 days for each completed month of service which is likely to render in the calendar half-year in which he is appointed eg., if he is appointed on 13th March, the number of completed months of his service in that half year will be 3 and the credit will be 3 x 5/2 = 71/2 days rounded to 8 days. If he is appointed on 20th April, the number of completed months will be only 2 and the credit will be 2 x 5/ 2 = 5 days. (iv) The credit for the half-year in which the Chairman or any Members is due to retire or resigns from the service shall be afforded only at the rate of 2 1/2 days per completed month in that half-year upto the date of retirement/resignation. If in the case of Chairman or any Member who resigns from the service, the leave already availed of is more than the leave at the credit so due to him, necessary adjustment shall be made in respect of leave salary overdrawn, if any. (G.O.Ms.No. 406, G.A. (Ser-A), Dept. Dt. 27-8-1983) (b) (c) Leave on medical certificate on leave salary equivalent to half pay upto a total period of three months. Extraordinary leave without allowances, subject to a maximum of three months at anyone time.

Explanation:- All or any two of the kinds of leave mentioned in this clause may be granted in combination at anyone time: Provided a Member who, on the date of entering on his duties as such, was in the service of, or held a post under the Government of India or the Government of State or the Government Aided Educational Institutions or who enters on his duties as such immediately after his retirement from the service of or a post under the Government of India or the Government of State or Government Aided Educational Institutions shall be entitled to carry forward in the case of an officer belonging to the All-India Service, the entire earned leave and half-pay leave at his credit immediately prior to his entering on his duties as Member, and in any other case, the leave upto a maximum of six months expressed in terms of leave on average pay, and to take that leave in such terms and on such conditions as were admissible to him under the rules in accordance with which it was earned in combination with any or all the kinds of leave mentioned in this regulation; (d) A Member, who prior to his appointment as such was in the service of

State or the Centre or Government Aided Educational Institutions shall be eligible for commuted leave for a maximum period of 240 days provided that the unexpire 4

commuted leave which such member carries forward and the commuted leave which he will avail while serving as a Member of the Commission shall not however exceed a limit of 240 days and the availment of such commuted leave shall be subject to the provisions of Rule 15-B of A.P. Leave Rules in Annexure III to Fundamental Rules. Regulation 5-A : A Member shall be entitled to the benefits of surrendered leave under such terms and conditions as are applicable to the Government Servants from time to time. Regulation 6 : A Member shall be entitled to travelling allowance for journeys made by him in the performance of his functions at the rates, and subject to the conditions, specified in the Andhra Pradesh Travelling Allowance Rules. For the purpose of those rules, the Chairman shall be the Head of Department in respect of the Members of the Commission other than the Chairman. Regulation 6-A : Every Member (including the Chairman shall submit to the Government, a return of his assets and liabilities as on the 31st day of December of each year in the Forms in Annexure III to these Regulations on or before the 31st day of March of the year immediately following the year to which the return relates giving the full particulars regarding: (a) the immovable property inherited by him, or owned or acquired by him

or held by him, on lease or mortgage either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family or in the name of any other person; (b) shares,. debentures and cash including bank deposits inherited by him

or similarly owned, acquired or held by him; and (c) other movable properties inherited by him or similarly owned, acquired

or held by him, and (d) debts and other liabilities incurred by him, directly or indirectly; Provided

that every Member (including the Chairman), shall, within three months from the date of his appointment, submit a return of his assets and liabilities as on the date of his appointment in the Forms aforesaid.

Explanation 1 :- For the purpose of this Regulation, "member of the family" in relation to the Chairman or Member includes : (i) the wife or husband, as the case may be, of the Chairman or the

Member, whether residing with the Chairman or the Member or not but does not include a wife or husband, as the case may be, separate from the Chairman or the Member by a decree or order of a competent Court; (ii) son or daughter or step-son or step-daughter of the Chairman or the

member and wholly dependent on him, but does not include a child or step-child who is no longer in any way dependant on the Chairman or the Member or of whose custody the Chairman or the Member has been deprived of by or under any law; (iii) any other person related whether by blood or marriage to the Chairman

or the Member or to the Chairman's or the Member's wife or husband and wholly dependent on the Chairman or the Member. Explanation 2 :- In all returns the value of items of movable property worth less than Rs. 1,000/- may be added and shown as lumpsum. The value of articles of daily use such as clothes, utensils, crockery and books need not be included in such return. (G.O.Ms.No. 576, GAD. (Ser.A), Dt. 21-10-88) Regulation 7: (1) (a) A member who, on the date of his appointment as a member to the Commission, was in the service of the Central or a State Government or Aided Educational Institutions shall be deemed to have retired from such service with effect from the date of his appointment as member of the commission. (b) A Member who, at the time of his appointment as such, was in the service of the Central or State Government or Aided Education al Institutions shall, at his option which shall be final and irrevocable to be exercised within a period of six months from the date of his appointment, be entitled to draw his pension and other retirement benefits under the rules applicable to the service to which he belonged, with effect from :(i) (ii) the date of his appointment as member, or the date on which he would have superannuated under the said rules; 6

Provided that, in any such event, his pay as member shall be reduced by an amount equivalent to the gross pension (including any portion of the pension which may have been commuted) and the pension equivalent of other retirement benefits and he shall be entitled to draw his pension and other retirement benefits separately. Explanation :- (1) In respect of a Member who is serving as such immediately before the 20-4-1977, the period of six months shall be computed from the said date. (2) In respect of Member who is appointed on 17-2-1981, the period of six months shall be computed from 5-11-1981. (G.O.Ms.No. 579, G.A.D. Dt. 5-11-1981) (c) Where any such member does not exercise the option mentioned in

clause (b) (i) he shall count his service as member for pension and retirement benefits under the rules applicable to the service to which he belonged immediately before such appointment. Provided that his services as member beyond the date on which he would have superannuated under the rules applicable to the service to which he belonged immediately before such appointment shall not count towards pension and other retirement benefits. (d) In the case of an appointment as a member a person who has retired from service under the Central or a State Government or Aided Educational Institutions, a local body, a University, or any other body wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Government and who is in receipt of or has received or has become entitled to receive any retirement benefit by way of pension, gratuity, contributory provident fund or otherwise, the pay specified in Regulation 4 Shall be reduced by the gross amount of pension (including any portion of the pension which may have been commuted, and the pension equivalent of other forms of retirement benefits, if any). (2) In the case of any other Member, no pension or special additional pension

shall attach to the office of Member as such.


Every Member may, at his option, subscribe to the General Provident Fund,

in accordance with the General Provident Fund (Andhra Pradesh) Rules, 1935 or orders governing that Fund: Provided that a member who on the date of his appointment was in the service of the Central or a State Government or Aided Educational Institutions, and who had been admitted to the benefits of any other Provident Fund may, instead, be allowed to continue to subscribe to that Fund in accordance with the rules or regulations applicable to that Fund, until he reaches the date on which he must compulsorily retire from service in accordance with the rules applicable to him in his service and thereafter his accumulated balance in that fund, including the Government's contribution, if any, shall, if the member has exercised his option, in favour of subscribing to the General Provident Fund, be transferred to the said general provident fund. Regulation 8 (a): There shall be a Secretary, an additional Secretary, Four Deputy Secretaries and Twenty three Assistant Secretaries to the Commission who shall be appointed by the Commission with the previous approval of the Governor. Provided that a member of All India Service or Andhra Pradesh Administrative service posted as Secretary to the Commission, shall carry his own scale of pay, and in case any member of other State Service is appointed as such, he shall be given the same scale of pay as the Additional Secretary to the Commission. (b): There shall be an Accounts Officer to the Commission who shall be appointed by the Commission. Regulation 9 : (1) There shall be paid to the holders of the following posts a monthly salary calculated in the scale of pay mentioned against each post or such scale of pay as may be sanctioned from time to time. POST 1. 2. 3. 4. Secretary Addl. Secretary Deputy Secretary Asst. Secretary SCALE OF PAY Cadre /Non Cadre 10950-350-11650-450-13900-525-17575 10250-350-11650-450-13900-525-17050 8400-300-9000-350-11650-450-13900 -525-16525 8


Accounts Officer 950-200-7150-250-8400-300-9900-350-11650450-13900-525-14425


The Initial salary of a person appointed to any of the posts mentioned in

clause (1) above shall be fixed in accordance with the provisions of the Fundamental Rules for the time being in force and the previous sanction of the Governor shall be necessary for fixing the initial salary of any such person otherwise than in accordance with those rules. (3) The Commission shall not without the previous sanction of the Governor grant

any premature increment of pay to a person holding any of the posts mentioned in regulation 8. Regulation 10: Subject to the provisions of Regulations 9 and 21, the Secretary, Additional Secretary, the Deputy Secretary, the Assistant Secretary and the Accounts Officer shall, in the matter of their pay, allowances, including travelling allowances, Leave, leave salary, pension and other conditions of services be governed by the Fundamental Rules, the Andhra Pradesh Leave Rules the Pension Rules, the A.P. Provident Fund Pension - Insurance Rules and the Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Conduct) Rules for the time being in force. For the purpose of the above rules the chairman shall be the Head of the Department. Regulation 11 : (1) The Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules shall apply to the Secretary, Additional Secretary, Deputy Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries and the Accounts Officer who shall for that purpose be deemed to be officers classified in one of the State Services. (2) The authority which may impose any of the penalties specified in items (i) and (iii) to (viii) in Rule 8 of those rules on the Secretary, Additional Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Assistant Secretary or Accounts Officer and the appellate authority therefore, shall be as specified in the Table below :

TABLE Class of Officers Penalty Authority which may impose the penalty (3) Appellate Authority (4) Governor Commission Governor

(1) Secretary, Additional Secretary, Dy. Secretary Assistant Secretary and accounts Officer Assistant Secretary and Accounts Officer


Items (i) and (iii) Commission to (viii) Items (i) and (iii) Items (iv) to (viii) Chairman Commission

Regulation 11-A: Notwithstanding anything contained in Regulations 10 and 11, an Officer borne on the cadre of I.A.S./I.P.S/A.P.A.S., if any when appointed to the post of Secretary to Commission, shall be governed by the Rules applicable to the Officers of the IAS/IPS/APAS Cadre in respect of the matters mentioned in those Regulations. Regulation 12 : (I) (1)The Commission may, and it is hereby authorized to employ in addition to the Officers mentioned in Regulation 8, the permanent non-gazetted staff sanctioned by the Governor from time to time. (2) The Commission may, and it is hereby empowered to employ in

addition to the staff referred to in clause (I) subject to the provisions given below, such temporary staff as it may be deemed necessary to cope with occasional or periodical pressure of work: (a) The temporary staff employed under this Regulation shall be of the

description of the permanent staff sanctioned by the Governor from time to time. (3) The conditions of service of the members of the staff of the

Commission shall, save as expressly provided in these Regulations, be the same as those prescribed by the state Government in respect of Government servants holding corresponding appointments elsewhere than in the office of the Commission. The Provisions in Annexure-II to these Regulations shall apply to the members of the staff of the Commission mentioned therein.



The Andhra Pradesh Contributory Provident Fund-Pension-Insurance

Rules, Shall, where applicable, apply to the member of the staff of the Commission. Regulation 13 : (I) The Commission may, and it is hereby authorised to, incur such expenses as may be necessary. (a) for the employment of the staff which it is authorized to employee

under Regulation 12 : (b) (c) for contingencies and honoraria to examiners; and for other items connected with it including the travelling allowance of

the Members of the Commission, the Secretary, the Additional Secretary, the Deputy Secretary and the Assistant Secretaries and other members of its staff. (2) The amount to be included in respect of such expenses in any

estimates of expenditure laid before the Houses of the Legislature shall be fixed by the Governor. Regulation 14 : In respect of any matter for which special provision is not made by these Regulations, the conditions of services of a person serving as a member of the Commission or of its staff shall be governed by the rules and orders applicable to such classes of Government Servants as shall be specified by the Governor. Executive Orders on Regulation 14 1. In pursuance of the Regulation 14 of the A.P. Public Service Commission

Regulations, 1963, the Governor of A.P. hereby direct that the chairman and Members of the A.P.P.S.C. who, prior to the date of their appointment as Chairman or Members were in the services of State or Central Government or Aided Educational Institutions shall be entitled and shall deemed always to have been entitled to the benefits envisaged in G.O.Ms.No. 415, Fin. & PIg. (F.Wing), Dept., Dt. 30-11-77. (G.O.Ms.No. 484, G.A. (Ser-A) Dept., Dt. 22-7-80) 2. In pursuance of the Regulation 14 of the A.P.P.S.C. Regulations, 1963, the

Governor of A.P. herby direct that the Chairman and the Members of the A.P.P.S.C.,


shall be entitled to the benefits envisaged in G.O.Ms.No. 15, Fin. &. PIg. (F.Wing) (PC) Dept., Dt. 17-1-73, on par with State Government Officers. (G.O.Ms.No. 732, G.A. (Ser-A), Dept., Dt. 11-10-79) (G.O.Ms.No. 609, G.A. (Ser-A) Dept., Dt. 1-12-1982) 3. The Chairman and the Members of the A.P.P.S.C. shall be en titled to the

benefits of Leave Travel Concession Rules admissible to all India Service Officers on par with Judges of High Court. 4. It shall not be necessary for the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission

to be consulted in regard to the appointment of the spouse of the deceased Government Servant or the Dependent children of the deceased Government employee for the Ministerial posts such as Clerks, Typists and Steno-typists in respect of the matter specified in sub-clauses (a) and (b) of clause (3) of Article 320 of the Constitution of India. (G.O.Ms.No. 302, G.A. (Ser-A), Dept., Dt. 28-4-1978)

PART III-A Matters in respect of Recruitment Regulation 14-A: It shall be necessary for the Commission in the matter of recruitment to the posts and services to strictly adhere to wherever applicable the provisions contained :(i) in the General Rule 22 and 22-A ;

(ii) the Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (Organisation of Local Cadres and Regulation of Direct Recruitment) order, 1975; (iii) the instructions issued by the Government in regard to selection of candidates both by directors recruitment and recruitment by transfer for the various services; and (iv) such other rules and orders issued by the Government from time to time governing such recruitment. (Ins. by. G.O.Ms.No. 403, G.A. (Ser-A), dt. 26-8-87)


PART III Matters in respect of which it shall not be necessary for the Commission to be consulted Regulation 15 : It shall not be necessary for the Commission to be consulted(a) as respects any of the matters mentioned in sub-clauses (a), (b) and

(c) of clause (3) of Article 320 of the Constitution of India in the case of posts in the Andhra Pradesh Police Subordinate Service. (b) as respects any of the matters mentioned in sub-clause (a) to (c) of

clause (3) of Article 320 of the Constitution of India in the case of officer of the Armed Forces of the Union holding posts in connection with the affairs of the State; (c) as respects any of the matters mentioned in sub-clause (a) and (c) of

clause (3) of Article 320 of the Constitution of India in the case of the posts specified in Annexure-I to these Regulations and other posts in respect of which the State Government have directed or may with the concurrence of the Commission, direct that the appointments may be made without reference to the Commission; (cc) as respects any of the matters mentioned in sub-clauses (a) and (b) of clause (3) of Article 320 of the Constitution when recruitment by transfer to all the first gazetted category of posts is made, except in the matter of Promotion from first gazetted category to the next higher gazetted category under the relevant rules. (G.O.Ms.No. 430, G.A. (Ser-A), Dated. 12-8-1981) Note :- A.P.P.S.C. should be consulted in regard to suitability of officers for appointment by transfer with retrospective effect from a date prior to 18-10-1975 against any of the first gazetted categories of posts. (d) in regard to the suitability of candidates (i) for promotion within the same service except in the matter of

promotion from the first Gazetted categories to the next higher categories of post; (G.O.Ms. No. 430, G.A.D. (Ser-A) Dept., Dt. 12-8-1981) (ii) for transfer from one subordinate service to another such service.



in regard to the making of any appointment to (i) any honorary post; or

(ii) any post, the terms of which are to be governed by contract. Provided that in every case of appointment on contract which may involve a total period of service on contract in excess of five years either in the same post or in another post under the State Government the Commission shall be consulted before the contract is made or renewed. Explanation :- for the purpose of sub-clause (i) of this clause 'honorary post' means a post the holding of which does not carry with it the right to receive any emoluments or remuneration for services rendered other than an allowance for defraying travelling and other expenses incurred in the performance of duty; (f) in regard to the making of any appointment by ordinary inter State Transfer to any service or post in this State of a member of a service in any of the other States; (g) Omitted; (h) in regard to the re-employment of persons who have retired on a civil pension or gratuity or who, while in service, were subscribers to a Contributory Provident Fund, in posts borne on the cadre of the same service to which they belonged before their retirement or to posts in other Department requiring the same qualifications and involving responsibilities of the like importance; (i) in regard to the employment in any service or posts of a persons who is

a member of an All-India Service; (j) (i) in any case falling under sub-clause (c) of clause (3) of Article

320 of the Constitution of India in which an enquiry has been held by judge of the High Court of Judicature at Madras upto the 4th July, 1954 and thereafter by a Judge of the Andhra Pradesh High Court at Guntur, or of the Andhra Pradesh High Court at Hyderabad from the 1st day of November,1956. (ii) in any case falling under clause (i) above in which the State Government revise an order passed by them.



as respects any of the matters mentioned in sub-clauses (a) and (b) of

clause (3) of Article 320 of the Constitution of India in the case of appointment of meritorious sportsmen for the posts of Assistant Section Officer, Typist-cumAssistant, Junior Stenographer in the departments of Secretariat and Senior Assistant, Junior Assistant, Typist, Junior Stenographer in the Offices of the Heads of Departments. (G.O.Ms.No. 96, G.A. (Ser-A), Dept., Dt. 20-2-1986) Regulation 16 : (I) It shall not be necessary to consult the Commission regarding the temporary appointment of a person for a total period not exceeding three months in he case of each individual to a post borne on the cadre of a service to which appointment after such consultation consulting or. (i) where it is necessary in the public interest owing to an emergency

which has arisen to fill immediately a vacancy in the post and there would be undue delay in making the appointment after such consultation. (ii) where it is necessary to fill a short vacancy in the post, and the appointment of the person who is entitled to appointment under the general and special rules applicable to the service would involve excessive expenditure on travelling allowance or exceptional, administrative inconvenience. (2) Concurrence of the Commission for continuance of the temporary appointment of a person beyond the first three months shall be obtained sufficiently in advance, if in any individual case, it becomes essential to continue such appointment beyond a total period of one year. Further continuance shall be obtained at intervals of every six months the first being at the end of eighteen months, if in any individual case, it becomes essential to continue such appointment beyond one year. Request for such further continuance shall in the first instance (at the end of 18 months) be submitted by the Heads of Departments or the Administrative Department of the Secretariat as the case may be and thereafter by the Secretariat Department. (Added by G.O.Ms.No. 279, G.A. (Ser-A), Dt. 25-5-1989)


Regulation 17 : (I) It shall not be necessary for the commission to be consulted on any disciplinary matter affecting a person serving under the State Government in a civil Capacity, except. (a) Where the state Government propose to pass an original order imposing any of the following penalties : (i) reduction to a lower rank in the seniority list or to a lower post or time-scale whether in the same service or in another service, State or Subordinate or to a lower stage in a time-scale; (ii) recovery from pay of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to the Government or to a local body by negligence or breach of orders: (iii) compulsory retirement otherwise that under Article 465(2) or under Note 1 to Article 465-A of the Civil Service Regulations; (iv) removal from service; (v) dismissal; or (b) where the State Government propose to pass an order on appeal or in

revision against an order of a subordinate authority which results in the imposition of any penalty higher than the one imposed by a subordinate authority; or (c) where the State Government propose to allow a memorial or a petition

against an order on appeal passed by a subordinate authority; or (d) where the State Government propose to review an order passed by them in consultation with the Commission; or (e) where the State Government propose to pass an order, under Article

351 or Article 351-A of the Civil Service Regulations in the Andhra Pradesh Pension Code or under Rule 235 or 239 of the Hyderabad Civil Service Rules Manual. (2) Nothing in Clause (I) shall be deemed to make it necessary for the State Government to consult the Commission in any case; (a) relating to the termination of probation of any person before the expiry

of the prescribed or extended period of probation or to the discharge of a person 16

after the expiry of such period on the ground that he is unsuitable or full membership of the service; (b) relating to the discharge or reversion of an officer otherwise than as a penalty; (c) relating to the termination of the employment of any person in

accordance with the terms of his contract of employment; (d) relating to compulsory retirement under Article 465(2) or under Note I

to Article 465-A of the Civil Service regulations, of any person who has rendered 25 years of qualifying service or more; (e) relating to the imposition of any penalty laid down in any rule or order

for failure to pass any test or examination within the specified time; (f) in which the Commission, has, at any previous stage, given advice in

regard to the order to be passed and no fresh question has thereafter arisen for determination; (g) in which the State Government propose to pass an order, on an appeal

or in revision reducing or annulling any penalty imposed by a subordinate authority; (h) in which an enquiry has been held by the Tribunal for Disciplinary proceedings; (i) where the State Government pass orders of compulsory retirement under the Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Safeguarding of National Security) Rules, 1962 or j) in which the State Government purpose to propose to revise their orders

passed under sub class (h) (k) in which the State Government propose to pass an order rejecting a

memorial or petition relating to any disciplinary matter; (I) Lokayukta. (G.O.Ms.No. 196, G.A. (Ser.A), Dt. 2-5-1985). 17 in which an enquiry has been held by the Lokayukta or the Upa-

(m) in which a major penalty imposed on an employee who is convicted by a court of law or special courts for special police establishment and anti-corruption Bureau cases. (Inserted vide G.O.Ms.No. 204, G.A. (Ser.A) Dept. dated 13-6-2000). Explanation :-For the purposes of sub clauses (h) and (i) of this clause, the Tribunal for Disciplinary proceedings shall also include the Public Servants Tribunal of Inquiry constituted under Section 3 of the Hyderabad Public Servants (Tribunal of Inquiry) Act, 1950 (Hyderabad Act XXIII of 1950) Regulation 18: Omitted by G.O.Ms.No. 1025, G.A.D., D1. 6-12-67. Regulation 19: It shall not be necessary for the commission to be consulted in any case referred to in-sub-clause (d) of clause (3) of Article 320 of the Constitution, if the State Government or any subordinate authority competent to sanction payment of the cost of the defence purposes to admit the claim in full. Explanation:- Nothing contained in this Regulation shall be deemed to preclude a reference to the Commission being made in any case in which the State Govt. feel a doubt as to the admissibility of a claim in whole or in part. Regulation 20: It shall not be necessary for the Commission to be consulted in respect of any of the matters mentioned in sub-clauses (a) to(e) of clause (3) of Article 320 of the Constitution of India in any case in which the Madras Public Service Commission or the Hyderabad Public Service Commission had been duly consulted before the 1st day of October, 1953, and 1st day of November, 1956 respectively, although the State Government may actually pass orders thereon or after the said dates. Explanation :-Nothing in this Regulation shall be deemed to preclude a reference being made to the Commission in any case covered by this regulation in which the State Government consider for reasons to be recorded by them, that such a reference should be made.


PART - IV Savings in respect of certain persons Regulation 21 : (I) Omitted. (2) A person who was serving in the office of the erstwhile Hyderabad

Public Service Commission as Assistant Secretary or Registrar or on its staff prior to the 1st November, 1956 and who is now serving in the office of the Commission shall be entitled to be governed by the leave rules and other rules relating to conditions of service which are applicable to him immediately before the 1st November, 1956 in term of order in G.O.Ms. No.252, Finance dated 23-1-1959 and such other orders issued by Government from time to time. (3) Omitted.

Regulation 22 : The provisions of Regulations 4,5 and 7 shall be deemed to apply: (i) to the person who held the Office of Member during the period begining

from 4-12-1953 and ending with 14-1-1960. (ii) to the person who is holding office as Chairman or Member at the Commencement of these Regulations as they apply to the Chairman or Member: Provided that the provision relating to the salary in Regulation 4 shall be deemed never to have applied to the person referred to in clause (i), but shall be deemed to have applied to the person referred to in clause (ii) with effect from the 1st November, 1961. ANNEXURE - I (See Regulation 15 (c)) Posts in respect of which it shall not be necessary for the Commission to be consulted in the matter of Recruitment, Appointment, Promotion and Transfer: A-State Services (l) (2) Administrator-General and Official Trustee, Andhra Pradesh Law Officers in the City and Moufssial


(3) (4)

Law Reporters Assistant Directors of Municipal Administration when recruited by transfer

from the Andhra Pradesh Civil Service (Executive Branch) or from class IX (Assistant Secretaries to Government) of the Andhra Pradesh General Service. (5) Secretary to Government, Law Department and Remembrances of Legal

Affairs. (6) Regional Directors of Municipal Administration when recruited by transfer from

Andhra Pradesh Civil Service Executive Branch or of Class IX (Assistant Secretaries to Government) of the Andhra Pradesh General Service. (7) Chief Accountants in the Andhra Pradesh General Service when recruited

among the staff of the Indian Audit Department. (8) Superintendents of Central and District Jails when filled by retired

Government Officers. (9) Temporary posts of Personal Assistant to the Superintending Engineer ( High

Ways). (10) (11) Officers constituting the Tribunal for Disciplinary Proceedings. Posts in the Andhra Pradesh medical service when filled temporarily by the

re-employment of medical officers who have retired on a military pension or gratuity. (11-A) Except the post of child psychologist in the A.P.Medical Service. (G.O.Ms.No.111, G.A. (Ser-A) Dept., Dt. 19-2-83) (12) Under Secretary to Government in Law Department in the Andhra Pradesh

General Service. (13) AND (14) Omitted. (15) Community Project Officer (Industries)in the Andhra Pradesh Industries Service. (16) Gazetted Private Secretaries to Minister in the A.P. General Service


(17) Any Post when filled by Judicial Officer recommended by the High Court. (18) Temporary post of Special Officer in the Planning and Panchayati Raj Department in the Andhra Pradesh General Service. (19) Joint Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries to Govt. in all Departments of the Secretariat other than Law not borne on the Indian Administrative Service Cadre in the A.P. General Service. (20) Judicial Second Class Magistrates in the Andhra Pradesh State Judicial Service, when recruited by transfer. (21) Municipal Commissioners in the Andhra Pradesh Municipal Commissioners Service when recruited by transfer from Andhra General Service (Class XIV) or Andhra Civil Service (Executive Branch) or from any of the posts of former Hyderabad Government equated with similar categories of Municipal Commissioners. (22) Private Secretary to the Governor in the Andhra Pradesh General Service. (23) Chairman, Jagirdars Debt Settlement Board in the Andhra Pradesh General Service. (24) Director (Samithis and Parishads) in the Panchayati Raj Department in the Andhra Pradesh General Service. (25) Temporary post of Deputy Manpower Officer in Planning and Panchayati Raj Department in the Andhra Pradesh General Service. ' (26) Principals of M.R. Government Music College, Vizianagaram, Government College of Music & Dance, Hyderabad, Government Music College, Vijayawada, Government College of Music & Dance, Secunderbad and Vice-Principal, Government College of Music & Dance, Hyderabad. (27) Temporary posts of Assistant Editors in the Office of the State Editor, District Gazetteers in the A.P. General Service, when recruited by transfer. (28) Temporary post of Director of the Upgraded Department of History of Medicine, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad. 21

(29) Public Relations Officers in the Office of the Chief Engineer (General), Public Works Department, in the Andhra Pradesh General Service. (30) Temporary posts of Manager, Special Branch C.I.D. in the Andhra Pradesh General Service. (31) Posts of Joint Registrars in the Andhra Pradesh Co-operative Service when filled by transfer of Deputy Collectors in Andhra Pradesh Civil Service (Executive Branch) or of Assistant Secretaries to Government in Class IX of the Andhra Pradesh General Service. (32) Section Officers in the AP. Secretariat service. (33) posts of Private Secretary to the Chief Justice, AP. High Court when recruited by transfer from the A.P. State Judicial Service. (34) Section Officers in the Legislature Department. (35) Temporary Post of Personal Secretary to the Governor. (36) Officer-in-charge, Records Office, Non-Indian State Forces, Hyderabad. (37) Post of Secretary, Government Pleader's Office. (38) The temporary Gazetted posts of Registrar, Deputy Registrar, Assistant Registrars including the secretary to the Chairman-cum-Assistant Registrar, Security Officers, Section Officers, Court Officers, Personal Assistants and Court Masters in the Andhra Pradesh Administrative Tribunal. (G.O.Ms.No. 363, G.A. (Ser.-A) Dept., Dt. 12-1-1979) (39) Posts of Gazetted Instructor, Ship-Modelling and Gazetted Instructor, Aero Modelling in the National Cadet Corps. (G.O.Ms.No. 363, G.A. (Ser.-A) Dept., Dt. 7-5-1979) (39-A) Posts of Reporters and Translators of the Legislature Department, Gazetted Private Secretaries to the Honourable Speaker, Honourable Chairman, Honourable Deputy Speaker, Honourable Deputy Chairman, Leaders of the Opposition in the


Legislative Assembly and Government Chief Whips and Whips in the Legislative Assembly and the when appointment is made by recruitment by transfer . (G.O.Ms.No. 488, G.A. (Ser.-A) Dept., Dt. 29-6-1979). (40) Chief Engineers in the A.P.(R&B) Engineering Service, the A.P. Public Health and Municipal Engineering Service and the A.P.Panchayat. Public Health and Municipal Engineering Service and A.P.Panchayat Raj Engineering Service. (G.O.Ms.No. 622, G.A. (Ser.-A) Dept., Dt. 7-9-1979) (41) Post of Manager, Anti-Corruption Bureau. (42) Omitted. (G.O.Ms.No. 70, G.A. (Ser.-A) Dept., Dt.29-1-80& G.O.Ms.No. 658, G.A. (Ser-A) Dept., Dt. 16-12-1981) (43) Posts of Reserve Inspectors, District Armed Reserve: Reserve Inspector including Senior Reserve Inspectors, Andhra Pradesh Special . Police; Inspectors, Short Hand Bureau; Inspectors, Police Communications and Inspectors, Police Transport organizations, and Administrative Officer, Intelligence Branch in the Police Department. (G.O.Ms.No.651, G.A. (Ser.-A) Dept., Dt. 15-12-1981 and G.O.Ms.No. 306, G.A. (Ser-A) Dept., Dt. 23-5-1983) (44) Post of Secretary to the Director General of Police, AP. Hyderabad. (G.O.Ms.No. 205, G.A. (Ser.-A) Dept., Dt. 12-4-1982) (45) Agama Sastra Pandit in the Endowments Department. (G.O.Ms.No. 88,G.A. (Ser-A) Dept., Dt. 8-2-1983) (46) Post of Assistant Comptroller, Governor's Household, Raj Bhavan, Hyderabad. (G.O.Ms.No. 246, G.A. (Ser-A) Dept., Dt. 28-5-1985)












Relations/Finance/ Production and Inventory Management) in Public Enterprises Management Board (G.O.Ms.No. 582, G.A. (Ser-A) Dept., Dt. 12-12-1985) (48) Posts of Civil Asst. Surgeons in the A.P. Medical and Health Service. (G.O.Ms.No. 409, G.A. (Ser.-A) Dept., Dt. 25-7-1986) (49) Teaching staff in Government Junior and Degree Colleges in the State.

(50) Temporary Post of Manager, Catering and House Keeping in Government House Department. (G.O.Ms.No. 583, G.A.D., Dt., 7-11-1987) (51) Posts of Veterinary Assistant Surgeons in the Andhra Pradesh Animal Husbandry Service. , (G.O.Ms.No. 159, G.A. (Ser-A) Dt. 22-3-1988, w.e.f. 5-2-1988) (52) The posts of Medical Officers in the Indian Medicine and Homeopathy Department. (G.O.Ms.No. 138, GAD, Dt. 13-3-1992) (53) The Posts Immunologist in Andhra Pradesh Medical and Health Services. (Added by G.O.Ms. No.475, GAD, Dt. 3-9-1993) (54) The posts of Civil Assistant Surgeons in Andhra Pradesh Tribal Health

Services. (Added::by G.O.M.S.No 101, GAD, Dt.20-3-1995, wef. 6-9-1994) (55) Munsiff Megistrates in A.P. Judicial Service. (56) Physical Directors in Government Degree college (57) Head of the Sections & Associate Lecturers in Govt. Polytechnics. 24

(58) Agricultural Assts. in A.P. Agriculture Service. (59) Tutors/Asst. professors (Clinical/ Non-Clinical) in A.P. Medical & Health Service. B-Subordinate Services 1. (i) (A) The following posts in the Andhra Pradesh Ministerial Service :Ministerial posts in the Office of the Secretary to the Governor

(Household Establishment). (ii) Managers and Clerks in the Special Branch of the Criminal

investigation Department. (iii) Readers

(iv) Copyists. (v) Any post in which the pay is (a) lower than Rs. 80/- a month, if on a fixed rate of pay; (b) lower than the scale of Rs.425-10-455-15-650 if on a time scale of pay. (vi) (a) Any post of Junior Assistant in the Revenue Department when such post is filled by the appointment of a person who was recruited direct as a probationary Revenue Inspector and whose probation has been terminated for failure to pass the prescribed test or for failure to complete his training to the satisfaction of the Collector. . (b) Any post of Junior Assistant in the Office of the Board of Revenue, when filled by the appointment of a person who was recruited direct as a Senior Assistant in that office and whose probation was terminated for failure to pass the Revenue Test, Parts I, II and III within the - prescribed period of probation. (c). Any post of clerk in the Local Fund Audit Department when filled by the appointment of a person who was recruited direct as a/an apprentice in the Andhra Pradesh Local Fund Audit Subordinate Service and whose Probation was terminated for failure to pass the prescribed test or for failure to complete his training satisfactorily. 25

(d) Any post of a Junior Assistant in the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endownments (Administration) Department when filled by the appointment of a person who was recruited direct as a Senior Assistant in that Department and whose probation was terminated for failure to pass the Account Test for the Subordinate officers, Part I, Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (Administration) Department Test within the Prescribed period of probation. (vii) Ministerial posts in the National Cadet Corps Officers. (viii) Ministerial posts in the Andhra Pradesh Government Guest House at New Delhi. (ix) Temporary posts of Typists and Steno- Typists in the office of the Agent to Government of Andhra Pradesh at New Delhi. (x) Telephone Operators. (xi) Junior Assistant in the Research Section of the State. Archives. (xii) Omitted by G.O.Ms.No. 395, G.A. (Ser-A) Dt. 1-6-1977. (xiii) Superintendent and Office Assistants in the Records Office, Non-I.S.F., Hyderabad. (xiv) Supervisor in the Guest House at Kurnool. 1. (B) The following posts of the Legislature Secretariat in the Andhra Ministerial Service Rules as adopted by the Legislature Secretariat(i) Personal Assistant to the Speaker of the Andhra Pradesh Legislative

Assembly and the Chairman of the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council. (ii) Posts of temporary clerks, typists, steno-typists and reporter in the

Secretariat of the Andhra Pradesh Legislature sanctioned from time to time by the Secretary to the Legislature on pay not exceeding the minimum of the time-scale of pay applicable to the post concerned to be paid out of the lump allotment sanctioned for the purpose. 2. The following post in the Andhra Pradesh Judicial Ministerial Service ;


(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

Examiners in the City Small Causes Court and the City civil Court. Shorff in the City Small Causes Court. Other Bailiffs in the Small Causes Courts and the City Civil Court. Readers of the City Small Causes Court and the City Civil Court. Copyist in the City Small Causes Court, City Civil Court and the Courts of the City Magistrates.


Assistant Superintendents of Copyists in Mofussil Court and Official Receiver's Offices.

(vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi)

Examiners in Mofussil Courts and Official Receivers Offices. Amins in Mofussil Courts. Readers in Mofussil Courts Copyists in Mofussil Courts. Court Clerk of the Office of the Administrator-General and Official Trustee when held by an Advocates' clerk or an estate clerk.

(xii) 2-A. 3.

Part-time Official Receivers in the City and Mofussil. All Ministerial Posts in the Andhra Pradesh Administrative Tribunal. Non-Gazetted posts (other than the posts in Heads of Departments

included in the Andhra Pradesh Ministerial Service and the posts included in Andhra Pradesh Judicial Ministerial Service) except the following namely. (a) (i) Assistant Lecturers (men or women) in Arts, Engineering, Medical and Training Colleges, other than Assistant Lecturer in Languages (Junior), School, Assistant (men or women), Deputy Inspectors of Schools, Head Masters and. Head Mistresses grade II, Physical Directors, Grade II, (Men or women) and the upgraded School Assistants, in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Subordinate Service. (ii) Lecturers (Category 2 of Class I) and Teachers in Hindustani Music

(Vocal), Government School of Music and. Dance, Hyderabad and. Superintendent, 27

Government Industrial School, Kakinada in Andhra Pradesh Technical Subordinate Service. (iii) Temporary posts of Assistant Lecturers in the Secretarial Course in the

Government Girls' Polytechnic, Kakinada included in the Andhra Pradesh Technical Education Subordinate Service. (iv) Temporary posts of Assistant Lecturer in Architectural Course

Government Girl's Polytechnic, Kakinada in the Andhra Pradesh Technical Education Subordinate Service. (v) Associate Lecturers in Engineering Colleges in the Andhra Pradesh

Technical Education Subordinate Service. (vi) Assistant Lecturers and Demonstrators in Sugar Technology in the

Government Polytechnic at Visakhapatnam, Tirupathi and Nizamabad. (G.O.M.S.No.573, GA,(Ser.A) Dept., Dt. 29-8-1980) (vii) Junior Lecturers in the Govt. Junior and Degree Colleges in the A.P. Education Subordinate Services. (viii) . Deleted. (aa) The following posts in the Andhra Pradesh Information Subordinate

Service, namely; ( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Translator, Grade I. Translator, Grade II. Script Writer. Media Officer. Assistant Translator. Translator-cum-Hindi Reader. Superintendent (Exhibition). Audio Visual Organiser. 28

(9) (10) (11) (b) (c)

Sales Assistant. Receptionist. Field Assistant.

Forest Apprentices in the Andhra Pradesh Forest Subordinate Service. The following posts in the Andhra Pradesh Local Fund Audit

Subordinate Service and Andhra Pradesh Treasuries and Accounts Subordinate Service, Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance Subordinate services in the Andhra Pradesh Pay and Accounts Subordinate Service, namely: (i). Senior Accountants in Branches, I, II, VI and VII of the Andhra Pradesh

Treasuries and Accounts Subordinate Service and Junior Accountants in Branch I of Andhra Pradesh Treasuries and Accounts Subordinate Service. (ii) Sub-Treasury Officers in Branch-II of the Andhra Pradesh Treasuries and

Accounts Subordinate Service.. (iii) Service. (iv) Auditors and Assistant Auditors in the Andhra Pradesh Pay and Accounts Senior Auditors in the Andhra Pradesh Local Fund Audit Subordinate

Subordinate Service. (v) Senior Accountants in the Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance

Subordinate Service and Junior Accountants in the Directorate of Insurance. [G.O.Ms.No.259, G.A. (Ser-A), Dt. 4-6-1985] (d) Inspectors, Research Assistants, Laboratory Assistants and Assistant

Inspectors of Fisheries including operators in the Andhra Pradesh Fisheries subordinate Service. (e) Laboratory Assistants, Sub-Inspectors, Circle Inspectors in the Andhra

Pradesh Excise Subordinate Service. (f) posts included in the Andhra Pradesh Secretariat Service . other than

the following namely: 29

(1) (2) (3)

Telephone Operators. Ministerial posts in the Secretariat Staff of the Governor. Posts in the Law Department when filled from among the non-gazetted

members of the High Court Service. (4) Posts of Assistants in the Finance Department when filled from among

the Senior Assistants of the Office of the Accountant General, Hyderabad. (5) (6) Personal Assistants to Ministers; and Establishments employed in any temporary posts sanctioned by the

Government in connection with any Committee appointed or constituted by either Chamber of the Legislature or by the Government. (ff) Posts included in Andhra Pradesh Legislature Secretariat Service other

than Telephone Operators. (G.O.Ms.No. 400, G.A. (Ser-A).Dept., Dt.22-5-1979) (g). Deleted (h) Statistical Assistant, Assistant Bio-Chemist in the Beri-Beri Research

Unit at Visakhapatnam, Entomological Assistants, Health Inspectors (except when filled by the appointment of Plague Inspectors selected by the Commission after 122-1942) and Librarian in the Office of the Director of Public Health in the Andhra Pradesh Public Health Subordinate Service. (i) namely: 1. 2. j) Chemist. Temporary posts of Ayurvedic Assistants. The following posts in the Indian Medicine Subordinate Service,

Milk Tester Dairy Chemist and Dairy Assistant in the Andhra Pradesh Co-

operative Subordinate Service. (G.O.Ms.No. 473, G.A. (Ser-A), Dt. 15-10-1985)



Supervisors and Radio Supervisors in the Andhra Pradesh Engineering

Subordinate Service, Supervisors in the Highways Engineering Subordinate Service, Supervisors (Electrical) II Grade Supervisors (Mechanical) Junior Engineer (Mechanical) II Grade and Junior Engineers (Electrical), in the Andhra Pradesh Electrical Subordinate Service. (1) Posts of Research Assistants, Observes and Computers in the Andhra

Pradesh Engineering Subordinate Service - Research Branch. (m) Superintendent, Ceramic School, Gudur; Lecturers, Ceramic School,

Gudur; Assistant works Supdt., Government Ceramic Factory, Gudur, Propaganda Officer, Office of the Director of Industries and Commerce; Supervisors, temporary posts of Industrial Inspectors and Inspectors in the C.S.P.D. and Inspectors for Weights and measures; Supervisors and temporary Junior Analytical Chemists and temporary Technical Assistants for the development of Cottage, Village and Small Scale Industries in the Community Project, Community Development areas, and the posts of Assistant Manager, Production Assistant and Sales Assistant, Nirmal Industry, Hyderabad in the Andhra Pradesh Industries Subordinate Service. (n) .

*[x x x] Soil Conservation Assistants, Statistical Assistant, Kakinada

Cotton Scheme and Supervisors in' the Research, Engineering of the Andhra Pradesh Agricultural Subordinate Service. [Omitted by G.O.Ms.No.319, G.A. (Ser.A) Dept., Dt.8-6-1989, w.e.f. 15-03-1989] (0) Veterinary Assistant Surgeon and temporary Demonstrators in the

Andhra Pradesh Animal Husbandry Subordinate Service. (p) The following posts in the Andhra Pradesh General Subordinate

Service, namely; (1) (2) Posts of Assistant inspectors of Labour Department. Post of Power House Superintendent in the Education Department

except the posts of Librarians in Govt. Junior Colleges in the Education Dept. [G.O.Ms.No. 46, G.A. (Ser.-A) Dept., Dt. 22-1-1983]


(3) (4)

Posts of Motor Vehicles Inspectors in the Transport Department. Temporary posts of Assistant Telugu Translators in Andhra Pradesh

Legislature Secretariat. (5) Temporary posts of Laboratory Assistants in the Scientific Section of

the Criminal Investigation Department. (6) (7) Department. (8) (9) Temporary posts of Welfare Organizers in the Labour Department. Post of Archives, Assistant Archivists and Librarian in the State (Omitted) Posts of Assistant Women Welfare Officers in the Women Welfare

Archives, Andhra Pradesh. (l0) Post of Librarian in the Research Department, (Ayurveda) in Indian

Medicine and Homeopathy Department. [G.O.Ms.No. 386, G.A.(Ser-A) Dept., Dt. 14-7-1986] (q) (r) (s) [Deleted] [Deleted] Posts of Municipal Engineers of III Grade in the Andhra Municipal

Engineering Subordinate Service. (t) The following post in the Andhra Pradesh Economic and Statistical

Subordinate service, namely: (l) (2) (3) (4) (Deleted) (Deleted) Punch Operators, Junior Computers. [GO. Ms No. 138, G.A.D. (Ser.-A), Dt.10-3-1986] 32









Commissioners Subordinate Service. (v) Temporary posts of Supervisors and Overseers in the Andhra Pradesh

Panchayat Engineering Subordinate Service. (w) (x) Training. (y) Posts of Supervisors and Laboratory Assistant in the Andhra Pradesh [Deleted] Temporary posts of statistical Assistants in the Andhra Pradesh

National Employment Subordinate Service in the Department of employment and

Mining Subordinate Service. (z) Social Education Organizers and Mukhya Sevikas in the Andhra

Pradesh Panchayat Raj Subordinate Service (General Branch). (z-l) The following posts in the Marketing Department 1. 2. Marketing Assistants. Price Reporters, Grade-II.

(z-2) Posts of Computers (Vital Statistics) & Statistical Clerks (Vital Statistics) in the Andhra Pradesh Public Health Subordinate Service, (z-3) Posts of social Welfare Organizers* (and Assistant, Social Welfare Officers) in Social Welfare Department. [omitted by GO. Ms No. 2612, G.A.D. (Ser.A), Dt. 2-8-1988) (z-4) The following posts in the Andhra Pradesh Industries Subordinate Services. 1. 2. 3. 4. Marketing Analyst. Display Artist. Sale Girls Superintendent, quality Marking Scheme. 33

5. 6. 7. 8.

Examiner, Quality Marking Scheme. Extension Officers (Industries). Supervisors (Ceramics). Chemists, Quality Marking Scheme. 9. Junior Chemist, Industrial Testing and Development Laboratory,

Hyderabad. 10. Junior, Chemist, Mineral and Chemical Testing and Development

Laboratory, Hyderabad. 11. Hyderabad. 12. Hyderabad. 13. Laboratory Assistant, Testing Laboratory Visakhapatnam. (z-5) [Deleted} (z-6) Posts of Town Planning Assistant and Town Planning Supervisor (Survey Section) in the Town Planning Department. (z-7) [Deleted] (z-8) Post of Assistant Chemist (Drainage Disposal Works) Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad, Hyderabad in the Andhra Pradesh Public Health Municipal Engineering Subordinate Service. (z-9) Posts of Supervisor in the Ground Water Department. (z-10) Posts of Computers and Statistical Investigators in the Animal Husbandry Department. Technical Assistant, Industrial Testing and Development, Laboratory, Scientific Assistant, Industrial Testing and Development Laboratory,


(z-ll) Posts of Chemists, Assistant Chemists and Laboratory Technicians in the Chemical Laboratory of the Department Of Archaeology and Museums. (z-12) The following posts in the Andhra Pradesh Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayukta. (I) (2) (3) Junior Assistants. Typists [Deleted]

(z-13) Deleted (z-14) Temporary Post of Senior Caretaker in Government House Department. [Added by G.O.Ms.No. 591, G.A. (Ser.-A), Dt. 2-11-1988] (z-15) Posts of School Assistants in Panchayat Raj Institutions h Andhra Pradesh Educational Subordinate Service. [Added by G.O.Ms.No. 299, G.A. (Ser.-A), Dt. 2-6-1989] (z-16) Posts of Sanitary Inspectors, Grade II of Gram Panchayats in the Andhra Pradesh Gram Panchayat Public Health Subordinate Service. [Added by G.O.Ms.No.560, G.A. (Ser.-A), Dt. 14-10-1990] (z-17) Posts of Gramodaya Officers in the Andhra Pradesh Industries Subordinate Service in the Industries Department. (Added by G.O.Ms.No. 498, G.A.D. (Ser.-A), Dt. 12-8-91, w.e.f. 6-10-90) (z-18) Junior assistants, Typists in Mofussil Services (Group. IV services) (z-19) Sub-Inspector of Police in A.P. Police Subordinate Service


ANNEXURE I I [See Regulation 12(3)] [(a)] The Secretary shall be (i) (ii) (iii) The Head of Office;

assisted by all the Officers including the Additional Secretary; and the authority competent. (a) (b) to allocate work among officers and the various Sections: to make appointments, promotions and transfers in respect of

the posts of Superintendents, Assistants, Clerks, Accountants, S.C. Stenos, Senior Stenos, Junior Stenos and Typists within the meaning of the Special Rules for Andhra Pradesh Ministerial Service; (c) to exercise general supervision and control over the staff and

see that they do the work allotted to them efficiently and expeditiously; and (d) to arrange to conduct various examinations held by the

Commission duly maintaining secrecy according to the procedure and programmes prescribed for the purpose. (b) (i) One of the Assistant Secretaries and in special circumstance

such Deputy Secretary as may be nominated by the Commission in this behalf shall be the appointing authority in respect of the posts of attenders within the meaning of Rule 3 of the Special Rules in Section XXVI of Part-II of the Andhra Pradesh General Subordinate Service. (ii) One of the Assistant Secretaries and in special circumstances

such Deputy Secretary as may be nominated by the Commission in this behalf shall be the appointing authority in respect of the posts of Shroffs within the meaning of Rule 3 of the Special Rules for Class X Shroffs in the Andhra Pradesh General Subordinate Service.



One of the Assistant Secretaries and in special circumstances such

Deputy Secretaries as may' be nominated by the Commission in this behalf shall be the appointing authority in respect of the posts of Daffedar and Attenders within the meaning of Rule 4 of the Special Rules for the Andhra Pradesh Last Grade Service. [Sub. by G.O.Ms.No. 403, G.A. (Ser.-A), Dt. 26-8-1987] 2 (a) (b) [Omitted]. A person appointed to the service as Accountant shall within the

period of his probation, pass the Account Test for Subordinate Officers, Part I, No member of the service shall be eligible for promotion to the post of accountant unless he has passed the Account Tests for Subordinate Officer, Part I. Provided that the condition of passing the Account Test for Subordinate Officers, Part I for promotion of members of Service to the above posts shall not apply to the employees of the rest while Government of Hyderabad during the period of five years from the first day of November, 1956 who, however, on promotion to the posts shall have to pass the Account Test for Subordinate Officers Part I within a period of two years from the date of promotion to the above posts subject to the condition that if the incumbent fails to pass the said test within the said period he shall forthwith be reverted to the lower category from which he was promoted. (c) Every person appointed to the service shall pass the Departmental

Test for Gazetted and Non-gazetted staff of the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission and the Account Test for Subordinate Officers, Part I as indicated below: (i) Senior Assistants appointed by direct recruitment shall, within

the period of probation, pass the tests failing which his probation shall be extended and recruitment in the time scale of pay shall be postponed without cumulative effect, until passes the test. (ii) *[xxx] Senior Assistant, Superintendent appointed by transfer

from other offices shall pass the test, within a period of two years from the date of appointment, failing which his increment in the time scale of pay shall be postponed without cumulative effect until he passes the tests and he shall not be appointed as 37

full member until he passes the tests arid he shall also be not eligible for promotion or appointment by transfer to next higher category of post. [Omitted by G.O.Ms.No.196, G.A(Ser-A) Dt. 1-5-1987 w.e.f. 1-5-1987] (iii) No person appointed to the post of Junior Assistant, Typist, Steno-typist, Senior Assistant, Accountant, Statistical Assistant, Senior stenographer, Special Category Stenographer shall be eligible for Promotion, Conversion to the post of Senior Asst., Superintendent and other posts as the case may be until he passes the tests. (iv) All the existing employees including Gazetted Staff of the Office of Andhra

Pradesh Public Service Commission who have completed, 45 years of age as on or during the period from 4th January, 1980 to 30th November, 1985 shall be exempted from passing the Departmental Tests, and Account Test for Subordinate Officers Part-I. [Sub. by G.O.Ms.No. 692, G.A.(Ser.-A), Dt. 7-12-91, w.e.f. 4-1-1980] (Provided that the Junior Assistants and members holding posts of equivalent categories shall not be required to pass the Account Test for Subordinate shall Officers, Part I, during the period of probation). [Ins. by G.O.Ms.No. 513, G.A. (Ser-A) Dt. 27-10-1987, w.e.f. 1-5-87] 3. (a) No member of the staff of the Commission shall be eligible for

promotion / appointment by transfer from lower category of post unless he/she has ordinarily put in a service for a minimum period of three years in the category from which he/she is to be promoted/appointment by transfer but in no case shall it be less than two years in the category from which such promotion appointment by transfer is made. (Subs. by G.O.Ms.No.99, G.A. (Ser-A), Dt.23-2-l989) (b) Subject to the provisions of clause (a) above, a Deputy Secretary shall

be eligible for promotion as Additional Secretary and an Additional Secretary shall be eligible for promotion as Secretary if he is an approved probationer or a full member in the category of the post from which he is considered for promotion. (Subs. by G.O.Ms.No. 99, G.A. (Ser-A) Dept, Dt. 23-2-1989) 38


Subject to the provisions of clause (a) above a Superintendent of the

Commission's Office shall be eligible for promotion as Accounts Officer and/or Assistant Secretary and an Assistant Secretary Shall be eligible for Promotion as Deputy Secretary in the Office of the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission if he/she is a full member or approved probationer in the category of post from which he/she is considered for promotion. Provided that the person promoted as Assistant Secretary, shall pass the Accounts test for Subordinate Officers part. I and Departmental Test for Employees of the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission. For Accounts Officer in addition to the above said tests, he/she shall also pass the Accounts Test for subordinate Officers Part.-II. (Inserted by G.O.Ms.No. 14, G.A. (Ser.A) Dept. Dated 8-1-1998) 4. The authority which may impose suspension pending enquiry into grave charges under the rules of the Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules or any of the Penalties prescribed in those rules on a member of the staff of the Commission specified in column (l) of the Table below shall be the authority specified in the corresponding entry in columns (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) or (8) whichever is relevant or any higher authority. The authority specified in column (9) of the said table shall be the appellate authority. Note:- The table is given in the opposite page 5. The Chairman shall be the State Government for the purpose of Rule

10 of the Government Servants Conduct Rules, 1958, in respect of all members of the staff of the Commission.



The Chairman shall be the head of the department within the meaning

of the subsidiary definition (ii) to Fundamental Rule 9 in respect of all members of the Staff of the Commission. 7. The Chairman shall have power under the Subsidiary Rules, Under

Fundamental Rules 46 and 47 to Sanction the grant of honorarium to, or the acceptance of an honorarium by any member of the staff of the Commission. 8. Officiating pay shall be admissible to a Junior Assistant Promoted to

officiated as Accountant or Senior Assistant in the Office of the Commission.

M. PURUSHOTHAM PAl, Chief Secretary to Government.


TABLE CLASS OF SUBORDINATE AUTHORITY WHICH MAY IMPOSE THE PENALTY OF APPELATE AUTHORITY Sl. Censure No With holding of Reduction to a increments or lower rank in promotions the seniority list including or to a lower stoppage at an post or time efficiency bar scale, whether in the same service or in another subordinate service or a lower stage in time scale 2. 3. 4. 5. All non Assistant with holding of Secretary gazetted staff Secretary increments or members or promotions except those Accounts including mentioned in Officer stoppage at an item 2 below, efficiency bar Accountants Secretary and Typists. Fine (only in the case of person against whom an authority is specified in this column) Recovery form pay of the Suspension Compulsory whole or Part of any retirement or pecuniary loss caused to removal or dismissal the Govt. or to a Local from the civil Body by negligence or Service of the State. breath of orders

1. 1.

6. 7. 8. Assistant Assistant Secretary Secretary or Secretary or Accounts Accounts Officer Officer

9. Secretary in respect of orders passed by the Assistant Secretary, or, Accounts Officer, Deputy Secretary, Chairman in respect of Secretary & Commission in respect of orders passed by chairman



Record Assistants, Shroffs, Daffedars, and Attenders

Assistant Secretary or Accounts Officer

Assistant Assistant Assistant Secretary or Secretary or Secretary Accounts Accounts or Officer Officer Account Officer

Assistant Assistant Secretary or Secretary Account or Deputy Officer Secretary or Account Officer

Secretary in respect of orders passed by the Assistant Secretary or Accounts Officer, Deputy Secretary, Chairman in respect of Secretary & Commission in respect of orders passed by the Chairman.

[ This Table is Subs. by G.O.Ms.No.745, G.A. (Ser-A)Dept., Dt.16-10-1979 & G.OMs.No.278, G.A.Dept., Dt.9-4-1980]


S. Description No. of Property Precise Location (name of District District, Division taluk and Village in which the property is situated and also its distinctive number, etc.,) Area of land(In case of land and Buildings) Nature of extent land of (in case interest of landed property) If not in Date of own name acquisition state in whose name held and his/her relation ship if any, to the Chairman /Member. How acquired (whether by purchase mortgage, lease inheritance, gift or otherwise and name with details of person/ person from whom acquired) (Address and Connection of the chairman of Member of any with the person/ persons concerned (please see explanations I below) Value of the property (see explanation 2 below Total Re annual marks income from the property

(1) (2) Station









(11) Signature


Explanation:- 1. For Purpose of column (9) the term `lease' shall mean a lease of immovable property from year to year or for any term exceeding one year or reserving a yearly rent. Where , however, the lease of immovable property is obtained from a person having official dealings with the Chairman/Member, such a lease should be shown in this column irrespective of the term of the lease, whether it is short term or long term, and the periodicity of the payment of rent. Explanation:- 2. In column (10) the following shall be shown:(1) Where the property has been acquired by purchase, mortgage or lease, the price of premium paid of such acquisition. (2) Where it has been acquired by lease the total annual rent thereof also ; and (3) Where the acquisition is by inheritance, gift or exchange, the approximate value of the property so acquired.


FORM-II STATEMEMT O LIQUID ASSETS HELD BY CHAIRMAN/ MEMBER (1) (2) Serial No. Cash and bank balances exceeding three month's emoluments Deposits, loans advanced and investments (such as shares, securities, debentures, etc.) Description Name and address of Company, bank, etc. Amount If not in own name, name and address and person in whose name held and his/her relationship with the Chairman/Member (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Annual income derived Remarks

Station: Date: Explanation:- The term ` emoluments' means the pay and allowances received by the Chairman/ Member Signature


FORM - III STATEMENT OF MOVABLE PROPERTY HELD BY CHAIRMAN /MEMBER Serial Description of Items No. Price or value at the time of acquisition and/or the total payments made up to the date of return as the case may be, in case of articles purchased on hirepurchased or instalment basis (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) If not in own name, name and address and person in whose name held and his/her relationship with the Chairman/Member How required with approximate date of acquisition Remarks

Station: Date : Signature

Explanation 1:- In this from, information may be given regarding items like (a) Jewelry owned by him (total value), (b) Silver and other precious metal s and precious stones owned by him not forming part of Jewelry (total value), (c) (i) Motor Cars, (ii) Scooter/motor cycle, (iii) refrigerators /air conditioners, (iv) radios/radiograms/television sets and any other articles, the value of which individually exceeds Rs. 1,000 (d) value of items of movable property individually worthless than Rs. 1,000 other than articles of daily use such as clothes, utensils crockery and books , added together as lumpum. Explanation -2:- In column (5).It may be indicated whether the property was acquired by purchase, inheritance, gift or otherwise.


ANNEXURE III (Added by G.O.Ms.No. 576, G.A.D., (Ser-A), Dt. 21-10-88) [See Regulation 6-A] Return of Assets and Liabilities held by Chairman/ Member 1. 2. Name of the Chairman/Member in full (in block letters): Total length of service up-todate. (i) (ii) 3. 4. Prior to appointment as Chairman/ Member. As Chairman/ Member.

Present post held. Total annual income from all sources during the calender year immediately

preceding the 1st day of January 19 _____. 5. Declaration. I hereby declare that the return enclosed, namely, Forms I to V are complete, true and correct as on to the best of my knowledge and belief, in respect of information due to be furnished by me under the provisions of Regulation 6- A of the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Regulations, 1963. Signature Station : Date : Explanation 1:- This return shall contain particulars of all assets and liabilities of the Chairman/Member, either in his own name or in the name of any other person. Explanation 2:- If the Chairman/Member is a member of Hindu Undivided Family with coparcenary rights in the properties of the Family either as a 'Karta' or as a member, he should indicate in the return in Form No.l the value of his share in such property and where it is not possible to indicate, the exact value or such share, its approximate value. Suitable explanatory notes may be added wherever necessary. (please Note:- Forms I to V mentioned above are not printed here) 46

Public Service Commission Rules of Procedure

The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission hereby makes the following Rules regulating its procedures in relation to performance of its functions in super session of the Rules issued in Proceedings 348-B/61, dated 31-7-1962 and amended from time to time. TITLE Rule 1 : These Rules shall be called the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Rules of Procedure and shall come into force on and from 1-1-1988. DEFINITIONS Rule 2 : In these Rules (i) (ii) 'Commission' means Andhra Pradesh Public Service. 'Member' means a Member of the Commission and includes the

Chairman thereof. PROCEDURES IN REGARD TO RECRUITMENTS A. Direct Recruitment Rule 3 : Where any Competitive examination is to be conducted by the Commission for the purpose of direct recruitment to a State or Subordinate Service, the Commission shall (i) announce(a) the number of vacancies subject to variation, and invite applications; Provided that when the approximate number of vacancies to be filled is not ascertainable, the Commission may invite applications in anticipation of vacancies likely to arise.


(b) (c)

the conditions of admission to the examination; the subjects, schemes or syllabi of the examination;

(ii) make necessary arrangements for the conduct of the examination; (iii) constitute where necessary, Interview Boards for interviewing candidates

selected for such interview with one or more Members of the Commission; Note 1:- In the case of recruitment to any State Service, the Selection Board or Boards shall consists of not less than two Members and in case of recruitment to any subordinate service the Commission may decide to constitute Single Member Selection Board as and when it is considered necessary. Note 2:- Chairman shall precide in all Interview Boards whenever he is associated and when two or more Members are associated the Senior most Member shall precide. (iv) invite, whenever it considers necessary, any University Professor or Professors or any other person or persons with expert knowledge in particular subjects, to be on its Interview Board. Such advisers may take part in the deliberations of the Commission and help the Commission in grading the candidates but shall not be entitled to award marks; (v) invite the Head of the Department concerned to be present or nominate an officer ordinarily of a rank immediately below the Head of the Department to be present at such interview; and the person present may take part in the deliberations of the Commission but shall not be entitled to award marks; (vi) arrange the candidates selected by it in the order of merit; (vii) announce the results on the notice board of the Commission; and (viii) forward the list of candidates selected to the appointing authority, simulataneously communicating the result to the successful candidates and releasing the notification to be published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette. Rule 4: Where a direct recruitment is to be made by selection, i.e., after interview only, and where the number of qualified applicants is unduly large having regard to 48

the actual number of vacancies available, the Commission may restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to such extent as it may deem fit. Such shortlisting may be done by the Commission either by holding a written test or on the basis of preferential or higher qualifications and experience and after taking into account the requirements with reference to the Rules 22, 22-A of the General Rules for State and Subordinate Services and the Rule of reservation in favour of local candidates where they are applicable. Rule 5: In the exercise of the functions under clause (3) of Article 320 of the constitution of India, the Commission shall observe the rules made by the State Government regarding the constitution of or recruitment to the State or Subordinate Services concerned. Rule 6: The list of the candidates approved/selected by the Commission shall be equal to the number of vacancies only including those for reserved communities/categories notified by the Unit Officers Government. The fallout vacancies if any due to relinquishment and nonjoining etc., of selected candidates shall be notified in the next recruitment'. (Sub: G.O.Ms.No. 81, G.A. (Ser.A)Dept. Dt. 22-2-97, w.e.f. 17-6-97) Rule 7: Any candidate whose name has been included in a selection list in a direct recruitment prepared by the Commission, on enquiry by the Commission, may relinquish his claim for appointment in writing in the Proforma prescribed by the Commission. The Commission shall there Upon remove the name of such candidate from the selection list and select any other candidate according to rules. The candidate whose name has been so removed from the selection list shall be informed of such removal by the Commission and shall have no right for the said appointment in future with reference to the said selection. B. Recruitment by Transfer/Promotion Rule 8: Subject to the provisions of Part III of the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Regulations, 1963, where recruitment to a State


Service is made either by transfer from a subordinate Service from which such recruitment is normally made or by promotion from such of the first gazetted categories as are specified in the Third Schedule of the AP. Public Employment (Organisation of Local Cadres and Regulation of Direct Recruitment) Order, 1975 to the next higher gazetted category, the Commission shall: (i) consider the claims of as many candidates eligible

in its opinion for such transfer or promotion as it consider necessary, together with any recommendations made by the Head of the Department; and (ii) forward to the appointing authority a list arranged

in order of merit consisting of such number, as such authority may fix, of the candidates whom the Commission considers suitable for appointment. DISCIPLINARY ACTION CASES, RULE, ETC. Rule 9 : The procedure with respect to the Disciplinary cases, Rules and other matters referred to the Commission and the concurrence of the commission for temporary appointments shall be governed by Chapter IX and X of Office Manual respectively. The procedure with regard to conduct of Departmental Tests, Half yearly Examinations for l.A.S. and I.P.S. and I.F.S. Probation Officers and proficiency Test for All India Service officers and for admission to RIM.C., Dehra-Dun, shall be governed by Chapters XI and XII respectively of the commission's Office Manual. DEPARTMENTAL TESTS Rule 10: When any examination is to be held to test the proficiency of Government Servants in the subject prescribed for Departmental Test and Half Yearly Examinations for I.A.S. and I.P.S. and I.F.S. Probation Officers and Proficiency Test for All India Service Officers, the Commission shall (i) advise in regard to the prescribing of (a) (b) the conditions of admission to the examination; the syllabus of the test; and

(c) the percentage of marks to be obtained for passing the examination;(ii) Make arrangements for the conduct of the examination; and 50

(iii) Publish the results on the notice board of the Commission and in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette. MEETINGS Rule 11: There shall be a meeting of the Commission once in a month. Rule 12: The quorum for a meeting of the Commission shall be three, but any business at a meeting may be adjourned by the Commission for reasons to be recorded. Rule 13: The Secretary shall place before the Commission all matters which it has to decide along with the subjects suggested by the Members with agenda notes, wherever necessary. The agenda and notes shall be circulated to the Chairman and Members of the Commission at least one day in advance. Rule 14: Every question at a meeting of the Commission shall be determined by a majority of the votes of the Members present and voting on the question, and in case of an equal division of votes, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote. Rule 15: All decisions of the Commission shall be recorded in such manner as the Commission may direct. It shall be open to any member who dissents from a decision to record his dissent and if he thinks fit, also his reasons for such dissent. Rule 16: Where the Chairman is absent on leave or is unable to be present at a meeting of the Commission, the Chairman shall authorise the senior most Member to preside over the meeting and perform the functions of the Commission : Provided that a list of cases on which decisions have been arrived at and those in respect of which action has been taken during his absence on leave shall be placed before him immediately on his return from leave, by the Secretary. ALLOCATION OF BUSINESS AMONG MEMBERS Rule 17: The various items of the work of the Commission shall be allocated to Members by the Chairman as indicated in the Annexure. Any matter not covered in the Annexure may also be allocated to one or more Members by the Chairman. Not 51

withstanding any allocation made in the Annexure, Chairman may, in any particular case, direct that the matter be placed before all the Members of the Commission for the decision. Rule 18: The decisions of any sub-committee to which powers have been allocated under Rule 17 shall be reported to the Commission. Lists of such cases shall be prepared and circulated by the Secretary to the Chairman and the Members at least one day prior to each meeting of the Commission. Rule 19: The Chairman, or in his absence, the senior most Member may deal with any urgent matter within the purview of the Commission but appearing to him to require immediate action. Such action shall be reported by the Secretary to the Commission immediately. GENERAL Rule 20: The Commission may, at any time, call for any record, report or information which may in its opinion be necessary to enable it to discharge its functions, from the State Government or from any head of a department or other authority subordinate to the State Government; and such record, report or information shall be furnished to the Commission without any delay by the State Government or authority concerned unless the Governor certifies that the same(a) (b) cannot be furnished without undue labour; or Should be with held in the public interest.

Rule 21: Whenever the Commission is required to give advice or to forward proposals to, or to be consulted by any authority, the decision of the Commission shall be communicated in a letter approved by the Secretary, Additional Secretary or the Deputy Secretary concerned. ANNUAL REPORT Rule 22: The Commission shall present to the State Government by 1st October of every year a report of its proceedings during the proceeding financial year. REGULATION OF MATTERS NOT INCLUDED Rule 23: In any matter for which no specific provision is made in these rules the Commission may regulate its proceedings in such manner as it decides. 52

ANNEXURE (Rule 17) Statement showing allocation of business among chairman and member of the Commission Functions (1) 1. 2. 3. 4. Administration Co-ordination of Commission's work Matters not specifically allotted to members Conferences of Chairman, Public service Commissions and Correspondence with Union Public Service Commission of State Public Service commissions on important maters of policy Selection of Advisers for Interview Boards and constitution of Interview Boards. Examination Rules including schemes of Examination and syllabus Creation of centres and Physical Arrangements Appeals from candidates whose applications are rejected Appointment of Examiners and Moderators Approval and printing of question papers Preparation of guidelines, manuals, etc. Scoring and scaling/moderation Matter pertaining to recruitment's qualifications, scrutiny etc., Preparation of Annual Report Approval of Rules, concurrence of temporary appointments and re allotments under Rules 52 of A.P. State and Subordinate service Rules. Disciplinary cases and fixation of inter -se- Seniority in Judicial and other Services. Departmental tests and recruitment by transfer Allocations (2) Chairman (during Chairman's absence on leave or tour the senior most member present) Chairman Chairman Chairman

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Chairman Chairman and one Member Chairman and one Member Member incharge of the recruitment Chairman/ Chairman and one Member Chairman Chairman and one Member Chairman and one Member Chairman and one Member one Member Sub-Committee

16. 17.

Sub-Committee Sub-Committee


18. 19. 20.

(1) Approval of Counter-affidavits System Development and other work pertaining to technical aspects of data Processing Individual Recruitment

(2) Sub-Committee Chairman and one Member One Member

The following functions shall be discharged by the full Commission : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Calling of candidates for interviews Approval of Results examinations and selections form valid lists. Cases when there is disagreement among Members Members. Proposals for amendments to A.P. Public Service Commission regulations. Proposals for exclusion from Commission's purview of extension of function of the Commissioner. Approval of Annual Report of the Commission Recognition of Qualifications. The decision of the Member of the Committee shall be communicated to the Chairman before action is taken. The Chairman may there upon direct the such decision shall be referred to a meeting of the Commission for further consideration and decision; and where, no such direction is given by the chairman, the decision of the member or the Committee shall be deemed to the decision of the Commission.


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