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Ec-Cal01 Design Lca

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Calculator ID: EC-CAL01 EC - Lowering the Embodied Carbon

Date 06/24/24


Malaysian Carbon Reduction and Environmental Sustainability Tool


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*Please ensure that you are working with the latest release of the MYCREST Template. MYCREST Template are updated when required to incorporate improvements. The release date of this tool is shown above.

The MYCREST Embodied Carbon Calculator is design to calculate, in the proposed green building, the Baseline - Embodied Carbon Impact for Materials 0.0000 tCO2e
following points in MYCREST:
Proposed - Embodied Carbon Impact for Materials 0.0000 tCO2e
i) EC13 Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) for Structural Elements
Carbon Reduction 0.0000 tCO2e

Instructions Percentage of contribution (reduction) 0.00%

Efforts have been put into this tool to ensure that it is easy and simple to use while providing accurate results
Data are requested on all coloured boxes:
Indicates user-input
Indicates calculated output. Non-editable

a) Baseline for total structural element embodied carbon is 0.40 tCO2e/m2.
b) All embodied carbon value taken from Inventory of Carbon & Energy Summary (ICE), Sustainable energy Research Team
(SERT) Deaprtment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath, UK.


Malaysian Carbon Reduction and Environmental Sustainability Tool
Life Cycle Analysis Calculator Template

Project Details
Project Name
Date 6/24/2024

EC7: Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) - Building Works ICE database to be used for CO2 value.

Building Gross Floor Area (GFA) m2

Baseline LCA - Above Reference 0.00 tCO2e

kgCO2/kg Facilitator must convert all BoQ
Quantity Total kgCO2e Total tCo2e
Value Quantity to Unit kg
Unit of Conversion Note (from
No Item Description
materials supplier or Web
B= Extract from
A= from ICE C= see note for conversion D=C*A E=D/1000

1 Slab
a) Concrete G30- 0% flyash 0.00 0.00 2350kg/m3
Rebar / BRC 0.00 0.00
Formwork 20mmthick 0.00 0.00 11kg/m2
b) Steel Structure 0.00 0.00
2 Beam
a) Concrete G30- 0% flyash 0.00 0.00 2350kg/m3
Rebar / BRC 0.00 0.00
Formwork 0.00 0.00 11kg/m2
b) Steel Structure 0.00 0.00
3 Column
a) Concrete G30- 0% flyash 0.00 0.00 2350kg/m3
Rebar / BRC 0.00 0.00
Formwork 0.00 0.00 11kg/m2
b) Steel Structure 0.00 0.00
4 Roof Truss

150mm width,2mm thick

a) Steel 0.00 0.00
= 3.21kg/m

b) Timber 0.00 0.00

5 Roof Covering

0.47mm thick =
a) Metal Roofing - Lysaght trimdeck 0.00 0.00

b) Concrete Tiles 0.00 0.00

c) Clay Tiles 0.00 0.00
6 External Wall
a) Claybrick 0.00 0.00
b) Cement brick 0.00 0.00 1m2=59nos, 1nos=2.5kg
c) Autoclaved Aerated Blocks 0.00 0.00
7 Window frame
a) Timber frame 0.00 0.00
150mm width,2mm thick
b) Aluminum Frame 0.00 0.00
= 3.21kg/m
8 Window Glass
Normal 12mmthick 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 4mm thick=10kg/m2,

0.00 0.00 8mm thick 20kg/m2,
10mmthick =25kg/m2.
0.00 0.00
12mm thick= 30kg/m2 or,
0.00 0.00 width mm x thickness
mm x 0.0107kg/cm3 =
0.00 0.00 weight kg/m2

0.00 0.00
Low-E 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
Thickness mm x 2.49375
0.00 0.00 = weight kg/m2
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
Total tCO2e 0.00
Reduction of the Carbon Emission from baseline (%) 0.00%

* Please fill in whenever applicable to your project


EC7 LCA - Building Works points Documented: NO POINT

Total Carbon Impact for LCA - Structural Elements 0.000 tCO2e


Malaysian Carbon Reduction and Environmental Sustainability Tool
Life Cycle Analysis Template

Appendix A: List of Materials


Materials Embodied Energy & Carbon Coefficients Comments

EE - MJ/kg EC - kgCO2e/kg EE = Embodied Energy, EC = Embodied Carbon


General (Gravel or Crushed Rock) 0.083 0.0052 Estimated from measured UK industrial fuel consumption data

Aluminium Main data source: International Aluminium Institute (IAI) LCA studies (

Assumed (UK) ratio of 25.6% extrusions, 55.7% Rolled & 18.7%

General 155 9.16
castings. Worldwide average recycled content of 33%.

Virgin 218 12.79

Recycled 29.0 1.81

Cast Products 159 9.22 Worldwide average recycled content of 33%.

Virgin 226 13.10

Recycled 25.0 1.45

Extruded 154 9.08 Worldwide average recycled content of 33%.

Virgin 214 12.50

Recycled 34.0 2.12

Rolled 155 9.18 Worldwide average recycled content of 33%.

Virgin 217 12.80

Recycled 28 1.79


1.68 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). Modelled from the

bitumen binder content. The fuel consumption of asphalt mixing
Asphalt, 4% (bitumen) binder content
2.86 0.066 operations was taken from the Mineral Products Association
(by mass)
(MPA). It represents typical UK industrial data. Feedstock energy
is from the bitumen content.

2.10 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). Comments from 4%

Asphalt, 5% binder content 3.39 0.071
mix also apply.

2.52 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). Comments from 4%

Asphalt, 6% binder content 3.93 0.076
mix also apply.

2.94 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). Comments from 4%

Asphalt, 7% binder content 4.46 0.081
mix also apply.

3.36 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). Comments from 4%

Asphalt, 8% binder content 5.00 0.086
mix also apply.


42 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). Feedstock assumed to

General 51 0.43 - 0.55 (?) be typical energy content of Bitumen. Carbon dioxide emissions
are particularly difficult to estimate, range given.


Poor data availability. It is believed that the data may be largely

General 44.00 2.64 (?) dependent upon ore grade. Poor carbon data, making estimate
of embodied carbon difficult.

Virgin 80.00 4.80 (?)

Recycled 20.00 1.20 (?)


General (Common Brick) 3.00 0.24

EXAMPLE: Single Brick 6.9 MJ per brick 0.55 Assuming 2.3 kg per brick.

Limestone 0.85 -


General 69.0 (?) 4.0 (?) Average of the only two references


For per square meter estimates see material profile. Difficult to

General Carpet 74 (187 per sqm) -
estimate, taken from Ref. 94.

Felt (Hair and Jute) Underlay 19.00 - Ref. 94.


Total weight of this carpet 1,477 g/m2. See Refs. 277 & 279.
Nylon (Polyamide), pile weight 300 These carpets (inc. below) are a tufted surface pile made of
130 MJ per sqm 6.7 (GWP) per sqm
g/m2 100% nylon (polyamide) with a woven textile backing and flame
proofed on the basis of aluminium hydroxide.

Nylon (Polyamide), pile weight 500

180 MJ per sqm 9.7 (GWP) per sqm Total weight of this carpet 1,837 g/m2. See Refs. 277 & 279.

Nylon (Polyamide), pile weight 700

230 MJ per sqm 12.7 (GWP) per sqm Total weight of this carpet 2,147 g/m2. See Refs. 277 & 279.

Nylon (Polyamide), pile weight 900

277 MJ per sqm 15.6 (GWP) per sqm Total weight of this carpet 2,427 g/m2. See Refs. 277 & 279.

Nylon (Polyamide), pile weight 1100

327 MJ per sqm 18.4 (GWP) per sqm Total weight of this carpet 2,677 g/m2. See Refs. 277 & 279.

Total weight of this carpet 4,123 g/m2. See Refs. 277 & 279.
Carpet tiles, nylon (Polyamide), pile These carpet tiles (inc. below) are a tufted surface pile made of
178 MJ per sqm 7.75 (GWP) per sqm
weight 300 g/m2 100% nylon (polyamide) fleece-covered bitumen backing and
flame-proofed on the basis of aluminium hydroxide

Carpet tiles, nylon (Polyamide), pile

229 MJ per sqm 10.7 (GWP) per sqm Total weight of this carpet 4,373 g/m2. See Refs. 277 & 279.
weight 500 g/m2

Carpet tiles, nylon (Polyamide), pile

279 MJ per sqm 13.7 (GWP) per sqm Total weight of this carpet 4,623 g/m2. See Refs. 277 & 279.
weight 700 g/m2

Carpet tiles, nylon (Polyamide), pile

328 MJ per sqm 16.7 (GWP) per sqm Total weight of this carpet 4,873 g/m2. See Refs. 277 & 279.
weight 900 g/m2

Carpet tiles, nylon (Polyamide), pile

378 MJ per sqm 19.7 (GWP) per sqm Total weight of this carpet 5,123 g/m2. See Refs. 277 & 279.
weight 1100 g/m2

Polyethylterepthalate (PET) 106.50 - Includes feedstock energy

Includes feedstock energy, for per square meter see material

Polypropylene 95.40 -

Polyurethane 72.10 - Includes feedstock energy

Rubber 67.5 to 140 -

Saturated Felt Underlay (impregnated

31.70 - Ref. 94.
with Asphalt or tar)

For per square meter see material profile. See Refs. 63, 201, 202
Wool 106.00 -
& 281 (Same author).


Weighted average of all cement consumed within the UK. This

includes all factory made cements (CEM I, CEM II, CEM III, CEM
IV) and further blending of fly ash and ground granulated blast
General (UK weighted average) 4.5 0.74
furnace slag. This data has been estimated from the British
Cement Association's factsheets (see Ref. 59). 23%
cementitious additions on average.

This is a standard cement with no cementitious additions (i.e. fly

ash or blast furnace slag). Composition 94% clinker, 5% gypsum,
Average CEM I Portland Cement, 94%
5.50 0.95 1% minor additional constituents (mac's). This data has been
estimated from the British Cement Association's factsheets (see
Ref. 59.).

6-20% Fly Ash (CEM II/A-V) 5.28 to 4.51 0.89 to 0.76

21-35% Fly Ash (CEM II/B-V) 4.45 to 3.68 0.75 to 0.62

21-35% GGBS (CEM II/B-S) 4.77 to 4.21 0.77 to 0.65 See material profile for further details.

36-65% GGBS (CEM III/A) 4.17 to 3.0 0.64 to 0.39

66-80% GGBS (CEM II/B) 2.96 to 2.4 0.38 to 0.26

Fibre Cement Panels - Uncoated 10.40 -

Few data points. Selected data modified from Ref. 107.
Fibre Cement Panels - (Colour)
15.30 -

Mortar (1:3 cement:sand mix) 1.33 0.221

Mortar (1:4) 1.11 0.182

Mortar (1:5) 0.97 0.156

Values estimated from the ICE Cement, Mortar & Concrete

Mortar (1:6) 0.85 0.136

Mortar (1:½:4½ Cement:Lime:Sand

1.34 0.213

Mortar (1:1:6 Cement:Lime:Sand mix) 1.11 0.174

Mortar (1:2:9 Cement:Lime:Sand mix) 1.03 0.155

Cement stabilised soil @ 5% 0.68 0.061 Assumed 5% cement content.

Cement stabilised soil @ 8% 0.83 0.084 Assumed 8% stabiliser contents (6% cement and 2% quicklime)


Very large data range, difficult to select values for general

General 10.00 0.70

Fittings 20.00 1.14 Ref. 1.

Sanitary Products 29.00 1.61 Limited data.

Tiles and Cladding Panels 12.00 0.78 Difficult to select, large range, limited data. See Ref. 292.


General (Simple Baked Products) 3.00 0.24 General simple baked clay products (inc. terracotta and bricks)

Tile 6.50 0.48


Vitrified clay pipe DN 100 & DN 150 6.20 0.46

Vitrified clay pipe DN 200 & DN 300 7.00 0.50

Vitrified clay pipe DN 500 7.90 0.55


It is strongly recommended to avoid selecting a 'general'

value for concrete. Selecting data for a specific concrete type
General 0.75 0.107
(often a ready mix concrete) will give greater accuracy, please
see material profile. Assumed cement content 12% by mass.

16/20 Mpa 0.70 0.100

20/25 MPa 0.74 0.107

25/30 MPa 0.78 0.113

Using UK weighted average cement (more representative of
'typical' concrete mixtures).
28/35 MPa 0.82 0.120

32/40 MPa 0.88 0.132

40/50 MPa 1.00 0.151

% Cement Replacement - Fly Ash 0% 15% 30% 0% 15% 30% Note 0% is a concrete using a CEM I cement (not typical)

Compressive strength designation C6/8 Mpa. 28 day

compressive strength under British cube method of 8 MPa,
under European cylinder method 6 MPa. Possible uses: Kerb
GEN 0 (6/8 MPa) 0.55 0.52 0.47 0.076 0.069 0.061
bedding and backing. Data is only cradle to factory gate but
beyond this the average delivery distance of ready mix concrete
is 8.3 km by road (see Ref. 244).

Possible uses: mass concrete, mass fill, mass foundations,

GEN 1 (8/10 MPa) 0.70 0.65 0.59 0.104 0.094 0.082
trench foundations, blinding, strip footing.

GEN 2 (12/15 MPa) 0.76 0.71 0.64 0.114 0.105 0.093 -

GEN 3 (16/20 MPa) 0.81 0.75 0.68 0.123 0.112 0.100 Possible uses: garage floors.

RC 20/25 (20/25 MPa) 0.86 0.81 0.73 0.132 0.122 0.108 -

RC 25/30 (25/30 MPa) 0.91 0.85 0.77 0.140 0.130 0.115 Possible uses: reinforced foundations.

RC 28/35 (28/35 MPa) 0.95 0.90 0.82 0.148 0.138 0.124 Possible uses: reinforced foundations, ground floors.

Possible uses: structural purposes, in situ floors, walls,

RC 32/40 (32/40 MPa) 1.03 0.97 0.89 0.163 0.152 0.136

RC 40/50 (40/50 MPa) 1.17 1.10 0.99 0.188 0.174 0.155 Possible uses: high strength applications, precasting.

PAV1 0.95 0.89 0.81 0.148 0.138 0.123 Possible uses: domestic parking and outdoor paving.

PAV2 1.03 0.97 0.89 0.163 0.152 0.137 Possible uses: heavy duty outdoor paving.

% Cement Replacement - Blast

0% 25% 50% 0% 15% 30% Note 0% is a concrete using a CEM I cement
Furnace Slag

GEN 0 (6/8 MPa) 0.55 0.48 0.41 0.076 0.060 0.045

GEN 1 (8/10 MPa) 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.104 0.080 0.058

GEN 2 (12/15 MPa) 0.76 0.62 0.55 0.114 0.088 0.065

GEN 3 (16/20 MPa) 0.81 0.69 0.57 0.123 0.096 0.070

RC 20/25 (20/25 MPa) 0.86 0.74 0.62 0.132 0.104 0.077

RC 25/30 (25/30 MPa) 0.91 0.78 0.65 0.140 0.111 0.081 See fly ash mixtures

RC 28/35 (28/35 MPa) 0.95 0.83 0.69 0.148 0.119 0.088

RC 32/40 (32/40 MPa) 1.03 0.91 0.78 0.163 0.133 0.100

RC 40/50 (40/50 MPa) 1.17 1.03 0.87 0.188 0.153 0.115

PAV1 0.95 0.82 0.70 0.148 0.118 0.088

PAV2 1.03 0.91 0.77 0.163 0.133 0.100


The first column represents standard concrete, created with a CEM I Portland cement. The other columns are estimates based on a direct substitution of fly ash or
blast furnace slag in place of the cement content. The ICE Cement, Mortar & Concrete Model was applied. Please see important notes in the concrete material

REINFORCED CONCRETE - Modification Factors

For reinforcement add this value to

Add for each 100 kg steel rebar per m3 concrete. Use multiple of
the appropriate concrete coefficient
1.04 0.077 this value, i.e. for 150 kg steel use a factor of 1.5 times these
for each 100 kg of rebar per m3 of

with 110 kg rebar per m3 concrete. UK weighted average

cement. This assumes the UK typical steel scenario (59%
EXAMPLE: Reinforced RC 25/30 MPa 0.198 kgCO2/kg
1.92 MJ/kg (0.78 + 1.04 * 1.1) recycled content). Please consider if this is in line with the rest of
(with 110 kg per m3 concrete) (0.113 + 0.077 * 1.1)
your study (goal and scope) or the requirements of a predefined


For precast add this value to the

selected coefficient of the 0.45 0.029
For each 1 kg precast concrete. This example is using a RC
appropriate concrete mix
40/50 strength class and is not necessarily indicative of an
1.50 MJ/kg 0.180 kgCO2/kg average precast product. Includes UK recorded plant operations
EXAMPLE: Precast RC 40/50 MPa
(1.00 + 0.50) (0.151 + 0.029) and estimated transportation of the constituents to the factory
gate (38km aggregates, estimated 100km cement). Data is only
cradle to factory gate but beyond this the average delivery
distance of precast is 155km by road (see Ref. 244). UK
weighted average cement. See also the new report on precast
concrete pipes (Ref 300). MYCREST CALCULATORSE/CAL 01 / FARIZA MAHMUDPage 11
For each 1 kg precast concrete. This example is using a RC
40/50 strength class and is not necessarily indicative of an
average precast product. Includes UK recorded plant operations
and estimated transportation of the constituents to the factory
gate (38km aggregates, estimated 100km cement). Data is only
cradle to factory gate but beyond this the average delivery
EXAMPLE: Precast RC 40/50 with 2.33 MJ/kg 0.242 kgCO2/kg distance of precast is 155km by road (see Ref. 244). UK
reinforcement (with 80kg per m 3) (1.50 + 1.04 * 0.8) (0.180 + 0.077 * 0.8) weighted average cement. See also the new report on precast
concrete pipes (Ref 300).


0.59 0.063
Block - 8 MPa Compressive Strength

0.67 0.078
Block - 10 MPa Estimated from the concrete block mix proportions, plus an
allowance for concrete block curing, plant operations and
0.72 0.088 transport of materials to factory gate.
Block -12 MPa

0.83 0.107
Block -13 MPa

Autoclaved Aerated Blocks (AAC's) 3.50 - Not ICE CMC model results.

NOMINAL PROPORTIONS METHOD (Volume), Proportions from BS 8500:2006 (ICE Cement, Mortar & Concrete Model Calculations)

High strength concrete. All of these values were estimated

assuming the UK average content of cementitious additions
1:1:2 Cement:Sand:Aggregate 1.28 0.206
(i.e. fly ash, GGBS) for factory supplied cements in the UK,
see Ref. 59, plus the proportions of other constituents.

1:1.5:3 0.99 0.155 Often used in floor slab, columns & load bearing structure.

0.82 0.124 Often used in construction of buildings under 3 storeys.


0.71 0.104

1:3:6 0.63 0.090 Non-structural mass concrete.

0.54 0.074

BY CEM I CEMENT CONTENT - kg CEM I cement content per cubic meter concrete (ICE CMC Model Results)

120 kg / m concrete
0.49 0.064

Assumed density of 2,350 kg/m3. Interpolation of the CEM I

200 kg / m3 concrete 0.67 0.097 cement content is possible. These numbers assume the CEM I
cement content (not the total cementitious content, i.e. they
do not include cementitious additions). They may also be used
300 kg / m3 concrete 0.91 0.140
for fly ash mixtures without modification, but they are likely to
slightly underestimate mixtures that have additional GGBS due
400kg / m3 concrete 1.14 0.181 to the higher embodied energy and carbon of GGBS (in
comparison to aggregates and fly ash).

1.37 0.224
500 kg / m3 concrete


Fibre-Reinforced 7.75 (?) - Literature estimate, likely to vary widely. High uncertainty.

Data based on Lafarge 'Envirocrete', which is a C28/35 MPa,

Very High GGBS Mix 0.66 0.050
very high GGBS replacement value concrete


EU production data, estimated from Kupfer Institut LCI data. 37%

EU Tube & Sheet 42.00 2.71 recycled content (the 3 year world average). World average data
is expected to be higher than these values.

Virgin 57.00 3.81

Recycled 16.50 0.84

Recycled from high grade scrap 18 (?)

Uncertain, difficult to estimate with the data available.
Recycled from low grade scrap 50 (?)


Includes process CO2 emissions from primary glass

Primary Glass 15.00 0.91

Secondary Glass 11.50 0.59 EE estimated from Ref 115.

Large data range, but the selected value is inside a small band of
Fibreglass (Glasswool) 28.00 -
frequently quoted values.

Toughened 23.50 1.35 Only three data sources


Estimated from typical market shares. Feedstock Energy 16.5

General Insulation 45.00 -
MJ/kg (Included)

Cellular Glass 27.00 - Ref. 54.

Cellulose 0.94 to 3.3 -

Cork 4.00 - Ref. 55.

Fibreglass (Glasswool) 28.00 - Poor data difficult to select appropriate value

Flax (Insulation) 39.50 - Ref. 2. 5.97 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included)

Mineral wool 16.60 1.28

Paper wool 20.17 - Ref. 2

Polystyrene See Plastics - see plastics

Polyurethane See Plastics - see plastics


Rockwool 16.80 1.12 Cradle to Grave

Woodwool (loose) 10.80 - Ref. 205.

Woodwool (Board) 20.00 - Ref. 55.

Wool (Recycled) 20.90 - Refs. 63, 201, 202 & 281.


It was difficult to estimate the embodied energy and carbon of

General 25.00 2.03
iron with the data available.


Allocated (divided) on a mass basis, assumes recycling rate of

General 25.21 1.67

Virgin 49.00 3.37

Recycled 10.00 0.58 Scrap batteries are a main feedstock for recycled lead


General 5.30 0.78 Embodied carbon was difficult to estimate


General 25.00 - Data difficult to select, large data range.


Asbestos 7.40 - Ref. 4.

Calcium Silicate Sheet 2.00 - Ref. 55.

Chromium 83 - Ref. 22.

Cotton, Padding 27.10 - Ref. 38.

Cotton, Fabric 143 - Ref. 38.

Damp Proof Course/Membrane 134 (?) - Uncertain estimate.

Felt General 36 -

Flax 33.50 - Ref. 2.

Fly Ash 0.10 - No allocation from fly ash producing system.

Grit 0.12 - Ref. 114.

Ground Limestone 0.62 -

Carpet Grout 30.80 - Ref. 169.

Glass Reinforced Plastic - GRP -
100 - Ref. 1.
Lithium 853 - Ref. 22.
Mandolite 63 - Ref. 1.

Mineral Fibre Tile (Roofing) 37 - Ref. 1.

Manganese 52 - Ref. 22.

Mercury 87 - Ref. 22.
Molybedenum 378 - Ref. 22.
Nickel 164 - Ref. 114.
Perlite - Expanded 10.00 - Ref. 114.
Perlite - Natural 0.66 - Ref. 114.
Quartz powder 0.85 - Ref. 114.
Shingle 11.30 - Ref. 70.
Silicon 2355 - Ref. 167.
Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS), economic
Slag (GGBS) 1.60 -

Silver 128.20 - Ref. 148.

Straw 0.24 - Refs. 63, 201, 202 & 281.

Terrazzo Tiles 1.40 - Ref. 1.

Vanadium 3710 - Ref. 22.

Vermiculite - Expanded 7.20 - Ref. 114.
Vermiculite - Natural 0.72 - Ref. 114.
Vicuclad 70.00 - Ref. 1.

Water 0.01 -

Wax 52.00 - Ref. 169.

Wood stain/Varnish 50.00 - Ref. 1.

Yttrium 1470 - Ref. 22.

Zirconium 1610 - Ref. 22.


Large variations in data, especially for embodied carbon.

Includes feedstock energy. Water based paints have a 70%
General 70.00 2.91
market share. Water based paint has a lower embodied energy
than solvent based paint.

EXAMPLE: Single Coat 10.5 MJ/Sqm 0.44 Assuming 6.66 Sqm Coverage per kg

EXAMPLE: Double Coat 21.0 MJ/Sqm 0.87 Assuming 3.33 Sqm Coverage per kg

EXAMPLE: Triple Coat 31.5 MJ/Sqm 1.31 Assuming 2.22 Sqm Coverage per kg

Waterborne paint has a 70% of market share. Includes feedstock

Waterborne Paint 59.00 2.54
Solventborne paint has a 30% share of the market. Includes
Solventborne Paint 97.00 3.76 feedstock energy. It was difficult to estimate carbon emissions
for Solventborne paint.



Paperboard (General for Excluding calorific value (CV) of wood, excludes carbon
24.80 -
construction use) sequestration/biogenic carbon storage.

Fine Paper 28.20 - Excluding CV of wood, excludes carbon sequestration

Standard 80g/sqm printing paper, 500 sheets a pack. Doesn't

EXAMPLE: 1 packet A4 paper 70.50 -
include printing.

Wallpaper 36.40 -


Problems selecting good value, inconsistent figures, West et al

General (Gypsum) 1.80 0.13
believe this is because of past aggregation of EE with cement

See Ref [WRAP] for further info on GWP data, including disposal
Plasterboard 6.75 0.39
impacts which are significant for Plasterboard.

Plastics Main data source: Plastics Europe ( ecoprofiles

35.6 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). Determined by the

General 80.50 3.31 average use of each type of plastic used in the European
construction industry.

ABS 95.30 3.76 48.6 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included)

54.4 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). Based on average

General Polyethylene 83.10 2.54
consumption of types of polyethylene in European construction

High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) 54.3 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). Doesn’t include the
76.70 1.93
Resin final fabrication.

HDPE Pipe 84.40 2.52 55.1 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included)

Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) 51.6 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). Doesn't include the
78.10 2.08
Resin final fabrication

LDPE Film 89.30 2.60 55.2 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included)

38.6 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). Doesn’t include final

fabrication. Plastics Europe state that two thirds of nylon is used
Nylon (Polyamide) 6 Polymer 120.50 9.14 as fibres (textiles, carpets…etc) in Europe and that most of the
remainder as injection mouldings. Dinitrogen monoxide and
methane emissions are very significant contributors to GWP.

50.7 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). Doesn’t include final

Nylon (polyamide) 6,6 Polymer 138.60 7.92 fabrication (i.e. injection moulding). See comments for Nylon 6

36.7 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). Doesn’t include final

Polycarbonate 112.90 7.62

Polypropylene, Orientated Film 99.20 3.43 55.7 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included).

54 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). If biomass benefits are

Polypropylene, Injection Moulding 115.10 4.49 included the CO2 may reduce to 3.85 kgCO2/kg, and GWP down
to 4.41 kg CO2e/kg.

Expanded Polystyrene 88.60 3.29 46.2 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included)

General Purpose Polystyrene 86.40 3.43 46.3 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included)

High Impact Polystyrene 87.40 3.42 46.4 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included)

Thermoformed Expanded Polystyrene 109.20 4.39 49.7 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included)

33.47 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). Poor data availability

Polyurethane Flexible Foam 102.10 4.84
for feedstock energy

37.07 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). Poor data availability

Polyurethane Rigid Foam 101.50 4.26
for feedstock energy

28.1 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). Based on market

PVC General 77.20 3.10 average consumption of types of PVC in the European
construction industry
24.4 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). If biomass benefits are
PVC Pipe 67.50 3.23 included the CO2 may reduce to 2.51 kgCO2/kg, and GWP down
to 3.23 kg CO2e/kg.
24.4 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). If biomass benefits are
Calendered Sheet PVC 68.60 3.19 included the CO2 may reduce to 2.56 kgCO2/kg, and GWP down
to 3.15 kg CO2e/kg.
35.1 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). If biomass benefits are
PVC Injection Moulding 95.10 3.30 included the CO2 may reduce to 2.23 kgCO2/kg, and GWP down
to 2.84 kg CO2e/kg.

UPVC Film 69.40 3.16 25.3 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included)


General 91.00 2.85 40 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included)


General 0.081 0.0051 Estimated from real UK industrial fuel consumption data

Sealants and adhesives


42.6 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). Source:
Epoxide Resin 137.00 -

Mastic Sealant 62 to 200 -

Melamine Resin 97.00 - Feedstock energy 18 MJ/kg - estimated from Ref 34.

Phenol Formaldehyde 88.00 - Feedstock energy 32 MJ/kg - estimated from Ref 34.

Urea Formaldehyde 70.00 - Feedstock energy 18 MJ/kg - estimated from Ref 34.


General (Rammed Soil) 0.45 0.024

Cement stabilised soil @ 5% 0.68 0.061 Assumed 5% cement content.

Cement stabilised soil @ 8% 0.83 0.084 Assumed 8% stabiliser content (6% cement and 2% lime).

GGBS stabilised soil 0.65 0.047 Assumed 8% stabiliser content (8% GGBS and 2% lime).

Fly ash stabilised soil 0.56 0.041 Assumed 10% stabiliser content (8% fly ash and 2% lime).

Steel Main data source: International Iron & Steel Institute (IISI) LCA studies (

UK (EU) STEEL DATA - EU average recycled content - See material profile (and Annex on recycling methods) for usage guide
EU 3-average recycled content of 59%. Estimated from UK's
consumption mixture of types of steel (excluding stainless). All
General - UK (EU) Average Recycled
20.10 1.46 data doesn't include the final cutting of the steel products to
the specified dimensions or further fabrication activities.
Estimated from World Steel Association (Worldsteel) LCA data.
Virgin 35.40 2.89

Could not collect strong statistics on consumption mix of recycled

Recycled 9.40 0.47

Bar & rod - UK (EU) Average

17.40 1.40 EU 3-average recycled content of 59%
Recycled Content

Virgin 29.20 2.77

Recycled 8.80 0.45

Coil (Sheet) - UK (EU) Average Effective recycled content because recycling route is not typical.
18.80 1.38
Recycled Content EU 3-average recycled content of 59%

Virgin 32.80 2.74

Recycled Not Typical Production Route

Coil (Sheet), Galvanised - UK (EU) Effective recycled content because recycling route is not typical.
22.60 1.54
Average Recycled Content EU 3-average recycled content of 59%

Virgin 40.00 3.01

Engineering steel - Recycled 13.10 0.72

Pipe- UK (EU) Average Recycled Effective recycled content because recycling route is not typical.
19.80 1.45
Content EU 3-average recycled content of 59%

Virgin 34.70 2.87

Recycled Not Typical Production Route

Plate- UK (EU) Average Recycled Effective recycled content because recycling route is not typical.
25.10 1.66
Content EU 3-average recycled content of 59%

Virgin 45.40 3.27

Recycled Not Typical Production Route

Section- UK (EU) Average Recycled

21.50 1.53

Virgin 38.00 3.03

Recycled 10.00 0.47

Wire - Virgin 36.00 (?) 3.02

World average data from the Institute of Stainless Steel Forum

(ISSF) life cycle inventory data. Selected data is for the most
Stainless 56.70
popular grade (304). Stainless steel does not have separate
primary and recycled material production routes.

OTHER STEEL DATA - 'R.O.W' and 'World' average recycled contents - See material profile (and Annex on recycling methods) for usage guide

Rest of World (non-E.U.) consumption of steel. 3 year average

General - R.O.W. Avg. Recy. Cont. 26.20 2.03
recycled content of 35.5%.

General - World Avg. Recy. Cont. 25.30 1.95 Whole world 3 year average recycled content of 39%.

Bar & rod- R.O.W. Avg. Recy. Cont. 22.30 1.95

Bar & rod - World Avg. Recy. Cont. 21.60 1.86

Coil - R.O.W. Avg. Recy. Cont. 24.40 1.92

Coil - World Avg. Recy. Cont. 23.50 1.85

Coil, Galvanised - R.O.W. Avg. Recy.

29.50 2.12

Coil, Galvanised - World Avg. Recy.

28.50 2.03
Comments above apply. See material profile for further
Pipe - R.O.W. Avg. Recy. Cont. 25.80 2.01

Pipe - World Avg. Recy. Cont. 24.90 1.94



Plate - R.O.W. Avg. Recy. Cont. 33.20 2.31

Plate - World Avg. Recy. Cont. 32.00 2.21

Section - R.O.W. Avg. Recy. Cont. 28.10 2.12

Section - World Avg. Recy. Cont. 27.10 2.03

Stone Data on stone was difficult to select, with high standard deviations and data ranges.

General 1.26 (?) 0.079 ICE database average (statistic), uncertain. See material profile.

Granite 11.00 0.70 Estimated from Ref 116.

Limestone 1.50 0.09 Estimated from Ref 188.

Marble 2.00 0.13

Marble tile 3.33 0.21 Ref. 40.

Sandstone 1.00 (?) 0.06 Uncertain estimate based on Ref. 262.

Shale 0.03 0.002

Slate 0.1 to 1.0 0.007 to 0.063 Large data range

Note: These values were difficult to estimate because timber has a high data variability. These values exclude the energy
Timber content of the wooden product (the Calorific Value (CV) from burning). See the material profile for guidance on the new data
structure for embodied carbon (i.e. split into foss and bio)
Estimated from UK consumption mixture of timber products in
2007 (Timber Trade Federation statistics). Includes 4.3 MJ bio-
General 10.00 0.31fos+0.41bio
energy. All values do not include the CV of timber product and
exclude carbon storage.

Glue Laminated timber 12.00 0.42fos+0.45bio Includes 4.9 MJ bio-energy.

Hardboard is a type of fibreboard with a density above 800

Hardboard 16.00 0.58fos+0.51bio
kg/m3. Includes 5.6 MJ bio-energy.

Laminated Veneer Lumber 9.50 0.33fos+0.32bio Ref 150. Includes 3.5 MJ bio-energy.

Wide density range (350-800 kg/m3). Includes 3.8 MJ bio-

MDF 11 (?) 0.39fos+0.35bio

Oriented Strand Board (OSB) 15.00 0.45fos+0.54bio Estimated from Refs. 103 and 150. Includes 5.9 MJ bio-energy.

Very large data range, difficult to select appropriate values.

Particle Board 14.50 0.54fos+0.32bio Modified from CORRIM reports. Includes 3.2 MJ bio-energy
(uncertain estimate).

Plywood 15.00 0.45fos+0.65bio Includes 7.1 MJ bio-energy.

It was difficult to select values for hardwood, the data was

Sawn Hardwood 10.40 estimated from the CORRIM studies (Ref. 88). Includes 6.3 MJ

Sawn Softwood 7.40 0.20fos+0.39bio Includes 4.2 MJ bio-energy.

Veneer Particleboard (Furniture) 23(fos + bio) (?) Unknown split of fossil based and biogenic fuels.


Tin Coated Plate (Steel) 19.2 to 54.7 -

Tin 250.00 14.47 lack of modern data, large data range


Virgin 361 to 745 20.6 to 42.5 (??) lack of modern data, large data range, small sample size

Recycled 258.00 14.7 (??) lack of modern data, large data range, small sample size

Vinyl Flooring

23.58 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included), Same value as PVC

General 68.60 3.19 calendered sheet. Note: the book version of ICE contains the wrong
values. These values are up to date

Vinyl Composite Tiles (VCT) 13.70 - Ref. 94.


General 53.10 3.09

Uncertain carbon estimates, currently estimated from typical UK

Virgin 72.00 4.18
industrial fuel mix. Recycled content of general Zinc 30%.

Recycled 9.00 0.52

Miscellaneous (No material profiles):

Embodied Energy - MJ

PV Modules MJ/sqm

Monocrystalline 4750 (2590 to 8640) -

Embodied carbon estimated from typical UK industrial fuel mix.

Polycrystalline 4070 (1945 to 5660) -
This is not an ideal method.

Thin Film 1305 (775 to 1805) -


Roads Main data source: ICE reference number 147

730 MJ/Sqm Feedstock Energy (Included). For more detailed

data see reference 147. (Swedish study). The data in this report
Asphalt road - Hot construction
2,509 MJ/Sqm 99 KgCO2/Sqm was modified to fit within the ICE framework. Includes all sub-
method - 40 yrs
base layers to construct a road. Sum of construction,
maintenance, operation.

Construction 1,069 MJ/Sqm 32.8 KgCO2/Sqm 480 MJ/Sqm Feedstock Energy (Included)

Maintenance - 40 yrs 471 MJ/Sqm 12.3 KgCO2/Sqm 250 MJ/Sqm Feedstock Energy (Included)

Swedish scenario of typical road operation, includes street and

Operation - 40 yrs 969 MJ/Sqm 54.0 KgCO2/Sqm traffic lights (95% of total energy), road clearing, sweeping,
gritting and snow clearing.

Asphalt road - Cold construction 1,290 MJ/kg Feedstock Energy (Included). Sum of construction,
3,030 MJ/Sqm 97 KgCO2/Sqm
method - 40 yrs maintenance, operation.

Construction 825 MJ/Sqm 28.2 KgCO2/Sqm 320 MJ/Sqm Feedstock Energy (Included)

Maintenance - 40 yrs 1,556 MJ/Sqm 14.8 KgCO2/Sqm 970 MJ/Sqm Feedstock Energy (Included)

Operation - 40 yrs 969 MJ/Sqm 54.0 KgCO2/Sqm See hot rolled asphalt.

Concrete road - 40 yrs 2,084 MJ/Sqm - Sum of construction, maintenance, operation.

Construction 885 MJ/Sqm -

Maintenance - 40 yrs 230 MJ/Sqm -

Swedish scenario of typical road operation, includes street and

Operation - 40 yrs 969 MJ/Sqm - traffic lights (95% of total energy), and also road clearing,
sweeping, gritting and snow clearing.

Note: The above data for roads were based on a single reference (ref 145). There were other references available but it was not possible to process the reports into
useful units (per sqm). One of the other references indicates a larger difference between concrete and asphalt roads than the data above. If there is a particular
interest in roads the reader is recommended to review the literature in further detail.

Windows MJ per Window

1.2mx1.2m Single Glazed Timber

286 (?) - Embodied carbon estimated from typical UK industrial fuel mix
Framed Unit

1.2mx1.2m Double Glazed (Air or

-- - --
Argon Filled):

Aluminium Framed 5470 -

PVC Framed 2150 to 2470 -

Aluminium -Clad Timber Framed 950 to 1460 -

Timber Framed 230 to 490 -

Krypton Filled Add: 510 -

Xenon Filled Add: 4500 -

NOTE: Not all of the data could be converted to full GHG's. It was estimated from the fuel use only (i.e. Not including any process related emissions) the full CO2e is
approximately 6 percent higher than the CO2 only value of embodied carbon. This is for the average mixture of fuels used in the UK industry.


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