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Obc Rules of Obc

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jkpo;ehL muR gpw;gLj;jg;gl;NlhH kw;Wk; rpWghd;ikapdH eyj;Jiw fbj

vz; 4938/BCC/2004-1 Dt 20/07/2011 d; gb Creamy Layer f;F

cl;gl;ltHfSf;F OBC rhd;W mspg;gJ jtpHg;gJ kw;Wk; mjpy;
tpjptpyf;F tpguq;fs;.

OBC rhd;W ahUf;fhf tpz;zg;gpf;fg;gLfpwNjh mtHfspd; ngw;NwhH

fPo;f;fz;ltHfspy; xUtuhapUe;jhy; mtHfs; OBC rhd;W ngw jFjp
mw;wtHfs; MtH.
1. ,e;jpa murpayikg;Gg; gjtpapy; cs;stHfs;.

2. ngw;Nwhhpy; xUtH (my;) ,UtUk; Class I / Group 'A' mYtyuhf

Neub epakdk; %yk; epakpf;fg;gl;bUe;jhy;.

3. ngw;Nwhhpy;; ,UtUk; Class I / Group 'A' mYtyuhf Neub epakdk;

%yk; epakpf;fg;gl;Lk;> mjpy; xUtH ,we;Jtpl;bUe;jhYk; (my;) epue;ju
,ayhikapdhy; ghjpf;fg;gl;bUe;jhYk;.

4. ngw;Nwhhpy;; xUtH (my;) ,UtUk; Class I / Group 'A' mYtyuhf

Neub epakdk; %yk; epakpf;fg;gl;Lk;> mjpy; xUtH ,we;Jtpl;bUe;jhYk;
(my;) epue;ju ,ayhikapdhy; ghjpf;fg;gLtjw;F Kd;G 5 tUlj;jpw;F
Nky; UN, IMF, World Bank Nghd;w gd;dhl;L epWtdq;fspy; gjtp

5. ngw;Nwhhpy;; ,UtUk; Class II / Group 'B' mYtyuhf Neub epakdk;

%yk; kj;jpa> khepy muRg; gzpfspy; epakpf;fg;gl;bUe;jhy;.

6. ngw;Nwhhpy;; fztH kl;Lk; Class II / Group 'B' mYtyuhf Neub

epakdk; %yk; epakpf;fg;gl;L ehw;gJ taJf;Fs; Class I / Group 'A'
mYtyuhf gjtp caHT ngw;wpUe;jhy;;.

7. ngw;Nwhhpy;; ,UtUk; Class II / Group 'B' mYtyuhf Neub epakdk;

%yk; epakpf;fg;gl;Lk;> mjpy; xUtH ,we;Jtpl;bUe;jhYk; (my;) epue;ju
,ayhikapdhy; ghjpf;fg;gLtjw;F Kd;G 5 tUlj;jpw;F Nky; UN, IMF,
World Bank Nghd;w gd;dhl;L epWtdq;fspy; gjtp tfpj;jpUe;jhy;.
8. ngw;NwhHfspd; tUl tUkhdk; ` 8 yl;rj;jpw;F Nky; ,Ue;jhy;.
(rk;gsk; kw;Wk; tptrhak; %yk; <l;lg;gLk; tUkhdj;ij fzf;fpy;
vLj;Jf;nfhs;s Ntz;baJ ,y;iy).
9. Nkw;fz;l tpjpfSf;F cl;glhj kw;Wk; kj;jpa> khepy ,ju
gpw;gLj;jg;gl;NlhH gl;baypy; ,lk;ngw;wpUf;Fk; rhjpfisr; rhHe;j
midtUk; OBC rhd;W ngw jFjpahdtHfs; MtH.
Chennai - I

L qtte.n N q'.4e 2UBQUaUS:1*d!3 1'07' 20 1 3-

Dr. l(. Arulmozhi, lAS.,
Principal Secretary to Government'

r:f Backward classes weliare'
The principal sercretary i commissioner
Commissioner of Most Backwatrl Clasties
The-unO !

Denotified Conrmunities, Cherttnai -5(w'e) I

Welfare' C:henrnai-2' (we)

The Cr:mnrissioner of Minorities

I'he Specia{ Corrmissioner and
Chennai-5' (we) i

Commis:;ioner toi'-n"u"nu" Adnlinistration'


The Mernber Set;retar'/,

(l olr'
Tarn il I'l ad u Backward Classes omlttls:'t
clrennai-'t' (we)
2it, R.t(Mril Road, tt'lylapore,
and Services under the
Sub: Reservation for OLICs in Civil Posts the.benefit
Govt.of tnoia --ixi:iuiion or creamy layer fro.m
of '"uonly Annual income limit for
OBC' resetvirl'ion
d,:terminatirln ,,1 tayer - Enhancement in the
exclusion of
income limit - n'tunOttint to the criteria for
creamy f"V"t in G'O'Ms'No'12' Backward
and "oi"nluiricated
M':srt llack"warrl Classes Wetfare Department
dt.28.3.94 -- lssuecl.
Rerf: 1. Frorn tlre Govt. of lrrdia, Ministry of Personne"l,
Grievances ancl Pensions (Department of Personnel
g4-Estt SCT dt' 8'9'93'
and Traininl;) Cr. M' No'36 012t221
2. From the Govt of lnrjia, fi/inistry of Welfare
No.1 201 1 /68/93-uCC(c) dt'1 0'9'93

G,O.Ms'1"1o.12' llacl<warcl Classes and Most

Classes \/Velf;are Depafirrent dt'28'3'94'
lirdia' Ministry^o.f' Personnel
4. From tlre Clovtof "'FJn'i;;;'o'lvl'No36033/3/2004-
Grievances o"tt
Esti(Res.) ctaiecl 9'3'2004'
Eiackward Classes
5. ''''Cittt*-
Government Lr'lilo't|209/BCC/2003-7"
Mlnorities Weifare
Most Backw:rrrl "tl
DePartrnent clated 21'5 2004'
Fronr the Govt of lrrdia' Ministtl
of Petsonnel' Pr-rblic
6. Personnel and
Grievances ;trrcl rj;;;i;n;
-of. i;;"pt' dated
Trarining) o lvl N; #;lels)ioo+-rsfl'(t1es')
/ 2'O?4 - 2' Backward
7. Government Lr'No' 108?9 / ilCC and Mirro rities Welfare
Clzrsses fv1 osrt naJttwu'"d" Ctut***
DePartmeni r-late'd 10"1 1 '2004
of lrrdia' .M.inistrV of Human
B. From the Goverrrrnent o'rt'l' Hto' t-tlzooa-U'lA' dated
Resoutce:i D*"t'r"r'ntJni

9. of lnclia' lVlini.sirv of Personnel'

Fronr the Goverrrtrtent p"ntlon"-
a"ni' oi Person nel and
P ublic oriuvan"t:s' !?"3t: dated
t llJ3ijfll?t.Lrr''ro"l 1587tlcct200g-1,' Welfare
Classes lvlost gj<wJiJ cfi*tu" ancl iilinorities
Oe[artrnent dated 1zt'1 1 '2008' of Personnel'
11. Fronr ftre coverlrrn"ti "ir"iri"'
Public criuv"u'*n' ;;; P;;;i"il^ ^ (?"ot of Petsonnel
(Res') daieo
ancl Trairring) ii'H'i'rtl"'s0033/1/2013'Estt
Ministry of l-lunran
'12. Frorn the Gtlr;tlrrrment .of lnclia, -13t2O12-U' Policy'
O.trlt.l.t,,. t 1
Resources DePartnrent'
daied 3'1 .05 201 3
of personner,
The Government of rncria, rMinistry "unJ lt"ining). iheir office
and pensions (oepaitmuntiJ*r,*o of Pers;onnel t7"Z'-ot
.in vacancies in
Memorandum tirst citel'nalr* the Gc,v,rrnnl".i'"i'i'tJi"
-orders, for Other Backward
civil posts and s"rur"Jr"un.f", itr the said oifice
-lhey navJ l"*'"'inn'f "iiGt'n
Classes. "ilo o[ creamy r"vui'tJu"nced'persons / ofsectiorts)
Memorandum for ihe "*"i"'i"" nucr,'#riii"t*"t in respect Cerriral
from the benefit ot r"r:l,lrt'ion"rir,'O,ii",
b",.ui"u, n the criterlJ
r ;#'ii,;''ii:;
:,':'"lil"*i :f :H- ?;J 5L"r?.'?9?:^:!or

Hi'; ,;'k; ;;;1"'e toi aierioo



^ I.

and are.not,entitled to get

three conseclttive years fall withirr tlte creanty layer
second cited, have
Government of lndia, rvrln"trv of welfare, irr their
the purpose of .availing 27%
notified the list of Other Batkwarcl Classes for
The in their order third cited'
resenration under Ceniial birvices. Ciovp:rnment,
state of Tamil
have communicated rrie iist ol otherr Backward classes for the
renroval of creamy layer from
Nadu notified by covernrnent of lnclia, criteria for
the benefit of 27% *u"iuutiun for Otirer Elacl<ward Classes in civil posts and
Grievances and Pensions
Government of lnclia Ministry of Persotrlrel, Public
inconre ceiling for the
in their O.11/1. fourtlr "ii"J f',iu" terrised the annual lakh and the same has
exclusion of crearny ruvoir"ii] Rs. l.Oit lal<h to
comnrunicated tJ utt in tfte Government letter 5th cited' The
been "on"urnerl
ZToh reservation for bifi"t Backlvard Classes
has been extended to the
of lndia ' and the
educational institutions unoer ttre control of Government as in the case of
concept of creamy ril1lui*un toriol,v,Nr in ilre same

2, The Governmettt of lndia' Ministry o{ Hurlan Resources

Otti"" Memorandum Bth
Derrelopment, Departrneirt of l-ligherr f.1Lr"ation,'in-ft'Li'.
cited, has stated i.tiai the rJcomnrenrJarti,:n of National for determining
commission for
income limit
Backrruarci classes was'"ccepted ancl the
the creamy luyu, ,rio,lg- oir..l", Backward classes has been revised from
into central Educational
Rs.2.50 takh to nu +.ioj"r<ri in re,spect of adrnissiorr
of lndia, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and
institutions and the Govt, ntn cited has
pensions (pepartmenl of P"r"onnul ancl"Tiaining) in their.O'Y..
deJided to raise the income limit
reporied that the covernment o{ lrrdia has layer
per annutn for deterrnining the creamy
fronr Rs.2.50 laklr to Rs.4.50 lal<h
The Government of lndia
to all concerned in the Government l-etter'lOtr'cited'
Memorandum shall take
also reported that fl-l" pr"vi^i"ns o{ the above office
effect from 3.10'2008.

3. Tlre Govertrment r:f India, Nlinistry cf Persontrel'

Public Grievances
in their O tVl' 11th cited
and pensions (nepartrnent oI Perrsonn"t a'nJtraining) income limit
to raise the
has notifiecl that thr,. Cou"in*unt of lndia has decided
from Rs. 4.5 L-akh to Rs. 6 Lakh pei anllunr for determining the creamy Layer
bl'rn,r"o lrr civil posts and services under the
amongst the othr:r Baclanrard
Ministry of Human Resource
Governmerrt of lnclia anrj the Gov,:rnntent of lr-rdia' 12th
Development nepartmenl of Higher fOtrcaliorr in'the
Offite Memorandum
Commission for Backward
citecl has stated tne reiomnreiclation of l{ational
the creamy layer
classes was accepted and annual income limit I'or determing
into Central
Rs.6.00 laklr in resperl of adnrission
Educational institutions.
4) The Govt. of lndia, Ministriy r,rf Persorrnel, Publir: Grievances and
Pensions (Department of Personnel ancl Training) in their O.M. 11th cited lras
reported that the Governr-nent of lnclia lias heen decicled to raise the income
limit from Rs.4.50 lakh to Rs.6.tlO laklr per annLrm for deierrnining ihe creamy
layer amongst the Other Backward fjlasses. 'Tl'rey have also stated that the
following entry is hereby substitLrted for tlre existing errtry againsl Category Vl in
ihe Schedule io their O.M. dated 8,9.!)3.

Description v,/holt'l the rule of exclr-rsion will apply
Category of Category
INCOME / Son(s) and daughter(s) of
(a) Persr:rrs having gross annual income of
Rs.ti.00lakh or above or possessing wealih
abovrr tlre exemption limit as prescribed in
the VVealth l'ax Act for a periocl of three
conser;ulive Vears"

(b) Persorrs in Categories l, ll, lll and VA who

are noi disentitled to the benefit of
reservation but have inccrmel from other
soLrrces or wealth which will bring thenr
within th;. income / wealth criteria mentioned
in (a) ab(',ve.


lncomr: trom salarries or agricultural land shall not

be clubbed.

The Governmeni of Inclia als,? ropolted thai the plovisions of the above Office
Memorandutn shall take effect frotn 1 6.05.2013.

5. ln the circurnstatrces staied above I atn tt: commttnicate a copy

each of Government of lndia, Ministry of Httman Resources Development
Office Memorandum O.M.No.'11"'1312012'.U, Policy, dated 31.05.2013 and
Governmerrt of lndia, Ministiy of l-rerscrnnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
O.M.No.360331112013-Estt (Res) cl;rted: 27.05.2013 irnd to request you to
follow the Government of lnclia, fViitri:;try of Personnel, Public Grievances and
Pensions O.M. 36012122194 Et;st - :iC-l' dated 8.0U.1991] to issue Oiher
Backlard Classes certtficaie tal<ing into consideration of the revised inconte
limit prescribed for the exclusiorr of cre;rrn5r layer for availing tha benefit of for
reservation for other l]ackwarcl Classr:r; itt adrnission to educatiorral
rjnder the control of Government 01' lndia ancl appointment to civil
posts and
services under tlre Govt. of lndia'

Yours faitlrfullY,

'\r. q
for Principal Secretary to Government
Copy to:
All Collectors.(we)
District Revenue Offic;ers'(we)
Heads of Departments.(we)
District and Sessions .ludges. (we)
1'he Registrar, l-'ligh C,ourt, Cherrnai^10'4 (t'v'e)
The SecretarY,
TamilNaclu puUtic Service Commisr'ion, Chenrrai-Z (we)
All Departrnents of Secretariat.(we)
All District Bacl<warcl Classes and fulinorities Welfare Officers.(we)
The Secretaly to Gorrernntent of lndia,
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowernrent, New Dethi.(we)
The SecretarY to Govt. of lndia,
ttltinirtry of Personnel, PuLrlic Grievancr:s and Pension, New
S"nior'p et*,: na:l Assistant to M inistr-'r (BC), C hen nai'9'(we)
3603311r/Z! 1-:.-Estt. ( Res. )
Gcver'n n-rerr'r of I rrd ia
Ministrv oi Perscnnel, Fubiic Grievances & pensions
Depa;'imeni of Pe i-scnnei & trraining
rtcp?ar) Nl orth Block. Irlera; l-rr:llri,

Dated: tlre 27tr' lVlay,;3

O FtlCI ir4 EirlS FIADI ilLj M

-ii ;,..

subiitl:"i rv(515n of incorne criteria to exclucjc socially adva,nced I:er-son:/:.ecric,Tri

:ri:i'iy Layer-) from ihe purview oi reseivation lor orrrer Bacr<warrr (-r;r:;:t:.s.
J\ii)l0ij : B$i i-rcc
, ,.. : I.,,r'il u,li

' ', ir | ;

Jh '.vffidersigned is directccj to rnviie bttenlion;to this Deparlinent':; crlIir:e

- -mernoran Jum No. 36a77177193-Estt- (scr) daied Bth september, 1993 vuhic:l-r, irrtcr,-
N h,ii,,i;i{, deri thai sons and daughters ci persons:having grcss annual incr-rllr: ,--,J,

.\9 l<s. 1 lal or above ior a peiiod of i.hi-ee consecutive years r,rvoulrJ fail rnrn.lrii-r lfre
crea my ,er and vvouid not b-'enritleci ic gci '"lre berrciil oi l-gaar',rntiorr ,rvail;rl-ri,.: i.u.
the Otir .Eacl<v"'arc flas:e:.'fle aInres.-rro lirnii ci inccrlre fcr cj:btrrr-rrririrrg iirc
creamy ,,cr status VVas:,ubseqrrgnfl',r i-aiscrJ tO R-s,2.5 lal<h aiicl Its- 4.ii l;ll<li.rrrrl
accord i r y the expression "i:is. l- laklr" undei,C3l.egcrry-\il of Sclrecluje tcr CrN4 rJ;ltr:d
llrl'sep.l: rber, l-993 was i-eviseci to "Rs. 2.5'lakhl' and to,"Rs, 4.5. lalilr,, virle l.tri:;
De pa rtn .tt's oM-s No 36r.)33/3/20t)4-Estt (t1es.) dated D!.u3.1100.+ aric{ ilar.rjcll
14.1.C.Z',' 3 respeciirrel,i.
I i.',.."','
l+ 'l
has now been rjelided to raise tlre incollc llmiti from Rs.4.5 lal<lr to lis.6

lalch per annum {cr deicriirining tlic ,:reanry layer amtlngst:ihe.rltherr Iiar-!rvu;irr]
Classes /\ccordingly, the expression "Rs. 4.5 lairflrl' urdel tategor,y vi in.tlre 5r:licdulir
tothis Department's aforesaiC O.M. of 3th Sepqenrber, 1-993 woulcl be substil.ul,ed l-ry
Rs. "Rs- 6 lakh". \

3. The provisions of tl-ris office

4. All the Ministries/Deparirnents

office memorandum to the notice of all

s"9-'' To: I

1. All the Ministriesiltepartrnents of tlre i;t.

Crtnltl. ),.


. i.r,
t "-'l J

7. Department of Financial 5ervices, l'!ev,'Delhi.

3. Department cf f ubliC Enterprises, trlew Delhi.
11. Rpllway Boai'd, i'lew loelni.
5. U'nion
p u,bl
ic selrviiej comm iss iorr/supre me cou rt oi n dia/Election I

Qgm lni ssri oh bf it n il ia/ t-ol< 5a b lr a Secreta riat/Ra jya Sa bh a Secreta riatf Ca bi n et
Secreiariat,/Ceritral Vigilance Commission/Presicient's Secrerariat/prime
Minister'js Oifiqe/Flanning Ccmmission.
i5. Stdff Seleciion Com.rnission, CGO i-orrp,lex, Lodhi Road, Irlew Delhr.
l. lViinistrv bf social Justice & Empowerment, shastri Bhawan, New Delhi

8. National Comlnission for scs/l"lational'Commission f or srs, Lol< Nayalr

Bhav;an, lilew Delhi. :

' -Q. i!aiional conrfii$5ion for Bacl<urard Ciasses, Tril<oot-l-, Bhikaji Cam;r place, R.
l(.'Puran'i. ller,^r Delhi. ;

t0, Offic:e'of the'Clom/0iiollei'arrd /'.uditor General of lrrdia, 1C Bahaclur Shah.taiar

L4ai'9, l\!e:v',i trelhi il0tll0?
1]..lnfpiin;:ti,+n anil ircilj,laiii;n C€irire, DoPT, Norili Block, i.Jew Delhi (100
coptesj. I ,.

12.-l-he Nlll. LloP'i,vvi1lr I requesi tc uiilozl'ci il at the vr.rebsite cf this Depa11 r1,=:rii in
Ojt4s &- Ci',Je r: ) Esi'l" {iie:.i :' ii-,/ and in 'Whai'-s hlc'w'

.(.ct Stit-s i :: rwrl r ri e c to ;

Tl'rr: tlhiei 3ei'^reraiie-.; of erli rhe srates/urrion Territories fr:i- iriigrmatiorr

a nL1 necessa r1r ar:tron




No. 1 1-13120 t2.U policy \\
' Goverrrment of lndia
l\4inish-y'of Hutlan Resource Developnrent
lr^"t:I'*9 \
Department ol' Higher Edurcation -tr f r )t1
Shastri Blrawan, New Derlhi
Dated: 31't May, 2013.
Subjer;t: Revision of income criteria to exclude socially
advanced persons/
sectiorr (Creamy Layer) from l.lre purview of reservation
for Other
Baclcward Classes (OBCs) in admissions to Central Educational

No. 36012/22l93-Estt. (scr) \vv, / dt Btgtlgg3

vL. vtrt ,rrQ vr
of rviltilJuy
Ministry ut personnel, rul
of retsuilllgl, public
Qrrirmm_g s1// ^ .
dr iu
', ,,^r,,r'V, :tl:t^1""11i:9,i:I-19":
lu,-,,r,u.'t.1,r^. :'.,:".:,,vvr i-ct trtut r5 (Department
\uepanmentol of Personnel
Hersonnel and and rraining
lraining (DopT)
^ ) 9Y N1 .36033/3/2004-Estt. (Res.) dr. st3t2o04 of Minisrry oi personner,
Public Grievances and pensions, DopT
3) OM No. 36033/3/2004-Estt. (Res.) c1t. 141101?,008 of Ministry of personnet,
, \o Public Grievances and pensions, DopT
il\tv' 4) 9M l\o. 1-1l2008-U1A df. 131101?.008 of iVinistry of l-1uman Resource
t- Development.
\.) N
. 0)"
n eU/
n , Attention is invited to O.M.No.360121?)-lg3-Esit (SCT) dated 8th September,
'd)/lesz ol'DoPT whiclr, inter-alia, provided tlrat sorrs anrl daughters of persons having
",/ gross.annual income of Rs.l lal<h or- above for a period of three consecutive years
would fall withirr the creamy layer and v'iouiO
not be entitled to get the benefit of
fO $fu
Y'l/ reseryation available to the other Backward Classes. The aforesaid limit of income
l -'- determining
A).4\ otr\
u4! ^ .plor
) the creamy layer status was subserluently raised to Rs.2-.5 lal<h and
r"I ' r
'' ils.4.5 lakh and accordingly.l.he expression "Rs.1 lakh" under Category-Vl of
Schedule to OM dated Bth September, 19911 was revised to "Rs.2"5 lakh" and to
"Rs.zl'.S lakh" vicle DoPT's O.M. No.360331312004-Estt. (Res.)idated 09-03-200+ ano

-".{- daterj '14.10.2008 respeclively.

| :r Vide O.M No. 1-112008-U1A dt. '1eltO]ZC-O-g of
LE.-:^>15 \--*,- I

Ministry oiliuma:n"Resource Development, the Cerrtral Government specified that as

>s('r't per the above-mentioned DoPT O.M. datecl 14.10.2008, the income limii for
tJcc deteimining the "creamy layer" among oBCsphall be Rs.4.5 lakhs for reservation in

admissions to Central Educational lnstitr:tions / i

2. The DoPT, vide OM No. 36033/1/2013-Estt. (Res.) dt. 27th May,2OlSihas I it

i I
now notified that tlre limit ol'income for determining 'creamy layer' status amoLgrt I I
-the-oBCs is,raised.from.Rs. 4.5 lakhs-to. Rs.lo lal<hs p"uunnur with eff!ct fror fru'n -f . ,. t

May, 2013 and that tlre expression "Rs. 4.5 lakh" under Category
Cateqory Vl in the Schedule /ilii
/fif :

to OM No. 36012/22l93-Estt (SCT) of Bth September, 1993 of Ministry of Rersolnet, f-,

Public Grievances and pensions (Departrrient
of personnet and Training)
sLibstituted by "Rs. 6 takh,, .

3 Accordingry, with the approvarl or, the

competent ar-rthority, the revised
expression of."Rs.6lakh" under cateqory
Vl in the schedule to ilre oM clt.
the rimii of income, with effect from
16rh Mav,2013, for determi'ing
creamy layer' status amongst tlre
o[]cs for reservation in adrnissiorrs to
Educational lnstitutions.
4' The provisions of this oM are in supersession
of this Department,s oM No.
1/2008-u1 (A) dt. 1s/ 10/2008.

Deputy secretary to ihe Gover##l:iffiil
'l) All Central Educational lnstitutions
2) All the Ministries/ oepartmunls
3) Chief Secretaries of all States oi"couurnrent of rndia.
4) Administraiors of UTs
5) National Commission tbr Backward
6) All Regulatory councits responsitrre Olasses.
illmaintenance/ determination of
_ standards of higher education
/) webmaster (Nrc), MHRD ror uproacring
of ihe same o. MHRD,s website.


Cl'rennai - [)
11 f" r :'t ' f

MS$-l; s,-lu-ffil-Ll-A !J5 w Mp--a-LA-$-lF S A N D ul I N O R I r I E s

yuE L-!: llll E pHgaJilM E N-t

I etis1Nlo.49!91!lt{}J?!:lL:x__dl"-0_.0l?9l t
' t

Fro ni
Thirur G. Sarrtl-ranam, lAS.,
Secretary [o (.ioverrrrten t.

All District Collectors (w,e)


Sub : Rese;rvation Reservatir.ltt for Otl'rer Backward Classes in

Civil posts atrd setvices tinder the Govertrment of lndia -
Exclusion of crearny layer ft'orn llre benelit of Other Backward
Classes resert"ratiorr - clarifica.tions i.ssued - Reiterated'

Fle{ 1 . C.O. wts. No '12, Bacl<ward Classes a.nd Most Backward

Classes Welfare Delrafittretrt, dated 28.3.1994.
?. Govet'nment Letter t'Jo. 627lBCCl97-33, Backwarci
classes, Mos,t Bacl<werrcl classes ancl Minorities \Aielfare
Departrnenl. dalecl 24.4.2000.
3, Governtneirt Letler Nlo, 10B29/BCCl2004-2, Barckward
ciarsses, N,40s;l Barckward classes and Minorities welfare
Deparlmen'i, dated 10.11 '?-004.
4. From tlre Gerreral secretaty, All lndia Federalion of
Otlrer Backward Classes Employees Welfare
Association, r'ellr-esenlation cjated 23.06.2011 adclresbe.d
to tlre chairnran, National commissiorr for Backward'

I am rJirectr:d to irrvite ;rttention to the Government of lndia, Ministry of

Personnel, Public Grievances arrcl Pensic;ns O.M. Iiio. 36012122193- Estt(SCT)
cJatecj 08.0g.i993 cornmunicated in the Governrnent O[der 1't cited wlrerein tlre
Governnrerrt of lndia [rave inforrrerJ that son:; ancl claughtere of the persons falling
upcler the Iollov7irrg; cat0gories will be corrsiclereci as crearny"layer by vitlue of the
posts l-relcl by tlreir ltat'ents s;ubjeci to i:etlaitr exeinlltions specifiecJ therein :-

a) Holding Corr.stitr-rtional po:;t:;

b) parent.s, of whom a;e directly tec;ruitecl clerss I / Group A Officers'
c) Parents, either of whom is ciirectly recruitecl class l/
Group A oifrcer.
d) parents, both of whroni arr: ciireoily
recruiied class I r, GroLrp A offrcers, bu1
one of tlrem cries or sulfers pernranent
e) parents, either of a clrrecllli recruitecj
class l/ Group A officer and
such parent clies or srtffers perman{lnt
incapacitairon and before such death
or suclr Incapacitation has hacr ,the benefir
rnternationar organization rir<e uhr, "n,ptoy,rrnt- ;;;
rt\rF, worrd Banrr etr;., 1,or a period
' less than 5 years.
of not

0 parents, both of whom are direc;ilir

recrurted Qlas;s I / Group A officer
both of titut die or sr-rffer perrnanent
incapaoitatron and before such
death or
such inbapacilation of the botlr r-'iiher
of ilrern has hacj the benefit"of
employment in any international
organizalion like tJN, lIlF, worlcl aank
for a period of not less than 5 years.
g) parents, boilr of urhom are clirecll,tr
re;cruitecl class ll / Cjror_rp B of_ficers of
central and State Serrr,zices.
h) parents of whom only the
lrusbaird is; a ciirecily recruriterl class ll / Group B
otficer he gets into class I I GroLip A at the
age of tLO orearlier.
i) parents, both of .them are directly r_ec;rr.rited class
ll / Group B officers and one
of tlrem dies or sulfers permanentr
lrrcapar;itaiion and eitl-rer of them
has hacj
the benefit of ernploynrent in any
lr-rte|nertional organization like
World Bank etc., fora
uN, lMF,
lteriocj of not le;ss than S i"ur,,,
j) parents of whom the irLrsbancj is
r_r Clarss I / Group
A olTrc;er (direct recruit or
pre-forty promoted) and thu.
wife is a directry recrr,rited crass
Officer and the wife dies or suffer
, / Gror-rp B
permanent incapacritation.
k) parents of whom wife is a class I
i GrrOup A officer (ciirect recruit or pre-for1y
promoted) and the husbancj
is a rlirectly recrr-rited
il / Group B officer
and the husband cries or suffe's incapacit,tion.

The Government of lndia hru"

respect of others will be cJeternrinecr_info|nrerd that ilre oreamy layerstatus in
r-,), uppr},irg the ,,lncor
specified against category Vl
of the sctrect',t., t#ta-inecJ thr,.rein.
ne /'wearth Test,,
of lndia have clarified 6y tuu* The Government
oi .-1,, exp;ranaiion
income from sararies orLgrll..-irii,r,.r [rovided under category Vr that
rarrrJ:rr;r, noI be crubbe,cr.
-- /\'

reference 2n.! ciled

1|13\A/ yoUr attention to Llre
2) lrr tlris cotlneclion, lwisl'l i...., llackward Clast'es
tlre Gover'ntnenl. lrave init'"1''tutt iivhile isstring Oilrer l.e
wherein si,o,,t,t rrot be iilkert itlto accot-'n1 1e1.
Certi{icates, ,ie irr;orre lror, .oro,lin,l
rayer.' si'rlarly'
of ,t a'nuar i, ,,,,r-,. ior uxcrusion of 0r1rar-ry
purpose carcurertlr.-.,
inco,ru urro shotrlri trtll l-te irrcltrrJed'lor ab')v€ DUrpose'
the agricultLrral
(jovr:rlrnrent of lrrdia, Mir-ristr-y of Personnel
3) lrr llre in.;tt-uctiotrs issureci by No. ioog3lr:,lzo,a-Estl(Fes)
public Grievarces ancr pe.sions in ti,eir Le,tter bcen clari{ied'
irr tlie re{eru'.,rJii cin,o, lras
12t.10.2004 wlrich vl/as comrrrunic:rterJ
rivrrire r,l-,1rtyir-,g trre racoi,L-l
rlrierrir'' Test tr cletertrtitrd
rlrxorlg otrrer.trrinrls,,rat
o'= gi,,=n irr caterlory rV
of the scheduler to
creanry rayer statrir' of arry ca'diJlrii,
sllarri.t unJ utti;ire ftonr tlrel-"'d aqricr-rltrlral
.re O€t.09.1993, ir-,"o,n..-'frorrC'opie' or 2''n ancl cited are
land sliall nrll lle tal<etr ir-rto accor]tri- '"itiltlncc'
enclosecl het ewil-lr for irrfot'tlation

t'uu'-nu layer' tlrere lras been
i'str-r-rclions issur:cl itr respec:t ci exclutsictl of
Otlrer ge'c,t<'t'a]lti"i''tu't'us Cerilticatr;s fiot' tlre autlroi-ittes
salary of llieir.ilarenls exceeds ancl
difliculty irr obtaitrirrg BS'
corrcer.ned on tlter groutrd that the a''tnt'at
to tl.ieir sotrs
gu.l(wat,cl r;tersses Cerli{icate, *,"i" cLnied
4,50'OOO anrJ oinSi rtrai ii, vr(:w of tlre atlilr-lde
rilra.s arso been i.ror-rnecJ to Gove'rrnre't trot abii; to
B"ttuu""J olasses r;anriidrltes are Eciucati'rral
the officials,. nratry eligible Oihei []ervices anci
avail 1-re 5e.e[il irrterrcJelj'io tl'tu"'' i'-t Central
rrnderl ilte control of GoveInrnenl

in resLl,:,ci oi iJre,r-\nrrual lncot'e for

instructiors arrearciy issr_red "u'iio'i''-i;in'tl
'atcuratincl i'o c'ileul' l atn thetefot'e to
exclusior-r of Ctetrr'y layer in rt.'':]f tlte other
tc tl're Talrsilclars' r'vho are Clas;ses
request you to ii,srb suitable u,u|:rurin,ri u'ihorltie,s to iisue C'tlrert Backr'vard
Backward C)lasse,s Certiticate i','tii''i tar<ir-rg inlo arrourrt of
it-rcome l'tom
cerlificates to the erigibre r)erso.s',rltno,,t in tlre
it.o,r' agric.,,ti,'',, itt"tt u,-'ti to avoic; arry colnlllaints
salar.ies arrrJ irrcrr'e
Yottrs failhtullY'

'i' ', (\r,*"J4f

or Sectr:tat.Y to Govei'ntlent

The Mernbrt:t' Scr;l elat'Y,

titaiio ral Conrrnil;siotr [ot' Baclttrv;rt cl L)lar;ses'
Trikoot - l, Bhikarji Catrta Placer'
Ner,v Dellri. 1

(llasses \l/':lfate Clretrtrai i;.

The Director o.f E'ackward '
Tlre Corntnissionet' of Most Bacl';vvatr-l C'lasscrs
atrd Derroiifie'l Cornnrrttrities' Clter-rtrett -
rltn tr I i s s; otr e t' of
Tlr e P ri n ci 1--ra 1 C o n tn ss iot'r e t &' fl
r i

Revetrue ArJrrrinistraliotr, Clre:rttrai - 5''

arrsir=i;jJ,i=tE!?,ii=i"iii1,ZAi.r:+:g,i:trGf t4
;-ii i;'i: .c. IVi:q=.r.ii in i-". i. 4 . S.,
*S.uaiii: i;1,.. L.:: €..:.,rt ii r:r : iii-

Itls Direci+r ci Elscrii,iri;,rci D)"ir:;=ss :rnci iiriirroiiii,=-: l.\relfu:re

I. q -S l+i::l ;; i i_}-r ,lhenn=i-f..4ra,_s
I i: rii i ::: i,: l-:+ i 1 : i i,! i i+i:,; t.
i:'ii-r;r Eai-ir-io:r;ri ',firi; Dpirr_,ij:itr:ii Ltr,jl-rirrrtr;iiiri.,
'-lJ :e;triil;=5, /t",,. c )

rne oc'p+eriilii-pilin-ljg=ir.-'lrer riils tlo--iir;ri=;ii,ri)j'

Lai ,l=.1ig.nii;-, ii\!fi:r:1i=-.-ii,!it,r-,
On+iilai-5"i!,_u.€ j
The l.;ie:li:=i
-1 =*i-e;;ii,.,,-,
T,l'.11i1irli1,; u Ba+i0ri,;i? ilials s,*s L-;,)r.. rirj i::s r cit
I f !, tr,' i. l.-:,i r-rii F,3 p.j .s! +

+ ,i i,i 1i,_;: * i * -,, i

_= i.<

.*ii::, eLi!+. in ;i.ri it.*ruj-ce + _.r_iri;l

_C:iriii t)eoiqr
^- / ili*1tljt,.-iii ;,{ii ltt. t_:lCli.t:iCi-,iiri,
frli;i ihi: iic;rcfit rri ijf.i,l r.=on.=..1';,-,-_] "j
/35a1,eY-J C."" Gou'l ri
lririi; -. {;_-r-.lrrin; rriie;aior_1
r igl I

.1 l-r
-r rr,4 ivioti ;-1uor,1r?j;d
L;l Fs-r!.Si:-i-t jl=":ir
F:Lillil (:
5l,r :i e',_'l:i :i /Ii i :l c iir L
€ ; ii
' /,i

L.: _

Frr=':fi;rai, pi-rt{ii
i?i Fs1gr,liliirgi,,rfld
'il.'14 '{.T tttii4'
lfiev;r { ii i4s :-tii iJ F.+li::::(je:j
irlj r=i r;irf-.iI r-ti..rr.'r fi, :ri r,! lgri
rl.\,il F{lgfu *rd :l+rv,r,ll:
i-'}j-riigr iiie *r''' iviiii,.- fr,r iiiiiGr F;e;.ii-vvrircitlius;*e. Ti;*i, 1i6u*,ri;+
Jn the *airi nfit*+ me,rr+reir,S,_,t* .*=iir", erii+*.a ,+r-t** u**iuul;#!;#*iil*,'*, srssri.ji,*ii
i-aG-;at-r-l*a ir*i.i---fis i.s*;i-i-!ris) .ii-i:;; ;i_r=
*i l+._et;-veii,r":n firi 61h*r
iJ]=-es'is ii-: iesp-ggi.r-i-
e':i:ita! Sei-r-4srig. Tlig G*'rd.or" inrfie, Irlir:lsf4; =_*l#rr;
tr v,ielfgse.
ii-'=il ie-;={ii+,i;;o. li.r
=*.:,F,-ri hs,;.r neiifi-r.t i""" t=i; *::-.i'*, *a;:r,s,ard ,lia==r* f+:
ihe. +,^ur,Pe-'se-- +i airaiiilif: l7F; f€:{;Nvr}Iion
uir,i+,, Ceni:ret
iir=il'*#+r ttr:-l'* rii.+r!, ii="'t +.rlt',t";i.i-r:,=t++ tile {ift +t rilt+rS.rvic+-r. Tiie rl;e r;r rri
E,J.r:kaler,.l ci=_.==+=; t:r
ihc i-ii.:ie:;i Triniiilsr_iu nrijliriti f,.y ,iuui.oi;#;,
"-rf"ll igmgvei ;.f c,e.:riiy
i*i--er fir::r;t i** l:+;:+fji r:{ ?.7nA r.+;e+;,tii+lt
f.:f ,1{h*;, b.+*tcu.l,ar"rl f;{+ss+:+ lt +jiil
:=;r'ri;. and $+'ivii,:G+ ilnt';Fi =.Gi,'v:.r,1 in*i;r
l+pe*,*r er?t-E ssqr + i l' *+r-tifi+e fe !++ r,i n;g * ti*lr+ "tr.
ti' # r.*11*;,ir,rr:. i.i+nf,r:. ci

2' T]:+ ir'+v'f,. i,.j,:ic, ji-4i,?i5rrl./ ei .Fer-s,rrnnci, p{rFiic

F+.*{+n+" i;l th*+ir- r*i.i'=,4-.,ri
f+ii'fllr iirJ+ +,u'nn =r+';l=# tiru +uio.i*l
r=^.ri*,/anr.,€s er,:i
frr ti:+
+tsiusii:r= oi c.*enry,ic!.sr irrrln Fis.t
::'rT..-at ui'iid*t*i: {:: e;{i,:cnia:n
i,ri{h tn n*},B,r. ,J;;;il';;;;;;;; ;l;;i**n
erj. i,- ti! E .{:llrit 1u11[ !ri, ;G;

-t Th*
:sr-: rior
'+vr#' d/ lr'lc"'l*. lu'11$i-rf,ry +f Ferseirin+l, I5tibllc *rl*rr* *liri
Fi='.rt;'i+n;, in iirr-':r ifii+r .-Jil tilrri;
i-r l8e e,r:*rusr*r"i BI ere€ii?y raysr.
i-,;"+1' i*, l**J'**iiu;n riarifieatir,:,_,s i' l*garei
l ::in ie *,tili=" -r ths absv,i r-pfsrgni€
;..' ;.i';: T:., =
i ri-=rin=ii,:r-: .sr
:,i *" *ou**,=,,. ;, ".;nv
:_._'r" l'',t:
abra.,,,+ =-ri itini'r t{-'s
"i".'Jn**uor;;-;;;;;il; *.ii=-*iriu;,;,Xl"n;;;ilTr.ix ,._,n,,:,1;.

0n i '
"Yt*)-r,, \2,.v
f+r sun,=r.r.#o uavi,
llntry t+;
.ri i r.l + i {+i:1.,;i1
i r4;e.:}
I ,_if*y .rr* i.D!+*"ii.uil te cc.n;,inilnir,ai*
i J Ji: +,tj fi+:i
i+ * * *il,r 1;: *1, ri* rii*.*
l-l r i".-lr: I I il r*i g
.its Hsei1s ,]l lEpeijin*rls
'ir .-:

Di-3 lriei u c r}dr,:rers-
'i {e,,,+n
'..- ',':
'.':'-'- , .1
'I !
D:ir ii;t .rnii lles srur r:;"juiigre;.
i ir -i,i.iFTr=rit.
;: r;r
H[=lt r-:+'rri, Cq+r,n'iu=.ri.l (w ei


F: j
{,J+r+ti?i+Ilts sr" ri +ei€ta j'fuif ,{yter
il-u+i if t "= iifl r::+ti. i vi,s)
'Ae..S+r.-i-+l-qiyr in ,j".ii *f i*cira,
li,l llitir y r,f 5 i,ciiri J itiii r;q: ti ilci Er r rnr-l,r f; i.n I Drri.
iigrv Deiiri,iri,e)
Ihe .Serr+t.:ll'tc So\4 of lndi*
it';ifi i;ii),,ii i:' +i:-.r, i; s i, j.- u b! j
c G i eva
i n r;, c; ta, I il
P€rsr.:n, rusy/ U€lltr. lyie)
Scni';i lcr:tn-"i F,.-.:r:;,lnt io i.riirii=icr (.3C'i,
Chennai :-r,i.,,'iai
Ji, +r-
Dc.p,v r,,f

-f s li tE e;)
I lo5€:9113 i ii i Zff',1:!
G{]VEI{AtMelili {)F if\iDlA
l.i{ltr I i'iTfi Y c- trsR scni i.iE L iru BLtc GRlEVp,t icES g. pEiis t.Jf.t s
DE FARTilEl{]- OF pr Fi:r1 r.rt,ji.jE L & TRAJitiitG Driiri, Daiec.l; !}," i4,,' Dcilrbr:r, ?iiD:!

7h= Clrisf S+eretrries ef ell ths Slai+_€ i Ljitirrn Territories.

uuD: -^lerltt:.e tio,ns yuilurn',,)g e[+antv layer amongst r_)Ercs,

I e.--r c'jr+ctecJ tc invifie ycur qfieritian to rir+ .schednie
to thi:: Decfltft+nr,s
Sfui il+.3'u-,'Ji?;?2rE-i-(5CT),Ui-*,* eJ' *S*Friu=ini_;si, lg.93
lil dcl€r,'a,r're lhs ef€,erny rayer ernrrrrgrt il-.*, ,lgGs, rrr r"qurd i",-t"i* ,f*'rri-ll_
thc pci:cn: in ri',;ii Ecn.ri,;cs # i+ riig chrt.rren +t
ih,.". ,.rri".r;llr an.i thc s;,*tc €o,.rcrflrrrr,.rtl, ii
i: r ovia e:s ih a r s orr il, :r nO cir4rlrir ier lx ) oi :

ia.r psreris- br-'iir oI whurn aie ciirecily iecruiied []iasc i / Grcrup

A oifrceia;
tt-) pirrr;Dii5, eilhel r,i',rrironr ir djl*,;,ii.y ri;rrujierjc.lasr JJ GrnupA ri,lcel:
(e) parer,ir' bctn o{',ryhctrr are dir+cii- r=ir+i.1=rr
chs.: | / Gl.;r;p A {;irle+i:;,
Dul are oi ll,em ciie+ err sufleis p.;inrs;renl urcapa+ilaticn:

(di parents, eiihel of whorn i; a rjili;:gl,ry ,"r;eruileel f,iesa I I Liroup 4 Oitic..rsi

;:n,j .::-r+{r 1:arant
dirs itr s,.r.if,.qr-r i;irni_r.nent inca.pacita{.ion ln,l tre.ctr
;ii;ii r.leeiir ur suiir irrcaF;rc:1;:iit., iras iiarl iire i;eri&iri tf ernpiayriterii
in ar]!. ,nlerilarii-rna! Or.gar-risaiir:r; iii.e UtJ.ltuii. j"rjj'qn,#.
t €fc. ii,.r i;
:;*lod pi r,ai lpse ijran i 1e;r;;
(c) percn+'s,'rcth af vrhci* arc circcr,iLi icrruitlcr
cress ri Gr oup F. cffiici;
;rnri borir oi ihein ciie or suirer pei*an.nt lnenpa,iiiaiion
:i'jc{i 'j*attr ur':u.;h {ir.;aF+cti'.rr.i,Jri irq'{.{..s r;rith, eitirer
ct ti,ern {ia; {ra.j
ihe L'.,neiji oi enrpiuynrerri in arr1, lniernaricnai.nrguli";ij;,,
!1,4F Wuld Benk. *^ic ior p+i,i,riioi rike iJ!J,
a not le_s:; then S*i.ears:
l n*t,-Rls belh nf vrlr+rn ere ,-1irecfl,r I f ,.rruit*d Claes
ll / Group 6 ofiicerc;
- 6-

iui.-aieiri,s r,i il'hcirrorrl.v tlie irusi,'alrrl is ;r dilecily lecluileii Aiaes \i i

drurn B {}lfiler and he g*tr, antc Cla:s I 1 Group A {c th€ ag4 of 4C er
FAI Jl9)
r'51 n.r:.rr*-- i.^rL .-.i,",h.-^i 4rn li...-.ikt rnrrrrilnr{ aal^cF ll / lar^,,* Q afiir+r
4n{ oiie oi tiretn dies or suii€i,,r li"qlffaneitt hrcepeciielion ancl eithet ':l'
iir+i-ri ir*-: (ied tir.e b*n+ltt +{ en',p(uynr6t-,t (fl. eny (nterda(i'rfl€i
C,r i;errisaliurr iihg Ui'I. iliiiF, Wr:rirl Bank, elc. for a period,cf nul'les;i
r{!AA a j-r!:
tl lrii i "j "r-r,,,, f,

f'tl p':i-en1*s flf '#hfifl {he h{Eir"rnrJ ifl a Cleec ! I Groun A o,fieer {direct
ierruit ai pie-forty pierr,oterj) ;rnd tiie,siie is a dtt+C{y reciili'l.+rj Clil.;i
i) ii;r.:uf., B eiilQer e2d il)€ lt,iie .Jies; ol" sultefs peimenent
lni :n*rlt.iii,irv rn.l

{j) i:arents, c1'r'vhem vrife i.= a i-:tr=:= i I Grc,:rp A rrtfic€i (DireC- F.ecrr-rii ,--',

ple-iDrry Hvrtftied'; arrr! ii-;s jiuibarirj is a ilileciiy recruil+d Ciass il J

Grot;r e r:fl'icer f,t,..J ths h**li4trd dies or f ilfdfls p+t'tirraif;nt
in-ca)iaciiaiiirn o

'{ hc.trr?tcC as, islliirg in crcorrrr i:}rcr.

2. Ti.,e Sr;herjr.r{e {urther prr-:rrii+r lliL( i-.,rrs riaug(r(er= r{:

iii faieni:; either of whotn .rr {i+ih +f v,ll:q':iti are rlirecliy rffrtliterl Cia;i
i / Grr;ur' A c,trrcer($ arrCr ;,ii F,arer,t[$i diesidie $r suffer$irLifrr,r
iJ!.ttttqrtL ii-rc;uae ,ila{iirn;

iiil perelj\s both of r.,59,4,: flre .iirer:tly recruiteC elcss )i i Group -e

r:fric+r's ani{ cne ef thsin iii+-+ i-,r :ltiffqf:i p{*Rt ineapat{ulirn;

(jiij p=,renls botrh of r,vhom ;re ,jirectry iecruitsd Clas.s it I Graup d

uffluet," arrd buili of il-;errr die rir :.i.rifel peimarrur,l iricapaciia$vrr,
. even tnci,gh€itl,"er of fher,r h;;s hod lhe hene{it +f empioym+ni ir
' nl^;I inttrnaiiqna! ergani;.a1.i+ri li'Fiqi lJl..l, li;4F, Wofld Ea)r,L;, eic. fi,i a
L'sflod of fiol ,ess ihsrr voars l;efci-e lherr .ieailr olr psrnrgner-1l
: Luuljr!,
\61,L,t t "
:heil rr,.-,t ti':r tr+ate<( tl t:e fa{ting in Cre,.:,;r,y, {e;-=r-,

ilau$hieis' oi persc'rs in Guverr,meni sr:isii:.; rnutfitis rnutarrdis tppliss !g ih1-:

eong and datgh{ero sf nersone hr.kJinE equival*Rt'er eampalable pce{s in FSU-",
Sanl'i:, lR:i.rr:;ncu Orglni:aiicnr, Uni'.1;,:",sir,ieii Fjric. a,,-rd al:c h+kiing egui,ra(e#. cn
carnPerar:ie pos{5 aDq po$irieDs Uitg€r' p/.ll/firs enplrryrne!*, \he lor/+r
s.|f,tus of th€ .1;rR? i{it:{ d;ught+l* cf err',pi':,i,:++ nf tri.jxirizi\+.{qrn+ ril$€t€ +,1+iua,,iqi.,

uiilrE.oosts oii.Eaja)tai;rti.L-I f;uiiririiis,rli;

r;;,;is.lrus T)uibeeri,aaile rs {iai-a,.nii.;t)
cn rhe brs;s ti 'ticto,eiw;:i,;
Te-:'i pre;criu+-" iirai i)+ e{,D;. -"a'il'
n schedure. Th+ in*onr*ltve*iih
tnc{n1s ai rrs.?.lr !e!:i1 Ljt sbcr.,s iiit-r,r r,i yr*r**nB ir;i.urr,g $,roee ,,))n,,iTir
ci 1rr_,ru,J*i"ig *s.aiin €L,cr,s irje s.,.en Er,€ri ljririi
c= nrc:cribld in thc'u^lcaiir'. r-ax pci.
ba Uoate,l trr l.'ii ln r:rearny lai,ei. .rn " f"r,.o cf thrcc:cn.=,r.:Lrti,rc y.-lii,jr6ir1,l:
nint;i,ait an i.t giv6nb+ic,r,r, iiie jrrcon+
tl'ree(tii Te:it tt/hicit
aio,,,i.l*s r.t-,ur';in*oiii*.i:rl',i,ru *afarie= i
r-roI be clul'bed.' agricr:{tuta{ (-irtr.J Ei{.;ii

4' f:cl!r'wir,g quesiiviis. t,;r,i e i,F.nrr iai:ed ilc,rR iime iu rinrs a.Dorli
rp.plrcrtien of ih,_- ablai/e prcvivtens r'r
f ,loi,,+,,.1, #r+flrrty lityeai
r'ii lvri'; lhs sci,'s ana der-rgi*ers ef parenis
,-iiiler pi
v,hon sr b.:ii; cf
'iiii,rii ai,j ,.jiii* r i cro,,pIh ld_"jliJf
rlireetiy recriri,,q.J
iiRc rii.r.,:i!
paiclils) <iieslaii€ .rr ,;tfielsr;.;;€r
p€rman*-ri irc;titaeitatio (t aii'i
retiremenL ire trse,i;ii i.r i:a _.:rciir.le,i,fro_
i.:e ,ii_r_i:Jn_,f
i,li) i/.!ili rre
=i,l_*:l,l:1.*,{rg-i,re;:r di i,s74;i13 both oiy,,hcm ar+ {iiiediiy
;*cnriied eialr 1r i Gi,eui: B +fiieer;
perrna n€cl rrlf€ p;r c!-ts ;;rd si-ip sf theix di+,: qr p;llre).
cr? r.j r.i I l- r € (if snr s n i *re ria pJa
ir.lnr ihc cr'eenry l:rrcr?
J'ie a e s:reiu*rc.r
: .

iiiii !'i/i{i ttre 5.n; 's.d_.rej,(!riit+.; rJi

rr.;re{it= cf ,irit.rrn -+r€ f,ife{ti:/
r=cruited eleus ir.)Gr.uui g ri'.j--i".and
*iem i,ie oi ei_.ifie,,
iterinan+nt incnpecii=iicr; rii..:r r*trren,eil
t'irEn' has had 5ir/t rt-,+ bei-,iiit',rf
'arnployn, ;;,,;h" eith+r of
*r;e*r=*e*-on lik; tJ/.J, ir'..4F, tG,'i,d ariy rnierrrationai
iiran 5 y+ars b+i.rr+ th.:ir .:cirin b*n(. " rire. r'or n i-,rriarr ef nc;{ J+ss
iree i€d ro b,e
b e exci urr e,r ir o n il,,^;, ;,
iivt 'u\rlii lhe
eeil' ard r)eufriri+ii r;ipirt+ni1;) wlro
rctire irc171 15* serviec
':n thE h=-'=i= of uvhi':h ih+ii *nd o.i.: .r*,gi,{-r;i;ii
coriiirrue ir, iari i'i ct.atiiy l*y,:r ii-".u*v r=r*r,
a;iil lrritel-rerrt r.ri'iu palcriiis)-i
i:t't iii/ilf
flie c,f ]iarr"niu,c,f vyhsm lru]liar,{i
class /r/Gro.rp c ir' rJlass lv,..iGrs ii etlreeiiy
gcs inio e{:=g i/Gr ou' i at tirc us D e,tptotl€e *fld :-iE
-"* rgr:
''n- of q,i ci i:ariicr b,: trcaicci tc be
ial)ing in 4r64lr-1li tayeri --

{ui) v/iii e ca'riiri ai,- witv hirrrseli is

a rlireciiy recruiied ci; ii Grcup
cffic=r or -+ clirec*y r€ililrl].i.I A
C.tass l/Gic,ui,r. uf ii.,u og;
;il {r/G,'or.r. B riarcei wfi+ got
ei.*sR.l.y leyer nn the b*sr€ ";
;t;; ear.ii+r r,e tr*aied :o b,+ iailingi in
iif lirs servlcr; elati.,t:?
(rtii) wiii e cenEid:te wi:o h*5 {,rross
a-,t'ruar i,csrne of Fis,?.5 i,irth sr
;bo';e Dr Fc€sdss€s'"uirtri ir*t**ii,u urnoiptiun ({m(t a+ pr++ir-ibed
irr ihe \iJeaii'rtTa;+. Acrtiur ;i irr+rir)ii oi li.rree corrsetu,iive yeals L,r
I't'+ill€d lo {dli in cr+*my la,1tr'

l'-.,llrJ I he tllst[r",;ellons Lrfryi*'e ii,1af r! lsdy irelcniring lo OFr"i sale.goty trlb?

t3: g,:r
h-:c n-.i *--.i-.,{
rnerricd +^ Ji.^^!i,, rccruilcri
i+ ^e dirociiy -,-,- c(aEs i / Grcup A o#ccr sh-Jii
l"lol be treated es lal)lrrg )t) creanti/ lay+l crn llra !_rasic of hei
{ttairiag+. W{ll a man beir:nging {,r eEC categcry ri4-i,r i+ rnaiii==rl t;
! -" a riireciili lr:cruiied Diass i ).{ilous 'A'ofreribe rrealed as fa[ing irr
. i)ie.?iiiv on ihe hasi.: ,:l *tii tnarrir,lrj+i,

(jx) !'lcsr ..viii I'e lhe lne+nl*,/W+ll1h T*gt aBslv in caee ef eeRs afld
eiaughl,=;= of paren",(=) nFnl]iii]cd rrr psur eie, in.srhich equivaletree
Qr cqmearabiiity c; p..esi= haa rrot l2een established yie-a-vis posts in
tF,€ Ge'i€iiim€Rf7

(t.) t111hrt is ih= scope r:f th: e4:{+r:.=tioll, ,inccn-,e

fror.r. salc".iie: ,li
argricuiir.rral larrc.l i;iieli n\;s'r lir: urubiiecJ', giverr belo'vp ti-re
Inconre/W+alth Te:l?

5. ll is e:laritied in Feqartl to clauss:r iil, (ji) arirl riii) el pam 4 lhat ths s9ns
:;nC C-sughtrr: o!:

i'r) 6:are|ris'eiilrer ci vr,trgrn nr ):crh o[ whorn .:re rrirecily

Cle.* { { Gr4up A l:flii,:;eii .1.i1{1 jr.ich pareni{:) rlie*,,die ar.
suff prsisufier pe rrrlrne/ii i:rir.paoii;lion v#ii e
ir, iuruir * :

iir) perolitrrcth oi -.r,if,rli ara ,Jir=+{;r reciuiterl cla=s iliGroup E

elFcsrs and, one str th,:rn dies cr ' surfe,.s
^":'- parnlaneni
'il{r,{le lii *eriiieel r,ii,J .-

/,r;l l,..ilel lti {:q{h cf a.r€ dir+#ly rsr:(r_rite.1 Ciass lilGrcilp E

.rrifir;ers ar-rd bullr ".,iheir
r.,f ihr:rr dirr r.,l sufler
y,ihrle in s+ryice. €ven fliouth r:ithef fteiuatl)ey.itiricapaciiaiir.rrr
of inn,r, t ** t
pf emprpvrnent in ai-4 hl,*rnaiipnar giganiza$on eJ the lenefit
gank. tiie ui.g, ifg,rF,
world crs' tef a gs!'rcir, of rr,Ji ics="
*.hcir rjcath cr pcrri3nci\i inr:::paciirtici
-'; 5: years
-- *uian r beleie

ar= nct tr+aie'l ic be ta{{(ug {n c.r+eniy {ryer.

Eu{. if th+ p-sreni+1 d(es/die cr \l
sulieru/suiier ucrnrarreiri iricapa,;irahoi, \n' utt"h
cases afrcr reriiernent frorn
-ielr;ice, hi.s/fheir scn.i e'tJ rJaughie* w.rrk{lt:r
iayer arrci 'rloui# rre,i get tl-re benp,fit pi lei*rl,r,fi"o.
ir-gi*,i"t"'# f;f{iri; in cresmy

€' in regr:rc is rjause (i'.r) oi para 4, ii. ir eiarrfi*tr

ihai scnc atrd riaughteis
ol pe''ents wno are incivqe,J in ihe ereanr,v'l,ayer
on lhe bgsis of servjc+ shtus of
l- f

iiteil parerris siraii ipiiiji'ri:e to iie it;riii;tj i)'i o,Firt]ty layel ui,ei-r ii iireir,ualeni;>
have reilrsd cl have dieC aller rctlierii+t ,.i.

t', tr't tefie{d ie 4, it i9 ciatltetl lhEt itl€ Eoit= eng

Eleus€ {v-) rrl pi:r'a
deugi', oi prr.:r,.r* cf ii:e hucbatd it .: diicct{;, rccruitcrj Ci..:-:=
.,,;hrrr.l c.,rl;t
tilGrc,rrp B c,f;icer lvho geis inlo iias:-r i.t i-;11;11p A. ai rheuage ui 4D ot oarli+r ira
iieated ta r:+ in c.*eiri!/ {rt!er. {f ftir: i*tt'rer i; direct$ recrir.ft.ec1 ei-;ss t({/Gr.rup C
ar Elass iVlGrc.u;; D ,'n,otoy.- ;nrl irc qeir.; into Ciess l/Grou p A allltc ugr rf 40
.ir e.3.rlier, his *ons anrl clalghteis,,rih---,rtl tir:rr hi ttep_.iec/ t-t {ie fal{ing in crear-r\r

I,. il", lcgrrci to eia,.isr,s {'ii\,1'iiil nnc (,,iiii) cf para 4, ii ii;larilr+C it-,ar, {.:-.;:
ire?my ieyer stsrgs oi e canei;riar+ is ii;,.r?rr.nrneii sn ths besis ,:l lils s|aius rr! itls
i:'€ricr5ris 6nd.q,+i 6i\ th€,hri\${rt ci hi+ o'.iii +.iiiiuf, er {necmo oi nn (h6 bac(+, of
oi'in+onte' rri itls/irer- sporl--e. Tirer-eiai'*, r,v'niie rlctennirring tlre cre.gmv i::-:3.,er
'-t'ra-ir-lt cf L'persr-n ih* .siaJu-q cr i,he iircr,u:..-a r;f ihe candidate hirn-:e{f or ,:f tii:,,ii+r
SDouse :li-ri,ll lrbi'ue ialiei'r itrio acr;ur:lii_

i, ii, i+1ard t'p +iarii-+ ii:ii r,i pi..; ;, .i, ii i:, ei;irirec{ Ii,;i ihE crran.y {a1*r
sielus gi ctr-)s e!..e1 r{guc,'ti€rls ol psrforig Empleyrxl ill gtr}arltza[t,;ns wh*re
\:quj'reicrrcc r:r co.--,ptri:biiiiv oi pc:,i1,,:1r i1 .,,rir po=ta in Gr.,rcrnirrcn( hag nct bccr-r
ev;lualaci is oeiarniin+rj ils i.)Jlow.:.1

irtuc.rtrtu ol i.he percrris lrrrir ii)e salaiies eriri irurn ii:e oini,,r sslrr=l;
icfher ihnn -ialariei Enrl isgri!--lrltr.iral lan,i) i= rjel*.rmined ::ep;ir+ieiy.
ti *',iiiei iirs ini.ltiti- t,i ilir l- :Ii,rri-; finil) ii,e salait+s lr i!-rc- int.i,iri
uf ill+ {jEieflH fi'iih ,riil+r riesrres (6lh#r i}iafl e{ij=fies *i:rj
asiic\iiiurat {anrl) rixeile'J: {irnit of Rs,z.S tatlh per anilurn irt ir
peircr-i of ihree cg*secr*, y€irrs, the
sg;l* and d3g:;hi€rs of sr;h
Fer';+n*'.jtieil b+ tr+;i+4.i i'r ( iR ci+err,ry' {e)l+r. titr,'r.hir tr.r,.j r,rl{
,JaUglti+rs oi peiic,tri-s r./trrltri; tnt:omft iir.,t1 ;ajatirrs is i€gs irra,t
€t-?.5 ia{.-,li p*r a.nnr-trrr .-nd ii-{co{-.n€ {icr,r ,:{h€r -Ear-irq=s i.g n.iro i,=-i.:
:!iar' Rs-2.5.jaltlr prei iri'rir!;)ti v.:iil iioi be tlealerJ er iaiiiirg tr rtearrty
/a)'ei aveii if rhe *.'n of rh+ in,:orne *or.r iilri* ;;J"tr-,- 1."""1
froDr ilre otlrer aorrrce* )ir )tri'jsi'rnan R*,?.s rahrr per alnlrn:
t-sflcrj 'Jl cor_-sscUij,,,e V€*t-S. ll nia1, bg nct€d ihe! inegntg
frcni ogricuiiun( j=j;* irri.: atccur-,i .;.,1..ii.; 3rrni..,in- rs,-
Te:r. '.;',i i

)0. lri rcgairJ iL, creuir: l;i) of prira.ii, it is craririr:ij ihai vvhiie applyilg
income i L'tle.rlih Te_ci in ilst+rnrlire r;r.+ain_v ia!,er af t
any r;o.nrlidete a$ gir.ajn
i:.r Qaleglrv-vi r,i tire Diheiiuig 1r, il-re oir,i irrEc,rne frurR ihe sainii+s and incmr:e
{r.ern the ;:gl-icr;l1ura! ieild sirsli nr."l b+ {a;".i:ii iirt+ ae,:ciuiii.
li **_:,;;
?oi=r. llirries of ir,r parenic-€i afi,y' iliiilijiilatn i* :-,.ri*'ri"n'n..i.='
fi;i;i ;1;#; 1
ie{ih pe,r
enn:jn'!, jnco,-,* ilcii-a-1 pqricuir,urar r=rrJ !E -|jct3 tha,-r Rs,z.ri
roLn e,* ilnnurp,bul It
{ncorn+ (rom otiis,r s?ulc€s ii {:rss tjro* F.i,rr,.s di;., p;;;;.;;i;;.'ih. I caiic,{dar,; I

- l')

lt"r'r'Pl r''ir iire'r;a:i;

-=irajiiiui ue i;e;ii';il iu !": i;riiirtli iti t;t;'i-i+ "f
ie :u, vi,je a r: is\'l'l.r a ie i. ;i'i i i: : : : *:: :,1.,1 lf l; : 3'i K ;::''X:11::?"
p; +igii'u+d' in ii-re +zii'lr i ?lr'r Ali )vr t P'vr r! - '

'i 'l . Yctr

i --i^-r to
il' f'!!i'a'!cd k"i;rc' ii"c
+.4 criluj i'l:trr'cri'-: '1i ii"'ie icftcr ic ail c':nr'liltrj
tirtr c+t'i
ll tha Sia'til
(l( G VEi'i"llf i
govi'Di iirtji;'
Dt,i.,r-riy \ler;iel;rl trr

,!Vue ar-tLv'l

t .(* \>-,L.;\"rr'r'cr
Seuii';h i.lliikei'








ire I
-hl I
'!,? X

,*t.t I
ll-lt I
Li.e {
Backward Classes, Most
Backward Classes and
Minorities Welfare (BCC)
Department, Secretariat,

Letter No.6001/BCC/2017-1, dated 10.10.2017

Thiru. A.Karthik, l.A.S.,
Secretary to Government.

The Commissioner of Backward Classes Welfare,
The Commissioner of Most Backward Classes
and Denotified Communities, Chennai - 5. (w'e)
The Commissioner of Minorities Welfare,
The Principal Secretary/Commissioner,
Revenue Administration, Disaster management
and Mitigation,

The Member Secretary,

Tamil Nadu Backward Classes Commission,
212, R.K.Mutt Road, Mylapore, Chennai-4 (w'e)
All District Collectors (w.e)


Sub : Reservation for Other Backward Classes in Civil Posts and

Services under the Govt. of lndia - Revising the annual income
sealing for the exclusion of creamy layer amongst the other
Backward classes from Rs.6.00 Lakh to Rs.8.00 Lakh per
annum - Communicated - Regarding.

Ref : 1. From the Government of lndia, Ministry of

Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of
Personnel and Training) O.M.No.360'l21 22194-Estt SCT
dated 8.9.93.
2. From the Government of lndia, Ministry of welfare
Resolution No. 1 201 1/68/93-BCC(c) dated 1 0.9.93'
3. G.O.Ms.No.12, Backward Classes and Most Backward
Classes Welfare Department, dated 28'3'94'
4. From the Government of lndia, Ministry of Personnel,
Public Grievances and Pensions Department
O.M.No.36033/1/2013-Estt. (Res) dated 13.09.2017.

I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of the Government of lndia,

Office Memorandum 4th cited and it has been reported that the Government
of lndia has decided to raise the income limit from Rs,6.00 lakhs to Rs.8.00
lakhs per annum for determining the creamy layer amongst the Other
Backward Classes. They have also stated that the following entry is hereby
Category Vl in the Schedule to their
substituted for the existing entry against
O.M. dated 8.9.93'

To whom the rule of exclusion will apply

INCOME / Son(s) and daughter(s) of

Persons having gross annual income
of Rs.8.00 lakh or above or
possessing wealth above the
lxemption limit as prescribed -in, the
Weatih Tax Act for a period of three
consecutive Years.

Persons in Categories l, ll, lll and VA

*ho not disentitled to the benefit
of reservation but have income from
other sources or wealth which will
nring them within the income / wealth
criteria mentioned in (a) above'


lncome from salaries or agricultural land

shall not be clubbed.

provisions of the above

The Government of lndia also reported thatlhe
01'09'2017 '
Office Memorandum shall take effect from

Memorandum to issue other Baci<ward
crasses certificate taking into
pr"tcribed for the exclusion of
consideration of the revised income iirit for other Backward
creamy layer for availing the benefit of for
posts and services under the
Government of lndia and appointmlnt to civil
Government of India.

Yours faithfullY,

For Secretary to Government

Copv to :- t. *
All District Revenue Officers'(w'e)
Head of DePartments,(w.e)
All District and Sessions Judges'(w'e)
The Registrar, High Court of Madras, Chennai-104.(w.e)
The Secretary,
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Chennai-3.(w.e)
All Departments of Secretariat.(w.e)
All District Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare Officers.(w.e)
The Secretary to Government of lndia,
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, New Delhi.(w.e)
The Secretary to Government of lndia,
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, New Delhi.(w.e)
Special Personal Assistant to Minister (BC & MW), Chennai - 9.(w.e)
$c,'c1 /ne c 15 ct, '-\
No. 36033/1 /20'l 3-Estt. (Res.)
rouJJt'UlU't3-tstt. (Res.) -
Government of lndia
Xul I )> i' I'
Ministry of Personnel, pubric Grievances and pensions ons r]' '
Depar{ment of Fersonnel &Trainirrg

North Block, New Delhi,

Dated: Septembe r 13, 2017


subject: Revision of income criteria to exclude socially

advanced persons/sections
(creamy Layer) from the purview o1' reseryation for
other Backward classes

The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this

Depaftment,s office
Memorandum No. 36012122193-Estt. (scl-) datecl
Bth septernber, 1993 which, inter-alia,
provided that sons and daughters of persons
having gross annual income of { 1 lakh or
above for a period of three consecutive
vears would fall within the creamy layer and
would not be entitled to get the benefit of reservation
available to the other Backward
classes The aforesaid limit of income for cletermining the
creamy layer status was
subsequently raised to t 2.5 lakh, { 4 5 lakh arrd {
6 lakh vide this Department,s oM No.
360331312004-Estt. (Res.) dated 09.03 2004,
oM No 36033 t3tzlol-Estt. (Res.) dated
14"10'2008 and oM No. 360331112013-Estt. (Fies.)
ctated 27.0s2013 respectively.

2' lt has now been decided to raise the income limit from
{ 6 lakh to { B lakh per
annum for determining the creamy layer amongst
the Other Backward Classes.
Accordingly, the expression "{ 6 lakh" under category
Vl in the schedule to this r
Deparlment's aforesaid o.M. dated Bth septernbeq,
lgg3.would be substituted by,,{ B ,-

3' The provisions of this office memorandum have

effect from 1rt septemb er, 2017.

4' All the Ministries/Departments are requestecl to bring

the contents of this office
memorandum to the notice of all concerned.

under secretary ro rhe fl;ij
Ph:2304 0279

1" All the Ministries/Deparlments of the (iovernrnent
of lnclia.
2. Department of Financial Seryices, New Deihi
3. Deparlment of public Enterprises, I,levlr Delhi
4. Railway Board, New Delhi.
5' Union Public service commission/supreme court of
lndia/Election commission
of lndia/Lok sabha SecretariauRajya sabhar secrltariauCabinet
vigilance commission/President's -secretariert/prime secretariaucentral
IVinister,s office/Niti Aayog.
6. staff serection commission, cGo comprer><,
7. Ministry of sociar Justice & Empowerment,
roihi Road, New Derhi.
shastri Bhawan, New

B. National Commission for Schecluled Castes/National Commission for Scheduled

Tribes, Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi.
9. National Comrrission for Backward (llasses, Trikoot-1, Bhikaji Cama place, R.K.
Puram, New Delhi.
10. Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of lndia, 10 Bahadur Shah
Marg, New Delhi-1 10002.
11. Director General, Press lnformation Bureau, National Media Centre, 7E
Road, New Delhi- with a request to give wide pLrblicity to this oM
12. The NlC, DoPT wi]h a request to upload it at the website of this Department
OMs &Orders > Estt. (Res ) t SCIST/OBC iand in 'What's New'

Copies forwarded to:

The Chief Secretaries of all the States/Union Territories for information and
necessary action.

n/ ' /
(Debabrata Das)
Under Secretary to the Government of lndia

Entry No. Caste/Community Resolution No. & date

Agamudayar including 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Thozhu or Thuluva Vellala
Alwar, 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Azhavar and Alavar
2 (in Kanniyakumari district and
Sheoncottah Taulk of Tirunelveli
district )
Ambalakarar, 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
4 Andi pandaram 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Arayar, 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
(in Kanniyakumari district and
Shencottah taluk of Tirunelveli
6 Archakari Vellala 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Aryavathi 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
(in Kanniyakumari district and
Shencottah taluk of Tirunelveli
Attur Kilnad Koravar (in Salem, South 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Arcot, 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Ramanathapuram Kamarajar and
Pasumpon Muthuramadigam district)
Attur Melnad Koravar (in Salem 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
district) 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
10 Badagar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Bestha 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
12 Bhatraju (other than Kshatriya Raju) 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
13 Billava 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
14 Bondil 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
15 Boyar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Oddar (including 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Boya, 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Donga Boya,
Gorrela Dodda Boya,
Kalvathila Boya,
Pedda Boya,
Kal Oddar
Nellorepet Oddar and
Sooramari Oddar)
17 Chakkala 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Changayampudi 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
18 Koravar
(In North Arcot District)

Chavalakarar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
(in Kanniyakumari district and
Shencottah taluk of Tirunelveli
Chettu or Chetty (including 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Kottar Chetty, 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Elur Chetty,
Pathira Chetty
20 Valayal Chetty
Pudukkadai Chetty)
(in Kanniyakumari district and
Shencottah taluk of Tirunelveli
C.K. Koravar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
(in South Arcot district)
Converts to Christianity from 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Scheduled Castes, irrespective of the
generation of conversion for the
purpose of reservation of seats in
Educational Institutions and for seats
in Public Services
C.S.I. Formerly S.I.U.C. in 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
23 Kanniyakumari district and
Shencottah taluk of Tirunelveli district
Dabi Koravar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
24 (in Thanjavur, Trichirapally, 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Pudkukottai and North Arcot district)
Dasari 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
25 (including Donga Dasari and Gudu
26 Dekkani Muslim 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Devangar, 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
28 Dobba Koravar (in Salem district) 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Dobbai Koracha (In Tiruchirappally 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
and Pudukottai districts)
Dommara (including Domb & 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
31 Donga Ur. Koracha 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
32 Dudekula 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
33 Enadi 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Eravallar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
(except Kanniyakumari district
34 and Shencottah taluk of Tirunelveli
district where the community is a
Scheduled Tribe)
Ezhavathy 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
(in Kanyakumari District and
Shencottah taluk of Tirunelveli

Ezhuthachar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
(in Kanniyakumari district and
Shencottah taluk of Tirunelveli
Ezhuva 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
(in Kanniyakumari district and
Shencottah taluk of Tirunelveli
Gandarvakottai Koravar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
38 (In Thanjavur, Tiruchirapally 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Pudukottai and South Arcot districts)
39 Ganagavar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Gavara, 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Gavarai (Kavarai) and
40 Vadugar(Vaduvar)
(other than Kamma, Kapu, Balija
and Reddi)
41 Gounder 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Gowda 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
42 (including Gammala, Kalali and 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Anuppa Gounder)
43 Hegde 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
44 Idiga 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Illathu Pillaimar, 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
45 Illuvar,
Ezhuvar and Illathar
Inji Koravar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
46 (In Thanjavur, Tiruchirapalli and
Pudukottai districts)
Isaivellalar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Jambuvanodai 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
49 Jangam 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
50 Jhetty 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
51 Jogi (including Jogis) 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
52 Kabbera 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Kaikolan, 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
53 Kaikolar , 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
54 Kaladi 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Kala Koravar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
55 (In Thanjavur, Tiruchirapally and 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Pudukottai districts)
Kalari Kurup including Kalari 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Panieker (In Kanniyakumari district 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
and Shencottah taluk of Tirunelveli
57 Kalingi 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993

Kalinji Dabikoravar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
(In Thanjavur and Pudukottai districts) 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Kallar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
(including Easanattu Kallar 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Gandarvakkottai Kallar
Koottappal Kallar
Piramalai Kallar
and Periasooriyur Kallar)
Kalveli Gounder 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
61 Kambar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Kammalar or Viswakarma, 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Viswakammala 12011 / 21/ 95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
62 (including Thattar, Porkollar, Kannar 12015/13/2010-B.C.II. Dt. 08/12/2011
Karumar Kollar, Thacher, Kalthacher
Kamsala and Viswabrahmin)
Kani, 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
63 Kanisu 12011 /21/ 95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Kaniyar Panikkar
Kannada Saineegar, 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Kannadiyar (throughout the State) and 12011 /21/ 95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Dasapalanjika (Coimbatore, Erode 12011 /4/ 2002 – BCC dt 13/01/2004
and Nilgiris districts)
Karuneegar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
(Seer Karuneegar, 12011/ 21/ 95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Sri Karuneegar,
Sarattu Karuneegar,
Kaikatti Karuneegar
Mathu Vazhi Kanakkar
Sozhi Kanakkar and
Sunnambu Karuneegar)
Katesar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Pattamkatti 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
67 Kavuthiyar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Kepmari 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
68 (in Chengalpattu, Pudukottai and 12011/ 21/ 95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Tiruchirapalli districts)
Kerala Mudali 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
70 Kharvi 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
71 Khatri 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Kongu Chettiar (in Coimbatore and 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Periyar district only)
Kongu Vellalar (including Vellala 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Gounder 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Nattu Gounder, Narambukkatti 12015/13/2010-B.C.II. Dt. 08/12/2011
73 Tirumudi Vellalar, Thondu Vellalar,
Pala Gounder, Poosari Gounder,
Anuppa Vellala Gounder, Padaithalai
Gounder, Chendalai Gounder,
Pavalankatti Vellala Gounder, Pala
Vellala Gounder, Sanku Vellala
Gounder and Rathinagiri Gounder
Koppala Velama 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
75 Koracha 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Koravar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
(in Chengalpattu, Ramanathapuram,
Kamarajar, Pasumpen
76 Mutouramalingam, Pudukottai,
Thanjavur, Tiruchirappalli,
Tirunelveli, Madras ,Madurai and the
Nilgiris districts)
Koteyar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Krishnanvaka 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
(in Kanniyakumari district and
Shencottah taluk of Tirunelveli
Kudumbi (in Kanniyakumari district 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
79 and Shencottah taluk of Tirunelveli
Kulala (including Kuyavar, Kumbarar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
and Velar) 12011 / 88/98-BCC dt 06/12/1999
81 Kunchidigar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
82 Kunnuvar Mannadi 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Kurhini Chetty 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Kurumba (where they are not 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Scheduled Tribes), Kurumba Gounder, 12015/13/2010-B.C.II. Dt. 08/12/2011
Labbai, Rowthar and Marakayar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
85 (whether their spoken language is 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Tamil or Urdu) 12011 / 88/98-BCC dt 06/12/1999
86 Lambadi 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Latin Catholic (in Kanniyakumari 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
87 district and Shencottah taluk of
Tirunelveli district)
88 Jangama 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Mahratta (non-Brahmin) (including 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Namdev Mahratta) 12011/ 21/ 95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
90 Mahendra, Medara 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
91 Malayan, Malayar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
92 Male 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Maujagar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
12015/9/ 2000 dt 06/09/2001
94 Mapilla 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Maravar (including Karumaravar, 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
95 Appanad Kondayamkottai Maravar 12011/21/ 95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
and Sembanad Maravar)
Maruthuvar, 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Navithar, 12011/21/ 95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Mangala, 12011/68/98-BCC dt 27/10/1999

Velakkattalanair and Pronopakari
Meenavar, 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Parvatharajakulam, 12011/21/ 95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
97 Pattanavar,
Sembadavar(including converts to
98 Monda Koravar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Mooppan 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
12011/21/ 95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
100 Moundadan Chetty 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Mukkuvan, 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
101 Mukkuvar or Mukayar
including converts to Christianity)
Muthuraja 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
102 Muttiriyar
Mutlakampatti 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
12011/21/ 95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Nadar, 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Shanar and Gramani, 12011/21/ 95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
including Christian Nadar, Christian
Shanar and Christian Gramani
105 Nagaram 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Naikkar (in Kanniyakumari district 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
106 and Shencottah taluk of Tirunelveli 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Nanjil Mudali (in Kanniyakumari 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
107 district and Shencottah taluk of 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Tirunelveli district)
108 Narikoravar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
109 Nokkar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Odar (in Kanniyakumari district and 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
110 Shencottah taluk of Tirunelveli
111 Odiya 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
112 Ovachar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
113 Pamulu 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Panar (Except in Kanniyakumari 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
district and Shencottah taluk of
Tirunelveli district where the
community is a Scheduled Caste)
Pannayar (including Kathikarar in 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Kanniyakumari district)
Pannirandam Chettiar or Uthama 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Paravar including converts to 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Christianity (except in Kanniya-
117 kumari district and Shenocottah taluk
of Tirunelveli district where the
community is a Scheduled Caste)

Parkavakulam (Suruthimar including 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
those Suruthimar who call themselves 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
118 as Moopanar, Nathamar including 12011/68/98-BCC dt 27/10/1999
those Nathamar who call themselves
as Nainar, Malayamar)
Perike (including Perike Balija) 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Perumkollar (in Kanniyakumari 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
120 district and Shencottah taluk of 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Tirunelveli district)
Ponnai Koravar (in North Arcot 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
122 Poraya 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Pulluvar or Pooluvar, Pooluva 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Gounder 12011/44/99-BCC dt 21.09.2000
124 Pusala 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Sadhu Chetty (including Telugu 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
125 Chetty, Telugupatty Chetty, Twenty- 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
four Manai Telugu Chetty)
Sakkaravar or Kavathi (in 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Kanniyakumari district and
Shencottah taluk of Tirunelveli
Sakkaraithamadai Koravar (in North 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Arcot district) 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Salem Melnad Koravar (in Madurai, 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Coimbatore Periyar, Pudukottai, 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Tiruchirappalli, Salem and North
Arcot districts)
Salem Uppu Koravar (in Salem 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Salivagana, Salivahana 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Saliyar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
131 Pathusaliyar
Pattariya and
132 Saranga Palli Koravar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Sathatha Srivaishnava (including 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
133 Sathanai,
Chattadi and Chattada Srivaishnava)
134 Savalakkarar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Senaithalaivar, 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Senaikudiyar and Illaivaniar 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
136 Sourashtra (Patnulkarar) 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
137 Sozhia Chetty 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Sozhia Vellalar (including 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Sozha Vellalar, 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Kodikalkarar and

139 Srisayar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Thalli Koravar (in Salem district) 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Thogamalai Koravar or Kepmari (in 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
141 Tiruchirappalli, and Pudukottai
142 Thogatta Veerakshatriya 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Tholkollar (in Kanniyakumari district 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
143 and Shencottah taluk of Tirunelveli
Tholuva Naicker and Vetalakara 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
145 Thondaman 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Thoriyar, Badaga Thoraiyar of Nilgiris 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
12011/68/98-BCC dt 27/10/1999
Thottiya Naicker (including 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Rajakambalam, 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
147 Gollavar,
Thockalavar and Tholuva Naicker)
Uppara, 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
148 Uappillia and 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Uppukoravar or 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Settipalli 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Koravar (in Thanjavur, Pudukottai,
Madurai and North Arcot districts)
Urali Gounder, 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
(throughout the state)
and Orudya Gounder,
150 or Oorudaya Gounder
(in Madurai, Coimbatore, Periyar,
Tiueechirapalli, Pudukottai and Salem
Vaduvarpatti Koravar (in Madurai, 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Ramanathauram, Pasumpon 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
151 Muthuramalingam, Kamarajar,
Tirunelveli, Tiruchirappalli and
Pudukottai districts)
Valaiyar (including Chettinad 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Valaiyar) 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
153 Vallambar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
154 Valmiki 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Vaniyar, Vania Chettiar (including 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
155 Gandla, Ganika, Telikula and
Vannar (Salavai Thozhilalar) 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
including Agasa, Madivala, Ekali, 12011/68/98-BCC dt 27/10/1999
Rajakula, Veluthadar and Rajaka 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
(except in Kanniyakumari District and
Shencottah Taluk in Tirunelveli
District where the community is a
Scheduled Caste)
Vanniyakula Kshatriya (including 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Vanniya, Vanniyar, Vannia Gounder,
Gounder or Kander, Padayachi, Palli
and Agnikula Kshatriya)
Varaganeri Koravar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
158 (in Tiruchira Palli and Pudukottai
159 Vayalpad or Nawalpeta Koracha 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Veduvar/Vettaikkarar (throughout the 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
and Vedar (except in Kanniyakumari
district and Shencottah taluk of
Tirunelveli district where the
community is a Scheduled Caste)
Veerasaiva (in Kanniyakumari district 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
161 and Shenocottah taluk of Tirunelveli
162 Vellan Chettiar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Veluthodathu Nair (in Kanniyakumari 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
163 district and Shencottah taluk of
Tirunelveli district)
164 Vetta Koravar (in Salem district) 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Vetuva Gounder, 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Punnan Vettuva Gounder
Virakodi Vellala (former Panisaivan 12011/96/94-BCC dt 09/03/1996
Vokkaligar (including 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Vakkaligar, Okkaligar, 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Kappiliyar, Kappiliya, 12015/15/2008- BCC dt. 16/06/2011
166 Okkaliya, Gowda,
Okkaliya Gowda,
Okkaliga Gowda,
Okkaliya Gowder)
167 Wynad Chetty (The Nilgiris dist.) 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Yadava (including Idaiyar, Telugu 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
speaking Idaiyar known as Vaduga 12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Ayar or Vaduga Idaiyar or Golla,
Mond Golla and Asthanthra Golla)
169 Yavana 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
170 Yerukula 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Yogeeswarar 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
12011/21/95-BCC dt 15/05/1995
Christian converts from any Hindu 12011/68/93-BCC(C ) dt 10/09/1993
Backward Classes
173 Battu Turkas 12011/68/98-BCC dt 27/10/1999
174 Devagudi Talayari 12011/68/98-BCC dt 27/10/1999
175 Podikara Vellalar 12011/88/98-BCC dt 06/12/1999
176 Pulavar 12011/68/98-BCC dt 27/10/1999
177 Nangudi Vellalar 12011/68/98-BCC dt 27/10/1999
178 Kuga Vellalar 12011/88/98-BCC dt 06/12/1999
179 Kallar Kula Thondaman 12011/44/99-BCC dt 21/09/2000

180 Thiyya 12015/9/2000 dt 06/09/2001


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